Columbus city directory, 1888, containing an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens, a classified list of all trades, professions, and pursuits; a miscellaneous directory of the city and county officers, public and private schools, churches, banks, secret and benevolent societies, incorporated companies, etc., etc. Volume IV





"We feel certain that Columbus will be proud of this edition of the

City Directory. Its appearance indicates an enterprising, prosperous

city, and the contents of the volume wfil amply prove that appearances

in this instance are not deceptive. The plan of the work divides the

information contained in the book iiito three parts: the first pages are

devoted to the miscellaneous information, consisting of lists of/city and

county officers, church director, secret and benevolent societies, in

corporated companies, schools,, State government, post office informa

tion, the police and fire departments, and many other useful items;

this is followed by the directory proper, containing 340 pages and

showing the names, occupation and addresses of all the city and subur

ban residents, and the whole is supplemented by a complete classified

business directory, containing the names and addresses of all persons

engaged in business or the professions, arranged under the heading to

which each belongs. The information has been collected and compiled

by thoroughly competent and experienced persons, and we have spared

neither labor nor expense to make the work as complete and reliable

as possible.

The present population of the city and suburbs we find to be 30,864.

AY e cannot close our labors without expressing sincere thanks to the

business and professional men for the suppjrt accorded us, and also to

the general public for the interest manifested and care taken to give all

needed information to our canvassers.

May, 1888.

R. L. POLK <& CO.

Woolwine High School
1st. Prepares students for college or University. 2d. Gives boys and girls the elements of a solid English education. 3d. Prepares young men and young ladies for a useful life. 4tli. Trains teachers for successful work in the school room.
S. S. WOOLWINE, Principal,
No. 26 South Cherry Street, - - NASHVILLE, TEXN.


Office of Pastor McKexdree Church, Nashville, Ten.w
I'have studied Prof. Wool wine as a teacher and an administrator of-school discipline. His success arrested my attention and made him an object of curious interest and thoughtful inquiry to rue. How does he execute perfect discipline without mechanical rules, and how in spire such studious application to books in his pupils?
It is upon the principle underlying all government--human and divine, namely, individual responsibility-and mutual rights. The first makes the personal man act truly in all matters involving his individual obligations and interests, and the second secures the rights -of others, in so far as his obligations to them are concerned.
No mechanical statute or rod held in terrorem over the heads of pupils could bring these results to pass, "make the tree good and the fruit will be good, the Master taught.

"The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip To b.iiul the wretch in order
But when you feel your honor grip Let that ay be your border."

The sentiment of Scotia's sweet singer is the law of Prof. "Woolwine's

-school, hence his success. The pupils appear to be on their honor to

behave well, and they prosecute their studies like intelligent creatures,

and not like "dumb driven cattle." In these remaiks, of course no

invidious comparison with others is designed. As a delighted patron

of Prof. Woolwine's school, I write of that in the abstract, and of that

school only.




1. Procures competent teachers for schools and families without cost.
2. Supplies teachers seeking positions with suitable places at small cost.
3. Rents and sells school property and all kinds of school appli ances.
4. Gives parents and guardians information of good schools free of charge.
S. S. WOOLWINE, Proprietor,

No. 26 Soutli Cherry Street,


n F Wiuucox 8t Co.,

Q^RAW Insurance Agents,


mw#> Sa.

We find a good system of public schools, white and colored, and several private male and female educational institutions.
Churches are numerous^ a.nd comprise many handsome specimens of architecture.
No healthier location can he found. The sanitary condition is ex cellent, and the mortality is surprisingly small.
Transportation facilities are afforded, both by rail and river, in ulJ directions, and are undoubtedly a most important factor in the present prosperity, and will assist greatly the bright future which is certainly in store.
The extent of the trade and commerce is very extensive, and we regret that we are unable in this volume to give exact figures.
The financial condition of Columbus is excellent. The bonded debt is less than half a million dollars, and the value of taxable prop erty has increased steadily.
The population of Columbus, according to the U. S. census of 1870, was 7,401; in 1880 it was 10,123, and it now has, including its suburbs, a population of 30,864, which is, even as we write, steadily increasing.
The annual receipts of cotton amount'to about 75,000 bales. Many of the nation's prominent men claim Columbus as their birth place, and socially and as a city of homes it is unrivalled. The city is well laid out and well numbered. Some of its buildings show a superior style of architecture, and the city has a substantial, solid look about it, besides being as pretty a place as one would wish to see. The most noticeable feature about the city, however, is the manu facturing element. All the old mills have been immensely enlarged and new ones erected. The number of hands employed and amount of wages paid is increasing week by week, and that the products find a ready market is evidenced by the fact that although all the mills are working up to their full capacity, they still have orders all the way from a month to three months ahead. Lastly, we have failed to find a single important feature which merits condemnation.
R. L. POLK & CO.


Successors to M. E. JOSEPH.
Dry (Boobs, Hotions, * * Pants, Sfyirts,
Etc. Etc. No. 1145 Broad Street,

Chocolates atjd Bog Bogs a Specialty





-jj-jp _ TO -- -UATN

Clothiers anb 5urn^-^cr-


Corner 13th Street and first Avenue,

Columbus, Ga.

RATES, $1.00 TO $1.50 PER DAI.


run & Heooym,

Real Estate I Fire Insurance Agents


Next door to Brannon & Carson.

Columbus, Ga.



R. M. Nobman

provisions, ma, my, mm, sms, etc.


<) .




Membership Fee.$2.00 to $5.00. Dues.60c. to $2.50 per month Accident Indemnity, $10 00 to $100.00. Sick Benefit, $10.00 to $75.00 per month
50 to 150--FUNERAL BENEFITS-$50 to 150.
Claims paid promptly and with little trouble to the insured. Write Home Office for Circulars and Rates.
M. E. GRAY, Pres. TYLER MILLER, Secty. C. G. KENDALL, Agent.

Harness, Buggies, Saddles,

Hides, Pieced Bagging and Ties.

Columbus, (5a.


Telephone 278.



.41 .41-398 .34 .20 .20 .36 399-419 .20 . . .21-23 _13 .35 .20
15 36 30 21 38 24 35 30 34 18 28 15 18 33 25 23 .38 .34 .34


Ne. BU
Men Acci
M. F


Aenchbacher & Freer.

Jackson & Dryer.59

left bottom lines and 2 Jordan G. Gunby. ..right top lines

Atlanta Constitution i.opp 381 Kimbrough & Brown.58

Atlanta Engraving Co.opp 252 Klink C. A.54

Beach William.53 Lee M. H.55

BerrvW. W.51 Lequin C. H.. .left top lines and 52

Billings B. F.51 Lynn M. T.50

Bowers G. M.:....50 McCutcheon R. H......55

Bradford M. A..51 McJunkin J. D..69

Chaffin Thomas. ..left bottom lines Merchants and Mechanics Bank.52

Chappell J. H...

.52 Miller Mrs. E. H.. ..60

Chappell L. H.front cover

Miller E. H.60

and 47 Moores Business College, .front

Chattahoochee Nat. Bank.47

cover 3 and 60

Cliee't J. \V,.59 Muscogee Mfg Co.4

Coleman & Vickery.68 National Bank of Columbus.48

Columbus Ledger.46 Peabody Francis D.412

Columbus Star Bottling Works. .59 Philips E.55

Edwards J. H,.59 Polk R. L. & Co. 12

Edwards Thomas.59 Rankin House. ..back cover

Eifler Phil.39 Reedy J. C-.55

Empire Stables.left top lines Robinson M'adrson... 58


45 Schlicht & Field, back cover and 11

Epping & Lange.62 Schomburg C. . left top lines and 2

Flournoy A Epping.53 Seitzinger T F.opp 380

Forbes B. G.54 Seward Edward A.right

Gann Taylor .54

bottom lines and 53

Georgia Cracker. opp 253 Shepherd J. T.59

Georgia Home Insurance Co. . . .48 Spear T. S.56

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co.

Stewart John.right top lines

right top lines and

Thomas G. E.. . .left top lines

Gibson A. F. & Co.right

and 50

bottom lines and

Thomas & McLester.412

Gibson E. W.. Torbet C. L.56

Golden Bros.. . .right top lines

Union Central Life Ins. Co


back cover

Gruzard T. L.right bottom

Walker Bros.58

lines and

Wells & Curtis.56

Hall & W'heat.. . .left bottom lines Willcox D. F '..front cover

Harvey & Dudley.right bottom Williams A. A.3

lines Wittich & Kinsel..57

Hayward Charles .

58 Woolwine High School. ..right

Howard Richard. . ..,.57

top lines and 8

Hunt T. J.left bottom lines

Young & Grimes..


and 54 Young C. E.right bottom

Ingram T. L.. .front cover and 69

lines and 53

Iverson May.

57 Young Mens Christian Ass.'n.. .48



As it appears when furnished with the

Fine Desks. Shannon Letter and Bill Files,
Shannon Filing Cabinets, U. S. Document Files,
and Cabinets. Schlicht's Standard Indexes,
Rapid Roller Damp Leaf Copier,

And everything else to save time and labor in office work.
Call and examine, or write for particulars and circulars to

Shannon File.

Man'gr for Southern States Paoific Building,Washington,D.C.

Shannon Cabinet.

H. FRANKLYN STARK. General Agent. Office 161 Whitehall Street,






R. L. POLK & CO.,

Pittite ef Gazetteers



























Oity Directories for
Atlanta, Columbus and Augusta, Ga; Birmingham and Montgomery, Ala; Knoxville, Tenn.; Baltimore, Md; Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, East Saginaw, Bay City, Jackson, Lansing, Muskegon, Port Huron, Kalamazoo, Alpena, Cheboygan and Big Rap ids, Mich.; Toledo, Ohio; Indianapolis and. Fort Wayne, Ind.; St. Paul and Duluth, Minn.; Oskosh and Eau Claire, Wis.; Sioux City and Dubuque, Iowa; Portland, Ore,; Bismarck, Dak.; Butte, Mont.; London and Toronto, Out.; and Marine Directory oi the Great Lakes.

40 to 44 Larned Street West, Detroit, Mich.; 150 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.; Ledger Building, cor. Chestnut and Sixth Sts., Philadel phia, Pa.; cor Circle and Meridian Streets, Indianapolis, .Indiana., 24 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.; 605Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo.; New Chamber of Commerce Building, St. Paul, Minn.; Tribune Building,
Minneapolis, Minn.; Victoria Chambers, Toronto, Ont.; iirst iNa-
tional Bank Building, Portland, Or.; Jefferson Co. Savings Bank bldg, Birmingham, Ala.

R< L. POLK & CO.'S




Election Held Second Saturday in December, 1887.

Mayor--Cliff B. (Dimes.

Mayor pro torn--M m. H. Brannoii.

Clerk of Council--M. M. Moore.

Treasurer--John N. Barnett.

( '

Marshal and Chief of Police--John H. Palmer.

First Lieutenant of Police--James A. Robarts.

Second Lieutenant of Police--\\ . Z. Pickett.

Overseer Street Hands--John Foran.

City Engineer--B. H. Hudson.

City Attorney--S. B. Hatcher.

City Physician--J. E. Gillespie.

Hospital Keeper--Catherine Anderson.

Clerk of Markets and Magazine--Thos. 0. Douglas, Zeno Gar


Sexton--A. Odom.


Port Wardens--Thomas Chaffin, R. A. Carson, E. L. Wells,

Dan Joseph and George W. Cargill.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Assessors of Real Estate--James Smith, G. E. Gager and L, L.

Cowdery, jr.

T t>

Chief Engineer of Fire Department--George J. Burrus.

Superintendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph--R FL-Jenkins..

board of aldermee
First Ward-J. S. Garrett," E. S McEachern. Second Ward--A. M. Elledge" B. T. Hatcher. Third Ward--D. P. Dozier," Win H. Brannon Fourth Ward--Theo. M. Foley," 1 rank McArdle. Fifth Ward--N. N. Curtis," Isaac Joseph. Sixth Ward--G. W. Dillingham," Rollin Jefferson. Seventh Ward--John F. Clegg " Chas. Philips. Eighth Ward--R. M. ICirven," L. H. Chappell.
"Time expires-December, 1888; balance in December 1839..


Accounts--Joseph, Brannon, Philips.

Bridges and Wharf--Brannon, Jefferson, McArdle.

Cemetery--Elledge, Kirven, Dillingham.

City Improvements--McArdle, Clegg, Jefferson.

Cisterns and Fire Department--Chappell, Foley, Curti .-

Contracts--Clegg, McArdle, Dozier. Finance--Dillingham, Curtis, Hatcher.

Gas and Street Lights--Dozier, Chappell, Foley.

Hospital--Philips) Dozier, Elledge.

Markets and Magazine--Garrett, Dillingham, Clegg.

Ordinances--Kirven, Joseph,. Brannon.

Parks and Commons--Jefferson, Garrett, Kirven.

police--Hatcher, McEachern, Garrett.

Public Schools--Curtis, Hatcher, Chappell.

Streets and Sewers--McEachern, Philips, Joseph.

Water Works--Foley, Elledge, McEachern.


The Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Columb

meets in its Council Chamber, in the Muscogee County Cour

House, on the first Wednesday evening in each monthi-

Cliff B. Grimes, Mayor, presiding officer.

Ml.M. Moore, Clerk of Council.

Muscogee County Medical Society--S. N. Jordan, Preside C. D. Hurt, Vice-President, W. T. Gautier, Secretary ai Treasurer. Meets first Tuesday night in each month.

City Hospital, South Commons--Mrs. Catharine Anderson, Matron, John E. Gillespie, City Physician.
George J. Burri^, J. H. Whittlesey, James A. Calhoun, W. H. Brannon, E. H. Jenkins, Dan A. Joseph.
Court House (Muscogee County), 9th and 10th street, 1st and 2d ave.
City Market House, 1st ave between 10 and 11th, Georgia Home Building, 11th corner Broad. Gunby Building, Broad street. Opera House (Springer's-),. 10th corner 1st ave. Odd Fellows' Ilall, 1st awe* between 10th and 11th. Masonic Hall, Broad corner 12thPost Office, 12th corner 1st ave. Rose Hill Market House, Rose Hill. Webster Building, Broad s. w. corner 10th-
fire: department.
( SEMI-PAID DEPARTMENT.) Chief--George J. Burrus. First Assistant--John P. Norman. Second Assistant--'Frank IT. Downing. Secretary--Frank C. Reich.
COLUMBUS STEAM FIRE COMPANY NO.. 1. Engine House Junction Broad and WarrenVice-President--D. R. Bize. l)U Secretary--Isaac Pearce.. iuri Treasurer--Thomas GilbertForeman--W H. Brannon.
WASHINGTON FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 (Colored). Temporary Quarters, 1st ave near Market House. President--Louis Thompson.
lei] Secretary--George Mathis. ar Treasurer--Frank Adams.
Foreman--Toney Jenkins.


l-'P01,K & CO.'S 16
YOUNG AMERICA.STEAM FIRE COMPANY NO. 5. House janciwn'lOik and 1st ave.
President--K. L. 'A <`lls.
Vice-President--L-. Powdery.
Secretary--Robert Joerg. - Treasurer--E. B.vPorter.
Foreman--James A. C allioun. CHAMPION FIRE. COMPANY NO. 6 (Colored).

..J.powj Quarter,, w Mart" Hmse'

President--Lymus Jones


Vice-President--Charles Johnson.

Secretary--John Bailey.
Treasurer--Alexander Totes.

Foreman--John Bell. STONE-WALE HOSE COMPANY NO. 4.


; -

, vn.ili Hrrookb A0 LTaaadadee.rr Turac-<k>..; 10,th ad.joudifj Opera


President--G. Gunbv Jordan.
Vice President--Theodore M Foley.

^eUry and Treasurer G. Edward jRm


Foreman--Daniel A. Joseph.



.1st a 1

President--E. L. Cowdery.
- -Secretary--E. B. Porter
` foreman--J. H. \Vhittelsy. RESCUE HOOK AND EADDED CO., NO. D Truck House, 10th; adjourai,yj Opera House.
1President--G. Gunby Jordan.
rice-President--M. M. Moon.
.'Secretary and Treasurer F. C. Kerch. Foreman--E. H. Jenkins.

(Loqitw of si9nal Box^s.)


Via -5--Bell Tow8i'.

- Jr

Dillingham and Frent.

Gojumbus Iron W orks. -7__('y.rner 10th and 2nd Avenue.

! )3oys Public Schpoh





8--Corner 3 2th and 3rd Avenue. <1--Corner 12th and 1st Avenue, Postoffice. 13-- Front Eagle & Phenix Mfg. Co. 14-- Corner Warren and 14th. To--Corner 3rd avc. and loth. Hi--Swift Mfg Co.. 6th ave. 17--Union Passenger Depot, 5 2th. 21--County Jail. 10th. 23-- Corner 8th and 4th ave. 24-- Corner 7th and 6th ave. 2">--Corner 6th` and 3rd ave. 26-- Corner 5th and 1st ave. 27-- Corner 7th and Broad.

Instructions to Key Holders.
When vou open the box. you will see a lever, which pull down once only and let it go. This is all that is required, the number of the box so pulled will be immediately struck on the Engine House gongs and the fire bell. Should the alarm be turned on from box 15, the bell will strike one; then an rotjintermission of 10 seconds; then strike five; then an intermismission ol 30 seconds, when the alarm will be rejxjated in the same manner. If it should he turned in from box 5, then the hell strikes five in succession ; then an intermission ot 30 sec onds, and again repeat the alarm. Should you wish to repeat the alarm, wait until the number of the box has been rung four times, then pull the lever down again. But in no case (i pull in an alarm while another is being rung. Alteiypulling in an alarm, remain at the box to direct the departmeHfto the
One stroke of the bell will denote 12 M. Three strokes, fire out. Four strokes, fire near Chief Engineer's house. Twelve strokes, large fire, every member of the department needed.
E. II. Jenkins, Superintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph.
( FIRE LIMITS. ( Short and Bay Streets, from 10th to 12th. Front street, west side, from 10th to 14th.
Front street, east side, from 10th 147.10 feet north, and from
'12th to 14th. Broad street from 10th to 13th. 3/sd> aWe,. west side, from 10th to I3th.-

.."AM'., ., 4 >t"


R. L. POLK <fc CO.'S

Headquarters, County Court House.
Chief--John H. Palmer. ,, 1st Lieutenant--James A. Robarts.
Second Lieutenant--Wm Zeno Pickett. Sergeant--Benjamin F. Watt.
James S. Morris, Daniel Duncan, Berry L. Johnson, Joseph E. Gammon, Joseph W. Warren, Alfred W. McMichael, -John J. Cox (resigned), Richard M. Adams, Augustus Reynolds, Marshall J. Wellborn, Joseph F. Wise, Charles E. Rvcklej, John C. Elli- son, John L. Jackson, Wm M. Smith, Elbert il Skinner, Hugh O'Pry, John Yarborough, John St. Clair, Charles M.. D. Simpson.
.'Supernumeraries--James A. White, Joseph F. lerry, \v ni. >H. Gray, Alexander OH. Rowe.
(City Inspector--Charles N. McCroa-m. Street (Overseer--John Foran.
Daily -session at Muscogee County Court House, .at 9..30 a. ni. Cliff B. Grimes. Judge. M. M. Moore, Clerk.

Board of Education.
John Peahody, President. A. P. Mooty 'Superintendent. A. O. Blackmar, Isaac I. Moses, W. S. Needham, C. A. Redd B. H. Crawford, C. E. Hochstrasser, C. D. Hurt, N. J. Bussey, James Smith. A. P. Mooty, Superintendent.


Prof. H. W. Battle, Principal.

Grammar Department--Prof. H. W. Battle, Miss J. M. Brooks,

Miss Amoret Williford.



Primary Depar merit--Miss C. D. Patten, Miss S. M. M ad-

dell, Mrs. N. S. Robinson.

Miss Myra H. Birdsong, Principal. Grammar Department--Miss M. H. Birdsong, Miss F. I Holmes, Miss M. A. Deignan, Miss Anna Pond.




Primaay Department--Miss E. H. Bailey, Miss M. J. Peabody, Mrs, L. E. Saunders, Miss Bettie Brown, Miss Jesephine Woiri 11, Miss M. Moshell
Department, of Music--Miss Hettie Smith. Jhek Schuessler, janitor.
Primary Department--Miss A. B. Redd, Prof. A. C. Fie well en. Mrs. Edgar, janatrix.
W. H. Spencer, Principal.
Grammar Department--W. H. Spencer, Miss C. V. Posey> ]H_ Mrs. F. F. Peters, Miss F. A. Robinson.
Primary 'Department--Miss A. B. Cantey, Miss L. M. Martin, Miss E L. Jones, Miss A. W. Cantey, Miss L. L. Lewis, Miss 3). F. Terry, Miss H. T. Murray, Mrs. Ann Wadsworth.
in R. B. Hodges, Principal. Grammer Department--R. B. Hodges, Mrs F. V. Cantey. Primary Deparement---Mrs. L. L. Moses, Mrs. Julia A. Ross
T. S. Price, Principal. Primary Department--T. ,'S. Price, Miss Lola L. Price.

dd. Browneville Academy, Benton, near Boyd. Columbus S. Gidley, deons, Principal.
Chappell's Seminary for girls and young ladies. J. Harris, Chappell, A. M., Principal.
St. Josepli'-s .Academy, Sisters of Mercy. Sister Mary Angala in charge. 3rd Avenue, cor. 12th.
Slade's Male Academy. James J. Slade, Principal. 10th .Avenue, Linnwood.
Stewards High School. J. M. Stewrrt, Principal. 2 doors ac*` rear Jewish Synagogue, 10th.
j\iNr orthern Liberty School. T. S. Price, Principal. 1818 3rd Avenue.
* Private School, Mrs. L. C. Austin, Principal. 7-41 Front.



K. L. POLK & CO.-S


Chattahoochee National (The) of Columbus Ga. 1205 Broad. Tnrnrnoriited 1865. Renewed 188o. Capital 1100,(XX). Surplus $75,000. Undivided profits $20,000. H. H. Up ping, President; E. H. Epping. Cashier; George Swift, Joseph Kvle. A. Wittich, .John in l'iournoy, J. B.
Holst, A. Tllges. H. H. Epping, Director.-;.
Eagle & Phenix Savings Hank . 1205 Front. Paid up capital $1 250000. W. II. Young, President; Anred 1. Young, Cashier- W H. Young, Nathan J. Bussey, IhomasW. Battle, -John Peabody, Alfred I. Young, John S Bigby, Jplien Ransone, Robert II. Richards, Samuel H. Dicken
son, Directors. Merchants & Mechanics' Bank 110G Broad. Tncorporatal
1872 Capital $150,000. Surplus and profits $46,764.44. W. II. Brannon, President; A. O. Blackmar, Cashier; W. R. Brown, W. H. Brannon, C. A. Redd, IV. L. Clark, C. E.
liochstrasser, Directors. National Bank of Columbus The, 1046 Bioad, capital $100,000,
surplus $50,000 J Rhodes Browne, president ; George W Dillingham, cashier; J Rhodes Brown, Noms N Curtis, Charles Wise, George W Dillingham, Joseph S Garrett,
S A Carter, G M Williams, directors

EXPRESS. Southern Express Co, 1225 Broad, C R Rundell, agent; Jones
Fargason, chief clerk
CEMETERIES. The City Cemetery is situated at the corner of 6th ave and
16th street, Abraham. Odom, sexton The Colored Cemetery is situated on 6th ave,. cor 1st street
BENEVOLENT institutions. Giyls Orphan Asylum, 4th ave, cor 15th, Miss H J. Pope, ma-
Boys1 Orphan Asylum, Mrs Banks, matron, 6th ave, bet 14th and 15th

LIBRARIES. The Columbus Public Library, J Harris Chappell, president
E H Jenk-t ins, 1* sit vice-p_re_s; nC UE TETsVtiIe^csi, O2rdl vice-pros;* W B Slade, sec ; E H Jenkins, treass; Miss Anna F Hull, librarian Open from 8 a m to V9) p m; open Sundays. from 8 p m to (> p m, over Enquirer-Sun office, 11 11th



First Baptist Church, 12th between 2d and 3d avenues. Rev Robert H. Harris, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a. m. and
7 30'p. m. Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; R, A- Carson, Su perintendent. Weekly Prayer Meeting, every Thursday,
7.30 p. m. Ladies' M. and A.. Society wets every Tues

day, 3.30 p. m. Clerk of Church, John C. Cook.,

Treasurer, J.. A, Kirven.

c, ,

Second' Baptist Church, Rev. J, W, Howard, Pastor. Sunday

services, 11 a., m. and 7.30 p..m.. Sunday school, 9.o0 a. in.

Free Will Baptist Church,. Rev. Thomas Brittain, Pastor.

Sunday service at 11 a. nr. and. 7.30 p. m. ^Sunday school

at 8.30 a. in. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.30 p. na.

First Baptist Church, Browneville, Jackson bet Marshall and

Young. Rev. Joseph P. Hunter, of LaFsyette, pastor

Services 1st and 3d Sundays each month, 11 a. m. and!

7 : 30 p. m. Sunday-school 9 a. m.; Andrew Greer,

Praver meeting Wednesdays 7 :30 p. ni. 3 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church, Rev. J. S. Baxley, pastor.
Services 1st Sunday in each month, 11 a. m. and <:<>!>

p. m.

, .,

Mount Olive Baptist Church, Rev. E. 1>. Davidson, pastor.

Services 1st and 3d Sundays in each month at 11 a. in.

aud 7 p. m. Sunday-school 2 : 30 p. m. Prayer meeting

Thursda} 7 :30 p. m.

Christian Church, Broadnax, N. Girard. Rev James M. Dcno, pastor. Services 11a. m. and 7 : 30 p. m.; Sunday-
school 9 a. m.
Trinity Episcopal Church, 1st ave bet 11th and 12th street. Rev. W. C. Hunter, rector. Sunday services H a. m. and 5 p.m.; Sunday-school 9:30 a. m.; Elbert W ells, supt.



'I "ri

inilinn. HM!^



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Evening prayer every Wednesday and Friday 5 P- m-

Holv Communion 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. m., odier

Sundays 7 a. m.


Trinity Church Mission Sunday-school, 3d ave cor 1/th, every Sunday at 4 : 30 p. m.; George B. Whitesides, supt.



B'nav Israel, L Weiss Rabbi. Services Friday at 7 : 30 p. re.;

Saturday at 9 : 30 a, m.; Sunday at 10: 30 a. re.


Broad Street M. E. Church South. Rev. J. D. Mauldcn, Pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 7 p. re. Sunday

school 9 :30 a. m.

City Mission, M. E. Church South, Pavillion de Newman,


' Rosehill. Rev. T. IV. Darley, Pastor. Services at < :30

l'iosehill Sundav-school (union). 'George E. Thomas^ Super

intendent ; 'Wire Cooper, Secretary and Treasury. Services

Sunday 4 p. m.



St, Luke's M. E. Chnrdh. 41th street,-cor. 2nd avenue. Re\.


A. M. Williams, Pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 7 -30 i). m. Sundav-sdhool 9 :30 a. m.

St. Paul's M. E. Church South. 3rd avenue, se. cor. loth Rev

tV. F. Lloyd, Pastor. Sunday services 11 a. in. and t :o0

p. m. Sunday-school 9 :30 a. in.

Me i,



First Presbyterian Church,'1st ave, cor. 11th. Rev. Win. A.

Carter,' Pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m and. i :30 p. m.

Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. J. Peabody, Superinten

dent. Sunday-school 3 p. m., M. C. Pease superintendent.

Prayer-meeting Wednesdays 4 p. in.


12th cor. 4th ave. Rev. Father Schlenke, Pastor Services 'first/reass 7 :30 a, ire High mass 10 a. ire Sunday-school

at 2 :30 p. m. Vespers 3 :30 p. m.

Mercer Street Baptist Church, 6th ave corner lltli Rev W S Ramsey, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a m, 3 p m and K p m. Sunday school, 9 a m. PrayTer meeting, o a ire
Shady Grove Baptist Church, 2d ave corner 19th. Rev Oliver Sunday services, 11 a in, 3 p m and



"7.30 p m. Sunday school, 9 a m. Sunrise Prayer Meet ing. Weekly Prayer Meeting, Thursdays, 7.30 p m. St iPauls Primitive Baptist Churc, 7th ave corner 8th. Elder Henry Brown, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 am, 3pm and 8 pm.
St James A M E Church, 6th ave near corner 10th. Rev Law rence Thomas, Pastor. Sunday services, 5,30 a m, 11 a m, 3pm and 7 pm. Sunday school, 9.15 a m. Weekly Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7.30 p m. Class Meeting, Monday, 7.30 p m.
St Marks A M E Church, 2d ave corner 6th. Rev M D Brookens, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a m, 3 p m and 7.30 p m. Sunday school, 9 a m. Prayer meeting, 5 a m.
Everett Chapel, 8th street between 7th and Sth aves. Rev P W Powell, Pastor. Sunday services, 11 a m, 3.30 p m and 7.30 p m. Sunday school, 9.30 a m.

Columbus Athletic Club The. Organized 1883. 75 active members. 50 passive members. Halls and rooms at Reich's Garden. Front, cor. 6th st. F. C. Reich, presi dent ; A. A. Bivins, vice-president; C. P. Bush, secretary and treasurer. A. A. Bivins, leader.
Columbus Gunning Club The. Edward J. Rankin, president; C. E. Hochstrasser, vice-president; M. H. Tuggle, secre tary and Treasurer.
Columbus Lodge No.. 77 I. O, B'nai Brith. Meets 1st Sunday in each month in Masonic Hall Building, at 10 a. m. L. Banner, president; J. Kaufman, vice-president; J. Fciler, secretary; C. Solomon, treasurer; Julius Kaufman, Jr., warden ; C. Schubinski, guardian.
Columbus Dramatic Association. Meets 1009^ Broad. E. T. Byington, president; G. Wilfred Johnson, secretary ; TheoM. Foley, treasurer. It is an institution organized for purposes of social enjoyment and improvement in the dramatic art and gives entertainments during the summer for charitable purposes.
Northeast corner Broad and 11th, offers a pleasant and attractive place for young men; in addition to the broad verandah, affording a pleasant resting place, the daily and weekly papers may be found in its reading-room. The parlor provides a splendid meeting place for all, in which there is a .handsome piano. On the upper floor are the gymnasium,

; ;/, .. 'rSTW

It. I,. POLK & CO.'S
dressing room and bath rooms, open to members. _ 1 oung mens' meeting every Sunday at 3 p. m. Bible training class every Sunday at 4 p.m. Mens' meeting every Saturday at r .gp p m. All men are cordially invited to attend any ot these meetings. Strangers will always receive a cordial wel-
Rooms open every week day from 9 a. m to 10 P rn- . d a v * * from ! to 5 p. m. T. J. Pearce, president; J. A. Kirvcn vice president; It. A. Carson, treasurer, E. M. Cook, general secretary.



Captain, S P Gilbert.

1st Lieutenant, J S Harrison.

2d Lieutenant, William Hunter.


Organized in 1834. Soon thereafter they engaged m the

Indian War, serving with great valor throughout the entile

war, in the engagements in this They were among the first

State and in to respond





United States for volunteers in the Mexican War oi ISC,

,-hen they added additional lustre to their fame. In 1861 t'hev entered the Confederate service, and were

prominent in over 30 of the chief batties ending at Appoma-

tbx, April 9th, 1865. When this war closed all had been killed

or had died from disease, save thirteen.


They have always been recognized as one ot the crack aril

companies of Georgia, and in 1884 they won a high distinction

in the Inter-State drill at Houston, Texas. They now have seventy-five members, and are flouiishing.

the city light guards.
Max Banner, Captain. (35-members).

Were organized on June 28, 1846, under the following com-

Cooper; 1st Lieut,D P Ellis, 2d Lieut, A <3*

KTin April 29.1881, they enlisted in the Southern cause, were engaged at Sewell's Point, were re-organized in 1862, and be
came* part of the Great Army of Northern Virginia, takm0 part in the battles around Richmond. Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Gettysburg, Petersburg, I awm die, etc suffering severely and finally surrendered with General



Robert E. Lee at the fatal Appomattox C. H., the first and only time the company surrendered during the war.
the members of this company having gained an enviable reputation in the service of their country when the smoae of battle was over returned with equal energy to the quiet puisuits of life and are all to-day active and useful members of society, endeavoring to place themselves and section in their
former, condition of prosperity.

CbHimbm Lodge No 7, H J Abbott MW, WmRedeIP, H M Howard O, S M Dickson O, M M. Moore t & R, H \\ Bat tie F, S'N J'ordan Med Ex, John Peabody and C A Redd
Columbus Lodge No 67. Leo Loewenherz N G, L M Chambers V G; Wife Meyer Treas, Georgy < Lorry . ec. *=
Muscogee Lodge No 6, A O Iming N G, JA Lindsey \ <>, T S Young Treas, F W l .ouuenber sec.
Chattahoochee Encampment No 4, mects-Odd Fedows Kail every 2d and 4th Friday night, George O Berr> U I , D R BizeTI P, L Banner SW, Wm Meyer J W , CM Kinscl seribe and treasurer.
Castle-Columbus No 31, A A Dozier, com, E II Jenkins rec and fin sec, C A Redd treas.
Columbus-Lodge No 631, W P Hunt dictator H J Abbott vic^ dictator, M M Moore reporter, J L .Howeil fan reporter, C L Torbett treasurer, A M Brannon, Wm Redd and J M McNaiUj..trustees.
Knights and: Ladies of< Honor IT J Abbott protector, J 1 Cooper vice protector,. M M Moore sec and fin sec, J A Lange treas, C E Hoohstrasser, t K lhomas, jr, and J H Johnston trustees.
Creek Tribe fco 11, meets every Tuesday night in AV^W:im in Odd Fellow's hall, at 7th run; 30th breath, \V H Mourn sachem,.Joka.Tf Abney chief 'of records. -



Red Jacket Tribe No 14, meets every Wednesday night in Ma sonic hall, Browneville, at 7th run, 30th breath, H A Corinack sachem, J R McCollister chief of records.
Columbus Assembly No 7491, meets at .Jaque's hall every Sat urday evening.
Mechanics Assembly No 7759, meet over Crane's store, Broad, cor 12th, 1st and 3d Saturday in each month.
Masonic hall, Broad, cor 12th, Columbian Lodge No 7, F and A M, meet 3d Tuesday night in each month. W W Bussey W M, D A Joseph S W, E F Colzy J W, W T Robinson treas. J S B Crossman sec, R J Hunter S I), S P Jones J D, J B Mayes 1st steward, Moses Kaufman 2d stewfird, J W Johnson marshall, L Weiss ehaplain, J D McJunkin tyler.
Mount Herman Lodge No 304, F and A M, meet 2d Tuesday night in each month, W C Court W M, George A Brad ford S W, Ernest Woodruff J W, A W Wittich treas, J T Norman sec, Rev R H Harris chaplain, T E Golden S D, Rhodes Browne J D, George A Riddle 1st steward, A S Mason 2d steward, M Joseph marshall, J H Rhodes tyler.
Hope-Council N 4rR and 8 M, meets 3d Saturday in eaeh month from October to May, A M Elledge, T I M, Wm C Court dept M, W W Bussey P C of W, M Moore treas and rec, Henry G Browne C Gj R J Hunter sentinel.
Darly Chapter No 7, R A M, regular convocation 1st Tuesday in- each month at 7 :30 p m, A M Elledge II P, M O Berry K, W C Coart scriber R J Hunter P S, J H Orr C H, D A Joseph R A C, L Banner M 3d V, A S Mason M 3d \, A Wittich M 1st V, M M Moore treas, J S B Crossman secr W H Tice sentinel.
STfc Aldemar Commandery N 3r Knights Templar, regular con*clave 4th Tuesday in each month, J K Orr E C, A Wittich G, J W Johnson C G, R J Hunter P, W C Coart S W, K M Howard J W, M M Moore treas, E M Wheat recorder, D R Bize S R, E N Clemence S B, D A Joseph warden,. H H Hunter sentinel,
Progress Council No 290, meets 4th Tuesday in each month, Broad, cor 12th, James Smith president, T H Mialone vice president, M W Howard sec, WT Pool treas.



F'C Weisiger president, II J Abbott vice president, Robert Davis speaker, M M Moore sec, W R Bedell fin see, W P Hunt treasyD E Williams, Robert Davis and H J Abbott trustees-;
Council No --, meets Broad cor 12tb, F C Weisiger regent, II J Abbott vice regent, W P Hunt orator, L Meyer sec,.W R Bedell fin sec, E W Dixon guide, L Weiss chaplain.
Stonewall Bodge No 25 K of P. Meets Castle Hall, B B Hall,. Broad,..cor 12thi Regular meetings 1st and 3rd Thurs day nights. W C Pease C C, John S Stewart, \ C, John II Palmer P C, J A. Beard Mi A, J F Wise prelate, C Heyman I G, B J Hunter, O G.

Meet in* lodge room, 1st ave, bet 12th and 13th, 1st and3rd Tuesdays in each month. W E Terry W M H L. Hammond S W, W H Spencer J W, R B Hodges sec, R BPorter treas, I C Maunds tyler. ,
G. U. O. 0. F.Chosen Friends Lodge No 1554. Meet in lodge room, 1st aver
bet 13 and 14, every Tuesday in each month. Alexander Toles N G, G MI Sealy P S. Chattahoochee Lodge No 2214. Meets in lodge room, 1st aw, bet 13th and 14th, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each monthi Princess Court meets in hall, 1st ave, bet l*2th and 13th, 1st and* 3rd Tuesday in each month. Mollie \ Mahone P, I Hay ward Sec. United Pilgrims meet at St James parsonage 2nd Monday in each month. Padelia Pender Pres, F May ward Sec.
Meets in hall, 8tli cor 5th ave, 1 st Monday in each month, Mrs Mary Washington pres, F Hayward sec.
Meet at St James A M BE Church 2d Monday in each month, Johanna Sutton pses, Sim Griffin sec






Meet at Mercer Street Baptist Church every 3d Monday, Mrs Lucinda Johnson pres, It B Hodges sec



Meet in St Jafnes A M E Church 1st Monday in each month

Melissa Holt pres, W H Spencer sec.

rising sons Society, Meets basement St James A M E Church, James Washington


The post office is located on 12th, n e cor 1st ave,


Watt postmaster, John H Matthews assist- P M and re: HHy clerk, mailing clerk Charles R Burnham, general de

livery clerk Frederick E Robinson. Superintendent o

1*1*00 delivery, J0V111 IT 1 &rks.



t Pni

Carriers--Willard H Boynton, Win H Johnston, Jesse L Bu|


ler Amos E Wilson.

Assistant mailing clerk and pbrter Walter Mims. Office hours--8 a m to 5 p m, and < : 30 p m to t p m.


days 2 to 3 p m.



tst Trip--General collection in 1st, 2d, 3d districts, 5 :30 a n


2d Trip--Gen'l delivery & collection in all districts, 7:30 a n|

--3d rTr"ri"p'

^Business delivery and collection in 1st,/ ^ 2d- and. 3d distzr{ icts.

10 :30 am

(Business delivery and collection in 1stj 12 :00 m

4th drip ), 22dd aanndd 33dd d diissttrriiccttss. .5 . Qn ,, -th Trip--Lend delivery and collection m all districts, 3 BO p

Carrier window opened at.1 ill


Thomas J Watt money order clerk. Office opens at Fa

and closes at 5 p m.

For sums not exceeding $5. . , - . 2 Over $ 5 and not exceeding $ 10.1f| Over $10 and not exceeding J lo.
Over $15 and not exceeding $ 80."J en Over $30 and not exceeding $ 40.* d Over $40 and nort exceeding $50.1 Over i 50 and not exceeding $ bO.ou



Over $60 and not exceeding $ 70.35 cents Over $70 and not exceeding $ 80.'40 cents `Over $80 and not exceeding $100.45 cents
A single money order may include any amount'from one cent to one hundred dollars, but must not contain a fractional part of a cent.
John H Matthews, register clerk. Office opens at Sam and closes at 5 p m, week days only.
Valuable letters or packages should be registered, the fee for the same "to all parts of the world" being ten cents in addi tion to the regular rates of letter postage, to be paid in Stamps, . c., stamps sufficient must be attached to letters before pre senting for registration.
Frederick E Robinson, stamp clerk. Window opens at 8 a m and closes at 5 p m; opens at 7 :30 p m and closes at 8 ,p m, Sundavs excepted.
Rates on First Class Matter as follows: On letters, sealed packages, mail matter wholly or in part written (unless accompanied by corrected proof), and all printed matter so marked as to convey any futher information than is conveyed ly `the original print, etc., two cents for one ounce or fraction thereof.
On newspapers and periodicals (not mailed from office of publication to subscribers), one cent for each four ounces or fraction thereof, hooks, printed and blank, circulars, other matter wholly in print, proof-sheets, corrected proof-sheets and manuscript copy relating to same, hand-bills, posters, chromos, lithographs, engravings, heliotypes, photographic and stereoscopic views (title may be writen, in general), all impressions or copies obtained on paper, parchment or card board, by means of printing, lithographing or any other me chanical process, except the copying press and typewriter, may go at the same rate as transient newsapers, one' cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. All packages must be so enclosed as to be open to easy inspection by the postal au thorities.
Postal cards may be sent either in print, pencil or ink, or partially in all. They are regarded by postmasters the same As sealed letters, except that in no case are they advertised. Jn Rising postal cards be careful not to write or have anything

e: l. pole & co.s
printed on the side to be used for the address, except the ad dress, as they will thus be rendered unmailable. Nothing whatever must be attached to a postal card. To use or attempt to use in payment of postage, a postage stamp or stamped envelope which has been used beiore in payment ol postage, oi a stamp cut from any such stamped envelope and placed upon another envelope, is punishable with a fine offifty dollars. _ I
Fourth Class--Blanks, cards, card-board, other flexible material, patterns, letter envelopes and paper unprinted, mercbj j andise, and samples of merchandise, models, ornamented paper, sample cards, samples of ores, metals, minerals, seeds cuttings, bulbs, root scions, paintings, in oil or water colors, one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof.
Inquirer-Sun, established 1828. Published by the EnquirerSun Publishing Co. H. C. Hanson, manager, 9-11 11th Issued every morning. Terms, $7.00 per year; weekl edition, $1.00 per year; Sunday edition, $1.50 per year.1!
Ledger, established November, 1886. E. T. Byington & 0s proprietors, 1009^- Broad. Issued every evening, excep Sunday. Terms, ten cents per week.
Messenger, c, established June 25, 1887. Published by Mes senger Publishing Co, 946f Broad. Issued weekly. Terms
$1.25 per year; 75c for six months.
Brush Electric Light and Power Co. Front at Muscogee Ml Co. W R Browne, pres; W A Swift, sec- and treas ; Sad uel H Tice, electrician.
Columbus Mutual Loan Association, 1145 Broad. WL Clan president; D E Williams, sec and treas; directors, R| L Carson, George G Burrus, G M Williams, E H Jenkins James Smith, Thomas Gilbert; attorneys, .P.eabody, Brai non & Hateher.
Chattahoochee Knitting Company, Girard, Ala., stock $20,000, A C Young pres, E T Colzey, sec an treas, W PI McKenzie, supt, A Q Montgomery civil enj directors A C Young, A Q Montgomery, E T Colzey, W McKenzie.
Chattahoochee Building and Loan Association, incorporati'C June 3, 1881, 1137 Broad, E L Wells pres, C B Grimj sec and treas.



i Columbus"Iron Works Company, foot of Ninth, incorporated 1856,. capital stock $70,000, W R Brown pres, George B.
tipi Whiteside-sec and treas, directors John Peabody, WinL. 4-d Clark.,. Wm H Brannon.
Columbus Barrel Manufacturing Company, 9th ave, cor 12th l|>r incorporated September 1885, capital $8,500, C T Porter-
pres, M M Hirsch sec and treas; directors E H Jenkins, e| If M M Hirsch, C T Porter, W L Clark, D F Willcox. 4 h Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Company, 505 16th, incor-
porated 18S4, N P Banks pres, G M Williams sec and 4Is treas; directors E S McEachern, John Hill, N P Banks, cop G M Williams, A Illges, Joseph Id Wittich.
Columbus Gas Light Company, office Alabama warehouse,. Front st, incorporated February, 1854, capital stock $80,r 525, Thomas E Blanchard pres, T D Huff sec and treas,. Edward Id Jenkins supt; directors Thomas E Blanchard,.
qJ ;r Cliff B Grimes, DeWitt F Willcox, W L Clark, J B Holst. I 1 b Clegg Manufacturing Company, 2nd ave, cor 17th, incorporated w| 1; 1882, capital $50,000; A Clegg pres, John T Clegg treas.. yel Central Line of Boats, Samuel J Whitesides pres, George B
Whitesides- sec and treas. e4 p Columbus Steam Barge Com, 12th, nr Broad, J F Flournoy
Jp Columbus Fertilizer Co The, 10 12th; incorporated 1884, capII is ital $100,000, William H Brannon president and treasurer,
Hezekiah Bussey general manager and secretary; direct ors, W H Brannon, H Bussey, John Peabody, W L Till man, B T Hatcher.
I Columbus & Gulf Navigation Co, plying the Chattahoochee, fT Flint and Apalachicola rivers, Broad; incorporated 1887,
C A Klink, president, J T Thweat sec, Isaac Joseph treas, directors, Samuel Everheart, C A Klink, J T Thweatt, Isaac Joseph, W A Lytle. ,rs'| Columbus Electric Co; incorporated 1887, capital stock $12,000, T E Blanchard president, E LI Jenkins sec and treas ; directors, T E Blanchard, D F Willcox, W L Clark, E H

SH [ Columbus Land & Improvement Co, 1205 Broad ; capital $30,000, D R Bize president, E R Epping sec and treas; direc-
V1 tors, D R Bize, B II Crawford, H H Epping, Soule Redd, eM EH Epping.
,rpoj iColumbus Water Works Co, 10 12th; incorporated 1880, cap; Gil) ital $150,000, Benjamin F Archer president, T W Synnott,
treasurer, George W Bailey,.M I),. secretary,.Mutt H Tug-



gle engineer; directors, B F Archer, T\\ Synnott, Geoig

W Bailey, M H Tuggle.

a x i0+, nw

Eagle & Phenix Manufacturing Oo, Front, bet 12th and 14th

incorporated 1886, capital $1,250,000, surplus $650,000

Wm H Young president, Alfred I Young secretary a

treasurer, A L Matheson superintendent ; directors, VVn

H Young, Nathan J Bussey, Thomas W Battle, John Pea

body, Alfred I Young, John S Bigby, Julian Ransone

Robert H Richards, Samuel II Dickenson. Employs be

tween 1,600 and 1,700 hands; has a water power equal tc

3,000 horse-power at lowest stage oi 1l c mcr, wciM

48,220 cotton and woolen spindles and 1,48, looms

^Georgia Home Insurance Co (tire), 1046.Broad, ^corp^

rated 1859; capital and assets, $,00,000, J Ehotle

Browne, pres; Wm C Coart, sec; directors, J Rhode

Browne, Morris N Curtis, Charles Wise George W Dg

lingham, John S Garrett, S A Carter, G M Williams.

'Georgia Steam and Gas Pipe Co, mpoJd 1883 i cap t.

stock $2,500; actual investment $10,000, L H Jenkin

pres; F A Clark, treas; directors, W L Clark, hit Jo

kins, F A Clark.

Merchants and Planters Line of Steamers, Front, ^ccirporate 1884; capital $15,000; T E Blanchard, pres; W A le
ir, sec and treas; directors, T E Blanchard, M Frank, F

Jenkins, C A Klink. Amory Dexter

y _

Muscogee Mutual Loan Association, 114o Broad , W L L iar

president; DE Williams, sec and treas; directors, N

Banks, G M Williams, James Smith, W R Brown, Jo

Hill, R A Carson; attorneys, Peabody, Brannon

Wm J Muscogee Manufacturing Co, Front, cor 14th; incorporate 1869.; capital $157,500; George P Swift, pres. Swift, sec and treas; Wm Parker, supt; directors, Geo* P Swift, N P Banks, H H Epping, J Rhodes Browne]

Illges, M Wr Peters.

Muscogee Oil 'Co, 9th are cor 11th; incorporated 1882; ct tal $50,000; T E Blanchard, pres; W A Peet, sec
treas; J Brooks, supt; directors, 1 E Blanchard,

Frank, F J Jenkins, C A lvlink.

North Georgia Land Co, Webster Building, Broad cor 10l capital $300,000; J A W alker, pres; R W W alker, am pres; Kristian Kortgaard, sec and treas; directors, J Walker, R W Walker, B II Crawford, Kristian K<k





Peoples Line of Steamers, 924 Swift Manufacturing Company

Broad; W R The, 1410 6th

Moore, agent. ave, capital $200,-

000; Wm A Swift pres, G M Williams sec and treas;

h directors, Wm A Swift, G M Williams, N P Banks, Louis

1 Hamburger, George P Swift.

0(Tranzeska Mining Company, 'Webster building, Broad, cor

11 10th ; capital $100,000; J A Walker, pres, R W Walker,

vice-pres, Kristian Ivortgaard sec and treas.





^ Buena Vista & Ellaville Railroad Company. This railroad is now running from Americus, Ga., to Buena Vista, Ga., (29
x miles), is being surveyed and will be built to connect at lc Columbus, Ga., and run under the control of the Central If Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia. H Central Railroad and Banking Company ot Georgia, general
offices Savannah, Ga; Columbus & Western division ti offices^ 12th,. bet 6th and 7th ave; passenger depot union n depot; freight depot 12th, bet 6th and 7th ave.

E P Alexander pres, M S Belknap, genl manr, Edward Mc Intyre comptroller, Central Railroad bank treas G A
? Whitehead, genl freight agent, E T Charlton genl passen ger agent, W H Price purchasing agent.



W H McClintock supt, C & W Divn, D D Curran master of

1 train service, J W Deming freight and pass agent, J C Al brecht master mechanic.

The C & W Divn comprises the following: Columubus &

t Western Railway from Columbus, Ga., to Birmingham,

Ala., 157 miles ; Mobile & Girard Railroad from Columbus,

i Ga, to Troy, Ala, 85 miles; Columbus & Rome Railway from Columbus, Ga.,to Greenville, 50 miles.

Southwestern Divn Macon, Ga., to Eufaula, Ala, 143 miles ;

branches Fort Valley to Columbus, Ga, 71 miles; Fort Valley to Perry, Ga, 12 miles; Smith ville, Ga, to Blakely,

Ga, 73 miles; Cuthbert, Ga, to Fort Gaines, 20 miles; total 319 miles ; T D Kline supt, Macon, Ga; S C Hoge

master of train service, Macon, Ga.

Georgia Midland & Gulf Railroads Company, general freight and passenger office Georgia Home Building, Broad st,

Columbus, Ga;;passenger and freight depot 6th ave, cor

6th. st,. runs from) Columbus,. Ga, to McDonough, Ga;


R. L. POLK &'CO.'S

through coaches Columbus to Atlanta-; James E Gram-
mess pres, 7 Nassau st N Y:; G Gunby Jordan genl main, W S Greene chief engr, M E Gray supt, C W Chears genl freight and pass agent, T C S Hansard auditor; connec tions at Williamson with Atlanta & Florida R R at Grif fin with Central & S G & N R R; at McDonough with E T, Y & G R R.; survevedto Athens, Ga., when completed will connect there with Ga Car & Northern & R & D sys tem ; the Columbus Southern Railroad now building.

Western Union Telegraph Co, 12 11th, O C Harrell, man ager.
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co, 14 11th, T L In gram, manager.
Columbus Railroad Co, office 1147-J- Broad, operate passenger and freight lines throughout the city and suburbs, J Ii Henderson, supt.

Queen City Band, meet back of Foley's store. C D Wall, soloI
B flat cornet; Frank Freddy, solo E flat cornet; Barschall Andrews, 1st cornet; Theodore Petrie, 2d cornet; A Lyons, solo alto; J Hinde, 1st alto; Louis Chase, trombone; Frank Quinn, tenor; Frank Chase, tuba; Lyman Wells, claronet; E Burts, claronet; W Wood, claronet; J Hartman, piccolo; W Montie, bass drum; A
Eifler, snare drum. Theatre Orchestra, meet 10th cor 3d ave, Prof Louis Chase,
director and 1st violin ; George W Chase, pianist; Lymal Wells, claronet; A Lyons, 2d violin; Frank Quinn, tenor; C D Wall, 1st cornet; Barschall Andrews, 2d cornea Frank Chase, bass; W Eifler, drum and xylophone.

Springer's Opera House, 10th cor 1st ave. Seating capacitj ft >300.



Columbus is the county seat. The court house is situated Dth and 10th street and 1st and 2d ave.
Judge, Porter Tngram. Solicitor, James H Worrill. Assistant Solicitor, Tol Y Crawford. Clerk, George Y Pond. Deputy Clerk, Win S Lloyd. Sheriff, Jacob G Burrus. Deputy Sheriff, R'Y Ledsinger. Tax Collector, Davis A Andrews. Tax Receiver, John C Reedy. County Treasurer, John C Cook. County Surveyor. John E Lamar. Coroner, Sim Griffin.
Meets in Muscogee County Court House, quarterly, for ciVT business, on the first Monday in January, April, July and Oc tuber; for criminal business on first Saturday after first Mon day in each month. This court has jurisdiction over misdc' meanors only, and is also a court of Record. Porter Ingram, Judge.; James H Worrill, Solicitor; George Y Pond, Clerk; 'Jacob G Burrus, Sheriff.
Meets in the Muscogee County Court House 1st Monday in each month, and is similar to the probate court of .Ala bama; T M Brooks judge.
Meets in the Muscogee County Court House 2nd Mondays in May and November. This court is the same as the circuit court of other states, and has jurisdiction in chancery; James M Smith judge, James H Worrill solicitor general, George Y Pond clerk, Jacob G.Burrus sheriff/G Y Tjgner court reporter.



County Seat Opelika.
Judge of probate W C Robinson, county treasurer J F Yar borough, supt education Julius C Phillips, sherift Thomas L Gordon, clerk circuit court W B Gibson; commission ers, .John Y Trammell pres, Charles P D Taylor, Wm H H Griffin, Daniel W Capps ; coroner John Floyd, tax collec tor John M Thomas, assessor E W Solomon.
Mavor U H Smith, alderman 1st ward J H Kinnett, 2nd ward Robert .Jinnett, 3rd ward J R Ellis, 4th ward S W Bucha nan, 5th ward H A Carmack, clerk and treas J D Hutch ins, marshal W D Wilkins.
U H Smith (mayor ) chairman, J A Albright, W B Tefft,,J M Osborne, J M Hogue, W W Bloodw^rth, M. D, S M. Ingersoll..
Jackson, corner Marshall, Rev Charles R Lamar pastor. Sun day services 11am and 7pm; Sunday school 9 :30'a m, J A Albright supt; prayer meeting Thursday 7 :30 p m.
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Rev J G Knowlton pastor. Sunday services 11 a m, 3 pm, and 7 :30 p m; week day Wednesday, 7 :30 p m..
Liberty Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Rev A-E Mieyer pas tor. Sunday services 11 a m, 3 p m, and 7 ::30 p-m.

County Seat, Seale. County Judge, E Herndon Glenn; clerk of court, P A Green,
State solicitor Bos DeWaddell, sheriff Wm A Bellamy,

treasurer Judson J Ware, assessor James N Owens, collec-. tor Ulysses L Martin; commissioners. W Marshall BurtThomas W Perry, sr, J L Bennett, Robert P Scarborough ; Coroner John W Rice ; State senator, James B INIitchcll z State representatives, Nimrod W E Long, J C Cheney..
Girard, properly known as the Peabody School Dfstrict in Russell County, Alabama, is under the government of a board) consisting of fourteen trustees, appointed by the Supt of Education for the length of seven years, so-arranged as to leavetwo offices vacant on the first of ARirch of each year which arefilled by appointment The present board of trustees consist of president E G Bennett, sec and treas John R Garrett, Nelson Brittingham, James B Clay, Green B Blakely, Enoch Dudley, Joseph P Golden, W O Hacknev, T J Pittman, U L Martin,. J P Fuller.;/! A\r Tillman, C T Gifford, E A Jones, Marshall, Wallace W Abnev. Sexton, Henry Shira
SchoohNo. 1, F A Threadgill, principal. School-. No. 2, Mrs M A Hooten, teacher. School No. 3, Mis R G Laney, teacher. School.No. 4, Mrs G D Gaither, teacher..
Colored* Nb'..r,.C'; W Allen, principal. Non 2, Lucinda Lawson, teacher.
Girard Methodist Church., Rev J D Crook, pastor.. Sundayservices at II ai m and 7.30 p m. Sunday school, 9.80* a m. Prayer meeting, Friday, 7.30 p m.
C olfrretl ClmrchesK Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Rev T LI C Messer*
pastor. Sunday services, 11 am, 3 p m and 7.30 p m Sunday school, 9 a m. Prayer meeting, Wednesdays 7.30 p-m. Franchise Missionary Baptist Church, Rev A E Myer, pastor. Sunday services,. 11 a m, 3 p m and school, S'a im. Player meeting, Wednesday, 7



*R. <L. WOML &'CO'.!S


Atlanta, the Capital.



Governor--J. B. Gordon,-elected October, 1866, term expires


in 1888, salary, $3,000. Secretaries, -J. W. Warren, J. S. T.

Nisbet, salaries, $2,000. Adjutant-general, and keeper of

public buildings, John McIntosh Kell, salary, $1,-500,. Depart

ment desk,XV. PL Harrison, salary, $1,850.

Secretary of State--Nathan C Barnett, elected 1886 for

two years, salary, $2',COG, bond $10,000, J F Jones, clerk, salary,


State School Commissioner--J S Hook, salary, $2,000-

Clerk, Edgar IJ Orr, salary, $1,200.

State Board of Education--Hon J P> Gordon, president,

Hon N C Barnett, Hon Clifford Anderson, Hon W A Wright.

Comptroller-General--Win A Wright, elected 1886 for

two years, salary, $2,000, bond, $20,000. Book-keeper, Charles

T Furlow, salary, $1,800. Insurance clerk, IvC Irwin, salary,


$1,200. 'Wild land clerk, G T E Hardeman, salary, $1,000 Attorney-General--Clifford "Anderson, elected 1886 for two

years, salary, $2,000.

Treasurer--R U Hardeman, elected 1886 for two years,

alary, $2,000, bond $200)000. Wm J Speer, cashier, salary,




Librarian--John Milledge, Acting Librarian, salary, $1,500.

Assistant, W R Rankin Jr, salary, $500.

Keeper of Penitentiary--J R Towers, salary, $2,000, hon'd

$10,00. Assistant, E Y Shubrick, salary, $2,200. Principal

physician, W F Westmoreland, M D, salary, $1,200.

salDareyp, a$r2t,m00e0n, ta,pApogirnitceudlt1u8r8e2--foJr

T Henderson, commissioner, four years. Assistant commis

sioner, R J Redding, salary, $1,800. Clerks, W B Henderson,

salary, $1,400, and W S DeWolf, salary, $1,200. Geologist, A R

McCuteheon, salary, $1,500.

This department displays samples of the products of the

State, displays and distributes fish. Dr PI H Cary is superin

tendent of fisheries.

The commissioner has appointed six inspectors of fertilizers,

who receive salaries. The following are the inspectors now

in office.


O T Rodgers, Savannah, .T II Pate inspector at Brunswick,

Randolph Ridgely, at Augusta, W B Jones, Atlanta, J W

.Murphy, Columbus, and A F Wouley, Rome. The inspectors

of fertilizers arc ex officio inspectors of illuminating oils, (lire test raised to 120 degrees Fahret). Prof II C White, State chemist, Atlanta, Ga.
The fees for inspecting fertilizers are fifty cents a ton, and , bring about $85,000 per annum net into the treasury.
Capital Commission--Gov J B Gordon, ex officio chairman, 1 Philip Cook, of Sumter, E P Alexander, of Richmond, A L
Miller, of Houston, W W Thomas, of Clarke, and Evan P Howell of Fulton, commissioners. W H Harrison, secretary, Edbrooks & Burnham, Chicago, architects, John A Corbally, of Atlanta superintendent, Miles & Plorn, contractors.
Railroad Commission of the State of Georgia--Office, Constitution building. Campbell Wallace, chairman, A S Erwin, ancl L N Trammell, commissioners, A C Briscoe, secre tary. The secretary is elected by the commissioners. The i salary of each commissioner is $2,500 per annum, of the secretary, $1,200.



Gun and Locksmith,

Guns, Pistols, Sporting Articles, Amumtion, also Fine' Pishing Tackle of all Desorptions, also all kinds of Sewing Machine
Needles. Guns and Pistols Repaired, and Keys Fitted.

105 Broad St., Opp. Rankin House,

Columbus, Gm


E. L. POLK & Co.'s
Columbus City Directory.

al. ave....
bds... bel.... bey . bkkpr carp..
e e....
lab ...



advertisement n.

. alley n e cor .

.avenue nr.

..boards n-s.
.below n w cot

.beyond opp....

... .bookkeeper res.

,.... carpenter s.

....... colored g e cor . .corner SB.

east, or east of h w cor .engineer tdhr

.east side .laborer .machinist

w. w 8.....

Of .north, or north-
north east corner ..near .north side north west corner .opposite .. resides , south, or south of .southeast corner .south side .southwest comer .teacher ... west or west of .west side


Abbott Harry L. operator V' U Tel Co, bds 92G oth ave Abbott Hawkins J (Estes, Abbott & Co), res / 21 1st ave Abbott Louis J, bkpr Thomas Gilbert, bds 926 5th ave Abbott Mary A (wid Francis J), res 920 5th ave Abercrombie John, farmer, res Collins, Bro\\ne\illc Abercrombie Mettie, c. domestic L M Lynch Abner .James, pedlar, res 1st ave cor C & V L R Abner VTm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co _ Abner Wm, policeman Girard, res Long, Girard Abney Miss E C, printer Thomas Gilbert, bds 210 16th


Woolwfne High School Sever lowers the' exalte office of teacher to that of a

_I'^e.sli.vill, Tn,n..

common defective.



K. L. POLK & CO.'S


Abnev George L, constable 22 12th, res 218 10th Abney John, boss Swift Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville

Abney Rosa Anne (wid Absalom), res Gayle near Broadnaxl


Abney Miss Saddie, saleslady Sternberg & Loewenherz, bdsl 213 16th

Acee A Elmore,., carrier JA Kirvere & Cdvbd's-45>13th Acee Marion S, trav salesman J Kyle &; Co,, rooms 10091

Acree M J, res 415>13th


Acee Wallace L,,,clk J A Kirvencfc Coy bds 415 13th

Acree Bettie, wks Swift Mfg Co

Acree Jefferson T, watchman Muscogee Mfg Co, res 505 14th

Acworth Martha, c, domestic G D Chaffin

Adair John, carp, res 1 Jackson, Browneville


Adair VVm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1 Jackson,] Browneville

Adams Andrew J, foreman bottler E M Walsh & Co, res 120lJ


Adams Celia, c. laundress, res 508 8th


Adams Charles, c, lab, res Dillingham nr Front


Adams Francis, wks Swift Mfg Co

Adams Frank, c, stone cutter A M Elledgey. resvlM ave n e cor 8th

Adams Freeman, r, lab, res 411 8th

Adams George, wks J T Coleman, res 1st ave bet' 14111 and

15 th

Adams G W, wks Swift Mfg Co '

Adams Henry,.c, wks C & W R R

Adams Henry, c, wks Harvey & Dudley

Adams James, grocer 1725 2d ave, res 1723 2d ave

Adams James, c, res 827 9th ave

Adams Mrs Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,res s Railroad, |


Adams Lucinda, c, domestic S T Roper

Adams Martin, c, porter Singer Mfg Co, res 8th bet 6th and :

7th aves

Adams Mary, wks Swift Mfg Co m

Please forward plans, and I will furn- |j| ish you estimates on all kinds of Build--j[j ing, Carpentermg. and 'Repairing.


And Merchant Tailor,

5 Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.



Adams Nathan, c, lab, res BO Curtis Quarters, Wvnnton Adams Philip, c, stonecutter A M IN ledge
Adams Richard M, policeman, res Talbotton rd cor Hamilton rd, Rose Hill
Adams Robert, carp, res 20th bet 1st and 2d :we Adams Savannah, res 434 4th ave Adams Thomas, much Columbus Barrel Mfg CoAdams Thompson E, grocer 1351 Warren? res 1st ave bet 16th
and 17th Adkins'Henry, c, wks Columbus Iron Wk-
Adkins John, .<r, .wks.-Columbus Iron Wk& Aenchbacher Louis E, tailor Aenchbacher & Preer, res 1G1B
2d ave Aenchbacher Louis P (Aenchbacher & Freer), res 1613 2d ave Aenchbacher & Freer, (L P Aenchbacher and Win
Freer) Mer Tailors and Gents Furnishings, 1129 Broad (See left hot lines and p 2) Affleck Wm D, trav salesman M Joseph, res 1433 4th ave Afflect Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, Browneville Afflect Miss Bessie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, Browneville Afflect James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, Browneville African M E Church, Rev Henry McCall, c, pastor, 8th ave s e cor 9th
Alabama Warehouse, Blanchard, Humber & Co, proprs, cotton warehouse, Front bet 10th and 11th
Albertson Geauie (wid James), bds 808 Broad Albrecht Charles, fireman C R R Albrecht John 0, master mechanic C & W div C IP It, res 837
F ront Albrecht Neil W, mach C R R, res 1026 5th ave Albright Edwin A, bkpr Summersgill & Albright, res Broad,
Browneville Albright Jacob A (Summersgill & Albright), res-Marshall,

Hall & Wheat,. PrescriPtion DTM3aists

and U42 broad street..

Only Night BelLin the city.




And Prompt Payments. (

Telephone 104.




Albright John 0, boots and shoes, hats and caps Marshall,


Browneville, res same

Albright Wm, c, lab, res 12th bet 1st and 2d are

Aldrich Miss Z, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Aldridge Carrie, c, domestic J T Starke

Aldridge Miss Hattie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res

Primrose Hill, N Girard


-Aldridge James, carp, res Primrose Hill, N Girard

Aldridge Miss Eizzie, tailoress G J Peacock, bds Wesley house

Aldridge Miss Melissa, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 825 6th ave

Aldridge Mrs Mollie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting factory, res

Primrose Hill N Girard

Aldridge Sarah, (wid John), res Primrose Hill N Girard

Aldridge Wm, c, fireman Columbus Ice & Refrigerating Co, res

S Railroad Browneville

| M

-Alexander Allen, c, lab, res 8th ate bet 8th 9th


Alexander Alonzo, c, res 7th ave bet 7th & 8th

Alexander David, wks Cochran's Brick Yard, res 5th nr river"

Alexander Edwin, c, lab Empire Stables

| J

Alexander Emma, c, domestic R P Spencer

Alexander Gracie, c, domestic Joseph Ilecht


Alexander Green, c, lab, res 843 6tSi ave


Alexander James, c. porter Kaufman & .Straus, res 1436 5th.ave

Alexander Lewis, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


U. G

Alexander Lucius, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd, nr 10th ave

Alexander Lum, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 603 -ord u


I l

Alexander Mack, c, lab, res 112 Sth

Alexander Miss Martha, wks G J Peacock, res 1612 2nd ave I

Alexander Nora, c, laundress, res 614 4th ave

Alexander Polly, c, domestic Mrs M C Lary


Alexander Thomas H, c, (Thomas & Alexander) res 1st

ave bet 10th and 11th


Alexander Wm, c, lab, res 7th ave, bet 7th and 8th


Alexander Willis, c, lab, res 8th ave, l>et Sth and 9th

Alford Anna E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Collins, >'


Alford Classay (wid Wm), res Collins, Browneville

'HARVEY & DUDLEY, l*,,tHraTe'sBlinds'Window an<


Office, '1243 6th ave. Telephones).



Established in,1828.

sixty years old,

Tlie Enquirer-Sun,

Issued Every Morning and Weekly by The Eir-


Quirer-Stm Publishing Co,

5. C. HANSON, Mangr,

9 & 11 11th St., Columbus, Gas

1 4-


Tlre Enquirer-Sun

publishes vigorous but fair comments on all public questions ; the full Associated Press Dispatches, the same as the Savannah Yews,the Macon elegraph and the Atlanta Constitution; the head notes of the decis.ons of the Supreme Courts of Georgia and Alabama, and all the news f the above named States^

The Enquirer-Sun

las salaried correspondents at the'Capitals of Georgia and Alabama md special correspondents at all-important points in these States. Its icilitfes for gathering news both by mail and wire are unsurpassed.
Vho wish to reach the people of Columbus, Western Georgia and '.astern Alabama will find that they can get more and better service or one dollar spent on the ENQUIRER- SUN than they can get for -ve times as much spent in any other way.
Tie Emm-Sni is a Democratic Paper.



K. L. POLIv-iS^CO.'S.






Iii A City of 30,000 lalaits. ii






Reasonable Advertising Rates,

E. T. BYINGTOK & Co., Proprietors,

) On Broad street, Office- j 0^>p. Bankin House.-

Telephone Mo. 10 t




Chattahoochee National Bank.


No. 1630.
- --


Capital $100,000.

Surplus & Undivided Profits, $100,000.

H. H. EPPING. Pres. E. H. EPPING, Cashier.

Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Govern ment Bonds bought and sold. Superior Facilties. for making Collections on this city and on all
accessible points in the South at lowest rates' of Exchange and remitted for promptly on day of payment.

Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Merchants and others Solicited.
11 correspondence receives ourimmediate attention. Re gular correspondent National City Bank, New York.

ire and ornado.


Life and Accident.

broker, Real Estate & Insurance Agent

dlie Home Insurance Company of New York
Leading American Co.
lie Guardian Assurance Company of London

Leading English Co.

lieU. S. Mutual Accident Association of N. Y.

Leading Accident Co.


Columbus, Ga


E. L. POLK & CO.'S.


Capital $100,000.

Surplus $50,000.

J. Rhodes Browne, Pres. Geo. W. Dillingham, Caslih

Collections solicited and made a specialty.

Theleorgia Home Insurance Compaq I



Capital and Assets,


Agencies at all Prominent Points in the Southern States.




Presidei _

N. E. Cor. Broad & litli, Sts.,
With Daily & Weekly Papers. |
Young Men Always Welcome




J_j. Gr2?U.ZL3?Ci7




Manufacturer & Dealer tir

g dephone No. 70. Office, Mill and Yard, Cor. 7th St., & 4th Ave, sid__ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.

H. Jenl;ii:s, President.

F A. Clark, Treasurer.

feorgia Steam and Gas Pipe Company,

wholesale ane Retail Dealers In

Steam, Gas and Water Pipe

and Fittings, Gas Fix


Gas Fitting- and Plumb ing Promptly Atten ded To.

Iron Pumps, Yard Fountains and Sprinklers, Iron Fencing.

Hose of all Kinds, Fiire Depart ment Supplies, Hills Auto matic Sprinkler fbrMills and Factories a Specialty

Terra Cotta Ilrain and Sewer Pipe.

Columbus, O-sl.

;nd for Prices.

1035 Broad S.t,,

"The No Shoddy"
Clothier and Hatter,
1010 E. Side Broad St.,
Columbus, - - Georgia |
Next to Rankin House. Wedding' Suits a Specialty.-
And all Kinds Of
Foreip aid Domestic Fruits, Toys, Baskets,
1144 Broad St, Columbus, Ga,



Muf.- & Wholesale & Retail Dealer in
Saddles and Harness.
Hand-Made Harness a Specialty.
A Large and Select Stock Always on Hand
1122 Broad Street,
Columbus, - - - Ga.
Practical Plumber
PJnmljins Goods. Gas Fixtures. &c.
1210 Broad St. Tel. 158. Columbus, Ga.
Manufacturer of all styles of
13 xnL I O IEC.
`Capacity 75,<XX) per-day

Fao. O. Berry, Miigur.

Columbus, Ga.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S.

Established 1872. W. H. BRANNON, Pres' t-

Capital, $150,009. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier. ^


w W.

R. H.

RRTWV President Columbus Ir Bit aNNON, ot Peabody & Branu

on 0"

Works Co. Attorneys.

Cc. .

E. A.

REDD, of C. A. Redd & Co

W. L. CLA1 tK, liailroad Superintend


Coliiu ibus, Georgia.

New Yoi'k City Corresponde nt, American Exchange National Bank.

Chappell's Seminary, |

For Girls and Young Ladies,
J. Harris Chappell, A. 31., Principal, Columbus, Ga.

ffalclmate and Jeweler
Dealer fir
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, &c.
Repairing1 Promptly Done
t03.4 Broad Street.
Columbus, - - Georgia
Fire Insurance Agents,
Chattahoochee National Bauk.



X. F. Flournoy.

H. H. Epping, Jr.

Flournoy & epping,

Warehouse aod Commission Merchants.

Bagging- ami Ties at Lowest Prices. Columbus, Georgia.

Special Attention Given to the Sale and Storage of Cotton.

Far Superior to Rosendale. Special Inducements for Car Load Lots. PLASTER PARIS AND HAIR.
Agents for Fairbank's Scales; blasting and Sporting Powder; Dyna mite Fuse and Caps. Special Inducements for Blasting Powder in Car Load Lots. Portland Cement; Standard Rubber Belting--ali sizes* Builders' Hardware, Paintsand Oils a specialty.



House. Sign and Ornamental Estimates on Contracts per

Hundred and Up


ward ou

-No. 1) 12th Street.
No. 9 12th Street.

Gold and Silver Glass Signs For Every Business.
[Please Forward Plans

And I will Furnish you Estimates on all

K i n d s of Buildin g*

Carpentering and




TL L. PCT.TC& GO.'!S-.

Merchant Tailor, Gents Furnishing Goods.

-Agent for-


22 Twalitll Street


Men's Ladies' Misses' Boys' Children's
Custom lade Boots and Shoes.
21 12tn Street, Columbus, Georgia.



Dealer in all Kinds ^

Furniture, Caruetinf,

Oil Cloths, Mattings, Curtain Goods, &c.
1031 Broad Street.
Pioneer ID ring Store.

Fine Perfumery and Toilet Articles.
Tel No. 136. 1 611 2nd Avenue.
Columbus. Georgia.




18t Twelfth Street, Columbus, Ga.

Telephone No. 1)8.

Yard Established 1868.

Coal sincl WoocL

Montevallo, Henryellen, Jellico, Anthracite and Blacksmith Coals,

Terra Cotta Pipe, Fire, Grate and Border Erick

Chimney Tops, Stove Flues, &c.


Yard Next to Swift's Mill,

Columbus, Georgia.

Dr. R. H. McCutcheon,

HVX. ]Ei. LEE,
Fine Millinery and Fancy Goods, 1114 Broad Street Columbus, Ga.


R. L. POLK & CO./S..

C. Lj. torbbtt,
Undertaker & Erzilo aimer.

Also Dealer in all Kiiiis of Burial Supplies.

930 & 932 Broad St.,

Columbus, Ga~


Watchmaker and Jeweler,
1121 Broad Street, - - COLUMBUS, GA.
Watelies.Clocts.Jewelry.SoMSilyer & Platedwar^
Spectacles a Specialty,
Which do not tire the Eye, and last for many years without change-

Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agents,,

Merchandise Brokers,

1137i Broad St.,


N. N. Cuitis.


E. L, Wells


We keep a Full Stock of the Best Goods. Special Attention. Given to Keeping:up Assortment Sizes and Widths.

73 Broad Street*

Columbus, Ga

tglatB, Boilers, Saw Mills, Pulleys and Shafting.




Ste lamte% ffessfek,
At No. 1015* First Avenue.


Large circulation covering a radius of 100 miles without compelon in its class.
Issued simultaneously at Columbus, Americus and Dawson, Ga. The only medium through which the entire Colored population y be reached to the greatest advantage by Advertisers.

f employment bureau



Is run in connection with the Paper, giving easy access to the best help obtain. servants of all kind furnished without cost to employers.

J. T. COLEMANSole Proprietor.


^p^wTr^rsyTci,*^>r^i|^nr,|prv^y|^y^nr,mi' 'nif * v *Ttir'TiiiT'~^Tii'",Tiif'iP'^niT,''tiiir^ini'~^nr-Tiii|'~.lnrr',qii,


4* Pawnbroker*5^


ifk <li irfhi ittk iitk 1H1 A rffc A A A dfc A A A Ak

Liberal Loans on all kinds of Personal








tDakefielb's Pharmacy, -

0. ID. IDakeftelb, propr.,
Physicians' Prescriptions * a * Specialty.

Ho. 8 n>elftfy Street, + Columbus, <5a.

_ IA..
Jj, Wells






The Atlanta Home Insurance Co., of Atlanta.

Lancashire Insurance Co., of Manchester England.

Fidelity & Casualty of New York.

1145 Broad Street,

Columbus, Georgia.


1149 Broai St,, Cor, 12tti. Colmta, 6a.
Dealers in "Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Diamonds. Rings. Spectacles, Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired to give satisfaction, and War ranted. Engraving done to order.
Richard Howard,

Prompt attention given to all orders for Dray Line.
H. T, BRYANT, In Charge of Stable,
Tel No. 115. 1333 1st ave. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.

J. P. Golden.

T. E. Golden.


Columbus. Ga.

Founders and Machinists,

-Manufacturers of-
Cane Mills, Cotton Screws, Gin Gear, Pulleys, Hangers, Shaftings,Couplings and Castings of every Description.

Machinery of all Kinds Repaired Promptly. Keep in Stock Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Globe and Check Valves, Iujectors, etc., etc. Agents for the

"SKINNER" Portable and Stationary Engines and Boil ers. Send for Catalogue and Prices.


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

J>A. Walker.

E. W. Walker.

Walker Brothers,

Charles Hayward,
Tin and Copper Smith.

Special Attention Given to Repairing-.

HO Twelfth Street,

Columbus, Georgia,




Paper Hangers,

1st ave. nextP. 0.



Coleman & Vickery,

Will Gladly Furnish Estimates on Any Jobs. 117 12th St., Columbus, Ga.

(mini bits city directory:




JOHN W CHEEK, Proprietor.

1236 1st Ave.,


Fine Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Rest Brands of Cigars. All the Drinks of the Season
Also Dealer in Coal and Wood. Office, Cor 9th Sti, and 7th" Aw. Telephone No. 80. Also Orders Taken'af1026 Broad for Coal and Wood, Telephone No. 13o>.
John D. iciunkin.

Furniture Repaired and Recushioned.
All Orders Carefully and Promptly Attended to
Front Bet. I3tli and 14tli St.

JOHN T. SHEPHERD, M"taS*S.r*c`or
IISON ROBINSON, BrlckaKa^ferer Trunk-maker and Uphol sterer.
e. w. gibson, contractor aid
12 and 18 First ave bet. 12th and 13th Sts., Columbus, Ga,




. 14 Eleventh Street, COLUMBUS, GA,
Front Boor Bells, Servants' Bells, Annunciators, Burglar Alarms,

Invisible Electric Matting, Sewing Machine Meters, &c.


rs. E. H.

1 < WOOLWINE HIGH SCHOOL Teaches Children reverence, in

spect tor authority, and obed -


ence to law.

(See p 8)



5 Alforcl Ed ward, c, lab, res 10th avc, bet 12th and 13th Alford Phoebe (wid), res 707 1st ave Alford Rebecca, c, res 10th ave, bet 12th and 13th Alford Reuben, c, drayman Walker Bros, res 8th ave, cor Cen tral R R
'' Allen Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Allen Miss Annie L, saleslady Boughton & Co, bds 732 2nd ave
Allen Benjamin H, shoe mkr, 1707 2nd ave, res 307 18th Allen Miss Callie, wks Muscogee Mfg Go, tres Broadnax,
Girard Allen Mad Carrie, res 1322 1-st ave Allen Carrie J (wid M V D), res 732 2nd ave Allen Charles, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 423 15th Allen Charles PT, elk Beehive, bds 732 2nd ave Allen Charles M, cotton buyer, res 1236 4th ave Allen Daniel, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res S Girard Allen Miss Editn, tailoress Columbus'Clothing Co, res Broad
nax, Girard Allen Edward, c, porter Sou Ex Co Allen Elizabeth (wid James), res 1-308-J- Broad Allen Erank, mechanic, res X Railroad, Browneville Allen Frederick, carj) Columbus Iron Wks, res Short, cor Dil
Allen George IV, foreman Mu-soogee Gil Co, res 506 15th Allen George, r, lab, res 1325 6th ave
Allen George W, c, principal Peabody school,sec and busi
ness mangr Columbus Messenger Pub Co, res Bridge,Girard Allen James, wks Clegg Mfg Co Allen James A, restaurant, saloon and billiards, 1st ave, nr
11th, and grocer, Van Buren Lively, res cemetery, Browne ville
Allen Mks Janie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Marshall Browneville
Allen Jefferson, c, lab O C Bullock, res 5th avehet 14th A 15th Allen Jesse H, (Allen & Niblet), res Broadnax X Girard Allen John, apprentice Columbus Iron wks


House. Sign and Ornamental No. 9 12th Street


Advertising in all its brandies. Estimates
on contracts per hundred upwards, on
Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every business.

G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing
lOlO Broad Street.


It. h,, POLK & CO.'S

Allen John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dilling ham
Allen John, c, lab, res 508 8th Allen John F, messenger W U Tel Co, bds 40 Short Allen Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co. res Broadnax
Allen Lawrence L, carpenter, res Gayle Browneville Allen Miss Lucinda, wks Muscogee Mfg Co bds Marshal
Browneville Allen Miss Malissa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg o Allen Maria, c. domestic J K Holloway Allen Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Allen Peter, c, lab Enquirer-Sun, res 804 7th ave Allen Robert P, shoemkr 11044 Broad, ies 1914 2d ave Allen Samuel, lab, res 18th Roshill Allen Miss Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Marshall,
Browneville Allen T'J, wks -Columbus- Iron Wks Allen West, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co Allen Wm, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Short nr Dillingham Allen Miss Willie,'.wks Eagle-A Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Allen W, c, lab Columbus from Wks Allen A Niblit (J LI Allen and E B Niblet), grocers Broadnax, I
Girard Allums John S, trav salesman' A J A: B5 G Farmer, bds 208
13th Almon John A, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co Almon Wm J, carp, res Abert, Girard Alston Ware House, Flournoy A Epping, proprs, cotton ware
house, 12th n e cor Front Amason Mrs Ada, dressmkr 1117|- Broad, res same Amerson see also Emerson Amerson Miss A, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co Amerson George F, whs Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,
Browneville Amerson James B, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad
ave, Browneville

Soda, Water HALL & WHEAT S

The Best in the City, at

drug ST.OBES..


| STEWART, The Printer,


Low Figures X

I3 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS. GA

i, Amorson Jefferson, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co Amerson John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
^Wld Levi)> res n Railroad, Browneville Btt l"" ,S""nilb" mi>ft LTMPkta road, Wynn-

,1 Anderson Henrietta, c, cook Andrew Crawford

Sthave ' CPer Colunibu3 Barrel Mfg Co, bds 1016,

Anderson Mrs Josephine H, res 915 1st ave

Anderson Moses, c, carp, res Booneville nr Wynnton, nderson Oscar, c, driver Dr Grimes, res 520 !>d ave
Anderson Richard, c, lab, res 509 7th Anderson Robert, c, lab, res 321 13th
h;Anderson Robert, c, lab, res 615 4th ave

nderson Samuel, wks Columbus Bagging Mills res 843 Front

Anderson Savannah, c; res 520 2d ave


Anderson Sy, wks Columbus Iron Wks

i nclews- Albert, c, blksmith Win Amos, res 1417 5th ave
,Andrews BarschaH, elk Rlanchard, Humber C0"bds986

Andrews Davis A, tax collector Muscogee countv mom 7 r

Andrews Felton, carp, res 809 5th ave
Andrews Frederick, c, wood, res 411 3d ave Andrews George, c, lab, res 523 4th ave
Andrews Jackson, c, hackman, res 1806 3d ave e| Andrews Jane, c, laundress, res 1817 1st ave

ndTM fcSfe 'Vks E"gle 4

**<>, ~ 1 Jack-

Andrews Louisa (wid Wilson), res Jefferson N Girard Andrews Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co`

oi rJfanWcklsMona,rtBTiarow(wnledvJilolehn)> wks Muscogee Mfgb Co' res 1

' Srdeter' WkS E"glC * Phenix Mf* Co> res Jefferson N

HARVEY & DUDLEY a y, ing, Brackets, Pickets, Mantels, &c.


Office, 1243 6thiave.

Telephone 84t



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Andrews Miss Hhoda, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res

Jackson, Browneville Andrews Tyler,-appr T L Gruzard, bds Jefferson, A Guard Andrews Verna (wid George), bds 936 2d ave Andrews W A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Anglin David A, grocer and dry goods 920 Front, res same
Anglin Edwin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Anglin R J, bds 19 10th Anthonv Elva, c, laundress, res 1651 2d ave Appier Jacob E, planter, res Linwood Archer Benjamin F, pres and treas Columbus M ater A\ orksu

res Camden, N J Armond Solomon, e, res 5th ave bet 7th and StJa
Armour Alice, e, laundress, res 615 6th ave Armstrong David H, c, porter Hall & Wheat Armstrong Jerre, c, lab Columbus R R Co, resoe ewville Armstrong John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 22 Forsyfi


Armstrong Maria, c, res 537 4th ave



Armstrong Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go, ires

Forsyth, Browneville


Armstrong W J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Arnold James IC, elk J 1) Smith & Bro, res 565 1st save

Arrington Adeline (wid John), res 21 16th

Arrington Henry, c, lab T L Gruzard Ashers Harriet, c, laundress, res Summerville, Browneville

Askew Benjamin, c, wks Harvey & Dudley

Askew Mack, c, wks Harvey & Dudley, res 1209 5th ave ]

Atkins M, wks Muscogee Mfg Os

Atkinson Wm L, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 1216 4th ave

Aughtman John M, grocer, Broadnax, nr Gayle, N Girard,!


Aultman Carolina, c, res 507 5th ave


Aultman Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short, ml)

Aultman John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Aultman Miss M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C<0 Aultry Alonzo, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res ,$ Jacks



3 Is School Shoes, T. J. H'disni 21 10th Street.



Manufacturers of .Steam arrd Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every de


Telephone 154.



Aultry Andrew J', wks Eagi'e & Phenix Mfg Co, res' 27 Forsyth,
-- Browneville p Aultry Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson,
Browneville ir, Aultry Bennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 73' Jackson<,
Browneville Aultry Miss Eula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co-, res 78; Jack-
mf son, BrownvilleAultry Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Aultry Miss Rebecca, wks Eagle & Pheni* Mfg Co*, res 78
Jascksecu, Browneville Aultry Wm W, carp, res 78 Jackson, Browneville
u Austin Louisa, c, laundress, res 741 Front Austin Wm, c, lab, res 6th, bet 4th and 5th ares Averett Eli M, grocer, 1146 1st ave, res 1308 4th ave Avery Lewis, c, porter Rankin House Ayers Miss Emma, bds 601 4th ave



Babbitt Miss Addie, wks Brown Manfg Co, bds S Railroad nr
lTr Summerville, Browneville Babbitt Cyril W, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co, res Broad
N Girard. Babbitt Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co, res 1st ave
bet 9th and 10th Babbitt Frank, wks Eagle & Manfg Co, res 1st ave bet 9th.
and 10th Babbitt Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co Babbitt Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co, res 1st avo
bet 9th and 10th. Babbitt Wm, c, lab, res 8th bet 5th and 6th aves ri Bacon Charles J, c, carp, res Talbotton ave, Rosehill Bagley Miss Dinah, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co Bagley Miss D< ra, elk Lewis & Gregory, bds 218 5tli. 11 Bagley Miss Eva, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co Bagley Francis M, elk R Jefferson, res 1033 4th ave



C. H. Lequin, Rings, Chains, Clocks jj 1034 BROAD STREET.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S


Bagley Osborn, wks Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co

Bagley Wm W, carp Eagle & Phenix Manfg Co, res 209 5th

Bailey Brent, brickmason, res bottom Wynnton

Bailey Dollie, wks Clegg Manfg Co


Bailey Edward, c, lab, res 917 6th ave

Bailey Eliza, c, laundress, res 515 7th


Bailey Miss Elizabeth H, teacher girls public school, res 1212| B

2d ave


Bailey George, c, pedlar, res Cooleyville

Bailey George W, sec Columbus Water Works Co, res New B



Bailey Irvin, c, lab J II Edwards, res 841 7th ave


Bailey John, c, wks Columbus Iron AVorks Co, res 519 3d ave B

Bailey Josephine, c, res 713 8th ave


Bailey J R, wks Harvey & Dudley

Bailey Marshall B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Marshall,


Bailey Nannie, c, res rear 20 11th


Bailey Ned, wks Muscogee Mfg Co


Bailey Richard, c, lab, res 917 6th ave


Bailey Todd, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Co, res Cass, Browne R



Bailey A\T H, wks Columbus Iron \ATks

Bain Susan, c, laundress, res 212 8th

Baird see also Beard


JBaird Carrie, c, domestic J T Thweatt

Baird Miss D, wTks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Baird John (Baird & Waldrop), res McCollister cor Summer

ville, Browneville


Baird & Waldrop (John Baird and AY H AA'aldrop), dry goods

and grocers, ATmBuren n e cor Broadnax, Lively


Baisden Thomas, c, waiter Central Hotel

Baker Alexander, lab, res 1334 5th ave


Baker Bryant, c, lab, res 832 4th ave

Baker Miss Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Baker Elisha, wks Eagle <fe Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville i

road, Browneville


THOMAS CHAFFIN , Bools and Stationery

lias littmg arid Plumbing promptly attended to, at
1035 Broad St.



Baker Elisha H, elk M T Lynn, res Summerville rd, Browne-


otlBaker Frank A, whs Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson n


Baker Howard, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery,


Baker Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co

> liBaker James, c, lab J M Fletcher A Son, res 1432 5th ave

Baker Miss Janie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,


i yBaker Laura, c, laundress, res 3d ave cor 2`4th

Baker Mary, domestic G W Cargill

Baker Win, c. carp, res 1434 5th ave

Ida-Baldwin Joseph L, eng C R R, res 915 4th ave

Baldwin J C, carp Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co

Baldwin Lewis J. eng C R R, res 915 4th ave

shal Bald win Samuel R, trav salesman Garrett & Sons, res Long,


Baldwin 'West, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co

Ball Julia, c, 1740 Talbotton ave, res same

Ball Richard, c, lab, res Booueville nr Wynnton

}mi Ballon Frank, mach, res Long s Girard

Ballou Julia, wks Swift Mfg Co

Bamberger Max, elk Julius Kaufman, jr, bds 824 3d ave

`Bambush Charles, res 206 20th

Bambush Joseph, fireman W Ry of Ala, res Abert cor Salem

rd, Browneville

Bambush Miss Laura, whs Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res 68 Van

in](: Buren, Browneville


Bambush Van

Mrs Martha, wks E Buren, Drnvneville





Co, res 63

Bambush Miss Mattii, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, bs 6S Van

Buren, Browneville

Banks Charles, c, wks Berry's brick yard, res Bottom near


Banks Ada, c, domestic R M Norman

yjj Banks David, res 4th ave bet 7th and Sth

Banks Eliza, c, res 8th bet Sth and 6th ave

At 1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

Elegant Turnouts and Experi- rMDT])!? QT A T^T T7Q

enced Drivers can be found at

01 UDijjjij


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Banks Fannie, c, res 4th ave bet 7th and 8th Banket-George, c, porter J T Kavanaugh Banks George Y, trav salesman G J Peacock, res Wynnton Banks Jabez B, jr (F J Jenkins & Co), res 1332 3d avc Banks James, c, lab Empire Mills Banks Jerre, c (Banks, Osborn & Spencer), res. 735 6th aveBanks Katie, c, res Coolevville Banks'Mary, c, res 1329 oth ave Banks Nettie, c, laundress, res 61 Hill avc, Rose Hill Banks N P, pres Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co. and Mu?
G R R, 1145 Broad, res 1220 3d ave Banks, Osborn & Spencer, c (Jerre Banks, Lewis Osborn and
Henry Spencer), blacksmiths, 1st ave bet l()th anthllth Banks Robert, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Banks bldg,
Broad Banks Sims, real estate agent, res 312 5th Bankston Charles B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co<,- bds 9 14th Bankston Miss Mary, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co Bankston* Mfes Minnie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Bankston Miss Queenie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Banner Adolph, general store and saloon 91C Front and 13B
Broad, res 916 3d ave Banner Louis, manager Max Banner,.916 Front, res 1119 5th
Banner Max, genl merchandise 916 Front, bds Veranda house Bannister Anna, c, domestic J T Starke Barbee Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Girard Barbee Harriet E (wid James F), res Abert,.Girard Barbee John Y, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Alien, Browneville. Barber Chipley, carp, bds 11 6th Barber Ernest, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Barber Henry, wks Columbus Iron Wks Barber Hunlcv, maeh, bds 11 6th Barber Miss Ida, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res 11 6th Barber James W, magistrate, over 942 Broad, res 11 6th Barber Miss Lizzie, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res 11

Furnishing Goods,

tt29|Bsad Street


Trains Teachers for Successfuf

Work in the Sccbaol Room.


(See p 8)



Barber Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Go Barber Win, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Barbrev Jesse A (Barbrey & Jarvis),, res 1326 3rd ave Barbrey & Jarvis (J. A Barbrey and J S Jarvis) furniture and
new Home Sewing machines, 1117 Broadi Barden Evans, fireman G M & G RR-bds 1502 2nd ave Barden. Mrs Ida J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Bridge,
Girard Barkcrr Janaes, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 315 18th Barden James H, peddler, res Dale ave, Browne viHe-
Barden Miss Beta, elk P Lequin, bds 1502 2nd ave Barfield A John, night watchman Columbus Barrel Mfg Coy
res 10th ave, Linwood Barfield Miss Edna, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 214 5th*
Barfield Hattie S (wid James T), res 1109 1st ave Barfield John W, wks Thomas Gilbert, bds 214 5th Barfield Julius, c, painter, res 17th, Rosehili Barfield Miss Mary Lulu, tailoress G J Peacock, bds-214 5th-
Barfield Pinkney, carp, res 214 5th Barker Miss Carrie, wks Eagle & Bhenix Mfg Co, res Broade
nax, N Girard Barker Charles, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Barker James, wks Minscogee Mfg Co, res 315 8th Barker Winnie (wid Jesse), res Broadnax, N Girard Barlow George 51, contractor, res 508 13th Barlow Malphas C, contractor, res 616 Front
Barnard Miss Katie, bds 415 13th Barnard Miss Lucy, res 415 13th Barnard Miss-SaUie; dancing teacher, bds-415 13th Barnes Alfred, wks Eagle & Bhenix Mtg Co, res Marshall,.
Brownevi'lle Barnes Annie (wid Wm), res 32 Forsythy Bfowneville
Barnes Carolina, c, res 4th ave, bet 7th and Sthi Barnes Charles, wks Eagle & Phendx: Mfg CVv, res 55 5 an Bu;-
ren, Browneville Barnes D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Barnes Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 32 Forsyth,

Contractor and Builder, No, 9 12th Street.

Please forward plans, and I will furn ish you estimates on all kinds of Build ing, Carpentering and Repairing.

SHIRT DEPARTMENT, Shirts Made to Order, A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.



Barnes Fuller, c, plasterer, res 1813 1st ave Barnes George W, c, elk Jackson Barnes, bds 515 4)h Barnes Jennie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Abert,
Barnes Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 2d ave s w cor 20th
Barnes Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall, Browneville
Barnes Mrs Levisa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 53 Van Buren, Browneville
Barnes Lizzie, c, chambermaid Veranda house Barnes Link, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, Browne
Barnett Anthony, c, lab. res 726 5th ave Barnett Charles, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Barnett Dinah, c, laundress, res 529 4th ave
Barnett John N, City Treasurer, Court House, bds 1428
2d ave Barnett John T, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 930^ Broad Barney Charles, r, lab, res 8th bet 5th and 6th aves Baron Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds S Rail
road cor Summerville, Browneville Barr Adam Y, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1607 1st ave Barr Mrs Ellen, res Front, s e cor 11th Barr George F, elk J E Deaton, bds 821 Broad Barr Miss Gertie, elk dime store, res Long, Girard Barr John W, wks Eagle and Phenix'Mfg Co, bds Front, s e
cor 11th
Barr John, meat market, Wynnton rd, foot of Hill, res Long, Girard
Barr Mrs Lizzie, dress rakr, 1607 -1st ave, res same Barr Miss Narcissa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front, s
e cor 11th
Barr Wm T, trav salesman Kern <fc Loeb, bds Veranda House Barrentine Miss Nellie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Broadnax, N Girard Ilarschall Mary.J (wid M J), res 936 2d ave


Oldest. Strongest and Best Companies. \

G. FGirUe-XJTMBYonJNcOEe,oRA4sDenAt'N,



Bartee George W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1702 1st ave
Bartee Ida, wks Swift Mfg Co Bartee Jesse A, elk W B Boyce & Bro, bds 101 17th Bartee Miss M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bartlett DeLesly I) (Bartlett, Newman & Co), res Summer
ville, Browneville Bartlett Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sum
merville, Browneville Bartlett George W, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res
Van Buren, Browneville Bartlett Henry, mechanic, res Long, Girard Bartlett Jack, mach Golden Bros, res Girard Bartlett James F, livery, sale and feed stable 1015 1st ave, res
1010 1st ave Bartlett Newman & Co, (De Lesley Bartlett, John Newman,
Levi M Turner, Albertus Ford), carriage & wagon makers, horse shoeing & repairing, 1240 & 1242 1st ave & 114 13th Bartlett Robert, elk W H Sauls Bartlett Thomas D, grocer, 6th ave cor 8th res same Bartley James, blksmith, res 1601 5th ave Bartley James, c, blksmith, res 6th ave bet 14th & loth Bashaw John, c, wks Jackson & Dryer, res 4th ave bet 15th
& 16th Bass Archibald C, physician, 10^ 12th bds 11th s w cor 5th ave Bass Isham, c, lab, res 7th ave bet 7th & 8th Bass John H, farmer, res 11th s w cor 5th ave Bass N V, trav salesman Singer mfg Co, bds Veranda house Bass Samuel, wks Columbus Iron wks Bass Sterling, bds 1216 4th ave Bass Wm J, carp, res Linwood Bassett Miss Mary, seamstress, res Bottom, nr Wynnton rd Batastini Clement, grocer, dry goods and saloon, 1805 Talbot-
ton ave, res same Bates Abner, r, lab, res 1323 5th ave Bites George C (Moore & Bites), bis 527 1st ave Bates Joseph, c, lab, res 509 7th Bates L M, bds Central Hotel


Georgia Long Leaf Yellow Pine,

Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin-

glss, Laths and Lime.

Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 81.

R. L. POLK & CO.'S
Bates Thomas W, bkkpr Merchants & Mechanics bank, res 543* 1st ave
Bates T Jefferson, brick mfg, res 527 1st ave Batson Callie (wid James), res 1308^ Broad Batson Miss Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Batson Sarah (wid Taylor) res rear 1243 1st ave Battle Arthur J, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1429 2nd ave Battle Charlton E (Willis & Battle), res 1131 4th ave Battle Henry W, principal Boys' High School, res 1429 2nd
ave Battle Mrs H W, music teacher, 1429 2nd ave, res same Battle Thomas W, physician, over 1037 Broad, res 727
Broad Baugh Mad Leila, res 1347 Warren Bausch Charles P, wks T L Gruzard,bds 223 8th Bausch Henry P, wks T L Gruzard, bds- 223>8th Bausch John G, cabinet makr and upholsterer, 1042 1st ave;.
res 223 8th Bausch Philip, carrier Columbus Ledger, bds 223 8th Baxley John, c,wks C W Monroe Bayard George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 7 w of
Broad Bayard John, wks Eagle & Phenix. Mfg; Co, bds 11th 7 w of
Broad Bayard Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co*,.bds 11th 7 w
of Broad Bayard Thomas,, fisherman, res 11th 7 w of Broad Bazemore Francis, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2003 3rd
ave Bazemore Lem, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Beach Charles E, bkkpr Eagle & Phenix Savings bank, bds
416 12th Beach Wm, (Tel. 15), hardware, paints and oils, rubber
belting, etc, 1120 Broad, res 416 12th (seep 53) Beach Wm B, elk Wm Beach, bds 416 12th Beall Alver, r, porter C R R Beall Jackson, wks Bagging Mill, res 702 5th ave Beall Marcellus, c, elk O'Neal & Brooks, res 513 4th ave Beard, see also Baird
Gold Lock Bal Shoes, T-af1o~^T

GOLDEN BROS. Manufacturers of Hangars, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.


Board Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Beard Hettie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Beard Jesse A, bar tender Sans Souci, res 413 Broad

Beard J, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Beard T, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Bearden Laura, wks Swift Mfg Co Bearden Solomon, lab, res 4th bet oth and 6th aves Beauregard Lucius, c, gardner, res 3d ave bet 22d and 23d
Beck Hannah, c, laundress, res Marshall, Browneville
Beck James M, butcher, res 317 18th . . Beck J Clemons, collector Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, res

1344 Broad Beck Martin M, grocer 1342 Broad, res same

Beck Moses, c, lab, res 1237 10th ave Beckham Eugene, Ry postal elk, bds 1233 4th ave Bedell Eliza H (wid Albert G), res 1132 3d ave

Bedell James, grocer 500 3d ave, res same Bedell James W, cfk W It Bedell, bds 1326 2d awe
Bedell Shelton, c, lab, res rear M06 M.aoe Bedell Wm A, cotton buyer s s 12th 3 w of Broad, res L>2<>

2d ave

,, ,

Bedell Wm A jr, elk W R Bedell, bds 1326 2d ave

Bedell Will R, Boots and Shoes, 1130 Broad, res 13-6

Bedf2odrdaJvaemes, blksmith, res Summerville, B,,rowneviU,,e

Bedingfield Lula, c, domestic Abraham Illges Beecher James, c, lab T L Gruzard, res 830 6th ave Beeland Benjamin R, justice of the peace, Marshall, ies IS Rail

road, Browneville

Behan Mrs Julia, res 408 17th


Belcher James F M J, wks Eagle & Phornx Mfg Co, res A an

iluren, Browneville


Belcher Mrs Jennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go

Belcher Mme Lizzie, res let ave bet 13lh and 14th

Bell Andrew, carp, res Summerviille, Browneville

Bell Anna, c, laundress, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th

Bell Miss Annie, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co







R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Bell Mrs Babe, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browneville
Bell Byry C, loom repr Muscogee Mfg Co, res Marshall cor Abert, Browneville
Bell Cathrine, c, res 535 5th ave Bell Charity (wid John), res Sand Fort road, Girard Bell Felix, c, lab.Columbus Fertilizer Co,res 323 13th Bell Frank, c, brick maker, res 913 3rd ave Bell Henry, painter, res Ingersoll Browneville Bell Jackson, c, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 5th ave cor
7 th
Bell James, c, wks F A Jepson, res nr Cemetery Bell John, c, tinner Wm Fee
Bell Miss Laura, wks Muscogee mfg Co, res Ingersoll Browne ville
Bell Mary, (wid Wm B), res Ingersoll Browneville Bell Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phendx mfg Co res Ingersoll
Browneville Bell Mattie, c, domestic T L Gruzard Bell Millie, c, domestic W F Sullivan Bell Minerva, c, res 704 9th
Bell Miss Minnie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,.Browne ville
Bell Moses, lab, res 121 6th Bell Nathan, c, lab, res 1317 6th ave Bell Noah, c, lab, res Brannon Quarters, Girard Bell Perry, c, lab, res rear 741 Front Bell Phrona, c, laundress, res 7th ave bet 7th and 8th Bell P Gervais R, elk Coffin & Barnwell, bds 112 14th Bell Miss Susan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bell Wiley, c, coachman H H Epping Bell W M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bell Wm P, elk Empire Mills, bds Hotel Riddle Bellamy Samuel, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard Belton Edward D, c, shoemkr and boarding 24 w 10th, res
same Benevolent Hall, 6th ave bet 7th and 8th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Bools and Stationery


Tard Fountains; and
Sprinklers. 1035 BROAD STREET.



Benjamin July, c, lab, res 510 5th ave
Bjnnefield Samuel J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res 85 Jackson, Browneville
Bennett Bros (Elijah G and Joseph L), dry goods, groceries-, shoes, hats and caps, Bridge cor Broad, Girard
Bennett Charles, c, harnessmkr, res 12th bet 1st and 2d ave Bennett Elijah Or, Mayor Girard (Bennett Bros), Presi
dent Board of Trustees Peabody School District, res Abert, Girard
Bennett Etta, c, domestic W R Bedell Bennett Frank, wks Cochran brick yard, Res N Girard Bennett George H, mach, res 602 Front Bennett James, farmer, res 1532 2d ave Bennett Jane, c, domestic, res rear 1326 21 ave
Bennett Joseph L (Bennett Bros), res Sand Fort road mile, Girard
Bennett J F, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Bennett Lucy, c, domestic W C Bradley Bennett Lula (wid George), bds 602 Front
BennettMiss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail road, Browneville
Bennett Patrick, c, lab, res 529 4th ave Bennett Miss Sallie, saleslady J A Kirven & Co, bds 1532 2d
ave Bennett Samuel, c, lab, res Gayle, Browneville Bennett Samuel, c, drayman Kern & Loeb, res 508 2d ave Bennett Thomas, c, lab, res 24 St John Bennett Virgil, lab Columbus R R Co, res 406 7th Bennett Walter, lab, res 644 4th ave Benning Miss Anna C, bds 1420 Broad Benning Israel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Benning Miss Mary H, bds 1420 Broad Benning Peter, c, porter Patterson & Thomas Bennings Augustus, c, lab, res Cooleyville Benny John, c, wks C & R R R, res 2nd ave, bet 20 and 21st Benson Henry L, yard master C R R, res 1213 6th ave Benson Ira, c, waiter Rankin House Benson Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co

Factory Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 121 (> and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)

.EMPIRE STABLES You want your Horse and
liuggy properly attended to, patronize the
K. L. POLK & CO.'S
Benson Mrs L A, boarding, 1213 6th ave Benson Thomas F, farmer, res rear 1617 5th ave B.mtley Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 4
s of 11th Bentley Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bentley J C, shipping elk J B Holst & C'o. res 1st ave, bet 14th
and 15th Bentley Miss Mattie, wks Eagle Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front
4 s of 11th Bentley Robert, huckster, stalls :20 and 25 city market, res
Front, bet 11th and 12th Bentley Robert, watchman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front
4 s of 11th Benton James A, fireman C R R, bds 615 2nd ave Benton John C, elk A Simons, rooms 3rd floor Cla Home
bldg Benton John F, tinner F J McArdle, bds 1201| Broad Benton Jonathan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Linwood Benton Joseph A, carp T L Gruzard, res 615 2nd ave Benton Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co Benton Sarah, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Bergan Martin T (Tel 20) (E M Walsh & Co), wholesale gro
cer, dry goods, boots, shoes and commission merchant, 936938 Front, res same Bergan Thomas PI, trav salesman M T Bergan, res -936 Front Berge Mrs Sallie, dressmaker, Hamilton ;ave, cor 23rd, res same Berly Henry, cutter Chancellor & Pearce, res 13 7th Berrell H B, mangi Columbus Dramatic Association, bds Hotel Riddle Berry Alfred F, shipping elk Berrys bfick yard, res Girard Berry Emily, c, domestic Adolphus Wittich Berry George O, manr Berrys brick yard, res 644 Broad Berry Macon O, bkkpr Garrett & Sons, bds 732 Front Berry Moses, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Berry Richard, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard Bony Richard, c, lab, res 1533 4th ave

Aenchbacher & Preer,


Controls Boys and Girls by Appealing to 'their Honor.
OSra.sfci.vill, Tenn



Berry Will AV, tel 89, propr Berry's Brick Yard, s e of jail

bet S W and G M & G R Rs, res Long, Girard

t t 1 Berry's Britek Yard, tel 89, Wm AT Berry, Propr ; George

0 Berry, Mngr, s e of Jail bet S W and G M & G R Rs

Tracks (Seep 51)

it ItlBest Christopher C, carp, res Girard

Best James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard

! ratBest John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard

Best Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard

u reBethius Bettie, c, domestic Julius Kaufman

Bethune Angus, cash boy C P Gray & Co, bds 703 Broad

8 niiBethune Angus J, res 703 Broad

Bethune Jane, c. res 409 loth

Bethune Samuel A, bds 703 Broad

b niBetz Miss Alice, saleslady G M Bowers, res 814 3d ave

Betz Blake, supt J M Fletcher & Sons, bds 814 3d ave

Betz Emma'(wid George), res 814 3d ave

lW [ Bevell Louisa F.(wid John W), res 433 2d ave

Beverley Miss Eula, wks Eagle Phenix Mfg Co. res Abert,


Beverley Martha (wid Nathan), resA.bert, Browneville

a| pBevefley Miss Stacy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,



Bigharn Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

0 inBigham James, farmer, res 1913 2d ave

jjBilbro Ranee, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Bilbrow Sallie M (wid John B), res 1112 3d ave

Billings Benjamin F, Plumber and Gas Fitter 1210

df ltd Broad, tel 158, res 1418 2d ave (Seep 51)

Billings John D, plumber B F Billings, res 1416 2d ave

rar Billings John W, bkpr J E Cargill, bds 1416 2d ave

Billings Mose, c, drayman M T Bergan, res 7th ave -bet 7th


and 8th

Billingsly Noah, c, drayman J E Deaton, res 636 4th ave

Binn John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 23 Forsyth,

,jra Browneville

1' Binns Isaac, wks Pearce's Factory, res 3d ave bet 19th and



' Contractor and Builder,

p 2)

No, 9 12th street.


Please fovxvard plans, and I will furnish you estimates on all kinds of Building, Carpentering and Repairing.

Binns Sarah, wks Clegg Mfg Co Birch Daniel, c, lab, res 913 6th ave Birch Eva, c, laundress, res Dale ave, Brownvillfe' Birch Phoebe, c, laundress, res 536 3d ave Birch Wm, c, lab, res- 503 4th ave Bird see also ByrdBird Anderson, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 7tlb and 8th Bird Geneva, c, domestic George Phelps Bird John,.c, porter; res 406 14th Bird Major, c, lab, res 330 18th Bird Martha; c, domestic George Phelps Bird Mary, c, domestic George Phelps Bird Susan (wid John), res Van Buren, Browneville Birdsong Carey J, cond G M & G R R, hds 1'018 2d ave Birdsong Miss Myra H, principal Girl's Pubic School,
1018 2d ave Birdsong Nancy S (wid Edward!),.res 103.8 2il ave Bishop Anna, c, res 831 6th ave` Bishop David, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 506 14th Bishop David N, wks Eagle &' PHenix Mfg Co, res Dale'ave,
Browneville Bishop Elizabeth J (wid J W)rres Dale ave, Browneville Bishop James, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th Bishop Miss Janie, wks- Eaglte &'Phenix Mfg Co, res Dale'ave
Brownville Bishop John, wks Muscogee Mfg Go Bishop Mrs Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bivens Asher A, elk steamer Thronateeska, bds Veranda house Bivens Win, bds 828 3d ave Bize Daniel, res 1333 Broad Bize Louis A, elk Evans & Howard, bds 1333 Broad Bize Robert E-, cltk Evans & Howard, bds 1333 Broad Black John, c,. wks Muscogee Oil Wks; res WynntoniHiffi Blackman Bird, c, lab, resrl728:;Talbotton ave Blackman Bradford, c, blk smith,, res 1508 4th ave Blackman Isa R (wid James),- res S Railroad, near Summer
ville, Browneville

iH,G. GUNBY JORDAN, Sun Fire of London, American of Philadelphia!



Niag-ara of If. Y. Telephone 101.


Blackman James B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co> res- Short nr


Blackman Josie, wks Swift Mfg Co

Blackman Lewis, c, lab Empire Mills, res 541 3di ave

Blackman Miss Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Blackman Mary, c,. domestic M A Smith

Blackman Miss N, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Blackman Miss T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Blackman Alfred'. 0, cashier Merchants and Mechanics Bank

res 1418 4th ave

Blackmar Dana, bkpr Frazer & Dozier, bds 1418 4th ave
Blackmar JEohn, Tel 51, Real Estate, Insurance, Stock

!e h

and Bond Broker, 8 11th, res 1336 3d ave Blackmar Scarah A (wid A 0), res 1221 4th ave , Blackwell Bradford, c, blksmith and horse shoer, 1419 1st
ave. res 5th ave, bet 15th and 16th

Blackwell Robert H, brickmason, res 1716 1st ave

Blackwell Wm, carp, res 1716 1st ave

Blair Alfred, wks Columbus bagging Mills, res Long, Girard'

, Blair Felix, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Boonville nr Wynnton

38 ,e Blair George, c. lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Co

, Blair George, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co

Df Blair Julius, wks Muscogee Oil Co*

, Blair Mary (wid Theodore), res Long, Girard es Blair Malled^e,. c, lab, res 10th ave, bet 12th and 13th

Mair Miss Pauline, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,.


, Blake Bert T, foreman Enquirer-Sun, bds over 1042 Broad rai 1 Blake Miss Emma, wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 117 16th

Blakeley Abraham, mach Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res McCol-

lister, Browneville

ad Blakeley Green B, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res Business,.

oa1 .... Girard or 1 Blakeley H H, wks Columbus Iron wks

Blakeley John, grocer and country produce, 1st ave cor 16thr

res same ar lDlBlakely H L, wks Columbus Iron wks

Blakely Sarah (wid Alfred), res 741 2nd ave

"'Blaine Annie, c, res 2nd ave cor 5th

HARVEY & DUDLEY, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window andi Door Frames-


Office, 1243 6th ave. Telephone 94

C Schomburg

Spectacles anil Optical Goods


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Blanchard Amelia, e, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th Blanchard Booth & Huff (Tel 105) (Wm R Blanchard, John
E Booth & Wm H Huff), dry goods and notions, 1110 Broad Blanchard Humber & Co (Tel 24) (Thomas E & Wm E Blanchard & Lucius F Humber), proprs Alabama Ware house, Front bet 10th and 11th Blanchard Joel, physician, bds 204 11th Blanchard Miss Lena, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Blanchard Louis, mech Columbus Iron Wks, res 21 Crawford road N Girard Blanchard McDuffie, pnysician and drugs, 1002 Broad, bds 11th cor 2nd ave Blanchard Thomas E (Blanchard, Humber A Co), pres Co lumbus Gas Light Co and Muscogee Oil Co, res 503 12th Blanchard Walter, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Blanchard Wm, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Blanchard Wm R (Blanchard, Booth & Huff') (and Blanchard, Humber & Co), res 1219 5th ave Blanche Jennie, c, laundress, res 71 Hill ave Blanche Maria, c, laundress, 71 Hill ave Bland Martha, c, res 5th ave bet 14th and 15th Blanford John W, elk, res Lawyers Lane Wynton Blanford Mark H, judge supreme court, res Lawyers Lane, Wynnton Blanford Robert H, conductor M & G R R, res Wynn's Hill, Wynnton Blankenship Sarah J (wid Felix), res 3d ave cor 14th Blankenship Wm IT H, dry goods and groceries, Wynnton, forks Macon and Beuna Vista roads, res same Blascoer David I (D I Blascoer & Co), bds 833 1st ave Blascoer I) I & Co (David I Blascoer), agents Schaller Bros Lager Beer, 1028 Broad Blascoer Isadore, bds 833 1st ave Blau see also Blow Blau Edward W, painter and piano tuner, res Abert, Giranl Blau Laurence, elk J W Pease & Son, res Abort, Girard Bloodhurst H E (wid-), bds Hotel Riddle

T. J. HUNT, Ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoes 21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS. Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles, and Evaporators and Gin Gearing-. Telephone 154.



Bloodworth Miss Cora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bloodworth Hopie A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,
Forsyth, Browneville
Bloodworth John A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 42 For syth, Browneville
Bloodworth Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2d ave s w cor 20th
Bloodworth Mrs Sarah J, res 42 Forsyth, Browneville Bloodworth Wiley W, physician, office U H Smith & Co, res
Broad, Browneville
Blount Charles, c, barber Robert Marion,, res 1st ave bet 12th and 13th
Blount Lizzie, c, laundress, res 720 9th Blount Thomas, lab, res 903 6th ave Blow see also Blau
Blow Elizabeth (wid B F), hds 700 3d ave Blow John R, bkpr M Joseph, res 700 3d ave Bly Sallie, c, res 4th ave bet 7th and 8th Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Columbus,
council chamber county courthouse, 10th cor 1st ave Boardman John H, bkpr F J McArdle, bds 1225 2d ave Boatrite Alexander V, salesman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
1027 2d ave Boatrite James E, student, bds 1027 2d ave Boatwright John, c, lab, res 1210 2d ave Boatwright Lizzie, domestic B H Hudson Boggs Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Boggs Barney, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Walton,
Browneville Boggs C P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Boggs Miss Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Boggs Miss Emma, wks Eagle A; Phenix Mfg Co Boggs George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 606 14th Boggs Miss Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Boggs Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 4 19th Boggs .John, stripper Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2 19th Boggs Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Walton,

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders'Supplies
M.INFB and dealeb in all kinds of

C. H. LEQUIN, diamonds,


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Boggs Joseph, carp, res 514 15th

Boggs Joseph 0, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 606 14th

Boggs .Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Walton,


Boggs Samuel, carder Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 4 19tli

Boggs Sarah (wid Joseph), res 10 19th

Boggs Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Walton, Browne


Boland Mis-s Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Boland Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,


Boland Francis M, mach Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Boland,


Boland Grace (wid Andrew), res 524 3d ave

Boland Hamilton, res Long, Girard

Boland Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Boland,

Browneville Boland Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,



Boland Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Boland,


Boland Walter, bds 524 3d ave

Boland Wm H, farmer, res Cemetery, Browneville

Boland W, mech Columbus Iron Wks

Bolding John, c, farmer, res 1011 7th ave

Bonton James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Booher Miss Laura, res 902 Broad

Booker Beele, c, res 713 8th ave

Booker Miss Bessie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res

Summerville, Browneville

Booker Leslie, elk Williams Bros, res Summerville rd, f mile,


Booker L Judge, res Summerville, Browneville

Booker Miss Nannie, wks J Kyle & Co, res Summerville,

Browneville 'Booker Wm, c, hoemkr E D Belton, c, res Front bet 5th and


THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments


Georgia Steam m Gas Pipe Co. Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for


Wills and Factories a specialty. 1035 Broad Street.



Boon J Wilson, dyer Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2136 2d ave Boone Mrs Dedie, dressmkr, res 1620 1st ave Booth C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Booth Miss Della, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Marshall cor Abert, Browneville
Booth Miss Helen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Marshall, cor Abert, Browneville
ro Booth John E (Blanchard, Booth & Huff) .res 1402 5th ave Booth Louisa, c, res 828 4th ave Booth Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Ge Booth Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Mar shall cor Abert, Browneville Booth Robert, c, waiter Abraham Hlges, res 410 16th Booth Samuel, lab, res 404 5th ave Booth Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 49 Van Buren, Browneville Booth Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 48 Van Buren, Browneville Booth Zacharias, sewing machine agent, res Crawford road N Girard Borders Gibson, c, drayman Standard Oil Co, res 1528 4tli ave Borham Cattis, e, barber R Watkins Boring George W, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Bostick James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browneville Boswell Cooper, c, lab, res 1003 7th ave Boughton John F (Boughton & Co), bds Hotel Riddle Boughton Miss Julia (Boughton & Co), bds Hotel Riddle Boughton <fc Co (John F & Miss Julia M Boughton) milli nery, 1133 Broad Boutwell Mary (wid Willis), res Railroad, Browneville Bout-well Mary L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad, Browneville Bouyer Madison, c, carp, res Bottom nr YVynnton Bowden John, wood, 10th ave cor G M & G R R, res same Bowen Elizabeth (wid John) res 400 4th ave Bowen Thomas A, blksmith C R R, res 701 2nd ave

Furniture of all kinds a. f. gibson & co.

>216 and >218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

Is a Perfect Livery, Sale and Feed Stable.


Jl. L. POLK & CO.'S

Bowers Guyton' M", confectionery, fruits and to}'s, 1144 Broad, res Wynnton (See p 50)
Bowers Lloyd G jr, cotton buyer, s s 12th 3 w of Broad, resWynnton
Bowers Lloyd G, elk freight depot C R E, bds Wynnton Bowles Augustus C, elk Wm MuncTay. res 10 6th
Bowles Reuben, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1923 2nd ave
Bowman Richard A, genl sec Y M C A, bds 1036 4th ave
Bowren George W, mechanic, res Marshall, Browneville Boyce Frank (W B Boyce & Bros), res 12424 Broad Boyce Mrs Mary, saleslady W B Boyce, res 1242^- Broad Boyce Wm B (W B Boyce & Bro), 1242^ Broad Boyce W B & Bro (Wm B & Frank Boyce), confectionery and
fruits, 1246 Broad Boyd Alexander M, carp, res Collins, Browneville Boyd Alice, c, domestic Solomon. Loeb
Boyd Henry, farmer, res 3d* ave-bet 21st and 22d Boyd John, res 406 8th Boykin John, c, porter Kern & Loch Boykin Solomon, c, porter Kern & Loeb Boynton Elijah, wks Muscogee Oil Co Boynton Willard LI, mail carrier 1st dist,, res-1325 Broad Bozeman Blanche, wks Swift Mfg Co Bozeman J Frank, yard master C R.R, res 6th ave bet 8th and
Bozeman W Van. lab C R R, res 912 13th Bracely Richard, c, lab, res 510 5th. ale Brackston John, c, lab, res 5th bet 5th and 6th ave Brackston Sophia, c, res 5th bet 5th and 6th ave Bradfield Berry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 25 Forsyth,
Browneville Bradfield George, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Bradfield Mrs Malissa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bradfield Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 25
Forsythe, Browneville Bradford Charles, mechanic, res Collins, Browneville

Aenclaclier $ Freer, MERCHANT TAILORS AND'


112& Bao-xiS'St.


Woolwine High School, Teaches fhal Policing Degrades Both Teacher and Pupil. NASHVILLE, TENN. (See p 8*



Bradford George A, tel 159, druggist 8 12th, res 1445 2d ave Bradford J, wks Columbus Iron Wks
Bradford Mark A, Mnfr Saddles and Harness 1122 Broad, res 1016 3d ave (See adv p 51)
Bradford Margaret (wid James E), res 301 10th Bradford R H, wks Columbus Iron Wks
Bradley Caroline, c, res 729 6th ave Bradley Ezekiel J, elks F G Jenkins & Co, bds S28 3d ave Bradley Forbes, res 1235 3d ave Bradley Mrs Georgia, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res 16
9th Bradley Solomon, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bradley Win C, tel 49 (Carter & Bradley), res 1321 3d ave Bradley Win W, elk Max Banner, res 16 \Y 9th Brady Miss Annie (Misses M and A Brady), bds 19 10th
Bradv Miss Bridget, saleslady Misses M and A Brady, res 19 10th
Brady John H, elk R S Crane, res 526 1st ave Brady Miss Maggie (Misses M and A Brady), bds 19 10th Brady Michaei J, salesmansRichard Deignan, res 634 2d ave Brady Misses M & A (Misses Maggie and Annie), millinery
i119 Broad Brady Miss Nellie, .milliner Misses M A x\. Brady, res 19 10th Brady Patrick, r& 19 10th
Brady Mrs Patrick, bds 19 10th Rrakefield Miss Ellen, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1324 6th ave Brand Joseph G W, elk J Id Rumsey, res Browneville Brannan ^Richard, dry goods, boots, shoes and grocer, 1011
Brand, rooms 10094 Broad Bramyon Alexander M (U II Smith & Co and Brannon & Car
bon), res 1124 3d ave Brandon David, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Branhion Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bruiimon Win H (Peabody Brannon & Hatcher), President
Merchants and Mechanics Bank and President Columbus
fertilizer Co, bds Rankin House Brannon Wm H jr. elk Merchants and Mechanics Bank, bds
1(124 3d ave

HousKoSi99" |?hd s"-`ntal Painter

Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every business.

hhhhhhmmmkMM MHHl

G. E. THOMAS.. Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City. lOlO Broad Street.


E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Brannon A Carson, tel 22, (Alexander M Brannon and Robert A Carson), whol and retail drugs, 1037 Broad
Bransford Charles D, bkpr George W Scott Mfg Co, bds 1247 5th ave
Brasch Callie, folder Enquirer-Sun, res 5th.ave m e Gor9th Brasch Charles E, stationery eng C R R, res-900 5th;ave Brasch Charles W, mach C R R, bds 900 5Hh;twe Brasch John, wks Chattahoochee Knitting (Go Brasch Wm, wks Chattahoochee Knitting<Co Braswell Wm, wks Pearce Factory, res Broadnax N Girard Brasziel see also Brazil
Brasziel Miss Linn, wks Eagle < SRhenix Mfg Co, bds 1308 Broad
Brasziel Sarah (wid Marion), res 1308-f Broad
Bray Bartow, wks Eagle tfe Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville, Brow'nevilte
Bray Charles W, collector A G Rhodes &, Co, res 1100 oth ave
Bray Miss Clara, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 3d ave bet 21st and 22d
Bray Dock, c, wks T L Gruzard
Bray Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bray Fanny, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C o, res Summerville,
Bray George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, re.? 3d ave bet 21st and 22d
Bray tRLenorry <C, dVks Clegg Mfg Co, res 3d ave bet 2! 1st and 22d Bray Miss Jennie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3d ave bet 21st
and 22d
Bisay John, wks Clegg MfgtCo, bds 3d ave bet 21st and 22d Bray Miss Lizzie, vrks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 3d ave bet 21st and
Bray Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browneville
Bray Pinkie, vyks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Bray Richard, c, waiter A G Redd
Bray Wm, fireman C R R, res Broad, Girard Brazil see also Brasziel

Hall & Wheat, Prescription Druggists

1016 and 1142 BROAD STREET..

Only Night Beil in ciitv.



Telephone 104.




Brazil John, elk Rankin house, bds same

Bresniham John J, bkkpr M T Bergan, bds 630 3rd ave

Brewer A D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneviille

Brewer Harry S., collector, bds 833 2nd ave

Brewer Joseph C, elk H F Everett, res 833 2nd ave

Brewer J E, bds 828 3rd ave

Brewer L, wks Brownes steam cotton mills

Brewer Robert T, adv mangr Columbus Ledger, res 1221 4th


Bridges Lucky, c, lab Columbus R R Co

Bridges Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Briggs George W, merchandise broker, 10th cor C R R res 303


Bright Henderson, c, lab, res 935 6th ave

Brigman Miss Mollie, seamstress Columbus Clothing Co, res

Sanford rd Girard

Brim-eon Eliza, domestic J S Harrison

Brinson Carey 0 bkkpr Cooper & Howard, res Hamilton

ave Rose Hill

{Britt Bethena, (wid Wm D), res 1605 2nd ave

EBritt James M, elk J W Cargill, bds 514 11th


Miss Wm

E, R,

wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co huckster, stall 30 City Market,



Bfittingham George W, moulder, res 1st ave bet 20th & 21st

Brittingham James, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1st ave bet 20th &


Brittingham Lewis, contractor, bds 728 1st ave

Brittingham Lucy, wks Muscogee mfg Co

Brittingham Nelson, supervisor M & G & C <fc R R Rs, res Rail-

read, S Girard

Brittingham T C, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Brittingham Wm A, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1st ave bet 20th

and 21-st

Britton George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,


Britton James (Marchant & Britton), ires Broad, Browneville

Britton James jr, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,




TION. OfTce 1246 6lh ave.

Telephone 84.

Clocks and Bronzes, C. SCHOMBURG, 1115 Broad Street. (Seep 2)


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Britton Miss Jennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,



Britton Lena, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Britton Nancy (wid Wm),res Broad, N Girard

Britton Stella, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Britton Wm, Dyer, res 1708 1st ave

Broad Street M E Church South, Rev J D Maulden pastor,

Broad bet 13th and 14th

Brock John F, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 1536 1st ave

Brock Mrs Lula, elocutionist Wynnton High School, res 1536 1st ave

Brock Queenie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Brock Sarah Anne (wid Benjamin) bds 1536 1st ave

Brock Mrs W A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Brockway Charles, elk Central Hotel, bds same

Broda Jacob, elk Mrs Rose Broda, res 313 14th

Broda Mrs Rose, grocer, dry goods and saloon, Broad cor War

ren, res 315 14th

Brodnax Emanuel, c, lab, res Booneville nr Wynnton

Brodnax Emily, c, nurse J A Kirven

Brodnax G Emmett, bill elk So Plow Co, res 537 Broad

Brodnax James M, elk Thomas Chaffin, res 537 Broad
Brookens Rev Madison D, pastor St Mark A M E

Church, res 2nd ave cor 6th

Brooks Alexander, c, lab, res 424 5th ave

Brooks Alexander S, jailor county jail, res 10th cor 7th ave

Brooks Anna, c, res 837 4th ave

Brooks Benjamin F, shoe rnakr, Broadnax nr Bridge, res Bo

land, Browneville

Brooks Miss Carrie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res


Brooks Edwin, c, brickmason, res 732 5th ave

Brooks Eliza, c, domestic A W Cozart

Brooks Francis M, (Tel 63) ordinary Muscogee County,

Court House, res 1138 Front

Brooks F B, engr Muscogee Oil Co, bds 616 Broad

Brooks Isaac C (O'Neal & Brooks), res 732 4th ave

Brooks Isaac T, grocer, Lumpkin road, Wynnton, res same



21 10th STREET.




Brooks Isham, farmer, res Wynnton Brooks John, lab, res 429 5th ave
Brooks John, c, porter O'Neal & Brooks, res Rose Hill Brooks John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Browneville Brooks Joseph H, general store Buena Vista rd 2-f miles, res
Brooks Miss Josephine, teacher Boys' Public School, bds 204 11th
Brooks Mary, c, res 1336 5th ave Brooks Oland, news boy, bds 827 Front Brooks Samuel, c, lab. res 1336 5th ave Brooks "Sandy, c, lab, res 409 5th ave
Brooks Stephen S, patternmkr Columbus Iron Wks, res 601 Broad
Brooks Susan, c, res 732-5th ave Brooks Walter W, bill elk M T Bergan, bds 525 2d ave Broughton Burtheney (wid James), res Long, Girard Broughton Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,
Broughton James, confectionery 1346 Broad, res Girard Broughton Miss Katie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Broughton Miss M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Browdy Jacob, clothing and men's furnishing goods 1013
Broad, bds Veranda House
Brown Abraham, c, section hand M & G R R, res Court trill. S
Girard Brown Abraham, c, lab, res Linwood Brown Alexander, c, lab, res 723 6th ave Brown Alonzo, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Brown Anderson, c, wks Mack Carpenter, res 536 2d ave Brown Anna, c, res 730 5th ave Brown Arthur, c, lab, res Brannan's Quarters, Girard Brown Arthur P (A P Brown & Co), res 936 5th ave Brown A P & Co. (Arthur P Brown), racket-store 1147 Broad Brown Miss Bettie, teacher Girls' Public School, res 914 Broad Brown Miss Birdie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Girard Brown Calvin, carp, res 623 4th ave Brown Mrs Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

T. L. Gruzard Paints and Hardware.



H. LEQUIM watches, 1034 BROAD STREET.
Brown Charles, farmer, res Wynnton Brown Charles, carp-, Eagle &;Phenix,Mfg CoBrown Charles S, mach, res-Broad, N Girard Brown Clara (wid Henry), res 817 Front Brown Clark,, res BYoudim* cor Gayle N Girard Brown David, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 5 wr of
Broad Brown David, c, lab, res 1545 5th. Brown Ellen, c, laundress,, res* 529" 5th ave Brown Miss Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Brown Fanny (wid ffm), wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 11th 5 w
of Broad Brown George W, sec and trea Southern Plow Co, res 541
Broad Brown Miss Georgia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short
nr Dillingham Brown Flattie, c, laundress, res 313-9th Brown Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 11th 3 w of
Broad Brown Henry, c, blacksmith, Dillingham nr Front, res 712 9th Browm Henry, c, lab, res Linwood Brown Rev Henry L, pastor Primitive Baptist church,, res* 881
7th ave Brown Henry T, elk Howard's stable, res 1601 3d* awe Brown House, Mrs Carrie Lawrence, propr, Broad cor lOtih Brown James, c, drayman J H Edwards Brown James H, wks Eagle & Phenix warehouse, res 824 2d
ave Brown Jane, c, chambermaid steamer Fannie Fearn, res 19|
Dillingham Brown Jesse, farmer, res CraAvford road ^ mile Girard Brown John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham Brown -John, c, wks C & W R R, res rear 1321 3d ave Brown John, c, lab, res rear 741 Front Brown Joseph, c, lab, res 507 4th ave Brown Julia, c, res 7th bet 3d and 4th ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe.

1035 Broad St.



Brown Justinian, Woodyard Broadnax cor Gayle N Girard, res same
Brown J, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Brown Levonia, domestic A A Dozier
Brown Miss Lilia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Girard Brown Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 5 w
of Broad Brown Louisa, e, cook H M Howard
Brown Miss Mamie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Girard Brown Martha, c, laundress, res 1906 2d ave Brown Mary, c, laundress, res 1517 5th ave Brown Miss Mary D, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Walton,
Brown Miss Mattie, private school, Broadnax cor Gayle N Girard, res same
Brown Nancy A (wid G W), res Walton, Browneville Brown Miss Nellie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Brown Nettie, c, laundress, res 1545 5th ave Brown Rhoda, c, domestic J T Holtzclaw Brown Rosa, c, laundress, res Booneville nr Wynnton Brown Sallie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Brown Samuel, c, lab, res 508 2nd ave Brown Sarah, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hill Brown Miss Sarah L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Walton,
Browneville Brown Sidney, c, res 821 6th ave Brown Susan, c, res 426 3rd ave
Brown Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 5 w of Broad
Brown Wm, farmer, res Wynnton Brown Wm, c, wks J H Edwards, res Bottom, Wynnton Brown Wm Gr (Kimbrough & Brown), res Jackson,
Browneville Brown Wm R, teacher, res N Girard Brown Wm R pres Brush Electric Light & Power Co, Colum
bus Iron Wks Co & So Plow Co, res 914 Broad Browne H Glover, Supt Browne's Steam Cotton Mill, bds 1342
2nd ave

Mattresses at Wholesale, a. f. Gibson & co. 1216.and 1218 Broad St (Seep 3)


The Empire Stables Is Best Place for Dealers in Lire Stocfc

K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Browne J Rhodes, pres The National Bank of Columbus

and the Ga Home Ins Co and propr Browne's Steam Cotton Mill, res 1342 2nd ave

Browne Rhodes, local agt The Ga Home Ins Co, bds 1342 2nd ave

Browne Steam Cotton Mill, J Rhodes Browne propr, H

Glover Browne, supt, 1st ave bet 13th and 14th

Browneville Academy, c, Columbus S Giddens principal Bern ton nr Boyd, Browneville

Browneville Bavarian Brewery, Weilaner & Ivoenneker, proprs, Boyd nr Gayle, Browneville

Browneville Depot, C & W R R, J F Hall depot agt, S Rail road cor Marshall

Browneville Post Office (See Livdy pod office)

Browneville Public School, John R Page principal, Muffin nr S Railroad, Browneville

Browning Edward, car inspector C R R

Browning John, carp G M & G R R, res 7th bet 5th and 6th ave

Bruce Miss Belle, dressmakr, bds 623 4th ave

Bruce Henry, bkkpr Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, res 151:6 Front

Bruce Robert J (W W Bruce & Son) bds 1329 Broad

Bruce Win W (W W Bruce & Son) res 1329 Broad

Bruce W W & Son (Wm W & Robert J Bruce), physicians, 1123J- Broad

Brunson Caleb, c, lab, res 407 1st ave

Brush Electic Light & Power Co, W R Brown pres, IV A Swift

sec and treas, Samuel A Tice electrician, Front at Musco

gee Mfg Co


Bryan Sallie (wid Rountree), res 2J4- 9fh

Bryant Alerick, mechanic, res 630 3rd ave

Bryant Augustus, c, hacfetnan, res 413 loth

Bryant Edward, c, blksmith, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Bryant Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Bryant Fannie, cook Mrs W A Davis

Bryant Gracie, c, domestic C R Russell

Bryant Hal T, elk Richard Howard, res 1332 1st ave Bryant John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

ftenchbacher & Freer, miller's hats


1129 Broad St. (See p 2)

WQOLWINE HIGH SCHOOL Impresses upon all pupils the re

sponsibilities of manhood and wo


manhood, and a devotion to duty.





eatt Bryant Lee, c, porter J H Connor <fc Co, res 2d: ave

Bryant Matthew, c, lab Columbus R R Co

2nj Bryant Thomas, driver Columbus R R Co, res Abert, Browne-


. ji Bryant Thomas, carp, res 18 Rose Hill

Bryant Thomas B, plumber, bds 617 Broad

3eB. Bryant Thomas M, pilot steamer Paetolus, res 617 Broad

Bryant ffm, c, lab, res 5th nve bet 6th and 7th

,pB Buchanan, Cicero H, mach Golden Bros, res Broad, Browne-


Buchanan Dora, wks Swift Mfg'Go

Buchanan Edward W, carp, res Linwoocl

Buchanan J L, wks Eagle & Phenix Kffg Co

r,, Buchanan Lucinda, c, domestic S S Brooks

Buchanan Mary, wks Swift Mfg Co

Buchanan Mrs Matilda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

r, Buchanan Samuel W, mach Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res In-

gersoll. Browneville

- Buford Benjamin, rycook, res 1383 6th ave

Buford Martin, lab, res 710 9th

Buford Wm, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Bugman Miss B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

. Buhler Louis (Louis Buhler & Co), res 307 10th

Buhler Louis & Co (Louis Buhler, Leopold Lowenthal), tel

132, whol cigars, tobacco, wines and liquors, 1022 Broad

Bull Robin, c, lab, res 1416 5th ave

" Bullard Alfred, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Bullard Benjamin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Bullard Catharine, wks Swift Mfg Co

Bullard Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Bullard Pass, wks Browns steam cotton mill

Bullard Philip, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Bullard Samantha, c, domestic lJ H Walker

Bullard Warren, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1341 Oth ave

Bullard Wm L, oculist and aurist, 10354 Broad, bds 1418 4th


Bullen Alfred, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

C. EJ YOTTIsrO, Please forward plan's, and 1 will furn-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 I2th street.

ing,` Carpentering and Repairing.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Bullen Benjamin, c, wks Eagle & Pbenix Mfg Co, bds 1036 6tb
ave Bullet Miss Maggie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Bullet Warren,,wks Muscogee Mfg Co* res Browneville Bullock Francis, c, laundress, res 6tb ave bet 4th and 5th Bullock Osborn C (Bullock & Shreve), sale stable 926 Broad,
res 106 9th Bullock Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Bullock Wm, asst librarian Public Library, res 1st ave bet 7th
and 8th Bullock & Shreve (0 C Bullock and Thomas C Shreve),-live
stock, 926 Broad Burden Thomas, c, lab, res 524 4th ave Burden Rev Wm, c, res 524 4th ave Burke Miss A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Burke Edward, c, waiter Hotel Riddle Burke Mrs Fannie R, dressmkr 1234-f. Broad, res same Burke G W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Burke John W, elk T F Farley, fles 1234| Broad Burke Miss Lena, dressmkr Mrs F R Burke, res 1234-^ Broad
Burke Miss O, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Burke Susie, wks Swift Mfg Go Burke Wna J, carp,re^McC Ulster, Browneville Burks Angebne (wld George), res Benton, Browneville
Burks Mary, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Burnett Eugene P, bkpr Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, res
1430 Broad Burnett Jefferson, elk freight depot C R R, res 1104 5th ave Burnett Lee, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Marshall, Browneville
Burnett Matilda, wks Swift Mfg Co Burney John, brickmason, res Cooleyville Burnham Charles R, mailing elk postofflee, bds 432 2d ave Burnham Theodore, bkpr Columbus Clothing Co, res 434 2d
ave Burns Alexander, watchman C & W R R, res Talbotton ave,
Rose Hill Burns Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Burns Miss Eugeni, wks Eagle &'Phenix Mfg Co

HALL & WHEAT Prescr`Ption Druggists

ioi6 and H42 broad street.

Only Night Bell in the eityv



Burns John, steward Rankin House, bds same

Burns Morris A, meat market, stall 9 city market, res 4th ave

bet 7th and 8th

Burns Peter, butcher, res 735' 4th awe

Burns Peter L, meat market,.stall! 12 city market, res Crawford

road, Girard, 1^ mile

Burns Wm, cr wks Columbus Iron Wks

Burnside Miss Fannie, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Cem

etery, Brownville

Burrus Dora (wid Wrm), res 1009 5th ave

Barrus Felix H, bkpr Blanchard, Humber & Co, res 1014 5th

ave Btsrrus George;, c, cook Alfred Murray, res 7th bet 3d and 4th

are Buarus George' E( elk Carter & Bradley, bds 1014 5th ave

Burrus-George J, elk T M Foley, res 16 9th

BUrrus Jacob' Gi, Sheriff Muscogee county and auctioneer F M

Knowles & Coj res 1014 5th ave Burrus Lawrence M, wks Chattahoochee Nat Bank, bds 738

Brood! Burrus Miss Maggie, millinery, bds Marshall nr Abert, Browne-

ville Burrus Mrs Martha D, res Marshall nr Abert, Browneville

Burrus Mary Ann (wid L M), res 738 Broad

Burrus Susie W (wid P H), tel 72, res 1501 1st ave

Burt Amanda, c, laundress, res 6th ave bet 6th and. 7th)

Burt Lou, c, res Booneville nr Wynnton

Burton Alexander F, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1413 6thi ave

Burton Mrs Ella, dressmkr, res Forsyth, Browneville

Burton Filmore, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwoodi Burton James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Coj. res Wilkins,.


!c Burton Jessie, wks Swift Mfg Co Burton Miss Mamie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res For-


syth, Browneville

Burton Martin R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Wilkins,.

Browneville Burton Matilda C (wid James), res Wilkins, Browneville


Ceiling, Flooring,. Weatherboard-
i ng, T Brla_c1k_ etU s,iPnilcrkaeitns, M Afaannltoellfsl, AX'tCe.

Office, 1243 6th, ave,

Telephone 84.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Burton Nora, c, res 811 6th ave Burton Sallie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Burts Morris, carrier Columbus Ledger, bds 1415 3<d ave Burts Sarah (wid DH), res 1415 3d ave Bush Charles, mech T L Gruzard Bush Clarence P, bkpr Joel Bush, bds 2d ave cor 5th Bush Emily, c, res Marshall, Browneville Bush Henry, mech T L Gruzard Bush Holmes, elk, bds 2d ave eor 5th Bush Joel, tel 153, hardware and agricultural implements 1009
Broad, res 2d ave cor 5tli Bush J Will, elk Lewis & Gregory, bds 906 4th ave Bush Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 5 s
of 11th Bush Thomas, cotton buyer, res 906 4th ave Bussey Arthur, supt factory Columbus Fertilizer Co, bds 1331
4th ave Bussey Catharine R (wid Nathan), res 217 12th Bussey Edwin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bussey Green, c, lab, res 834 7th ave Bussey Henry C, propr Columbus Transfer Co, res 1542 3d ave Bussey Hezekiah, genl mngr and sec Columbus Fertilizer Co,
res 1331 4th ave Bussey John, c, porter Thornton & Cameron, res rear 219 4th
ave BuSsey Malinda, c, domestic C J Thornton Bussey Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Bussey Nathan J, mngr director Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go, res
1542 3d ave Bussey Pauline, c, domestic J T Lloyd Bussey Samuel H, drayman, res Hamilton ave, Rose Hill Bussey Wm W, assistant cashier Eagle & Phenix Savings
Bank, res 1213 4th ave Bustin Miss Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard Butler Adeline, c, domestic R Id Harris Butler Mrs Catherine, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Butler Charles, brickmason, res 533 4th ave Butler Miss Eddie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson,
T. J. HUNT, Ladies7 and Gents Boots and Shoes 21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS, Keep in stock Pipe, Pipe Fittings. Globe and Check Valves, Injectors, Sec. Telephone 154.



Butler Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard
Butler Evaline (wid John), res Jackson, N Girard Butler Jane (wid Wm), bds 809 Front Butler Jesse L, mail carrier 4th district, res 809 Front Butler John, c, porter Weisiger Bros, res 3d ave bet. 22d. and
23d Butler John C, bds 809 Front Butler Joseph, c, hackman, res 400 2d ave Butler Mrs Kate, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg. Go,, res Jackson^
Browneville Butler Mattie, wks Browne's steam. cotton mill; Butler Nancy, c, res 700 6th ave Butler Priscilla, c, domestic J Hi Palmer Butler Susie, wks Browne's steam.cotton mill Butler Wm H, bds 809 Front Butts Charles, c, lab Colunab-us Barrel Mfg Co Butts Cornelia, domestic W S Wells Butts J J, tel 148, Drugs and Phys:cian 823 oth are-, res 82
5th ave
Byington Edward T (E T Byington & Co), res 1009^.
Broad Byard George, wks Eagle & Phenix Co
Byington, Mrs Elia (E T Byington & Co)r res 10094.
Byington E T & Co. (Edward T and Mrs Elia, Byington),.
Proprs and Publishers Columbus Ledger, 1009^ Broad
(Seep 46)
Byrd see also Bird Byrd Henry jr, c, waiter Rankin House-,, res- Bottom, nr Wynn-
ton Byrd Henry sr, c, cook,, res Bottom nr Wynnton Byrd Mahulda (wid Frankln), boarding,, al bet VanBuren and.
Jackson, Girard Byrd Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg GoByrd Nancy (wid John), res Broadnax n Girard
Byrum J T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Ccc







R. L. POLK & CO.'S


Cade Clarence, elk C P Gray & Co, bds 502 Broad Cade Julius A, planter, res 502 Broad Cadenhead B T. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cadenhead Iverson, driver, res Gayle, Browneville Cadenhead, Miss Dollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cadenhead Leeland T, farmer, res Jackson N Girard Cadenhead Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cadenhead Miss Tye, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cadenhead Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery,
Browneville Cain James, brickmason, bds 1520 1st ave Cain Miss Katie, res VanBuren, Browmeville Gain Lena, wks Swift Mfg Co Cain Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Claldwefl! EMradge E, ca^p Harvey & Dudley, res 20 9th Caldwell E A (wad .avid E), tree 221 Sttfa Caldwell John W, <elk Central hotel, bds same Caldwell Joseph, c, lab Berry's brickyard, res 818 7th ave Caldwell Miss Lucy, dressmkr, res 221 `.9th Caldwell Miss Rebecca, dressmkr, res 221 9th Calhoun George B, fireman CRR, res 1020 5th ave Calhoun Henry, c, switchman C & S E, res 8th .ave bat -8fh
and 9th Calhoun James, c, wks Berry's brickyard Calhoun James A, elk C A Klink, bds 824 1st ave Calhoun Wm, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Primrose Hill, N -"Girard Calhoun Wm, c, porter C Schomburg, bds 606 4th;ave Callahan A. Riley, machinist, res 612 Froast Calloway Andrew, c, lab, res 501 4tih ;ave Calloway Benjamin, c, brakeman C & W R R, Calloway David, c, lab, res 72 9th Calloway Henry., c, lab Empire Mills Calloway John, c, lab Empire Mills Calloway Josephine, c, res 410 8th Calloway Maggie, res 410 8th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

Georgia steam k Gas Pijie Co. Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe.

1036 Broad St.



Calloway Mary J (wid James), res Railroad ave, Burnsville Calloway Roddy, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Calloway Willis, c, carp, res 3d ave bet 26th and 21st Cameron Henry C (Thornton & Cameron), res 1409 Broad
Cameron James, pedler, bds 843 Front Cameron Jolm W, physician 1002 Broad, res 1028 4th ave Cameron Wm, wks Columbus .Bagging Mill, res Girard Camp Holland, wks Columbus Barrel Factory, bds 12th cor
10th ave Camp Leon A (tel 93), pass agt W Ry of Ala 1142 Broad, res
1222 4th ave Campbell Anna, domestic Charles Philips Campbell Bettie, c, res 736 5th ave Campbell David, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Campbell Rev Jesse H, res 136 14th Campbell Minerva, c, laundress, res 631 3d ave Campbell M Bennet, -elk Chancellor & Pearce, bds 738 Broad Campbell Wm J, canvasser Singer Mfg Co and grocer 30117th,
res 2111 3d ave Campbellite Church, Rev James M Denson, pastor, Broadnax,
N Girard Campfield Alexander, bkpr, res Moody, Browneville Candler George L, chief elk supt C & W Div C R R, bds 1333
3d ave Cane Nellie, c, boarding, 20 w 10th Canion James, c, hackman, res 705 6th ave Cannady see also Kannady and Kennedy Cannady Gallic, r, domestic W A Carter
Cannady Marshall, lab, res 712 9th Cannady Moses, c, wks Cotton Seed Oil Wks, res rear 1020 5th
ave Cannadav Wm, r, huckster stall 10 city market, res Wvnnton
Cantrell Miss Birdie, res 212 7th Cantrell Terrell A, tel 128, genl merchandise, Wynnton road
at city limits, res 730 3d ave Cantrell V Rufus (V R Cantrell & Co), res 708 2d ave Cantrell V R & Co (V Rufus Cantrell and John W Rodgers),
grocers and saloon Lumpkin road cor 10th ave

Mattress Factory. Mattresses of all lcimls made to order at 1210 and 12518 Broad Street. (See p 3)

mSMM (mm

The Empire Stables DealTM! u


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Canty Amanda, c, teacher 6th ave public school, res 632 4th ave
Canty Amelia W, c, teacher 6th ave public school, c, res 632 4th ave
Canty Viola, c, teacher, res 630 4th ave Canty Win, c, teacher, res 628 4th ave
Capps Wm M (Harrison & Capps), res Marshall, Browneville Carden Daniel, res Front 3 s of 11th
Carden Genie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsvth, Lively Carden George W, carp Harvey & Dudley, res Abert, Browne
Carden Hampton, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth, Browneville
Carden Miss Jane, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Carden J L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C
Carden Miss Luara, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Carden Mrs Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front 3 s
of 11th
Carden Mary, wks Poarcefe Factory Carden Wm B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Cardwell James- A,..wagomyard. and drav line 1412 1st we, res
123 18th.
Cargill Edwin K, bkpr A G Rhodes & Co, res 801 2d ave Cargill E Barney, butcher McCollister & Knolls, res Collins.
Lively Cargill Frank L, bds801 2d ave Cargill George W, dry goods 1206 Broad, res Rose Hill Cargill James A, salesman J E Cargill, bds 801 2d ave Cargill James E, dry goods, 1134 Broad res 3-109 2d ave Cargill John S, cotton merchant, res 801 2d ave Cargill John W, grocer,. 1 shave coni 1th,res 514 11th Carley Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Carlin Edward, c, sawver T L Gruzard, res 3d ave bet 19th and
Carlisle Wm, watchman chain-gang, res-408 4th ave Carlson Isabella, (wid John A), res 936 5th ave Carpenter Charles* cy lab Columbus R R Co Carpenter Charles E7 pilot Steamer Thronateeska,. res 19 9th

Aenchbaclier & Preer, Furnishing Goods,

' 1129. Broad Street.

(See p 2)

Woolwine High School Teaches fidelity to duty, love of right, respect for property


and a reverence for old age.



Carpenter Miss Dollie, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co res River Browneville
Carpenter Ebenezer D, pilot Steamer Fannie Fearn, res S23 Front
Carpenter John, c, lab, res 323 13th Carpenter Mack, fish and oysters 1st ave opp Market House,
res Front bet Dillingham and 10th Carpenter Miss Maurice, res 715 2d ave Carr Alice; c, laundress, res Marshall, Browneville Carr Amy,,a,.laundress, res Bridge, Girard Carr Jennie;, c; res 828 4th ave Carraway Thomax X, train hand C & W R R, rooms 6th ave
beti14 th and 15th Carroll Easter (wid Jesse), res Jackson X Girard Carroll Charles A, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Carroll Miss Francis, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Jackson, N
Girard Carroll! James R, tailor Aenchbacher & Preer bds Central
Hotel CarrolT Sarah (wid John), res 104 15th
Carson John, c, lab, res Cooleyville Carson Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Carson Robert A, treas Y M C A (Brannon & Carson and U
H Smith & Co), res 1124 3d ave Carter Albert, c, porter Thomas Names, res 700 9th Carter Amanda, c, laundress, res 414 16th Carter Cornelius, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Carter Ella, c.: lhundress, res 1637 5th ave Carter Elvira, domestic J C McKee Carter Emanvrel, cT lab, res 1607 4th ave Carter Erasmus I, salesman J E Deaton, bds Veranda houseCarter James, e, brickmason, res 3d ave bet 21st and 22d Carter Jane, c, res 700 9th Carter Lucy, domestic Mrs E H Bedell Carter Manning, c, drayman, res rear 906 4th ave Carter Mary, c, laundress, res 329 18th Carter Mattie, c, res 836 4th ave Carter Patsy, c, laundress, res Bottom nr AVynnton Hill


House. Sign and Ornamental Mo. 9 12th Street.


Advertisingirrall Its branches. Estimates omconiracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every

G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothin^
lOlO Broad Street.

It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Carter Robert (tel 61), drugs 1137 Broad, res Wynnton

Carter Robert E, with Robert Carter, res Wyant-on

Carter Russell, c, lab res Girard

Carter Samuel A (Carter & Bradley), res 1233-3d ave

Carter Willis C, c, shoemkr 1043 1st ave, res 4th ave cor 23d

Carter Rev W A, pastor First Presbyterian church, res 1029

4th ave

Carter & Bradley (tel 71), (Samuel A Carter and Wm C Brad-

let7), cotton factors Fontaine warehouse, Front bet 10th

and 11th

Cartlen Wilson, r, lab, res Talbotten ave Rose Hill

Cartwright John, r, lab, res 5th bet 5th and `6th aye

Carwile Miss Bettie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1619 3d ave

Carwile Miss Mamie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1619

3d ave

Carwile St Juliem, baggage master C & WR R, res 1619 3d


Cary Miss Catherine, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 47

Van Buren Browneville

Cary Miss Eddie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 47 Van

Buren BrownevMe

Cary Edward, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 47 Van Buren


Cary Mrs Emma M,wee 800 Short

Cary Miss Genie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go, fods 47 Van

Buren Browneville

Cary Jacob, c, gardener, res 1036 6th :ve

Cary Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix: Mfg Co, bds 47 Van

Buren Browneville


Cary Miss Mamy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 47 Van

Buren Browneville

Cary Mollie, c, domestic G M Williams, res 6th ave bet 4th

and 5th

(Cary Miss Pearl, wks Eagle & Phenix ffifg Co

'Cary Walter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 47 Van Buren


Casey Daniel, brickinason, res 502 8th

Castin Alice, c, laundress, res Cooleyville

Wheat's Hail & MERAL WATERS On Draualit at

Drug Stores


j ample PROTECTION, {

Telephone 104,



Casting John, c, lab res Cooleyville

Castleberry Mrs Fannie, wks Eagle A Phenix M:fg G

Castleberry George, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Cater Mrs Mollie, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co

| Cater Wm, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co

1 Cates Miss A, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co

Cato Charles, c, helper C R R, res 826 4th ave

l Caverlv Charles E (Jones Bros A Caverly), bds 11th n e cor

Central Hotel, Mrs S E Chaffin,Propr, 1024 Broad

Central Line of Boats, (capital $50,000), Samuel J Whiteside,

propr; George B Whiteside, sec and treas, 150 W 9fh

Central R R Cotton Compress, C R R and Banking Co ot Ga,


proprs, 12th cor 8th ave

Central R R A Banking Co of Georgia (C AW Div), W H

McClintock, supt; D D Curran, master of trains;

J W Denting, ft and pass agent; J C Albrecht, master

mechanic, 12th bet 6th and 7th ave

Chadwick see also Shadwir.k

j Chadwick Alonzo, wks Harvey A Dudley, bds 1325 Broad

Chadwick Mary (wid Wyatt), res 1325 Broad

i Chadwick Oliver C, carp Burton, Browneville, res same

Chadwick Wm A, elk J M Fletcher A Son, bds 1325 Broad

Chaffin George D, bill elk ft depot C R R, res 632 Front

j Chaffin Mrs S E, propr Central hotel, res same

Chaffin Thomas, Books, Stationery and Musical Instru

ments 1124 Broad, bds 217 12th (See left ho tom lines)

i (Chaffin Thomas S, elk Thomas Chaffin, res 632 Front

(Chaffin Wm, bds 829 Front

j Chafin Edward B, res 1225 4th ave

Chafin Jane E (wid Dr T P), res 1225 4th ave

i (Chalmers George, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Broad, Girard

(Chalmers Euphemia (wid J G), res 813 2d ave

Chalmers George A, elk Richard Geeslin, bds 813 2d ave

Chalmers L Mozart (Martin A Chalmers), res Broad, Girard

Chalmers Wm E, elk T T Edmunds, res 636 1st ave

Champayne David W, Columbus Water Wks Co, res 215 11th

Harvey & Dudley,

3 TIN6ffice, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84.

C. Schomte Silrmare, .Spectacles aai. Optical: Goods,


_ O*

1115 Broad Streets (See p 2),


R- L. POLK & C02S~

Champion Fire Co No 6, c, John Bell, foreman, temporary quarters 1st aver nr market
Chancel Miss Mary, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1324 6th ave Chancellor A Clarendon (Chancellor & Pearce), res e s 3d ave
o s of 13th
Chabldg01 TllniaS' cIk J A Kirven & Co, rooms Gunby
Chancellor & Pearce, tel 111 (A C Chancellor and T J 1 earce), Clothing. Merchant Tailors and Gents Furnish ings 1135 Broad
Chaney Amos, c, waiter Epping House Chaney John, c, porter Joel Bush,, res- E2t-h bet 4'th and 5th-
Chaney Zacharias, c, porter W S Freeman,, res^ 6th ave bet 7tb and 8th
Channell Lewis, c, waiter Hotel Riddle, res 819 8th ave Channell Mattie, c, chambermaid Hotel Riddle Chapman Daniel M, carp Harvey & Dudley, res 740 2d awe* Chapman Jasper N, elk King & Daniel, res 1605 3d ave Chapman R E, stock deader,.bds Hotel Riddle Chapman Thomas, truv salesman G J Peacock, res 1402 4tll
ave Chappell E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Chappell John H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River
Browneville Chappell J. Harris, Principal Chappell's Seminary, res
lalbotton ave, Rose Hill (See p 52) Chappell Lucius H (Tel 25), Broker, Real Estate and In*
Agt 11004 Broad, res-Talbotton ave, Rose Hill (Tel 117) (See front cover andp JfT*) Chappell Mary, c, domestic L H Chappell Chappell Thomas J (Goetchius & Chappell), res Talbottonave, Rose Hill Chappell's Seminary, J Harris- Chappell, Principal, 1510) 2d ave Charles John E, elk Harvey & Dudley,, bds 1213 6th ave Chase George W, music teacher, res 220 10th Chase- Quinn,, c, wks Berry's brickyard'

Gold Loci Bal Shoes, TV HIXJNT?, 21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles *nd Evaporators and Gin Gearing. Telephone 154.



Chattahoochee "Building and Loan Assn, E L Wells pres, C B

Grimes sec and treas, 1137^ Broad

Chattahoochee Depot C & W R R, Mark Master ticket agent,

2d ave cor C & W R R Chattahoochee Knitting Co (tel 156), (cap $20,000),^ A C

Young pres, E T Colzey sec and treas, W H McKenzie

supt, A Q Montgomery civil engineer, Girard

Chattahoochee National Bank (Tel 6, Cap $100,000),

Henry H Epping. pres, Early II Epping cashier, 1205

Broad (See adv p 47) Chears Charles W, genl frt and pass agt G M & R R, room

2 Ga Home Bldg, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill

Cheek James H, Meat Market Stall 2 Rose Hill Market,

res 1925 2d ave Cheek John W, Propr Star Bottling Works, res 10th ave

nr Talbotton Rd, Rose Hill (See p 59)

Cheesman Berry, c, lab res 719 2d ave

Cheeves Aaron, c, lab res 5th ave, Rose Hill

Cheeves Ellen, c, domestic W R Cheeves

Chester Amanda, c, res Wynnton Hill

Chestnut Mrs Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Chestnut James, c. lab, res 1st ave bet 23d and 24th

Chestnut Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C'e

c Chestnut T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Chislev Berry, c, wks Jackson & Dryer, res 3d .ave bet 7th


and 8th

Christian Henry, c, driver, bds 1st ave rear Central hotel

[ Christian John, drayman, res Linwood Christian Lewis, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th

Christian Luke, c, wks F A Jepson, res 714 6th ave

Christopher J L, wks Columbus Iron M ks

Church Mrs O P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Church of the Holy Family, Rev Henry Schlenke, pastor, 12th

s w cor 4th ave City Cemetery, Abraham Odom sexton, 16th bet 6th and 10th

aves City Council Chamber, Court House City Court of Columbus, Porter Ingram Judge, meets quarterly




C. H. Leauin. Rin9s'Chaiiis- clocks




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

City Drug Store, (Tel 96), Hall & Wheat Proprs, 1142

Broad, (see left bottom lines)



City Hospital, Mrs Catharine Anderson matron, S Commons'

nr 3d ave

City Light Guards Armory, Webster bldg Broad cor 10th

City Mills, (Tel 19), George A Pearce, props* Corm andCorm I

Meal, 18th cor river


City Park, 8th and 10 ave bet 13th and 17th


Claflin School, c, R B Hodges, principal, Fannie- V C antev,.

Lolie A Mason, Mrs Julie A Ross assistants, 6th ave bet

15th and 16th

Claiborne Miss Sue, boarding, 1022 1st ave

Clancy Fannie, (wid John), res Broad Browneville

Claridy George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Claridy Mrs N, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Claridy Wm, Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Clark Ab, c, wks C R R Shops

Clark Allen, c, lab, res 20th s e cor 1st ave

Clark Amanda, c, laundress, res 5th bet 5th and 6th av'

Clark Amelia, c, domestic S N Jordon

Clark Andrew, c, lab, res 414 3d ave

Clark Anna, c, laundress, res 616 5th ave

Clark Mss Effie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg CoT res River Browne*


Clark Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Clark Frederick A, Treasurer Ga Steam and Gas Pispe

Co, bds 1227 3d ave

Clark Fillmore, c, lab, res 1533 4th ave

Clark Flora, c, domestic R B Murdock

Clark George, farmer, res Lawyers Lane, Wynnton

Clark Georgia, c, res 6th bet 3d and 4th ave

Clark Henry, c, lab, res 420 4th ave

Clark James, c, porter W D Scott, res 833 5th ave

Clark James C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River, Browne-


Clai-k Jane, c, laundress, res Browneville

Clark Jane, c, laundress, res 814 Short

Clark Jerre, c, wks J W Miller

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

k Georgia Steam Gas Pipe Co. Iron Purojjs and Fencing


Yard i-ountains; and Sprinklers.




I Clark Miss Lizzie, supt box factory Thomas Gilbert, bds 1219
2d ave Clark Malinda, c, domestic F M Brooks Clark Mary (wid Daniel D), bds G 19th Clark Moses, c, lab, res Lumpkin road, Cooleyviile Clark Paul, wks Columbus Iron Wks Clark Pinkie, c, laundress, res 615 6th ave lark Robert, c, wood cutter, res Browneville Clark Robert, c, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 1819 2d ave Clark Sarah A (wid Benjamin L), res River, Browneville ' Clark Miss Unie C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River,
Browneville Clark Wm L, pres Muscogee Mutual and Columbus Mutual
Loan Associations, res 1227 3d ave Clay Edwin, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, bds 817 Front Clay James B, carp, res Girard Clay John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 817 Front Clay Miss M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Clay Thomas J, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard Clay Mrs Victoria, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1609 1st
ave Clayton Amos, lab, res 23 St Johns Clayton Creed F, carp, res Broadnax, N Girard ie Clayton Mrs Frances E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Broadnax, N Girard Clayton James, mechanic T L Gruzard ^ Clayton James T, grocer 3d ave bet 16th and 17th, ies same Clayton Joseph A, extra messenger So Exp Co, bds 11th s w
cor 6th ave Clayton Miss Mary J, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N
Girard Clayton Robert, c, lab C R R, res Cooleyville Clayton Thomas, c. brakeman C & W R R Clayton Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co e' Clayton Wm, c, wks River compress Clegg Anthony, pres Clegg Mfg Co, res 1803 1st ave Clegg Edward, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 6th cor 5th
ave Clegg Edward F, blksmith G, M & G R R, res 600 5th ave



At 1218 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

Elegant Turnouts and Experi- IMPTDr QTfiRTEC enced Drivers found at xl?lr llVIj D1 iiDLijij


R. I;. POLK & CO.'S

Clegg Elgin, wks Eagle <fc Plimex Mfg Co Clegg Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Benton, Browne-
ville Clegg Hissie, wks Swift Mfg Co Clegg James A, farmer, res Broadnax, N Girard Clegg James F, elk A A Dreyspool & Co, res Girard Clegg John, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Clegg John A, grocer, dry goods, boots and shoes, hardware
and drugs, Broadnax nr Cass, N Girard, res Boyd Browneville Clegg John F, sec and treas Clegg Mfg Co, res .207 17th Clegg Manufacturing Co, (tel 54), (cap $50,000), Anthony Clegg pres, John F Clegg sec and treas, cotton mills 2d ave bet 16th and 17th Clegg Mrs Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dillingham
Clegg Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cleghorn .Alfred, r*, lab, res 513 15th Cleghorn Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 1308^ Broad Cleghorn Miss 'SalHe, bds 208 13th Cleveland Ellen (wid Alexander), grocer 521 "3d ave res same Clemence Edward N, supt woolen dept Eagle & .Phenix Mfg
Co, res 1337 3d ave Clements John W, res 1001 Broad Clemmons Chloe, c, res 432 3d ave Clemmons George, c, res 511 4th ave Clemmons Miss Georgia, wks Eagjle & Phenix Mfg Co Clemmons Lizzie, c, res 847 4th ave Clyatt Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Coan see also Cohn and Coane Coan Benjamin, farmer, res Gayle Browneville Coan John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Coart Wm C, sec The Georgia Home Ins Co, res 1344 3d ave Cobb Mrs Anne, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cobb Daniel, c, brakeman C R R, res 824 6bh ave Cobb George M, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Bridge, Girard Cobb James M, farmer, res Bridge, Girard Cobb John, wks Swift Mfg Co
Aenchbacher & Preen, TMLS,UITS ^8lt*

General Insurance Agents,

At ISIS Broad Street,

Matressc* of all Kind* Made to Order. Wr Keep Constantin

On Hand




At the Following Places:"Xo. 1218, 1.106,1.108, 1.110 Broad Si.
A. F. GIBSON & Co.


Photo Fine Art Parlors and Fancy Picture Frames Sales Room.
Portraits in Crayon, Ink, Pastell and Water Colors Executed from Life.
Photographing- the Babies and the Little Boys and Girls are made a Specialty at this
I Work Executed to Give Satisfaction. Office : 1147A Broad Street, Cor. 12tlu, COLUMBUS G \ I -----

R. L. POLK & CO.'S
incorporated isss

GEO. P. SWIFT, President.

w- A- SWIFT, Sec. and Treasj

Front Cor. 14th.,

ft'oolwine High School

Nsusiivill. Tenia,.

to duty.

(S. e p 8)



Cobb Miss Mary F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Bridge, Girard
Cobb Phillis, c, laundress, res 824 6th ave Cobb W A, trav salesman J Kyle <fc Co, bds 1236 5th ave Cochran John H, grocer and wood, Broadnax nr Gayle, Girard,
res same Cochran Thomas G, propr Ala Brickyard, res Gayle nr Broad
nax, Browneville Code Wm, brickmason, res 1619 1st ave Cody Edgar A, elk L Harris, res w s 4th ave bet 10th and 11th Cody Wm E, elk, res 833 3d ave Coffin Wm B, cotton 'buyer 1307 Broad, res 1508 2d ave Cofield Miss Flora, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 1519 4th ave Cofield James Milton, carp Columbus Railroad Co, res 1725
1st ave Cogbill Miss Emma, wks Chancellor & Pearce, res Long,
Girard Cogbill John W, carp C R R, res Long, Girard Cogbill Leon, carp, res Long, Girard Cohn see also Coan and Cone Cohn Frank, merchant, res 621 Broad Coker Anderson, wks Browne's steam cotton mill Coker Anna, wks Browne's steam cotton mill Colbert Austin, c, porter F J McArdle, res 8th bet 5th and 6th
aves Colbert Miss D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Colbert Samuel, c, lab, res 617 6th ave Colbert Wm, c, lab Columbus R R Co Cole Benjamin, c, lab Berry's brickyard, res 410 17th Cole Charles, c, porter R Jefferson, res 6th Cole Mrs Fannie, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co Cole Francis, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1347 6th ave Cole John, c, wks Berry's brickyard Cole Mme Lizzie, res 1st ave bet 13th and 14th Cole Lucy W (wid Wm), res 11th 4 w of Broad Cole Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cole Miss Matilda, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res VanBuren, N

No, S 12th Street.

Please forward plans, and I will furn ish you estimates on all kinds of Build ing, Carpentering an d Repairing.


G. E. THOMAS. SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Order. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. lOlO BROAD STREET.



Cole Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cole Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cole P (wid Fletcher), res 1347 6th ave Cole Wiley, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res- Primrose
Hill, N Girard
Cole Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 134X 6th aveColeman Anna, c, keeper waiting room Union depot Coleman A A, rooms 3d floor Georgia Home bldg; Coleman Bennie F, undertaker C L Torbett 930 Broad Coleman Frank, c, lab Carter & Bradley, res Gayle, Browne*-
ville Coleman George, plasterer, res 410 2d ave Coleman George, c, carp, res 417 17th Coleman George C, c, cook Central hotel, res" 1544 2ave Coleman George W (Coleman & Vickerry),.res 17th cor
oth ave ' Coleman Hal, c, drayman J T Kavanagh, res 606 4tli ave Coleman Miss Hattie, wks Columbus Bagging Millrres 8Uh bet
Front and Short Coleman Jerry, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res 65 Hill ave Cole John, c, res 731 6th ave Coleman J Thomas, c, restaurant, lodging and billiards 1220
1st ave, res 1st ave bet 9th and 10th Coleman Kate, c, res 825 4th ave Coleman Laura (wid Thomas), res 20 14th Coleman Lavinia, c. laundress, res Sand Fort Rd, Girard Coleman Lorenzo, c, eng E M Walsh & Co, res 317 9th Coleman Millie, c, laundress, res 731 6th ave Coleman Robert, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks, res 65 Hill ave Coleman Robert B, cond C & R R R, res Greeneville, Ga Coleman Sarah, c, domestic L F Humber
Coleman Thomas, c, stableman Colembus R R Co Coleman Thomas G, res 15 7th Coleman Wm, c,.lab, res 312 6thColeman & Vickery, c (George W, Coleman, Samuel
Vickery), Contractors and Builders, 117 12th (See p 58) Colley Aaron T, elk, res Broadnax nr Gayle, N Girard Collier Lewis M, blksmith C R R, res 825 2d ave

City Drug Store. FINE TOILEET

FIRE INSURANCE, { g. gunby Jordan,
Oldest. Strongest and Best Companies, t Fire!E"oAfnt"



Collier Miss Mamie, saleslady M H Lee, bds- 8*25 2eE ave Collins Miss Alice, wks G J Peacock, res 2d ave bet 20th and
21st Collins Alice, e, laundress, res Girard Collins Annie, wks Clegg Mfg Co Collins Charles, wks Eagle & Pheniz Mfg Co, res Sand Fort
road, Girard Collins Daniel, wks Harvey & Dudley, res 15road nr Bridge,
Girard Collins Edwin, c, wks T L Gruzard Collins Ezra, eng C & R RR, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st Collins James D, grocer 1709 Talbotton ave, res same Collins John, res Collins, Browneville Collins John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Crawford rd,
Girard Collins John, c, lab, res Bottom, Wvnnton Collins John M, farmer, res Gayle, Browneville Collins Miss Lucy, wks G J Peacock, res 2d ave bet 20th and
21st Collins Miss Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Collins Martha, c, laundress, res Girard Collins Thomas L, wks Harvey & Dudley, res Crawford roady.
Girard Collins Virginia U (wid Wm), res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st Collins Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle, Browne
ville Collins Mrs W V, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Rose HilL Colsten Benjamin, c, lab, res 29 St Johns Colston E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Colter see also Coulter Colter Elliott, elk Sternberg <fc Loewenherz, bds Girard; Colter Joseph, c, lab, res 1926 2d aveColter Joseph jr, c, lab, res 1926 2d aveColter Pierce (Field & Colter), res Girard. Columbus Bagging Mill, Hide, Pteer & Illges, proprs, Blagging
Mfg, 11th s w cor 2d ave Columbus Barrel Mfg Co (capital $8,500), C T Porter, pres;
M M Hirsch, treas, 9th ave bet 11th and 12th

HARVEY & DUDLEY, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and Door Frames.


Office, 1243 6th ave. Telephone 81.



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Columbus City Directory, R L Polk & Co, Publishers,
72-73 Gate City Bank Bldg, Atlanta, Ga
Columbus Clothing Co The, C C Shepperson & Co,
Proprs, Clothing Made to Order, 17 12th Columbus Electric Co ("capital $12,000), T E Blanchard, pres;
E H Jenkins, sec and treas, Front foot of lltli
Columbus Euquirer-Sun The, Tel 17, The Enquirer-
Sun Pub Co, Proprs, Daily and Weekly, 11 11th (See p
Jf5) Columbus Fertilizer Co The, tel 85 (capital $100,000), $25,000
paid in, W H Brannon, pres; H Bussey, .genii mngr .and
sec, 10 12th, (tel 157) Columbus Gas Light Co (capital $80,525), Thomas E Blanch
ard, pres; T D Huff, sec and treas; E H Jenkins, supt,
Front foot 10th Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, tel 75 (capital $38,000),
capacity 40,000 lbs, N P Banks, pres ; G M Williams, sec and treas; E S McEachern, supt, ice mfrs, 5th awe cor
Columbus Iron Works Co, tel 68. (capital $60,000)-,
W R Brown, Pres; George B Whiteside, Sec and Treas, Founders and Machinists, Planing Mill and Sash, Door
and Blind Mfrs, 150 W 9th Columbus Land and Improvement Co (capital $30,000), D R
Bize, pres; E H Epping, sec and treas, 1205 Broad
Columbus Ledger, tel 100 (Daily and Weekly), E T By-
ington & Co, Proprs, 1009^- Broad( See p 1(6) Columbus Messenger The, c (weekly), Columbus Messenger
Pub Co, publishers B T Harvey, c, editor, over 936
Broad Columbus Messenger Pub Co, c, W S Ramsey, pres; G W
Allen, sec; A Webb, treas, publishers the Columbus
Messenger, over 936 Broad
Columbus Mutual Loan Association, W L Clark,
Pres; D E Williams, sec and treas, 1145 Broad Columbus Public Library The, Miss Anna Hull, librarian,
9 Hth

3 Is School Shoes, T. J. HTJUSTT, 21 10th Street.




Columbus Railroad Co, Louis F Garrard', Pies; John
H Henderson, Supt Street Ry and Dummy Line, 1147^ Broad
Columbus Star Bottling Works, John W Cheek,
Propr, Cider, Soda and Mineral Water Mnfrs, 12136 1st ave ( See p 59) Columbus Steam Fire Co No 1, W H Brannon, foreman, junc Broad and Warren
Columbus Water Works Co- (Capital $15,000), Benja
min F Archer, Pres; T W Synnott, Treas; George W Bailey, Sec; Mott H Tuggle, Eng and Supt, office 10
12 th Columbus & Gulf Navigation Co River Compress (tel 102),
C A Klink pre3,Isaac Joseph treas,J H Thweatt sec, Front
s iv cor 7th Colzey Eugene Frank, paymaster Eagle & Phenix MfgCo,and
sec Chattahoochee Knitting Co, bds 1502 Broad Combs Prucilla, domestic Mrs Lizzie McAlister Comer Jacob, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Comer Laura B (wid James), res Talbotton ave Rose Hill Commack John, hackman, res Browneville Commack Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne
ville Commack Martha, widow, res 25 Forsyth, Browneville
Cone see also Cohn and C'oan Cone Miss Bertie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 46< 5 an
Buren Browneville Cone Miss Evalina, wks Eagle & Peni xMfg Co, bds 46 5 an
Buren, Browneville Cone Jackson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cone Mrs Linnia, res 46 VanBuren, Browneville Cone Miss Media, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Coj bds 46Vam-
Buren, Browneville Connelley John A, foreman Columbus Iron Wks,. bds Brown
House Connor John H (J H Connor & Co), res 740 3d ave Connor J II & Co (John H Connor and Wm H McGovern),
dry goods and grocers 1023 Broad

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders' Supplies

manfb and dealeb in all kinds of

Telephone 70.



K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Connor Mrs Martha, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 20
Forsyth, Browneville Connor Martin, grocer 14 Dillingham, res same
Connor Miss May, bds 740 3d ave Connor it '0, mach agt, Bds 811 Front Connoway Mrs Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Fong, Girard Conroy Sarah (wid Charles), res 14th cor 1st ave Conti -Frank, fruits and confectionery, 9 10th and 18 12th,
res same Conway Alonzo, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Conway Mrs Bertie, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res BroAvne-
ville Conway Mrs E J, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg'Co, res Browne-
ville ConAvay Hansford D, teacher, res BroAvneville ConAvay John, AArks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Bridge,
Girard ConAvay J, trav salesman J Kyle, res Tuskegee, Ala ConAvay Landy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Bridge, Gir
ard Conway Miss Minnie, AATks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Bridge, Girard ConAvay Miss Nancy, seamstress, res Bridge, Girard ConAvay Rose, c, res 616 9th Cook Andrew, c, lab, res Alabama, Rosehill
Cook Anna, c, laundress, res 828 Front Cook Anna, c, laundress, res 628 4th a\re Cook Antony, c, lab, res Alabama, Rosehill Cook Miss A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cook Eliza, c, sick nurse, res 18 w 10th Cook Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co `Cook James, Avks Muscogee Mfg Co Cook James C, farmer, res Hamilton ave. Cook James T, elk Chancellor & Pearce, bds 111 6th Cook John C, bkpr Kern & Loeb and treas Muscogee county,
res 1508 3d aATe Cook John G, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1625 3d ave

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam aafl Gas Pip Co. Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty. |035 Broad Street.



Cook John T, elk C A Klink, res Abert, Browneville
Cook Julius, lab. res 17th Rosehill Cook Lucretia, c, res 921 6th ave Cook Robert, c, barber R Watkins, c Cook Thomas, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res Girard Cook Thomas, c, huckster stall 8 City market, res Girard
Cook Thomas, c, lab, res 1509 6th ave Cook Wm, supt Columbus Iron Wks Co, res 732 1st ave
Cooley Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co `Cooley Mary (wid John), res 19 16th Cooley Mary Jane, c, res 5th ave bet 6th and 7th
Cooley Wm, wks Harvey & Dudley Cooper Alexander H, eng C R R, res Maeon rd, Wynnton
Cooper Alice, c, domestic W L Clark Cooper Annie, c, domestic W L Clarke Cooper Edward, wks Swift Co, res 1317 6th ave Cooper Miss Ella, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res
Broadnax, N Girard Cooper Miss Emma, dressmkr 1014 1st ave, res same Cooper Evans, c, porter Richard Deignan, res 1515 "5th ave
Cooper Fannie (wid Monroe), res Gayle Browneville Cooper Fannie, c, laundress, res 420 2d ave Cooper George wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 14311st ave
Cooper George, carp, res Bridge, Girard Cooper Harry, milk dairy, res Macon rd, Wynnton
Cooper Henry, c, lab, res 17th Rosehill Cooper John, boss cloak room Swift Mfg C9, res Cemetery.
Browneville Cooper J Thomas (Cooper & Howard), res 931 3d ave Cooper Mrs Louisa, cigarmkr, bds Girard
Cooper Miss Malissa, bds 1431 1st ave Cooper Maria, c, domestic W L Clark Cooper Mattie, c, domestic W L Clark Cooper Monroe, jr, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle,
Browneville Cooper Miss Sallie, elk Wm Cooper, bds Rose Hill
Cooper Susan, c, laundress, res 631 3d ave Cooper Washington, carp, res 401 1st ave

Furniture of all kinds a F. GIBSON & CO.

6 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Cooper W m, bkpr Estes, Abbott & Co, res Hamilton ave, Rose Hill
Cooper Wm, mach C R R
Cooper Wm C, mach Golden Bi-os, res Abert Girard Cooper & Howard' (toL91,) (Ji Thomas Cooper and Homer M
Howard)whol grocery cigars and tobacco 1101 Broad Copeland Asa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co Copeland Crawford, c, lab, res 2d ave bet 21st and 22d Copeland E B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co
Copeland James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co. res Van Buren X Girard
Copeland James R, carp, res Van Buren, N Girard Copeland Johny wks Muscogee Mtg Co, res Van Buren, N
Copeland Michael, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Van Buren, N Girard
Corah Mrs Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summer ville Browneville
Corbett John L, special policeman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co. Corbett Wm, policeman, res Linnwood Corbitt Mrs Aldosia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Corbitt R S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Cordraj, George W, butcher J D Smith & Bro, res 422 2d Coreton Mrs Cary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res Shont- n-r
Corlee John, eng G, M & G R R, res 3d ave bet 6th andi afli Corlee Mollie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Browneville Corlee Miss Rena, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Corley Hiram, carp, res Marshall, Browneville Cotton John W, res 1726 3d ave Cotton Smith E, lab, res 1624 3d ave
Cotton M m C, Dairy and market garden, res Wynnton Couch Charles M, exp messgr, bds 608 Broad Couch Elizabeth J (wid George), res 608 Broad Couch John H, exp mssgr, bds 608 Broad Couch Malinda (wid --), res 13084 Broad Couch Leigle, cooper, bds 1016 5th ave Couch Wm, elk Sternberg & Loewenherz, res 16th




1129 Broad St.

(Seep 2)


Woolwine High School rS3rS?33B5E


(Seep 8) pains-taking preparation of all tasks.


Coulter, see also Colter Coulter Georgiana (wid Thomas), res Boland, Browneville Coulter Girtie, wks Clegg Mfg Co Coulter James M, watchmkr ami jeweler Broadnax, Lively,
Ala, res same Coulter Johns, wks Swift Mfg Co Coulter Van, wks Clegg Mfg Co. res Talbotton. ave, Roschill
Coulter Vinie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Coulter Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Coulter W Henry (W Hi Coulter & Co), meat market, Broad
nax nr Bridge, Girard, res Crawford rd, 1^ miles Girard Coulter W H & Co (W Henry Coulter, Charles McCardle),
grocers,, notions, boots and shoes, Broadnax nr Bridge,
Girard Courson D Wesley, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 927 Short Court of Ordinary, F M Brooks, judge, courthouse
Courtney Henry E, tinner, res Lively Courtney Jennie, wks Swift Mfg Co Courtney Rosa, wks Swift Mfg Co Covington Dallas, c, shoemkr Edward Thomas, res 5th cor
6th ave Cowart Lester, wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co Cowdery Lester L jr (L L Cowdery & Co), res Rosehill Cowdery Lester L sr (L L Cowdery & Co), res Rosehill Cowdery L Walter, elk L L Cowdery & Co, bds Rosehill Cowdery L. L. & Co (Lester L sr and Lester L Cowdery jr),
china, crockery and glassware 1044 Broad Cowson Mrs Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Cox Emma, c,. res 92S Front Cox Green, c, lab. res 1708 Talbotton ave Cox Jacob, c, diriver, res Broad, N Girard Cox James, coopeir Columbus Barrel Mtg Co, bds 12th cor 10th
ave Cox John J*,.policeman, res 1237 4th ave Cox John T, boot and shoemkr 21 12th, res same Cox Miss Nannie, tailoress, res 21 12th Cozart A W, farmer, res Talbotton ave, Rosehill Cozart Leon D, dairy Talbotton ave, Rosehill, res same Crabtree Frank, collector Enquirer-Sun, res Browneville


House, Sign and Ornamental Pointor*

No. 9 12th Street.


Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every


Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Crampton Charles, c, lab, res 1325 6th awe Crane Ellen (wid-), res 446 Broad Crane Ellen (wid Archie), res 601 4th ave Crane Frank, c, porter C A Redd & Co Crane Joseph C, carpenter, res 114 18th
Crane Robert S, grocer 1148 Broad, res 521 1st ave Crane Wm H, bkpr, res 446 Broad Crapps Miss Hattie, bds 932 5th ave Craw Randle, wks Swift Mfg Co
Crawford Allan T, tinner and variety store, Jackson, Browneville, res same
Crawford Amanda, c, res 8th bet 8th and 9th aves Crawford Andrew L, bkpr F J Jenkins & Co, bds 209 13th Crawford Mrs Babe, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, ires Mar
shall, Browneville
Crawford Bewitesebt H, Tel 83, Lawyer, 11234 Broad, -res 209 13th
Crawford Charles, c, lab, res 1434 5th ave Crawford Doc, c, lab, res 1721 3d ave
Crawford Mrs Elizabeth, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, bds 35 Forsyth, Browneville
Crawford Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Mar shall, Browneville
Crawford Emanuel B, c, shoemkr 17 w 10th, res 420 5th ave Crawford Emma, c, nurse J W Riddle
Crawford Mrs Fannie, tailoress G J Peacock, res 309 16th Crawford James, wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 35 Forsyth, Browne
Crawford Miss Jennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Mar shall, Browneville
Crawford Jesse, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co
Crawford John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 35 Forsyth, Browneville
Crawford Miss -Sadia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Crawford Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Crawford Mrs Maxima. J, res 1300 2d ave Crawford Miss Mary, tailoress G J Peacock, res 309 16th Crawford Mayson, c, coachman G E Thomas jr

Soda. "W"sl t, e r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, .at


STEWART, The Printer,
13 Tvwelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA



Crawford Moses C. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 35 For
syth, Browneville Crawford Nancy (wid Wm), res rear 1440 1st ave Crawford Reese, lawyer, res 1420 Broad Crawford Sarah C (wid Henry), res Marshall, Browneville Crawford Sterling, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks, res 525 3d ave Crawford Mrs Susan, wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 41-S 16th Crawford Miss S A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Crawford Tol Y, lawyer 1147^ Broad, res 1st ave best 10th and
11th Crawford Walter, wks Browne's Cotton Mill Crawford Miss Willie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 35
Forsyth, Browneville Crawford W J, night watchman C & W R R Creemer John, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills Creamer Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Creighton Georgia, c, laundress, res 1326 Broad Creighton Margaret, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Crenshaw James E, elk T W Markham, bds 1213 6th ave Crenshaw Rosetta, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton rd Crenshaw R Sims, elk T A Cantrell, bds 730 3d ave Crete Anderson, yardman Rankin House Crichton Fannie (wid Charles), res 735 2d ave Crichton Maggie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Crichton Wm, messgr W U Tel Co, bds 735 2d ave Crim Miss Missouri, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Crocker Minnie, c, domestic C 0 Brinson Crocker Wm, lab C O Brinson Crockett John W, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 930^ Broad
Croft Milton, c, cook M L Williams Crogan Bridget (wid John,), res 402 lOlh Crogan Miss Mary, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 4()2 10th Crook Thomas, c, wks Market Plouse, res Bottom nr W ynnton Cropp John, c, wks F A Jepson, res CooleyvElle Croossman John S B, saleman G E Thomas sr, bds Veranda
House Crouch Mrs Fannie A, res 1617 3d ave 'Crouch John, c, lab, res 1422 5th ave


'Georgia ILong Leaf Yellow Pine, Rough and Dressed .Lumber, Shing|*c * aths And Lime.

Clocks and Bronzes,


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Crouch Thomas, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1617 3d ave Crow Ira B, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 209 8th Crow Jacob Hr elk Blanchard Booth, & Huff, bds 209 8th Crow Matilda A (wicl R), res 209 8th Crow Wm A, elk Weisiger Bros, bds 209 8th Crowder Harriet, c, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Crowell Anderson, c, jab, 1329 5th ave Crowell Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Crowell Charles, painter Alfred Summers, bds 932 Broad Crowell George, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,
Browneville Crowell Henry, elk E Philips, bds Lfrauwood Crowell Washington, c, lab Golden Bros, res Girard Crowley, Anderson, c, wks Jackson & Dryer, res 3d ave bet 5th
and 6th Crown Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Crullee John, eng G, M & G R R, res 610 3d ave Crumbly Mittie, c, res 406 3d ave Crump Richard, c, bootblack parlor barbershop, bd s 3dave bet
6th and 7th Crump Thomas, c, drayman, res 612.4th ave
Culpepper David W, Gun and! Locksmith 1230 Broad,
res same Culpepper Early G, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van But-
ren, Brownville Culpepper Jefferson, fisherman, res 130S-J- Broad Culpepper Jesse, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mill Culpepper Kate, wks Clegg Mfg Co Culpepper Mattie, c, domestic Mrs M L Hopkins Culpepper Monroe, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mills] Culpepper Miss O, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, Culpepper Robert, wks Columhus Bagging Mill, res Bhnks
Bldg, Broad
Culver Andrew J, jr, Grocer 420 8th, res same
Culver Andrew J sr, grocer 422 6th, res 418 6th Culver Miss Martha, res Long, Girard Culverson, George W, foreman dyer Muscogee Mfg Co, res S
Railroad, Browneville


"f" J HUNT
21 10th STREET.

GOLDEN BROS., Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Culverson Miss Lubie` wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res S Railroad,
Browneville Cunningham Abraham, r, carp, res 1503 6th ave Cunningham Fred, messgr G, M & G R R, bds 11th n w cor
6th ave Cunningham George, c, waiter Rankin house, res 1503 6th ave Cunningham Hannah, c, res Bottom, Wynnton Cunningham Janies G, elk A P Brown & Co, bds 936 5th ave
Cunningham Sarah, c, res 1503 6th ave Cunningham Wm, elk, bds, 502 11th Cureton David D, Tinner, res 8 Broad, N Girard Cureton Richard, tinner Wm Fee, res 8 Broad, N Girard
Curlee Meredith, eng C R R, res 813 Front Curley King, wks Eagle & Phenix'Mfg Co Curran Daniel D, master transportation C & W Div C R R
12th cor 7th ave, bds 1423 4th ave Curran Mary (wid Peter), res 908 Front Currighi Mrs Emma, wks Eagle and PhenixMfg Ca, res Broad
nax, N Girard Currington Mrs C, wks Eagle and Pbenix Mfg Co Curry Miss Eula C,tailoress Columbus Clothing Co,bds Browne
ville Curry George T, bkpr A. G Rhodes & Co, hd-s 908 5th ave Curry James A, elk J R Brannan, bds 908 -5th ave -Curry Mary A (wid James T), res 908 5th ave Curry Wm E, bkpr, bds 908 5th ave Curtis Clingman, c, lab, res7>12 14th Curtis Gracie, c, res 1315 6th aye Curtis Norris N (Wells & Curtis), .res <45 Broad Curtis Robert, c, lab Columbus R R Co Curtis Walter W, bkpr Wells & Curtis, bds 1220 3d ave


Dairy Mattie, e, domestic Mrs B B Fontaine Dally John D, grocer Hamilton ave, Rosehill, res same Dana Laura (wid George), res Broad, Browneville
Dane Elizabeth, c, laundress, res 413 9th

T. L. GRUZARD Paints and Hardware.







K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Dane Franklin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard Dane Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard Dane Miss Jennie, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Girardi Dane Samuel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard Dane Sarah (wid James),.res Girard Daniel Alice M (wid James T),,res 1019 2d ave Daniel Miss Anna, bds 420 7th Daniel Asa B (King & Daniel), bds 1025 3d ave Daniel Benjamin T, city editor Enquired un, res 917 3d ave Daniel Charles, c, wks Harvey & Dudley Daniel Cicero, e, lab, res 516 5th ave Daniel Early, c, shoemkr Broadnax, NT Girard, res same Daniel Fannie, c, cook Mrs M C Lary Daniel George M, rnngr section* hands Columbus R R Co, res-
902 3d awe Daniel Harry EE,, grocer; 23 l'Othj bds Veranda House Daniel Henry, c, lab steamer Thronateeska, res Dillingham nr
Front Daniel Howard,, c;.wk,s- Harvey & Dudley Daniel John, c, lab,.res-1710 Talbotton ave, Rosehill Daniel Joseph J, grocer, 5th s w cor 4th ave, res same Daniel Mrs Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Daniel Lewis, c, drayman, res 818 6th ave Daniel Louisa, c, res Amos Quarters Wynnton rd Daniel Lucinda, c, laundress, res Lumpkin rd Daniel Mary,-e, res Booneville nr Wynnton Daniel Oscar, c, barber H H Williams, res McIntosh Daniel Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Daniel Thomas H, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 1015 5th ave Daniel Wm, c, carp, res 5165th ave Daniel Wm A, trav salesman J Kyle & Coy rooms 9474 Broad Darby John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds s s Payne,
Browneville Darby Mrs M S. tailoress The Columbus Clothing Co, res Dil
lingham Darley Rev Thomas W, pastor City Mission, res Hamilton ave,.
Rose Hill, Darnell Mrs E, wrks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Darnell Martha (wid Wm), res 4 16th
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationerj



Darnell Silas W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front bet

13th and 14th

Danlnell Lewis, c, driver E Philips, res Cooleyville

Daron Robert. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil


Davenport, Julia, domestic J F Kell

Davidson Mrs Belle, wks Eagle & Pheni Mfg Co

Davidson Edward A, pressman Thomas Gilbert, res 1712 1st

ave Davidson Eliza (wid Frank, res 18th, Rose Hill


Bfevidson E F, wksEagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville

Davidson E L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browdeville

Davidson George L,-wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne

ville Davidson Henry carp, res 1712 1st ave

Davidson John,'wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,

Browneville Davidson Lee, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res ^ an Buren,

Browneville Davidson Mis Leigh, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne

ville Davidson Miss Lola, w'ks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res \ an

Buren, Browneville

Davidson Mary W (wid Marion), res 408 9th

Davidson Miss Nonie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res

Browneville Davidson Reed, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville

Davidson S, wks Sw'ift Mfg Co Davidson Wm E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, re "\ an Buren,


Davis Addie, c, res 404 3d ave Davis Alexander, c, lab, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Davis Allen, c, driver Richard Howard, res Talbotton ave bet

19th and 20th

Davis Amanda, c, domestic Mrs C L Downing

Davis Mrs Amanda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res 26 For

syth, Browneville Davis Andrew, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1543 5th ave

Mattresses at Wholesale, if-Gibson &co.

You want your Horse and Buggy properly attended to, patronize the


R. L. POLK & OO.'S

Davis Andrew, r, lab, res Bottom, 'Wynnton

Davis Anna, c, domestic L P Warner

Davis Miss Anne, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad


Davis Augustus, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Davis Benjamin,c, lab, res 416 3d ave

Davis Benjamin, flab moire Mills

Davis B, w'ks Columbus Iron Wks

Davis Catharine,'C, laundress, res 532 2d ave

Davis Christopher C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg l'Co, res Prim

rose Hill N Girard

Davis Coleman, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Davis Coleman, c, lab, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill

Davis, Miss Delia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 64 Van Bu-

ren, Browneville

Davis Derry, c, lab, res 614 9th

Davis Edward, c, res Bottom, Wynntom

Davis Edwin T, cond M & G R R, res 835 4th ave

Davis Miss Ellen, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res S R R,


DavisJEmeline(wid Allen), bds 1543 5th ave

Davis Eugenia, c, domestic Mrs Lucy Taliaferro

Davis Frank, c, porter Goetchius & Chappell, bds-1309 10th

Davis Frank, wits Muscogee Mfg Co

Davis Frank, c, carp, res 520 3d ave

Davis Gabriel, c, shoomkr, res 1515 6th ave

Davis George TV, res 11th 8 w of Broad

Davis Georgiana, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Ccy res Browneville J

Davis Gertrude, res r315Tstave

Davis Henry, c. lab Columbus R R Co

Davis Ffenry, c, cook steamer Pactolas, res 529 2d ave

Davis Henry R, c, shoemkr 12th bet 1st and 2d ave, res 1611

3d ave

Davis Howard, c, lab, res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th

Davis, H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Davis Jefferson, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 26 Forsyth,


Davis Jefferson, c, lab C & W R R, res 1025|7th ave

Aenchbacher & Preer, miller s hats

sole AGENTS for

1129 Broad St. (See p 2)

WnnSwiiia Minh QrhnnS Teacheschi|dren`o controlthemseive
wWUU.'WlllC El iy IB UUllUUI when young, that they may be selt-cor


trolled when grown.

(See i> 8)



Davis Jennie (wid Robert), res S Ralroad, Browneville Davis Jerry, c, lab. res 1311) 5th ave Davis Jerry, r, lab, res 411 5th ave Davis Joel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Payne, Browne
ville Davis John, wks Muscogee 'Mfg Co, res Browneville Davis John, c, porter E Gager, bds 519 10th Davis John G, wks Muscogee Mfg Eo, res Browneville Davis Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 8 w of
Broad Davis Julia, c, laundress, res 519 10th Davis Laura, wks Muscogee Mfg'Co Davis Mad Laura, res 1326 1st ave Davis Maggie, c, domestic Mrs Emma Jepson Davis Mary, c, domestic Abraham Illges Davis Miss Mattie, wks ^Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 11th 8 w of
Broad Davis Mattie (wid W A), res 414 7th Davis Milford, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Front 4 s of
11th Davis Morgan, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Davis Nelson, c, lab, res 1317 5th ave Davis Orange, c, brakeman G, M & G R R, res 508 4th ave Davis Prince, c, wks steamer Thronateeska, res 216 7th Davis Rebecca, r, laundress, res 23 St. Johns
Davis Reina, res 504 3d ave Davis Reuben, c, lab, res 927 Front Davis Robert (Robert Davis & Co), res 1431 1st ave Davis Robert, wks Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 8 w of
Broad Davis Robert J. wks Swift Mfg Co, res S Railroad, Browneville
Davis Robert A, grocer, 400 8th, res 402 8th Davis Robert & Co (Robert Davis Rollin Jefferson), grocers
and general merchandise 1424 1st ave Davis Miss Ruby, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res S Railroad,


Please forward plans, and I will furn-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12th street.

ingf Carpentering and Repairing.

Fashionable Coys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty.
lOlO Broad Street.


K, L. POLK & CO.'S

Davis Salina, c, res 730 5th ave

Davis Seth, c, wks River Compress

Davis Sidney, c, lab, res 23d bet 2d and 3d

Davis Sylvia, c, laundress, res rear 20 11th

Davis Tate, c, lab, res 414 3d ave

Davis Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 939 Front

Davis Wm, helper G, M&GR R, res Front bet 9th and 10th

Davis Win, lab, res 903 6th ave

Davis Wm, lab, Taibotton ave, Rose Hill

Davis Wm, c, lab Empire mills, res Taibotton ave, Rose Hill

Davis Wm S, grocer 6th ave cor 9th,. res 732 4th ave

Davis W L. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil



Dawson Augustus, c, carp, res 1511 6th ave

Dawson Carolina, c, res Bottom, nr Wynnton

Dawson Charlotte, c, domestic G E Thomas,.jr

Dawson Clara, c, domestic W J Peabody.

Dawson Demoss, driver Alfred Young, res 3d ave bet 19th ami ]



Dawson Elijah, c, bricklayer, res 1810 3d ave


Dawson Jefferson, c, switchman, res-Bottom, nr Wynnton


Dawson John, c,wks F A Jepson, res Cooleyville.

Dawson Lucy, c, domestic A C Chancellor

Dawson Mary, c, res 2d ave bet 22d and 23d

Dawson Mat, c, res Booneville

Dawson Win. market gardner stall 7 City Market, res Girard

Day Alice, c, laundress, res Collins; Browneville

Day A Julius, elk J E Deaton, bds 724 1st ave

Day Christopher C, shoemkr 301 17th, res River, Browneville

Day Elmira, c, domestic H T Owen

Day E J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Day Hatcher, office boy Empire Mills, bds 724 1st ave

Day James, c domestic W J Wood

Day John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1923 2d ave

Day John B, salesman Empire Mills, res 724 1st ave

Hall & wheat, Prescription Druggists

1016 and 1142 broad street.

Only Night Bell in the city.


\ For Two Annua! Fremiums.

,r*TELEPHONE ,04ent'



Day Miss Lena, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Day Miss Martha wks Eagle it Phenix Mfg Co, res River,
Browneville Day Matilda, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Day Miss Ollie, wks Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co, Day Miss Stella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River,
Browneville Day Walter C, mechanic, res Wilkins, Browneville Dayton Callie, c, domestic W S Freeman Dayton Wesley, wks Eagle it Phenix Mfg Co, res Wilkins,
Browneville Dean Daniel, c, wks Harvey & Dudley Dean Etta, c, domestic C L Williams Dean Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Dean James, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Dean Jennie (wid), res 630 2d ave Dean Samuel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Dean Wm, carp, res 214 5th Deaton James E. (tel 31), wholesale- grocer 1008 Broad, and!
boots and shoes 1014 Broad, res 633 1st ave Decker John F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery,
Browneville Decker Miss Lula, wks Eagle it Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson,
Browneville Deckrow Mrs Sarah J, dressmkr 1026 2d ave, res same Dtffley see also Diffley Deffley John^ driver City Mills, res 1721 1st ave Deignan Miss Annie, saleslady L P Lequin, res Short Deignan Cathrine A (wid Wm), res 716 1st ave Deignan Miss Mary A, teacher Girls Public School, res 716 1st
ave Deignan Patrick, grocer and dry goods, Short n e cor Dilling
ham, res same Deignan Richard, tel 108, whol grocer and dry goods 944-946
Front, bds Central Hotel




Office, 1243 6th av.

Telephone 84.


Silverware, Spectacles and Optical Goods,
1115 Broad Street. (Seep )

R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Deignan T M, baggage master, bds 716 1st ave Delillea James, c, porter O'Neal & Brooks, res Cooleyville DeLoach Charles J, bkpr Standard Oil Co, res 915 Broad
DeLoach E, wks Mirscogee Mfg Co DeLoach Joseph, mach Columbus Barrel Mfg'Co, bds 12th cor
10th ave DeLoach Lizzie, wks Pearce's Eactory DeLoach Thomas L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1414 Broad DeLoney Miss Pauline, music teacher, res Wynn ton Deming Jefferson D, elk freight depot C R R, bds 1213 0th
ave Deming John W, agt C R R Union depot, res 410 12tfh
Dennard Elisha, c, lab, res 538 2d ave Denning Patrick, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Dennis Amanda (wid Frank M), res 2037 2d ave Dennis Charles, c, lab, res 1525 5th ave Dennis Columbus, c, lab C R It, res 5th ave bet 15th and 16th Dennis Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Dennis Georgia, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Dennis James 'W, carp, res 3d ave bet 22d and 23d Dennis Jennie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 2037 2d ave Dennis John A, tailor H Geyer, res Girard Dennis Lee, drayman W J Watt, res 6th ave bet 10th and 11th Dennis Mike, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Dennis Mattie, c, laundress, res Booneville nr Wynnton Dennis Thomas, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Denson Miss Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Denson John E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s of
11th Denson Malinda A, (wid Henry J), 'res Front 3 s of 11th Denson Miss Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3
s of 11th Denson Wm IT, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3
s of 11th

Ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoes
21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators and Gin Gearing'. Telephone 154.



Dent Thomas R, mngr Wheeler & Wilson Mfg Co, !3 10th
res 429 2d ave Dents Alexander, c, porter Rankin House, res 1652 4th ave Derry Janies, c, lab, res 18th Rosehill Deubler C W, tailor, bds Hotel Riddle Devoir Wesley, c, lab, res 1011 6th ave Dewberry John N, (tel 147), saloon. 13 11th, res same Dewberry Nancy, c, laundress,.res rear 1223 1st ave. Dickens Effie, (wid Henry), res Cemetery Browneville Dickens Wm, eng GI&GRR, res Cemetery BrownevilleDickens Wm D, eng G M & G R R, res 10th. cor 5th ave Dickerson Stephen H, mattressmkr, bds 1308^- Broad.
Dickson see aDo Dixon Dickson Buck, c, lab, res 328 Ttli Dickson Charles F, drugs 23 12th, res 1320 4th ave
Dickson Rosa, c, res 432 5th ave Dickson Stephen M, collector Columbus Gas Co,.res:908 211;
ave Dickson Thomas, carp England & Snyder, bds 1019 3d ave Dickson Wash, c, blksmith, res 432 5th ave Dierks David, watchmkr Wittich & Kinsel, res 844 4th ave
Diffley see also Deffley Diffley James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 7 16th Diffley Mrs. Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Diffley John, wks Eagle-& Phenix Mnfg Co Diffley Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res Short
nr Dillingham Diffley W M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Digby Augustus J, real est agt, res Broadnax, A. Girard Digby Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res Broadnax
N Girard Digby Samuel, market gardener, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Dill Nicholas Id, c, porter A G Rhodes & Co, res 508.8th Dillard Fannie, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River






r, - 1034 BRr~iOAa D STREET.



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Dillard Jennie, c, domestic W J Peabody

Dillard Jesse, c, Indian Doctor, res 1015 6th ave

Dillingham Charles H, elk The Ga Home Ins Co, bds 623


Dilliiigiliam George W, Cashier The National Bank of

Columbus, and Treas The Ga Home Insurance Co, res 628


Dillingham George W jr, elk L L Cowdery & Co, bds 62,8


Dillings Grace, c, domestic Wm R Moore

Dillon James A, operator W U Tel Co, bds Veranda Bouse

Diry Miss Julia, seamstress, bds 9 16th

Dishroom James H, c, wks Thomas Gilbert, res Wynnton

Dixon see also Dickson

Dixon Anna, c, domestic G W Dillingham

Dixon Daniel W (Dixon & Herring), res 830 2d ave

Dixon George W, c, blksmith Dillingham bet Broad and Front,

res 5th ave nr cemetery


Dixon James T, elk Dixon & Herring, rooms over Rothschild"'s

Dixon Marshall, carrier Columbus Ledger, bds 9th

Dixon Mathew, c, lab, res 805 8th ave

Dixon Thomas, carrier Columbus Ledger, bds 9th

Dixon & Herring (Daniel W Dixon and D Clopton Herring),

grocers and saloon 1300 Broad

Dizer Pierce, c, porter Perry Spencer sr

DoddA manda, c, laundress, res rear 1732 Talbotton ave

Dodd Mrs Anna, res 603 5th ave

Dodd John J, elk .J A Kirven & Co, bds 603 5th ave

Doering Louis, miller Empire Mills, res 628 1st ave

Dolan R, wks Harvey & Dudley

Doland Emma, c, cook J H Edwards, res 508 Broad

Doland J Bernard, mach Columbus Iron Wks, bds 923 Front

Doles George, farmer, res Summerville, Browneville

Donald Minerva, c, domestic Mrs N S Robinson

Donlin Mack, c, lab, res 816 7th ave

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Bools and Stationery

Hosa of p!l lilnds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe.

1035 Broad St.



Dorman Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville Dorsey Anna, c, res 8th bet 8th and 9th aves Dorsey Benjamin, c, lab, res 5th ave, Rosehill
Dorsey John, c, lab, res 720 9th Doss Miss Ophelia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Dougherty Francis, c, res 831 5th ave Dougherty Thomas, e, lab, res 831 5th tive Doughtie Charles E, del elk Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 917
3d ave Doughtie Punch, horse trader, res 917 3d ave Douglas Andrew' W, elk T A Cantrell, bds 730 3d ave Douglas Thomas 0, elk City market, res 1046 1st ave Douglas Thomas J, elk T A Cantrell, tds 730 3d ave Douglass Elisha, c, cook steamer Pactolus, res 211 5th
Dowdell Adeline, c, laundress, res 1st bet 21st and 22d Dowdell Louis P, elk Hall & Wheat, bds 220 11th Dowdy Enoch, furniture repairer, res 8:04 Short
Dowdy Louisa (wid Hiram), res 105 17th Dowdy Mrs L W, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res Girard
Dowdy Mary E (wid Enoch), res S Girard Dowdy Seaborn J, candy mkr, res S Girard Downing Caroline L (wid L F), res 815 Broad Downing Frank U, eng, bds 815 Broad
Downing Hugh U, bds 815 Broad Downing Julius, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 6th and 7th Downing Win, c, lab, res 5tli ave bet 6 th and 7th
Dowrey Mary, c, domestic R M Kirven Doyle Kenion, c, wks Wm Munday Doyle Thomas M, mngr Jordan's Ins; Co, Ga Home bldg, bds
1334 2d ave Dozier Albert S, bkpr Carter & Bradley, res 813 1st ave Dozier Alonzo A, lawyer) 1036 Broacjl, res 308 11th Dozier Anthony, c, teamster, res Wynnton Hill Dozier Daniel P (Frazer & Dozier), res 1120 3d ave


At 1216 a d 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

The Empire Stables Mm Sk


ii. L.. POLK & COLS

Dozier Ellen, c, laundress, res 46 Zioni

Dozier George Id, wks Clegg M-nfg Co

Dozier Hamp, c, waiter1 W C Bradley

Dozier Iverson, c, painter, res 3d ave bet 21st and 22d

Dozier Jane, c, laundress, res 1806 2d ave

Dozier Sarah, c, domestic F J Jenkins

Dozier Seaborn, c, lab Columbus R R

Dozier Willis, c, porter Frazer ifc Dozier, res 1903 2d ave

Drake Anna, c, domestic Samuel Saulsberry

Drake John C, condr C & W R R, res 1929 Hamilton ave, Rose Hill

Drake Shadraeli, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co

Draper Robert L, foreman printer Columbus Ledger, res 10094



Draper Rufus, c, lab, res 1434 5th ave

Drayton Joseph, c, wks slearner Pactolus, res 420 2d ave

Drew Charles W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res 1609 1st ave

Drewry Alice, c, domestic Frank Cohn

Dreyftus Charles, c, lab, yes Curtis Quarters, Wynnton

Dreyspool Abraham A (A A Dreyspool & Co), res Birming

ham, Ala


Dreyspool A A & Co (Abraham A Dreyspool and Isaac C

Jackson), clothing and Mens' furnishing goods, 19 10th

and 1003 Broad

Driggers George W, pedler, res 20 Crawford rd, N Girard

Driggers Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix: Mnfg Co

Driggers Noah, wks Swifjt Mnfg Co

Driver George E, trav salesman Garrett &: Sons, res Opelika, Ala

Drumbor Charles E, eng Steam Fire'Cc^No 1, rooms same

Dryer Calvin, c (Jackson & Dryer), res Wynn's Hill nr Wynn ton rd

DuBose Walter E, condr C & W R R, res 1132 2d ave

Dudley Andrew J, grocer Broad, res S Railroad, Browneville ---f----

Aenchbaclier & Freer, Furnishing Goods,

J 1129 BroadiStreet.

(See p 2)

WOOL WINE HIGH SCHOOL Makes noble men of

boys and grand wo-


men of girls:


Dudley Charles T, Bkpr Harver & Dudley, bds 1244 5tli a v e
Dudley Clifford, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Dudley Edward, carp, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Dudley Enoch, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd,
Girard Dudley Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Dudley Frank J (tel S4), architect 1243 6th ave, res 1136 4th
ove Dudley Noland L, bkpr Wni Beach, res 212.9th Dudley Thomas j (Harvey & Dudley)rres 1244 5th a<veDudley \Vm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mlg Co> Dudley Wm F, farmer, res 900 2d ave Duffie Henry S, mach Columbus Iron V ks, res 715 Front
Duggan M, wks Swift Mfg Co Duggan Dudley, farmer, res 31 Curtis Quarters, M ynnton Dugger Hcubv, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Duggy Michael, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 606 14th Duke Columbus, reporter Enquirer-Sun, bds Veranda House
Duke C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Duke Epsev, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Duke Hulda (wid Jesse M), res Lively Duke James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg. Co, res Abort, X
Girard Duke Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Shod,. Browne-
ville Duke John N, carp Muscogee Mfg Co, res 900 Front Duke John F, carp, res Van Buren, Browneville Duke Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short,
Brownviile Duke Miss Leona, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short,
Browneville Duke Miss M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Duke Miss Nancy LI, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lively


\ <IVYV A R n

J-.U1 \V Alill A.

tl A1V1 ,

House. Siqn and Ornamental

No. 9 12th Street.


Advertising in all its branches. Estimates cn contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and'Silver'Glass Srgns,, for every business.

Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City,
loio Broad. Street.

G. E.


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Duke Miss Nora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short, Browneville
Duke Raphael M, collector Columbus Ledger, bds 900 Front Duke Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, N Girard Duke Miss Tamzie A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lively Duke Wayne, blksmith, res Abert, N, Girard Duke Wni A, res 1434 1st ave Dukes, David, c, lab, res 1641 4th ave Dukes James A, carp, res Broadnax, N Girard
Dukes Miss Mary, tailoress Columbus Clothing Go, res Abert, N Girard
Dunbar Cora, wks Muscogee Mfg Go Dunbar Jennie, wks Swift Mfg Co Dunbar Robert, wks Swift Mfg Co
Duncan A L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, 'res Jackson N Girard Duncan Blanton, nvks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Duncan Canywie, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Duncan C H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, Duncan Daniel, policeman, res 1436 1st ave Duncan Dollie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Duncan Howard, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 17 Broad N
Duncan John, elk T S Young, res 1507 2d ave
Duncan Miss Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax N Girard
Duncan Michael, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 514 15th Duncan Miss Nettie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax N Girard
Duncan Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Duncan Thomas B, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res Broadnax N Girard
Duncan Thomas M, res Broadnax N Girard Duncan Walter S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax
N Girard

Hi" TMTftBS HaM Wheat's Drag Stores

JOHN S. STEWART, STEALS POWER PR8NTER Job Printing of every description at short notice, 13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA.



Dunnigan C, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Dunwody Frances, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton

Dunwody James A, c, blksmith Henry Brown, c, res 418 5th

ave Durham James H, eng Steamer Amos Hayes, res Long Girard

Durkin John, res 630 3d ave

Durkin John Jr, bds 630 3d ave Duskin Henry, c, teacher, res Browneville Duskins Miss Annie, Asst Browneville Academy res Browne

ville Buy Gregory B, propr Rankin House. 1004 & 1006 Broad

(See back covor.)
Duy George C, with Rankin House, bds same Dwight Daniel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Eagle Pants Factory, L Meyer, Propr 7 12th Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co, (Tel 1), (Cap $250,000), TV H
Young, Pres, A J Young, Treas, Cotton & Woolen Mills, Front bet 12th and 14th Eagle & Phenix savings Bank, W H Young, pres, A L Young cashier, Front betl2th and 14th Eason John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad ave
Browneville Eason Silas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad ave
Browneville East Benjamin, grocer Broadnax, N Girard, res Ingersoll cer
N Railroad, Browneville East Henry, wks Brownc^s Steam Cotton Mills East Miss Laura, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Railroad ave,
Browneville East Richard, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Railroad ave, Browne


Ceiling, Flooring, Weatlierboard-
ing, brackets, Pickets, Mantels, &c.

CiTico, 1243 Cth itve.



It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Easterwood Mrs Amanda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Easterwood R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co< Eastwood Melvina (wid Matthew), res Broadnax, N Girard Eberhart Cleburne, steward, res Macon rd, Wynnton Eherhart Lee, elk, res Macon rd, Wynnton Eberhart Samuel, farmer, res Macon rd, Wynnton Echbardt James, c, painter, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hill Echols David W, c, painter, res 1502.5th ave Echols L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Echols Robert M, carp, res Marshall, Browneville Echols Win, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Ecton Isaac, c, painter J T Sheppard, c, res 1809 1st ave Ector John, c, wks steamer Fannie Fearn, res 737 Front Eddings Miss Annie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broadnax, 17
Eddings Miss Claude, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gir ard
Eden Jordon, c, carp, res 618 5th ave
Edge Benjamin, mail carrier, res Broad, Browneville Edge Clarence J, boots and shoes 1104 Broad, res 1211 4th ave Edgeworth Robert, c, porter A G Rhodes & Co, res 2d ave cor
Edmunds Allen, c. drayman H A Gibson, res 9th bet 5th and 6th ave
Edmunds James, c, lab Empire stables Edmunds Lotta, c, laundress, res 1542'4th' ave Edmunds Mary, c, domestic L A Scarbrough.
Edmunds Thomas T, furniture, carpets, etc, 1118 Broad, bd'3 636 1st ave
Edmunds Win, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res Girard Edwards Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Edwards Asa, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Edwards Mrs Belle, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Edwards Berry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Edwards C C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Loci Bal Shoes T., J. HUNT,


21 10th Street.

Keep in stock Pipe, Pipe Fittings. Globa
and Check Valves, injectors, &x.
5 Telephone 154.


Edwards Eugene, lab Columbus Iron Wks, res 1540 4tli ave

Edwards Fannie, c, laundress, res 1505 5th ave

Edwards George, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Edwards George \V, mngr John II Edwards, res 308 10th

Edwards Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res S Railroad,

Brownville Edwards Henry, c, wks Columbus Ice & Refrigerating Co

Edwards Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co

Edwards India, wks Swift Mnfg Co Edwards James C, presser G. J. Peacock, bds 1217 1st aye

Edwards Mrs. Jane, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res N Railroad,



Edwards John H (tel 135), Propr Sans Soucil020 Broad,

and Queen City Wood Yard, 9th s w cor 7th ave (tel 80),

res 412 Broad (Seejo 59)

Edwards Kitty, domestic Mrs L M Burrus Edwards Laura (wid Jackson), res 1217 1st ave'

Edwards Lemuel W, Grocer, S Railroatj cor Mullm,

Brownville, res same Edwards Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Edwards Mrs Mary, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Short nr Dil

lingham Edwards Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co

Edwards Minatt E, grocer and town marshal, res Cemetery,

Browneville Edwards Perry, c, preacher, res 519 5th ave Edwards Robert L, baggagemaster C R R, res Cemetery,

Browneville Edwards Rosa, domestic F B Gordon Edwards Sallie, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills Edwards Thomas, c, Trunk Mkr and Upholsterer 1218

1st ave, res 2d ave bet 12th and 13th Edwards Wm, wks Brown's Steam Cotton Mill, res 1st ave bet

9th and 10th



Blogs, Cliaiiis, Clocks
R. L. POLK & CO.'S
Edwards Wm, lab. res 810 6th Edwards Wm, c, painter, res 613 3d ave Edwards \\ m C, butcher, res Railroad ave. Browneville Edwards m H C, elk M E Edwards, res Cemetery, Browne
ville Eider Charles -J, elk Philip Eifler. res 1711 2d ave Eifler Philip, Guns, Pistols' and Sporting Goods, 1005
Broad, res 702 2d ave (See p 89) Eifler Philip, jr, freight elk Sou Express Co, bds 702 2d ave Eifler Wm, elk Philip Eifler, bds 702 2d ave Elbert Acers, c, Avks Muscogee Oil Co Elbert James, c, lab Muscogee Oil Co, res Bottom, nr Wynn-
ton Elder Cynthia (wid Wm),res S Girard Elkins Samuel, AAdcs Chattahoochee Knitting Co Elledge Andrew M, Marble Wks 905 Broad,res 1220 2d ave Ellerby Robert, c, lab, res 400 3d ave Ellington Oscar, c, waiter Rankin House Elliott Alvin ff, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 30 Forsyth,
Browneville Elliott Miss Emma, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne-
Elliott John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 30 Forsyth, BroAvneville
Elliott Mrs Lucinda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 30 For_ syth, BroAvneville
Elliott R, A\ks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Elliott va esley G, carp, res 6 Jackson, Brownville Ellis Carrie Avks Swift Mfg Co, bds 51215th Ellis Davis, c, lab, res Gayle, Browneville
SS- ^wa,rd, cooper Collunl,us Barrel Mfg Co, bds 512 15th Ellis Elizabeth, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 512 15th Ellis Emma (wid Julius), Avks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad,
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Iron Pumps and Fencing, Yard Fountains; and Sprinklers.



Ellis James R, mach Muscogee MfgCo, res Cemetery, Browne-
ville Ellis Mary (wid Joshua), res 512 loth Ellis Nicholas, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 115|- 16th Ellis Nonie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 512 15th Ellis Robert F, printer Thomas Gilbert, res 1613 1st ave Ellis Mrs Selina J, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res 2d ave
bet 20th and 21st Ellis Thomas, c, wks J T Shepherd, c res Front, bet 8th and
9th Ellis Wm A, wks Muscogee, Mfg Co, res 1406 Broad Ellison, Charles A, baggage master M & G R R, res 610 9th Ellison John, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, bds 445 5th ave Ellison John C, x>oliceman, res 445 5th ave Ellison J T, market gardner stall 28 City Market, res Linn-
wood Ellison Sterling J, collector Singer Mfg Co, res-610 9th Ely Jerry, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 608 2d ave Ely Luke, c, wkr Muscogee Mfg Co, res 608 2d ave Ely MarthaF (wid Marcus B), res McCollister, Browneville Ely Wm, wks Browns Factory, res River, Girard Emanuel Wm, c, res 825 9th ave Embrev Newton J, res 1419 Broad Emerson see also Amerson Emerson Alfred L, candymkr C Heller, res 715 2d ave Emory George, c, carp, res 49 Zion Empire Flouring Mills (tel 42), George 4V Woodruff propr,
Front s e cor 9th Empire stables (Tel 58), G Gunby and Oscar S Jordan
Proprs, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, 1222 to 1232 1st ave
(See left top lines) Emerich Albert, elk Wm Emerick, bds 1238 Broad Emerick Wm agt, dry goods and clothing 1238 Broad, res
same England James, bkpr England & Snyder, res 1019 3d ave

Mattress Factory. Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 1210 and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)

Elegant Turnouts and Experi- IMPTRi? QT^TI?C! encetl Silvers can be found at IjlttillUj (jlilDijjjij


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

England Reuben, c, driver Millers mail transfer England Reuben H, (England & Snyder), res 11019 3d ave England & Snyder (Reuben H England, Jesse Snyder), con
tractors and builders 1140 1st ave English Joseph P,`tailor Chancellor & Pearce, res Girard Ennis David, carp,'res 1714 1st ave
Ennis 'Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Slade Lane, Linnwoed
Ennis J Albertus, driver Columbus R R Co, res 17th bet 2d and 3d ave
Ennis Neal, wks Swift Mfg Co
Ennis Robert A, salesman Joel Btish, rooms over C A Redd & Co
Ennis Miss Stella, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 113 18th
Enquirer-Sim Pub Co (Tel 17), Capital $20,000). Thomas J Pearce. Pres ; Henry C, Hanson, Sec and Treas; Co lumbus Enquirer-Sun 11 11th, (See p 45)
Epping Early II (Epping & Lange), and Cashier Cha'ta-
hoochee Nat Bank, res 11 15th
Epping- Henry H. Pres Chattahoochee Nat Bank, res 1116 Front
Epping Henry H jr (Flournoy & Epping), res 1116 Front Epping House, Mrs W J Epping propr, boarding, 1237 Broad Epping Mrs W J, propr Epping House 1237 Broad Epping- & Lange (E FI Epping and J A Lange), Fire Ins
Agts 1205 Broad (See adv p 52) Epps Anna, c, laundress, res 711 Front Epps Columbus, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Epps Mary Ann, domestic J B Plolt Erby Jones, c, fireman, res 1309 6th ave
Erminger Howell B (Erminger & Lundy), res Macon, Ga Erminger & Lundy (FI B Erminger and L S Lundy), candy
mnfrs 1441 Broad Ervine Marion, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co Esseck Daniel, drayman, res 730 5th ave

Aenchbaclier & Freer, FINE SUITS a Specialty, 1129 Broad St. (See p 2)

Weolwine High School,





Estes, Abbott & Co (C E and R H Estes and H J Abbott),

wholesale and retail hardware and agricultural implements

1107 Broad

Estes Charles E (Estes, Abbott & Co), res over 5042 Broad

Estes Edwin C (J Marion Estes & Son), res 518 12th

Estes Henson S, res 1229 Broad


Estes J Marion (.J Marion Estes & Son) res 513 12th

Estes J Marion & Son (J Marion and Edwin C), boots and

shoes 1038 Broad

Estes Miss Martha, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res S

road, Browneville

Estes RichardH (Estes, Abbott & Co), bds 1229 Broad

Estes Thursa (wid), res 1532 2d ave

Estes Wilson E, elk G M & G R R, bds 1334 2d ave

Etheredge Miss Belle, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3 14th

Etheredge Charles A, res 1523 2d ave

Etheredge Charles W, elk J A Kirven & Co. bds 1523 2d ave

Etheredge Elizabeth (wid James), res 3 14th

Etheredge Miss Fannie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3 14th

Etheredge Miss Hassy, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3 14th

Etheredge John C, elk G M Bowers, bds 1523 2d ave

Etheredge J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Etheredge Lizzie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3 14th

Etheredge Mabel, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3 14th

Eubanks Richard H, wks H R Davis

Evans Aaron, c, restaurant 1238 1st ave, res 5th ave,

Evans Amy, c, laundress, res Long, Girard

Evans Anna, wks Swift Mfg Co

Evans Burrel, c, lab W E Williams & Son, res rear 313 11th

Evans Elveera, c, domestic Thomas Chaffin

Evans Henry, c, res Amos Quarters, Wynnton rd

Evans Isham, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res 524 5th ave

Evans Joseph, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co

Evans Joseph, c, lab, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st

Evans Newton T, c, lineman W U Tel Co

O. E3 -yottisto,
^Contractor and Builder, No, 9 12th Street.

iH H ^

' V


Evans Philip, c, lab C & W R R, res 816 6th ave Evans S A, mach Columbus Iron Wks, bds Brown House Evans Thomas, c, lab, res 326 7th Evans Thomas H (Evans & Howard), res 815 3d ave Evans Wm, c, porter HFF Everett Evans & Howard, tel 141 (Thomas H Evans and Ralph' 0
Howard), drugs 1113' and 1302 Broad' Everedge James B, baker H F'Everett, res 18 10th Everedge Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert
Girard Everett Anderson, c, wood cutter, res 301 18th Everett Charles, c, lab, res 1311 5th ave Everett Henry E, Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishing
Goods, 1111 Broad, and Baker 18 10th, res 842 2d ave Everett John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 9 Payne,
Browneville Everett John I, tinner H F Everett, res 13 Broad, N Girard Everett Newton, c, wks W U Tel Co, res Cooleyville Ezzsrd Green, c, drayman Jones Bros & Caverly


Faber Edward S (Peabody & Faber),.res 809 Broad Faber Blma A, res 543 1 st ave Fagan Enoch, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 6th and 7th Faggs Miss Nannie, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co,-res Long, Girard Faircloth, Bethania (wid Gabriel), res Broad,. Girard Falconer Charles, wks Swift Mnfg Co, res Ingersoll, Browne
ville Falconer Emanuel, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res 3 14th Fann Moses, c, teamster, res 1820 3d ave Fanning Miss Josephine, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfjg Co, res
Long, Girard

Soda, "W"ate r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, at


I 1


Oldest. Strongest anti Best Companies. \

Fire Insurance Agent,



Fargason see cdsoFerguson Fargason J W Jones, money elk and cashier Sou Express
Co, res 616 1st ave Farish John D, weigher Lowell warehouse, bds Veranda
House Farish Robert E, warehouseman, bds 1319 4th ave Farley Thomas F, furniture, stoves and house furnishing goods,
1248 Broad, res same Farmer Alexander J (A J & B G Farmer), res Rose Hill Farmer A J & B G (Alex J, Byrd G), (tel 161), whol grocers,
cigars and tobacco, 1047 Broad Farmer Byrd G (A J & B G Farmer), res Rose Hill Farmer Charles, c, driver L H Chappell, res 18th Rose Hill Farmer Charles B, elk A J & B G Farmer, res Rose Hill
Farmer J F, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Farmer Thomas, c, lab A W Cozart Farmer Wm, grocer, 800 4th ave, res same Farris George (Moore & Farris), res Rose Hill' Faulk Calvin, wks Brown's Steam Mills,res 1st ave bet 9th and!
10th Faulk Marion^ wks Pearce's Factory Faulk Virginia, c,. domestic IF A Pomeroy
Faulk Wm, wks Pfearce's Factory Faulkenberry Wm M, carp, res Crawford; rd, N Girard
Faulkner Charles, wks Swift Mnfg Co Faulkner Emanuel, wks Muscogee Mnfg CoFaulkner M, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Faulkner Miss Rosa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Fault Calvin, wks Browne?s Steam Cotton Mill Fault Mary, wks Browne's- Steam Cotton Mill Fault Wm, wks Browne's-Steam Cotton Mill Favors James W, lumber, res 416 Broad Favors Monroe, eng Ga M & G R R, res 521 4th ave
Fee George, mngr Wm Fee, bds 638 Broad

HARVEY & DOOLEY, kare-,Blinds'Window and


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephono 84*




Fee Wm, plumber, gas and steam fitter, tin, copper and sheet iron worker, 940 Broad, res 638 Broad
Feiler D Jacob, bakery and confectionery, 24 10th, res 838 2d
ave Feiler Melvin, trav salesman Louis Buhler & Co, bds 838 2d
ave Fell Harry C, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 1442 1st ave
Fell John, c, lab, res 738 5th ave Fell Thomas, mechanic, res Long, Girard Felton Joseph, c, lab, res 716 5th ave Felton Miles, c, carp, res 1007 7th ave Female Orphan Asylum, Miss Hephziba J Pope, matron, 11th
ave s w ccr 15th Fennel Benjamin F, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Broad N,
Girard Fennel Miss Ida O, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Broad, N Gir
ard Fennel Miss Leritchia, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Broad, N
Girard Fennel Wm F, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Broad, N Girard
.Ferguson see also Fargason Ferguson Alexander, wks J W Miller Ferguson John W, eng Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, res
2d ave bet 21st and 22d Ferrell Alice, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Ferrell James B, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Crawford rd |
mile Girard Ferrell Polly, c, res 825 6th ave Field Charles, grocer Bridge, Girard, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Field Charles W (Field & Colter), res Sand Fort rd, Girard Field Joseph A, shoemkr R P Allen, res S Railroad, Brotvne-
ville Field & Colter (Charles W Field and Pierce Colter), grocers,
Crawford ave s w cor Gayle Fields Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co







Fields Miss Hattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Fields Johh M, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard Fields John W, c, barber Id H Williams, res 828 5th ave Fields Mrs. .Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Fields Miss Mary, res Broad, Browneville Fields Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Fields, Pennie, c, cook Frank Conti Fields Richard, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Fields Richard M, night watchman Flournoy & Epping, res
1515 1st ave Fields Wm F, driver Columbus R R Co, res 1717 Talbotton
ave Fillingim Henry V, baggage master C & R R R, res Green
ville, Ga Findlater George, propr Waverly farm and huckster stalls 4 and.
6 City Market, res Hamilton s w cor Hill ave, Rose Hill Finney Jane, c, domestic G W Briggs Finney Imcy domestic J L Hogan Finney Moses, c, lab, res 1426 5th ave Finney Randall, c, brakeman C R R, res rear 219 15th Finnigan Mrs Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co First Baptist Church, Rev Robert H Harris pastor, 12th bet
2d and 3d ave First Baptist Church, Rev Joseph P Hunter pastor, Jackson
bet Marshall and Young, Browneville First Baptist Church, c, W S Ramsey, c, pastor, 11th s w cor
6th ave First Presbyterian Church, Rev Wm A Carter pastor, 1st ave
cor 11th Fischacher Miss Bella, bds Central Hotel Fish Mark, c, lab. res 1519 6th ave Fisher Charles B, grocer and agt Singer Mfg Co 1917 2d ave,.
res same Fisher Hugh T, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds Brown House Fisher Warren E, c, barber Parlor Barbershop, res 913 3d ave

T. L. GRUZARD Paints anij Hardware-

deals in






R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Fitzpatrick Henry, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard Flagg Alfred D, physician, Broadnax, cor Gayle, Girard Flagg Georgia, c, laundress, res Cooleyville Flagg Lula, c, res Bottom, Wynntonn Flanders Anna, c, res 1011 6th ave Flanders John, c, lab C & W R R, res 1011 6th ave Flanders Solomon, c, lab Columbus R R Co Flannigan Miss Bettie, seamstress G J Peacock, res Payne,
Browneville Flannigan Miss Elizabeth, wks G J Peacock, res Payne, Browne
ville Flannigan James M, carp, res Payne, Browneville Flannigan Oscar, clock agt, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st Fleming Hattie (wicl Wm), res Booneville nr Wynnton Fleming Mrs Henrietta, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,
Girard Fleming John fireman G M & G R R, res 109 10th Fleming John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Booneville nr Wynnton Fleming Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Fleming Oliver, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, Gi
rard Fletcher Charles, c, waiter Hotel Riddle Fletcher Janies M (J M Fletcher & Son), res 71*8 2d ave Fletcher John T (J M Fletcher & Son), res 702 2d ave Fletcher J M & Son (tel 94) (James M and John T), livery
1233-1237 1st ave, and undertakers 12 12th Fletcher Thomas, wks Columbus Gas Light Co, res Long, Gi
rard Fletcher Wesley, c, porter W S, Davis, res 841 6th ave Fletcher, Wm A, wks Columbus Gas Light Co, res Long, Gi
rard Fletcher Wm C, c, porter W T Pool, res 314 13th Flewellen Abner C, teacher Rose Hill public school, res Linn-
wood Flewellen Harriett, c, cook B G Farmer
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

GEORGIA STEAM & GAS PIPE CO.~Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptlyattended to, at 1035 Broad St.



Flewellen Jackson, c, grocer 601 6th ave res 515 6th Flewellen James, c, lab, bds 515 6th Flewellen Lizzie, c, nurse B G Farmer Flewellen Mattie, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Flewellen 'Nancy, e, domestic Joseph Bush Flewellen Philip, c, lab, res 808 7th ave Flewellen Young, c, drayman C A Klink, res 18tli, Rose Hill Florence Miss Alice, -wks Eagle & Phenbc Mfg Co, res Browne-
ville Florence Wm, wks Eagle & Phenrx Mfg Co, res Cemetery,
Brownville Flournoy Alfred, c, wks Berrys brickyard Flournoy Charles, c, head waiter Rankin House, res Wynnton. Flournoy George R. trav salesman M Joseph, res 512 Broad Flournoy John F tel 126) (Flournoy & Epping), res Wynnton Flournoy Josiah, eng Columbus R R Co, bds Heyman's res
taurant Flournoy Lee, c, domesticAY T Gautier Flournoy Lewis, c, wks Swift Mfg Co Flournoy Robert, c, lab, Berrys brickyard, res Bottom, "W ynn-
Flournoy Robert, c, lab Berrys brickyard, res 3d ave bet 22d
and 23d Flournoy Wm, c, lab, res 18th, Rose Hill Flournoy & Epping jr (Tel 3) John F Flournoy and HH
Epping jr) Com Merchants and Proprs Alston Warehouse
12th ne cor Front (See p 53) Flowers Henry, c, house boy H ^M Howard Floyd Babe (wid John W), res Broad, Browneville Floyd Miss Delia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Railroad
bet 2d and 3d ave Floyd Dorsy, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1502 1st ave Flovd Eugene, rodman |Columbus R R Co, bds 1501 2d ave Flovd H, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Floyd John C, weigher Flournoy & Epping, res 1501 2d ave

R. L. POLK & CO.'S

laundress, res Collins, Browneville

Floyd Lee, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds Railroad bet 2d and 3d


Floyd Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Railroad

bet 2d and 3d aves

Floyd Miss Nora L, prin intermediate Browneville Public

school, res Broad, Browneville

Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad

2d and 3d aves

Flynn Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N


Flynn Kate, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds Broadnax, N Girard

Flynn Maggie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds Broadnax, N Girard

Flynn Mary, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds Broadnax, N Girard

Flynn Robert L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Gir


Fogarty Fannie- (wid Nicholas), res 705 2d ave

Fogarty Nicholas,, brickmason, bds 705 2d ave

Fogle Wm .J, dentist 12104- Broad, res same

Foley Daniel M, contractor, res 845 1st ave

Foley Theodore M, Tel 30, Grocer, Wines and Liquors-

and Mngr Springer Opera House 1st ave cor 10th, res 928-

2d ave

Folsom Dora, c, domestic J II Gabriel

Folsom Elias, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg



Fontaine Bettie B (wid Benjamin), res Front s e eor 11th

Fontaine Buck, c, lab Columbus R R Co

Fontaine Charles, c, lab, res 305 17th

Fontaine Evaline, c, laundress, res 18-w 10th

Fontaine George LI, planter, bds Front s e cor 11th

Fontaine Hariett, domestic Charles Philips

Fontaine Robert, c, porter IV A Little, bds 18 w 10th

Fontaine Theodore S, bds Rankin House

Fontie John F, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 1230 Broad

Aercchbacher & Freer, MILLER'S HATS


1129 Begad St. (See p 2)

Controls Boys and Girls by Appealing to their Honor. ISTaslw-ill, Tonii,



Foran John, street overseer, res 731 4th ave JTorbes Benjamin G> Merchant Tailor, Gents Furnishings
and Agt for Brown. King & Co, New York, 22 12th, res
930 4th ave (See p 54) Ford Albertus (Bartlett, Newman & Co), res 210 18th
Ford Anna, wks Clegg Mfg Co Ford Mrs Belle, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res- Short nr
Dillingham Ford Carrie, c, domestic John Ligon Ford Edward, road master C & W Div C Ik R
Ford Miss Fannie, res- 815 4th ave Ford Fannie E (wid Leroy), bds 1036 4th aveFord George, elk Bee Hive, bds 1036 4th ave Ford Isam, c, waiter John Ligon Ford James, res 806 4th ave Ford Miss Martha, seamstress, res Van Buren, N Girard Ford Miss Mary, seamstress, res Van Buren, N Girard Ford Thomas T, elk T T Edmunds, res Girard Forsyth F M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Forsyth Mrs Edna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,-res Forsyth,.
Browneville Forsyth Marion, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res-Gayle, Browne
ville Forsyth Sarah C (wid Robert),.res Forsyth, Girard Forsyth Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, res Forsythr
Browneville Foster Andrew, c, lab, res 69 Hill ave,. Rose Hill
Foster A, wks Muscogee MnfgCo Foster Edwin, c, wks Harvey & Dudley Foster George, c, lab, res 69 Hill ave Foster Harriett, c, laundress, res 841 6th ave Foster H, wks Columbus Iron Wks Foster Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Foster James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Painter House. Sign and Ornamental No. 9 12th Street.

Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Giass Signs, for every

k /t f '

G. E. Ti


Aiul Merchant Tailor,

5 Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


Foster John, c, lab Empire Mills, res 420 5th ave Foster Lee, c, lab, res 8tli bet 5th and 6th aves Foster Lizzie (Avid Robert), res Jackson, Browneville Foster Miss Lucy, teacher, bds 20th nr Hamilton ave Foster Lucy., c, res 967 6th .ave Foster Miss Mattie, art teacher Chappell's Seminary, res 20th
nr Hamilton ave, .Rose Llill Foster Miss Nannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C Foster Roxie, wks Swift Mfg Co Foster Silas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C Frails Clara, c, res 1315 1st ave Frampton James H, elk J K Holloway, bds 1309 4th ave Franchise Baptist Church, c, Rev Allen Myers, pastor, end of
Bridge, Girard Frank Abraham C, printer J S 'Stewart, bds 1531 3d ave Frank Charles, elk A A Dreyspool, res 1531 3d ave Frank Nathan, elk L L Cowdery & Co, bds 1531 3d ave Frank Miss Rachel, elk Bee Hive, bds 1531 3d ave Franklin Agnes, c, laundress, res 830 Front Franklin Benjamin, c, wks River Compress, res 730 5th ave Franklin Benjamin, c, lab, res R R ave Browneville Franklin Callie, c, domestic W S Wyche Franklin Mrs Ellen E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall Browneville Franklin Leonidas W, painter Kimbrough & Brown, bds
Marshall Browneville Franklin Margret, c, domestic J P Norman Franklin Miss Alary E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Marshall Browneville Franklin Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall
Browneville Franklin Toliver, c, wks Empire Mills, res 830 Front Franklin Willis, c, wks Empire Mills, res 830 Front Fraser Jefferson, c, wks Columbus Iron Works, res N Railraod




Fraser Martha, c, laundress, res N Railroad Browneville Frazer John A, Propr Veranda House, 10th s \v 1st ave Frazer Luther C, (Frazer & Dozier), res 809 1st ave Frazer & Dozier, (tel 57), ( L C Frazer <fc Dozier) whol &
retail hardware, 1123 and 1125 Broad Frazier Amanda, domestic W P Turner Frazier Tobe, c, lab, res 541 3d ave Frazier Jane, (wid Isaiah), res North West Frazier Job, c, wks J M Fletcher & Son Frazier Josephine, cook Wm P Turner Frazier Lewis, c, plasterer, bds 20 w 10th Frederick Charles J, elk G Gager, bds 523 10th Freeman Archibald, live stock dealer, res Broad Browneville
Freeman Emily, c, res 1011 6th ave Freeman George, c, lab Columbus Iron Works, res Sand Fort
rd Girard Freeman Henry, c, porter YM C A Freeman Mary, c, res 812 4th ave Freeman Millard F, mach, res 13 Jackson Browneville Freeman Mad Mollie, res 1314 1st ave Freeman Robert, lab res 504 4th ave Freeman Webster, c, wks J C Hughes, res 812 6th ave Freeman Wesley S, (tel 14-2), whol & retail grocer, 1027 Broad
res 732 Front Freeman Wm, c, wks Berrys brick yard Freeman Wm, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd Coolyville Freeman Wm A, meat market stall 10 City Market, res Broad,
Browneville French Ellis, peddler, res 1308 Broad French Eugene, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s
of 11th French John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s
of 11th French Susan (wid Wm), res Front 3 s of 11th French Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix(Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s of 11th


Georgia Long Leaf Yellow Pine,

Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin

7 gles, Laths and Lime.

Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84.



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Fry Charles, c, lab, res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th Fry Felix, c, lab, res S Railroad, Browneville Fry Walter A, purser steamer Pactolus, res 109 7th Fulford Samuel H, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res 120 6th Fuller Brown, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Fuller Caleb, c, lab, res 1636 4th ave Fuller George, c, lab, res 700 10th Fuller James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, X
Girard Fuller John R, carp, res Broadnax, N Girard Fuller Joseph P, supt So Plow Factory, res Abert, Girard Fuller Kate, c, cook, res 1820 2d ave Fuller Miss Lula,, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax
N Girard Fullerton Claude, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,.
N Girard Fullerton Miss Lilia, wks Eagle-& Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,
N Girard Fullerton Mary L (wid John), res Abert X Girard Fullerton Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,res Abert, Furlow Mrs Jane, res rear 810 Short Furnace Ella, wks Clegg Mfg Co FusSell A, wks Columbus Iron Wks Futch Horace L, moulder Columbus Iron Wks, res-131B Broad Futch Mrs M wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Fntra.ll Wm E, stonemason, res 116>18th

Gabriel Charles S, Student, bds 825 3d ave Gabriel Dock, c, wks River Compress Gabrial Joseph, c, lab, res 4th ave bet 7th and 8th Gabriel J Henry (J H Gabriel & Co), res 825 3d ave
3 Is School Shoes,

GOLDEN BROS., Tel"pn"ES"dCoh"r5' a? ty&V TAT&AG Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys,



Gabriel J H & Co (tel 106), (J Henry Gabriel and Frank J

Kohn), whol grocers 1025 Broad

Gadden Mary, c, domestic J W Favors Gager George E, grocer and saloon 523 10th, res same Gaines Alexander, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Gaines James, c, wks Alabama Warehouse, res River Front bet

17th and 18th Gaines Mary Lou, c, res 1319 6th ave Gaines Wesley, c, cflayman A G Rhodes & Co, res rear \\ m J

Smith Gaines Wm, lab, res 6th ave bet 7th and Sth

Gaines Willis, steward Pactolus, res 514 3d ave Gaither Mrs Georgia D, teacher Peabody district school, JS o 4

Broad cor Jefferson, N Girard, res Business, Girard

Gallagher J J, reporter Enquirer-Sun, bds 11th n e_ cor Front

Gallett Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res 18 Forsyth,

Browneville Gallett Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gallett Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 18 For-

svth, Browneville




Gallett Miss Mittie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 18 lor-

syth, BrowmilLe

._ ,,

Gallett Peter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 18 Forsyth,




Gallman Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Gallman Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co


Galloway Miss Cordelia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 404

Galloway Miss Della, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 404 6th
Galloway Coleman, bkpr, bds 1010 1st ave Galloway John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, bds 404 6th Galloway John H, dyer, res 404 Gth Galloway Watson B, cooper Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, bds 1016
5th ave__.

T7 L. GRUZ.ARD, Builders' Supplies

KANFB and dealer in all kinds of




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Galloway Wm, wks Eagle & PhenixMnfg Co, bds 404 6th Galloway Wm P, wks Columbus Barrel Factory, bds 12th cor
10th ave Gamble Frank M, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N R It,
Browneville Gamble Sampson, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1st ave
rear Central Plotel Gammel Frank M, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 3d ave bet
6th and 7th Gammell Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gammell Sampson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gammon Chanie, c, domestic C D Hurt Gammon Joseph G, policeman, res 1544 2d ave Gammon Martha (wid Samuel), res 832 3d ave Gammons Lawrence, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1431
1st ave Gammons Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1431
1st ave Gamos Wm, brakeman C & W R R, bds 502 8th Gann Miss Clara Eugenia, bds 1317 2d ave Gann George H, collector J O' Reedy, bds 1317 2d ave Gann James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle, Browne
ville Gann Julius, c, porter J Hecht Gann Nannie T (wid Henry C), dressmkr, res 1317 2d ave Gann Taylor, Tel 136, Druggist and Stationer 1611 2d ave,
res same (See p 54) Gann Wiley, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 22d and 23d Gann Wm F, physician, res 1715 2d ave Gant Miss Carrie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Gardner Bessie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Gardner Charles, c, lab Columbus R R Co Gardner Charles, c, wks F A Jepson, res 802 6th ave' Gardner Howard, c, plumber B F Billings, res 533 5th ave
--- j
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Kill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty,
1035 Broad Street.



Gard BnreorwMneivssilleJe-ssie, wks Gardner Julius, brakeman

Muscogee Mfg M & G K K,

Co, res

res Forsyth, Booneville nr

Wynnton Gardner J M, physician, res 1327 3d ave Gardner Miss Lena, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Foisjth,


_ . i -o

Gardner Miss Mary, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Forsyth, Brown-

Gardner Mettie, c, laundress, res 15 Broad, N Girard Gardner Seaborn, c, head waiter Central Hotel, res 903 6th


Gardner Susie, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Gardner Tillie, c, domestic E N Clemence

Gardner W E, wks Clegg Mfg.Co

Garner Lizzie, c1 domestic' Julius Kaufman

Garnett Louis, c, wks C R R shops

Garnett Thomas, c, lab Empire Mills

~ rnett Wm, c, lab Empire Mills

Jrard E K (wid John M), bds 1233 4th

TJ ,, ,,

Irard Louis F, tel 43, lawyer and pres Columbus K K Co,

I 11474- Broad, res Wynnton, tel 127

Irrett B", c, lab Columbus Iron Wks

Irrett E F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Irrett Frank, carp, res M&GRR nr Bridge, S Gerard

Irrett Frederick, c, wks Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co, res 5i-

I 2d ave

, _


Irrett George J (Garrett & Sons), bds 1402 2d ave,

Irrett George W, bkpr J R Garrett, res Bridge nr Broad,

-T Girard


Garrett Henrietta, c, laundress, res Marshall, Browneville

Garrett Henry W, elk Wm Meyer, res 1012 2d ave

Garrett John, c,shoemkr, res Bottom nr Wynnton

Garrett John H, elk T J Stone, bds Macon rd 34 miles

Furniture of all kinds * 8 and 121 8 Broad St.

(See p 3)

is a Perfect Livery, Sale and Feed Stable.


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Garrett John R, cotton weigher Alabama Warehouse, res

Bridge, Girard

Garrett John Y, Grocer Broad cor Bridge, res Bridge, Girard

Garrett Joseph B, collector Nat Bank of Columbus, bds 1402

2d ave

Garrett Josep S (Garrett & Sons), res 1402 2d ave

Garrett Mad Maggie, res 1318 1st ave

Garrett Robert Young (Garrett & Sons), bds 1402 2d ave

Garrett Willis, c, lab, res 512 2d ave

Garrett Zeno W, elk T J Stone, res Macon rd 3 miles Garrett & Sons (tel 151) (Joseph S, Robert Y and George J),

. whole grocers and liquor dealers and manfrs cigars -and

tobacco Broad cor 9th

Garris Mihulda (wid John), res S Railroad Brownville

Garrison George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Garrison Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Primrose

Hill N Girard

Gary Daniel, c, lab, res 6 20 5th ave

Gaswav Nancy, c domestic O C Bullock

Gater Minnie, c, laundress, res 412 17th


Gater Lizzie, c, laundress, res 412 17th


Gates Daniel c, wks Browns Cotton Mill, res 527 5th ave

Gatewood Charles yard supt T L Gruzard, res 1100 oth av^^9

Gauder James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res dst ave HH

9th and 10th

Gautier Win T, (Tel 160) Physician 1142 Broad, res H|


Gay Miss Clara, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne'v^M

Gay Miss Duckie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sumn^P

vilie, Browneville

Gay Elder B, blksmith, res Broadnax, Girard

Geeslin Ellen, wks Swift Mfg Co

Geeslin Richard, furniture 20 10th. res 102 Oth

Geeslin Mary A (wid Benjamin), res 109 15th



1129 Bhoaj> St.

` (See p 2)


Woolwine High School, Prepares Students for

I-Taslivill, Tnn.

College or University.



Gennett Robert, machinist Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res S

Railroad, Browneville

Gentry David, carp, res 202 20th

"Gentry Mamie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Gentry Martha A E (wid James), res Browneville

-Gentry Martin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville

Gentry Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne


Gen try Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne



Gentry Miss Nancy, wks Eagle & Phcnx Mfg Co, res Browne


Gentry Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville

Gentry Wm, carp, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21 at

George Anna, c, domestic Philip Eifler

George Henry, c, painter, res 112 8th

George Mary, c, domestic J IT Johnston

George Millie, c, laundress, res 745 Front

Georgia Home Insurance Co Tire (capital and assets

$700,000), J Rhodes Browne, Pres; Wm C Coart, Sec;

George W Dillingham, Treas. 1046 Broad (See p 48)

Georgia Midland and Gulf R R Co, James EGrammess, Pres;

G Gunby Jordan, Genl Mngr; 'V S Greene, Chf Engr; M

E Gray, Supt; C W Chears (tel 104), Genl Freight and

Pass Agt'; T C S Hansard, Auditor, Georgia Home bldg

1046 Broad

Georgia Midland and Gulf R R Depot (tel 62), Hines Holt,

agt, 6th bet 6th and 7th aves

Georgia Steam and Gas Pipe Co (tel 99) Edward II

Jenkins, Pres; Frederick A Clark, Treas, Whol and Retail

Steam, Gas and Water Pipe and Fittings, 1085 Broad

(See right top lines and p 49)

Germany J H, canvasser Singer Mnf Co

Gerson Morris L, elk M Joseph, bds Rankin House

Geyer Henry, Merchant Tailor, 14 12th, res 1617 2d ave

Contractor and Builder, No, 9 12th street.

Please forward plans, and I will furnish you estimates on all kinds of Building, `Carpentering and Repairing.



G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing j

a Specialty.


lOlO Broad Street.


R.-L. POLK & CO.'S

Gibson Alonzo F(A F Gibson &. Co), res 704 1st ave


Gibson A F & Co (Alonzo F and Hiram A Gibson), Mat

tress Mnfs and Furniture, 1216 and 1218 Broad (See right ^

bottom lines and v S)

Gibson Edward W, Contractor and Builder, 1218 1st ave, (

res 1529 5th ave

i (

Gibson Ernest B, elk H A Gibson, bds 708 1st ave

Gibson George F, elk Isham Meadows, res Marshall, Browne- (



Gibson Hiram A (A F Gibson & Co), and furniture and mat

tresses, 1306--1310 Broad, res 708 1st ave

) (

Gibson J Thomas, elk Garrett & Sons, res 821 Broad


Gibson Mrs L wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co

, (

Gibson Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Gibson Stafford B, elk Hunt Bros, res 1209-^- Broad


Gibson Wiley, c, lab, res 838 7th ave


Gidden Amanda (wid Samuel), res 637 4th ave

Gidden Lucy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 637 4th ave |

Giddens, Catharine, c, laundress, res 616 2d ave

Guldens Columbus S, c, Principal Browneville Academy, (

res 711 6th ave


Giddens Frank M, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Front bet 13th

and 14th


Giddens Mrs Mary, grocer, Bridge, Girard, res Broad


Giddens Robert F, grocer, Bridge, Girard, res same


Giddings Caroline (wid James), res Bridge, Girard


Giddings Purse, c, waiter T Newman


Gifford Charles, carp, res Girard


Giittinger P A, res 904 2d ave


Gilbert Cassius, bkpr, res Abert, Girard

Gilbert Charles, driver, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill


Gilbert Charles, c, hackman, res 614 2d ave


Gilbert Delia, c, res Curtis Quarters, Wvnnton


Gilbert Miss Emma, wks Muscogee Mfg Coy bds Broad, N


Hall & Wheat prescrip*5on Druggets

1016 and 1142 BROAD STREET.

* Only Right Bell in the city.

" Will ADJUSTMENTS, Ynd Prompt Payments. (




Gilbert Frank, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad, N Girard Gilbert Miss Ida, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Collins, Browne-
Gilbert James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Collins, Browneville
Gilbert James J, bkpr Thomas Gilbert, bds 1219 2d ave Gilbert Jasper N (Thomas W Howard & Co), and physician, res
700 Broad Gilbert Liola, wks Muscogee Mfg Co
Gilbert Miss Mary, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Collins, Browneville
Gilbert Mary J (wid R W), res Collins, Browneville Gilbert Squire, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Gilbert Mrs Susan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Collins,.
Browneville I Gilbert S P, Lawyer 11461- Broad, res 700 1st ave Gilbert Thomas jr, pressman Thomas Gilbert srr bds 1219 2d
ave Gilbert Thomas sr, Tel 48r Printer,. Bookbinder and Pa
per Box Mfr 15 12th, res 1219 2d ave Gilbert Wm, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Gilbert Wm T, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Collins, Browne
ville Gilbert W C, bkpr E N Hayes, res Girard Giles Freeman, c, coachman J R Browne, res 1527 4thi awe Giles Mrs Jane, tailoress G J Peacock, res Girard Giles Mrs Mary, wks G J Peacock, res Ja/ckson, Browneville Giles Richard, res rear 810 Short Gill Benjamin, wks Swift Mfg Co Gill Mrs Carrie, wks Pearce's Factory,' res Forsyth, Browne
ville Gill David W, barkpr J H Rumsey, bds same Gille G K F, cutter Columbus Clothing Co, bds Central Hotel , Gill John, patternmkr Columbus Iron Wks, res Forsyth,

,,5, LnlilEHHI W/SUTVf Jp WIGBLSl HLJlSL fCc, VT y iCnge,ilBirnagck,eFtsl,oloocrkientsg,,MWanetealst,h&ecr.board-


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 8A.

Clocks and Bronzes,,,


It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Gill Mrs Lizzie, wks Eagle &xPhenix Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Gill Mrs N E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gillespie Mrs Frederieka N, tailoress G J Peacock, res 817-<
F ront Gillespie John E, tel 41, city physician 1302 Broad, bds 11th
n e cor Front Gilmer Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gilmer Miles D, grocer, Long, Girard, res same Gilsey Lucy (wid John), res 1541 5th ave Gilsey Sallie, wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 1541 5th ave Girard Cemetery, Henry Sherrer Sexton, Sand Fort rd, Girard Girard M E Church South, Rev David C Crook pastor; Sun
day seavices 11 a m and 7 :30 p m, Bridge, Girard Girard Postoffice, Daniel M Weston, pm; N A Weston, asst p
rn ; Bridge; mails delivered 8 a m and 3pm Girls Public School, Miss Myra H Birdsong principal, 11th cor
4th ave `Givens Lewis W, c, carp, res 406 14th Glass John A, carp Eagle & Phenix Co, res 8 19th Glass Lucinda, c, domestic F M Brooks Glass W Thomas, elk Patterson F Thomas, bds 1507 2d ave Glaze George, c, carp, res 3d ave bet 23d and 24tih Glaze Hugh, elk D M 'Griswold, res 830 3d ave Glaze Wm H, res 830 3d ave Glaze Wm S, carp res rear 1007 6th ave Glaze Willis, c, porter Rose Broda, res Rosa Hill Glenn Anderson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Glenn Miss Clara, dressmkr, bds 1026 2d ave Glenn Emma, c, domestic J H Johnston Glenn John, c, canvasser A G Rhodes & Co, res 1507 6th ave Glenn Miss Parazade, dressmkr, bds 1026 2d ave Glenn Patsy, c, domestic, S M Dickson Glenn Rev Thomas, res 1021 7th ave Glenn Wm, lab, res 6th bet 3d and 4th ave Glissan Jessie (wid Brinkley) res 1308^- Broad

T. J. HUNT, Ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoes 21 lGth Street.


Manufacturers of^Steam and Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every de


Telephone IG4-.



Glover James P, elk Harrison & Capps, res Jackson, N Girard Glover Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Glover John B, road master G M & G- RR,.bd's 1232 3d ave
Glover Miss Johnnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Shorty Browne ville
Glover Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short, Browneville
Glover Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short,. Browneville
Glover Samuel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short, Browneville
Glover Thomas, c, porter Wittich & Kinsel, res rear 1308 3d ave
Gochet Nero, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res end of Bridge, Girard
Godfrey Jane, c, cook John Blackmar
Godfrey Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Godfrey W T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Godwin Miss Attie, tailoress G J Peacock, res Brownvillee Godwin Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery
Browneville Godwin John, salesman Weston & Garrett, res Marshall
Browneville Godwin John D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front Browne
ville Godwin Sarah, (wid Benjamin), res Marshall Browneville Godwin Wylie A, elk Rose Broda, bds 1543 2d ave Goetchius Charles B, bkkpr L H Chrppell, rooms llOO^- Broad Goetchius Henry R, (Goetchius & Chappell), bds 2d ave n e
cor 12th Goetchius & Chappell, (Tel 120), (Henry R Goetchius
& Thomas J Chappell), Lawyers, 1147^ Broad Goggans Joseph, wks Clegg Mfg Co, Goins George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 16 Forsyth
Browneville Goins James J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,. re&602 2d ave^



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Goins John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 16 Forsyth


Goins L Jones, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 16 Forsyth


Goins Miss May, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 16 Forsyth


Goins Thomas J, shoe maker, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st

Goins Wm D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax

Golden Bros, (Tel 154), (John P & Theodord E), Founders '

& Machinists, 1301 6th ave cor 13th, (See right top line

m,md p 57)

Golden Edward, wks Golden Bros, bds 1613 4th ave

Golden Henry, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res Girard

Golden James, c, lab Columbus Iron Works, res'821 8th ave

Golden Jennie domestic Jacob Hecht
Golden John P,(Golden Bros), res Abert Girard

Golden Leonard, c, lab, res Bottom nrWynnton

Golden Robert, mach Golden Bros, res 336 2d ave
Golden Theodore E (Golden Bros), res Sand Fort road,


Golden Victoria, wks Swift Mfg Co

1 j

Golden Wesley, c, lab F A Jepson, res 446 3d ave

Goldsmith Nathan, c, elk John Noble, res Rose Hill


Goldsmith Oscar, c, lab, res Booneville nr Wynnton

Goldsmith Wm, c, furniture repairer, 12th bet 1st and 2d aves

Golfin Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne

ville Goode Charles Joe, mngr subscriptions Columbus Ledger, res

1009-^ Broad

Goode George, c, boarding, 1221 1st ave

Goodman George, c, driver E Philips, res 1323 5th ave

Goodman George, c, wks Ga M & G R R, res 424 1st ave

Goodwin Doctor, c, lab, res 424 1st ave

Goodman John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co. Irroon Pumps and Fennccming, Yard Fountains; and
Sprinklers. 1035 BROAD STREET.



Goodman Miss Nannie, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co, res
North West Goodwin Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Goodwin Miss S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gordery James, wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co Gordon Frederick B, gen agt Pacific Guano Co, office Fontaine
Warehouse, res 1214 5tli ave Gordon James, c, lab Muscogee Mfg Co, res 515 9th Gordy Thomas L, condr M & G II R, res 422 10th Gorham James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Gorham Manasas, general store, Broadnax nr Bridge, res Prim
rose Hill, N Girard Goslin Tilrs Sarah, tailoress G J Peacock, res 1020 5th ave Gossett Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gossett Miss Minnie, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, bds
Front 3 s of 11th Gossett Mrs. Missouri, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg'Co, res front
3 s of 11th Govern Henry, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Grady Emory, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gradv James 0, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res bhoit,
Browneville Grady Toney, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Grady Zacharias, carp, res 1G53 4th ave Grace John, c, lab, res 836 8th ave Graham Miss Cumire, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Graham Miss Effie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 62 Van
Buren, Browneville Graham Henry, c, lab, res 19th Rose Hill Graham John, c, wks Columbus Iron M ks Graham Mary (wid Pete), res 62 Van Buren, Browneville Grammess James E, pres G M & G R R Co, res 7 Nassau, in Y Granberry Lottie (wid Eugene), res 1245 4th ave Granberry Lucy, c, laundress, res 412 4th ave Granberry M, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks


At 1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

Elegant Turnouts and Experi- PMDTBW QTfiPTPQ

eneed Drivers can be found at



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Grant Albert, c, mattressmkr, res 190G 2d ave Grant Alice, c, res 905 4th ave
Grant Mrs Antoinette B, music teacher, bds 1112 4th ave Grant Carrie, c, res 907 6th ave Grant Henry, c, lab, res 404 5th ave Giant Henry, c, lab, res 1480 5th ave Grant James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Grant John A, carp, res Talbotton ave cor Hill ave, Rosehill Grant Josephine, c, domestic C H Etheredge Grant Lela, c, res 823 9th ave Grant Susan, c, res 1011 Gth ave
Grantham George H, elk Emory Jefferson, bds 1727 3d ave Grantham Willis F, driver City Mills, res 1727 3d ave Gratehouse Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Broad, Browneville Gray Charles, c, lab, res 1721 Talbotton ave Gray Christopher (C P Gray & Co), res New York City Gray Christopher P (C P Gray & Co),.res Savannah, Ga Gray C P & Co-(Christopher and' Christopher P Gray), who!
and ret dry goods and notions, 1045 Broad Gray Miss Edith; wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle,
Browneville Gray George, c, wks G M & G R R, res 745 2d ave Gray John A, rnngr C P Gray & Co, bds 1st ave bet 9th and*
10 th
Gray M Edgar, supt G M & G R R, res Linnwood Gray Randolph L, painter, res Gayle, Browneville Gray Robert G, mngr C P Gray & Co* bds Central Hotel Gray Sarah Ann (wid Thomas'J), res 14th'cor 1st ave Gray Wm H, policeman, res C'& W K R bet 1st and 2d aves; Green Amanda, c, res 430 3d' ave Green Anna, c, domestic E M Averett Green Camilla, c, res 832 7th ave Green Charles, lab, res 547 3d ave Green Charles, c, lab, res 707 Gth ave

Aenchbacher & Preer, Furnishing Goods,

1 1129 BroadiStreet.

(Seep 2)


INasliville, Tsnn.

Never lowers the exalted office of teacher to that of a
common detective.


Green Charles, c, wks Empire Mills, res 611 Gth ave Green Charles jr, c, lab Empire Mills, res 611 6th ave
Green Miss Cora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bdsS Railroad, Browneville
Green E Frank, special agt Standard Oil Co, 1625 4th
ave, res Alabama
Green Miss Fommie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Green George, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Crawford, rd, Girard
Green Mrs Harriet, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co,.res Gir ard
Green Miss Hattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co,..lxl's:3 14th. Green Henrietta, domestic J F Kell
Green Ira, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res 27 Forsyth*. Browneville
Green James, wks Eagle & rhenix Mfg Co, res Crawford roadt, mile Girard
Green James, c, lab, res 929 6th ave Green John, wks Clegg Mfg Co
Green Mrs. Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Green Leander, c, lab, res 10th ave bet 8th and 9th Green Louisa, res 1325 5th ave
Green Lucy, c, laundress, res rear 1221 1st ave Green Lula, c, domestic E T Harris Green Martha (wid John), res Broad, Browneville Green Martha, c, domestic J K Holloway Green Mary, c, res 618 4th ave Green Mattie, wks Clegg Mfg Co
Green Minus S (Smith & Green)rres Broadnax, N Girard Green Moses, c, lab, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Green Nelson c, painter, res 1317 5th ave
Green Powhattan, farmer, res:S Railroad, Brownville Green Thomas, wks Eagle-A: Phenix Mfg Co Green Win, c, porter W S Needham, res Rose Hill Green Win, c, lab, res- 607 6th aye-



House, Sign and Ornamental Cto S hHKn**

No. 9 12t!% Street,


Advertising in ail its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, c r*
Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for ever y

Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City.
lOlO Broacl Street.

G. E.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S


Green Wm, c, lab, res 406 5th ave

Green Win S (Wood, Green & Mahone), rooms 1128 Front

Greene Benjamin W. grocer 900 4th ave, res 902 4th ave

Greene Miss, bds 315 15th

Greene H, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Greene James, res 819 4tli ave

Greene John M, printer, bds 315 15th

Greene King, c, lab, res 415 16th

Greene Miss Mary, bds 315 15th

Greene Mrs Minerva H, res 315 15th

Greene Wm, c, pantryman Rankin House, res 116 13th

Greenleaf Leander, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton

Greer Andrew W, foreman Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res

29 Forsyth, Browneville

Greer Ira, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co


Greer James, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res 29 Forsyth


Greer John, wks Eagle & Pheliix Mfg Co

Greer Leonard, c, eng J D Smith & Bro

Greer Mary (wid Andrew), res Marshall, Browneville

Greer Minnie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co

Greer Wm, plumber Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co, res Browne


Greenwood Elva, c, laundress, res 1808 1st ave.

Greenwood Jacob, clothing and men's furnishing goods 1043

Broad, res 1103 4th ave

Greenwood Wm, c, lab, Central Hotel

Gregory Robert T (Lewis & Gregory), res 708 Broad

Gresham Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Grier Mrs Elizabeth (McKnight & Co), res 701 3d ave

Grier Leonard, wks Market Blouse, res 410 7th

Grier, Maria C (wid Thomas), res 703 3d ave

Grier Robert S, merchant, bds 703 3d ave

Griffin Abraham, c, lab, res 420 4th ave

Griffin Adrew, c, lab, res 626 5th ave




LOW Figures CC

13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA.



Griffin Miss Anna, res 1530 3cl ave

Griffin Benjamin, c, res 717 6th ave

Griffin Bettie, c, res 420 4th ave

Griffin Colonel, c, sampler Flournoy & Epping

Griffin Crawford, c, wks Muscogee Oil Mills, res 533 3d ave

Griffin David M, bds 1530 3d ave

Griffin George, farmer bds 10 19th

Griffin Miss Hattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Griffin John, wks Columbus Iron IVkg

Griffin Miss Lizzie, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mills

Griffin Miss Mamie, wks Swift Mfg Co

Griffin Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Griffin Miss M Theresa, res 1530 3d ave

Griffin Robert, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills

Griffin Sim, c, coroner Muscogee county and carpenter and

builder 645 10th, res same

Griffin Susan, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co


Griffin Wm L, farmer, res Gayle, Browneville

Griffith David T, wks Eagle & Phniex Mfg Co, res McAllister,


Griffith Miss Ella, wksEagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res McAllister,


Griffith P Emmett, elk, bds 524 Broad

Griggs C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Griggs Edward, c, lab Empire stables, res 31 St Johns

Griggs J F Cooper, trav salesman Jones Bros & Caverly, bds

Veranda House

Griggs Leila, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill

Griggs Robert E, tel 141, physician 1113 Broad, res 422 Broad

Griggs Seaborn, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Bridge,


Griggs Sisley, c, laundress, res 909 9th ave

Griggs Miss W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84.



COUrhlnUmWhUnUKIgf ,

Silyerwaro. Spectacles anS Optical ftoofls,
JUS Broad Street. (Seep!)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Grimes Cliff B, Tel 92 (Yonge & Grimes), Mayor of Co
lumbus and Sec and Treas Chattahoochee Bldg & Loan
Assn, office over 1146 Broad, res 1438 Broad
Grimes Edgar, c, carp, res 508 Broad
Grimes George J, Physician, 1140| Broad, bds Rankin
House Grimes Howard, c, wks -J D Smith & Bro
Grimes Thomas W, Lawyer and Member of Congress 4 th
Dist. 1137 Broad, bds Rankin House Grimes Win, c, wks steamer Aid, res 508 Broad Grinnage Fannie, c, res Bottom, Wynnton Grisham Miss Claudia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Grisham Ellen, c, res 815 8th ave Grisham Jonathan, carp, res Long, S Girard
Grisham Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Grisham Samuel, c, lab, res 832 7th ave Grisham Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Griswold David M, meat market stall 13 City market, res Long-,.
Girard Grubbs C G,wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Grubbs Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Grubbs Jerre, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River, Browne-
ville Grubbs Jeremiah, res Long, Girard Grubbs Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gruber Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gruber George night watchman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
River, Browneville Gruber George jr, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res River, Browne
ville Gruber Henry, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res River, Browneville Gruber Lewis, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res River, Browneville Gruber Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River,

Gold Lock Bal Shoes, T- a?

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators and Gin Gearing. Telephone 154.



Gruzard Thomas G (Tel 70), Contractor and Builder,
Planing Mill and Lumber Yard 7th cor 4th ave, res 820 3d ave (See right bottom lines and p J/.9) Gue Mrs Eliza, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1234^ Broad Guess Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C, res Shade lane, Linnwood Guest W J, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co Guinett Mad Sallie, res 824 front Guirt John, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Gunn, Barnett, wks Eagle ifc Phenix Mfg Co, res Bridge, Gi rard Gunn Jane (wid John), res Bridge, G'rard Gunn Julius, c, drayman, res 1512 4th ave Gunn M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Gurr Frank M, fireman C R R, res 511 13th Guy Mrs Partia, seamstress C C Shepperson & Co, res Browneville

Hackney Wm O, Country Produce, res Gayle, N Girard
Haile John Chestnut (Soule, Redd & Co), res 116 6th Hailey Hanson, wks Market House, res 627 3d ave Haimer Charles' res Forsyth, Browneville Haimer Miss Jessie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Haimer Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Haines see also Haynes Haines Nathan W, grocer and saloon, 1246 1st ave, res 1408
3d ave Haines John W, bkpr N W Haines, bds 1408 3d ave




C. H. LEQUIN. watches,





E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Haines Miss wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil lingham
Haley Florence, res 404 5th ave Haley Hampton, c, huckster stall 21 City Market, res
Wynnton Haley Leonard, c, porter L L Cow'dery & Co, res 121 6th Haley Milfred, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Haley Richard, c, gardener, res Cooleyville Hall Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Summer
ville cor N Railroad Browneville Hall Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 6th bet 2d
and 3d ave Hall Edward D, wks Eagle & Phnix Mfg Co, res 59 Van Bu-
ren, Browneville Hall Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Summer
ville, cor N Railroad, Brooneville Hall Mrs Elizabeth, bds 827 5th ave Hall Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Summerville
cor N Railroad, Browneville Hall Frank, c, porter Moore & Bates, res 820 Front Hall Goodwin, c, lab T L Gruzard, res 734 6th ave Hall Harriett, c, cook B H Hudson
Hall Harry T (Hall & Wheat), res 1440 3d ave
Hall Henrietta, res 921 6th ave Hall Howard E, elk Julius Kaufman jr, bds 827 5th ave Hall Jack, c, porter Estes, Abbott & Co, res 745 2d ave Hall John, wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co, bds 6th bet 2d and.
3d aves Hall John, c, res 818 4th ave Hall John D, elk O Young, res Summerville cor N Railroad,,
Hall John F, Grocer and Agt Browneville Depot, C & W
R R, S Railroad cor Marshall, res Salem rd, end of S R R, Browneville

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery


Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe,

1035 Broad St.



Hall John W, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 6th bet 2d and 3d
aves Hall Josephine, c, laundress, res 1329 5th ave Hall Miss Lola, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hall Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg ^Co Hall Louisa, c, cook B T Hatcher Hall Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Summer
ville cor N R R, Brownville Hall Miles, c, porter C E Hochstrasser & Co, res 818 4th ave Hall Rev R A, c, bds 831 2d ave Hall Samuel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 6th bet 2d and
3d aves Hall Seaborn, c, lab Harvey & Dudley, res 8th ave bet 8th and
9th Hall Virgil A, wks Swift Mfg Co. res Summerville cor N R R,
Browneville Hall Win S, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 7th bet 5th and 6th
aves Hall Wm T, res 539 5th ave Hall Wm T, patternmkr Columbus Iron Wks, bds 6th bet 2d
and 3d aves Hall & Wheat (Harry T Hall and Eli M Wheat), tel 5,
Proprs City Drug Store and Drugs, 1142 and 1016 Broad, (see left bottom lines) Hallsen L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Halstead see also Hohtead Halstead Eliza, wks Clegg Mfg Co Halstead John, trav agt T T Miller, bds Central Hotel Ham Calvin Taylor (Ham & Tarvin), res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Ham & Tarvin (Calvin T Ham, Thomas Tarvin), grocers and ice dealers, 1410 1st ave Hamburg Charles, bds 627 4th ave Hamburger George S, asst bkpr Swift Mfg Co, res 1214 3d ave

Mattress Factory Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 1216 and 1218 15-road Street. (See p 3)

Is Best Place for
Dealers in lire Stock.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Hamburger Louis (George P Swift and Hamburger), res 1214 3d ave
Hamburger Louis jr, bds 1214 3d ave Hamby Joseph, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1625 3d awe Hamer Benjamin, farmer, res 2007 3d ave Hames ffm N, salesman T J Pearce ,bds 1237 Broad Hamilton Henrietta, c, laundress, res 528 2d ave Hamilton John H, collector, res 1302 5th ave Hamilton Lewis, city elk, Browneville, res S R R cor Summer
ville, Browneville Hamilton Martha, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Hamilton Miss Sarah, res Collins, Browneville Hammock Eva, wks Swift Mfg Co Hammock Frances (wid John), res 2 16th Hammock John L, watchman steamer Amos Hayes, res rear
2 16th Hammock Win, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Hammond Alfred, c, lab, res rear 1327 5th ave Hammond Archie, res 1025 6th ave Hammond Frances, c, laundress, res 1645 4th ave Hammond Mrs Georgia, saleslady Mrs A Posada, res same IIammend Henry L, c, barber Parlor barbershop, res 620 4th
ave Hammond Spencer, switchman C & W R R, res Wynnton Hammond Susan, c, oook, res rear 1128 5th ave Hammons J C (wid M C), bds Central Hotel Hamp Lewis, c, porter Joseph McGehee, res Wynnton Hampton Charles, c, lab, res 417 2d ave Hancock Mrs Anna, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville Hancock Charles, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Crawford rd, N Girard Hancock Mrs Effle, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Crawford ave, N
Girard Hancock Id, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hancock Jackson, Avks Cotton Seed Oil Mill, bds 3^ 14th
Aenchbacher & Press1, a^?'ty

WOOLWINE HiGH SCHOOL Trains Children to a love of

school and a real love of



(See p ?'



Hancock -John, wks Muscogee Oil Mill, bds 3 14th Hancock J T, wks Clegg Mfg Co
Hancock Martha L (wid Jefferson Cl), res 3-J- 14th Hancock Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Hancock Miss Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar shall, Browneville
Hancock Sug, wks Muscogee Mfg Co
Hand Michael, steward steamer Thronateeska, bds 628 Front Hanks Adlee, e, res 20 w 10th
Hanks Wm L, grocer Talbotton ave junction Hamilton ave, res Hamilton ave, Rose Hill
Hanners Albert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax s w cor Gayle, Girard
Hanserd Henrietta, c, laundress, res rear 1221 1st ave Hanserd Mrs Joseph, res 1219 Broad
Hansett Samuel, c, wks City Market, res 833 7th ave Hanson Annie, wks Swift Mfg Co Hanson Ella, wks Swift Mfg Co Hanson Fannie, wks Swift Mfg Co Hanson George, c, butcher M A Burns, res 7th ave bet 10th
and 11th Hanson Henry C, Sec and Treas Enquirer-Sun Pub Co
and Ed and Mngr Columbus Enquirer-Sun, res 1320 3d ave (Tel 150) Hanson Mattie, wks Swift Mfg Co
Hanson Mollie wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Ingersdll, Browne ville
Hanson Ocella, wks Swift Mfg Co
Hanson Samuel, c, huckster stall 27 City Market, res Wynnton Hanson Susan (wid Peter), res Ingersoll, Browneville Hanson Victor, proprand editor City Item, bds 1320 3d ave Hardaway Carrie, c, domestic J F Starks Hardaway Mary Lou, r, laundress, res 803 Front Hardaway, Miles, c, wks Empire Mills,, res 537 3d ave

E YOUTUSTG, Please forward plans, and I will furn-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12th street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.



Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Hard; wav Nellie, c laundress, res 803 Front Harden Miss Ella wits Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Harden Emma wks Swift Mfg Co Harden H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Harden Josiah L, casheir Bee Hive, bds 819 1st ave Harden Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad,
Browneville Harden Napoleon, wks Eagle &r Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville Harding Benjamin J, shoemkr, res 14 Broad, N Girard Hardis Miss Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lively Hardis John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham Hardis John, wrks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 53 A an Burerr,
Browneville Hardis Mrs Samantha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 53
Van Bnren, Browneville Hardis Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, re3 Lively Hardriclc Martha (wid Samuel), res 1513 3d ave Hardwick P Sim, c, porter Central Hotel, res 607 3d ave Hardy David A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Benton,
Browneville Hardy Peter, c, wood smvyer, res29 Curtis, Quarters, Wynnton Hardy Pinkie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Benton,
Browneville Hardy Stephen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,.N
Girard Hardy Susan, c, laundi'ess, res 26 Curtis Quarters, W ynnton Hardy Thomas, pedler, res Broadnax N Girard Hardy Wm, R, c, porter Rankin House, res 903 6th ave Hare Mrs Abbie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front,
Browneville Hare Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front,
Browneville Hare George, c, carp, res 5th bet 5 and 6th aves

Soda, Water HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, at



Oldest. Strongest and Best Companies.}(

, Fire Insurance Agent.




Hare Henrietta (wid David) res river Browneville Hargett Henry C, carp, res 320 17th
Hargett Wm M, elk Adolph Banner, bds 320 17th
Harless George W, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Hamilton ave, Rose Hill
Harnell C L, wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds 820 2d ave Harmon Miss Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix MfgCo, bds 73 Jack-
son, Browneville
Harmon Jefferson, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res 73 Jackson, Browneville
Harmon Miss Josie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 73 Jackson Browneville
Harms August, tailor Chancellor & Pearce, bds 10221st ave Harp Caroline, c, laundress,, res 1637 5th aveHarp John, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co Harper Alexander, lab, res 613 5th ave* Harper B, wks Clegg Mfg Co
Harper Elijah G, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
Harper Gilbert, c, drayman, res 820 6th ave Harper Miss Lula, elk H F Everett, bds 902 4th ave / Harper Robert C, elk M Gorham, res Broadnax nr Bridge,,
Girard Harper R, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Harrell L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Harrell Oscar C, mngr Western Union Tel Co, bds 220 11th Harrold Carrie, c, domestic J H Bass Harrington, Dixie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 2003 3d ave Harrington Maggie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 2003 3d ave Harrington Miss Mollie, res 1st ave nr 14th Harrington Miss Noxie wks Swift Mfg Co, res 2003 3d ave Parrington Roxie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 2003 3d ave Harris Abe, c, upholsterer, res rear 1318 2d ave Harris Abraham, c, lab, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Harris Annie (wid Benjamin), res 1519 1st ave

HARVEY & DUDLEY Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and } Door Frames.


Office,.1243 6tK ave. Teleplicno 81.




Harris Annie, c, res 1613 5th aw

Harris Arthur, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,


Harris Augustian 'S, elk John Iv Harris & Co, res 624Ist.ave

Harris Benjamin PI, elk J B Tarver & Co, bds 3d aw bet 13th

and 14th

Harris Bud, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Harris Charles, lab, res 410 4th ave

Harris Della, c, domestic J M Wingfield

Harris Edith, c, res 1023 6th ave

Plarris Edward, c, upholsterer, res 12th bet 1st and 2d ave

Harris Edwin Thomas, salesman T J Pearce, res 1333 3d ave

Harris Elizabeth, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co

Harris Elizabeth, c, laundress, res 516 2d ave

Harris Ella, c, domestic Max Heller

Harris Emily, c, domestic G J Burrus

Harris George W, carp, res Marshall, Browneville

Harris Hampton,c, porter Erminger & Lundy


Harris Henrietta, c, domestic W S Davis

Harris Henry, c, laborer, res 723 6th ave

Harris Henry, c, lab, res 506 5th ave

Harris Irvin, c, driver C D Hurt

Harris James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,


Harris James, c, lab Empire Mills

Harris James H, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1520 2d ave

Harris Jennie, c, res 921 6th ave

Harris John clk T T Edmunds, bds 736 Front

HarrisJohn, exporter res 512 14th

Harris John, c, lab, res 1523 5th ave

Harris John, c, brakeman C & IV R R

Harris John A, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9 14fh

Harris John K (John K Harris & Co), res 1024 3d ave

Harris John K & Co (John K and J Lee Harris), clothing,

hats, caps, etc, 1128 Broad



2. mu, STREET.

Harris John W. wks Muscogee Mf< ville
Harris Joseph, c, lab, res 1327 5th ave
Harris Miss Josephine, wks Eagle & PhenixJVIfg Co, res Abert, Browneville
Harris J Lee (John K Harris & Co), bds 1134' 3d ave Karris Laura, c, domestic T J Bates
Harris Miss Lizzie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res Abert, Browneville
Harris Miss Lorena, wks Chattahoochee Knitting C'o, its Abert, Browneville
Harris Lou, domestic W A Redd
Harris Louis, grocer and saloon 6th ave s;e cor 7th , res- 1st ave bet 10th and 11th
Harris Louisa, c, laundress, res Allen, Browneville Karris Lucy, c, domestic 0 S Jordan Harris Miss Lula, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res-
Abert, Browneville Harris Lucian M, canvasser Enquirer-Sun, bds 1418 2d ave Harris L D, c, barber N H Harris, c, res 4th ave Harris Lydia, c, laundress, res end Bridge, Girard Harris Maria, c, res 7th ave bet 8th and 9th Harris Mary, c, laundress res Cooleyviile Harris Mary A (wid Louis), res 736 Front Harris Mary T (wid David), res 838 3d ave Harris Matthew, c, lab, res Cooleyviile Harris Miss Mattie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co* res S'
Railroad, Browneville Harris Mattie, c, domestic W D Keene Harris Michael, peddler, res rear 1243 1st ave
Harris Mollie, c, res 1023 6th ave Harris Miss Moilie E, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co, res Inger-
soll, Browneville Llarris Moses, c, gardner, res Wynnton Harris Nicholas H, c, barber 17 W 10th, res Girard



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Harris Norman, c, lab, res 1786 Talbotton ave Harris Perry S, foreman bookbinder Thomas Gilbert, res 838 3d
ave Harris Polk, elk Wittich & Kinsel, res 1308 3d ave Harris Richard, c, lab, res 10th ave bet 8th and 9th Harris Robert, lab, res 800 7th ave Harris Rev Robert H, pastor 1st Baptist Church, res 1520 2d
ave Harris Sallie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Harris Sidney, c, lab, res 812 4th ave Harris Solomon, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Harris Susan (wid Thomas), res S Railroad, Browneville Harris Thomas, c, lab, res Allen, Browneville Harris Virginia, wks E H Miller, res 1st ave bet ISthand 9th Plarris Washington, c, blksmith Golden Bros Harris Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Abert, Browneville Harris Wm, c, lab, res 10th ave bet 8th and 9ih Harris Wm L, c, pressman Thomas Gilbert, res, 516 2d ave Harris Wm M, carp, res Broadnax, N Girard Harrison Abney, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Harrison Alfred, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Harrison Charles H, elk J S Harrison, res Talbotton ave, Rose
Hill Harrison Charles T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle,
Browneville Harrison Miss Edna O C, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Gayle,
Browneville Harrison Elijah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle,
Browneville Harrison Hiram *, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle,
Browneville Harrison Jefferson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Harrison John, res Long, Girard Harrison Joseph S, Boots and Shoes 1132 Broad, res 883
2d ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments


GEORGIA STEAM & GAS PIPE GO. Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at 1035 Broad St.



Harrison Miss Julia, res 1308-^ Broad

Harrison J H, cotton buyer, res `215 loth ^ Harrison Lucile E (wid Charles fe), res lalbutton ave, Rose

-Hill Harrison Mrs. Martha J, milliner, alley bet, ^ an Buren and

Jackson, res same


Harrison Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,

Girard Harrison Nancy E (wid John), res S R R, Browneville

Harrison Noah, c, wks River Compress Harrison Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S

Railroad, Browneville Harrison Sanford T, shoemkr. res Gayle, Brot\ne\ille

Harrison Sarah, c, laundress, res 1710 3d ave Harrison Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res S Rail

road, Browneville Harrison Thomas, carp, res North \\ est Harrison Thomas W (Harrison & Capps), res alley bet, \ an

Buren and Jackson, Browneville Harrison Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Brownville

Harrison & Capps (Thomas W Harrison, M m M Capps), gio-

cers, Jackson, Browneville Hart W, cashier Columbus Barrel Mfg Co Hartman Albert, wks Enquirer-Sun, bds over 1042 Broad

Hartman F Joseph, elk Frazer & Dozier, bds 944 2d ave

Hartman George N, trav salesman, bds 944 2d ave

Hartman Mary L (wid), res 944 2d ave Hartman Philip H, trav salesman J K Orr & Co, bds 944 2d

ave .Hartman Wm J, trav salesman, bds 538 1st ave

Hartsfield Augustus, c, res 1315 6th ave Hartsfield Lawson, c, yardman J A Cardwell, res 1412 1st ave

Hartsfield Sarah, c, res 1315 6th ave

Plarvey Alice, domestic R H Peacock Harvey Amanda, .laundress, res Dale ave, Browneville

Furniture of all kinds a. f. gibson & CO. 1216 and 1213 Broad St.

EMPIRE STABLES You want your Horse anti
Buggy properly attended
to, j>atronize the


E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Harvey Augustus, wks Swift Mfg Co
Harvey Burrell T, c, Editor Colum bus Messenger,-res C14
2d ave Harvey B Game, fireman C R R, res 208 7th Harvey B G, carp, res 111 15th Harvey Elbert, c, blksmith, res 1509 5th ave
Harvey Elbert, c, lab, res 29 St Johns Harvey Florence, c, domestic L C Frazer Harvey Harriet, c, res 6-thi ave bet 7th and 8th Harvey Harvey, c, lab, res 1325 5th ave Harvey James, c, pantryman Rankin House Harvey Jerry, c, blksmith Gus Wright, res 1509 5th aw Harvey Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co* Harvey Samuel, c, lab, res 1509 5th ave Harvey Sandy: c, drayman, res 709 6t.h ave Harvey Stanford, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 38 Fbu
syth, Browneville Harvey Thomas; carp? res Broadnax, N Girard Harvey Vanna, c, domestic Andrew Crawford Harvey Wm H, grocer, 1247 6th ave, res 413* 13th
Harvey Will T'(Harvey & Dudley), res 423 13th
Harvey Wm T, eng C R R, res 208 7th Harvey Wilson, c, lab, res River Front bet 17th and 18th
Harvey & Dudley (Wm T Harvey and Thomas J Dud
ley) tel 84, Lumber Manufacturers 1243 6thave (See
right bottom lines) Harwell James T, carp, res Gayle, Browneville Harwood Herman, c, wks Charles Haywood, c Haslam Alexander, lab, res Marshall, Browneville Hatched Miss Annie, bds Hotel Riddle Hatcher Benjamin T, cotton com mer, Fontaine warehouse (tel
28), res 1229 Broad (tel 146) Hatcher Jesse, c, lab, res Collins, Browneville Hatcher John, lab O C Bullock, res 420 5th ave Hatcher Rosa, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville

Aenchbacher & Freer, MERCHANT TAILORS AND


1129 Broad St.

(See p 2)

Woolvvine High School 2>T a-sliville.

Hatcher Samuel B (Peabody, Brannon & Hatcher), res 1516
2d ave Hauze Edwin, driver, res Crawford rd, N Girard Hauze Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,
rd, N Girard Hauze Miss Martha, res Crawford rd, N Girard Hawkins Barney, c, lab, res 18th bet 2d and 3d aves Hawkins Benjamin, lab, res 1*643 4th ave Hawkins Benjamin, c. lab, res S Girard Hawkins Frank, lab, res 1640 4th ave Hawkins George, lab, res 1243^ 1st ave Hawkins George; c, lab, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th
Hawkins George, c, lab, res 1643 4th ave Hawkins George, c, porter T S Spear Hawkins Laura, c, laundress, res 532 2d ave Hawkins. Mrs Matilda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1243^
1st ave Hawkins, Samuel, c, lab, res 1713 3d ave Hawks Miss Julia, bds 1326 3d ave Haws Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Pheniar Mfg Co Haws Lizzie, c, laundress, res 212 8th Hayes Elbert N, stoves, tin ware, house furnishing, crockery
and glassware, 1029 Broad, res same Hayes George M, tinner E N Haves, res 1414 3d ave Hayes H, carp Columbus Iron Wks Hayes Jordan, c, wks F A Jepson, res 716 6th ave Hayes Mrs Katie, res 1st ave nr 14th Playes Mary, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Hayes Rebecca (wid Wm), res 621 4th ave Hayes Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ilaygood Benjamin, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Slade's Lane, Lin-
wood Haygood Eliza, domestic W A Struppa Haynes see also Haines Haynes Elmira, c, laundress, res 408 3d ave



House. Sign and Ornamental No. 9 12th Street.


in all Advertising

its branches. Estimates

on contracts per hundred upwards, on

Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every


6. E. THOMAS. SHIRTDEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Order. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 1010 BROAD STREET.


It. L. TOLK & (JO.'S

Haynes Mrs Emily, dressmkr, res 1408 3d ave Haynes John, bds 1408 3d ave Haynes Nathan, bds 1408 3d ave Haynes Sallie, c, laundress, res 408 3d ave Haynie Charles, blksmith Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,
Browneville Haynie C W, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Haynie John, blksmith Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2 Thomas,
Browneville Haynie Julius, c, res 621 6th ave IT aynie Winnie, c, laundress, res 621 6th ave
Hayward Charles, c, Tin and Coppersmith 119 12th, res
737 4th ave Hayward Frank P, grocer and confectioner, 111, 10th, res 1602
16th Haywood Frank, c, res 150 5th ave 'Head John,c, wks J W Miller Head Lizzie (wid W B), res Sand Fort rd, Girard Heak Emily, c, domestic Joseph King Hearn Lizzie, wks Pearce's Factory Hearn Mary (wid Miles), res 21st, bet 1st ave and river Hearn Rollin G, elk II T Owen, res 3d ave bet 18th and 19th Hearne John, res 416 Broad Heath Kinchen, c, lab, res 411 8th ITecht Jacob, grocer, 1236 Broad, res 1336 4th ave Hecht Joseph, dry goods shoes and mens furnishing goods
1007 Broad, res 645 3d ave Heller C, confectioner, 1208 Broad, res 1014 4th ave Heller Max, magr C Heller, bds 1014 4th ave Helrne Mary J, (wid George), res 1242^ Broad Helme Wm J, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, res 1242^ Broad Helms Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Helton Miss Conie dressmkr, 418 10th, res same Helton Miss Kate, dressmkr, 418 10th, res same Hende John K, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard

JOHN S. STEWART, STEAKS POWER PRINTER Job Printing of every descrmtirm at short notice, 13 Twelfth St., COL'JMSUS. GA.



Henderson Cornelia, c, laundress, res 1542 4th ave

Henderson Miss Eliza, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Long, S


Henderson Miss Hattie, wks Browne's Cotton Mills, res Long,

S Girard

Henderson Jane, c, laundress, res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th Henderson Jefferson, res rear 502 5th ave
Henderson John H, Supt Columbus R R Co, res 924 2d



Henderson Mrs Martha L, res Long, S Girard

Henderson Primus, c, lab, res rear 1719 Talbotton ave

Henderson Rosa, c, laundress, res 884 7th ave

Henderson Sidney, c, brakeman C R R, res 834 7th ave

Henderson Stafford H, c, grocer Wynnton rd, res same

Henderson Thomas L, messenger So Exp Co, res same

Hendrix Mrs Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Hendrix John D, fireman C R R, bds 944 5th ave

Hendrix Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River,


Henley Annie (wid Wm), res 63 VanBuren, Browneville

Henley Carrie (wid John), res 78 Jackson, Browneville

Henley Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 63 Van

Buren, Browneville

Henley Newton, lab, res Cemetery, Browneville

Henley N J, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Henlev Owen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 75 Jackson,


Henley Slayton, res 6th bet Front and Broad

Henry Alexander, c. lab, res 8th bet 8th and 9th aves

Henry James, elk James Adams, 1725 2d ave

Henry Major, c, carp, res 1638 4th ave

Henry Mattie (wid Harry), boarding 930 Broad

Henry Nettie, c, res 618 5th ave

Henry Patrick, farmer, res 215 8th

Hensley Etetcher, c, wks C R R shops

HARVEY & DUDLEY, Georgia Long Leaf Yellow Rough and Dressed Lumber, gles, Laths and Lime.


Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 81.



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Henson Miles, c, lab, res Cooleyville Heringdine Miss A P, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res
Browneville Hermann Miss Carrie, cigarmkr H C Hermann, bds Girard Hermann Miss Fannie, cigarmkr FI C Hermann, bds Girard Hermann Henry C, cigar mnfr 19 11th, res Girard Hermann Miss Rosa, cigarmkr FI C Hermann, bds Girard Herndon Anna, seamstress C C Shepperson & Corres Browne-
ville Herndon. E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Herricks Fames, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, res Broad,
Browneville Herring Charles- H with J M Fletcher &, Son,, res 1325
Broad Herring D Clopton (Dixon & Herring), rooms over 1247
Broad Herring Edward, c, brakeman C R R Herring Elizabeth (wid Reid), res 108 loth
Herring Miss Eulalar, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Broadnax, N Girard
Herring Jesse AT, grocer, Browneville, res Broadnax, N Gir ard
Herring John, Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Herring Mollie, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill
Herring Robert, printer A A Williams, res 1147^ Broad. Herring Seaborn, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mill Herring Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,
N Girard Herring Wallace, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Herring Walter, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mill Herring'W J, wks Muscogee Mfg Ce Herring & Fletcher (Charles II Herring and James M Fletcher),
undertakers and embalmers 1212th; (dissolved--see J M Fletcher & Son)

3 Is School Shoes, T. J. KITiTT, 21 lOth Street.


1G0LDEN BROS., Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Herrington Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Herrington Maggie wks Swift Mfg Co Herrington Noxie, wks Swift Mfg Co Herrington Texie, wks Swift Mfg Co Herrron Henry, c, lab, res 815 8th -ave Herron John, res Linnwood Herron John S, drayman, res 105 16th Herron Wm, carp, res North AVrest Herron Zacharias, wks Brown Mfg Co, res 3d ave cor 18th Heuer A W, trav salesman Jones Bros & Caverly Heyman Charles agt, saloon 1028 Broad, res same
Hiatt sec also Hyatt Hiatt G B, fitter Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co. bds Brown House Hickman Amanda, domestic Mrs Amanda Pitts Hicks Alfred C, c, bootblack H H Williams, bds Wynnton Hicks Anna P, c, laundress, res 701 Front Hicks Barney, teamster, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hicks B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Hicks Miss C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hicks George, wks Brownes Cotton Mill Hicks Georgia, c, laundress, res 701 Front Hicks Henry, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Wynnton rd
Hicks James, c, lab, res 1520 4th ave Hicks John D, night watchman Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1400
Broad Hicks Robert, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1400 Broad
Hide see also Hyde Hide, Freer & Illges (Wm H Hide, Peter Preer and Abraham
Illges), proprs Columbus Bagging Mill 11th s w cor 2d ave Hide Wm H (Hide, Preer & Illges), res lltb s w cor 2d ave Higdon Beth, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Higdon Papier, fisherman, bds 1308^- Broad Higdon Philip, bds 130S Broad Higdon Sarah J, (wid Philip), res 1308- Broad Hightower John D, bds 1413 6th ave

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders'Supplies


Telephone 70.

It. L. POLK & CO.'S
Hightower J W) res l4136th aveHightower Miss Mattie T, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory,
res Jackson N Girarcl Hightower Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jack-
son N Girard Hightower Newton, farmer, res Jackson N Girard Hightower Robert L, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1413 6th ave Hightower Vandy S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson
N Girard Hightower Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson N
Girard Hill Alonzo, elk J T Hill & Bro, bds 408 1st ave Hill Andrew W, cheek clkG M & G K R, res 7th bet 5th and
6th aves Hill B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hill Carrie, c, res 837 7th ave Hill Celia, c, laundress, res 410 3d ave Hill Charles, wks Eagle&Phenix Mfg Co, res 3d ave cor 19th Hill Mrs D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hill Edward H, c, barber J E Turner, res 5th ave bet 8th and
9th Hill Ella, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Hill Ernest, elk John Blackmar, bds 408 1st ave Hill Henrietta, c, domestic J W Miller Hill Henry, c, barber, res 813 5th ave Hill Ida, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Hill James W (J T Hill & Bro), res 408 1st ave Hill Janie, c, res 1317 1st ave Hill John, civil and mech engr, Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
1213 3d ave Hill John C, elk J T Hill & Bro, bds 408 1st ave Hill John T (J T Hill & Bro), res.408 1st ave Hill Julius, lab. res 1417 5th ave Hill J T & Bro (John T and James W), meat market stall
8 City Market Hill Lena, wks Swift Mfg Co
THOMAS CHAFFIN,, Books and Stationery

Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty.
1035 Broad Street.



Hill Miss Lillie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res


Abert, Browncville

Hill Margaret, c, res 1417 5th ave

- Hill Mrs Marietta, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 24 For

syth, Browneville

Hill Martha (wid Joel), bds 912 4th ave

Hill Mary (wid John W), res 2d ave bet 21st and 22d

i Hill Mrs Mattie, res 3d ave bet'JGth and 17th

Hill Rebecca (wid Hezekiah), resbMarshall, Browneville

> Hill Mrs Susan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Primrose

Hill, N Girard

Hill Susan, c, domestic C J Wise

Hill Thomas, butcher, res 408 1st ave

Hill Wiley, fireman C R R, res 9i2 4th ave

Hill Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 88 Payne, Browne


Hill Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Gir


Hill Wm L, elk Walker Bros, bds 1st ave cor 4th

Hillerigh John L, wks Columbus Barrel Factory, res Boone-

ville. nr Wynnton

Hilliard's Chappell, c, Rev Henry Lee, pastor, 8th ave cor 8th

Hillman Miss Lena, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,


Hillman Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert


Hillman Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert


Hillman Wright, lab, res 18th Rosehill

Hillyer Mrs Ella, wks C C Sbipperson & Co, res Broadnax N


Hillyer Frank K, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax N


Hilton Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1st ave

cor C & W R R

THE EiPiREls3 ptLLaSa,eand


R. L. PuLK & CO.'S

Hilton Eliza, (wid Thomas), res 1st ave cor C & W R R Hilton Miss Ida, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1st ave cor C & W R R Hinde Charles W, oil stoves and Kerosene, 106 11th, bds 313
Hinde Wm IT, propr Columbus Steam Bagging Mills, res 313 12th
Hines George, c, porter E M Johnson, res 3d ave bet 9th and 10th
Hines Randolph B, planter, res 10th cor 3d ave Hinton* Wm, c, switchman C & W R R, res Bottom, Wynnton Hirden Hiram, farmer, res Marshall, Browneville Hirsch Marcus M, treas Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res 1022 2d
Hobart Charles E, mate steamer Amos Hayes, res 1431 1st ave
Hobbs Miss Ada, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, Girard
Hobbs Fernev, bds 312 17th
Hobbs Bass, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, Girard Hobbs Herschel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 372 17th Hobbs Miss Ida, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 312 17th Hobbs James B, res 312 17 th Hobbs James PI, lab, res 312 17th Hobbs Lester, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hobbs Wm, c, lab, res Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Hobbs Wm A, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Abert, Girard Hochstrasser Charles E (C E Hochstrasser A Co), res 717
Hochstrasser C E A Co, tel 130 (C E Hochstrasser & Thomas Salisbury), grocers and commission merchants 1100 Broad
Hodge Mrs Cora, milliner Boughton A Co, res Summerville, Browneville
Hodge Miss Corinne M, milliner J A Ivirven & Co, res 313 11th

Aerichbacher & Preer, miller's hats

sole agents for

1120 Broad St. (<See >p :2)


WOOLWINE HIGH SCHOOL Teaches children to observe

k.acux/11 I rr NASHViLLE, TENN.

all the amenities and cour-

tesies of life.

(See p 8,'




Hodge Jane, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills . Hodges Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Hodges J, wks Columbus Iron Wks
Hodges Monroe, c, porter A G Rhodes & Co. res Shorterville, Ala
Hodges Richard B, teacher, res G04 4th ave
Hodges Win T, wks Star Bottling Wks, bds 1744 Talbotton ave
Hodges Wm W, apprentice T L Gruzar I, lids 703 3d ave Hodgets Miss Mollie, seamstress, res Bottom nr Wynnton rd Hoffman Abner P, res Broadnax, Browneville Hoffman A Luke, brakeman C & W R R, res Broadnax,
Hoffman James, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 936 4th ave Hoffman James S, sub mail carrier postoffice, res 1439 4th
Hoffman John J, eng C R R, res 936 4th ave Hoffman Miss Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co. res Broadnax, Browne
Hoffmann Sebastian J, mach C R R, res 923 Front Ploffmann Wm, wks C R R, bds 936 4th ave Hogan Mrs Isabella, res 720 3d ave Hogan James, e, lab, res 804 4th ave
Hogan James W, elk Simon Seligman, bds 720 3d ave Hogan John L (tel 122), fish, oysters and ice 5 12th, res 219
15th Hogan Miranda, e, res 836 4th ave Hogan V, wks Harvey & Dudley . Hogue Frank W, collector Columbus Ledger, res Browneville Hogue Jacob B, Qarp, res N Railroad, Browneville Holahan Charles P, chemist E M Walsh & Co, res 3d ave Holbrooks Maria, c, seamstress, res 1616 1st ave Holcomb Mrs Lizzie, seamstress, res Abert, Browneville Holland Bros tel 90 (James C, Herbert S, Orlando M and
James T), cotton gin, Broadnax, X Girard

Contractor and Builder, No, 9 12th street.

Please forward plans, and I will furnish you estimates on all kinds of Building, Carpentering and Repairing.

G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing: a Specialty. lQlO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Holland Charles, c, wks Berry's brick yard

Holland Mrs C, wks G J Peacock, res Broad, N Girard

Holland Mrs Eliza, seamstress G J Peacock, res Broad, Girard

Holland Herbert S (Holland Bros), res Salem rd \ mile from

river Holland James C (Holland Bros), res Salem rd $ mile from

river Holland James T (Holland Bros), res Salem rd mile from

river Holland Julia A (wid Wm Green), bds 6 Abert, Browneville

Holland Orlando M (Holland Bros, res Salem rd, ^ mile from


Holland Thomas, crwks Muscogee Oil Co

Holland Wm, carp, res 6 Abert, Browneville

Holleman B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Holleman Jennie, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Holleman Robert, wks Clegg MnfgCo

Hollemann Rosa, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Holley Ann Eliza (wid Antonio),.res 20 14th

Holley Lizzie (wid Edw'ard), res Summerville, Browneville

Holley Miss Lula, wks Musoogee Mfg Co, res Summerville


_ 1

Holley Mildred, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville'

Browneville Holley Walter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville,

Browneville Holliman James, shoemkr, 8th bet 5th and 6th aves, res same

Holliday Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard

Holliday Louisa (wid James M), res Bridge, Girard

Hollis Miss Bessie F, wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co, res Inger-

soll, Browneville

Hollis Bony, c, porter Cooper & Howard Hollis Elton L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,


Hollis Emma (wid Z T), res Ingersoll, Browneville

Hall & Wheat's Drug Stores

G GUNRY U. U U11D I JIUOnRUDMANN, SAumneFriicraenooffLPohnidloand,elphia

-A-Gr -fcU T

Niagara oi N". Y. Telephone 104.


Hollis George-, res Talbotton ave,. Rose Hill
Hollis Miss Maud L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ineersoll, Browneville-
Hollis Miss Minnie, teacher Browneville public school, res N R R, Browneville
Hollis Mrs Mollie,. wks Columbus Bagging Mills, bds 433 3d ave
Hollis Ola, wks'Chaitahoochee Knitting Co Hollis Peggie, c, res Wvnnton Hill
Hollis Miss Viola K,. wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Ingersoll, Browneville
Holloway Alfred, c, shoemkr 1406 1st ave, res 1525 4th ave Holloway John K, dime store, 1116 Broad, res 1016 2d ave Holmes P Fillmore, lab, res 8th bet 5th and 6th aves Holmes Finley, c, lab, res 718 5th ave
Holmes Miss Florence J, teacher Girl's public school, res 15423d ave
Holmes Judy, c, laundress, res 18th RosehilljHolmes Lizzie, res 430 5th ave Holmes Mrs Louisa, bds Hotel RiddleHolmes Mary (wid Joseph), bds 832 3d ave-
Holmes Thomas, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res 718 5th aveHolsey Peter, c, lab, res 839 7th ave Holsey Sarah, c, domestic G E Thomas jr
Holst John B, tel 60 (J B Holst & Co), res 4th ave bet 14th and 15th
Holst J B & Co, tel 73 (John B Holst and H Weber), cotton buyers Fontaine W House, Front bet 10th and 11th
Holstead see also Halstead Holstead Willis S, res 1407 Broad Holston Miss Eliza wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 109 16th Holt Charles S, grocer, dry goods, boots and shoes 1346i6tai,
ave, res 604 14th
Holt Hines, depot agt G M & G R R, res 417 12th; Holt Jackson, c, hackman, res 1611 5th ave

HARVFY & mini FY Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard-
I 8 fsll w La I vl> U U L/ LLi I j ing, Brackets, Pickets, Mantels, &c.


Office, 1243 6th.ave.


Clocks and Bronzes, C. SCHOMBURG 1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Holt Jamee B, cotton buyer, res 1439 4th ave Holt Sarah (wid Hines), res Wynn's Hill, Wynnton Holter Miss Josephine, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Short nr Dillingham Holtzclaw Ale ander, c, porter Mack Carpenter, hds 4th bet
8th and 9th Holtzclaw John T, postal elk, res 621 1st ave
Hood Cornelia, c, domestic C H Allen Hood Dock G, Bailiff Russell county, res Long, Girard Hood Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hood George, elk Robert Davis & Co, res Long, Girard Hood George, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Hood James, wks Harvey & Dudley, bds 1502 1st ave Hood Miss Lizzie, wks G J Peacock, res Long, Girard Hood Mrs Malisa, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1502 1st ave Hood Martin D, elk Patterson & Thomas, bds Veranda
House Hood Wm, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res Long, Girard
Hook Annie (wid Clarence), res 221 9th I-Iook Kirby S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville Hook Wm A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Crawford rdf
mile Girard Hooker Mrs Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C Hooker Minnie, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Ilookor Samuel C, Jeweler, 1718 Talbotton ave, res same Iioopaugh Miss A E, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 936 5th ave Hoopaugh A M, elk W S Davis, res 936 5th ave Hoopaugh J LaFayette, elk O'Neal & Brooks, bds 4th ave bet
8th and 9th Hooper Henry, c, wks C & W R R, res 1034 6th ave Hooper James L, eng and supt compress C & G Navigation
Co, bds 628 Front Hoopes Lloyd R, bkpr J E Deaton and merchandise broker,
1008 Broad, res 1232 5th ave

21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS., Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles ami Evaporators and Gin Gearing. Telsphona 15'.



Hooten, James H, elk G J Peacock, res nr cemetery, Girard Hooten Mary (wid James), teacher Peabody school No 2, res
Sand Fort rd, Girard Hooting Mary, res 310 "5th
Hopkins John H, collector A F Gibson & Co, bds 12014 Broad Hopkins Louisa O (wid D W, res 1212 2d ave Hopkins, Mrs Mary L, boarding 12014 Broad Hopp Wm, c, lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Co
Horace Anna, c, laundress, res 4th bet 1st and 2d aves Horace John, c, wks G W Woodruff, res Broad
Horace Lee, c, wks G W Woodruff, res 5th bet Front and Broad
Horace Peter, c, cooper G W Woodruff, res 547 3d ave Horne Arliva R (wid Calvin), res 1608 1st ave Horne Miss Exie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1608 1st ave Horne George, cabinetmkr, res Long, Girard
Horne Miss Josie, Swift Mfg Co, bds 1608 1st ave Horne Thomas A, elk M T Bergan, res 7th bet 5th and
aves Horne Wm, patternmkr Golden Bros, res Long, Girard ILornnell C L, wks Columbus Iron Wks
Hortman Montgomery, c, carp E WGibsoh, res 1527 5th ave Horton Ella, c, laundress, res 18th RivseLill
Hotel Kulidle, Tel 87, Mrs A E Riddle & Son, Proprs, 1st
ave cor 13th Hough see also Huff
Ho'Ugii Alverson S, Editorial Writer Enquirer-Sun, bds
927 4th ave House Rachael, c, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Houston David, c, brakeman M & G R R, res 816 7th ave Houston Mike, c, brakeman M & G R R, res 814 6th ave Houston Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 3d ave bet
18th and 19th Howard Alexander, c, hackman, res 1609 3d ave




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Howard Andrew, wks Eagle & Phenix Mlg Co, res Broadnax, N Girard
Howard Ann J, ( Augustus), res 908 3rd ave Howard -Augustus, tfes Macon id, WynntonHoward Benjamin, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Howard Benjamin W, wks Cokcmbus Iron Wks, res Broad, N
Girard Howard Charles W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery
Browneville Howard Charlotte, c, res 918 4th ave Howard Daniel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Howard Edward, c, eng E M Walsh & Co, res 824 8th ave Howard Elbert, wks Columbus Gas Light Co, res 1243-^ 1st ave Howard Miss Eliza, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front,
Browneville Howard Eliza, c, res 937 6th ave Howard Elizabeth (wid Nathan), res Front bet 13th and 14th Howard Mrs Elizabeth, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res
Front s e cor 11th Howard Miss Ella, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Front,
Browneville Howard, Eppie, wks Chattaoochee Knitting Co Howard Fannie A (wid W J), res 1538 2d ave Howard Miss Francis E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Front bet 13th and 14th Horvard George, maeh Columbus Iron Wks, bds Brown House Howard George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co. res Front bet
13th and 14th Howard Miss Georgia, w'ks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Howard Hannah, c, cook C E, Estes Howard Hester, c, domestic C W Meyer Howard Homer M (Cooper & Howard), res 1321 3d ave Howard Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co. res Cemetery,
Browneville Howard James, c, wks Empire Stables, res 3d ave cor 24th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Boob and Stationery

Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe.

1035 Broad St.



Howard James, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co, res Front, Browneville
Howard James H, c, Wood, Boyd nr Broadnax, res same Howard James M, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Howard Rev James W, Pastor 2d Baptist Church;
Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, and Junk, 1441-1443 1st ave, res 1835 1st ave
Howard Jesse, c, section hand M & G R R, res Court Hill, S Girard
Howard Jesse, c, janitor The Ga Home Ins Co, res 631 3d ave Howard John, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Howard John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Howard John, wks Eagle & Phenx Mfg Co, res Front, Browne-
Howard John, c, lab, bds 1606 3d ave Howard John, c, lab, res 438 4th ave Howrard, John, c, boarding 924 Front Howard John, c, porter C B Woodruff Howard Joseph, c, lab, res 817 8th ave Howard Josie, c domeslic T H Mahone Howard Lena, c, seamstress, res 1339 Warren Howard Levi, poultry raiser, res 117 17th Howard Lewis G, grocer, 1620 3d ave, res same Howard Lewis G, carp, res 2001 3d ave Howard Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Plaward Mary (wid LaFayette), res 1st ave nr 14th Howard Milton W, salesman Wells & Curtis, res 1018 4th ave Howard Mollie, c, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Howard Nathan, elk H F Everett
Howard Nathan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front bet 18th and 14th
Howard Nym, res Abert, Girard Howard Phillis, c, res 619 6th ave Howard Ralph O (Evans & Howard), bds 1538 2d ave

ij nTDOfW 9, nn furniture of all kindsj
i I I UIJJIjUI'I Ol UU. At 1216 and 1218 Broad St. (See p 31

The Empire Sisbles Dealers in Liye Stoat.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Howard Richard, tel 37, sale and boarding stables, trans fer line and street sprinkler, 1332 1st ave, res 1333 2d aver tel 115 (Seep 57)
Howard Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front,. Browne ville
Howard Roxie, domestic V R Cantrell Howard Thacker B, agt Columbus Navigation Co, res 1308
5th ave Howard Thomas, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills Howard Thomas, farmer, res Linnwood Howard Thomas, c, pedler, res 611 5th ave Howard Thomas, c, carp, res 825 6th ave Howard Thomas W (Thomas W Howard & Co), and physi
cian, res Abert cor Bridge, Girard Howard Thomas W & Co (Thomas W Howard and J N Gil
bert), drugs, Bridge, Girard Howard Toombs C S, auditor GM & G R R, res 409 12th Howard Walter M, bkpr E M Walsh & Co, res Abert, Girard Howard Warren, c, drayman J H Gabriel & Co, res 7th ave bet
6th and 7th Howard Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Cemetery,. Brown e-
ville Howard Wm, res Long, Girard Howard Wm P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C6-; res Dale ave-,.
Browrievillfe Howard Wilson, c, porter Kaufman & Straus, res 1707 1st ave Howard Wright, c, hackman, res. 1607 3d ave Howard W B, wks Columbus Iron Wks Howe Douglass, apprentice Columbus Iron Wks Howell Henry, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Howell Jordan L, 1232 Broad, rooms 1234|- Broad Howell Miss Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res 13081-
Broad Howell Miss S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Howell Wm B, weaver Eagle & Phenix Mg Co, res 107 17th

Aenchbacher & Preer, Furnishing Goods

1129 Broad Street.

(Seep 2>


Prepares Young Men and Young

Ladies for a Useful Life.


(See p 8j



Hoyle Julia, wks Swift Mfg Co Hubbard John, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Hubbard Josie, wks Swift Mfg Co Hubbard Nora, wks Swift Mfg Co Hubbard Virgil, wks Swift Mfg Co Huckaba Frank, fireman C R R, res 1605 2d ave Huckaba Sarah (wid Frank), seamstress,res 1605 2d are Hudgins Mrs Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co. res Lively,
Browneville Hudgins John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lively,
Browneville Hudson Albert, c. section hand M & G R II,-res Court Hill, S
Girard Hudson Benjamin H, city engineer, res 121)2 2d ave Hudson Benjamin H, jr, collector Chattahoochee Nat Bank,
bds 1202 2d ave Hudson Miss Cassie, dressmkr, bds 741 2d ave Hudson Edwin, c, lab, res 724 4tli ave Hudson Eliza, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Hudson Emma, wks Muscogee Mfg Co-' Hudson Henry, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 412 8-th Hudson Isaac E, shoemkr 20 11th, res 514 5th ave Hudson Mack, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Hudson Mary, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Hudson Matthew L, res Broadnax, N Girard Hudson Miss Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 3 14th Hudson Monk, c, brakeman C R R Hudson M M, salesman C A Redd & Co, rooms over 1036
Broad Hudson Richard, r, lab Harvey & Dudley, res 700 9th Hudson Robert, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 9 Abort, Browne
ville Hudson Safronia, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Hudson Samuel, c, stonecutter A M Elledge Hudson Sarah, wks Muscogee Mfg Co


House, Sign and Ornamental Pointer*

No. 9 12th Street.


Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every

6. E. THOMAS. Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City. lOlO Bro"a.d Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Hudson Wm F, wks Musoogo Mfg Co, res 1404 Broad Huff see also Hough Huff Cincintus L, elk H A Gibson, res 720 1st ave Huff Hammond, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Huff Henry, c, Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 803 5th ave Huff Jerre W, farmer, res Wynton Huff John B, pressman Thomas Gilbert, res 720 1st ave Huff Orange, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton Huff Thomas I), sec and treas Gas Light Co; sec and treas
Merchants' and Mechanics' Line of Steamers, office Ala bama Warehouse, res 808-2d ave Huff'Wm H (Blanchard, Booth & Huff), bds 416 12th Huffman George, carrier Columbus Ledger Hughes Genie, wks Clegg's Mfg Co Hughes Jefferson C, broom mnfr, Broadnax nr Bridge, upper Girard, res 4th ave Hughes Jefferson N, broom mkr. res 1613 4th ave Hughes Mrs Julia, wks Clegg's Mfg Co, res 1416-|- 1st ave Hughes Louisa (wid James M), bds 3d ave cor 14th Hughes Samuel S. delivery elk Sou Express Co, bds Rose Hill Hughes Wm H, res Hemilton ave, nr Park Hull Miss Anna, librarian public library, res 645 Broad Hull Herbert L, cotton buyer, bds 1420 Broad Humber Lucius F (Blanchard, Humber & Co), res 1010 4th ave Humphries Nathan T, c, wks Thomas Gilbert, res 1610 1st ave Hungerford George, watchmkr, jeweler and manufacturer rub ber stamps, 18 12th, res 1007 2d ave Hunley Aaron, lab, res Wynnton rd Hunley George, c, lab, res 441 5th ave Hunley Mirion, cabinet mkr T L Gruzard, res end of Summerville, Browneville Hunt Albert S, elk T J Hunt, %fls 532 1st ave Hunt Benjamin H, bkpr Hurft Bros, res 1209-J- Broad

Hall & Wheat, Prescription Druggists


Onty Night Bell in the city.





Low Figures tfi

13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA.

Hunt Bros (Charles D and Win P), whol and retail grocers, 1209 Broad
Hunt Charles D tel 67, (Hunt Bros), res 1209J- Broad Hunt Claude C, elk T J Hunt, bds 532 1st ave Hunt Edgar S, elk Lewis & Gregory, bds 532 1st ave Hunt Miss Geor0ia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds
Broad Hunt Joseph, c, porter Hunt Bros Hunt Joseph H, carp, bds 602 3d ave Hunt Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, "bds 602 3d ave Hunt Thomas J, agt G W Scott Mfg Co. res 1247 5th ave Hunt Thomas *J, Boots and Shoes 21 10th, res 532 litt
ave ( See left bottom lines and p 54) Hunt Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 602 3d ave Hunt Wm N (Hunt Bros), res 1527 2d ave Hunter Alfred, lab Richard Howard Hunter Cornelia, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hunter Henderson, c, driver Richard Howard, res 734 6th ave Hunter Henry H, bkpr G M & G R R, res 1028 4th ave Hunter Joseph, c, porter Hunt Bros Hunter Rev Joseph P, pastor First Baptist church Browne-
ville, res LaFayette, Ala Hunter Nancy, domestic H C Hanson Hunter Peggie, c, domestic T H Evans Hunter Richard J, salesman George P Swift & Hamburger, res
1032 4th ave Hunter Wm, stenographer Columbus Iron Wks, bds 1130 1st
ave Hunter Rev Wm C, rector Trinity Episcopal church, res 1130
1st ave Hurd Henry, c, gardner, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hurst Rocky, c, res 921 6th ave Hurst Sallie, c, res 921 6th ave Hurt Catharine, c, domestic Mrs L O Hopkins


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone d.

P ^hrnnhmtf Silyerware, Spectacles and Optical Gooils,

U, OOUUlliUUigj

1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Hurt Charles D (tel 112), physician 1035^ Broad, res 1302 3d
ave Hurt Dilsey, c, res Wynnton rd Hurt Fannie (wid Early), res Wynnton Hurt John, lab, res 809 8th ave Hurt July, teamster, res Wynnton Hill Hurton Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hutchins Mrs Elizabeth M, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Fac
tory, res 20 Forsyth, Browneville Hutchins Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 20
Forsyth, Browneville Hutchins Miss Genie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 20
Forsyth, Browneville Hutchins James H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res 20 For
syth, Browneville Hutchins John D, grocer Marshall s w cor Abert, Girard,, res
same Hutchins Robert,, wks- Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 20 For
syth, Browneville* Hutner Edward L, c; bootblack H H Williams, res Wynntom
Huttner Mollie, c, laundress, res 618 2d ave Hutto Gideon, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Hutto Mrs L, wks Eag-le & Phenix Mnfg Co Hyatt see also Hiatt: Hyatt Miss Susan*, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Hyde MiSs Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, S
Girard Hyde Henry A, baker and confectioner, toys and fancy goods,
Bridge, Girard, res same Hyde Wm G, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go,.res Long, Girard


Ladies' anti Gents Boots and Shoes

21 lOtli Street.





Illges Abraham (Hide, Preer & Illges'), res 1428 2d ave
Ingersoll Jack, c, wks T L Gruzard Ingersoll John, bkkpr, res Hill Browneville
Ingersoll Mrs Martha, Asst Postmaster Lively P 0. res
Marshall nr Broadnax, Browneville
Ingersoll Samuel M, Postmaster Lively P 0, res Mar
shall nr Broadnax, Browneville Inglish Joseph P, tailor, res Abert, Girard Ingram Adaline, laundress, res 1642 4th ave Ingram Bartholomew, elk Wm Redd, bds 222 13th Ingram Flora, c, laundress, res 1546 4th ave Ingram John Henrv, trav salesman Frazer & Dozier, res 222
13th 'Ingram Mrs Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Ingram J T (I A McMakin & Co), physician, res 1806 Talbot-
ton ave Ingram Miss Lena, elk Bee Hive, bds 433 2d ave Ingram Pink, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ingram Porter, attorney and judge city court, over 1101
Broad, res 1409 2d ave Ingram Solomon, c, porter Hunt Bros, res 1546 4th ave Ingram Susan, seamstress, res Cooleyville Ingram Thomas, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co
Ingram T L, Tel Central, Mngr So Bell Telephone & Tele
graph Co, Electrical Contractor, Bicycles and Tricycles, 14 11th, res 1409 2d ave, tel 202 (See front cover and
p 60)
Ingram Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co



C. H. Lequin, Rings, Chains, Clocks 1034 BROAD STREET.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Ingram Wm, night watchman GM & & R R, res Thomas, Browneville
Irvin Frank res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Irvin Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Irvin John I), bkpr, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Irvin John M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Talbotton ave,
Rose Hill Irvin John Y, grocer, Talbotton ave, Rose Hill, res same Irvin Sterling, c, porter Columbus Water Wks Co, res 633 3d
ave Irvin Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, .res Talbotton ave,
Rose Hill Irvine Sarah, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton rd Irvine Victoria, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hill Isom Berry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res VanBuren,
Browneville Isom Laura (wid John), res VanBuren, Browneville Isam Simeon, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren,
Browneville Iverson Charles, c, lab, res 532 3d ave Iverson Eliza B (wid John F), res 112 14th
Iverson Miss May, tel 46, Insurance Agt, 1145 Broad (See
P 57)
Iverson Wesley, c, porter Hall & Wheat, res 515 3d ave Ivey Charles, wks Pearce's Factory Ivey Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ivey Hilliard, c, lab G M & G R R, res 7th ave bet 6th and
7th Ivey Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ivey Miss Lela, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ivey Lula (wid Charles L), res 1723 3d ave Ivey Mrs Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ivey Virginia (wid Robert), bds 624 2d ave

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co. Iron Pumps and Fencing, Yard Fountains; and Sprinklers. 1935 BROAD STREET.



J 0
Jackson Addie, wks Brown's Steam Cotton Mill Jackson Alfred, c, wks Berry's brick yard* Jackson Alpha, c, chambermaid Central Hotel, res 1st averear
Central Hotel Jackson Amanda, c, domestic Mrs Fannie Hurt Jackson Amos, c, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res rear 1819 2d ave Jackson Amos, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res 611 4th ave Jackson Andrew, lab, res 821 6th ave Jackson Andrew, lab, res Wynnton rd, Wynnton Jackson Andrew, c wks Jackson & Dryer, res Wynnton Hill nr
Wynnton rd Jacksom Andrew, c, lab, res 708 9th Jackson Andrew, c, lab, res 317 4th ave Jackson Andrew, c (Jackson-& Dryer), res 1026 6th ave Jackson Anna, c, domestic H T Everett Jackson Bell, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Jackson Benjamin, c, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 1816 1st ave Jackson Burrell, c, lab, res 313 9th Jackson Caroline, c. laundress, res 700 10th Jackson Catharine, c, cook Mrs J Hanserd Jackson Crawford, c, drayman Jones Bros & Caverly, res 2d
ave Jackson Creesy, c, domestic J A Kirven Jackson C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Jackson Della, c, domestic Mrs A M Daniel Jackson Dinah, c, domestic, C E Carpenter Jackson Mis3 Ella May, paper boxmkr Thomas Gilbert, res
Girard Jackson Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Jackson Fanny E, nurse MJs L F Woodruff Jackson Frank, c, lab Golden Bros Jackson George, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 519 3d ave
Mattress Factory. Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 121(5 and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)


Elegant Turnouts and Experi- flMPIPI? QTfiRTPQ


enced Drivers can be found at Hl'iriAV-Jj kHn.DL.utf


K. L. POLK & CO.'S


Jackson Giles D, c, (Thomas Jackson & Son), res 739 4th ave

Jackson Henrietta, c, laundress, res 539 2d ave


Jackson Henrietta, c, res 925 6th ave

Jackson Henry, c, res 1011 6th ave

Jackson Henry, c, res 423 5th ave

Jackson Henry T, trav salesman A J & B G Farmer, res 821

3d ave Jackson Howard F, physician, office U H Smith & Co's drug

store, res Broadnax, Girard

Jackson Isaac C (A A Dreyspool & Co), res 904 Front^

Jackson James F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Bu-


ren, Browneville Jackson Jane, c, res 704 9th

Jackson Jennie, c, domestic J F Wise

Jackson Jefferson, c, wood cutter, res Brannons Quarters, Gi


Jackson John, c, res 2026 6th ave


Jackson John B, c, porter Richard Diegnan, res Front Jackson JohnL, policeman, res Robinson, Rose Hill

Jackson Joseph, c, gardener, res Brannons Quarters, Girard

Jackson Joseph E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short,

nr Dillingham


Jackson Julia, c, domestic Mayor C B Grimes Jackson J Wm, mac.h-Columbus Iron Wks, res 821 3d ave

Jackson Mrs Laura -J, wks Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co, res

Short nr Dillingham


Jackson Lee, c, lab Wm F@s, res 15 Broad. N Girard Jackson Lizzie (wid Wm), dressmkr, res 1313 6th ave

Jackson Lucinda, c, laundress, res Wynnton rd

Jackson Lucius, c, carp, res Alabama, Rose Hill

Jackson Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Jackson Maria, c, laundress, res 30 St Johns

Jackson Maria, c, res 18th Rose Hill

Jackson Marshall, lab, res 505 4th ave

Aenclibacher & Freer, FIN"UITS a.,Sp1eflty

Woolwine High Qt,

Educates boys not to

uosretopbraocfcaon. ity,

obscenity (See p 6)



Jackson Marshall, c, driver J \V Cargill, res 2d ave bet 1st and city limits
Jackson Mary, c, laundress, res 1650 4th ave Jackson Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 24 For
syth, Browneville Jackson, Mary A (.wid Wm), res 1113 4th ave Jockson Nelson, c, fireman Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co Jackson Rev'Oliver H, c, pastor Shady Grove Baptist Church,
c, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Jackson Miss Onie, saleslady J E Cargill, res 821 3d ave Jackson Peter, elk U S Crane, res Wynnton Jackson Rat, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard Jackson Rhoda, c, domestic T D Huff Jackson Richard, lab, res 1544 4th ave Jackson Rosa, c, domestic J M Estes Jachson Samuel, c, lab, res 1650 4th ave Jackson Samuel, c, brickmason, res 3d ave bet 20th and 21st Jackson Scott, c, lab Browne's Cotton Mill, res 313 5th Jackson Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Jackson Thomas, bookbinder Thomas Gilbart, res Broad, N
Girard Jackson Thomas, c (Thomas Jackson & Son), res 739 4th ave Jackson Thomas J, printer Enquirer-Sun, res Broad, N Girard Jackson Thomas & Son, c (Thomas and Giles D), restaurant
105 10th Jackson Tim, c, lab, res 718 9th Jackson Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 24 Forsyth,
Browneville Jackson Wm, c, lab, res 614 4th ave Jackson Wm, c, porter, res 521 4th ave Jackson Wm, c, driver, res rear 1239 3d ave Jackson Wm, c, wks E H Miller, bds 1st ave bet 18th and 19th Jackson & Dryer, c (Andrew Jackson Calvin Dryer),
Contractors and Builders 1218 1st ave (See p 59)

O. E3 YOrrisra-,
Contractor and Builder, No, 9 12th street.

Please forward plans, and I will furnish you estimates on all kinds of Building, Carpentering and Repairing,

THOMAS. SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Order. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 1010 BROAD STREET.


E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Jacobs Miss Georgia A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 12434-
1st ave Jacobs Her (wid George), res 1243 1st ave James Allen, cooper Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res Rooneville
nr Wynnton James A W, dancing school, bds Veranda House James Bettie, c, laundress, res 416 4th ave James James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co James Julia, c, res 1815 5th ave James Lizzie, c, nurse W T Pool, res 1315 5th ave James Fructlla, c, laundress, res 412 4th ave James Richard, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th James Sadie, c, cook Morvin McIntyre James Susan, c, domestic L M Collier, res 416 4th ave James Wm C, c, barber Parlor Barber Shop, res 903 6th ave James Young, c, huckster city market, stalls 17 and 19 res
Wynnton Jamison Calvin, c, woodwkr Smith & Green, res 2d ave bet
12th* and' 13th Jamison Henry, c, wks Berry's brick yard Jamison James, fireman G M & G R R, res Front bet 12th and
13th Jamison Margaret, c, domestic C J Edge Jamison Sarah, c, laundress, res R R ave Browneville Jamison Miss Willie, seamstress, res 1337 Warren Jaques G, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Jarrett John, c, shoemkr 12th nr 2d aVe, res Bottom nr Wynn's-
Hill Jarrett Joseph T, elk H P Everett, res llll Broad Jarrett R, c, wks Columbus' Iron* Wks Jarvis George, sewing machine agt, res Crawford rd, N Girard Jarvis John S, (Barbrey & Jarvis) and special agt New Home
Sewing Machine Co, res Atlanta, Ga Jefferson Dawson, c, switchman G M & G R R, res 10th ave
bet 11th and 12th

Soda. W at e r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, at


FAIR ADJUSTMENTS, And Prompt Payments. (

Telephone 104,



Jefferson Emory, grocer and dry goods, Jackson Browneville, res 1320 4th ave
Jefferson Horace, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co Jefferson Joseph, bds 1302 5th ave
Jefferson Osborn, c, wks Columbus Gas Light Co, res Court Hill, S Girard
Jefferson Rollin, (Robert Davis & Co) grocer and iron wagons 1041 Broad tel 139, res 4 6th
Jefferson Thomas, farmer, res Broadnax, N Girard Jeffreys Win, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River, Browne
ville Jenkins Bud, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Cooleyville Jenkins Edward H, Pres Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co and
Supt Columbus Gas Light Co, res 932 2d. ave Jenkins Edgar W, physician 1127 Broad,, bdis 220 9th Jenkins Felix J, (F J Jenkins & Co) res 215 13th Jenkins F J & Co tel 40, (Felix J Jenkins & JabasB Banks jr,(
cotton warehouse and com mer, 1135 1st ave Jenkins Hattie, c, res 1708 3d ave Jenkins Mrs Helen, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res Girard? Jenkins Henry, c, drayman M T Bergan, res 533 6th ave Jenkins'Horace, c, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 703 5th.
ave Jenkins John, carp, res Broad, N Girard Jenkins John, c, waiter O S Jordan Jenkins Lewis, c, carp, res 722 5th ave Jenkins Lula, c, domestic John Blackmar Jenkins Mack, fireman G M & G R R, res Rose Hill! Jenkins Madison, c, lab, res 407 2d ave Jenkins Mamie, c, domestic-Toombs Howard Jenkins Maria, c,.domestic, W'm Cooper Jenkins Mary, c, res 1011 6th ave Jenkins Michael, wks Harvey & Dudley, res Sand Fort roadi,.
Girard Jenkins Millie,, c, res 532 5th ave

HARVEY & DUDLEY, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and Door Frames.


Office,. 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 81i _


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Jenkins Sarah, c, domestic John Kennedy Jenkins Thomas, c, lab, res 1428 5th ave Jenkins Toney, c, lab, res 734 6th ave Jenkins Vinie, c, res Bottom, Cooleyville
Jenkins Wm, c, lab, res -314 13th Jenkins W S, tel 163, real -estate 1*021 Broad, res 2d ave bet
9th and l*0th Jenks Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River, Browne-
ville Jennette Drayton, wiks Eagle -& Phenix Mfg Co, res 1st ave
bet-9th amd lOtih Jennette Ellen (wid Richard), res Abert, N Girard Jennette Henry, c, -wks H A Gibson Jennette R, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Jepson Emma (wid Joseph), res 220 9th Jepson Francis A, brick mnfr Lumpkin rd nr 10th ave, bets
220 9th Jepson Miss Mary E, elk J E Cargill, bds 220 9th Jernigan Simon, c, porter J PI Gabriel & Co, res 1011 6th ave
Jewell Miss Emma, wks Eagle -& Phenix Mnfg Co Jewell Miss Lula, wik-s Eagle <& Phenix Mfg Co Jewell Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Jewish Synagogue, L Weiss rabbi, 10th s w cor 4th ave
Jimson Ada, c, teacher, res 1344 6th ave Jimson Lewis, c, porter C S Holt, res 1344 6th ave Joerg Robert, bkpr J B Holst & Co, res 602 1st ave Johns John J, elk Summersgill & Albright, res Marshall
Browneville Johnson Acworth, c, carp, res 419 5th ave Johnson Alexander, c, janitor Court House, res 1241 4th ave Johnson Alfred, wood sawyer, res 10 Broad, N Girard
Johnson Allen, c, lab, res 838 4th ave Johson Amelia, c, domestic Wm Fee Johnson Miss Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

21 10th Street.


Keep in stock Pipe, Pipe Fittings. Globe and Check Valves, Injectors, &c.
Telephone 154



Johnson Anna, c, res 1736 Talbotton ave

Johnson Anna, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River

Johnson Anthony, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Wynnton rd

Johnson Perry L, policeman, res 1615 1st ave

Johnson B, wks Harvey & Dudley

Johnson Carl, c, res 832 6th ave

Johnson Miss Carrie, dressmkr, bds 314 8th

Johnson Carrie, c, domestic R A Patterson, res 509 5th ave

Johnson Charles, lab, res 644 4th ave

Johnson Charles, c, waiter R A Patterson

Johnson Charles, c, porter T M Forey

Johnson Charles, c, lab, res 1436 5th ave

Johnson Charles, c, lab, res 329 18th

Johnson Charles, c, lab City Mills, res 1st ave bet 15th anu


Johnson Charles, c, brickmason, res 537 5th ave

Johnson Charles G, trav salesman J K Orr & Co, bds 1508 3d


Johnson Miss Clara, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,


Johnson Delpha, wks Swift's Mfg Co


Johnson Dora, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill

Johnson Edgar W, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 6th bet Front

and Broad

Johnson Edward, c, lab, res 321 13th

Johnson Eliza (wid Alfred), res 1412 Broad

Johnson Elizabeth (wid James), res River, S Girard

Johnson Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix |Mfg Co, res 1st ave

bet 9th and 10th

Johnson Ella, c, domestic Mrs B B Fontaine

Johnson Miss Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,


Johnson Elsie, e, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton

Johnson Emma (wid Edwin), res Abert, Girard

Johnson Emma, c, domestic Solomon Loeb

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders' Supplies

masfb dealeb is Au..KxaDs of

Telephone 70.

C. H. LEQUIN, jewelry,

W *



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Johnson Miss Emma, wks Eagle Phenix Mfg Co, res 1st ave
bet 9th and 10th Johnson Ephraim M, grocer 14 10th, res 314 8th Johnson Ernest F, pilot steamer Aid, res 619 2d ave
Johnson Etta, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Johnson Eva, c, domestic C H Allen Johnson E J (wid J T), bds 1508 3d ave Johnson Miss Fannie, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, hds 1412 Broad
Johnson Fate, c, lab, res 422 3d ave Johnson Frank, c, porter J S Harrison Johnson Frank K, elk M Joseph, res 731 1st ave Johnson George, lineman Brush Electric Light and Power Co,
res Northern Liberties Johnson George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, hds 719 3d ave Johnson George, c, lab, res Summerville, Browneville Johnson George W. wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Oollrns,
Browneville Johnson Gus, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Johnson G Wilfred, elk Ga Home Ins Co, Ms Hotel Riddle
Johnson Harriett, c, laundress, res 1534 4th ave Johnson Harriett, c, laundress, res 534 3d ave Johnson Henry, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1823 2d
ave Johnson Henry, c, drayman Henry Bussey, res 1705 1st ave
Johnson Henr}7, c, porter R Geeslin Johnson Henry, c, lab, res rear 1221 3d ave
Johnson Henry, c, lab, res 416 6th Johnson Hettie, c, laundress, res 745 2d ave Johnson Ida, c, res 921 6th ave Johnson Isaac, c, res 719 6th aA7e Johnson Jabez, carp, bds 1 16th Johnson Jacob, c, carp, res 618 2d ave Johnson Jack, c, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 621 6th ave
Johnson Janies, c, lab, res 831 6th ave Johnson James A, elk E M Johnson, bds 314 8th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery


Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at
1035 Broad St.



Johnson Jane, (wid Wm) res Van Buren, Browneville
Johnson Jane, c, res 801 Front Johnson Mrs Jennie, wks Eagle & Pbenix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville Johnson Miss Jennie, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res 5 14th Johnson Jessie, wks Swift Mfg Co Johnson John, c, lab, res Gayle, Browneville Johnson John, c, caip, res 413 5th ave Johnson John A, res 619 2d ave Johnson John G, r, harnessmkr 12th between 1st and 2d ave,
res 1612 3d ave Johnson John G Jr, c, lab, res 1612 3d ave Johnson John W, head dyer Eagle &, Phenix Mfg Co, res 719
3d ave Johnson Joseph, c,'yard boy Hotel Biddle Johnson Joseph E, elk, bds 700 1st ..ave Johnson Josephine L, c, cook .Hotel Riddle Johnson Julia, c, domestic J K Harris Johnson Katie, c, res 312 8th Johnson .Kittie, c,.res 1315 1st ave Johnson LaFayatte, printer, res 116 Sth Johnson Lawson, r, wks J H Cochran, res Benton, Browneville
Johnson Lea, dressmkr, res 1618 1st ave Johnson Lester, c, lab, res 716 5th ave Johnson Lewis, c, wks T L Gruzard, res Cooleyville Johnson Lewis, lab, res rear 321 14th
Johnson Lida A, c, domestic Henry Moshell Johnson Lottie, c, nurse J C Haile Johnson Lula, c, domestic G W McKnight, res 539 2d ave Johnson Miss Maggie, seamstess, res 402 Broad Johnson Maggie, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River Johnson Margaret, r, laundress, res 1023 6th ave Johnson Mary (wid Robert), bds 1329 Broad Johnson Mary, c, laundress, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th


At 1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

Is a Perfect Livery, Sale and Feed Stable.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Johnson Miss Mary E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, Girard
Johnson Michael, wks Harvey & Dudley Johnson Millie, c, 3s 837 7th aveJohnson Mitchell, wks Swift' Mfg Co' Johnson Nancy, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River Johnson Napoleon B, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1412 Broad Johnson Miss Nettie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Johnson Miss Nora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1st ave bet 9th and 10th
Johnson Owen, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res Bottom nrWynnton
Johnson Peter, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res Cooleyville Johnson Philo, moulder, bds 1720 1st ave Johnson P Augustus, brickmason, res 1720 1st ave Johnson Ranee, c, lab, res 436 4th ave Johnson Raw, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Johnson Sallie, re3 8th ave bet 8th and 9th Johnson Sandy, c, lab, res rear 17 w 10th Johnson Sarah, c, domestic J K Harris Johnson Miss Savannah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Johnson Spencer, c, porter J E Deaton, res 319 5th Johnson Stephen, c, laundfy, res 611 3d ave Johnson Susie, wks Swift Mfg Co Johnson Susie, domestic W A Little Johnson Thomas, c, wood cutter; res 421 9th Johnson Thomas, c, wks Harvey & Dudley Johnson Victoria, er domestic C A Mischke Johnson Virginia,, wks-'Eagle & Phenix" Mfg Co, res . Wilkins,
Browneville Johnson Mrs Virginia, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Johnson Wallace; c, helper G W Dixon, c, res 1st ave opp City
Market Johnson Walter H, bkpr T J Pearce, res 1311 3d ave
Johnson Walter T, carp, res 1705 2d ave

Aenchbacher & Freer, MILLER'S HATS


1129 Broad St. (See p 2)

Woolwine High Sdiool, Teaches (hat Policing; Degrades Both Teacher and Pupil. NASHVILLE, TENN. (See p 8)`



Johnson Wm, lab, res 2d ave eor 7th Johnson Wm, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wvnnton Johnson Wm, c, lab, res 832 6th ave Johnson Wm, c, mechanic, res 402 2d ave Johnson Wm B, driver Harvey & Dudley. bds 508 13th Johnson Wm J, printer A A Williams, bds 1720 1st Johnson Wm Orlando, night ed Enquirer-Sun, bds 813 1st ave Johnston Amanda, c, laundress, res 6th ave bet 4th and 5th Johnston, Calvin, farmer, res Linnwood Johnston Emanuel, c, wks C & W R R, res 321 13th Johnston Enrely, grocer and saloon Wynn ton rd foot of Wynn-
ton Hill, res Cooleyville Johnston Henry, foreman Harvey & Dudley, res Broadnax, N
Girard Johnston John H (Johnston & Norman), res 216 11th Johnston J W, live stock, bds Central Hotel Johnston Leroy F, elk Wells & Curtis, bds 745 Broad Johnston Mary B (vvid A F), res 1123 4th ave Johnston Myla (wid Wm), res Broadnax, N Girard Johnston Robert C, tel 103, storage and commission 10th cor'
C R R, res Wvnnton rd 1 mile Johnston R L, physician 1016 Broad, bds Central Hotel Johnston Wm H, mail carrier district 2, bds 1123 4th ave Johnston & Norman, tel 14 (John H Johnston and R M Nor
man), brokers and real estate 1027 Broad Joiner Miss C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Jo-iner Ellen (wid Armstrong), res N Railroad, BrowneviRe Joiner H, wks Eagle & PhenixMfgCo Joiner Lanonia, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, bds N
Railroad, Browneville Joiner Mary, c, domestic W H Glaze Joiner Mattie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Joiner Sherman, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bdsN Railroad,

Edward a. seward,

House. Sign and Ornamental No. S 12th Street,

P ociUinf4ltoCir

Advertising in all itsbrawthes. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on
Gold and Silver Glas& Signs, for every business.


Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.



Joines Edmund \V (E W Joines & Son), res Hamilton ave,
Rose Hill Joines E W & Son (Edmund W and James J), grocers, Hamil
ton ave junction Talbotton ave Rose Hill Joines James J(EW Joines & Son), res Hamilton ave, Rose
Hill Jones Aaron, c, porter H F Everett, res 1st ave rear Central
Hotel Jones Abraham, c, lab, res 326 17th Jones Alexander, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Jones Alfred, c, wks T L Gruzard, res 1932 2d ave Jones Alice, c, cook J Scherman Jones .Allen, <*, porter Moore & Bates, res Front bet 8th and
9th Jones Alonzo, c, lab, res 541 4th ave Jones Alonzo, c, lab, res 710 5th ave Jones Anderson, c, driver J H Cochran, res Dale ave, Browne-
ville Jones Andrew, c, Shoemkr 1404 1st ave, res 1618 1st ave Jones Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 36 For
syth, Browneville Jones Annie, c, laundress, res 1326 Broad Jones Augustus, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res Broad Browiae-
ville Jones A Ervin, blksmith, res 1724 1st ave Jones Rev Barney, c, res 2d ave bet 20th and'21st Jones Beasley wks Swift Mnfg Co Jones, Bros & Caverly (Warner P and Sanders P Jones
and Charles E Caverly), tel 79, Whol Grocers, 947 Broad Jones Burrell, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Prim
rose Hill, N Girard Jones Caroline, c, domestic Miss Clara Johnson Jones Carrie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Jones Carrie, c, domestic J A Roberts Jones Caesar, c, lab, res Booneville nr Wynnton

TNO. S. STEWART,\ Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, &c.


Steam Power Printer,

) Wall Paper & Decorations, 13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA.



Jones Charles, wks Ga Steam tfe Gas Pipe Co, res Girard

Jones Charles, boss Swift Mnfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard

Jones Columbus, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Dale avenue,


Jones Miss Cora, wks Chattahooche Knitting Factory, res

Primrose Hill, N Girard

Jones Cornelia, c, res 1613 5th ave

Jones Daniel, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, bds 1022 6th ave

' Jones David F L, superintendent Harvey & Dudley, bds 1213

6th ave

Jones David L, wks Eagle tfePhenix Mfg Co, res 36 Forsyth,


Jones Miss Dotia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 37 For-


syth, Browneville

| Jones Edgar A, carp Harvey & Dudley, res Broad, N Girard

Jones Edward, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front bet

13 th and 14th

Jones Edward, c, lab, res 615 4th ave

Jones Miss Ella L, paper box mkr Thomas Gilbert, res 1724 2d



Jones Miss Ellen, wks Swift Mfg Co, res s Railroad, Browne


Jones Mrs Ellen, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard

Jones Eliza, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hill

Jones Emma, c, res 410 8th

Jones Mrs Emma L, elk L F Jones, res Marshall, Browneville

J ones Emma L, c, teacher 6th Ave Public School, c, res 806

6th ave

Jones Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 37 For

syth, Browneville

Jones Fannie, c, res 806 6th ave

Jones George, c, lab, res 519 9th

Jones Miss Gertrude, bookbinder Thomas Gilbert, res 1724 2d


Jones Gilbert, c, lab, res 1607 4th ave

HARVEY & DUDLEY, 'Georgia Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin gles, Laths and Lime.


Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 8L



It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Jones Ham, c, carp, res 831 7th ave Jones Hampton, c, lab C RE, res 702 10th Jones Harrison, lab, res 3d ave bet 19th and 20th
Jones Hattie, c, res 1613 5th ave Jones Henry, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, res Long, GirardJones Henry, cr wks River compress, res 1642 4th ave Jones Henry, c (Lockett & Jones), res 3d ave bet 19th and-
20th Jones Hester,, c, res 1311 5th ave Jones Homer, wfe Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 36 Forsyth,.
Browneville Jones Ida, wks Swift Mfg Co Jones Ida, c, domestic Thomas Chapman Jones Irby, c, lab Harvey & Dudley Jones Isaac, c, brickmason, res 535 2d ave Jones Isaac, c, teamster, res Cooleyville Jones Isham, c, driver So Exp Co Jones Jacob, c, wood cutter, res Wynnton Hill Jones James, carp, res Business, Girard Jones James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Wilkins,,
Browne ville Jones James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 36 Forsyth,.
Browneville Jones James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 37 Forsythr
Browneville Jones James, c, wks T L Gruzard Jones James B, cab mkr A G Rhodes & Co, res 1025 6th ave Jones James PI, wks Harvey & Dudley Jones James H, c, painter, res 322 4th ave Jones Jane, c, res 615 4th ave Jones Miss JeanSe, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lively,-
Ala Jones Jerome, c; porter, res 806 6th ave Jones John, c; cook Hotel Riddle, res 535 2d ave Jones John, c, restaurant 1723 Talbotton ave, res same


21 10th STREET,


Manufacturers ofwSteam and Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every de


Telephone 154.



Jones John H, shoemkr Broad, Browneville, res Van Buren

Jones John W, saloon 20 12th, rooms 3d floor Ga Home Bldg

Jones Judge, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Primrose Hill,

N Girard

Jones Julia, c, domestic J T Kavanagh

Jones Lafayette, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Booneville, nr


Jones Miss Laura, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res

Broadnax, N Girard


Laura, c, laundress, res 1520 Levi, c, wks J M Osborne Lewis, c, lab, res 421 5th ave



Jones Lorenzo, c, driver E M Walsh & Co, res 541 4th ave


Lou, c, res Bottom, nr Wynnton Lucy, c, domestic Joseph Tillman

Jones Miss Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co, res S Railroad, Browne


Jones Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co., res Wilkins,


Jones Luther, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res Wilkins,


Jones L Thomas, miilinery and dry goods Marshall, res same,


Jones Mack, c, driver E M Walsh & Co, res 541 4th ave

Jones Mack jr, c, lab E M Walsh & Co, bds 541 4th ave

Jones Major, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard

Jones Major M, c, cotton marker compress, res Booneville, nr


Jones Marion, c, lab, res 1520 4*th ave

Jones Martha, (wid Wm) res Cemetery, Browneville

Jones Mary, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Jones Mary, (wid John) bds 1231 5th ave

Jones Mary, (wid Wm M) res 426 4th ave

Jones Mary, (wid Wm) res Lively, Ala

Jones Mary, c, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Jones Mary, c, res Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Jones Miss Mary I, paper boxmkr Thomas Gilbert, bds 1724 2d
ave Jones Matilda, c, domestic Louis Hamburger Jones May, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Jones Mittie, c, domestic C E Estes Jones Mollie (wid Henry), res Primrose Hill, N Girard Jones Miss Nancy, seamstress, res Van Buren, Lively Jones Nancy, c, laundress, res 3d ave bet 6th and 7th Jones Nathan, c, lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res 1338 5th ave Jones Miss Ophelia, wks Chattahoochee^Knitting Factory, res
Broadnax, N Girard Jones Rebecca, c, domestic Rev J B K Smith Jones Remus, c, painter, res 822 4th ave Jones Richard, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Cor res Primrose
. Hill, N Girard Jones Robert, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Jones Robert, c, lab, res 1514 4th ave Jones Robert I, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,
N Girard Jones Rufus, foreman wood dept Columbus Iron Works, res
Broad, Browneville Jones R M, elk Richard Howard, bds 5th ave bet 12th and 13th Jones Samuel, c, wood sawyer C A Cartrell Jones Sandy, c, lab, res 6th bet 4th and 5th ave Jones Sarah, c, res 430 4th ave Jones Sarah, c, laundress, res 411 9th Jones Saunders P (Jones Bros & Caverly), bds 1438 Broad. Jones Seaborn, wks Muscogee MnfgCo, Jones Rev Seymore B, c, res 912 5th ave Jones Sidney, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Jones Susan, c. domestic W E Chalmers Jones Mrs Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front bet
13th and 14th Jones Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,
N Girard
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty,
1035 Broad 8treet.



Jones Thomas, c, wks C & W R R, res 1338 5th ave Jones Thomas,c, office boy Columbus R R Co Jones Turner, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Jones Turner, c, lab, res 7th ave bet 7th and 8th Jones Van, carp, res Bottom nr Wynnton Jones Walker P, res Broad, N Girard Jones Walter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 36 Forsyth,
Browneville Jones Warner P (Jones, Bros & Caverly), bds Rankin House Jones Washington, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 64 Van
Buren, Browneville Jones Wm, bailiff Lee county, res S Railroad, Browneville Jones Wm, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Broad, N Girard Jones Wm, c, Vegetables, Broadnax, N Girard, res McCol-
lister, Browneville Jones Wm, c, coachman W T Gautier Jones Wm, c, lab, res 536 3d ave Jones Wm, c, lab, res 818 4th ave Jones Wm, c, lab Columbus Railroad Co Jones AVm, c, lab, res 430 4th ave Jones Wm, c, wks T L Gruzard Jones Wm, c, lab, res 535 2d ave Jones Wm, c, lab, res 731 2d ave Jones Wm, c, wks River Compress Jones AVm, c, blacksmith, 12th 2 wof 2d ave, res 826 6th ave Jones AVm, c, blacksmith, res 538 4th ave Jones AVm 1, carp, res AVilkins, Browneville Jones AVm H, meat market, stall 14 City Market, res Broad,
Girard Jones Wm L, shoemkr, Broadnax nr Bridge, res Cemetery,
Browneville Jones AVm T, elk Starke & Riddle, res 1431 1st ave Jordan Alfred, butler Mrs AV A Davis Jordan Miss Carrie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Van Buren,

Mattress Factory.. Mattresses of all kinds made .to order at 1216 and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)

EMPIRE STABLES ffY YooUu w AVIant your Horse and Buggy properly attended to, patronize the


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Jordan Miss Cora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren, BrownviMe
Jordan C T, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Jordan George, c, lab, res 63 Hill ave
Jordan O triinby (G Gunby and Oscar S Jordan), Insur ance Agt and Gen Mngr G M & G R R, Ga Home bldg, res 1430 Broad (See right top lines)
Jordan Plowed, elk Central R R, bds 204 11th Jordan Julius C, mnfr's agt steam engines and machinery,
12344 Broad, res 320 14th
Jordan Lula (wid Jackson), res Van Buren, Browneville Jordan Milton, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill
Jordan Oscar S (G Gunby and Oscar S Jordan), res 1130 4th ave
Jordan Rebecca, c, laundress, res 63 Hill ave
Jordan Setll N, physician 1137 Broad, res 1243 1st ave, tel 2
Jordan Thomas, c, lab, res 63 Hill ave
Jordan Miss Victoria, vwksMuscogee Mfg Co, res Van Buren, Brown ville
Jordan Willis, exporter Rankin House, res 528 2d ave Jordan W Roland, cashier C & W Div C R R, res 204 11th Josepll Dan, Tel 9, Notary Public, Grain, Produce and '
Merchandise Broker 1034 Broad, res 936 2d ave Joseph Isaac treas Columbus and Gulf Navigation Co, res 828
Joseph Jacob, dry goods clothing, boots and shoes, trunks, no tions, etc, 1102 Broad, res 1145 Broad
Joseph John A, elk M Joseph, bds 828 Broad Joseph Moses, tel 11, whol dry goods, notions and millinery
1131-1137 Broad, res SPtGgd-ftve / f 1?
Jossey Thomas B, trav salesman J Kyle & Co, rooms 1009^ Broad
Jowers Mayberry, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1400 Broad Joy Alice, c, domestic Mrs S A Palmer

Furnishing Goods,


(See p 2)

WOOLWIWE H9GH SCHOOL, Trusts its pupils, and thereby

' creates in them the power of seif-


control and trustworthiness.



Julius H, elk Loeb & Kaufman, res 810 3d are Jumper David, c, wks J W Miller
Justice Mrs Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 935 Front
Justice Robert, grocer and confectioner 23 12th, res 13th bet 3d and 4th ave

Kaddoe Mingle, c, lab, res 803 4th ave Kannady see also Kennedy and Cannady Kannady Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,bds S Rail
road, Browneville Kannady Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Kannady Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Kannady Sarah .J (wid Ellis), res S Railroad, Brownvillee Kates Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Walton,
Browneville Kates Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Wilkins,
Browneville Kaufman Charles, res 1516 3d ave Kaufman Jacob, salesman Kaufman & Straus, res 1124 4th
ave Kaufman Jacob jr, trav salesman Kaufman & Straus, bds 744
2d ave Kaufman Julius, salesman Kaufman & (Straus, res 744 2d ave Kaufman Julius jr, clothing and men's furnishing goods 1042
Broad, res 1315 4th ave Kaufman L H (Loeb & Kaufman), bds 120 9th Kaufman Moses ( Kaufman & Straus), bds 1124 Jthjave


Please forward plans, and I will furn-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12tn street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.

G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Bays' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. XOIO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Kaufman & Straus-, tel 27 (Moses Kaufman and Abe Straus), whol grocers 1211 Broad
Kavanagh John T, tel 140, who! and retail grocer 1018 Broad, res 825.1st ave
Kavanagh Mary (wid John C), bds 825 1st ave Kavanagh Robert E, salesman J T Kavanagh, bds 825 1st' ave Kay John cutter G J Peacock, res 632 1st ave Keeling Mrs Mollie, res Forsyth, Browneville Keeling Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Keene Charles C, bill elk Freight depot C R R, bds 1018 3d
ave Keene George W, eng G M & G R R, bds 1018 3d ave Keene John F, mach Colupibus Iron Wks, res-1018 3d ave Keene Sarah, c. domestic C D Hurt Keene Wm D, eng C R R, res 1016 4th ave Keith Lucy (wid Daniel), res 827 5th ave Kell John F, eng G & W R R, res 1127 5th ave Kelly Alfred, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, N Gi
rard Kelly Allen, res 3d ave bet 16th and 17th
Kelly Alonzo F, tinner C R R, res Booneville nr Wynnton Kelly Annie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co
Kelly A W, market gardner, stall 26 City market, res Bellewood
Kelly Clifford, driver .James Kelly, res Dale ave, Browneville Kelly Edmond, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Benton,
Browneville Kelly Mrs Elizabeth, res Front 3 s of 11th Kelly George, moulder Golden Bros,.res Browneville Kelly Green, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Benton, Browne
ville Kelly Harrison, c, lab, res 53 Zion Kelly Horace C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 84 Jackson,

Hall & Wheat. Prescription Druggists

1016 and 1142 BROAD street.

* Only Night Bell in the city.

G. GUNBY JORDAN,j American of Philadelphia


Niagara Ol 11 Telephone 104.



Kelly Ida, c, res 826 6th ave
Kelly James, carp, res Marshall, Browneville Kelly Janies, drayman, res Dale ave, Browneville
Kelly James R, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 930 Broad
Kelly John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall, Browneville
Kelly Lula, c, res 832 7th ave
Kelly Patrick H, painter C R R, res 924 5th*ave Kelley Susie, wks Swift Mfg Co
Kelly Wm, teamster, res Browneville
Kelly Zacharias T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 75 Jackson, Browneville
Kelton Sarah, c, res 5th ave bet 6th and 7th Kemp Holland, mach Columbus Barrel Mfg Co Kemp Wm M, res Linwood
Kemp Wm R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Linwood. Kendall C A, conductor G M & G R R Kendall Mary, c, domestic J W J Fargason Kendrick Betsy, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wynntoir Kendrick Emma, c, domestic J A Mooty
Kendrick Jane, c, laundress, res Booneville, nr Wynnioni Kendrick John, c, peddler, res Booneville, nr Wynnton Ivendnck Joseph, c, lab Empire Mills Kendrick Mollie, c, res 809 7th ave
Kendrick Thomas, c, wks Empire Mills, res Cooleyville Kendrick Wm, c, lab Empire Mills
Kennebrew Ophelia, c, domestic C E Hochstrasser Kennedy see alsoKannad'y and Cannady
Kennedy Mrs Abbie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co* res 84 Jackson, Browneville
Kennedy Mrs Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co> Kennedy John D, bkkpr Muscogee Mnfg Co, res 402 12th Kennedy Marshal], c, lab, res 412 8th Kennedy Moses, wks Muscogee Oil Co
Kennedy Wm S, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 1502 2d ave

Harvey & Dudley,

C. Schomburg Silverware, Spectacles and Optical Goods,


1115 Broad Street. (Seep 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Kennel John, c, lab, res 2d ave bet 21st and 22d Kennington Ella, (wid James) dressmkr, res Sand 1'oit id,

Girard Kenny Carrie, (wid Thomas) res Dio 2d ave
Kent Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & 1 hemx Mnfg Co Kent Gilbert C, painter and paper hanger, res Summerville,



Kent John, presser Columbus Clothing Co, res Criraid.

Kent Miss M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Kent Miss Nora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co

Kent Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Kent Walter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Kent Wm J, presser Columbus Clothing Co, res S Girard

Kern Bettie, (wid Emanuel) (Kern & Loeb) res 1236 2d ave

Kern Henry, salesman Kern & Loeb, bds 1236 -M ave

Kern Joseph,-elk Kern & Loeb, bds 1236 2d ave

Kern & Loeb, tel 32, (B Kern & S Loeb) grocers and liquors,

1201 and 1203 Broad


Kershaw & Jones, (C S Shorter & Co) at Macon, Ga

Kessick James W, supt foundry Columbus Iron \\ orks Co,

bds 732 1st ave ' Kessick W, wks Columbus Iron AVks Key Annie, wks Eagle & Phniex Mfg Co, res Ingersoll, Browne


Key Eliza, c, res 1011 6th ave

Key Lula, c, domestic Mrs L McAlister

Kev Mary E (wid James I), res, Ingersoll, Browneville


Key Printer, c, lab, res Curtis' Quarters, V. ynnton Kibbv Ozam J, foreman cooper Columbus Barrel Mnfg Co, res

Booneville, nr Wynnton



Kidd Miss Emma, w'ks ^Eagl1e & Phenix Mfg Co, res Payne,

Browneville Kidd Miss Kate,




. Phenix





Browneville Kidd Miss Mary, res 19 Payne, Browneville __

T. J. HUNT, Ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoes 21 10th Street.

Kidd M, res 19 Payne, Browneville Kiefer E, wks Harvey & Dudley Kilgore Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Killingsworth Miss Emma, dressmkr, bds 16 w 9th Kimball Miss Amanda,, wks Eagle & Phenix. Mfg Kimball Miss Bulah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Kimball Thomas, c, lab, res Crawford rd. N Girard Kimbell James B, special agt and adjuster, Ga Home Ins C'o^
res 1006 4th ave Kimbrough Abb, c, lab, res 881 6th ave Kimbrough Alfred (Kimbrough & Brown), res Long Girard. Kimbrough Andrew, c, drayman, res 1500 4th ave Kimbrough Edwin H, bkpr Chancellor & Pearce, bds 313 10th Kimbrough Frank, c, hackman, res 638 4th ave Kimbrough, Jefferson, c, porter C E Hochstrasser ifc Co, res-44
17th, Rose Hill Kimbrough Jesse W, commissary dpt C & R RR, res 1231
5th ave Kimbrough John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 411 16th Kimbrough Mortar, c, porter W R Bedell, res 1224 1st ave Kimbrough & Brown, (Alfred Kimbrough and, \Y m G
Brown), Painters and wall Paper Plangers, 1st ave 1 s of
12th (See p 58) Kindon Wm S, tinner H F Everett, res Wynnton King Ada, c, landress, res 719 2d ave King Miss Addie, tailoress G J Peacock, res Girard King Adolph, tailor H Geyer, res 218 7tli King Agre, c, res Curtis' Quarters, Wynnton King Benjamin J, market gardener, res 18 Broad, K Girard
King Bryce, c, lab, res 2d ave cor 24th King Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 18 Broad,
Girard King Charles, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton King David, c,.wks steamboat, res 1314 5th ave King David, c, shoemkr 1st ave nr 10th, res same

T. L. GRUZARD Paints and HardwarJ'

mT7 T

AVIJ *7 i \


R. L. POLK & CO.'S
King Elijah W, wks Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co, res Broad, Girard
King Eugene L, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 5th bet 1st and 2d ave
King George, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks King George, c, wks Empire Mill, res 519 5th ave King Hannah, domestic Mrs N S Robinson King Henry, c, waiter Epping House King Henry, c, lab, res Talbotton ave. Rose Hill King Henry,1 c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton King Horace, c, lab Columbus R R Co King Jepson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co King John, c, waiter Central Hotel, res 426 1st ave King John M, wks K C, M & B R R, res 5th bet 1st and 2d
ave King Joseph (King & Daniel), res 1025 3d ave King Joseph, c, lab, res Curtis Quarters, Wynnton King Joseph W, photographer, 1011 Broad, res 921 5th ave King Joseph W jr, photographer J W King sr, bds 921 5th
;ave King Judson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 18 Broad,
Girard King Lucinda, c, domestic H L Wtoodruff King Lula, c, laundress, res 719 2d ave King Miss Mamie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, bds
18 Broad, Girard King Marcella, c, domestic S P Jones King Martha, wks Pearces Factory King Miss Mattie, .wks Pearces Factory, res 843 Front King Mattie, domestic N J Bussey Kmg Moses, c, lab, res 426 1st ave King Russell, c, lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res Bottom nr
Wynnton King Susan (wid Wm), res 621 4th ave King Willis, c, waiter Veranda House, res 426 1st ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co, '"Hr'





King Zachary T, bds 1127 5th ave
King & Daniel (Joseph King, Asa B Daniel), grocers and sa loon 946 Broad
Kinnett Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville
Kinnett Forest, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville
Kinnett John H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville
Ivinsel Charles M (Wittich & Kinsel), res 837 1st ave
Kirkscey Mary (wid DrWm), res Wynnton
Kirksev Thomas W, salesman Brannon & Carson, hds Central Hotel
Kirlin Miss Lou, bds 808 Broad Kirlin Miss Mary, res 808 Broad Kirven J Albert (J A Kirven & Co), res 213 12th Kirven J A & Co (J Albert and Richard M Kirven), tel
138, Dry Goods and Notions, 1136 and 1138 Broad Kirven Richard M (J A Kirven & Co), res Rose Hill Kiev Christian, grocer 10 Dillingham, res same Klink Charles A, Pres Columbus and Gulf Navigation
Co and Furniture, Carpets and Oil Cloths, 1031 Broad, res 616 Broad (See p o4)
Klinkerfus Frederick, boot and shoemkr, 14 12th, res 404 4th ave
Kloke John W, tailor Aenchbacher & Preer, bds Central Ho tel
Knight Misef Amelia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res rear 1237 Broad
Knight Georgiana (wid James), res Broadnax, N Girard Knight Jesse B, Mngr J W Howard, res 1709 2d ave Knight May, c, laundress, res 218 8th Knolnnd see also Noland Knoland Joseph G, c, Pastor Shiloh Baptist Church, res
Albright nr Cemetery, Browneville
Mattresses at Wholesale.A c Gibson & coi 121 6'and^1218 Broad St (SeepS)


EMPIRE STABLES Elegant Turnouts and Experi
enced Drivers can be found at


It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Knowlan E, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Knowlan Ida, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co* Knowles Frank, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Knowles Frank M (F M Knowles & Co), res Long, Girard Knowles F M & Co (Frank M Knowles and Frank McArdle),
auction, commission and pawn brokers, 1001 Broad
Knowles Georgiana, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res-
Browneville Knowles J Woodson (McCollister & Knowles), res Long,
Brownville Knowles Lavernia, wks Chattahoochee. Knitting Factory, res
Browneville Knowles Martha, c, laundress, res N Railroad, Browneville Knowles Miss Sarah, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, res 800
Short Knowles V, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Knox Anna, c, domestic J N Gilbert Knox Miss Hattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Knox John, mach Golden Bros, res Bridge, Girard Knox Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,
Browneville Knox Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg: Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Knox Sarah (wid Benjamin), res S Railroad,. Browneville
Koechlin Carl, elk Hotel Riddle, bds same Kohne Albert, shoemkr F Klinkerfus, bds 700' 1st ave
Kohne Morris, patternmkr Columbus Iron Wks, bds 712 1st
ave Koenneker Ernst (Wielaner& Koenneker), res Boyd, Browne
ville Kohn Frank J (J H Gabriel & Co), res 621 Broad Kunsberg Mrs Bettie, grocer 1328 6th ave, res same Kunsberg Raphael, ice cream mfr, res 1328 6tli ave


1129 Bboad St.

(See p 2)

y^oolwBoe High School of right, respect for property


and a reverence for old age.



Kurniker Edward, res 833 1st ave Kyle Catharine L'(wid John), res 417 12th Kyle James P (J Kyle & Co), res 2d ave bet 11th and 12th
Kvle Joseph (J Kyle & Co),res 514 12th Kyle J & Co, tel 21 (Joseph and James P Kyle), whol dry
goods 1106--1108 Broad

Ladies Bazaar, Misses INI & A Brady, proprs, 1119 Broad Ladies Missionary & Aid Society, Mrs J M Estes, pres; Miss
Myra Birgsong, sec; Mrs J A Kirner, treas, meet at 1st Baptist church every Tuesday 3 : 30 p m LaFayette Jarrell, c, porter, res 518 2d ave Laffkowitz Abraham, tailor Chancellor & Pearce res 1328 6th
ave Laffkowitz Marcus, res 1220 Broad Laffkowitz Miss Rachael, confectionary and fruits 1220 Broad,
res same Lagran James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Lake Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, re3 Dale ave,
Browneville Lake Miss Mary, res Dale ave, Browneville Lakely Wm B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front s e cor
11th Lalache M J, cooper Columbus Barrel Mfg Co Lamar Rev Charles R, Pastor Trinity Methodist Churchy
res Jackson, Browneville Lamar John E, county surveyor, courthouse, res Chetulga rd,
7 miles Lamar Lee W, bkpr, res Lawyers Lane, Wynnton Lamar Lula, c, domestic Thomas Chapman Lamb Alexander, grocer, Bridge, Girard, res same
rctllllCI House, Sign and Ornamental Paintot' No. 9 12th Street.

G. E. THOMAS. Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City. lOlO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Lamb Charles, c, lab, res 809 4th ave

Lamb Charles G, elk W S Freeman, res Girard

Lamb Miss C, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co

Lamb Miss E B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Lamb Harriett, c, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th

Lamb Howard, c, lab J I) Smith & Bro, res 6th ave



Lamb R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Lamb Steven, c, lab, res 538 3d ave

Lament Miss Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Lamoi Miss Beiah, saleslady Sternberg & Loevvenherz, res 1st

ave s e cor 6th


Lamon John, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co*!v^|

Lancaster Miss Leona A, wks J Kyle & Co, bd SL1 Front

Lancaster Martha J (wid A F), res 811 Front


Lane Amanda, c, laundress, res 424 2d ave

Lane A, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Lane Miss Bella, seamstress, res 1330 Broad

Lane Henry, c, porter PI C McKee, res 1500 4th ave

Lane Louisa, c, laundress, res 509 15th

Lane Maria, c, domestic A C Prather

Lane Miss M A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Laney Miss Belle, teacher Peabody School No 3, res Horsyth,


Laney Lou, c, laundress, res Long, Girard

Laney Love, peddler, res Court Hill, S Girard

Langdon Francis D (wid Wm D), res 746 Broad

Langdon Wm P, elk J K Orr & Co, res 525 1st.ave

Langdon W Henry, res 716 Broad

Lange J Andrew (Epping & Lange) and bkpr Chattahoochee

Nat Bank, res Linnwood

Langford Harriet, c, laundress, res 1808 2d ave

Langford J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Langford Robert L, wks Browne's Cotton Mill, res 1308^ Broad

Langford T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

On Draught at




Langley Banks, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Browneville Langley Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Langley Jerry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Browneville Langley Miss Ritie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Browneville Langley 'Samuel B, carp, res Marshall, Browneville Langtry Miss Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 847
Front Lapham Frank G, pilot steamer Thronateeska, bds 115 6th Lapham George S, pilot steamer Fannie Fearn, res 115 6th Lapham George S, jr, pilot steamer Fannie Fearn, bds 1156th
Lapham Walter W, pilot steamer Fannie Fearn, bds 1156th Larkin Mary, c, domestic W E Chalmers Larkin Sim, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton
Larkins Samuel, c, wks Berrys brickyard Larmon Bettie, c, res 509 4th ave Lary Charles, c, lab, res Cooleyville Lary Mary, c, domestic Mrs C M Meeler
Lary Mary C, (wid S D) res 11th n e cor Front Lassater T C, carp Eagle & Phemx Mfg Co, res Summerville,
Browneville Laster Mrss Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Laster Elizabeth, (wid John) res S Railroad, Brownville Laster Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Laster Miss MoUie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Laster Miss Stella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Latham Benjamin, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 506 14th Latham John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 506 14th Lavender Charles, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 5 14th Lavender Horace, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 5 14th


Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard-
ing# Brackets, Pickets, Mantels, kc.

Office, 1243 Cth ave.

Telcpliouo 84.

Clods and Bronzes,


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Lavender J Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, Girard
Lavender Lizzie, (wid Wm) res 5 14th Lavender Preston, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 5 14th
Lavender Wiley, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Broad, N Girard Lavender Wiley R, (Payne & Lavender) res Broad, N Girard Lavender Wm M, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co res River, Girard Law Charles, c, carp, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Law Charles M, salesman Brannon & Carson, bds 819 1st ave Law Daniel, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Law Georgia, (wid S B) res 819 1st ave Law Samuel S, elk Blanchard, Booth & Huff, bds 819 1st ave
Law Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lawhon Charlotte, c, res 815 6th ave Lawhon Clarence, c, porter 0 & W R R, res 815 6th ave Lawhon Samuel E, bkkpr J D Smith & Bro, res 1046 1st ave Lawler Crosby, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lawler Mrs Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lawless James, wks Swift Mfg Co Lawless John, wks Swift Mfg Co Lawless Thomas, wks Swift Mfg Co Lawrence Abraham, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Lawrence Carrie, (wid James) propr Brown House, Broad cor
Lawrence Drew A, eng G M & G R R, res Mechanicsville, Talbotton rd
Lawrence Eleanora, (wid Augustus G) res 1419 2d ave Lawrence Eugene, dray line, res 521 11th Lawrence John T (Tomlin & Lawrence), bds F B Tomlin.
Wynnton rd foot of Wynns Hill Lawrence Larry, wks Clegg Mfg Co Lawrence Mrs Laura wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 6 Thomas, Browne-
ville Lawrence Wm S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 6 Thomas,-

Shoes, 21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Lawrence W Charles, eng C R R, res 1619 2d ave Lawrie Mrs Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 939
Front Lawson Leander, c, driver R M Kirven Lawson Lucinda, c, asst Peabody School, res Girard Lawson Simon, c, teamster, res Booneville nr Wynnton
Lawson Wm, c, lab, res 1710 3d ave Lay Leola, c, res 847 4th ave Layed C B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lay field George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Layfield George, baker Mrs Stevenson, res Broad, Browneville Layfield Henry, wks Brownes Cotton Mills, res Van Buren, N
Girard Layfield James, collector, res 215 16th Layfield Mamie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Leary Marth, c, domestic John Hill
Lecroy Andrew B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 19 Forsyth,
Browneville Lecroy Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lecroy Miss Missouri, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1J
Forsyth, Browneville Ledbetter Thomas F, eng C R R, res 936 5th aveLedbetter Wm, eng, Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville Ledsinger Robert W, cotton buyer and dept sheriff, res 816 2d
ave Lee Calvin, c, wks steamer Thornateeska, res 405 1st ave Lee Carrie (wid John), res 932 5th ave Lee Eliza, c, laundress, res 14th cor 5th ave Lee Miss Ella, saleslady M PI Lee, bds 1114 Broad Lee Henry, c, lab Harvey & Dudley, res 1512 4th ave Lee Rev, Henry, c, res 7th ave bet 8th and 9th Lee John B, collector A G Rhodes & Co, res Broad bet 11th
and 12th

and Iron Mantels < Tele;plT-onL vo.

C. H. Leauin Rin9s' Chains, Clocks





R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Lee Lewis c, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 733 6th ave Lee Lula, domestic Mrs C L Kyle
Lee Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th 4 w of Broad
Lee Mary (wid David), res 11th 4 w of Broad Lee Mary, c, res 714 9th
Lee Michael H, Millinery 1114 Broad, res same (See p 55)
Lee Minnie (wid Frank), res 11th 3 w of Broad Lee Oliver, c, lab,., res 314 13th
Lee Robert, c, elk Ernsley Johnston, res Wynnton rd foot of Wynnton Hill
Lee Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lee Samuel, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Lee Sarah, c, laundress, res 733 6th ave Lee Welborn, c, res 847 4th ave
Leframck D Frederick, decorator J S Stewart, res Russell Co, Ala
Leigh Mary, c, domestic A J Bethune
Leitner John H,. listing elk freight depot C R R, res- 10th ave, Linwood
Lemax Miss Ellen,, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 939 Front Lemax Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 939 Front Leonard Dinah; c, laundress,, res 5th ave, Rose Hill Leonard Gary, c, drayman, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st Leonard Henry, c, porter J M Estes Leonard Hiram, lab, res 1531 4th ave Leonard Hiram, c, lab, res Bottom, Wnnton Leonard James N, lawyer, bds 136 14th Leonard Jerre, c, driver J A Cardwell, res 2d ave bet 20th and
Leonard Millie, c, res Curtis' Quarters, Wynnton Leonard Miss Queem, bds 136 14th Leonard Samuel, wks Muscogee Mfg Co
Leonard Thomas, c, driver D I Blascoer & Co, res 25 St Johns

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain amt

Sewer Pipe.

1 035 Broad St,



Lupine Mrs Bettie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 9 14th Lequin Charles H, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 1034
Broad, res 711 3d ave (See left top lines and p 52) Lequin J Phil, Gold, Silver, Nickel Plater andEngraver, 11
12th,and French Millinery, 1243 Broad, res same (See
card under Millinery) Lequin Lucian, elk L Phil Lequin, res 1243 Broad
Leslie H, wks-Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co Leslie J L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Leslie Newton, wks Clegg Mfg Co Lesweur, Maria, c, laundress, res 1325'6tb ave-
Levy Fannie, c. domestic H Lequin Levy Lionel C (McNeill & Levy), res-114 9th
Lewis Addie, c, res 1011 6th ave Lewis Albert, c, Avks Columbus Iron Wks, res 738Mst aA'e Lewis Alexander, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1508 4th ave Lewis Alfred, c, wks F A Jepson, res Cooleyville Lewis Alma C, elk Lewis & Gregory, bds 926 3d ave LeAvis Andrew, c, Avks Columbus Iron Wks Lewis Mrs Anna, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lewis Elijah, c, lab T L Gruzard, res Wynnton LeAvis Emmet, elk Lewis & Gregory, bds 926 3d ave Lewis Fannie, c, pastry cook Central Hotel, res 314 13th
LeAvis George, c, porter Rankin House, res 413 15th Lewis George, c porter J E Deaton, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th
LeAvis George W, grocer 422 9th, res 418 9th Lewis James A (LeAvis & Gregory), bds Hotel Riddle Lewis James T, elk Wm Meyer, bds 930 4th aA'e LeAvis Miss Jessie, tailoress Gt J Peacock, res Girard
Lewis John, lab Richard HoAvard Lewis John, c, wood sawyer, res Summerville, BroAvneville Lewis John A, trav salesman, bds 1331 3d aA'e Lewis John L, elk C J Edge, res 930 4th ave Lewis John W, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 1430 1st aA'e Lewis Miss Leila, dressmkr 1331 3d ave, res same

Furniture of all kinds a. f. gibson & go.

1216 and 1218 Broad St,

(See p 3)

Is Best Place for
Dealers in Lin StocL
Lewis Lizzie L, c, teacher 6th Ave Public School, c, res 524 2d ave
Lewis Lucinda, c, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Lewis Miss Mamie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lewis Margaret S (wid Artemus), res 926 3d ave Lewis Martha, c, domestic Mrs M B Thadscott Lewis Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lewis Mollie, c, res 921 6th ave Lewis Moses, c, lab, res 1332 5th ave Lewis Nettie, res 835 9th ave Lewis N, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Lewis N M (wid T J), res 1331 3d ave Lewis Miss P, bds Central Hotel Lewis Rodgers, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 524 2d ave Lewis-Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lewis -Simon, c, lab, res 415 8th Lewis T, c, lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Co Lewis Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lewis Wm, c, lab, res 738 1st ave Lewis York, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd Lewis & Gregory, (James A Lewis, Robert T Gregory) dry
goods, notions, 1012 Broad Liberty Hill Baptist Church, Rev A E Meyers, pastor, Boyds,
s e cor Boyd, Browneville Lightfoot Wesley L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Inger-
soll, Browneville Lightner Mary, c, laundress, res rear 214 8th Ligon Miss Della, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren,
Browneville Ligon James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren,
Brownville Ligon John, res 402 11th Ligon Thomas V , trav salesman J Kyle & Co, bds Veranda

Wooiwine High School
Ligon Wm H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren, Browneville
Lilly George, miller Empire Mills Lilly Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co
Lindsey James B, Auctioneer and Dry Goods 1234 Broad,
res 8 17th Lindsey Helen R, (wid John B) res 1423 4th ave Lindsey Simon, c, stable man city mills, res 113 17th Lindsey Virgin, c, driver Columbus Iron Wks, res 611 5th ave Linton Mapp, c, barber Id Id Williams, res 8lh Linton Margaret, domestic C E Battle Linnwood Mad Ernest, res 1316 1st ave Lipscomb Lizzie, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wvnnton Lipscy Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s
of 11th Lisles Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 66 Van
Buren, Browneville Lisles Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Walton, Browne*
ville Lisles Sarah E, (wid Allen) res 66 Van Buren, Browneville Little Annie, c, laundress, res rear 1221 1st ave Little Augustus R, c, cotton sampler Georgia Warehouse, res
rear 1223 1st ave Little Caroline, r, res 823 9th ave Little Gray, c, sampler F .J Jenkins & Co Little Wm A, tel 36, lawyer 1146^ Broad, res Macon rd, Wynn-
ton, tel 114 Little Wm A jr, elk G M & G R R, res Macon rd, Wynnton Littleton Charles, c, wks F A Jepson, res 334 9th ave Littleton Daniel, wks Pearce's Factory, res Browneville Littleton George, wks F A Jepson, res 700 8th Littleton Maria, c, res 812 7th ave Littleton Wm, wks Pearce's Factory Livers Anna, c, laundress, res 61 Hill ave, Rose Hill


Please forward plans, and I will furn-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12th street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.


Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Lively Postoffice, S M Ingersoll, postmaster, Marshall nr Broadnax, Browneville
Livingston Ella, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Lloyd Alfred, c, porter J M Fletcher & Son
Lloyd Charles, wksEagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 11th 9 w of Broad
Lloyd Charles B (Waters & Lloyd), res 619 2d are Lloyd Cornelius, carp, res 10th are cor Lumpkin rd Lloyd Mrs Fanny, wks Brown Mfg Co, res 11th 9 w of Broad Lloyd George R, harnessmkr M A Bradford, res rear 1440 1st
ave Lloyd H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lloyd James, carp, res Browneville Lloyd John, carp, res 7 Jackson, Browneville Lloyd John F, bkpr Flournoy & Epping, res 1115 5th ave Lloyd Mary E (wid Charles), res 838 3d ave Lloyd Miss Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 7 Jack-
son, Browneville Lloyd Mrs Rachel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne
ville Lloyd Rena, c, laundress, res rear 843' Front Lloyd Thomas, carp, res 18 Payne, Browneville Lloyd Rev TVm F, Pastor St Paul's M E Church South,
res 1509 3d ave Lloyd Wm S, depy elk city court, court house, res 1115 5th
ave Loach Charles, c, porter Standard Oil Co, bds 13 w 10th Lockett Albert L, barber Robert Marion, St Johmbet 4th and
5th aves
Lockett Anna, c, domestic Mrs M B WellsLockett Henry, c, lab Wm Munday Lockett Lum, c, wood cutter, res 419 9th Lockett Saul, c, blksmith res Dale ave, Browneville Lockett Simon, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Lockett Solomon, c (Lockett & Jones), res Boyd, Browneville

soda Wat r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, at



Oldest, Strongest and Best Companies, i

Fire Insurance Agent.



Lockett & Jones, c (Solomon Lockett, Henry Jones), black smiths and horse shoers, Broadnax nr Bridge, Girard
Lockhart Henry, c, butcher John Noble, res Rose Hill Lockhart James, lab, res 412 6th
Lockhart James M, grocer, 7th bet 7th and 8th aves, res 703 7th ave
Lockhart Nettie, c, domestic J H Ingram
Lockhart Wm S, grocer and dry goods 5th ave cor 7th, res same
Lockwood Alexander, c, wks Harvey & Dudley, res 1645 4th ave
Lockwood Charity, c, laundress, res N Railroad, Browneville Loeb Herman, elk Rose Broda, bds 313 14th Loeb Leo (Loeb & Kaufman), res 120 9tb Loeb Solomon (Kern & Loeb), res 1230 2d ave
Loeb & Kaufman, tel 131 (L Loeb and L H Kaufman), whol liquors, tobacco and cigars 1040 Broad .
Loebacher B, grocer 546 3d ave, res same
Loewenherz Leo (Sternberg & Loewenherz), res 321 10tlu Lofton Simon, c, lab, res Booneville nrWynnton Logan Anna, c, res 839 7th ave
Logan Columbus C, elk D Rothchilds, bds 1026 1st ave Logan Miss Lizzie, wks G J Peacock, bds 1026 1st ave Logan Miss Mary A, tailoress G J Peacock, res 1026 1st ave Lolliss Miss Birdie, wks Swift Mfg Co* res N Railroad',.
Lolliss .James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 3 Abert Browneville Lolliss John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res N Railroad, Browneville Lolliss Miss Josie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res N Railroad, Browne
Long Alva, watchman Columbus Water Wks, res Alabama Long Georgia, domestic Mellon Howell Long James, c, lab Empire Mills Long James W, elk F J Jenkins & Co, res 403 10th Long Lewis, c, lab, res 1327 5th ave


Georgia Long Leaf Yellow Pina,

Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin

gles, Laths and Lime.

Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone BL



K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Long Marshall, c, lab, res 633 3d ave Long Tunice, c, lab Empire Mills Loser Henry J, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds Brown House
Lott Elizabeth (wid Emesley), res 212 13th Lott Mark A, bkpr J Kyle & Co, res 212 13th Lott Wm L, bkpr .J A Kirven.& Co, bds 1419 Broad Louclenber Frank W, Cigar Mnfr 1210 Broad, res Me-
Collister, Browneville Loudenber Joseph A, night watchman Alabama W arehouse, res
17th bet 2d and 3d aves Love Dilsey, c, laundress, res Marshall, Browneville Love Isaac, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th
Love James, c, wks River Compress Love John, c, wks G W Woodruff, res 1029 7th ave Love Mary M (wid Hon PE), bds 1520 2d ave
Love Moses, c, porter Garrett .& Sons Love Samuel, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Abert, Girard
Love Samuel, c, lab, res 502 6th ave Lowe Alexander, c, blacksmith, 12th 2 w of 2d ave, res 706
10th Lowe Flinton, c, res 1235 10th ave Lowe Mary, c, domestic J W Cameron Low'enthal Leopold (Louis Buhler & Co), res 208 10th
Lowman Anna, c, domestic R B Murdock Lowman Wm, c, lab, res Collins, Browneville Lowrie John, pedlar, res Broadnax, f mile, N Girard Lowry Miss Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Crawford rd,
Girard Lowry Matthew, wks Pearce's Factory Luby Christopher C, shoemkr W R Bedell, res rear 1237
Broad Luby Miss Delia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Lucas Alfred P, conductor C & W R R, res 1030 5th ave
Lucas Jack, c, lab, res rear 821 3d ave Lucas Mary, c, II T Jackson, res rear 821 3d ave

3 Is School Shoes, T-


- :
GOLDEN BROS. Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators and Gin Gearing-. Telephone 154.



Luckenbach W S, boilermkr Columbus Iron Wks, bds Brown
House Luckie Elgin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mf^Cq, bds 318 5th Luckie Sarah (wid Wan), res 318 5th Luckie Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 318 5th Ludden & Bates, D C Shutze, mngr, pianqs and organs, 1132,
Broad Luke Wm H, c, shoemkr 926 Broad, res 540 2d ave Lumpkin George, c, fireman Golden Bros Lumpkin George, c (Taylor & Lumpkin), res 1244 6th ave Lumpkin .John, c, lab, res 1017 7th ave Lumpkin Walter E, mach Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 912
Front Lumpkin Walter O, messenger W' U Tel Co, bds 18 w 9th Lumpkin Otis, wks Telephone Exchange, bds 912 Front Lundy Linton S (Erminger & Lundy), bds 1201 Broad Lung Sang, laundry 19 12th, res same Lunsford Blanton S, carp, res Bridge, Girard Lupo Miss Alma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front,
Browneville Lupo David A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front, Browne
ville Lyle Newton, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res N Railroad, Browneville Lynch Lewis M, trav salesman Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1236 5th
ave Lvnch Richard A, patternmkr, res 908 Front Lynn Miss Amanda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg. Co', res Broad,.
Browneville Lynn Augustus H, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Sand I ort rd.
Girard Lynn Miss Dora, wks Mrs Clara Bi-own's, res Sand Fort rd,.
Girard Lynn Elizabeth, (wid Frank) res-S'Railroad, Browneville Lynn Miss Lucy, wks Eagle-& Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders' Supplies


Telephone 70.



11n0'3) 41 D BRDOnAADn SOTTROEcEr*Tr. ^


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Lynn Miss Mary, wks G J Peacock, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Lynn Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,
Lynn Moses T, Saloon Broadnax nr Bridge, res Broad, Browneville
Lynn Scipio, c, fireman Columbus Fertilizer Co, res rear 17 W 10th
Lyon Arthur,-elk Kern & Loeh, bds 824 3d ave Lyon B, res 824 3d ave
Lyons Miss Ellen, wks Browne's Cotton Mills,bds 1027 7th ave Lyons Lucinda, (wid Cassius) res 1920 2d ave
Lytle Miss Alice G D, tailoress Columbus Clothing `Co, bds 3 16th

McAlister see .also McCallister and McCollister McAlister Lizzie, (wid W J) res 720 Front McArdle see also McCavdle McArdle'C, (wid Felix) res '927 '3d ave McArdle Frank, (F M Knowles.& Co) res .927 3d ave McArdle TTunfk A, 'Timvare, Glass and Crockery 125'0
Broad, res 1225 2d ave McArdle Henry L, elk F J McArdle, bds 1225 2d ave McArdle James, c, wks Columbus Gas Light'Co McArdle 'Miss Kate, saleslady Boughton & Co, bds 927 3d ave McArdle Owen, tinner F J McArdle, bds 1225 2d ave McArthur Mack, res 1038 1st ave McAuliffe Thomas, wks Clegg Mfg Co McBree Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg ?Co McBride Dollie, c., laundress, res 627 3d ave McBride E, wks Columbus Iron Wks McBride Frank, c, drayman T J Pearce, res 730 6th ave McBride Mary, c, laundress, res 627 3d ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

GEORGIA STEAM k GAS PIPE GO. Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at 1035 Broad St.



McBryde Mrs Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McBryde Henry T, res Summerville, Browneville McBryde Mrs H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McBryde John, peddler, res Browneville McBryde Joseph A, peddler, res Cemetery. Browneville McBride Joseph C, boilermkr Columbus Iron Wks, res Sum
merville, Browneville McCall Caroline, c, laundress, res rear 222 13th McCall Henry, c, lab, res Bottom, Cooleyvilie McCall Tuggle L, c, warehouseman Standard Oil Co, res 163o
4th ave McCall W T, mechanic Columbus Iron Wks McCallister see also McAlister and McCollister McCallister Miss Cornelia, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Sum
merville, Browneville McCallister Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sum
merville, Browneville McCallister Miss Rebecca, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Sum
merville, Browneville McCallister Walter, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Summerville,
Browneville McCallister Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summer
ville, Brownville McCann Alice, wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co. res Browneville McCann Daniel M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 5 14th McCann Eliza M C (wid Robert), res 5 14th McCann Miss Eugenia, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 5 14th
McCann Green, carp, res Browneville McCann James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville McCann Miss Janie, wks Muscoge Mfg Co, bds 5 14th McCann John, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville McCann Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax, N Girard McCann Melinda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne-

Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 1210 and 1218 Broad Street. (Soe p 3)

11. L. POLK & CO.'S
McCann Mollie, wks Eagle & Pbenix Mfg Co, res Browneville McCann Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co', res Browneville McCann Wm, wks Swift Mfg Co McCann Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Me Cardie see also McArdle McCardle (W H Coulter fe Co), res Salem rd, 1+ miles
Browneville McCart Larkin M, grocer, 504 5th, res same McCart Melvin, grocer, 10th ave bet 12th and 13th McCkrter Abraham, c. lab, res 834 4th ave McCarty Alice (wia John), res 733.2d ave McCarty Daniel J, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res Abert
Girard McCarty Leziah, res 705 7th>ave McClane George, c, res 720 9th McClendon Adler, c, lab, res 725 2d ave McClendon Phillis, c, laundress, res 521 6th ave McClintoek Wm H, supt C & W Div C R R, res 319 12th McClung Francis J, printer, Enquirer-Sun, bds 930| Broad McClung James -J, cond G M & G R R, res Talbotton ave, Rose
Hill McCollister see also McAlister and McCallister McCollister Hall, Marshall bet Jackson and Broad, Browne
ville McCollister James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co McCollister John, collector Harvey & Dudley, res McCollister,
Browneville McCollister Thomas (McCollister & Knowles), res Marshall,
McCollister TV m P bkpr McCollister & Knowles, res Broad, Lively
McCollister & Knowles (Thomas McCollister and Woodson Knowles), grocers and meat market, Broadnax, Lively
McCook Mrs Josephine, res 839 5th ave

1129|Broad .Street.

(See p 2|

School ^novspe*roefs s^tud?yuP&`*usdwaidtheavotrieoan^

KTa-slaville. Tonn.

to duty.

(S e p 8>



McCormack Mrs Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Coy res 1328
' Broad McCormack H, music teacher, res 1112 4th ave
McCoy James, carp, res River, Browneville McCoy Mollie, c. laundress, res 428 2d ave McCoy Mrs Mollie, res 414 17th McCoy Randall, c, wks Berrys-brickyard McCoy Simon, c, fireman Swift Mfg Co, res 428 2d ave McCoy Wm, c, lab, res Railroad ave, Browneville McCoy Wm McL, elk Aencbbacher & Freer, bds Hotel Riddle McCracken Miss Belle tailoress Columbus Clothing Co> res
Broadnax, N Girard McCracken Mary (wid Wm) res Broadnax, N Girard;
McCraney John, carp, res 810 Short McCrary Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Gb$ bds-109*
15 th McCrary A G, carp, res 1337 6th ave McCrary Charles, elk W H Harvey, bds 423 13th McCrary Henry, c, wks Harvey & Dudley McCray Prucilla, res 407 17th Rose Hill McCree John W, farmer, res Cemetery, Browneville McCree Miss Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, res Cem
etery, Browneville McCree Mrs Margaret, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cem-
eterv, Browneville McC ree Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Cemetery, Browne
ville MfcCroan Charles N, City Inspector, res 309 14th McCue Hugh, bartender Burris & Foley, res Cooleyville
McCubbins John, pedlar, res 731 Front McCubbins Miss Tillie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 731
Front McCullough Burrel M, bartender J A Allen, bds 2 Jackson,
Browneville McCullough Miss Fannie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 2 Jack-
son, Browneville

SKWARD V LO 1)W \V A \ R ItO l AA .

V> A.IA U,

House. Sign and Ornamental Paintor

No. 9 12th Street.


AdovneCrtQisnintrgScitns apll eitrs hburanndcrehdesu. pEwsatridmsa, toens
Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for evacy business

SH!RT:DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Order. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

McCullough Miss Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 2 Jackson, Browneville
McCullough Mary (wid Matthew R), res 2 Jackson, Browneville
McCullough Richard, c, shoemkr, res Wynnton rd McCune A J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McCune Mies Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McCune John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McCune Miss Nettie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McCurly Charles, wks It J Peacock, bds 1201-^ Broad McCutcheon Mrs Emma, Bookbinder Thomas Gilbert, res Gi
rard McCuteheon Robert H, Physician and Drug Store,
Broadnax, Lively, res same (See p 55) McDaniel John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McDaniel John F, poultry, res Linwood McDaniel Miss Juliet, dressmkr 1140|- Broad, bds 1401 2d ave McDaniel Miss Lizzie, dressmkr Miss J McDaniel, bds 1401 2d
ave McDaniel Miss Nannie L, dressmkr Miss J McDaniel, bds 1401
2d ave McDaniel Wm W, res 1401 2d ave McDonald Bryant, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,
N Girard McDonald Charles, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Abert, N Girard McDonald Charlotte (wid Absolom), res Abert, N Girard McDonald Dot, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N
McDonald Hugh, eng C & W R R, res 400 12th McDonald George, c, lab, res 713 6th ave McDonald Hugh, eng C R R McDonald James, tailor, res 1502 1st ave McDonald John, carp, res Broadnax, N Girard McDonald John W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax, N Girard




Ill ion mining 01 every Description at shi > notice, 13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, Gfl.



McDonald Miss Kate, tailoress Chancellor & Pearce, bds 1502 1st ave
McDonald Mrs Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Girard
McDonald Miss Mattie, res Broadnax, N Girard
McDonald Susan (wid Wm), wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1328 Broad
McDonald Win, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broapnax, N Girard
McDougald Frances (wid Alexander), bds 503 12th McDraw Thomas, leverman Columbus and Gulf Navigation
Co River Compress
McDuffy Miss Addie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar shall, Browneville
McDuffy Henry, c, lab, res 630 5th ave McDuffy John, c, cotton sampler, res 630 5th ave McDuffy John M, drayman, bds 1309 4th ave
McDuffy Theodore, c, porter I L Pollard, res 4th ave bet 7th and 8th
McEachern B F, elk Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, bds 1447 1st ave
McEachern Edwin S (T S Young & Co), and supt Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, res 1447 1st ave
McEachern James A, eng Columbus Ice and Refrigerating C, res 2134 2d ave
McEachern Neil, elk T S Young & Co, bds 1447 IsCave McElhaney George W, dentist 1147^ Broad, res 1239 3d ave McElhaney Joseph, c, blksmith Gus Wright, res 8th bet 3d and
4th aves McElhaney Lula, c, domestic T W Battle McElroy Clarence, c, waiter Rankin House McEwan Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham McGarah Miss Ella, wks Eagle tfc Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,

HARVEY & DUDLEY Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and ; Door Frames.


Office, 1243 6th ave. Telephone 84.



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

McGarali Miss Georgia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res For
syth, Browneville MeGarah G W. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,.
Browneville McGarali Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville McGarali Thomas J, wksEaigle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville McGarvin Patrick, res 18th Rose Hill McGehee Allan C, cotton buyer, res 1543 2d ave McGehee Elijah, c, whitewashes res 3d ave bet 22d and 23d McGehee Henry L, cotton buyer, res 524 Broad McGehee Rev James H, Pastor St Luke A M E Church,
res Long, Girard McGehee Joseph, e, barber and baths, 11 10th, res 639 2d ave McGehee Miss Julia, wks Eagle & PhenixtMfg Co, bds 64 Van
Buren, Browneville McGehee Miss Minnie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory,.
res Primrose Hill, N Girard McGehee Richard, c, lah. res 605 5th ave McGehee Sopha, domestic Mrs C M Meeler McGehee Thomas J, farmer, res Primrose Hill, N Girard
McGehee Wm, c, driver, res 408 8th McGinley J G, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds Brown House McGoff John, watchman, res Bridge, Girard McGonigal John C, bds 846 2d ave McGough Wm, c, barkpr T M Foley McGovern Miss Anna, saleslady L P Lequin, bds 414 10th McGovern James, watchman Webster warehouse-,, res 414 lOtFn McGovern John H,. elk E M Walsh & Co, bds 414 10th McGovern Wm H (J H Connor & Co), res 838 1st ave McGovern Wm T, elk J H Connor & Go, bds 414 10th McGraw Miss Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax,.
Girard McGraw G, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co



21 lOth. STREET.

Manufacturers of /Steam an:! Horse f'e ver

Cotton Presses and Castings cf every de


Telephone 154.


McGraw Rhoda A (wid Wm), res Broadnax, Girard
McGraw Thomas, wks compress, res Broadnax, Browneville McGregor Hattie (wid Jesse), res 1619 2d ave McGregor Nannie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co McIntyre Marvin M, condr G M & G R R, res Rose Hill
MeJunkin John D, Upholsterer Front bet 13th and 14th
(See p 59)
McKay Alice, wks Muscogee Mfg Co McKay Edward H, elk Wells & Curtis, bds Hotel Riddle McKay James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co McKay Lizzie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co McKay Mol lie, wks Muskogee Mfg Co McKay Samuel, c, wks River compress McKay Sarah, wks Muscogee Mfg Co McKay Wna, elk Aemchhacher & Preer, bds Hotel Riddle
McKee Hockley C, buggies and wagons, 87 11th, res 1419 4th ave
McKee John G, bkpr Swift Mfg Co, res 1424 4th ave McKee Lee B, elk Patterson & Thomas, bds 1426 4th ave McKelvey Wna A, justice of the peace, Marshall, Browneville,
res Summerville, Browneville McKendree Mrs Anna, res 808 4th ave McKenzie Miss Annie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory,
res Broad, N Girard McKenzie Miss Jane, res Long, Girard McKenzie John, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co McKenzie John D, butcher, res Broad, N Girard McKenzie Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,
McKenzie Miss Mary, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Broad, N Girard
McKenzie W M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McKenzie Wm H, grocer, Bridge, Girard, res Abert, Girard McKenzie W H, supt Chattahoochee Knitting Co, res Girard McKerley Charles M, tailor G J Peacock, bds 12014 Broad

TTgruzard, TEL^"ONE'


C. H. LEQUIN, diamonds,


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

McKinney Miss Emma, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 1216-J- 1st ave McKnight George W B, chief miller Empire Mills, res 538 1st
McKnight W S, (McKnight & Co) res 646 3d ave McKnight & Co, (W S McKnight, Mrs E Grier) grocers 646 3d
ave McLane Lonie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co McLain Thomas, wks Harvey & Dudley McLaughlin Samuel, tinner, res 421 3d ave McLean Francis, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co McLean Mrs M H, bds 1539 3d ave
McLester Leonidas, (Thomas & McLester) res Thomas ave, Rose Hill
McMahon Miss Alice, milliner Misses M & A Brady, bds Brown House
McMakin I A. (I A McMakin & Co) res 1806 Talbotton ave McMakin I A & Co* (I A McMakin & J T Ingram) Drugs
1806 Talbotton ave
McMichael Alfred W, policeman, res 420 7th McMichael Caroline, (wid Silas) seamstress G J Peacock, res
301 16th
McMichael Mrs Mattie, cfgarmkr Mrs A Posada, bds 315 16th McMichael Susie, (wid Seaborn) bds 1527 2d ave McMichael Wm, elk Bee Hive, bds 315 16th
McMichael Wm S, constable 1123^ Broad, res 315 16th McMicken John T, feeder Enquirer-Sun, bds rear 1237 Broad McMicken Nancy, (wid James) res rear 1237 Broad McMiggins Ike, c, wks Columbus Gas Light Co McMiggins Lymus, c, wks Columbus Gas Light Co McMeely Charles, elk I L Pollard, res Cemetery, Browneville McNeil "Mrs Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenis Mfg Co
McNeil Joseph, c, porter C E' Hochstrasser & Co, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th
McNeil Sarah, (wid Malcom) res 627 4th ave McNeil Wm, mech, bds 627 4th ave







McNeil Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co McNeill James M, (McNeill & Levy) res 923 4th ave McNeill & Levy, tel 88, (James M McNeill & Lionel C Levy)
lawyers, Notaries Public and Commissioners of Deeds, rooms 5-7 Ga Home bldg McNulty John O, stenographer Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Plotel Riddle McPhail John D, master mech G M & G R R, res 410 loth McSwain Miss Carrie, res Front 5 s of 11th Me8wain Daniel W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 5 s of 11th McSwain Delilah, (wid Jarrett) res 1243 1st ave McSwain Dora, wks Swift Mfg Co McSwain Rachel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 5 s of 11th McSwain Mrs Temperance D, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 109 16th McSwain Wm, barber J G Renfro, bds Front 5 s of 11th McTier James, mechanic, res Summerville, Browneville McTier Janies J, carp, res Summerville, Browneville
Mack Arnetia, c, laundress, res 46 Zion Mackey Miss Anna, housekpr Rankin House, bds same Madden Win, c, drayman, res 22 St Johns Maddox Andrew, wheelwright Smith & Green, res Crawford,
Browneville Maddox Anna, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Maddox George W, carp, res 2102, 2d ave Maddox Jack, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Maddox Jennie, c, cook M J Burney Maddox Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Maddox Wm C, lab Empire Mills, res Marshall, Browneville

EMPIRE STABLES You want your Horse and
Buggy properly attended to, patronize the
R. L. POLK & CO.'S
Mahaffey see also Mehaffcy Mahaffey Carrie A (wid Win), res 817 2d ave Mahogany Win, c, waiter Rankin House Maliogney Rev Joseph, c, res 407 2d ave Mahone Adaline, c, laundress, res SO St John Mahone Cornelia, c, domestic C D Wheeler Mahone Rev Emmett, bds 321 14th Mahone Eugene G, elk Chancellor & Pearce, bds 321 14th Mahone Isham T, c, barber J E Turner, res Wynnton Mahone Tillman H (Wood, Green & Mahone), res 321 14t3i Mahone Walter, engr Columbus Barrel Mfg Co Mahone Wm A, c. barber Joseph McGehee, res 10th, Wynn to; Mahone Wm G, res 1232 3d ave Malette Joseph, c, lab, res 800 7th ave Malloy George \V, fireman C R R, res 1326 -5th ave Malloy Miss Irvanna, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res
Jackson, N Girard Malloy Wm E, boss Muscogee Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard Malone B F, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Malone Emma, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Malone Esseck, c, lab, res 4th ave bet 7th and 8th Malone Frank, c, lab, res Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Malone Joseph, c, lab, res 716 9th Malone Susan (wid B F), bds 1113 4th ave Maloney Ellen, wks Clegg Mfg Co Manley Thomas, c, lab River compress, res 511 7th Mann Allen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 60 VanBuren,
Browneville Mann Allen, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1413 6th ave Mann Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mann Mrs Lanie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 60 Van*
Buren, Browneville Mann Laura, wks Swift Mfg Co Mann Lavada, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1413 6tli ave

Renctifjaclier & Freer, miller's hats

sole agents for

1129 Beoad St. (See p 2)

Mann Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 60 VanBuren, Browneville
Mann Miss Loutitia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Payne, Browneville
Mann Mrs Mary, res 1st ave s w cor 20th Mann Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mann Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 60 Van-
Buren, Browneville Mann Sallie, wks Swift Mfg Co Mann Miss Susan', wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res VanBuren,
Browneville Mann Win, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 60 VanBuren,
Browneville Manneschmidt Jacob, watchmkr C Scliomburg, bds 726 3d ave Manning Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,.res Jackson, N
Manning Melissa (wid James), res Jackson, N Girard Manning Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jack-
son, N Girard Manning P, tvks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Manson Mrs Jane, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Broadnax, X
Girard Manson Miss Julia, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Gi
rard Manson Win S,arp, res Broadnax, X Girard Manuel Daniel, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co Maples Mrs Eliza, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Mapp John, c, drayman M Joseph, res Bottom nr Wynnton Mapp Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mapp Linton, lab, res 824 8th ave Mapp Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 64 Van
Buren, Browneville Marchant Alexander D (Marchant A Britton), res Broadnax,

O. E3 YOTJlsro, Contractor and Builder,
No, 9 i -- th street.

Please forward plans, and I will furnish you estimates on all kinds of Building, Carpentering and Repairing.

G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. lOlO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Marchant H, wks Clegg Mfg Co-

Marchant & Britton (A D Marchant and J Britton), confec

tioners Van Bnren, Brownevili-e

Marcrum Bnnk, elk J T Kavanagh, bds 42S Broad

Marcrum B Frank, pilot Aid, res- 428' Broad

Marcrum Clara (wid J F), res 7th bet 1st and 2d

Marcrum Theodore A, captain Steamer Fannie Fearn, bds 428


Marcus \ran I, bkpr Empire Mills, res 829 1st ave

M arino Elihu, c, blksmith Broad, Girard, res Bridge, Girard

Marion Daniel, c, wks G W Woodruff, res 543 3d ave

Marion Joseph, c, wks G A\ Woodruff, res 543 3d ave

Marion Robert, c, lab, res 446 3d ave

Marion Robert jr, c, barber 1st ave nr 10th, res 442 3d ave

Marion Wesley, c, porter H H Daniel, res 543 3d ave

Marke Charles, c, wood sawyer, res 57 Zion

Markham Charles, bds 522 4th ave Markham Charles H, grocer and saloon 6th ave bet 10th and

11th, res 520 11th

Markham Mary -J (wid Charles), res 522 4th ave

Markham T Woodson, general merchandise 12th cor 6th ave,

res 517 12th

Marks .Jane, c, laundress, res Wynnton Hill

Marks Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr




Marsden Oscar, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Marshall Abraham, c, porter Cooper & Howard

Marshall Adam, c, lab, Collins, Browneville

Marshall Charles P, mechanic, res Talbott-on ave, Rose Hilt

Marshall Henry, c, bottler E M Walsh & Co, res Rose Hill

Marshall Isaac, domestic W G Wolfork

Marshall James, c, brakeman C R R

Marshall Martin, c, lab, res Duncans alley, Rose Hill

Marshall Newton, c, feeder Enquirer-Sun, res 7th

Marshall Welburn, c, porter W A Bedell

HALL & WHEAT, Prescription Assists

1016 and 1142 broad street.

Only Night in city.

Marshall Wm, c, lab, res Marshall, Browneville Marshall Willie, domestic J B Weisiger
Martague Martha, c, res 1020 6th ave Martin Adaline, c, laundress, res 616 2d ave Martin Alexander, c, lab, res Curtis Quarters Wynnton Martin Amorous, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Martin Andrew R, elk W H H Blankenship, res Wynnton
forks Macon and Beuuavista rds Martin Anna, c, domestic M M Moore Martin Augustus, c, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 1934 2d ave Martin Benjamin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Martin Benjamin, c, wks Steamer Pactolus, res 405 1st ave
Martin Miss Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Martin Charles, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Martin Clifton, elk Central Hotel, bds same Martin Columbus, c, porter J B Tarver & Co, res Bottom nr
Wynnton Martin Della, c, res Wrynnton rd, Wynnton Martin Mrs Dora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemeteryr
Browneville Martin Elijah, bds 843 Front Martin Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 3d ave bet
21st and 22d Martin Emma, (wid James) res Benton, Browneville
Martin E D, wks Muscogee1 Mfj Martin Mrs G, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Martin Hardy L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Martin Henry, exporter R Justice, bds Rose Hill Martin Ida, c, domestic T R Dent Martin James, boss chain gang, res 433 3d ave Martin James jr, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 433 3d aveMartin James R, bkkpr U L Martin, res Abert, Girard Martin Mrs Jane, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 433 3d ave Martin Miss Jennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Martin Joel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery,.

Clocks and Bronzes,

---y- ... - - --~



K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Martin John, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 433 3d ave

Martin John, c, lab, res Cooleyville

Martin John, c, lab res 827 7th ave

Martin John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Martin Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad

ave, Browneville


Martin Laura M, c, teacher 6th ave public school, res 616 2d

ave Martin Lee, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Duncans alley,

Rose Hill Martin Lucius, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, a>es Broadnax,

Browneville Martin Martha, c, laundry, res 1738 Talbot ton ave Martin Mary, (wid Wm) res Broad nr Marshall, Browneville

Martin Mrs Mary, wks Columbus Bagging Wks, bds 433 3d

ave Martin Mattie, c, domestic W C Court

Martin Miss Mattie H, res 417 L5th Martin Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad

ave, Browneville Martin Nancy (wid John), res Broadnax N Girard

Martin Richard, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton

Martin Robert R, printer Enquire-Sun, res Browneville

Martin R, brickmason, res Railroad ave, Browneville Martin Mrs Sadie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 3d ave

bet 21st and 22d

Martin Susan, c, domestic M M Moore Martin Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Duncan's

alley, Rose Hill Martin Thomas, c, lab, res 18th, Rose Hill Martin U L, tax collector Russell county, and lumber, Broad

Girard, res Abert, Girard Martin Wm, brickmason, res 1616 2d ave Martin Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Duncan's alley,

Rose Hill

Gold Lock Bal Shoes,

GOLDEN BROS Keep in stock Pipe, Pipe Fittings. Globe and'Check Valves, Injectors, &.c. 5 Telephone 154.



Martin ffm A (Martin & Chalmers), res Abert, Girard Martin Win C, painter, res Broad. Browneville Martin Wm C, mechanic, res Broadnax, Browneville Martin & Chalmers (Wm A Martin, L M Chalmers), grocers
and saloon, Bridge cor Broad, Girard Martiniere Wm A, trav salesman Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, re3
1315 3d ave Mason Albert S, teller Chattahoochee National Bank, rooms
1207 Broad Mason Edna, wks Swift Mfg Co Mason George, farmer, res Marshall, Browneville Mason George, elk C R R, res Wynnton Mason George PI, trav salesman Columbus Clothing Co, res
Wynnton Mason Green, wks Swift Mfg Co Mason John J (C C Shepperson & Co), physician 1142 Broad,
res Macon rcl, Wynnton, tel 113 Mason Wm, c, wks C & W R R Mason Wm, c, waiter Veranda House Mason Wm. c, lab, res 1231 10th ave Mason Wm R, trav salesman J K Orr & Co, rooms over 1236
Broad Masonic Hall, Broad cor Marshall, Browneville Mass Hattie, c, res 830 7th ave Massey James P, foreman cooper Columbus Barrell Mfg Co,
res B'ooneville, nr Wynnton Massey Thomas, c, carp, res 211 5th Massev Willis, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1010 1st ave Master Mark, ticket agt C & W R R, Chattahoochee depot, res
1625 2d ave Mate Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Matheson Alexander S, supt Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, res 802
Broad Matheson Alexander S jr, mach Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co* bds
802 Broad
Paints and Hardware


C. H. LEQUIN, watches,





R. I,. POLK & CO.'S

Mathewes-see also Matthews Mathews James, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res 623 2d ave Mathews Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 56 Forsyth
Brown eville Mathews Emanuel, c, wks Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co,
res Long, 'Girard Mathews E J, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Mathews Fate, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co, res 56 Forsyth, Browneville
Mathews Frederick, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co, res 56 For syth, Browneville
Mathews George, c, carp, res 17th, Rose Hill Mathews Jasper, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 56 Van Bu-
ren, Brownville Mathews Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mathews Mary, (wid Samuel) bds 743 1st ave Mathews Smith, c, lab, res 1633 5th ave Mathewson Alexander, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mathewson Mary, c, domestic L T Rickeley
Mathias George, c, wks Clegg Mfg Co Matthews see also Mathewes Matthews Allen F. fireman G M & G R R, res 911 4th ave
Matthews Amanda, (wid James) res 1013 4th ave Matthews D Charles, elk T A Cantrell, res Wynnton rd, top of
Wynnton Hill Matthews Edgar, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Browneville Matthews John S, asst postmaster and register elk postoffice,
res 1122 4th ave Matthews Mrs Martha, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Matthews Mary Anne, c, laundress res Amos' Quarters, Wynn
ton rd Matthews Mrs Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 110
18th Matthews Wm, chicken peddler, res 110 18th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewdr Pipe.

1035 Broad SI.



Maudlin Miss Tabitha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 935
Front Mauldin Rev James I>, Pastor Broad Street M E Church
South, res 201 17 th Maull Missouri, (wid W H) bds 435 Broad Maull Timothy, carp, res Gayle, Browneville Maund Isaac, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1608 3d aye Maxwell John B, trav salesman Garrett & Sons, bds Rankin
House Maxwell Wm H, grocer 18th n w cor 3d ave, res same Mayer see also Meyer and Myer Mayer Edwin H, c, Physician over 936 Broad, res 840 4tli
ave Mayo Edgar C, elk B F Billings, bds 808 Broad Mayo Joseph, c, whitewasher, res 3d ave bet 22d and 23d Mayo Rosa (wid Zac), bds 808 Broad Mays James B. dairy, res Wynnton Mays James B, wks" Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad
nr Summerville, Browneville Mays Mrs Sarah, dressmkr, S Railroad nr Summerville, Browne
ville, res same Maze Mrs Marv E, res S Railroad Browneville Maze Mrs Nancy M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg'Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Meadows Isham, grocer and saloon, S Railroad s w cor Mar
shall, Browneville, res same Meaglev Wm S, principal Wynnton High School, res V vnntoii M eans Wm, wks Brownes Cotton Mills, res 108 15th Meeks Berry, wks Clegg Mfg Co Meeks Miss Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert, N
Girard Meeler Catharine M (wid James), res 818 1st ave Mehaffey see also Mahaffey Mehaffey Charles, wks Swift Mfg Co. res Van Buren, N Girard Mehaffey John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Van Buren, N Girard

Mattresses at Wholesale.



210 Broad St (See p 11)

The Empire Stables^mm


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Mehaffey -Josiah, grocer Jackson, Browneville, res same Mehaffey Mrs Laura, res Van Buren, N Girard
Mehaffey Thomas wks Swift Mnfg Co, res N Railroad, Browne ville
Mehaffey Miss Willie, saleslady I L Pollard & Co, res 817 2d ave
Mell John B, marble cutter A M Elledge. bds 830 2d ave Melton Miss Beatrice, wks Chattaoochee Knitting Factory, bds
39 Forsyth, Browneville
Melton John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co-,.res 39 Forsyth* Browneville
Melton Miss Lula,.wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, Ids 39 For syth, Browneville
Melton Wm Ii, carp, res 727 4th ave
Melvin Andrew, c, wks Cochrans brickyard, res 5th nr River MemnoMiss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co, bds 1432 1st
Memno Sarah (wid George), res 1432 1st ave
Merchants and Mechanics Bank, Tel 4 (Capital
150,000), AYm H Brannon, Pres; Alfred 0 Blackmar, Cashier; 1106 Broad (Seep 52) Merrvman Wm, c, lab, res 709 7th
Messer Rev T II O, c, Pastor Mount Zion Missionary
Baptist Church, res 211 5th Meyer see also Mayer and Myers
Meyer Charles W, ticket agt JTnion Depot, res 627 1st ave Meyer Elizabeth (wid Louis), res 842 Broad Meyer Foster, c, shoemkr, res 2038 2d ave
Meyer kassar, Propr Eagle Pants Factory, 7 12th, res>
1013 2d ave
Meyer Robert .J, carp, res Broadnax, Browneville
Meyer Wm, boots and shoes 1112 Broad, bds 837 1st aves Meyers Albert, c, wood cutter, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
Meyers Jerre, c, brickmason, res 21st bet 1st and'2d aves Meyers Peter, c, blacksmith, res 3d ave bet 19th and 20th


1129' Bboad St.

(See p 2f

J \

Woolwlne High School Teaclios fidelity to duty, love of right, respect for property


and a reverence for old age-



Meyers Susan, c. cook, res River Front bet 17th and 18th Meyers Win, c, porter Lemuel Scarborough, res Long, Girard Middlebrook Thomas J, with R L Polk A Co, < 2 Gate City
Bank Bldgr Atlanta, Ga Middlebrooks Aaron, c, lab, res 17th Rose Hill Middlebrooks Frank, c, lab, res 1G29 5th ave Middlebrooks Thomas E, collector,, bds 1332 1st ave
Middleton Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Milburn Georgia,, domestic Milton Howell Milburn Laura, c, laundress, res N R R, Browneville
Miles Bettie, c, laundress, res 1021 7th ave Miles Boston, c, shoemkr, Tail)ottomave bet 19th and 20th
Mies Carrie, c, laundress, re's 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
Miles Daniel, c, porter Wm Beach Miles Edward, c, stable boy Columbus R R Co
Miles Edward, c, butler N J Bursev Miles George, c, stable boy Columbus R R Co Miles Jefferson, r. lab, res 3d ave bet 19th and 20th Miles Peter, c (Watt & Co), res 3d ave cor 21st Miles Wm, c, porter L A Scarbrough, res Girard, Milford Laura, (wid R W), res 541 2d ave Millender Silas, wks- Pfearce Factory, bds 1st ave cor C & IV.
R'R Miller Alfred, c, porterT M Foley Miller Amanda (wid Bartley W),res River,.Browneville'
Miller Amos, c, gardner, res 1817 2clave Miller Annie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co-. Miller Miss Bennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall*
Browneville Miller Charles B, elk E M Walsh & Co, bds 828 3d ave Miller Daniel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 4 18th
Miller Elias H, r, scourer, dyer and renovator, 12th cor 2d
ave, res 1814 1st ave bet 18th and 19th (See p 60)
Miller Airs Elizabeth, bds 1010 5th ave


House, Sign and Ornamental Poinrop

Ma. 3 l 2th Street,

r culllcl

Advertis ng in all its branches. Estimates oo contracts per hundred upwards* orr
Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for ever f business.


Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City.
10X0 Broad Street.

6. E.


It. L. POLK & CO.'S


Miller Mrs E H, c, Dealer in Human Hair, Blondine and Hair Ornaments, 12th cor 2d ave, res 1814 1st ave (See p 60)
Miller Miss Florence, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Miller George T, Baggage Master Union Depot and Propr
Miller's Bagga0e and Pass Transfer Union Depot, res 508 11th, tel 78 " Miller Grace (wid Bright) bds 708 Broad Miller Hester, c, laundress, res 703 6th axe Miller Holmer, wksEagle & PhenixlMfg Co, res River, Browneville Miller James, saloon 1st ave, res Jackson N Girard Miller James, c farmer, res 1st ave bet 23d and 24th Miller Jesse G, eng C & W R It, res 920 5th ave Miller John W, tel 145, ice, fish and oysters, 920 Broad, res 613 1st ave Miller Jordan, c, porter I L Pollard, res 1420 5th ave Miller Joseph F, res 109 8th Miller J W, bds 828 3d ave Miller Lewis, c, porter J Id Rumsey Miller Matthew, wks Muscogee 'Mfg Co Miller Matilda (wid John),'res 4 llth Miller Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abort Girard Miller Philip, driver Columbus R R Co, res 303 17th Miller Robert, peddler, 5 Abert, Browneville Miller Robert J, special agt T T Miller, bds 811 Front Miller Robert W, c, porter J Kyle & Co, res 313 18tli Miller Tom T, Mngr Singer Mfg Co, bds Central Hotell Miller Toney, c, lab, res 1619 4th ave Miller Washington, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Miller Wick, driver Columbus R R Co Miller Win, fireman C R R, res 1010 5th ave Miller Win, wks Columbus Iron Wks Miller Wm, drayman T Newman

On Draught at




Printer, '

Low Figures as

13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA.



Miller Wm, c, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1522 4th ave Milliron James, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills Milliron Jesse, eng Browne's Cotton Mill, res 1308-^ Broad
Mills Miss Bosh, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Mills Dilly, wks Swift Mfg Go Mills Elizabeth, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res 1343 6th
ave Mills James T, elk J PI Rumsey, res 1341 6th ave Mills Jennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N R R, Browne-
ville Mills John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad,
Browne ville Mills Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad ave,
Browneville Milner Silas J, wks Pearces Factory Milton Basse], physician, res Broadnax, X Girard Milton Flora,.domestic Thomas Chapman Milton Green, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 213 5th
Milton Green, c, lab, res 412 17th Milton John, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co Milton Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Milton Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2 Jack-
son, Browneville Milton Miss Martha, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co Milton Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Milton Wesley, c, drayman, res 1323 5th ave ifhns E IP, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mims Jerry M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mims Walter, c, asst mailing elk postoffice, res 1028 Front Mims Wm, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mill Minnow Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Mischke Charles A, millright, res 920 13th Miskoskie Louis, tailor G E Thomas, res 921 5th ave
Misser I), wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Ceiling, Flooring, Weatlierboaru-
ing, Brackets, Tickets, Mantels, <Xc.

Office, 1243 Cth ave.

Tele phono

0 Schomburg Sllyerware> spectacles: anfl Optical Gocik;



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Missionary Baptist Church, Sunday services 11 a m and 7 p


in. Sunday school 9 a m, Bridge, Girard

Mitchell Augustus, c, lab, res 705 7th ave

Mitchell Burrell, c, cook steamer Thronateeska, res 709 Front

Mitchell Chaney, c, laundress, res rear 709 Front

Mitchell Charles, c, waiter, res 26 St Johns

Mitchell David, loonnnkr, res Linnwood

Mitchell Frank, c, lab, res Collins, Browneviller

Mitchell Gussie, c, laundress, res 537 2d ave-

Mitchell James, c, res 641 6th ave

Mitchell Jane, c, res Wynnton Hill

Mitchell Julius C, corn! C & WRR

Mitchell Kate D (wid Frank H),bds 815 Broad;

Mitchell Pauline, c, res Wyrmton Hill

Mitchell Richard, lab, res 14th cor 5tn ave

Mitchell Sarah, bds 3d ave cor 14th

Mitchell Thomas R, elk U S internal revenue, Webster Bldg,

Broad cor 10th

Mitchell Thomas S, Tel 5, Physician, 1010 Broad, res

21st Rose Hill, Tel 110

Mitchell Viney, c, laundress, res 14th cor 5th ave

Mixon Sophia A, c, res 914 4th ave

Moffett Harry, welder Columbus Iron Wks, bds Brown House


Moffett Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort


rd, Girard

Moffett Martha (wid Samuel), res Sand Fort rd, Girard

Moffett Miss Myrtis, wks-Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S.'' d

Fort rd, Girard

Moffett Miss Tommie; wks G J Peacock, res Sand Fort rd, Gi


Holder Joseph C, elk E M Walsh & Co, res 907 Broad

Monk James M, elk Perry Spencer; res 1043 Broad

Monk John, barkpr J W Jones* res 16 16th

Monk Thomas, elk J Greenwood, res 1048 Broad

Monroe see also Monro

Monroe Amos, milk, dairy, res Wynnton

Monroe Charles.W, market gardener stall 1-3 City market, res



Ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoes 21 10th Street.


GOLDEN BROS. Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. J Telephone 154.



Monroe Frank A, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 606 2d ave
Monroe James, c, painter, res 1701 1st ave Monroe J., wks River Compress Monroe Marcus, market gardener stalls 12-14 City market, res
W vnTito'n Monroe Mary, c, laundress, res 22 Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Moiiroe Samuel, market gardener stall 16 City market, res
Wynnton Monroe Sarah, c, laundress, res 21 Curtis Quarters, M ynnton Monroe Walter *H, (printer Enquirer-Sun, bds Mrs M C Lary Montgomery Miss Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Montgomery Arthur Q, civil eng Chattahoochee Knitting Co,
res Broad, Browneville Montgomery Miss Eliza, res 626 Front Montgomery John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Montgomery Joseph, wks Eagtle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 626
Front Montgomery Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Montia Cornelius R, cutter Columbus Clothing Co, ms 930
Front Montia Jacob G, cutter G J Peacock, res-509 10th Montia Wm, wks Columbus Iron Wks Moon James G, lawyer, real estate agt and magistrate, 11234-
Broad. res 1245 Broad Moon John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, rqs Browneville
Moon Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moon Mrs Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth
Browneville Moon Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moon Moses M, shoemkr Wells & Curtis, bds 303 16th Moon Nathaniel M C, Shoemkr, Jackson nr Marshall,
Browneville, res Abert, Browneville Moon Paskill R,-shoemkr Wells & Curtis, res 303 16th
Moon Wm, carp, res Crawford rd, Girard

Slate and Iron Mantels 5 ta. f0"Lars


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Moore Miss Alice, wks Eagle & (Phenix Mfg Co, bds 48 Van Buren, Browneville
Moore, Anna, c, res 829 4th aveMoore A B, fireman C R R
Moore Miss Beatrice Inez, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, bds 402 10th
Moore Beauregard T, fireman C R R, bds; 442 9Bh Moore Benjamin J, fireman C R R, bds 408 9th
Moore Cassie (wid John), res Ingersoll, Browneville Moore Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Moore Charles (Moore & Farris), res 7th bet Broad and Front Moore Charles, c, butler E L Wells
Moore Charles R (Moore & Bates), res 9th bet 1st and 2daves Moore David, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th Moore Mrs Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Cor res Girard Moore Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moore Miss Eugenia, bds 743 1st ave
Mo'ore George, street car driver, res 110 loth
Moore Hampton A, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 1216 4th ave Moore Miss Hatte, tailoress G P Peacock, res 1408 5th Moore Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Moore Ployle, c, lab, res 3d ave bet 18th and 19th Moore Hudson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co* bds-48 Van Bu
ren, Browneville
Moore James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, nr Gayle, N Girard
Moore James, c, carp, res 1513 6th ave
Moore James M, elk J B Holst & Co, res 732 Broad Moore James M, shoemkr, res 33 Forsyth, Browneville Moore Jane, c, domestic E L Wells Moore Jefferson, res 1408 5th ave
Moore Jepha F, tailor G J Peacock, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th
Moore Jesse, c, wks Harvey & Dudley

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co. IrorT' Pumps and Fencing, Yard Fountains; and Sprinklers. 1035 BROAD STREET.



Moore John A, wks Eagle & Pbenix Mfg Co, res 48 Van Bin
ren, Browneville Moore John T, cutter G J Peacock, bds 402 10th Moore Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren,
Browneville Moore Joseph, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Moore Joseph, c, carp, res 3d ave cor 19th and 20th
Moore Joy, farmer, res Girard Moore Miss Kate, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,
Browneville Moore Laura, wks Clegg Mfg Co Moore Linton, wks Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co Moore Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moore Mellia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville,
Browneville Moore Mania II, elk City Council, Court House, res 732
Broad Moore Miss Norah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,
Browneville Moore Onez, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Ingersoll, Browne-
vllle Moore Ora, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Summerville, Browne
ville Moore Miss P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moore Reuben Id, res 1031 5th ave Moore Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 48 Van Bu
ren, Browneville Moore Robert, bds 110 9th Moore Robert, carp, res Summerville, Browneville Moore Robert W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summer
ville, Browneville Moore Sarah, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Moore Sarah (wid Thomas), res Summerville, Browneville Moore Stephen I), trav salesman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds
1429 2d ave

T/MPIftl? 'ElegantTurnouts and Experi-


onced Drivers can be found at EiUi iluj Ol&Bhm

K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Moore Thomas E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1718 2d ave
"Moore T J, cutter G J Peacock, bds Wesley House Moore Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browne*
ville Moore Wm, wks Swift Mnfg Co, bds 1718 2d ave Moore Wm R, agt boat line andfgroeer, res 110 9th Moore Zell, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res 4 Abert, Browneville M oore & Bates (Charles R Moore and George C Bates), gro
cers, 922-924 Broad
Moore & Farris (Charles Moore and George Farris), black smiths 2d ave bet 12th and 13th
Moorehead Mrs Patsie M, res Abert, Browneville Moorehead Wm, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Abert, Browneville Mooty Adam P, supt Public Schools, res 1221 3d ave Mooty Charles P, elk J Kyle & Co, bds 1221 3d ave Mooty Miss Cornelia, saleslady W B Boyce, res Browneville Mooty Plugh M, bkkpr Bee Hive, bds 1221 3d ave Mooty .James A, bkkpr The Nat Bank of Columbus, res 204
13th Mooty Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moreland Martha, (wid Wm) grocer Bridge, Girard, res same Moreland P Troupe, elk J Greenwood, bds 308 11th Moreland Wm, wks Swift Mfg Co Morelet Joseph, c, wks J T Shepherd, c, res 6th ave bet 4th and
5th Morelove James A, mech, res Bank bldg Broad Morgan Caesar, c, lab, res 400 3d ave Morgan Charles A, elk Hall & Wheat, bds 222 13th Morgan Edwin, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills Morgan George W, carp, res Bridge, Girard Morgan James, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 14 8th Morgan James, c, stable boy Columbus R R Co Morgan James A, elk Lewis & Gregory, res 520 Broad Morgan James P, elk J Kyle & Co, bds 732 2d ave
Aenchbacher & Freer, TMLSUIISaS|'ecialty

~ -----

.< ?

1 1

WOOLWINE HiGH SCHOOL Makes noble men o! v,r"'a nrl/1 "rand wo-



Morgan John, lab, res 411 8th
Morgan John, c, driver King & Daniel, res 5th ave Morgan Mrs Kate, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 14 8th Morgan Luke, c, waiter Mrs E A Stewart Morgan Luke, c, lab C It It, res Bottom nr Wynnton Morgan Miss Mittie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res
Bridge, Girard
Morgan Reese, c, carp Jackson & Dryer, res 1419 5th ave Morgan Susan, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 114 8th Morgan Squire, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Morgan Thomas F, boarding 1014 1st ave Morgan Wm, wks U L Martin, res Bridge, Girard Morgan Willis, shoemkr 1414 1st ave, res same Morgan Willis, c, lab, res 730 6th ave Morgan Zacharias, c, drayman G T Miller, bds 1013 7th ave Morman Alice, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Morman Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1331 6th
Morman Thomas J, mech, res 1331 6th ave
Morrill Miss Josephine, teacher Girls Public school, res 1415 3d ave
Morris Mrs Adaline, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1715 3d ave Morris Mrs Carrie, grocer 1701 Talbotton ave, res same Morris Celia, c, cook, res Lumpkin rd, nr 10th ave Morris Daniel, c, lab, res 1st ave s e cor 20th Morris Danville M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River,
Morris Miss Edna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail road, Browneville
Morris Elisha H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery, Browneville
Morris Elisha W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery, Browneville
Morris Elizabeth (wid Charles), bds 1619 1st ave


Please forward plans, and I will furn-

Ccntractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12th Street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.

SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Or-d^; A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Morris Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail

road, Browneville

Morris Miss Estelle, w'ks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ceme

tery, Browneville

Morris Miss Francis, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 608 1 4th

Morris Georgia, wks Swift Mfg Co

Morris Gunn N, res Gayle, Browneville

Morris Ivey, farmer, res N Railroad, Browneville

Morris James S, policeman, res 1621 1st ave

Morris Jane, c, laundress, res Saul Fort rd, Girard

Morris John T, c (Watt & Co), res 44 Zion


Morris Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad


Morris Joseph W, carp, res 608 14th

Morris Julia, c, domestic T R Dent

Morris Katie, c, cook M Id Lee, res 1319 6th ave

Morris Lizzie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Morris Miss Mamie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 693 14th

Morris Miss Mattie, tailoress G J Peacock

Morris Monroe, lab, res 1416 5th ave

Morris Mrs Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Morris Miss Nora, wks S wift Mfg Co, bds 1715 3d aver

Morris Sarah (wid Henry), bds 1519 4th ave

Morris Wm, wks Eagle Phenix Mfg C). bds 1519 4th aVer

Morris Young, lab, res 311 17th

Morrison Adeline, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Morrison James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 7 Abertr


Morrison Lula (wid Wm), res 841 1st ave

Morrison Mary, wks Clegg mfg Co

Morton Wm T, grocer 1704 Talbotton ave, x'es same

Mosely W W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Moses Berry, c, mortarmkr, res 3d ave bet 21st and 22d

Moses Isaac I, trustee Public Schools, res 832 3d ave

Moses M J, elk Johnston & Norman, bds 802 3d ave


The Best in the City, at

drug stores.


Telephone 104,



Moses Sarah, c, domestic G E Thomas

Moses Simeon, brickmason, bds 1616 2d ave

Moses Thomas c, lab, res 5th bet 5th and 6th aves

Moses Wm, c, lab E M Walsh & Co

Moses Wm M, elk, bds 802 3d ave

Moshell Henry Jacob, blksmith 1142 1st ave, res 733 1st ave

Moshell Henry J jr, barkpr Rankin House, bds 733 1st ave

Moshell H C, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Moshell Robert, bds 733 1st ave

Moshell W C, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Mo$lyn Oscar, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 941 Front

Moss Mrs Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 935-


Moss Richard, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil

Moss Robert M, Collector U S Internal Revenue, Room-3-

Webster Bldg, res Chipley, Ga

Mote B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Mote Catherine J (wid John), res Browneville

Mote Charles, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Booneville, nr Wvnntort

Mote David, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad,.


Mote Miss Elizabeth, wks Eagle- & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail

road, Browneville

Mote Henrietta (wid John), res Booneville nr Wynnton-

Mote H, wks Clegg Mnfg Co

Mote James C, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res 833 Front

Mote Jesse, mech T L Gruzard

Mote John, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res Browneville

i r

Mote Marion, moulder Columbus Iron Wks, res 437 5th ave

Mote Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad,.


Mote Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad,



Sash, Dooi*s, Blinds, Window and j Door Frames.
Office, 1243 6th ave. Telephone 84;



n I


'll n S

I c-schohburs
S `-'-'I j 1115 BROAD ST. (Sea p 2

R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Mote Susie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Mote Miss Virginia, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Booneville nr
Wynnton Mott Mrs A E, bds Hotel Riddle Mott Edward, c, lab Empire Mills, res 1029 7th awe
Mott Homer, c, lab Empire Mills Mott J Randolph, elk J B Holst & Co, res Hotel Kiddie Mott Miss Mary Lou, bds Hotel Riddle Moulton John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Moulton Mrs L, wks Eagle APhenix Mfg Co Move Charles W, elk Empire Mills, bds Veranda House
Moves Lou, c, domestic J K Orr Muholland Wm, wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds Short cor Dil
lingham Mulholland A M, trav salesman Jones Bros & Caverly Mullholland Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Mullen Charles, c, lab Muscogee Oil Co, res Wynnton rd
Mullen Clara, c, res 502 5th ave Mullen Emeline, c, res 538 3d ave Mullen Maria, c, laundress, res 14th cor 5th ave Mullen Tobe, c, lab, res 1323 6th ave Mullens Julia (wid John), res 509 14th Mullens Mary E (wid James), res 1723 3d ave Mullin Jerre, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Allen, Browne-
ville Mullin John W, bkpr J B Tarvis & Co, res Collins, Browne-
ville Mullins Miss America, res 1519 1st ave Mullins Elizabeth (wid Elijah), res 1519 1st ave Mullins Elizabeth (wid John), res Benton, Browneville
Mullins Henry, bds 1723 3d ave Munday Wm, tel 33, livery, feed and sale stable, 936 Broad,
res 919 3d ave Munn Amos, c, lab, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville
Munn Daniel, res 423 10th

21 lOtli Street.



Manufacturers of Steam and Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every de


Telephone 154.


Munn Lewis, c, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Munn Robeit K, operator W U Tel Co, res 920 4th are Munn Stewart G, operator G M & G R R, bds 920 4th ave
Munro see also Monroe Munro Samuel H, market gardener, res Wynnton Munro Sarah S (wid Richard W B), res Wynnton Murdoch Arthur C, elk R B Murdoch, bds 301 loth Murdoch Robert B, tel 121, ins agt 1124 Broad, res 301 15th Murdock Robert B jr, gen supt G J Peacock, bds 301 15th.
Murphy Alexander, lab, res 836 7th ave Murphy Anna, domestic Charles Wise Miurphy Miss Annie, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Murphy Anthony, c, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 3d ave bet 19tli
and 20th Murphy Augustus, wheelwright 1419 1st ave, res same Murphy Bridget, (wid Patrick) res 601 4tli ave Murphy Miss Emma, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Murphy Mrs Emma, dressmkr, res 1015 3d' ave Murphy Henry L, ins agt, bds 1237 Broad Murphy James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Murplry James C, cigarmkr W H Sauls Murphy John, <r, carp, res 28 St Johns Murphy Lucy, wks Muscogee Mnfg CoMurphy Maria, c, domestic T A Cantrell Murphy Miss Mattie, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Murphy M M, elk T M Foley, bds 1015 3d ave Murphy Ophelia, wks Pearce's Factory Murphy Sarah A, (wid Martin) res 1034 1st ave Murphy Wm, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 18th, Rose
Hill Murray Alfred, c, watchman Steamer Thronateeska,res-615 3d,
ave Murray Alfred, c, restaurant 1028 Broad, res 414 8th Murray Alice, c, laundress, res 1413 5th ave Murray Dinah, c, laundress, res 1716 3d ave


0. H. LEQUin jewelry,





K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Murray Hennie T, c, teacher 6th ave pub school, c. res 414 8th Murray James, c, wks Steamer Thronateeska, res 615 3d ave Murray James P, locksmith and gunsmith 828 1st, ave, res 824
1st ave Murray Thomas, c, lab, res 825 7th ave Muscogee County Court House, 9th and 10th sts, 1st .and 2d
aves Muscogee County Jail, tel 55, Alexander S Brooks, jailer, 10th
cor 7th ave Muscogee Mnfg Co, Tel 10, (Cap $157,500) G P Swift,
Pres, W A Swift, Sec and Treas, Mnfrs Cotton Plaids, &c, Front s w cor 14th (See p opp title) Muscogee Mutual Loan Association, W L Clark, Pres, I) E Williams, Sec and Treas 1145 Broad Muscogee Oil Co, tel 77, (cap $50,000) Thomas E Blanchard, pres, Wm A Peet jr, sec and treas 9th ave bet 11th and 12 th Musgrove Edward H, cond M & G R R, res 918 13th Musgrove Miss Emma, dressmkr, res 1119 4th ave Musgrove Miss Rennie, dressmkr, bds 1119 4th ave Musgrove Miss Susie, dressmkr, bds 1119 4th ave Musical & Literary Society *of First Baptist Church, J A Kirven, pres, J J3 Harris, sec, Miss' Myra Birdsong, treas, First Baptist Church Muston Georgiana, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wynnton Muston Samuel, c, waiter Rankin House, res Bottom, nr Wynmton Muston Sarah, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wynntom Myers see also Meyers Myers Rev Allen E, c, Pastor Liberty Hill Church, res Boyd, Browneville Myers Carry, c, domestic Johir Hill Myers John C, carp, res 1606 1st ave Myers Louisa, c, laundress, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st Myers Mack, c, lab, res 20th s e cor 1st ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery


Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at
1035 Broad St.



My hand Francis M, wks Eagle A Phenix Mnfg Co, res Inger-
soll, Browneville Mvhand Hulda (widWm), res Ingersoll, Browneville Mvliand .James J, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1343 6th ave Myhand Jesse W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,
Browneville Myhand Miss Nettie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,
Browneville Myhand Mrs Sarah IH, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1345 6th ave
Myrax Vina, c, domestic J A Beard My rock Ella, c, domestic W P Langdon


'Names Thomas, dry goods 15 W 10th, 'res same
Nash Fannie, c, res 841 6th ave Nathan Abraham, elk A A Drey spool, rooms 3d floor Ga
Home Bldg Nathaniel Matthew, c, tinner, res Bottom nr Wynnton National Bank of Columbus The, Tel 52 (Capital
$100,000, Surplus $50,000), J Rhodes Browne. Pres; George W Willingham, Cashier; 1046 Broad (See adv
p 4$)
Naylor Markham, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Naylor Rogers, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co
.Nealy B, wks Harvey & Dudley Needham Richard, elk W S Needham, res 1301 Broad Needham Wm S,grocer,wines and liquors 1301 Broad,res same
Neill George 'H, 'market gardener stall 13 City Market, res
Wynnton Nelson Annie, c, laundress, res 1432 5th ave Nelson Miss Beulah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Nelson Edwin, c. lab, res 807 8th ave


At 1216 and 1218-Broad St.

(See p 3)

THE EMPIRE 18 a Pe1^LSeSaleand


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Nelson Emma, c, res 8th bet 8th and 9th aves' Nelson Harvey, c, lab, res Linnwood Nelson Julia, wks Pearces Factory Nelson LaFavette, miller City Mills, res same Nelson Lewis A, res 1337'Broad Nelson Lorie, c, domestic T J Nuckolls Nelson Mary (wid John), res 8 Abert, Browneville Nelson Nora, c, domestic T J Nuckolls Nelson A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Nevels John, painter Kimbrough & Brown, res Girard Nevils Ida, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Nevils John, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Newberry Win, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newman George, bkpr T Newman, res 2d aye bet loth and 14th Newman John L (Bartlett, Newman & Co), res Summerville,.
Browneville Newman John W T, drayman, bds 1308 Broad Newman Mary, wks Clegg Mfg Co
Newman T'obe, tel 143, Saloon Restaurant and agt Crescent Brewing Co 1214 Broad, res 1420 2d ave
Newman Walter T, elk John Blackmar, bds Veranda House Newman Wm J,, bartender Tobias Newman, res Brownsville Newman Wm T' res 1308^- Broad Newsom A T, farmer, bds 931 3d ave
Newsom Charles R, salesman Cooper & Howard, bds 11th n e cor Front
Newsom Clara, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Newsom Mrs Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1110 1st
Newsom Miss Florence, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Talbotton rd, Rock Hill
Newsom Mrs Irita, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res VanBuren, Browneville
Newsom Julius, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res VanBuren, Browneville

Aenchbaclter & Freer, MILLER'S HATS


1129 Broad St. (See p 2)


Has a Iiappy,. earnest, enthusi astic class of children, eager to



(See p 8)


Newsom Saul, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 13 16th Newsome Miss Amanda, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Talbotton uve,.
Rose Hill Newsome Mrs A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newsome Ella, wks Swift Mfg Co Newsome Miss Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Newsome-Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newsome Etta, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Newsome Fannie; wks Swift Mfg Gor res Linwood Newsome Frederick, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, re's Lin
wood Newsome Mrs F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newsome George, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Abert, Girard Newsome Hardy, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Newsome Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newsome Miss H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newsome Ida, wks Swift Mfg Co Newsome James, elk J \\" Herring, res 9 Summerville, Lively Newsome James B, carp, res Linwood -Newsome James F, wks Eagle & Phenix: Mfg Co, res New-
some, Browneville Newsome John, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Newsome John, wks Eagle & Phenix. Mfg Co Newsome John, res Lihwood Newsome Joseph, wks Eagle & Phepix Mfg Co Newsome Miss Kate, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Newsome Lizzie, wks Swift Mfg Co Newsome Maude, wks Swift's Mfg Co
Newsome Mollie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Newsome Miss M E, wks Eagle & Phenix. Mfg Co Newsome Philip, wks Swift Mfg Co
Newsome Miss Serene, wks Swift Factory, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill
Newsome Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


House. Sign and Ornamental

No. 9 12th Street.

I diiklwi

Advertising in all itsbranches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every business.




Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Newsome Walter, wks Eagle and Phenix Mfg Co, res Talbot- ] 1D

ton ave. Rose Hill

/ I

Newsome Wm, wks Swift Mnfg Co

Newsome Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gnyle, Browne-


Newton James M, grocer 1402 1st ave, res same

Niblett Alexander, res Broadnax, N Girard

Niblett Miss Virginia, wks Eagle &Pitenix Mfg Co, res Broad

nax, N Girard

Niblit. Burns (Shores & Niblit), res Broadnax cor Gayle, N


Niblit Ellis B (Allen & Niblit), res Gayle s e eor Broadnax,


Nicholson Carolina, c, laundress, res 733 6th ave

.Nick Ella, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Niles George, mechanic, res 64 Van Buren, Browneville

Nix Ambrose J, res 808 Front

Nix Bryant, collector Columbus Iron Wks, bds 808 Front

Nix Edward A, carp C R R. bds 808 Front

.Nix Mrs Elizabeth, wks Eagle tfc Phenix Mfg Co

Nix James <r, waiter Central Hotel

.Nix James T, carp, res Cast, Browneville

Nix John, res Cast, Browneville

Nix Mrs Mary A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle,


ife'v I

Ni on Aaron, c. lab, res 718 5th ave

Nixon Matte wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co

Noble John, meat market stall 7 City Market, res Rose Hill

Nobles Charles T, butcher, res Talbotton ave Rose Hill

Nobles John C, butcher, res 1038 1st ave

Nobles Thomas meat market sttill 3 Rose Hill Market,ires

Rose Hill

Nobles Wm C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mig Co, res Lively,



Noble Wm F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2d ave s w cor



Noel Benjamin, c, wood sawyer, res rear 921 5th ave

Norman Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Norman Mrs A J, principal Normans Private School, bd-e 908


Norman Dora, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Norman John P, salesman J Joseph, res 1326 4th ave

Norman John T, salesman A M Elledge, bds 1220 2d.ave

Norman Lizzie, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Norman Miss Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co

Norman Mariah, c, laundress, res rear 1223 1st ave

Norman Richard, c, pedler, res 704 10th

Norman Richard M (Johnston & Norman), res 1224 2d ave

Normans Private School, Mrs A J Norman principal, 1st ave

bet 9th and 10th

Norris Annie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co

Norris Mrs Emma, res S Railroad, Browneville

Norris J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Norris Miss V, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Norris Wm J, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Abert, Brownevil]p

North Georgia Land Co (capital $300,000)), J A Walker, pres:;

R W Walker, vice-pres-; Kristian Kortgoard, sec and treas:;


office Webster Bldg, Broad

Northern Liberty School, c, TS Price principal 1818 3d ave

Northern Methodist Church, c, 6th eor 6th ave

Norton C L, merchandise broker 1001 Broad, res same

Norwood John, physician 1142 Broad, res 1233 4th ave

Nosworthy Wm E,' wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 5 14th

Nuckolls Thomas J, lawyer, res 1426 3d ave

Nunn Annie, c, res Cooleyville

Nunn John, c, lab Berrys brickyard, res 801 Front

1 & n

Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard-
ing, llrackeis, Pickets, Mantels, Ac.

Office, 1243-6th ave.




It. L. POLK & CO.'S


Oakes Win, helper G M & G R R, res Broad cor 14th Oates Jacob, lab, res 907 4th ave Oates Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Oates Matilda, c, res 43 Zion Oatis James, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks O'Bannon Mary (wid Wm S), bds 1442 1st ave O'Brian Wm P, trader, res 1034 5th ave O'Brien Miss Annie, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 209 17th O'Brien John, lab, res 209 17th O'Brien Mark .J, route agt So Exp Ce^ rooms same O'Bryant Hariet, c, res 310 8th O'Connor Charles, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 930^ BPoad5 Odd Fellows Hall Xo 6,..lst ave bet 10th and 11th Odom Abraham, sexton City Cemetery, res 1415 1st ave Odom Effie (wid Wm), res 1027 7th ave Odom Miss Ida,, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1445 1st
ave Odom John, res 415 10th Odom John W, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1415 1st ave Odom Samuel, c,,brakeman. M & G R R, res 630 5th. aveOdom Wm, carp, res 633 4th ave Odom Wm jr, lab, bds 633 4th ave Ogburn Miss Annie, elk Bee Hive, bds 320 8th Ogburn Miss Eunice, bds 320 8th Ogburn John, c, porter A G Rhodes & Co, res 737 Front Ogburn Cicero, c, lab, res 737 Front Ogletree Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville Ogletree Miss Isabella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg- Co, bds 39-
Forsyth, Browneville Ogletree James, carp, res end of Summerville, Browneville


21 10th STREET.



: }



Ogletree Mrs Laura, seamstress, res Long, Girard
Ogletree Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle & PhemX Mfg Co Ogletree Miss Narcissa, bds Abert cor S R R, Browneville

Ogletree Pleasant T, hostler C R R, fes (M4 43th O'Gradv James, mach Eagle & Phemx Mfg Co, res Short

N Railroad, Browneville O'Grady Mrs Julia (wid James), res Benton, Browneville O'Hara Miss Jimmie M, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax,

N Girard

,, ^

, -rr

O'Hara Nathan A, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax, A

Olive Miss Eliza, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broad, N Girard Olive Miss Lela, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad, A Girard Olive Pink, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad, A Girard
Olive Talbot, res Broad, N Girard Olive Tempv. wks Muscogee Mfg Co Oliver Charles, c, lab Carter & Bradley, res o428 3d ave Oliver Hope, bkpr J Kyle & Co, bds 908 5th ave Oliver Lee, c, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 314 13th
Oliver Mary, c, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Oliver Thomas M, mngr Evans & Howard, bds 132b od a\e
O'Neal Charles B, carp, res 1813 Talbotton ave
O'Neal David, c, lab, res 1522 4th ave O'Neal E B, elk Central Hotel, bds same O'Neal Green, c, carp Eagle & PhemxMfg Co, res 802 <th ave O'Neal Hart, c, porter T J Pearce, res 321 4th ave O'Neal Henry M (O'Neal & Brooks), bds Veranda House
O'Neal Jefferson D, c, porter C A Klink O'Neal. Levi, c, lab, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st O'Neal Lula, wks Clegg's Mfg Co _
O'Neal Mrs Rosa, wks Eagle & Phemx Mfg Co O'Neal Simeon, Propr Central Hotel, 1024 Broad O'Neal Wm L, elk Bee Hive, res 113 8th
O'Neal & Brooks (Henry M O'Neal, Isaac C Brooks), tel 133, meat market, stalls 1, 2 and 4, City Market, and sausage
mfrs, rear Odd Fellow s Hall 1st a\e

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders' Supplies


Telephone 70

C. H. LEQUIN, diamonds.




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

O'Pry Hugh, policeman, res 431 3d are
Orange Anson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 939 Front Orange Mrs Jennie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res 939
Front Orr Joseph K (J K Orr & Co, res 1235 3d ave
Orr J K & Co (Joseph K Orr), tel 129, who! boots and shoes, 85 and 87 W 11th
Osborne James M, painter and kalsominer 102 11th, res Browneville
Osborne James M jr, wks J M Osborne, res Browneville Osborne John P, wks J M Osborne, res Browneville Osborne Lewis, c (Banks, Osborne & Spencer), res 6th ave bet
6th and 7th
Oshorne Mrs Rebecca, grocer, Broad Browneville, res same Osborne Thomas A, wks J M Osborne, res Browneville Osborne Wm, c, lab, res 5th ave, Rose Hill Osburn C T, Dentist 1010 Broad, rooms 1219 Broad Oswalt Delitha (wicl Joseph), res Marshall, Browneville Oswalt Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall, Browneville Ousley Alonzo, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 413 16th Ousley Amanda, (wid John) res 413 16th Outler Robert A, elk Williams Bros, res Abert, Girard Owen Eli, c, drayman Starke & Riddle, res 409 15th Owen Henry T, grocer and saloon 1601 2d ave, res 2d ave eor
17 th Owen Jesse L, bailiff, res 337 18th
Owen John B, wks 6M&6RR, res 1607 2d ave Owens Anna, c, res 1536 4th ave Owens C, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Owens July, c, lab, res S Girard Owens Mary, c, domestic Mrs Amanda Pitts Owens Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Owens Miss Regenia, trimmer M FI Lee, bds 604 Broad Owens Mrs Regenia, res 604 Broad

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery


Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty.
|035 Broad Street.


Pace Alexander, c, wks Columbus Iron Miss

Pace Eva, wks Swift Mfg Co

Pace Gus, c, porter Robert! Carter

Pace James, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill

Pace Sarah S, (wid James M) res Slade's Lane, LifJnWood

Padgett Miss Della, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne-


Padgett Miss Dinah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browns


Padgett Moses, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville,


Page Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Page Miss Eddie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Page John Py Principal Browne ville Public Schools, res

Summerville rd, Browneville

Page Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Page Melvira, wks Swift Mfg Co

Page Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 86 Payne,


Page Robert W, adt solicitor Columbus Ledger, res Browne


Palmer Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Slade's Lane,


Palmer Mrs Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1626 3d



Palmer David B, mer broker 816 1st ave, res same

Palmer George C, bkkpr T Chaffin, bds 829 3d ave

Palmer John H, Chief of Police and City Marshall, Court

House,-res 829 3d ave

Palmer Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Slade's Lane,


Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 1210 and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)


EMPIRE STABLES You want your Horse and
Buggy properly attended to, patronize the


Palmer Mary A, (wid Wm) res 816 1st ave Palmer Richard, butcher, res 1626 3d ave Palmer Sallie A (wid Henry), res 728 1st ave Palmer Samuel B, student, bds 829 3d ave Palmore Caleb, c, kb, res 412 16th Palmore Henrietta, c, res 412 16th Palmore Jackson, c,lab, res 412 16th Palmore Lula, c, laundress, res 412 16th Paramore Miss A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Paramore Celia, c, domestic A 0 Blackmar Paramore Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Pardew Mrs Lizzie, `Wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth, Brown eville
Parham Eugenia (wid Thomas), res Talbot ton ave Rose Hill Parish Carrie (wid Wm), res Crawford rd, Girard Parish Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Parish Minor, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co Parker Ada, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co
Parker Brag, c, wks steamer Fannie Fearn, res 407 1st ave Parker Emily, c. domestic J K Orr
Parker Fannie, c, domestic Samuel Saulsberrv
Parker Jonathan AC, trav salesman, res Jackson, Browneville Parker Wm, supt Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1514 2d ave Parker \Y, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Parks John IJ, mail carrier district 5 postoffice, bds 414 7th Parks Samuel, c, lab G E Thomas jr
Parr Miss Hortense, saleslady M H Lee, bds 402 Bioad Parrell W m M, millwright Empire Mills, bds 930^- Broad
Parsons Benjamin, wks Columbus Barrel Mfg Co,"ies Summer ville, Browneville
Parsons Miss Sallie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browneville
Parsons Wm, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browne ville
Partillor James, boss chain gang, res 10th bet 6th and 7th aves

Aenchbacher & Preer, Furnishing Goods,

' 112SHBroad Street.

(See p 2}

WGOLWINE HIGH SCHOOL Teaches Children reverence, re-

, _

espnceect tofolrawau. thority, and(SoeebpedSi)-


Paschall Alice, c, chambermaid Union Depot, res Bottom nr Wynnton Hill

Paschall Chandler, c, switchman C R R, res Bottom nr Wynn ton Hill

Paschall Riley, c, waiter Rankin House

Pate Ella, twks Swift Mfg Co

Pate Martha, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 516 loth

Pate Wm F, carp,'res 516 15th

Patillo Mrs B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard

Patillo Miss Fletcher, tailoress G J Peacock, bds Broadnax, N Girard .

Patillo John, c, lab, res 2u ave bet 22d and 23d

Patillo Mrs Zem, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1243| 1st ave

Patrick Alfred M, butcher J D Smith <fc Bro, res 636 3d ave

Patrick Miss Doney, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 220 5th


Patrick James J, meat market stall 11 city market, res Wynn

ton rd, 1 mile

Patrick John, carp, res 220 5th

Patrick John J, butcher, res 932 3d ave

Patrick Miss Lena, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 220 5th

Patrick Morgan,*candymkr Erminger & Lundy, res 220 5th

Patrick Patrick, elk Davis Andrews, res Wynnton

Patterson Albert E, farmer, res 1118 4th ave

Patterson Augustus, c, porter Wm Beach, res 606 11th ave

Patterson Dora, (wid Wm) res 1547 5th ave

Patterson 'Edward M, (Patterson & Thomas) bds Hotel Riddle

Patterson Ernest D, tel 23, mer broker 1036^ Broad, bds 1118 4th ave

Patterson John, wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds alley bet Van Buren and Jackson, Girard

Patterson Robert A, grocer 10 10th, res 828 3d ave

Patterson Wm F, mach blacksmith 1705 Talbotton ave, res same

Patterson & Thomas, Tel 131, (EM Patterson and A P

Thomas) Drugs 1127 Broad

13 YOmSTGr, Please forward plans, and I will furn-
Contractor and Builder, ish yon estimates on all kindsof Build-

No, 9 12th street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.


G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. lOlO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Patton Miss C D, bds 1516 Broad Patton Edwin, c, wks C & W R R, res 937 6th ave Patton James N, civil eng Columbus R R Co, bds 1237 Broad Patton Livery, c, lab, res 1606 3d ave Patton Martha A, (wid Richard) bds 1516 Broad Patton Sarah Ar Grocer 10th ave cor G M & G R R, res
same Pavillion Be Newman, Hamilton ave, Rose Hill Payne Emanuel, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1502 1st ave Payne Mrs Emma, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res 1502 1st ave Payne James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Payne Jesse, (Payne & Lavender) res Broad, Browneville Payne Miss Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville Payne L M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Payne Marion, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res McCollister,
Browneville Payne Miss Melvira, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broad,-.Browneville Payne Mrs Rena, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad
ave, Browneville Payne & Lavender (Jesse Payne, Wylie R Lavender), millb
ners, Marshall, Browneville Payton Nathan, c, wks J T Shepherd, c, res 8th cor 4th ave Pea Henry, c, res 8th ave bet 8th and' 9th Peabody, Brannon & Hatcher (John Peabody, Wm
H Brannon and Samuel B Hatcher), tel 45, Lawyers,
1146-J- Broad Peabody Francis I>, tel 118, Lawyer 1119 Broad, res 1947
Hamilton ave, Rose Hill, tel 116 (See card opp lawyers) Peabody Frank P, elk Hall & Wheat, bds 744 Broad Peabodv George A, trav agt Enquirer-Sun, res Russell county,
Ala Peabody John (Peabody, Brannon & Hatcher), res 744 Broad Peabody John jr, teller merchants and Mechanics Bank, rooms
1128 Front

On Draught at

V I--

For Two Annual Premiums. \



Peabody Miss Mary J, teacher Girls Public School, res 732 Broad

Peabody Rosa, c, res 1007 6th ave

Peabody School, Frank A Threadgill, principal, Sand Fort rd



Peabody School, c, G Wesley Allen, c, principal; Lucinda Lawson, c, asst, Boyd, S Girard

Peabody Thomas K, elk Columbus Water Wks Co, bds 744 Broad

Peabody Wm J (Peabody & Faber), res 902 Broad

eabl03y2Broader (W" J Peabody Edward S Faber), grocers,

Peacock Gideon J, tel 39, Clothing Mfr, 1200-1202 Broad res Wynnton, tel 125

Peacock Robert H, trav salesman G J Peacock, res 609 Broad

Peamartm John K, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River Browneville

I eamartin A astulia, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory res

River, Brownville

J '

Pearce see also Pierce

Pearce Miss Acldie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,, Browneville
Pearce Airs Effie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pearce Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall, Browneville
Pearce Factory, Tillman I Pearce, propr, manufacturer of cot ton checks, 14th bet Broad and Front
Pearce George A, propr City Mills, res 1527 1st ave Pearce Isaac F, bkpr Pearce Factory, bds 1347 Broad 1 earce John T, tel 69, grocer 1347 Broad, res 1238 3d ave 1 earce Miss Queen, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Marshall,

Pearce Thomas J (Chancellor & Pearce and Pearce & Co) pres: Enquirer-Sun Pub Co and Y M C A, res 1311 3d ave
1 earce Iillinan I, propr Pearce Factory, res 1347 Broad


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84,


C. Schomburg, Silverware. Spectacles and Optical Goods, 1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Pearce & Co (T J Pearce), tel 149, whol grocers, 1244 Broad

Pearson Anna, c, domestic W A Martiniere

Pearnn Miss Belle, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pearson Miss Emma, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 4 Jackson,


Pearson James, farmer, res 4 Jackson, Browneville


Pearson Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 4 Jack-

son, Browneville


Pearson Miss Priddie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 4 Jack-


son, Browneville Pease Edward L, elk J W Pease & Son, bds 908 Broad

Pease John W (J W Pease & Son), res 908 Broad Pease J W & Son (John W and Norman Pease), books, sta

tioner}7 and music, 1140 Broad

Pease Norman (J W Pease & Son), res 1436 3d ave


Pease Wm C, cashier Columbus Iron Wks Co, res 1539 3d ave Peaslee Hiram A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Court Hill,

S Girard Pecot George S, bkpr J H Galrice & Co, bds 915 1st ave
Peddy Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front 5 s.of

ilth Peddy David N, grocer, 1540 1st ave, res same

Peddy Forbes B, sewing mach agt, Broadnax, N Girard, bds

417 15th Peddy Mrs Sarah, res Front 5 s of 11th

Peddy Wm H, elk bds 417 15th Peeks Elizabeth, c, laundress, res Cass, Browneville

Peeks Washington, c, mail carrier, res Cass, Browneville

Peet W A jr, sec and treas Muscogee Oil Co, bds 1333 3d ave

Peggy James, lab, res 903 6th ave Pekor Charles F, mach C R R, res 844 3d ave Pekor Frank W, farmer, res Lawyers Lane, Wynnton Pekor Vaclav J, watchmkr T S Spear, Lawyers Lane, res

Wynnton Pender* Cordelia, c, laundress, res 1612 3d ave

m T UIIMT Ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoes

i , U . 11U Il l.

21 10th Street.





GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettle,-, and Evaporators and Kin Clearing'. Telephone 154.



Pendleton Philip T, physician, 1127 Broad, res 737 3d ave Pendleton P Nelson, salesman G J Peacock, bds 737 3d ave Perkins Edward, c, porter Chancellor & Pearce Perkins Ellen, c, laundress, res 73G 4th ave Perkins Hilliard, c, porter Aenchbacher & Preer
Perkins Nettie, c, laundress, res' 13th bet 4th and 5th ave Perkins Wm J, operator W U Tel Co, bds 735 2d ave
Perry Benjamin, c, lab, res 319 5th Perry Berry, c, lab Columbus R R Co Perry Drayton D, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1508 2d ave Perry Mrs Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Payne,
Browneville Perry John T, carp, res Payne, Browneville
Perry Malissa, c, domestic E H Jenkins Perry Presley, bds 1002 4th ave Perry Sarah, c, res 1813 2d ave Perry Thomas, c, driver C L Williams Perry Wesley, c, carp, res 3d ave bet 19th and 20th Perry Wm, market gardener stall 5 City Market, res Belle-
wood Perry Wm, c, lab, res 800 7th ave Peters Mrs Fannie T, c, 1st asst sixth ave public .school^ res
6th ave bet 9th and 10th Peters Francis, c, laundress, res 929 6th ave Peterson Joseph, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Peterson Levi, c, lab, res 925 6th ave Petri Theodore, jeweler Wittich & Kinsel, bds 837 1st avePetty Miss Elizabeth, dressmkr, res 1917 2d ave Petty Miss Fannie, dressmkr, res 1917 2d ave Peyman Mahala, c, res 833 5th ave Peyton Nathan, c, lab, res 809 4th ave Pfohl W Lewis, delivery frt depot elk C R R, res 709' 3d ave
Pharr Rosa, c, domestic Lassar Meyer Phelps Bertie (wid Wm), bds 1433 4th ave Phelps George, dentist 11th bet 1st and 2d aves, res same

F. L, GRUZARD Paints and Hardware.

deals in


C. H. Lequin, "h,w22"JF"*!


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Phelps, Horace, c, lab, res 808 7th ave Philips Carrie, c, domestic R Geeslin Philips Charles, boots shoes and leather 1204 Broad, res
Thomas, Rose Hill Philips Edward, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,
Girard Philips Etheldred, Tel 98, Coal and Wood, Sewer Pipe.
Fire, Grate and Border Brick, 6th ave end of 14th next to
Swift Mfg Co, res 1113 5th ave (See adv p 55)
Philips Frank, res Broad, N Girard Philips John H, canvasser Singer Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 15th
and 16th
and 16th Philips Robert, c, plumber B F Billings Philips Samuel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, N
Girard Philips, Virgil, c, lab, res Bridge, Girard Philips Wm. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browne-
ville Philips Wm, trav salesman, res 628 2d ave Philips Wm C, hackman, res Broad, Browmeville
Phillips Catharine (wid J W), res 613 2d ave Phillips Catharine (wid Wiley), wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res
Abert, Browneville Phillips Charles, wks Clegg Mfg Co res 3d ave bet 21st and 22d Phillips Endora, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1921 2d ave
Phillips George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Phillips Henrietta, c, laundress, res Summerville, Browneville Phillips Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1921 2d ave Phillips Leroy A, lab, res 21st bet 1st ave and River
Phillips Leroy A G, carp, res North West Phillips Lewis, mes W U Tel Co, bds Rose Hill Phillips Lucy, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Phillips Madison, carp, res 2d ave bet 22d and 23d Phillips Miss Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co. Iron Pumps and Fencing, Yard Fountains; and
Sprinklers. 1035 BROAD STREET.



Phillips Maggie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Phillips Martha, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1921 2d ave Phillips Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Browneville Phillips Mary, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Phillips Mary A, (wid Joel) res 1921 2d ave Phillips Mary Ida, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1921 2d ave
Phillips Morgan J, fireman C R R, res 613 2d ave Phillips Mrs Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Phillips Miss Nora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Phillips Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1921 2d ave Phillips Sallie, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Phillips Sarah, c, laundress, res 529 5th ave Phillips Wm P, farmer, res N Railroad, Browneville Philpot Catherine, c, laundress, res 1538 4th ave Philpot Henry, c, lab, res 1538 4th ave Phillis Wm, c, lab, res 5th ave, Rose Hill Phipps C V, groeer 501 14th, res 1st ave cor 16th IPhipps Joseph, elk W S Needham, res 1541 1st ave 'Ifickeren Edward A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 12
Thomas, Browneville Pickeren James, tinner, res Ingersoll, Browneville
Pickeren Janies jr, res Ingersoll, Browneville Pickeren J Madison, fireman C R R Pickering Lusetta, (wid Wm) res 89 Payne. Browneville Pickering Miss Queenie, wk.s Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 89
Payne, Browneville Piukett Wm Zeno, 2d Ident Police, res 925 Short Pickett Jacob, c, wood sawyer, res Summerville, Browneville
Pierce see also Pearce Pieree Asberry H, Groeer, Marshall cor Gayle, Browne
ville, res same Pierce Alexander, c, wks Museogee Oil Co Pierce Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,

Furniture of all kinds A. F. GIBSON & CO.

1216 and 1218 Brad St.

(36 3 3)

fs Best Pface for
Dealers in Lire StocL


It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Pierce Charles H, salesman Jones Bros & Caverly, bds Veranda
House Pierce Edward, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Pierce Elizabeth B (wid Zach), res 8 Jackson, Browneville Pierce Henry C, plumber Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co, bds
Browne House Pierce Miss Ophelia, wrks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 8 Jack-
son, Browneville Pierce Robert, c, porter G E Gayer, res 933 6th ave Pierce Walter, wks Eagle & Phenix.Mfg Co Pierce Wm, c, driver D C Tignor
Piett Mattie, c, res 410 3d ave Pike Cornelius, wks Columbus Baggging Mill, res Girard Pike Daniel, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, Van Buren, Browne
ville Pike Miss Dottie, wks- Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pike Miss Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N
Railroad, Browneville Pike Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pike Miss Lucinda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville Pike Rebecca (wid E), res Van Buren, Browneville Pike Lion, res N Railroad, Browneville
Pine Grove Cemetery, Browneville Pinkard Calhoun, c, wks G W Woodruff, res 5th bet Front
and River Pinkard Horace, c, lab Harvey & Dudley, res 1323 5th ave Pinkard Virginia, c, laundress, res 5th nr river Pinkston Shade P, e lk Barbrey & Jarvis, bds 833 3d ave Pinkton James, res 702 9th Pittman Miss Carrie, res Jefferson, N Girar cl Pittman D E, wks Columbus Iron Wks Pittman Mrs Eliza, bds 502 8th Pittman Jasper, grocer, res Jackson, N Girard Pittman Laura (wid Wm), tailoress G J Peacoc k, res 301 16th

Aenchbacher & Freer,



Train* its pupil* ft) habits of self-reliance in (Seep 8) study and recitation*.



Pittman Minnie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co
Pittman N W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pittman Thomas J, grocer, dry goods and notions, Broadnax,
cor Van Buren, Girard, res Broadnax cor Jackson, Girard
Pitts Amanda, res 1007 2d ave Pitts Arthur, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Pitts C, wks Swift Mfg C'o Pitts Miss Genie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 17 Fo-rsyth,
Browneville Pitts Hattie, wks Swift Mfg Co Pitts James, c, drayman J Kyle & C Pitts James, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks, res 18th Rose Hill
Pitts Jesse, carp, res Jackson N Girard Pitts John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1/ Forsyth,
Browneville Pitts Miss Josie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pitts Miss Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co* Pitts Miss Lizzie, wks Swift Mfg Co Pitts Mary (wid Wm), res 922 Front Pitts Mary A (wid Wm), res 17 Forsyth, BrownevillePitts Richard, c, porter G J Peacock, bds 13 10th Pitts Thomas, painter, res Primrose-Hill N. Girard
Pitts Thomas jr, c, lab, res 18th Rose Hill Pitts Thomas sr, c, grave digger, res 18thiRose Hill Pitts Van, c, porter Columbus Clothing Co, res 5th ave Pitts Wesley, c, shoemkr Broadnax, N Girard, res Marshall,
Browneville Pitts Wm, c, porter Barb-rey & Jarvis Pitts Wm G, elk J W Howard, res 1443 1st ave Plummer James, c, labi res 1013.6th. avePoe Oliver P, farmer, res 1339 Broad Pointer Mrs Nency, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Gen res OTA
Front Pointer Thomas, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 9- 14th Poland, Ella, c, laundress, res 3d ave bet 24th and 25th


House Sign and Ornamental Pojnfor*

Ma. 9 12th Street

r cllllLCI

Advertising in alJ its branches. Estimates on contracts oer hundred upwards, on Gold and Silvt r Glass Signs, for ever j

Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City.
20X0 Broad Street.

G. E.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Police Headquarters, Tel 86, J H Palmer, Chief; Court House
Polk Charles, c, porter, res 1st ave bet 23d and 24th Polk li L & Co (Incorporated), H G Saunders, Southern
Mngr, Publishers Columbus City Directory, 72-73 Gate City Bank Bldg, Atlanta, Ga ( See adv) Pollard, George, c, lab Empire Stables Pollard Ira L, tel 109 (I L Pollard & Co), grocer 1224 Broad,
res 1401 Broad Pollard I L & Co (I L Pollard), china, glass and queens-,
ware 1033 Broad Pollard Martin J C, carp T L Gruzard, res Wynnton Pollard Solomon, c, lab, res 818 7th ave Polledge Emeline, c, domestic H T Everett Pollock Janies, c, lab, res 404 5th ave Pollock Tobias, c, lab, res 400 5th ave Pomeroy Frederick A, patternmkr, res 644 2d ave Pomeroy Julius F, bkpr Jones Bros & Caverly, bds 644 2d ave Ponce Antonio, cigarmkr, 17 10th, res 818 1st ave Pond Miss Annie E, teacher Girls Public School, bds 920 2d
ave Pond George Y, elk superior 'and city courts, courthouse, bds
920 2d ave Pool Tobias, c, drayman Wm Redd, res Dale ave, Browneville Pool Wm T, Dentist, rooms 8-9 Ga Home Bldg, res 1327
4th ave .Pope Alexander, c, res 719 6th ave Pope Bryant T, driver Columbus R R Co, res 2d ave bet 20th
. and 211 st Pope Carrie (wid Wm), res 1220 5th ave Pope Charles W, elk Barbrev & Jarvis, res 2d ave bet 20th and
21st Pope Miss Hezhziba J, matron Female Orphan Asylum, res
4th ave s w cor 15th Pope James, c, res 819 4th ave

ioig and H42 .eroad STREET. ` Only Fight Bell in the city.


Oiliest, Strongest and Best Companies. I

Fire Insurance Agent.



Pope Oscar, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
Pope S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pope T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Pope Wm S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
Porter Alfred, c, carp, res 1419 5th ave Porter Arie, c, laundress, res 617 3d ave Porter Charles, c, barber It Watkins, c
Porter Charles, c, sexton Colored Cemetery, res 503 6th ave Porter Charles B, foreman Columbus Fertilizer Co, res Broad
nr 10th
Porter Charles T, pres Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res 1226 3d ave
Porter Daniel, c, lab G M & G R R, res Bottom nr Wynn's Hill Porter Edward B, foreman pressman Thomas Gilbert, res 637
1st ave
Porter Florence, c, res rear 507 4th ave Porter Henrietta, c, laundress, res 617 3d ave Porter Henry, c, wks T L Gruzard Porter Josiah C, trav salesman, res 213 9th Porter Lum, c, lab River compress, res 411 1st ave Porter Richard P, res 1346 4th ave Porter Robert, c, driver J II Cochran
Porter Sarah, c, chambermaid Rankin House, res Dillingham nr Front
Porter Wesley, c, lab, res Cooleyville Posada Mrs Aura, cigar nafr, 16 12th, res same
Posey Carrie V, c, teacher 6th ave Public School, res 600 3d ave
Posey Miss Elizabeth, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lively
Posey Jennie, c, domestic G B Golden J<fcey John, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Abert, N Girard Posey Julia, domestic E M Walsh


Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard-
ing, Brackets, Pickets, Mantels, A:c.

Office, 1243 Cth ave.


Clocks and Bronzes, C. SCHOMBURG, 1115 Broad Street. (Seep 2)-


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Posey J R, wks Swift Mfg Co Posey Lucy, domestic E M Walsh Posey Mary E (wid John), res Van Buren, Browneville
Posey Millie, c, laundress, res 600 3d ave Posey M J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Posey Rufus, wks- Swift Mfg Co, res Linnwood
Pose}r Thomas, c, lab, res 600 3d ave Posey Wm, wks Eagle* & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren,
Browneville Post Kirvey, fireman C R R, res 9*15 4th ave
Postoffiee, 12th s e cor 2d ave Potts Jerre, c, porter, bds 1st ave-rear Central Hotel
Potts Rachel, c, laundress, res Long, Girard Pou Dozier (Williams & Pou), bds 315 11th Pou Felder, bkpr J K Orr & Co, bds 315 11th Pou -Joseph F, lawyer 1111-j Broad, res 315 11th Pou Joseph F jr, elk J Kyle & Co, bds 315 11th Pou Walter L, bill elk Flournoy & Epping, bds 315 11th
Poweff Charles F,. confectioner, cigars and tobacco 923 Front,
res same Powell Charles, c, wks J M Fletcher & Son Powell Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Powell Isaac, c, hostler Empire Stables, res 1321 6th ave Powell Jesse P jr, c, barber Parlor Barbershop, res 4th ave bet
8th and 9th Powell Leander W, teacher Seale, Ala, res S Girard Powell Miss Martha, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res 117
16th Powell Matilda (wid Simeon), res 117 16th Powell Nathan, c, helper Banks, Osborne & Spencer, res
Wynns Hill Powell Oran, wks Brownes Cotton Mill, x*es Jackson N Girard
Pow*ell Sallie, wks Brownes Cotton Mill Powell Wm, wks Eagle & Pheni Mfg Co, res 1st ave bet 9th
and 10th

Gold Lock Bal Shoes,

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Powers Charles, c, lab, res 525 5th ave Powers Emma, c, res Bottom nr Wynnton Powers James, ditcher, res 9 Broad, N Girard Powers Mary E (wid John B), res 1215 1st ave Poyner Miss Delilah, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res 1243| 1 st
ave Poyner Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Poyner P, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Poyner Thomas, carp, res 1243^- 1st ave Poyner Wm A, wks Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, bds 12th cor
10th ave Poyner Wm H, peddler, res 111 15tli Prater Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Prater James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham Prater Jasper, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham Prather A Clark, elk W J Watt, res 923 3d ave Preddy Miss Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Broad,
Browneville Preddy Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Broad,
Browneville Preddy Mrs Mittie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Broad
Browneville Preddy Robert, wks Eagle Phenix Mfg Co, bds Broad, Browne
ville Preddy Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,
Browneville Preddy Miss Tommie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds
Broad, Browneville Preddy Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Broad, Browne
ville Preer Peter, (Hide, Preer & Illges), res 1502 Broad Freer Wm (Aenchbacher & Freer), res 1502 Broad

Slate and Iron Mantels 5 T-l- Grilzars Telephone 70.






R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Presley Mary S (wid Elbert W), res 1215 1st ave Pressley Lummie (wid Wm), res 1543 5th ave Preston Alexander, c, lab, res 802 6th ave Preston Jesse, wks Browne's Cotton Mills, res Linwood Preston Mrs Lizzie, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res Lin
wood Preston Lyda, c, res 420 3d ave Preston Victoria, c, res Bottom, nrWynnton Preston Wm, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Preston Wm, c, wks Berry's brick yard Preyer Amanda, c, laundress, res 615 3d ave Price Beverly, well digger, res 1817 2d ave Price Chance, c, lab, res Browneville Price Cynthia (wid James), res Abert, Browneville Price Henry, c, lab Golden Bros, res Girard Price John J, stock driver, res Cemetery, Browneville Price Katie, wks Swift Mfg Co Price Leila M, c, teacher Northern Liberty School, c, bds 29
16 th Price Lindsay, c, helper C R R, res 531 2d ave Price Miss Lizzie, w'ks C C Shepperson & Co, res Broad,.
Browneville Price Miss Martha, wks G J Peacock, res Broad, Browneville Price Milton A, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Slade's Lane, Linn-
Price Miss Nannie, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, bdsBrowneville
Price Peter, c, wks Alabama W House, res Long, Girard Price Thomas S> c, Principal Northern Liberty School,-
res 209 16th Price Wm A, butcher, res 1628 3d ave Price Wm F, elk A F Gibson & Co, res Abert, Browneville Price Wm G Fraser, reporter The Press, res Wynnton Price W F, driver Columbus R R Co

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe.

1035 Broad St.

Price Zachariah M, mattressmkr A F Gibson & Co, res 1331 6th ave
Prickens Hiram W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front, Browneville
Prince Edgar, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Prince G, wks Eagle & Phenix. Mfg Co Prince James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham Prince John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham' Prince Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr Dil
lingham Prince Wm E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River, Browne
ville Pritchard Miss Jane, milliner Bougliton & Co, bds 1st ave Pritchard Wm .J, carp Columbus Iron Wks, res 507 14th Pritchett Miss C J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Pritty Elizabeth (wid Thomas), res 11 Thomas, Browneville Profumo Frank X, baker and candy mfr, 12 10th, res same Pruett Plattie (wid \Yrm J), res 3d ave bet 16th and 17th Pruett Newton, carp, res 3d ave cor 17th ft-uitt John, wks Browne's Cotton Mills Pruitt Lola, wks Clegg Mfg Co Pruitt Lucy, c, res 903 6th ave Pruitt Wm, c, lab, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Pry Lump, c, lab, res 407 17th Rose Hill Pryor George C, shoemkr, res 622 2d ave Pryor Mrs Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,-res 622 2d ave Pryor Louis, res 1001 2d ave Pryor Philip, watchman Empire Flouring Mill, res Linwood Pryor P Walters, res 212 7th Pryor Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co bds 622 2d ave Puckett James D, cooper Columbus Barreil- Mfg Co, bds 12th
cor 10th ave Pugh Jerry, c, lab, res Bridge, Girard


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Pugh John, c, lab, res 440 3d ave
Pursell Mary E, (wid David) res 113 18th Purvis Katie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co
Putnam Mrs L M, elk Lewis & Gregory, res 733 1st ave Pye Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Pye Lloyd, e, wks J T Shepherd, e, res 17th bet 3d and 4th aves Pye Thomas, c. laborer, res 17th, Rose Hill
Pye Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Pyle Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Primrose Hill, N Girard
Pyle Miss Georgia, res Primrose Hill, N Girard
Pyle Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Girard

Quarles Harry, c. driver Mrs L McAlister, res rear 720 Front Queen 'City Wood Yard, John H Edwards, Prop, 9th s
w cor 7th ave (See p 59) Quinn John P, cooper Columbus Barrel Factory, res Boone-
ville nr Wynnton Quinn Mary A, (wid John) res 726 3d ave


Radcliff Charles, c, lab, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Radcliff Josie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Radcliff J W, wk Muscogee Mfg Co Radcliff Wm, Wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Radliff Mrs Fannie, res 1208^ Broad Ragsdale Ernest, wks. Swift Mfg Co Ragsdale Lula, wks Swift Mfg Co Ragsdale Sarah, wks Swift Mfg Co Raid Tilman, c, lab, res 532 3d ave


1129 Bkoad St.

(See p 2)

Wcolwine High School pervised by the Principal and



not by a hired assistant.



Raiford Elijah G, trav salesman W J Watt, res 726 Broad Raiford Frank, c, porter J K Orr & Co, res 407 17th, Rose
Hill Raiford Wm, c, lab Columbus R R Co Railey Charles, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 5 14th Railey Miss Della, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard Raines Daniel, c, wks Berry's brick yard Raines Edwin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Raines Richard, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1323 6th ave Rainey Joseph, c, lab, res 8th bet 5th and 6th aves Raleigh Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res (Forsyth,
Browneville Ramsey Miss Josie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ramsey Laura, wks Clegg Mfg Co
Ramsey Lewis H, carp Harvey & Dudley, res 2009 3d;ave Ramsey Phyles, c, laundress, res 3d ave bet 22d and 23d Rarmsey Randall, carp, res 2113 3d ave Ramsey Wm S, Pastor 1st Baptist Church and Pres Co
lumbus Messenger Pub Co, res 1813 2d ave Randall Henry, wks Swift Mfg Co, res N Railroad, Browneville Randall Henry, c, lab Empire Mills Randall Mrs Josie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax, Browneville Randall Lucy, c, laundress, res Coolevville Randall Robert, res Broadnax, Browneville Randall Thomas, c, wks Berry's brick yard Randall Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Randlette Wm A, captain steamer Aid, res 1007 2d ave Randolph Caroline, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wynnton Randolph Levi, c, porter F J Jenkins & Co, res 18th Rose Hill Rankin Agnes (wid James), res 1440 2d ave Rankin Frank, c, carp, res 4th bet 1st and 2d aves Rankin Henry, c, carp, res 4th bet 1st and 2d aves _ Rankin House, tel 64, G B Duy, Propr, 1004-1006 Broad
(See back cover)

CL E3 tiTOUNG, Contractor and Builder,
No, 9 12th street.

Please forward plans, and I will finrjT ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-ing, Carpentering and Repairing.

SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Ohder7 A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Rankin House Bar, G B Duv, Propr, 1006 Broad Rankin Lula, c, laundress, res 4th bet 1st and 2d aves Rankin Thomas, c, carp, ies 4th bet 1st and 2d aves Rapley Elizabeth (wid George), res Broadnax, N Girard
Raspberry Benjamin, c, lab, res 430 5th ave Rawls Miss Lulu, tailoress The Columbus Clothing Co, res
Browneville Raws Edmond, c, lab, res Cooleyville Read Armstrong, lab, res 19th bet 1st and 2d aves Read Mary, c, domestic J M Estes
Reaves Wm, c, lab, res 43 Zion Redd Albert G, res Hamilton ave,. Rose Hill Redd Alexander, c,,porter Mrs Mi C Lary Redd Miss Annie Belle, teacher Rose Hill Phblie School, res
Hamilton ave cor21st Redd Charlfes-A (C A Redd & Co), bds 11th n e cor Front Redd Charles KJ R R contractor, res Hamilton ave, Rose Hill Redd C A & Co, tel 16 (Charles A and Win A Redd), wholl
grocers 1086 Broad Redd Edward, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N
Girard Redd Franky c, lab, res 515 3d ave Redd Frank, c, lab Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, res 8th
bet 5th and 6th ave Redd Frank T, drayman Columbus Iron WLs, res 518 4th ave Redd Jane, c, cook Samuel Eberhart Redd John E, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville.
Browneville Redd Miss Laura, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Summerville Browne-
ville Redd Louis, tel 95r merchandise broker 10364 Broad, bds
Hotel Riddle Redd Margaret, c, domestic John Peabody sr Redd Miss Mary, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Summerville,

ARTICLES^f/ City Drug Store.


G. GUNBY JORDAN, iZ,5^#^h?&lpl.ta


Niagara of N. Y. Telephone 104.



Redd Mrs R F, bds Hotel Riddle
Redd Sallie, c, domestic Mrs M R Strupper Redd Soule (Soule Redd & Co), res 1515 Broad
Redd Soule & Co, tel 35 (Soule Redd, John C Haile), brokers, real estate and insurance 1036^- Broad
Redd Walter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browneville
Redd Wm A (C A Redd & Co), res 1318 2d ave Redd Wm jr, tel 34, railroad contractor, res Wynns Hill,
Wynnton Redd Wm sr, tel 53, grocer 1109 Broad, res 1220 5th ave Redd Willie, c, domestic Mrs M R Strupper Redd Miss Willie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax,^ Girard Redden Abraham, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 15th and 16th Redden Henry, c, lab, res 736 4th ave Redden Wm, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton
Redding Evelina, c, laundress, res 1729 Talbotton aveRedding George, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Redding Jane, c, cook, res rear 1013 4th ave Redding Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Redding Richard, c, porter C A Klink, res 42 Zion
Reddoch Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co> res Suimmerville, Browneville
Reddoch Mrs Mary J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sumr merville, Browneville
Reddoch Miss Rebecca, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sum merville, Browneville
Reddoch Miss Susan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sum merville, Browneville
Reddoch Wm, wks-Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summerville,. Browneville
Rederieh Miss Esther, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res- 800' Short
Redfield Everett H, eng G M & G R R, res 1241 5th ave

I HARVEY & DUDLEY Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and ; Door Frames.


Office, 1243 6th ave. Telephone 84.




R. L . POLK & CO.'S

Redfield L Collins, eng G M & G R R, res 1241 5th ave
Redman Bessie, c, domestic Mrs J Hanserd Redman Caroline, c, laundress, res Booneville nr Wynnton
Redman Eliza, c, domestic W J Peabody Redman Hugh, c, wks B T Hatcher
Redman James, c, waiter B T Hatcher Redman Jane, c, domestic Mrs M L Hartman Redman T A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Redwine "Thomas A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 53 Tan
Buren, Browneville Reed Alexander, c, janitor colored school, bds 1036 6th awe
Reed Augustus, c, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1430 1st ave R'eed Benjamin N, wks Browne Cotton Mill, bds 1430 1st ave
Reed David G, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad,
Girard Reed Edward, c, waiter Veranda House, res'26 St John
Reed Edward, c, wks Ga M & G R R, res 428 5th ave
Reed Eli W, res Railroad, S Girard Reed Fletcher, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad, S
Girard Reed General, c, lab, res 5th cor 6th ave Reed Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Reed Jack, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th Reed James, c, truckman G M & G R R, res 822 6th ave Reed James N wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad, S
Girard Reed John, c, lab, res 822 6th ave Reed John F, c, porter Chattahoochee Nat Bank
Reed Joshua, c, waiter Hotel Riddle Reed Louisa, c, domestic Hamden Whittlesy Reed Mack, c, lab. res 1824 2d ave Reed Mrs Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Reed Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Railroad,
Browneville Reed Mary, c, cook Verandah House



21 10th STREET.




Reed Millie, c, laundress, res 1534 4th ave Reed Minnie, wks Brownes Cotton Mill Reed Nellie, c, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Reed Peyton, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton Reed Priscilla, c, cook, re& 1130 5th ave Reed Raiford, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad S
Girard Reed Reuben, c, hackman^ res 822 6th ave
Reed Wm, res 416 8th Reed Wm M, wks Eagle- & Phenix Mfg Co, i'es Browneville Reeder Anna M (wid Mortimer), wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,
res Brownevillle Reeder Harriet, c, res rear 10 11th Reeder John, c; driver Mrs Willis, res Amos Quarters, Wynn
ton rd Reader Miss Lenora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne
ville Reeder Miss Lula, teacher Browneville Public School, res S
Railroad, Browneville Reedy John C, Real Estate Agt and Tax Receiver, Musco
gee county, 18J 12th, res 121 17th (See p 55)
Reems Maggie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Reems Lula, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Rees John B, wks Webster Warehouse, bds 825 Front Rees John M, elk Carter & Bradley, res 825 Front Reese Alexander, lab, res 509 5th ave Reese Anna, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Reese Bettie, c, res 925 6th ave Reese Charles, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res`BrownevilleReese Charles C, mach Columbus Iron Wks, bd's 620` Front Reese Cooper, c, porter J A Allen, res 903 6th ave Reese D Thomas, elk, bds 620 Front Reese Edwin, wks Swift Mfg Co Reese Ella, wks wks Swift Mfg Co Reese Hampton, c, driver J A Cardwell, res 2d ave bet 21st and'





Reese Henry, c, elk J A Allen, res Browneville Reese Hubbard, c, painter, res 619 5th ave Reese Jane, c, laundress, res 1509 6th ave Reese John, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, bds 11 Abert,
Browneville Reese Rev John B, pastor Shiloh and Union Grace Baptist
Church, res Van Buren, N Girard Reese Miss Josie, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Reese J Thomas, moulder, res 620 Front Reese Lee, c, porter, res 903 6th ave Reese Lewis, c, waiter Central Hotel Reese Martha, (wid Charles F) res 11 Abert, Browneville Reese Marshall, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Slade Lane, Linwood Reese Nettie, res 921 6th ave Reese R Lee, c, bartender Thomas & Alexander, res 1309 1st
ave Reese Tillman, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res Amos' Quarters,
Wynnton rd Reese Wm, e, lab, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th Reeves Elizabeth, (wid Wiley) res 5 Jackson, Browneville Reeves James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Reeves Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Reeves Mrs Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Browneville Reeves Prucilla, c, domestic Mrs E A StewTart Reeves Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 5 Jackson,
Browneville Reeves Wm F,.pressman Enquirer-Sun, res 20 7th Reich Frederick, bds 514 Front Reich Frederick W, watchmkr C Schomburg, res 514 Front Reich Frank C, asst bkpr M Joseph, bds 514 Front Reilly Peter, night watchman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Primrose Hamlet, N Girard Rembert George W, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1421 2d ave Rembert Sarah P, (wid James C) res 1421 2d ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

Georgia Steam aafl Gas Pije Co. Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty. 1035 Broad Street.



Remington Ida, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Remington J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Remington Walter,'mech, bds 1*23 18th Render Elizabeth, e, laundress, res Dale ave, Browneville Render Aaron, c, wood 1343 Warren, res same Renfro J'K, wks'Eagle-<fc Phenix Mfg Co Renfro JVIiss Mamie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 21
Forsyth, Browneville Renfro Miss Mary,'wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, N
Girard Renfroe Allen, c, lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Go Renfroe Miss B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Renfroe David, carp, resfRailroad ave, Browneville Renfroe Elijah, c, wks Joseph McGehee, res 6th ave bet 7th
and 8th Renfroe Emma, wks Clegg Mfg Co [Renfroe James, wks Harvey & Dudley, res Broadnax, N Girard Renfroe JdfFerson, c, lab Golumbus Barrel Mfg Co, res 515 6th
ave Renfroe Jodl'G, barber Van Buren, N Girard, res Ingersoll,
Browneville Renfroe John, painter, res Broad, N Girard Renfroe John D, printer Enquirer-Sun, res N Railroad, Browne
ville Renfroe Mary (wid Elisha), res Broadnax, N Girard Renfroe Mary (wid Joel G), res Ingersoll, Browneville Renfroe Philip, c, lab F A Jepson, res 907 6th ave Renfroe Miss Rosa, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax, N Girard
Renfroe Susan (wid Janies), res 21 Forsyth, Browneville Renfroe Miss Viola, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
nax, N Girard Renfroe Wellburn J, bkpr G A Pearce, bds Broad cor 14th Repps Missouri, laundress, res 1424 5th ave

Mattress Factorj. Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 121G and 1218 Broad Street. (Sae p 3)

THE EMPIRE ,s a Pe1i'eSaleand


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Rescue Hook & Ladder Co No 1, G Gunby Jordan, pres; M M Moore, vice-pres-" F C Reich, sec and treas; E H Jenkins, foreman, 10th nr cor 1st ave
Reynolds Augustus, policeman, res 1325 Broad Reynolds Carrie, c, res 315 4th ave Reynolds Charles, c, lab Empire Mills Reynolds Miss Ella A, operator telephone exchange, res 6th
bet Front and Broad Reynolds Henry, c, lab wks Swift Mfg Co, res 7th ave bet 7th
and 8th Reynolds Henry E, asst Miller Empire Mills, bds 809 Broad Reynolds Joseph, c, driver, res 1st ave bet 23d and 24th Reynolds Julia, c, laundress, res 315 5th Reynolds J A, mechanic T L Gruzard Reynolds Lizzie, c. lunch house 22 14th, res same Reynolds Mrs L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Reynolds Mark, c, wks River compress Reynolds Quincy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg CoReynolds Robert S, wood worker Banks, Osborne & Spencer,
res 1809 Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Reynolds Sarah, c, nurse B T Hatcher, res 1003 7th ave Reynolds Wm F, mngr Empire stables, res 1st ave bet 12th
and 13th Rhodes A G & Co (A G Rhodes and Wm J Smith), furniture,
1017 Broad' Rhodes Jacob, c, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Bridge, Girard Rhodes John H, photographer 1026 1st ave, res same Rhodes Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Rice Amanda, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Rice Benjamin F, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res 819 Front Rice Mrs Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson, N
Girard Rice Toney, c, porter A G Rhodes & Co, res 7th ave bet 10th
and 11th Rice Wm B, elk Calvin Saxon, bds 819 Front

Aenchbacher & Preer, miller's hats

sole agents for

1129 Broad St. (See p 2}

WOOLWiNE HIGH SCHOOL Makes noblo men of

boys and grand wo*


mem of! girls:



Richard' Lish, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1349 6th ave Richard Warren N (Robinson & Richard), res Marshall,
Browneville Richards Alonzo A, elk Robinson & Richards, res Browneville 1 Richards Cornelius, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linnwood , Richards Ellen (wid Reuben), res Broadnax, N Girard | Richards James L, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broadnax nr Gayle,
N Girard Richards John, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Girard Richards John, c, teamster, res Wynnton Hill Richards Lawrence, res Broadnax N Girard Richards Miss Louie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad) nax, N Girard { Richards Warren, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Ingersoll, Browne
ville I Richardson Anna, c, res Bottom nr Wynnton ! Richardson Cullen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co I Richardson Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg
Richardson George, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard! Richardson Gracie, c, laundress, res 407 15th Richardson James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Richurdson James, c, res 831 9th ave Richardson Jessie, c, laundress, res Bottom, Wynnton Richardson Johni, c, lab, res Cooleyville Richardson John, c, lab, res 407 loth Richardson Joseph, c, gardener Samuel Eberhart Richardson L E', wks Eagle & Phenix M'fg Co* Richardson Martha (wid John), res 1719 Talbotton ave Richardson Minnie,; c, res 829 9th ave Richardson Susan A, farmer, res Broadnax coy Gale, N Girard Richardson Sophia, c, res 529 3d ave Richmond Emma, c, domestic G O Berry
Ritldle Andrew J, Photographer 1010 Broad, bds Hotel

EDWARD A. SEWARD, Advertising; in all its branches. Estimates

on contracts per hundred upwards, on

no. 12th street, rainier House, Sign and Ornamental Do into** 9

Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every business.

6. E,


Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.

E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Riddle Mrs Annie E (Mrs A E Riddle & Son), res Plotel Riddle
Riddle Mrs A E & Son (Mrs Annie E and George A
Riddle), Proprs Plotel Riddle 1st ave n e cor 13th Riddle Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Riddle Miss Dora, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1 Abert, Browne-
Riddle Miss Elizabeth, \wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Riddle George A, wks A E Riddle & Son, bds Hotel Riddle Riddle Henry, res 1 Abert, Browneville Riddle Miss H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Riddle -John W (Starke & Riddle), bds Hotel Riddle Riddle Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1 Aber
Browneville Ridenhour Alma, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Ridenhour Arthur, elk J D Smith & Bro, res 514 1st ave Ridenhour John D, butcher, res Linnwood Ridenhour T Frank, elk Jacob Hecht, res 514 1st ave Ridenhour Wm S, bkpr J D Smith & Bro, bds 514 1st ave Ridgely Reuben W, res 400 4th ave Ridley Miss Almedia, seamstress, res 1416-^ 1st ave Ridley Bertha, c, domestibC R Russell Ridley Zachari'ah, c, porter Brannon & Carson, res Cooleyville Riles Reuben, c, huckster, stall 15, City Market, res Wynnton Riley Alonzo, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Riley Benjamin, c, switchman C & W R R, res Bottom, nr
Wynnton Riley Brooks, c, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 323 13th Riley Eli, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Riley Ellen (wid James), res 902 4th ave Riley Jane, c, res 813 4th ave Riley John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Riley-Mrs j E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Riley L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Riley Peter, c, lab, res 802 7th ave

s O a a. Wat r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, at

drug STORES.


FAIR ADJUSTMENTS, And Prompt Payments. (

Telephone 104,



Riley Pleasant, c, lab, res 841 6th ave Riners John, c, lab, res Cooleyville Rivers Sarah (wid James), res 525 6th ave
Robarts see also Roberts Robarts Andrew M, store elk C & W Div C R R, bds429 Broad Robarts Clyde C, mess "W TJ Tel Co, bds 429 Broad Robarts James A, 1st Eieilt Police, res 429 Broad Robergs Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,
N Girard Roberts see also Robarts Roberts Miss Annie, elk J A Kirven & Co, res Bridge, Girard Roberts A, wks Columbus Iron Wks Roberts Miss Edith, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1440 1st
ave Roberts Edmund S, Florist, Bridge, Girard, res same Roberts Edward F, saloon, 1400 1st ave, res Birmingham, Ala Roberts Eli, c, carp res 1314 5th ave Roberts Green, wks Browne's Steam Cottooa Mills Roberts Henry, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Girard Roberts James H, driver Columbus R R Co, res 114^ 18th Roberts Johns S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co Roberts John W, bartender Sans Souei, bds Central Hotel Roberts Joseph, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Roberts Joseph H, c, porter F Conti Roberts Mary L (wid Joseph), res 1440 1st ave Roberts Miss Mollie E, tailoress Chancellor & Pearce, res
Bridge, Girard Roberts Miss R A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Roberts Thomas S, printer J S Stewart, res Bridge, Girard Roberts Miss Tressil, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1440
1st ave Robertson see also Robinson Robertson Alexander, c, lab, res 23 Curtis Quarters, Wvnnton Robertson Edith (wid 'Narthariidl), ires 115 16th Robertson George W, brakeman C & W R R


Office, 1243 6th ave.

telephone 84.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Robertson Henry, c, porter E M Averett, res 821 7th- ave Robertson Henry, c, lab, res 18th Rose Hill Robertson Julia, c, domestic C J Thornton Robertson Mrs Nancy, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1410 Broad Robertson Robert B, brakeman C R R, res Sand Fort rd, Gi
rard Robinette Miss Alice, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand
Fort rd, Girard Robinette Jane (wid Granville), tailoress G J Peacock, res
Sand Fort rd, Girard Robinette Thomas, c, lab, res 812 Short Robinson see also Robertson Robinson Miss Alice, wks G J Peacock, bds 437 3d ave Robinson Augustus, c, driver Carlisle Terry Robinson Berry,, c, painter, res 3d ave bet 21st and 22d` Robinson Miss Clara, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall, Browneville Robinson Clara, c,. laundress, 610 2d ave Robinson Miiss Claudia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go,.res Mar
shall, Browneville Robinson David, c, lab), res Wynntons rd Robinson Eliza (wid' F A),, res 918 3d ave Robinson# Fannie A,, c,. teacher 6th Ave Public School, res 610
2d ave Robinson Frederick A, delivery elk and supt carriers post-
office, bds 918 3d aveRobinson F, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Robinson George A, elk J Kyle & C, bds 918 3d ave Robinson Henry, c, lab, res 6th ave bet 15th and 16th Robinson Miss Jessie, dressmkr, res 1727 Talbotton ave Robinson Jordon, c, lab, res 3d ave bet 22d and 23d Robinson J F, live stock, bds Central Hotel Robinson J H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Robinson Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall, Browneville

3 Ws School Shoes, T- f,



Manufacturers of [Steam and Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every de


Telephone 154.


Robinson Madison, c, Plasterer, res Rose Hill
Mills Robinson Mary, c, laundress, res 1018 6th ave Robinson Mary, c, laundress, res 1315 6th ave Robinson Mary A, (wid W L) wks G J Peacock, res 437 3d ave
Robinson M W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Robinson Miss Neina S, res 802 3d ave Robinson Pelham, mailing elk Enquirer-Sun, bds 437 3d ave
Robinson Richard, c, lab, res 1633 5th ave Robinson Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall , Browneville Robinson Samuel, (Robinson & Richard) res Browneville
Robinson Samuel, c, lab, res 416 17th Robinson Samuel H, boss Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 44 \ an
Buren, Browneville Robinson Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall,
Browneville Robinson Thomas C, res 525 2d ave Robinson Wilbaurn, boss Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Mar
shall, Browneville Robinson Wm, c, carp, res Dale ave, Browneville Robinson Wm T, fruits and confectionery 918 Broad, res same
Robinson Miss Willie, bds 437 3d ave Robinson W H, (wid Wm L) res 502114th Robinson & Richard, (Samuel Robinson and Warren N Rich
ard) variety store Marshall, Browneville Rodgers Alonzo, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Rodgers Ann E, (wid James) res River, Girard Rodgers Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 935 Front
Rodgers Georgb, c, drayman, res 822 7th ave Rodgers George W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 510 15th
Rodgers Hannah, c, res 410 8th Rodgers Harriett, c, laundress, res 218 8th Rodgers Jackson, c, lab, res 809 4th ave Rodgers John, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders'Supplies


Telephone 70.


C. H. LEQUIN, jewelry,


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Rodgers John Wr (V R Cantrell & Co), res 212 Chappell. Rodgers J H, wks- Clegg Mfg Co Rodgers Miss Lola, seamstress, res River, Girard] Rodgers L\icy, c, res 831 5th ave Rodgers Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg- Co* res Alleny,
Browneville Rogers A M, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mill Rogers Caroline, c, cook J T Pearce, res 1709 1st ave, Rogers Cyntha (wid Thomas), res Talbotton ave Rogers C Ai, whs Muscogee Mfg CoRogers David, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 1604 1st ave Rogers Isaiah H, painter, bds al bet Van Buren and Jacksom
Girard Rogers Jackson, c, wks Jackson & Dryer, res Wynns Hill Rogers lolin F, Genl Store and Agt New Home Sewing
Machine, Broadnax nr Bridge, Girardi, res Allen, Browne ville Rogers John T, wheelwright Broadnax, Girard, res Allen, Browneville Rogers Miss Julia, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res BfownevilleRogers Osborne, c, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 6th: avebet15th and 16th Rogers Quill S, c, porter Hotel Riddle Rogers Shepherd, c, barber Hotel Riddle, res 6th ave bet 8th. and 9th Roland Carrie (wid Jacob), bds 617 1st ave Roland Jake A, tel operator C R R, bds 617 1st aveRoland John, carp, res 1328 Broad Roland Nancy (wid Wm), res 1330 Broad Rolers Miss Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg. CoRollins Sarah, c, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th Rome Wm, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Root Wm, porter J W Howard, res Talbotton rd' Roper Emma (wid Joseph), res 439 Broad Roper Miss Ida, operator Telephone Exchange 617 1st ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

GEORGIA STEAM HAS PIPE CO. Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at 1035 Broad St.



Roper Jamie, cashboy C P Gray & Co, bds 439 Broad Roper Samuel T, eng C R R, res G17 1st ave Roquemore Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Roquemore Katie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Roquemore Minnie-wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Roquemore-Peter W, wks Eagle &: Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road. Browneville Roquemore S L, bds 1014 1st ave Rose Hill Park, Hamilton ave bet 20th and 21st aves Rose Hill Public School, A C Flewellen, Miss^A B Redd, teach
ers, 21st nr Hamilton ave Rose Michael, musician, bds 1014 1st ave Ross E T, Avks Mucogee Mfg Co Ross Isaac, cr cotton sampler Alabama Avarehousefbtfe 1609
3d ave Ross John, c, lab, res 525 3dave Ross LaFayette, c, Avks Muscogee Oil Co Ross Rachel, c, laundress, res 1619 4th ave Ross Sofh, c; domestic Mrs B Phillips Ross Spencer, c, lab Berry's brick yard, res Cooleyvdlle Ross Thomas, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton Ross Thomas N, carp C R R, res Girard Rosser Elbert, c, brakeman C & R R R, res Greenville, Ga Rothschild Barney, tel 152, grocer and dry goods, 701 3d a\rer
res same Rothschild David, general store, 1247 Broad, res 1245^- Broad Rothschild Gerson, elk D Rothschild, bds 1245^ Broad Rothschild Herman, with B Rothschild, res 701 3d ave Ruott Miss Georgia, music teacher Chappell's Seminary, bds
838 3d ave Rowe Alexander H, policeman, res 833 3d ave RoAAre James.O, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,
Browneville RoAve John R, elk J F Bartlett, res 109 10th


At 1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)

EMPIRE STABLES You want your Horse and
Buggy properly attended to, patronize the


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Rowe Mary A (vvid Daniel), res 320 14th Rowe Moss, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Rowe Sarah A (wid James) res Ingersoll, Browneville Rowe Wm A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg-Co, res Ingersoll, Browne
ville Rowe Wm D, canvasser Singer Mfg Co, res 1533 3d ave Rowell Daniel, elk, res Abert, Girard Rowell Mollie, c, res 214 8th Rowells Charles, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Rowland Little, lab Muscogee Mfg Co, res 816 7th ave Royal Ella, c, chambermaid Hotel Riddle Royal John, c, wks Berry's br.ick yard Royal Kate, c, res 825 6th ave Rucker Annie, c, res 615 4th ave Rucker George, c, wood sawyer, res 425 5th ave Rudin Gustavus O, chf elk agt C R R, res 1116 5th ave Ruff Edward, c, market gardener stall 32 City market., lets
Wynnton Ruff Greene, c, lab, res 1722 Talbotton ave Rugg James B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad nr
Bridge, Girard Rumsey Daniel, elk, res 1324 6th ave Rurnsey James B, elk J H Rumsey, res same Rumsey John H, grocer and saloon 1245-1247 1st ave, res
same Rumsey Nettie, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1324 6th ave Rttlitlell Charles R> Agt So Exp Co, 1225 Broad, res same Rush James A, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browne-
ville Rush John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 93 Payne,
Browneville Rush John W, teamster, res Browneville Rush Miss Lilie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 93 Payne,
Browneville' Rush Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Aenchbacher & Preer, E"thi,n9 gbooeIs-

J 1129|Broa<LStret.

(See p 2)

WQQLWINE HIGH SCHOOL habits of self-reliance in


(Seep 8) study and recitation.



Rush Martha S, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Rush Mary L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Rush Missouri P (wid Smith), res 93 Payne, Browneville Rush Miss S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Rush T R, bds 11th n e cor Front Rusher Minerva (wid Andrew), bds 301 16th Rush Thomas, operator W U Tel Co, bds 11th cor Front Russ Miss Lucy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 3 Jackson,
Russ Miss Mollie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 3 Jackson, Browne ville
Russ Miss Susie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson, Browneville
Russ Thomas D, carp, res 3 Jackson, Browneville Russell Andrew, lab, res 412 6th Russell Birdie, e, res 804 4th ave Russell Charles R, lawyer, res 208 13th Russell D, wks Columbus Iron Wks Russell H, wks Clegg Mfg Co Russell James, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 600 4th ave Russell James, wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 1617 3d ave Russell James, carp, res 1512 1st ave Russell Joseph, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 1404 Broad Russell Julia, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill Russell Missouri, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Russell Nathan, c, wks Berry's brickyard Russell Pleasant, c, lab, res rear 818 4th ave Russell Susan E, (wid Jonas) res 426 5th ave Russell Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Russell Wm, grocer 600 4th ave, res same Russell Wm, c, lab, res N Girard Rutherford Adam, c, lab, res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th Rutherford Charles, c, cotton sampler, res 5th ave bet 15th and
Rutherford Clem, c, drayman, res 533 3d ave

Contractor AMD Builder, Mo, 9 12th street.

Please forward plans, and I will furnish you estimates on all kinds of Build-
ing, Carpentering and Kepairing.


G. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. lOlO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Rutherford Henry, r shoemkr Israel Smith, res 2d.ave-bet 20th
and 21st Rutzler George F, supt compress C R R, res 118 7tin Ryals Reuben, c, wks Market house, res 502 6th' ave'
Ryan Miss Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ryan Miss Martha, seamstress, res Bottom, nr Wynnton rd Ryckeley Alfred E, elk T M Foley, bds 620 1st ave
Ryckeley Charles E, policeman, res 419 Broad Ryckeley George J, carp T L Gruzard, bds 620 l'st ave Ryckeley Louis T, elk -J A Kirven & Co, res 438 Broad
Ryckeley Mary, (wid John E) res 620 1st ave


St Clair John, policeman, res 503 3d ave

St James A M E Church, Rev Lawrence Thomas, c, pastor 6th

ave bet 10th and llt.h

St Johns A M E Church, Rev T N M Smith, c, pastor 5th ave

bet 15th and 16th

St Joseph's Academy, conducted by Sisters of Mercy, Sister

Mary Angela in charge 3d ave cor 12th

St Luke A M E Church, Rev Janies II McGehee, r, pastor.

Bridge, Girard

St Luke Church South, Rev A M Williams, pastor, 2d ave cor


St Marks A M E Church, Rev M I) Brookens, c, pastor, 2d ave

s e cor 6th

St Paul M E Church South, Rev W F Lloyd, pastor, 3d ave s

e cor 13th

Salisbury John P, elk C E Hochstrasser & Co, bds 1018 Front

Salisbury Joseph H, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1018 Front

Salisbury Samuel, bkpr George, Swift & Hamburger, res 22


Salisbury Sarah J, (wid W L) res 1018 Front

On Draught at







For Two Annual Premiums, j Fir tLYphoTe fS'"''



Salisbury Thomas, (C E Hochstrasser & Co) bds 1018 Front Sammis Mary Ann, (wid-) res 701 1st ave Sampson Mollie, c, res 311 5th
Samuels Perry, c, lab Columbus Barrell Mfg Co, res 436 3d ave Sanders see also Saunders
Sanders Miss Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Ingersoll, Browneville
Sanders Miss C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sanders Elizabeth C (wid Reuben), res Long, Girard
Sanders Emma, seamstress, res 25 Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Sanders Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 13081
Sanders Miss Fannie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Ingersoll, Browneville
Sanders George, c, lab res43554h ave
Sanders George W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville
Sanders Isaac, carp, bds 743- 1st ave Sanders John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sanders John, c lab A G Redd, res Cooleyville Sanders John R, carp res 743 1st ave
Sanders Miss Kate, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Ingersoll,. Browneville
Sanders Lizzie, c, laundress, res 435 5th ave Sanders Lucy, c, laundress, res 14th cor 5th ave Sanders Mrs Martha J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lon^
Sanders Madora S (wid Edward), res Ingersoll, Browneville Sanders Susan, wks Muscogee Mfg Co I Sanders Wm, musician, res Long, Girard Sanders Willie, c. domestic T J Hunt, bds 532 1st ave Sanders Miss Willie, dressmkr, bds 1026 2d ave Sanford James, c, waiter W F Sullivan [Sans Souci, J H Edwards, Propr, Saloon and Billiards, 1020
Broad (Seep 59)

rl&RWSFY mini FV Ri

Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard-


I v L I

1 ^ ing, Brackets, Pickets, Mantels, &c.


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 8i.

C. Schomburg, Silverware. Spectacles and Optical Goods, 1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Saturday Evening Item The (weekly), Chafin & Renfroe, pio-

prietors. Marshall, Browneville Sapp Anthony, c. lab, res 40/ 17th, Rose Hill Sapp Grace, c, laundress, res Wvnnton rd

Sapp Mollie, c, res 704 9th Sappington Mrs R, bds Hotel Riddle Sargeant Miss Eliza, wks Eagle & Phemx Mfg Co, res Cran

ford rd, N Girard

,, c, ,

Sargent John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Crawford rd,

N Girard Sauls Absolom H, tinner F 5 Ardle, res 421 2d ave Sauls C G, patternmkr Columbus Iron W ks, bds <32 1st ave

Sauls E C, wks Columbus Iron Wks Sauls Miss Lelia, elk C P Gray & Co bds 423 Broad Sauls Miss Marcie, elk C P Gray & Co, bds 423 Broad
Sauls Victoria (wid Wm E), res 423 Broad

Sauls Wm C, res 421 1st ave

. ,

Sauls Wm Id, cigar mnfr 942 Broad, res 732 1st ave

Saunders see also Sanders


Saunders Miss B, wks Eagle & Phemx Mfg Co

Saunders Charles, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Saunders John R M, div storekpr C R R, res 1102 5th ave

Saunders J, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks

rAa i in9

Saunders Mrs Lizzie E, teacher Girls Public School, res 110

5tli ave Savage Andrew, c, lab, res 710 9th _ Savage Miss Jennie, wks Eagle & Phemx Mfg to
Sawyer Mary (wid Louis), res Jackson, A Girard

Sayers see also Sears Sayers Matilda (wid Wm H), res Browneville Saxon Calvin, fruits and confectionery 16 10th, res same Saxon James M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 31 Forsyth,


. Ar, n

Saxon Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Saxton James, elk T J Pittman, res Browneville

Gold Lock Bal Shoes, T. J. HUNT, iil'lOtli Street.

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers Of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Scandling Emanuel, c, fireman Clegg Mfg Co, res 231 23d bet 2d and 3d ave
Scarbrough John, elk J M Estes & Son, res Wynnton Scarbrough -John W, carp, res Slades lane Linnwood Scarbrough Lemuel A, tel 101, grocer and feed 1015 Broad, res*
803 1st ave
Scarbrough Mi&s Mary A, wks Swift Mfg Oo, res Slades lane, Linnwood
Scarbrough Miss Rena, wks Swift Mfg Co> res Slades lane, Linnwood'
Schlenke Rev Henry, pastor Church of the Holy Family, res 4th ave s w cor 12th
Schley Albert, c, porter A G Rhodes & Co, res Shortervilley Ala
Schley Annie, c, domestic Jacob Broda
Scliley Edward B, Tel 119. Homcepathic Physician 11004 Broad, bds 204 11th
Schley Emma, c, res 614 9th
Schley Samuel, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Schnell Miss Gussie, bds 111 6th
Schnell John, foreman Columbus Bagging Mill, res 111 6th. Schnell John D, trav salesman J K Orr & Co, bds 111 6th Schnell Wm, brickmason, bds 111 6th
Schomhurg1 Carl, Watchmkr and Jeweler 1115 Broad, res 506 Front (See right top lines and p 2)
Scherrman Joseph, confectioner and baker 12401 Broad, res same
Schrimshire Thomas, res Summerville, Browneville Sehubinsky Simon, dry goods and clothing, 1230 Broad, res
same Scott Allen, c, lab Columbus R R Co Scott Alonzo, c, wood, res 18th Rose Hill; Scott Clara, c, domestic T J Dudley Scott Creed, c, porter Garrett & Sons Scott Dinah, c, domestic N N Curtis

T. L GRUZARD Paints and Hardware.

deals in


R. I,. POJ^K & CO.'S
Scott Elizabeth (wid Thomas), bds 1010 4th ave Scott Elizabeth, c, res 8th bet 8th and 9th aves Scott Ella, c, laundress, res 809 7th ave Scott Frederick, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co Scott George W Mfg Co, T J Hunt, agt, guano mfg, office 1207
Broad Scott Henry, wks Eagle & PhenLx Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd,
Girard Scott Henry, wks Eagle & Phemix Mfg Co Scott Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad,
Browneville Scott James, c, lab, res Cooleyville Scott John W, chief cook Rankin House Scott Katie, c, laundress, res 534 4th ave Scott Lewis, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd,
Girard Scott Murrell, bkpr C P Gray & Co, bds Central Hotel iSeott Wm, c, porter Garrett & Sons Scott Wm D, warehouse and commission merchant 10 w^ 10th,
bds Central Hotel Scotzski Abraham, elk Bee Hive, bds 603 5th ave Screens Sarah, c, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton Screws Anne (wid John), res 1520 1st ave Screws Henry, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Screws L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Scroggin Jane (wid Thomas), res 1523 1st ave Sealey Geors^ M, c, porter Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, res
4th ave bet 7th and 8th Seals Smith, elk McD Blanchard, bds 1212 2d ave Seals Warren, c, lab, res 414 2d ave Sears see also Sayers Sears George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sears John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sears Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sears Miss Kancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Hose of all kinds. Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain and

Sewer Pipe.

1 035 Broad 9t.



Seay Henry, carp, res Broad, N Girard
Seay Mrs Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, N Girard
Second Baptist Church, Rev J W Howard pastor, 1st ave bet 14th and loth
Sedberry see also Saidberry
Sedberry Henry, watchman steamer Fannie Fearn, res 842 Front
Sedberry Oscar, elk Bee Hive, bds 13 7th
Sedberry Wiley H, eng steamer Aid, res 843 1st ave Seely John, res 402 Broad Seeman Herman, tailor H Gever, bds 824 3d ave
Seen Mrs Emeline. tailoress G J Peacock, res Russell county, Ala
Seenn Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Segar Henry, c, lab, res Gavle, Browneville
Seligman Bernard, mngr Simon Seligman 1019 Broad, bds 710 3d ave
Seligman Jacob, elk Simon Seligman, bds 710 3d ave Seligman Morris C, res 710 3d ave
Seligman Simon, Bernard Seligman mngr, clothing and men's furnishing goods 1019 Broad and 22 10th, res New York
Sellers Ida (wid John), res Lively, Ala Sellers John, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Sellers Mrs J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sellers Mattie wks Clegg Mfg Co, bds 508 14th Sellers Miss Mary, res 508 15th
Sellman Henry C, tailor Mrs N E Sellman, res McCollister, Browneville
Sellman Miss Minnie, tailoress Mrs N E Sellman, res McCol lister, Browneville
Sellman Nancy E (wid Henry), tailoress 11014 Broad, res Mc Collister, Browneville
Sells G Taylor, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 10 Thomas, Browneville

Furniture of all kinds a. f. gibsqn & go.

1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(Jeo p BJ

Is Best Place for
Dealers in Lire Steel
K. L. POLK & CO.'S
Sells Jesse, carrier Columbus Ledger Sells Thomas R, foreman printer Thomas Gilbert, res 501 1st
ave Senior Elbert, c, lab, res 3d ave bet 19th and 20th Servants Lucy, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Sessions Miss Amanda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 15
Forsyth, Browneville Sessions Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix; Mfg Co, res 15
Forsyth, Browneville Sessions Miss Eva, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sessions Jesse, wks Swift Mfg Co Sessions Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 15 For
syth, Browneville Sessions Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 15
Forsyth, Browneville Sessions Mrs Susan, res 15 Forsyth. Browneville Sessions Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 15 Jackson, Browne
ville Severn E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Seward Edward A, house and sign painter, 9 12th, res 922
Front Sewell Amanda (wid Wm), res 1543 5th ave Sewell James W,*ks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, res Brownville Sewell Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1543 5th aveSewell Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & PhenisMfgs. C$. Browne
ville Sewell Rhoda, Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, bd's 1543 5th ave Sewell Miss J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sewell Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Seymore George W, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Seymore Mattie, wks Swift Mfg Co Seymore Melonia, wks Swift Mfg Co Seymore Robert E, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Linwood Shackelford James B, pharmacist J F Shackelford, bds 1314
4th ave
Aenchkcher & Freer,





Shackelford John F, drugs 15 10th and Broadnax nr Bridge, Girard, res 1314 4th ave
Shackelford Miss Maggie E, bds 1314 4th ave Shadwick see also Chadwick Shad wick James, wlcs Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co Shadwick Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mig Co Shadwick Miss Patsy, res 1219^- 1st ave Shady Grove Baptist Church, c, Rev Oliver H Jackson, pastor,
2d ave cor 19th, res 1st ave bet 20th and 21st Shand Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Shannou Wm,.wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1915 2d ave Sharp Alexander, c, lab Harvey A Dudley Sharp Frank M. wks Eagle & Phenix ML Co, res Long,
Sharp Mrs Julia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sharp L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Sharp Mary A (wid Warren), res 131(1 Broad Sharp Madame Nellie, res 826 Front Sharp Wm L, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 606 14th
Sharp Miss Willie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Shaver James, w'ks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax nr
Gayle, N Girard
Shave! Miss Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad nax, nr Gayle, N Girard
Shaver Miss Lula, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broadnax nr Gavle, N Girard
Shaver Miss Martha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad nax nr Gayle, N Girard
Shavers Alice, wrks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Collins, Browneville
Shavers Andrew F, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1416 Broad Shavers Ike, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill
Shavers John Wesley, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1416 Broad Shavers Morgan, carrier Columbus Ledger, bds Browneville Shavers Robert, street overseer, res Collins, Browneville


House Sign and Ornamental No. 9 12th Street.


Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on
Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every

6. E. THOMAS. Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City. -lOlO Broad Street.


K, L. POLK & CO.'S

Shaw George C, trav salesman J E Deaton, res Wynnton 'Shaw John, elk G H Markham Shaw John A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Van Buren,
Browneville 'Shaw Jonathan A, printer Enquirer-Sun, res Browneville Shaw Robert W, carp, res 1025 6th ave Shaw Wm, farmer, res Linwood 'Shaw Wm, c, carp, res 210 8th ."Shaw Wm D, trav salesman, res Linwood "Shay Wm, c, horse clipper, res 1220 1st ave 'Shehan Daniel, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co `Shehan Ellen, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mills Shehan Eugene, vwks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 939 Front Shehan Jesse C, carp, res Abert, Browneville Shehan John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Shehan Mrs Ophelia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Shehan Wm, wks Browne's Steam Cotton Mill, res 8 Jackson,
Browneville Shell Claude W, wks Pearce's Factory, bds Front bet 13th and
14th Shell Harvie B, wks Pearce's Factory, bds Front bet 13th and
14th Shell Lee. wks Pearce's Factory, bds Front bet 13th and 14th Shell Wm H, foreman Pearce Factory, res Front bet 13th and
14th Shelly Charles, c, wks Jackson & Dryer, res 5th ave bet 16th
and 17th Shelton Allen, c, lab, res 434 4th ave Shelton Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Shelton Edward, c, wks J T Shepherd, c, res 1st ave bet 18th
and 19th Shelton George, c, wks J T Shepherd, c, res 305 17th Shelton Jenetta, (wid Alexander) res 1243-^ 1st ave Shelton Joseph jr, c, lab, res 305 17th Shelton Lucy, c, res 3d ave bet 6th and 7th

Hall & Wheat prescr^n o^ggists

1016 and 1142 broad street.

* Only KightiBell in the city.

S. STEWART,) ,, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, &c.

Steam Power Printer, )' - Wall Paper & Decorations


13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, CA.


Shelton Miss Mary A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1243.}lst ave
Shelton Menzo D, physician, office U H Smith & Co, res Mar shall, cor Broad, Browneville
'Shelton Oliver, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co "Shelton P, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Shelton Richard, c, lab, res 618 9th Shelton Thomas, c, lab, res 504 4th ave Shelton Wm, c, brickmason, res 618 9th rSherdon Barbara, c, domestic W L Clark Sheridan George W, tinner F J McArdle, res Ingersoll, Browne
ville Sherwood George C, elk C A Klink, res 1517 3d ave iShepard Andrew, cotton buyer, res Wynnton Shepard Charles, c, lab, res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th Shepard Mrs Henrietta, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Shepard Thomas, hackman Wm Munday, res 110 8th Shepherd Albert W, market gardener, stall 23, City Market, res
Wynnton Shepherd A IT, bkpr W S Jenkins, res Wynnton Shepherd Edward, farmer, res Wynnton Shepherd John T, Painter and Glazier, 1218 1st ave, res
1654 4th ave (See p 59) Shepherd Wm S, farmer, res Limvood Shepperson Clement C (C C Shepperson & Co), res 445 2d ave Shepperson C C & Co (Clement C Shepperson and John
J Mason), Proprs The Columbus Clothing Co, 17 12th Sherley Mittie, res 416 4th ave Shields Albert, trav Salesman Kern & Loeb, res 806 3d ave Shields Charles, elk M Joseph, bds 806 3d ave Shields Jacob M, res 806 3d ave Shiloh Baptist Church, Rev Joseph G Noland, pastor, N Rail
road, Browneville Shiloh Baptist Church, Rev J B Reese, pastor, Crawford rd 25
miles, services 4th Saturdays and Sundays

SPECIALTY, stair work of every descrip
tion. Tj.ephone 84.

1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)

R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Shingbur James A, cotton buyer, res 1416 Front

Shirah Mrs Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Shirah Miss G W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Shirah I N, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Shirah R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Shipp Charles J. lawyer, 1005-J- Broad, bds 828 3d ave-

Shiver Edward A, trav salesman, res 502 12th

Shivers George, c, wks Columbus,Iron Wks

Shivers Susan, c, domestic J P Murray

Shivers Wright, c, lab Berry's brick yard, res 714 9th

Shoats Andrew, c, glazier, bds 918 4th ave

Shores Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds-1518

1st ave Shores Henry C (Shores & Niblit), res 1522 1st ave

Shores James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1518 1st ave

Shores John, wks Muscogee Mfg Co

Shores Wm H, guard chain gang, res 1518 1st ave

Shores & Niblit (Henry C Shores, Burns Niblit), blacksmiths

and wheelwrights Broadnax | mile, N Girard

Short Dempsey, c, hackman, res Wynnton rd

Short Elbert, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 1805 Talbotton ave

Short John, wks Brownes Cotton Mill

Short Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne-



Short Melfredr wks- Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co-, res Browneville

Shorter Charles S (C S Shorter-& Co), res Front- s e cor 11th

Shorter C S & Cortel 123 (Charles S Shorter and Kershaw*

& Jones), mdse brokers 10 10th

Shorter Jerre, c, grocer 33-1 18th, res same

Shorter John W, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1522 1st ave

Shorter Moses, c, lab, res 515 6th ave

Shorter Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Shorter Paris, c, lab, res 825 7th ave

Shorter Perry, c, lab Golden Bros

Shorter Miss Rosa, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1522 1st ave

ladies' and Gents Boots and Shoei
21 10th Street.

General Hardware, STOYES,*Paints and Oils,
Agricoltoral Implements, Railroad and Contractors' Supplies.
Paid to Policy Holders since Organization, $104,738,998.31
* Ctfe anb Ctccibent-f
COLZEY & MALONE, Agents, ^ Write All Ms of Policies.
1035 Broad Street.


liquors attb (tobaccos



,Hir W

'iqpi"'qprjr<ty> 'HT V"W 'HP'^ni*-1vr



w V^Ni','nBr,8rHir'nr w H



A. J. BETHUNE, Proprietor,
Tin, Woodenware, Crockery, Glassware Cigars, etc. --
USTo* 1022 IBx'oaidL S^bzro!},


Undertakers and Funeral Directors.
Practical Undertaker $ Embalmer . . . is with us. . . .
Office 'Phone 67, 2 Calls; Residence 'Phone 67.
Lockwood Brothers,

*r-sr -mr-tnr ^nr w'-vuriirV ,mp ^ '*' v w hk* sr



Plans. Specifications and Superintendence for all Classes of Buildings.


U. H. Smith & Bro.,


* Druggists*


Cor. 13th St. and 1st Ave.

No. 519 12th Street.
+Drogs, Tobacco, Cigars and Soda Water*



bii m

irnif"tr|ii'T;iir'nqfP-niii"iup-Tii|i"iq|r'mp-n||n-q|tinqpr-'n]1i-m1p-njp'ii[iir.i||i'"'i||n-|iiin-i||i|,'i|]['"'i||i'-'i||i`"'nii'i'i|i`",m'''iiii'',|iiPr''nn",ii|ir,i|iP'',i||''"'i|i'niiii'''HP"1iiiirTi|ir-mii- ^rHiH^i'^i'~^ui,~,iiF~niirTinir,iBP"'i
Passenger 9 Baggage (Transfer,

'PHONES 78 & 93.

Open .Day and Nighty


GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators and Gin Gearing-. Telephone 154.



Shorter Miss Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1522
1st ave Shorter Winnie, domestic, J B Weisiger Shortridge Howard, c, porter Frazer & Dozier, bds Wesley
Ho,use Shreve Thomas C (Bullock & Shreve), bds Central Hotel Shroud Adaline, c, laundress, res 1326 Broad Shutze Daniel C, mngr Ludden & Bates res Wyrmton Siddall Margaret (,wid Thomas), wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,
res Benton, Browneville Sigel Couch, wks Columbus Barrel Factory, bds 12th cor 10th
ave Sigers Miss Ada, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Sigers Benjamin, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co Sigers Miss Ida, wks Eagle it Phenix Mtg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Sigers .John S, shoemkr, res Forsyth, Browneville Sigler John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 935 Front Singer Mfg Co The, T T Miller, Mngr, Sewing Machines
1212 Broad Simmons Abraham A, wks U L Martin, res McDougal, Girard Simmons Charles, c, lab, res 18th Rose Hill Simmons Clara, c, res 1720 Talbotton ave Simmons Eliza, c, chambermaid Central Hotel Simmons Frank, c, wks C & W R R, res Cooleyville Simmons Frank, c, lab, res 1708 3d ave Simmons Mary, c, domestic Leo Loeb Simmons Mrs M F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Simmons Ptolemy N, printer Thomas Gilbert, res Front bet
13th and 14th Simmons S Lee, elk O'Neal & Brooks, res 1034 1st ave Simmons Thomas, c, lab, res Abert, N 'Girard Simmons Walter G, elk John Noble, bds 1137 1st ave Simmons Wm, cash boy C P Gray & Co, bds Girard

Slate and Iron Mantels < Telephone 70.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Simons A, gen'l mdse and saloon, 522 10th, res 516 10th Simons Herman, elk Moses Simons, bds 1011 4th ave Simons Max (M Simons & Son), bds 1011 4th ave Simons Moses (M Simons & Son), res 1011 4th ave Simons M & Son (Moses and Max) grocers and saloon 522
Simpson Charles M D, policeman, res 1835 1st ave Simpson Frederick, c, lab, res 438 4th ave
Simpson Joseph H, section master M & G R R, res M& O R R nr Bridge, S Girard
Simpson Leila,, wks Clegg Mfg Co Simpson Mary, c, domestic R T Gregory Sims Andrew, c, farmer, res 1713 Talbottoh ave Sims Bose, c, lab, res 729 6th ave Sims Daniel, c, wks C & W R R Sims Dock, c, wrks O C Kullock Sims Ida, c, laundress, res 6th bet 2d and 3d aves Sims Jacob, c, lab, res Bottom nr Wynnton Sims James, c, lab, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Sims Jane, c, laundress, res 28 Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Sims John W, c, porter Boughton & Co, res 731 2d ave Sims Joseph, c, plasterer and whitewasherrres 1029 7th ave Sims Maria, c, laundress, res 731 2d ave Sims Mattie, c, domestic W R Brown Sims Miss R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sims Sad, c, lab, res 721 2d ave Sims Sallie, c, domestic J H Brown Sims Thomas, c, porter I L Pollard Sims Warren, c, lab, res Talbotton rd, Rose Hill Singleterry Mrs Eugenia F, tailoress G J Peacock, res Girard Singleterry Henry, wks Columbus Iron W7ks, res 14 Broad, N
Sixth Ave Public School, c, W II Spencer, c, principal, 6th ave cor 11th
Skellv Anna, c, laundress, res 430 4th are

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments


Iron Pumps and Fencing,

Yard Fountains; and


' Sprinklers.




Skinner Elbert F, policeman, res 1717 1st ave Skinner Miss Emma, dressmkr, res 944 5th ave Skinner Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Skinner James T, grocer 430 2d ave, res same Skinner Lewis D, wks Bartlett, Newman & Co, res Bridge, nr
Broad, Girard Skinner Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Skinner Walter A, boilermkr Columbus Iron Wks, res Bridge,
nr Broad, Girard Skinner Welcome P, grocer 8th cor 5th ave, res same Skipper Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 104
15th Skipper Miss Evaline E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Dale
ave Browneville Skipper Isaac B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Dale ave,
Browneville Skipper James A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Dale ave,
Browneville Skipper John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Skipper Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1611 1st ave Skotzky Abraham, elk Bee Hive, res 603 5th ave Slade Emma, (wid J B) res 1319 4th ave Slade James D, wks Enquirer-Sun, bds 1319 4th ave Slade James J, principal Slade Male Academy and gen ins 8
12th, res 10th ave, Linwood Slade Male Academy, James J Slade, principal, 10th ave, Lin
wood Slade Richard, warehouseman, bds 1319 4th ave Slade Wm B, lawyer and actuary Home Ins Co 1046 Broad, res
1339 2d Slappy John G, sewing mach agt, res 430 1st ave Slaughter Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Crawford
rd, N Girard Slaughter John IV, wks Pearce's Factory, res Crawford rd, X

AT. Gibson & Co.
' 1216>ndi1218 8road St (See p

Slaughter Rena, c, laundress, res 637 3d ave Slaughter Richard, c, lab, res 637 3d ave
Slayton Abraham M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res For syth, Browneville
Slayton Miss Belle, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Slayton Miss Dora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Slayton Frederick, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res Booneville,
nr Wynnton
Slayton Gilbert, c, lab Columbus R R Co Slayton Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Slayton Miss Isabella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res For
syth, Browneville Slayton Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth,
Browneville Slagle Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Slick Simon, c, stable boy Columbus R R Co Slocum Jesse E, candymkr Erminger & Lundy, 320 8th Small Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Smenner John E, prescriptionist McD Blanchard, res 1537 2d ave
Smith Alexander., shoemkr, res Broadnax, N Girard Smith Miss Anna, res 10th bet 6th and 7th aves Smith Miss Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3
s of 11th
Smith Mrs Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Girard
Smith Anna, c, res 804 4th ave
Smith Anne C (wid Simon) res Broad, Browneville Smith Miss Arabella L, wks G J Peacock, res Long, Girard Smith Augustus, c, lab, res 613 3d ave
Smith Augustus J, blacksmith Columbus Iron Wks, res Broad nax, N Girard
Smith Bell, c, laundress, res 833 9th ave


1129 Broad St.

(See p 2)

Weolwine High School SS;JiilSiS



not by a. hired assistant.



Smith Miss B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Caiphas, policeman, res 5th ave bet 15th and 17th Smith Cardiina, c, res 716 9th Smith Caroline, c, res 1st ave rear Central Hotel Shnith Mass Charity, res Front 3 s of 11th
Smith Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, Ixls Front -3 -e of 11th
Smith Charles, c, carrier Columbus Ledger Smith Charles, lab, res 8th bet 6th and 7th aves
Smith Charles, wks Bartlett, Newman & Co, res Browneville Smith Charles, watchman compress, res 218 5th Smith Charles, wks Swift Mfg Co Smith Miss Clara, milliner Boughton & Co Smith Clarence, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Cuff, c, lab. res 538 2d ave Smith Daniel, c, res 626 5th ave
Smith Dawson, painter Smith & Green, res Broadnax, N Girard
Smith Edna (wid John), res 1st ave cor 5th Smith Edward, Avks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Smith EdAvard, blksmith Smith & Green, res Broadnax,
Girard Smith Miss Eliza, wks G J Peacock, bds 1920 2d ave ."Smith Emily (wid Anthony F), res 119 16th Smith Ernest, wks Eagle ife Phenix Mfg Co $mith Eugene tailor H Geyer, res 1744 3d ave
Smith Mrs Fannie, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Flora, c, laundress, res 1531 5th aAre
Smith Frank C, mach Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 503 14h Smith George, Avks Columbus Iron Wks
Smith Miss Georgia, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 113 16th
Smith Gilbert, c, lab Columbus R R Co
Smith Harrison, c, butcher P L Burns, res 9th cor 5th ave Smith Henry, wks Swift Mfg Co

^ yUNQ-,

Please forward plans, and I will fum-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

Not 9 12th street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.


Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Smith Henry, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Smith Henry N, grocer, dry goods, boots and shoes Broadnax nr Gayle, N Girard, res same
Smith Hugh R, elk master of transportation C R R, res 51 1st ave
Smith Mrs H S, wks Hotel Riddle, bds same Smith Miss Ida, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 15161st ave Smith Isaac, C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg' Co, res 1308$
Broad Smith Israel, c, shoemkr 106 13th, res 5th ave, Rose Hill Smith James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bcTs' Front 3 s of
Smith James foreman carshop C R R, res 5111st ave" Smith James jr, carp C R R, res 511 1st ave Smith James B (T W Smith & Bro), res 746 1st ave Smith James Melton, lawyer and Judge Superior Court, "Web
ster Bldg Broad s w cor 10th, res 1316 3d ave Smith James P, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Broad, Browne-
ville Smith Mrs Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Janie, c, res 829 9th ave
Smith John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s of 11th Smith John, watchman, Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard Smith John, c, lab, res 1434 5th ave Smith John, c, lab, res 420 5th ave Smith John, c, lab, res Alabama, Rose Hill Smith John, c, blksmith, res Bottom nr Wynnton Smith John C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad,
Browneville Smith John D (J I) Smith & Bro), res 533 1st ave Smith John W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1516 IsLave Smith Joseph, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1415 5th
Smith Joseph J, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1224 4th ave Smith Josephine, c, cook, res Dillingham nr Front

Soda. Wat r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City, at




DM, Strongest ani Best Companies, Fire Insurance Agent.




"SmST"' Columb"s Clothing Co, res 2d ave bet
Smith Rev J B K, res 1430 3d ave Smith J D^fc Bro, tel 124 (John D and Richard P), meat mar-

Odd FelLws Ha'll Lrave C,ty


Smith Miss Kissie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 113 16th Smith Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Smith Lillie, c, res 1007 7th ave

?1U+1ilt^rLeT1' Ped]er> res Gayle, Browneville


EaS`e * Phenix Mfg 0' res BTMd-

Smith Lon wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front 3 s of 11th Sm, h Louisa- B. (wid Sidney), res Long.'oirard Smith Lula, (wid, J R), res Broad, Browneville
bmith Maria c, laundress, res Marshall, Browneville

of mh y' Eagle * Phenix Mfg Co-bds Frn` 3 * Smith Mary, laundress, res 1611 4th ave Sunth Mrs Mary, wks Browne's Cotton Mill, res Broad, N Gi-

Smitli Mary, c, domestic W J Wood S-imth Miss Mary A, res 1744 Talbotton ave
Jpattl/Wld Ernest), wks Swift Mfg Co, res 105 17th Smith Miss Mattie A, wks G J Peacock, res Long Girard "le3 L' WkS Harvey & Dudley, res 1st ave bet 9th and
Smith Milton, wks Browne's Cotton Mill, res Broad N Girard
Broad'7 (Wid CraWfrd)' Wks G J Peacock,';es 130% Smith Nancy, c, laundress, res 1333 6th ave 2 5aDC{TN ^id J,ohn R), res Front 5th s 11th
16(2Nann16' Wks EilSle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 113;
Smith Napoleon B, moulder Golden Bros

HARVEY & DUDLEY, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and


dealers in

Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 844



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Smith Nick, c, lab, res 20 s c cor 1st ave Smith Peter, c, lab, res Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Smith Pope, c, lab, res 1611 4th ave Smith Miss P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Rachel, c, domestic T H Evans Smith Rebecca, domestic J R Blow Smith Richard, farmer, res Long, Girard Smith Richard, c, waiter Rankin House Smith Richard P (J D Smith & Bro), res 533 1st ave Smith Robert, c, wks Wm Amos, res Curtis Quarters, Wynn
ton Smith Robert, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Van Buren N Girard
Smith Robert, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Smith Rosa, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville iSmith Robert L, bartender Rankin House, bds same Smith Sadie (wid James M), bds 2 18th Smith Sarah (wid John), res 11316th Smith Seborne, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res Girard Smith Simeon (Smith & Green) res Broadnax, N Girard Smith Miss Susan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Susan, c, laundress, res 121 6th Smith Susie, c, seamstress, res rear 20 11th Smith Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Promt -3 s
of 11th Smith Thomas, c, driver Richard Howard Smith Thomas, c, wks Empire Mills, res 328 7fh Smith Thomas W (T AV Smith & Bro), res 746 1st awe
Smith T F, res 727 4th ave Smith T N M, c, Pastor St Johns A M E Church, res 15th
cor 5th ave .Smith T AAr & Bro (Thomas AV and James B), grocers, 746 1st
ave Smith Ulysses H (U H Smith & Co), Mayor of Browne
ville, res Broad, Browneville





Manufacturers of^Steam and Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every o'a-


Telephone 154.



Smith (J H & Co (Ulysses H Smith, Alexander M Brannon Robert A Carson), Drugs, Marshall nr Jackson, Browneville
Smith Walter, elk O'Neal & Brooks
Smith Walter, elk Wm Freeman, res Front bet 11th and 12th Smith Wm, gardener, res 3d are bet 12th and 20th Smith Wm, wood cutter, res 847 Front Smith Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Smith Wm H, res 1st ave bet 9th and 10th
Smith Wm Hickerson, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 107 16th
Smith Wm I, grocer, 1927 2d ave, res same Smith Wm J (A G Rhodes & Co), res 727 4th ave Smith Wm M, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 204 11th Smith Wm M, policeman, res 1923 4th ave Smith Wm B, eng Swift Mfg Co, res 1224 4th ave Smith Willard, painter Smith & Green, res Broadnax, N Girard
Smith & Green (Simeon Smith, Minus S Green), blksmiths, wagon and carriage builders 1214 1st ave
Smolks Frederick, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, res Girard Sinolks Mrs Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Girard Smothers Simon, c, hallman Rankin House Sneed Henry, c, lab, res 624 4th ave Snell Joseph, c, lab, res 5th ave, Rose Hill Snell Win, c, farmer, res 1701 1st ave Snider see also Snyder
Snider Charles, watchman Columbus and Gulf Navigation Co and River Compress
Snider Charles D, mechanic Columbus Iron Wks, bds 521 2d ave
Snider H Duncan, bds 521 2d ave Snider Jane (wid C H), res 521 2d ave Snider Wm F (Thweatt & Snider), res 208 11th
Snowden Alexander, wks Brownes Cotton Mills, bds 1st avecor C & W R R

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders' Supplies

i or losm hid DEiLsi all h.ids

Telephone 70.





R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Snowden John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res 1st ave cor
C & W RR Snowden Mattie, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mill, bd-s It ave
cor C & W R R Snyder see also Snider Snyder Isaac, c, wood cutter, res Collins, Browneville Snyder Jesse (England & Snyder), res 2d ave bet 11th and
12th Solomon Callman, dry goods, boots, shoes and notions 1243
Broad, res 1325 2d ave Solomon Marcus L; elk H H Daniel bds Brown House Sommerkamp Brooks, carp, res Sand Fortrd, Girard Sommerkamp Frank M, elk C H Lequin, bds Sand Fort rd,
Girard Sommerkamp Roland P, bkpr Loeb & Kaufman, res Abert,
Girard Soule Arthur M. mach Columlms Iron Wks, res 14 W 9th Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co, I N Ingram mngr,
14 11th Souther nExpress Co, tel 8, C R Rundell agt, 1225 Broad Southern Plow Co, tel 81, W R Brown, Pres ; George W
Brown, Sec and Treas; Dillingham s w cor Front Sparks Levi, c, farmer, res 1st ave bet 23d and 24th
Sparks Lucy, c, res 507 4th ave Sparks Richard, c, lab, res 17l2 3d ave Spatola Benjamin, variety store Wynn ton rd, res same Spear Thomas S, Watchmkr and Jeweler 1121 Broad, bds
409 12th (See p 56) Speed Bettie, res 825 4th ave Speed John, salesman J T Kavanagh, bds 1334 2d ave Spellers Anna, c, domestic Mrs M A Thadscott Spellers John, c. lab, res Wynnton rd Spencer Amos, drayman, res 1616 1st ave Spencer Frances, c, laundress, res 718 9th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery


GEORGIA STEAM HAS PIPE CO. Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at 1035 Broad St.



Spencer .Hemy, c, (Banks, Osborne & Spencer) res 4th ave bet 7th and 8th
Spencer Henry, c, res 515 4th ave Spencer Hiram, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th Spencer Horace, e, lab Columbus R R Co
Spencer Jesse, c, plasterer, res 1712 Talbotfron ave, Rose Hill Spencer Perry, grocer and liquors 1039 Broad, res 321 11th Spencer Perry jr, with Perry Spencer sr, rooms 947| Broad Spencer Richard P, special agt and adjuster the Ga Home Ins
Co, res 1334 3d ave
Spies Charlotte, c, res Booneville, nr Wynnton Spies Jordan, c, lab, res Booneville, nr Wynnton Spinks Eula, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Spinks Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Spivey Miss Mattie, seamstress Columbus Clothing Co, res 2d
ave bet 20th and 21st Springer Charles, farmer, res Linwood Springer E G, (wid F K) res 904 2d ave
Springer Opera House, Theo M Foley, mngr, 10th cor 1st ave Springer Philip G, bds 904 2d ave
Sproud Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Marshall, Browneville
Daniel, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Bottom, nr Wynnton Spy Thomas, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Bottom, nr Wvnn-
Stafford Augustus, lab, res 7th ave bet 7th and 8th Stafford George, c, lab, res rear 420 7th Stafford Mrs Georgia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Stafford Madison, lab. res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Stafford Miranda, laundress, res rear 1516 3d ave Stafford Wm, c, lab, res 7th ave bet 7th and 8th Stagg Frank C, grocer Long, Girard, res same Staggs H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Staggs Mrs M E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Staggs Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


At 1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(Seep 3) *

m LIf nUt V


OID2^r >3 a Perfect Livery, Sate and'


Feed Stable.


It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Stains Mrs Mary F, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Stains Miss Mary J, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Stamper Josie, res 1219^- 1st ave Stampers Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River,
Girard Stampers Jane (wid Andrew), res River, Girard Standard Oil Co, Tel 107, E Frank Green, Special Agt,
1625 4th ave Stanfield Miss L B, seamstress, bds 111 16th Stanfield Susan (wid John T), res 111 16th Stanford Jerry, c, res 8th bet 5th and 6th avesStanley Adaline, c, domestic W C Coart Stanton Emanuel, c, wks Clegg Mfg Co Stanton Margaret, 'c, laundress, res 1711 1st' Staple Hariett, c, laundress, res 821 6th ave* Staple John, c, lab, 821 6th ave Stapler Drucilla, c, laundress, res 701 Front Stark James T, elk H H Daniel, res 821 Broad Starke John T (Starke & Riddle), res 314 13th Starke & Kiddle, Tel 38 (John T Starke and John WRidl
die), Whol and Ret Grocers, 1st ave cor 14th Starkey Charles, c, lab, res 3d ave bet 18th and 19th Starkey Richard, c, brick mason, res rear 1808 2d ave Starks Bettie, c, domestic Hugh McDonald Starks John, cooper Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, bds 12th cor'
10th ave Starr Mrs E H, bds 1127 5th ave Statham Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville Statham Robert J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville Statham Robert P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Rail
road, Browneville Steadman Win J, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1-408 Broad
Stephens see also Stevens
Aenchbacher & Freer, F"hing Goods.

7 . ft ...



Woe*wme High Schoo

Teaches children fa ctmfrorfhernsoives

when young, that they may be self-con

trolled whan, gjown.



Stephens Alexander, c, section hand M & G 11 R, res Court
Hill, S Girard Stephens James, wks River compress Stephens Mollie, c, laundress, res 216 7th Stephens Nora, c, laundress, res 323 Kith, Stephania Frederick H, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Benton,
Browneville Stephania Miss Rosa, wks Eagle & Fhenix Mfg Co, bds Ben
ton, Browneville Sterlings Leah, wks Clegg Mfg Co Stern Henry G, trav salesman L Meyer, bds 309 11th Sternberg Berthold (Sternberg & Lowenherz), res 1205 5th ave Sternberg Herman (Sternberg & Loewenherz), res 1215 5th
ave Sternlberg& Loewenherz (Herman and Berthold Stem-
berg and Leo Loewenherz), Dry Goods and Notions 1103
and 1105 Broad Stevens see also Stephens Stevens Annie (wid Bradley), res Front bet 13th and 14th Stevens Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Stevens Hampton, bkpr R Jefferson, res 924 3d ave Stevens James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short nr
Dillingham Stevens John, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Stevens John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Cor res Short nr Dil
lingham Stevens John, c, lab,, res 323 16th Stevens M E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg CoStevens Robert, c (Stevens-& Wicks), r8s 1607. 5th ave Stevens Russell, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg CoStcvens Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,
Dillingham Steveils Miss,Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Stevens Sarah, c, laundress, res 415 8th


HouseN.oS. i0an1a2nthd

Ornamental Street.


6. E. THOMAS SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Order. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 1010 BROAD STREET.
11. L. POLK & CO.'S

Stevens Win, c, res 707 6th ave Stevens & Weeks, c (Robert Stevens, Andrew Weeks), black
smiths 1346 1st ave Stevenson Mrs Jessie, confectioneiy and bakery 1228 Broad,
res same Stewart Eli, c, fireman Muscogee Mfg Co, res 6104th.ave Stewart Emma A (wid George), res 1133 5th ave Stewart Freeman C, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res 915 5th ave Stewart George, c, lab, res Bottom, Wynnton Steward Henry, c, wks Berrys brickyard Stewart Jackson, c, hackman, res 1523 6th ave Stewart John, bds Wesley House Stewart John, c, miller City Mills, res 1610 2d ave 'Stewart John S, Job Printer and Wall Paper 13 12th (See
right top lines) Stewart Joseph, c, porter Garrett & Sons, res 6th>ave bet 15th
and 16th
Stewart J M, principal Stewarts High School, res 927 4t.h ave Stewart Miss L, wks Eagle & Pthenix Mfg Co Stewart Miss Martha, res Broad, Girard Stewart Matilda, c, laundress, res 513 15th Stewart Nora, c, laundress, res 935 6th ave Stewart Peter, c, wks Swift Alfg Co, res 1022 fith ave Stewart Rosa, e, domestic Mrs M A Jackson Stewart Wesley, c, lab, res 1415 5th ave Stewarts High School, J M Stewart, principal, 2 doors rear
Jewish synagogue, 4th ave Stiles Edward, c, laborer, res Wynnton rd Stillwell Jacob, Avks Brotvne's Cotton Mill Stillwell James, Avks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 9 14th Stillwell J, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Stinson George, c, lab, res 803 4th ave Stockton Robert S, bkpr Columbus Iron Wks Co, res Girard Stockwell Mrs Hattie A, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res
5th ave bet 10th and 11th


ty r ug

i jop rrinung of every description at Shi > notice, 13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS. Gfl.

Stockwell Richard, shoemkr 1014 Broad, res 302 10th

Stolz Mary E (wid E), res 829 Front

Stone Mark, c, brakeman C & W R R

Stone Thomas J, grocer, dry goods, boots and shoes, Talbotton

ave next Rose Hill, res Talbotton rd 2 miles

Stonewall Hose Co No 4, Daniel A Joseph, foreman. 10th nr

cor 1st ave

Storey James A, porter Starke & Riddle, res 1st ave cor C &


Stovall Henry, c, mechanic T L Gruzard

Stover Jerry M, peddler, res Railroad ave, Browneville

Stover Marian, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Railroad ave,


Stover Mrs Mary R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go, res Railroad

ave, Browneville

Stratton H D, with Columbus Iron Wks *Co, Txfls Rankin House

Straus Abe (Kaufman & Straus), bds 744 2d ave

Straus Leon, elk Mrs Sarah Straus, bds 1314 Broad

Straus Moses, elk Kaufman & Straus, bds 1314 Broad

Straus Sarah (wid Jacob), general store, 1314 Broad, res same

Strauss Henry, dry goods and clothing, 1242 Broad, res same

Street Fannie, c, res (1th ave bet 6th and 7th

Streetey Major, c, plumber B F Billings, res 174 w 10th

Stribling Anthony, fireman C R R

Stribbling Miss Fannie E, saleslady J K Holloway, bds 1031

6th ave

Stribbling Simpson, farmer, res 1031 6th ave


Stringer Lela, c, domestic C C Shepperson

Stringfellow Elizabeth (wid Harrison), res 11 16th

Stringfellow M D, dairy, res 444 4th Ave

Strong Bell, c, laundress, res Browneville

Strong Elizabeth J, (wid C P) res Broad, Browneville

Strong Matilda, c, domestic J B Day

Strong Miss Rebecca, elk Payne & Lavender, res Broad,



Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone .84.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Strong Thomas, elk W H Coulter, res Broad, Browneville Strother Mrs L L, teacher Chappell's Seminary, res Talbotton
ave, Rose Hill Strother Samuel, c, wood cutter, res Marshall, Browneville Struppa Henry I, asst bkpr Columbus Iron Wks Co, res 608
1st ave Struppa James M, fireman C R R, bds 846 2d ave Struppa Miss Maggie, elk D J Feiler, bds 846 2d ave Struppa Mary N, (wid John P) res 846 2d ave Struppa Mary R, (wid I G) res 803 Broad Struppa Wm A, mate Steamer Fannie Fearn, res 608 1st ave
Stubbs J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Stubbs Mark, c, lab Columbus R R Cor res 431 5th ave Stubbs Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Stubbs Milledge, c, lab Columbus R R Co, res 503 5th ave Sturgis Amelia, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wynnton
Sturgis Charles, wks Browne's Cotton Mill Sturgis Lucy, wks Browne's Cotton Mill Sturkey George, lab, res 2d ave bet 21st and 22d Suitte Miss Anna, res Booneville, nr Bottom Sullivan Andrew J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Corres 76 Jack-
son, Browneville Sullivan George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co* bds 76 Jacksonr
Browneville Sullivan Henry S, wife Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Sullivan Jasper, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res:76 Jacksony.
Browneville Sullivan John, cond, bds 734 2d ave Sullivan Michael, res 734 2d ave Sullivan Michael jr, collector Williams Coal Yard, res 734 2dl
ave Sulliivan Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 76i
Jackson, Browneville Sullivan Wm. wks Wm Fee, bds 734 2d ave Sullivan Wm F, elk G A Bradford, res 808 1st ave

21 10th Street.

bo!0Jn Bros., engines &AGENTS FObProilers





Summerlin Giles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Allen, Browneville
Summerlin Henry, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Allen, Browneville
Summerlin Raiford, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Allen, Browneville
Summers Alfred, painter and paper hanger 932 Front, res same
Summers Mrs Cynthia J, boarding 932 Broad Sunimersgill James (Sunimersgill & Albright) and under
taker, Marshall, Browneville, res Jackson, Browneville Sunimersgill James H, mach Columbus Iron Wks, res MAG
E R nr Bridge, S Girard Sunimersgill Janies H jr, mach, Tes M A G R R, S Girard Sunimersgill John, boss Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Summer
ville, Browneville Sunimersgill T Fymach Columbus Iron Wks Sunimersgill Wm H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville SuHcmersgill & Albright (James Sunimersgill and Jacob A
Albright), grocers, boots and shoes, Jackson cor Marshall, Browneville Superior Court, James M Smith, judge; George Y Pond, elk, courthouse Surcy John, watchman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 34 For syth, Browneville Surcy Robert, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res 34 Forsyth, Browneville Sutton Frank, c, lab, res 312 8th Swanson Brady, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Swanson Mary, c, domestic J E Deaton Swatzy Harvey, c, lab, res 121 6th Sweatt Miss Elizabeth, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, bds 40 Forsyth, Browneville Sweatt Evin M, night watchman Columbus Iron Wks, res 14th cor 1st ave
I L. '6RUZAR D7 T%oONe

C. H. LEQUIN, diamonds.




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Sweatt James W, boss Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 40 Forsyth'' JBrowneville
Sweatt Miss Lanie A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 40 Forsyth, Browneville
Sweatt Potter, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 40 Forsyth, Browneville
Sweatt Robert D, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 40 For syth, BroAvneville
Sweat Solomon, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 40 Forsyth, Browneville
Swift Clarence G (E S Swift & Sons), bds 1441 2d aye Swift Clifford G (E S Sivift & Sons), bds 1441 2d ave Swift Edward W, elk George P Swift & Hamburger, bds 3d
ave cor 12th
Swift Eudoxus S (E S Swift & Sons), res 1441 2d ave Swift E S & Sons (E S, Wm B and C G), cotton brokers,
LoAvell Avarehouse 12th bet Bay and Front Swift George P (George P Swift & Hamburger), Pres-
Muscogee Mfg Co and Swift Mfg Co, res 3d ave cor 12th Swift George P & Hamburger, Tel 56 (George P
Sivift and Louis Hamburger). Warehouse and Commis sion Merchants, Planters Warehouse, 13th bet Front and Broad
Swift Mfg Co, tel 82, Wm E Swift, pres; George M Williams, sec, treas and supt, cotton mills, 6th ave bet 14th and 15 th
Swift Win A, Pres Swift Mfg Co, Sec and Treas Brush Electric Light Power Co and Muscogee Mfg Co, res 1116 1st ave
Swift Wm B (E S Swift & Sons), bds 1441 2d ave Sykes Lizzie, domestic J W Pease Sykes Nancy, c, res 532 4th ave Sykes Wm, c, lab, res 532 4th ave
Synnott T W, treas Columbus Water Wks Co, res Philadel phia, Pa

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery

Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for Mills and Factories a specialty*
i035 Broad Street.
Taft Amos E, c, wks Columbus Iron \Vks, res Long, Girard Taft Julia E, (wid James), res lb' Broad N Girard Taft Miss Mary, wks G J Peacock, res 16 Broad N Girard Taft Miss Nellie, paper box mkr Thomas Gilbert, bds 16 Broad
N Girard Talbot Anna, c, domestic F M Brooks Talbot Armon, farmer, res Jackson N Girard Talbot Benjamin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1st ave cor
C & W R R Talbot Miss Cora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson
N Girard Talbor Miss Ella T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson
N Girard Talbor Mrs Emma, Avks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Talbot James A, drayman, res Browneville Talbot Joseph, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Jackson N Girard Talbot Miss Ivizih, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne
ville Talbot Mrs Nannie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Talbot Miss Nannie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res
Jackson, N Girard Talbot R T, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Talbot Miss Viola, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factorv, res
Jackson, N Girard Taliaferro Charles F, elk Blanchard, Booth & Huff, bds 433
12th Taliaferro Lucy H (wid Charles F), res 403 12th Taliaferro Miss Mary L, bds 403 12th Taliaferro Sterling B, elk Blanchard, Booth & Huff, bds 403
Mattress Faetorj, Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 1210 and 1218 Broad Street. (S<?e p 3)

You want your Horse ami Buggy properly attended, to, patronize the


It. L. POLK & CO.'S

Tallv Richard, c, brakeman'C '&. W R R, res Wvnnton, Rose
Hill Tanant Margaret (wid John), res Long, Girard Tankersley Amelia, c, domestic W J Smith Tankersley Mrs Mattie, wks C C Shepperson & Co, bds 1026
1st ave Tanner Charles, c, driver L IT Chappell Tanner Thomas, lab L H Chappell Tant Edward, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Tant Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phetiix Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Tant Isaac, res Long, Girard Tant Jesse, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Tant Mrs Laura, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res 9th cor
Front Tint Lena, Chattahoochee Knitting Co Tant Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long, Girard Tapper Edzard G, moulder Golden Bros, res 827 Front Taran John, street overseer, res 731 4th ave Tarver Anna, c, domestic Mrs Pfecebe Alford Tarver Catharine, domestic Mrs C L Downing Tarver James B (J B Tarver & Co), res 1524 2d ave Tarver Julius, c, lab, res 537 4th ave Tarver J B & Go (James B Tarver), tel 137, whol grocers, 1222
Broad Tarver Nettie, c, res-507 5th ave Tarver Wm, c, bartender T H Alexander, res 519 5th ave Tarvin Miss Lula, domestic D C Tignor Tarvin Thomas (Ham & Tarvin), res Talbotton ave, Rose
Hill Tate Thomas L, bkpr Columbus Iron Wks, res 522 1st ave Tate Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Tatum Caroline, c, res 805 8th ave Taylor Mrs Anna, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Abert, Browne-

Aenchbacher & Freer, miller's hats

sole agents for

1129 Broad St. (See p 2)





Taylor Miss Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Abert, BrowneAvi lit;
Taylor Bass, r, lab, res Cooley ville Taylor Caroline, r, res '520 3d ave Taylor Charity, c. domestic J W Rodgers Taylor Claracie, elk Taylor & Lumpkin, res 1244 6th ave Taylor Dayton, elk M Joseph, bds T523 1st ave Taylor Edgar, carrier Columbus Ledger
Taylor Edward, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks, ires 605 5th ave Taylor Fannie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Taylor Fannie, c, domestic Samuel EbeiOisrt Taylor Georgia, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Taylor Harriet, c, domestic Mrs B Kerr Taylor Horace B, bds 1413 7th ave Taylor Hudmond, elk J E Cargill, bds 1523 1st ave Taylor H, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Taylor Miss Ida, tailoress G J Peacock, res 5th ave Taylor James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N
Taylor Mrs Jeannie, bds 1606 1st ave Taylor John, c, wks Harvey & Dudley Taylor John, c (Taylor & Lumpkin), res 1244 6th ave Taylor John, brickmason, res Cooleyville Taylor John, c, blksmith 12th 2 w of 2d ave, res Bottom,
Wynnton Taylor Joseph, mach Columbus Iron Wks Taylor Laura, c, laundress, res rear 1202 2d ave Taylor Miss Lizzie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville Taylor Lucinda, c, res 641 6th ave Taylor Mark, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks
Taylor Miss Mattie J, tailoress The Columbus Clothing Co Taylor Mollie, wks Swift Mfg Co Taylor Nettie, wks Swift Mfg Co Taylor Mrs N, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

O. E2 "Y"OXJ 1STC3-,

Please forward plans-, and I will furn-

ContragTor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12th sweat.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.

G, S. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. lOlO Broad Street.
R. L. POLK & CO.'S
Taylor Peter, c, lab, res Cooleyville Taylor Richard, c, lab, res 612 5th ave Taylor Sarah (wid Wm), bds 1516 2d ave Taylor Sarah, domestic Charles Wise Taylor Seth, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Taylor Rev Wm B, c, res Bottom nr Wynnton Taylor & Lumpkin, c (John Taylor and George Lumpkin), gro
cers, 1321 5th ave Teasdel C B, res 1027 2d ave Teat Mrs Mary wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Teele Alexander, elk Charles Phillips, res 1653 2d ave Teele Miss M L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Teff't Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Beeland Browne-
ville Telephone Exchange, tel 203, T L Ingram mngr 14 11th Tell George, c, res 18th Rose Hill Temple Benjamin J, eng, C R RTemple Berta, wks Chattahoochee Knitting CoTemple Callie, wks Brownes Cotton Mills Temple George, machinist, res Long Girard Temple John, wks Columbus Iron Wks Terrell Dicie, c, domestic Lewis Weiss Terrell Katie, c, res Wynnton rd Wynnton Terry Carlisle, physician, 1117-J- Broad, res 214 BOth Terry David, c, porter M Joseph, res 1st ave Terry Dickie F, c, 6th ave Public School teacher, res 643 4fch>
ave Terry Edward, c, barber, res 632 4th ave Terry Eliza, c, res 1322 5th ave Terry Fannie, domestic J M Smith Terry Miss H M, elk Lewis & Gregory, bds 1437 1st ave' Terry John, c, barber Joseph McGelree, res 5th ave bet 7th and
8th Terry John, c, wks River Compress Terry Joseph F, policeman, res 1437 1st ave
On Draught at


Telephone 104,



Terry Mary Ann, domestic W H Glaze
Terry Wm E, c, barber and baths Ga Home Bldg, res 632 4th ave
Thadscott Mary B (wid T B), res 712 1st ave Tharp B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tharp C W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tharp Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tharp Miss F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tharp J W, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tharp Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tharp M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Thetford Thomas J, elk N W Haines, res 1437 1st ave Thetford Wm F, elk Sternberg & Loewenherz, bds 1437 1st ave Thomas Adaline, c, res 1436 5th ave Thornes Albert, c, lab, res rear 741 Front Thomas Alexander, c, lab, res 813 8th ave Thomas Allen, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Coy res 513 7th Thomas Alonzo, c; lab, res 5th bet 5th and. 6th aves Thomas Amanda, c, domestic A G Redd Thomas Anderson, c, carp, res 425 3d ave Thomas Anthony, mechanic, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Thomas Augustus P (Patterson & Thomas), res 220 9th Thomas Bud, c, lab, res 425 3d ave Thomas Carrie, res 734 5th ave
Thomas Edward, c, shoemkr 746 1st ave, res 815'6th ave' Thomas Eli, c, lab, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Thomas Eliza, c, res Booneville nr Wynnton Thomas Elmira, c, domestic Eugene Lawrence Thomas Emma, c, domestic Jacob Broda Thomas Emma, e, domestic Wesley House Thomas Frank, lab Columbus R R Co
Thomas George, wks street railway, res Hamilton nr Hill avey Rose Hill
Thomas George, c, lab, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Thomas George, c, porter Louis Bidder & Co


Ceiling, Flooring,. Weatherboard-
ing, Brackets, Pickets, Mantels, &c.

Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84'.

docks and Bronzes, ,ll?BJ!l?M*u*)a


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Thomas George, c, lab, res 51S 5th ave Thomas George, c, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, res S Girard Thomas George, r, res Booneville, nr Wynnton Thomas Kev George A, c, res Court Hill, Girard Thomas Grigsby E, Clothing, Hats, and Men's Furnishing
Goods 1010 Broad, res 1418 3d ave (See left top lines andp
Thomas Grigsby E Jr, (Thomas & McLester) res Thom as ave, Rose Hill
Thomas Henry, c, lab, res 436 3d ave Thomas Henry, c, lab, res 411 5th ave Thomas Henry, c, porter Carter & Bradley, res rear 1235 3d
ave Thomas Hock, c, lab, res 528 3d ave Thomas Hockley McKee, elk, bds 1418 3d ave Thomas Homer, c, lab, res 1st ave n w cor 20tih
Thomas Hortense, c, res 1317 1st ave Thomas Isaac, c, lab, res 1734 Talbotton ave Thomas Isaac, c, lab, res 1648 4th ave Thomas Jacob, c, lab Columbus R R C Thomas James, lab, res 424 4th ave Thomas Jason, c, lab, res 727 6th ave Thomas John, c, lab, res 1617 5th ave Thomas John H, c, (Thomas & Alexander) res rear 1219 Broad Thomas Joseph, c, driver P T Pendleton Thomas Rev Lawrence, c, Pastor St James A M E
Church, res 1002 6th ave Thomas Levenia, c, laundress, res 408 16th Thomas Lillie, c, res 831 9th ave Thomas Lizzie, c, lab, res Bottom, nr Wynnton Thomas Lucinda, domestic H J Abbott Thomas L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Thomas Mrs Maggie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1416^
1st ave Thomas Maria, c, res 3d ave bet 19th and 20th

T1, (II. iHlUUNlUTj Ladies'a2nd1 G1e0ntths BSotroetseta.nd Siloes

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Thomas Maria, c, laundress, res 731 6th ave Thomas Mark, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks Thomas Mary, e, cook, res rear 1102 5th ave Thomas Mary Ann, (wid Wm T) res rear 2 16th
Thomas Miss Mary J, teacher Chappell's Seminary, res 1418 3d ave
Thomas Mattie, c, domestic E J Couch
Thomas Mose, c, lah Columbus Iron Wks, res 17| w 10th Thomas Mose, c, painter, res 734 5th ave Thomas Nancy, c, res 314 13th
Thomas Robert, lab, res Hamilton nr Hill ave, Rose Hill Thomas Sallie, c, laundress, res 839 6th ave Thomas Sidney, c, porter McAllister & Knolls, res Lively Thomas Virginia, c, domestic A G Gibson
Thomas Washington, c, butcher O'Neal & Brooks, res Cooleyville
Thomas Wm, c, fish and oysters, stall 22 and 24, City Market rbs 3d ave bet 19th and 20th
Thomas Wnu, c, porter L H Chappell Thomas, Wm, c, lab, res 21st bet 1st and 2d aves Thomas Wm, c, lab, res 1715 Talbotton ave Thomas Wm E, watchmkr, bdis 847 Front Thomas Wilson, c, lab, res 18th, Rtose Hill
Thomas & Alexander, c (John' H Thomas ana Thomas H Alexander), saloon and biRiarcfer 1309 1st ave
Thomas & McLester, tel 168'(Grigsby E Thomas jr,.Leon- .
idas McLester) Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, rooms 3 and 4 Ga Home bldg '(See card opp Lawyers) Thomason Barney, lab, res 800 7th ave Thomason Charles, fireman CRR, bds 1328 5th> awe Thomason Davis, driver J II Cochran
Thomason James, wks Eagle & Phenix M% Co, res 28 For syth, Browneville
Thomason Jefferson, eng CRR, bds 1328 5th ave Thomason John H, mach, res Hamilton ave, Rose Hill

T. L, Gruzard Paints and Hardware.

deals in



Rings, Chains, Ciocki



K. L. POLK & CO.'S

Thomason Lovelace, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 28 For

syth, Browneville

Thomason Mrs Mary, res 28 Forsyth, Browneville

Thomason Rosa, wks Eagle Phenix Mfg Co, res 28 Forsyth,


Thomason Silas T, elk J D Smith & Bro, res 1328 5th ave

Thompson Amanda, c, laundress, res 731 2d ave

Thompson Benjamin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 6

Broad, N Girard

Thompson Miss Bettie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Gayle,

Browneville Thompson Bradford, c, lab, res 3d ave bet :22d and 23d

Thompson Miss Clara, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res


Thompson Clifton, printer Columbus Ledger

Thompson Cornelius, c, domestic T M Farley

Thompson Dilsie, c, laundress, res 733 6th ave

Thompson Ella, c, laundress, res 1620 1st ave

Thompson James, painter, res 2 18th

Thompson James L, elk G E Thomas, bds 408 10th

Thompson Mrs Jane, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Thompson J W, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Sand Fort rd,


Thompson Lewis, c, stone cutter A M Ellidge, res 528 5th ave

Thompson Miss Lizzie, seamstress Columbus Clothing Co, res

Broad, N Girard

Thompson Miss Margaret, bds 1536 1st ave

Thompson Sarah (Avid Stephen), res Benton, Browneville

Thompson Tate, c, brickmason, res 802 7 th ave

Thompson Wm, stonemason, res Gayle, BroAvneville

Thorne Wm L, wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds 828 3d ave

Thornton Anna, c, res 500 4th ave
Thornton Beverly A, Laivyer, res LaAvyers Lane, Wynn-

ton ( See ndv)

Thornton B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Go. Iron Pumps and Fencing, Yard Fountains; and
Sprinklers. 1035 BROAD STREET.



Thornton Carey J (Thornton & Cameron), res 219 13th Thornton Charles, c, wks C R R shops Thornton Dollie (wid Andrew), res 14 Jackson, Browneville Thompson Mrs Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Thornton Francis R, Teacher, res Broad, Girard Thornton George A, candymkr J H Gabriel, res Broad, Girard Thornton George M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res For
syth, Browneville Thornton Henry, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, bds 114 8th Thornton Henry, c, wks Stevens & Weeks, c, res 1505 5th ave Thornton Henry H, trimmer Brush Electric Light Power Co,
res Broad, Girard Thornton Henry J, farmer, res Linnwood
Thornton Miss Irene, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Railroad ave, Browneville
Thornton James, pedler, res Forsyth, Browneville Thornton John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 14 Jackson,
Browneville Thornton John, c, butcher J J Patrick, res Wynnton rd, 1
Thornton Jdhn, c, lab, res 1319 5th ave
Thornton John H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Forsyth, Browneville
Thornton Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res For syth, Browneville
Thornton Mack, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Railroad ave, Browneville
Thornton Miss Mattie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Railroad ave, Browneville
Thornton Mrs Mattie M, res Railroad ave, Browneville Thornton Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co., res For
syth, Browneville
Thornton Miss Mollie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Railroad ave, Browneville

Mattresses at Wholesale, a. f. Gibson & co. I216.and.,1218 Broad St (Sec p i-J

The Empire Stables Dealers"uSet


H. L. POLK & CO.'S

Thornton Miss Nettie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 14 Jackson Browneville
Thornton Pleasant P, c, porter Geo P Swift & Hamburger, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
Thornton Samuel, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1013 7th
ave Thornton Wm, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, res 114 8th Thornton & Cameron, tel 66, (Carv J Thornton and Henry C
Cameron) lawyers, rooms 6--8 Webster bldg Threadgill Frank A, principal Peabody School No 1, res Busi
ness Girard Threadgill Mrs F A, private school, Jackson nr Marshall
Browneville, res Business Girard Threatt Charles, c, porter Brannon & Oarsom Thweatt Arnold, c, lab, res 508 Broad Thweatt Davis, c, lab Empire Mills Thweatt Harry, c, preacher, res 619 6th Thweatt James T, (Thweatt & Snider), sec Columbus Gulf
Navigating Co, res 1031 3d ave Thweatt Lizzie, c, res 812 7th ave Thweatt Lydia, c, domestic M H Tuggle Thweatt Millie, domestic W A Little Thweatt Milton, c, barber, res 612 9th Thweatt Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Thweatt Robert R, dray line, res 102 9th Thweatt & Snider, tel i8 (J T Thweatt" arret:W F Snider), cottons
brokers, office Alabama Warehouse, Front Tice Bertha, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Tice James J, Private School 1829 2d ave, res Gayle,
Browneville Tice Jane (wid Wesley), res rear 1835 1st ave Tice John, wks Swift Mfg Co Tice John W, trimmer Brush Electric Light Power Co, res N
Girard Tice L wks Muscogee Mfg Co
Aenchbacher & Preer, TMbebS 1*


Has a liappy, earnest, enthusi astic class of children, eager to



(See p t>)



Tice Mattie, wks Swift Mfg Co Tice Samuel H, electrician Brush Electric Light Power Co, re3
140 Broad Tice Thomas, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 608 14th Tice Wm H, grocer, 1534 1st ave, res same Tice W, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Ticknor see also Tigner Ticknor Douglas C, physician 1137 Broad, res 709 1st ave Ticknor George W, teller The Nat Bank of Columbus, res 1032
3d ave . TiddI Emma wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Tidd Maryr, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Tidwell Mary wks Muscogee Mfg Co Tigner Augustus, c, labr res Curtis Quarters, Wynnton Tigner Frank C, trav salesman Empire Mills, bds 222 13th
Tigner George Y, Official Court Reporter Chattahoochee Circuit 1147^- Broad, bds Veranda House
Tigner Minerva, c, laundress, res 1605 5th ave Tigner Wesley F, dentist 10 12th, res Linnwood Tigner Wm, bds 828 3d ave
Tigner Wm A, Lawyer and Stenographer C R R 11474 Broad, bds Veranda House-
Tiles Nelson, c, lab, res 432 3d ave
Tillery Arthur, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N Girard
Tillery Miss Dora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax,. N Girard
Tillery George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tillery John, wks Browne's Cotton Mills, res 13084 Broad Tillery John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Tillery John C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N
Tillery Miss Marv. wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad nax, N Girard
Tillery Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Ho use Sign and Ornamental Poirrfat*

No. 9 12th Street.


Advertising in all its branches. Estimates
on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass. Signs* for every busi ness.

G. E. THOMAS. Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City.
lOIO Broad. Street.
I?. L. POLK & CO.iS
Tillerv Oscar, wks Eagle A Phenix Mnfg Co, res Broadnax, N 'Girard
Tillery Robert L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 17 Payne, Browneville
'Tillery Win, carp, res 'Broadnax, N Girard Tillinghast George W, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds Veranda
House Tillinghurst, Elvira, c, domestic Abraham Ulges Tillman Miss Ada, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg -Co, res Bong,
Girard Tillman A A (wid Wm), bds 812 Broad Tillman Benjamin, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 41 Forsyth,
Browneville Tillman Bettie (wid F C), res 1102 4th ave Tillman Miss Carrie, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co, bds 41 Forsyth,
Browneville Tillman Edward, c, lab, res Browneville Tillman Frank, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, bds 41 Forsyth,
Browneville Tillman George. W, carp Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res 21 Craw
ford rd, N Girard Tillman John, grocer, 19 Dillingham, res same Tillman John W. earp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, res 41 Forsyth,
Browneville Tillman Joseph E, bkpr Enqirer-Sun, res 1102 4th ave Tillman Mary (wid James), res Long, Girard Tillman Thomas, boss Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Long,
Girard Tillman Wm L, stocks and bonds, res 812 Broad Tillman W Tobe, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tillow Miss Maggie, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, bds 731
Front Tilly James, c, drayman, res 537 2d ave Tinsley Mrs Mattie, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, bds 843

1016 and 1142 BROAD STREET.

Only Night Bell in the city.

fso. S. STEWART,/ ) Steam Power Printer,

Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, &c.
Wall Pajxer & Decorations,
13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, CA.



Tinsley Paul, c, wks Jackson <fe Dryer, res 725 2tl ave

Tipman Harriett, c, res 6th ave bet 7th and 8th

Tipper Carrie, c, domestic J M Shields

Tison Lewis, c, cook T Newman

Todd Henry, c, wks T L Gruzard

Toles Alexander, brickmason, res 531 4th ave

Toles Alexander, c, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res rear 1327

3d ave


Toles Anthony, c, res 531 4th ave '

Toles Minerva, c, domestic J 51 Gardner

Tolliver Robert, c, lab, res Brannon's Quarters Girard

Tomlin Francis B, (Tomlin & Lawrence), res Wvnnton rd

foot of Wynnton Hill

Tomlin James R, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res 2 Abert Browne-


Tomlin & Lawrence, (Francis B Tomlin, John T Lawrence),

grocers and saloon Wynnton rd foot of Wynnton Hill

Tommie Isaiah, c, cap E W Gibson, res 1208 4th ave

Tompkins Edna E, (wid John W), res 502 2d ave

Tompkins Samuel, c, shoemkr, 1714 Talbotton ave, res same

Toney Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Tooke Miss Mary, dressmkr, res 319 18th

Torbert Edward A, bkpr A J & B G Farmer, bds 313 10th

Torbett Charles L, Undertaker and Embalmer 930--932

Broad (See p 56)

Torbitt Charles, wks Harvey & Dudley

Torbitt David R, eng Empire Mills, res 928 Front

Touchstone F M, farmer, res 513 5th ave

Touchstone Mrs Jennie C, boarding 1216 4th ave

Touchstone Miss Lilly, wks Eagle & Phenix /Mfg Co, bds 1212

4th ave

Touchstone Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Touchstone Mrs Sarah, wks Eagle & Pheni Mfg Co

Touchstone Wm A, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1212 4th



Office,1243 6th ave.

Tv.ephone 84.


QDurhlinUmlilhUiilpIitgf j

Silverware, Spectacles anff Optical' Goods. 1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Towns Augustus, c, lab Muscogee Oil Co, res 326 17th Towns Susan, c, domestic W H Glaze Townsend Julia, c, domestic W T Pool Tranzeska Mining Co, (cap $100,000) J A Walker, pres, R W
Walker, vice-pres, Christian Kortgaard, sec and treas, Webster Bldg Broad cor 10th
Traylor Mrs Fannie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1st ave nr 14th
Treadaway Calvin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 5 16th
Treadaway James Lr fish, oysters and ehickens, stalls 29, 31, 33 and 35 city market, res 1537 1st ave
Treadaway Martha, (widl Ll'oyd) bds 1537 1st ave Treadaway Miss Mary,, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Trent Alfred, c, bricklayer; res 1808 3d ave Trim Susan, c, res 836-4th ave Trinity Episcopal Church,, Rev W C Hunter, rector, 1st ave bet
11th and 12th Trinity M E Church South, Rfev Charles R Lamar, pastor,
Jackson, n e cor Marshall, BrownevSIe Trisconi Peter, elk Frank Conti, bdls 12th bet 1st ave and
Broad Trotler Miss G, wks Eagle & Phenix: Mfg Co Truett Miss Anna, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 11th &
w of Broad Truett Charles, wks Swift Mfg Co TrUett Charles D, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C'o^ res 11th 6 woF
Broad Truett John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg- Co,, bds- 11th 6 w of
Truett Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co*, bds 11th 6 w of Broad
Tucker Augusta, c, laundress, res 619 3d ave' Tucker E, grocer 5th ave bet 15th and 16th, res same Tucker Miss Frances, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res-
Gayle, N Girard

21 10th Street.

Tucker James H, grocer and justice of the peace Long, Girard, res same
Tucker Jerre, c, driver Standard Oil Co, res Wynnton rd Tucker Joseph E, c, wks Jackson & Dryer, res Wynn's Hill, nr
Wynnton rd Tucker Laura, c, res 8th bet 8th and 9th ave Tucker Priscilla, e, laundress, res Wynnton rd Tucker Win, c, carp 940 Front, res 515 7th Tucker Willis, c, bartender Charles Heyman, res G19 3d ave Tuckie E M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Tuggle Matt W, Supt Columbus Water Wks Co, res G31
Broad Tuggle Thomas S, physician 823 Broad, res 831 Broad Tuke Silas, c, res 1732" Taibotton ave Tumlin Charles, barber, res 813 5th ave Tumlin John W, wks Telephone Exchange, bds Veranda
House Tumlin Martha, c, res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th Tumlin Wm, bds 932 5th ave Turlarge Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broadnax, N
Girard Turnage Caroline (wid David), res Gayle nr Broadnax, Browne-
ville Turnage Mrs Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Turnage Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle
nr Broadnax, Browneville T urnage Susan, wks Brownes Steam Cotton Mills Turnage Wm, wks Swift Mfg Co Turner Carrie, c, res rear 1325 6th ave Turner Eliza, e, laundress, res Bottom nr Wynnton rd Turner Mrs Emma, saleslady Sternberg & Loewenherz Turner F E, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Turner George 0, live stock, bds Veranda House Turner Isaac, c, lab Harvey & Dudley Turner John P, druggist, res Rose Hill
Slate and Iron Mantels < T- L Sard's Telephone VO.

C. H.

R. I,. POLK & CO.'S

Turner Joseph E, c, barber and baths 1030 Broad, res 1324 5th ave
Turner Levi M (Bartlett, Newman & Co), res Summerville,. Browneville
Turner Lucy, c, res 10th bet 1st and 2d axes Turner Mary, c, domestic W H Sauls Turner Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Turner Millie, res 422 3d ave Turner Nancy,, c, laundress, res 1315 5th Turner Tucker, painter J M Osborne, res 806 Short Turner Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Cfo, res 2 Abert, BrownevilleTurner Wm C, printer Thomas Gilbert, bd's 726 Broad Turner Wm P, res Rose Hill Twilley Allie (wid Elijah), res Front 5 s of 11th Twilley Henry, overseer chain* gang, res 508 14th. Twilley Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Front
5 s of 11th Twilley Miss E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Twilley Fannie, wks Clegg Mfg Co Tyler Miss Alice, elk F C Stagg, res Long, Girard Tyler Andrew J, harnessmkr M A Bradford, res Long, Girard Tyler Miss Celia Anne, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res
Broad, Browneville Tyler Ceny Isabella, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad, Browne-
vllle Tyler Charles, c, wks C W Monroe Tyler C, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Tyler Miss Emma, tailoress Guy, res Long, Girard Tyler Henry, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browne
ville Tyler Miss Josephine S, wks G J Peacock, res Long, Girard Tyler Miss Martha C, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad Browne
ville Tyler Miss Mary S, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad, Browne
ville Tyler Samuel S, farmer, res Broad, Browneville
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Hose of all kinds..Fire Department

Supplies. Terra Cotta Drain arid

Sewer Pipe.

1035 Broad St,


Underwood Ida (wid Joshua), Ixls 930 4th ave Underwood Mollie, c, res 921 6th ave Union Depot, V2th bet 6th and 7th aves Union Grove Baptist Church, Rev J B Reese, pastor, Salem' nl
15 miles Upchurch Miss Eliza, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1602
1st ave Upchurch Sarah (wid Albert), res 1602 1st ave Upshaw John, c, lab, res 10th bet Broad and Front Upshaw, Martha, c, res 10th nr Broad Upton Wm M, driver Henry Averett, res Abert, Girard Urquhart Wm, brickmason, res Railroad, S Girard

Van Buren Abe, c, lab, res rear 215 11th Van Buren Julia, c, domestic D W Champagne Vann Laura, c, domestic John Hill Vann Oscar, wks Swift Mfg Co. res Abert, Browneville Vann P F (will Joseph R), bds 1429 2d ave Varner Amanda, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Varner J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Vaughan T Wyche, salesman C P Gray & Co, res 1430 3d ave Vaughn Henry, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res
Sand Fort rd, Girard Vaughn John G, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Sand Fort rd,
Girard Veasey Daniel, printer Kimbrough & Brown, res Girard Veasey John, painter Kimbrough & Brown, res Girard

1216 and 1218 Broad SL

(,-Sao i> 3/

Elegant Turnouts and Experi- UMPTfiT? QT /l PJ EQ

enced Drivers can be found at

illlj DlnDJuuO


R, L. POLK & CO.'S

Venable George, bds 1526 1st ave Venable Susie P (wid George M), res 1526 1st ave Veranda House, 10th s w cor 1st ave Vickers Elizali (wid John), res 1242-^ Broad Vickers Mrs L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Vickers Mrs Nancy E, res River, Girard Vickers Miss Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 11th 5 w
of Broad Vickery Miss Amelia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front
Browneville Vickery B F, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Vickery Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co Vickery Samuel D, c (Coleman & Vickery), res 223 13th Vickery Wrn J, photographer, Jackson car Van Buren, V
Girard Vincent Ella, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Inger*
soli, Browneville Vincent James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res IngersolL,
Browneville Vincent Jesse, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Vincent John, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg do, bds -alley bet Van
Buren and Jackson, Girard Vincent Josie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res Inger-
soll, Browneville Vincent Mrs Sarah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Vinson Ella, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Vinson Thomas \V, wks Eagle &, Phenix Mfg Co, res 51 Van
Buren, Browneville Voight Henry, wks Eagle & PhcnixMfg'Co Voight Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Voyles Mary, wks Clegg Mfg Co


1129 Broad St.

(See p 2'



Is controlled, directed and sn* pervised by the Principal and not by a hired assistant.



Waddell James M, watchman Bridge, res M & G R R nr Bridge, S Girard
Wade Elizabeth (wid Hampton G),res Gayle, Browneville Wade Ernest, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Coj res Gayle, Browne
Wade Joseph, wk Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle, Browneville
Wade Joseph, c, drayman Kern & Loeb, res River Front bet 17th and 18 th
Wade Mollie (wid Daniel) wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson, Browneville
Wadkins see also Watkins
Wadkins Miss Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1416* 1st ave
Wadkins Frank, wks Berry's brick yard, res 4th bet 1st and 2d aves
Wadkins Luther, butcher, res Broad, Girard Wadkins Nancy (wid James), res 21st bet 1st ave and River Wadkins Nora, c, laundress, res Collins, Browneville Wadkins Russell, c, lab, res 611 4th ave Wadkins Thomas R, carp, res Broad, Girard Wadley Peter, c, lab, res 1239 10th ave
Wadsworth Mrs Anna, c, teacher 6th ave Public School, res 2d ave bet 6th and 7th
Wadsworth Miss Missouri, wks Columbus Bagging Mills bds 1308* Broad
Wadsworth Nancy (wid Charles), res 1308* Broad Wadsworth Robert, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds 1308* Broad Wadsworth Wm, wks Columbus Fertilizer Co, bds 847 Front Wagner Emma V (wid Henry), res 713 1st ave Wagner Marcus, printer, bds 713 1st ave

Contractor and Builder, No, 9 12th street.

Please forward plans, and I will furn-
ish you estimates on all kinds of Building, Carpentering and Repairing.

6. E. THOMAS. shirt dep,,artment. Shirts Made to Order. UD

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.




R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Wagner Nathan, bds 713 1st are

Waldrop Miss Annie, seamstress, res Marshall Brownville Waldrop Miss Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,

Waldrop Larkin, wks Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co, res Cagle, Brownevilie

Waldrop Thomas, elk W H Coulter & Co, res Marshall, Brownville

Waldrop Thomas W, wks Muscogee'Mfg Co, res Duncan's ai, Pose Hill

M anlrop W H (Baird & Waldrop), res Broadnax, Lively

Waldroup Miss Frances, wks Brown Cotton Mill, res 2nd ave bet 20th and 21st

Waldroup Miss Lottie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 20th ^ and 21st

Waldroup Miss Louisa, wks ave bet 20th and 21st




Mfg Co




Walker Alexander, c grocer 222 7th, res same


Walker Andrew c, lab Columbus Iron Wks res 82G'8tli ave ter

\V alker Annie,c, res 919 6th ave


Walker Anthony, r, lab Columbs R R Co

Walker Arthur, elk Walker Bros, bds 302 11 th

Walker Benjamin, c, lab, res 5th ave, Rose Hill


Walker Bros, (Joel A and Robert W Walker), tel 59 Rea (,ter;



lTCE(n,esprtnTM arxtren 1,

Irn>sTuTranc,e, Produce aanncdi RR RR aonndd Webste--r tB>ildjg,

Soaailtt BDrrooikveerrss,, B-r> road1 cor 10th

8amth ave (Seep

ccoo 5_8 -


Walker Charles F, cooper Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res 101 (feL 5th ave

Walker Dollie, c, domestic E T Harris

ATalker Edwin, c, truckman G M & G R R, res 402 2d ave

\V alker Elijah, c brakeman C & W R R, res Wynnton Hill M alker Ella (wid Milton), res 1019 5th ave

,V alker Ella, domestic Thomas Chapman.

U alker Eugene, c. porter Hotel Riddle

Walker Fannie, c, laundress res 1023 7th ave


W alker Flournoy, messenger C R R




r Two Ann
ilker Frank 2.2(1 and
lker Georg* lker GilbeF lker Her? bet 15tl lker Mis lker Ida, lker Jack! lker Jaco lker Jam River B lker Jan; ker Jan ker Jan ker Jan ker Joel] ker Joh ker Job ave ker Jos( ker Julia] ker Kati| cer Lanif Jer Levi,ter Louil cer Loui$ ter Luci)| ter Miss $ ter Maryi :er Mary er M B' er Peter er Robe er Robe

-- gygk.g-sa"i^M : - - wtV*.





^i-sofcr-Jear; ^WESCRIOTiKM JPB&UCE
to fmwmm,

The Atlanta Engraving Co.>
Are prepared to do on Short Notice and at Lowest Rates
Portrait Cuts and Cuts of Buildin

By Our Own Artists.


Letter, Bill, and Note Heads, Menu |j

Or Other Cards.


In other words : AH Kinds of Cuts Furnished j for the New South at Lowest States.


THREE YEARS INSURANCE j G- GUXBY JORDAN, For Two Annual Premiums. | rire Insurance Agent,

rouSniporter A J & B 6

- 3d ave bet


. porter Jones Bros & Oaverlv

U-Ser h ,ei,t' c' 'Vks S * W 11 R'-res 21et bet 1st and 2d ave

M S&S Mes Columbus R R C. SJ ave

IUraulkwcr IMdiaS,ScI,(l?aau' nWdjrkes sSsw, riefts MCofgolCevVviblldes 1514 1st ave \\ alker Jack, c, lab, res 1322 6th ave

'{aC0b' c; lab Columbus R' R Co, res 713 6th ave

Walker James, loom repairer Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co res

* River Browneville

& ' ies

Walfer James, c, lab, res 18th, Rose Hall

Walker James,,c, wks C & W R K

Walker James, <r, driver E Philips

alker Jane, c, laundress, res S'Railroad, Browneville

Walker Joel A, (Walker Bros) re* 302 11th


|Kfer '{o m g physician 10| 12th, bds Hotel Riddle Waiker John H, trav salesman J K Gabriel & Co, bds 807 2d

Walker Joseph, c, lab Columbus R R Cm U alker Julia, c, domestic B F Watt Walker Katie, c, res 710 5th ave Walker Lanie, c, res 502 5th ave

alker Levi, c, grocer and blacksmith Wynnton rd res same

U ker Louisa, (wid Lorenzo) res Broad, Browneville alker Louisa T, (wid S A) res 807 2d ave

alker LMinda, c, laundress, res 1804 2d ave

a kerMjss Lucy, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1514 1st ave

Wa ker Mary, domestic John Hamilton


Valker Mary, e, cook J T Thweatt

Walker M Butler, brakeman C & W R R

a ker Peter, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks

ii r g,bert> c' lab> res Bottom, nr Wynnton Wker Robert W, (Walker Bros) bds 204 11th

|ARVEY & DOOLEY, Door FramesBlindS' Window and DEALERS IN Office, 1243 6th ave. Telephono 84.



R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Walker Sanders W. eng C R R, res 1015 5th ave Walker Thomas, c, lab river compress, res 5th ave bet 15th ant

16 tlr


Walker Washington, c, lab Empire Mills, res 3d ave bet 22<

and 23d Walker Wm, c, lab Golden Bros, res 829 9th ave Walker Wm, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res 409 17th, Ros

Hill Walker Wm R, tel operator C R R, bds 1019 5th ave

Wall see also Walls Wall Charles D, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 213 12th Wall Cyntha, (wid Hillerv) res Gayle, N Girard

Wall E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co

Wall Miss Fannie, wks Eagle <k Phenix Mfg Co

Wall George, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Wall Greene, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th

Wall James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds CemeterJ

Browne ville Wall Jasper T, wks Pearces Factory, res Broad nr Bi Wall Lafayette, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetei


Wall Lewis A, mach C R R res 502 11th

Wall Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Wall Robert, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Wall Stephen J, wks Swift Mfg Co, res 20th bet 1 stand 2d -a

Wall Thomas F, farmer, res Cemetery Browneville

Wallace A R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1201* Bro: falls

Wallace Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Riv akh

Browneville Wallace Mrs E, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Wallace Frank, c, shoemkr Dillingham bet Broad and Fro

res 5th nr River Wallace Frank jr, c, shoemkr Frank Wallace sr, res 5th

River Wallace Rev Jesse, c, presiding elder, res 819 17th ave

3 Is School Shoes T. T. HUNI


21 10th Street.


GOLDEN BROS. Manufacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators and Gin Gearing. Telephone 154.



Wallace J Donald, tailor Chancellor & Pearce, bds over 1042 Broad

Wallace Mrs Lottie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res River, Browneville

Wallace Mose,, 6, shoemkr Frank Wallace sr, c, bds 5th nr River

Wallace- Nathans, c, lab* res 506 3d ave

Wallace- Patrick, c, lab, res 500 4th ave

W aller Mass Ada, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd, Girard

Waller Miss Addie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd, Girard `

Waller James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Waller Miss Mary, seamstress, res Sand Fort rd, Girard

Waller Miss Mattie, seamstress, res Sand Fort rd, Girard IV aller Miss Mollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Waller Miss Nellie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd Girard

Waller Miss Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Waller Wm H, wks Eagle & Phenix.Mfg Co, res Gayle, Browne-

1' ville

J '

Walls see also Wall

Walls Amanda, wks Clegg Mnfg Co

Walls Miss Ellen, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Walls Miss Eugene, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Walls Green, c, bricklayer and plasterer, res Cooley ville-

Walls Miss Janie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Jackson,. Browneville

VV alls W D L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Walsh see also Welch
W alsh Alexander C, carp, res Bi-oad, Browneville

Walsh Edward M (E M Walsh. & Co), res 1st ave bet 9th ancl 10th

W alsli E M & Co (Edward M Walsh and Martin T Gergan)

tel 74, Steam Bottlers,, Ice Mnfrs, Mineral and Soda Water Mnfrs and Beer Agtsy 907-913 Broad

T. L. Gruzard,

s' Supplies
Telephone 70.




E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Walsh P, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Walsh Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Walston Annie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co


Walston Green, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Walston Lucius,.appr'Golden Bros, bds Browneville


Walters Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Boyd, Browne



Walton Miss Bettie D, seamstress 'Clara Brown, res S Girard ffai

Walton Miss Carrie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Boland,


Walton Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Boland,



Walton Henry, c, lab, res 515 3d a-ve


Walton John, wTks Eagle & Phenix Mfg'Co

Walton Julia, c, domestic Mrs S J Deckatow

Walton Miss Kate, elk C P Gray & Co, res S Girard


Walton Mary A, (wid Wm), res Bolamd Browneville


Walton Miss Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Walton Thomas M, physician, res S Girard


Ward Alonzo H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res McCollister fare

h Ward David, c, lab, res 827 7th ave
Ward E Id, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res McCollister



W ard H N, cond Cf M & G R R, ibds 727 4th ave


Ward James, res Front nr 11th


Ward Julia, wks Swift Mfg Co

Ward Julia, c, domestic Lasser Meyer


W ard Kenchen, c, lab C & W R R, res Bottom, Wynnton


Ward Kenneth, farmer, res 1514 1st ave


Ward Mrs Martha, cook, res Primrose Hill, N Girard


Ward Minnie, wks Swift Mfg Co


Ward Robert E, painter, res 1008 5th ave


Ward Sallie, wks Swift Mfg Co

Ward Mrs Sallie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Boob and Stationery it

7,\\V ' T. - <*' . 4* WrtWPr-fjMf.;.v v..
Georgia Steal ai fl Gas Pip Go. Hill's Automatic Sprinkler for IVillls and Factories a specialty. 1035 Broad Street.
Ward Stephen S, patternmkr Columbus Iron Wks, res 800 Front
Ward Wm, wks Swift .'Mfg Co Wardlaw Wm, farmer, res Wvnnton Wardsworth -Anna, c, teacher 6th ave public school, res 614 2d
ave M are Allen, c, lab, res 18th, Rose Hill /Ware Miss CaTKe, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res 20
Abert, Browneville IFare Calton, c, lab T L Gruzard Ware Miss Carrie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Ware Charlotte A, (wid Charles) res 20 Abert, Browneville W are Jacob, c, shoemkr, res Wynnton rd, Wvnnton Ware Jesse, wks Browne's Cotton Mill, res 20 Abert, Browne
ville Ware Kyer, c, carp, res Coolevville Ware Mary, (wid Robert) res "Long, Girard Ware Miss Mary, wks E igle <& Phenix Mfg Co War ; Mary, c, domestic Mrs M N Strappa* Ware Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 20 Abert.
Browneville War^ Mrs Susan, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Gayle, N
Girard Warmock Samuel, e, lab Muscogee Oil Co, res Wynnton Hill " arner Harry, c, wks River compress Warner Harry H, asst cashier C & W Div C R R, bds 1028 4th
ave Warner Lemuel P, del elk C R R depot, res 1237 5th ave Warren Alvin, c, wood cutter, res 10th ave cor G M & G It R .Warren Eliza, c, laundress, res 10th ave cor G M & G R R Warren James, c, lab Central Hotel Warren Joseph W, policeman, res 629 4th ave Warren Robert E, c, waiter M L Williams Washington Anna, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River Washington Fire Co No 2, c, Toney Jenkins, foreman, 1st ave
nr market house
Mattress Factory. Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 121fi and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)

EMPIRE STABLES You want your Horse aiul


Buggy properly attended

to, patronize the

E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Washington George, c, butler, res 820 6th ave


Washington George, c, lab, res 1615 5th ave Washington George, wks Swift Mfg Co


Washington James, c, lab, Muscogee Oil Co, res 7th ave bet"
8th and 9th Washington James H, c, fireman Thomas Gilberts, res 7tbave-
bet 8th and 9th Washington Jane, domestic J T Gibson

fa Fa Fa fa

Washington Millie, c, domestic IT Bussey Washington Ralph, c, lah, res 1418 5th ave Washington Robert, c, Muscogee Oil Co, res 808 5th ave Washington Sallie, domestic Joseph Hecht Washington Sarah, c, cook G W Cordray Washington Wm, driver Richard Howard

fa Fa Fa Fa Fa

Waters Wm A, (Waters & Lloyd), res 1034 1st ave


Waters & Lloyd, (Wm A Waters and Charles B Lloyd), meat

market stall 5 City Market Watkins see also Waclhins Watkins J L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Fai Fai

Watkins Luther T, meat market stall 3 City Market, res Long; fai



Watkins Mrs Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 11th 4 w

of Broad


Watkins M, wks Swift Mfg Co


'Watkins Russell, c, barber 1018 1st ave, res 820 Front


Watkins Mrs S, rgs 211 9th Watson Miss Abbie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co,, res- Boyd' fat



Watson Mrs Annie, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Boyd! Browneville fat

Watson Caroline, (wid Isham), res Broad Browneville

Watson Charlie, c, domestic Wm Cooper


Watson Dennis, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front 5 s of fat


Watson Ella, wrks Swift Mfg Co res Broad Browneville


Watson Miss F, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


Aenchbacher & Freer, MILLER'S HATS ed


1129 Bro.u> St. (See-p 2) Kous

Trains Teachers foT Successful

Work in the School Room.


(See p 81



Watson Henry L, maeh Columbus Iron Wks, bds Veranda


Watson John H, grocer and dry goods-,, boots and shoes, Bridge

Girard res same


Watson Laura L, (wid Jackson), res Broad Girard

Watson Lizzie, wks Swift Mfg Co

Watson Lucius, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Watson Vliss Martha, wks Eagle- & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad


Watson Miss 0, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Watson Patience, c, domestic J R Sells

Watson Richard, res 526 3d ave

Watson Richard, c, lab Empire Mills

Watson Rosa, c, laundress, r^s 731 6th ave

Watson Rev. Samuel, c, Pastor Mount Olive Baptist

Church, res Brannan Quarters, Girard

Watson Miss S, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Watson Thomas, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville

Watson Wiley, c, lab Columbus R R Co

Watson Wm T, carp C R R. res 10th avenue, Linn wood

Watt Alexander, watchman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front

s e cor 11th

Watt B Frank, 1st Sergant Police, res 108 8th

Watt Charles H, bkpr W J Watt, bds 302 11th

Watt Governer, c, striker Bradford Blackwell, res Front bet 8th and 9th

Watt Felix, c, (Watt & Co), res 14th bet 4th and 5th aves

Watt Henry, c, wks Bartlett, Newman & Co, res rear 321 14th

Watt Hugh, elk M A Bradford, bds 108 8th

Watt Lizzie, c, lunch house, Dillingham nr Front, res same

Watt Miss Lula F, saleslady J A Kirven & Co, bds 108 8th

W att Miss Mattie T, saleslady J A Kirven & Co, bds 1437 2d ave

Watt Theresa (wid James M), res 1437 2d ave

Watt Thomas, c, wks Mrs C E Webster


House. Sign and Ornamental

No. 9 12th Street.

r aiSlteP

Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs, for every


3 Wedding Suits a Specialiy.

1010 Broad Street.


Watt Thomas B, salesman W J Watt, bds Veranda House Watt Thomas J, Postmaster postoffice, res 1408 2d ave
Watt Wm, c, driver T S Tuggle Watt Wm, (tel 47), whol. and retail grocer, 1000 Broad, res
1120 1st ave Watt Willis J, office boy Yonge & Grimes, bds 108 8t.h Watt & Co, c, (Felix Watt, Peter Miles and John T Morris)
blacksmiths, loth bet Broad and 1st ave W.atts George, wks .Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 937 Front
Watts James E, c, shoemkr, res Wynnton Hill Watts Martha, c, domestic E W Joines Watts Wm, wks Eagle & Phenix Mlg Co Waverlv Farm, George Findlater propr, Hamilton s w cor
Hill ave, Rose Hill Waymeyer Adam, c, gardener, res 11 17th Weatherley Miss Florence, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds
S Railroad, Browneville Weatherley L Floyd, overseer Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S
Railroad, Browneville Weatherly Wm E, agt Troy Steam Laundry, Atlanta,
Ga., 1010 Broad, res 1221 4th ave Weaver Annie, c. domestic W T Harvey Weaver Eliza, c, res 1311 6th ave Weaver Henry, wks MuscogeeMfg Co
Weaver Isaac, c, wks C R R Shops Weaver John W, painter JM Gsborne, res Collins, Browneville Mreaver Katie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Weaver Sylvania L (wid Samuel E), res Broad, Girard Weaver Thomas, wks Columbus Iron wks tveaver Thomas J, carp, res 1722 1st ave Webb Abner, e, treas Columbus Messenger Pub Co, res 1606 2d
ave Webb Charles, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 10 Abort,
Browneville Webb Charles, c, brickmason, res 515 3d ave

soda Wat r HALL & WHEAT'S

The Best in the City,.at


G. GUNBY JORDAN, sCE;offTP^h"iltaad1'elphia -^hhS'ara Ol ..N", Y* .Telephone 104. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY.

Webb Edward J, bkpr Empire stables, res 1st ave bet 12th and 13th
Webb Miss Florence, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, bds 10 Abert, Browneville
Webb James R, farmer, res 10 Abert, Browneville Webb Miss Mattie, wks Chattahooche Kniltirfg Co, bds 10
Abert, Browneville
Webb Miss Minnie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co, bds 10 Abert, Browneville
Webb Wm, c, lab 317 5th
Weber H (J B Holst & Co), res`Savannah, Ga Webster Carrie E (wid Joseph), res 1109 1st ave Webster Charles M, eng C R R Webster G, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Webster James M, farmer, res 10th cor 13th Webster Norman, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg. Co Webster Winfield S, res 1109 1st ave
Weddington Mrs Cornelia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville
Weddington Edward D, elk J W Herring, res Browneville Weddington Miss Lizzie, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res
Weekley J Emmett G, elk E M Averctt, res 1200.V Broad Weeks Andrew, c (Stevens & Weeks), c, res 102 2d ave Weeks Miss Jessie, wks Clegg Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 21st and
Weeks Samuel B, carp Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 2d ave bet 21st and 22d
Weeks Thirsty, wks Cleggs Mfg Co1 bds 2d ave bet 21st and 22d
Weeks Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Weeks Wm, c, wks Stevens & Weeks, c, res 1002 2d ave M eeiks W m H, wks Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, res Browneville
nr Wynnton
[Weems Andrew D, c, carp, res 700 6th ave


Georgia Long Leaf Yellow .Pine,

Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin

gles, Laths and Lime.

Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84.



Jt. L. FOLK &' CO.'S

Weems Fannie, c, res 505 4th ave Weems Henrietta, c, laundress, i'cr 415- 16th Weems Isaiah, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg ay. res 1308^ Broad
Weems John, c, lab, res 834 4th ave Weems John W, elk J L Hogan, hds 12th bet Broad and Front
Weems J R, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Weems Wm K, c, barber H H Williams, res 314 6th Weinberg Gustave, agt grocer, dry goods, boots and shoes 1546
1st ave, res samse AVeisiger Bros, (James B and Wm P) fancy grocers, cigars and
tobacco 1026 Broad AVeisiger Clarence, elk Miller Transfer Co, bds 1237 Broad Weisiger Frederick C, bkpr B T Hatcher, bds 1237 Broad Weisiger James B, (Weisiger Bros) res 1020 4th ave Weisiger Wm P, (Weisiger Bros) carp G M & G R R, bds 1237
Broad AVeiss Lewis, rabbi Jewish Synagogue, res 811 2d ave Welbourn John, c, lab Empire Mills Welborn Richard, c, porter W J Watt, res 8th ave bet 9th and
10 th Welch see also Walsh "Welch James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Welch Miss L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Welch Miss Minnie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Welch Missouri, (wid. John) res Broad, Brownevile Welch Rachel, (wid Henry) bds 2037 2d ave Weldon Miss Catharine, wks Columbus Bagging Mill,, res 800
Short Weldon Emanuel, c, lab, res 707 7th ave Weldon Eugene, c, lab, res 1607 4th ave Weldon Eugene, c, lab, res 707 7th ave , AVeldon Mason, c, res 707 7th ave Weldon Robert, c, lab J T Shepherd, res 1607 4th ave AVeldon Miss Temple E, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, bds 800<







Wellborn see also Wdbourn

Wellborn Marshall J, policeman, res 1325 Broad

Wells Mrs Anna, wks.Swift Mfg Co, bds 510 15th


Wells Edward B, bkpr Blanchard, Booth & Huff, bds 114 9th

Wells Elbert L, (Wells & Curtis) pres Chattahoochee Bldg

and Loan Assn, res 744 Front

Wells James C, watchman Steamer Aid, res 808 Short

Wells James W, c. boot black Parlor barber shop, bds 4th awe

bet 6th and 7th

Wells Lyman E jr, bkpr J T Kavanagh, res 114 9tli

Wells Mary B (wid Lyman), res 114 9th

Wells Mrs Susan, wks Eagle & PheniX Mfg Co

Wells Wm F, elk Wm Redd, res 608 Front

Wells Mrs W W, wks Swift Mfg Co Wells & Curtis (Elbert L Wells and Xorris X Curtis),

Boots, Shoes, Leather and Findings, 1143 Broad (See p


Wesley Ann, c, propr Wesley House, 5.V 12th

Wesley Effie (wid Dempsey), elk Wm H McKenzie, res Long,


Wesley G, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Wesley House, c, Ann Wesley, propr, boarding. 5 12th

Wesley John, c, lab Gus Wright, res 5^ 12th

\Yresley Lula, wks Chattahoochee Knitt ing Co

Wesley Xancy, c, laundress, res 913 6th ave

West Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Go, res Bridge,


West Augustus, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Abert,


West Birdie L, wks Eagle &Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville

West Charles H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co. res Browne


West Eli L, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Gayle, Browneville

West Elijah T, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville

West Miss Emma, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Abert, Browneville








K. L. POLK & CO.'S

West James, carp, res Beland, Browneville West Jesse, wks Harvey & Dudley, res Abert, Browneville West Marion, c, lab River compress, res 5th nr River West Mrs Nancy, wks Eagle & Plienix Mfg Co, res Abert,
Browneville West Randolph, wks Harvey & Dudley, res Abert, Browne* West Sarah J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res S Railroad:,
Browneville West Wm, c, wks Berry's brick yard, bd.s 1036 6th ave West Wm H, farmer, res Lawyer's Lane, Wynnton Western Union Tel Co, tel 50, 0 C Harrell, mngr, 10 11th Weston Daniel M (Weston & Garrett), postmaster Girard, res
Long, S Girard Weston James, res Amos Quarters, Wynnton rd Weston N A, asst postmaster Girard, res Abert,. S Girard Weston & Garrett (Daniel M Weston and John R Garrett)
tel 164, Merchandise Brokers and Real Estate Agts, Bridge^ n w cor Broad, Girard; Whaley David, c, driver B G Farmer "Wharton Fred, wks Muscogee-Mfg Co Whatley Alice (wid Wm), res Broad, Browneville Whatley Andrew J, fireman C R R, res 1657 2d ave Whatley Miss Annie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad Browneville Whatley Armenius H, fruits & confectionery 1234 1st ave res same
W hatley David, c, porter A J & B G Farmer, res Rose Hill Whatley George W, fireman G M & G R R, res Broad bet 13th
and 14th
Whatley Jacob, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 1717 2d ave Whatley James H, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad
Browneville Whatley John T, elk L A Scarbrough, res Rose Hill W hatley Landon W, night watchman Columbus Cotton Seed
Oil Wks, res 1657 !2d.ave
THOMAS CHAFFIN, Bools and Stationery

GEORGIA STEAM HAS PIPE CO, Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at 1035 Broad St.



Whatley Miss Laura wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Broad Browneville
Whatley Peter, c, lab Columbus R R o Whatley Sarah, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Wheat Eli H, (Hall & Wheat), res 1126 Front Wheat Henry L, mach Columbus Iron Wks, bds Veranda
blouse i Wheeler Charles D, res 715 3d! aver "Wheeler George, c, lair, res- 832 6th ave Weeeler James, c, porter T A Cantrell, res rear 730 3d ave Wheeler & Wilson Mfg Co, Thomas R Dent, nmgr Sewing
Machines 13 10th I Wheeless Phronie, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co
Wheeless Win, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co I V hite Albert, c, lab Clegg Mfg Co, res Duncans Alley Rose
I White Albert, c, porter J W Howard, res 21st bet 1st and 2d aves
I W hite Albert N, elk L A Scarbrough, res Summerville, Browneville
[ White Mrs Bertha, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail road Browneville
W hite Carter, c, lab E M Walsh & Co, res 3d ave White Miss C, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co I TMte David, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res North West White David, postal elk, bds 621 1st ave
White Miss Dora, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort rd Girard
White Edward W, carp, res 221 17th White Mrs Elizabeth, res 215 Chappell
White Miss Fannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1634 3d ave
White Frank, c, wks C & W R R, res 409 17th White Frank carrier Columbus Ledger, bds Browneville White George, elk Hall & Wheat, Browneville




Tilt OHDIOC *s.a Perfect Livery. Sale and

I ML Uflrint

Feed Stable.


K. L. POLK & CO.'S

White George, c, lab, res 5th ave Rose Hill White Henderson, c, porter Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, res
427 3d ave White Jacob P, engineer, res 412 9th White Jas A, ^policeman, res 1421 3d -ave White John D, elk W H McKenzie, res Marshall cor Boyd,
Browneville White Joseph, res N Railroad, Browneville
White Kit, c, lab Empire Mills White Levi, c, drayman, res 708 5th ave White Lizzie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co White Miss Lucinda, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rath-
road, Browneville White L Eugene, general mdse, 1644 3d ave, res 221 17th White Marion C, advertising solicitor Ledger, res Marshall cer
Boyd, Browneville White Miss Martha, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res
Browneville White Miss Mary, wks C C Shepperson & Co, res Sand Fort
Rd, Girard White Miss Nettie, wks Muscogee Mfg Co White Miss Ola, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co White Miss Ollie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co White Robert, c, wks Wm Munday White Rosa (wid Richard), res Broad, Browneville White Rowe, policeman White Miss Sarah, wks Eagle A: Phenix Mfg Co, res Sand Fort
rd, Girard White Miss Sarah, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co, bds 1634 3d
ave White Mrs Sophronia, wks Eagle & PhenixMfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville White Stephen, c, lab, res N Girard White Tabitha, wks Muscogee Mfg Co,

Aenchbaclier & Freer,


3 1129gBroad Street.

(See p 2) |

Woolwine High School


White Thomas, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Bottom, Wynntonn
White Valinda (wid George), res 1634 3d White Miss Vioia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co White Wm, wks Columbus Iron 5Vks, res Sand Fort rd, Girard White W A, fireman CRR White Y, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Whitehead C T (wid J T), boarding, 204 11th Whitehead Philip, c, waiter J C Cook -Whitehead Tobe, c, lab, res 6th avcbet 4th and 5th i W hitehurst Frank M, night watchman CRR compress, res
Bridge, Girard
pW hitehurst Wm B, day watchman CRR compress, 'res Bridge, Girard
Whiteside, George B, sec and treas Columbus Iron Wks I and Central Line of Boats, res 940 Broad Whiteside Samuel J, propr Central Line of Boats, res Savan
nah, Ga
Whiteside Thomas, elk Bee Hive, bds 620 Broad Whiteside Thomas J, captain steamer Pactolus, res 620 Broad \V hitman Caroline (wid John L), res 1521 3d ave Whitman Coulson L, elk J T Pearce, bds 1521 3d ave ^Whitman E C, trav salesman Erminger & Lundv, res 3d ave If \\ hitman Frank E, trav salesman Erminger & Lundy, bds
3d ave
Whitman Miss Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1521 , 3d ave
(Whittaker Dawson, c, lab Columbus Iron Wks, res 6th ave bet 6th and 7th
Whittaker Joseph L, elk J E Cargill, bds 846 2d ave Whittaker Wm, res 624 2d ave
W hitten Charles N, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 12424 ^T, Broad
Written J, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co


r r^r'D^-r^Y0XJ^0'
C ontractor and Builde-r,

iPslheaysoeufeosrtwimaradtepslaonns-a,llankdindI swoifllBfuuirlnd--


No, 9 lath street.

ing, - Carpentering and Repairing,



6. E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. lOlO Broad Street.


E. L. POLK & CO.'S

Whittington Monroe J, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory,

res Van Buren, Browneville

Whittle Maria, c, domestic J Greenwood

Whittlesey J Hamlin, elk Bee Hive, res 1002 4th ave

Whittlesey Philip E, listing elk C R R, res 1036 4th ave

Whitley Robert, c, porter, bds 832 6th ave

Wickam Alonzo, contractor and builder, res 1545 3d ave

Wielaner Carl (Weilaner & Kolnneker), res Boyd Brownevillfe,.

Wielaner & Kolnneker (Carl Wielaner and Ernest Kolnneker).

proprs Browneville Bavarian Brewery, Boyd nr Gayle,


Wiggins Davis,-c; lab Columbus Barrel Mfg Co

Wiggins James, wks Eagle & Phenix Mig Cop res 939 Front

Wiggins Lewis, c, lab, res Wynnton rd

Wiggins Mrs Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Wiggins Mary, c, domestic M A Bradford

Wiggins Mrs Nancy, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Coy res 937


Wiggins S Y, res 808 4th ave

Wiggins Thomas, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Wighart Frank, wks Harvey & Dudley

Wilhourn see also Wellborn

Wilbourn Miss Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res-


Wilbourn Hiram, c, lab, res 826 8th ave

Wilbourn Mary, c, laundress, res 424 2d ave

Wilbourn Thomas, res Browneville

Wilder Miss Lena, cook Epping House

Wilding Charles S, elk Isham Meadows res Marshall, Browhe-



Wilding Miss Fannie, domestic D H Andrews

Wilhelm George E, receiving elk C R R freight depot, Ires

1120 5th ave


Wilkerson Miss Ella, wks Eagle <& Phenix Mfg Co

Wilkerson Mrs Ida, wks Eagle & Phenix Mtg Co

TMeral waters
On Draught at







*< v <t-





Wilkerson. Susan (wid Daniel), res 6th.-ave bet 8th and 9th Wilkerson W R bds Central Hotel Wilkins Barney, c, lab, res 530 4th ave Wilkins Miss B, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co
Wilkins Francis G, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker over 1038 Broad, res 820 Broad
W ilkins James, resBrovvneville [Wilkins Miss V, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Wilkins Wm D, ciy marshal Browneville, res Wilkins nr N Rail road, Browneville
Wilkinson Mrs Martha, res 1321 2d- ave

I Willett Dukes, watchman Browne's Cotton Mill, res 18th s w cor 2d ave
M illett John B, res 1802 1st ave
Willett Raleigh, elk Mrs Sarah Willett, bds 1722 2d ave w-1ofTM11 ^viJTIsaiah)' grocer, 1726 2d-ave. res 1722 sameifm-i 6tt Stan' clk Mrs- Sarah Willett, bds-1722 2d ave Hi lett Miss Tempey, dressmkr, res 1920 2d.ave

I '' 1 o,x Archibald A, with D F Willcox, 1145 Broad, res 1433I 2d ave

Willcox, DeWitt F, tel 7, ins agt, 1145 Broad, res 1433 2d
ave (see front cover) A\ illiams Adaline, c, domestic J T Fletcher

Williams Alexander, wks Swift Mfg Co, res-3d ave bet 18th. and 19th

Williams Alexander, c, carpenter, res 45 Zion \\ illiams Alice, wrks Muscogee Mfg Co

Williams, Alpha A, photographer, 1147* Broad, res Wynn-

ton ( bee adv)


Williams*Amanda, c, res 1721 Talbotton ave : W illiams Andrew L, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 3 Thon> * -I _ as, Browneville

mr-!!-amS ^na> c' laundress, res 7th bet Front and River Williams Miss Anna R, dressmkr, res 742 3d ave Williams Annie, c, cook Hotel Riddle


' T




'HARVEY & niini FY Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard-

iiinSQ W L. I 'ML f , ing, Brackets, Picket? Mantels, &c.


Office, 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 84:

Clocks and Bronzes,


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Williams Miss Annie L, paper boxmkr Thomas Gilbert, res
Girard Williams Arthur, c, wks Georgia Steam and Gas Pipe Co, res
327 18th Williams Augustus, res rear 321 14th Williams Augustus, c, drayman Richard Howard, res 1646 4th Williams Augustus, c, wks F A Jepson, res Cooleyville Williams Rev A M, Pastor St Luke's Methodist Church.,
res 1101 5th ave Wilkins Miss Bettie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne-
ville Williams Bettie, c, laundress, res 14th cor 5th ave Williams Brady, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg*Co Williams Bros, (Warren and Frank W Williams) grocers, no
tions, boots and shoes Marshall, Browneville Williams Bud, c, carp, res Talbotton ave, Rose Hill Williams Caroline, (wid Wm L) res 924 4th ave AVilliams Miss Carrie, tailoress Columbus Clothing Co, res 911
4th ave AVilliams Carrie, c, res 545 4th ave AVilliams Miss Carrie R, dressmkr, bds 742 3d ave AVilliams Catherine, laundress, res 1808'2d ave AVilliams Catherine, c, res'214 8th Williams Charles, lah, res 705 6th ave AVilliams Charles, c, lab, res 8th bet 8th and 9th aves AVilliams Charles, c, lab, res Curtis Quarters, AVynnton AVilliams Charles, c, hackman, res 812 16th ave AVilliams Charles L, physician 1113 Broad tel 141, res 1028
ave tel 162 A\rilliams Miss Cordelia, tailoress G J Peacock, bds 911 4th a AVilliams Daniel, c, lab, res 516 5th ave Williams ^Daniel. c, res 712 5th ave AATlliams Daniel, c, porter Peabody & Faber, res 1st ave n
cor 20th

I HUNT Ladies' and Gents Boots and Sho

. U. llUiUj

21 10th Street.

GOLDEN BROS. Keep In stock Pipe, Pipe Fittings. Globe and Check Valves, Injectors, &c. ) Telephone 154.



Williams Daniel E, Tel 97, Coal, and Sec and Treas Mus
cogee Mutual and Columbus Mutual Loan Assns 1145 Broad, res 217 12th
Williams David, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Broad, Browneville
I Willems Dorothy A, (wid J Y H) dressmkr, res 628 Front I Williams Edward, c, porter Wells & Curtis, res 5th ave, Rose
- Williams Edward, c, sampler Flournoy & Epping, res 305 18th Williams Edward, c, wks C R R shops Williams Ella, c, laundress, res 626 5th ave
Williams Emanuel, c, driver Richard Howard, res 825 9th ave
I Williams Emma, c, domestic W T Gautier I Williams Frances, c, laundress, res- 719 2d ave
Williams Frank, wks Swift Mfg Co, res Summerville, Browne ville
Williams Frank, c, wks Berry's brick yard Williams Frank, c, porter T T Edmunds I Williams Frank W. res 512* 5th ave
Williams Frank W (Wiliams Bros), res Marshal cor Broad, Browneville
IWilliams George, c, lab, res 905 4th ave* Williams George, c, lab, res T7T9' 3d ave Williams George M, carp, res 311 16th
Williams George M, tel 65, sec and treas Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co and Swift Mfg Co, res 1028 Front
Williams Georgia, c, laundress, res Booneville, nr Wynnton Williams Georgia, c, laundress, res 12thibet 1st and 2d aves Williams Guy, packagebov Sternberg & Loeweuherz, res 731
4th ave
Williams Hal, c, lab, res 1421 5th-ave W illiams Harriett, domestic Robert Joerg Williams Harry, c, lab T L Gruzard,, res 622 5th ave Williams Henrietta, c, domestic C M Kinsel Williams Henry, carrier Columbus Ledger

Pilate and Iron Mantels 5 T-L- Gruzards Telephone VO.


R. I,. POLK & CO.'S

Williams Henry, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co

Williams Henry, c, cook Veranda House, res 827 /th ave

Williams Henry, c, lab, res 7th ave bet 7th and 8th

Williams Henry, waiter Central Hotel

Williams Henry, c, lab, res Wynnton rd

Williams Henry, driver Richard Howard

Williams. Hiram, c, wks J M Fletcher & Son

Williams Hiram A,.-supt Wm Amos, res Girard

Williams Henry H, c, barber 6 12th, res 641 3d ave

Williams Isaac, c, farmer, res Wynnton

Williams Isham, c, cook, res Bottom, nr Wynnton

Williams James, elk Bee Hive, bds 311 16th

Williams James, brickmason. res 18th s w cor 2d ave

Williams James, wks Eagle & Phenii MfgiCo, res Browneville

Williams James, c, lab, res 830 4th ave

Williams James, c, lab, res 802 6th ave

Williams James T, elk J 0 Albright, res Marshall, Browneville

'Williams "Jane, c, res Cooleyville

Williams Jefferson, c, brakeman M & G R R

Williams Rev Jefferson, c, res 1528 3th ave

Williams John, wks Clegg Mfg Co

Williams John, eng C R R

Williams John, c, wks Muscogee Oil C

Williams John, c, wks Berry's brick yard

Williams John, c, carp, res Booneville nr Wynnton

Williams John, c, lab, res Booneville, nr Wynnton

Williams John, c, farmer, res Wynnton

Williams John, c. lab, res Bridge, Girard

Williams John A, c, pressman J S Stewart, res 1428 5th ave

Williams Julia, domestic John Hill

'Williams Julia F (wid Wm F), Music Teacher, res 418


Williams King, wk s Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Short, m


Williams Mrs Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery.



THOMAHHAFFIN, Musical Instrument

Georgia Steam & Gas Pine Go.
Williams Miss Laura, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 9 14th Williams Laura, c, domestic C B Grimes. 1438 Broad Williams Lewis, res rear 321 14th Williams Lizzie, c, domestic Mrs L T Walker Williams Lucy, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Williams Lucy, c, domestic Eugene Lawrence Williams Lula, c, res '545 4th ave Williams Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Williams Lunhie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browne-
ville Williams Mack, e, lab, res 809 7th ave Williams Madison, brakeman C R R, res Bottom nr Wynnton
Hill "Williams Maria (wid Joseph), res 1536 4st ave Williams Maria, c, laundress, res 31 St Johns Williams Martha, c, res 1528 4th ave "Williams Mary, r, laundress, res Wynnton Hill 'Williams Miss Mary S, dressmkr, bds 742 3d ave Williams Mattie, c, laundress, res Bottom, nr Wynnton rd Williams Mattie, c, laundress, res 1732 Talbotton ave "Williams Michael L, c, Restaurant 15 11th, res same Williams Mollie, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res
Browneville 'Williams Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 1432
1st ave "Williams Nelson, c, waiter Rankin House, re3 611 5th ave Williams Miss Nora, seamstress G J Peacock, bds 911 4th ave Williams Gylier, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Browneville Williams Phronie, wks Swifts Mfg Co, bds 2003 3d ave Williams Pomelia C, (wid R G), res 1531 1st ave Williams P J. elk T J Pearce, res 1531 1st ave Williams Rachel, c, domestic W G Wolfork Williams Robert, c, lab, res rear 321 14th Williams Samantha, c, res Curtis Quarters Wynnton Williams Samuel H, salesman Brannon & Carson, res 1302 3d


EMPIRE STABLES Elegant Turnouts and Experi
enced Drivers can be found at


B. L. POLK & CO.'S

Williams Sarah, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Factory, res


Williams Sarah, domestic Max Wolfson

Williams Sarah, ,ry domestic V I Marcus

Williams Sidney, c, lab, res 42 Zion

Williams Simon, c, lab Carter & Bradley, res 824 4th ave

Williams Sophia, domestic Theodore Burnham

Williams Terry, c, porter Wm Meyer, res 828 4th ave

Williams Thomas, c, lab Carter & Bradley, res 545- 4th ave

Williams Thomas, c, wks C R R shops

Williams Thomas, c, wks C Heller, res 31 15th

Williams Thomas A elk Blanchard, Booth & Huff; bds 1333

3d ave

WilliamsyThomas E, (W E Williams & Son), bds 313 10th

Williams Vernon H, farmer, res Browneville

Williams Violet, c, domestic Toombs Howard

Williams Warren, (Williams Bros), res N Railroad Browne


Williams Washington, c, lab, res 29 Curtis- Quarters Wynntoa

Williams Washington, c, res 706 9th

Williams Wesley, c, lab. res 323 13th

Williams Wm, lab, res Railroad ave Browneville-

Williams 'Wm, c, brakeman M & G R R

Williams Wm, c, barber Joseph McGehee

Williams Wm, c, wks Columbus Iron Wks

Williams Wm E, (Williams & Pou and WE Williams & Son-),,

res 313 10th

Williams W E & Son, (Wm E and Thomas E), Undertakers

and Embalmers, 939 Broad


Williams Wm T, bill elk freight depot C R R, bds 217 12th Williams Wyley, printer Enquirer-Sun, res 6th bet Front and


Williams & Pou tel 142 (Wm E Williams and Dozier P'ou)

harness, saddles and buggies, 939-941 Broad

AenGhbacher & Preer MERCHANT TAILORS ANI GENTS' FURNISHERS, 5 1129 Broad-St.


Williamson Ernest L, messenger So. Express Co, bis Veranda

Wilkinson Henry P, brakeman C & W R R, bcls 12014 Broad Williamson John B, carp, res 800 Short Williamson Joseph, tvks Swift Mfg Co Williamson J B, wks Columbus Iron Wks
V illkmson Martha, e, domestic Mrs. Amanda Pitts Williamson Robert W, bkpr and mangr I L Pollard & Co re-3
Thomas, Rose Hill
Williford- Preston B, yardman Flournoy & Epping, res 731 3d ave
Willingham Hiram, c, shoemkr. res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Wilingham J F, mach Columbus Iron Wks Willis Miss Anna, wks Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co
Willis Benjamin, wks Browne's Cotton Mill, bds 1502 1st ave Willis Charles D, salesman J Joseph, res 447 Ifroad Willis Chollie, c, driver Express Co
V illis Emma (wid James T), res Wynn's Hill, Wynnton Willis Henry, c, lab Muscogee Oil Mill, res 712 5th ave V illis James L (Willis A Battle), res Wvrmton Willis John, wks Browne's Cotton Mill, bds 1502 1st ave
Willis John, c, janitor Chappell^ Seminary, res rear 1517 2d

Willis John B, c, carp, res Long, Girard Willis John J, wks Swift Mfg Co-, res 1502' 1st ave
I Wlllis Kmg L, c, shoemkr, res Lumpkin rd, Cooleyville Willis Mary, c, grocer, Lumpkin rd1, Cooleyville Willis Mary, res Marshall, Browneville Willis Maud, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Co Willis Nelson, c, lab C R R
I Willis Oliver H, boss Muscogee Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard Willis Philip, c, lab, res S Girard Willis Reuben, c, res 1430 5th ave Willis Robert, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 1502 1st ave Willis Wm, elk Sternberg & Loewenherz, res Wynnton

House Sign and Ornamental Po jnlps1 No. 9 12th Street.

Advertising in all its branches. Estimates
on contracts per hundred upwards, on Gold and Silver Glass Signs* for every



Furnishing Goods Department, the Largest in the City.
lOlO Broad Street.

G. E.


E. L. POLK & CO.'S


Willis Wm A, general store, Buena Vista rd cor Lawyer's Lane

res Wvnnton

Willis & Battle (James L Willis and Charlton E Battle), law

yers, 1146^ Broad

Wilmot Wm E, elk Barbrey & Jarvis, res 1325 Broad

Wilson Allen, c, lab, res 1428 5th ave

Wilson Amos E, mail carrier district 3, postoffice, res 1414 5th


Wilson Bartow F, trav salesman the Columbus Clothing Co.,

res Rose Hill

Wilson Berry F, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Brow'neville

Wilson Charles, c, waiter Hotel Riddle

Wilson C, wks Muscogee MfgCo

Wilson Edward, c, wood cutter, res 1615 3d ave

Wilson Miss Effie, Avks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Slade

Lane, Lin-wood

Wilson Eva, wks Swift Mfg Co

Wilson George, wks Columbus Bagging Mill,ires Girard

Wilson Henry, c, pressman Thomas Gilbert, res 526 4th ave

Wilson Henry, c, lab, res 10th ave bet 6th and 7fh

Wilson Miss Irene, res 720 3d ave

Wilson James B, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 080^- Broad

Wilson Joseph, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Wilson Joseph, c, lab, res Collins, Brownevffle

Wilson Kenny, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, ires Slade Lane,


Wilson Miss Lizzie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 4 Jack-

son, Browneville

Wilson Mis Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Front bet

13th and 14th

Wilson Mary, c, domestic John Peabody sr

Wilson Mary, e, cook, res Booneville, nr Wvnnton

Wilson Robert, carp, res Slade Lane, Linwood


Wilson Sandy, c, lab, res 711 8th ave

Wilson Seaborn, c, lab, res Cooleyville

HALL & WHEAT, Prescription Druggist!

1016 and 1142 BROAD STREET.

Only Night Hell ill tllO city^'


Wilson Mrs Sue, res 9 14th Wilson Susan, c, laundress, res 619 3d ave Wilson Thomas, c, lab, res 745 Front Wilson Thomas, c, drayman J T Ivavanagh, res 526 4th ave
Wilson Walter, c, porter Baird & Waldrop Wilson Wm, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Wimberly David, c, porter J B Tarvis & Co, res Wynnton rd
Wimberly Samuel, c, waiter E Philips Wimbish Jackson L, dentist 1210 Broad, res same Wimbish Katie, c, domestic C J Eider Wimbish Wm, bkpr J H Edwards, res 9th s w cor 7th ave
Wimley Fannie, c, domestic Andrew Elledge Winberg James C, prescriptionist Hall & "Wheat, >res 1016
Broad Windham George, foreman T L Gruzard, res Girard "Windham John, carp Columbus Iron Wks, res Long,4?irard
'Wingfield John M, bkpr, res 14 7th Winn see also Wynne Winn B F, wks Clegg Mfg Co Winn Ezekiel, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Winn Georgiana, c, laundress, res 807 8th ave Winn Hattie, c, laundress, res 3d ave bet 6th and 7th Winn Homer, wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Sand Fort rd,
Girard Winn Martha, c, laundress, res rear 1906 2d ave Winn Mrs Sarah, wks G J Peacock, res Sand Fort rd, Girard Winn Sarah A (wid T J), res 112 6th Winn Wm H, printer Columbus Ledger, res 112 6th Winslet Amos M, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, res 1510 1st
ave Winter Charles, c, lab, res Alabama, Rose Hill Winter Daniel, c, wks C R R shops Winter James, c, lab, res 18th, Rose Hill Winters Georgianna, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Winters James J, butcher, res Broadnax, N Girard


Office, 1243 6th ave.

T-/ephone 84.


Sfhnmhlirtf SilTfirware, Spectafc an! Optical Goods.


1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)

R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Winters Martha (wid Thomas), res Cemetery, Browneville Winters Maston, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Cemetery,
Browneville Winters T, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Wise Charles, res 645 Broad
Wise Charles J, supt T L Gruzard, res 741 3d aveAATse Francis (wid Joseph), res 709 2d ave AATse George L, elk, bds 709 2d ave Wise Joseph F, printer, res 435 Broad
AVisham Miss Lula, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 2 Jaeksoit, Browneville
AVithers Adaline, c, res 925 6th ave Withers Emma, c, res 843 6th ave
AVittich Adolphus (AWittich & Kinsel), res 737 Broad' Witticli & Kinsel (Adolphus AAfittich and Charles M Kfn-
sel), Watchmkrs and Jewelers, 1149 Broad (See p 57) AVolf Lee, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 1216 4th aveAVolforlk Charles, bds Macon rd, AArynnton AYmlforlk AVm G, res Macon rd, AVynnton AA^olfson David, trav saPesman, res 1024 4th ave AArolfson Max, trav salesman, res 309 11th AArolfson AVolf, trav salesman M Joseph, bds 1024 4th ave Womack John, res Talbotton ave
Wommack Miss Bessie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 80 Jackson, Blownevill'e
AA^ommack Gaston, wits Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 80 Jackson, Browneville
AVood Caroline, c, laundress, res 639 4tb aveWood Emma, c, cook Mrs C' E Webster AVood Francis, c, res 507 4th ave
AVood Frank, elk Jacob Browdy, bds 3d ave bet 7th and 8th AVood Green & Mahone, (AVm J AV"ood, AA"m S Green and Till
H Mahone), real estate, over 1101 Broad AVood James E, lab, res Browneville AVood James F, elk, bds 213 Chappell

Gold lock M Shoes, T

,rr.`. i t r.v ,-t -- y*r*9p<*f* ....-< *> `*

GOLDEN BROS, Manufacturers of Hangers, Pulleys, Shafting, Couplings and Collars. Telephone 154.



Wood John, c, lab, res rear 507 4th ave Wood Johnson, c, lab, res 1315 5th ave Wood Joseph J. grocer, 1232 Broad, res 212 -11th Wood Joseph M, book agt, res 213 Chappell Wood Julia, c, res 618 4th ave Wood Susan, c, res 618 4th ave
Wood Thomas W, wks T L Gruzard, bds 520 1st ave ood Wm J (Wood, Green & Mahone), res 1st ave bet 5th and 6th
Wood W Jennings Jr, elk Harvey & Dudley, res 520 1st ave Woodall Miss Mary, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail
road, Browneville
Woodall Miss Mattie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res N Rail road, Browneville
Woodbreak Wm, c, lab Columbus R R Co Woodbridge Wm, c, lab, res 10th ave bet 8th and 9th Wooden Benjamin, c, wood cutter, res 3d ave bet 23d and 24tk Woodey Miss Cornelia, elk Wm Boyce, res Brownville Woodey Mary, (wid David E), res Browneville Woodruff Mrs Annie E, bds Rankin House Woodruff Charles B, bkkpr Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank,
rooms 1128 Front
Woodruff Ernest, trav salesman Empire Mills, rooms Broad
Woodruff George W, propr Empire Mills, res Linwood Woodruff Mrs Henry, bds 1516 Broad Woodruff Henry, c, wks Empire Mills, res 1526 4th ave Woodruff Henry L, supt Empire Mills, res 609 1st ave Woodruff L Frank salesman Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds Ho
tel Riddle Woodruff Nelson, c, lab, res 1526 4th ave Woodruff Nelson, jr, c, wks Empire Mill, res 1526 4th ave j Woodruff Sidney, c, bartender King & Daniel, res 1526 4th ave j Woodson Bud, c, lab, res Lumkin rd Cooleyville I Woodson Pleasant, wks Muscogee Oil Co, res Cooley ville

;T. L, Gruzard Paints and Hardware


-deals in


C. H. Lequin, Rings, Chains, Clocks 1034 BROAD STREET.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Wooldridge Absolom, elk Blanchard, Humber & Co, res 60B1


Woolern Frank, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res 70 Van

Buren Browneville

Woolfork Peter, r, lab res 8th bet 5th and 6th ares

Wootten Charles T, bkpr I L Pollard, res 1225 5th ave

Wootten Mathew, cotton buyer, res 1225 5th ave

W orld Effie wks MuBcogeeMsfg Co>

World Frank, c, carpr, res N Railroad Browneville

World Mary Ann, c, laundress, res 814 Short

"Worrell Miss Geraldine, teacher Browneville Public School,

res 1415 3d ave

Worrell James F, carpr, res Bridge Girard ~

Worrell John R, elk I L Pollard, res 1415 3d ave

Worrell Mrs Josephine, teacher Columbus Female Public

School, bds 1415 3d ave

Worrell Lula, c, res 847 4th ave

Worrill James H, solicitor general superior Court, courthouse,

res Talbotton

Wright Alexander, c, umbrella and chair repairer, 16 11th

Wvnnton rd

Wright Miss Alice res 1219^ 1st ave

Wright Andrew, c, lab, res 1221 10th ave

Wright Augustus, c, blacksmith 18 11th, res Wynnton rd

Wright Augustus, c, lab, res 1233 10th ave

Wright Boney, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th

Wright Charles, moulder Golden Bros, res Jackson N Girard

Wright Cornelius, c, pressman Columbus Ledger, res 324 7th

"Wright David, c, lab, res 324 4th ave

Wright Ella, c, domestic L C Frazer

Wright Grant, c, wks Muscogee Oil Co

Wright Green, c, lab, res 1603 5th ave

Wright Grigsby B, elk J K Holloway, bds 1016 2d ave


Wright Jacob, c, lab, res 1603 5th ave


Wright Jack, c, lunch house 1313 1st ave, res same

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Co.
[ Wright James, r. lab. res 52 Zion I Wright James W, res Ingersoll Browneville [ Wright Levy, c, wks Bartlett, Newman & Co* \ Wright Martha, (wid Samuel), res Jackson N Girard
Wright Mary, c res 8th ave bet 8th and 9th ; AVright Mary C, (wid Jesse) res 1318 2d ave - AVright Maze, c, lab, res 809 4th ave
AVright Miss Ola, wks Eagle & Fhenix Mfg Co, res Jackson, N Girard
AVright Ranee, c, lab, res 5th ave bet 7th and 8th i AVright Miss Sammie, wks Eagle & Fhenix Mfg Co, res Jack-
son, N Girard AVright Miss Sarah, wks Eagle & Fhenix Mfg Co, res Ingersoll,
Browneville AVright AValter, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1317 2d ave AVright Wm, c, lab, res AVynnton rd AVright AArm B, drayman, res Summerville, Browneville A\Tright AVm H, lab, res Crawford rd, Girard Wyatt Eli AV, wks Eagle & Fhenix Mfg Co, res Jackson, N
Girard Wyatt Frank, wks Eagle & Fhenix Mfg Co, res 6 19th A\ryatt Julia, wks Browne's Cotton Mill AVyartt Airs Lizzie E. wks Eagle tfe Fhenix Alfg Co, res 1243^
1st ave AVyatt Mary Ann, c, domestic W LI Sauls AVyche AValter S, elk C R Ii freight depot, res 1330 4th ave AVyley Jacob, wks Swift Alfg Co AVyley Airs Jane, wks Eagle & Phenix Alfg Co AVvlie S J, physician 308 9th, res same I Wynn see also Winn AVynn David, elk Joseph Hecht, bds 828 3d ave AVynn David E, collector, bds 600 Broad I A\rynn Aliss Dora, wks Swift Mfg Co, bds 2003 3d ave 1 AVynn Frank, wks Clegg Alfg Co, bds 2003 3d ave f AVynn John D, wks Swift Alfg Co, res 2d ave bet 20th and 21st
I Mattresses at Wholesale, a. f. Gibson & co. 1216 Jand^l 213 Broad St (See p 3)
V" VVAV.:"* " V-.'-V-y.

f 1%

fs Best Place for

IaOS'68 Dealers in Live Stock

R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Wynn Robert, elk, bds 600 Broad Wynn Robert L, collector Singer Mfg Co, bds 828 3d ave Wvnn Thomas W, elk Chancellor & Pearce, bds Central Hotel Wynne H E, bkpr Muscogee Oil Co, bds 1st ave cor 15th Wynne Thomas K, justice of the peace 22 12th bds 1501 1st
ave Wynne Wiley B, c, res 831 2d ave Wynnton High School, Wm E Meaglev principal, Mrs Lula
Brock elocutionist, Macon rd, Wynnton

Yancey Ad aline, c, domestic .Norman Pease, res 5th ave bet 15th and 16th
Yancey Ezekiel, wks Columbus Bagging Mill, res Girard Yancey Mrs Georgia, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Young Ida, wks Muscogee Mfg Co Yancey Julia A (wid DeLaden), res 305 16th Yancey Mittie, wks Swift Mfg Co Yancey Mrs M, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Yancey Miss Nannie, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co Yarborough Eugene, mngr E F Roberts, res 1400 1st ave Yarbrough Elizabeth (wid Wm), res Primrose, Hamlet N
Girard Yarbrough George M, trav salesman J Kyle A* Co, bds Central
Hotel Yarbrough Jinsie, c, wood Broad cor 14th, res same Yarbrough John, policeman, res 3d ave bet 10th and 20th Yarbrough Joseph, c, lab, res 821 8th ave Yarbrough Joseph, c, lab, res Wynnton rd Yarbrough Samuel W, lab, res 535 6th ave Yates Miss Hariett, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, bds 113 18th Yates T Ellesmere, real estate, sjtocks and bonds, 22 12th, bds
1138 Front

Aenchbaclier Preer &

FINE SUITS a Specialty
J 1129 Broad St. (See p 2)


Woolwine High School NASHVILLE, TENN.

(See p 8(

Is controlled, directed and su* pervised by the Principal and not by a hired assistant.



Yeady Samuel, lab, res 620 9th

Yeardy Mrs Emma, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, res Lone




Yeardy James Oirard

H, wks





Co, res


Yeartv Miss Agnes, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

A early Mrs Alvie B, tailoress G J Peacock, res 2d ave s e cor



Yearly Jacob, wks Eagle <fc Phenix Mfg Co Yearly Newton, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co

Yonge Edward E (Yonge & Grimes), res Wynnton

\ onge Robert, wks Columbus Bagging Mills, res* 1808+ Broad

Yonge & Grimes (E E Yonge and Cliff B Grimes) tel 18

Real Estate, Ins Agts and Produce Brokers, 1187+

Brond(Seep 56)



Young Absolom 0, genl merchandise, Summerville cor N Bailroad, res Summerville rd ^ mile, Browneville
Young Alexander C, shipping elk Eagle & Phenix Mnfg Co andpres Chattahoochee Knitting Co,rooms Eagle & Phenix

Young Alfred I, Treas Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, and Cash

Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, res Beallwood A oung America Hose Co No 5, L L Cowdery, pres; E B P,,r-
ter, sec , J AM hittelsv, foreman, June 10th and 1st aves
A oung America Steam Fire Co No 5, Janies A Calhoun, fore man, junc 10th and 1st ave.

Young Augustus, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res N Railroad, Browneville

A oung Celia, r, domestic B F Marcrum Young Charles, res 1,8th bet 2d and 3d aves

Ywu,1f ^harles E, Contractor and Builder, 9 12th, res olO ith {See right bottom lima)
Young Edward carp, res 7th bet 5th and 6th aves A oung Mrs Ella, wks Eagle & Phenix Mfg C'o

A oung George W, woodyard, Gayle nr Broadway, Browne-

ville, res same

J '

Young George W jr, Market Gardener Stall, No. 2, City Mar

ket, res Bellewood


A oung Girls'Missionary Society First Baptist Church, Miss

every S"turd"yP3:"oeptmmeetS " Young, Isaac, farmer, res 1916 2d ave



I^ONtra^tor^^bLSe* ^i 3 foTMd Plans> and I will fura-


99 ?122tthh

s? , street.

' ml8hg,yCouarepsetnimteartiensgoannadllRkeinpdaisrionfgB. uild-

SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Shirts Made to Order. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.



- -:---~


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Young James, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, bds N Railroad, Browne-
ville Young James, grocer, 13 \V 10th, res same Young Jesse, c, wks C R R shops Young J A, elk Rankin House, bds same Young J T, photo painter, bds 1237 Broad
Young Lonnie, wks Browne Cotton Mill Young1 Men's Christian Association, T*J Pearce pres,
J A Ivirven vice-pres, R A Carson treas, James J Gilbert
p m ' rec sec, R A Bowman gen sec, Broad, n e cor 11th, (See
Young Namon, c, lab, res Bel view, Rose Hill Young Richard T, asst supt Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res
Beallwood Young Robert, c, wks C A W R R Young Thomas S, (T S Young A Co), res Abort cor S Rail
road Browneville Young T S & Co, (Thomas S Young, Edwin S McEachern),
grocers and saloon, 1447 1st ave
Young Walter, office boy Peabody, Brannon A Hatcher, bds Wynnton
Young Wm H, pres Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co and Eagle A Phenix Savings Bank, res Beallwood
Young Wm PI, jr, wks Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, res Beallwood
Young Mrs Winey, (wid Williamson), bds Abertcor S Rail road Browneville
Youngblood Miss Ida, wks Ea'gle A Phenix Mfg Co Youngblood Mary S, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, res Browneville Youngblood Wm L, elk W R W Youngblood, bds same Youngblood Wm R W, grocer, Macon rd Wynnton res same Younger Margaret A, (wid John) res 700 1st ave
Yuneke Wm, cigar mkr F W Loudenber, bds 1st ave bet 10th and 11th


Zachary Emeline, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River Zachary Katie, c, laundress, res 7th bet Front and River Zachary Laura, c, res 502 5th ave
Zion Methodist Church, Rev Edwin Gibson pastor, 5th ave bet 15th and 16th


City Drug


R. L. POLK & CO.'S
Columbus City Directory.

Agricultural Implements.
(See also Hardware.)
Rush Joel, 1009 Broad - Iordan J C, 1234^ Broad

Banks. (See also page 20) Chattahoochee Nat Bank, ^ 1205 Broad (flee p 47,


Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank Front bet 12th and 14th

(Dudley F J, 1243 6th ave

Merchants and Mechanics' Bank, 1106 Broad (See p 52)


National Bank of Columbus^ The, 1046 Broad (See p> 4s)

Foster Miss Mattie, 20th nr Hamil

ton ave

Barbers and Baths..


Harris N H, c, 17 W 10th McGehee Joseph, c, 1110th<

Drown A P & Co, 1147 Broad

Marion Robert, c, 1st ave nr 10th

fvnowles F M & Co, 1001 Broad Parlor Barber Shop, Ga Home Bld

undsey J B, 1234 Broad

Renfro J G, Van Buren, N Girard

Rogers Shepherd, c, Hotel Riddle-

Bagging- Manufacturers. Turner J E, c, 1030 Broad

Tide, Preer & Illges, Columbus Bagging Mill, 11th s wcor 2d ave

Watkins Russell, c, 1018 1st ave Williams H H, 6 12th

Bagging- and Ties.

Barrel Manufacturers*

>ee also Hardware also Grocers.)

Columbus Barrel Mfg Co, 9th ave bet 1-1 th. and 12th

'lournoy & Epping, 12th n e cor Woodruff G W, 8th s e cor Bay Front

Beer Agents.

lakers and Confectioners, Blascoer D I & Co, 1028 Broad

See also Confectioners also Fruits Newman T, 1214 Broad

and Confectionery.)

Walsh E M & Co, 907-915 Broad

Fverett H F, 18 10th

Feiler D J, 24 10th

Billiard and Bool Booms.

Hyde H A, Bridge, Girard "rofumo F X, 12 10th J 'erman Joseph* 1240 Broad tevenson Mrs Jessie, 1228 Broad

Alexander T II, c, 1st ave bet 10thand 11th
Allen J A, 1st ave, bet 10th and11th


1115 BROAD ST. (See p 2) U jU 11 JLiJUJUIL i


R. L. POLK .& CO.'S

Coleman J T, 1220 1st ave

Bookbinders and Blank

Rankin House, 1006 Broad

Book Manufacturers.

Sans Souci, 1020 Broad''(we p 59 Thomas & Alexander, c, 1309 1st

Gilbert Thomas,

15 12th

ave Books and Stationery.

Blacksn tlis.

Cliaffln Thomas, 1124 Broad (See left bottom lines)

Banks, Onborne & fencer c, 1st Gann Taylor, 1611 2d ave ({See

ave bet 10th and 11th


Bartlett, Newman & Co, 1240 and Pease J W & Son, 1140 Broad

1242 1st ave and 114 13th

Bartley James, c, Talbotton ave, Bose Hill

Boot and Shoemakers.

Blackwell Bradford, c, 1419 1st ave Allen R P, 11041 Broad

Brown llenry, c, Dillingham nr Belton E D, c, 24 w 10th


Brooks B F, Broadnax nr Bridge,

Bryant Edward, c, Talbotton ave., Browneville

Rose Hill

Carter W C, c, 1st ave bet 10th and

Dixon G W, c, Dillingham bet 11th

Broad and Front


Cox J T, 21 12th

-Jones Wm, 12t,h 2 w 2d ave

Crawford M B, c, 17 w 10th _ j

Locketl^P Jones, Broadnax nr Daniel Early, c, Broadnax, N G2-

Bridge, Girard


Lowe Alexander, c, I2th 2 w of 2d Davis H R, 12th bet 1st and 2d avef

ave Marino Elihu, Broad, Girard Moshell J H, 1142 1st ave

Day C C, 301 17th Harding B J, 14 Broad, N Girard
Holloway Alfred, c, 1406 1st ave

Patterson W F, 1705 Talbotton ave Hudson I E, 20 11th Shores &Niblit, Broadnax 14 mile, Jarrett, John, c, 12th nr 2d ave

N. Girard Smith & Green, 1214 1st ave Walker Levi, c, Wynntonrd

Jones Andrew, 3404 1st ave Jones J H, Broad Browneville !
Jones Wm L, Broadnax nr Bridg

Watt & Co, 13th bet Broad and 1st Browneville

ave Wright Augustus, c, 18 11th

King David, c, 1st ave nr 10th

Klinkerfus Frederick, 14 12th

Luke W H, c, 926 Broad


Moon N M C, Jackson nr Marshal 1

Boarding' Houses.


Bartlett J F, 1010 1st ave Belton E D, c, 24 10th Benson Mrs L A, 1213 6th ave Byrd Mrs Mahulda, al bet Van Bu-
ren and Jackson, Girard Claiborne Miss Sue, 1022 1st ave Epping House, 1237 Broad 'Goode George, c, 1221 1st ave Henry Mrs Mattie, 9304 Broad Hopkins Mrs M L, 1201J Broad Larv Mrs M C, 11th n e cor Front

Morgan Willis, 1414 1st ave


Pitt Wesley, c, Broadnax N Giral|f

Smith Alexander, Broadnax `!


Smith Israel, c, 106 13th

Stockwell Richard, 1011 Broad

Thomas Edward, c, 746 1st ave Tompkins Samuel, c, 1714 Talb(


ton ave

Wallace Frank, c, Dillingham

Front and Broad

Morgan T F, 1014 1st ave

Patterson R A, res 838 3d ave

Boots and Shoes.

Summers Mrs C J, 932 Front Touchstone Mrs J C, 1216 4th ave


Wesley House, c, 54 12th

Bergan M T, 936-938 Front

Whitehead Mrs (3 T, 204 11th

Orr J K A Co, 85 and 87 w 11th






GOLDEN BROS, ?"*annfacturers of Cane Mills, Kettles ' Evaporators and Gin Gearing. Telephone 154.

| Wells & Curtis, 1143 Broad I

(Seep 56)
Albright J ville

0, Marshall Browne-

Georgia Steam and Gas Pipe Co, 1035 Broad (see right
top lines and p 49)

Banner Adolph, 1312 Broad

Bedell W R, 1130 Broad

Bennett Bros, Bridge cor Broad,

Girard BrannanJ R, 1011 Broad

BrownevilleABavarian Brewery. Boyd nr

Brown A P & Co, 1147 Broad

Clegg J A, Broadnax nr Caefr N



Deaton J E, 1014 Broad

Edge C J. 1104 Broad

Berry W W, s e cor of Jail bet

Estes, J Marion & Son, 103&

S W R R and Ga Mid and Gulf

Harrison J S, 1132 Broad

R R tracks isee p 51)

Hecht Joseph, 1007 Broad

Jepson F A, Lumpkin rd nr 10tb

Holt C S, 1346 6th ave


Hunt T J, 21 10th (See left bot

tom lines and p 54)

Joseph J, 1102 Broad

Meyer ffm. 1112 Broad

Philips Charles, 1204 Broad

Swift E S & _, _

Rothschild David, 1247 Broad

house 12th bet Bay aiicl Front*

Smith H N, Broadnax nr Gayle, N Girard

Thweatt & S-hSder, Warehouse, Front


Solomon Callman, 1245 Broad

Spencer Perry. 1039 Broad


Stone T J. Talbotton ave next Joseph Dan, 1034 B-road Rose Hill Market

Snmmersgill & Albright, Jackson


w cor Marshall, Browneville

Walker Bros, 8th ave co&Cen.

Watson J H, Bridge, Girard

tral R It (See p 58)

Weinberg Gustave, agt, 1646 1st



Wells & Curtis, 1143 Broad Briggs George W 10th cor Central

(See p 56)


Williams Bros, Marshall, Browne Chappell Li H, 11004 Broad (see


front cover and p 47)

Josephi Dam, 1034 Broad

Norton C L, 1001 Broad

Bottling Works.

Palmer D B, 816 1st Redd,. Soule & Co, 1036 K Broad

'.Columbus Star Bottling Shorter- C S A Co, 10 W 10th

J Works, 1236 1st ave (See p 59) Walker Bros, 1 Webster Bldg

'/Walsh E M & Co, 917-915 Broad Weston; & Garrett, Bridge n w ccr

Broad, Girard

Brackets and Mouldings.
Harvey & Dudley, 1243 6th ave (see right bottom lines)
Gruzard T L. 7th cor 4th ave
(see right bottom lines and p 49)

Joseph Dan, 1034 Broad Walker Bros, 8th ave cor Cen
tral R R and Webster Bldg Broad cor 10th ( see p 58)
Yonge & Grimes, over 1146
Broad (see adv p 56)

T. L. GRUZARD, Builders'Supplies


Telephone 70.


C. H. LEQUm,



R. L. POLK & CO.'S


Garrett & Sons, Broad cor 9th

Walker Bros, 8th ave cor Cen tral R R and Webster Bldg, Broad cor 10th (see p 58)
Wilkins F G, 1036)4 Broad

Loeb A Kaufman, 1040 Broad RETAIL.
(See also Drugs ret.-fll also Grocers
also Saloons.)
Culver A J jr, 420 8th


Hevman Charles, 1028 Broad

Walker Bros, 8th ave cor Cen Patterson & Thomas, 1127 Broad

tral R R and Webster Bldg Ponce Antonio, 17 10th

Broad cor 10th (se&'p 58)

Posada Mrs Aura. 16 12th

Poweff C F, 923 Front


Rankin House Bar, 1000 Broad

Blackmar John, 8 11th

Weisiger Bros, 1026 Broad

Broom Manufacturers. Hughes J C, Broadnax nr Bridge,
Builders Supplies.

Clothing Agents.
Forbes B G, Brown, King & Co, New York, 22 12th (See p 54)
Thomas G E, 1010 Broad (See left top lines and p 50)

Oruzard T E, 7th cor 4th ave (see right bottom lines and p 49) i

Clothing Manufacturers.

Columbus Clothing Co, 17

Cabinet Makers. Bausch J G, 1042 1st ave

12 th Peacock G J, 1200-1202 Broad

Carpets, Oil Cloths, Etc.
Edmunds T T, 1118 Broad Klink C A, 1031 Broad (see p

Browdy Jacob, 1013 Broad Chancellor & Pearce, 1135 Broad Dreyspool A A, 19 10th and 1003j

Carriage Repositories. McKee H C. 89 11th Williams & Pou, 939-941 Broad
Cider Refiners.

Broad Emrich Wm, 1238 Broad Greenwood Jacob, 1043 Broad Harris John K & Co, 1128 Broad Joseph J, 1102 Broad Kaufman Julius jr. 1042 Broad Rothschild David, 1247 Broad

Columbus Star Bottling- Schubinsky Simon, 1230 Broad

Works, 1236 1st ave (see p 59)

Seligman Simon, 1019 Broad

Strauss Henry 1242 Broad

Cig-ar Manufacturers.

Thomas G E, 1010 Broad (See h/j top lines and p 50)

Garrett & Sons, Broad cor 9th

Hermann H C, 19 11th Loudenber F IF, 1210)4 Broad Ponce Antonio, 17 10th Posada Mrs Aura, 16 12th Sauls WT H, 942 Broad
Cigars and Tobacco. WHOLESALE.
Buhler Louis & Co, 1022 Broad Cooper & Howard, 1101 Broad Farmer A J & B G, 1047 Broad

Coal anil Wood.
Bowden John, 10th ave cor G M
G R R Brown Justinian, Broadnax cor
Gayle, Girard Cochran J H, Broadnax Gavle Edwards J H. 9th s w cor 7th
ave (See p 59) Philips Etlielilred, 6th ave end
of 14th next to Swift Mfg Co\
(See p 55)

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Boob and Stationery

GEORGIA STEAM HAS PIPE CO. Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to, at 1 035 Broad St.



Render Aaron, e, 1343 Warren

Coleman <k Yiekery. 117 12th

Williams I) E, 1145 Broad

England & Snyder, 1119 1st ave

Y'oung G W, Gayle nr Broadnax, Gibson E W, 1218 1st ave

Browne ville

Griffin Sim, e, 645 10th

Gruzard T L, tel 70. 7th cor 4th

Colleges, Schools, Etc.

ave (see right bottom lines and p

(See also page 18).

49! Hogue JB,NK R, Browneville

Brown Miss Mattie, Broadnax nr Jackson & Dryer, c, 1218 1st ave

Gayle, N -Girard

Tucker Win, c, 940 Front

Browneville Academy, Benton nr Young C E, 9 12th, (see right bot

Boyd, Browneville

l tom ines M ad p 5Si)

Normans Private School, 1st ave

bet 9th and 10th SSlade Male Academy, 10tk ave.,

Cotton Buyers.


Bedell TV A, s s 12th 3 w of Broad

Threadgill Mrs F 4, Jackson nr Bowers L G, s s 12th 3 w of Broad

Marshall, Browneville

Holst J B & Co, Front bet 10th and

'Tice J J, 1829 2d ave


I Wynn ton High School, Macon rd,


Cotton Compress.

Commission Merchants. C R R & Banking Co of Ga, 12tb.

(Bergan M T 93t>--938 Front Flournoy & Epping, 12th a e cor
Front Hochstrasser C E & C, 1160 Broad

cor 8th ave
Columbus & Gulf Navigation Co. capacity, 600 bales per day, Front s w cor 7th

Jenkins F J A Co, 1136 1st ave Johnstone II C, 10th cor Central
Knowles F M & Co, 1601 Broad Scott W D, 10 10th SSwift George P & Hamburger, 13th
bet Front and Broad

Cotton Factors. Carter & Bradley, Fontaine Ware
house Front bet 10th and 11th
Ccrtton Gins.

Commissioners of Deeds.


NcXeill & Levy, rooms 5-7 Georgia Columbus Iron Works Co,

Home Ins Bldg

158'W 9th


Jordan J C, 1234^ Broad

.(See also Bakers and Confectioners, also F rnits and Confectionery*)

Cotton Mills.

Bowers G M, 1144 Broad (see
p 50.)
Boyce W B & Bro, 1246 Broad Frminger A Lundy, 1141 Broad Heller C^, 1208 Broad Profumo F X, 12 10th
Contractors, Carpenters and Builders.
Chadwick O C, Benton, Browneville

Browne''s Steam Cotton Mill, Is'' awe bet 13th and 14th
Clegg Manufacturing Co, 2d ave bet 16th and 17th
Eagle & Phenix Mfg Co, Front bet 12th and 14th
Muscogee Mfg Co, Front s w cor 14th (see p opp title)
Pearce Factory, T I Pearce, propn, 14th bet Broad and Front
Swift Mfg Co, 6th ave bet 14th iwid 15th


At 1216 and 1218 Broad St.

(See p 3)




THE EMPIRE Is a Perfect Livery, Safe amt Feed Stable.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Cotton Presses.
Columbus Iron Works Co, 150 W 9th
Cotton Seed Oil Mills.

Lequin C H, 1034 Broad (see left .
top fines crad p 52)
Sehombury C, 1115 Broad (see
right top lines and p 2)
Spear T S, 1121 Broad (see adr) Wittieli & Kinsel, 1149 Broad
(see p 57)

Muscogee Oil Co, 9th are bet 11th Directory Publishers-
and 12tli Polk R L & Co, 72-73 Gate?

Cotton Wareliotises.

City Bank Bldg, Atlanta, Ga

Blanchard, Humber & Co, Front

Dray Lines.

bet 10th and 11th Flournoy & Epping, 12th n e cor
Front Jenkins F J & Co, 1136 list ave Scott IV D, 10 10th Swift George P & Hamburger;-. 18th

Cardwell, J A, 1412 1st ave Howard Rickard, 13321st ave?
(see p 57) Kelly James, Dale ave, Browne-

bet Front and Broad


Crockery and Glassware. Amason, Mrs Ada, 1117jA Broad l

Boyce W B, 1220Broad

Barr .Mrs Lizzie, 1607 1st ave

Cowderv L L & Co, 1044 Broad

Berge Mrs Sallie, Hamilton avec

Hayes E 1ST, 1029 broad

cor 23d

Holloway J K, 1116 Broad

Boone Mrs Dedie, 1620 1st ave

McArdle F J, 1260 Broad

Burke Mrs F R, 1234?., Broad

Pollard I L & Co, 1033 Broad

Cooper Miss Emma, 1014 1st avw

Decivrow S J,. 1026 2d. ave

Cutlery. (See Hardware)..

Helton Miss Conte, 418 10th

Helton Miss Kate, 418 10th

Johnson Leo, 1618 1st ave


Kennington Mrs Ella, Sand Fort*

Cooper Harry,Macon rd', Wynnton Cotton Win C, Wyrmtont Monroe Amos, Wynnton Stringfellow M D, 444 4th aye

rd, Girard


Lewis Miss Leila, 1331 3d ave


McCracken Miss Belle, Broadnax,,

N Girard

McDaniel Miss Juliet, 1140'A Broad

Mays Mrs Sarah, S R R nr Sum

merville, Browneville



Murphy Mrs Emma, 1015 3d ave

Fogle W J, 1210K Broad MrElhaney G W, 1147, Broad

Tooke Miss Mary,,319 18th Willett Miss Tempey, 1920 2d ave-

Osburn C T, 1010 Broacf

Phelps George, 11th bet 1st and 2d


ave Pool W T, rooms 8 and 9, Geor


gia Home Bldg-

Brannon Carson, 1037 Broad

Tigner W F, 10!-., 12th

CarterRobert, 1137 Broad

Wiinbish J L, 1210`A Broad

Patterson & Thomas, 1127 Broad.



Blanchard Me D, 1002 Broad

(See also Watches, Clocks- and, Bradford G A, 8 12th


Brannon & Carson, 1037 Broad

Aenchbacher & Preer, Furnishing Goods,


(See B 24

Woolwme High School, Recognizes- that Children have Rights as well as Teachers.

_Naslivill, Term.._

p a



Butts J J. 823 5th ave

Deignan Richard, 944--946 Front

Carter Robert, 1137 Broad

Emrich Wm, 1238 Broad

t legg John A, Broadnax nr-Cass, Gray C P & Co, 1045 Broad

N Girard

Idecht Joseph, 1007 Broad

Dickson C F, 23 12th

Herring J W, Van Buren, Lively

Evans & Howard, 1113 and 1302 Holt C S, 1346 6th ave


Jefferson Emory, Jackson,Browne

Gann Taylor, 1611 2d ave (See p ville


Jones L T, Marshall, Browneville'

Hall & Wheat, 1016 and 1142 Joseph J, 1102 Broad

Broad (see left hot lines.),

Kirven J A & Co, 1138-1138 Broacl

Howard Thomas W'& Co, Bridge, Knowles J W, Long, Girard


Lewis & Gregory, 1012 Broad

MeCutcheon R H, Lively (see p Lindsey J B, 1234 Broad


Lockhart IV S, 5th ave cor 7th

McMakin I A & Co,.1806 Talbotton. Names Thomas, 15 W 10th


Pittman T J. Broadnax cor Van

Patterson & Thomas, 1127 Broad

Buren-, Girard

Shackleford J F,, 1510th andBroad- Rothschild Barney, 701 3d ave

nax nr Bridge, Girard

Rothschild David, 1247 Broad

Smith U H & Co, Marshall nr Jack- Schubinskv Simon, 1230 Broad

son, Browneville

iSmith H N, Broadnax nr Gayle, IN

I Girard

Dry Goods,
Bergan M T, 936-938 Front Gray C P & Co, 1045 Broad Joseph M, 1131 Broacl Kyle J & Co, 1106-1108 Broad Lewis & Gregor}', 1012 Broad

Solomon Callman, 1245'Broad Sternberg A Loewenherz, 1103--
1105 Broad Stone T J, Talbotton ave next Rose-
Hill, Market Strauss Henry, 1242 Broacl Watson J H, Bridge, Girard Weinberg Gustave, agt, 1546 1st



Anglinn D A. 920 Front

Baird & Waldrop, Van Boren ne

cor Broadnax, Lively

Dyers and Scourers.

Banner Adolph, 1312 Broad


Batastini Clement, 1805 Talbotton Miller E II, 12th eor 2d ave (see-


p 60)

Bennett Bros, Bridge cor Broad,

Girard Blanchard,

Booth & Huff, 1110

Electric Eight


Broad Blankenship W Id H, Wynnton
forks Macon and Beuna Vista

Brush Electric Light Power Front at Muscogee Mfg Co



Brannon J R, 1011 Broad Broda Rose, Broad cor Warren

Electro Platers.

Cargill G W, 1206 Broad

Leqnini J P, 11 12th

Cargill J E, 1134 Broad

Clegg J A, Broadnax nr Cass, N



Connor J Id & Co, 1023 Broad

Coulter W H & Co, Broadnax nr

(See also Undertakers.)5

Bridge, Girard'

Fletcher J M & son, 12 12th

Deignan Patrick, Short n e cor Torbett C E, 930-932 Broad (seer


p 56)


House. Sic No.


?O.rrneeatm, ental

D raoiinnifenrr-

Advertising in all its branches. Estimates on contracts per hundred upwards, on
Gold and Silver Glass Signs* for evary business.


Wedding Suits a Specialty.

1010 Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Engines and Boilers.


Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Roberts E S, Bridge, Girard Co. 1035 Broad {see right top lines

andp 49) Jordan J C, 1234LBroaJ

Flour and Grist Mills.
City Mills, 18th cor River


Empire Mills, Front s e cor 9th

'Lequin J P, 11 12th

Founders & Machinists.

Express Companies.

Columbus Iron Wks Co, 150 W 9th Golden Bros, 1301 6th ave (see

`Southern Express Co, 1225 Broad right top lines and p 57)

Fancy Goods.

Fruit & Confectionery.

(See Notions.)

(See also Bakers & Confectioners)

Farm Machinery.

Bowers G M, 1144 Broad (see adv p 50)

(See Agricultural Implements) Boyce W B & Bro, 1246 Broad

Broughton Jaanes, 1346 Broad

Fertilizer Mfrs.

Conti Frank, 9 10th and 18 12th I < ,'ulver A J Jr, 420 8th

Columbus Fertilizer Co, 10 12th : Hayward F P, 111 10th

IScott George W Mfg Co, office 1207 i Justice Robert, 23 12th


] Laffkowitz Miss Rachel, 1220 Broad

Marchant & Britton', Van Buren,

Fire Dpt Supplies.

Browneville Poweff C F, 923 Front

-Georgia Steam and Gas Robinson W T, 918 Broad

Pipe Co, 1035 Broad (see right top Saxon Calvin, 16 10th

lines and p 49)

! Yveisiger Bros, 1026 Broad

I Whatley A H, 1234 1st ave

Fire, Grate & Border Brick.

Philips Etheldred, 6th aws


end of 14th next to Swift Mfg Go Barbrey.& Jarvis, 1117 Broad

{see p 55)

Edmunds T T, 1118 Broad

I Farley '1' F, 1248 Broad

Fish, Oysters and Game. I Geeslin Richard, 20 10th

Carpenter Mack, 1st ave nr Hogan J L, 5 12th Miller J W, 920 Broad Thomas Wm, c, stalls 22
City Market 'Treadaway J L, Stalls 29
City Market

and and

24 35

; I

Gibson A F & Co, 1216-1218 Broad (see right bottom lines and p
34 Gibson H A, 1306-1310 Broad Klink CA, 1031 Broad (Seep
54) Rhodes A G, 1017 Broad

Flooring and Ceiling. Furniture Repairer.

Columbus Iron Wks, 150 W 9th

! Goldsmith Wm, c, 12th bet 1st and 2d ave

Gruzard, T h, tel 70, 7th cor

4th ave (see right bottom lines and

Gas Companies.

V 49)

i Harvey & Dudley, tel 84, 1243 | Columbus Gas Light Co, Front

6th ave (see right bottom lines)

foot 10th

(Soda Wat r The Best in the City, .at



u If Hi

U J ll. 11 fi II '1U 1 i Job Printing of every description at short notice, 13 Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, GA.



*Gas Fixtures.

Deaton J E, 1008 Broad Deignan Richard, 944-46 I ront

(See also Plumbers.)

Farmer A J & B G, 1047 Broad

Billings B F, 1210 Broad (see Freeman S, 1027 Broad

p 51)

Gabriel J H & Co, 1025 Broad

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Garrett & Sons, Broad cor 9th

Co, 1035 Broad (see right top lines Hunt Bros, 1209 Broad

andp Jfi)

Jones Bros & Caverty, 947 Broad

Kaufman & Straus, 1211 Broad

General Stores.

Kavanagh J T, 1018 Broad Kern & Loeb, 1201-1203 Broad

Andrews Davis, Wvnnton

Pearce & Co, 1244 Broad

Banner Max, 916 Front

Pollard I L, 1224 Broad

Brooks H, Buena Vista rd 2% mile Redd C A & Co, 1036 Broad

Cantrell T A, Wynnton rd at city Spencer Perry, 1039 Broad


Starke & Riddle, 1st ave cor 14th

Crawford A T, Jackson, Browne- Tarver J B & Co, 1222 Broad


Watt W J, 1000 Broad

Davis Robert & Co, 1424 1st ave

Gorham Manassas, Broadnax nr


Bridge, Girard Markham T W, 12th cor 6th ave Robinson & Richardson, Marshall,
Browneville Rogers J F, Broadnax, nr Bridge,
Girard Simons A, 522 10th Spatola Benjamin, Wynnton rd Straus Mrs *arah, 1314 Broad White L E, 1644 3d ave Willis W A, Wynnton, Buena Vis
ta rd cor Lawyers Lane Young A O, Summerville cor N
Railroad, Browneville

Adams James, 1725 2d ave Adams T E, 1351 Warren Allen J A, Van Buren, Lively Allen & Niblet, Broadnax, North
Girard Anglim I) A, 926 Front Aughtman J M, Broadnax nr Gayle
N Girard Averett C M. 1146 1st ave Baird & Waldrop, Van Buren, n e
cor Broadnax, Lively Banner Adolph, 1312 Broad Bartlett T I), 6th ave cor 8th Batastini Clement, 1805 lalbotton

Gents' Furnish'g


ave Beck M M, 1342 Broad

(See Men's Furnishing Goods.)

Bedell James, 500 3d ave Bennett Bros, Bridge cor Broad,

^Georgia Long Leaf Yel

Girard Blakely J, 1st ave cor 16th

low Pine.

Blankenship W H H, Wynnton

Harvey & Dudley, 1243 6th ave (see right bottom lines.)

forks Macon and Beuna



Brannan J R, 1011 Broad

\ ista

Broda Mrs Rose, Broad cor Warren

Grain, Hay and Feed. B,rooks I T, Lumpkin rd, Wynn

Bergan M T, 936-938 Front Deignan Richard, 944-946 Front Scarbrough L A, 1015 Broad Spencer Perry, 1039 Broad
WHOLESALE Bergan M T, 936-938 Front Cooper & Ploward, 1101 Broad

ton Campbell WmJ, 301 17th Cantrell V R & Co, Lumpkin rd
cor 10th ave Cargill J W, 1st ave cor 11th Clayton J T, 3d ave bet 16th and
17th Clegg J A, Broadnax nr Cass, N
Girard Cleland Mrs Ellen, 521 3d ave


Georgia Long Leaf Yellow Pine,

Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin

gles, Laths and Lime.

Office 1243 6th ave.

Telephone 8L





R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Cochran J II, Broadnax nr Gayle Herring J W, Van Buren, Browne

Collins James. D, 1700 Talbotton ville, res Girard


Hochstrasser C E & Co, 1100 Broad

Conner J II & Co, 1023 Broad

Holt C S, 1346 6th ave

Connor Martin, 14 Dillingham

Howard L G, 1620 3d ave

Coulter YV H & Co, Broadnax nr Hunt Bros, 1209 Broad

Bridge, Girard

Hutchins J D, Marshall s w cor

Crane K S, 1148 Broad

Abert, Girard

Culver A J jrr420 8th

Irvin J Y, Talbotton ave, Rose-

Culver A J err 422 6th


Dally John D, Hamilton ave, Rose Jefferson Emory, Jackson, Browne



Daniel H H, 23 10th

Jefferson RolIFn, 1041 Broad

Daniel J J, 5th s w cor 4th ave

Johnston E'msley, Lumpkin rd %

Davis R A, 400 8th


Davis Robert & Co, 1424 1st ave Johnson! EM, 14 10th

Davis W S, 6th ave cor 9th

Joines E W & Sons, Hamilton

Deignan Patrick,.Short n e cor Dil Junction, Talbotton, Rose Hill


Justice Robert, 23 12th

Deignan Richard, 944-946 Front Kavanagh J T, 1018 Broad

Dixon & Herring,, 13300 Broad

King & Daniel, 946 Broad

Dudley A J, Broad, Bi-owneville Kley C, 10 Dillingham

East Benjamin, Broadnax, N Gi Knowles J YV, Long, Girard


Kunsberg Mrs Bettie, 1328 6th ave

Edwards Lemuel, S Railroad cor Lamb Alexander, Bridge, Girard

Mullin, Browneville

Lewis G YV. 422 9th

Edwards M E, Marshall, Browne Lockhart J M, 7th bet 7th and 8th



Farmer Wm, 800 4th ave

Lockhart YYr S, 5th ave cor 7th

Field Charles, Bridge, Girard

Loebacher B, 546 3d ave

Field & Colter, Crawford ave, s w McCart L M, 504 15th

cor Gayle

McCart Melvin, 10th ave bet 12th

Fisher C B, 1919 2d ave

and 13th

Flewellen Jackson, c, 601 6th ave McCollister & Knolls, Broadnax,

Foley T M, 1st ave cor 10th


Freeman W S, 1027, Broad

McKnight & Co, 646 3d ave

Gager G E, 523 10th

Markham C H, 6th ave bet 10th

Garrett J R, Broad cor Bridge, Gi and 11th


Martin & Chalmers, Bridge, e cor

Giddens Mrs Mary, Bridge, Girard Broad, Girard

Guldens, R S, Bridge, Girard

Maxwell YV H, 18th n w cor 3d

Gilmer M I), Long, Girard


Greene YV, 900 4th. ave

Meadows Isham, S Railroad, s w

Haines N YV, 1246'1st ave

cor Marshall, Browneville

Hall J F, S It R oor Marshall,, Mehaffey J, Jackson, Browneville-


Moore & Bates, 922-924 Broad

IIam& Tarvin, 1410 1st ave

Moreland Mrs Martha, Bridge,.

Hanks W L, Talbotton Junction, Girard

Hamilton ave

Morris Mrs Carrie, 1701 Talbotton

Harris L, 6th ave s e cor 8th


Harrison & Capps, Jackson,. Morton YV F, 1704 Talbotton ave


Names Thomas, 15 w 10th

Harvey W H, 1247 6th ave

Needham YYrm S, 1301 Broad

Hayward F P, 111 10th

Newton J M, 1402 1st ave

Hecht Jacob, 1236 Broad

Osborn Mrs Rebecca, Broad,

Henderson S H, c, Wynnton rd


3 Is School Shoes, T J. HUNT, 21 10th Street.

r I





'Owen II T, 1601 2d ave Patterson R A, 10 10th

Young James, r, 13 W 10th Young T S & Co. 1447 1st ave

Patton S A, 10th ave cor G M & G Youngblood W R W, Macon rd,


IV ynnton

Peabody & Faber. 1032 Broad

Pearce J T, 1347 Broad

Gun and Locksmiths.

Peddy David N, 1540 1st ave Phipps C V, 501 14th

Culpepper L> W, 1230 Broad

Pierce A H, Marshall cor Gayle, Eifler Philip, 1005 Broad (See p



Pittman T J, Broadnax cor Van Murray J P, 828 1st ave

Buren, Girard

Pollard, I L, 1224 Broad

Guns and Ammunition.

Redd C A & Co, 1036 Broad Redd Wm, 1109 Broad

<(See also Hardware.)

Rothschild Barney, 701 3d ave

Eifler Philip, 1005 Broad (See p

Rothschild David, 1247 Broad


Ruinsey J H, 1245-1247 1st awe

Russell Wm 600 4th ave Scarbrough L A, 1015 Broad Shorter Jerre, 331 18th

Hair Goods.
Miller Mrs E H, 12thJcor 2d ave

Simons M & Son, 522 8th

(See p 60)

Skinner J T, 430 2d ave

Skinner W P, 8th cor 5th ave


Smith II N, Broadnax nr Gayle, 57

Girard Smith T IV & Bro, 746 1st ave

Beach Wm, 1120 Broad (See p

Smith W I, 1927 2d ave


Spencer Perry, 1039 Broad

Bush Joel, 1009 Broad

Stagg F C, Jjong, Girard

Clegg J A, Broadnax nr Cass, Y

Starke & Riddle, 1st ave cor 14th


Stone T J, Talbotton ave next to Estes Abbott & Co, 1107 Broad

Rose Hill Market

Frazer & Dozier, 1123 -1125 Broad

Summersgill & Albright, Jackson

cor Marshall, Browneville

Harness Makers.

Taylor & Lumpkin, c, 1244 6th ave Tice W H, 1534 1st ave

Bradford M A, 1122 Broad (See

Tillman John, 19 Dillingham Tomlin & Lawrence, Wynnton rd
Toot of Wynnton Hill "Tucker E, 5th ave bet 15th and

p 51) Johnson J G, 12th bet 1st and 2d
ave Williams & Pou, 939-941 Broad

16th Tucker J IT, Long, Girard

Hats and Caps.

Walker Alexander, e, 222 7th

Albright J C, Marshall, Browne

Walker Levi, c, Wynnton rd


Watson J H, B.idge, Girard

Bennett Bros, Bridge cor Broad,

Watt W J, 1000 Broad


Weinberg Gustave, agt, 1546 1st Browdy Jacob. 1013 Broad


Brown A P & Co, 1147 Broad

Weisiger Bros, 1026 Broad

Chancellor & Pearce, 1135 Broad

"Willett Mrs Sarah, 1726 2d ave

Harris John K & Co, 1128 Broad

Williams Bros, Marshall, Browne Sdlomon Callman, 1245 Broad


Thomas G E, 1010 Broad (See left

Willis Mary, c, Lumpkin rd, Coo- tup lines and p 50)


Weinberg Gustave, agt, 1546 1st

Wood J J, 1232 Broad





R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Health Home.

Monro Marks, stalls 12-14 City

Central Health Home, Mrs R E Fuller, M D, propr, Macon, Ga

Market Monro S H, stall 16 City Market
Neill G A, stall 13 City Market

Perry Wm, stall 5 City Market

Hose and Belting. Riles Reuben, c, stall 15 City Mar-

Beach Wm, 1120 Broad
53) Bush Joel, 1009 Broad

(see p

k et Ruff Edward, c, stall 32 City Mar-


Shepherd A W, stall 23, City Mar-

Hosiery Manufacturers. Slade J J, stall 11 City Market

Chattahoochee Knitting Co, Girard

Stone T J, stalls Market

34 and




Young G W, jr, stall 2 City Mar ket

Brown House, Broad cor 10th Central Hotel, 1024 Broad

Young James, c, stalls 17 and 19 City Market

Rankin House, 1004-1006

Broad (see back cover) Veranda House, 10th s w cor 1st

Human Hair.


Miller Mrs E H, 12th cor 2*i

aye (see p 60)

House Furnishing


Ice Dealers.


also Hardware, also and Tinware)


Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, 5th ave, cor 16th

Everett FI F, 1111 Broad
.Farley T F, 1248 Broad Hayes E N, 1029 Broad

Ham & Tarvin, 1410 1st ave Hogan J L, 5 12th Miller J W, 920 Broad

McArdle F J,. 1250'Broad Rhodes A G & Co, 1017 Broad

Ice Machine Mnfrs.


Columbus Iron Wks Co, 150 W 9tR

Bentley Robert, stalls 20 and 25, Ice Manufacturers.

City Narket Britt W R, stall 30 City Market Canaday Wm, c, stall 10 City Mar

Columbus Ice and Refrigerating Co, 5th ave cor 16th
iWalsh E M & Co, 907-915 Broad

Cook Thomas, stall 8 City Market Cotton W C, Wynn ton

Insurance Agents.

Dawson Wm, stall 7 City Market Blackmar John, 8 11th

Digby Samuel, Sand Fortrd, Girard Chappell L H, 11001k Broad

Ellison J T, stall 28 City Market

(see front cover and p 47)

Findlater George, stalls 4-6 City Epping & Range, 1205 Broad


(.see p 52)

Haley Hampton, Market

c, stall

21. City-

Iverson Miss May, 1145 Broad (see p 57)

Hanson Samuel, Market

c, 'stall



Jordan G. Gunby, Ga Home Bldg (see right top lines)

Kelly A W, stall 26 City Market Murdoch R B, 1124 Broad

King B J, 18 Broad, N Girard

Redd Soule & Co, 1036>.< Broad

Monro C W, stall 1-3 City Market Slade J J, 8 12th

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Books and Stationery


Willcox, I) 1145 Broad front cover)
Y'onge & Gr lues, Broad (see p 56)

Ins Co of North America, >j Slade, agt, 8 12th o \Jmncashire Ins Co of Man
chester, Miss May Iverson, agt,

1145 Broad (See'i>57)

Insurance Companies. Lion Fire Ins Co, Yonge &

Grimes, Agts,


t> 5-66,)v

t idelity and Casualty of Xe\v"

York, Miss May Iverson agt, 1145

Broad (see p 57)

Standard Accident of Detroit, .T J

Slade aid, 8 I2th

Travellers' Ins Co of Hart

ford, Conn, D F Broad (see front

Willcox cover)



United States Mutual Acci

dent Association The, L H Cliap-

)cll agt 1100'., Broad (see front

-Merchants _I us Co of New ark, X J, 1) F Willcox, agt,
- 1145 Broad (See front cover) Niagara Fire Ins Co of N Y,
G Gunby Jordan, Agt, Ga Home Bldg (See right top lines) s^iorth British ami Mercan
tile Ins Co, London and Edin burgh, I) F Willcox, Agt, 1145 Broad (See front cover)
Northern Assurance Co of London,

R B Murdock, agt, 1124 Broad


New York Underwriters

Amazon Fire Ins Co, J J Slade Agency, Yonge A Grimes, Agts,

agt, 8 I2tli

^ 11371._,' Broad (See p 56)

American Fire Ins Co ofr SPhe`nnfix Ins Co of Brooklyn,

Philadelphia, G Gunby Jor D F Willcox, Agt, 1145 Broad

dan, agt, Ga Home Bldg (See (see front cover)

right top lines.) Atlanta Home Ins Co, Miss

Phoenix London,

jA,;pspsjnu,,ra^npcaengeC> oAgotsf,

May Iverson, agt, 1145 Broad 1205 Broad (See p 52)

(See p 57)

Phoenix Ins Co of Hartford, Conn,

British America Assurance R B Murdock, agt, 1124 Broad

Co, Epping & Lange, agts, 1205 Rochester German Ins Co,

Broad (See p 52)

Epping A Lange, Agts, 1205

Continental of New York, SIoouulIqI Broad (Seep 52)

Redd & Co, agts, 1030G Broad SjRoine Fire Ins Co, D F Will

f ire Ins Association (limited) cox, agt, 1145 Broad (See front

of England, Epping & Lange, cover)

Agts, 1205 Broad (See p 52) 'xp.oyal Ins Co of Liverpool,

German-American Ins Co off D F Willcox, Agt, 1145 Broad

New York, I) F Willcox, Agt, (See front cover)

1145 Broad See front cover)

Savannah Fire and Marine Ins Co

| Germania Fire Ins Co, Ep ( J J Slade, agt, 8 12th

ping & Lange, agts, 1205 Broad Scottish Union and National

(See p 52)

Ins Co of Edinburgh, Epping &

Georgia Home Ins Co The, Lange, Agts, 1205 Broad (See p

; 1040 Broad (See p 48)


uardian Ins Co The, of Southern Mutual Ins Co, R B Mur

London, L II Chappell, agt, dock, agt, 1124 Broad

1100G Broad (See front cover and Sun Fire Ins Co of London,

P 47)

G Gunby Jordan, agt, Ga Home

Home Ins Co of New York, Bldg (See right top lines)

L H Chappell, Agent, llOOIo

Broad (See front cover and p 47)\


imperial Fire Ins Co of don, D F Willcox, Agt, Broad (See front cover)


jv`Mutual Life Ins Co of
I) F Willcox, Agt, 1145 (See front rover)

N Y, Broad

Mattress Factory. Mattresses of all kinds made to order at 1210 and 1218 Broad Street. (See p 3)

EMPIRE STABLES ffYou want your Horse and Buggy properly attended to, patronize the


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Northwestern Mutual of Milwau
kee, Wis, Soule Redd & Co, agts, ]036}o Broad

Lung Sang, 19 12th

Mutual Benetit Life Ins Co of N J, Weatherly WE, 1010 Broad

J .1 Slade, agt, 8 12th Providence Savings Life Associa


tion of N Y, J J Slade, agt, 8 12th Crawford B H, 112JL, Broad

Washington Life Ins Co of N Y, Crawford T Y, 1147G Broad

R B Murdoch, agt, 1124 Broad Dozier A A, 1036l2 Broad

Garrard L F, 114712 Broad

*Iron Fences.
Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe

Gilbert S P, 1146 k, Broad Goetehius & Chappell, 1147t2

Co, 103.5 Broad (See right top lines Grimes T IV, 1137 Broad

andp 40)

Ingram Porter, over 1101 Broad

Little W A, 1146to' Broad


* Jewelers.

McNeill & Levy, room 5-7 Georgia



Watches, Clocks Jewelry.)


Home Ins Co bldg Moon J G, 1123 to Broad Peabody, Brannon & Hatcher,

Hooker S C, 1718 Talbotton ave 1146G Broad

JLequin C H, 1084 Broad (See left Peabody F D, 1119 Broad (see

top lines and p 52)


Scliombnrg C, 1115 Broad (See

Francis Downing Peabody, right, top lines arid p 2)
Spear T S, 1121 Broad (See p 56)

Wittieh & Kinsel, 1149 Broad

(See p 57)




Howard J W, 1441-1443 1st ave


Justices of the Peace.

Barber James W, office over Mun-


day's stable

Beeland B R, over Smith's Drug Store Marshall, Browneville



McKelvey W A, Marshall, Browne ville
Moon J G, 11231o Broad

Poll J F, 1111G Broad Shipp C J, 1005ty Broad

Tucker J H, Bridge, Girard

Smith J M, Webster Bldg Broad]

Wynne T K, 22 12th

cor 10th

Thomas & MeGester, room!


3-4 Ga Home Bldg (see card)

Osborne J M, 102 11th


Land Companies.


Columbus Land and Improvement

Co, 1205 Broad

North Georgia Land Co, AVebster


Bldg Broad cor 10th

Rooms ! ami 4 Ga. Home Buildim

Laths and Shingles.

Cor. Broad and Eleventh Sts,

Harvey & Dudley, 1243 6th ave

(See right bottom lines.)


Aenchbacher & Preer, miller's hats


1129 Bboad St. (See p 2)

Woolwine High School Trains Pupils to habits of self-control anl self-

ISTa-slivill. Tn.n.


(See p 8/



Thornton & Cameron, rooms 6-S Harvey & Dudley, 1243 6th

Webster Bldg

ave (see right bottom lines)

Tigner W A, 114734 Broad

Willis & Battle, 114634 Broad

Marble Works.

Leather and Findings. Elledge A M, 905 Broad

Hunt T .T, 21 10th (see left bottom

Mattress Mnfrs.

lines and p 54) Phillips Charles, 1204 Broad UYells & Curtis, 1143 Broad (see
p 56)

Gibson A F & Co, 1216 and 1218 Broad (see right bottom lines
and p S) Gibson H A, 1306-1310 Broad

Klink C A-, 1031 Broad, (see p 54)

Lime and Cement.

Heach Win, 1120 Broad (see p 58)

Meat Markets.

Gruzard T L, 7th cor 4th ave
(see right bottom lines and p 49) Harvey & Dudley, 1243 6th ave
(see right bottom lines)

Barr John, Wvnnton rd, foot of Hill
Burns M A, stall 9 City Market Burns P L, stall 12 City Market

Linen Hose.

Cheek J H, stall 2 Rose Hill Market Coulter W H, Broadnax nr Bridge,

Georgia Steam & Gas Pipe Girard

Co, 1035 Broad (see right top lines Freeman Wm', stall 10 City Market

andp 49)

Griswold D M, stall 13 City Market

Hill J T & Bro, stall 8 City Market

Live Stock.

Jones Wm, stall 14 City Market McCollister & Knowles, Broadnax,

Bullock & Shreve, Broad


Freeman Archibald,Broad,Browne Noble John, stall 7 City Market


Nobles Thomas, stall 3 Rose Hill

Livery, Feed & Sale Stables. O'Neal & Brooks, stalls 1, 2 and 4

Bartlett S F, 1015 1st ave

City Market

Bullock O C, 026 Broad

Patrick J .T, stall 11 City Market

Empire Stables, 1222-1232 1st Smith J D & Bro, stalls 15 16 17

ave (see left top Vines'!

and 18 City Market

Fletcher J M & Co, 1233-1235-1237 Waters & Lloyd, stalls City Market


Watkins L T, stall 3, City Market

Howard Richard,, 1332 1st ave

(see p 57)

Monday Wm, 036 Broad

Mens Furnishing Goods


Aenchbacher & Preer, 1129 Broad (see left bottom lines and

Gruzard T L, tel 70, 7th cor 4th p 2)

ave (see right bottom lines and p Browdv Jacob, 1013 Broad


Chancellor & Pearce, 1135 Broad

Harvey & Dudley, 1243 6tli ave Dreyspool A A & Co, 19 10th and

(see right bottom lines)

1003 Broad

j Martin IT L, Broad, Girard

Greenwood Jacob, 1043 Broad

Harris John Iv & Co, 1128 Broad



Hecht Joseph, 1007 Broad Joseph J,1102 Broad

Gruzard T L, Tel 70, 7th cor Kaufman Julius jr, 1042 Broad

4th ave (see right bottom lines and Seligman Simon, 22 10th and 1019

page 49)


O. E YOUNQ-, Please forward plans, and I will furn-

Contractor and Builder, ish you estimates on all kinds of Build-

No, 9 12th street.

ing, Carpentering and Repairing.

E. THOMAS Fashionable Boys' & Children's Clothing a Specialty. XOIO Broad Street.


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

Thomas <4 E, 1010 Broad left top lines and p 50)
Merchant Tailors. (See Tailors.)






Se St


Lndden & Bates (Branch), 1132" Broad
Pease J W & Son, 1140 Broad

Mill Machinery and

News Depots.



(Sec also Books and Stationery)

Georgia Steam and Gas Pipe Co, 1035 Broad (see right top

Stewart J S, 13 12th {see right top lines)

lines and p 49)

WHOLESALE. Joseph M, 1131 Broad

Newspapers (Daily)

Columbus Enquirer-Sun. 11 jj

11th (Seep 45) Columbus Led t L 1 9

1009'., St

Broad (See p 46)

Boughton & Co, 1133 Broad Brady Misses M & A, 1119 Broad City Item, 1320 3d ave


Harrison Mrs M J, al bet Van Columbus Enquirer-Sum, 11

Buren and Jackson, Girard

1th, (See p 45)

Jones L T, Marshall, Browneville Columbus Ledg'er 1009C Broad

Kirven J A & Co, 1136-1138 Broad (See p> 46)

Lee M H, 1114 Broad

Columbus Messenger 936 Broad



over TK.


Saturday Evening Item shall, Browneville






Notaries Public.


Joseph Dan, 1034 Broad Wilkins F G, 1036)4 Broad

Payne & Lavender, Marshall, Browneville

N otions.

Mineral & Soda Water Joseph M, 1131 Broad


Columbus Star Bottling Blanchard, Booth & Huff, lilt

Works, 1236 1st ave (See p 59) Broad Walsh E M & ( o, 907-915 Bioad Boyce W B, 1226 Broad


Brown A P & Co, 1147 Broad

Mining Companies.

Cargill J E, 1134 Broad Coulter W H & Co, Broadnax n

Tranzeska Mining Co, Webster Bridge, Girard

Bldg Broad cor 10th

Gray C P & Co, 1045 Broad

Holloway J K, 1116 Broad

Music Teachers.

Joseph J. 1102 Broad Kirven J A & Co, 1136-1138 Broacll

Battle Mrs H W, 1429 2d ave

Lewis & Gregory, 1012 Broad *'

Chase G W, 220 10th

Pittman T J, Broadnax cor Van

DeLaney Miss Pauline, Wynnton Buren, Girard

Williams Mrs J F, 418 10th

Rothschild David, 1247 Broad

On Draught at






Solomon Callman, 1245 Broad

Paper Hangers.

Sternberg & Loewenherz, 1103-1105 Broad
IVilfi'ams Bros1, Marshall, Brownevilfe

Kent G O, Summerville, Browneville
Kimbrough & Brown, 1st ave
1st S 12tli (see p 58)

Oculists1 and Anris ts.

Osborne J M. 102 11th Summers Alfred, 932 Front

Bullard W L, 103534 Broad

Paper and Paper Bags.

Oil Stoves.

Howard J W, 1441-1443 1st ave

HTnde C YV, 106 11th

I *

Oil and Naval Stores.
Hinde C W, 106 11th Standard Oil Co, 1625 4th ave

Knowles T M & Co, 1001 Broad

Opera Houses.

King .1 IV, 1011 Broad Rhodes J H, 1026 1st ave

Springer Opera House, 10th necor Riddle A .T, 1010 Broad

1st ave

Vickery VVm .T, Jackson cor Van Buren, X Girard

f *


Williams A A, 114734. Broad {see p 8)


Kent G C, Summerville, Browne-



Kimbrough & Brown, 1st ave Bass A C. 10>6 12th

1st S 12th (See p 58)

Battle T W, over 1037 Broad

Osborne J M, 102 11th

Blanchard Me D, 1002 Broad

Seward E A, 9 12th right hot- Bloodworth W YV, office U H Smith

tom lines)

& Co drug store, lirowneville

Shepherd J T, c, 1218 1st ave

Bruce YV YYr & Sou, 112334 Broad

Summers Alfred, 932 Front

Cameron J W, 1002 Broad

Flagg A D, Broadnax cor Gayie,.



Osborne J M, 102 11th

Gautier YVm T, 1142 Broad

Gillespie J E, 1302 Broad

Painters Supplies. Griggs R E, 1113 Rroad
Grimes G .J, 1140)4 Broad Estes.Abbott & Co, 1107 Broad Howard T YYr, Bridge, Girard

Hurt C D, over 1033*4 Broad

Paints, Oils and Glass. Jackson II F, office U H Smith:&

(See also Druggists)

Co drug store, Browneville Jenkins E YV, 1127 Broad

Beach Win, 1120 Broad (see p Jordan S M, 1137 Broad


McCutcheon Ii 1 i, Lively

iEstes, Abbott & Co, 1107 Broad

p 55)

ave {$ee right bottom lines and p 49) Patterson & Thomas, 1127 Broad
Paper Box Mnfrs.
Gilbert Thomas, 15 12th

Mayer E H, c, over 936 Broad Hilton Bassel, res Broadnax,
Girard Mitchell T S, over 1010 Broad Norwood John, 1142 Broad Pendleton P T, 1127 Broad


Silreriare, Sjectacles aM Optical Gaois,
1115 Broad Street. (See p 2)


R. L. POLK & CO.'S

' Shelton M D, office TJ H Smith &


Co drug store, Browneville Terry Carlisle, 1117% Broad


Ticknor D C, 1137 Broad

Columbus City Directory,

Walker J E, 10% 12th

R L Polk & Co, Publishers ; 72-73

Williams C L, 1113 Broad

Gate City Bank Bldg, Atlanta,

Wylie S J, 308 9th

Ga (See adv)

Schley E B, 1100% Broad
Piano Tuners.
Blau E W, Abert, Girard
Pianos and Organs.

Columbus Enquirer-Sun, ll 11th (See p 45)
Columbus Ledger, 1009% Broad (See p 45)
Columbus Messenger The, c, over 936 Broad

Ludden & Bates, 1132 Broad


Pease J W & Son, 1140 Broad

Columbus Enquirer-Sun, 11

Planing Mills.

,, 11th (See p 45) Columbus L e d g' e r, 1009%

Columbus Iron Wks, 150 W 9th

Broad (See p 45)

Gruzard T E, Tel 70, 7th cor

4th ave (See right bottom lines


and p49)
Harvey & Dudley, Tel 84, 1243 Byington ET & Co, 1009% 6th ave (See right bottom lines) Broad (See p 46) Colutnbus Messenger Pub Co, c,

Plow Manufacturers.

over 936 Broad Enquirer-Sun Pub Co, 11 11th

Southern Plow Co, Dillingham s w (See p 45)

cor Front

Polk R E & Co, 72-73 Gate City Bank Bldg, Atlanta, Ga (See

Plumbers, Steam & Gas adv)


Billings B F, 1210 Broad (See


V 51)

Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co.

Free Win, 940 Broad

1035 Broad (See right top lines

Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co, andp 49)


1035 Broad (See right top lines

and p 49)


Poultry Yards.

See page 33.

Howard Levi, 117 17th

Real Estate.


Blac.kmar John, 8 11th

Gilbert Thomas, 15 12th

Chappell E H, 1100% Broad

Stewart J S, 13 12th (See right (see front cover and p 47)

top lines)

Jenkins W S, 1021 Broad

Johnston & Norman 1027 Broad


Moon J G, 1123Ik Broad Redd Soule & Co, 1036% Broad

(See also Grocers).

Reedy J C, 18% 12th (see p 55)

Blakely J, 1st ave cor 16th

Weston & Garrett, Bridge n w cor

Hackney Win O, Gayle, N Girard Broad, Girard





21 10th Street.


Manufacturers ofLSteam and Horse Power

Cotton Presses and Castings of every de


Telephone 154.



Wood, Green & Mahone, over 1101 King & Daniel, 10th cor Broad


Lynn M T, Broadnax nr Bridge,

Yates T E, 22 12th


Yonge & Grimes, 1137U Broad Markham C FI, 6th ave bet 10th

(see p 56)

and lltli

Martin &'Chalmers, Bridge e cor


Broad, Girard Meadows Isham, S R R s av cor

Alexander T IT, c, 1st ave bet 10th Marshall, Browneville

and 11th

Needham Wm S, 1301 Broad

Allen J A, 1st ave bet 10th and Newman Tube, 1214 Broad


Owen II T, 1601 2d ave

Coleman J T, 1220 1st ave

Rankin House Bar, 1006 Broad

Evans Aaron, c, 1238 1st ave

Roberts E F, 1400 1st ave

.Tackson Thomas & Son, c, 105 10th Rumsey J H, 1245-1247 1st ave '

Newman T, 1214 Broad

Sans Souci, J H Edwards, prop,

Williams M L, e, 15 11th

1020 Broad {See p 59)

Simons A, 522 10th

McArdle F J, 1250 Broad

Simons M & Son. 522 8th Thomas & Alexander, c, 1309 1st

j Tomlin & Lawrence, Wynnton rd,

Rubber Hose.

foot of Wynnton Hill

Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co, | Young T S & Co, 1447 1st ave

1035 Broad. (see right top lines and p49)


i Central Health Home, Mrs R E
Rubber Stamp Mnfrs. Fuller, M D, prop, Macon, Ga

Hungerford George, 18U 12th Stewart J S, 13 12th (see right

Sash, Doors

and Blinds.

top lines)

Columbus Iron Works Co, 150 W 9th

Alexander T H, c, 1st ave bet and 1,1th
Allen ,T A, 1st ave bet 10 and and Van Buren, Lively

10th 11th


Harvey & Dudley, 1243 (See right bottom lines.)
Gruzard T L, tel 70, 7th ave (See right bottom lines

6th ave
cor 4th and p

Banner Adolph, 916 Frontand 1312


Sausage Manufacturers.

Batastini Clement, 1805 Talbotton ave
Broda Rose, Broad cor Warren

O'Neal & Brooks, rear Odd Fellows Hall, 1st ave

Cantrell Y R & Co, Lumpkin rd



cor 10th ave

Saw 3Iills.

Denberry John N, 13 11th Dixon & Herring, 1300 Broad

(See Planing Mills.J

Foley T M, 1st ave cor 10th Gager G E, 523 10th


Haines N W, 1246 1st ave Harris L, 6tli ave s e cor 8th

(See Colleges, Schools, Etc.)

Heyman Charles, 1028 Broad Johnston Emsly, Wynnton rd foot

Sewing Machines.

of Wynnton Hill

j Barbrey A Jarvis, 1117 Broad

Jones J W, 20 12th

) Dent T R, 13 10th

L, Gruzard Paints and Hardware.







R. I,. POLK & CO.'S

Rogers J F, Broadnax nr Bridge,

Steam Heating.

Girard Singer Mfg Co The, 1212 Broad

tSee also Plumbers)

Billing's B F, 1210 Broad (see p

Sewing- Machine At 51)


Steam Pumps.

Killer Philip, 1005 Broad (see Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co,

p 39)

1035 Broad (see right top lines and'

p 49)

Silver and Plated Ware Stoves and Tinware-



Watches, Clocks J ewelry.)


Brown A P & Co, 1147 Broad Everett PI F, 1111 Broad Farley T F, 1248 Broad

Lequin C H, 1034 Broad

Hayes E N 1029 Broad

Schomburg- C, 1115 Broad (see Holloway J K 1116 Broad

right top lines andp-2i

McArdle F J, 1250 Broad

Spear TS, 1121 Broad (see p 5)

Witticli & Kinsel, 1149 Broad Tailors, Merchant-


Aenchbaeher & Freer. 1129 Broad (see left bottom lines and p

Eequin C H, 1034 Broad (see left 2)

top lines and p 52)

Chancellor & Pearce, 8835 Broad

Schomburg- C, 1115 Broad (see Columbus Clothing Co, The

right top lines and, p 2)

Forbes B G, 22 12th (see p 54)

Spear T S, 1121 Broad (see p 56) Geyer Henry, 14 12th

Witticli & ICinsel, 1149 Broad Meyer L, 7 12th

(See p 57)

Tailors and Repairers.

Sporting- Goods.

Sellman Mrs N E, 1104)4 Broad

(See also Hardware)'

Telegraph & Telephone Cos.

Eiiler Philip, 1005 Broad (See Southern Bell Telephone and Tel-

p 39)

graph Co, 14 11th

Stair Builders.

Western Union Tel Co, 10 11th

(See also Planing Mills)

Terra Cotta Pipes.

Gruzard T L, 7th cor 4th ave Ga Steam and Gas Pipe Co,

(see right bottom lines and p 4,9) 1035 Broad (see right top lines and

Harvey & Dudley, ,1243 ave, (See right bottom lines)


V P9), Philips Etlieldred, 6th ave
end of 14th next to Swift's Mnfg

Steamboat Lines.

Co, (pee p 55)

Central Line of Boats, 150 W 9tli Tin, Copper and Sheet

Steam, Gas and Water Pipe Fittings.

Iron W orkers.
Crawford A T, Jackson, Browneville

Georgia Steam anti Gas Pipe Free Win, 940 Broad

Co, 1035 Broad (see right top lines Hayward Charles, c, 19 12th

and p 49)

McArdle F J, 1250 Broad

THOMAS CHAFFIN, Musical Instruments

Georgia Steam Gas Pipe Co. Iron Pumps and Fencing,


Yard Fountains; and Sprinklers.



Bowers (4 M, 1144 Broad (see
P SO) Boyce W B, 122(1 Broad Hyde H A, Bridge, Girard
Transfer Lines.

Rogers J T, Broadnax, Girard Shores & Niblit, Broadnax U mile,
N Girard Smith & Green, 1214 1st are
Beach Win, 1120 Broad {See p

Cardwell A .1, 123 18th

Wagon Yards.

Howard Richard, 1332 1st ave

(see p 57)

Cardwell J A, 1412 1st ave

Miller G T, Union Depot, tel 78 Niblet Burns, Broadnax nr Gayle,

N Girard

Trunk Manufacturers.

wagons .'iron)

Edwards Thomas, 1218 1st ave

Jefferson Rollin, 1041 Broad

Trunks and Valises.
(See also Mens' Furnishing Goods) Browdy Jacob, 1013 Broad Harris John K & Co, 1128 Broad Joseph J, 1102 Broad

Stewart J S, 13th 12th (see right
top lines) Boyce W B, 1226 Broad Coulter J 'll, Lively Hoo'.er S C, 1718 Talbotton ave

II linger lord George, 18G 12th
Umbrella Repairer. Lequin C IT, 1034 Broad (see left

Wright Alexander c, 16 11th

top lines and p 52)
Schomhurg- C, 1115 Broad (see


right top lines)
Spear T S, 1121 Broad See. p 56)

Fletcher J M & Son, 12 12th

Wittich & Kinsel, 1149 Broad

Summersgill James, Marshall, (see p 57)

Browneville Torbett C L, 930-932 Broad (See
P 56) Williams IV E & Son, 939 Broad

Window Shades.
(See also Furniture)


Edmunds T T, 1118 Broad Klink C A, 1031 Broad (ure p

Rausch J G, 1042 1st ave


Edwards Thomas, 1218 1st ave
Harris Edward, e, 12th bet 1st and Wines and Liquors.

2d ave Klink C A, 1031 Broadt{Sre p 54) McJunkin John I>, Front bet
13th and 14th

Buhler Louis & Co, 1022 Broad Garret & Sons, Broad cor 9th Kern & Loeh, 1201-1203 Broad

Loeb & Kaufman, 1040 Broad
Upholsterers Goods. Spencer Perry, 1039 Broad

Klink C A, 1031 Broad-{See p 54)


Wagon Makers.

(See Coal and Wood)

Amos W M, Lumpkin rd, Wynn-

ton Bartlett, Newman & Co, 1240-421st

Woolen Mills.

ave and 114 13th

Eagle A Phenix Mfg Co, Front bdt

Murphy Augustus, 1419 1st ave

12th and 14th

Mattresses at Wholesale, a. f-Gj]*on & co. 1216)2nd;i218 Broad St (So# p J)

(REFERENCE department
