Profile 1968 69




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

SEPTEMBER 20, 1968

Where are you, freshmen?

Where arc you, freshmen 9 Yes, you're at college,
away from home for the first time in your lives. Hut
you're also a part of a larger world - larger than the
confining world of the college campus.

Physically you're in a large city. Some of you arc
in a different state from the one you regularly lire in.
You are also part of the United States of A mcrica and
beyond that, the world as a whole.

You are located, moreover, in the mainstream of a
large body of people - the students of the world. You
are a member of the Agnes Scott student body. But
bigger than this is the student population on a
national level. You are a part of this larger group and
should be concerned with what is going on in it, just
as much as you arc interested in what happens on the
ASC campus.

In a national election year, the attention oj the
individual is turned to politics on a country- wide
basis. With such a national orientation, this is a good
time to turn our attention to student affairs and
politics on a nationwide basis, while not neglecting
the smaller spheres of the city and state.

What do you really know about SDS, Hucy
Newton, Black Panthers, Yippies, military research on
college campus, guerilla theatre and draft reform
proposals? These are issues, ideas and groups of
concern to students today. These are things we
should be aware of and informed about.

What do you know about Julian Bond, the A tlanta
garbage strike, the Atlanta College Community
Forum, Kirk wood and volunteer service at Henry
Grady Hospital? These are people, ideas and groups
on a local level which you can not only be aware of,
but work with.

In these first weeks and months of school it is
your job to get used to being a college student, an
Agnes Scott student. But don't lose sight of the
macrocosm outside the microcosm of our own

Be aware of the part NSA plays in Agnes Scott
student government, but also know about the recent
division of NSA at its national congress. Keep up with
your reading for History 1 01, but also find time to
read the daily newspaper.

Don 't settle for just passive reading - be active, do
something, become involved with some project or
movement which brings you into contact with people
outside the campus confines.

In short, don't narrow your field of vision Find
time to be aware, to be a whole person, part of the
college, the city, the world.

Agnes Scott College?


the world?

Opportunities off-campus offered

In an interview at student government leadership
retreat, Tara Swartsel, chairman of
Exchange/Intercollegiate committee, said that there
are several channels open for students on campus who
want to broaden their horizons by becoming involved
in projects off campus.

She said her committee is not the only means. She
cited Christian Association service projects, which
always have trouble getting volunteers who will live
up to their commitment, as another opportunity for

TARA WENT ON to say it bothers her that Agnes
Scott is doing these sort of projects alone, rather than
working with other schools and finding out what they
are doing.

Intercollegiate is the kind of organization which
can give needed coordination between colleges. Tara
defined it as a council of 28 Atlanta colleges (not
including junior colleges) which meets to serve and
coordinate the member schools and the greater
Atlanta area.

Intercollegiate works not only with service
projects, but also for city-wide discounts for students,
speaker co-ops and generally for better education.

a paid director through the city government in the
near future. This director would receive a salary to
help the group compile lists of projects, engage
lectures and generally coordinate the group's

Last year, Tara said, representatives to
Intercollegiate from member schools met with the
Atlanta National Urban League. She hopes the NUL
will keep Intercollegiate aware of service projects
which need to be undertaken in the city. She said the
group expects to be able to get some help in the area
of student discounts through the city chamber of

With a student association of colleges in the
Atlanta area, the colelges can work together
themselves for educational opportunities. Tara gave as
an example an idea which she has had.

SHE SPOKE OF COURSES in black history and
art which will be offered at Georgia Tech this year.
She hopes to be able to work out some method by
which ASC students can share in these courses or
hear professors who teach them.

Tara urged students to keep aware of wrrat is going
on in the city and the world. She said, "Just because
we're a small girls school doesn't mean we can't be

She spoke of the recent congress of the National
Student Association which she attended representing
Agnes Scott and said that other students from across
the country know what is happening in the world.
She said, 'it's so dangerous if the ones who agree
with what's happening are the only ones who know
about the issues."



SEPTEMBER 20. 1968




Campus News

Elizabeth Crum
Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Peggy Chapman

News service gives
broader perspective

Views expressed in the editorial section of thfs publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.


Plastic surgery

Like so many middle-aged women, the fifty-five-year
old PROFILE has begun to look and feel its age. But
through the miracle of modern medicine'er typography and
graphics, the PROFILE has had her face lifted. She's out of
her sagging jowls and into a creative, open magazine-type

The new layout reflects the new mood of the paper. In
the future, the PROFILE will attempt to give organic,
in-depth coverage to campus, local and national issues and
events of relevance to not only the Agnes Scott
community, but to the student population at large.

Readers can look for a single idea or objective
underlying most of the stories in each issue. Not only is this
first issue the orientation publication, it is designed to
suggest to both the freshman and the upperclassman that
she should be aware of the college, not as a world in itself,
but as a part of the larger context of the city, the country,
the world.

We hope the PROFILE will not only be about Agnes
Scott students, but for them. We seek to do some measure
of educating - with background articles like the one on SDS
used in connection with the more recent article on the
Chicago riots.

Campus and national political events are not our only
concern. We will continue to publish an eight page edition
containing an art and entertainment supplement several
times each quarter.

We are vitally interested in the opinions of our readers-
about the PROFILE itself and on issues we discuss. Not
only do we encourage letters to the editor, we beg for
them. We are also initiating a column called "Scottie
Speaks" hoping to force several people each week to
address themselves to pertinent issues.

Another new item in this issue is the PROFILE
Pegboard. As the name suggests, through this section of the
paper, we seek to fulfill our bulletin board function. Items
and information on scheduled campus events will be found
in this column.

And so here lies our manifesto - in brief and in part. We
do not ask our readers to agree with us. We only ask that
they think, and then express their thoughts - loudly. We
hope that they will be as alive and aware as we will try to

Ear ley

What does "(CPS)" mean after the dateline
in a story in the PROFILE? It stands for
College Press Service, the news service division
of the six-year-old U. S. Student Press
Association of which the PROFILE is a

CPS sends out a number of stories weekly
to member papers to be used as they are or as
background for locally-based stories. CPS
releases are no longer stories clipped and
rewritten from college newspapers as they were
in the early days of the service. Most releases
now are original, well-researched pieces.

The staff of CPS in 1967-68 consisted of
three full-time people in Washington with a
full-time correspondent in Vietnam and
part-time correspondents in San Francisco,
Chicago and Paris. Changes and expansions for
1968-69 include plans for full-time people in
New York and San Francisco and the
establishment of a black desk, a black person
to cover mainly black news.

CPS functions primarily to give colleges
access to off-campus coverage with a different
perspective from that available in the
commercial press. The service is edited and
written by people who have recently graduated


Mary Anne Murphy: "When I
take baths in the daytime, I
always get a lonely stomach."

Ann Hoefer at retreat,
summing up our smugness in our
academic superiority: "We may
not date, but we're great."

Taken from a 4 68 senior's
comments on a drinking policy
questionable: "The question of
drinking should be left to the
student's own digression/'


Associate Editor: "Can we use
'Damn' in the PRO-
FILE?" Editor: "Heck, yeah!"


To The Editor:

When assigned the article on
the SDS I knew close to nothing
about the organization and had
everything to learn. My
understanding of this group is by
no means complete. I only know
that something like this, a
movement that is controversial
from every standpoint, cannot be
presented to any group from an
emotional point of view. For this
reason, I've tried to make my
article as factual and concise as

As a college student, I have
felt the pressure of a society that
was moulded by time and events
I had nothing to do with. I can
admire this group to a certain
extent, simply because these

young people of our generation
are taking action to improve
situations they consider
intolerable. However, I cannot
force myself to admire all the
tactics employed by the SDS.
Peaceful demonstrations are one
thing, but deliberate and active
rioting is another.

Society is inevitably changed
by those who seek to improve
their own condition and that of
their fellow man. These young
people are having a profound
effect on the American society of
today and that of tomorrow.
They can no longer be
overlooked by anyone.

It is definitely up to the
individual however, to read about

this movement and keep up with
it. This is what is happening and
is at work on hundreds of
campuses across the nation. As
members of the same generation
it is our responsibility to know
and understand what is going on.
There is no way to shield yourself
because this part of American
youth is no longer a silent
follower but is emerging as a
truly significant force affecting
our lives and society of
tomorrow. How long can the
other parts of American youth
stay silent?

Carol Banister "7 1

from colleges and universities acu * the
country and who, for the most part, were
editors of their college newspapers.

The contents of 1967-68 CPS releases were
primarily concerned with the draft, Vietnam
and black issues. In a recent pamphlet
published by CPS about itself, it defended the
coverage, "It is plainly a wrong view to think
CPS is supposed to somehow carve out a little
niche for itself with stories on educational
reform and student power while ignoring a
war, an election, and a racial struggle which are
not only of vital importance to the nation, but
of great interest to students."

Answering a charge that CPS coverage was
biased to the left, the author of the pamphlet
said, "Although this criticism (the slant to the
left) was usually over-stated, it is partly true.
As all intelligent editors and reporters know,
their personal views influence the way they
look at events, the stories they choose to write,
and the facts they include.

"It is probably more noticable in the case
of CPS because our bias is not to which most
editors and students are accustomed - the
pro-establishment bias of the commercial wire
services and newspapers."

by sandra earley

If Miss Othmar were to ask me about my summer vacation, I
would have to tell her that I will always remember my twenty-first
summer as the one when I had my own personal meter maid, got
molested at noon in the parking lot of Greenville, S.C.'s most modern
shopping center, literally fell on my face in Chicago, 111., and nearly
had all four wisdom teeth removed.

It all started the first week I went to work as a reporter at a real,
live commercial newspaper. I had envisioned my summer as a
glamourous one of chasing firetrucks and writing obituaries, but as it
turned out, my adventures came in what the movie magazines would
call my "private life." (Now I ask you, can you imagine any A.S.C.
girl having a movie magazine "private life?")

Unmetered parking is absolutely non-existant within a mile radius
of the newspaper office. So for the first week, I dutifully leaped up
from my desk every two hours, banging my knee on the typewriter
stand, and ran outside to feed the meter-monster.

'Er, I accomplished the ritual feeding nearly every two hours. This
is where B. Darby comes in. Somewhere lurking the streets of
Greenville, S.C., is an Irish meter maid (yes, even the meter maids are
Irish) with a personal vendetta for a defenseless little light green
Comet station wagon named "Skitters."

During my first week at work 1 received five personal messages
from B. Darby, each of which cost me one dollar. She received
numerous personal messages from me, too, although she never knew
it. Every day when I walked past the police station on my way to
lunch, I silently screamed, with uplifted fist, "Curse you, B. Darby!"

After about two weeks of being nickel-dime-and-pennied to death,
not to mention the green leafy vegetables B. Darby thrived on, I
decided to go out for the cross-country track team (maybe when
Clemson hears about this, they'll offer me a scholarship).

I started parking back behind the office under the Church Street
Bypass bridge. Each morning at 7:15 a.m. as I arrived at work, I got
out of my car, pulled on my thousand league boots, hiked up my
skirt and started my run up the hill past Duke Power Co. on the left,
across the mud flats and past the Phyllis Wheatley Center (it sounds
like a home for unwed mothers, but isn't).

After the center, it was through the liquor store parking lot (no,
don't stop, it's not open yet) past the County Jail recreation yard
(wave at the prisoners - it's the big event of their day) and leap
over the jail's German police dog kennel (he didn't even bark or nip
after the first week).

After the last hurdle, I arrived at the back of the newspaper
building with only the stares and comments of the construction
workers to endure. From there it was easy to get the elevator and go
upstairs to the office - except for the time the garbageman accidently
broke a bottle and a flying piece of glass nearly put my eye out.

But don't worry, if you ever need to park near the newspaper
office in Greenville, S.C., I now know a great place where the meter's
broken. It's across from the liquor store at the back of the building.
You just pull into the space, hop out next to the jail, and put a penny
in the meter. The little arrow whizzes right over to two hours.

SEPTEMBER 20. 1968



Leaders call on ASC

to work actively in NSA

Associate Editor

The following quotes were taken from separate
interviews with Gayle Grub and Tara Swartsel who
attended the National Student Association Congress
this summer. For a report on the action taken by the
Congress, see the accompanying story.

Tara Swartsel said on her impressions of the
Congress as a whole: "I was there ten days, was lost
for the first six, and thought that maybe during the
last two, I understood what was happening.

'*! COULD NOT go along with some of the things
that happened there. Maybe the things that went on,
some of which were out of my realm at least, are the
kind of things that students are doing and that they
want the world to know they're doing, and are


The New NSA As It Will Affect ASC.

involved in.

How did she feel coming back into the Agnes
Scott community now? "My feeling isn't too
different, because I have always felt that these are the
kind of problems we should open our eyes to. There
are bigger things in the world than we pay attention
to at Agnes Scott.

"I THINK THE NSA conference would have
shown anyone from Scott that kids on other
campuses are considering their campus issues, but
they are also involved in world ana* national affairs
and they don't just talk about them, they do things
about them. They go to Chicago, and not all of them
go as hippies and Yippies; lots of them are going as
responsible citizens.

"Scott needs to know what's going on, but Scott
has got to make its contribution to NSA. We just
can't pull from NSA the student services.. .it has to be
more than that. Scott has to contribute by being

'7 really feel like NSA has a lot to offer to Agnes
Scott in that NSA doesn't dictate to the schools. It's
there as a resource "

WILL THE SPLITTING of NSA weaken the two
groups eventually? "I don't see how it can. ..with the
split, a whole lot more concentrated attention could
be paid to each area."

Gayle Grubb said on the credentials fight: "If
we're concerned about racism, we must say to
ourselves, what are we going to do about it in our
own ranks? The University of Alabama was not
necessarily made an example of, except to say to the
rest of the delegation, look at your own delegation,
go back to your own campuses, are you involving
every group on your campus in your student
government? And what can you do to involve every

"In fact, I thought about challenging our
delegation, not because we don't represent the
students on campus, but because we are evidently a
racist school, if you're judging this thing on principle.
But the rule is that if a school has only one delegate,
it is to be the NSA co-ordinator.

"WE DIVIDED UP into groups according to the
size of the school. This was really valuable for me, to
see what other small schools come up against... Small
schools do have an advantage over large schools in the
fact that we have a great deal of communication
between administration and students. We have the
opportunity to make ourselves known and it's up to
us to do it.

"One thing in particular that was brought up was
how do you get a heterogenous student body in a
private, expensive, select school? And we didn't come
up with any great answers because alot of this is not
for the students to deal with, because there is alot of
money involved and we're not in any position.

"IF YOU CAN'T HAVE a heterogenous student
body, you can't introduce things on your campus,
you can't have special seminars or courses.. .or

"I really feel like NSA has alot to offer to Agnes
Scott in that NSA doesn't dictate to the schools. It's
there as a resource, and it's how ever your campus
uses the resource of NSA that determines the effect
that NSA has on the campus.

"One of the most valuable things was the regional
meetings, because southern schools have problems
that are typical to them. ...The thing is that so many
southern schools have stayed out saying that NSA is a
radical organization, rather than getting in and
making their voice heard.

"They had a regional meeting in Atlanta last
winter which the campus didn't know about. There's
going to be one in New Orleans in the winter time,
which I wish I could get some underclassmen to go
to, to show them.

"THERE WAS EVERY KIND of sentiment at the
congress and I was exposed to a great deal of
radicalism that you don't find anywhere in the South.
But the mainstream of NSA is a very stable, very
moderate organization which is anxious to do things,
to move out and to make itself heard."

NSA split makes services,
political activity possible

College Press Service

At its national congress at the
University of Kansas this
summer, the National Student
Association stopped talking of
taday's problems and passing
legislation on it, and began taking
steps to actively change them.

A negro student from the
University of Alabama challenged
the voting delegation of his
school on the grounds that it was
all white and had not sought
black students to come to the
conference. The Congress voted
to place him on the delegation
and throw one of the regular
delegates off. The students
seemed to think that the student
government should have recruited
black delegates actively, and
should be penalized for not doing

Some 20-odd other
delegations then challenged
themselves, because there was no
black representation from their
schools. One school, the
University of Maryland, even gave
up its own voting rights, saying,

"we realize that the University of
Maryland is inherently a racist
institution in its admission
policies, student attitudes, and
administrative and faculty

The congress passed a
resolution stating that in order to
be seated at next year's congress,
each delegation will have to show
that they "have done something
toward ending racism on their

Up till this summer, NSA has
been unable to participate in
political activity because of its
tax-exempt status. As a
non-profit organization which
accepts government and
foundation grants, it is prohibited
by law from legislative lobbying
and other political activities. The
solution was to divide NSA into
two corporations.

The first, which will still be
called the National Student
Association, will be tax-exempt,
but will not accept grants. It will
be allowed to engage in all forms

of political activity on a national
local or state level except for the
endorsment of specific
c andidates.

The "new NSA" is losing no
time getting into operation. It is
presently raising money to enter
into the political campaigning
this fall. Immediate goals are the
18-year-old vote, the stop-the-war

The second corporation,
called the National Student
Institute, will in effect be the old
NSA. It will operate all programs
funded by foundation and
government grants. One of its
programs will be a new Center for
Educational Reform whichwill
pull together and extend NSA's
past activities in the academic

It remains to be seen whether
NSA can succeed in being all
things to all people, assuage both
major camps and hope to retain
the respect of all in its drive for
increased political power.


Seven years

of student activism


The central force responsible for many of the
recent campus explosions at colleges all over the
United States is a group known as Students for a
Democratic Society (SDS). The group is an offspring
of the old socialist League for Industrial Democracy.
It was founded at Port Huron, Mich., in 1961. The
first meeting was attended by about 60 people
representing 1 1 colleges

The Port Huron statement drafted at this meeting
by Tom Hayden, a University of Michigan student,
states the "creed" of the group. "...We seek the
establishment of a democracy of individual
participation, governed by two central aims: that the
individual share in those social decisions determining
the quality and direction of his life; that society be
organized to encourage independence in men and
provide the media for their common participation."

OUT OF THIS beginning has grown a following of
over 40,000 national and local activists in more than
300 chapters across the country.

Action has become the keyword to their activities.
The SDS movement centers around the war in
Vietnam, poverty, civil rights and university reform.

They oppose the war in Vietnam terming it "the
U.S. Government's immoral, illegal, and genocidal
war against the people of Vietnam" and "insist on the
immediate withdrawal of all U.S. personnel from the

SDS "demands the abolition of the Selective
Service System" seeing the draft as "racist and
anti-democratic, procuring manpower for aggressive
wars abroad." They feel that under the present
deferment system, young men are psychologically
forced to choose occupations that will insure their
safety from the draft, whereas in another situation,
they would have made another choice.

SDS HEARTILY SUPPORTS the civil rights
movement. They feel the "black people must act as a
group in establishing their common identity, and in
planning a strategy to challenge their oppression."

The multiuniversity is another area in which SDS

is active. They view it as "a knowledge factory, a kind
of service station producing skilled manpower and
intelligence for integration with the marketable needs
of the major corporate, government and military

The ranks of SDS include people of many political
groups, not excluding socialists, anarchists,
communists and humanist liberals. There is a constant
intermingling of the ideas of all these groups. SDS has
no one political theory and has adopted no particular
political ideology.

THEY OFFER NO solutions for the problems
they see. It is a movement among the young people
of America. These are young people who do not like
what they see in our country today and feel that by
active demonstrations they may show the world their

The nation has seen this group in action in the
March on Washington to End the War in Vietnam on
April 17, 1965. They were active in the spring riots at
Columbia University. They were in on the co-ed
equality demonstrations at the University of Georgia
last year and more recently, the riots in Chicago
during the Democratic National Convention.

WHAT SDS SEEKS is a change in the society of
today's U.S.A. The "freedom" they advocate includes
the individual's right to pursue his own choice in life
without fear of the draft and degradation by the
press. It also includes freedom for the blacks of
America to assume an active part in all aspects of
American society. They seek freedom for the young
people of America to rise up and protest ideas and
conditions with which they do not agree.

SDS members are some of the most prominent
leaders of campus life in the U.S. speaking from the
North, South, East and West. What was begun in Port
Huron seven years ago has grown into one of the
largest youth movements in history. Their aims and
actions will not be relegated to the campus
community. For these reasons SDS is a group that
can not be ignored.



SEPTMEBER 20, 1968

Will student liberals turn
to radicalism after Chicago?


College Press Service

CHICAGO (CPS)-Late in the afternoon the day of
the Battle of Michigan Avenue, Dave Dellinger of the
National Mobilization Committee huddled with two
representatives of the Chicago Police Department. He
was explaining to them what tactics the "Mobe" was
planning to use next and why, while the officers kept
repeating, 'This is no time for philosophizing. "

Somehow that Dellinger-police meeting
symbolized the whole week. There was the refusal of
the police to recognize individuals, even in their most
absurd conditions, the intense offer of reconciliation
on the part of the Movement, a total lack of
understanding of what the protest was or why it
existed. And from that week, the Movement will go
off on its own.

groups-best known being Students for a Democratic
society and various guerrilla theatre troupes-which
solidified and grew from last October's Pentagon
march to Lyndon Johnson's withdrawal-now have
their best recruitment opportunities. In the last 18
months, Movement groups have been forced to
parallel practical established politics.

Now, through the death of volunteer activity on
behalf of Presidential candidates, radical
organizations no longer need to calculate moves by
regular politics, and can now veer off on its own

When the turf in Grant Park facing the Conrad
Hilton was won Wednesday and Thursday evenings,
thousands of people gathered to hear the speeches
and music throughout the night. The audience
participated in any way they saw fit; extending the
Digger concept of "Free City," this was a Free
Convention-anyone could take the microphone and
say what he pleased.

More significant than the speeches in Grant Park
was the mood of the crowd. This was not a radical
anti-administration harangue. What evolved was a
feeling much like that of the civil rights movement in
the South in the early Sixties-one of solidarity,
camaraderie and a strange kind of patriotism.

way, it gained stature. Not only regular radical
political spokesmen and their cultural counterparts
speak; the delegates also came over to speak. From
the South came a delegate from South Carolina, who
told the crowd that while he was a "law and order"

man and voted for Humphrey, he had never seen such
action on the part of police, had never known what
the peace people were really like, and had now come
away with new thoughts on "law and order" and
sympathetic feelings for the anti-war movement."

The obvious fact is that McCarthy workers had
nowhere to go at that time. For some the defeat of
their man was instant radicalization, for others only a
temporary flirtation with the radical movement. For
those there will be Congressional candidates to work

Material on SDS, Socialist Workers Party,
Progressive Labor and Trotskyites was accepted with
the same tolerance as the free daily newspapers put
out during the week. People would turn to the
RAMPARTS Wall Poster for their news instead of the
Chicago TRIBUNE.

the liberal students who came to Chicago will have a
considerably greater sympathy with campus leftists in
their demands this fall. Each student's activity will be
more radical because of Chicago. Those who before
wouldn't even do political work will work for radical
candidates within the system.

Able now to chart their own course exclusive of
the byplay of normal electoral politics, and armed
with many new troops, radical groups find themselves
protagonists and antagonists as the situation

What everyone saw was the occupation of
Chicago. With enemies like its mayor, the Movement
needs no friends.


Wednesday from the threeday fall
leadership retreat at Rock Eagle
4-H Center near Eadenton, Ga.
Meetings of all boards and panel
discussions centered around the
theme "Kinesis: From the
potential to the actual."

In her address to the opening
session of retreat, Tina Brownley,
student government president,
discussed what has come to be
known at Agnes Scott as The
Problem. She emphasized in
beginning her speech that the
situation at the college is not
static. Students love ASC, but
also work to make it better.

She divided the causes of The
Problem into two areas, the
individual and the environment.
Student government as a group
can not do much to correct
student discontent on an
individual level, she said. Student
government's involvement comes
primarily on the level of the
environment, solutions centering
around the honor system.

Tina listed three difficulties
with the honor system as it
functions now. She emphasized
that she did not say trouble with
the honor system itself, rather,
with the way it functions now.

Petty social rules are often a
scapegoat for individual
problems, she said. This is the
first difficulty,, Secondly, she
said, rules often hinder personal

development. The third
difficulty, she said, is that rules
often hamper academic pursuits.

Tina called for "an honest
realistic assessment of our honor
system." She asked for a maxium
of personal freedom, through a
group of guidelines for behavior
rather than rules. She read to the
group a quotation suggesting that
integrity has no need of rules.

In addition to several meetings
of each student government
board, the entire group heard two
student-faculty panel discussions.
On Monday evening a panel
discussed the retreat theme in
relation to education. Tuesday
was devoted in most meetings to
a dialogue concerning the honor
system. Tuesday afternoon a
panel discussion centered on the
retreat theme in relation to the
honor system.

AGNES Scott, mother of the
college founder, George
Washington Scott, has been
returned to its place on the parlor
wall of Main building from whence
it was stolen last year.

The portrait was rehung
Friday, Sept. 13, next to the
picture of the founder. When
asked if the picture was bolted to
the wall to discourage further
pilfering, Business Manager P.J.
Rogers smiled mysteriously and
said, "She's fixed."

(Murphy Chandler building) is
due to be finished October 1,
according to P.J. Rogers, college
business manager. The $45,000
restoration, exclusive of
furnishings, is being done by
White Repair and Contracting Co.

Furniture which could be
salvaged from the fire has been
refinished and is ready to go back
into the building, Rogers said.
The baby grand piano and pool
table destroyed in the fire will be
replaced, he added. Curtains
made for the building last year
had been removed for cleaning
before the fire and are also ready
to be put back in the building.

The fire was discovered at
1:06 a.m., June 20, by a night
watchman on his regular campus
rounds, Rogers said. The fire is
thought to have begun about 1 1
p.m. around a sofa and
overstuffed chair in the basement
of the building, he said. He
suggested lighted cigarettes left
on the furniture may have been
the source of the fire, although
the cause could not be
determined absolutely.

Rogers said the fire went
undiscovered because it was
contained in the pocket between
the ceiling of the basement and
the floor of the main floor during
its early stages. He said the fire
could have gotten out of control
if it had not been discovered
when it was.

Scottie Speaks

Sally Gillespie, k 69: "It is hard
for me to say exactly what I have
lost or gained since my freshman
year. I don't feel that I have lost
my enthusiasm, but I feel that
perhaps it has become more
directed and more constructive.
If I felt that I had not matured
after three years or that my
enthusiasm was gone, I would not
be here now.

Sherri Yandle, '69: "When I
came to school, I came with all
these bit ideas of things you are
going to do. College was my
stepping stone to saving the
world. As Tina Brownley said, I
have lost my 'truthless ideals.'
Idealistic enthusiasm has been
replaced by a mature, directed

Jane Quillman, l 7 1 : "I have

lost the assurance that everything
will come with time, because
there isn't enough time. If you
can realize that, you have
replaced a bland idealism with a
more mature attitude toward
long range goals. Also, I have lost
any uncertainty about being a
part of Scott."

Techmen see ASC
as conservative

by CAROL Georgia Tech fraternities were busy
BLESSING re P airm g and painting while joking and sharing
summer experiences, preparing on last
Saturday for Rush Week. The Phi Delts were
hedge-trimming and painting the entrance hall,
the ATO's were mowing the grass, the Phi
Sigma Kappas and KAs were a paint-scattered
crew as they worked on the ceilings.

What have you lost (enthusiasm,
self-assurance, etc.) since your
freshman year at Agnes Scott?


Cross The Tracks To Enlighten Scotties.

But they all stopped whatever they were
doing when asked to give their idea of the ASC
freshman and what they expect in a rush girl.

Dave Marsh, rush girl chairman for the
TKEs, said the ASC freshman usually has
varied interests and more outside interests than
other girls. They are more sincere and a little
more self-confident (perhaps a little bit too
much?). As a rush girl, they should enjoy
themselves and aid the fraternity at the same
time. As for her appearance, Dave said, "I like
her to be happy and smiley, able to make
conversation easily."

John Traendly of Beta Theta Pi thinks of an
ASC freshman as being more reserved, more
conservative, than the average freshman. He
responded eagerly to the rush girl image
question saying that "I've always wanted to do
this-boy I'd thought I'd really tell 'cm, 1 ' but
neglects to say what he wants to tell us.

Peter Palmisano, a member of Sigma Chi
and vice-president of Interfraternity Council,
replied that on the whole, ASC freshmen are
very attractive and intelligent. He thinks that
by just asking them to be themselves they'll
succeed as rush girls. He wryly added,
"Techmen should not go through Tech
without visiting the other side of the tracks."
(Perhaps we should offer guided tours?)

Some fraternity men who were really
honest but remain anonv mous think freshmen
are stuck-up, too goody-goody, and too naive.

"They think they are too damned cool -
because they are going to Scott."

"I wish they'd all wear mini skirts when
they come to rush for us." (Drag out the
rnidi's, girls.)

"Do you think ASC girls are different'.'-Yes,
just ask them, they'll tell you."

But the last word goes to Bobby Carter of
Beta Theta Pi. When asked his opinion, he
replied succinctly, "I love 4 em, and freshmen
are the best!"




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030


Questionaire results:

students express dissatisfaction with

In a questionnaire distributed to students by Rep
Council last spring, students were given the
opportunity to express specific gripes concerning
social and academic regulations as they appear in the
college handbook and on student government's

The results of ihe 312 questionnaires returned
were compiled recently at student government
retreal. Student Government Treasurer Bebe Guill
expressed pleasure at the thoroughness and extent of
the questionnaires returned, although she had
expected to receive more

"STUDENTS DON'T REALIZE how helpful their
contributions will be in forming a guideline for future
policies and changes," she said.

The question on the drinking policy proved to be
controversial as 13 per cent of boarding students said
they were not satisfied with the policy while 25 per
cent were satisfied and 2 per cent undecided.

In the range from senior to freshman, students
were increasingly more dissatisfied with the drinking
policy. Fifty per cent of the class of '68 were
dissatisfied as compared with 68 per cent in the class
of '69, 85 per cent in the class of '70 and 77 per cent
in the class of '7 1 .

The total percentage for day students on the
drinking policy were 60 per cent in favor of it as it
stands, 1 5 per cent dissatisfied and 25 per "cent

MANY STUDENTS FELT the college should take
no specific stand on the consumption of alcoholic
beverages off-campus. Tina Brownley, president of
student government, expressed the opinion of these
students when she said, "I hope Agnes Scott will
consider upholding rather than enforcing state law."

Students also expressed dissatisfaction concerning
the apartment policy inspite of last year's procedural
changes in methods of obtaining permission to visit
men's living quarters. Seventy-three per cent of the
total number of questionnaires returned were not
satisfied with the present policy, 26 per cent were
and one per cent were undecided.

The majority of students replying were satisfied
with activities considered social engagements as stated
in the handbook. Seventy-one per cent of the total
said "yes" they were satisfied with 25 per cent
answering "no"~and 4 per cent undecided.

Several students who were unhappy with activities
listed as social engagements commented. One said,
"Parents should never, but never, be considered a
social engagement." Another said, "How can
activities without dates possibly be considered very

cent of students responding thought regulations
regarding voluntary class attendance were "too strict."
Sixteen per cent regarded the regulations as "strict"
while 39 per cent called them "satisfactory." Eight
percent were undecided.

Fifth-one per cent of the class of '68 thought
voluntary class attendance regulations "too strict" or
"strict," as compared with 46 per cent in the
combined categories in the class of 4 69, 53 per cent in

A NEW LOOK FOR the Dean's Office? No, just
Judicial Chairman Lou Frank (1.) and Student
Government President Tina Brownley clowning as
they babysit with the office while the dean's staff
attends a meeting.

the class of l 70 and 63 per cent in the class of k 7 I .

Many students unhappy with voluntary class
attendance as it is now suggested students on
academic probation be given at least one cut per class
as freshmen have tali quarter.

Students came out solidly in favor of a suggestion
that they be allowed to schedule their own exams.
Eighty-two per cent of the total number of students
responding said "yes" they would like to schedule
their own exams, with 13 per cent replying "no" and
live per cent undecided.

IN RESPONSE TO the question, "Is the work
done by Rep Council totally representative of our
student body?" students were almost evenly divided
in opinion. Thirty-two per cent said "yes" with 35
per cent answering "no" and 33 per cent undecided.

Tina Brownley urged students to come directly to
Rep Council rather than complaining in the dorms.
She said Rep Council is always open and everyone is
invited to come and "shoot the bull." She stressed
that meetings are always very informal.

Tina called on the student body for patience in
having policies they are not satisfied with changed.
She reminded students that changes have been made,
but time is needed for more to be done. "We've got
to have time; the patience and cooperation of the
entire student body is essential," she said.

She also asked for students cooperation with new
policies which have just gone into effect, like dorm
sign-out. She stated, "I hope students realize that this
and the present is a pivotal time in determining how
much responsibility we will receive in the future. In
other words, if sign-out doesn't work, It's curtains."

drinking policy,
apartment policy.


class attendance

New student lobby gives
activists 'constructive outlet'

million of young people who are
outraged about the war in
Vietnam, the draft and what they
think of as their "second-class
status" in American society have
many ways of showing their

Some riot, some of them write
or publish pamphlets or
newspapers, some have this year
been working to elect to office
the candidates they think best
exemplify their views and speak
for them.

One young man in Florida has
decided that the answer to
youth's problems may lie in a
national lobby to campaign solely
for the views of the young in the
political arena.

OF Deerfield, Fla., contends that
the generation of under-26
citizens in this country (in other
words, the draftables) are being
exploited by a political system
run almost exclusively by those
over 26, and that it is time for
young people to do something
about it.

The fault, Rothschild
maintains, lies in the
decision-making process in the
U.S. government, which decides
among alternative courses of
action on the basis of weighing
the vested interests in each
possibility. In the case of the
Vietnam War, President Johnson
initially made a war decision
rather than a non-war decision,
because he took into account the
interests of the adult population
and neglected the interests of the
under-26 generation which would

have to fight and die in the war.

"The beneficial value of war,
although only slightly greater
than those of non-war,
continually lures Johnson," he
says. "The harm of war can be
very great. What Johnson has
done is reduce the probability of
harm for himself and his
constituents (adults) while still
pursuing the rewards."

YOUTH Lobby, for which he has
issued a proposal, can be a way
for youth to fight back against
such decision-making. The lobby
is to be an 44 in te r racial,

advocate making the old fight or
even turning the decision-making
over entirely to the young, he
proposes a way to "make the old
agonize too." He, like Senator
Mc Govern, calls for the
establishment of a volunteer
army, both because it, "unlike
the present Selective Service
system, is not involuntary
servitude," and because it would
make the cost of war greater than
the cost of peace. If the military
were run on a free-enterprise
basis, the government would have
to bid for soldiers' services, and
thoseservices would command a
much higher price in wartime.

"The organization is clearly not aimed at those who would,
SDS-style, tear the system clown and start over, who thinks the
established political process is incurably ill. "

non-partisan power center," is to
set up an organization "which
will be influential in directing
current legislation," is to provide
a "clearinghouse for youth's

The organization is clearly not
aimed at those who would,
SDS-style, tear the system down
and start over, who think the
established political process is
incurably ill. The lobby's
objectives include "providing a
constructive outlet for young
activists who may move in time
of frustration to rebellion and
lawlessness" and "Providing some
rapport between youth and the

The main evil Rothschild
wants to change is the draft,
which he sees as the most blatant
exploitation of youth by adults.

Waiting for the months it
takes a revolutionary idea to
become accepted, and the
additional months it takes
Congress' slow legislative
processes to work, however, is
not acceptable.

"We must be able to pressure
decision-makers to act now,"
Rothschild says, "no matter
which party is administrating. Do
you think the young care
whether they die under a
Democratic or a Republican

The only alternatives now
available to the system for young
people are desertion and anarchy,
the lobby maintains. It hopes to
give another possibility.

Other issues it might tackle
are civil rights, drugs, the voting
age, birth control, education and



SEPTEMBER 27, 1968




Campus News

Elizabeth Crum

Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Peggy Chapman

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.


Give 'em a chance

The questionnaire results have been released and
with them came a plea from SGA President Tina
Brown ley for patience on the part of the student body
while work is done so that additional changes can be

Give 'em some time, girls. It takes a while for some
committees to work, Rep Council to act and
administrative committee to approve.

We can do something else while waiting for the
internal structure of the college to be further modified.
Channels are open, as student government people are
fond of saying, and the possibilities for additional
change look very good. Now we have the time to move
into a new area.

Get off the campus. Students now have a system
with the work of student government and the five-day
week by which they can become involved elsewhere,
develop interests beyond the campus boundaries.

We can do both - keep an eye on what needs to be
done and is being done on campus AND maintain an
interest and concern for the city around us, for the
nation and for the world.

It's just possible we might not gripe so much and be
so ingrown if our energies and interests were partially
engaged somewhere outside ASC's one city block.


Retreat was really downright dull. For the novice,
who never has experienced the rustic, primitive
simplicity of Camp Calvin, there was not even the
satisfaction of making favorable comparisons of Rock
Eagle to Calvin.

The dullness came from the unity of ideas and
feelings there. Real communication occurred among
students, and to the surprise of some,faculty,
administration and students carried on a meaningful
dialogue. Thoughts and ideas of these three groups were
amazingly similar.

Tension, healthy disagreement, existed and was
spirited. However, as a faculty member observed, this is
as it should be. Energy, tension are the life sustaining
components of any body or system. Dissention and
discussion on any issue are indications that the issue is a
vital one.

"i^inesis"--a word concerning actualization of
existing potential -was used at retreat in a variety of
ways. The word cannot characterize retreat. The talking
and planning represent only the defining of the existing
potential. Only in June, and perhaps much later, will
we be able to see if this potential can be accurately
projected into the college year, indicate several things.
First of all, they show a realistic consideration of where
we actually are in planning our movement. This will be
a welcome relief from all the useless discussions of
where we wish we were.

Secondly, we will be encouraged to consider
carefully our personal concept of honor as well as the
collective honor of the college community.

Thirdly, there will be a return to emphasis on
academics, which supposedly is our major reason for
being here. And fourthly, there will be action only
where action is constructive and meaningful.

The dullness is akin to disappointment. It is that
lack of excitement when change comes smoothly, when
there is agreement, when needs are recognized and
acted upon.


Duval asks for
definition of 'racist'

To the Fditor:

1 would be interested in Gayle Grubb's definition of the word
"racist" as applied to Agnes Scott in your latest issue: "...because we
are evidently a racist school, if you're judging this thing on

What principle? Is she referring to the presence of a majority of
white as compared to the few number of Negro students in the
student body, does she regard the admission policies of Scott as
^discriminatory and how, or is. she commenting on an attitude she
believes prevalent in a great number of students and faculty

"Racist" is a term too often misunderstood and ill-applied merely
for shock value.

Dottie Duval, l 69


-now IS:
is america


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out BO&h
1(06 ISA

CDHMITM50T eoeoius?


m& just




(CPS)-Finally someone has
come up with an answer to all the
men who think women have
nothing to lose in protests
because they can't be drafted.

Speaking to a meeting of the
National Student Association
Congress in Manhattan, Kansas,
West Coast draft resister and
activist Dave Harris was asked by
a young lady in the audience
what women could do to
effectively protest the draft.

"Well," Harris answered, "you
can refuse to sleep with anyone
who carries a draft card."

suburban judge here has found
two short-haired teen-agers guilty
of assaulting two long-haired
youths. The punishment: The
convicted pair must spend the
weekend carrying picket signs
saying "I will respect the rights of
others, otherwise 1 will go to

by sandra earley

A couple of the freshman I met this summer are having some
trouble recognizing me now. When we met in August, I had just
returned from 10 days in Chicago where I fell on my face.

I was one big scab from the circle under my right eye to
underneath my nose with a jump down to my chin.

1 was literally a sight to frighten little children. One poor little
four-year-old girl stepped out of the pay toilet at O'Hare
International Airport, took one look at my face, ran back inside,
closed the door and burst into tears. I had to leave before her mother
could persuade her to come out.

On the flight home, we ran into a storm between Charlotte, N.C.,
and Greenville, S.C. so we had to make a detour. Not only was the
plane about an hour late, when we landed we were met by a little
white meat wagon with siren going and lights flashing.

My mother, who was to meet me, was somewhat unnerved by the
late arrival and the Red Cross welcoming committee, but she held up
well when confronted by my unexpected appearance. Her first
question was whispered in a don't-ruin-the-family-reputation tone of
voice: "You weren't drunk, were you?"

Now, Agnes Scott has been known to fall on her face before, but I
managed to do it literally. No, Mom, I wasn't drinking, I was merely
foot racing.

I just knew I could beat this guy across the prairie to the library. I
even bet him a C oke I could do it. It wasn't more than a mile to the
building,all open country, with only one sidewalk across it.

We started off running and I must admit that he was ahead of me.
(Yes, I'm sure I wasn't chasing him.) He cut up on the sidewalk and I
was right behind him, gaining fast.

That's when he fell and I tumbled right over him landing on my
face. He didn't get hurt. Then there was me. At least I didn't break a
tooth like I did during my freshman year.

It all turned out well, however. The guy felt responsible and
bought me all the milk shakes I could drink. This turned out to be
quite alot of milk shakes, as a straw was the only thing I could gel in
my mouth for some time.

All of this occured at the U.S. Student Press Association summer
congress - not at the riots in Chicago during the Democratic National
Convention, worst luck.

Alot of things happened during those 10 days. If you ask me
sweetly sometime I'll tell you about the co-ed dorm Kay Parkerson
and I lived in. But better still, I'll tell you about the co-ed bathrooms.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1968



Hippies sock it to
Wallace at Kentucky

College Press Service

LEXINGTON, KY. {CfS)-George Wallace, a man
who has contributed greatly to the political
polarization of this country, visited the University of
Kentucky last Saturday and was greeted by a
complete reversal of the polar stereotypes.

While eight "straight-looking" anti-Wallace pickets
paraded and a number of neatly-attired members of a
campus action group passed out anti-Wallace lea/lets,
some 35 scroungy, bearded, sandaled, long-haired
"hippies" (as they called themselves) demonstrated
for nearly two hours in support of the former
A labama governor.

with Wallace," "Keep America beautiful, get a
haircut, " "Sock it to us, George, " "America - love it
or leave it," "Hippies for Wallace," and shouting
slogans like "Law and Order Now" and "We're for
Po-leece Power, " the group was curiously received.

Many of the crowd of 10,000 who turned out to
hear Wallace were supporters from across the state.
Some of them were able to perceive the tongues in
the hippies' cheeks, but many were unable to cope
with the reversal of stereotypes.

After watching the hippies parade for several
minutes, one elderly woman asked uncertainly,
"They ARE hippies, aren 't they?"

' "I thought hippies were for McCarthy, " said a
Wallace supporter who appeared dismayed by the
prospect of association with freaks.

hippies were serious. "Hippies have SOME sense, "
said one.

Another said, "If someone like that is for Wallace,
I don 't know if I'm supporting the right man or not. "

Other Wallace supporters could not overcome the
sterotype and were sure the hippies were goofing on
them. "You can look at thv.m and tell they're not
Wallace people, " said one. "They 're either doped up
or ignorant. "

by the group when they gained his attention during
his oratory. It was a typical WaTace speech, complete
with catch-phrases, Wallace witticisms and emotional
appeals to the working man. All the same old lines
were there:

"...who can't park their bicycles straight... they
looked 'down Jheir noses at the people of... will be the
last car th&*K$ down in front of... never made a
speech in my^ifc that reflected on.. .got some free
speech folk in fhis e&untry... "

As the atmosphere grew tense, as the fervor spread
in the crowd, the hippies came through to lighten the
mood. They started chanting, "Sock it to 'em George,
sock it to 'em George. "

Wallace, thinking the shouts came from one of the
usual groups of adversaries who attend his speeches,
pulled out several patented retorts from his

THEN, POINTING TOWARD the group which
was sitting high in the balcony he said, "You need a
haircut, " though he was too far away to see how
correct he was. The hippie group began chanting even
louder--" We want Wallace. "

Wallace hesitated, took a step backwards,
approached the mike again and said, "Oh, I think
they 're for us up there, " which brought wild applause
from the group. The little man with the slicked-back
hair had been goo fed on and didn 7 know it.

TO THE HIPPIES, it was a romp at a high level of
satire. They converted the new left victory signal into
a three-fingered "W" for Wallace and they also
amended the "Hell no, we won't go" chant to "Heck
yes, we want George", a somewhat morally re-armed
version of the anti-draft original.

Members of the anti and pro-Wallace groups knew
each other and engaged in mock debate when the
picket lines passed one another.

The pro-Wallace hippies would shake their jists
and call the neatly dressed anti-Wallace pickets
"Communists.. .hippies.. .anarchists.. .you ought to be
shot... boo, boo, hiss s... lay down and Ell roll over
you, " were a few of the hippies remarks.

The pro-Wallace hippies drew such comments as:
"Dirty love fascists.. .filthy pat riots... go club some
kids. "

and forth, the hippie \>roup moved to a grassy area for a
"patriotic love-in." There they sang "America the
Beautiful" and "Dixie. " They jxissed around cans of
water which attracted a policeman checking for
alcoholic contents. As the policeman checked the
cans, the hippies applauded and got to their feet
shouting "Law and order, law and order. " They
smiled and offered water to the policeman, who
managed to slip away after a few pats on the back.

The policeman was no doubt confused--as were
many others. The actions of this band of unkempt
youth were certainly not of the same cloth as that of
the usual hippie.





Copy Editor

What effect will George Wallace have on the
1968 Presidential election? Martha M. Traylor,
new visiting assistant professor of political
science, said, "I think he is going to have a very
definite impact on the election/'

She added that many people do not like
either of the other two candidates so they vote
for Wallace, feeling like they are throwing then-
votes away. Mrs. Traylor feels, however, that
theirs is not a wasted vote; there are too many
people who seriously support Wallace.

Mrs. Traylor, a mid-westerner, observed
that Wallace is strong in her section of the

"If anything it [the mid-west] is more
conservative than it is here." The rural midwest
is frightened by the tense race situation that is
emerging. There has always been a deep,
hushed fear of the black man which is just
coming into the open, she said.

The rural sections of the mid-west, which
are afforded great power by their respective
state constitutions, also strongly support
Wallace's stand on "law and order." According
to Mrs. Traylor, who was in Chicago during the
Democratic National Convention, they praised
Mayor Daley's "raw brutality" system of law

Mrs. Traylor went on to add that much
could happen between now and the election.
As it stands now, Wallace will come the closer
than anyone has come under our present
election system to throwing the election into
the House of Representatives. There he will try
to play the role of "king-maker," thus
becoming one of the more powerful men in
American politics.

Political science group endorses
concern for social problems

WASHINGTON (CPS)-A group of rebel political
scientists has succeeded in getting the American
Political Science Association to efficially encourage
concern for controversial social and political

The Caucus for a New Political Science had
challenged the association to replace its traditional
scholarly detachment with "a radically critical spirit"
about contemporary "crises" and "inherent
weaknesses" in the American political system.

The amendment and the success of Caucus panel
discussions at the APSA's convention here represents
a victory for the rebellious offshoot. It was formed
last year after the association refused to even discuss
certain controversial subjects, including opposition to
universities' revealing membership lists of radical
campus groups to HUAC.

Caucus leaders feel their work is not done, they
are seeking members, will continue the push for
relevancy, and will publish a journal. Plans for a
p.ogram at next year's convention on "prospects for

For sy the on ASP A...

When asked how this unrest would affect the
future of APSA , David P. Forsythe, assistant
professor of history and political science, first stated
that he was not present at the convention. The
movement which finally culminated in the formation
of the Caucus, had been present for years in the
organization, and finally gained enough strength this
year to bring discussion out into the open, he said.

"It is an issue which most graduate students
wrestle with... (that is) should political science seek
to prescribe policy or just analyze what that policy
is," he explained. There are two schools of thought
among political scientists today; "The behavioralist
faction believes the teacher can be objective, a
detached observer of events."

"They make use of computers to establish
statistical indices and get away from human error and
analysis. The traditionalists feel that you still have to

revolution in America" are being made.

Panels arranged by the Caucus at this session
explored urban politics, the 1968 elections, student
unrest at Columbia University, Vietnam,
Czechoslovakia, radical political thought and the
Chicago Democratic C onvention. Selective Service
Chief Lewis Hershey held forth at a session on "the
draft and the rights of conscripted citizens."

Caucus members also pushed through a motion
prohibiting APSA officers and employees from
"engaging in intelligence and cover activities." The
decision was an apparent slap at two former APSA
leaders whose research firm had received CIA funds.

The association approved a declaration that it will
"not remain silent on threats to academic freedom"
and voted to move its 1970 convention from Chicago
to another city with "an atmosphere conducive to
free discussion." A stronger resolution condemning
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and his police for their
suppression and brutality was defeated after heated

Associate Editor

rely on personal evaluation, and that computers can't
program human behavior."

They are drawn from the traditional school of
thought by their emphasis on the individual and the
non-objective viewpoint," he said. "1 personally do
not agree in activism by political scientists,"
explained Forsythe, "My job is to describe current
world politics and let the students determine
solutions to problems..."

"This is an age of activism. The young teachers are
but a few years away from the classroom. I might be
sympathetic to causes outside my field of political
science; many political scientists do not draw that

"The school of activists are a minority; whether
they increase, I don't know, but I personally disagree
with them," he said.



SEPTEMBER 27, 1968

HUAC may probe SDS
for possible communist ties

WASHINGTON (CPS)-lf Representative Albert Watson had his
druthers, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) would be one
of the groups on the government's Subversive Organizations blacklist.

The South Carolina Republican last week called on the floor of
the House of Representatives for a "full-scale investigation" by the
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) of the "most
dangerous New Left group operating in the country today."

Watson said SDS plans to overthrow the U.S. government, and
cited as examples of their tactics the recent Chicago demonstrations
and the disruption of Columbia University last spring.

He said federal agents who attended the SDS National Convention
at Michigan State University in June heard sessions which discussed
the "fine points of firing Molotov cocktails from shotguns" and other
tactics of guerrilla warfare.

Watson also charged that SDS was heavily infiltrated by members
of the Communist Party, who see the campus groups as a good base
from which to launch their own activities.

Scottie Speaks

What has been your most
startling experience at Agnes
Scott so far''

Connie Brown, '72: "1 didn't
expect them to sell hose in the
book store."

Marcia Mohoney, '72: "I
didn't expect to meet Dr. Alston
during Orientation. I never met
my principal in high school."

Beth Champe, '72: "I didn't
expect to find upperclassmen
who loved freshman. I'd heard
about the cool treatment of
freshman at other schools, like
Tech for instance, and am glad
everyone's so nice here. I could
never have gotten through it

Cathy Champe, l 72: "I didn't
expect so much religion in this
school. I realized it was
Presbyterian, but not such a
religiously-oriented school. It
surprised me that a college like
this could exist today."

On entation

Orientation tor parents

Miss Carrie Scandrett, dean of students: 4 T have
never known when a college infirmary was held in the
highest respect and all the students loved it."

* * *

Miss Scandrett defending herself in reference to
students: 'T do not take a maternalistic attitude."


President of the college Dr. Wallace M. Alston
commenting in comidential tones on the power of
student government io make changes in Agnes Scott:
"But we don't turn the college over to them, I assure
you of that!" (Big hand of applause from parents.)

Overseen: A white-haired grandfatherly type
clapping vigorously, though quietly, at Dr. Alston's
stand against the college's accepting money from the
federal government. The little old man later got up
and left (in disgust?) when the five-day week was
being explained.

Rush Orientation %

Georgia Tech Assistant Dean of Students, Edwin
P. Kohler: "Glad to see we're in the same colors -
blue and white."

* **

Dean Kohler: "Guess you'd call me a fifth year
something or other." (You'll find there are a lot of
those at Tech.)


Dean Kohler: "It's about time there was more

than mutual tolerance between Georgia Tech and

Agnes Scott." (And what would you suggest, sir?)

Stanley Coker, ATO: "Fraternities as a whole are

the leaders on campus - when anything good is done,

it's done by the fraternity men. When anything bad is

done, it's done by fraternity men."

** *

ASC freshman leaving rush orientation: "Gosh,
rush sounds important."

Introduction to the college

Dr. Alston: "I'm not very smart when I first wake
up in the morning. "


Tina Brownley, president of student government:

"Our committees work on everything from more

money for the committees to new washing

machines." (Now about that washing machine in....)

Lou Frank, chairman of judicial: "Judicial is
synonymous with honor. It's almost a stigma at

Academic orientation

Dee Hampton speaking on history^promised: "The

first test won't be disastrous in any way."

* **

Joanna Reed told it like it is about English:
"Some teachers sometimes lapse into very boring


Dottie Duval on languages: "Every now and then
the German Department lets go with 'Faust' or



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MEMBERS Of the class of 1969
were invited to participate in the
independent study progjam in
their respective majors at the end
of spring quarter last year,
according to C. Benton Kline,
dean of the faculty.

The addition of these eight
brings the total of seniors asked
to do independent study to

In the classics department
Windy Lundy was invited in the
field of classics with Sally
Rayhurn asked in Latin. Two
English majors. Sandra Earleyand
Marion Hinson were invited.

Penny Burr was invited in
German and Kay White in
mathematics. Tina Bender was
added to the list in philosophy
and Helen Stavros was invited in

senior colleges and universities in
Georgia slated to receive funds
for the establishment of
professional chairs from the
Callaway Foundation as
announced Saturday by Fuller E.
Callaway Jr., a trustee of the

The $10 million trust to be
divided among the colleges and
universities will be named in
honor of Callaway's father. Fuller
E. Callaway. The chairs will
provide a salary supplement of up
to 5 0 per cent of the
compensation paid by the
colleges to professors who
occupy the chairs.

College Treasurer William M.
Hannah representing Agnes Scott
attended the meeting at which
the announcement was made.

President Wallace Alston said

he already has in mind the kind
of chair he would like to establish
at Agnes Scott, but he wishes to
communicate with the
foundation before announcing it.
If his plans are carried out, the
chair will be given to a present
professor rather than hiring a new

The chair will be established
in September, 1969, when
quarterly payments from the
foundation begin. Dr. Alston said
he does not know what
percentage of the professor's
salary will be paid by the

formerly under the chairmanship
of Marsha Williams, who did not
return to Agnes Scott this year, is
still functioning.

According to Mary Gillespie,
vice-president of student
government and in charge of Rep
Council committees, a
symposium will not be held this

The committee met once after
it was organized last spring. Much
work on the symposium has been
done independently so the
committee will not be disbanded.

At retreat. Rep Council voted
to postpone the symposium for
this year. Committee members
are in the process of obtaining
the complete information from

If enough information has
been gathered, the committee
will continue making plans for a
symposium to be held next year.
A new committee chairman will
be appointed soon, Mary
Gillespie said.

moves back into the "new" Hub,
they will take with them a new
outlook on the social events at
Agnes Scott.

Meeting at retreat, the board
decided to do away with the
weekly Wednesday night casuals
of last year. Instead, one
Wednesday night and one Sunday
afternoon per month will be
reserved for new activities like
dances with Emory boys, Bingo
games (with prizes), and good

Along with several seminars of
interest to the student body, the
Board plans a fashion show for
October 8. Winter Dance
Weekend will be January 24 and
25 with a formal dance Friday
night and the fabulous Showmen
at the dance Saturday night.




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

OCTOBER 4, 1968

Hippies wear glasses


We were waiting at the top of the stairs as the
children came in from the playground. As they
climbed the stairs, they looked u/) and recognized one
of us. "Dea!" and "Hi, Deaf" they yelled with various
degrees of clarity according to their ability.

We had come to Fairhaven School for the
mentally retarded to make some photographs. The
children remembered Dea Taylor from her work with
thcn\ last year. And they wanted to know our names.
A ftcr Cheryl Granadc and I identified ourselves we
were soon accepted.

While I was snapping pictures, the children
clambered over Dea and Cheryl. They wanted to hold
hands and several of the children got down an
oversized clock and demonstrated how well they
could tell time.

As I walked around with my camera, one little
hoy tugged at my arm and grinned up at me. "Smile!
You're on Candid Camera !" he informed me.
Another potential ham, insisted on posing for my
camera while he held hands with Dea.

Cheryl was talking with several children when one
suddenly informed her that she was a hippie. When
she curiously asked him why, he replied logically,
"Because you wear glasses. "

In the classroom across the hall, a teacher was
having a simple arithmetic lesson with four or five
students. She asked each child in turn to make a
certain number of circles on their paper and count
out loud as he did it. When the child completed the
exercise, the teacher pulled a bit of Trix cereal from
the kangeroo pocket of the apron she wore and
rewarded the child.

One little Negro boy sat at the side of the table
drawing. When asked to show his picture to the lady
with the camera, he held up a remarkably detailed
drawing of the classroom, the teacher and the other

Another room at the back of the big old house
just off Ponce de Leon Street is a bedroom where the
children practice typical, simple housekeeping tasks.
They also learn simple sewing skills in addition to
their regular classroom work.

We came to Fairhaven just at the end of the
children's day. As we stood around after making
dozens of pictures, the names of the children were
called over a loud speaker as their parents arrived to
pick them up. They called "goodbye" to their
teachers as they left and several remembered to say
"goodbye" to us. They asked if we would come back

Here's your chance...

Four C.A. projects give
chance for off-campus service

quainted with Beth Ann Almand, one
of the Brownies Scotties will be able
to work with this year.

The Agnes Scott Christian Association is
sponsoring four service projects this year. The
projects include work at the Fairhaven School for the
mentally retarded, an adult education course,
sponsorship of a brownie scout troop and a new short
term work project program.

Dea Taylor, chairman of the Fairhaven project,
said working at the school is quite a rewarding
experience. Working at Fairhaven School involves an
hour and a half per week. There are three particular
areas where Scott girls can help: helping teachers in
the classroom; doing individual tutoring; and teaching

Dea commented that even though these children
arc severely or moderately retarded, "each child has a
personality of his own." They are wonderful and
vital, she said.

The second project is adult education with Jane
Todd in charge. The project will teach illiterate

employees of Agnes Scott how to read and write.
Starting October 5 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and October
6 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. the Laubach Reading
Method will be taught to all interested students from
Scott, Georgia Tech, Georgia State and the Atlanta
area. After the completion of the course, all students
who earned a certificate can and are invited to help
with the adult education project.

The short term projects are new this year. Karen
Conrad, head of this project, said it has been
developed to help Scott students to get out and
become aware of events in the Atlanta area and the
U.S. The program, done in conjunction with
established organizations like the Red Cross and
YWCA, will try to fill a particular need as it arises.

The Brownie Scout project is headed by freshman
Mary Jane Morris. Scott girls will be the leaders of the







Campus News

Elizabeth Crum

Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman


Who won?

The decision Tuesday night was a difficult one to make
and even more difficult one to accept. Even for those who
voted to uphold the judicial recommendation, the
announcement of the results of the voting fell heavily on
those who had thought they were sure.

The strong, almost too strong, feeling of responsibility
shared by each person voting negated any relief that could
have been felt. There could be no feeling of victory or
defeat, of winning or losing.

Those few people who resorted to clapping, and who
excitedly embraced each other after the announcement,
relegated the meeting for themselves to the importance of a
hockey game. These people could not have considered
deeply and carefully, for the issue was not an absolutely
clear-cut one.

Winning and losing cannot be issues. Hopefully,
everyone won something - an understanding of
responsibility if nothing else. For one person, it is hoped
that in losing one thing, a very valuable thing, she will gain
something even more valuable, a degree of maturity. But
nobody can be sure.

Judicial members experience this kind of responsibility
each week. They are no different from the rest of us,
except that they are willing to do this job of judging in
spite of the doubt and the responsibility of making a
decision for someone else.

Many of us avoid having to make decisions that affect
only our own lives. We withdraw even more when our
decision will shape another's future. But this is what
community, brotherhood, concern and love are all about.

If we gain nothing else from the ordeal, we have a new
understanding of, a new respect for, judicial members. Most
of us, in the light of our short term as judges, are quite
relieved to turn the job back over to them.


Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.


bb: only individuals
can solve 1 racism 9

Overli eard

Libby Potter at the C.A.
dinner describing her dip in the
Alumni Pool and the subsequent
injury to her toe: "This awful
monster bit off my toe - I know
what it was. It was the Loch
Lumni monster. "


The quality cockroach award
of the week goes to one killed at
2:30 a.m. Saturday, September
28, 1968, on their Main. The
specimen was spotted by official
Cockroach Warden Mary Alice
Isele and killed by the intrepid
Jan Roush.

Next week

Coming next week is a special
eight- page issue of the PROFILE
which will try to give some
background information on
Agnes Scott College and examine
what the college really is. Special
articles will look at "/'/? loco
parentis, " the Board of Trustees
and the views of last year's junior
year abroad students.

To the Editor:

I realize I laid myself open to
criticism when I made the
statement regarding Agnes Scott
as a racist institution and I
welcome the opportunity to
"defend" my statement.

First, I'd like to say that I'm
not hiding behind the facade of
"the great white liberal" and
pointing an accusing finger at the
"establishment." Rather I see the
whole question of racism in
America (as documented by the
Kerner report) as a more personal
matter and one that each
individual must tackle within

I'm not accusing ASC of
discri minatory admittance
policies; the fact of the matter is
that few black students have the
academic background or the
economic standing to apply to

In this respect Agnes Scott is

Debree deplores detraction

Dear Madam Editor:

Agnes Scott has yet
another big issue to
discuss, evaluate, and
consider this year.
Admittedly, trash on the
campus is bad, but is it
worse than the
ultramodern blue and
white trash cans that now
grace our campus?

Prominently displayed
almost everywhere, the
structures distract ones
attention from other
points of interest. And the
color-if they are blue and
white, why could they not
have been purple and

And there is something
about the little blue
pennants pleading for
k 'help" that tends to
degrade the whole concept
of school spirit. If
pennants, why not little
Scottie dogs pleading that
trash be deposited in the

The illusion of
spaciousness and openness
achieved by the delicate
arches at the top of the
cans is altered as one scans
the lower extremities and
sees the locks which assure
that our garbage will only
be rumbled through by

authorized personnel.
Perhaps in a few years
Scott students will be
confronted with the
desirability of personal
keys to the trash cans.

Dana was planned and
constructed to blend with
the campus, and this effort
was quite successful. Is it
too much to ask that the
trash cans also harmonize
to a degree with our
Gothic halls? I recommend
the formation of a
committe e~ COG the
Committee on Garbage-to
look into the matter.

Yours truly,
I.C. Debree

only a reflection of the larger
society. I think we can label this
whole phenomenon "racism"
(sorry) because it does assume a
position of white superiority.

I don't think it's racist to
recognize that another individual
has a different color skin or
different features from your own
- this is obviously visual. But
racism comes in when the color
or features of another individual
are used in stereotyping.

Many of our subtle racist
attitudes are not intellectual
reactions, but rather those of the
gut and something much harder
to define and deal with (dangling

I am examining my own racist
attitudes their origin and

cures; I think perhaps individual
answers will be the only way to
solve nationwide problems.

Gayle B Grubb, '69

by sandra earley

Once upon a time in the olden days when knighthood was in
flower and brave men fought mighty dragons to win the hands of
blushing young maidens, there lived a doorknob.

He was no ordinary doorknob; he was made of the finest brass and
opened the door to the kitchen of the most pious nunnery in all

Each morning he was polished and oiled by an eight-year old
potboy so he could perform his duties all day with nary a squeak or
grind. He tried to carry out his duties faithfully and well because he
loved his home and the nuns so much.

But our little doorknob had one failing. He loved oil to
distraction. If offered a few extra squirts, he simply couldn't resist it.
Now the potboy realized the doorknob's craving and because he
loved him and wanted him to be happy, he occasionally slipped him
an extra drop or two.

Early one morning when the potboy had finished polishing and
oiling the doorknob for the day, the doorknob called to the boy as he
was leaving to put away his cloth and oil can. The door knob begged
the boy for just a little more oil that morning. It had rained the night
before, the door knob explained, and he felt a real rust coming on.
Wouldn't he please give him just a drop or two more?

The potboy stood and jiggled his oil can. There was only a little
oil left in the can and he was going to have to fill it anyway so he
might as well empty the rest of it into his friend.

The doorknob hung motionless waiting for the oil to sink in.
Suddenly it hit him. He felt more smooth and greased inside than he
had ever felt. He had the nicest slippery feeling. He started swinging
his door a little on its hinges.

The better he felt the more he swung. He swung back and forth on
his hinges banging the wall on one side and slamming the door jam on
the other. Then he started singing to himself. Ker-r-r-hic! Ker-r-r-hic!

He made so much noise that all the other doorknobs in the
building stood wide open listening to him. The noise disturbed the
good nuns at their prayers and they all rushed into the kitchen to
gape at the well-oiled doorknob.

The whole community was scandalized. The idea of any doorknob
behaving like that! Something ought to be done about him! Maybe
we ought to take him off the door and make a lamp base out of him!

That was the start of it all. Somehow the nuns never got back to
their prayers, much less their work with the poor in the village. They
just couldn't forget the doorknob's behavior or stop discussing it.
Even the other doorknobs remained with their doors standing wide
open they were so shocked.

Soon the nunnery fell into disrepair. The nuns did not notice the
decline: they were too busy debating whether or not lampbasinghim
wjs too harsh a penalty. With the doors standing wide open, robbers
walked brazenly into the nunnery and took what they wanted. Soon
there was no nunnery left and the nuns walked away from the ruined
building into the sunset still arguing the oiling policy.

OCTOBER 4, 1968



Dean endorses
marijuana smoking

-ST. LOUIS, MO.,-(I.P.)- tk Go ahead and smoke
marijuana," said the dean, "just don't get caught."
Probably no college administrator has ever given such
advice. But Howard S. Becker, a Northwestern
University sociologist, believes that such an attitude
on the part of deans is the only way that campus drug
incidents can be halted.

Becker writing in "Trans-action," a social science
publication of Washington University, does not
believe that student drug use can be stopped.
"Students want to use drugs and can easily do so; few
college administrations will decide to use the
totalitarian methods that would be required to stop

"One might institute a daily search of all rooms
and perhaps, In addition, inaugurate a campus
'stop-and-frisk' law. But they are not going to do
these things, so student drug use will continue."

Becker believes that the deans are worried about
student drug use, but they are more worried about
the "great public-relations crisis" of campus narcotics
raids and students on trial. Yet, Becker argues, the
more administrators worry about student drug use,
the more such embarassing incidents they will have to
deal with.

"All increases in surveillance, of course, multiply
the number of cases that come to public attention,"
Becker says.

Becker's arguments are mainly based on
marijuana-smoking, which he says is more widely
used than LSD. Marijuana, he says, causes student
health services much less trouble than alcohol or the
amphetamines that many students take to stay awake
while studying. "Marijuana," Becker says, "has no
demonstrable bad effects."

Becker draws on his sociological studies of drug
use to note that drug-taking students of today are
quite unlike earlier drug users, who learned to be
careful about hiding their habit. Today's students, he
says, get caught because they are either ignorant of
the precautions they might take to protect themselves
from arrest, or are convinced that they have "a
constitutional right to get high."

"Administrators," Becker concludes, "must take a
calmer view of drug use and students must become
more cautious. The main obstacles to such a bargain
will be nervous administrators afraid to take such a
step and ideological students who wish a
confrontation on the issue. But college administrators
have learned to live with sex and drink. They may yet
be able to learn to live with drugs."

More student power
urged at Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin faculty
c o m mitt e e h a s o f f e i c d
r e c o m mendations
which according to the student
newspaper, the Daily Cardinal
-"should put Wisconsin ahead of
any major university in the
country in expanding the role of
students in the governing of the

The nine-member faculty
committee, headed by Prof.
James F. Crow, has offered the
following general proposals:

1 . "...practically complete
withdrawal by the University
from its in loco parentis
activities.. .an end to regualtion of
students' off-campus lives and of
such aspects of their on-campus
nonacademic affairs as hours
regulations. All students over age
20, and all students under that
age who are married or who have
parental permission, should be
able to live in housing of their

2 . "...broader student
participation in various forms in
practically all areas of University

3 . 1 4 . . . greater student
self-governing authority... the
elimination of the present
Student Life and Interests
Committee. ..distribution of its
powenamong Wisconsin Student
Association and smaller, joint
student-faculty committees..."

4. "...restructured, limited, and
clarified University disciplinary
procedures. We oppose
duplication of any civil law
penalties by University action,
except in certain unusual
cases.. .Trials should be before
joint student-faculty hearing
panels, with appeals heard by
all-faculty panels; in neither
hearing nor appellate stage do we


The PROFILE would like to
correct an error that appeared in
last week's article on the Rep
Council questionnaire. The
question on the drinking policy
read that 13 per cent of the
students were not satisfied with
the policy as opposed to 25 per
cent satisfied and 2 per cent
undecided. The figure should
have read 73 per cent of the
students were dissatisfied with it
and only 23 per cent were

think it appropriate for an

administration official to

participate as cither judge or

Specifics -"...University
discipline should be imposed only
for intentional conduct which (1)
seriously damages or destroys
University property, (2) indicates
a serious continuing danger to the
personal safety of other
members of the community, or
(3) clearly and seriously obstructs
or impairs a significant University
function or process. .."

"...That Student Senate have
the power to propose
recommendations, resolutions or
legislation for Faculty
consideration and to which the
Faculty is obligated to respond."

"...That the student voting
membership on University
committees be substantially
increased and that the student
members be named by student


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resolutions at its first regular
meeting Tuesday. The first
provided for the creation of the
position of vice-chairman of the
Judicial Board. The new position
will provide a more adequate
separation of powers within
student government.

The present membership of
Judicial was also changed by this
RC so that if the resolution is
passed by the student body, in
the spring elections eight senior
judicials will be elected instead of
the former nine, seven juniors
instead of eight, six sophomores
instead of four and three
freshmen instead of two. This
change will allow for more
adequate representation.

The second resolution passed
regarded special elections.
Whenever an elected office
becomes vacant or a new office is
deemed necessary, a special
election may be held during the
year. This new RC will provide
for the election of the
vice-chairman of Judicial. The
board was of the opinion that the
qualifications for this office
should be the same as those for
other board vice-presidents. Any
present member of Judicial is free
to run for the new office.

professor of history and political
science, has made a gift of his

frontier religion collection to
Agnes Scott College.

This collection consists of 625
books and 108 articles and
reprints. "We think it's a very
fine gift," said Dr. Wallace M.
Alston, president of the college.
The collection will remain intact
and will be kept in a reserved
room which will serve as Dr.
Posey's office, so that the
collection will remain accessible
to him indefinately. Dr. Posey
will serve as curator of the

Dr. Posey is a specialist in the
area of frontier religion and since
1933 has published five books on
this subject. The books, articles
and reprints of which his gift to
our college is composed are some
of the source material that he
used in researching his five books.

Dr. Posey has been associated
with the Agnes Scott faculty for
the past 25 years, and according
to Dr. Walter E. McNair, director
of public relations "he's one of
Agnes Scott's most popular
professors." In fact, his daughter
is even an Agnes Scott alumna.

president of LaGrange College,
will be the featured speaker at
Honors Day Convocation,
Wednesday, October 9. President
Henry attended Emory
University, Birmingham-Southern
College, and the Candler School

President Henry is presently a
member of the Georgia Higher
Education Facilities Commission,
and two weeks ago was one of

How did you spend your
first Super Saturday?

Mary Delia Prather, l 70: "My
roommate and I went to Athens
to see a friend. I was glad to be
able to sleep late. It was nice to
be able to do what you wanted
without worrying about classes."

Jessie Rogers, '70: "I slept
late, played bridge, and did
nothing. Whatever I wanted to
do, I did. I was going to practice
organ in Presser, but something
bit me (insects) and I had to put
on socks. After that I practiced
for about 15 minutes and left."

Scottie Speaks

Bernie Todd, l 71: "We went
to Lenox Square. 1 bought a
turtle (named Blarney). We made
four U-turns on the expressway.
Then we got on a bus to go
downtown. It was the wrong one
and we had to get off and walk
back to the stop and transfer. We
got to Sears and by now it was
4:30. (We had left at 1 1:00). We
tried to find four bedspreads all
alike, because there's four of us.
We collapsed at t he bus stop and
tried to hitch rides back to Scott.
And who should come along but
Sandra Earley, and she brought
us back.

the Governor's
Education in

five speakers at
Conference on

The topic of his address will
be "A Mind To Work."

DEPARTMENT and the Spanish
department are sponsoring a
lecture by Professor Georges de
Bone in the art history room of
Dana, Sunday at 4 p.m.

De Bone, professor of
languages at La Grange College, is
a Frenchman who in 1948 left
France for Peru where he became
a Peruvian citizen and remained
until 1964.

De Bone's lecture will be on
the topic "Spanish Colonial
Paintings from Peru and Peruvian
Object D'Art."

Presently his collection is on
exhibit in the Dalton Galleries
and will remain there until
October 19. The collection,
which consists of 18 works dating
from the 1550's to the early
nineteenth century, is from the
Cuzco school of painting.

The Cuzco School of colonial
painting lasted for three centuries
and centered around Cuzco, Peru,
which had been the capital of the
Inca Empire 0

"This school is one of the best
examples of how Christian
iconography has penetrated and
changed for ever a native Indian
art," said de Bone' in a pamphlet
entitled "Three Centuries of
Indian Art in the High Andes."

Dana - 7:30 - Oct. 8


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Squeeze felt

in Fulbright grants

The competition for United
States Government grants for
graduate study or research, or for
study and professional training in
the creative and performing arts
abroad in 1969-70, is nearing its

Congressional funding for
Department of State grants in
Fiscal Year 1969 (July 1, 1968 -
June 30, 1969) is substantially
below last year's total. It is not
possible, therefore, to assure
candidates of the availability for
all countries of the grants shown
in the printed announcements
already issued.

Reductions will be applied
most heavily in the categories of
grants for Americans to go
overseas at this time.
Competition for such grants will,
therefore, be all the keener. The
number of 1969-70 grants for
Americans may, on the average,
be reduced as much as two-thirds
from the preceding year.

With competition greatly
increased, only candidates who
fully meet eligibility
reuirements and other selection
criteria will be considered.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens
at the time of application, must
generally be proficient in the
language of the host country,
and, except where noted below,
must have a bachelor's degree or
its equivalent by the beginning
date of the grant.

Students who already hold the
doctoral degree are not eligible to
apply. Preference will be given to
candidates who have had no
previous extended study or
residence abroad and who are
under 35 years of age.

Selections will be made on the
basis of academic and/or



professional record, the
feasibility of the applicant's
proposed study plan, his personal
qualifications and evidence that
his selection for a grant would
help to advance the aims of the

Two types of grants are
available through HE under the
Fulbright-Hays Act: U.S.
Government Full Grants and U.
S. Government Travel Grants.

A full award will provide a
grantee with tuition, maintenance
for one academic year in one
country, round-trip
transportation, health and
accident insurance and an
incidental allowance.

Countries participating in
full grant program will
Argentina, Australia, Austria,
Belgiu m-Lexembourg, Brazil,
Ceylon, Chile, Republic of China,
C olombia, Costa Rica, Denmark,
Ecuador, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Iceland, India,
Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Mexico, the
Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Peru, the Philippines,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Thailand, Trinidad, Turkey, the
United Kingdom Uruguay, and

To supplement maintenance
and tuition scholarships granted
to American students by
universities, private donors and
foreign governments, a limited
number of travel grants are

In addition to the grants
offered by the U.S. Government,
the Institute also administers
approximately 100 awards
offered to American graduate
students by several foreign
governments, universities and
private donors.


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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

OCTOBER 11, 196H

Alston wants
relationship of 'friends'


The simple definition of the Latin phrase '7/2 loco
parents" is something which stands in the place of
parents. The question of whether a college or
university should stand "in loco parentis" is one of
the major campus problems of today.

A ccording to Martha M. Traylor, visiting professor
of political science, the original definition was used to
define the state's adoption of foundling children.

The court met at the "temple" and it was not
uncommon to find abandoned children on the steps.
The state would adopt them, giving them the last
name "Temple" and would stand literally "in loco

Today, the definition includes anyone who has
adopted a child and is a common phrase used to
express the position of the administrations of many
colleges and universities.

In what way does this phrase apply to Agnes
Scott? Does Agnes Scott try to stand "in loco
parentis"? Is it good or harmful for an administration
to try to take the place of parents?

Whatever the policy of Agnes Scott has been in
the past, the trend in 1968-69 is definitely away from
a parent-child relationship. Dr. Wallace M. Alston,
president of the college, said it will not be an easy
break, but will take careful and gradual planning and
cooperation between the administration, faculty, and

Dr. Alston admits that he does not like to think of
himself as a substitute parent, but would prefer a
"friend to friend relationship to that of a parent to
child." He fells that the administration "would
welcome a new image to college responsibility. "

His theory is that the goal for Agnes Scott should
be one of "shared responsibility in which the college
is run as a cooperation between students and older
friends. " He thinks that we should "rebuild and
restate the college's relationship to the home and
student and not take the place of parents. "

We have all seen this idea taking effect. More
and more responsibility is being placed in the hands
of the student. The new dress policy, the new
sign-out policy, and the new apartment policy are all
signs of the forward movement of the campus.

Tina Brownley, president of student government,
is working on a new drinking policy which in essence
would place the responsibility directly on the student
body. The very honor system upon which the whole
Agnes Scott community exists is testimony that we
are gradually moving away from the "in loco
parentis" idea.

The destruction of the idea of "in loco parentis" is
a goal for each of us as students. Whether or not it
succeeds is dependent upon the student body and our
actions. It cannot be achieved unless we are willing to
cooperate with the administration, faculty, and our
elected representatives.

Are we mature enough and ready to accept this
responsibility? This question can only be answered
with time. It is up to us to see that the progress
already made and that which is in the formative stage
does not go unrewarded.


The age-old dispute
students and colleges

Italy, Spain: principle
strictly enforced

College Press Service

The degree to which European universities adhere
to the concept of "in loco parentis" is manifest in a
spectrum of official administration doctrines.

The forms of university-imposed student
restructions in Europe follow roughly the same
outlines American administrators have adopted in the
past. In the United States, these regulations have
taken the form of restrictions on where students may
live, when they must return to their dorms at night,
visitation bans and drinking, smoking and automobile

WHILE MANY ITALIAN, Spanish and Greek
universities have been painfully slow in abandoning
the "in loco parentis" thesis, several newer British
universities have chosen a laissez faire attitude toward
non-academic student life.

The administration of Keele University, one of the
newest English institutions, is representative of this
new concept. A school with an enrollment of roughly
1,500, Keele has trusted the student with his own
private life.

Only freshmen are required to live in university
housing and no closing hours are kept in any of the
university's dormitories. Visitation (men are allowed
in women's rooms and vice versa) has been
unregulated by the university since its inception.

According to the students at Keele, few problems
have resulted from the position taken by the

BARBARA DEW, A SENIOR at the university,
said, "Most of the students are serious enough about
their educations to take care of themselves. The men
and the women know they have to be up for classes
the next day and most of them get in at reasonable

"As for men going into women's rooms, all I can
say is that it doesn't happen too often - what can you
do when there's a roommate around? You can always
do what you want anyway somewhere more private.
One thing I should tell you though, is that almost all
the students at my university live on campus even
though they don't have to - it's the best housing

In direct contrast to the system at Keele is the
situation which exists at many universities in Italy
and to an even greater extent, Spain.

tabs on each of its students. In addition to regulating
student housing, the administration restricts the
speech of the students by taking action against
persons who speak out against the interests of the
university or government. The sentences may take the
form of expulsion from the university, army service,
trial in civil court or lesser punishments.

In addition, students find their dorms closed tight
at 12 p.m., visitation is not permitted, and no student
organizations which might threaten the dictates of
the faculty are permitted.

copyright 1968 by University of Illinois "lllini"

Cooperative housing for more student freedom

WASHINGTON (CPS)--One of the
little-noted facets of the student drive for
independence and control over their own
institutions is a small but growing cooperative
housing movement among students and young
people on campuses and in cities. Wanting to
excape from dormitories and trying to find an
inexpensive way to live in a congenial group,
many students have started "co-ops" ranging in
size from five to fifty. Some of them have
expanded from simple sharing of food and
shelter to starting "free universities" within
their communities. Co-ops at such schools as
the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin
have been running for more than 30 years.

American Student Cooperative League, has
been set up in Washington to serve as an
information center for existing co-ops and to
promote new ones. Its staff contains experts
on the architecture, mechanics and psychology
of cooperative living; and it is holding a
conference beginning today for students who

want to learn more about setting up a co-op.

He says the cooperative housing movement
has grown as students realize that owning their
own "space," rather than living in
administration-controlled space like
dormitories, is a major step toward changing
their education. They choose cooperatives,
rather than one- or two-man apartments,
because "they want to learn to live and share
with other human beings."

grew out of the same frustration that
motivated the hippies to establish communities.

Cooperatives do not take after hippie
communities when it comes to
property-sharing, however. Most have some
common space in a large house and share food
and cleaning chores, but few hold all money
and property in common.

Most co-ops on college campuses are now
co-ed-often because college rules forbid such
housing for students. This Glassman calls
unfortunate-after all. "men need to learn how

to live with women," and most of them never
learn that.

The co-op housing movement may turn into
a boom, as even the federal government
recognizes its legitimacy. The InterCooperative
Council at the University of Michigan recently
received a $1 million loan from the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development to build a cooperative residence -
marking the first time HUS has given money to
a student group to build student housing.

The Student Cooperative League hopes
through its conference to "impress on us both
our need and our ability to control the
environment we live in."

The League sees their project as one that is
especially relevant to campuses now, but also
as one that could have a far-reaching effect on
city planning and ghetto problems. They call
low rent cooperative housing a "viable
alternative to absentee landlordism"-giving
people a direct stake in their residence and
how it is run.



OCTOBER 11, 196S

Mortar Board study:
little can be done about

Associate Editor

The 1967-68 chapter of Mortar Board, interested
in the make-up of the Agnes Scott student body, last
year studied the question of its practical integration,
integration of region, as well as of race.

To quote the statement of Sally Elberfeld and
Eleanor McCallie, who conducted the study: "We
wanted to know if the complaint that the student
body of Agnes Scott was too homogenous and
restricted valuable cultural interaction and exposure
was a valid one."

Several Mortar Board members discussed the
question with Dean of the Faculty C. Benton Kline.
They decided "all efforts that could be made with
limited financial resources were being made already....

numerous: (1) students are not adequately prepared;



iff- <

(2) when they are, they either wish to go to a prestige
school or are offered more lucrative scholarships; (3)
there is difficulty in recruiting (being accepted) at
Negro high schools."

When asked why Mortar Board was moved to look
into this area, Mary Chapman, 1968-69 president of
the group, replied, "Curiosity was the stimulus."

Mortar Board was also interested in the
percentages of Agnes Scott students coming from
outside the South. The first figures available on
student distribution are for the 191 1-12 term. In that
year, two per cent (three girls) of the student body
were from outside the South. Three per cent were
foreign students.

FROM THAT TIME up to the present, the
combined non-South total has hovered between two
and eight per cent. The dizzying height of eight per
cent was achieved in 1962 and has refused to budge
ever since.

With the student body at its present size of around
750, this percentage means only 60 students, 60
students whose background is potentially a mite
different from yours and all those other girls from
your hometown.

The suggestions which Mortar Board gives at the
end of its statement all deal with the racial question.
Nothing startling is offered, and in their words, "the
suggestions we have primarily involve working within
the present system."

THEY SUGGEST MORE involvement in
intercollegiate programs, especially with Negro
colleges in the area. They recommend using, "the
Atlanta and Decatur communities to help with and
realize the different economic situations." The board
also suggests setting up a scholarship fund to provide
for a Negro student.

Mary Chapman was asked what Mortar Board has
done to implement its suggestions. She answered,
"There's nothing that could be done with it. It was
mostly done to find out how things are and inform
the student body. No progress has been made, again
there is little that can be done."

Kline has seen no interest
in black studies at ASC


There has been a growing concern for
Afro-American studies expressed on many college
campuses, with much of the activity precipitated by
the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King last

Many educators, as well as students, have been
accused of neglecting black students and black
culture in their curriculum plans and thereby,
ignoring or downplaying an important facet of the
nation's culture.

Student and faculty groups at many schools are
pressing for more emphasis on the Negro in America -
his history and contributions to society, and his
political and intellectual evolution from slave into

Most of the new courses in black studies deal with
Negro literature, languages, Negro-American history
music and folk lore. Also common are courses on
poverty, race relations and other sociology courses.

IT IS INTERESTING to examine the relationship
of Agnes Scott campus to the concern expressed at
other schools.

In an interview with Dean of the Faculty C.
Benton Kline, he was asked whether there had been
any student interest in or request for courses
specifically concerned with "black culture." He
quickly replied, "None expressed to mc.*'

Dean Kline then discussed the question of the
need for such courses on the Agnes Scott campus.
Citing Spellman and Morehouse as examples, he said
there was a great deal of controversy in the Negro
colleges and universities over whether separate
"black" courses should be set up or whether more
emphasis could be given to the Negro within the
context of existing fields of study.

He went on to say that for the Negro, the big
question is that of identity, and that there is real
conflict internally for them between the expectations

of white culture, which they have accepted, and the
desire to be something different, which they are.

FOR THEM, THE IMPORTANT thing is to define
their own culture so that they can build an "identity
that is black like they are." The Negro can thus
understand and need special courses in Negro culture,
etc., although they would tend to separate him from
the complete society in which he lives.

For the white person on a smaller campus such as
Agnes Scott, the need is somewhat different.
"Because we will live in a more and more highly
integrated world, we will have to be conscious of the
problems that will face us," said Dean Kline.

The question for us is whether greater separation,
rather than greater understanding, will be achieved by
the study of "black" culture, and whether the
approach of social psychology and anthropology
would not be more helpful, he explained.

In discussing the problem of courses on this
campus, he said it is the purpose of college to change
attitudes without intentionally editorializing.

THE TEACHER CONVEYS an attitude simply
because he is a person confronting people who are
involved with material and learning. Because of the
people who teach here, it is more than probable that
"there will be more and more within courses without
making it a big issue here," he suggested.

To deal on a more concrete level with the
somewhat ephemeral concern of Scotties for "the
cross-cultural experience," it is worthy of note that
Agnes Scott now has three scholarship funds available
for Negro students: the Martin Luther King
Scholarship Fund, sponsored by Christian
Association, which now stands at one thousand
dollars and is still open to contributions; the Class of
1968 class gift; and a scholarship given by an alumna
in honor of her parents.




By alumnae wmmmmmmmmmmm

who teach and work on campus

Agnes Scott



Feature Editor

How many of us can imagine coming hack
to Agnes Scott after four years of tough work?
Now that classes have begun, many of us feel
that we will never make it through. And, if we
do make it, we are quite sure we will never
come back.

This year however, we have recent five
Agnes Scott graduates back on campus. Pat
Matsen, 4 55, visiting professor of classical
languages and literature is glad to be back at

One of the things Mrs. Matsen likes about
Scott is the way the administration and
students communicate with each other. She
approves of the students questioning attitude
and their awareness of what is going on around

Of the students, Mrs. Matsen says, "It's nice
to have intelligent students again." She has
taught at Hoilins, Randolph Macon and

Sally Gladden, l 65, is now secretary to the
registar-director of admissions. Back on
campus, she says everything is basically the

In mentioning the new social regulations,
she said, "the rules have definitely been
progressive." Mrs. Gladden also noticed an

By Students mmmmmmmmmmmm

after junior year abroad


It is only when we step back from a
situation that we can view it in a non-objective
light. Few students at Agnes Scott have, in
their four years here, the opportunity to see
their Scott from a different perspective -
evaluate its advantages and disadvaptages - and
then return to the situation.

BACK AT AGNES SCOTT after a year abroad,
seniors Pam O'Neal (L), Frankie Ansley and Jo Wilson
gathered to compare their experiences in Europe with
their current situation at Agnes Scott.

Three Seniors who have just returned from
the junior year abroad - Jo Wilson at the
University of East Anglia, Norwich, England,
Frankie Ansley at Acadamie Julian in the
University System, Paris, France, and Pam
O'Neal at Philipp University, Marburg,
Germany were questioned because they have
had this opportunity for realistic introspection.

After their studies abroad, the academic life
at Agnes Scott looked very good. European
universities are operated on an entirely
different system.

The girls report that students are freer to
explore every field in the system, and then
when they find the field they really are
interested in they are better students with a
much higher level of comprehension.

However, Pam, Jo and Frankie were all
quick to add that they thought our liberal arts
program is necessary because of American high
schools. They all understand the need for our
"required" courses now.

"The disadvantage," says Pam O'Neal, "is
that they have to be 'required'." The European
student is more mature as a freshman,
probably because he is about 20 years old.
Therefore, he is more capable of making
decisions about courses.

As to class differences, they feel that the
A.S.C. seniors do not feel much different than
they did as freshmen, because they "haven't
gotten to make many of their own decisions."

Like we always seem to do in discussing
Scott today, we have divided the academic
from the social realm. After their contact with
European students and their way of life, the
three girls had some interesting thoughts on
the social rules and life at the college.

Jo Wilson said, "We had no rules, and
nothing went on that doesn't happen here."
"Yes," said Frankie Ansley, "school was your
academic center, and was not life-controlling."

Dating in Europe is done mostly in groups,
where everyone pays. It shocked Frankie the
first time a boy bought one ticket.

"The Germans have to use our English word
for 'date'. It is so different there. Everyone
goes to someone's apartment and the host
brings out the jugs of wine," related Pam. It is
interesting to note two of A.S.C.'s major
policies at this point.

The girls had some definite thoughts on the
Honor System at Agnes Scott. It should be
abolished, but Scott is not set up as a
university but as a church school, so that will
never happen one commented. The main
problem is that the principle behind the school
is not relative to the metropolitan area in
which it is located another said.

The Honor System serves its purpose
academically. Jo says she found it annoying to
have professors patroling during tests "but that
is the only aspect of the Honor System I

When asked about the results the girls have
noticed of last year's changes, they feel they
have not been back long enough to evaluate
many of them. However, Pam said, "The sign
out system is ridiculous. Knowing that you are
in the Atlanta Area does not serve any purpose
because they still couldn't find you.

All three girls learned in their junior year
abroad that someone needs to know where you
are, which students here never are able to
understand because they are required to sign
out by a certain method.

Pam, Jo and Frankie all feel the faculty
should encourage the junior year abroad
program more. They said this is such a great
opportunity to learn so much and get to see
what Europe is like, but it is not offered to
you. Once they had planned it for themselves,
they found the faculty and administration very
cooperative. After having this experience, they
encourage everyone to go to Europe for travel
and study.

improvement in the food. "Of course," she
added, "now that Pm cooking, 1 can't afford
to criticize."

A "67 graduate, Lucy H. Lewis, returned to
a fifth year at Scott as secretary to Dr. Alston.

Concerning new social rules, Lucy said she
is now more conscious of the value of rules.
She has great respect for the fact that the
honor system exists and hopes it continues to

Asking Lucy if she had any advice to give
those of us still struggling through, she
emphasized, "Extra-curricular activities are
important. The more you get involved the
better you come out in the long run."

Linda Woods is back on campus as an
assistant professor of English. She is presently
a Ph.D. candidate at Emory. When asked how
she liked being back, Mrs. Woods answered
that it was a natural transition. At Wednesday's
chapel she felt a little nostalgia as the "Tired
Old Seniors" march commenced.

Kay McCracken, a '67 graduate is also back.
She is working in the biology department and
hopes to inspire in freshmen a new interest
(instead of terror) in biology.

Kay said she does feel a little funny being
classified as faculty. "I think everybody gets a
big chuckle out of it," she commented.



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OCTOBER 11, 1968




Campus News

Elizabeth Crum

Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcl ntosh
Catherine Auman

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.

Published weekly except holidays and examination periods by the students of
Agnes Scott College. Office in the southwest room of the Publications Building.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., post office. Subscription price
per year, $3.50; single copy, 10 cents.

Limp gesture

More and more we are hearing our status as a small,
southern, Christian, liberal arts woman's college being used
to explain why progress cannot be made, issues met and
changes effected to keep our institution a contemporary

We used to be justifiably proud of our status, now it

IN A RARE PHOTOGRAPH of the Ku Ku Klan, the Grand Kluck, wearing
a green-striped sheet, is seen flanked by three armed and dangerous underlords
just before a lightning raid on the Agnes Scott College Dean of Student's

often seems to be little more than a crutch.

Admittedly, the reasons are sometimes valid.
Nevertheless, one grows weary of the "same old excuses"
over and over.

The issues of black power, black culture and effective
communication between races are ones that must be met
soon or not at all. Such phrases as "incorporation into the
existing system" and "working with what we have" begin
to sound like limp gestures that will make no significant

Black history and culture have been neglected too long.
Encourgaging professors, who have traditionally ignored it,
to incorporate such material into existing courses will
hardly cause them to revolutionize their approach. Special
emphasis is now needed to compensate for years of neglect.

The knowledge of black culture and history is vital for
understanding between races. A matter of pride for the
black man becomes a matter of recognition and acceptance
on the white man's part.

However, the teaching of black subjects as isolated
entities would serve to separate especially when taught by
white professors to classes of white students.

We recognize the need for more black students. But
what about black professors?

Perhaps they cannot be obtained through "existing A CLO seup view of one
channels." So what? Why not create new channels wansman shows the traditional
specifically for the purpose of getting them here? Maybe hood designed to terrify and the
we need to reexamine our priorities. menacing gun poised for action.

Artificial, contrived situations like seminars and brief
exchange programs will only emphasize the differences
between blacks and whites. What we really need, after we
know the differences, is the opportunity to see beyond
them. Only through personal interaction in the routine of
daily life can we see the basic similarities which define
people as people.


Wilson wants open dorms


THE BILLBOARD, Wilson College: Wilson
College is a northeastern Presbyterian women's
college very much like Agnes Scott. Last
winter Wilson's president, Dr. Paul Havens,
spoke at our Founders Day Convocation. The
following is a condensed editoral.

"Every fall, as the freshmen learn to
accomodate themselves to the never ending
pageant of social life on campus, the same old
question is asked "What is there to do with a
date who's here for the weekend?"

At Wilson the girls have no place on campus
to take a date for a quiet talk, a cup of coffee,
or to listen to records without fear of
interruption from faculty members, lit t le men
and women, and fellow students. Therefore,
the editoral board of "The Billboard" has
called for an Open House Policy "for the
benefit of reasonable and intelligent young

The Open House Policy would permit

students to have visitors (male) in their room

on Saturdays from l to 5:30 p.m. and from 7

to 1 1 p.m. and on Sundays from 1 to 6 p.m.
** *

HOLLINS COLUMNS. Hollins College:
"Does a good intention justify I weekly chapel

requirement?" The editoral board feels that
because the Wednesday chapel is compulsory,
the chapel service must be sensitive to more
than the personal interest or talents of single

"If obligatory chapels are to be a part of
the educational system, they should educate
and be pertinent to the needs of the
community and to the community's relation to
the world."


THE EMORY WHEEL , Emory University:
The Community Services Committee of the
Student Center Board is sponsoring a two-week
"Give a Damn" campaign.

The campaign serves two purposes: to
publicize the existence of the committee, and
to "get the Emory student body to 'give a
damn' about the deplorable conditions that
exist in certain economically disadvantaged
Atlanta communities."

In order to facilitate the achievement of
these goals, the committee is sponsoring five
projects in which all students may participate.
There are four basically tutorial projects and
one relative unstructured general community
aid project.

Klan steals
Campus Date Book

In a lightning raid late Tuesday night, nine white-sheeted and
bookstore-bagged figures descended on the Dean of Students Office
forceably removing the two green-covered Campus Date Books lying
unobtrusively on a side counter.

The raid was made without protest from the students loitering -in
the hall or the distraught dean's staffer in the office. A date waiting
in the hall did look a little startled however.

A daring figure wearing a green-striped sheet and bearing a loaded
and dripping gun led the ingenious caper. Informed sources said the
act was conceived as a protest against the innocuous, but worrisome
Campus Date Book.

In a joint press conference later Tuesday night, Tina Brownley,
president of student government, and Lou Frank, chairman of
judicial council, termed the deed "appalling" and said that changes
can be accomplished by working through existing channels and force
is not necessary.

The crime was pulled off about 11 p.m. local time (by the D. O.
clock) when two lines of hooded and draped figures tripped down the
hall converging from two sides on the unsuspecting and undefended
(the campus security force was occupied elsewhere) Dean's Office.

As the two groups rushed in, a long distance telephone call
conducted in Spanish was curtly and rudely interrupted as the caller
jumped up, ran to the back door of the office and heroically collided
with the green-striped ring leader. The sheeted figure however, was
undismayed and continued with her dastardly mission, brandishing
her gun.

The only protest from the confused dean's staffer was, "Are you
the Ku Ku Klan?"

As the leader of each of the two lines grabbed one of unassuming
little green bodes, the second figure in each line threw a white card
down on the large desk in the office.

It was later discovered that each of the Campus Date Books had
properly signed out. They were even found to be properly
chaperoned - "The Campus Date Book" was out with "Our Campus
Date Book."

Before anyone realized what had occured, the so-dubbed Ku Ku
Klan ran for its two get-away cars parked with motors racing in front
of the building. One car was off with a roar while the other managed
to get away with a sputter. The last car tooted its horn brazenly and
triumphantly as it rolled down the drive to an unknown rendezvous

The theft was not immediately discovered, however. The Campus
Date Books were found to be missing about fifteen minutes after the
raid when a senior (?) came into the office to sign in her campus date.

Informed sources said the figures could not be conclusively
identified - no distinguishing laundry marks were seen. The only
outstanding characteristics were three pairs of tennis shoes (blue),
two pairs of rah-rahs (one dirty, one clean), two pairs of loafers
(brown) and one pair of muk-luks.

One typical Agnes Scott student who was studying in a smoker on
campus reported later that she had left the smoker earlier in the
evening to ask a strange-looking group of nine people to be quiet. Her
only comment was, "I didn't think anything about it. I had to get
back to my studying."

The raid was undoubtedly cowardly and unnecessary, but the Ku
Ku Klan really can't be all bad. According to informed sources, the
Campus Date Books were found in plain brown wrappers on Dean of
the Faculty C. Benton Kline's desk Wednesday morning after the klan
had tried unsuccessfully to hock them for enough money to buy a
beer all around.

The daring klan might even be called a bit kute - even affectionate.
The wrapper the books were returned in was inscribed with a message
in the hand of the green-striped Grand Kluck. It read, "To Dean
Kline, with love, the Ku Ku Klan."

OCTOBER 1 i. 1968



24 of 32 trustees
must be Presbyterian

The Agnes Scott College Board of Trustees is
made up in part of five practicing Presbyterian
ministers, seven financiers, three lawyers, three
presidents of large businesses, four husbands of
alumnae, three fathers of alumnae, seven alumnae, a
journalist, a mayor and a president of a college.

The board has a membership not exceeding 32
members, at least 24 of which must be members of
the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. All other trustees
must be members of some evangelical church
sympathetic with the fundamental principles of the
Christian religion.

Not more than 19 of the members are designated
as "corporate trustees" to be chosen at the end of
every four years by the board in office. Four trustees
each are chosen from the Presbyterian Synod of
Georgia and Alabama with three from the Synod of
Florida. These eleven are designated as "synodical
trustees" and serve four year terms.

Two trustees are chosen from the duly accredited
membership of the General Alumnae Association to
serve two year terms. All trustees are eligible for
immediate reelection. The presence of seven trustees
constitutes a quorum.

There is at present a vacancy on the board which
will be filled in the spring.

Chairman of the Board Hal L. Smith is president
of the John Smith Co. of Atlanta and is married to an
alumna. R. Howard Dobbs of Atlanta is one of the
boards non-Presbyterian members; he is president of
the Life Insurance Co. of Georgia. He is the father of
an alumna.

L.L. Gellerstedt is the father and grandfather of
alumnae. He is a Baptist and a former executive vice
president of the Citizens and Southern National

Both a banker and a lawyer, John A. Sibley lives
in Atlanta and is affiliated with the Trust Co. of
Georgia. C. Lamar Westcott of Dalton, Ga., is retired
but still active in Harwick Bank and Trust Co. He is
married to an alumna.

Alex P. Gaines, according to President of the
College Wallace M. Alston, is "one of Atlanta's
leading lawyers." He is with the firm of Alston, Miller
and Gaines. He is the grandson of Dr. Frank Gaines,
the first president of Agnes Scott.

G. Scott Candler is also an Atlanta lawyer and has
served as DeKalb County Commissioner of Roads and
Revenues. He is one of two grandsons of the college

The other grandson of George Washington Scott is


WHEN BECKY OWEN (L.) returned to her
room from studying in the library, she discovered
a slight problem. The hall door to her room
lacked about six inches fitting the door jam.
Eleanor Ninestein, (r.) had hung a colset door in
the hall door frame while Becky was gone.

J.J. Scott, president of Scottdale Mills in Scottdale,
Ga. Wilton D. Looney, another non-Presbyterian,
lives in Atlanta and is president of Genuine Parts Co.

Vice chairman of the Georgia Board of Regents
H.G. Pattillo is affiliated with the Pattillo
Construction Co. of Decatur. George W. Woodruff is
a prominent business leader in Atlanta. He is a
member of the family of the Coca-Cola Co.

The two investment specialists on the board are
J.R. Neal and William C. Wardlaw Jr., both of
Atlanta. Mr. Neal is with the firm of Wyatt, Neal and

Ben S. Gilmer of New York is president of
American Telephone and Telegraph Co. J. A. Minter
Jr. lives in Tyler, Ala. When his daughter attended
Agnes Scott, she was chairman of judicial council.

Dr. Marshall C. Dendy of Florida has recently
retired as Executive Secretary of the Board of
Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church. He is
the father of an alumna.

Dr. Harry A. Fifield, is pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. Dr. J. Davison
Phillips is pastor of the Decatur Presbyterian Church
and is married to an alumna.

Dr. Massey Mott Heltzel has a daughter who is a
member of the freshman class. He is pastor of the
Government Street Presbyterian Church of Mobile,
Ala. Dr. D.P. McGeachy is the former pastor of the
Peace Memorial Presbyteran Church of Clearwater,
Fla. He is married to an alumna.

A former president of the National Agnes Scott
Alumnae Association, Mrs. William A. Flinn is
married to a professor at Georgia Tech.

Miss Mary Wallace Kirk of Tuscumbia, Ala. is also
an alumna as is Mrs. Leonard E.LeSourdof Boynton
Beach, Fla., the former Catherine Marshall.

Other Agnes Scott alumnae on the board are Mrs.
Joseph C. Read of Atlanta, Mrs. S.F. Thatcher of
Miami, Fla. and Mrs. William T. Wilson Jr. of
Winston-Salem, N.C.

Former Dean of the College S.G. Stukes of
Decatur is also married to an alumna. Dr. Wallace M.
Alston, president of college is also a member of the
Board of Trustees. He was a member before he
became president.

The journalist on the board is Neil O. Davis, editor
of a Lee County, Ala., newspaper. He is the father of
two Agnes Scott alumnae. The last member of the
Board of Trustees is the Mayor of Atlanta, Ivan Allen

Just what DOES

Associate Editor

'accredited college' mean?

Agnes Scott College states in its catalogue that it
was admitted to membership in the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools in 1907. This
made it an established institution of higher learning
and added credence to its avowals of academic

But what is the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools? Why can it put the final stamp of
approval on such an establishment?

The association itself in its statement of purpose,
affirms that "Accreditation permits order and
cooperation amid diverse programs and widely
varying objectives.. ..Without accreditation, chaos
would rule; faith in the educational enterprise would
be undermined and its effectiveness stifled."

regionally to permit freer action on the local level and
still excape "provincialism." The association is
organized to provide representation from each school
in a Delegate Assembly. Each school is represented by
one delegate. There are approximately 400 member
schools in the South.

A Commission on Colleges is composed of 54
members chosen from the Delegate Assembly. The
representation is divided between delegates from each
state and members elected at large.

The Commission in turn elects a nine member
Executive Council which guides the commission in its
activities. The commission however, is the body
which makes the final decision or accreditation.

The process of accreditation involves a report on
the school, a visit by a committee of the association
and a hearing by the commission.

An initial accreditation must be reconfirmed by
the commission after four years. Every ten years
thereafter, each member school must also initiate a
self-study to retain its status as an accredited

established 1 1 standards to outline their concept of a

worthwhile institution. The standard ranges from a
lofty conception of a school's purpose, to the more
practical matters of organization and administration,
educational and financial programs, faculty and
student personnel and the library and physical plant.

Contrary to public opinion, the standards are not
hard and fast point by point rules on how to build a
college from the ground up.

Under the sub-heading of curriculum for example,
the handbook on standards states, "The
implementation of the general policy and the
determination of specific academic details are the
responsibility of the administration and the faculty."

"It is finally concerned however, with the totality of
the effort, and the atmosphere in which it is carried
on. "

A similar freedom is spelled out concerning hours
and required basic courses. The recommendation is
that "In each degree program, there should be an
orderly and identifiable sequence of courses with an
adequate number of hours required in courses above
the elementary level, and with an appropriate system
of prerequisite."

The Delegate Assembly goes on to set up
guidelines for minimum educational expenditures per
student, to support tenure and academic freedom and
generally to touch on every aspect of college life.

BUT A STRICT conformance with each detail
recommended by the Delegate Assembly is not the
only result desired by the association.

In their own words, "Meeting each standard is not
all that is required for accrediation by the Southern
Association. Assuredly the committee is interested in
the qualifications of faculty, the state of academic
freddom, the library size, and numerous other
educational factors in an institutional operation.

"It is finally concerned however, with the totality
of the effort, and the atmosphere in which it is
carried on."



OCTOBER 1 1. 1968

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Bond refuses U.T.
speaking spot

KNOXVILLE, TENN. (CPS)-Georgia legislator
Julian Bond, scheduled to address University of
Tennessee students October 2, refused to appear in
Knoxville because students there had been forbidden
to invite Dick Gregory to the campus a week earlier.

"If the chancellor of the university thinks the
students are too simple-minded to hear Gregory, they
are obviously too simple-minded to hear me," Bond
said when he discovered he had been invited in
Gregory's place. "1 certainly don't want to poison
student minds."

Chancellor Charles H. Weaver had denied a student
speakers' program permission to invite Gregory,
saying he had "nothing to say to the University
community" and that his appearance would be "an
outrage and an insult to many citizens of this state."

About Bond's cancellation, Weaver only said, "I
am sorry that he is not coming."

''It's not a matter of Gregory himself," Bond said.
"It's a matter of students' being allowed to make
their own decisions. I wouldn't care if it were Harry
Truman or George Wallace being denied permission.
The issue would be the same-freedom of choice."

Bond, who was nominated for the Vice-Presidency
at last month's Democratic National Convention and
later withdrew because he was too young, compared
the UT administration censorship with that of other
Tennessee schools, where Gregory and other
controversial speakers had been invited to campus

The question of an open speaker policy-whereby
any recognized student organization could invite any
speaker to campus-has been the foremost topic of
student discussion at UT during the first two weeks
of the fall quarter.

Although student body president Chris Whittle
seemed singularly unconcerned about the issue Bond
raised, saying only that "his remarks would have been
of educational value," other students and faculty
members on a joint committee worked two months
this summer on a report on student rights and

The report, completed late in August, was
submitted to Weaver, who has been "studying it"
since then. He said he will call a meeting of the
university's statewide administration to consider
speaker policy proposals.

Job placement
by computer?

A GROUP OF BRIGHT young men, all recently
siuuents, operating in a chaotic Madison Avenue
office, think they have the answer for
recruiting-using a computer as a central information
agency to match a large number of college students
with a large number of prospective employers.

They have formed a corporation, called Re-Con (a
shortening of "reconnaissance"), which will for the
first time this fall involve several hundred companies
and thousands of students in a sophisticated matching
process which, according to the men running it, will
place applicants in jobs they probably won't want to
leave after a year, and will give small companies a new
advantage in competing for college graduates.

Representatives on 500 college and university
campuses (including the 400-odd National Student
Association member schools) will distribute special
questionnaires to business and engineering students.
These questionnaires ask the student to write his own
subjective resume and to list his preference for type
of employment, geographical location and
educational background and interests.

At the same time, businesses and industries
looking for management personnel will file their job
specifications with Re-Con. They pay for the service
on a sliding rate scale varying with he number of
applicants they are looking for and whether they
want data on students in only one school, one state
or across the country.

AFTER THE COMPUTER has taken in all the
employers and all the students' information on some
day in late October, the companies will be given the
names of all the students who fit most closely with
their requirements. Then the companies will contact
those individuals and set up a meeting.

According to Ed Beagan, the main energy force
behind Re-Con, the importance of the system is that
it "puts the student in the driver's seat through the
whole recruiting process-not the company and not
the placement director." The service is, first of all,
free to students. The cost of the operation is borne
by the fees companies pay for the service. Then, all
the student has to do is sit back and wait for the
companies to come to him. When a firm calls a
student and wants to see him, he knows that firm
matched his specifications as well as he matched
theirs. Even so, he is not obligated to talk with any
company, and the terms are his.

The process' other advantage, Beagan says, is that
it "applies modern technology to a complicated
process that's been carried on by horse-and-buggy
methods." Computer data banking means students
can be exposed to jobs they might otherwise have
ignored, and firms without resources to send
recruiters to many campuses will be able to extend
their recruiting to students they would otherwise
have missed.

The system has it own shortcomings for large
numbers of students. Of the four areas students
follow-the professions, teaching, the arts, and
business-industry, Re-Con is geared only to
business-industry, with a small service for prospective
teachers. This limits the students who can participate
largely to graduates of business and engineering

The Re-Con people, however, hope if all goes well
to be able to extend their service to these areas in a
few years.

Another type of student with which Re-Con is not
yet equipped to deal is the "failure"-the student with
an unimpressive academic record and no outstanding
talent who would not tend to match the desires of
any employer on paper, although he might in person
give an entirely different feeling.

For those it can serve, the system promises
remarkable results. Last year a localized version of it
(which expanded into the present Re-Con
Corporation), created by a group of students at
Pennsylvania University's Wharton Graduate School
of Business, helped many of 500 Wharton graduates
find jobs.

The national directors hope they can do many
times that well this fall.

OCTOBER 11, 1968



What happens to Scotties
after graduation?

Feature Editor

Exactly what happens to a graduate of
Agnes Scott? Many of us wonder what we will
be doing after college. The seniors in particular
are getting a little frantic. They react to the
question "What are you doing next year?"
with a slight trauma.

The fact is many of us don't know what
field we want to go into. We sometimes come
to Scott with a major in mind. The fortunate
few find satisfaction in their chosen fields and

More often however, we hear, "Well, I
planned to major in English, but after that
freshman English class... .May be I'll change to
history." So we change our minds, cultivate
new interests and find new satisfaction and

Maybe we reflect: "Should I have come to a
liberal arts college or gone to a university
where I could take some business and home ec

We hesitate: "Will Agnes Scott prepare me
for the business world." A frantic, "Who will
teach me to cook?" is often heard.

With these question in mind, we decided to
find out what happens to graduates of Agnes

Each year lone Murphy, director of
vocational services, gathers specifics about each
graduating class. Because she is in the midst of
this process, the following figures are estimates
and represent the general trends.

About 20 per cent of ASC graduates enter
graduate and professional schools. Teaching

claims about 35 per cent. Of the remaining 45
per cent, most enter the labor market. This is a
relatively high percentage for a women's
college, Miss Murphy said.

According to Ann Worthy Johnson,
director of alumnae affairs, there are five major
areas of appeal. Writing, creative or
journalistic, claims many graduates. Law,
medicine and psychiatry are the professional

Teaching claims one of the largest groups.
Areas range from nursery school to college

Christian education is also a field of
interest. Raechel Handelite, the first woman in
the U.S. to be ordained as a minister in the
Presbyterian church, was a graduate of Agnes

I.B.M. and computer programs attract Scott
math majors. A fifth area is social work and
service organizations.

Where graduates live and seek work largely
depends on families and personal preferences.
It is interesting to note however, that
approximately 60 per cent of each class wishes
to remain in the Atlanta area. Miss Johnson
estimates about 2,000 alumnae (including
graduates and non-graduates) live in the
Atlanta area.

The fact that Agnes Scott graduates are able
to succeed in their chosen fields is encouraging.
And of course, the fact they actually survived
at Scott is inspiring.


DEMOCRATIC candidate for
Congress from DeKalb County,
will speak in Convocation
October 16. His topic will be
"The Democratic Cause, Platform
and Candidates."

His opponent, Representative
Ben Blackburn, is tentatively
scheduled to speak in
convocation October 30. These
speakers are part of an effort to
bring the issues and candidates to
the student body during the
election year.

HOUR" is the title of this year's
Black Cat production. According
to Mollie Douglas, it will be
shorter than usual, but with a
complex plot and more familiar

Carol Ann McKenzie plays the
lead role of Nancy Drew, the
super-sleuth. Elizabeth Jones is
billed as the "chief blue meanie
of the piece, but definitely a
bungler." Hope Somers is
Elizabeth's faithful lieutenant.

Beth Herring and Judy
Langford round out the major
cast as Bess and George
(George?), Nancy's "chums."
Cameo appearances will be
provided by many of the campus'
famous and infamous personages.

The plot is still secret, beyond
the knowledge that it's a Nancy
Drew mystery. In the words of
Mollie Douglas, "It's supposed to
be a mystery anyway, so we're
just keeping it a mysterious

opens Friday, October 18 with
Scott's traditional Black Cat
games in which the classes play

each other in friendly rivalry. The
players practiced together this
past week in order to learn from
each other and to get into shape
since there are quite a few new

However, next week the
players will split up into separate
class practices so that they can
get the feel of playing as a team.

The new team managers are
Prissy Ray burn, freshman; Page
McCullough, sophomore;
Cornelia DeLee, junior; and
Winkie Wooton, senior. If the
spectators are as enthusiastic as
the girls who have been out
practicing Scott can expect an
exciting season.

Day Convocation Wednesday the
class of 1969 retained the Class
Scholarship Trophy for a third

The scholarship trophy was
established by the 1956-57
Mortar Board chapter. It is
awarded each year to the class
which for the past session has

13 Named to Who's Who

ELECTED TO WHO'S WHO in American Colleges and Universities
were seniors (back row, L to r.) Patsy May, Tina Brownley, Nancy
Sowell, Mary Chapman, Libby Potter, Penny Burr and (front row, L
to r.) Sandra Earley, Evelyn Angeletti, Ruth Hayes, holding the class
scholarship trophy, Lou Frank and Mary Gillespie. Not pictured are
Minnie Bob Mothes and Sally Wood.

ABOUT 35 PER CENT of each
Agnes Scott graduating class goes
into teaching. Here in William S.
Adams ' education class, seniors
who are now students learn to be
teachers for the careers they will
face after a June graduation.

earned an academic average
which is highest in relation to the
three preceding classes of that

Eighteen members of the
present senior class were named
to Honor Roll for distinguished
academic work in the 1967-68
session. They are: Ann
Abernathy, Tina Brownley,
Penny Burr, Bonnie Dings,
Sandra Earley, Lou Frank, Sara
G. Frazier, Anne Gilbert and
Nancy Hamilton.

Also, Ruth Hayes, Holly
Jackson, Carol Jensen, Tish
Lowe, Ginny Pinkston, Anne
Stubbs, Sally Walker, Ann Willis
and Sally Wood.

The 22 members of the Class
of 1970 named to Honor Roll
are: Ann Abercrombie, Susanne
Beggs, Margaret Boyd, Bonnie
Brown, Barbara Darnell, Sherian
Fitzgerald, Marion Gamble,
Martha Harris, Ann Hoefer,
Dusty Kenyon and Ann Kramer.

Also, Maria Lindsay, Kathy
Mahood, Anne Marquess, Judy
Mauldin, Cindy Padgett, Valerie
Pearsall, Ginger Reeves, Norma

Jean Shaheen, Marylu Tippett,
Jean Wall and Rita Wilkins.

The Class of 1971 had the
most members named to Honor
Roll with 27. They are Ann
Ashworth, Mary Lucille Benton,
Truly Bracken, Evelyn Brown,
Maud Browne, Carolyn Cox, Dale
Derrick, Carol Hacker, Paula
Hendricks, Beth Hornbuckle,
Anne Hortenstein, Elizabeth
Jennings, Candy Lang and
Catherine Lewis.

Also, Karen Lewis, Trisha
Lindsay, Julianne Lynes, Eva
Ann McCranie, Jean McLemore,
Eleanor Ninestein, Jennye Owen,
Barbara Paul, Sarah Ruffing,
Grace Sydnor, Caroline Turner,
Joyce Ann Westlake and Patricia

for undergraduates began this
week on the subject "Religious
Language." The first lecture was
held Wednesday in Rebecca
Reception Room on the topic,
"Introduction to the Problem."

William Blackstone, professor
of philosophy and head of the
philosophy department of the
University of Georgia, was the
first speaker The second lecture
on October 16 on the writings of
John Hick will be given by Dean
of the Faculty C. Benton Kline.

Richard Parry, assistant
professor of philosophy, will
speak October 23 on the book,
"Language, Logic, and God," by
Frederick Ferre. Professor
Blackstone will return October
30 to lead the concluding session
on "Outcomes and Predictions."

The seminar is open to any
interested students or the general
public. The organizers would like
to stress however, that the
discussions themselves will be
open only for the participation of
undergraduates. Nevertheless,
graduate students arc especially
invited to come.

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OCTOBER 11, 1968

Would you send your daughter tc
Agnes Scott and why?

Boo Godfrey, '71: "I like it and
I'd hope she'd like it. It's fun and
she'd get a good education."


Angie Jarrett, '71: "I thought
about that last year and decided
not. But now I don't know,
unless she really wants to come.
If you really don't want to be
here, well "


College Press Service

"The war's still on, the country 's still divided, and
we're still here, " went the song, and sure enough, the
Smothers Brothers ' were back for their third season.

Same time, same channel, but not the same
Smothers Brothers, and not quite their same Comedy
Hour. Tom and Dick now sport mustaches and
sideburns and their show seems a bit more free of
CBS censors' blue penciling.

"Often times we have trouble giving out thoughts
because sometimes it makes people think/' Tommy
quipped. He looks less innocent with his mustache,
and is no less serious about network meddling with
his material The firm stands he and his brother have
taken, along with the growing candor in all the mass
media, have been responsible for CBS's new liberality.

A classic example is Pete Seeger's return to
television after being blacklisted as a Communist
sympathizer. First time around the CBS people cut
his "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" because of its
obvious slam at "Old Fool" LBJ and his war. They let
him sing it on his next Smothers Brothers appearance.

Network officials used to get weak knees
whenever the boys touched on touchy subjects. The
bosses banned some, required changes in wording on
others so that fewer people would be offended,
whatever that means.

While there was at least one phrase edited out, the
season 's opener Sunday was laced with innuendos and
direct references to such subjects once verboten on
prime time TV as interracial marriage, homosexuality,

'Smut Brothers 7 open
less-censored season

race, lingerie, and seduction.

Pat Paulsen was there, getting in some low
punches at his fellow candidates for the Presidency.
He said he now has "so many supporters that Major
(sic) Daley couldn't beat them all off with a stick. "

Jokes about touchy subjects pervaded the hour,
and were all tied together in a skit spoofing NBC's
"Bonanza" - the Brother's competition in the
Sunday, 9 p.m. EDT time slot.

Mama Cass Elliott played "Hass" of the
"Cartwrong" family, inspiring the line, "You're real,
smart, Hass." And giant pro footballer Rosy Greer
appeared as the long-lost Mrs. Cartwrong. Her son
Little Jerk (Harry Belafonte), seeing her for the first
time, said, "You're a big mother." Suggestive spice
like that is rare, even on the Tonight Show.

"The Smut Brothers, " played by guess-who,
showed up in bad-guy black with bandannas saying
"censored" across the mouths. They had kidnapped
the Nielsen family. The Cartwrongs were upset about
losing their neighbors the "Nielsens" - audience
ratings, that is.

With the black Greer "married" to white Ben
(Paulsen), the Cartwrong brothers lamented, "Now
well never get the Nielsens back. "

That line was an excellent slam at the A merican
viewing public. If the Smothers Brothers lost the
rating game because of their subject matter, it will be
the viewer's fault, not the programs.

Scobey Uowsley, '71: "I'd send
her if I could send her boy friend
to Tech or Emory."

Ann Mizell, '70: "My daughter is

not old enough yet to make up
her mind. But it would depend
on who's doing the food service."

Wimberly Warnock, '71: "Of
course I would, FAMILY
TRADITION, you know."




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HOML A t ) D R f S S _




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

OCTOBER 18, 1968

Bond says students in south
'more cloistered' than in north

Mackey has many
youths in campaign

About 30 people, students and faculty alike,
crowded around fourth district congressional
candidate James Mackay after his speech in
convocation Wednesday. They questioned the
self-named "enthusiastic Democrat" on subjects
ranging from his proposals to end the Vietnam war to
ways to revitalize present welfare programs.

Mackey, in speaking of his personal campaign in
the area, emphasized the importance of young people
working with him. He turned to one student and said
people would respond much better to a "sweet young
thing" like her than to old men like him. He went on
to say that the enmity in the dirtrict was not against
him personally. The real enemy is apathy, he said.

About 1,000 of the 1800 "Indians in the woods"
working for him are under 25-years-old, Mackay
estimated. He also pointed out that his campaign
manager is himself 25-years-old.

He said there are a number of "angry young men"
in his organization, but that they couldn't have
conceived of working anywhere but within the
system for what they believed.

Pointing out that the college atmosphere in
California is radically different from that in Georgia,
Mackay said he didn't think there was anyone opting
out around here unless they were down on 14th
Street. He said that such people soon move out of the

When asked what there would be for students to
do after the compaign was over, Mackay listed three
ways he has to keep students involved and informed.

As a congressman he wants to invite national
leaders to speak on college campuses in his district.
He said such figures are always happy to come.

He also proposes organizing a number of interest
groups for students to learn in and work through. He
gave as an example a group for students interested in
only fiscal policy while another might be formed for
peple concerned with traffic problems.

The third proposal Mackay suggested was one he
instituted himself while a congressman several years
ago. This is a summer intership program in the
national capital for college students.

Speaking at Theatre Atlanta after a benefit
performance Sunday of "Red, White and Maddox"
sponsored by the Metropolitan Atlanta Summit
Leadership Congress, State Representative Julian
Bond said he would vote for Hubert Humphrey in the
up-coming presidential election.

The idea of Richard Nixon as president frightens
him, he said, particularly because of the influence
Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-SC) will be able to exert on

Following his speech, Bond was interviewed by
the PROFILE. Answering a question on student
activism, Bond said student movements have a "very
unhealthy" aspect. They started out emphasizing
potentially important issues, but have neglected
them, he explained.

For example, he said, at Columbia University
students have turned their concern inward on the
university itself in a movement which began as
interested in the poor area around the university.

Bond went on to stress the fact that colleges do
need changing, but not as much as the outside

In comparing student activists in the north and
south, Bond noted much less activity in the South.
He also pointed out that student activists are found
on black campuses in the south far more than on
white ones. He cited as examples Morehouse College
and Tuskegee Institute.

In giving a reason for the disparity in activity
between north and south, Bond said, "Northern
students are not more intelligent, but more exposed.
Southern students are more cloistered."

When asked what had happened to student liberals
after the defeat of the candidates they had worked
for at the national convention, 3ond responded that
these students have not been radicalized as some said
they would.

They are working on a local level for candidates
can support he said. He gave as an example O'Dwyer's
campaign in New York. He said there are "few people
to work for in the South" except for candidates like
Charles Weltner and James Mackey.

He added that the choice of these kind of people
will be greater in 1972 and that "people who believe
politics are relevent will find causes to work for."

Commenting on the "frightening" possibility of
Nixon's election, Bond said Thurmondwould "be one
of the men most responsible for Nixon being
president, and Nixon will reward him, rightfully so."
He said although Thurmond has said he was not
interested in an appointed political office, he will be

When asked about the recent Georgia Board of
Regents statement concerning punishment for
excessively disruptive student demonstrations, Bond
said he had not studied the statement.

He observed however, "Any peaceful, orderly
demonstration would be disruptive by their
definition." Then he added, "Georgia students are
not noted for political activism."

STATE REPRESENTATIVE Julian Bond (center) mixed
with the crowd during intermission Sunday of the special
performance of "Red, White and Maddcx" at Theatre

AFTER MAKING 26 SPEECHES during the week, Julian
Bond took time for an interview with PROFILE editor,
Sandra Earley and several other ASC students who were

AN AFRO FASHION show was held in the lobby of
Theatre Atlanta during intermission of a special production
of "Red, White and Maddox" sponsored by the Metropolitan
Atlanta Summit Leadership Congress. Two of the models
wear wool fashions trimmed with elaborate embroidery.

COLUMBIA Cox report tells why

NEW YORK (CPS) - The Cox Commission, authoritarianism and indifference of administrators While Cox said students had in some cases

appointed by the Columbia University faculty to like President Grayson Kirk and those who worked provoked the police, and that violence was probably

NEW YORK (CPS) - The Cox Commission
appointed by the Columbia University faculty to
study last spring's disorders there, issued its report
predictably allowing that all parties to the dispute
were to blame for the violence that erupted on two

In a 222-page report, compiled from interviews,
testimony and evidence gathered during the summer
months, the five-member commission laid
responsibility for the campus disorders largely at the
door of an administration which it said "too often
conveyed an attitude of authoritarianism and

The report calls the quality of student life at
Columbia "inferior in living conditions and personal
associations," and says the spring rebellion gained
deep and wide-spread support from students because
of their "deep-seated and relatively unfocused
dissatisfaction with the university."

Both students and faculty members, according to
Harvard University law professor Archibald Cox, who
wrote most of the report, have tried and failed to find
a meaningful voice in the university because of the

authoritarianism and indifference of administrators
like President Grayson Kirk and those who worked
under him.

The university also showed "indifference about its
involvement in the two issues that arouse the deepest
emotions of students: peace and racial justice," the
report asserted. (The University's involvement with
the Institute for Defense Analysis and its expansion
into and control of its ghetto neighborhood were the
specific issues that prompted the student strike and
takeover of buildings.)

Faculty members also had no voice to air
grievances within the university; no faculty senate
has ever existed at Columbia, and the first all-faculty
meeting in the school's recent history was the one
which appointed the Cox Commission.

report were police actions in the two campus "busts"
April 30 and May 22. It accused the police of using
"excessive force and engaging in acts of individual
and group brutality" that caused "violence on a
harrowing scale" as they invaded the campus and
cleared student-held buildings.

Cox said students had in some cases
the police, and that violence was probably
unavoidable under the conditions on the campus, the
report said "student behavior was in no way
commensurate with the brutality, and did not excuse
or even mitigate the blame resting on the police."

"A layman," the commission said, "can see no
justification for the brutality unless it be that the way
to restore order in a riot is to terrorize civilians."

police force in quelling the students, however. It
merely blames the university for waiting so long to
use it (believing that if police had been called six days
earlier in April most of the blood and violence would
have been avoided) and for believing the assurances of
police officials that there would be little violence.

"There is grave danger," the Report said, "of
exaggerating the willingness and ability of a police
force to take effective action against many hundreds
in a time of intense emotion without resorting to

(CONT. ON P. 3)






Trivia has struck again. It was to be PROFILE policy
that mincing little matters like the dining hall and food
would never show their grimy faces in the editorial column,
but the absolute absurdity of a recent administrative
directive necessitates such.

Even Rep Council, as restrained as it is, groaned loudly
when the chairman of its food committee announced
Tuesday that from now on, anyone wishing to have a table
reserved in the dining hall when they are having guests, a
party, etc. must make their plans and have them approved
in the Dean of Students office. We extol the virtues of
"working through channels" but this is ridiculous. The
campus red tape is bad enough already without adding to
it. Here's just another picayne form students must observe
like docile lambs.

True, this is only one small thing, but it's a brand new
example of a miriad of such small items that gum up the
Agnes Scott works and make life much more difficult than
it needs to be.

To cite other examples, there's the absurd 10:30 p.m.
local telephone rule which few have observed for years and
should have been blotted from the handbook centuries ago.
But even this will not go without opposition.

Rumor had it in Rep Council that the powers that-be
already look askance at the resolution on the phone rule
passed Tuesday by the student group.

Some nefarious group removed the campus date book
from its proper place last week to call attention to its
absurdity. The 10:30 phone rule is ignored. In what way
should we deal with our new reserved table rule and other
such nondescript directives?


Questions asked

The re-statement of the faculty hiring policy by the
Board of Trustees is different because of an addition to the
purpose as stated in the charter.

Agnes Scott was established for the purpose of
"perpetuating and conducting a college for the higher
education of women under the auspices distinctly favorable
to the maintenance of the faith and practice of the
Christian religion."

The addition to the statement extends to faculty the
provision made for students in the original statement,
namely, that membership in a non-Christian religion or no
religious membership at all, would be reason for denial of

The additional statement reads as follows: "In selecting
faculty and staff, the Board of Trustees, upon the
recommendation of the President, shall elect those who can
best carry out the objectives as set forth in the charter,
giving consideration to any competant person who is in
accord with these purposes."

The move on the surface is not an earth-shattering one.
Some see it as no change or as a change in the written word
resulting in nothing different for the life of the campus.

The move has great potential. It CAN be a move away
from a narrow view which bordered on legalism to one
based on a situational approach. However, several questions
must be raised:

1) Could a practicing Jew (since this is the specific
which immediately comes to mind) in good conscience
carry out the Christian purpose of the college? Certainly
this can only be answered by the individual.

2) Will we ever have the broader spectrum of people on
campus now permitted in the re-statement of the board?
The ideal we have had presented to us is fine, but on a
practical level, will we ever have the exposure on campus to
not only people of faiths other than the Christian religion,
but also other races?

3) And the biggest question of all: what constitutes
"auspices distinctly favorable to the maintenance of the
faith and practice of the Christian religion?"

Friction, tension and internal conflict are often seen as
signs of life and vitality. An environment totally devoid of
adversity, one which is idyll ically favorable for the growth
of anything, usually results in a weak end-product. It is to
be hoped that this is realized by those whose job it is to
mold the campus atmosphere.


Potter defines C.A.
theme and fund drive

To the Editor:

Every year about this time,
C.A. launches its pledge drive.

1 believe that what C.A. is
trying to do this year is clear. In a
time of alienation, Christian
Association is searching for a
means to unity, for
reconciliation-our theme for the
year-on three counts:

An ounce of Psych 101 reveals
to me my alienation from myself;
a look at the front page shows
my split from my fellow human
beings, and any preacher will tell
me basic estrangement from God.
There is nothing new about either
alienation or reconciliation;
they've been primary concerns of


From a member of his staff:
"Dr. Alston has led such a dull


From a jaded junior palate:
'The dining hall has a new opus:
'Noodle Fantasia - Variations on
a Theme."

* **

Mary Beaty: "Here my
roommate is completely snowed
and I haven't even met anyone

worth raining over yet."

* **

Mrs. Pepperdene during
Chaucer class: "Pigs don't turn
me on."


In Dr. Alston's office again:
"That's a genuine elephant hide
trash can."

men since the Fall. But to most
of us, it's like new.

We on C.A. feel that we are
searching-leading and sharing a
search-for reconciliation on these
three counts. Everything that we
do pertains either directly or
indirectly to that
search-every thing from our $500
contribution to the Paul Cranes
to service projects or a World
Wide Communion service.

We believe that we have the
support of the college
community in this search. Our
question is, "Will it support us
financially, too?"

Libby Potter, '67

President, Christian Association.

8a rg-ewi

by sandra earley

The delicately-drawn head and features of Julian Bond have alot
to say about the man I observed Sunday afternoon. Some fear him
and label him an "enfant terrible," but the man I saw was quiet,
restrained, even tired in appearance and manner.

When I introduced myself to Julian Bond in the lobbyof Theatre
Atlanta during intermission, I was scared to death, lie did not agree
cooly and remotely to the interview I asked for, as he might have.
Rather, he said he would talk with us and even sounded as if he
would enjoy it.

After the play, he spoke to the audience for a few minutes from a
prepared speech. Under the stage lights he looked younger than in the
crowded lobby earlier. He gazed out into the lights which must have
blinded him and spoke to the group with his head slightly tilted to
one side.

He was not mobbed after the panel discussion like so many public
figures would have been. Instead, he left the stage as the audience was
dispersing and went over to sit down and talk with a woman sealed in
the front row.

They spoke softly for a few moments. Then her escort come up
with her wheel chair. While Mr. Bond helped her into it, she asked
him about his poetry.

As she left, he noticed we were waiting to talk to him. Then his
political manager came up. This new man looked like a hard,
cigar-clenched-in-teeth professional politician. He began to discuss
Mr. Bond's speaking schedule for this week with him.

The manager was adamant. The tired man who wearily rubbed his
hand across the side of his head could have only one day in town
before setting out again.

Then our turn came. Sitting on the pouf in the lobby, he leased us
gently about Agnes Scott and asked if we minded if he smoked.

He spoke quietly but with force and humor. The atmosphere was
more like a conversation than an interview. As we talked, he twiddled
a burnt match he had made into a pinwheel in his fingers.

The interview did not end abruptly with someone rushing up and
saying, "You must excuse Mr. Bond now; he has to go to..." We
finished talking and he got up, and with a casual "goodby" left with
his manager who had waited in the background.




Campus News

Elizabeth Crum

Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.





Atlanta high schools
forming SDS group


What has students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
been doing lately in our city?

Is this organization taking hold in Atlanta and on
our college campuses? SDS is moving into the high

Charlie Buehman, a freshman at Ridgeview High
School in Sandy Springs, ran an ad in the October 17
issue of the "Great Speckled Bird." He asked lor
people interested in forming an area SDS chapter to
call him. He now has approximately len members at
his high school ranging from eighth grade to tenth

According to young Buehman, the group is against
the war in Vietnam and having to wear socks to
school (a standing rule at area high schools). Charlie
was recently suspended for failure to comply with
1 his rule.

They also have plans to start an underground
newspaper to he called "The Underground Railroad."
Hopefully they can use this to let the administration
know about their objection to wearing socks.

A movement such as this, given the name SDS and
not affiliated in any way with the national
organization, could be damaging to the area and to
SDS in general. The danger lies in getting the ideas
that are behind SDS and the glamour of a nationally
known organization mixed up with the trivialities of
high school lite.

David Govus, a member of the Committee on
Social Issues (COS1) at Georgia State College and the
older brother of one of Charlie's friends, advised
these young students to start an organization of their
own. However, David said there have been student
groups formed at Grady and Chamblee high schools
which are more politically oriented and run closer to
the ideas of SDS, than the one at Sandy Springs.

The Committee on Social Issues at Georgia State,
which is in the process of affiliating with SDS, is
becoming well known on the State campus.

According to the August 15 issue of the Georgia
State "Signal," COSI "is a group of Georgia State
students who have united in their opposition to the
Vietnam War, the draft and racism.''

They helped initiate the movement against
compulsory ROTC at State. Their most recent efforts
are in helping the maids and janitors employed at the
college form a union which will work towards raising
their wages.

There is a new SDS chapter forming at Emory
University. Their first meeting was interrupted by the
Emory security guards because their meeting place
had not been registered. An attending history
professor saved the meeting and the members.

Steve Abbott, student government president at
Emory, is sympathetic to the ideas of SDS. Recently
he wrote a column in the Emory "Wheel' 1 giving his
interpretation supporting SDS. In a telephone
interview Steve said that his opinion had not changed
and that he thought SDS "had been distorted by the

Cox report...


As for the students, the commission condemned
the "disruptive tactics" of the militant leftists,
although it underscored their reasons for discontent
with Columbia's administration.

THE REPORT RIDICULED the accusation that
the student revolt was the result of a world-or
nationwide conspiracy of revolutionary students.
Although the core of demonstrators who began the
protest may have had major revolution in mind and
been part of a bigger plan through SDS or some other
student organization, the commission said, its
interviews and testimony indicated that "the
grievances of the rebels were felt equally by a large
number, probably a majority, of students."

"By its final days," the report contends, "the
revolt enjoyed both wide and deep support among
the students and junior faculty and in lesser degree
among the senior professors... .The trauma of the
violence that followed police intervention intensified
emotions, but broad support for the demonstrators
rested upon broad discontent and widespread
sympathy for their position."

The report's conclusion was a hopeful one-that if
students were given a significant voice in university
affairs, the need for protests like last spring's would
disappear and the university might become a place to
live and learn in again.

The commission thinks students who had a part in
the decision-making of the university would "acquire
a more sophisticated understanding of the university's
difficulties and complexities," and become more
sympathetic with "the necessary functions" of the
administration and governing body.


Leftist groups ready plans
for election day protests

NEW YORK (CPS) - With the
presidential elections less than
one month away, leftist student
and peace organizations across a
broad spectrum have begun
planning a "fall election
offensive" opening a new phase
in the national protest of the
electoral system which began in
Chicago last month and which
will continue through the
inauguration in January.

The National Mobilization to
End the War in Vietnam (known
as 4 Mobe' for short), a loosely
formed organization which in the
past has coordinated many of the
mass anti-war demonstrations and
which earlier this year called for
the protest in Chicago, is the one
group so far to become specific
about its plans.

Mobe leaders say they are
calling on students to "find new
ways of voting this year-in the
streets rather than in polling
places" since voting for one of
the three major candidates gives
no chance to vote for ending the
Vietnam war now.

At an initial planning session
during the week of October 2 in
New York, Paul Potter, a former
SDS president who is now on the
Mobe steering committee, said his
organization is aiming at a series
of national, "decentralized"
protest activities "leading up to,
but not including, disruption of
polling places."

activities, he said, will be to link
the continuing war in Vietnam
with the concept that our present
political system, rather than
dealing with the situation, tends
to perpetuate it. The program's
main features are to include:

-On the weekend prior to the
elections, possible presentation of
anti-war generals at public
hearings at which the issues
surrounding the war would be
presented, combined with

Delegations of anti-war
demonstrators visiting the
nation's "35 key military bases,"
located mostly in the East and
South, staging marches and
"love-ins," concluding with

-The declaration of November
2 as Vietnam Sunday and urging
clergymen opposed to the war to
speak out against it to their

-The organization of mass
rallies on the eve of Election Day
supporting a boycott of the
elections as irrelevant and
illegitimate, combined with

activities the following day

--Mass demonstrations at
polling places of the major
candidates plus various other
activities, including leafleting and
guerilla theatre performances, at
other polling places all across the

about Mobe's planning," Potter
said, "is that it provides a chance
to re-introduce the war in
Vietnam as an issue nationally."

The gathering, attended by
about 20, marked the first such
meeting in the city of radical
campus and peace groups

interested in protesting the

Jeff Jones, a member of SDS,
told the group of the possibility
of calling for a student strike
prior to election day in which
students stop attending classes in
order to participate in activities
opposed to the elections.

There was also some unspecific
talk about the possibility that
high school students from several
public schools will walk out on
election day in protest. That day
is normally a city-wide school
holiday, but this year the day off
has been cancelled because of the
teachers' strike.

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Scottie I
Speaks e

What is your favorite thing about
Black Cat and why?

Cornelia DeLee, '70: "Nothing.
Because this is the formal end of
freshman orientation, and as
such, the freshmen have been
totally indoctrinated into the
system and many will never

WILL SEE-NO-EVIL and Hear-No-Evil be joined by the third
monkeyteer in the Black Cat production tonight? Will Nat
Fitzsimmons finish making her peanut butter sandwich? Find it all
out tonight at 7 p.m.

Tara Swartsel, '69: "Black Cat
is one of the few creative
community efforts of the

Comparison is basis
for rule reform

Rules Committee is hard at
work this year. Headed by Senior
Patsy May, other members are
Ann Allen, Sally Skardon and
Jane Quillman.

Their job comes down to an
actual re-evaluation of Agnes
Scott's present judicial system.
They are in the process of writing
other women's liberal arts
colleges to see what type of
system colleges comparable to
Scott have, and how effective
their policies are.

"It is hoped the replies from

Oregon dean calls
rules 'liberal'

CORVALLIS, Ore.-(LP.)-Oregon State University is considered by
Janet Crist, assistant dean of women, to be as liberal as most other
schools throughout the country concerning women's closing hours.
"Of course, our policy must be viewed in proper perspective," she

Midwest universities have general policies that coincide with those
now in effect at OSU. Oregon State can be considered conservative
when policies are compared to universities in the Pacific Athletic
Conference. Washington schools are very liberal. There are no closing
hours at the sophomore level at Washington State University and no
closing for anyone at the University of Washington.

Dean Crist cited examples of liberalism in the California schools
also. UCLA has lowered the age for no closing to the sophomore level
as has the University of Southern California.

EVEN PRIVATE COLLEGES in Oregon have weekend closing set
at 2 a.m., Lewis and Clark College and Linfield College for example.
The University of Oregon has adopted no closing regulations
beginning this fall. OSU has extended the privilege of no closing to
juniors. According to Dean Crist, there has been very little complaint
from staff or parents and the experiment is considered very effective.

Besides extending no closing to sophomores there are other
regulations that can be changed to blend in with liberalism. "The
University of Oregon has considered having a no closing dorm in
which women students of any level can live with parental
permission," Dean Crist revealed.

Under this system there would be no closing residence halls and
some which enforce closing hours for those parents objecting.


these colleges will help support
our plans for revision," Patsy
said. The general approach is, "if
it works at Smith, why shouldn't
it work here?"

The colleges are being asked
specifically what ype of honor
system, drinking policy,
apartment policy, chaperonage,
time limits, number of social
engagements, etc. they have.
Thirty two colleges are being
written. A few are: Bennington,
Mary Baldwin, Chatham,
Skidmore, Smith, and Vassar.
These colleges represent a variety
of areas.

Patsy feels that answers to
these questionnaires will be
coming in throughout the year.
The major part of the work will
be the job of next year's Rules

Major purposes for this year are
now being drawn up into
resolutions for presentation to
Rep. Council. One of the
resolutions will be the
elimination of the 10:30
telephone restriction concerning
dorm-to-dorm calls.

At present if you wish to call
another dorm past 10:30 you
must get permission from a
judicial or house council member.

Rules Committee is also trying
to get a better definition of the
Atlanta and Decatur areas, in
increased number of social
engagements for sophomores and
a change in the chaperonage

Patsy said, "Miss Scandrett was
very receptive to all of our
ideas." Patsy would like to invite
anyone who has a complaint to
come to the meetings. Meetings
will be posted on the student
government bulletin board.

Katherine Setze, 71: 'The
production, because I don't like

Problem (COP), has been
studying and trying to discover
the seeds of THE PROBLEM on
the Scott campus. According to
Senior Penny Burr, committee
chairman, progress is being made.

The committee has been
looking into the idea of the
Agnes Scott community, what it
is and what standards are
necessary for our type
community. Also, a new
suggested drinking policy has
gone into sub-committee. Tina
Brownley, a member of COP and
president of student government,
commented, "I hope that the
college will regulate drinking as
regards the campus only."

Benjamin Franklin Professor of
Anthropology and the History of
Science at the University of
Pennsylvania, will lecture here
October 23 as part of a series of
programs presented by the Agnes
Scott Lecture Committee. The
topic for Dr. Eiseley's
presentation will be "Man:
Sorcerer In the Wood of Time."

A distinguished author and
naturalist. Dr. Eiseley received his
B. A. degree from the University
of Nebraska and his M.A. and
Ph.D. from the University of

He has served as professor at
Harvard, Columbia and the
University of California. Dr.
Eiseley is a member of the
Natural Parks Advisory Board
and serves on the Advisory Board
of the National Book Awards

PRESENTING "The Children's
Hour" by Lillian Hellman on
Nov. 21, 22, 23 at 8:15 in Dana.

The play concerns two young
women, Karen Wright and Martha
Dobie, who have set up a private
boarding school. Their prospects
for this school are soon shattered.

One of the pupils, Mary, a
spoiled and mischevious child,
runs away to her grandmother,
Mrs. TUford, a woman of high
social position.

To prevent being sent back to
the boarding school, Mary
accuses her teachers of an
abnormal sexual relationship. The
rumor soon gains momentum.
Mrs. Hellman points out the
play's broader implications by
stating, "this is really not a play
about lesbians, but about a lie.
The bigger the he the better, as

The play was chosen, Roberta
Winter, professor of speech and
drama and director of the play,
said, because of the female parts
available and because the
co-curriculum committee asked
Blackfriars to do a play by a
southern author. Lillian Hellman
is one of the outstanding
American playwrights.

The cast is: Mrs. Mortar,
Lennard Smith; Rosalie, Vicki
Rippberger; Mary, Judy
Langford; Karen, Patricia
Johnston: Martha, Mollie
Douglas; Agatha (to be
announced); Mrs. Tilford, Carol
Ann McKenzie. The Little Girls
are: Peggy Barnes, D. A.
Claiborne, Charlotte Coats, Jane
Duttenhaver, Hope Gazes and
Vicki Hutcheson. The male

characters are: Dr. Joseph Cardin,
Tom Carson, and a Grocery Boy,
Bob Keeley.

of Representative Council, the
resolution regarding the
abolishment of the 10:30 local
phone rule was passed

Under the present system the
local phone was not supposed to
be used for any calls, either on or
off campus, after 10:30. The
reason for this rule was that the
ringing of the phones disturbed
people's sleep.

Under this system it was also

neccessary to ask the hall judicial
for permission to use phone for
calls after 10:30. This resolution
deletes any restrictions on using
the local phone after 10:30 for
inside calls.

Karen Hazelwood submitted
her resignation as a sophomore
representative to Rep Council
Tuesday. She stated in a letter
that her act on arose from
personal reasons not
disagreement with any board
action. An election for a new
sophomore representative will be
held by Mortar Board in an
upcoming sophomore class

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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

OCTOBER 25, 1968

After four years
of feminism,
graduates face

Faculty says...


What graduate school can I go to? How can I use
my education to function as a woman in today's

The underlying question is that of discrimination
against women because of their sex. It was a
comparatively short time ago that women had no
rights at all. As a minority group, women have always
known discrimination of some type.

According to John A. Tumblin Jr., professor of
sociology and anthropology, it is important not to
confuse "discrimination against and discrimination

"Discrimination between is a necessary human
process of drawing boundaries. It is entirely
functional. Sexual discrimination is important to
develop one's personality and ability to carry out a
role in society," Tumblin explained. It is important
to know whether you are male or female to function

Tumblin feels the major confusion for women is
how much a woman is willing to trade off for
equality. A woman desires equality in the sense of
equal opportunity for high paying positions in the
academic and business world, equal rights to attend a
graduate school and equal rights under the law.

However, no woman wants to be treated like a
man. Doors are to be opened, chairs pulled back,
checks paid, coats put on and flowers sent, he

Margaret W. Pepperdene, professor of English, feels
much of the discrimination women encounter today
"is realistic and not anti-feministic." Graduate
schools will take a girl for one year, but the crucial
question is, 'are you going to get married?' Young
married women many times are not good

Mrs. Pepperdene went on to say Agnes Scott has a
strange type of discrimination. Any professor whom
students call "Dr." is always male, never female. This
"sex-connected gene" is not unusual for a girl's
school, but is academically inappropriate for a
women's college such as Agnes Scott, Mrs.
Pepperdene said.

lone Murphy, director of vocational services, feels
the major barrier women encounter in the business
world is a discrimination in levels of work.

"We recruit women for positions that take on
professional responsibility and hide behind an
occupational label when actually their function and
responsibility isn't much different from that of a
young man who is getting a larger salary," she said.

There arc organizations in urban areas which are
working daily on doing away with many of these
same barriers. The National Organization of Women
(NOW) is only one of many proposing a Bill of Rights
for women and working against discrimination.

/! against women
in business

"...We've developed one fixation.
Although we've studied Shakespeare,

Plato and Sartre,
Ilistorv, math and physics in part.
With a degree in the li-he-ral arts.
We wonder can we be em ployed?"

Graduates say...

Copy Editor

Betty Derrick, Class of 1968, says men and
women holding equivalent positions where she is now
employed get paid different salaries. Women earn less

Being a Scott graduate seems to help rather than
hinder the woman who is job hunting. Ann Roberts,
l 67, said in the teaching jobs she applied for, her
Agnes Scott diploma was a definite asset. Of course,
teacher's salaries as well as other state and
government employees salaries are fixed.

Peggy Bell, '65, a case worker with a local county
welfare department said that she has experienced no
hiring or wage discrimination. She has several friends
who have had difficulty finding jobs. She said many
companies are "hesitant to hjre a girl who is a college
graduate," for secretarial positions for example,
because they are afraid the girls will become bored
and leave.

According to Betty Derrick, even though there is
wage discrimination between male and female, being
an Agnes Scott graduate helps in finding a job,
especially in the Atlanta area. Most large businesses
are looking for "initiative" and "creativity" in their
young executives she said. As for the ASC graduate's
lack of specialization, Betty said most business would
rather train a person from scratch than have to
re-train him.

Finally, Susan Aikman, l 68, said, "If you are a
college grad, you don't want this job." Susan is a
journalist for a trade magazine in Atlanta.

She feels women definitely get discriminatory
salaries. Suscm attributes part of it to the business risk
of rapid employment turnover. Women quit to marry,
have children or their husbands become financially
ab'e to support them without help.



OCTOBER 25, 1968





Campus News

Elizabeth Crum

Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcl ntosh
Catherine Auman

Romaine protests
more campus trivia'

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.


Look again

All right. Let's stop and take a look at ourselves. We've
been going to classes for over five weeks now and have
passed through or are in the throes of our first battery of
tests and papers.

Whst have we done in these five weeks other than
study? The PROFILE started out the year with the
wonderful plea to the student body not to become
impossibly ingrown and introverted.

Rather, we suggested that for everyone's health, each
individual and the college as a whole, we should make a
concious effort to turn outward, to get off the campus, to
find other interests that oursluves, to not be so darn selfish.

How many of us are working in CA projects or will even
consider the new project A A is starting? (Hr,ve you even
read about it in "Pegboard?") How many of us support the
striking California grape pickers, but are too lazy to hold a
sign in front of a grocery store?

Thirty-one tickets were sold on campus for the special
production of "Red, White and Maddox" when Julian
Bond spoke, but how many is this out of a college of 750?
How many of us actually bought theatre and concert
tickets when they were sold in the mailroom? How many
of us even know about the Sunday night movies at the Hi^h
Museum and Cinema Wednesday at Emo-y?

There are so many opportunities, whether you want to
work and se ve somewhere or whether you }u$t want
entertainment. We're in Atlanta and tlwe are things to be
done, so let's do them.

Upperclassmen, invite younger students to go with you
somewhere when they need transportation. Freshman,
Sophomores, whatever, ask for a ride if you want to go. In
the case of service projects and the like, trarnportatio is
often provided.

If you feel like you rrv;s^ devote your entire life to the
academic pursuits, at liast catch a No. 17 bus downtown
and stui'y in the Atlanta Public Library. It will give you a
wf-iole new lease on I fe.

You could even come work fo: the PROFILE.

To the Editor:

It is unfortunate that your
editorial on page two of the
October 18 issue was not printed
closer to Cornelia DeLee's
statement about Black Cat on
page four, for perhaps more
people would have understood
the justification for her

The majority of the freshmen
will find themselves defensive
about the system which has been
so kind to them during their
orientation period. It is the
freshman who will dutifully sign
in and out, record her date's
name in the campus date book
and call the Dean of Students'
Office before 5 p.m. to reserve a
table for her roommate's
birthday party.

It is those who are convinced
the system is for their benefit and
protection upperclassmen as
well as freshmen - and those who
are too weary to buck the
system, who quietly ignore the
rules - these are the ones who
permit the administrative powers
to control "the trivia" in their
lives, and thus permit them to
control their lives as well.

Because many students do not


Editor assigning stories at
PROFILE meeting: "Go see Dean
Kline about the man who's going
to lecture on Communism."

Reporter: "Why? Does he
have to give me permission to go
to hear him?"


Concerning the sign in the
Black Cat production, "Dr.
Alston sleeps in his suit," one
Junior was heard to comment:
"We love Dr. Alston with his suit
or without it."


Ann Hoefer at a CA meeting:

"Oh yeah, you mean like in Pope,

Bradham and Swift."


A Senior: "I've got 59
minutes to get to my virgin

know how comprehensive this
control is, I feel obligated to
inform them of two small dramas
in the real life history of Agnes
Scott about which they would
otherwise never know.

The Appalachian Folk
Festival, enjoyed by many
students last year, and this year
featuring Heady West, Pete
Seeger and the Blue Ridge
Mountain Dancers, who have
been asked to represent the U.S.
at the Olympics, was to be
sponsored on campus by Arts

The proposed concert, more
relevant to a larger number of
students than the Peruvian art,
was cancelled by a simple phone
call on the grounds that it
interfered with Investiture. (It
was to be held Friday night when
no activities had been planned.
The suggestion had been made
that a group of students help
clean the auditorium after the

In another instance, under the
guise of protecting the students
from unsightly newsstands and
unwanted salesmen, "The Great
Speckled Bird," noted by the

"Atlanta" magazine as the most
outstanding underground
newspaper, has been relegated to
a Saturday nine-to-five salesday
outside the dining hall.

Have you ever wondered why
the Atlanta "Journal" and
"Constitution" are not sold on

Why is there so little
communication between
administration a^d students when
the faculty-studjent relationships
appear to be so good?

Before there is honesty, there
must be trust. The administration
obviously does not trust the
student to act as a responsible
adult, or else the students would
not be confined by so many
trivial rules. The student does not
trust the administration because
she has found that the ideal
Agnes Scott College in which she
firmly believed is a dream college,
not only non-existent, but
impossible to build, because the
harder she tries, the more
entangled she is in "campus red

To make a woman whole
adulthood. Do we really have the
power OR the freedom?

Mary Lou Romaine, 4 70

by sandra earley

It's about time somebody did an expose on the Pub. As I sit here
with my version of the campus cold, I sincerely wish the Pub lived up
to the usual connotation of its name. It takes a good stiff swig of
something medicinal to fully appreciate the place.

If you ever come to visit us down here, do be careful as you come
up the walk. The friendly oak tree which hasn't been trimmed since
Miss Scandrett lived here, will snatch playfully at your hair and, it it
likes you especially well, at your eyes.

The porch is made of broken orange tiles, but I really don't mind
their ancient-ruin-like state. To my English major mind, the tiles and
the heavy black door with its green-brass doorknob which opens with
a malevolent creak are the perfect metaphor for the decaying
southern aristocracy.

Besides that, my friends the chipmunks live under those orange
tiles. They are great pals, especially when I feed them. The squirrels
however, have foul tongues. They swear like sailors from the tree
tops. One has even begun to recognize me when I go by on my way
to class. He sits on the roof and curses and throws acorns.

Upon entering the Pub. you will immediately recognize the basic
domesticity of the place. I must admit however, that it is domestic in
the same way an Agnes Scott graduate must be without benefit of
home economics

The Pub doesn't really smell musty. Rather, it smells like a freshly
scorched oxford cloth blouse. But give it a chance; the rest of the
place is really very appetizing.

The six rooms and bath are not unlike the contents of a bachelor
girl's refrigerator. The living room and dining room are ajslark brown
color which looks wonderful on a chocolate cake, but LCjce five more
pounds on the rather hippy rooms.

The breakfast room, appropriately, and bath are the color of the
Chiquita brand bananas everyone likes on her morning cereal. You
can even see the dark brown bruise marks where the paint is peeling.

The hallway goes with the breakfast motif. The wallpaper here
looks like the surface of ajar of moulded apple jelly.

The apple jelly spills over into lunch and the split pea soup
PROFILE office. The other two offices also rather like varieties of
Campbell soup. Both are the sort of grayish blue found in canned
oyster stew. If you look closely you can even see the oysters.

Now you may get the impression I'm not too happy with the Pub.
On the contrary, I like it very much - it's such a friendly place. Why,
Fm never lonely down here.

In addition to my friends the chipmunks who live outside, there
are my other friends who live in the walls. I can hear them squeaking
and rustling about as I work at all hours of the night. They are really
fine specimens- some of the largest, longest-tailed rats on campus.

You know, one of the PROFILE'S advertisers came into the Pub
the other day. He had the nerve to look around and comment that
when he was the editor of his college newspaper, it was the step-child
of his campus, too.

Now I resent that. We're certainly as well taken care of as
anybody on campus. Why, we even have heat this year.

OCTOBER 25, 1968



Bill of Rights lists student freedoms

A document which could have great bearing on
the relationship between various segments of the
college community, already strained by last year's
student protests, is now becoming known.

Called the "Student Bill of Rights", it was drafted
by a joint committee composed of representatives of
the largest student and administrative associations.

The statement was completed in the summer of
1967 and has been endorsed by ten major
organizations, including the National Student
Association and the American Association of
University Professors.

The bill of rights contains seven sections plus a
preamble and deals primarily with the rights and
obligations of students in their relationship to their

The major areas touched on are classroom
freedoms, student records, student affairs, off-campus
freedom, freedom of admission and disciplinary

Most of the points are so basic one wonders why
they were even enumerated. Others are interesting
and provocative.

Section three dealing with student records says,
"To minimize the risk of improper disclosure,
academic and disciplinary records should be
separate.. ..No record should be kept which reflects
the political activities or beliefs of the students.
Provisions should also be made for periodic

destruction of noncurrent disciplinary records."

Section four, elaborating student affairs, is one of
the most controversial sections of the bill. Subsection
B, "Freedom of Inquiry and Hxpression", says,
"Students and student organizations should be free to
examine and to discuss all questions of interest to
them and to express opinions publicly and privately.

"They should always be free to support causes by
orderly means which do not disrupt the regular and
essential operation of the institution." This statement
was written before the Columbia University riots last

"Students should be allowed to invite and hear
any person of their own choosing... .The institutional
control of campus facilities should not be used as a
device of censorship."

This brings to mind the refusal of Chancellor C. H.
Weaver to allow Dick Gregory to speak at the
University of Tennessee in late September of this

The subsection dealing with student publications
says, "In the delegation of editorial responsibility to
students, the institution must provide sufficient
editorial freedom and financial autonomy for the
student publications to maintain their integrity of
purpose as vehicles for free inquiry and free
expression in an academic community."

Speaking of conduct expected of students, the bill
of rights says, "the institution has an obligation to
clarify those standards of behavior which it considers

essential to its educational mission and community

"These general behavior expectations and the
resultant specific regulations should represent a
reasonable regulation of student conduct, but the
student should be as tree as possible from imposed
limitations that have no direct relevance to his

This statement was adopted by the major
associations, but not without some qualms and
equivocations. NSA endorsed it unanimously in
August, 1967, but later NSA President Hdward
Schwartz evaluated it as a "minimal document."

The Council of the American Association of
University Professors passed a resolution October 28,
1967 which clarified their stand on the controversial
section dealing with demonstrations by orderly

The resolution said, "...the Council deems it
important to state that its conviction that action by
individuals or groups to prevent speakers invited to
the campus from speaking, to disrupt the operations
of the institutions in thecourse of demonstrations.. .is
destructive of the pursuit of learning and of a free

"All components of the academic community are
under a strong obligation to protect its processes
from these tactics." They were supported in this
interpretation by three other major administrative

Why do nice girls
picket food stores ?

Associate Editor

Some half-dozen Agnes Scott students put
their super Saturday to use last week by
picketing the Kroger Supermarket in Decatur.
The picketing is sponsored by the Atlanta
Committee to Support the Farm Workers^ a
group composed of concerned Atlanta citizens
who support the cause of the striking grape
pickers in California.

l ive Kroger stores in the Atlanta area are
being picketed by the committee because in
their words, it is the only supermarket chain in
Atlanta which "consistently refuses to talk"

supermarket Saturday in support of striking
California grape pickers were Gayle Grubb (1. to r.),
Tricia Daunt, Marian Gamble and Marguerite Kelly.

about measures to support the grape boycott
currently in force nationwide.

Gayle Grubb, speaking for the committee,
has said that the picketing will continue "until
it is successful".

The morning was cool and the air
downright chilly where three Agnes Scott
students were walking in the prescribed
picketing circle in the shadow of Kroger 's store
front. Passerbys in cars shouted unencouraging
remarks as they passed and often confused the
girls with civil rights pickets.

The leaflets they passed out usually ended
up in the gutter thrown there unread by the
young housewives doing their Saturday
morning marketing. Many people reacted to
the girl's pleas not to buy grapes inside by
doing so anyway and then waving the grapes in
their faces as they left the market.

Signs touting the "Kroger revolution"
seemed out of place as a backdrop to the ever
circling pickets. One old lady approached
Marian Gamble and wanted to know what a
nice young thing like her was doing in a place
like this.

Negroes for the most part were very
sympathetic and listened attentively while the
girls explained the grape boycott. One elderly
Negro woman mourned, "I can't afford to buy
grapes; it's all I can do to buy bread." Several
wished the girls good luck before entering the

A few WASPs drifted around the corner
from the Wallace headquarters, complete with
buttons and stickers. Once they discovered
that the girls were not civil rights marchers,
they too entered the store and bought big
clumps of grapes.

Every now and then a sympathetic passerby
might identify himself as a union man and wish
the girls luck. These few people seemed to be
the only ones who had even heard about the
efforts of the grape harvesters in California.

Housewives kept walking by, ignoring the
girls in their rush for the swinging doors of the
supermarket; the pickets in front kept circling
and picking up the discarded leaflets out of
the gutter. Decatur went its Saturday way.



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OCTOBER 25, 1968

Other Presbyterian schools
oppose homogenity, rules


In the twentieth century, the religiously
affiliated institution has been forced to
re-examine its relationship to the world and its
obligation to its heritage and beliefs. This
questioning is obvious on the Agnes Scott
campus and at other colleges. An examination
of the problems fermenting on similar
"Presbyterian" institutions is both interesting
and familiar.

There is considerable unrest among
Davidson college students over their admissions
policy. "We have too many 'whole men' here -
too many guys who made 1350 on their
boards, ran the student council and starred on
the football team - and it contributes
significantly to the problem of wide-spread
student apathy."

The tfc Davidsonian" editorializes that
"Davidson's neglect of the Negro and other
underprivileged students is a crime of the worst
sort. Nearly as bad as its neglect of the
not-so-well-rounded students."

A Code of Responsibility has been
proposed which calls for a liberalization of the
college's rules policy to include drinking on
campus and open dormitories. There is also a
great deal of interest in and re-examination of
the college's church commitment, the threat of
"inbreeding" in the faculty and administration,
and the examination system.

At Johnson C. Smith University, a black
school, students began an active campaign to

solve campus problems via the circulation and
presentation of a list of grievances to the
administration last spring. As a result of this
petition, several changes have been instituted.
Most notable are changes in curfews for
women and relaxation of the dress policy.

Courses in black heritage and culture are
now offered to any student who chooses to
elect them, and an effort is being made to
secure black artists who can relate well with
the student body.

Two weeks ago, the student body
demonstrated its concern for change when a
boycott of classes was instituted to force the
removal of the campus physician. Complaints
had been lodged against the man and the
infirmary last spring and improvements were
made at that time.

This protest was set off when a student who
had been injured in a football game Saturday
night, September 28, was not taken to a
hospital until 11:30 a.m. Sunday. The player
consequently lost the sight in his right eye,
according to the campus newspaper.

Student reaction was immediate and
universal. Within 24 hours of receiving the
news of the player's condition, a boycott of
classes went into effect which lasted until the
resignation of the school physician had been

The doctor's resignation was received by 3
p.m. that same afternoon.

Evelyn Angeletti, '69: "It is
terrific. They add a lot of life and
personality to the place that it
didn't have last year with all
upperclassmcn. The combination
of freshmen and sophomores
with juniors and seniors gives
Winship a good atmosphere."


Judy Langford, k 7 1 : "I think
it is a good idea. It gives
upperclassmcn a chance to meet
freshmen, and freshmen an
opportunity to be with people
who have been here before."

Polly Matthews, '69, president
of Winship dorm: "Freshmen
contribute a lot to Winship. They
help keep the uppercl ass men's
spirits revived-we think our
freshmen are great.".

How do you like having freshmen
in Winship this year?

No student exam
scheduling now

II you were planning on sneaking home
early this year for Christmas because you
scheduled all your exams the first two days,
forget it. According to Assistant Dean of the
f aculty, Julia T. C-ary, "1 don't think there's a
possibility that we can do it this quarter."

Recently returned from a trip to
Randolph-Macon Woman's College and Sweet
Briar College where she examined their
student-scheduled exam systems, Miss Gary
felt there simply wasn't time enough "To
explain it, to evaluate it, to organize it and get
it done by December 13."

She stressed several times that the student
assumes a tremendous responsibility with the
system. "If the students aren't willing, it could
be a miserable failure," she said. This is one
reason why much care and effort is being taken
before the system is attempted for the first

The system as it works at Sweet Briar and
Randolph-Macon is not too radically different
from the present Agnes Scott system.
Approximately four weeks before exams, the
student makes out her own exam schedule.
Once it is turned in, Miss Gary stressed, it is
unchangeable An envelope is made for each
exam each student takes. The faculty stuffs the
envelope with the appropriate little quiz and
returns to a central office.

On the fateful day, the exams are made
available and the student goes to certain
classrooms which are designated as open for
exams. She takes the test, pledges it and the
time it took her to take it, and returns it to the

Faculty response to the system has been
favorable at the two schools. Miss Gary said. A
few subjects require established times for
testing such as art history, music, languages
etc. Large classes have to have the exams
finished a certain number of days before the
exam period is over to give the teacher the
opportunity to begin grading.

The teachers do not have to come to the
campus to administer the tests except in the
above special cases. They also have found that
all of their tests are usually returned early,
giving them more time to correct them.

Each exam would have to be pledged as
always, but a new clause would have to be
added. In addition to not giving or receiving
aid, one must also pledge not to discuss the
test with anyone else.

The two schools have found this clause has
immensely helped morale during exams. One
has to talk of something else at the dinner
table besides the ever-present exams. In the
words of Miss Gary. "Why exams almost
become eniovable."


sponsoring a service project with
the DeKalb County Juvenile
Home. Volunteers are needed to
work with young girls, ages 13
through 16, in the areas of
grooming and physical fitness.
These girls are awaiting trial or
removal to a reformatory.

Volunteers are asked to work
from 3-4 p.m. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Volunteer work does
not have to be on a regular basis.

A meeting will be held for all
those interested on Monday, at
1:30 p.m. in Rebekah recreation
room. If you are interested but
cannot attend the meeting, please
contact Fran Fulton.

COMMITTEE will conduct a
mock election on Thursday,
October 31. The polls will be
open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. in
the Hub.

Members of the faculty, staff
and students are encouraged to
vote. A differentiation will be
made between the votes to tall,
the decision of the staff and
faculty in comparison to that of
the students.

Penny Poats is in charge of the
Humphrey campaign and Marion
Hinson heads the Nixon
campaign. The ballot will include
Nixon, Humphrey and Wallace
with space for a write-in vote.

On the night of the
nationwide election a party will
be held in the Hub.
Co-Curriculum Committee will
have three T.V. sets, one on each
network, and a bulletin board to
post the results. Refreshments
will be served and the Hub will
remain open until all final votes
are in.

Mayor's Committee for United
Nations Day observances, was
held at the Marriott Motor Hotel
Tuesday, to celebrate the
twenty-third anniversary of the
founding of the United Nations.

Dr. Wallace M. Alston,
president of the college, and all
Agnes Scott foreign students
were requested to join the
international students attending

schools and colleges in
metropolitan Atlanta to enjoy
the hospitality of the Atlanta
business community at this

Agnes Scott students who
attended the dinner were Koula
Ashiotou, Bryndis lsaksdothir,
Renuka Palta, Lulu Safari, and
Inci Unalan. Also in attendance
were Miss Sylvia Chapman and
Mrs. Concepcion Leon of the
dean's staff and Dr. Lee Copple.

Guest speaker at the
International Student Dinner was
Ambassador Sol M. Linowitz,
United States representative to
the Organization of American
States. Ambassador Linowitz is
also trustee of the Institute of
International Education.

STRAYER will give a lecture
entitled, "Medieval Science, An
Evaluation" Wednesday, October
30 at 8: 15 in MacLean.

Professor Strayer is one of the
most outstanding scholars on
medieval history. He is the
Dayton-Stockton Professor of
Medieval History at Princeton
and served as Chairman of the
history department there from

He has also served as Director
of the American Council for
Learned Societies and has been
President of the Medieval
Academy of America since 1966.
He is the author of numerous
articles, books, and textbooks.
(One of his books is being used in
the medieval history class this

Professor Strayer is a lecturer
for the University Center History
Group in Georgia. Geraldine
Meroney, associate professor of
history, is responsible for
bringing him to Agnes Scott. She
commented, "I'm deeply pleased
to get him down here."

of Representative Council the
main topic of discussion was
whether or not to re;ommend to
Dr. Alston that penalties for
cutting convocation should come
u der the poin* system.

Mary Gillespie, chairman of

Co nv ocatio n C o m mill e e ,
explained the proposed
procedure to Rep Council. A
student is excused from
convocation if she is in the
infirmary, has a previous
off-campus appoint me nt , or is
out of town. Everyone receives
two kl free" cuts with no
questions asked. On the third cut
the student receives a five point

As proposed this method wili
take the enforcement of
convocation attendance out of
'.he hands of Presiden! Alston and
place it on student government.
Students will be responsib'e for
their own act ons.

When the vote was taken afte^
much discussion, the majority of
the Rep Council members
abstained. They felt they needed
more time to find out the
opinion of the goirs they
represtm'.. This recommendation
will be discussed again at the next
Rep Council meeting.

A documentary film,
'"The Life and Tjmes of 2^
Jack L. Nelson, A
^Foundling," starring Kate
[M cKemie, will be
i presented in 226 Main, if
'there is a demand.
JAfterward a panel
r composed of Geraldine
jMeroney, Wallace M.
! Alston, George Wallace
[and Vladimir Volkoff will
| debate this timely topic.
,a paid political advertisement


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NOVEMBER 1 , 1^68

'King Arthur:' Bradham says
not masque, opera or ballet


everything from




The opening production of the Atlanta Repertory
Theater's inaugural season is John Dryden's "King
Arthur." This production which opened Wednesday
combines the resources of the theater company, the
Atlanta Ballet and the Atlanta Opera.

In a recent interview Jo Allen Bradham, assistant
professor of Lnglish and specialist in eighteenth
century English literature, suggested what students
might expect of the play.

The plot centers on the fight between Arthur and
the Saxon Osmond over the beautiful Emmelme.
Osmond is the villian, totally without honor in his
pursuit of Lmmeline. Emmeline is the picture of
innocence, blind and blond, while Arthur is the good

Merlin also figures in the plot, as do the Saxon gods
Osmond invokes, as well as a good number of playful
shepherd and shepherdesses.

The scene in which Emmeline regains her sight is
"supposed to be particularly touching," Miss
Bradham said, since it symbolizes the renewed vision
of all.

"King Arthur 1 ' is not a typical masque, Miss
Bradham explained. The masque is sheer spectacle
and its purpose is only entertainment. "King Arthur"
is "too long to be a masque as we know it, and it also
has a plot," she said. The basic element of the
essential masque is unadulterated extravaganza.

It is also not a full-Hedged opera because the music
is incidental to the lines. Neither is it a heroic play,
although there are many "terribly bombastic speeches
on love, duty and country," Miss Bradham said. It
contains elements of all three genres.

There is a problem of a lack of unity in "King
Arthur" which stems from Dryden's political reasons

The Goddess Comes to Agnes

(Sailing to Sanatorium)

More Wally spoke and yawned - all Agnes nods:
What Scott ie could resist the yawn of gods?
Dorms and chapel instantly it reached;

(Gaines chapel first, for leaden A preached)

The lucky few in L.D.H. did glut;

While Convocation gaped, but dared not cut:

Lost was the college's sense, nor could be found,

While the long solemn unison went round;

Wide and more wide it spread the one-block realm;

Even Scandrett nodded at the helm:

The Vapour mild o'er th' endless committees crept;

Rep's resolutions in Rebekah slept;

And the hockey teams dozed out on the champain;

While CO. P. discussed, but all in vain.

Honestly lifted from Pope

for writing it. Orginally there were many references
to the Stuart kings, but because it was not performed
until 16 1 M -after the Glorious Revolution-revision
was necessary. The changes destroyed the unity, Miss
Bradham said.

"King Arthur" has been popular despite its
technical difficulties and has been revived many
times. It was especially popular during the
mid-1 939's. The music by Purcell is a major
at traction.

When asked if she thought this production would
be a good one, Miss Bradham replied she had never
seen it on stage and really could not imagine how it
would look. She added it was not the most interesting
thing to read, but "it has good possibilities for
spectacular production," and shoulcl make a good
opener with a lot of visual excitement.

An open letter...

In its continuing efforts to improve the campus and
make helpful suggestions, the PROFILE would like to
address a sort of open letter to Arts Council and /or
any group or individual who might he interested.

The emphasis of this week's issue is a brief survey
of a few of the cultural opportunities in the A tlanta
and Decatur areas. It's wonderful when students are
aware of these, want to attend them and even (shock
and incredulity) have tickets for them.

It seems however, there is often difficulty in
finding transportation for them or people to go with
so one will be properly chaperoned. Sometimes a
student wants to go to a particular event and is not
able to obtain a ticket when other students have
tickets they arc not planning to use.

Our suggestion to Arts Council is that it act as a
sort of clearing house for such needs. Possible this
could be accomplished with a permanent bulletin
board like the one usually put up during opera week.

Students driving cars to concerts and plays could
post notes that they would be able to take some
people with them. Students not using tickets could
indicate on the board that they have tickets for sale.
Girls needing people to go with them as chaperones
could post a plea for such.

Arts Council might even be able to obtain a list of
students with season tickets to concerts and theatres
to use in referring students who need transportation
or tickets. Even the faculty might get in on the act
and pass on tickets or cart students around. So here is
our suggestion for what it's worth.



NOVEMBER 1, 1968





Campus News

Elizabeth Crum

Anne Willis
Beverly Walker
Alexa M.;l ntosh
Cathenne Auman
Tyler McF adden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.


'Fess up!

With honor emphasis week approaching, it would be
worthwhile to consider a way of bringing about a truly new
reliance on honor, a sort of "beginning again."

If we could somehow get all those unconfessed deeds off
our minds, ones left over from past years which it seems
useless to turn ourselves in for now, everyone could start
again, equally pure. All could be headed in the same
direction-toward a more meaningful honor system.

How can this be accomplished without a mass purge? We
suggest that honor emphasis committee set up a procedure
whereby the entire student body could confess its
individual sins without fear of punishment.

Two ideas here may frighten you. First Is the suggestion
that every member of the student body is harboring some
deep dark secret in her bosom. Sure, some violations may
be more serious than others, but be it drinking violations or
using the local phone after 10:30 p.m., we're all
sinners under the skin.

Point two is confession without punishment.
Visions arise of the whole honor system going under in a
mass crime wave of sin. The idea here is forgiveness, not
punishment. We're emphasizing honor, and a little honor
given to the student community should reap a hundredfold
reward. This is a Christian school after all, or are those
nothing more than just words?

If you're still with us, this can be accomplished in many
ways. Judicial could ask each student to write down all the
instances where she has broken a rule and turn it in to
Judicial. Whether or not it is signed is of no consequence.

Such a procedure would help in two ways. The student
would have her transgressions off her mind and out in the
open, a more healthy psychological situation to be sure.

Judicial would be able to determine just how much
general breakage of the rules goes on. This would aid in the
eventual evolution of a more mature and practical honor
code. For if, 90 per cent of the students break a rule, then
there is strong question as to its appropriateness.

If personal lists seem repugnant, why not a list in the
mailroom with spaces under various violations to be
checked? Or why not a questionnaire in each mailbox for
each girl to determine her sin quotient and return to a
centrally located drop-box?

Or why not a confessional convocation? Everyone could
put her head down and as a blindfolded Lou Frank recites
the lists of rules, girls would raise their hands at appropriate
times. These raised hands could be counted by myopic
judicials who have first removed their glasses or contact
lenses. No peeking allowed, of course.

This could be climaxed by a bonfire the last night of
honor emphasis week, at which time all confessions could
be burned. As the ashes float slowly upward in the chill
night air, a vow of chastity and obedience could be taken
by all present.

Seriously, some means of clearing the air of past deeds
and a renewing of purpose for future behavior is needed
during honor emphasis week. This is one suggestion for its
implimentation, which no matter how facetiously
developed, is basically sound.

But the responsibility is dual, too. Confession without a
change of heart is just hot air. And a change of heart is
what we all need. This might possibly be the way to effect

Reinhart sees honor system;
proposes five rule changes

To the Editor:

At the October 16
convocation, opinions, thoughts
and suggestions regarding the
honor system were solicited.
Some of my thoughts on the
subject are presented in outline
form below.


L If the honor system were
modified to be applicable only to
academic matters, it would
undoubtedly become a more
respected institution. Standards
of honor and of behavior are
more generally agreed upon in
academic, than in socia' matters.

2. If some of the antiquated
social rules were modified, it
probably would be a matter of
indifference whether the honor
system were modified or not,
because the major problems with
the system are related to the rules
to which it applies and not to the
system itself.


Consider the following
proposed set of rule changes:

L. New sign-out policy: A
student is required to sign out for
two types of activities only:
overnights and trips or activities
taking place outside the
Atlanta-Decatur area.

2. New time limit policy: A
student not on an overnight is
required to be on campus before
2 a.m. each night. A student
returning to campus after this
hour will have difficulty getting
into her drom and will have to
explain her lateness to Judicial
Council and may be subject to a
penalty. (Note there is no such
thing as an afternoon time limit.)

3. New drinking policy: The
school is not enthusiastic about
the prospect of student drinking.
However, the official policy on
drinking is twofold: students are
expected to obey the state law on
drinking (which is enforced by
the state) and students are
expected to act with a sense of
propriety at all times. (Note this
policy does not encourage, but
does not exclude drinking in the

4. New statement policy:
Students are expected to act with
a sense of dignity and propriety
at all times. (Note this policy
does not prevent students from
visiting men in men's living

5 . Modified rule on
administrative discipline: The
rule on administrative discipline
as stated in the 1968-6 1 ) student
handbook is retained and a
statement is added:

A student who has been
requested to withdraw as a result
of the provisions of the rule on
administrative discipline has the
right to submit her case to the
vote of the entire student body.
A two-thirds or greater vote in
favor of the student is required to
overrule the administration's

Ereshman would be subject to
a slightly more stringent set of

Anyone who is at all aware of
what thinking is taking place on
campuses across the country
knows the reasons why the above
changes would improve Agnes
Scott's rules and would make
student life more enjoyable.

Therefore, these reasons are
not repeated here. However, two
comments are submitted for
c inside rat ion:

1. In k The Agnes Scott
Purpose" it is stated that the
school is concerned with the
development of the student's
social maturity. I submit (hat a
minutely prescribed set of rules
such as the students now live
under does not contribute to this
development, but rather hinders
and retards it.

2. The comments 1 have made
in this letter are the result of a
great amount of thought I have
given to the matter, but are by no
means rigidly fixed. In fact, 1
hope this letter will stimulate not
only student comment but also
faculty comment-even if in
complete disagreement.

Phillip B. Reinhart,
Assistant Professor of Physics

'Childish' reaction
to Harris attacked

To the Editor:

Although not an unusual
paradox among adolescents of
any age, be they 40 or 14, I was
disappointed several Wednesdays
ago to see the students here react
to an adult privilege in a childish

Perhaps 1 have fallen prey to
the sin of pride in that I feel the
students as a whole and
individually are seriously
interested in the matured
intellectual approach to seeking
out the various aspects of the
"world beyond our cloistered

1 feel chagrined at the attitude
manifested during Mr. Harris's

1 feel our complaints about the
contents of convocation last year
are valid, because 1 believed the
students wished to be exposed to
the views of various peoples and
to have the opportunity to
investigate them intellectually
irregardless of prejudice and to
separate for themselves truth
from opinion so as to be better
able to make decisions on their
own concerning our lives.

This type of attitude was

shamefully lacking when Mr.
Harris was here. Girls who
snickered oudly and cried over
and over, "My God!" only
showed their disrespect for their
fellow students and their
ignorance of the subject and its

Those who disagreed with the
man's view and could support
their ideas, used a more effective,
and I might add a more matured,
approach to the problem by
going down after his speech and
questioning him.

Thus they were able to bring
more things to light for
themselves and those who were

We accept it when children and
young adolescents take out their
frustration by attacking the
nearest adult "symbol," but isn't
it about time we who have
seriously begun the ascent from
childhood to adulthood put off
such childish actions?

Why when we wish increased
responsibility symbolic of
adulthood, do we continue to act
as helpless infants?

Sandra Parrish '70





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A Senior's
eye view

beats shaving your legs and it's a lot newer
cover-up for those hurried breakfasts than
the raincoat you've used for the last three


seen in the approach, crouch and kneel
behind the magnolias preceding the capping
ceremony. First, the senior is diligent,
tenacious and lightheaded in her
never-ending pursuit of knowledge.

Second, she is well-rounded, combining

the social with the academic. She is also
pleasantly and delicately sentimental about
her school and the class of '69. In other
words, she has the campus cold.

In the last place, the senior is pious and
not afraid to stand up for what she believes.
"I'll wear my moccasins no matter what
anybody says!"

Her thing: no more pills
popped or palms pressed

Associate Editor

The advertisements for "Barbarella"
proclaim "see Barbarella do her thing. " What
her thing is, is not in doubt very long. From
the title sequence, when Jane Fonda, as
Barbarella, strips naked while floating
weightless in the cabin of her spaceship, the
film proceeds to tell it like it is, in the year
40,000 A.D. (which is pretty swinging.)

Now you understand why the audience is 90
per cent Tech men. This is definitely not a


movie to see with that blind date, especially if
you're shy about such things. Besides, it does
your ego no good comparing your bod with
Jane Fonda's as she cavorts from adventure to

As for the plot, which although of no
importance to that male you're with, might be
to you, is simple. Barbarella is sent to a far
planet to bring back a wayward earthing who is
trying to upset I he peace in the galaxy by
reviving that outdated custome of war.

Barbarella crash lands on the planet ami
works her way from male to male in search of
the man in question. She in turn meets a
hunter, a blind angel (what a hunk!), a
frustrated and frustrating revolutionary and

the earthing. David Hemmings, seen in the
cameo role of the revolutionary, is simply great
and deserves an Oscar nomination.

Needless to say, Barbarella gets her man
(finally) and also destroys a sin-city which
out-sodoms Gomorrah (with the help of the
angel, of course). Fveryone lives happily ever,
etc., etc.

But the movie for all its initial sexual biff,
bam and zowey, is a solid work of art. Roger
Vadim, the director, has a good product to
show for his effort. The plot is so intricate that
one gives up trying to outguess it and settles
down just to enjoy it.

It's also amazing how one gets used to
nudity so quickly and after that never notices
it. This is no skin-flick, but a picture of what
the future could very well be like.

A good point is made by Barbarella. It seems
that the world of 40,000 A.I), has outgrown
traditional sex, and now makes love by
popping pills and pressing palms for

Barbarella is taught the old method by the
hunter who rescues her from the crash on the
planet. After it's all over, she exclaims, "Maybe
the old ways are better after all."

''Barbarella," for all its futuristic imaginings,
turns out to be just another old movie
brightened up by sex, science fiction and good
acting But it's a movie I definitely
recommend. You certainly won't be bored.
And maybe the old ways are better after all.

by sandra earley

Once upon a time there was a tiny country out in the middle of
nowhere not far from a rapid transit line This country was inhabited
by about 1000 souls all of whom had a problem.

The whole country was dedicated to the counting of exclamation
points in the literature of the universe and each person from the day
he learned to count went to his stall in the huge library in the center
of the country and counted all day long.

It was here a change became noticeable. As each little person sat
hunched over his book of the day counting with his felt-tipped pen
and legal pad, a strange sound would begin to rise from his lips as he

It sounded rather like the hurried mastication of raw celery.
"Gritch, gritch, gritch," the people would mumble over their books.

So pronounced was the noise from all the inhabitants of the land
that these people themselves soon came to be called "gritches" and
their land referred to as S-O-B or Sound-Over-Books land.

This unusual change went on in people born into the land for
numbers of years until one year when a young gritch named Humort
was born. To begin with he followed the pattern of all young

One day he too started making a sound, but his came out different.
He found himself saying "Gritchel, gritchel, grit'chcl" and he liked it.
It gave him a wonderfully bubbly feeling inside. He decided he'd
count colons instead of exclamation points.

Hanging m the front of the library was a portrait ol
the countrys first citizen, the S.O.B. of the year. It soon appeared
with its face to the wall.

Placed rather near the lower half of the frames backside, was a sign
reading T.H.E. End. Well, all the gritches filed into the library as
usual that morning and started to work. But one by one they looked
up from their work.

They stared at the S.O.B.s picture with its backside out. The
gritches quietened down. Suddenly from several parts of the room a
"gritchel" was heard.

Humort's wonderful bubbly feeling filled the room. The galloping
glooms were gone and all because of a young man who dared to
"gritchel" instead of "gritch."

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Lange sells work at one
of two new galleries

Two new galleries in the Atlanta area should
be of interest to Scotties with an interest in art
and time to browse.

The first is the Court Square Gallery in
Decatur. It is on Sycamore Street, across the
street from Casual Corner. It was opened
earlier this year by Wilmot Phillips and Richard
Palmer, both former students at Georgia State

Their exhibit includes sculpture, pottery,
sketches, designs and paintings, all of which are
for sale. All the work currently on display was
done by teachers and students in the Atlanta

The works to be exhibited are all chosen by
a panel of teachers from Georgia State.

The second gallery is of a more personal
interest, at least for one member of the Agnes

Scott student body. This gallery is the
Palinurus on 15th Street across from the High
Museum. They now have on exhibition six
works by Judy Lange, a junior art major.

Her work is an assortment containing two oil
prints, three ink prints and a painting. Judy
said she learned of this gallery through a
brochure and submitted her work. She had to
appear before a board of students and faculty
from the Atlanta School of art who reviewed
her work.

This gallery is a new one also and is on the
first floor of a house owned by Joe David, an
Atlanta artist. The collection for sale includes
sculpture, prints, paintings and constructions.

Judy has had her work on exhibit for about
three weeks. Monday she was notified that one
of her paintings had been sold for $25.

Scottie Speaks

Do you take advantage of the
cultural opportunities in Atlanta
and ij so, what/

Betsy Jennings, '71: "Yes, but
not enough. This week I am going
to the exhibit at the new
Memorial Art Center."

Jan Cribbs, 4 69:" I take
advantage of opera more than
anything else. My freshman and
sophomore years, I took more
advantage of plays."

Camille Holland, 4 70:'Tn the
past, I have had season tickets to
the all star series and the Pocket
Theater. This year, I have an
Atlanta Symphony student
discount and each year, I go to
the Metropolitan Opera when it
comes in the spring. I've been to
the High Museum once this year,
and hope to go again. "


Tuesday the motion to
recommend to Dr. Alston that
Convocation cutting be put under
the point system. The vote was
12 against, 11 favorable, and 1
abstention. The question of the
enforcement of Convocation
attendance will go back to
Convocation Committee for
further discussion.

Rep Council passed three
resolutions brought to the board
by Patsy May, chairman of Rules
Committee. The resolution
regarding sophomore's social
engagements extended their
social engagements from three to
four for the fall and winter
quarters, making the social
engagements equal for all three

This is another small step
toward individual responsibility
since Rep Council feels
sophomores are capable of
scheduling their time to their best

I he remaining resolutions
pertained to t he Chaperonage
Policy. RC-61 states that for
sophomores, juniors and seniors
the Chaperonage Policy should
serve as a guideline. For freshmen
a breach of the policy is subject
to judicial action.

Rep Council also discussed the
letter to the editor in the October
25 edition of th PROFILE. It was
noted that the Appalachian Folk
festival was cancelled because
preparations for Investiture
would require the hiring of extra
men at over time pay if Games
were used Friday night.

It was also stated that the
Atlanta "Journal" subscriptions
are sold on campus. As soon as
the Hub is remodeled. Social
Council intends to set up
newsstands in front of the Hub

for both
' 4 C o n s t i t u t
"Journal. "


and the

a visiting University Center
lecturer, will speak Friday,
November 1, at 8:15 p.m. in
Gaines on "The Recent Split in
Communist Philosophy. 1 '

Specializing in the history of
logic and contemporary
philosophy, stressing communist
philosophy, Dr. Bochenski is a
Polish native. The University of
Pittsburg professor holds
honorary degrees and has
published about 30 books.

IN THE HOCK FY games last
Friday, the sophomores defeated
the freshmen, 1-0, while the
seniors tied the juniors, 0-0,. It
was the first time the sophomores
had ever scored in a game!

This afternoon the seniors will
play the sophomores and the
juniors will play the freshmen at
4 p.m.

Last Saturday, Furman visited
the Agnes Scott campus for a
hockey game. The final score was

Furman, 2, Agnes Scott, 1. The
Scotties will have another chance
to win on November 16 when the
teams play in Greenville.

POLL conducted by members of
the campus Young Republicans
Club, Republican Presidential
Candidate Richard Nixon led the
field with 79 votes as opposed to
35 for Democrat Hubert
Humphrey and one lone vote for
American Independent Party
Candidate George Wallace.

The poll, which was taken by
15 members of the club,
interviewed only students who
were registered to vote. Students
were asked if they were registered
and if so, would they mind
stating who they planned to vote

President of Young
Republicans Marion Hinson said
the poll was originally conceived
to find out who on campus might
need an absentee ballot. She said
the club also thought it would be
interesting to compare the results
of its poll with the mock election
held for all students by
C o - ( ! u r r i c u 1 a r Committee
on October 3 1 .

Youn<i Repu








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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

NOVEMBER 8, 1968

Presbyterianism at Agnes Scott

Editor's note: The information for the following
article was assembled by Maudie Browne, Elizabeth
Crum, Linda Laney, Alexa Mcintosh, Kay Parkerson
and Beverly Walker. The story was written by Sandra

Thirty-nine per cent of schools of higher 1
education in the U.S. in 1960 were church supported
schools, according to "Higher Education and the
Church," a publication of the General Assembly's
Advisory Council on Higher Education which states
the opportunities and obligations of the Presbyterian
Church, U.S. in higher education. Dr. Wallace M.
Alston, president of the college, is a member of this

Over 100 of the first 118 colleges established in
the U.S. were schools with "a distinctly Christian
purpose." Of the 182 colleges founded before 1862
still in existence, 163 are church schools; 49 of these
founded before 1861 were Presbyterian.

With a background of this kind, the Presbyterian
church is still concerned with higher education. "The
church must be concerned that her members meet
their obligations in full measure with care both for
the integrity and fullness of truth. A secularized half
measure of truth is not aaequate for education in
these revolutionary days," the publication says.

The church asserts faith "continually beckons the
believers onward toward visions of larger and surer
truth" and thereby "encourages men to learn on all
levels and in all directions."

The Presbyterian church asks itself if it is content
with what it is doing now, where are the neglected
areas of higher education the church can step into,
can church colleges be distinct by student and course
selection and what can the church do for people in
non-church schools?

meant to a school like Agnes Scott? Many think the
denomination itself has meant little; the primary
influence has simply been the Christian commitment
of the college.

Others have said while the college receives no
financial support from the Presbyterian church, there
have been several kinds of influence over the college
from its Presbyterian background which extends from
the past through to the future via trustees,
administration and faculty with a large number of
Presbyterian students.

Dr. Alston and Dean of Students Carrie Scandrett
agree that the influence on the college is Christian,
not narrowly Presbyterian. Miss Scandrett said, "Em
sure that the Presbyterian has helped the school, not
as a church, but as individual members they've been
interested in the college."

Dr. Alston emphasized, "The Christian
commitment is not just something tacked on to the
charter. It is the warp and woof of it. It as indigenous;
it's just there."

He speculated, "It's my own opinion that the
form and shape of Agnes Scott would have been very
different if Agnes Scott had started out under the
church and later pulled away from the church, or if
the college had been established by a group without
any relation to the church or to the Christian faith.
As a matter of fact, I don't know that the college
would have ever been established."

He also indicated that the college could not have
attracted its presidents or many of its early faculty
members who built up the caliber of the college if it
had not been a Christian institution. A number of the
gifts the college has received have also come in part
because it is a Christian institution.

JOHN A TUMBLIN, professor of sociology and
anthropology, said, "It isn't surprising that a good

school should be Presbyterian. In fact, in
northeastern and southeastern Brazil, some schools
doing pioneer work in education have been

Mr. Tumblin saw however, the college is not
restricted to a narrow view as a result of its
Presbyterian connections. "This school is more
concerned with a more generalized approach to the
world and man's place in it than with just a narrowly
Presbyterian approach," he said.

"Agnes Scott is much more concerned with what
is included in our considerations and our lives than
what is excluded from them," he concluded.

Merle Walker, associate professor of philosophy,
and Margaret J. Pepperdene, professor of English,
agreed that the Presbyterian connections of the

What does it mean?

college have in no way restricted academic freedom.

Mrs. Walker commented the affiliation enters into
the nature of the student body, but no more than
background or other factors. She said the
Presbyterian connection may enter into parents'
consideration, but as for the student's decision,
"Every student chooses a college as the total kind of
college it is."

"THE UNIQUE ASPECTS of Agnes Scott are not
caused by church affiliation," Claire M. Hubert,
assistant professor of French said. In defining
"unique," Mrs. Hubert called attention to the rather
stringent social rules and the paternalistic attitude of
the college. She said, "These unique aspects are the
result of the size of Scott and the educational ideas of
the people who run it."

According to Pat Matsen, visiting professor of
classical languages and literature, the Presbyterian
affiliation of the college has no effect on academics as
far as her experience goes. She suggested however, the
Bible requirement for graduation might be a result of

In regard to the social rules of the college for
students, Mrs. Matsen they would be the way they are
regardless of Presbyterian affiliation. They are a
product of the typical "old south", she said; "the
rules are more regional than denominational."

GERALD1NE M. MERONEY, associate professor
of history, also mentioned the college's location in
the South has influenced it as much or more than
Presbyterianism. She also said, "Yes, Presbyterianism
has influenced Agnes Scott since it is characteristic of
Presbyterians to sponsor the intellectual life and to
foster high academic standards."

Several suggestions as to the effect of
Presbyterianism on the college related to the general
intellectual orientation of Presbyterians. Henry A.
Robinson, professor of mathematics, said,
"Presbyterians have always been very intellectual
people. They have always had a clergy which is
educated. Naturally, Presbyterianism has fostered
high academic standards at Agnes Scott."

Like Mr. Tumblin, Mr. Robinson said the
Presbyterian connection of the college has
"influenced us to have a liberal arts education rather
than a narrow education, for we can thus adapt
ourselves to any type of situation."

Roberta Winter, professor of speech and drama,
called attention to the advantageous effect of the
Presbyterian affiliation in the good relationship
between administration, faculty and students. She
added the fine standards set at Agnes Scott are
characteristic of, although not particular to,
Presbyterian attitudes and principles.

comments of Lee B. Copple, associate professor of
psychology, as he also called attention to the
historical interest of Presbyterians in quality higher
education. He said Princeton University graduates had
more influence on the foundation of colleges than
anyone else in the 18th century.

He explained the historical "blue-nosed" social
attitude of Presbyterians affected their colleges in
that respect. He called attention to the fact that until
the 1950's, Davidson College had no classes on
Monday so that students away for the weekend
would not have to travel back to school on Sunday.

Another example he cited was that at Agnes Scott
until about five years ago, students were not
permitted to play tennis on Sunday. He said the
drinking policy of today is not directly a product of
Presbyterianism, but rather, of the general Christian

Mr. Copple termed the only drawback to the
church-related school comes in that many people fear
social changes will alter religious committment and
are therefore, opposed to social change.

PAUL L. GARBIiR, professor of Bible, said the
early Presbyterians felt faith, virtue and knowledge,
as reflected in the Agnes Scott motto (II Peter 1:5),.
went together so closely they could not conceive of
one without the other in a well-rounded Christian

Agnes Scott was founded, Mr. Garber said, so that
women could have the opportunity to gain the
knowledge necessary along with faith and virtue, to
make them well-rounded.

He listed the requirements of a college for
affiliation with the Presbyterian church. They are a
Presbyterian president, a required Bible course and a
percentage of the board of trustees required to the

Mr. Garber said the social conservatism of the
Presbyterian church is reflected at Agnes Scott. He
said changes are made only when they are thought to
be for the general good and after other schools have
made these changes and found them good.

He concluded by suggesting the freedom of
student government to act at Agnes Scott reflected
the Presbyterian bent toward democracy.



NOVEMBER 8, 1968



Marquess in Paris sees honor
THE / PROFILE work through 'peer pressure 9

Campus News

Elizabeth Crum
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.


guest editorial

Literary trash?

It has come to the attention of several members of the
PROFILE staff that there is some student discontent with
the contents of the Agnes Scott Bookstore.

No one can quarrel with the abundance of reference
works offered to the student body, nor with the extensive
display of greeting cards, books of "thoughts" and sayings
and the panorama of Peanuts merchandise. Indeed, the
owners of the bookstore should be commended for their
efforts to fill needs in the gift line.

There is, nonetheless, a very definite void in the field of
best-sellers, light fiction and general interest non-fiction.

It becomes immediately apparent to anyone in search of
the "Once and Future King," Wolfe's "Electric Kool Aid
Acid Machine," or "The Naked Ape," that the nearest
available source is the bookstore at Emory University. This
seems an unnecessary distance to travel, when it might be
possible to buy such books on this campus.

There are of course, several problems to be faced if such
books were to be sold in the bookstore. There would have
to be some assurance of sale in response to this "act of
faith." But surely the campus response to the book
company sales can be considered indicative of its market

for new selections.

While if mere physical observation counts for anything,
more than a few people have been observed in the act of
indulging, clandestinely of course, in frivolous, escapist,
literary trash like theGeorgette Heyer, Rex Stout, Dorothy
Sayre, Agatha Christie, Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart

There is also the problem of space an the present
Bookstore, although it has seemed at times the available
space is not effectively used. It would be possible perhaps,
to remove some of the textbooks that are not necessary
every quarter, or even in demand for an entire single
quarter, and store them, thus creating a small amount of
space for other things.

Several students have mentioned the fact that magazines
would be a welcome addition to the bookstore since many
people would prefer to^buy single copies rather than a
year's subscription. These too would require additional
space, but from a profit viewpoint, could certainly be

It is to be hoped this article will be taken as a suggestion
not only to the bookstore management, but also to the
student body to express its preference in books.

- Elizabeth Mathes


To the Editor:

I received a letter the other day
which said that November 4
begins Honor Emphasis Week at
Agnes Scott and I was really
struck by the thought of devoting
a week to the meaning of
personal integrity in a context of
group responsibility.

To consider the honor system
at ASC as removed as I am from
the specific situation was truly an
unusual sensation. I don't have
any astoundingly new suggestions
to add to the long-standing and
heated debate, but I do have a
somewhat different perspective
that 1 would like to share.

I have been convinced for a
long time and this year I am even
more certain, that the honor
system itself is not hte cause of
the rancor which frequently
errupts on our little campus. The
honor system, as stated, simply
verbalizes the importance of
personal dignity and the vital role
it plays in the life and tradition
of Agnes Scott.

Because of the size and nature
of our college and student
government, we are much more
deeply involved in the college's
functioning than are many of our
peers in their various institutions.
However, I think this closeness
between the individual and the
college is far too narrowly
defined to allow a maximum of
growth and satisfaction to either.

takes up so many of our hours,
it's hard to be anyone else. Well,
suddenly this year I'm someone
else most of the time. I've never
at all gotten away from the honor

system, but now it has a
delightfully different emphasis.

The big change comes from
living as a guest in a family and
having no established patterns of
behavior to follow. Sweet Briar
publishes a list of guidelines for
the girls, but essentially each one
has to arrange her own behavior
according to her relationship with
her family.

In the families we are under
very close observation: however,
the observation is potentially
critical rather than protective. In
short, we have a tremendous

amount of independence
accompanied by an equally large
responsibility - to ourselves, our
group, our college and most of
all, our country.

Of course, not knowing exactly
what's expected of you has its
drawbacks: there are those who
never do anything for fear of
doing something wrong, and
there are those who take undue
advantage of every possible

Nevertheless, the reward of
arranging and accomplishing goals

(CONT. ON P. 4)

Willis terms issue
'sick/ 'in poor fasfe'

To the Editor:

Freedom of the press is a right
that should be exercised to the
fullest extent, but never without
an awareness of the responsibility
of the press, too. There is some
validity in the idea that stirring
up controversy, getting people
"worked up", is a sufficient basis
for printing material. There are
several limits which define the
boundaries of healthy
controversy. The boundaries of
good taste, relevance, undistorted
presentation of facts, interest,
consideration of feelings of
others, applicability, were
overstepped by last week's issue
of the PROFILE.

The general tone of the
paper was sick. Admittedly, it

Mrs. Drucker in class: "We

think every child should have a

college education, just as long as

they don't learn anything new.

Or if they have to learn

something to graduate, just as

long as they don't believe it."
* *

A freshman: "The first course

I pass is my major."


Professor in reference to the
naming of Presidential grandchild
LttCtnda Robb: "That's an awful
name -- an abortion of


Dr. Alston explaining why he
and Mrs. Alston like to give an
Investiture breakfast: "And it's

one way to get the Seniors up for


Mrs. Pepperdene discussing

Chaucer's Miller's Tale: "It's the

only story I know that can make

a corpuscle laugh."


From a very Raggedy Anne: "I
never knew how neat 'parentis'
were until I had somebody 'in
loco' of."

* * *

In the D.O., a student: "Is
Jonesboro outside the Atlanta

Dean's staffer after diligently
looking through the sign-out box:
"No, we have no Jones, Boro
signed out for an out of town."

PROFILE rapped
for printing poem

To the Editor:

In the recent issue of the PROFILE, you began an open letter by
saying: "In its continuing efforts to improve the campus and make
helpful suggestions, the PROFILE...." This statement seems
incongruous with the poem that appeared below it.

Instead of improving the campus and making- helpful suggestions,
the PROFILE staff by printing articles such as "The Goddess Come
to Agnes" only further alienates the administration from the student

Progressive legislation will never get any further than
Representative Council unless the PROFILE offers
encouragement rather than disparity. Constructive criticism is
essential to the propagation of better policies; however, personal
degradation is unnecessary.

Sometimes 1 wonder if the Agnes Scott students want reform badly
enough to employ the diplomacy which is essential for initiating
change; if we do, then I think it's time that we all realize that
resentment is perhaps the greatest deterrent to progression.

With sincere concern,
Bernie Todd, *7 1

I take full responsibility for the poem which appeared in last
week's PROFILE; the staff should not be blamed or criticized "in
toto" for its publication. The Editor

may have reflected a
campus-wide sickness. The "bit
of poetry" was in very poor taste.
First of all, it is not applicable to
the current situation.

Had criticism been in order,
the seriousness and importance of
the object of the parody would
have demanded a more dignified
kind of criticism. There is
something very safe and very low
about attacking in such a way as
to insure the integrity of the
object attacked would not allow
retaliation, or even response.

We get great pleasure and
satisfaction out of dismissing or
destroying potentially meaningful
and often critical aspects of life
here with a few sharp, clever,
"cutty" phrases. Cynicism, a
flippant attitude about
everything from the food to the
college itself, are signs of a
sophistication, a worldliness, a

We like to be above being
touched by anything that might
be "corny" or "syrupy."
(Surprisingly enough, some of us
did manage to find some meaning
in Investiture in spite of the
treatment given it in the paper.)

The editorial seemed to be a
mixture of seriousness and
cynicism, but since the whole
idea seemed ridiculous in the way
it was presented, it was hard to
tell where the seriousness
stopped, assuming it did exist at
some point. Suggested in a more
reasonable way, the idea may
have had some merit.

As for "earley risings", I failed
to comprehend it, although only
one reading was devoted to the
task. However, I did learn
something - my adolescent sense
of humor, which would have
shown itself in a giggle at least,
must have be*en replaced by a
more mature kind. The "clever"
(CONT. ON P.3)

The editorial entitled "Fess
up! \ in the November 1 edition
of the PROFILE was written by
Associate Editor Kay Parkerson
with the approval and blessing of
the editor. Through an oversight,
the names of the author and
sympathizer were omitted at the
bottom of the article.

The total number of copies printed
of the Agnes Scott College PROFILE
is 1200 copies with total paid
circulation being 1150 and free
distribution, 20 copies. Distribution
through campus is 850 copies with
300 mail subscriptions. Thirty copies
remain for office use.

Aikman gives context
for quote about /obs

To the Hditor:

I just saw a copy of the PROFILK in which I was "quoted"
concerning job discrimination. I would like to place the quote
attributed to me in its full context.

The reported asked if I were ever told that some jobs would not
appeal to college graduates. My reply in full was, "Yes, at least one
person whom I called about a job said, 4 If you are a college graduate,
you would not want this job.' "

Neelless to say, I did not take that job, and I was definitely not
referring to the position I now hold.

Susan Aikman, '68

NOVEMBER 8, 1968




Cribbs answers Pope parody
with Pope quotes, own ideas

To the Editor:

Last week the 18th century
literary tradition was introduced
into the PROFILE by way of a
parodied verse "honestly lifted"
from tl The Dunciad" of
Alexander Pope, and it is in this
strain I wish to object to the
general tone and specific articles
of that issue.

Pope also wrote "An Essay on
Criticism" which begins: " Tis
hard to say, if greater want of
skill/Appear in writing or in
judging it;/But, of the two, less
dangerous is th' offense/To tire
our patience, than mislead our

It is my opinion that the
November 1 PROFILE managed
to commit both of these
"offences." My patience, already
tired by several past issues in
which important campus news
scrambled for space on
"Pegboard" while Collegiate Press
articles chased vast white blanks
around the other pages, was
gradually exhausted as I read
through a front page where what
print there was concerned itself
mainly with transportation
problems and an example of what
the irresponsibility of the press
can be.

If this was, as I have been

told, "a bit of whimsy not
written for publication", then 1
must ask why it was published
after all.

Clever as the parody is, it is
not funny for it is a completely
negative attack on not only what
is felt to be wrong here, but also
on all current attempts to help
the situation - and it offers no
constructive suggestions of its

If I may again quote Pope to
substantiate my point: "Some, to
whom Heaven in wit has been
profuse,/Want as much more, to
turn in to its use;/For wit and
judgment often are at
strife,/Though meant each other's
aid, like man and wife." "Avoid
Extremes; and shun the fault of

What appears to me to be an
overbalance toward a destructive
attitude as opposed to a
constructive one, the sowing of
discord rather than the positive
work resulting from
disagreement, continues through
the editorial column to "earley

Granted there may be the seed
of a sound idea in " Tess up!",
but it can hardly be salvaged by
two serious paragraphs following
1 1 fatuous and admittedly

by sadra earley

No, that isn't a spelling mistake in my byline above. It's quite
accurate as it expresses my feeling concerning a report I have just
received. Humort, the subject of last week's "earley risings", is dead.

Informed sources reported he died Friday about 10:30 a.m. from
approximately 69 "gritches" through the heart. You see, in the little
land where he lives not far from a rapid transit line, looks don't kill,
but the one particular word "gritch," when aimed directly at a
person, does.

Last week I told the story of how the people of the land grumbled
"gritch, gritch, gritch" as they conscientiouslv counted the
exclamation points in the literature of the world, until one day when
Humort, the hero, changed all that.

He was a typical Sound-Over-Books landian (S-O-B) until that
wonderful day when he made a different sound from the usual
"gritch." He said instead, "gritchel!" and it made a complete
difference in his life.

He started counting commas rather than exclamation points and
found that in so doing, the hectic pace of his life slowed
considerably. His life wasn't nearly so intense as it was when he
counted exclamation points. Now he even had time to look up from
the book he was counting in, gaze around him and "gritchel" happily
and lovingly at the things he saw.

That was when he had the idea of turning around the portrait of
the S-O-B landian of the year so that its backside was out with the
sign T.H.E. End showing. When he did it, he "gritcheled" so hard and
was so tired that he went right to bed and slept soundly all night. The
next day he was able to count doubly hard because he had had such a
good time and slept so well.

When all the other S-O-B landians came to the library the next day
and noticed the portrait, there was a miraculous transformation. The
galloping glooms were banished in them just as they had been in
Humort. They began to "gritchel", too.

This is where this week's story begins with its sad news of the
death of Humort. You see, while all the little people out in the
library were "gritcheling" along, hiding in the background were
several dark figures.

These dark beings are the victims of a strange disease known only
by the name "overse eariousness." The primary sympton of the
condition is the elongation of the face coupled with the hardening of
the mouth into the shape of a horseshoe, ends down.

They rather liked the sound of the "gritches" because it reminded
them of the crunching of celery. They could no longer eat chewy
things like celery because of their mouths, so they invented the sound
"gritch" to take its place.

They could not "gritchel" at all and therefore were jealous of
Humort. They decided they must get rid of him. No one must ever
"gritchel" again.

They marched out of the shadows chanting "gritch, gritch, gritch"
as they came. They encircled Humort where he sat. They faced him
directly and shouted "gritch", the word that kills, directly at him.
The words hit Humort right in the heart and he fell to the floor,

Humort is dead, long live the "gritch."

facetious ones.

As Pope again has said:
"But true Expression, like th*
unchanging Sun,/Clears, and
improves whate'er it shines
upon,/... Expression is the dress
of thought, and still/Appears
more decent, as more suitable...."

I think my argument may best
be summed up if one compares
these three articles to Pope's
words here: "True Wit is Nature
to advantage dressed./What oft
was thought, but n'er so well
expressed ;/Something, whose
truth convinced at sight we
find,/That gives us back the
image of our mind./As shades
more sweetly recommend the
light,/So modest plainness sets
off sprightly wit. /For works may
have more wit than does 'em
good,/As bodies perish through
excess of blood."

Pope also wrote, "survey the
WHOLE, nor seek slight faults to
find." This is what I have tried to
do; this is why I have waited so
long to express my opinion. What
I am objecting to now is not so
much the "writing ill" as the
"judging ill" contained within it,
the seeking of slight faults.

Actually I have not yet heard
of a single student or faculty
member who has taken last
week's issue seriously; however, I
have taken my time and yours to
do so to protest against any
further publications in this tone
that may possibly, by sheer bulk,
eventually "mislead our sense."

1 urge the PROFILE to both
begin and, in some instances,
continue to exercise its great
leadership potential by keeping
the student body informed,
selectively, of national and
collegiate activities as well as
those campus activities with
which we are most closely
associated, urging us with the
exercise of good judgment
towards needed reforms, and
increasing our aesthetic
sensibilities more by the use of
varied print than by the lack of

Jan Cribbs, '69



use of the initials failed to amuse
me at all. And they were the only
thing I found meaningful in the

I have written most of the
editorials this year. However, I
did not write the one which
appeared last week and had no
part in its appearance. This may
reflect a negligence on my part.

My job has been limited solely
to writing the editorials after
having discussed the subject with
the editor. I do not want to be
identified at all with last week's
issue, or anything like it.

Careless, irresponsible playing
with words is dangerous because
it leads to playing around with
the things the words stand for
(MJP, English 101, spring
quarter, 1966). Perhaps the
PROFILE should re-examine its
prerogatives. More constructive,
informative, pertinent, material
than appeared last week is
available. If not, at least white
space is not deceiving, or stupid,
or irresponsible.

Respectfully submitted,
Anne Willis, '69

Editor s Note: THE PRO
FILE encourages letters to
the editor, but letters over
200 words in length will be
subject to cutting. All lett-
ers must be signed, but the
editor will withhold the na-
me if requested to do so.


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Social change is
aim of memorial

McLEAN, VA.(CPS)-Hickory HilK the late
Robert Kennedy's estate in this Washington
suburb, looks sad and deserted, its pumpkin
patch going untended this fall.

For one day this week Hickory Hill came
alive with the old Kennedy clan and reporters.
Friends of the family and former staff
members of the late senator gathered on the
lawn behind the huge house.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy called everybody
together to announce the formation of the
Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, a foundation
designed as a living "action-oriented" tribute
and a catalyst for social change.

Specific plans and goals have not yet been
agreed upon, but one of the first undertakings
may very well be dealt with college students.

The memorial, with an initial $10 million
endowment raised through public subscription,
will act as an instrument for identifying
pressing needs which are not being met by
existing institutions and as a catalyst to focus
new resources and talents on those problems.

It will not itself operate any continuing
programs, but will seek to stimulate action,
helping groups obtain financing, ideas and
community support.

The foundation will pay particular

attention to tapping the "dynamic idealism'' of
young people, Sen. Kennedy said.

One of the memorial's seven executive
committee members is Sam Brown, youth
coordinator of Sen. Eugene McCarthy's
campaign for the Democratic presidential
nomination. Another is John Lewis of the
Student Non violent Coordination Committee
(SNCC). Robert S. McNamara, president of the
World Bank and former Secretary of Defense,
is chairman.

The Board of Trustees includes David
Borden and Roberta Warren, two youth
workers in the late Sen. Kennedy's campaign.
Laurance Rockefeller, nephew of New York
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and a VISTA worker
in Harlem, is also a trustee. So is Julian Bond,
the Georgia legislator who was nominated for
the Vice Presidency at the 1968 Democratic
Convention and Cesar Chavez, organizer of
California migrant workers.

They serve on the board with such notables
as Theodore C. Sorensen, Mrs. Aristotle
Onassis, Richard Cardinal Cushing, John G.
Glenn, Charles Evers, R. Sargent Shriver,
Maxwell D. Taylor, Michael Harrington and

Would you like to have been
able to vote in the 1968
Presidential Election and why or
why not?

Kathi Metts, '12: 'T wish I
could vote in the '68 election
because my candidate has so little
support that he needs every vote


Marion Gamble, '70: "I would
like to be able to vote in the '68
presidential election so that I
could express significantly my
fear and discouragement over the

prospect of stunting growing
hopes and visions with stagnant

Cassandra Brown, 4 71:
"Actually, I'm just as glad I can't
vote because neither party
platform offers a realistic
appraisal of the vital issues of our
day but rather both deal in gross


initiating its Sunday afternoon
and Wednesday night activities
for the year with the Dating
Game, Wednesday, November 14,
at 9 p.m. in Rebekah Reception

Fifteen Scotties will answer
questions put to them by five
Georgia Techmen and if picked
by one of the fellows, will date
dim. A partition will separate the
boy from being able to see his
three prospective dates so he
must decide which one to choose
on the basis of their answers to
his questions.

the American Social , Health
Association, will speak at the
Alumni Building Auditorium at
Fmorv University, November 12.


for oneself are worth every
moment of anxiety to me. We've
even discovered just exactly how
effective peer pressure can be. No
one can tolerate apologizing for
the thoughtlessness of his fellow
Americans for long.

specifically of honor: honor is
simply something that had better
manifest itself or you lose out
BIG with your family and your
friends. If you don't take a
chance, you don't win the prize -
but the only way you can
possibly act is straightforwardly
with all the integrity that you can
command, no matter what the

Have you already guessed that I
adore my present circumstances?
I'm having such an incredible
experience that I hardly believe it
myself when I write about it

The only particularly French
advice that I can give you is don't


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His topic will be "The Pot

Fairbairn, will visit the hockey
classes next Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday mornings. She
will also be available at the
hockey teams' practices on
Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. Fairbairn, who plays
fullback, is the former captain of
the South African hockey team
and a member of four conference
teams including the 1963 team to
the U.S.A.

In hockey last Friday the
Seniors defeated the
Sophomores, 1 -0, and the Juniors
won over the Freshmen by the
same score. This afternoon the
Seniors will play the Freshmen
and the Juniors will play the

be as recklessly passionate as they
are. They decided their university
system was intolerable so they
overturned it completely, but
they haven't as yet found
anything to replace it. Well, 1
guess I'm not really worried
about Agnes Scott's being
excessively impetuous.

this letter is simply to add my
voice to those which speak for
expanded emphasis on individual
initiative in both social and
academic areas: on policies which
demand individual decision and
commitment to group

In theory, it's beautiful -- I
wish you "bonne chance" with
the details. Paris sends its love
and so do I.

Anne Marquess. "70
Pans. France

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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030


Modified interdepartmental
course taught voluntarily

Agnes Scott's answer

to the
free university?

''No," Forsythe says

Interdepartmental 425 is a course on developing
nations to be taught for the second time during
winter quarter this year. The seven professors
involved in teaching the course do so, as they did last
year, on a voluntary basis in addition to their regular
teaching load.

Course administrator David Pi Forsythe, assistant
professor of history and political science, said this is
"the last year it can be taught on a voluntary basis."
He indicated it is not fair or feasible to ask professors
to continue to teach in the college's only
interdepartmental course without making some
concessions to them for their time.

The course was initiated last year in response to
student interest in this approach to a subject. It was
also begun to prove a point, that the college has both
the interest and expertise to carry out such a course,
Forsythe said.

"I feel we have proven what we have set out to
prove," Forsythe said and added that this year's
program would indicate the program's feasibility even

Forsythe said there is "a good nucleus to teach this
program." The primary group of professors include
Kwai Sing Chang, associate professor of Bible,
Penelope Campbell, assistant professor of history and
political science, John A. Tumblin Jr., professor of
sociology and anthropology, and Forsythe himself.

Each of these will teach in one particular area;
Forsythe commented the course is fortunate in
having people with both scholarly and personal
experience in the area in which they will teach in.

Chang will teach the part of the seminar course in
the Asian area; Miss Campbell who has spent summers
in both India and Africa will discuss these areas.
Forsythe who spent time in the Middle Fast before
coming to Agnes Scott two years ago will lead this
part of the course and Tumblin, recently returned to
the college from a year's leave of absence in Brazil
will teach the part of the course concerning Latin

Miriam K. Drucker, professor of pyschology,
Edward C. Johnson, assistant professor economics
and Kenneth R. Whittemore, assistant professor of
sociology, will form a team of secondary teachers for
the course.

During one session Mrs. Drucker will discuss
psychology, change and the educational process in
developing nations as well as the transmition of values
in this situation. In other class periods, Johnson will
discuss economic change and growth in developing

nations and Whittemore will present a study of social
change as seen in Venezuela.

The basic format of the course will be a regional
approach during the first half of the quarter with the
last half being devoted to topics like the role of
education in developing nations, theories of economic
growth and the role of foreign policy.

Continuity will be achieved, Forsythe said, through
the use of the same set of five questions to be
answered as each area is discussed.

Students eligible for the seminar are juniors and
seniors with what Forsythe called tl approporiate
background." Each student will request entrance to
the course after which the primary group of faculty
members teaching in the course will review each
request .

Forsythe said "appropriate background" includes a
good overall academic standing as well as courses like
the basic history survey or the economics and
sociology basic courses.

The seminar will be limited to 1 2 to 15 students
and will be offered on Monday and Wednesday from
3 to 5 p.m. during winter quarter for live hours
credit. The five hours credit will be assigned to one of
four areas, history, political science, economics or
sociology, depending on the area in which the student
elects to write her paper for the course.

Registration will be conducted from November 25
to December 6 through the faculty administrator of
the course. Students selected for the course from
those applying will be notified by fall quarter
Reading Day.

A total of nine paperback books will form the
required and supplementary reading for the course A
quiz, paper and examination as well as in ehiss
participation will be required of students and grading
will be determined on this basis. This is a change from
last year's requirements of only a paper and in class

Forsythe said this year the teachers are using a
"more traditional grading system" because last year's
method was "quite subjective for measuring

Both students and faculty completed an evaluation
of the course last year and on the basis of this study,
Forsythe termed last year's course "a moderate
success." He said this year he looks for the course to
be even better. About eight students have already
expressed interest in the seminar four of whom have
already registered.

Student movements: limited


- College Press Service

A student movement has its own built-in
limitations, both in terms of how much it can do and
how much it can understand. In some ways, a student
movement tends to be artificial, because the student
lives in an artificial environment - the university.
Thus, it is natural that a student movement generally
concerns itself with issues that the majority of society
has hardly any time at all to be concerned about. This
is good to a point. Without the student
demonstrations against the war, there would've been
no antiwar movement. Without student consciousness
of racism, blacks would be even more isolated and
vulnerable to attack.

A student movement evolves to an inevitable point
where it realizes that wars and racism are the
manifestations of an inhuman system and if wars and
racism are going to be stopped, the system itself must
be stopped and another created. And it is at this
point that a student movement reaches the
boundaries of its inherent limitations. When this
juncture is reached, the student movement finds its
members becoming increasingly frustrated and the
movement seeks to relieve that frustration through
activism and/or by turning its attention to changing
the students 1 immediate environment, the university.

A student movement which coneerns itself with
bringing about changes within the university is
engaging in an act which can have all the appearances
of being important, while being, in essence, quite
unimportant. Regardless of how unending one's stay
in a university may seem, the fact yet remains that
after four years of serving time, the student leaves.
The university is a temporary society for most who
live within its confines and as such, any radical
activity aimed at it is of limited value.

Because the university is a temporary society, any

movement coming from it is in danger of being
temporary. The next student generation may have
more traditional interests than the one which kept
the campus in an uproar during the preceding four
years. And while student movements are
characterized by a great willingness to confront the
reigning social authority, there is nothing inherent in
a student movement that will insure its evolution into
a radical movement once the students leave the

student movement is that it is only able to speak to
other students. While this is of limited value, the fact
still remains that there is perhaps no group more
powerless than students. Not only are students
without power, the instruments of power are not
even part of their world. If all students went on
strike, it wouldn't cause the society to pause in its
step. The most that a student movement can do is to
disrupt. The power to disrupt, however, cannot be
equated with the power to make a revolution. A
student movement is only a revolutionary force
when it can act as an adjunct with other forces in the
society. It is needless to say that such a situation does
not presently exist.

When student radicals leave the campus, they can
avoid coming into direct contact with other forces in
the society by creating their own little worlds where
they continue to live with each other, talk only to
each other and remain unconcerned about the
concrete problems which most people have to face.
The student radical is never heard talking about a rise
in the price of milk, new taxes, real wages or doctor
bills. The student radical creates his own society in
which money is not an overriding problem and
because it isnX the student radical thinks that

revolution is all about love, because he has time to
think about love. Fverybody else is thinking about

No matter how radical a student may be, his
radicalism remains virgin until he has had to face the
basic problems which everyone in the society has to
face - paying the rent every month. It is easy to be
radical when someone else is underwriting it. It is all
too easy to belittle the Wallace-supporting factory
worker when one does not know the constant
economic insecurity and fear under which that
factory worker lives.

WHILE THF GOAL of revolution is the creation of
the new man, people turn to revolution when that
becomes the only means of satisfying their material
needs. They do not become revolutionaries because
of any ideas about the new man.

The student radical has to become an everyday
radical before he can be totally trusted. He must
know the concrete problems which face the everyday
person. And while such issues as the war in Vietnam,
the repression of Mexican students and the invasion
of Czechoslavakia are important, revolution is made
from the three eternal issues - food, clothing and
shelter. Our job is to show people that they are being
robbed of their birthright for a mess of pottage and
that that is not necessary.

As long as the movement is dominated by students,
the movement will carry within it the seeds of its own
death. As long as the student, upon graduation,
carries his radicalism to an apartment three blocks
away from the campus or to the nation's Last Villages
where a thousand others just like him reside, his
radicalism will remain theoretically correct and
pragmatically irrelevant, except as a gadfly forcing
the system to make minimal reforms.








Campus News

Elizabeth Crum
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcl ntosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.


Polynesia and his friends. The phrase from the 1967
Junior Jaunt faculty skit is a good way to describe the
affection between Dean of the Faculty C. Benton Kline and
Agnes Scott students. It captures both the lightness and
solidarity of the relationship.

When he announced his resignation to assembled students
Tuesday night, a number of girls gasped audibly. In those
gasps were held the years of personal relationships he had
had with us. Memories of annual April Fools Day tricks,
the sound of his voice reading the lists of names at Honors
Day Convocation, and heaps of sodden Kleenex's full of
tears that must have shed in his office will stay with him
and with us.

The loss of Dean Kline is primarily personal. As Dr.
Alston said after the Tuesday night meeting, the machinery
of the college "will never miss a stroke." Dean Kline did his
job well and his successors will carry on in the same vein.
This we are assured of and can be thankful for.

The only void left will be the personal one, empty of
Dean Kline the man, the friend. But we're really lucky --
Columbia Seminary is only a bike ride away. He will not go
out of our lives completely. And seniors were lucky enough
to have him speak at their Investiture.

We're lucky in another way also. We have Miss Gary and
Mr. Brown to get to know better now. And in the years to
come we'll find others to play pranks on, to lead us and to
comfort us.

Overheard Nov. 5

Editor's note: These overheards compiled by Maudie Browne on
election night express our feelings concerning the event about as well
as we ever could.

G. G. Sydnor, '71: "How did Humphrey get 'Let a Winner Lead the
Way' for his theme song when it should have been 'The Fool on the
Hill.' "


A senior: "Champagne is served at the Republican headquarters,

vodka at the Democratic headquarters, and at the Wallace

headquarters they serve Black Label."


A junior from Alabama: "Wallace and Billy Graham - what a pair
to bring the nation to its knees."


A freshman: "Nixon sure has come a long way since he retired
from politics."


At a sophomore class meeting from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
night: "Wallace has probably swept the country while we sit here in a
class meeting."

# *

Nixon supporter, Kay Sessions, '71: "Who's that cute man?"
A friend: "Oh, that's Muskie."

* **

A junior: "One of Nixon's first acts ought to be to hire a
presidential dentist to remove the growth from Agnew's mouth - his

Pope renaissance continues;
Scriblerus endorses criticism

Editor's note: Martinus
Scriblerus, no relation to persons
now living, was a mythical 18th
century poet created by the
combined wit of the Scriblerus
Club of which Alexander Pope
and Jonathan Swift were
members; he has now returned
from the dead to join the Pope

To the Editor:


1 . On bathetic style.

2. Advising extirpation of
Horatian satire on this campus.

3. On weighty quotes.

4. On suitability of work to

It has become (my dear fellow
inmates) the subject of my
concern and amazement (not to
mention stupefaction) that my
style has been aped in recent
epistles to our campus journal.

This does not of course in any
way indicate that 1 in any part
disagree with the SENSE of the
letters but an indeed flattered by
the close perusal of my
**********(Ed. note: Here the
text of the letter breaks down
into Greek which means we
think, "Peri Bathous") (On the
Art of Sinking in Poetry)
evidenced in the tone and style of
the various letters.

The various tone of the works
was most properly in keeping
with both the object of concern,
the campus itself, and my own
Peri Bathous (as seen in its
weighty title). It appears as
opposed to an Horation one*
proposedly the mowing of
discord, substituting positive
work resulting from agreement.

On the subject, (before
descending to the sense of the
matter before us) the excellent
employment of Mr. Pope's
quotations should be

Noting as I have that extensive
quotations have enlivened many a
recent speech, I am most pleased
to note that one epistleress has
taken the single most important
aspect of this technique (that is,

extensive bulk) and applied that
attribute directly to her work.

It shows most egregious
promise, for if the bulk of
quotation is large enough, as my
distinguished contemporaries and
colleagues Bentley and Wotton
have found, the result is so
impressive that the sense
generally takes care of itself.

However, for though it would
be far from me to advise so
promising a set of TRUE
nevertheless, I would have
advised inclusion of one of my
major dictates on the subject of
poetry which I herewith do cite:

"I have observed how fast the
general taste is returning to this
first innocence and simplicity (of
childhood ; and if it is the intent

of all poetry to divert an instruct,
certainly the kind that instructs
the greatest NUMBER is to be
preferred." ("Peri Bathous," II)
Unfortunately "Sailing to
Sanitorium" by its very place of
publication was addressed to
**********(Ed. note: Here
again the text breaks down into
Greek which we think, means
"the Hoy-poloi"),and its author
can in no way evade the just
criticism he has incurred.

With sincere concern,
Martinus Scriblerus
* Latin Poet who suggested that
the satirist laugh his object into
sense(H.) We moderns can all
plainly see how poorly this tactic
worked for the Romans and
adjust ourselves accordingly

Editorial sharply,
frankly censured

To the Editor:

We have been distressed by the rampant disapproval expressed in
the PROFILE of the new policy of reserving dining room tables with
the D.O. It seems to us that the obviously egalitarian purpose of this
policy has been glossed over by those who merely attempt to vent
their spleen on the nearest available authority figure.

Surely, the opponents of this new policy have failed to consider the
fact that the reservation of tables is not democratic, and, in fact,
excludes those well-wishers of the honoree who are not friends of the
arrangers. This is a bitter blow to the personal interest that each
Scottie has for every other Scottie.

In fact, the D.O. has worked out an effective program of avoidance
conditioning to rid our campus of this painful selectivity. All those
unwilling to admit the student body to their plans are now forced to
identify themselves to the campus. The student body should be

Anne Frank
Becky Sharp

To the Editor:


Sincerely yours,
Kate Forney



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~V MACH(U^ TO P16C6S .




NOVEMBER 15, 1968



Play's provocative subject
stretches actresses' ability

Feature Editor

Lillian Hellman's 'The Children's Hour" is proving
challenging to Blackfriar's aspiring actresses. Now
that rehearsals are in full swing and the outlines of
the set are appearing on the stage, the actresses are
fully realizing their characters. The play concerns the
disruption a child causes with a lie. The theme is "the
bigger the lie" and the lie in this play is a real

Patricia Johnston, who plays Karen Wright, said,
'There is a lot of emotion in the play that the
actresses have never felt." To know what Karen must
have gone through in having to send her man away
and finding out her best friend has killed herself is,
we must admit, totally out of Tricia's realm of
experience. She commented, 'Tve never had a fiance,
much less sent one away."

Mollie Douglas, who plays Martha Dobbie, has
perhaps the roughest role. She feels the psychology is
the hardest part. "Getting into the character and not
letting it tear me apart," is a real concern, she said.
Martha commits suicide at the end of the play.

Mollie says she feels Martha is basically normal but
has built her life around Karen and the school. Mollie
also realizes that Martha has a jealous and possessive
nature. "She is very sensitive and high-string and can't
cope with the situation that arises. She pulls these
rumors in, and in applying them to herself, magnifies
and eventually believes them."

In the role of the grandmother, Mrs. Tilford, Carol
Ann McKenzie said she is having a little trouble being
65 years old but she's aging fast. Mrs. Tilford is one
of the villains in the play. She represents the society
that would naturally shun any kind of degrading
behavior. The very idea of her granddaughter's
teachers being lesbians is too much for her.

Mary, the little monster, is played by Judy
Langford. In Judy's words, "Mary is a pathological
liar. She tells lies, feels absolutely no guilt and is not
concerned with the results of her escapades. She is
constantly plotting and calculating acts of mischief."

Judy conferred with Miriam K. Drucker, professor
of psychology, about Mary's psychological problem.
Mrs. Drucker commented people like Mary never
show any true emotions unless they think someone is

accumulate the hours required for membership in
Blackfriars. On a recent afternoon she ran an errand
up to the theatre light booth while working on the set
crew for the forthcoming production of "The
Children's Hour."

picking on them or unless they don't get what they
want. Then the emotion is true anger.

Concerning the theme of the play, Roberta Winter,
director, hopes the homosexual angle won't detract
from the main theme which deals with the effects lies
and rumors have had on the lives of the people
involved. What makes Mary tell these lies, what causes
Karen to send away the man she loves and what
causes Martha to commit suicide are questions to be
analysed. Nov. 21, 22, 23 at 8:15 a.m. in Dana.
Tickets are $ 1 .25 and group rates are available.

Friendship short
at juvenile home


With the help of Mrs. Guerry Stukes, Athletic
Association has organized a recreational program for
the girls at the DeKalb County Juvenile Home. The
home is a temporary residence for both girls and boys
from the county who are between the ages of 13 and
16 and are awaiting removal to reformatories, foster
homes or impending trials. These children, for the
most part, have committed only minor crimes; 80 per
cent of them have been apprehended for running
away from home. Fran f<ulton, chairman of the
project, commented it was "obvious from the kids
that they haven't had good family lives. "

The lack of parental injluence or discipline is
obvious by the habits of these girls. The majority <>l
them wear skin-tight clothes heavy makeup, and talk
about "sex, soul and drugs. " One particular girl seems
to live in a black leather jacket with "Soul" written
across the back.

In spite of the group's appearance, Anna Gordon,
who has also worked at the home, remarked, "These
girls are not like hoodlums but are kids deprived of
homelife, and this makes them act as they do. " They
conform "to what they think is cool, " probably in
the hope of gaining attention or popularity. A.A.'s
goal is to expand the girls' interests and to encourage
new activities.

Groups of three or Jour Scott girls work 45 minutes
a week at the home. A supervisor from the home is
always present; however, the girls are exceptionally
friendly, well-behaved and quite responsive. Fran
commented on how well-adjusted the girls seemed
and how easily they made friends: "One thing I've
noticed, they're not cliquish like most junior high
kids. "

The girls unite, however, to help each other. During
a dodge ball game, one of the girls, who is pregnant,
insisted on participating, but the others protected her
throughout the whole game.

This fall the recreational program includes dodge
ball and spud, which the girls at the home nickname
"stud" or "speed." Fran hopes in the winter to
concentrate on grooming lessons and organize a
beauty parlor for the girls.

The only drawback Scott girls find with the
program is that it is impossible to make friendships
with individual girls. Because the girls are only
temporary residents, the groups constantly changes
from week to week.

Grad schools get
light draft impact

College Press Service

WASHINGTON (CPS) Although the nation's
gradate schools did not face the 70 per cent reduction
in fall enrollment some predicted last year because of
the draft, the second semester crunch may hurt them

Most universities were taken by surprise this fall,
when the 25-50 per cent of their students expecting
to be drafted returned to school after all. Some
universities, which had accepted more graduate
students than they could handle in order to make up
for the draft's toll, have been faced with money and
housing shortages-and too many students.

In February, when the Selective Service System
announced that graduate students would no longer be
deterred "in the national interest," both universities
and the government predicted that schools might lose
up to 70 per cent of their first-year students. They
forecast a great increase in female and middle-aged
graduate students.

Selective Service officials predicted that students
would make up as much as 90 per cent of the draft
call-ups in many states. The Defense Department said
63 per cent of the 240,000 draftees predicted for
1969 would be students.

But the crunch failed to materialize this fall. Tor
one thing, draft calls beginning in July were
drastically lower than those for previous months.

How much calls will rise will depend on the
manpower needs of the armed forces, the status of
the Vietnam war and the mood of the new President.
But they are sure to rise at least a little, according to
Mrs. Betty Vetter, an official of the Scientific-
Manpower Commission, a private research agency in

Her prediction is based on the fact that draft calls
for the last few years have run in 18-month cycles,
the high point of the latest cycle is due in January

Whatever the increase, it is sure to hit students
harder next semester; under present draft regulations,
the oldest eligible males are first to go, and graduate
students newly classified 1-A are perfect targets.
Those who receive induction notices during the
present school term are allowed to stay in school to
finish the term, but must then report for induction.

Graduate schools at several universities nave
reported drops in enrollment from one to 20 per
cent. Professional schools seem harder hit than most.
At Valparaiso University, 25 of 1 50 students enrolled
in the Law School didn't register in September.
Lehigh University reports a 13 per cent decrease in

And at many schools, graduate departments found
that women and older (over-26) men made up larger
portions of their enrollees than ever before. Some
schools claimed that their students are of lower
ability than they would have been before the draft.

Universities, which opposed the move to end
graduate deferments, are reacting to students'
concern in many ways. Several heavily graduate
universities, among them Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, have announced that students whose
education is interrupted by the draft-either for two
years of service or for a jail sentence for
resistance-will later be able to resume their degree
work where they left off, and will stand a good
chance of having their fellowships renewed.

Several schools are also investigating new degree
programs like MIT's five-year engineering program-in
which the student does not officially receive his
bachelor's degree until he receives his master's in a
fifth year (and so is classed as an undergraduate for
five years).


Mrs. Henry Jones

pretty is

as pretty does.

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Belle Miller
Florist - Baker - Caterer
112 Clairmont Avenue
Decatur, Ga.

109^ Discount on Birthday Cakes for Agnes Scott Girlt

t Academy I he;
you will find
A Man's a Man,
by Bertolt Brecht

There is a Galy Gay,
soldier, and Blood
by a widow's
And there ar
and a castrat
and a funeral
You might nc


Nov; 14 Dec.



NOVEMBER 15, 1968


ALLEN WEXLER will discuss
the Atlanta Model Cities Program
in Chapel today at 11:30 a.m. in
Maclean. VVexler is with the
community relations division of
the program.

The Atlanta Model Cities
Program is one of the main
attempts at a multiple approach
to the problems of slums. It
emphasizes grass roots leadership
in slum areas and also brings in
the work of all major social
agencies to focus on the area.

from St. Theresa's College, a
Catholic woman's college in
Winona, Minnesota, are attending
the all-Black Spelman College
here in Atlanta on a full year
exchange program.

About a month ago Sylvia
Chapman, assistant dean of
students, was contacted by Sadie
Allen, an assistant dean at
Spelman, who suggested the St.
Teresa students might visit Agnes
Scott while they are in Atlanta so
they may see how another
campus operates.

Miss Chapman then turned the
project over to Tara Swartzel,
chairman of Intercollegiate. Tara
is in the process of arranging for
these students to visit a
Representative Council meeting
at Scott and then stay for supper
so they may have an inside view
of life here.

According to Tara, the present
delay in the plan is that the Dean
of Student's staff has to decide if
we can accommodate 20 more
people at dinner - the girls and

other representatives of Spelman
who may accompany them.

If this decision is favorable,
Tara will contact Gloria Manson,
president of the Spelman student
body, to issue formally the
invitation and make the final
arrangements. If this plan is
successful a reciprocal
arrangement may be worked out
so that Agnes Scott students may
in turn visit other campuses.

AT THE TUESDAY meeting of
Representative Council, Tina
Brownley, student government
president, installed two new
members. They were Susi Parks,
freshman representative, and
Cassandra Brown, sophomore

RC 61 regarding the
reorganization of Judicial Council
was passed. The purpose of this
resolution was to correct the
clause in the handbook stating
the student government president
presides over Judicial meetings in
the absence of the chairman. The
new vice-chairman of Judicial will
now assume this responsibility.

RC 59 proposing sophomores
be allowed unlimited social
engagements was passed. Student
government feels that
sophomores are responsible


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NOVEMBER 26, 1968

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There will be BARGAINS

The Customary 10% Employees'
discount will be extended
during the evening

enough to be able to budget their
own time.

Rep C ouncil also approved RC
6 0 which restated the
chaperonage policy and added a
preface to explain its purpose.
This proposed policy will serve as
a guideline for sophomores,
juniors, and seniors. Freshman
will be subject to Judicial action
for infraction of the policy. By
this policy if groups of girls go
out together on weekend nights,
they do not necessarily have to
be back by 1 1 :45 p.m.

Rep. Council also discussed a
few of the objectives for the rest
of the quarter and for winter
quarter. A few of the suggestions
were the following: permission
for sophomores to have cars on
campus fall and winter quarters
as well as spring quarter, a study
of the laundry, effort to get more
late permissions for weekends,
and more T.V.'s available for
dates to watch. If anyone has any
suggestions on things that would
be helpful to the campus, please
contact your friendly Rep.

there was no score in either game
when the seniors played the
juniors and the sophomores
played the freshman. The seniors
andjuniors aretied for first place
so far this season.

This afternoon the seniors
challenge the sophomores and the
juniors play the freshman.

What do you think of the
Pope's encyclical on birth

Deborah Ann Claiborne,
'70: "lt\s a personal matter, up
to the individual. It has no
relevence in the religious
sphere. I don't think it's

Bebe Guill, ^70: "Well I
don't agree with it just because
it keeps a couple from having
fun. It's not a sin to use it. To
me, taking the pill is more
moral than not taking it. The
world is having too much of a
problem with overpopulation
as it is."


Carol Slaton, '70: "Some day
when it's proved safer, they
might change their mind.
Maybe they're waiting to see
the consequences."

Sally Walker, l 69: "It surely
would cramp your style if you
were Catholic. Personally, I
don't think it's any of his
business. I don't feel that
celibate individuals have an
accurate knowledge of how
.things are outside the cloister.
Sexual matters between
married individuals are not

the concern of religious in-
stitutions. I'm glad I'm not
Catholic. "

One college does more
than broaden horizons. It
sails to them, and beyond.

Now there's a way for you to know
the world around you first-hand.
A way to see the things you've
read about, and study as you go.
The way is a college that uses the
Parthenon as a classroom for
a lecture on Greece,
and illustrates Hong
Kong's floating
societies with an
hour's ride on a
harbor sampan.

Every year Chapman College's
World Campus Afloat takes two
groups of 500 students out of their
classrooms and opens up the
world for them. And you can be
one of the 500. Your new campus
is the s.s. Ryndam, equipped with
modern educational facilities and
a fine faculty. You'll have a com-
plete study curriculum as you go.
And earn a fully-accredited
semester while at sea.

Chapman College is now accept-
ing enrollments for Spring '69
and Fall '69 semesters. Spring '69
circles the world, from Los Angeles
through the Orient, India, South
Africa, to New York. Fall '69 leaves
New York for Europe, the Mediter-
ranean, Africa, South America,
ending in Los Angeles.

The world is there. Here's a
good way for you to find out what's
happening. Send for our catalog
with the coupon at right.

Safety Information: The

s.s. Ryndam, registered in the
Netherlands, meets International
Safety Standards for new ships
developed in 1948 and meets 1966
fire safety requirements.

Director of Admissions
Chapman College, Orange, Calif. 92666

Please send your catalog detailing curricula,
courses offered, faculty data, admission require-
ments and any other facts I need to know.





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.info should be sent to campus home

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I am interested in Spring Fall 19

I would like to talk to a representative of WORLD




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030


New employees may be hired
at $1.15 per hour; raise soon


The average non-faculty, administration or staff
employee at Agnes Scott lives in the Greater Atlanta
area. He is approximately 32 years old and probably
has finished high school. Most of the male employees
have another job while the females moonlight as
housewives. Thirty per cent have a year-round job
with the college as opposed to the five per cent who
did some years ago.

The beginning salary for an unskilled,
inexperienced young person is $1.15 per hour. Maids
and other general laborers in that category receive
$1.60 per hour. Janitors and men, because of the
heavier work, start at $ 1 .50 to $2 per hour.

SEMI-SKILLED AND skilled workers receive
higher pay. Beginning in February, the minimum
starting salary for any worker will be increased to
$1.31 per hour. All other salaries will be raised
proportionately. (Editor's note: Minimum wage for
businesses engaged in interstate commerce is $1.65
per hour).

Salary benefits include one full week of vacation
with pay, and one full week of sick leave with pay.
After one year's work, employees are eligible for
coverage under the college's Blue Cross-Blue Shield
Insurance policy.

After two years of employment, employees receive
two weeks vacation with pay. All employees receive a
Christmas vacation and those with year-round jobs
have one in the summer.

The school has made an attempt to give year-round
jobs to its employees and thereby stablize the
turnover from seasonal employment. Except in the
case of firemen, maintenance and security men, all
hiring is done by department heads.

The turnover of employees since the 1968-69
school year began is approximately 10 per cent of the
total employed. After Thanksgiving this percentage
should drop to five and remain stable until the close
of the school year when summer jobs become

college employees who signed up for the C.A.
sponsored Adult Literacy program, Business Manager
P. J. Rogers said the college tries to hire those who
are able to read and write, and fortunately fewer and
fewer are handicapped by not having these skills.

"In the fifties," he stated, "only 40 per cent of the
campus employees could read and write, while now,

only 10 per cent of the employees even signed up for
the C.A. course."

Rather extensive checking is done into the
background of the people hired by the college. Good
references are necessary, as well as an adequate
amount of education for the job applied for.
Experience in the job is preferred. (

POLICE RECORDS ARE checked as is the
prospective employee's credit rating. There must be
no outstanding garnishments against them. In fact, if

court action is taken against present employees, the
policy is to "let them go," according to Mr. Rogers.
"This hasn't happened in the last 6 or 8 years",
Rogers said, due to a determined policy of

Mr. Rogers stressed the hiring policy must be
flexible because of the market dealt with. "The main
problem is money - matching dollar for dollar, the
money people can get outside," he explained.

Quite often, "we have to accept what isn't really
the most desirable. We don't have much choice.
'Hands and feet' is the local term," Rogers concluded.

Literacy course taken to aid
own child, for phone clarity

Feature Editor

The Adult Literacy Program is designed to
improve reading and writing skills. At Agnes Scott
there are 17 people who work for the college enrolled
in the course offered through C.A. service projects
with ASC students as teachers. The pupils in the
program interviewed seemed to enjoy working at the
college and think the literacy program is aa good idea.

In speaking with these "students", it was
interesting to find out how they enjoyed the program,
how they felt they were coming along, if there was
any particular reason why they joined the program
and if they felt any differently toward the college and
the students as a whole now that they were working
with one of the students.

The first person interviewed was Emma Lois
Parker who works in the Dana Fine Arts Building.
Emma responded, "I really like it." She explained she
can read, but she's not sure of the meaning or sounds
of the words. She also feels that she can learn more
about the abbreviations of words. She always feels
that she can learn more about the abbreviations of
words. She always thought "Miss" had a period after
it just as "Mr." and "Mrs." does.

Emma said she is satisfied with the program. She's
doing just what she wanted to-improving her speech.
One of the major reasons Emma joined the program
was so she could learn to speak words more clearly so
when she answers the phone in Dana, people will be

able to understand her better.

Emma has been at Scott for six years. The first
three she worked in the laundry and now she is in
Dana. She enjoys working Dana because she gets to
know the students and teachers.

Wesley Starks and Jeannette Baker who work in
the library are also enthusiastic about the program.
Wesley said he was "enjoying it best in the world."
He felt he was learning better and "wouldn't give it
up for anything." Wesley says he does feel close to
the students and likes working with Page McCullough.

Jeannette Baker responded: "I think I'm doing
pretty good." She joined the program because she felt
like learning more. She said, one "never can improve
enough." Jeannette enjoys working with Truly

Mildred Foster and Mary Slaton who work in the
laundry also participate in the program. Mildred
enjoys the program and feels she is learning. Working
in the laundry, she has not had much contact with
the students and she enjoys the program and looks
forward to her classes. She feels she is learning. Mary
has three children at home two boys, ages four and
five, and a baby girl seven months. One of the boys
will be starting school next year and she feels this
program will help her to help him.

Mary also added, "I thought it would help me in
the things that I don't know and there's a lot 1 don't
know, as you can see." Mary also added (maybe with
a little prompting) that she enjoys working with me.

Adult literacy project helps
'student" read about fishing


AGNES SCOTT EMPLOYEE Mary Slaton works at
the pressing machine in the college laundry; the ma-
chine both presses and dries the flat work. Mary is
also a "student" of Beverly Walker in the C.A. Ad-
ult Literacy program.

Campus News Editor
Agnes Scott students have been participating in
the C.A. Adult Employee Educational project for
about six weeks now, long enough to improve their
teaching methods and to have some opinion of their

The students have been taught the Laubach
method. This system uses pictures in association with
words and sounds. The sounds are then connected
with key-words to build the reading vocabulary. The
manuals are unsealed and contain, besides the reading
lessons, writing lessons, charts and homework.

The reactions of the Agnes Scott students involved
in the program as teachers are all favorable. In the
words of Karen Cappel, "I really like the program and
feel like it is worthwhile."

Others agree and comment on the student-pupil
relation. Julianne Lynes said, "Mine is a real hard
worker-one who is really dedicated and wants to
learn. She gets real excited when she remembers
something from previous schooling that we are
reviewing. It's not a student teacher type things in my
case; we've really gotten to be friends. We can talk
about other things then just the book."

Bev Walker replied, "She's about my age and she's
so great! She just loves to write on the blackboard.
It's a very worthwhile program that 1 think could be

expended to include children in this area. Tech and
Emory have programs that include children. Our is a
friend to friend basis. In fact, there is a lot of
laughing and joking. I am getting just as much out of
it as she is."

Evelyn Brown also teaches in the- program. She
said, "I am really enjoying participating in the
program. It means as much to me as to her. I
certainly don't feel like a teacher. She really enjoys
articles about subjects of interest to her such as

Tyler McEadden has run into a problem however.
"Neither she nor I can actually pronounce the
phonetic sounds correctly because we both have
southern drawls. Usually she can pronounce it better
than I can. It's all very worthwhile because she feels
the need to do it."

Myki Powell stressed the progress already made:
"After first going over the charts we began studying
what is of interest to her. Eor example, we are
reading some poetry for its meaning. Much progress
has been made. We have become real good friends.
It's a very worthwhile experience. One of the things
that she likes best is riding up and down the elevator
in Dana."

(CONT. ON P. 2)







THE / PROFILE President commends

Campus News

Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcl ntosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.





PROFILE editorial

If you were an Agnes Scott worker employed for 40 hours a
week at $1.15 per hour or even $1.40, the approximate average salary
for female workers, your yearly income would be below the level
required to maintain a family of four in Atlanta on a subsistance level
as quoted in a fall article in the Atlanta Constitution.

According to this article, $3,334 per year is necessary to maintain a
family at the subsistance level. Your salary would be at least $600
under that.

The Agnes Scott pay scale is based on the Fair Labor Standards Act
of 1940 which was arr mended by Congress in 1966 to extend
minimum wage requirements to previously excluded eleemosynary
organizations which include educational institutions. Under this act,
minimum wage in 1968 is $1.15 per hour, rising in 1969 to $1.30.

Granted many Agnes Scott employees moonlight in addition to
their jobs here, but, as Agnes Scott Business Manager P.J. Rogers
admitted, a job here probably accounts for most of a family's total
income. Nearly one-third of the employees are regularly scheduled to
work overtime her to supplement their income, but what about the
other two-thirds and what about the additional time the one-third
must spend away from their homes and families?

Employees are paid in full for the nearly two weeks they do not
work at Christmas and they have a Christmas party before the
holiday, but what about the jobs terminated in the summer when the
dining hall and laundry do not operate? The overall turn-over rate is
remarkably low; however, when the laundry staff for example, is
examined individually, the rate climbs.

"We are finally working in the right direction," Mr. Rogers said in
reference to rising salaries. He said the college is trying to build up
the salaries of those in the lowest group before the whole can be
raised. He said Agnes Scott will be up with the Emory University and
Georgia Tech scales within two years.

At this point it might be interesting to call attention to a fact and
two events. First, although the total fees for Agnes Scott students
have increased by $200 each year for the past several, the increase has
come in tuition costs, not room and board which is the source for
worker salaries and building maintenance.

Second, guess what happened at Duke University last spring and
Emory University ths fall? Students, faculty and employees banded
together for action calling for higher wages, more benefits and a
union for the employees.

It is true that there seems to be a real personal feeling of affection
and loyalty between employees and the college. Employees can call
on the college and individuals here for help in times of need, but you
can't eat personal feeling. Things like higher wages, a seniority system
and a credit union are far more dependable and enable the individual
to stand on his own two feet.

To the Editor:

I am writing this note to express my personal appreciation of the
supportive editorial in the PROFILE, dealing with Dean Kline's

It is helpful at this particular time to have an editorial in this vein,
and I believe many in the administrative staff, faculty, and student
body will be grateful to you for the tribute to Dean Kline and for the
sensible handling of the matter.

With kindest regards, I am

Cordially your friend,
Wallace M. Alston

Overheard Street poll called

'obscene' by prof

Overseen: New Hub with one
red and one black fireplace. Can't
decide between Georgia and
Tech, huh?

Miss Gary talking about
president-elect Nixon when Dean
Kline dropped in, bowed his head
and said: "Let us pray."


From a freshman: "Dormitory
life is like one big slumber party,

only it's a very serious one."

* **

Junior bemoaning cold rooms:
"If we can't have a man in our
rooms, we'll just have to settle

for a warm puppy."

* * *

Tish Lowe: "Mini skirts and

organs don't go together."

Dr. Bicknese to two students
after class: "You students have a
one track wine mind."

From dating game: "There
have never been so many cute
boys on campus at one time
before in the history of the


earthquake that rocked the
midwest last week interrupted a
meeting of environmental
scientists at Washington
University here. As the room
shook, an unidentified geologist
stood up to offer his expert
opinion: "I suggest we'd better
leave the building."

To the Editor:

Although I approve of the attempt to concern your readers with
issues beyond the campus, I feel it necessary to comment on the
"Scottie Speaks" of last week, for my own sake and for the sake of
Roman Catholic students on campus.

These are difficult times for my coreligionists; we have before us a
crisis which transcends the bounds of the moral question which was
posed by "Humanae Vitae". I deplore, therefore, the manner in
which everyone seems to feel competent at the slightest notice to
evaluate and pronounce infallibly on the matter.

To say that the problem is not a question for street polls is not to
do justice to the fact that a street pool approach to the moral and
religious problems of others is obscene. If there is genuine interest,
there are other approaches to use and there are competent people to

Richard D. Parry,
Assistant Professor of Philosophy about fishing


Margaret Boyd sees future results from her
experience now: "It's a wonderful program. A
one-to-one basis is much better than a group program.
Tin getting a lot out of it because I plan to teach later
on. 1 love working with her. At first she was quite
nervous, but we've really become friends. She is a real

Anne Grimsley said. **1 feel like it is a success. It's
not easy for either one of us. She really wants to
learn and is quite proud of her achievement. She
enjoys writing on the blackboard. Our relationship is
definitely on a friend to friend basis/"

Beth Mackk stated, u l think the program is
worthwhile. She catches on so fast! I'm trying to
make it beneficial for her. 1 would like for it to be on
a friend to friend basis, but she is a little hesitant. We
are becoming belter friends though."

Truly Bracken, Page McCullough, Kappa Moorer,
Nicki Noel and Linda Wilson also are teaching
in the adult education program.

by sandra earley

As was announced in class meetings Monday, the Junior Class is
currently looking for suggestions for this year's Junior Jaunt with the
idea in mind of a major change in format from past years.

As one of the nose-to-the-grindstoners involved in last year's rather
abortive effort, I feel compelled to make a suggestion about this
year's project. It would seem if we can't have a successful campus
charity drive we should forget the whole thing, tradition or not.

Perhaps the whole approach of Junior Jaunt is invalid. The idea of
a campus charity effort is fine, but its implementation has become
ineffective. Maybe we're jsut a bit selfish in planning a weekend
which is fun for us with dances and skits, a weekend when we spend
money that just happens to go to charity.

I wonder about the possibility of mobilizing a large part of the
student body to get out and work, rather than just pulling out their
wallets. What about everyone promising to save one of our precious
Saturday mornings in spring quarter to work on some project? We
manage to do it for Derby Day.

We would probably have to find a project to work on through some
established organization so that our efforts wouldn't be wasted, but
say we could find an old building someone needed to have fixed up
for a teen canteen or something.

On this one Saturday morning, a fleet of student (and faculty?)
cars could be waiting after breakfast to take a crew of people to the
building to paint and clean up. Other students who felt more
domestic could remain on campus to make curtains, etc., on sewing
machines borrowed from girls on campus.

A third crew could gather up a lunch for the workers and transport
it to the sight to serve it. There are many possibilities for jobs and
work groups could cut across class lines unlike the present Junior
Jaunt organization.

So it's all conjecture, but we have a whole quarter to make
something like this reality. We need to get out among other kinds of
people, other age groups. Ever noticed how everyone around here is
between the ages of 1 8 and 22?

A good example of our need to see other kinds of people occured
one night last week when Randy Jones and several other girls had
some children as guests for dinner in the dining hall. Other students
couldn't take their eyes away from the children. It's so easy to forget
they exist. Maybe what we need if we can't change Junior Jaunt is an
Agnes Scott child-in-residence.

NOVEMBER 22, 1968



Importance of identity
questioned in Brecht play


"A man's a man is Mr. Breeht's
contention,/But that is something anyone
might mention. /Mr. Breeht appends this item
to the bill:/You can do with a human being
what you will."

To present a drama with the foregoing
message is quite a chore. The Academy
Theatre's production of Bertolt Brecht's "A
Man's a Man" is very good. Brecht
demonstrates his contention through the
metamorphosis of the porter, Galy Gay, into a
blood-thirsty soldier of the British Army.

In the German version, Gay probably looks
Chinese. When asked if he is of Irish descent,
he answers, "I think so." Fittingly, at Atlanta's
Academy Theatre, a Black actor, Stacy Hines,
plays Galy Gay.

His rendition is superb. The impact of his
lines during his metamorphosis dispels any first
impression that the part may be somewhat
caricatured. Stacy Hines sweats, shouts,

whispers, laughs and cries, fulfilling a strenous
part very well.

Likewise, Laura James renders the Widow
Begbick with all the callousness she can
muster. She shows the guts necessary for a
prostitute-bar owner traveling with an army
unit known as "the Scum."

Tony Sciabona as Uriah Shelly and Jon
Evans as Bloody Five, the sergeant whom rain
transforms into a sex-hungry maniac, represent
well the man lowered to animalism by
mundane experience. Only the renditions of
Jesse Mahoney, one of "the Scum," and Mrs.
Galy Gay are weak.

In general, the singing is vigorous and the
lines hardhitting. The Academy's theatre
building is intimate, giving the feeling that
YOU are being badgered to "join the army,
Dan!" The Academy group does its best to see
that you "don't miss the moral of the
case/That this world is a dangerous place."

Students interview Nixon
on T.V.: when to be seen?


Editor's note: John Siefert is a student at the
University of Chicago.

CHICAGO (CPS)-Roger Ailes of the Nixon
staff met us Tuesday morning, October 1, for
breakfast and a final briefing. "Us" was four
students who had been picked to tape a
program with the candidate titled "Richard
Nixon on Campus."

The half-hour program was to have been
aired Thursday evening, October 10, on CBS.
The air time was purchased weeks in advance.

But the program never made it on the air.

When Ailes met us tor breakfast, he
explained the final format of the show. The
taping would be done at the College of William
and Mary in Colonial Williamsburg, Va.

Ailes explained we would tape about an hour
and a half of discussion with Mr. Nixon, this
would be edited down to a half-hour program.

THE EDITING WOULD be done for two
reasons. First, as Ailes had explained to us the
previous weekend in our preliminary meetings
with him in Detroit, the Nixon staff is
determined to prevent the kind of slip that
ruined George Romney.

What if Romney did have the only solution
to the Vietnam war, Ailes explained. His
chance to put it into effect was ruined when he
said he was "brainwashed."

Second, Ailes explained, it would be
necessary to edit the program to "tighten
up"-edit out the uninteresting verbage while
preserving the "high points."

Other than preventing a major slip of the
"brainwash" variety, Ailes said he was not
interested in censoring what we had to say or
suggesting that we go "easy" on the candidate.

forgotten what the candidate or panelists say,
Ailes explained, they will remember the tone
of a program. So he suggested that what he
wanted on the program was "warmth."
Hostility, it was plain, was out.

I thought about what Ailes had said as the
four of us (Don Lively of the University of
California at Berkeley, Cary Brown of Georgia
Tech, Jim Verlight, formerly of Michigan State
University, and myself) sat in Christopher
Wren Hall having our make-up put on.

ALL FOUR PANELISTS were white. When I
first met Ailes to discuss the format of the
program I suggested that one of the panelists
be a black student. "Black people should speak
for black people," I suggested. Ailes rejected
this, saying that black Americans compose
only 1 1 per cent of the population and that
white students could represent the views of the
black students on their campuses.

At about 1 1:30 Nixon arrived. Everyone not
directly connected with the production was
ushered out of the room. (Nixon came with his
make-up'already on.)

THE TAPE BEGAN with a question by Don
Lively of Berkeley on how Nixon planned to
encourage student participation in his
administration. The question, which was vague
in nature, got a vague reply.

I followed by asking, "About half of the
draft-eligible graduating seniors at the
University of Chicago signed the following
statement, which I'll try to quote from
memory: ''Our war in Vietnam is unjust and
immoral. As long as the United States is
involved in this war I will refuse induction into
the armed forces and counsel, aid, and abet
others to do the same.' That's a very strong
statement, Mr. Nixon..."

"Yes it is, yes it is," Nixon broke in. It was
obvious he wasn't expecting this one.

I continued, "Mr. Nixon, what are you
going to do to help these young men in the
moral dilemma they face?"

Nixon explained that he came from a Quaker
background and that his parents had
adamantly opposed his going to war. So he
could understand the kind of moral conflict
these young men faced. He added, however,
that this did not justify breaking the law. He
wound up his answer by pledging himself to a
volunteer army as soon as the Vietnam war

largely black?" Lively broke in.

"Jt might, it might," Nixon said, adding that
he didn't necessarily think that was bad.

The question of the draft, naturally, led into
the war. Someone asked whether the military
government in South Vietnam really deserved
our support.

"Well, they certainly have more freedom in
the South than they have in the North. They
don't have any freedom at all in the North. I
know they're not perfect in the South. ..we're
not perfect here in the United States," Nixon
added lamely.

"But should we support the Thieu-Ky
military dictatorship?" someone repeated,
suggesting that Nixon was dodging the

"They hold free elections..." Nixon said.

1 4 WHERE THEY PUT the opposition
candidate in jail," I added, "Mr. Nixon,
wouldn't you object if the opposition put you
in jail?"

"I certainly would. I certainly would," he
repeated. At this point he seemed a little
shook. He made a reference to Caracas, where
he was stoned bv student demonstrators in

1 he taping session ended a little after 1
p.m. A short walk through the gardens of Alan
Byrd house later that afternoon was also taped.
This footage was to substitute for a planned
walk through the campus of the College of
William and Mary, which had to be cancelled
because of student demonstrations.

6 BircT stand removed
Saturday to return?

A week ago tomorrow, Mary
Lou Romaine, '70, was called
away from her student aid job in
the library to see Dean of
Students Carrie Scandrett. During
the interview she was asked to
remove the stand selling copies of
"The (Jreat Speckled Bird" in
front of the dining hall.

College officials in connection
with student government officers
had granted permission this fall
to sell the weekly Atlanta
underground newspaper on
campus. Mary Lou, sister of
Howard Romaine, a "Bird"
editor, is campus representative
for the newspaper.

Mary Lou was requested to
remove the stand after the college
became aware of a restraining
order issued by the local courts
against the sale of the newspaper.
President of the College Wallace
M. Alston, who also talked with
Mary Lou, said the restraining
order was not clear whether it
applied to all issues of the "Bird"
or only to the November 1 1 one
which has been alleged obscene.

"We have not suppressed the
"Bird," Dr. Alston said, "we
simply asked her to desist until
we could find out the extent of
the restraining order."

Dr. Alston emphasized the
college is not suppressing the
underground newspaper; it is
complying with the present
restraining order which Tuesday
was clarified to apply only to the
November 1 1 issue. He said if the
restraining order is not extended
to include all issues of the
"Bird," it can again be sold on

After her discussions with Miss
Scandrett and Dr. Alston, Mary
Lou Romaine said, "An
institution with Agnes Scott's
reputation and dignity should be

outraged at suppression of
freedom of the nivss."

A letter is currently being
circulated among faculty
members by Mary Lou, Patricia
Daunt, Cornelia DeLee and
others. It is slated to be sent to
the Atlanta Constitution in the
near future.

As of this writing, the letter has
been signed, according to Mary
Lou, by Penelope Campbell,
assistant professor of history and
political science, Martha M.
Traylor, visiting professor of
political science and Robert F.
Westervelt, assistant professor of

The text of the letter reads:
"We, the undersigned, faculty
from colleges and universities in
the Atlanta area, feel that the
indictment of members of the
staff of "The Great Speckled
Bird" represents a substantial
threat to the freedom of the

"While not necessarily agreeing
with the entire policy or position
of "The Great Speckled Bird,"
we do feel that portions of the
newspaper are a valid artistic and
political expression of a segment
of our society. Furthermore, we
believe that diversity of
expression is vital to a free


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NOVEMBER 22, 1 96S

DIE BRUCKE, a touring drama
troupe from Germany, will
present "Minna von Barnhelm"
to the college community
December 2. It will be given in
Gaines Auditorium at 8:15 p.m.

sponsor a College Bowl program
in Rebekah Recreation Room
Sunday afternoon. Four Scotties
will challenge a four man team of
Georgia Tech 1FC members with
questions pertaining to
humorous, trivial matters.

The two new freshman
representatives to Social Council
are Minna Phillips and Julia Bean.
Petitions are currently being
accepted from members of the
senior class for a recently vacated
position of senior class

TRIUMPHED at the swim meet


November 14, winning 7 out of
eleven events.

They started their winning
streak with the 80 yard medley
relay. Leigh Ann Peterson was
the backstroke; Montie Smith,
breaststroke; Betty Zaslove,
butterfly; and Gale Fisher,

In the front crawl form event
the judges watched the style and
form of the swimmer. Margo
Powell won this event for the

Gale Fisher, a freshman, set a
new school record in the 40 yard
freestyle. Gale cut the old time,
22.2 seconds, to 20.5 seconds.

The fourth event, the
breaststroke form, was won by

Nancy Griffin for the freshmen.
The 40 yard breaststroke event
was won by Lou Frank for the


Lane Ervin, a freshman, won
the diving competition by
performing three difficult dives: a
front dive pike, an inward dive
pike and a forward
one-and-one-half somersault.

Another freshman, Jean
Jennings, won the backstroke
form event. The eighth event, the
40 yard backstroke competition,
was won by Darcy Gerrard for
the sophmores.

Gale Fisher set another
record. 36.2 seconds, in the 60
yard individual medley. The
previous record time had been
37.3. This event includes the
butterfly stroke, backstroke and
freestyle. Scobey Dowsley won
the sidestroke form competition
for the sophomores.

The final event, the 80 yard
freestyle relay, was taken by the
freshmen. The relay was
performed by Harriet Wolff,
Nancv Thomas, Leigh Ann
Peterson and Betty Zaslove.

At the end of the meet the

sophomores were in second place
having won two events, and third
place went to the seniors.

traveled to Greenville to
participate in three hockey games
Saturday, November 16. Scott
lost the first two games to
Furman and Appalachian State
University, but defeated Judson
College in the third game.

Two Agnes Scott players,
Evelyn Angeletti and Isabel
Scott, were named to the first
string of the Deep South Team.

-- Alterations--

Mrs. Henry Jones

Male hockey buff
joins in play at ASC


If you have wandered past the hockey field or attended any of the
class hockey games in the last month, you might have noticed a new
hockey enthusiast. His name is John Rafiq.

John is a native of West Pakistan and lived there until 7 years ago,
when he came to America to attend Tennessee Wesleyan College. He
is now working on his masters of divinity at Candler Seminary.

One Sunday while visiting the college for dinner, John heard about
our hockey games. Now he attends Peggy Cox's 12:10 hockey class
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the class team practices in the afternoon
and the games on Friday.

John has been interested in hockey for a long time
because it is Pakistan's national sport. When he lived
in Pakistan he played center forward or right wing for
the Air Force Selective team.

John enjoys coaching the girls in the classes as well
as playing. Page McCullough, manager of the
sophomore team, said she gained alot from his
demonstrations at the practices. He has a great
amount of control over the ball she said, and from
experience he knows quite a few tricks to keep the
ball away from his opponent.

After watching Agnes Scott lose to Furman, John has had the idea
of getting a team of eleven girls together to play other colleges. He
believes that he could coach a team to play better than any other
group in the area.

Cerulean blue eyes
best part of new film

Associate Editor
Zebra" is the of the roles he has had before on

"Ice Station
newest offering at Martin's
Georgia. It's the type of film a
boy would like: hard-hitting
action, the good guys against the
bad guys, no love interest to
mush things up and plenty of
thrills and chills.

And chills it offers plenty of.
Set inside the Arctic circle, it is
the tale of two submarine teams,
Russian and American, racing
each other to retrieve a lost film
capsule from a downed Russian
satellite. The Russians take the
easy way out and parachute in
during the last ten minutes. But
the Americans have to do it the
hard way.

1* nter Rock Hudson: the
brave, fearless nuclear submarine
captain. It is his duty to get the
American team there under the
polar ice cap, no less. The first
half of the movie is devoted to
his effort. He succeeds (of
course) but almost wrecks the
sub trying to come up through
the ice cap. Rock's acting is
about as stiff as the brim of the
baseball cap he wears.

Inter complications in the
form of two civilian
spook -sleuths sent along to
recover the film for OUR SIDE;
Irnest Borgnine and Patrick
McGoohan. You ean have Ernest,
but mst give me Pat. The sparks
from his cerulean blue eyes was
enough to melt the ice and snow
so in evidence. His role is typical

T.V.: the cool spy, emotionless
and very capable. But he even
improved upon it for this role. He
alone is worth the price of

Why so much space over a
movie that's really not made with
the Scottie in mind (besides
Patrick McGoohan, of course)?
The movie is redeemed by its
spectacular visual effects. As I
said before, the first half of the
movies is concerned with getting
the submarine near enough to the
film capsule. Director John
Sturges has come up with some
breath-taking photography to
enhance the realism.

As the sub plows through the
North Sea heading for the pole,
you heave with every wave
rocking the ship and shiver in the
spray. (Hint: take your heaviest
coat and your dramamine
along. R he ship goes under the ice
cap and cameras outside the ship
catch it weaving through the
icebergs, the light being provided
by the sunlight filtering through
several feet of ice.

On the whole, the movie is
well worth a date. The plodding
plot is salvaged by the great
photography and special effects.
The cardboard acting only makes
Patrick McGoohan look that
much better. (And Em not
prejudiced a bit!) Go see it by all
means, but take your earmuffs.
my date thinks he got frostbite.



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Piano accompaniment, record players, and tape recorders will be pro-
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Atlanta, Ga.

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 4, 4:00 P.M./ Ga. Memorial Hall / University of
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FRIDAY, Dec. 6, 4:00 P.M./ Fine Arts Building / Shorter College / Rome, Ga.


o o n o

At Academy Theatre,
you, will find
A Man's a Man,
bv Bertolt Brecht.

There is a Galy Gay, once
soldier, and Bloody
by a widow's smiles.
And there are songs,
and a castration .
and a funeral.

You might not like it, otiffi

Nov. 14- Dec. 21
Reservations: 233-9481




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030


Holyoke head quits;
rumors surround act

SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. (CPS)-Mount Holyoke College president
Richard Glenn Gettell abruptly announced his resignation here
several weeks ag6, amid a flury of rumors that a decision by the
college's Board of Trustees to consider alcohol and parietals on
campus was "the last straw."

The trustees recently formed a committee of two trustees, two
administrators, two faculty members and six students to develop
proposals for alcohol on campus and parietals (male visitors in
dormitories). The trustees also said they would meet in
mid-December to consider the proposals. Many students speculate
that liberalized policies on alcohol (now forbidden on campus) and
parietals (men are now allowed only in the public rooms) will go into
effect second semester.

President Gettell, who has been on Mount Holyoke since 1957,
had originally announced his intention to retire "not later than June

However, his announcement last Monday came as a complete
surprise to this private women's college, although he has since
explained that he had long ago told the trustees privately this meeting
would be his last. Gettell has also been in poor health recently.

Pressure for liberalization of the school's antiquated social rules
began last September with the announcement of a year-long drive by
the Student Government Association to restructure the college, both
in the social and academic spheres. The student position paper, "The
Case for Participation," prepared in October by the SGA Executive
Board, included proposals for greatly liberalized social rules, as well
as the right of students to determine their own social policies.

The "Case" was mailed to the trustees last month by the
Executive Board. Apparently in response to the "Case," the trustees
called a formal meeting with the Executive Board, the first such
meeting in history.

Gettell has been strongly opposed to parietals. He claims they are
"immoral," that young ladies should not entertain young men in
their bedrooms. He has also said publicly "the College will provide
1 700 necking nooks."

Students have grown particularly restless this year, as nearby
Smith College does have weekend parietals, and this year instituted
liquor on campus at meals, mixers and parties.

Student Government sources say Gettell resented having the
students go "over his head" by mailing the "Case" directly to the
trustees. He is also reportedly upset that the trustees formed the
study committee which so obviously went against his wishes.

'Female ghettos' soon
to be anachronisms?


(CPS)-Although the place of
the sexually segregated college
has been questioned since women
literally and symbolically began
wearing pants, this year's
co-education advocates have
some rather impressive support.

Recently at Princeton
University a committee
completed an in-depth study of
the merits of co-education. The
committee concluded that a
male-female education program
would "greatly enrich the
cultural and social life of
(Princeton) students and would
tend to develop in
undergraduates (of opposite
sexes) a Sense of responsibility
toward one another."

Although the study was
compiled for use at Princeton, it
has served as a model for other
colleges, both male and female,
who on the strength of their own
find ings have in it iated
co-educational programs.

Solutions to tfte
co-educational dilemma have
been many. The three primary
plans are the multi-college
exchange program, the
co-ordinate college plan, and
total co-education.

According to the first
proposal, colleges in a specific
area (like western Massachusetts
or the Hudson River Valley)
exchange teachers and permit
their students to take courses at
the other colleges. Although it

provides diversity in course
selection, this plan has failed to
achieve an integrated classroom
and campus situation.

Ford ham, Hamilton,
Columbia and Harvard
Universities operate on a
co-ordinating plan. An affiliated
women's college shares classes,
professors and resources with the
men's college while retaining
institutional autonomy and
identity. Where the women's
college is not built by the existing
institution there is the problem
of finding a comparable college
to coordinate with.

The final, alternative,
co-education, consists of
admitting the opposite sex to the
established institution. Sarah
Lawrence, Bennington and Vassar
Colleges (all female) have
undertaken such plans. The cost
of the project has been estimated
at $250,000. It means increasing
enrollment or cutting back on
women to allow for the
admission of men (or vice versa).

There is no denying that
co-education is not easy to
implement. Its ramifications
financially and academically are
frightening. But it is not a token
suggestion designed to dissolve
the "finishing school" myth
surrounding women's institutions
of higher learning. It is rather a
theory in the mainstream of
contemporary educational

207 at last exam;
are gripes justified?

The new exam scheduling
system doesn't go into effect
until next quarter, so unless
you've forgotten, we're still
functioning under the old way.
The old way may be better for
Barbarella, but chances are that
there won 7 be regrets from
students or faculty to see the old
one go.

But the old system 's not
leaving without a bang.
N umber ous complaints from
upper class men have arisen over
th e seem ing fie n d ish n ess o f th eir
personal schedules, to wit, exams
on Thursday and Friday.

Over 200 students will still be
in exams Friday morning,
December 20, five days before
Christmas. One wonders how
much attention is left on Friday
to be directed toward a ditty
which determines a large part of

one 's quarter grade.

Over one-half of the student
body will still be here Thursday
morning. Please notice the
overload of students getting
exams out of the way on
Tuesday. A total of 350 exams
will be taken on Tuesday as
compared to 354 on Thursday
afternoon alone.

The exam break comes
Monday morning, after a grand
total of two exams and a whole
day to recover in. It's traditional
to rest from our labors Sunday as
well as Monday morning, but
perhaps those 207 scholars taking
exams Friday morning would
rather switch than fight.

So pause for a moment s silent
farewell to what we hope is a
soon-to-be-forgotten and little
lamented exam system. Who
knows, Santa might beat you
home I

Friday, 9 a.m.

14 Biology 303 (Bridgeman)

21 Classics 309 (Glick)

24 English 101 J (Ball)

25 English 21 1 F (Bradham)

14 French 103 F (lllien)
11 French 257 D (Hubert)
8 French 308 (Volkoff)

22 History 101 F (Blaylock)

1 1 Mathematics 328 (Robinson)
37 Psychology 101 G (Copple)

15 Spanish 201 B(Mazlish)
5 Speech and Drama 215 (Rentz)

207 total

Thursday, 2 p.m.

12 Art 101 C (Beaver)
18 Astronomy 151 A (Calder)

26 Bible 201 E (Chang)
42 Biology 101 D (Bowden)
4 Biology 307

4 Chemistry 351 (Clark)

24 Classics 1 50 B (Young)

23 English 101 G (Woods)

21 English 101 H (Bradham)

28 English 211 E (Nelson)
8 French 257 C (Allen)
14 French 103 E (Hubert)
6 German 304 (Bicknese)
21 History 101 E (Blaylock)
41 History 215 B (Meroney)

29 Mathematics HOB (Wilde)
33 Psychology 101 F(Hogan)

354 total

Thursday, 9 a.m.



Art 307 (Pepe)


Bible 201 B (Moon)


English 211 B (Ball)


English 331 (Woods)


French Ol C (Trotter)


French 101 D (Johnson)


French 101 E (lllien)


French 103 B (Hubert)


German 01 C (Shiver)

5 German 101 C (Kockert)

7 Greek 201 (Glick)

18 History 101 B (Campbell)

19 History 203 (Brown)
24 History 305 (Meroney)

11 Latin 210 (Glick)

22 Mathematics 102 E (Robinson)
21 Mathematics 102 F (Rutledge)
4 Music 208 (Mathews)

23 Philosophy 304 (Walker)

12 Physics 210 (Reinhart)
29 Psychology 101 D (Copple)
15 Psychology 404 (Omwake)
14 Spanish 101 B (Dunstan)
12 Spanish 101 C (Mazlish)
3 Speech and Drama 320 (Green)
3 Speech and Drama 341 (Winter)

400 Total


Wednesday, 9 a.m. 453 total

Tuesday, 2 p.m. 1 85 total

Tuesday, 9 a.m. 165 total

Monday, 2 p.m. 429 total

Saturday, 2 p.m. 307 total

Saturday, 9 a.m. 492 total

Sex books kept off
shelves; ask at desk


Some of the books under the category "sex" in the card catalog of
the Agnes Scott library cannot be obtained from the stacks; a student
must request them from a librarian at the main desk. These books are
elearly marked in the card catalog with a note to the effect that they
can be obtained at the main desk or will be found in the catalog

When asked why these partieular books were not in the stacks,
Edna 11. Byers, librarian, replied these books tend to "walk off and
are neither eharged out or returned. Since the policy of the library is
to make these books available to all students, she said, these books
had been removed from the stacks as a precaution so that they would
he available when called for.

Miss Byers refused to speculate on who would take these books,
saying there was no way to cheek and "we don't know what happens
to the books. They just disappear." She emphasized that anyone can
check these books out by merely asking for them and that the staff
had not taken the books off of the shelves because they didn't want
students to have them.

Other libraries also have this problem, Miss Byers said. She
mentioned the New York City Library as one where such books are
not ever listed in the catalog and could not be obtained. They also
refuse to catalog books on firearms.

What are these illustrious books? They include: Ellis, "The
Psychology of Sex"; Eddy, "Sex and Youth"; Davis, "Sex Life of
2200 Women"; Ellis, "The Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior"; Kahn,
"Our Sex Life: A Guide and Counsellor for Everyone"; Kinsey,
"Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" and "Sexual Behavior in the
Human Male"; Riehmond, "An Introduction to Sex Education"; and
Stone, "A Marriage Manual."


From the November 10
London "Observer": "Overheard
during last week's so-called siege
of All Soul's in Oxford:

A.L. Rowse: 'Who are you,
idle middle-class young men?
Why haven't you got any work to

Student, boldly: 'Who are
you, and what work have you
ever done?"

Rowse, very loudly: 'My name
is A.L. Rowse. I've written 30
books. 1 don't suppose any of
you have read any of them or
written a single book yourselves.
Now stop fooling about, go away
and do some work."







Campus News

Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.


All for expediency?

It is sadly ironic that Randy Jones opened Tuesday's
Representative Council meeting with the prayer, "Help us
to accept the responsibility we have accepted as
representatives of the student body...." Perhaps she should
have said, "Help us to accept the responsibility WE THINK
we have accepted...."

At this meeting Rep Council voted on the new drinking
policy which had already been passed by the administrative
committee. In so doing, the board voted not just on a
policy, but on its whole future as an effective organ. In
essence, the board approved its own demise and acquiesed
to its own invalidity.

For two quarters now someone has been extoling the
virtues of "working through channels." With the new
drinking policy, someone missed a very important channel
- the elected representatives of the student body.

The proper procedure for any legislation, whether it be
the changing of a major policy or an amendment of the
student government constitution is that the legislation
originating in a Rep Council committee or from the board
itself be approved FIRST by a majority vote of Rep
Council and then be taken for approval or veto by the
administrative committee if necessary.

In announcing to Rep Council that she had the new
drinking policy which the administrative committee had
already approved, Student Government President Tina
Brownley explained that the policy had not come before
Rep Council first because she and the committee who
worked on the policy wished to avoid all the "going back
and forth" for re-wording which would have occurred
between the administrative committee and Rep Council
and its committee.

President Brownley's excuse was one of expediency. As
she commented concerning another matter, "pragmatism
rules." It would seem that things can become too
expedient. Rep Council was missed on the drinking policy.

Tuesday with the approval of Rep Council itself,
another group was missed.

According to the student handbook, the procedure for
setting up a'new student organization is that the heads of
all campus organizations (boards, clubs, honorary societies
and publications) meet in committee to approve or not
approve the proposed organization. If this committee gives
its approval, the written constitution of the new
organization must be passed by a two-thirds vote of Rep

Tuesday these two steps were hurried together into one
without the heads of all campus organizations being
present. In this case expediency served a good purpose, but
it would seem that someone might have notified the
organization heads not regularly required to be present at
Rep Council that their attendance was needed at this

We certainly do not quarrel with the worth of the new
drinking policy or even with the establishment of a new
campus organization. But contained within the action on
both is the precedent of having failed to work through
elected student representatives.

President Brownley has been heard to comment in
conversation that she feared students would begin to use
the new drinking policy before it went into effect or even
to administrative committee if it first went through Rep
Council and became common knowledge. She also said she
wished to have the policy approved and go into effect as
soon as possible. Apparently she knows where the real
power lies, and through its vote Tuesday, Rep Council has
agreed with her and with her method.

It is indeed sad that we have come to this realization.
Now perhaps the thing to do is to at least save ourselves
from hypocrisy. If something is invalid, get rid of it.

Past editor twits PROFILE
for no stand on 'Bird' issue

To the Editor:

1 am writing you and the
Scott "community'' (if this is the
label still in vogue out there)
about the "Great Speckled Bird"
controversy. I have heard
disturbing rumors of this paper's
being banned on campus, of
misinformation being circulated
concerning the posture of the
"Bird" litigation pending in
federal court, of threatened
arrests of students who choose
either to distribute or even read
the "Bird."

Finally, this letter proceeds
upon my understanding that the
Profile has not even taken a stand
on the issues presented by this
controversy, and upon my
conviction that the Profile, of all
organizations on campus, should
take a strong position in favor of
the continued free circulation of
this publication.

I write this letter both as a
past editor of the Profile and as
an attorney who worked with
other committed attorneys all
one night on the pleadings for the
federal court brought by the
"Bird." 1, therefore, feel doubly
strong about the desirability and,
in fact, the necessity of your
taking a stand on issues which
affect your very existence: the
freedom of dissident opinion,
even if couched in inelegant

The issue is not whether
you or I agree with political
positions advocated by the "Bird;"
the issue is not whether we use or
even enjoy hearing the rhetoric
chosen by its staff writers; the
issue is not even whether we
condone the social value system
espoused by the "Bird," whether
it be free love, denuding of soul
or body, the use of marajuana, or
draft evasion.

The issue is simply whether
the "Bird" (or any of its
"underground press" siblings)
should be allowed breathing
space to exist, for the health of all
society. Should not the "Bird" be
permitted to editorialize on the
ills of our times, to publish its
views for the benefit of anyone
who desires such edification, and,
hopefully, to mature into a
responsible, healthfully
competitive Atlanta newspaper?

The "Bird" is a young
publication in terms of both its
age and the age of its average
contributor. Stylistically, this
adolescence is reflected on every
page. Yet if this paper, or any
one of its articles, appeals to the
prurient interest of any reader at
Scott or even the average reader
in the world at large, then that
reader must have experienced a
very narrow, boring existence.

1 do not agree with all of
the views of the "Bird" staff or
how their views are stated or
overstated, but we must all
concur in their right of
expression and our right to hear
their outcry. If the harassment of
Milton, Swift, and Pasternak
stand as examples of the dangers
inherent in State suppression of
political expression; if "Madame
Bovary," "Ulysses" and even
"Memoirs of a Lady of Pleasure"

(better known as Fanny Hill)
survived against attempted
censorship of literary efforts to
describe social mores and
sensuality; the "The Great
Speckled Bird," with its
concoction of both strains of
commentary, should be assisted
in its efforts to take flight.

The "Bird" has not been
judicially declared obscene. Its
editors and distributors have not
been arrested or indicted or
enjoined from continuing their
activities. I would urge you to
obtain the facts concerning the
current legal battle and to present
them to the campus. 1 would
certainly hope that any student
out there is as sufficiently
competent to judge for herself
the merits of the "Bird" as is
DeKalb Solicitor Bill.

No more important single
issue will probably erupt during
your lives on that campus than
any of those which are involved
in the threatened silencing of this
publication. Fach should consider
the admonition of Mr. Justice
Holmes: "as life is action and
passion, it is required of a man
that he should share the passion
and action of his time at the peril
of being judged not to have

Sincerely yours,
Lucy Schow Forrester, k 62

Byers reports error

To the Editor:

I wish to report an error in the November 22, 1969 issue of the
PROFILE. You state "...Mary Lou Romaine, '70, was called away
from her student aid job in the library to see Dean of Students Carrie
Scandrett." I wish to state that Mary Lou was in the library but she
does not have a student aid job in the library.

Edna H. Byers,

Traylor corrects 'Bird 1 story;
defends freedom of speech

To the Editor:

Your article in the PROFILE,
the November 22 issue regarding
the "banning" of the newspaper,
"The Great Speckled Bird," is
based on several erroneous facts.

There is not now, and never
has been any restraining order of
any kind on file in court against
this newspaper. The only legal
action of any kind involving "The
Great Speckled Bird" is a case
brought by the newspaper itself
in the Federal District Court for
the Northern District of Georgia,
Atlanta Division, asking relief
from harassment by the Fulton
County sherif, the Fulton County
solicitor, the DeKalb County
sheriff and the DeKalb County
solicitor, cause number 1 223 1 .

This suit asked for, among
other things, a temporary
restraining order against these
public officials pending trial of
the case. This request was heard
in Federal District Court on
Monday, November 18 (not
Tuesday as your article
erroneously reported.) Copies of
the pleadings and briefs filed in
this case are a vailable to the
public, as area all American court

No temporary restraining
order against the public officials
was granted, because it was not
shown that any one's life was
endangered or any great property

loss was imminent. But the court
did indicate to counsel that
should any further harassment
occur, before the case comes to
trial on the issues, that the court
might change its Monday decision
and grant the restraining order

The case is now in the process
of being set down for trail before
a panel of three federal judges, as
is customary, and will be tried in
the next few weeks. There is no
restraining order against anyone
at this point.

Our basic American freedom
of innocence until proven guilty
in a court of law is grounded in
the Christian admonition against
bearing false witness. It behooves
us as citizens, who have been
given the great gift of intellect
and the priceless privilege of
education to ascertain the true
facts before we judge any

I disagree too, but I expect to
retain for myself my choice of
reading matter. I feel very
strongly that the banning or
suppression of any expression of
free speech is a very dangerous
precedent to begin in America,
no matter what the reason
offered to justify it. Such a
sensitive situation as this one is to
fundamental America freedoms
demands, at the very least,
accurate press reporting. The

PROFILE has a great obligation
to keep Agnes Scott students
accurately informed. I regret this

Yours very truly,
Martha Traylor,
Visiting assistant professor
of political science

Editor s note: We too regret
(his aberration and agree with
Mrs. Traylor that the PROFILE
has an obligation to keep Agnes
Scott students accurately
informed. At the time of the
printing of this article, we
thought we were keeping the
student body accurately
informed and we do appreciate
Mrs. Traylor\s correction of our

Concerning the
misinformation about a court
restraining order issued against
the November 1 1 edition of "The
Great Speckled Bird," we
received this information from
President of the College Wallace
M. Alston and did not think of
questioning it, although we
should have perhaps checked
primary sources. Since the
printing of the article, both Dr.
Alston and College Business
Manager P. J. Rogers have
received accurate information
from the office of the DeKalb
County Sheriff

DECEMBER 6. 1968




Our parents keep reminding us that our college years make up
"some of the best days of your life." In keeping with this idea, Ann
Abernethy and I decided to fill one of these glorious days with fun
and frivolity.

As we returned to Atlanta from Greer, S.C., on Friday, November
29, down Highway 1-85, we took a Truck-Drivers Friendliness Survey.
In other words, I drove and Ann waved.

The point system consisted of: one point for waving; two for
blinking lights; three for honkmg horn; four for come hither hand
motion; and ten for the whole works with much enthusiasm.

One extra point was earned by ( 1) honking before prompting, (2)
extra long honk or (3) congeniality, which included a smile and/or
wave with two hands. Two extra points were given for the nebulous
accolade of all-around courtesy.

We are happy to report that two flatbed trucks carrying some kind
of steel spiky frames came in first with a total of 19 points. Second
place was earned by one lone transfer truck who shall remain
nameless with a total of ten points. Fifteen transfer trucks were
surveyed as well as three smaller fry who were friendly in spite of
their size.

Among the holiday hitchhikers, were two especially memorable
young men. One smiled and waved while the other made an obscene
sign with the middle finger of his right hand.

All in all, we found it to be a quite successful survey except that
there seemed to be more trucks on the other side of the highway than
on ours This leads me to the main discovery of the Abernethy-Farley
Truck-Drivers Friendliness Survey: The trucks are always thicker on
the other side of the median.

DRak 7-4913

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Florist - Baker - Caterer
112 Clairmont Avenue
Decatur, Ga.

\Q% Discount on Birthday Cakes for Agnes Scott Girls

'Children's Hour' marks
firsts for Blackfriars

Blaekfriars* production of
Lillian riellmaifs "The Children's
Hour" on November 21, 22 and
23 marked several firsts for the
53-year-old club.

Certainly the theme of
lesbianism has not been seen
before on an Agnes Scott stage.
This theme is not worth much
comment, except to say that the
actresses did not seem squeamish
or embarrassed by their roles.
The theme was treated
matter-of-factly by audience and
cast alike.

Another first was apparent at
the opening of the curtain on the
setting of the play. This play was
the first time a proscenium-type
setting, which virtually re-creates
a room, had been used on the
thrust stage of Dana. The sets
themselves were in keeping with
the play and apparently pleased
the audience when it broke into
applause on opening night for the
Act II set. The re-creation of Mrs.
Tilford's elegant, blue Georgian
living room was quite sucessful They

Junior, was well cast physically
for the role of Martha Dobie, the
rather masculine half of the
school teaching team. In a role
which could easily be overplayed,
Mollie appeared a bit too
dramatic as the young teacher
who eventually realizes her
homosexual tendencies.

Patricia Johnston as Karen
Wright, was the second teacher
who loses her fiance through the
scandal which surrounds her
relationship with Martha. Patricia
was able to maintain both her


control over a part which could
have become hysterical and also
keep a refreshing variety in her

Agnes Scott students came
across quite convincingly as
children. Interesting and often
comic performances were given
by Vicki Hutchison, Charlotte
C oats and Hope Gazes.
Sophomore Judy Langford
played Mary Tilford, the spoiled
child who originates the lie, with
much more sensitivity and life
than her role last year in
Madwoman of Chaillof \


Faculty guinea pigs
try computer course

Don't be surprised if you see a
large number of Agnes Scott
faculty members marching to the
key punch machine in Room 109
Campbell every Monday night.

e taking a computer

except for the incongruent use of
two early American deacon's

The Agnes Scott Speech and
Drama Department seems to be
coming of age. Last year it
graduated its first major and next
year will see finished the first
students who came to Agnes
Scott planning a drama major.
Members of this second group
formed the core of 'The
Children's Hour" cast.

Junior Carol Ann
showed a great deal of control in
her subdued interpretation
Mrs. Tilford. Her winters

programming course which is
taught by Dr. W. Buell I van,
director of the Hmory University
Computer Center.

Ronald B. Wilde, assistant
professor of mathematics and a
member of the Computer
Committee, says the course will
be open to interested students
winter quarter as a voluntary
course with no credit. It is hoped
subsequent courses can be given
for credit based on the success of
the first.

Mr. Wilde said it was decided
of to give the faculty the course first
of in order to indoctrinate them to

experience in Blackfriars 1 the attributes of the computer

productions coupled with two an d give them the opportunity to

years in summer stock are paying evaluate the course. He further

off. added that many faculty

Mollie Douglas, another members are interested inthe

Seniors and
Graduate Students

Career hunt with 90 of the finest companies

having operations located in the New Jersey/New
York metropolitan area. On December 26-27 at the
Marriott Motor Hotel, intersection of Garden State
Parkway and Route 80, Saddle Brook, New Jersey.

For more details, including a listing of spon-
soring companies, see your college placement
director or write to the non-profit sponsor of the
second annual "Career-In": Industrial Relations
Association of Bergen County, P. O. Box 533,
Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07662.

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course because there are aspects
of computer use that can be
adopted to any department.

Another computer course
student, Julia T. Gary, associate
professor of chemistry, said, "I
am beginning to see broad
implications of being able to use
computers not only in scientific
areas but possibly in the record
keeping and administrative
functions of the college. "
Beginning winter quarter, Miss
Gary will be acting Dean of the

I he computer programing
course is being offered because
the college recognized that so
much is being done with
computers. Also, some Agnes
Scott students were having to go
to limory University to take such
a course. The course includes the
technique of programming
together with an orientation of
the history of the computer.


issue of


is at your
newsstand now!



DECEMBER 6, 1968


gioup will present its annual
Christmas concert today at 1 1:30
a.m. This year's program is
shorter than usual consisting of
only five dances.

The first two dances are
interpretations of sermons of
John Donne. There is also a
dance performed to a medley of
familiar Christmas carols. The last
dance is a sketch entitled "The
Christmas Anger and is complete
with a little old toymaker in his

Dramatic Monologues and
Lyrics" is the title of a lecture
and reading to be given by
Richard Hudson at 8:15 p.m.
today in Dana. The program is
sponsored by the speech and
drama department.

Dr. Hudson holds degrees
from Warthmore College, the

University of Pennsylvania and
the University of Paris. He has
taught on the English faculties of
three northern colleges and has
given courses in English
literature, modern drama,
creative writing and theatre arts.

He has studied acting at the
school of drama of Columbia
University and acts professionally
off-Broadway. He has played
Professor Higgens in "My Fair
Lady 1 ' and Charles Lomax in
"Major Barbara."

interdepartmental course on
developing nations which is
offered winter quarter ends today
at 4:30 p.m. Interested students
should register in the office of
David P. Forsythe, assistant
professor of history and political

Till: GLEE CLUB will present
its annual Christmas concert
Sunday, December 15. The
program will consist of works by
Handel, Morales and Sweelinck
with some lighter twentieth
century music by Poulene,
Britten, Davis and Williams.
There will also be two spirituals
on the program.

The highlight of the concert
will be the "Christmas Oratorio,"
Section 1 by Bach and the
"Hallelujah" from the Mount of
Olives by Beethoven.

There will be a quartet in the
"Oratorio" consisting of Sally
Martin, Charlene Kruisenga ,
Jessie Rogers and Gail Pinckney.
Soloists will be Becky Belcher
and Sally Martin.

recently been appointed house
council members, according to
Polly Mathews, chairman of
house presidents council.

They are in Hopkins, Margaret
Guirkin; in Ininan, Betsy Bandy,
Kathleen Costello and Deborah
Long; in Walters, Sally Barron
and Nancy Weaver; and in
Winship, Kathy Champe, Beth
Sherman and Dianne Gerstle.

sponsor a self-defense program
Tuesday, January 7 at 8:15 p.m.
in Maclean. The program includes
a 40 minute film and a 50 minute
lecture presented by Lieutenant
Bazemore of the DeKalb Police

In class hockey games
November 22 the seniors and
sophomores tied and the juniors
lost by default to the freshmen.

Agnes Scott played West
Georgia College in hockey on
November 3 and won the game
by the score of 3 to 0.

On November 18 Agnes Scott
played volleyball against
Columbus College and DeKalb
Junior College at DeKalb. Scott
defeated both schools in a
two-out-of-three match.

Representative Council for the
fall quarter, Tina Brownley
announced the R.C.'s that had
been approved by the
Administrative Committee.

Of primary importance was
the news that going into effect at
the beginning of winter quarter is
a new drinking policy. "The
keynote of this policy," said
TinaBrownley, "is resumption of
normal responsibility on return
to the campus."

The three aspects of the
policy that will be subject to
strict judicial action are
resumption of normal
responsibility on return to the
campus, maintaining high
standards of conduct and no
alcoholic beverages on campus.
This new procedure will be
explained in full on January 6.

The administrative committee
also accepted the abolishment of
the 10:30 phone rule and a
resolution concerning unlimited
social engagements for
sophomores. The chaperonage
policy must be reworded, but will
go to the committee before the
end of the quarter.

Tina Brownley installed Lee
Ann Peterson and Susan Borcuk
as freshman representatives to
Rep Council.

Students help make
mental health survey

Students in the Agnes Scott
Sociology Department are
currently working on a project in
connection with the Fulton


What gets you through exams'/

Libby Potter, '69: "A pack of
spearmint lifesavers and alot of

Paula Swann, '70: "1 don't
know. Eve never made it."

\ 1 1

' i- 1

Charlotte Williams, '70:
"Knowing that Christmas is
coming and I won't have to study
over vacation."

Mary Hart, *69: "I sleep alot,
eat three times a day and go out
at least once every night for a

County Mental Health
Department. According to
Kenneth R. Whittemore, assistant
professor of sociology and
director of research for the
Fulton County Mental Health
Department, the students are
taking a survey, or a one per cent
random sample, of households in
specific areas designated by the
mental health department.

The survey is an attempt to
ascertain the needs of the
community and apply help where
needed. The project also serves to
involve students from Agnes
Scott, Atlanta University School
of Social Work, Georgia State
College and Piedmont School of
Nursing in a meaningful research

Fulton County is divided into
four catchment areas. Students
from Agnes Scott will survey
approximately 100 of 600
families. The interviews will be
made primarily in the central area
along the DeKalb County line.

The areas in which the sample
will be taken include the
Buckhead area northward.
College Park and a large part of
the Negro area in Atlanta. It is
hoped that through this survey
the mental health department
will be able to apply primary
preventive measures such as job
placement, schools and workers
for specific areas.

The balance of interviews not
completed by college students
will be done by volunteers of the
Metropolitan Atlanta Mental
Health Association.

Ann Abernethy, '69: "A giant
size bottle of Excedrin and at
least two plentipacks of
Doublemint gum."

I i;J i: ;l



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JANUARY 17. 1969

Civil rights
for women

still vital issue


The movement for women's civil rights, begun in
1860 by women who came to be known as
suffragettes, is today the crusade of many women's
organizations as well as local representatives to

Congressmen Jack Brinkley, W.S. Stuckey and
Fletcher Thompson are sponsoring a proposed
amendment to the Constitution which will guarantee
"the rights of women in the worlds of business and
commerce under the U.S. Constitution . A joint
statement dispatched from Congressman Thompson's
office emphasized that women must constitutionally
possess rights and privileges equal to those of men.

According to the Congressmen, "The women of
our nations, once" freed from their subservient role,
have made a substantial and lasting contribution to
our national life. We are a stronger nation today
because we have agreed that woment have the same
political rights as men. The United States is a far
better country for its decision to unshackle women
and grant them full political equality."

A secretary in Thompson's office said the
Congressman had tried in 1967 and previously to pass
such legislation through congress.

Women's Liberation Front and the National
Organization for Women reinforce the efforts of
Congress as well as maintain local campaigns for
women's rights.

The WLF, an extreme group, advocates
eradication of existing institution is such as marriage
and the family before any change in women's liberties
occur. Members of this organization demonstrated
last September at the Miss America Pageant in

Atlantic City, New Jersey. Part of this demonstration
was the burning of a bra in protest of female

One of the newest groups for women's rights is the
National Organization for Women, founded in 1966.
NOW as defined in a press release from the group, was
created "to combat discrimination based on sex."
Betty Freidan, author of "The Feminine Mystique,"
is the president of the national organization.

Although NOW is considered "a militant civil
rights organization," it attempts to propagate
constructive change in women's rights within the
existing limits of our democratic society.

Members of the organization work as much on the
local level of reform as on the national level. Their
long term goals, cited by Mrs. Eliza Paschall, a
member of the NOW Board of Directors and an
alumna of Agnes Scott, include a desire "to bring
women into the mainstream of American life with
equal rights with men"; local chapters campaign for
specific change within their communities.

eliminate the division between male and female job
opportunities in the Help Wanted ads and succeeded
in rallying the support of the Office of Economic
Opportunity and many advertising companies.

The newspapers are in the process of appealing to
the courts against such a measure. The women,
nonetheless, created a sufficient uproar to make
decisive action necessary. The organization felt in this
matter that there were very few jobs which women
could not handle as well as men NOW has strongly
supported the legislation proposed by the three
Georgia Congressmen. Mrs. Paschall stated however,
that unless women "look at themselves as people that

are equal," legal reforms will be meaningless.

The situation of women's rights, Mrs. Paschall
continued, is closely analogous to the problem of
racial equality. Both the suftragettemovemenl and the
formation of NOW followed civil rights legislation in
Congress. Mrs. Paschall stated that "Everything they
say about sex, men said about the colored."

She drew a closer parallel in the incident of several
women from NOW who were shopping at Rich's and
decided to have lunch at the Cock and Grill, a
restaurant which traditionally serves only men until
2:45 p.m. The manager, refusing to seat the women,
responded to their anger with the statement, "We've
never had any complaints before,"

THE NEWEST PROJECT of the Atlanta chapter
of NOW is a survey of all major business in the
Atlanta area to discover the number of women
employees and executives in proportion to the
number of men in these companies. Mrs. Paschall
commented, "It is not that women want to take over,
but we want to share the burdens with men."

In support of this statement, she cited the
increasing number of men "killing themselves to
provide for the women and children at home..'
Women, according to Mrs. Paschall, are hindered by
their social roles and must discard their traditional
image of homemaker an housewife and venture into
the world ofbusiness or at least have opportunity to
excell in competition with men.

If organizations such as NOW and WLF are any
indication of the future of women's rights, we can
certainly expect new doors to be opened for the
educated woman of tommorrow. If shw never takes
advantage of the opportunities afforded her, she will,
however, never be made aware of her potential.



JANUARY 17. 196"

How much
do you

for your cosmetics?


Campus News Editor

Three stores near the Agnes Scott campus provide students with
cosmetics and other essential items: Watson's, Super-X, and Buy
Wise. All three sell basically the same type of articles.

A charge account for students is available at Watson's. The student
i billed and has thirty days in which to pay. There is no extra
charge for this service. Neither Super-X nor Buy-Wise offers charge

Both Buy-Wise and Watson's advertise in student publications. For
example, Buy Wise has advertised in the PROFILE and
Newcomers while Watson's has advertised in drama programs and
New comers .

Watson's, the closest to Scott, cashes personal checks for students.

The time during which each store is open varies. Watson's is open
from 8:30-9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 12:30-7 p.m.
Sundays. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and
from 12:30-9 p.m. on Sundays is Super-X. Buy Wise is closed Sunday
but open from 9 to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday.





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lTid y ucn 1 1 ic ui i^j 1 1 cycL/i uw




liliiy Ut-ll 1 1 IC 1 1 ItiNL ill i!




iviuy uciiiiic iKjiiHi eyeliner

1 .00



jeigeu a luiiun \ \j . d



rniscjiiex \ d oz.. j


1 .28

NfivPiTii ( f\ m \
l^UXeillu yjL.J

1. 10



r^lnirol Nntnrjillv Rlnnrl

V KIM wl 1 1 a IUI <\ 11 V IJ I U 1 1 u



1 .59

Revlon Colorsilk



1 .oil

Scope (12 oz. )




Kleenex (regular)




Style hairspray (13 oz.)




Revlon Living Curl (20 oz.)
Adorn hairspray (6.4 oz.)







Prell shampoo (7 oz.)




Breck shampoo (8 oz.)




Ultra Brite Toothpaste ( 3.25 oz.)




Mennen Spray (4 oz.)




Right Guard Spray (4 oz.)




Contac capsules (20)




Kodacolor (12 exposures)




cigarettes (regular)




carton cigarettes (regular)



prices as of 3:30 p.m., Saturday, January 11, 1969

Scottie Potty

LOSE SOMETHING? This lovely and delicate item appearcu
the front steps of Main Building Monday night. Informed sources say
that forlorn object was abandoned on the campus in honor of a new
Agnes Scott policy. Won't someone give it a good home? It could be
lovely planted with red geraniums to match its sweet pink seat and

Hints on self-defense
given by local police


A self-defense program
sponsored by Athletic
Association was presented on
January 7 by Lieutenant
Bazemore of the DeKalb Police
Department . The program was
developed to alleviate the task of
the police force and to place
more responsibility on the
individual citizen. Many tragic
incidents which require the
attention of the police can be
avoided through common sense
and the correct precautions.

Lieutenant Bazemore made
several suggestions for avoiding
possible attacks:

Park as close to a light as
possible when you know that vou
will have to return to your car
after dark.

When returning to your car
always have your car keys in your
hand, not in your purse. Check
the backseat before getting into
the car.

If you are driving on a city
street and you think that
someone is following you, drive
into an open service station and
call the police-do not keep

If you are driving along a rural
road and you think that someone
is following you, pull into the
driveway of the first farmhouse
and blow vour horn.

If you are stopped at a redlight
and someone tries to jump into
the car with you: ( 1 ) run into the
back of the car in front of you,
or (2) run through the red light.

If you have car trouble on a
highway, raise your hood or tie a
piece of cloth to your antenna.
Then get back in the car and stay

Women are quite capable or
defending themselves from an
attacker. There are a few
important things to remember.

Try to put all your force
behind one blow; kick him in the
groin, elbow him in the nos, Kick
him on the shin or stamp on the
instep of his foot.

Try to turn towards your
attacker-it is more difficult for
him to cover your mouth and
you can use your fingernails to
scratch at his eyes.

Scream !

The DeKalb County Police
Department, through Atletic
Association, is selling tear gas
pellet guns for personal defense.
They cost $7 and discharge seven
pellets. Guaranteed by the police
department, they are not on sale
on the commercial market and
can only be bought through the
police department. Orders for the
gun should be made to Box 334.

JANUARY 17, 1969



Atlanta support is
three months old



The influence of the grape strike is being felt in
Atlanta. In October, housewives, professional
persons, union workers, teachers and students
interested in the grape strike formed the Atlanta
Support Committee and began picketing
supermarkets and distributing leaflets on weekends.

Later the Concerned Clergy, made up about 50
priests, ministers and rabbis in the Atlanta area, added
their support and began discussions with the major
chain stores. Just recently the district headquarters of
five majorAtlanta chain food stores apparently have
agreed to stop buying California grapes.

College campuses which were early areas of support
for the Delano strike, are a major target for the
workers. Students across the nation are involved in
the United Farm Workers' strike for reasons such as
racism, poverty relevance of the church and social
justice Students in several colleges in the Atlanta
area have shown great interest and concern in the
plight of the grape pickers. In October, several Agnes
Scott students along with other students picketed
supermarkets in Decatur and elsewhere and
encouraged shoppers to comply with the boycott of
table grapes.

On Wednesday, January 15, 1969, the Tech Action
Committee of Georgia Tech, promoted a "Grape
Debate" in which two representatives of the Atlanta
Grape Boycott Committee tackled the issues with
two representatives of the John Birch Society.

Chavez-led grape strike
has religio -civil rights tone



The strike by California farm workers, which began
in 1965 and has spread into a nationwide grape
boycott, is a momentous step in the attempt to bring
about fair working conditions for the California grape
workers. For generations, the oppressive poverty of
the nation's 1.8 million regular farm workers has
forced them to lead lives geared, not to advancement,
but to survival. The .average pay for farm workers
was $1.23 per hour last year and those who worked
150 days or more in 1965 averaged $2,300 for all

However, this sum would seem like relative
affluence for the migrant workers among the farm
workers; these migrant workers are generally
unprotected by unemployment insurance or

Robert Kennedy: "The world must know that the
migrant farm worker, the Mexican-American, is
coming into his own right. "

workman's compensation. Futhermore,it was only in
February, 1967, that they were covered by the
federal minimum wage of $ 1 per hour.

Those promoting unionization of the workers see it
as the best means by which to ease their poverty. It is
the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee
which is trying to change things for the California
migrant. Through the National Labor Relations Act
of the 1930's, American's workers won the right to
organize and bargain collectively, but in 1968, the
farm workers still remined excluded from this act. To
overcome this handicap and win the benefits enjoyed
by other workers, the farm workers of Delano, Calif.,
voted to go on strike for union recognition three
years and eleven months ago.

THE WORKERS SAY they are seeking four things
with the strike: (1) a minimum hourly wage at all
times of the year, (2) sanitary working conditions, (3)
a seniority system to protect workers of
long-standing,and (4) an end to harassment through
the appointment of stewards who would represent
any worker who felt he had been treated unfairly.

In the past, attempts have been made to unionize
California farm workers, but all of them have failed.

Susan Mees, '72: "A straight
shot of rum."

Charlene Kruizenga, '71: "Go
to Michigan and freeze it in 30
degree weather."

Joanna Reed, '69: "My maid's
mother's remedy is to buy pig's
feet. Chop them up and boil
them in water to get "tea". Then
put a little brandy in it and a
little real tea. That gives you your

What's your favorite remedy for
the flu?


Minnie Bob Mothes, '69: "My
favorite flu remedy is a fifth of

Laura Reeves, '72: "Fd stay in
bed 'til March. It does away with
winter quarter blues."

Ellen Willingham, '71:
vacation-it does wonders."

Edith Jennings, '71: "Cough in
the direction of China and send it

Boo Godfrey, '71: "Take a
drink and go to bed."

Caroline Mitchell, '70: "Hang

Jan Roush, '71: "Turn around
and go home."

This time, however, under the leadership of Cesar
Chavez, director of the United Farm Workers, farm
workers have succeeded in winning collective
bargaining agreements for the first time in history.

When Chavez began to work among the
Mexican-American grape pickers in 1962, he was
aware that the struggle was not yet viable as a
conventional labor effort. Thus he turned it into a
religio-civil-rights cru^de enlisting wide-spread
church support on the "moruPissue of human
dignity. A master organizer, he: then involved the
weapon of the boycott against ' two national

THIS PAST SEPTEMBER-- Hie pea! ot the grape
harvest-an effort was made to: put additional pressure
on growers and to win nationwide suo^ojt, for the
strike. The UFW devoted most of its lime ihis fall to
enlarging and publicizing a nationwide boycott of
table grapes by supermarkets, individuals, and

Chavez and the strike have receive support from
such people as Eugene McCarthy, Hubert Humphrey
and the late Robert F. Kennedy. Kennedy marched in
procession with workers in an open air mass on March
10, 1968. While there, he said, "The world must
know that the migrant farm worker, the
Mexican American, is coming into his own right.

The boycott, begun in earnest in 1967, has had
some effect on the market. Sales in California are
down 20 per cent and grape markets in Boston New
York, Chicago and Detroit are being shut down.
Growers have begun routing grapes to cities where the
boycott has been least effective.

A SUCCESSFUL STRIKE could change the status
of farm labor well beyond the California boundaries.
Once the pickers are organized, the way will be open
to unionizing all of California's 300,000 harvest
hands and others across the nation. But the strike is
now in its 47th month and the workers are still out.
Although some progress has been made, the goal of
total union recognitions is still far in the future.
According to Chavez, what is really needed is
legislation to give collective bargaining to farm
workers. Otherwise, he says, "It's going to be one
death struggle after another. The growers are going to
hold out to the very end."



JANUARY 17, 1969




Campus News

Elizabeth Mathes
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Coins or energy?

Two opposing positions immediately grow up from a
comparative price study among three nearby stores selling
cosmetic items. First is the one to expend a little energy
and save some money. Second is the idea that the location,
store hours, check cashing policy and charge accounts are
worth the extra cost.

On many occasions, however, the student shopper is not
able to make this choice. She is compelled through
necessity and time to buy at the closer, more expensive
store. Moreover, she probably takes most of her drug and
prescription business which the infirmary does not handle
to this store.

Perhaps a student discount plan could benefit both the
store and the student. The student could save money and
shoe leather while the store could receive more of the
student's business and would not have to lower its prices

Another alternative to higher cost or the longer walk is a
distributer on campus. The bookstore could put in a shelf
of emergency cosmetic items, or some enterprising student
could become an Avon lady, for example. In either case,
the line would be limited and items possibly as expensive,
but at least, we would be spending money on campus or
with one of our own ranks.

As a student moves from freshman to senior year, she is
likely to grow poorer and poorer. This increasing pinch on
the older student is very real and sad, especially if she was
already poor as a freshman. Might we suggest that student
services committee again negotiate with nearby stores for a
student discount? If this cannot be achieved, perhaps more
drastic measures are in order. Boycotts, anyone?

Upward from here

Clear the Air, Bury the Hatchet, Start All over
Again- trite, but maybe the best way to express feelings
concisely so no one will misunderstand,

Perhaps reflection on last quarter can help determine a
plan for this quarter. Some degree of controversy raged
over the PROFILE during fall quarter and it is likely that
some students will again be unhappy with the paper in
winter quarter.

They are certainly welcome to their opinions, but
hopefully, they think highly enough of the paper and their
own ideas to express them constructively and responsibly
to the PROFILE staff. Then it is the responsibility of those
of us on the staff to listen to these suggestions,evaluate
them and, if workable, effect them All of us have a
quarter's experience behind us now. Many of our theories
and ideas have been tested practically. In trying them out,
we have moved horizonally and linearly; let us hope in the
new quarter, we can move vertically- upward from here.

The PROFILE has a sincere committment to the
improvement of itself and the college. The paper is better
itself, I believe, through the new layout and through more
interpretive writing by the staff. To improve the college, we
try to present a broader vision of the college in relation to
the world at large, to criticize, when necessary, events and
institutions, and to inject humor into the everyday life of
the college. The last is not the least of the methods.

Sensationalism, in spite of what many may think, is not
the primary goal of the PROFILE. Aritcles are not assigned
and written or themes and campaigns planned without
thought and purpose. Nevertheless, we, like everbody else,
make errors in judgment. On occasion, however, these
errors are not as great in intensity as some judge them.

Many readers will not find the PROFILE changed at all
this quarter; indeed, it may not be. However, we are
working from a positive not destructive view of ourselves
and the college. Moreover, we sincerely hope we Have
Learned By Our Mistakes (to fall again, into triteness.)


And so the final fall quarter issue of the PROFILE was stolen the
night before it was to be distributed to students. After nearly a day
and a half of flap and anguish, the papers were recovered on Saturday
morning in the Prayer Room spread out on what would be the altar if
the Prayer Room had a formal one.

Stealing the papers was certainly a destructive way of showing
disapproval of the PROFILE when suggestions or even good ole hard
work on the paper itself might have been a better way.

But, nevertheless, the culprits in accomplishing the theft and
return of the victim had a rather neat twist on their caper. The final
sentence of my editorial in that ill-fated issue was used cleverly to
justify the dastardly deed. The scamps also managed to identify me
with Lucy Van Pelt of the Peanuts cartoon. I find this somewhat
amusing since I've always rather admired her in a negative, odd
way. So, reproduced below for all to enjoy are the notes I received
from my sticky-fingered friends. One was placed in my mail box and
the other was found with the papers.

Zf / O0 - ?vv on Wnded

you. w\\\ See .

? SsofYveAVyOG I*
i-V." '

Tcxken \n vxcre-sV for
Grwe. us a.

Extra hands needed
in national flush-in

To the Editor:

The Students for Violent Non-Action (SVNA) is planning a
massive demonstration in protest of the existence of the new
administration. On January 20, 1969, as Nixon says the last word of
the inaugural oath (" help me God."), we plan to haveeverytoilet
in the country flushed.

We realize of course we may not be able to reach every toilet, but
we hope that, with the cooperation of organizations such as yours,
we shall be able to reach a large majority of them. We are attempting
to enlist the aid of students at every college and university in the
nation as well as anyone else who wishes to join.

The protest will require a high degree of organizational effort as
we hope to flush the toilets not only of the dorms, apartments and
lecture halls in and around the campuses, but also downtown hotels,
restaurants, railroad stations and high schools, private homes, etc.

With your help in promoting this project, "Flush for Freedom"
will be a success.

Frank Malbranche,
National Chairman, SVNA


Reinhart advocates
ASC guest speaker

Dining Hall pans own food:
packages of sugar advise "It's a
pleasure to eat out."

Editor's note: A review by
Kay Parkerson of the book Mr.
Reinhart mentions can be found
on page six.

To the Editor:

The increasing student and
faculty interest in updating the
college's s o c i a I rules is
encouraging. Recent drinking

for cooperaTION

To the Editor:

Nixon can bring us together by making cooperation the policy of
the land. In such sensitive areas of human relations as differing age,
religeon(sic), race and nationalism, cooperation is the approach that
leads to accord.

Cooperation does not even suggest complete agreement or
identical views but readily accepts the fact of differences, preferences
and seperatisms (sic), that each might pursue his own happiness while
working together to realize the good life for all in a relatively tranquil


The nonsense that we must conglomerate all "society" and all
government into conformity and likeness has brought on the
suspicions and turmoil that afflicts us.

Let us move upward to cooperation, for cooperation is proper
love for all mankind put to work.

I . J. Campbell

policy changes engineered by
various student committees and
the Committee on the Problem
are a real breakthrough in getting
Agnes Scott's social rules more
consistent with the realities of
collegiate social life in the
Atlanta area.

Undoubtedly, the apartment
policy is also soon in for
reconsideration. To those
involved in such reconsideration,
I would like to recommend the
book, "Sex and the New
Morality," by Frederic C. Wood
Jr., Fpiscopal minister, chaplain
and associate professor of religion
at Vassar College.

I would also like to suggest
Mr. Wood be considered as a
possible guest speaker for
Religious F. mphasis Week in 1970
- or at any time he might be
available. Having read his book
and heard him speak on the
Today Show, I'm sure he would
provide morally and intellectually
stimulating fare for Agnes Scott

P. B. Reinhart,
Assistant professor of physics

JANUARY 17, 1969



NSA, ACLU oppose
'inhumane' drug laws

a young man is sentenced to 20
years in prison for selling an
ounce of marijuana, a drug called
by top researchers a "relatively
mild intoxicant/' and yet the use
of marijuana is growing and
spreading form coffee houses to
fraternity houses, what has

The National Student
Association (NSA) and the
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) have decided that what
has happened is that penalties
regulating marijuana in America
are totally out of proportion with
the nature of the drug and the
people who use it Both
organizations recently announced
that they plan to work this year
for changes in the laws
surrounding use and possession of
marijuana, and for an end to
what NSA calls society's
"hypocrisy and inhumanity
toward its children."

NSA officials, citing the
results of a three-year study of
drugs and .their effect on
students, have announced that
NSA will begin "Campaigns to
place on the ballot by 1970
various schemes for marijuana
regiilation-from legal sales in
stores (like alcohol) to reduction
of criminal penalties."

At the same time, ACLU has
urged removal of criminal
penalties for use and possession
of marijuana (which are now
felonies punishable by up to 40
years in prison in some states),
and said it will take on selected
cases of individuals charged with
these offenses.

Charles Hollander, who has
headed NSA's Drug Studies
Program since 1965, said the
number of students arrested for
drug charges across the country
in 1968 has risen 800 per cent
over 1 967 for the same
September-November period.
Sixteen thousand students were
arrested during the ten weeks
after school started last fall,
Hollander said.

"The issue of drugs,"
according to NSA President Bob
Powell, "has plunged the campus
into one of its worst internal
crises, and has driven another
wedge between a large and
growing number of students, and
their elders.

"Intensifying the situation are
the two-and three-year sentences
that are frequently handed out in
the name of "exemplary" law

enforcement, and the deep fear,
suspicion and mistrust generated
on our campuses by the flood of
disguised and often

university-sanctioned narcotic

Students are also profoundly
disturbed, Powell said, by
the political overtones of law
enforcement in many college
communities. He cited the
"pre-dawn, military-style raids"
at Bard College, Franconia
College, American University and
the State University of New York
at Stony Brook, which seriously
disrupted those campuses.

A recent survey of high school
students in Michigan concluded
in part that "marijuana smokers
seem more likely than
non-smokers to participate in
political activity and become
involved in social change." Such
evidence, the NSA report hinted,
might lead academic officials and
police to conclude that they can
strike a blow against campus
political activity by using the
issue of drugs.

While working to get existing
marijuana laws changed through
popular ballot in various states,
Powell said, NSA will also:

--attack in court the
constitutionality of current
marijuana statutes. The
Association has already
successfully petitioned the
Supreme Court as an "amicus
curiae" (friend of the court, who
is allowed to file briefs the judges
will consider in their decision) in
the Timothy Leary case, and
expects to do so in other cases;

-publicize and distribute a
maximum amount of information
on drugs:

-provide arrested students as
much information as possible on
their legal rights.

Both NSA and the ACLU
blasted federal law enforcement
officials who punish young
people "in cruel and inhuman
ways" for use of a mild
intoxicant while "organized
crime operates this
multi-billion-dollar business with
almost total immunity."

Hollander urged "the
hundreds of thousands of families
who have been hurt by this
condition" to work for repeal or
liberalization of current
marijuana laws independently or
through their congressmen.

"We must work together," he
said, "to put the issue on the
ballot by 1970."

Counter -inaugural ball
part of peaceful protest

College Press Service

WASHINGTON (CPS) - The National
Mobilization Committee to End the War in
Vietnam is planning a peaceful protest against
the inauguration of Richard Milhous Nixon.

Rennie Davis, Mobe coordinator, says
federal and city officials sincerely want to
avoid "another Chicago," and will allow the
"counter-inauguration" to be held the
weekend of the "real" one.

THE PROTEST'S PURPOSE is to "disrupt
the inauguration's political message of national
unity by exposing Nixon's papier-mache
consensus," but not to physically interfere
with the event itself, Davis said.

"Violence, which we do not want, would
not serve the government's purposes either,"
said Davis. "I should think the last thing Nixon
wants on the day he's inaugurated would be
another Chicago."

Paul Potter, another Mobe leader, said the
"gravity" of the Vietnam war has made it
necessary to break the tradition of
inaugurations as celebrations of national unity.

Davis expects the counter-inauguration to
be the "most critical" anti-war demonstration
yet but could give no estimate of the expected
turnout. He said response from the campuses
has been particularly good, and cited support
from 150 peace organizations.

Society, usually the most active and militant
group in demonstrations, voted in its National
Council meeting during Christmas vacation not
to participate in the demonstration on a formal
basis; but the Mobe expects many SDS
students in Washington on an individual basis.

Activities will begin Saturday, Jan. 18, with
conferences and workshops designed to
activate people new to the antiwar movement.
The meetings are scheduled to be held at
Hawthorne School in Southwest Washington.
Federal City College, the city's new college
with a majority of black students where the
meetings were originally scheduled, withdrew
permission after the studert government
expressed disfavor with the protest.

A brief rally is planned at the Ellipse near
the White House the next day (Jan. 19),
followed by a march led by G.I.s along the
inaugural route. Exact details of all events are
subject to the approval of federal and D.C.
officials. A decision was expected on Monday
Jan. 13.

SUNDAY NIGHT, a counter-inaugural ball
with entertainment is planned, Judy Collins,
Phil Ochs and the Fugs will appear. Yippies
plan guerrilla theatre; one report has it that
they will be in town handing identical
facsimiles of Inaugural Ball tickets to people
on the street "for those who are into real
guerrilla theatre."

Monday, the day of the Inaugural

Become a mere

um@w o f v.

your former self



10 a.m. PUB

Come learn to research a
newspaper article, to write it up and
to take ostracism. You too can be a
leper. Wear casual clothes and come
hear all the campus gossip. Lunch will
be furnished by the PROFILE.
Meeting scheduled to adjourn at noon
or shortly thereafter.

Ceremony, Mo he intends to "totally
dominate" the pamde route, aeeording to
Davis. Peace pennants will he available, and
protesters have been encouraged to bring
banners and signs. "We want to be sure Nixon
knows there is an anti-war movement in this
country," said Potter.

Davis says people sympathetic to the
antiwar movement will also make their feelings
known at official inaugural functions. "There
are even people with $25 box seats (for the
parade) who will hold peace pennants/'

For the counter-inaugural parade, a
reviewing stand with barbed wire and
barricades will be set up. President-elect Nixon
and his Cabinet w ill be invited to use it.

Potter considers the "real" inaugural, with
its elite in fancy dress amid pomp and
circumstance, is "hardly a cross-section of who
this nation is." The counter-inauguration on
the other hand, will "point to the vitality of
the protest movement" and will be a better
indication of the nation," he said.

SDS woos new
popular support


CPS - Student Organization News

(CPS)-Students for a Democratic Society
leaders at a recent National Council meeting in
Ann Arbor, were divided over the value of a
public demonstration-at Richard Nixon's
inauguration later this month.

Those in favor claimed participating in the
demonstration would gain national attention
for the organization and would point up the
continuing illegitimacy of America's leaders.
Those opposed believed it is senseless and, even
worse, antagonistic to the class of people SDS
wishes to attract to its cause.

Those for abstinence won out; SDS as an
organization will not support the inauguration
protest, although members are free to attend
and participate.;

to a question of direction. SDS wants to
extend its activism to the working classes, the
poor, high school students adn the U.S. Army.
Programs for such an undertaking have not yet
been formulated, although members indicated
they would use methods involving direct

This means SDS would drop its opposition
to the draft and, once its members were in
uniform, would undermine the military
structure from within. The suggestion was not
warmly received at the convention, perhaps
because the penalties meted out for this kind
of activism would e so severe.

High school students and poor people might
respond favorably to SDS, since the former are
experiencing growing dissatisfaction with the
system and the schools themselves are ripe
for revolution. SDS already has a foothold in
some New York and California high schools.
Poverty groups discouraged with chaotic and
inadequate welfare programs, have already
been organizing and demonstrating for several

^ THE WORKING CLASS, an integral part of
SDS slogans, could prove a harder nut to crack.
Except for marginal workers in agriculture and
other poor-paying light industries, organized
American labor is married to the
Establish ment.

Underlying the idea of moving off campus is
the feeling among SDS people that the
organization's growth was slowed down by
President Johnson's peace moves. With the war
in Vietnam apparently headed for some kind
of solution, SDS wants to insure its future by
attaching itself to a class in order to take root
as a permanent political and social movement.

It is an implied acceptance of revolutionary
belief that students are transients within the
class structure who can provide leadership for
the oppressed.

But does it mean the task of changing the
university will fall into the hands of lesser



JANUARY 17. 1969

Minister justifies
new sexual code


Associate Editor
vt Sex and the New Morality," by Frederic C.
Wood Jr. Association Press. $2.25.

Coinciding with the central theme of Religious
Emphasis Week, "Revolution or Reconciliation", is a
book by Frederick C. Wood, entitled "Sex and the
New Morality/' Mr. Wood, an Episcopalian minister
and chaplain at Vassar college, understandably directs
his writing towards college students. But the scope of
his writing invites universal acceptance and

The book's title, of course, at once summons up
visions of loose living and other accompanying
misconceptions of what the new morality really is. As
often popularly expressed, the new morality is
neither new nor moral However, Wood definately
disagrees with this and proceeds to set forth his views.
He feels that sexuality is the basis of each human
being. Sexuality not just in the narrow sense related
to the body and its reproductive processes, but as the
basis for every bodily emotion and action. This also
includes all interaction between people.

Immorality in Wood'sopinion is any thing which
exploits this concept of sexuality. The exploitation of
sexuality and dehumanization of the person go
together and are equally condemned. Instead "Love is
the assumed norm for all morality."

This morality comes down to a simple concept.
Love motivated action is moral; that action which
exploits or dehumanizes another is not moral.

The new morality, Wood feels, should not be a set
of rules replacing the hard and fast ones of the "old
Morality." Rather the new morality is different for
each person, being personally interpreted for each
situation in the light of Love.

The author uses his theological background to
affirm this view and explain it. He in turn applies it to
such questions as today's overemphasis on sex, the
double standard, the relevance of virginity and race
and violence in relation to sex.

Pre-marital intercourse, abortion, homosexuality,
and marriage are also treated by the author. His
commonsense judgement and good advice do much to

play down the revolutionary aspect of this views. He
believes and ably supports the viewpoint that any
action, be it pre-marital sex, sex within marriage, or
whatever, can be either moral or immoral according
to the individual relationship and its context.

This book is well-written, well grounded in
theology and extremely interesting. Wood often uses
experiences from his pastoral work to illustrate his
views. Usually dealing with college students, the
examples quite often strike close to home and force
one to re-examine one's own relationships with

This book should be required reading especially for
college students. It does not seek to destroy old
standards; rather it butresses their reason for being
with new logic.

Strangely enough, Wood does not establish a new
morality; he establishes rather a more relevant and
more meaningful version of the one we've lived with
all our life.

SDS chapter wins
turkey foot race

LEXINGTON, Ky. (CPS) - Although they're
trying to rationalize it by saying they're "keeping fit
for the revolution," the members of the University of
Kentucky's SDS Chapter are in line for the dubious
distinction of being the only SDSer's in the country
to over-emphasize athletics.

hi the annual UK Turkey Run before Christmas -
a mile-and-a-half cross-country jog usually dominated
and trained extensively for by the Greek
organizations - SDS carried off all the honors,
winning two turkeys in the process.

One SDS member, a former high school track star,
finished far ahead of the field over 100 entrants
winning one bird, while other SDSer's ( including one
who tied for second) finished well to give SDS the
team trophy and another turkey.

They later shared the turkeys at a large feast.

Asked about the demise of the Greeks in this
year's race, one SDS member said. ' It just goes to
show you that beer is bad for you."

Wolfe book becomes long,
sustained psychedelic dream

Copy Editor

"The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test," by Tom Wolfe.
Farrar, Straus and Girous. $5.95.

The main value Tom Wolfe's "Electric Kool-aid
Acid Test" has for the so-called "straight" audience is
as a chronicle of and a glimpse into the world of
psychedelia-both the movement towards use of
mind-expanding drugs and the life style and
paraphernalia that accompanied it.

The book gives a detailed account of the life of a
group of young people who came to be known as the
Merry Pranksters. The focal point of the book is Ken
Kesey, author of " One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest'
and the charismatic leader of the Pranksters.

Wolfe narrates Kesey's introduction to drugs as a
human guinea pig in psychiatric research, his
realization of a new sensory experience and the
formation of the Merry Pranksters. He also depicts
the Pranksters' bus trip from California to New York
and back, their escape from arrests into Mexico and
return, and Kesey's ultimate return to rural life.

One of the most interesting episodes is the arrival
of the Pranksters at Millbrook, the home of Leary's
League for Spirtual Discovery, and their subsequent
disenchantment with Leary's intellectual and mystical
approach. The Pranksters' main concern is to live
completely, to do you own thing, and it is impossible
to ignore the fact that Kesey's Acid Tests and Trip
Festival were the primary influence on the
Haight-Ashbury movement.

The best summation of the contents and impact of
"Acid Test" probably can be said to be the title itself.
The total sensory experience that Kesey pioneered
and put into action first on the bus trip and later in
the Acid Tests was electric. It gave the participant a
charge. The audiovisual approach to doing one's own
thing was in a sense a complete immersion into the
fragmentation of time, space and being. One became
a part of huge melding of disassociated parts-free
associating, "rapping off" both the internal and

6' 2" graduate student,
well-traveled, firm
background in languages
humanities % science, new
to Atlanta, wishes to
establish rapport with
Agnes Scott upperclass-
women. Submit brief
handwritten resume to
Box 22278, Emory

external environment, and ultimately, in the filming
of the movie 4 4 under conditions of total
spontaneity,... recording all 'now,' in the moment."
Kesey trips were all sensation and experience.

At the same time the reader cannot ignore the
camp approach of Kesey's movement. The very name,
Merry Pranksters, of his group, as well as the "antics"
and mood of the bus trip, creates a somewhat juvenile
frame of reference and an air of sophisticated, and
therefore false, naivete an attempt to regain the
Kool-aid days of life using LSD Kool-aid.

This element of artful simplicity is perhaps the
most irritating part of the entire Kesey world. An
objection to it or to the aims of "mind-expanding"
lead one into a circular argument over the fact that
the ability to define innocence seems to presuppose
the loss of it. Kesey's Kool-aid is electric and
therefore artficial in its origin and its effect The Acid
Test mentioned in the title refers, of course, to the
use of LSD and other drugs, but the reader comes to
see the acid test as a true challenge to the Kesey
Follower's ability to submerge himself in the group,
while maintaining a hold on his individual entitly.
The book itself is the acid test for the dilettante
hippie. The only reason for the existence of "Acid
Tesf'must be its valiant attempt to illuminate the
background of current youth movements. Outside of
the presentation of Kesey as a pioneer and hero, there
is little development of character. Indeed, most of the
characters, Mountain Girl, Sandy, Babbs, Gretchen
Fetchin, are seen only as they relate either to Kesey,
a psychedelic experience or the great move that
unified the group. Wolfe attempts to present a
sympathetic picture of Kesey at least; yet it is evident
that he is somewhat repelled by the self-engendered
squalor in which the movement existed.

Incidents were related in vivid language anu entire
book attempts to give the reader the feeling of one
long continuous hallucination, which appears to have
been the actual state of the Pranksters. Nonetheless,
the episodic style, the useless repetition and the
inordinate use of fourletter words led this reader to
the conclusion that nothing would be lost by the
person who did not read this book. "The Flectric
Kool-aid Acid Test" is tedious beyond words to the
very extent that Wolfe felt he had to go beyond
words to describe a new milieu.


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JANUARY 17, 1969



Jealousy, tension contained
in new Patricia Neal film

Feature Editor

"The Subject Was Roses" starring Patricia Neal
and co-starring Jack Alberts and Martin Sheen is a
moving story of family disturbances concerning a
mother and father and their son. The movie revolves
around the theme of roses which is symbol of
thoughtfulness, love and consideration lacking in the
family relationship.

A theme song, "Where The Time Goes," runs
throughout the play and sets a nostalgic if not

depressing atmosphere. In various flashbacks the
viewer is given glimpses of the past which add up and
result in an understanding of (he present situation.
1 he revealing factors are usually presented indirectly
in recollections, incidences and exchanging glances.

The movie begins with the son, Tim my, returning
home from war. He is caught in the middle of his
parents' problems. From the very beginning the

in the Dana Fine Arts Building features work
done during fall quarter by students in all
studio art classes. A number of different
media have been used including oil paint,
pen and ink, batik, and glue resist.

lie Subject lAJad /^o


viewer is exposed to the subtle jealousies and tensions
in the home. Throughout the movie this height of
tension is maintained and an explosion is expected at
any minute. An explosion finally does come when the
mother (Patricia Neal) throws the vase of roses to the

The tension is alleviated and made bearable
through the snide, but humorous remarks of the Irish
father. For example, when he feels a bond between
his son and wife against him, he remarks on his wife's
praise of Tim my. He says, "If he came in and said he
was a fly, you'd help him out the window. " This
gruff and brazen Irishman keeps the movie lively in
the midst of the intense emotions.

As the movie progresses a mutual respect and love
is uncovered. Through Timmy's questioning of his
parents and how they met the viewer sees the love,
now almostlost, rekindled.

The movie was touching and realistic with enough
humor to make it enjoyable.

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Jim Lloyd, manager

Blue Meanies become
colorful new ephithet?

Queens College PHOENIX

(CPS)-The Beatles may not
have much left after "Yellow
Submarine," unless Apple
Productions decides to try its
luck on Broadway.

In the space of 85 minutes
"Yellow Submarine" manages
to make all other animated
cartooning look like
pre-Disney, and illustrates a
kind of stoned-out creativity
that no amount of TV
copy- catting could ever

Add to this some of the
group's best music, a storm of
outrageous puns and one-liners
of the sort that enderared "A
Hard Day's Night " and
"Help!" to critics, and a
sure-fire', honest-to -God
classic emerges. The film may
well find its final resting place
in the collection of Museum of
Modern Art's Film Library,
though Lennon would blanch
at the idea.

The thing that will get you
right off is that crazy drawing.
The seenery designed by Heina
Edelmann has that quality of
early daguerrotype enhanced
by the brush of a Paul
Klee--time and space are
telescoped and blown out and
the are-work seems to preceed
along several planes at once.
Reading the paperback based
on the movie gives no sense at
all of the depth achieved by
the dozens of artists who
contributed to the film.

Things are used liberally in
and with the animation; in the
Beatles' house (called the
"Pier") dozens of doors are
opened, loosing floods of
objects, art, props and crap.
Another arresting technique is

punching holes in the cartoon
track and filling the spaces
with clips of regular movie
film; the effect is used to good
advantage during the song
"Eleanor Rigby John , Paul,
Ringo and George are pure
caricature, but they bear no
resemblance to the way they
appear on Saturday morning
television. Tall, lean and
colorful, they ooze through
the film with the ease of
fluidity of musical tones and
with the same
Fin-a-household-word suavity
of the real four.

They deliver some really
awful plays on words without
a shiver and complete their
plays without ever descending
to low comedy-cleaving that to
the other members of the
"cast." It all comes off as
mid-self-satire, which saves
them from Monkees-like
buffoonery. As usual, Ringo
plays foil to the other three,
Lennon lays down most of the
patter, while Paul and George
concentrate on the music.

"Liverpool can be a lonely
place on Saturday night-and
it's only Thursday morning,"
reflects a morose Ringo, just

color-hating invaders. The five
of them set out on the return
trip, passing thourgh the
troubled waters of the Seas of
Science, Time, Monsters, and
Holes, respectively They stop
to pick up Jeremy the Boob, a
Nowhere Man who writes his
own novels simultaneously and
claims to hold degrees in every
field there is.

Their reception on arrival is
quiet, because all of
Pepperland's fashion-plate
people have been bleached of
color and left paralyzed by the
Meanie attack. Of course, the
Beatles drive the blue
barbarians out with
sleight-of-hand, impersonation,

music and a lot of love, and
ending is properly happy. Even
the Chief Blue Meanie repents
of his war crimes and joins in
the singing. This is almost the
end of the film- splashy,
rainbowtinted and
joyous-except for a brief clip
in which the real Beatles
appear to advise the audience
that more Meanies have been
sighted in the area, and that
everyone had better leave the
theatre singing.


before he notices the garishly
colored submersible that is
following him through the
streets. The craft is manned by
old Fred, bandleader and
recently appointed Admiral of
the navy of Pepperland. He
had come for help in freeing
Pepperland from the
domination of the Blue
Meanies, a group of music-and

Blue Meanies, the Beatles
assure us, are everywhere-those
who hate music and love and
color And, as if to show that
even such a light-hearted epic as
"Yellow Submarine" makes its
point, we have it on the best
authority that in San Francisco
kids have switched from calling
cops "pigs" to calling them-you
guessed it...



JANUARY 17, 1Q69


exams for the next two quarters
was passed by the faculty in their
meeting Janaury 10. Several
administrative details such as
night exams and the envelope
procedure were left open pending
later clarification.

Sally Wood, chairman of the
committee on academic
problems, commented that "The
nice thing about it was that it

"If the students can assume
responsibility in the social area
with the new drinking policy and
the chaperonage policy, they can
assume this new responsibility,"
Sally added.

Details on the new procedures
necessitated by the new system
will be announced later.

member of the Agnes Scott
Board of Trustees who became
President of American
Telephone and Telegraph Co.
in February, 1967 has recently
been elected to the Board of
Directors of the American
Cancer Society's New York
City Division. Members of the
Board of Directors are elected
to a one-year term to help
guide the division in its
programs to control cancer.

Gilmer is also a director of
eight companies including
Manufacturers Hanover Trust
and Rich's Inc. He serves as a
member of the President
Council, California Institute of
Technology; and the National
Industrial Advisory Council.
Opportunities Industrialization
Center. He is a trustee of the
Auburn University Foundation
and the John Bulow Campbell

Eliot Professor of Greek
Literature, Harvard University,
will speak on "Euripides and
the Approaching Age of
Reason" at 8:00 p.m. in
Maclean, Tuesday, January 21.
He comes as the University
Center Classics lecturer. Mr.
Finley is a graduate of Harvard
where he received his B.A. and

He has been a Charles Eliot
Norton fellow of the American
School of Classical Studies in
Athens he has studied at the
University of Berlin and has
been George Eastman
Professor at Oxford

ANNUAL search for well-dressed
college girls will again be
sponsored at Agnes Scott by
Social Council. The title of the
competition is no longer
"Glamour Best Dressed." This
year it is entitled "Glamour's
1969 Top Ten College Girls in

This year the winners are
required to show leadership in
some campus or community
activity in addition to good
fashion sense. The emphasis is on
the girl who is the all-around
college leader and who can adjust
her fashion to match her life.

Mary Pat Walden is in charge of
the competition for Social
Council. The deadline for
entries is Wednesday. January 22.

will sponsor a program for
students intending to workat a
summer camp. The program
will include a panel discussion
with adults and students who
have worked at different types
of summer camps. Pamphlets
and pictures trom various

camps will be displayed. The
program will beheld at 7:30
p.m. on Monday, January 20,
in Rebekah.

If enough students show an
interest in summer camp work,
A. A. hopes. to present a clinic
in the spring to instruct girls
who have been accepted for
work at a camp this summer.

DEPARTMENT is sponsoring the
film "La Caza" (The Hunt), a
taut allegory of Spain's Civil War,
which was presented at the New
York Film Festival last year and
received excellent reviews.

On Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons, January 22 and 23,
"La Caza" will be shown at 3:30
p.m. in 103 Buttrick, and
Thursday night it will be shown
at 7 p.m. in 207 Campbell.

SPONSORING an alumni career
coffee on January 23 at 7:15
p.m. in Rebekah Reception
Room. The coffee is a
continuation of the job seminar
in conjunction with the Alumni
Association. The coffee will have
as speakers Agnes Scott alumni
who are in business in Atlanta.
They will discuss retailing,
finance and data processing with
a question and answer period
following. The senior class and
the campus community are

INTRAMURALS will begin
Friday, January 24, at 4 p.m.
when the freshmen play the
sophrores. A game between the
juniors and seniors will follow at
5 p.m.

Class practice sessions,
supervised by Sandra Tillman, are
being held Monday through
Thrusday at 4 and 5 p.m.
Prospective players are required
to attend three practices before
the first game. A schedule of
practices is posted on the A. A.
bulletin board in the rruilroom.

PRESENTING its annual Winter
Weekend January 24 and 25. A
formal dance will be held at the
Progressive Club Friday night,
with the Larry Dixon orchestra
playing from 9 until 1 o'clock
a.m. Saturday night is the
informal dance featuring the
"Showmen" and the "Wellston
Junction" form 8 until midnight.

Late time limit is being
extended until 3 a.m. both nights
for those girls attending the
dances. Tickets are on sale at
lunch and dinner for eight
dollars. There will be no split
tickets sold. However tickets for
only one night (at six dollars
each) are being sold. Maps to the
Progressive Club and to the
DeKalb National Guard ARmory
are available.

committee work for the
coming quarter were presented
at the January 7 meeting of
Representative Council.

Reorganization Committee
with Tina Bender as Chairman,
will be considering resolutions
concerning election procedure.
Rules Committee under the
chairmanship of Patsy May
will discuss the possibilities of
sophomores having cars on
campus all year and smoking
in new areas on campus. Late
permissions will be considered
by a special one quarter

Sally Wood, chairman of
the Committee on Academic
Problems, presented the
committee's plans for
his CAP will be considering
basic curriculum requirements.
It is hoped a revision of them
will make the basic program
more flexible and open more
upper division courses to

meeting January 13 the
possibility of holding elections
for next year's offices the first
week of spring quarter.

Under this proposal, speeches
will be held in Wednesday
Convocation and the Hub
discussion will be Wednesday
afternoon after the speeches. The
voting will begin in Chapel on
Thursday, continue in House
Meetings Thursday night, and in
chapel on Friday. Hopefully this
procedure will speed up the
elections so that they will not
extend over the weekend.

Moving elections into the first
week of spring quarter will mean
that all petitions, decisions, and
scratching must be made earlier
in winter quarter than usual. If
this prodedure is adopted this
year, the dates for petitions and
scratching will be posted later.

Fingerprints found
where items stolen

A portable television set
valued at about $220 and a
telephone were stolen from the
Murphy Candler Student
Activities Building (the Hub)
sometime on the night of January
7, according to college Business
Manager P. J. Rogers.

The theft was reported about
7:30 a.m. January 8, by the Hub
maid, Eva Lewis. The building
was immediately closed so the
basement room which held the
telephone and the upstairs
southwest television room could
be checked for fingerprints by
the local police.

Rogers said some
fingerprints were found and
are being investigated. He also
said the telephone company is
aiding in tracing the telephone.
Certain clues indicate the two
thefts may have been
unrelated. Ropers said.

No signs of the thieves
entry into the building were
found, according to Rogers.
The person or persons may
have used a key or entered the
building while it was open.
Rogers said the television
which weight about 50 pounds
could not easily be lifted
through a window.

"I have a feeling that the
T.V. set is on the campus."
Rogers said and added that if
anyone has any information
about either item, he could
send the business office an
unsigned note. Campus
officials are looking for any
students who may have used
either item on the night of
January 7 that the last time
they were seen can be



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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

JANUARY 24, 1969

Two senior political science majors, Margaret
Green of Charlotte, N.C., and Kit McMillan of
Albany, (ia., are working in the Georgia House of
Representatives as intern aides to Republican I 15th
District Representative Kil Townsend of Atlanta.

Their duties include running errands for the
Republican office, answering the telephone and
researching bills and projects of interest to Mr.

The girls are on the job each weekday and receive
free lunch and parking space for their work. Margaret
will also earn five hours of course credit for the
experience and after she writes a paper and does
various related outside reading.

people milling around and not paying much
attention. Then you wonder what could they pass.
But, the behind-the-scenes work is tremendous, and
it's this work I hal determines I he success of a bill, not
the floor discussion/'

"Before they caVi really gel started, n Margaret
said, "they have to wait until the appropriations
committee has met. It meets for two weeks. Nobody
wants toHmng up an important bill before the recess
because they might not get the money for it. Right
now they are mainly tied up in committees, but I hero
is debate on the floor. However, nobody really pays
attention except the first-tirners; ;n

Kit added, "There is a huge fight over the budget

Internship job at state 'circus
better than pouring tea at ASC

"One of us tries to be on the floor if Mr.
Townsend is absent to keep him informed, but you
really can't tell what's going on down there any more
than in the galleries," Margaret said.

As a resident of the state, Kit said she did not
know what to expect of the legislature, but she has
learned that representatives "do a lot of thinking and
considering for the amount of time they have in
which to get things done."

Both Kit and Margaret are concerned over the
limited amount of time congressmen have to meet.
According to Margaret, the House is "steeped in
tradition and is basically inefficient. They have by
law only 45 days and must cram into that time a
year's work. There is not enough time for them to do
research on the bills. Also, another hinderance to
them is that the regular congressman has no office of
his own and must use his desk on the floor for all his

Speaking out against the seemingly wasted time,
Kit said, "1 am still completely repulsed by the way
they waste time, but you can see from behind the
scenes that it is necessary." She noted, "One day
they wasted all morning on picky details to nominate
and praise a doorkeeper and other such officials. But,
that's just part of politics, 1 guess."

Margaret recounted another episode of apparently
wasted time. "One day we heard a choir lined up on
the steps reverberating through the House. They sang
for 45 minutes and you couldn't do anything. They
used to bring them into the chamber, so I guess that's
an improvement. Before the end of the session we are
going to have a country and western group," she

"What really impressed me," Kit said, "was their
concern. You walk into the chamber and you see

between the governor and the legislature." "Since the

early '60's when the legislature started asserting their

power," she said, "there has been constant conflict

over the money issue."

As a slate resident, Kit said she dislikes the one
party system here. "You can still see it in issues like
the Phil Campbell bill," she commented. "The lew
Republicans that are in oft ice have had an effect on
the legialature and its operation. If Georgia would
only grow up and have a two party system, it would
really make the state a much better place."

Campus News Editor

KIT (L.) AND MARGARET often find themselves running errands for anyone who needs
them. Here they consult with Congressman Bill Bell on the floor of the House. ANSWER-
ING THE TELEPHONE is the more restful part of Kit's job in the office of Congressman
Kill Townsend. ONCE UPON A TIME a whale washed up on a Georgia beach; Margaret
poses in front of two of its rib bones enshrined in the capital's museum.

Margaret who is not a stale resident, but who has
worked in Atlanta for the past two summers, had
another view. She said. "Georgia is basically a one
parly state, except I hat you have the urban-rural
conflict. You can't say everything the Democrats
want passes becauseit depends m nunc than the parly
P reference."

When comparing the actual workings of the
legislature to what's learned in political science
courses, Kil said, "The congressmen fit exactly into
the pattern we've studied. So many are the epitome
of the textbook definition of the politician. 1 had
thought that would have been bad, but it's not all
bad. It is good to see the legislature m action."

In recounting humorous moments on the job,
Margaret mentioned a man she has heard of who
"goes around pinching everyone." She added, "It's
really a circus!"

When Kit and Margaret are introduced as seniors
from Agnes Scott majoring in political science, they
get various responses. Tor example, one man said,
"You mean they let you out!" Another commented,
"Gosh, you must be intelligent!" One congressman
exclaimed, "You mean they study current events
there 7 I thought all they did was pour tea!"

When asked about the internship program,
Margaret said she would like to see it ex paneled so
that others could do related work. She suggested that
such a program "gives you a look at the more
practical side of political scene, which is important
since (here are no constants in political science."

Kil declared, "It's wonderful to work for a person
like Mr. Townsend who is so involved, lie makes vou
feel a certain respect for (he lawmaking process."

What purpose black studies?

Copy Editor

Editor's note: This article is the first of three
which will discuss the role of the Negro in America,
both historical and current. This first article is a
review of an article by a Negro historian; other
articles will be interviews with campus professors.

During the current proliferation of courses
concerned with Afro-American history and literature
in schools and colleges across the nation, the use and
effect of these courses must be stated and evaluated.
A recent article by Vincent Harding, chairman of the
history department at Spelman College, examines
"The Uses of the Afro-American Past."

In attempting to icview the article, one is forced
to the conclusion that the theme of the piece is
concerned with strengthening the newly forged
"black soul." The consistent emotion expressed is
one of righteous anger and pride. The thesis is that
American history is not worthy of "life" if it cannot
present the black "pilgrimage" with integrity.

Harding presents three essential uses for
Afro-American history. Ignoring the history of black
men and not recognizing the irony of the existence
together of both slavery and democracy, he says,
falsifies American history and misleads its inheritors.

Men cannot understand either popular culture or
l he ur oan crisiswithout an accurate conception of the
past. More important, Harding argues, the existence
of color-bound history has caused the nation to lose
knowledge of "a world that is neither white,

Christian, capitalist nor affluent."

The effect of Afro-American history upon the
Negro is tonic because self-knowledge leads to a sense
of identity and thence to self-respect. Black students
should feel able to add something unique to the
integrated scene and alleviate their "state of
permanent amnesia or shame -- or both -- concerning

A knowledge of Afro-American history is as
essential, Harding reiterates, for white people as for
blacks. They must be able to cope with the "angry
young men" constantly emerging from obscurity. In
order to utilize the talents of the black, any feeling of
superiority and patronage must be cast aside. And it
is plain, Harding declares, the Negro citizen can give
significant service to his nation, "as an entrance to
the non-white, non-western world."

Using for background A. J. Muste's statement,
"The world was divided now between those peoples
who had rarely if ever known defeat and humiliation
as a national experience and those who had lived with
this for centuries," Harding goes on to state that the
Afro-American story is ' this nation's link to the
"wretched of the earth."

He concludes with possibility that only the black
people of America have suffered and learned enough
to "be allowed to shape the future of the nation and
to determine its calling lor the world."

Harding's entire article is so constructed as to
force the reader to believe him; yet, the reaction of

this reviewer came to be suspicion of the avalanche
of facts, names and events which seemed to be always
unquestionably true, and yet also questionable.

Phrases like, "one last chance to do justice" and
"a people whose pilgrimage is perhaps the only true
epic poem that America has ever known" gave a
slightly inflated tone of excessive sell-concern to the
whole piece.

While no one would want to deny the Negro the
opportunity to reach out for self-identification and
status, it is necessary to place such bids for ethnic-
glorification in their proper perspective.

Taken to extremes, "black history" can become a
form of self-deception of the ilk whites are now
indited for. J he old story of Orestes gives us the
horror of revenge quite graphically. It is necessary to
face the fact that psychological needs in a time of
conflict can blind a people to other alternatives.
One comes to question the entire article because of
the intensity of its conviction. Nonetheless, Harding
represents a viewpoint that cannot and should not be
ignored. Can one truly say that America is not
collectively alienated from her individual parts and
from the world? As Harding puts it, a "failure to face
the tragic is failure to mature in national as well as
personal spheres."

The problem for the student comes in seeking to
evaluate the historical and individual relevance of
Afro-American studies, to synthesize the known with
the unknown.



JANUARY 24. 196





Self-scrutiny in part explains
ASC problem but more causes


E lizabeth Mathes

Features M Beverly Walker
Campus News m Alexa Mcl ntosh
Advertising Catherine Auman
Circulation f Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

The Image, again

Comments like "You mean they let you out?" and "I
thought all they teach out there is how to pour tea" from
people outside the Agnes Scott community when
introduced to a student can be tossed off with a laugh,
staunchly refuted or consciously ignored.

Statements of this sort are amusing individually, but one
begins to wonder about the college's image when numbers
of people at a new job or at meeting respond to the label
"Agnes Scott student" in the same way.

Two years ago, the PROFILE interviewed over fifty
people at random asking their impression of the college.
Some of the comments were very flattering - concerned
with our supposed intelligence, ability and social
conciousness. Other people perhaps thought they were
being complimentary when they expressed other ideas.

A good example of this was Georgia Governor Lester
Maddox's description of the college as "a very nice school
for young ladies." An anonymous person at the Georgia
Tech Baptist Student Union said, "I think of a rich girl, one
who doesn't have to worry about money and studies
frivolous things, learning to be a socialite instead of
something useful."

A professor at that time new on our campus said,
"Before coming to Agnes Scott to teach, I heard that it was
a manufacturing center for Presbyterian ministers' wives
where stuffy formal teas were entertainment." She
continued that she found students interesting, but "there is
a need to get students from a wider range of financial

If the stereotype is of the girls' finishing school or if,
among slightly more informed people, it is of the stiff
academic institution where girls do little more than study,
what do we do about it - assuming the stereotype is
incorrect and we wish to change it.

Margaret Green and Kit McMillan probably have more
opportunity to change the old image and mold a new one
than most Agnes Scott students. They are out actually
getting practical experience while going to school. Other
students, too have similar opportunities through church or
volunteer work off campus. Besides aiding the Agnes Scott
name, these people are learning a lot personally.

So we arrive again at the same place. Give us more
opportunities to get off campus for work and
entertainment, then let's get ourselves interested in things
other than ones centered on the campus. Poof! A new

It is likely that there is no real Agnes Scott image,
because we are a group of completely different people, but
there is a real need for us to come into contact with people
other than ourselves. Perhaps we should envy Margaret and
Kit - not for their chance to do missionary work for the
college, but because they can live in both worlds, ours and
the larger one.

To the Editor:

Out of last year's nine-month winter
quarter evolved a committee dealing
specifically with our campus's malaise, and the
issue has become a topic of widespread
discussion. One often hears the honest,
sometimes desperate plea, "Tell me, what is
wrong? What lies at the root of this elusive, yet
very real problem?"

Somewhere along the line problem became
Problem. We can cite many symptoms -
flagrant rule violations, failure, such as late
papers, to meet academic responsibilities, plain
crabbiness are but a few.

Student government and the administration
have successfully cooperated in removing some
of the concrete causes for complaint. Yet most
of us agree that The Problem remains, for we
have been unable, so far, to identify or to
attack its underlying cause.

Since retreat I have seriously thought about
this problem and have discussed it with other
concerned members of the Scott community.
No individual idea in this letter is particularly
novel, but through synthesis I have seen a
pattern of emotional stress.

According to psychologists the child
undergoes a complex series of steps toward
maturity. In the course of his development a
child may undergo one or two traumas which,
if he is otherwise healthy, cause no immediate

However, under stress these can reappear in
later life if situations similar to those
surrounding the trauma are reproduced., In one
aspect they are reproduced at Agnes Scott.

A new student is warmly welcomed into the
community through friendly letters, thorough
orientation and helpful advisors. However, in
the course of almost every student's career at
Scott the warmth seems to be inverted if she
disagrees with, or -is in active conflict with
WHAT SEEMS TO HER to be unreasonable or
illogical rules and/or authorities.

This is a reproduction of denial,
experienced by the young child, who, when he
cannot understand his elders, finds them
illogical. If this is true, it could account for a
lot of the frustration at Agnes Scott; students
often just plain don't understand, or are not

convinced ot the rationale behind some rules.

Nevertheless in no sense could this or any
single factor account for The Problem. Again,
if an individual's environment is otherwise not
unduly stressful, the potential distress does not
materialize. However, there are several other
factors at Agnes Scott which coalesce to form
an extremely tense environment m

1 do not feel that this pervasive stress is
conducive to emotional stability. Of course,
some of these contributing factors can scarcely
be eliminated, for they are in the nature of a
rough four-year process which combines
growning self-awareness with exposure to new
ideas. However, all are not necessary parts of
the educational process. Briefly t listed these
factors are:

(T ) a predominantly female atmosphere, ( 2 )
academic pressure, both institutionally and
self-imposed, (3) tendency toward excessive
pre-ccupation with self (or the opposite
response - evading self-scrutiny through
hyperactivity), (4) difficulty in the attempt to
find physical and spiritual privacy, and (5)
unnecessarily detailed and inclusive social

Separately, no one of these circumstances is
unendurable; corporately, they create an
emotional pressure cooker. I belief that as a
result emotional distress, beyond that which is
to be normally expected at this time in a
student's life, is a major contributor to the
miasma of gloom which periodically settles on
our campus.

1 have put this personal evaluation of The
Problem before the community with sincerest
hopes of eliciting others' honest appraisals of
the situation. Through rational discussion we
can pool constructive, feasible suggestions
which we can use to combat this Problem
which seems so intangible.

Ann Hoefer, '70
Editor's note: This letter is a very timely
one and a good prologue to next week's
edition of the PROFILE. For some three
weeks now, the PROFILE staff has been
talking about and doing research on a theme
article. Simply stated, the article is concerned
with the "blues" on the Agnes Scott campus,
the extent, cause and solution.

K.P. Detail

Mangled History 101 taught


Heaven help the poor history
major. She can't even go to a
movie without having her
education get in her way. I went
to see "Lion in Winter" last
weekend and found myself
picking out all the little (and
sometimes not so little) historical

Granted that a writer has
license to bend material to his
purpose, but when Eleanor of
Aquitaine is turned into a
screeching fishwife boasting of
her many lovers, it's too much .
Granted she was no angel, but she
was a dominant and original
personality in her own right. It is
sad to think that all those people
who rushed in to the lobby
during intermission to buy a
program and figure out just what

was going on will carry away that
impression of her.

My only other quarrel is with
the character of Prince John. He
may not have been a whiz-bang
of a ruler later on (although a
pretty good one as kings go), but
he was not a slobbering spoiled
brat incapable of making up his
own mind. This was how he was
portrayed in "Lion"

Other movies that mangle
history also come to mind.
"Cleopatra" stands out and
almost deserves an award for such
bad taste. Cleopatra is another
smart cookie that has been sold ou
in hollywood, by switching state-
craft for good old fashioned sex.

And think of all those Bible
movies. Only one or two like
"The Gospel According to St.

Matthew" attempt to really tell it
like it was. And all those horrid
Steve Reeves sex and and sand
epics like the "Son of Hercules
and the Queen of the Amazons"
don't even need mentioning.

One last gripe: please give us
some heroes and heroines in

westerns that look like they might
have really gotten by in that
period. That means no women in
pants (horrors! Amelia Bloomer
was barely born then) or current
hairdos, or fakey Indians, or
cavalry officers in blue tights.

The point is that truth is

t usually better than fiction, so
why don't those awful
Hollywood moguls let well
enough alone and slop alienating
the educated public. Will the real
Eleanor of Aquitaine please
come back?

Lou Erank explaining new
date parlor sign-up system: "You
must be actively using the date

Young female Sunday School
teacher to Ruth Hayes: "Do you
ever polish your diamond with
tooth paste? I used to do it every
morning when I was engaged, but
since I've been married I haven't
done it once. And it's been five

Elizabeth Mathes working on
PROFILE article; "Taking point
blank aim, using a scatter gun..."

Oi/erli ear J

One student : " The Bible is so
inaccurate that it doesn't really
matter how inaccurate Bible
movies are."

Second student:" Do you feel
like re-writing it?"

Typographical error while
typing Lou Prank's overheard:
"You must be actively using the

Written on blackboard in
Penelope Campbell's history
classroom Monday: "There is to
be no 12:10 history class today
in order that we may have the
opportunity to watch the
inaugual proceedings. So vamoosi
gang and watch Nixy become our
fearless leader lor the next four

JANUARY 24. 1969



NOW makes appeal to ASC;
reshapes American woman


Docs an organization such as the National
Organization tor Women have a place on the Agnes
Scott campus? The setting of a woman's college
certainly offers adequate memhershop for such a
group; however, could such ideals and goals as
advocated by NOW hold any significance for Agnes
Scott Students?

Eliza Paschall, an alumna of Agnes Scott and also
an active member of NOW, suggests in a group such as
NOW Scott students could voice their opinions about
the problems of our campus and take direct action
sponsored by the National Organization of NOW.
Mrs. Paschall commented that there are "some things
peculiar to Scott that NOW minded people would
want to start with.' 1

Under the present vocational guidance program,
Mrs. Paschall explained, many alumna meet with
students to help (hem select careers. I here are many
fields, however, in which no alumna is active. Mrs.
Paschall hopes that a chapter of NOW, on this campus
could facilitate information about other professions
whose opportunities are manifold. According to Mrs.
Paschall, there is a need for a group of students and
faculty on campus constantly ' to remind people that
the world of women is in no way restricted.

NOW's STAND ON WOMEN in the draft is
constant with their belief that women should be
included in all professions, vocations or activities in
which men participate unless, as Mrs. Paschall pointed
out. "there is avalid reason why women should be
different. "

Mrs. Paschall reinforced NOW\s opinion of women
in the military by stating that if the draft is universal

both dance weekends and protest demonstrations.

women also should participate .The organization is
opposed to the concept of universal draft and hopes
by including women in the draft, that the system
itslef will be eliminated.

The organization considers women equally as
capable as men in the field of politics. Mrs. Paschall
cited the women in politics today and in the past as
exemplary of the potential of women as leaders.

Many women who seek legislative or congressional
offices have been supported by NOW. Mrs. Louise
Watley, President of the Atlanta Chapter of NOW, is
currently on the slate of nominees for the State

EXECUTIVE POSITIONS in business should be
open to women. In many cases, Mrs. Paschall
explained women ar not considered for important
board positions because the meeting are held in men's

The stereotype image of women's role in society,
according to Mrs. Paschall, is the basic problem in all
areas of women's rights. Women must, therefore,
discard the old mold and assume a new confidence in
their own potential and relationship in society.

In discussions of Birth Control and abortion laws,
NOW advocates the right of the individual to decide
such personal matters for herself. A woman should be
free of pressure from any institution such as the stale,
society, or the chruch. Mrs. Paschall remarked that
"if government regulates whether you can have
children it sounds like Nazi Germany."

THE CHURCH, she further explained helps
"maintain women in an inferior role. ,, Mrs. Paschall
supported her argument on this subject with the
example of a woman on the Board ofDirectors of
NOW who teaches theology at a Catholic university.
The woman wished to become a priest; however, the
church refused to ordain her.

The members of NOW, at their annual convention
in Atlanta last month, were unanimous in their

support ot more liberal abortion laws and family
planning. Mrs. Paschall staled, "society is served best
by individuals who are both mentally and physically
healthy/' I he interests of the individual, she
commented, must be paramount.

NOW looks to the future with a dynamic ideal of
womanhood. The interests and activities ,of this
organization are so versatile; yet, they all ultimately
lead toward the goal reshaping the image of the
American woman.

Banister finds "Fisherman"
vivid and compelling drama


What would be the effect of the election of a
Russian Pope who has been a political prisoner in
Siberia for 20 years'' "The Shoes of the Fisherman,"
starring Anthony Quinn in a screen adaption of the
book by Morris L. West, explores this question.

The action is complex. Rapidly changing scenes in
the opening minutes of the movie make the audience
aware of the intricacy of the plot. The opening
scenes-bleak, snow-covered Siberia, the prisoners
laboring in the camp, the sudden removal of a
prisoner-are contrasted to the warm quarters of the
Russian Premier, played by Sir Lawrence
Oliver. Still another quick change of scenery occurs
from the bleak winter of Russia to the majesty of
Rome and Vatican City. In this city of beauty and
history, the audience is as awed by the culmination of
centuries of important events as the character who
has been separated from the world for 20 years.

The scenes show varied aspects of Rome, from
young girls walking in short skirts, to views of the
ruins and traffic in St. Peter's Square and Vatican
C ity itself.

Anthony Quinn is made a Cardinal and upon the
sudden death of the Pope finds himself involved in
the complex election of a new leader of the church.

The three major powers of the world, the United
States, Russia and Red China are on the brink of
nuclear war. There is a famine in China and the
Chinese leader is threatening immediate
world destruction if something is not done to relieve his
starving millions.

In this atmosphere Anthony Quinn is selected and
crowned Pope Kiril I. The audience finds itself totally
involved in the complexities of papal election and the
suspense of the thousands shown awaiting the
decision in St. Peter's Square.

The world is stunned at the election of a
non-Italian Pope and speculation runs high as to the
possible consequences of his Russian loyalties.

It is immediately evidently that Pope Kiril seeks
the union of the ecclesiastical and secular world, lie
realizes that despite its pomp, wealth and glory, the
people are the life of the Church.

The man existing within the papal robes and the
walls of the Vatican is a man of the people. As Pope,
the spriitual leader of over 800 million people, he
alone carries the burden of world peace.

The acting is superb. Anthony Quinn's portrayal
of the pope is startling. He makes the transition from
Barabas and Zorba the Creek in such a way that the
audience forgets he is anyone other than a real
Pope Through the vivid color, cinerama technique
and background music the audience finds itself so
totally immersed in the action that the intermission
comes as a surprise. Through the first half of the
movie, the complexit ites of the plot are revealed. The
fast moving action makes one aware of the passage of

The photography is such that one concentrates on
the eyes of the Pope. Their piercing quality draws the
viewers attention away from the beauties of Rome
and the majesty of the papal entourage.

One is able to feel the loneliness of the Pope as he
searches for a solution that can prevent the total
destruction of humanity. The great faith of the
millions of Catholics and the power of the
ecclesiastical world are somewhat frightening. The
f uture of the world depends on this one man.

When the movie ends, the viewer is filled with an
inner hope. The movie comes so close to being a
possiblity for the future it almost merges with reality.

Each of us wonders what will be the final outcome
of the conflicts existing between these same countries
that are today world leaders.

"The Shoes of the Fisherman" revives the hope
that Christian belief in love and charity can someday
bridge the great gaps in society and government
serving as a world preserver of world peace.


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January 22, Walter's Recreation
Room. A panel composed of
Miriam K. Drucker, career
wifeand Agnes Scott professor of
psychology, and two students,
Rebecca Wadsvvorth Sickles and
Pat Lowe Johnston discussed
"the Endless Roles of a

The next class is scheduled for
January 29 at 8 p.m., also in
Walter's Rec. Room. The speaker
will be Dr. William Bevel Jones,
minister of the Decatur First
Methodist Church, who will give
the kind of talk he would give to
a young cguple coming to him
for a premarital conference.

The final marriage class will be
February 18 from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. in 207 Campbell. During the
first hour Dr. Abraham Velkoff,
an Atlanta gynecologist, will
speak on the topic "Sexual
Adjustment in Marriage." The
second hour will be used for a
discussion on contraceptives.

These classes which were
formally open only to seniors or
engaged students, are now open
to any student who wants to go.

Economist, office of the
President, International Bank for
Reconstruction and
Development, Washington, D.C.
will lecture in Presser on January

DeFontenay is a Ford Fellow
in International and Foreign
Economic Administration and a

LafayetteFoundation Fellow. Be
studied at the University of Paris
and received his M.A. and Ph.D.
from Yale University

will appear in Convocation
January 29, was proclaimed as
"official entertainer of the State
of Georgia' 1 by Senator Herman
Talmadge. His calling card reads
"Graham W. Jackson, Favorite of
Presidents," because five
presidents from Roosevelt
through Johnson have applauded
his talents. Through his work in
the diplomatic circle he has
earned the title of "Ambassador
of Good Will."

Jackson, well-known for his
talent on the organ, piano,
accordian, and as an
instrumentalist, and vocalist, has
made remote broadcasts over
radio station WERD. Currently,
Jackson is the music director for
Pittypat's Porch in Atlanta. Also,
he records on a popular label.
Graham Jackson has appeared on
such TV shows as Ed Sullivan's
'Toast of the Town" and Dave
Garroway's "Today" shows.

His formal training includes
work at Chicago Musical College,
Hampton Institute, Loyola
University, Morehouse, College
and Atlanta University.

new play opening on January 30
at the Academy Theatre, involves
the confrontation of a monk with
a group of pagan actors.

The play describes j time
when pagan drama was a very
serious threat to the effectiveness
of Christian ritual, the human
sensuality of one opposing the
other-worldliness of the other.
This conflict is the core of the
play and colors the relationships
of the characters involved.

The playwright, P.V.
Harkness, is a new addition to
Academy Theatre. A Harvard
graduate, Harkness acted and
wrote for the Provincetown
Playhouse in Massachusetts
before coming to Atlanta.

Much of "Dance of Seasons is
authentic. The play, a product of
much research, is based on rituals
actually performed for centuries
by pagan actors. It represents an
attempt to create through music
and dance "an experience in total

The play is performed by
Academy's entire acting
ensemble. Included in the cast are
Stacy Hines, star of "A Man's a
Man," Chris Curran, Page Lee,
Tony Sciabona and the
playwright himself.

COUNCIL passed four
resolutions Tuesday.

RC-66 was a resolution
regarding amendments to the
Athletic Association constitution.

Tina Bender, chairman of
Re-Organization Committee,
presented three resolutions.
RC-63 provided for a change in
election procedure for spring
elections. Under this resolution a

Fanny's anniversary
attended by Scotties

Fanny Carmichael, who has
sung for the Agnes Scott
community many times, had the
tables turned on her Sunday.
Twenty-five Scotties attended her
church to take part in the
celebration of her 22nd year
singing with church choirs.

The students marched in
wearing black academic robes
singing, "Joyful, Joyful, We
Adore Thee;" "I Love to Tell the
Story :" "Jesus Calls us Over the
Tulmult" and other hymns. One
car got lost and did not arrive
until the girls had already

A number of other choirs
participated and the service lasted
from 2:30 until 6:45. Money was
pledged to Fanny during the
serviee to aid her in her mission
work this year.

Jean M. Blaylock, visiting
instructor in history, went with
the group. When asked her
impressions of the church, she
replied, "It was completely new
experience for me. Fve never
been to a Baptist Church and Fve
never been to a Negro service

She continued, "One of my
main impressions was the extent
of partieipation and enthusiasm
and lack of organization and a set
pattern lor the worship. I was

completely amazed that Fanny

had a revelation at one point and
she had to be helped out. I was
bewildered in a sense because it
was so different. People were
walking around and going in and
outdunng the serviee."

" I he serviee started about
2 30". Miss Blayloek went On,
M We got there about 3 o'clocl
and were there about an hour and
ten minutes. Only two groups
sang while we were ihere.both
sounded more like a rock group.

We left at that point. It was all

verv interesting."

J u nior Chris Pence is
collecting money on campus to
add Fanny's mission fund.

Humort sends greetings
to his friends.


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list with the names of those
petitioning for offices as well as
the names of those nominated
popularly and hy Nominating
Committee will be posted a week
before elections. The ballot will
also contain a column of the
names of those petitioning for a
certain office.

RC-64 adds the Day Student
Chairman to the membership of

flow much time do you spend
watching TV each week' What
programs do you watch?

Cile Tanner, 71: "I only
watch TV when 1 have a date."

Ann Hoefer, l 70: k T only
watch TV an hour a week and
that is for 'Rowan and Martin's
Laugh-In? Once in a blue moon 1
watch a movie. TV really reeks

Nominating Committee. The Pa\
Student Chairman would be
better acquainted with the day
students who would be interested
in day student positions.

R065 provides for the
addition of f re s h m a n
representatives to House Council.
These freshman representatives
will be appointed in the fall by
House President's Council.


Judy Salenfriend, '12: 4 T

haven't looked at TV since I've

been at school except for the

On the Square
in Decatur


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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

JANUARY 31.1969

Editor's note: The following article was researched
by Fran Fulton, Janice Johnston, Linda Laney, Eliza-
beth Mathes, Alexa Mcintosh and Beverly Walker. It
was written by Sandra Earley.

"And I woke up and heard someone screaming and
crying at the same time. I looked out the window and
saw them carrying a girl to the infirmary." The next
morning a note came down from upstairs and another
white card was put across a mail box saying someone
had withdrawn.

Admittedly, this brief sketch is an extreme
situation and, in this case, hypothetical. Nevertheless,
Agnes Scott does have its Committee on The Problem

workload, but the major blame is in lis. It's our high
sense of wanting to succeed and our high sense of
competition." Lou is also a student member of the
Committee on The Problem.

IN RFSPONSF to the question of why students
become dangerously depressed or even break down,
Dr. Pelt/, said kick of sleep and lack of proper food
are not enough in themselves to cause a breakdown.

Wallace M. Alston, president of the college,
suggested other causes for the campus malaise. He
said there is a general restlessness among people all
over the country, not only at Agnes Scott. This is an
appreshensiveness over the social system, Vietnam,

StMte&ocUf, falft met


which is looking into the campus malaise in general.
Seven per cent of the campus population has visited
the college consulting psychiatrist at least- once this
year, according to Assistant Dean of Students lone

Conjectures on the number of students regularly
visiting a professional counselor run far higher than
the over 50 seeing the college psychiatrist. One
student, herself under the care of a psychiatrist,
called the seven per cent "a misleading number."
"Many are seeing their own doctor and many more
need to see one," she commented.

College Physician Rosemonde S. Peltz said 95 per
cent of the students she sees have physical
manifestations of psychological problems. She
continued that for the past ten years most of girls'
complaints have been psychosomatic.

Nervous breakdowns, a layman's term usually
referring to acute or cronic depression, are caused
almost entirely at Agnes Scott by psychological
problems, Dr. Peltz said.

As at any college or university, there are several
suicide attempts each year. College officials declined
to comment on the frequency or number this year at
Agnes Scott, but Judicial Board Chairman Lou Frank
noted unofficially, "There have been several
attempted suicides on the campus this year."

A former Agnes Scott student who is now
attending another college said while she was here, "I
went through a real suicide obsession. Agnes Scott is
such a closed community; you see everyone all the
time. I used to see everyone who had tried suicide.
Everyone lives so closely together."

"PEOPLE ARH SO UNHAPPY around here that
you think its the norm," a present student
commented. She continued, "The atmosphere here is
more conducive to emotional instability."

Suggesting another reason for the emotional state
of the campus, Lou Frank said, "We dream up a lot
of our problems. Maybe it is a part of it is our
isolated situation, which really doesn't have to be."

"The people who have cracked up - it's personal
problems," she continued. "It's partially the

civil rights and the constant demands on personal
qualifications. He also said greater freedom in boy
and girl relationships make for a lot of problems.

"The problems are as different as the people,"
former Dean of the Faculty C. Benton Kline
commented. Suggesting that it is difficult to delineate
accurately kinds of cases, he said the critical
problems usually occur when a girl has had to drop
out of college after a serious illness and then takes a
risk in returning.

THE COLI EG E PHILOSOPHY, Dean Kline said, is
to keep a student in school as long as she is able to
function academically. This does not however, refer
to a girl who has become so sick she is a threat -
physically or mentally - to other students.

If we are to keep students here and keep them
healthy, then what can be done about the general
depression during winter quarter as well as more
seriously disturbed girls?

A number of people on campus, both professional
and non-professional counselors, are already available
to students. Among theese are the Dean of Students
and her staff, the Dean of the Faculty, members of
the faculty and the college psychiatrist, Dr. Irene A.

Students currently under the care of a psychiatrist
had various opinions on the availability of campus
counselors. A former student said it was not a good
idea to go to a teacher for help. It is too much like
having a mother and daddy around she explained.
"You need someone to ask a leading question to
make you think," she stated.

Another student said she did not think it is fair to
burden a faculty member with a problem; it is not
their job to counsel. Dean Kline said in his former
position, counseling was one of his foremost jobs.
"Who cares about getting the mechanics of the office
done when what matters is people. That is what
makes Agnes Scott what Agnes Scott is," he said with

DR. PHRYDAS, who was unavailable herself lor
comment, is at Agnes Scott three hours each week
with two additional hours at her office if needed.

Frances Woodward, '72: First I
Uy to work out the problem
myself; then I ask a friend.

Stephanie Daugherty, '72: II it
were academic, I would go to my
faculty advisor; if it were social, I
probably would not go to anyone

Margaret Heltzel, '72: Friends
first; then if it's bad, I call my

When you hare a personal
problem, whom do you talk to?


Cindy dillum, '72: ( lose friends,
each depending on what kind of
problems I have.

Miriam Scarsbrook, '72: I talk
to everyone else, then I talk to

Harriet Ciatewood, '72: 1 call
up my sister who lives in Atlanta;
she went to Agnes Scott.

Miss Murphy, who makes Dr. Phrydaif appointments
for her on campus, said she is kept fairly busy, but
perhaps not as busy as in past years.

Traffic did increase at certain times last quarter.
Miss Murphy added; one of these limes was during
exams. She never knows why a student wishes to see
the doctor unless she volunteers the information, she

Dr. Alston sees Dr. Phrydas 1 job at Agnes Scott as
being of a preventive nature. The college does not
keep a record of students under psychiatric care, he
said, and that nothing of this sort would he reported
on a college transcript.

"Having Dr. Phrydas as a consulting psychiatrist
has made an enormous difference in a lot of ways,"
Dean Kline said. He listed this difference as easier
access to a professional counselor, less parental
opposition to psychiatric care, a better attitude to it
on campus and a professional person for faculty
members to refer students to.

seeing Dr. Phrydas, as one student pointed out. First
of all, a student must be aware that her service is

available - free of charge to the student for the first
three visits. Then, some students resist going through
another person to make an appointment, other
students are diffident about seeing anyone at all, she

Speaking candidly, the transfer student said, while
seeing Dr. Phrydas had helped her, perhaps she had
not helped others. She added that there is a need to
eliminate the step of seeing Miss Murphy for an
appointment. "The girls are old enough to sign up for
an appointment by themselves. It should be more
private. The 1). O. knows too much and they blab,"
she slated flatly.

The tragedy of a troubled girl, Dean Kline said,
occurs when she doesn't come lor help, lie continued
that if somebody really needs help she will usually
find someone to talk to -- even another student.

JUDIC IAL BOARD MEMBERS are often the other
students girls find to talk to. Lou Prank said,
"Judicials should be the most aware of other people's
conditions Phis puts us in a vulnerable position."
"Judicials need to channel the problems back to the
people or to channel the person elsewhere," she said
concluding that demands are often made on Judicials
which they cannot and should not be asked to

What are the other possible alternatives not
prresently available on campus? Both a college
chaplain and a full-time psychologist to have been
suggested. "The possibility of a college chaplain is
under consideration and has been for the last several
years," Dr. Alston reported.

There are, however, several problems involved in a
college chaplain. Not the least of these is, as Dr.
Alston pointed out, finding someone who would
guide rather than preach. A former student objected
to the idea saying, "You can't take problems about
your sex life to them. I don't know - it's something
about the holy water."

An experiment with several chaplains was tried
several years ago, according to Dean Kline. At that
time four ministers trained in counseling and
suggested by students were paid by the college to
counsel. Dean Kline said even after the men were
introduced to the student body, they were not used.
"The men themselves were embarrassed" at the lack
of response. Dean Kline finished.

Dr. Peltz suggested that perhaps a trained
psychologist would be better than a chaplain. This
person could work with most students and leave the
more serious cases to Dr. Phrydas. As Dean Kline
suggested, any person of this kind is handicapped,
however, because of his institutional functions.

be possible. Dr. Alston urged students to let their
parents in on their lives a little more, saying they
would be surprised how cooperative and
understanding their parents would be in a time of

The transfer student underlined the need for more
more privacy. "If there was one way - any way at all
- to give the campus freedom and privacy. There
ought to be more singles so you could just go in and
slam the door." She also suggested that a system
might be set up so that students could get in touch
directly with a counselor through a message in an
envelope or on the telephone.

A present student said greater change in the social
rules would be "the most feasible plan and not cost
any money." She also suggested that a change in the
academic program might be good. She cited the
Wellesley College schedule of two slightly shortened
semesters with four weeks at the end of the school
year in which a student pursues an independent study
lorwhichshe does not receive a grade.



JANUARY 31,1969




Campus News

E lizabeth Mathes
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Ideas solicited

At mid-quarter when the tog s:ts :n the campus, there is
little more to be said on the campus malaise, collective and
personal, than what is stated by others in this week's theme

We can perhaps underscore some of the suggestions made
by others in the article. One particularly crucial point is the
position of the Judicial member in relation to other
students. Is it really fair to another student, with problems
of her own, to be expected to counsel the students on her

As one person pointed out in the page one article, many
students are not aware of professional help that can be
obtained on campus. Do Judicials themselves know how to
refer a student to someone else for help?

A campus psychologist - maybe there should be some
serious consideration of this idea on levels where it could
really be implemented. A Counselor-at-large might be hired
for the campus with the idea that he would be available for
students to drop by to see him. But beyond this, he could
actually go out and meet with students, listen to them and
search out the problems where they are.

If the campus malaise is a reality, then we should do
more than have a committee on it and write newspaper
articles about it. The individual should be personally aware
and concerned. Any further thoughts on the subject are
certainly welcome. There's always a letter to the editor.


Maddox is
conceit. "

Junior: "Lester
a metaphysical


Senior rushing into the library

to check out a book for use

during a campus date: "I have my

first date of the quarter tonight!

It's with a priest and he only gave

me an hour's notice."


A Junior: "What would

anyone from another campus

think if they heard that ASC had

a COP to solve its problem?"
* **

From an overworked Senior
who faced an exam after
Christmas vacation: "Do you ever
feel like your life is one big

by sandra earley

Don't look now, girls, but Davidson College is
propositioning people. Yes. collectively. They're looking for coeds or
at least their campus newspaper, "The Davidsonian," would have you
think so.

It all started way back last fall with a series of editorials. It has
progressed now to the point of informal polls to measure campus
opinion on the subject and interviews with the college president
concerning a merger with suitable girls' schools.

In an editorial entitled, "Where the Girls Aren't," the reasons
favoring such a merger were stated: "Davidson needs girls.
Academically, they would contribute new viewpoints and new
competition. And socially,. ..well, we need to learn to judge a girl on
criteria other than the color of her dress, the length of her hair, and
how much she puts out."

An interview with the college president in the November 1, 1968,
edition of "The Davidsonian" quoted him as saying, "My position at
this point is that I am sympathetic to the idea of coeducation."

On this happy note, another editorial, "It Takes Two, Baby," in
the same issue propositioned the first school. It noted that Sweet
Briar is making rumblings about coeducation, then suggested the two
schools get together. Describing the woman's college as "an all girls'
school in Virginia with a respectable academic standing and a
reputation for being a good place to get a date," the editorial went on
to define further the kind of women Davidson is seeking: "Obviously,
not just any grils will do - they'll have to be fairly intelligent (and
pretty, please)."

The next two editorials called attention to what other schools are
doing, citing studies at Lehigh University and Princeton which
showed coeducation preferable.

Like that identification bracelet every girl in the seventh grade
wore at something during the year, the most recent Davidson
proposition has gone out to Mary Baldwin. This editorial said, "There
are good deals at Mary Baldwin. ..Baldwin is a merger mate that any
haughty bachelor would be proud to get. It has a satisfactory
academic standards and a student body of 750 women."

The editorial continued, "Davidson College has been following a
policy of educational virginity long enough. Drinking in our rooms is
no substitute for feminine companionship. ..We need to learn that
girls are people, too."

Well, ladies, it's happened again - somewhere along the line when
they were passing out propositions, we got left out. And we can't
even drink in our dorms.

Maybe merry ole Davidson should look south rather than north.
Atlanta is a very nice city and there are 750 of us with better than
"satisfactory academic standards." Besides, we might even put on our
pretty please for them. Not only that, we already have self-scheduling
of exams which Davidson students are currently striving for.


Dance weekend causes mental
anguish; Rent-a-date needed?

Airline youth cards
will take nose dive?

To the Editor:

I am a junior at the University
of Houston and also one of
several hundred thousand college
students who hold an Airline
Youth Fare Card.

I am writing you and many
other college newspaper editors
in the hope that fellow students
may be alerted through the
editorial column of their
newspaper about the recent
happenings concerning youth
fares. Several days ago a Civil
Aeronautics Board examiner
ruled that "youth fares should be
dropped." I am enclosing a copy
of the article. Unless the board
decides to review the decision, it
will automatically beco me
effective in 30 days.

I don't think that many
students know of this and I urge
them to rise to protect their
youth fares. Most of us have
limited budgets and receive our
spending money from part-time
jobs. I urge every student to
contact the Civil Aeronautics
Board, 1 8 2 5 Connect! c u t

Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.,
20009 and voice their protest
against this unfair decision
against youth fares. It is
important that this be done
within the next 30 days so that a
new hearing will be set, otherwise
the ruling will automatically
become law.

I am told that Western Union
has a new opinion telegram and
for 90 cents, which can be
charged to a student's telephone,
a 15 word telegram could be sent
from anywhere in the U.S. to
your own congressman, the
President and Vice-President. If a
student doesn't have time to
write this opinion, I recommend
that he call his nearest Western
Union office and send the wire.

1 hope that you will print
the above letter in the editorial
section of your paper, since I feel
students should be informed of
this injustice and that this issue is
OIK that you are obligated to
present to your readers.

Sincerely yours,
Stephanie Southgate

To the Editor:

Madam, I wish to denounce
the invidious effects of the garish
tribal rite known as Winter Dance
Weekend. A society that permits
its youth to engage in ritualized
sensuality for no other reasons
than those of achieving social
prestige and emotional and
physical titillation is clearly

The following is the case
history of one girl made
desperate for the approval of her
peers by her inability to cope
with virtuoso displays of
one-u p-manship in obtaining
suitable male companionship.
Only the names have been
changed to protect the innocent.

Miss X appeared in the room
of her Judicial at 5:30 p.m. on
Friday, January 24, weeping and
gnashing her teeth. In her official
report, the Judicial noted that
the girl was apparently distraught
and had there not been an
obviously different motive for
her behavior, she (the judicial)
would have been forced to
question the girl's ability to carry
out her normal responsibilities.

The Judicial also noted the
girl's irrational speech, in which
she wailed that she had been cast
into outer darkness when her
parents forced her to come to a
girls' school, that all her blind
dates had been "gnmgy" and that
she would did if she didn't get a
date at least twice as cute as her
roommate's. She then asked the
Judicial to lend her a razor blade.

This, the resourceful Judicial
refused todo, handing her instead

a book of John Donne's soothing
poetry and two slices of
cucumber to cool her reddened
eyes. The Judicial was unable to
speak to the girl at this time
because she had "a mouthful of
bobbypins and was trying to fix
her hair so she'd look nice for
Freddy." Miss X took the
cucumber, but left The book,
muttering that she needed a
vicarious experience like a moth
needed a flame.

It has been ascertained from
Miss X's roommate that the girl
returned to her room after this
confrontation with the Judicial
and acted "like a real Pill" when
the roommate wanted help
putting her hair up.

At this point, Miss X flopped
on her bed, crying that she felt
like calling Rent-a-Date if she
thought Atlanta would have one.
The roommate urged her to "go
ahead and call, and shut up
already." She then left the room.

Upon the roommate's return,
she found Miss X flipping
through the yellow pages of the
phone book, mumbling "actors,
no. dancing, no. Maybe it's under
escorts." Horrified, the
roommate snatched the book

Noting the gla/.ed look in Miss
X's eyes, her roommate decided
against an emotional appeal and
attempted to reach her
intellectually. Using Aubrey
Beardsley as a reference point,
she expounded at length on the
significance of the fact that Miss
X would have to use "yellow"

pages to carry out her design. The
roommate reflected later that she
found the discussion a very
stimulating one, but was afraid
that it had gone over Miss X's
head since she answered with:
"You know, I think Til look in
the index." The roommate left
for the LDH.

She returned only to hear Miss
X say chokingly, "Well, thank
you very much." She stood up
slowly, kicked a chair and wept,
14 A not her snub! Fven the
telephone thwarts me."

The roommate managed to
determine, between Miss X's
hysterical outbursts, that she had
looked in the phone index and
found "escort service" listed
under Detective Agencies. Miss X
had then selected the agency with
the reassuring motto of "Known
the world over for deception,"
had called and had been informed
that "This Was An Investigative

As she left for the Infirmary,
Miss X murmured: "All I need is
a good bodyguard, between the
ages of 20 and 25, who looks
outstanding in a tuxedo. Who
called the Campus Cops?"

Anyone able to read this sad
story with dry eyes and an
unmoved heart is hard indeed.
The indictment of our society
which this girl's frantic efforts to
"make the scene" provide is a
powerful one. So that this might
never happen again, allow me to
suggest that Winter Dance
Weekend be abolished.

Yours in Freud,
S. (I rape

JANUARY 31,1969



AMT fails; does future rest
on new shirt-sleeve theater?


Plumb-broke is the only way to describe the
Atlanta Memorial Arts Center. The Arts Center,
unique in housing resident professional companies in
opera, ballet (the former Atlanta Civic Ballet) and
theatre (the Municipal and Children's theatres), had
not been open even four months when it closed two
weeks ago. The failure of the Arts Center has been
blamed partly on financial mismanagement and partly
on over-ambition.

In view of the fact that other theatres in Atlanta
have also been forced to close due to financial
difficulties, questions arise concerning the theatres 1
lack of support. The Atlanta Municipal Theatre, with
a $300,000 debt, is the third theatre to close in the
past two years.

The Pocket Theatre closed last year and Theatre

Sensitive BAG experiments
aim at better race relations


Sensitivity is the theme. Twenty people from the
Atlanta area participated in a Bi-Racial Action Group
(BAG), January 18-19 at the Stone Mountain Inn.
BAG is a division of the Human Development
Institute (HDD, a Bell & Howell Company. "HDI
specializes in applying behavioral science research to
the challenge of increasing interpersonal and
intergroup effectiveness," according to HD1

BAG deals specifically with personal interactions
between races. The program provides an opportunity
for groups of different races to look at the differences
and similarities between them so that they can better
understand each other as human beings.

The BAG program was developed by three
members of the HDI staff, one of whom is black.
That the development team was an interracial one
corresponds with the aims of the program. The
program is designed to be used by self-directed
groups. "One of the unique things about the program
was that it was directed by tape-recorder with no
participating leader," stated Truly Bracken. Truly, a
sophomore, was the only representative from Agnes
Scott. She found out about the program through a

The program consisted of five sessions beginning
Saturday morning. Two groups of ten were formed
with five Negroes and five whites in each group. In
the first session each group concentrated on getting
to know each other, being sensitive to one another.

In another session a person chose someone in the
group whom for some reason he didn't like. He was
to stand in the middle of the group and be told
directly why he was not liked and exactly what this
other person thought of him. This disliked person was
then to tell the group how he felt while listening and
how he was responding.

Another session included a rejection period where
one person extended his arms with palms up as
though he were holding someone off. A second

individual, without using words, attempted to make
the person accept him. Truly felt these sessions were
some of the most emotional experiences she'd ever
gone through. She also added, "It's probably one of
the most meaningful weekends I've had."

The sessions were designed for the purpose of
understanding human sensitivities and feelings. The
BAG group is to deal with the people of different
races not the issues between them. The groups were
instructed to keep this interaction to personal
reactions here and now.

volunteer work in Pediatrics at Grady Memorial
Hospital - sometimes the children do cry, but as
Tara Svvartsel and three other Agnes Scott students
have found, the rewards far outweigh the wet

The girls work one afternoon a week, taking
temperatures, changing diapers and mostly just
loving the children and playing with them. Some
girls help care for infants while others work with
children up to age I 2.

Interested students can contact Tara Swartsel or
Miss Vi Craig at Grady Memorial Hospital. The
next training course will be held February 3,4 and
6 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Atlanta, under its present circumstances, may also be
considered closed. In such a city as Atlanta claims to
be, it seems extraordinary that theatre cannot be
supported. The only remaining theatre is the
Academy which is trying to open an original play,
"Dance of Seasons" this weekend.

The future of the theatre looks pretty dim
right now, according to Jerry Rentz, instructor of
speech and drama. Miss Rentz feels, as many others
do, that future of theatre lies mainly in regional

"The theatre can't stay in New York and be
anything," she stressed, "You can't get everyone to
New York." Miss Rent/ added that Lincoln Center is
also failing and indicated that if federal subsidies are
necessary to keep the regional and professional
theatres going they should be provided.

However, more than subsidies are necessary. The
theatre should be able to support itself, at least more
than it has in the past. Love and appreciation of the
theatre has not been cultivated. Miss Rentz suggested.
She added that children and adults need to be
educated to enjoy the theatre, and that theatre
should be made more available to them.

"1 don't think it's the price that keeps people
away, but the atmosphere. We are approaching the
necessity of a shirt-sleeve theatre," she said. Miss
Rentz feels when teenagers go out, they should be
able to go to a play as well as a movie.

Concerning the future of theatre in Atlanta,
Professor of Speech and Drama Roberta Winter said
the theatre has been in Atlanta for too long a time to
go under completely. "1 don't think Atlanta would be
satisfied not to have a theatre - not to have even
more than one," she stated.

Black studies re-evaluated

Second in a series.

The recent stress on Afro-American studies and,
thereby, on the emerging Negro self-consciousness
raises a series of questions that must be answered,
both in terms of the direction this educational
movement will take and, in a larger sense, in terms of
what this education will mean to the nation.

Afro-American studies and more radical concepts
of black power are by definition egocentric and
even isolationist in nature. Taken to extremes, either
idea produces a separatism that is undesirable.

There seem to be two directions in which the
efforts of education can take the whole field of black
studies: first, that of separation, of color
consciousness in the form of black nationalism; and
second, that of integration historically, of seeing the
Negro as an American citizen with a heritage both
distinct from and yet a part of the national heritage.

The problem for the Negro is reflected in the
debate over curriculum changes stressing
Afro-American studies. There is division over the
purpose and goals of the new courses, whether it is
better to create black intellectuals or people who are
prepared for activist roles in the ghetto.

IN A SYMPOSIUM at Yale on the "Black
Fxperiment," the crisis was brought into the open.
Harold Cruse, author of "The Crisis of the Negro
Intellectual," stated that studies of Negro culture
must be part of a program for "positive social change
in the community at large - and not slow gradualism,
but rapid, radical change."

He was challenged by Martin L. Kilson Jr.,
assistant professor of government at Harvard, who
said he felt the argument that the black experience
was unique was "largely a political one which certain
groups find serviceable in the contemporary conflict
between the Negro and the white in American

There seems to be a growing consciousness of the
danger of separating Negro history, of isolating it
from its roots in a white society As one historian put
it, "The answer to bad history is not more bad
history written from a different point of view."

SOML WOULD ARGUL here that the whole
concept of Afro-American history is ridiculous
because of the dearth of material to work with, but
the list of inventors, doctors, explorers, and yes,
revolutionaries, and gangsters is a long one and a
startling one to the typical white reader. Yet it would
also be wrong to argue that these people are the
greatest the world has ever seen, merely because they
have not been included in the historical record.

The distortion of history, no matter how
politically and socially desirable at the moment,
cannot fail to invalidate the very record of
achievement so proudly pointed to.

Responsible interpretation of history is always at a
premium, but it becomes even more important in the
face of potential social disaster. The attitude of I red
Brooks, founder and director of the "liberation

school" in Nashville, which led him to say, "Our
'liberation school' teaches Negro children about their
past. If the hsitory of their past leads them to hate
white people, that's not our responsibility," is neither
reasoned nor practical. One must live in the world as
it is, since it is impossible to make repayment to the

prize-winning historian, spoke about this problem of
the creation of factionalism within a previously
existing national entity, saying, nationalism is "the
most powerful political emotion in the world," and in
this country finds expression in the "mystique of
black power."

History has reinforced a sense of identity for
nations and the same reinforcement could create a
sense of identity, and more than that, a sense of life,
for ethnic groups that could destroy the larger nation.

There has arisen, he goes on to say, a large
miscellaneous literature emphasizing what
professional historians have ignored and because of
group resentment and pride, overstatement has
become a very real temptation.

The problem in building up a group consciousness
necessary to the achievement of long-range goals lies
in the fact that group identity becomes so fixed that
it supercedes all other loyalties. The coagulation of
society into many such clots of self-concern will
impair its functioning, perhaps beyond recall.



JANl \m 31,1969


DURING SOIMIOMORI- chapel Saturday morning after
PARENTS Weekend, Thursday students and their parents have

morning classes composed
predominantly ot sophomores
will he moved to Saturday
morning so that more parents will
have an opportunity to attend
classes with their daughters.
These classes will be only an hour
in length with the last class
scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m.

Parents are expected to begin
arriving Thursday, February 6 for
the weekend. Registration begins
Friday morning in Walters
Recreation Room alter which
parents will be attending classes
with students.

The subject of Friday chapel
to be given by John A. Tumblin
Jr., professor of sociology and
anthropology, is the relation of
Agnes Scott students to the
community. During the
afternoon, various laboratories
and displays will be open for

Also on
will play tne juniors

attended classes. Following a
luncheon. Dr. and Mrs. Alston
will receive sophomores, their
parents and members of the
faculty at a dessert-coffee on the
Winship Terrace.

Gayle C.ellerstadt, sophomore
class president, is student
chairman of the weekend with
Mary Walker Fox, instructor in
chemistry, as faculty chairman of
the steering committee.

CALLOWAY, Republican
nominee for governor in 1966,
will speak at a meeting of the
Young Republican's Club
February 4. The meeting will be
held in Rebecca Reception Room
at 7:30 p.m.

psychologist and lecturer, will
speak at Agnes Scott Wednesday,
February 5 at 8:15 p.m. in
Friday, sophomores Gaines Auditorium. His topic will
the juniors in a be "Patterns of Love and
basketball game. The first Social-Sexual Development. "
performance of the Dolphin Informal talks and seminars
Club's "A Splash into wil1 also be & iven b y Harlow at
Disneyland" and the creative arts Georgia State College Tuesday,
review "Her Infinite Variety" will February 4, and at Georgia Tech
be given at 7:30 p.m. Fach of Thursday, February 6. His lecture

these will be presented again at 9 at A & nes Scott wlH be his ma -i r
p m lecture, however.

President of the College Wallace Harlow will attend Miriam K.

M. Alston will speak in Drucker's 10:30 a.m.

ASC Forum formed
to spark new thought


informal Leadership Conference. Thus, she
is seemingly well-quaLified to
speak on the topic she chose to
discuss-the role of Agnes Scott in
creating of its students
responsible individuals.

Mrs. Paschall described the
freedom of the student to make
her own decisions as being crucial
to her development.

As Agnes Scott alumnae, we
owe society our personal
leadership and initiative, a debt
which most graduates fail to pay.
Mrs. Paschall attributed this
failure to a lack of
self-confidence. More often,
however, it is caused by a conflict
of ideals learned at Agnes
Seott the aggressiveness in
academics coupled with the
dependance on males. Resolving
this conflict in favor of
independence, Mrs. Paschall
stated that "the male ego is
strong enough to survive. 1 '

Contemporary Psychology class
and Thomas W. Hogan's 8:30
a.m. Experimental Psychology
class on Wednesday.

by the teachers, students
managed to win the
faculty-student basketball game
Monday night. The final score

was 29 to 4.

The faculty team included
Jean Blaylock, Berti Bond, Kale
McKemie, Mrs. MeKinney, Miss
Cox and Sylvia Chapman. Miss
Blaylock playing the game for the
first time, was knocked to the
floor once by the impact of the

Berti Bond wore her Gulf
grease monkey suit: Mrs.
MeKinney swore she was always
able to hit the backboard before
she was married. Sylvia Chapman
was dubbed "Speedy" and Miss
Tillman turned out to be a
sneaky ballstealer. And the score
was only 2 L ) to 4?

Spelman exchange gives
Yanks southern exposure

The possibility of student
exchanges with other colleges has
often been discussed here at
Agnes Scott. Spelman College,
one member of the Atlanta
University complex, is 'currently
engaged in such a program.
Seventeen students from St.
Theresa College in Winona,
Minnesota are attending Spelman
this year and 14 Spelman
students are also attending St.

In October 1968, Sadie Allen,
an assistant dean at Spelman,
suggested to Sylvia Chapman,
Agnes Scott assistant dean of
students, that the St. Theresa
girls might be interested in
visiting Agnes Scott and staying
for supper. The suggestion was
turned over to Tara Swartsel who
had to receive permission from
the dean of students office to
proceed. The hitch seemed to be
the accommodation of 20 more

people at dinner.(See PROF1LF people, but because we were


black students, very
conservative. " She went on to
describe the town as "a real small
town, population 26,000. There
is an actual law that no Negroes
can live in town. Many of the
girls have never seen a Negro."

Carolyn continued, "Spelman
is much more liberal in freedom,
hours, etc. 1 like it here and it has
really been an experience. The
kids here have been basically
friendly, open and honest,
whether they want us down here
or not. My social life is good; 1 go
to parties and out. Outside the
Spelman community my
experiences have been mixed. 1
was once told by a customer to
leave a restaurant because he
didn't approve of inter-racial
dating. People have called us
names, but that is natural; we
expected it," "The black
militants don't like us down here.
They have objected to us not as

The Forum, an
organization sponsoring speakers
not ordinarily invited to the
campus, grew from a group of
concerned students and teachers
According to Marion Gamble,
a student involved with the
Forum, "it is a group of
individuals who felt that they
wanted to stimulate some
thought and reflection on issues
of today and to bring up ideas
about what we're trying to do

The group hopes to sponsor a
black poet, a teacher of black
history, a psychiatrist and a
movie on the Columbia revolt.

The Forum's first program
was a lecture given by Mrs. Fliza
Paschall on January 21. An Agnes
Scott alumna, Mrs. Paschall is a
member of the Board of
Directors of the National
Organization for Women and of
the Metropolitan Summit


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article November 15, 1968.)

Tara was asked this week what
had been done. She answered, "1
haven't pursued it recently. It
was left in the D.O., but it should
be brought up again. Apparently
there were touchy feelings in the
D.O. after the last article. They
say it might cost $30 to feed
them. Thirty dollars in human
relations isn't much to pay 1 say.

Two of the exchange students
at Spelman were recently asked
their impressions of Spelman,
Atlanta and other topics. Coming
from a small girl's school with a
strong religious emphasis, they
would seem to have a lot in
common with Agnes Scott.

The first student interviewed
was Carolyn Martin. She began
by describing St. Theresa College;
she said it was "an all girl's
school, predominately Catholic,
95 to 99 per cent white, few

intruding into their lives and their
work of building up a separate
nationality. Some girl militants
didn't like us because we would't
be as much for the cause. Some
small incidents have occured

since Christmas, but we laugh

them off."

Carolyn also commented on

the reception of the Spelman girls

at St. Thersa. "At first the white

girls at St. Theresa were afraid of

over-reacting, being too friendly

just because they're black.

The second student
interviewed was Maureen Kreger.
Her attitude was somewhat
different. She refused to answer
questions until this reporter had
explained what my "angle" was
in doing the story. Seemingly
convinced that the only ulterior
motive was that of news interest,
she agreed to talk. u l l m very
much in love with Atlanta." she
began," And 1 would like to
transfer to Spelman.'

She continued, "I think Agnes
Scott students should enroll here,
not just take courses here, but
enroll. Then they would get to
know what it's really like. Of
course you have problems down
here that we don't have up north.
When you tell people on the
outside that you go to Spelman,
they take several thousand looks
at you to see if you have Negro
blood in you. That's all I want to.

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VOLUME LV NUMBER 15 Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030 FEBRUARY 7, 1969

Student bill of rights unnecessary?


The Agnes Scott Chapter of the American
Association of University Professors at its meeting
January 30 failed to adopt a resolution which
endorsed in spirit the 1967 Joint Statement on Rights
and Freedoms of Students. (See PROFILE article,
October 28, 1968).

This document was drafted by representatives of
the AAUP, the U.S. National Student Association,
the Association for American Colleges, the National
Association of Student Personnel Administrators and
the National Association of Women Deans and
Counselors. The national assembled body of the
AAUP endorsed the statement at its meeting in
Washington, D.C. in April 1968.

The Student Bill of Rights, as the document is
known, came up for discussion at Agens Scott when
Assistant Professor of Physics Philip B. Reinhart
introduced a motion to the faculty calling for an
endorsement of the bill of rights at a fall meeting.
After the motion was tabled for further discussion,
Reinhart, at the following meeting, withdrew his
motion so the statement could be directed to the
college AAUP chapter for study.

AAUP Chapter President Florene J. Dunstan,
professor of Spanish, appointed four members to a
committee to study the bill of rights. They were
David P. Forsythe, assistant professor of history and
political science, chairman; Kwai Sing Chang,
associate professor of Bible and philosophy ; Claire M.
Hubert, assistant professor of French; and Richard D.
Parry, assistant professor of philosophy.

THE COMMITTEE'S STUDY which included
informal sampling of student, faculty and
administrative opinion, according to Forsythe,
resulted in a majority and a minority report which
were presented to the chapter at its recent meeting.

The majority report asked the AAUP chapter to
adopt its statement and convey this adoption to the
faculty. The motion was later amended to the effect
that the adoption should be sent to the
Administration committee.

The report says that while the student bill of
rights is often ambiguous, its spirit is clear. This spirit
"clearly emphasized that individual freedom is crucial
in the learning process and that 'the student should
be as free as possible from imposed limitations that
have no direct relevance to his education.'

particularly underscored by the report. The social
requlations were said to curtail the student's feeling
of freedom, occupy her time by excessive attention
to red tape and discourage the growth of intellectual
maturity resulting from the confrontation of difficult
situations individually.

While requesting the AAUP chapter to endorse
only the spirit of the student bill of rights, the report
also recommended that the President of the College
"take note of that spirit when appointing personnel
whose duties lie in the social realm."

A third recommendation was that the Academic
Council consider the meanings of Sections II and III
of the bill of rights and report to the AAUP as to the
meaning for Agnes Scott. This study was to be done
in connection with the chairman of this AAUP
committee and other appropriate student-faculty

The majority report, signed by Chang, Forsythe
and Hubert, was accompanied by a minority report
signed by Parry. It stated understandings and
interpretations of Sections II and III which pertain to
student records and student rights in the classroom.

Groseclose, associate professor of biology, there are
50 m .mbers of the Agnes Scott AAUP chapter; this is
about one-half of the faculty. Twenty-eight of these

were present at the January 30 meeting. Debate on
the two motions was carried out at length and many
members left before the group came to a vote. There
were members opposed to the majority report with 7
in favor of it; Miss Groseclose noted that some
members still present also did not vote.

Miss Groseclose gave two primary reasons why the
majority report was not accepted. She said the feeling
was that the report itself was ambiguous. Moreover

" You've made the Deans' List and you've
got 24 hours before he comes looking for you.

Feature Editor

Believe it or not, teachers, most students want
more class discussion. What seems to he the problem?
Teachers want more participation; students are tired
of lectures. In speaking to freshmen, a frequent
comment is, "Well, I just don't feel like saying
anything. " Why don't they feel like it?

Students have gotten out of the high school habit
of raising hands. They seem to have lost some of the
courage or self-confidence necessary to break into a
professor's lecture. "In high school, half the class was
dumb and you could say something and feel you were
intelligent, " a sophomore commented, "But here you
feel ignorant. People just look at you. "

Another observation among freshmen and
sophomores is that teachers seem to be concerned
only with getting through all the material. In the
introductory courses, this may be understandable but
is it necessary? Tyree Morrison, sophomore, says,
"The work here is quantitative rather than
qualitative. "Students have to spend so much time on
picky little things they don't have the energy to realy
delve into an interesting topic. The result is pressure
and cramming.

The idea of just memorizing chapters for tests gets
to be a bore. "After weeks of this, you're drained, "a
freshman said. A lack of stimulation, in class or
otherwise, results. A student begins to feel like a
machine; the book goes in through the eyes, out
through the pen in hand, and completely misses the

The problem of convergent versus divergent

because the report was not student sponsoror
supported, members felt that "perhaps we were
overstepping our bounds."

" This doesn't mean the whole question can't come
to the faculty or the AAUP again," she added.
Another reason for the result of the vote was, she
suggested, it was "difficult to see how this applies to
Agnes Scott." She said that a statement of this kind
would be more necessary at a large university where
communication between faculty and students was not
good. She urged that if Agnes Scott students have any
specific ideas for changes, they submit them to the
faculty or the AAUP.

STUDENT OPINION SAMPLED had a large effect
on the outcome of the AAUP vote, Richard Parry
said. He explained that most of the students he talked
with found that the student bill of rights either did
not go far enough to implement change they thought
necessary or that Agnes Scott students already have
most of the freedoms listed in it.

Speaking in favor of the adoption of the two
reports to the AAUP, Parry said it was good in theory
and projected a good image for students as "kinds of
beings having rights and freedoms." He criticized the
discussion of the motions at the chapter meeting
saying it was not substantitive, not reaching the basic
issue of student rights and freedoms. Most of the
debate was concerned with to whom the reports
should be addressed and when they should be
debated, he said.

While stating, "I don't regard this as a major issue,
"David Forsythe continued, "The AAUP missed a
chance to make a constructive move." He agreed with
the suggestion of Phillip Reinhart that the
endorsement would have a good psychological effect
upon students.

He also said the group missed a good opportunity
to let the college president know how it felt on
student freedom as he is searching for a new dean of
students. Finally, Forsythe said, "The faculty has a
responsibility to articulate its educational policy to
itself, administration and students."

thinking becomes apparent. In suggesting that we
have more divergent thinking, some students panic.
"Well, it's easier to memorize than to think of
something on your own. "

Somewhere a happy medium must exist. Students
often go to class expecting more than they get. Too
often students sit there waiting, instead of making an
effort to get something going. Class discussion
depends on the students as well as the nature of the
class. Some classes are fortunate enough to have bold
students to get the ball going. For the more timid
perhaps a change in atmosphere would loosen things
up. The chairs could be arranged more informally and
the teacher could sit down with the students.

Freshman Gin Crane feels there isn't enough
informal communication between faculty and
students. She'd like to see the faculty dining room
abolished. Have teachers and students converse during
meals, f/f some object, they can always sit at another

Penny Burr, chairman of Committee on the
Problem (COP), feels students hesitate in class not
because of the teachers, but because of their fellow
classmates. Possibly the class could be broken into
small groups for 15 minutes or so for discussion. The
groups could themselves with the class. (Of course,
the class would have to be prepared for the lesson).

At any rate, there does seem to be a desire for
more class discussion from the standpoint of students
and teachers. Coming to a small women's college,
many students believed there would be a greater
opportunity for informal class participation.

Class participation: how can
both sides improve situation?



FEBRUARY 7, 1969




Freshmen tender suggestions;
THE I PROFILE men / courses, trimester sought

Copy U Elizabeth Mathes
Features M Beverly Walker
Campus News m Alexa Mcl ntosh
Advertising f Catherine Auman


Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
^Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Over coffee

To many, he was the daily companion with their
morning coffee. To others, he was the Pulitzer
prize-winning publisher of the Atlanta Constitution. As Dr.
Alston said when introducing him at a convocation two
weeks ago, Ralph McGill was "one of the citizens of our
community best known throughout the nation and the

Surely those credentials are more than enough to
commend Ralph McGill. But they are not the reasons many
will remember him. They will remember him for the small
things, things like being willing to talk for half an hour to
two Agnes Scott students.

As a Gainesville, Georgia journalist said on the radio
Tuesday, he respected people in the profession and treated
them as equals. With journalistic aspirations myself, I
admired him as a great newspaperman, but beyond that, for
his kindness and generosity, although I met him but once

He spoke ramblingly in convocation on his impressions
of the Nixon inauguration, then afterwards, agreed to talk
with two awed college students. As we talked, he put us at
ease so that while our awe remained, it made of respect,
not fear. He spoke not condescendingly, as he might have,
but as if he too enjoyed our conversation.

It was a morning of contrasts, contrasts between what
he was to speak on and what he finally did, between his
anticipated appearance and his actual, rather natty one,
between what might have been his august manner and what
was his human, friendly one.

So this is how at least two people will remember Ralph
McGill - and it seems a very good way, fitting among his
other recommendations. He was both a public figure and a
human being. We were lucky to have been exposed to him
through the newspaper and more personally.

To the Editor:

In response to articles in the
January 3 1 issue of the
PROFILE, we have some
suggestions which might be taken
into consideration as a possibility
for improvement in the academic
aspect of Agnes Scott, hopefully
erasing some of the campus

They are: 1) An adjustment in
the freshmen and sophomore
course schedules would be made
so that three five-hour courses
would be given rather than five
three-hour courses. This would
enable the student to put more
effort on a few subjects instead
of frantically trying to scratch
the surface of five.

With five subjects one must
jump from one assignment to
another and this lack of
concentrated time not only
hinders the ability to learn the
subject well, but wastes much
valuable time deciding
which scratch to make first.

For example, this would be
excellent for language by
allowing more actual contact
with it: possibly one class period
of the five could be devoted to
labwork as a class.

2) The trimester system which
was suggested last week in
reference to Wellesley College
would be adopted. This idea of
one short term of independent
study under faculty supervision
would enable the student to use
her own initiative in a subject
which interest her. What are we
here for but to learn for our own
benefit and enjoyment?

3) The grading system would
be altered to a superior-pass -fail
system for all subjects. This
would give acknowledgement to
excellent achievement and also
dispose of the small thread of
difference in a B+ and an A-. It
would ease much of the so-called
campus malaise caused by the
tension to make the grade rather

HMMHRMMMK k.p. Detail mmmmmmmmmmm

For sale: forgotten old house


The proud old house sits back from DeKalb
Avenue a short distance. Its deep but narrow
yard enables it to turn its shoulder defiantly on
the business firm on one side and the decaying
small houses in their small yards on the other.
The old house may be decaying too, but like a
fading grande dame it wears its age lightly.

The house was built to last. Two stories
high, wide porch and a square rooftree on top
almost like a New England widow's walk, it
stands. But this house is all southern. One large
bay window juting out front promises a parlor
within. The overlarge front door and fanlight
above give rise to the possibility of a curving
stairway in the wide central hall.

The yard is bare now. Only an oak tree is
left to the old house in its declining years, two
old things gaining comfort from each other.
I've always wanted to step off the bus (for it
makes a stop near there on its way to town),
and knock on the front door and just ask to be
allowed to look around. But Em either too shy
or too busy living in the present to give a
thought to the past.

This must have once been a proud
neighborhood. Just around the corner on
Moreland Avenue stands one of its peers, now
claimed by some historical group. It's not a
prettier house by any means, I guess its

surroundings are just better. Nobody wants a
showpiece tobe sandwichedbetween slums and

I've known the house three years now, ever
since I began riding the bus to town as a
freshman. Each change would be eagerly noted
during the few seconds glimpse afforded as the
bus went past. Last year a child's gym set was
put up in the front yard and I hoped the
addition of youthful life would sustain the old
place that much longer. But they must have
left during the summer for the house looked
empty last fall

Just before Thanksgiving, a For Sale sign
was planted in the front yard with the
additional comment, Zoned Commercial.
Realizing the death sentence implied for the
house, I even thought for several seconds of
bidding on it myself. But needless to say, a
student's allowance doesn't allow for quixotic
actions. No one has bought it yet, although
that day must surely come, when someone's
land hunger triumphs over the prospect of
demolishing an old relic.

But until it does, the old house continues
sitting there, secure in the place it has held
against all comers for close to a century. Old
house don't die, they're just forgotten for

than the goal of learning for its
own sake.

Why burden the mind with
unnecessary trifles which inhibit
instead of help the student to use
her best abilities? College should
be more of a break from the
trivia of high school than it is.

These changes would require
research and thought but we are
not the first school to try them,
so there are models that show
success. If we could change the
six-day week to a five-day week,
why could we not change a
three-quarter system to a
trimester system, or a five-course
to a three-course system?

4) A last, way-out, kooky, but
rather wonderful, suggestion:
why not make ASC coed? We all
know how much boys lift the
spirit as well as the mind. In 1889
women were not equal - now we
have to face the world on an
equal footing with men.

Why not give us the
experience we need (take that as
you like)? So Davidson has not
considered us as a coed-mate!
Why don't we take the initiative
by inviting them to join us, for
the best of two worlds?

We are idealists but then
aren't all college students: Let's
put some idealism into practical
thinking and applications. In this
age of science, a cure for every
disease is just around the corner,
if we just keep looking and

Let's quit being depressed
about depression! It really comes
about when we have spare time in
which to cry over how much we
have to do. Get busy thinking
about solutions and we will solve
all our problems!

Gin Crane, 72
Nancy, Weaver, 4 72

Grammar study cited
as malaise remedy

To the Editor:

On learning the sad news of
the malaise at Agnes Scott, I was
deeply concerned for the moral
well-being of the students. May I
suggest that the remedies could
be twofold?

1) Think everyday for about
five minutes about all the people
in the world who are hungry,
cold, oppressed, or who - though
decently fed, clad and treated -
starve for a little education.

2) Develop an inner discipline
which would be expressed in
deliberate self-respect and would
prevent students from:

Bringing coffee to class;
chewing gum in class; making
themselves ridiculous by wearing
dress-pants combinations or
whatever the monstrous things
are called; wearing torn shorts on
campus; making their pretty
heads frightful to look at by
wearing curlers in public;

Lying around in the library and
sticking their bare feei in other

people's noses; engaging in
demagogical considerations
without trying first some humble
cure as for instance: run at a
good pace around the whole
campus; concentrate on one's
French grammar so as not to
make the same mistakes 20 times
over again; comb one's hair or
even wash it (for a change).

It is my belief that if these
remedies were used, not only
would there be no malaise at
Agnes Scott, but 1) it would
become a pleasant place to live
in; 2) talks about maturity,
freedom, etc. would begin to
mean something.

Things being as they are, I
cannot help but find humorous
that the same community should
be asking at the same time for
more responsibilities and more
psychiatric help.

Very sincerely yours,
Vladimir Volkoff,
Instructor in French



Clare Bard, '71: "A branch of
Georgia Tech."


Overseen in library, third floor

stacks, carrel six: freshman

wearing pink and yellow flower

sprigged flannel nightgown as she

works on a term paper.


Jean Wall entering dining hall
where chicken is being served
once again: "It sure has been a
fowl week."


From visiting former student:


"Agnes Scott fifty years from
now will be "

Betty Noble, '71: tl A decayed

Kathy Mueller, '71: "A pile of
bricks. All the bricks will get up
and walk off. I'd walk off If I
were a brick."

Susan Morton, '7 1 :


FEBRUARY 7, 1969



Pragmatism, generosity
needed in black studies

Last in a Series

The pervasive opinion of
political and social commentary
today is that a huge dichotomy
of "with me's" or "against meV
has grown up and all other opinions
are those of apathy and/or

"Times are a' changing," as
the Smothers Brothers sing it,
and those who will not
participate in the change are
asked to leave the road and not
deter the juggernaut of Mod from
its path.

Yet it has been borne in upon
this average American ever more
forcibly in the course of this
series on Afro-American studies
that there is a desperate need for
pragmatism and generosity,
despite the pristine beauty of

Beginning with the Bandung
Conference in 1955, efforts have
been made by African and Asian
countries to realize a new
international unity. But
accompanying these efforts has
come an ever-widening economic
and material gulf between the
so-called "underdeveloped"
nations and those with European

John A. Tumblin Jr.,
professor of sociology and
anthropology, remarked, "They
now have an increasingly clear
awareness of having so much less
than a small minority of the
world, who are mainly white and

In Latin America, he said,
population increases at a rate of
3Vi per cent a year, while the

standard of living increases only
Wi per cent per year. If both
factors remain stable it will take
50 years to double the standard
of living. When the average
income is $300 per year now, an

increase to $600 in 50 years
k Msn't particularly
exciting." With the emergence
of a new sense of identity,
Tumblin explained, ^there is a

( CONT. ON P. 4)

ASC has developing
nations symposium


Agnes Scott College will host
a symposium on developing
nations February 13 and 14. A
grant of $1,500 has been
appropriated by the S&H
Foundation Lectuieship Program,
sponsored by the Sperry and
Hutchinson Company, for the

The purpose of the grant is to
bring experts on campus who will
"enrich established curricula" by
their contact with the students,
faculty and nearby community.

There will be four guest
lecturers participating in the
program: David Bronheim,
Director for the Center of
Inter-American Relations in New
York City; D. W. Brooks,
Chairman of the Board for the
Cotton Producers' Association;
Graeme G. Kirkland, Far East
Coordinator for Corn Products
Company; and Rutherford M.
Poats, Deputy Administrator of
the United States Governmental
Agency for International
Development (AID). Penny Poats,
his daughter, is a sophomore

The plan of events for the
two-day symposium is extensive.

Thursday, February 13, from
11:15 to 12:05 p.m. in Maclean
Auditorium, there will be a panel
discussion by the lecturers led by
David P. Forsythe, assistant
professor of history and political
science. Later the same afternoon
there will be a fireside in the Hub
for the guests and students.

A group of public lectures by
Bronheim, Kirkland and Poats
will be presented Thursday
evening at 7:30 in Gaines Chapel

Friday morning the speakers
will visit several classes. Brooks
will speak during chapel on "The
Role of the Cooperative in
Developing Nations" and will will
follow his presentation with a
student-lecturer panel discussion.

Margaret Green, chairman of
the students' committee,
expressed the feeling of those
actively concerned with the
upcoming affair by declaring that
the events are open to all
students and that this will
provide a "good opportunity to
talk with people from the
governmental, academic and
business worlds since we seem to
get out of touch with them,




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FEBRU \RY 7, 1969


PRESENTED a report from
Intercollegiate Committee to the
Rep Council meeting of January
28. The report dealt with the
creation of a program called the
Atlanta Urban Corps to be begun
here this summer. Essentially a
work-study program, it will
enable a college student to hold a
summer internship job in a field
relating to her college major

The entire operation will be
set up, staffed and run by the
students themsleves. As of now
positions will only be open in
city departments for work. But
private business men are being
approached to also offer jobs to
the summer interns.

The Atlanta program is
modeled after a similar one in
New York City instituted by
Major Lindsay last summer. It
was funded by the Ford
Foundation and offered to
several other cities after the
initial sucess there. So far,
Atlanta is the first to adopt the
program. The funding in Atlanta
will come from the federal
work-study program and private
organizations (80 per cent), and
the City (20 per cent).

Even though Agnes Scott
doesn't participate in the federal
work-study program, the Urban
Corps will be open to Agnes
Scott students because of other
funding. Dr. Alston is in favor of
the program and is presently
working to set it up. The jobs are
open to all regardless of financial

After the program gets going,
the internships could be arranged
for any time of the year, not just
summer. A wide range of jobs are
being planned. The New York
Program for example had
students doing everything from
regular city department jobs to
organizing a touring drama group
to visit all regions of the citv.

PHI ALPHA PHI, the Agnes
Scott debate club, is continuing
its search for new members. Club
President Janet Levy says no
experience is necessary. The club
is looking for people interested in
current affairs and public

ANN H OFFER has been
designated Agnes Scott's entry
in the Glamour Magazine "1969
Top Ten College Girls in
America." She was picked by a
Social Council Committee on the
basis of popular nominations.

Ann will be judged against
similar entries from college
campuses nationwide. The
winners and those honorably
mentioned will be featured in a
special summer issue. Kathy
Frieze, last year's nominee, won
honorable mention recognition

Student Center will present the
movie 'The Gospel According To
St. Matthew," in the E. E.
Auditorium Monday, February
10, at 6:45 p.m. Admission is


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This is the English dialogue
version of Pasolini's motion
picture recreation of the Gospel.
The film has caused a world-wide
sensation as director Pasolini, an
Italian Communist, has created
the most objective and realistic
film interpretation of the life of
Christ. Enrique Irazoque is
outstanding in the role of Christ.

"Shenandoah" will be seen on
Friday, February 14, at 7 p.m.
and at 8:50 p.m. This film
depicts the inner conflicts of the
Anderson family who live in the
Shenandoah Valley and must
oppose both the Union and
Confederate armies despite
attempts to remain neutral.

Pragmatism, generosity....


sense of having been done wrong
and an exaggerated set of
expectations for change."

When change does not come
swiftly, the natural reaction is
rage and distrust-the very
emotions seemingly most
prevalent among American
Negroes. Men come to write off
the entire social system as
irrelevant and inadequate because
it does not assimilate social
change immediately.

Penelope Campbell, assistant
professor of history and political
science, put it another way when
she said that the Negro was in a

of 'nouveau riche' phase, that is,
they have power and don't know-
quite how to use it. They
overreact." She went on to say
that part of the problem for
American society lies in the fact
that up until 1945, America was
not forced to compromise,
whereas the modern world finds
compromise the only solution to
problems. Even today,
"Americans don't really know
what an inferiority complex is,"
she stated.

The basic problem between
blacks and whites in America is
surely one of human relations.

"We", having no real conception
of "their" problems and only the
faintest glimmer of a sense of
responsibiliby towards them, are
seen as callous by those who have
no conception of our inability to
understand, finding collective
guilt in individual cruelty.

Trite as that idea may seem,
thus emerges the campus crisis in
which blacks find college
preparation irrelevant to the
realities of their social position
and whites find themselves
unable to find a new basis of

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Does the ban on firearms include
Cupid and his bow and arrow?




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

FEBRUARY 14, 1969

SSOC conference stripped
'Maverick Magnolia' bare

Feature Editor

'The Maverick Magnolia" was the title of a
conference on the Southern woman sponsored
February 7-9 at All Saints Episcopal Church by the
Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC).
SSOC is a structure which assesses the involvement of
white Southern students in the struggle for racial and
sexual equality.

The conference last weekend was designed to
discuss women's problems, particularly among
women working for social change on Southern college
campuses. Girls, students or otherwise, attended the
conference from West Virginia, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas,
Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Some were
SSOC members, others were just interested in finding
out about the group.

Two youngwomen ,Lyn Wells and Ann Howard,
were in charge, of the program. Lyn is in her early

Which, the magnolia?

SSOC seeks new
goal, local change


The Southern Student Organization Committee
(SSOC) is described by the "Encyclopedia of
Associations" as "an activist group composed
primarily of white southern students concerned with
human rights and academic freedom." A number of
different activities have been born of this concern,
among them conferences, folk tours, and lecture

As stated in its handbook, SSOC is intended to be
"a structure for communication, for exchange of
information and experience, and for mutual support.
"Thus, SSOC has given to already-existing
organizations a unity and breadth of purpose.

This support has not been at the expense of
specific group objectives, however, for their
individual goals are still of primary importance. "The
strong emphasis on localism, because it encourages
people to organize around local issues that affect
one's daily life, should produce programs for each

Begun in 1964, SSOC has grown; its headquarters
in Nashville, Tennessee now links together eight
autonomous chapters and three times as many
affiliate groups throughout the South. This is a
growing influence which has, of course, been felt in

Specifically, SSOC has given its support to new
chapters created from already-existing Georgia
groups. It has sent an "organizer," a link between
state and headquarters, to work with students here.
Last November, it sponsored worshops at Emory
attended by about sixty students from the Atlanta
area. Discussed at the conference were the mechanics
of accomplishing change.

Finally, SSOC spemsored the conference on the
Southern Woman which was held at All Saints
Episcopal Church last weekend, a conference covering
a wide variety of topics.

twenties and is the program secretary for SSOC.
When asked what she and the group were trying to
accomplish, she replied, "A complete change in

A pamphlet, "American Women: Their Use and
Abuse," written by Lyn, says, "Our goals should be
concerned with building a society in which people are
no longer exploited, by any force; a society that is a
democracy in which all human beings have a voice
over the decisions which affect their lives. A society
of this type would have to include total equality and
development of women as human beings, upon our
own definitions."

Ann Howard, the other leader of the conference,
is also an active member of SSOC. She attended
Gilford College, a Quaker school, in Greensboro,
N.C., but dropped out before graduating. She is now
engaged in private research in sociology arid
anthropology in Durham, N.C.

The conference opened Friday night when two
movies were to be shown and a general discussion led.
Gin Crane, an Agnes Scott freshman, attended this
session and reported that it was very disorganized and
did not seem to have any attainable goals, unless
completely changing society is attainable.

A history of the radical southern woman was
supposed to be given at the Saturday morning
meeting to be followed by a group of workshops in
the afternoon. This was again disorganized. Around

1 1 p.m. things began to settle down and chairs,
couches and floor space was provided for the
approximately 1 50 girls attending.

While waiting for the conference to begin one
would pick up either SSOC or socialist literature
being sold at different places in the room. When the
history of the radical Southern woman began,
freedom of speech was emphasized with reference to
the Grimke sisters.

Sue Shelton White was also mentioned; she was
arrested for picketing against President Wilson
because she did not think America should be fighting
for democracy abroad when there was no democracy
for women at home. The representative of the
modern movement cited was Ann Braden. She had
concerned herself primarily with racial equality and is
the author of "The Wall Between" and editor of "The
Southern Patriot," a newspaper published by the
Southern Conference Educational Fund in Louisville,
Ky. Miss Braden was present at the conference.

The oppression of the housewife, discrimination in
business, and the woman's role as a sexual object,
commodity and husband-soother were the topics of
conversation for the discussion which followed.
These topics led into the problem of a packaged
society in which roles are already set and defined for
men as well as women.

In each case, the discussion was broad and vague
which led one person to stand up and say that she
had not come all the way from Sarasota, Fla. to
discuss the usual gripes. She wanted to know what
was going on in the movement. Then the group broke
up for lunch.

After lunch the group heard another report on
business opportunities for women. In the report,
secretaries were called "housewives of businessmen,"
and nurses, "housewives of doctors." The point
propounded was that women are given a relatively
insignificant role in the business world.

Workshops began about 3 p.m. Topics for these
included, "Women in Socialist Countries," "The
Southern Sex Myth," "Socialization of Women," and
"The Role of the Career Woman." The workshops
were aimed at getting at more specific problems;
nothing was said about looking at their solutions.
Throughout the day is seemed that no one has found
a specific problem or goal to work for. One comment
made in this connection was that women in
movements for their rights are too often bought off
with little reforms; no examples were given, however,
to support this point.

Some of the girls were against the family unit.
They felt too many things were decided and
determined by the family. As a result, many of the
SSOC leaders are experimenting in communal living.
In this situation, men have an equal share in the
housework and cooking while women share in
financial responsibilities.

Short talks by groups active on various campuses
and a discussion of the general direction being taken
were planned for Saturday night. Additional
workshops occured Sunday morning with a repeat of
the two films shown Friday planned for that

On the whole the group seemed earnest and
sincere in their attempts at reform, but they were
vague in what problems to tackle and how to go
about deciding steps to take in any direction.



FEBRUARY 14, 1969


Reinhart suggests co-ecfucafioi
THElPROFILE as approach to ASC 'problem



Copy M Elizabeth Mathes
Features m Beverly Walker
Campus News M Alexa Mcintosh
Advertising Catherine Auman
Circulation m Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of tne
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Irrtsrod as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Thought for food

In "Oliver" the urchins in the workhouse may sing about
"Food, Glorious Food/' but here at Agnes Scott the
situation is a little different. Granted that a bad food
editorial is certainly nothing new, but when conditions
warrant one, we'll stoop to it.

Also granted that this is winter quarter, and things always
seem worse in winter quarter, but the food has outdone
itself in a negative way. The dining hall has shown that it is
capable of good meals so it is not a question of lack of
know-how. What students seem to be complaining of most
is lack of variety, bad service, and the few selections to
choose from.

We were told at the beginning of the year that having a
school food service would enable the students to have some
say in it, should changes be needed. We were asked to feel
free to offer suggestions since their only wish was to please
us, the students.

So students are offering suggestions now, and they are
constructive ones. Beth Herring, chairman of the food
subcommittee under House Council, met with Miss
Scandrett and Mr. Rogers on Monday to set up procedures
for talking with dining hall personnel and getting student
reaction. The food committee met Monday night and plans
to meet with Mrs. Saunders, the head dietician, some time
next week.

The food committee is presently putting up lists in all
dorms and cottages for students to list specific grievances
and offer constructive suggestions. One suggestion that has
already come up concerns the feasibility of converting to a
meal ticket plan, one where the student would only pay for
each meal eaten. No definite details have been established
about this plan yet, it is still in the suggestion stage.

The point is, a problem exists but something is being
done. Talk to Beth Herring or any other member of the
food committee. They are acting for you and need to know
exactly how you feel.



To the Editor

In a recent letter to the editor,
Ann Hoefer listed several factors
contributing to "the Problem"
and to stress at ASC. Below I've
submitted a few thoughts related
to each of her factors.

(1) "A predominately female
atmosphere" In the February,
1969, issue of 'The Reader's
Digest," is an article entitled
"Better Coed Than Dead"
(condenses from "U.S. News and
World Report," Nov. 1 1, 1968)
which states that as of June,
1 968, there were 2,489
institutions of higher learning in
the U.S., of which only 462 were
sexually segregated (214 for men,
248 for women).

The article itemizes reasons
for the trend toward coeducation
and even suggests that if the
demand for coeducation
continues, the all-male or
all-female college may soon be
remembered only in old songs
and quiet memories The
interesting question for Agnes
Scott is, "which group-trustees,
administration, faculty, students,
alumnae-will be first to consider
the possibility of coeducation
here? " At Yale, students made
their contribution toward
coeduation by inviting 200 girls
from nearby women's colleges to
stay on campus and in dorms for

a week of "temporary" coed
classes on a trial basis.

(2) "Academic pressure, both
institutionally and self-imposed"
Emory's Wonderful Wednesday is
an insightful (sic) approach to
relieving academic pressure and
to increasing the value of the
college experience.

Historically, the idea of
cramming a lot of book
knowledge and course work into
four years may have made more
sense than it does now. Then, the
four year dose was expected to
last a lifetime. Now, in the age of
rapid knowledge expansion (and
obsolescence) and in a period of
increased emphasis on continuing
education, it would seem that
overpressuring students would be
neither desirable nor necessary,
perhaps, we faculty overrate the
value of the disciplines we are

Further, in the McLuhan
(Marshall McLuhan,
"Understanding Media: The
Extensions of Man") age of
4 'involvement" in which we
live -the age of electric
technology, computer, TV,
automation-the great emphasis
given to book learning and to
rigidified (sic) curriculum
classifications may very well be

An increasing fraction of the
college experience perhaps should

'Bird' sales off

To the Editor:



Jan. 25-31 30
Feb. 1-7 30
Feb. 8-11 30

Dr. Copple speaking to Dr.
Chang at a chapel program
presented by Dr. Paul L. Adams
on t4 The Southern White
Woman": "Aren't you glad you
didn't marry a Southern White


At a recent PROFILE
meeting: "Georgia boys often

turn out to be animal Crackers."


Dr. McNair to a class: "One of
the professors here has so many
dogs that the total number is

* * *

At this joint house meeting
Tuesday night **l petitioned for
2 p.m. Saturday and scheduled
my psych exam for President of
GA, and I definitely think huti
cards should he white cards, not

Mr. Hannah: "Why is it that
no one wants to give a rnillion
dollars for a memorial

In the future?

The PROFILE will not
publish next week, February 21,
in order that members of the
staff may attend the U. S.
Student Press Association College
Editors' Conference in
Washington, D.C. Rumor has it
there may be some controversy
concerning the next issue,
scheduled to appear February 28.
The airy spirits of the night
report that another, obviously
subversive, group is publishing on
campus and will have its first
offeqng ready February 29.
Avaunt, ye minions of chaos.


30 $2.40 $.00 $2.10

30 $4.29 $.00 $0.21

29 $1.43 $.00 $2.92

Mary Lou Romaine

by sandra earley

Hot dog! It's Valentine's Day! This means some of us can stand in
line at the mail room window in stead of in the dining hall. This
situation brings up an interesting correlation between the holiday and
our current feeding facility. Do you realize when that box of
valentine candy comes rolling in, you can eat again? Holy Fried

What about the rest of us Nasty Ole Frumps who don't possess
languishing swains to hurry forth proffering red satin wrapped boxes?
What are we to do while our "camarades de chambre" loll on their
respective chaise longues and softly prattle about the virtue of
semi-sweet over milk chocolate?

By the Lord of Mystery Meat-we must of necessity turn our
hesitant steps toward Letitia Pate and drag our unwilling, frail, but
bloated bodies through the red doors. (What, stained with blood. It
couldn't belong to the meat.) But perhaps they will stick a heart on
top of the filet mignon (sick) or bake the chicken to a delicate red
flush in honor of the holiday.

There is a second alternative for the NOF over the ghastly
prospect of that church turned eating establishment. This one
depends on fate, but may be more reliable than the first. If you're
lucky, your gooey-fingered roommate will come down with a severe
case of the toss-your-cookies. At this point, you gallantly step in and
offer to "get the vile stuff out of her sight."

They say the amphitheatre is a nice private place to gorge
yourself, but watch out for the squirrels. You might have to share
and they bite if you don't.

be devoted to more involvement
in such things as urban problems,
civil rights, foreign cultures
(travel seminars),
interdepartmental courses, and
even to more involvement and
interaction with the various
speakers who come to our

Anyone for WW at ASC? We
could even add something to
Emory's idea-a few continuing
education classes and seminars
could be held for alumnae on

(3) "Tendency toward
excessive pre-occupation with self
(or the opposite response-evading
self-scrutiny through
hyper-activity)" It seems to me
that this factor is not so much a
cause of the problem as it is a

(4) "Difficulty in the attempt
to find physical and spiritual
privacy"-Behind the ASC cabin
is a path leading to an area, which
20-25 years ago was part of a
bridle path and which must have
been a park or bird sanctuary.

Through this area runs a
stream crossed at several points
by small wooden bridges.
Although greatly overgrown, the
paths through this park are lines
with such plants as spring
flowering shrubs, magnolias,
narcissus, etc.

This area could be a place in
which one could gain sdme
"spiritual and physical privacy."
What is needed is clearing,
extensive pruning and mowing to
make the area more accessible
and attractive. Some faculty
(viz.Drs. Frierson and Brown)
have already expressed interest in
the project. I wonder what
student thought is on this

(5) "Unnecessarily detailed
and inclusive social rules"-
Although it would have to be
addmitted that rapid progress
(by ASC standards) has occured
in this area, nevertheless, the
social rules followed by most
women's colleges in the north 10
years ago were more liberal than
ASC's rules are now.

Further, it was somewhat of a
surprise to me that after Kay
Parkerson's favorable book
review of "Sex and the New
Morality" by Frederick Wood,
only 9 books were sold to a
community of 750 plus.

Widespread reading of this
book would not only give
increased insight into reasons for
needed rule changes, but would
also enable some to feel morally
justified in individually evaluating
some of the present rules and
expected codes of conduct.
Curiosity and the possibility of
gaining helpful insights hopefully
will motivate people to read this

Philip B. Reinhart
Assistant professor of physics

FEBRUARY 14. 1969



U.S. presence in Vietnam
found moot point in class


The legality of U.S
participation in Vietnam was
seriously debated in one of Agnes
Scott's political science classes on
Thursday. The case was in
Political Science 348
(International Law) taught by
David P. Forsythe, assistant
professor of history and political
science. The case was not
intended as an analysis of the
Vietnam situation; it was rather
an exercise in the workings of the
International Court of Justice.

Basically the case involved the
plaintiff (North Vietnam)
bringing suit agaist the United
States in the International Court
of Justice. Hanoi charged that the
U.S. presence in Vietnam is
illegal. The ICJ was therefore
being asked to order the
withdrawal of all foreign persons
from Vietnam. Payment by the
U.S. of compensation for
damages inflicted on the Hanoi
regime was also being demanded.

According to Evelyn
Angeletti, who served as chief
justice on the case, the
assignment was made at the class
meeting Tuesday, January 28.
Mr. Forsythe assigned each
member of the class a part in the
exercise. There were three judges
on the case: Evelyn, Barbara
Ayers, and Claudia Hollen. There
were also four-member teams for
the plaintiff, led by Bonnie
Brown, and for the defense,
under Janet Levy The class used
ICJ procedure as much as
possible, both in written and oral
presentations. Opening
statements were given by both
sides, with the plaintiff speaking
first. Then each side responded
twice to the other's
remarks. After arguments pro

. and con, the judges decided in
favor of the plaintiff. They felt
that the United States was illegal
in the extent of its presence in
Vietnam. The judges deferred on
the matter of awarding

indemnity Evelyn pointed out that
the decision was based on terms
of international law.
Understanding of the case
depends therefore on
comprehension of those terms.

The most important terms in
this case are insurrection and
intervention, as opposed to
agression and collective
self-defense. Insurrection is when
one sovereign country is torn by
civil strife. In this instance,
foreign intervention is premissible
only in proporation to the
amount of force used by the
non insurrectionist government.

Agression occurs when one
independent counrty is invaded
by another. In this case the
attacked country has "the
inherent right to self-defense"
and is therefore legally justified
in asking for foreign assistance.

The question about U.S.
presence in Vietnam is
fundamentally whether Vietnam
is one country or two.
Theplaintiff maintained that
Vietnam is only one country with
the legal government in Hanoi.
The U.S. is unablethen, to claim
its involvement as collective

The Geneva Court of 1954
stressed, when setting up the
temporary line of demarcation,
that this division was not,
according to Bonnie Brown, "to
be misconstrued as a political or
territorial boundary." Thus
Vietnam, Bonnie continued, is
legally one political entity The

defense, on the other hand,
stated that Vietnam has been
legally divided into two territorial
areas and is entitled to have two
legal governments-one of which is
necessarily provisional. In
international law provisional
governments are legally
constituted and do have the
inherent right of self-defense. In
this understanding, U.S. presense
is justifiable.

The defense also pointed out
that if the Vietnamese conflict
were to be termed insurrection,
U.S. participation is "in direct
counter-balance to the force
exerted by North Vietnam."
Also, Hanoi signed the decision
handed down be the Geneva
Court in 1954, which set up the
line of demarcation in Vietnam.
The North Vietnamese
government is therefore legally
bound by that document. Its
violation of the parallel is
direct violation of that court order.

Evelyn Angeletti, Bonnie
Brown, and Janet Levy all agreed
that the moot case was beneficial
in understanding international
law. "This exercise showed," said
Evelyn, "that traditional
international law is applicable
today and that these old terms
still have meaning..." The girls
agreed that the entire situation
was hypothetical, because both
countries must agree to have the
case taken to the International
Court, and, as Janet Levy pointed
out, "we seriously doubt whether
either would."

Moreover, in this case
consideration was only given to
legal aspects of the question. In
international affairs, according to
Bonnie, "sometimes political and
humanitarian considerations must
go first."

Should Agnes Scott go coed?

Susan Tollison, '72: "Yes.
That would cure the winter

Mollie Douglas, '70:
"Eventually yes. There's a
definite hang-up on boy s around
here. We feel uncomfortable
around strange men."

Lyn Corder, '71: "I wish we
could have an exchange program.
Then we could get an idea of
what's going on."

Martha Harris, '70: "No. It
would destroy half of the spirit
of Agnes Scott. Besides, what
boy would want to graduate from
Agnes Scott?"

Leslie Schooley, '72: "Yes. I'd
like to get to know boys as

Candler Winship, '69: "Agnes
Scott has always stood for the
best in women's education. Why
spoil it with men?"


Vinnie Bede, '72: "Men are
irrelevant, immaterial and

The Married Student: Super Scottie

Associate Editor

Married students at Agnes Scott are a breed apart.
A minority in an overwhelming group of single girls,
they are subject to all of the pressures of an academic
life with the added ones of marriage. They must
juggle several roles at once, be student, wife, mother
and housekeeper, without somehow losing their
individuality in the process.

How does the married student do academically?
Does she sacrifice Donne for the dinner dishes? "No",
says Julia T. Gary, acting dean of the faculty,
"usually there is no drop in grades, rather, she does as
well, if not better, after getting married." She went
on to differentiate between the types of married
students at Scott. There are two general groups, those
who had left school before and are returning now
after marriage to complete their education, and those
who have gotten married but have stayed in school

Both groups require a lot of dedication to stick
with their schooling in the face of the additional
responsibilities. For the most part they are some of
the best students, owing to their maturity and ability
at organizing their time. Just plain perseverance helps
them too.

What do the married students themselves think of
combining school and marriage? The recently married
women without exception praised their new existence
and definitely recommended married life over dorm
life. In Linda Owen's words, "My morale is a lot
better now. It's really not much different. I have a
puppy now. It's the small things, puppies and morale
that make the difference." To Sara Frazier, "One of
the main differences is being out of the atmosphere
on campus, and removed from the trials of Dean's
Office regulation."

Even the drawbacks are minimized by the young
wives. All agreed that organization of time is a
quickly learned fact of life, but not an impossible
accomplishment. Susan Ingle says, "I don't think it's

any harder than living in a dorm. I waste as much
time as I would in a dorm. What time I spend cooking
now is about what I would waste before." "My big
problem", according to Sara Frazier, "has been how
to juggle my time. How to get studying and
housework done, and be just a wife too."

A wife in a little different situation is Pat Wise.
She was a member of the class of 1957 and left
school after her junior year to be married. She has
now returned to finish her senior year, while keeping
up a husband, children and household. She admits it's
a lot harder for her now, but stresses that "It's very
stimulating and I enjoy being with people and out of
the house."

Drawing comparisons between her class and the
present ones, she remarked, "The young girls are
really an eye-opener. We would never have asked the
faculty for the reforms you have. We wouldn't have
dared to ask to be allowed even to smoke!"

Pat's main problem has been getting her reserve
work done in the library. "There wasn't nearly as
much before," she swears. "I stay til a quarter to six
every afternoon, getting work done, working on
papers and reading. I get a lot more satisfaction than
last time though." She definitely recommends
returning to finish, but she urges even more strongly
that a girl graduate before getting married.

In Miss Gary's opinion, the married students who
have it the hardest are those whose husbands are
away. These girls usually live in the Alumnae House
because regulations prevent them living in the dorms,
once married. year there are two married

students in the Alumnae House: Sally Jackson
Chapman and Vicky Hutchison Bardis. They pay 45
dollars a month to stay there and are considered day
students. They are not under the dormitory rules and
have no hours. Each has her own key and is not
required to sign in or out. They have the use of the
kitchen and may eat in the dining hall by paying for
their meals. Their husbands may stay with them

whenever they are here, free of charge.

Sally has only seen her husband once since their
marriage at Christmas, but says she is not too lonely.
Her previous roommate, Betty Young lives in
Hopkins, alone, now that Sally has moved out. "We
see as much of each other now as we did before,"
Betty says, "Roommates are always coming and
going. I see her more than I would if she had a normal
married life."

Mrs. Margaret Cobb, alumnae house manager, says
that she has never had any trouble with any of the
married students living with her. She was very much
in favor of the policy which does not allow married
students to remain in the dorms. She feels that the
policy is justified because of the differing interests of
married women and unmarried students.

What about those students who marry for one
reason or another, and do not wish to be ejected from
the dorm? They usually resort to a secret marriage,
which although it is not rampant among the student
body, happens once in a while. Carrie Scandrett, dean
of students, outlined the school policy and
commented on it. "Students automatically exclude
themselves from school (when they marry secretly).
They may be accepted again later but they would
have to re-apply for admission. Secret marriages are a
form of deceit."

Asked why married students aren't allowed to live
in the dorms, she answered, "Agnes Scott just doesn't
have boarding facilities for married students."

This then is marriage at Agnes Scott, in all it's
various forms. From children to absent husbands, life
goes on at Agnes Scott. The married student
somehow seems to combine the best of both worlds,
at least to us single girls. But the responsibilities are
Uhere too, and it takes a mature woman with an
understanding husband to carry it all off. Maybe in
the day student lounge, there should be installed a
plaque: "To the memory of those unsung heroes, the
married students' husbands."



FEBRUARY 14. 196<>

American poet who has won the
Pulitzer Prize for poetry and the
National Book Award, will visit
Agnes Scott February 17-18. Mr.
Wilbur will read selections from
his works on Monday, February
17, at 8:15 p.m. in Presser Hall.
The poet will meet with several
English classes and will be
avialable for informal discussions
with students during his two-day

director of the Office of Urban
Research, at the Institute for
Defense Analysis, will be the
featured speaker February 1 7 at a
math seminar. The seminar topic
is operations research as applied
to mathematics.

Blumstein was educated at
Cornell, received his M.S. at the
University of Buffalo, and his
Ph.D. at Cornell in operations
research. He is presently a
member of the science and
technology task force of the
President's Commission of Law
Enforcement and Administration
of Justice. He is past president of
the Washington Operations
Research Council,

The seminar will be open to all
campus members as well as math

RONALD STROUD, assistant
professor of classics at the
University of California at
Berkeley, will speak at Agnes
Scott on February 26 at 8 p.m. in
Maclean Auditorium.

Stroud will be speaking under
the auspices of the Atlanta
Chapter of the Archaeological
Institute of America. The lecture
topic will be "The Sanctuary of
Demeter at Corinth."

"ANTIGONE" by the French
master Jean Anouilh will be
presented to the Agnes Scott
campus on February 24.


Sponsored by L'Alliance
Francaise and under the direction
of Jean de Rigault, the
production will be performed by
the French theater company
Treteau de Paris at 8:15 p.m. in
Presser Hall. There will be an
admittance fee of $2.50 and
$3.50 for students and adults

"Antigone", an adaption of
Sophocles' Greek tragedy, treats
two themes of conflict. The first
is between Antigone, the 20 year
old daughter of Oedipus Rex, and
her uncle Creon, King of Thebes,
and the second is the universal
conflict between idealism and
realism. Such a combination
produced a stirring drama which
reached international fame during
the second World War. According
to its critics, its message can be
applied to the present world
situation with the new

FOUNDER'S Day Convocation,
February 19, will be Dr. Marvin
Banker Perry Jr., president of
Goucher College, Towson,
Maryland. According to Dr.
Wallace M. Alston, president of
the college, Perry will "stress the
values in the sort of education in
which we are engaged."

CHAPTERS will be attending
Founder's Day Convocation on
February 19. Afterwards they
have been invited to stay for
lunch in the dining hall. In the
past attending alumnae have had
a student panel discussion and
luncheon following convocation.
These have been dispensed with

this year, however, because of the
new later chapel time.

In addition, several members
of the administration, faculty,
and staff will be speaking to out
of town alumnae chapters on
February 22. They will speak
about Agnes Scott as it is today
or will lecture on a topic in their
academic field. Ann Worthy
Johnson, director of alumnae
affairs, said these lectures were in
some cases the only opportunity
for alumnae to enjoy the
intellectual fare that they were
accustomed to here at Agnes

the Office of Economic
Opportunity will be on campus
February 17-19 from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. in the mail room. Thev are
recruiting for the Vista Volunteer

In their own words, "Vista is
not a bag to escape into, but a
confrontation with the reality
that for some 30 million
Americans there is often little or
no opportunity of escaping a life
of poverty, exploitation,
prejudice, illiteracy and hunger."

"Do not look back and do not
dream about the future: neither
will give you back the past nor
satisfy your other day dreams.
Your duty, your reward, your
destiny, are here and now."

REP COUNCIL will invite the
17 girls who are students at St.
Theresa's College and now on an
exchange program at Spelman
College to visit the Agnes Scott
campus and attend a Rep Council
meeting. (See PROFILE article
Jan. 31, 1969).

Carolyn Cox came to the

It's not the same now' as
George revisits campus

The clock slowly chimed the
hour of twelve and suddenly it
was February 22, 1 96V, the
beginning of Founder's Day at
Agnes Scott. A white ghostly
figure appeared on the campus.
Who was the gliding figure,
unseen by the campus cops, our
guardians of the night? It was not
the ghost of Christmas Fast, but
instead that of George
Washington Scott on 24 hour
leave from that Great Alumnae
Chapter in the sky. He had
returned to Agnes Scott, 79 years
after founding the school to view
the fruits of his labor.

George proceeded to look
over the campus. It had certainly
grown a lot since 189L Why were
some of the lights on in the
dorms t Didn 7 the girls know that
on Friday night, bedtime was at 8
o 'clock ?

f'hen about I a.m., all hell
broke loose on campus- tires
scrca ch i ng, horns blowing,
whistles tooting, people yelling,
girls running like herds of
elephants in all different

Could it bet Girls actually up
at this time of night'.' No, he must
be seeing things- the young ladies
could not actually be with- Hoys'
And what was going on? Why it
looked like sonic oi the young
people were. no. impossible, but
ves- thev were embracing each

And the girls, why they were
half naked! Not only did their


ankles show, but their calves,
knees thighs and even some worse
unmentionables. What did some
of the girls have in their hands?
Could it possibly be, yes, it was a

Oh den of sin- Oh what a
Sodom and Gomorrah his
beloved school had become! And
to think that such a school was
named after his saintly mother-
Miss Agnes . Thank goodness he 'd
not brought her with him. She
still had not gotten over having
her picture stolen!

Foor George, his mind
completely blown by now, he
decided to stay on through the
next day to sec whether the past
few hours had just been a bad

8 a.m. came. Why weren't the
girls going to classes'.' An hour
later a few girls began to emerge
from the buildings. What a
ghastly sight! Most of the girls
were dressed like men with
knickers on and had ward

objects in their hair that made
them look like Medusa with her

Since George was a just man,
he decided to take a look at some
of the surrounding colleges
before passing judgment on
Agnes Scott. After seeing Tech
and Emory, he came to the
conclusion that Agnes Scott was
a very nice school after all. He
should have prepared himself
better for the trip by heeding the
stories he had heard about the
changes taking place on Earth.
But who could possibly dream
that so much would change in a
mere SO years!

Because of his love for the
school, George resigned himself
to the changes that had taken
place, offered a prayer for the
girls, and returned (not with
regret), to that celestial paradise
where he spent many days telling
about the strange events of his 24
hours on Earth.

DRake 7^1913

DRak y*m


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structure or tne Dining Hall

management, including buying

'}^^<^^^^i^<0^*M an d serving. Lists for complaints

are being posted in the dorms for

student response. A plan for the
board with the suggestion that dining haIl in the future

Agnes Scott needs an American indude the ^ Qf ons for

flag on campus. As of now, the individual meals rather than a

only American flagon campus is total fee for 5oar(j included in

the one in Gaines Chapel, given the college costs

to the college 10 years ago by

Walter B. Posey, chairman of the

history department.

Beth Herring reported from

Food Committee. She said P. J.

Rogers, college business manager,

is looking into the whole

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FEBRUARY 28, 1969

Who's next in

oil paint?

The following article was compiled by Fran
Fulton, Michal Hunter, Janice Johnston, Debi Long,
Alexa Mcintosh, Ginny Simmons and Lucy Williams.
It was written by Sandra Earley.

"I think this is a 24 hour, full-time job;" speaking
of her position as dean of students, Carrie Scandrett,
who retires at the end of this year, continued, "I
think that one thing a dean of students has to
remember is that she's not always right."

When asked about the qualifications to be sought
in an ideal dean of students, Miss Scandrett said that
while it is difficult to delineate specific items, the
most important element is the kind of person she is
herself. "I think it goes back to the person," she said
and reiterated one has to "go back to the person as a

Noting that Agnes Scott has had only two deans
of students in its history, Miss Scandrett said as a
result of this infrequent change of administration,
Agnes Scott has had a "continuity", "a kind of
stability." In the search for a new dean, however,
Miss Scandrett explained, "I don't think you look for
tenure." She said again the college is looking for the
right person, on the basis of what kind of person she

A dean should have a belief in the college age
student and should bring a real integrity to her job,
an integrity enters into every realm of her life, Miss
Schadrett said. When asked whether or not the new
dean should be married, Miss Scandrett said "not
necessarily" and explained again, the person is
important as a person; "You look for a person," she
said. She concluded, "I think any experience you
have had you can bring to this job study, travel,
human relationships."

Dr. Wallace M. Alston, president of the college,
was unwilling to comment at this time upon his
criteria for a new dean of students. Explaining his
position, he said his recommendation for a dean has
been given to the Board of Trustees who are now
considering it and other possibilities. He said while he
cannot be sure when the board will act, the decision
may be announced in early spring. In the course of
interviewing applicants for the position of dean of
students, and in making the decision for his personal
recommendation, Dr. Alston said he personally talked
with more than 40 students from all classes and all
areas of campus life. He said he found student
opinions very valuable and helpful.

for in a new dean of students? As Junior Randy Jones
said when speaking of a survey of students, "Even if a
new dean has been chosen, it (a survey) will help her
to know what the students want. At any rate, it will
get the students thinking about the role of the Dean


of Students."

Chairman of Judicial Lou Frank listed a

number of specific qualifications which synthesize
the comments of many students. She said she would
like to see a dean who is young, well-educated,
understanding and able to communicate with
students. The dean should be "willing to commit
herself totally to us," Lou said and added that this
qualification brings up the question of her marital
status. She doubts if a married woman could fulfill
the job in its full-time proportions.

Lou continued that the new dean should be
attractive, poised and well-dressed because she will be
a representative of Agnes Scott. Lou saidthis idea
came up in a recent conversation with Dr. Alston; she
added, however, "in the long run, the selection of a
dean will not be a beauty contest."

While a new dean should be open to change, Lou
said, "we don't want someone who will turn the reins
of the dean's office over to us. We want someone to
Jead us." As another qualification, Lou listed a sense
of humor and the ability to carry on a good
conversation. The last qualification Lou suggested
was that the new dean have "held a position on the
dean's staff of a coeducational school." "This would
help immensely with communication with Tech and
Emory," she said.

Listing many of the same qualifications Lou did,
President of Student Government Tina Brownley
emphasized the new dean should have, "a strong
respect and understanding for the academic." When
asked about student representation in the selection of
a dean, Tina said, "I believe students should have a
voice in choosing the new dean of students, but I see
no feasible way for this to be accomplished except
through the methods now being very effectively used
by Dr. Alston."

Contributing a qualification from the point of
view of the new dean herself, Peggy Chapman,
'70,said, "The most important thing is that she really
wants to do this type of work and secondly, that she
has had some experience with students before."

Another junior said the ideal dean would have had
"considerable exposure to and understanding of
contemporary students' problems and needs.
Concerning the best age for a new dean, she defined
the age qualification as "old enough to have at least
an 'aura of authority', but young enough to
understand the students."

"This ideal dean," she continued, "should also
have, in addition to a knowledge of the 'small-school
situation,' a familiarity with collegiate affairs on a
national level in order to broaden her perspective."

A change might also be made in the present duties
of the dean of students, this junior suggested "1 think
that a dean of students, in order to be most effective,
must concentrate almost exlusively on student affairs
so that there will not be so many conflicts of
interest-this would mean the removal of several D.O.

functions such as the scheduling of exams," she said.

President of Mortar Board Mary Chapman
expressed a similar idea; the new dean should "know
how to - delegate, not try to do everything herself."
Moreover, she should be "level-headed and down to
earth." Mary also called for a dean who has had
experience at a liberal school. "Extreme liberality," is
a desirable qualification, according to Sophomore
Truly Bracken. The new dean should also be able to
keep an emotional distance from students, Truly
continued; "They care about us too much here."

"Approachable" is the adjective Penny Burr, '69,
used as a qualification for a new dean of students .
She also would like to see a dean who is a good
counselor. Sophomore Edith Jennings said, "The first
qualification is progressiveness and someone who
really trusts the student body."

A SINCERE DEVOTION to the college was a
criterion listed by Seniors Frankie Ansley and Mary
Gillespie. Frankie pointed out that this qualification
might mean the dean could not be married with
children of school age. Calling for a dean who is
"attuned to students" and who can "move forward
with the school as it moves forward," Mary added,
the new dean's responsibility would be to "adapt
student wants and wishes to the whole school more
than just for our stay."

Randy Jones, '70, student government secretary,
echoed a comment made by Miss Scandrett; Randy
said one of the best ways to insure that a dean would
have a number of new ideas, is to select someone with
a variety of interests, a background of different jobs,
and a lot of travel. She continued that the intangibles
like- and interest in students as people, as individuals,
are more important than specifics of age, number of
children, etc.

country who would be sensitive to the diversity of
the student body is desirable according to Junior Bev
Lee. She suggested the possibility of the student body
becoming more stereotyped if such a person is not
found. Elizabeth Crum '70, was also concerned that a
new dean recognize each student as an individual; she
said the new dean should realize "each problem is not
a carbon copy of another. The dean should be able to
treat each problem with this in mind."

Students have been thinking about the new dean
of students, but so have the members of the college
administration. Miss Scandrett said she had been
attempting to retire for several years and that because
Dr. Alston was aware that she wished to retire, he had
been looking for a replacement at the same time. The
announcement of the name of the new dean of
students is likely to come from the Board of Trustees
in the spring. Whoever is chosen will have a high
standard to measure up to, both in the eyes of
students, faculty and administration and also in
regard to Agnes Scott College as an academic



FEBRUARY 28, 1969



/n / / Stand up, Mary



Campus News

Elizabeth Mathes
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.


The tensions and decisions of student government
elections will assault us the second day of spring quarter
this year, if not before this time. It has been the custom in
the past for the PROFILE to publish an election issue
containing articles written by candidates themselves for
major student body offices. The impetus for this approach
was the idea of giving the candidates still another exposure
to the campus, on paper, with as little trouble to everyone
involved, both candidates and PROFILE staffers.

This year the exposure the candidates receive through
the PROFILE will be in more depth and directed to more
specific issues so that the individual voter will have a better,
more valid, basis for comparison between the candidates.

In spite of a Representative Council recommendation to
the effect that candidates write articles themselves for an
election issue, the PROFILE will ask each candidate a
number of questions of both a general and specific nature
so that the candidates for each office will be called upon to
speak to the same areas and issues.

Through this method the attention of all the candidates
for one office can be focused on the same issues, thereby
establishing for the reader an area for comparison.
Moreover, the candidates can be, and will be, asked about
specific issues so that the frequent glowing generalities of
an election can be avoided in part.

Saturday, candidates for major student government
offices will receive a letter from the PROFILE telling them
the plans for the election issue. The letter will include the
list of questions they are to answer; these questions will be
answered in writing by the candidate and returned to the

When the questions have been returned, a PROFILE
staffer will meet with each of the candidates for one office
and talk with her about the written answers to the
questions. When the election issue is published, it will
contain both the written statement of the candidate and
comments made by her in conversation with the reporter.

The candidate at all times has the option to refuse to
give written answers to the questions, talk with the
PROFILE staffer or delete any of her comments the
reporter may have gleaned from the conversation.

The PROFILE has a sincere committment to the Agnes
Scott student body; this committment embraces both
educational and informational realms. Through the
innovations in the coming election issue, the PROFILE
hopes to enlarge the scope of the elections, inform the
voter in more depth about the candidates and create on
paper a dialogue between the issues of the campaign and
'he candidates.

(CPS)-Remember the promise
of pitless prune packers: "Today
the pits, tomorrow the
wrinkles"? Well, the industry has
apparently accepted the fact of
life that prunes by their very
nature have wrinkles.

But Madison Avenue has
assuaged the image-conscious
California Prune Advisory Board
with a new advertising slogan:
"Today's prunes aren't
wrinkled-they're groovy. "

In the future?

This is the last edition of the
PROFILE for winter quarter.
Although next week is
non-activities week and a
PROFILE will not be published,
the staff will be beginning
interviews with candidates
running for major student
government offices in preparation
for the election issue to be
published Wednesday, March 26.

Front and center, Mary Montagu. The PROFILE Has
been receiving letters to the editor for two quarters now
after having stated our policy on them when we began in
the fall. It's now time to do it once again and this time
from the editorial column.

Since the last issue of the newspaper, we have received a
letter signed "Mary Montagu." As far as we know there is
no student or faculty member by this name. The only Mary
Montague we know of is Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, a
confrere of Alexander Pope who has been dead for several
hundred years.

Will the real Mary Montagu please stand up? The
PROFILE is not in the habit of printing, indeed will not
print, letters to the editor unless we know who wrote them.
We will, upon request, withhold names or print a nom de

Miss Montagu's letter is an interesting and unusual one
that the student body should have the opportunity to read.
We cannot print it or other such letters unless the author is
known to us. Therefore, it behoves anyone who takes the
patience to write a letter to the editor to assure that it will
be printed by revealing his name.

K.P. Detail

Coaches meet hippies


The essence of the U. S. Student Press
Association College Editors Conference in
Washington D. C. on February 13-17 seemed
to be one of degree; degree of participation,
degree of radicalism, degree of reaction. On
one hand there was a conglomerate of student
editors, radicalized for the most part by the
preceding conferences and events on their
campuses for the past few years. The editors
seemed in a state of expectation; events at
Duke, Wisconsin and San Francisco State had
primed them for some kind of action.

And then the hippies were there, with their
requisite long hair, inventive wardrobes, and
bad manners (at the times when it would serve
to get them attention). They came expecting
also, expecting to be accepted by the editors
and put down by everyone else. (Which would
serve to get them more attention from the

The hippies this year had names like
Melvin and Dennis, entirely too tame for such
rare birds, so we renamed them Billy Goat
Gruff, Bandana, Chief Sitting B.S., usually for
some distinguishing characteristic. There was a
pair that fenced whenever there was a crowd to
gape (Their technique was quite lacking). Billy
Goat Gruff, (or was it Crazy John?) tried to
shout down Walter Reuther and found that
being over 30 doesn't necessarily prevent one
from easily squelching those less experienced
and less assured.

The third element was an entirely
unexpected one. The great Shoreham Hotel in
its mighty wisdom also booked a convention of
high school foot ball coaches the same weekend.
Imagine the contrast of clean shaven,
right-living, apple-pie football coaches and
dirty, unkempt wrong living, love hippies. The
poor editors were caught in between.

The hippies staged a happening Friday night
about nidnight in the lobby. With coaches
milling around, looking askance at them
anyway, the hippies started a mock football
game. Hardly before they even had time for a
first down, the coaches charged them and
pulling a beautiful blitz on the spur of the
moment, routed them from the field. (Seems
that football is only confined to clean-shaven
types, except for Joe Namath).

But the hippies came charging out of the
huddle with a new game plan in mind (sent in
from the bench no doubt). They performed a
brilliant left sweep around the offensive line
and succeeded in surrounding the coaches.
Tackling turned into talking and before the
night was over, the coaches had found that
even high school quarterbacks can grow up to
be revolutionaries.

Frankly the coaches seemed more anxious

to snake the girls who were at the conference,
siding up to them and asking their views on
free love. As one of the newspaper girls said, "I
feel much safer with the hippies than 1 ever
would with those clean-cut coaches, they grab
too quickly".

But this was only a sideshow to the real
goings on. The theme of the conference was
'The Economics of Social Disorder". The
conference was well planned, but frankly
nothing new was said. Much more interesting
was the chance to talk with other editors, the
hippies and watch the manifestations of crowd
psychology. The speakers were good: Cassius
Clay, Walter Reuther, Ralph Nader and others.

It was interesting that the audience was
respectful to Clay and Nader, evidence of the
wide range of young admiration. Reuther was
heckled by the hippies, but more than held his
own, and in the end won the approval of the
editors, not so much for what he said, but
rather for his cool under fire.

Friday afternoon there was even a reception
for the editors on Capitol Hill, with a few
legislators and their aides in evidence. This the
hippies tried to disrupt, by jumping on the
furniture and haranguing the crowd. The editors
were immediately alienated and began leaving
before the police got there. The legislators
were also blase about it and one congressman
even went up to the noisy young men and
quietly began arguing with them. What was
interesting about the whole incident was the
reaction from the crowd; agitators, take note.
To excite people today don't use last year's
methods. Bringing about shock requires

Two students from France were at the
Conference representing the world student
press. They were intrigued by the goings on
but seemed to consider hippies or Duke tame
in comparison to Paris last spring. I overheard
one of them talking to an interviewer.

Asked their impression of the conference,
they replied that the student editors seemed a
cohesive radicalized group ready for some
concerted action. But nothing was being done
to unite them to make full use of their
potential. An organization of these vital people
could tie the campuses together nationwide
and be a positive force for change. As it was,
they were now being wasted.

This seemed the keynote of the conference.
A radicalized body waiting to be put to good
use; a searching for new methods to replace
last year's. Stimulus through interpersonal
contacts rather than planned sessions; reaction
against unproductive efforts by splinter groups.

I can't wait till next year to see what will
affect me then. Maybe it'll be the coaches
rather than the editors!

FEBRUARY 28. 1969



Sneaky but chic sheik
elicts nightly shrieks


For only fifty cents the
omnivorous reader can now
purchase a minor portrait in the
gallery of the caveman lover.
Those who long to be kidnapped
on the seventh day of their
Pond's Beauty treatment will no
doubt find food for thought in
"The Sheik:'

This book was the basis of the
famous Valentino movie and
certainly presented possibilities
for the numerous, swoonings and
damsel-in-distress caricatures that
litter the screen. The novel is
saved from the usual sappy" "will
no one save me" routines that
accompany the Pitiful Pearl motif
by the requirements of the hero.
The reader is led to believe that
not just any woman could have
won the Sheik's heart. She may
swoon, but she most definitely
may not moon - she must be as
vital as he is.

The plot is an old one. Diana
Mayo, the heroine, is rich,
impetuous and wholly untouched
by love. She is able to say, "Is
beauty all that a man wants in his
wife? Brains and a sound body
seem much more sensible
requirements to me." This kind
of dialogue would ring false to
any ear, except that of a Scottie.
As it is, this reader nodded her
head in sympathy.

Diana plans a month's trip in
the African desert. The first day
out, she is captured by a desert
chieftain who takes her home
with him. She has a traumatic
night, and the next day begs him
to release her. He refuses. This
goes on for months, during which
time, Diana tries to escape and
finally comes to realize that she
loves the Sheik, although he cares
nothing for her. This goes on for

Emotional crisis arives at the
Sheik's camp in the forrm of his
boyhood friend. The Sheik
becomes jealous of the friend.
Before they are able to come to
blows, Diana is kidnapped by the
Sheik's hereditary enemy, dirty,
fat, old Sheik Ibraheim Omair.
(By the way, our Sheik's name is
Ahmed Ben Hassan.) The two
friends ride to the rescue.

Diana is saved but the Sheik is
wounded. He realizes now the
horrors that he has subjected her
to, represses his love and
attempts to send her home "for
her own good." Diana becomes
hysterical and declares her love
for him. He does the same, and
then tells her to pack. Diana
attempts suicide again, thereby
convincing the Sheik that her
passion for him is genuine. The
story ends with Diana in his arms.

Admittedly, "The Sheik" is a
melodrama. One must also admit
that it has its charm. In these
days of inferiority complexes and
self-laceration, it is refreshing to
stumble on the old ideal of the
aristocratic hero with his passion,
refinement, impetuosity and
brilliance - a man who cannot be
tricked or triumphed over, a
constant challenge.

In fact, hideen in the guise of
a potboiler, one finds a novel of
monumental social significance.
There are the usual universals:
like attracting like; the battle of
the sexes; and the woman's desire
for independence AND love. The
author then proceeds to daringly
depict passion,. Her heroine is
well-bred, but social mores
evaporate in the heat of
sub-tropical emotion. Diana does

not accept her position in the
Sheik's camp without a struggle,
but the point is that she does give
in, and in the end, there is no
mention of marriage! The author
subtly errodes the reader's sense
of wrong-doing, so that it
becomes impossible to condemn
the Sheik, because Diana enjoys
his attentions.

This nvoel can be seen as the
ultimate squashing of the
independent woman, one who
denies men and emotion - sort of
a Hippolytus situation. She is
forced to capitulate to a strong
man and comes to love her

On another level the novel
becomes an allegory of the
struggle of man against God. The
end 'is inevitable, the struggle is
against one's own well-being; yet
it goes on. When man finally gives
in he will be happy and fulfilled,
as Diana is. It as interesting to see
how the author has managed to
give so many levels of meaning to
the ancient Sabine women
kidnap-rape situation.

This is only possible because
the Sheik is a dominant male, one
of the long line of descendants of
Mr. Rochester and the gothic
novel. He is worldly, wealthy and
as it turns out, an English lord.
He is selfish only because he has
been indulged from childhood; he
is cynical only because he has
been hurt; and he has a heart of
gold to reveal to the Right
Woman. He sounds fabulous.

ASC Senior says press
inflated recent Duke riot


The occupation of the Duke University
Administration Building two weeks ago and
the police-student conflict that followed seem
to have been recurrences of the trouble Duke
had last April, and were not a serious concern
to the routine of campus life. Agnes Scott
Senior Patsy May was at the Duke campus
when the confrontation took place and she
observed that the riots were the "predominant
source of conversation" but not otherwise
serious factors in her visit.

After incidents last April, Negro students
were invited to submit their demands to the
administration of the university. The student
Afro-American Society accordingly presented a
list of twelve requests last October to President
Douglas Knight.

The black students apparently felt Knight
was stalling in considering the demands. One
student said, "We have been asking and
negotiating and we have gotten past that point
now. The people haven't been listening, and it
has come to the point where the only way you
can get someone to listen to you is to make
them feel that you want what you want so
badly that you are willing to do almost
anything to get it."



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A NT) CoFFKE ofLTtfA -

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sweep of disturbances stirred up the Negro
students at Duke to press for quicker
fulfillment of their demands. Foremost among
them was an accredited department of
Afro-American studies. Black students want
the new department to be completely staffed
and controlled by Negroes. They also want a
part in planning the program.

Duke officials have been considering this
program since the original demands of last
October. The Afro-American studies problem
however, is far from settled. The extent of the
program may be finally a simple re-shuffling of
courses involving black history. A few new
courses may also be added. The Duke
administration is not anticipating a new
separate department.

The Negro students attempted to force the
issue by taking over a campus building on
Thursday, February 13. According to Patsy,
the Negroes boarded up some doors and
windows, but left without incident when
police arrived on campus. They had held the
building slightly more than nine hours.

next to the Administration Building, put on
gas masks and marched to the Allen Building
where the Afros had been. Finding the back
door boarded shut, the police circled the
building and entered. They found the building

By then some 1,500 students had gathered
to watch. According to Patsy, some of them
shouted "Heil" and other "little Hitler Youth
sayings like that." The crowd was on the whole

Police angered by the gathering, threw tear
gas, and the students stampeded. One girl was
gassed in the face. 'The New York Times" said
26 students had been injured in the clash.
According to Patsy, the students did not
support the Afros, "they were just riled at the
police after they turned on the crowd."

After this incident a mass meeting was
planned. It was to be held Saturday in the
Duke Stadium. The North Carolina Adjutant
General's office requested Duke University
president, Douglas M. Knight to cancel the
meeting. It was felt unwise to have "a large
gathering during a time of tension."

In lieu of the planned meeting the students
held a rally in the University Auditorium. The
"New York Times" estimated that 1,500
students attended. At the rally, Negro students
pledged continuing efforts to achieve their
demands. They were loudly supported by
attending white students.

PATSY HAD GONE to a movie on campus
earlier in the evening. At the show, students
passed out papers advertising the rally and
encouraging people to attend.

Patsy felt that the disturbances at Duke
were not nearly as serious as the press led
readers to believe. She said the "newspapers
tried to make the Duke disturbance a Southern
counterpart of Wisconsin."

At Wisconsin, 2,000 students boycotted
classes, barricaded building entrances and
picketed the administration building. Later,
10,000 students marched through downtown
Madison. During the four days of disorder, 900
National Guardsmen cleared intersections with
bayonets and another 1 ,000 Guardsmen were
called to alert.

In comparison to this, Duke's disturbance
was a relatively minor one. In fact, of the
9,000 students on campus, 85 per cent
remained uninvolved more out of curiosity,
than through active support of the Negroes'
cause. As Patsy summed it up, "the majority of
the campus was at first displeased at the Afros
at taking the Allen building. This was
overridden by their disgust at police firing tear
gas at the crowd."




Decatur is sponsoring an art show
by Agnes Scott students in
conjunction with the Selma
Friedman Promotions Agency of
New York and the Columbia Mall
Merchants Association. The
show opened February 19 and
will run till March 6, displayed in
the promotional islands at the
mall. The show includes
recentstudent efforts in the two
dimensional arts, specifically: oil
paintings, water colors, drawings,
Batiks, wax and glue resists and

To help promote the
exhibition, the television show,
'Today in Georgia" on WSB-TV,
devoted a part of its February 24
program to an interview with
Bonnie Beaver, instructor in art.

officially entered the fight against
the Civil Aeronautics Board
recommendation to abolish
youth fares. NSA has retained a
Washington law firm which
specializes in air fare cases and
will present written arguments to
the CAB by February 26. Oral
arguments will be made later.

NSA is the only group
representing students to have
entered the controversy. A
number of airlines have sought to


abolish the fares, calling them
"unjustly discriminatory." NSA's
argument to the contrary is that
the fares offer educational, social,
economic and cultural benefits
and should not be cancelled.

The final descison will be
made by CAB later.

STUDENTS, Nicki Noel and Gay
Gibson, presented a jointed paper
to an undergraduate philosophy
conference held at the University
of Georgia, February 21-22. The
paper concerned Ian Ramsay's
theory of religious language and
was researched and prepared by
the two girls.

Four other Agnes Scott
students and one alumnae also

THE JUNIORS now lead the
other classes in basketball, with
four wins and one loss. The
sophomores and freshmen are
tied, each with records of 3-2,
while the Seniors, having
difficulties in finding enough
people to play, rank last.

On Sophomore Parents
Weekend, the sophomore were
defeated, in spite of the support

of a large crowd of parents. As
the Seniors forfeited, no other
official game was played.

The next Friday, in a close
24-22 game, the juniors fought to
a victory over the sophomores in
the only game played. Lacking
some teammates, the freshmen
were beaten by the juniors last
weekend, 29-24.

The game today between the
juniors and sophomores should
be a good one. The basketball
season is almost over, so support
your class one last time and come
on over and yell.

speech and drama is presenting
'The Queen's Candy Party" or
'The Sticky Pot", March 1 at

2:30 p.m. in Dana. This is part ot
their Speech and Drama
Showcase on Children's Theater
Production. The play will be
staged by Jerry M. Rentz,
instructor in Speech and Drama,
and the six members of the Play
Production Class.

The play was written by
Nancy Kimmel Duncan, Agnes
Scott class of 1958. Mrs. Duncan
was active in Drama while at
Agnes Scott, did her graduate
work at the University of Iowa

and has taought at the
Westminister Schools in Atlanta.

M. ALSTON are hosting a dinner
March 4 to honor leaders in fund
raising for Agnes Scott's Annual
Giving Program. There are four
catagories for gift giving. Those
who have contributed $100 or
more belong to the Main Liners.
A $250 gift entitles the giver to a
place in the Quadrangle Quorum
and $500 to the Colonnade Club.

Black power discussed
at recent Borders talk


Rev. William Holmes Borders,
minister of Wheat Street Baptist
Church, spoke in the Library last
Sunday at a Social Council and
Christiam Association
fireside-complete with fire.

Beginning the discussion with
thoughts of his own, Rev.
Borders described the education
of children as being of primary
importance, citing prejudice and
an aversion to work as patterns of
thought learned in early

He then asked for questions.
Receiving nothing but silence for
a few seconds, he inquired as to
whether he was attending a
Quaker Meeting. From this point
on, the discussion was a lively

When asked to comment on
the Black Power movement, Rev.
Borders outlined briefly its
varying connotations. At first
signifying black revolt, black
power has been modified to mean
either organization or

Going further, he emphasized
the importance of the Church's
involvement in any movement for
racial equality. "The Church has
a mission in every area of life. All

Holly Jackson, '69: "Have
only two semesters instead of


the world belongs to God ; there's
no such thing as secular," he said.
The involvement of the Christian
should be one of returning good
for evil, love for hate.

The solution, he continued,
lies in "swapping strong points,"
in the ability of both groups to
work together. Emphasizing the
need for understanding, he stated
that "If every white man could
be a negro for ten minutes the
problem would be solved."

This understanding should
result in action by an entire
community, in "positive and
creative" action. Rev. Borders
described the democratic system
as sometimes seeming too slow,
especially in reforming the school
system; yet, he declared that the
ability of blacks and whites to
work together is "what makes
Atlanta tremendous."

It's hard to do justice to Rev.
Borders on paper. His discussion,
although a serious one, was
well-sprinkled with anecdotes and
impersonations. He described the
footwork of Cassius Clay, then
praised Atlanta as "Headquarters
of the world" ("I ain't going
nowhere; I'm staying in Atlanta.
Ain't even goin' to heaven!")

From these subjects he passed to
an impersonation ofDr. Alston.
The lecture was interesting, one
that the entire audience seemed
to enjoy-Dr. Alston included.










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How can Winter Quarter be

Capers Huffman, '71: l By
people not talking and thinking
about winter quarter. You can
think about something and talk
about something for so long that
it becomes a disease."



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$1000 or more is the Limit for the
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ALLIANCE announced the
formation of a new theater
company on February 1 , headed
by Michael Howard. The Alliance
Residence Theater Company is a
reorganization of the Reperatory
Theater, which closed last month
because of financial difficulties.

To insure its success this
season, and its continuation next
year, the Woman's Guild is
sponsoring a fund-raising drive
with a goal of $50,000.00.
Blackfriars supported the new
theater in a drive of its own
February 21-23.

The season will open
Wednesday, March 12 and run
through Saturday, May 31. The
Company will present three
comedies and one drama. The
plays are: "You Can't Take It
With You" by Kaufman and
Hart, Shakespeare's "Twelfth
Night," "The Little Foxes" by
Lillian Hellman, and G. B. Shaw's
"Major Barbara".

your future?

then stop!

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Dramatics or
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Prices good through March 1 1

Jim Loyd Mgr.

Humort lives.




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

FEBRUARY 29, 1969




Miss Mart [. Net, former head of the Georgia
Correctional Institute for women in Gotcha, Ga., has
been appointed the new dean students for Agnes
Scott College. President of the College, Wallace M.
Alston, announced the appointment at a press
conference-prayer breakfast held in the A. A. cabin.

Standing before an American flag flanked on
either side by campus security police in full dress
khakis, Dr. Alston told the assembled members of the
press from such illustrious and prize-winning papers
as the Agnes Scott PROFILE and the Lakeside High
School Ledger that "The college is indeed fortunate
to have obtained the services of such a distinguished
administrator and disciplinarian. Like a new broom,
she will sweep clean."^

Then without further ado, he turned the program
over to Miss Net. There was a bit of furor when she
stood, but it was soon quieted by two mysterious
figures in black robes; they quickly whisked away the
startled girl who stated immodestly, ''Well, G.D., a
wop." Unconfirmed rumors report she suffered an
unusual accident just after leaving the room. She was
said to have sustained breaks in both little fingers.

Although questions or photographs were not
permitted at the press conference, Miss Net graciously
consented to harangue the group squatting
cross-legged on the floor. After a quip about a "tight
ship", she said she realized that since she is new to
this kind of job, she must remain adaptable. She is

doing her best, she said, to learn to answer when
called "dean" rather than "warden." In a prepared
speech she said:

"RESPECT, that's the rock on which my
administration will be built You punks, 'er women,
will be hammering at it daily during your stay with
us. It's a word I want each one of you to remember.
And I want you to keep your nose clean. If you'll do
these two things, we'll get along just fine.

"RESPECT, it's a wonderful word. That's spelled
R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Each one of those letters stands for
something you need to know and live by. You just
remember that word and what those letters stand for
and you'll be A-Okay.

R-That stands for RIGOR. Each girl will rise every
morning at 5 a.m. for a quick 50 laps around the
hockey field. Girls will file out by living areas
beginning with those closest to the field, circle the
area and trot back to the dorm. No panting will be
allowed. Cat 'O Nine Tails will be provided in the
dorms for girls who wish to scourge themselves

E is for EAGERNESS the spirit in which all the
daily chores will be accomplished. Teeth will be
brushed three times a day and once before bed so the
smiles that accompany eagerness will always be fresh
and bright. No one likes an eager person with spotted

S means SALTPETER which will be added to each
girl's diet to insure a healthy and hardworking

pris-'er, student. Those nasty vile things like eggs,
olives, licorce and conch meat will be purged
immediately from the Agnes Scott menu. You know
what they can do.

P has a multiple significance, standing for
PARAGON of PURITY. This is an honorific award
which each girl will strive for. There will be no scarlet
A's at Agnes Scott, only purple PP's. Girls earning
this label by climbing the seven steps to perfection
through respect will be entitled to wear the purple PP
and be addressed as "Perfect Person."

E two calls to mind the ENTELLIGENCE
required to be apart of that great female Rotary Club
of the world, Agnes Scott College. Before the
completion of each girl's four year stretch, she will be
required to outline the Bible in detail in case she is
ever called upon to teach a Sunday school class.

C means CHEEKY, a condition no self-respecting
Agnes Scott student can ever be accused of. It is
reserved solely for squirrels and other similiar
rodents. The closest any student may come to a
cheek is when pinching it for a bit of color before the
annual Meet-the-Ministers tea.

T stands finally for TUMBREL, the mode of
trasnportation by which each graduate passes from
these granite halls into the great beyond. Someday,
each one of you will rattle away in the laundry cart
of life to take your place in society. And as long as
you remember this word, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, you will
find your spirit bolstered even when the body is



FEBRUARY 29, 1969



Campus News




Black market in student ZD's
exposed; will guilt triumph?

Vinnie Bede
Sherry Ballard
Billie Flegm

The contributors to this week's issue are as follows: Modene
Gunch, two Buttrick mice, Ho Chi Minn, Mr. Fowler, Mercy Jergens,
that chic Sheik, Pat Tcake, all the boards, and especially our mothers,
without whom we would have been at a loss for most everything.


The Male Menace

The question has been raised in recent weeks concerning
the possibility of men entering Agnes Scott's staid halls of
academe. To this and all future such inquiries, the DEFILE
must return a strong and resounding NO!

Agnes Scott has stood for all that is pure and pristine in
the young Southern woman for the last 80 years. Why sully
that reputation now by stooping to admit the inferior sex?
(For science has truly proven them so.) Think of the
necessary lowering of our institution's high standards to
allow these upstarts to enter, and the consequent watering
down of courses to prevent their ultimate failure.

But not only the academic side must be considered in
this grave matter. Segregationof the sexes offers many
evident advantages to those of us so priviledged. The simple
joys of maidenhood cannot be praised too highly. Chastity,
celibacy and one's solitary state permit a single-minded
pursuit of knowledge more fulfilling than any sordid little
sexual encounter.

The DEFILE went on record January 29, 1919 to
protest the decision of the Dean's Office to allow students
the privilege of one male call a quarter. (We hesitate to
bestow the common name of "date" on such a happening.)
We said then that only ruin would follow such a heedless
move, and the subsequent steady decline in morals has not
failed to be taken note of in this paper.

Some Agnes Scott students (we are proud to say not all)
have sunken to the depths of depravity of going out as
often as once a month (and there are even rumors of a few
hussies who sneak out even oftener!) Evidently these poor
ones show the effects of such behavior by their failure to
make the grades expected of them. (Your sins do indeed
find you out.)

The question of coeducation only irritates the wound of
the previously lamented decline in morality. With men
actually tramping the halls of our beloved institution
(bringing in mud, smoking cigarettes, making messes) who
knows what might happen? This must not come to pass!
Firm action should be taken now!

Not only the possibility of coeducation must be stifled,
but other necessary steps be taken. Dating must be stopped
once and for all, and male teachers must be banned from
the campus to prevent further male encroachment. Keep
Agnes Scot pure and forever female!!

Stedilie Upsweep

To the Editor:

In view of the recent concern
over the campus problem, the
great un-nameable, I think it
necessary to express my opinions
on the subject. It is plain to see
that the enervation, or is it
de-energization, that has taken
place on this campus is more than
the result of a paucity of male
companionship. Indubitably, Miss
Hoefer put her pencil upon it
when she spoke of the
introspection all too prevalent

What is occuring on this
campus is the death throes of
innocence , which presupposes
Guilt-a requisite of intropection,
would you not say? To achieve
catharsis, this campus must admit

to itself that well over
three-quarters of its members

participate, howbeit tacitly, in a
life of Crime.

The time has come, ladies, to
speak the Truth. The black
market in student ID's must
come to a halt before irreparable
moral damage is done.

Considering the tender age of
the inhabitants of thiscommune it
is difficult to believe that such
hardened criminals can subsist
among us. And "criminal" is
indeed the proper label for those
who filch another's birthright.

Nay r let them be branded as
three-fold dastards, for they
subvert personal honor, college
rules and state laws; they kindle
the fires of Vesuvius in the hearts
of their intimates, which erupt
into envy, appetite and the lava
of social prestige; and worst, they
deceive all mankind.

Rats reveal details
in BR Policy case



its oo




This is aesthetically pleasing
white space-

Minutes of Judicial Board Meeting, January 3, 1969.

The chairman called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. The board sang the
hymn, "Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?" The Chaplain prayed for
guidance, foresight, wisdom, temperance, mercy, justice, understanding,
patience, hindsight and that no one's stomach growl during the prayer, since it
is getting to be 6:30 p.m. by that time.

The meeting was adjourned after the prayer and reconvened at 7 p.m. At
this time, the hall judicial of second Witherspoon rose to present the case of a
freshman on her hail violating the B.R. policy. She read the policy:

A. Approved Security Aides

1) . Two more parents or guardians, two senior faculty members or three
junior faculty members, one of whom must hold a certificate of Senior
Life-saving, one alumna and any other person approved by the Dean's staff.

2) . Four or more seniors, juniors and spring-quarter sophomores, two of
whom must hold certificates of Water Safety Instructor, who are willing to take
the responsibility of Security Aides.

B. Using the B.R. between the hours of 8:30 ajn. and 4 p.m.

1) . Five or more students may enter together to use mirrors or lavatories,
provided they do not remain more than two minutes.

2) . Three or more students may use the showers concurrently, provided
they are accompanied by the appropriate number and rank of Security Aides.

3) . In order to use the other facility in the B.R., a student must be
accompanied by the appropriate number and rank of Security Aides, two of
whom hold approved certificates in advanced Lever-Pulling.

C. Using facilities other than those provided by the college.

1 ) . Agnes Scott College does not approve of the use of facilities not
provided and supervised by the college.

2) . The college does, however, recognize that in certain cases use of
off -campus facilities is unavoidable. A student must submit a request to the
Dean of Students Office at least three weeks in advance.

A form is provided for this request. The student should submit the lavendar
copy to the committee on B.R. approvals, the orange copy to IheDean of
Students, the green copy to the infirmary and keep the yellow copy. Upon
reluming to campus, the yellow copy should be attached to an orange card and
placed in the file in the Dean of Students Office.

(CONT. ON P. 4)

In view of the number of
students involved, it comes as no
surprise that this subject has
never come before the student
body in any indicting fashion.
Nevertheless, can anyone deny
knowledge of surreptitious phone
calls and willing dupes who
pander to the alcoholic cravings
of weaker individuals? No, I
think not.

The situation that inspires a
desire for false identification is
directly tied to one of the major
rites of passage in modern
American society, "the ordeal by
alcohol. The ritual proceeds in
this manner: girl dates boy; boy
has money; big evening planned;
big evening equals nightclub; girl
wants to go; girl is underage to
drink; girl wants to go; girl knows
if can't drink, boy will be
disgusted; both will be
embarrassed; both will feel
un-adult; boy will not ask girl out
again; girl does like to drink; girl
wants to go; girl scrounges to get
ID; girl goes.

Although this behavior is no
doubt but one from of rebellion
against authority and an attempt
by the adolescent, as a time when
he is only physically mature, to
assume adult status, the moment
of truth with the maitre d'hotel
has given more than one girl a
case of heebie-jeebies not soon
recovered from.

It can be psychologically
harmful to attempt to "pass"
from one social group to another.
Should we condone
self-inflicted emotional stress merely
on the grounds of desire for male
companionship? May we, who
cannot deny a hungry cat, allow
ourselves to watch our friends
falter on the treadmill of Life?
Surely not. Outside of the
principles of honesty and honor
involved, the hapless student who
"borrows" an ID places her
reputation in the hands of
possibly unsrupulous
middle-men. Who knows, but
some day a vengeful chum will
inform against her and she will be
branded forever at the Round
Table and arrested for
deliberately falsifying identity in
view of perpetrating a

As for the gull who lent the
ID, the very least that could
happen would be that the ID be
lost and her sole means getting
Youth Fare plane tickets be cut
off. She is, after all, an

Let us no longer sit passively
by as our friends tread the razor's
edge of respectability and slip
from the Krona Krome into
spiritual devolution.

! propose that an effort be
made to save the campus from
itself, by means of a system of
citizen's arrests, to be set up
using the present judicial
machinery. In this way, the
collective fear of besmirching the
fair name of the college will be

It will be a glorious day when
the entire student body can chant
with one voice Polonius'
immortal words, "Neither a
borrower nor a lender be." In my
opinion, he also once had a
student ID.

S. Grape

FEBRUARY 29, 1969

Jfratg 8c ^frolics




Oh, it 's been another busy, go, go week at ASC what
with all those girls just dropping their work and jetting up
to Greer for the gala annual Reedy River salmon spawning.
One highlight of the coming weekend will be the
Wool-Gathers all-day shopping trip to Toco Hills. They will
be special guests of the Toco Hills Merchants Association at
a luncheon given in their honor.

On campus for the weekend, the date parlors will be
particularly lively. Informed sources report that the regular
occupants of McKinney have challenged Dieckman to grand
Ouiji Board tournament designed to predict the future.

Speaking of the future, who can predict C. F. 's? She has
just received her eighth lavalier. How does she do it, girls?

Only her dentist knows
for sure.

This week was an
all-star week for M.S., too.
She set a world's record of
19 dates in seven days.
How do you feel, M.S.?

Inhabitants of third
Witherspoon will be happy
to hear that after 68 ditto
marks, K. A. finally got a
new boy's name on her white sign-out card.

A thought in passing: why is it that everyone peeks out
her window about 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights?
You'd think Scott ies never see boys!

One of the great controversies on campus lately is the
significance of that red light in the main tower several
months ago. Speculation is running high as to the response
it solicited. What about it, girls?

If Hope Summers married Joe Chest, she'd be Hope

Why is it that E. C. nearly breaks her neck every time
the telephone jangles on third Outladi? Someone really
ought to move that scatter rug before E. C. scatters herself
all over the floor.

Is it true that one of the cottages had their own private
Mardi Gras last weekend? There certainly did seem to be a
lot of people walking around with confetti in their ears.

If Penny Burr married Bill Pincher, she'd be Penny

The last hot news item of the week is that Tiny Tim is
expected to appear at the last convocation of the quarter.
What a man! And what a way to end winter quarter. So
long till next week, ladies.

Sb.p. Co mmendat


The Date Parlor Commendation of the
week goes to the couple occupying Dieckman
Date Parlor on the evening of Saturday,
February 26, for conduct above-aboard and
beyond the call of duty. Members of the
DEFILE staff will be knocking on date parlor
doors this week looking for other upstanding

Metalman: some date
for Super Scottie?!

announced the purchase of 12
reasonable facsimile male robots
for the campus community. They
will be placed in the Hub so that
students (female, of course) who
do not know how to dance may
learn in their spare time. The
robots are products of the
Handy-Dandy Figure Factory,
home office, Hollywood,

The robots have been here for
some time, but there was some
delay with the Dean's Office
giving their approval. While
waiting for the D.O.'s
decision,many students reported
hearing music emanating- from
the direction of certain offices on
this campus. Final approval was
given, however, and it is reported
by a reliable source that several
members, of the Dean's staff have
been waltzing around the office

The robots have been
classified as reserve material, and
as such can be checked out for
further study in a student's room

after 9:30 p.m. each night. They
must be returned, however,
before the first class the next
day. Students will be responsible
for any damage incurred.

Social Council is also looking
into the possibility of renting the
robots out for next year's winter
dance weekend on a first come,
first served basis. Full details will
be given later.

The robots also come with a
change of costume. When
ordering a date, please specify :
grub clothes (cut-offs, tee shirt,
bare -footed) date wear (sports
coat, plaid slacks, with aetacn-
able fraternity pin), or school
garb (sweater and slacks, loafers,
carrying books under left arm).
There are three body styles to
choose from also: Dustin
Hoffman, Steve McQueen, and
Joe Namath, (with or without

If the ex p eriment is
successful, Social Council plans
to acquire more of the robots.
The k 70 models are supposed to
be out of this world.

men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men

ASC coe<


Agnes Scott's plan for the admission of male
students is undergoing rigid scrutiny and evaluation
this quarter before presentation to the Board of
Trustees for final approval in the spring. The plan
originating in a closed administrative subcommittee,
will come as a surprise to many friends of the college.
It has however, undergone several years of intense
and secret study. The final form of the coeducational
proposal outlines a five-year time-table diagramming
detailed steps involved in the conversion. A special
committee has worked on this plan for the past three
years. The committee, Bolster Livelihood by Uniting
Sexes Here (BLUSH), was set up in response to an
abiding unrest and depression felt on the Agnes Scott

THE CAMPUS NEWSPAPER and the student
body at large have long pressed for such a committee.
This pressure, combined with concern among faculty
and administration led to BLUSH's establishment in
January, 1 966.

Created originally. to examine campus
despondency and outline possible solutions, the
committee has considered a variety of suggestions.
Most of these were discarded on the grounds that
they were merely forestallings of an inevitable crisis.
Having surveyed all aspects of the situation BLUSH
focused on the coeducational proposal. The
committee felt this solution would not only resolve
the present problems but would also allow for future

s expected

educational progress. After long and thorough
research, the committee's final draft is being polished
for its long-awaited inspection and official

If this version passes, the college will immediately
begin the adjustments necessary in curriculum,
campus facilities and student regulations. Many of the
changes will be perfected and ready to go into effect
by fall quarter 1970. The first males will not be
enrolled until September, 1971.

BLUSH'S TIMETALE CALLS for the acceptance
of approximately 75 men for the '71 -'72 term. These
coeds will be mostly sophomore and junior transfer
students and will be carefully screened for suitability
to life in a primarily female environment before
acceptance. It is expected that Hopkins Hall will be
converted into a male domitory for the first year of
coeducation; this decision was made in memory of
Miss Nannette Hopkins, former dean of students, who
had a rabid concern for coeducation.

The rest of the timetable is on a flexible five-year
schedule. During the second year, the male
contingent should reach a quarter of the student
population. By fall of the third year, the freshman
class should be half men. Included in BLUSH's plans
is the addition of a new coeducational dorm, the
news of which is calculated to quickly bring the
college's enrollment to its capacity of 1 ,000 students.

It is realized that this change will be extremely
expensive. One major and immediate expenditure will

in 1971

be in hiring administrative staff. The Dean of
Students office will necessarily be extended to
include a special Branch for Men. Eventually the
offices will split and separate deans Most costly of
course will be physical changes on campus. Generally
campus plumbing will undergo rather severe
reworking. The present gym-lockeiTOom facilities will
also be inadequate. The present plan is to have male
and female students "take turns" dressing in the
locker room. No peeking will be allowed.

IF THE PROPOSAL is accepted this year-subject
to student and faculty approval, of course-student
organizations will have a tremendous job ahead of
them. Not only will dorm regulations have to be
rewritten, but dress policies, time limits, chaperonage
policies, and campus dates will have to be enlarged to
include the new male coeds. Future effectiveness of
the Agnes Scott honor system may also need

The Board of Trustees is expected to have some
reservations on passing the BLUSH proposal. Their
hesitations are expected to center around the
immediacy of the conversion. Many people feel that
two years of preparation will not be sufficient time to
allow for a smooth transformation.

The committee felt, however, that too much
interim between decision and effection will be
harmful to college morale, reputation and efficiency.
Delay would thus defeat the basic improvements
BLUSH was designed to suggest.



FEBRUARY 29, 1969

Can cloistered virtue triumph

still on the silver screen?

Wtwt do you think of the
PROFILE this year?


"Unusual!" raves Judith Jerk, critic for the "New
York Post." "In the tradition of the old South," says
Harriet Stowe, correspondent for "Cosmopolitan."
Yes folks, "After Dark on a Certain Campus,"
.produced and directed by Roberto Spring, is a movie
you should try not to miss.

The movie is headed by an all-star cast with Cassie
Scarlett as the heroine-beauty, purity and innocence
wrapped up in one neat little package. George
Techman plays the part of the villain-seducing
innocent (?) young college girls was a big game to

Franky Lewis is the hero-a super sleuth who puts
Sherlock Holmes to shame! Excellent support is given
by the Cottage Cuties and the Date Parlor Playmates.

The movie opens at a small college campus in the
heart of the Southland. Our Heroine, Cassie, enters
the picture as a sweet, innocent, virtuous freshman.
The movie deals with Cassie's struggle to maintain her
purity despite the ill intents of George and the bad

Marcia Caribaltes
broader and more
this year."

influences of the upperclassmen who "Turn on when
the lights turn off."

Slowly the suspense tightens.. .and tightens as the
most unusual shocker of the century grips you in a
web of fear and terror. Will Cassie succumb to the
pressures of George and join the life of pleasure of
the enticing upperclassmen?

'70: 'it's



Will Virture triumph once again or will George
triumph over Virtueonce again? Will Franky be able
to put an end to the immorality on campus in time to
save our heroine? I wish I could tell you (hee, hee).

This movie is showing at the East Artsy Theater
and has been rated "M", for mature audiences only.
No one over ten years old will be admitted


Bipper Anderson, '71: "Fd
like to see more catchy news
items taken from other girl's
school's newspapers."

Clarabella Dowdy, '72: "I
cried when the PROFILE cut out
A. A. and Social Council news.
Without the Social Council
Neatness Commendation to strive
for, what is there left to live for?
Mark my words, if Neatness
Commendation goes can Mortar
Board be far behind?"


Rats reveal...

missed it, the pigeons rioted last
weekend. Waddling into the
quadrangle after Sunday night
supper, the pigeons-some 2000
strong-angrily shook their
feathers in the direction of the
dining hall and denounced the
food service with loud cries of

The character of the rally
soon changed when members of
the radical Pigeons for Power
(P.P.) began to infiltrate the
group. Squeaking that they had
failed to establish communication
with the administration, through
normal channels, the PP leaders
urged recourse to violent

So, in a flurry of dust and
feathers, the pigeon mob
stampeded across the quad and
into Buttrick. Finding no one
there but a few startled students,
the leaders decided that their
only available course of action
was to barricade the building.
The pigeons flew in a furor to the
eaves and waited to attack the
Monday morning students with

Having no specific programs
to offer, the PP radicals have not
yet been able to reach an
agreement with the
administration. The disgruntled
pigeons are still holding
Buttrick-unnoticed, to their
mortification, by the students,
who usually carry umbrellas,

fact that she learned the art of
wasting time during her long free
hours at Agnes Scott.

"Winter quarter," she
declared, "is a particularly dull
one; students are confined
indoors because of the foul
weather." She suggested that
students ask the faculty to assign
more term papers to give them
something to do. She went on to
say that "boredom is the result of
a lack of ingenuity."

The club activities chairman,
Sally Forth, then suggested that a
bridge tourney be held during the
next meeting but was voted down
due to the common view that
most of the members probably
wouldn't want an extended
meeting which would cut into
previously scheduled TV time.
Miss Grondlesweetly suggested
bicycle races in the hall and a
tiddley-winks tournament.

Beck Encall, president of the
Club, adjourned the meeting after
leading the club in its customary
run-around ritual which opens
and closes any business

it is passing through the infirmary
on the way to the hockey field. "

According to Mrs. Fritzby,
"Dodging nurses trying to jive you
blood tests is one of the trickiest
arts of skiing."

Scotties are thus advised to
try a slope a little less
difficult-like the driveway to
Hopkins-unless they are experts.
But if they make it to the hockey
field, maybe the infirmary will
send out a St. Bernard-minus the
brandy, of course.

instructor, Mrs. Yvonne Fritzby,
who is sponsored by Athletic
Association, will be here
February 29. Because of the
scarcity of skis on the campus,
students are asked to bring two
dining hall trays each.

Mrs. Fritzby will be on the
advanced slope by the infimary.
Having skied on the roughest
slopes in France and Germany,
she has judged our advanced
slope as being very difficult.
Hopkins parking lot. Miss Prudence Calling it "dead man's hill," she
Grondlesweetly, an Agnes Scott declared "the difficulty is not so
alumna, spoke to a large crowd of much in ducking under the railing
Scotties, and commented on the or going through the fountain as

has announced a memorial to
those members of our
community who seem to be no
longer with us. Their empty seats
at convocation every Wednesday
pain those of us who remember
them with fondness.

These persons have
disappeared without a trace and
the details of their demise are
unknown. Their loss to the
community is irreparable,
especially to the people taking
roll who must add another x
beside theirname each week. Each x
has a little of the vice-president's
heart in it.

In honor of these lost ones,
the doors of the library and all
the dorms will be locked each
Wednesday during convocation.


The freshman had violated paragraph C, sections 1 and 2 of the B.R. Policy.
The judicial indicated that the circumstances were beyond the control of the
girl. It had been necessary for the girl to consult a physician on short notice
due to her disease.

While waiting to be examined, the afflicting condition attacked the girl with
undeniable urgency. She was forced to enter and use a non-college-supervised
facility without the appropriate security measures.

The girl recognized the dangers imminent in this violation, both to herself
and the campus community. In view of the circumstances and the girl's present
attitude, the judicial of second Withcrspoon recommended excused

The members of the board felt they would like to discuss the case with the
freshman in order to ascertain the circumstances and her attitude for
themselves before they voted.

The girl appeared before the board and was questioned. She said, her voice
cracking with emotion, that she regretted the breakage, but had no choice. She
was unable to speak further.

At this point, the chaplain of the board received mystical insight into the
case. She arose and approached the tearful girl. Speaking in garbled syllables,
the chaplain kn elt with the girl in dialogue.

The two conversed for a moment, apparently participating in a common
revelatory experience. The chaplain rose and returned to her seat. The girl
began to speak, seemingly driven by some unknown force. She was unable to
control her emotional responses to the situation.

She reiterated her transgressions, calling attention to the harm she may have
introduced into the campus community and offering to submit to any further
examination the board might require. Although the board assured her they
were satisfied, she continued with these posturings.

The chaplain arose once again and conducted her from the room in solemn
processional while the members of the board stood and sang, "A Voice Crying
in the Wilderness."

The vote was unanimous for excused.


TIME CLUB held its first meeting
Tuesday, February 18, in the

CLUB will present its sixty-third
speaker of this school year in
Main's first floor hall closet on
February 31. The guest lecturer
will be Ralph, the local R.R.
entertainment director, who will
discuss the present cribbage crisis
in central Georgia. Ralph's
lecture will be followed by a brief
demonstration on the proper use
of faucets on third floors. No one
is invited or encouraged.

Happy Birthday, Randy Jones. How old are you anyway

WANTED: 17 more meanings for the word "gallery"; the more
sexual implications, the better. Have Donne exam coming up. Will
pay $$$$$$$$. Address to "the diseased taper", box 764.

-This is aesthetically pleasing white spare-

Earth Mother to the Great Flagellator: We'll publish your poetry no
matter What he says.

What WAS Catherine Marshall's maiden name?

Winter quarter days at Agnes Scott are one big runny nose. Wanted i a
handkerchief. Reply to Box 166.


Attention, German 101 students: Chapter 12 in "Abendliche Hauser"
has been abridged. See the library for a complete version. A friend.

House president, Ann Abernethy, announces that the rates have gone






Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

MARCH 26. 1969

Candidates disagree on NSA at ASC

What do you sec as the major areas
of work for Representative Council
next year? Please be specific.

Bonnie Brown: One of the largest
areas for concern is the growing gap
between student government and the
student body. Whether this "gap" is
actual or imagined, it will be an
important job of Rep Council to
continually seek out ways to bridge it.
In some areas, too, the incidence of
real faculty-student communication is

In order to remedy this situation, I
would suggest more class meeting and
house meetings where students could
be informed of what was going on in
Rep and where Rep members could
become attuned to student opinion.
In special matters perhaps
representatives could inform the
faculty of academic problems and
student opinion on what should be
done with these problems at faculty

Too, I would like to see
broader-based committecs-by that I
mean committees composed of
members of all classes and expccially
of students who are not members of
the Rep Council or other boards.

There are some minor social
changes which should be made,
possibly in, for example, consoliating
the apartment policy. There wfll also
need to be a follow-up on "lates," a
resolution recently passed by Rep and
now pending adrninistrativc action.

In the academic sphere, hopefully
there will be changes forthcoming in
such things as the cumbersome
make-up test preccdure, policy on
cuts before and after holidays, and in
more basic things such as curriculum.

Much of this will come under the
auspices of cither CAP Curriculum

Bebe Guill: I see as the most
important area of work for Rep
Council next year that of
implementing, stabilizing, and
reevaluating the social and academic
innovations from the previous student
government year. This is not to say
that Rep Council need only smooth
over the work of past years without
looking into new areas for change. But
it is important that the reforms from
1968-1969 work as smoothly as
possible during 1969-1970.

Furthermore, Rep Council will
need to work very closely with the
new sixth major board, House
Presidents Council, in its anticipated
moves toward dormitory
centralizations and complete
revaluation of the sign-out policy.
Rep Council will also be considering
some of the questions raised below -
such as the validity of Agnes Scott's
membership in NSA, student
involvement in off-campus activities,
communication among other boards
and with the students, faculty, and
administration. Rep Council, with the
Committee on Academic Problems,
should make a careful evaluation of
the quarter system and consider the
possibility of the promotion of more
independent study.

Dusty Kenyon: Rep Council has
moved quickly and efficiently this
year. I think that now we need to take
time to understand these changes and
to make them work. The college
community needs to be drawn
togeth cr--thc freedom of the
individual must now be understood in
respect to a responsibility to the

I don't mean to imply that next
year must be a "stop!" year, for I do
feel that reforms arc still needed. One
major area will involve working with
the new Dean of Students and
considering a further de-centralization
of the D.O. Other changes in the

social policies need to be
considered-issues such as hours, the
sign-out policy, and the number of
social engagements allowed.

And I would like for the student
body to take more interest-and
responsibility-in the academic life of
the college. Having worked on two
student-faculty committees, I realize
how important it is for us to "hear"
each other. Lastly, as new reforms arc
introduced, old ones need to be
reviewed. Rep Council should lead in
this endeavor. As we strive to
understand the commitment of the
college, a thorough re-evaluation will
be needed.

If elected, will you push for a
continuation of campus reform? Why
and how?

Brown: Yes, I just
don't think you can stop the
momentum started in the past year or
so. A great deal is yet to be
done especially in consolidating some of
the "reforms" which have been
already initiated.

For example, some of these
reforms are still termed
"experimental" and need to be made
permanent. But as I stated before, I
think that this year we need also to
focus on a more positive ideal-not
just " reform," but "innovation."

Guill: If elected, I will push for a
continuation of campus reform. Many
of the reasons arc obvious, Any
community which endeavors to
function to the best interests of its
inhabitants must constantly reevaluate
and change, if necessary, the standards
on which it is based in order to grow
and mature. Though many of the
policies governing student life have
been changed during the past year,
there are still many areas open for

Rep Council needs to consider the
question of whether or not rules
governing social living cause undue
pressure on the student. It needs to
consider how much jurisdiction the
college should have over off-campus
activities. Rep Council also needs to
question the importance of the Agnes
Scott public image and whether or not
Agnes Scott forces a type onto her
students. All of these questions must
be carefully considered and thcir
answers implemented in a general
internal reform movement.

Kenyon: My goals for next year
would be, in most instances, a
continuation of reforms instituted this
year. I feel that changes such as those
in the Drinking Policy, the
Chapcronage Policy, and the Sign-Out
Policy have proved bcncficial-but
next year will be the time to
concentrate on making these reforms
work. A thorough re-evaluation of the
structure of Rep Council and its
committees is needed now, I feel.
Some consolidation might be helpful.
And the duties of such committees as
NSA and Exchange/Intercollegiate
need to be studied.

I'd like to sec a joint Rep
Council-Judicial committee formed to
discuss transferring some of Judicial's
work to the House Council members,
and then to make plans for such a
change, if feasible.

A major area of concern should
involve the academic life. The
student-faculty committees now
studying group requirements and class
attendance regulations still have a
great deal of work to do, but I would
hope that topics such as course
evaluations and co-operative programs
with other Atlanta universities might
be studied. The pass-fail system needs
to be reviewed and some changes
made. Exam scheduling also needs to
be somewhat reworked. But most
important, I feci that Rep Council
needs to work to keep in touch with

the student body-to keep students
informed, to listen to student opinion,
and to emphasize the responsibilities
involved with each reform.

Can and should Rep Council lead a
movement to involve students in
activities off-campus? If so, how? Is
the present Intercollegiate Committee
sufficient? Should such a move take
priority over internal reform? Why or
why not?

Brown: Personally, I would like to
sec more students involved in
activities off-campus. Rep Council's
job, however, is more to make things
easier for students who wish to
become so involved than to actually
"lead a movement". Whenever
possible, I do think we should
encourage off-campus activity, and
this would entail a larger role for
Intercollegiate in the coming years.

I don't think wc need to set
priorities here; enough has been done
in the area of internal reform to
afford some time for consideration
internal reform and encouragement to

participate in off-campus activity most often gives us clues to the
couldn't occur simultaneously. solutions to the problems of the


Guill: Rep Council can and should
lead a movement to involve students
in activities off-campus. There is a real
need for students to become more
outwardly oriented. There is an
education beyond the bounds of
Agnes Scott College, and through the
efforts of Rep Council, students can
be made aware of the opportunities.

The present Intercollegiate
Committee is effective yet insufficient
to lead a general outward movement.
In order to involve students actively in
the off-campus community, a larger
and farther reaching committee would
be necessary.

A move to involve students in
off-campus activities, however, should
not take priority over internal reform.
Each student's primary interest is
directed toward her own community
in which she lives and works daily.
Yet such an outward move must not
be completely suppressed by internal
reform, for looking to the outside

Kenyon: I should hope that Rep
Council would encourage students to
become involved in activities off
campus, for I feel that such activities
give a new and broadening
perspective. But this
"encouragement" has to come from
individual cxamplcs-I don't think it
can be legislated. 1 sec Rep Council's
role as the "informed inspirator."

Rep Council can lead only by
making information available and by
appointing some enthusiastic person
to chair a new committee to look into
all possibilities in the greater Atlanta
area and then publicize these jobs.
This committee would include those
representatives from CA, (the Service
Project Chairman), AA and other
organizations, who arc already
involved with this sort of work-thus,
the committee could serve as a
co-ordinating body as well.

(CONT. ON P.4)

Bonnie Brown

Bebe Guill

Dusty Kenyon

General Questions

Editor's Note: Each candidate for
each office was asked to answer the
same set of four general questions in
addition to a number of specific
questions directed to their office
individually. The three candidates for
SGA President chose to answer the
general questions in one introductory
statement. Printed below are the
general questions and the candidates
written statements.

Why do you want to hold this

What is your basic concept of your
board or office? What does it do on
the Agnes Scott campus, especially for
the individual student?

What innovations do you have
planned for your board? Why? How?

Do you see a need for more
interboard cooperation? Why and
how? And in what specific areas?

Bonnie Brown: These four
questions seem to me to be
interrelated; for that reason, I would
prefer to answer them as one

I want hold the office of president
precisely because I am aware that Rep
Council has done and hopefully will
continue to do valuable work in the
best interests of the student body.
The main innovation I would like to
foster is not a new committee or
anything concrete for that matter, but
a new attitude among students toward
each other, faculty, and

Rep Council in past years has done
valuable work in riding students of
what wc considered unnecessary
restrictions on our freedom. Next
year, it seems to me the time has
come to be creative - to think of new
ways and new ideas through which to
exercise our new freedom.

In other words, wherever possible,

I would like to sec Rep Council
function positively. In connection
with this approach, I would see
increased work for student Services
Committee, Co-curriculum Committee
and Exchange/Intercollegiate.

In many areas, then, Rep Council
has cleared the way for increased
involvement and participation in both
campus and off-campus activities.
Ideally, I would like to sec each
student take advantage of the
opportunities that appeal to her
talents and interests. In some cases,
interboard cooperation could
facilitate this type involvement.

For example, CA and Social
Council recently collaborated in
having Dr. Borders here on campus for
a fireside. Where such collaboration is
helpful - fundwisc or otherwise - I
see interboard work as extremely
valuable. Otherwise, they can work
separately; a division of labor is
sometimes preferable in terms of

Bebe Guill: I chose to run for the

office of Student Government
President for several reasons. My
experience on Rep Council and my
work on various committees such as
COP, the Dress Policy Committee, the
Drinking Policy Committee, the
Committee on Late Hours, have
enabled me to sec what steps arc
necessary to implement change.
Having worked on the committees
from which many changes have come,
I want to continue my student
government work in a position in
which I can help to see that those
changes arc effective. Furthermore, I
want Agnes Scott to continue to
develop into a more progressive

For the individual student and for
the Agnes Scott campus as a whole,

Representative Council strives to
provide the atmosphere which will
best encourage individual and
community responsibility. In order to
carry out this ideal, Representative
Council endeavors to communicate
openly with the students, faculty, and
the administration and to shape the
policies which govern student life in
accordance with the majority view.

This ideal is something which
cannot be carried out with the
maximum effectiveness by Rep
Council alone, Interboard cooperation
is vital to the success of student
government. Each board must be
aware of and considerate of each of
the other boards' aims and functions.
The boards can work more closely by
sponsoring more joint functions such
as firesides, Hub parties, off-campus
projects. Open communication and
flexibility are the single most
important factors vital to cooperation
among boards and ultimately in
student government

Dusty Kenyon: I want to hold this
office because I believe in the way of
life for which Agnes Scott stands, and
I am eager to help make this way of
life work. Agnes Scott stands for
ideals that both the individual and
society need, now more than ever
be fore- "abstracts" such as integrity,
consideration for others, personal
strength and conviction.

I, too, am ready for change, but
not at the expense of these things. I
think we all need to realize how
important the "academic integrity"
is-and then to sec how this necessarily
touches our individual "moral"
characters. Such things have not been
said-or perhaps, thought-for a long
time. It is this "larger" perspective that
I should like to see emphasized next
(CONT. ON P.8)



Should Judicial seek test cases ?

Do you think that Judicial
Council can actively lead campus
reform? Does Judicial seek test
cases in order to explore all
aspects of rules? Can Judicial be a
forum for student opinion? If so,

Peggy Chapman: 1 do not

feel that Judicial Council, as a
judicial body, can as a board
actively lead campus reform.
That task belongs to Rep Council
as a legislative body. I do not
believe, however, that Judicial
should divorce itself from campus
reform. It can serve as a link
between the student body and
Rep Council, communicating to
Rep Council areas in which
students believe reform is needed.
In addition, individual members
of Judicial Council, both as
members of the student body and
student government committees
(CAP and COP) are in a position
to lead and effect campus reform,
if they desire to do so.

No, search for test cases is
contrary to the Honor System
itself. The Honor System requires
that a student turn herself in for
infractions of the rules.

Judicial can and should be a
forum for student opinion. It is
in an ideal position to be such, as
members of the board are on
each hall and in the cottages.
Members of Judicial are thus able
to understand the rule changes
the students on her hall feel are

Nancy Rhodes: Because of the
nature of its responsibility,
Judicial is in a position to
evaluate the effectiveness and
relevance of policies and rules,
and hence recommend reform.
Judicial must go on the basis to
the regulations as they stand but
can encourage change through
Rep of things that seem outdated
or unnecessary. I frankly don't
think Judicial "seeks" cases at all.
When presented with them, we
do explore all aspects of the rules
in making our decisions.

Opinions regarding rule
changes are to be voiced to Rep,
not Judicial. However, it is the
board's responsibility to provide
a forum for opinions regarding
Judicial's policies and actions.
This might be implemented by
open hearings on particular topics
and by encouraging student
attendance at meetings.

Rita Wilkins: In the first
place, it is not Judicial's but Rep
Council's role to lead campus
reform, and Judicial would be
ignoring its primary responsibility
to the student body if it did seek
out and use test cases. However,
Judicial is in the best situation on
campus to realize the problems
and inconsistencies involved in
various rules, and because the hall
judicials work individually with
students and the rules, if the
student body were unified with
Judicial and would be freer in
telling judicials how they feci
about what is going on, a lot of
this would be bound to sift into
the board's meetings. This
information plus the board's
feelings on certain rules as a
result of the inconsistencies and
undesirable results different cases
have led to. can be passed on to
Rep Council by the Chairman,
where they may be a good basis
for further campus reform.

Do you think Judicial really
communicates with the student
body? Is there student support

for Judicial, both in principle and
for its actions?

Chapman: 1 feel that Judicial
does communicate with the
students, but not as much as it
should. Also, individual members
of Judicial communicate with the
student body more than the
board as a whole.

Yes, I believe that the student
body does support and respect
Judicial. In my opinion, the
student body respects Judicial -
more in its decisions in cases than
in its enforcement of minor rules
and distribution of campuses and
points. This lack of support stems
from disagreement with the rules
themselves, rather than Judicial's
enforcement of them.

Rhodes: Communication
undoubtedly could be improved.
But Judicial is not some august
group that sits behind locked
doors; these are members elected
to make decisions for which the
entire student body would be too
unwieldy a group. It is extremely
important, then, to elect Judicial
Council members you can
communicate with. I have
confidence in the students here
to express their dissent when
they don't like what Judicial's

No group of representatives
can ever be expected to please
every person in every action, but
I think most students agree with
Judicial Council as a principle
that maintains order in our lives
and enables us to have a great
deal of academic and,
increasingly, social freedom.
When our actions are consistently
displeasing the students here, I'm
confident they'll let us know.

Wilkins: No, I do not think that
Judicial at the moment
adequately communicates with
the student body, and while I
would say that at least a slim
majority of the students do
uphold Judicial and its actions,
this support could probably be
very much enlarged were the
student body informed of exactly
what Judicial does and is doing,
which is not nearly as "awe-ful"
nor as "ridiculous" as different
student groups have been led to

Some students consider
Judicial to be overly secretive.
How do you respond to this
statement? Should the board
proceedings be more public? If
so, how?


Judicial is secretive only as
concerns major cases; the
remainder of the board's
proceedings are open to students.
I believe the board's secrecy
concerning major cases is
necessary for the protection of
the individual student involved.

No. Judicial welcomes
individual students at all
meetings; they are asked to leave
only if the board has a major case
to consider.

Rhodes: 1 emphasize the
fact that Judicial meetings are
not closed. In fact, student
participation is welcomed. The
problem in the last few years has
rathei been lack of student
interest in attending. The
meetings are closed only in
considering major cases which is
for the protection of the student
involved. I feel this is necessary.
If the girl wants to tell her friends

about her own case she can, and
if she is interested, the record of
the council's proceedings are
available to her. If it would be of
interest to the student body, 1
suggest the penalties assigned
each week might be listed on the
mailroom board with the list now
posted of cases considered.

Wilkins: A lot of Judicial's
"secretive" qualities simply
revolve around its lack of
communication with the student
body. There are instances
wherein Judicial should keep
things quiet in order to protect
the individual, but beyond this.
Judicial really is not and should
not be trying to be secretive.
Most of the meetings are entirely
open to the student body, and
this could be better publicized by
having each hall judicial at certain
planned times encourage her hall
especially the Freshmen to attend
a meeting.

There could also be a number
of public meetings (held in the
Hub or in a dorm). Judicials
might also spend a part of their
orientation meetings explaining
how Judicial operates, and they
could include in their weekly
announcements the same facts as
the secretary's announcements in
the mailroom.

Would you say that students
have an ambivalent or

hypocritical attitude toward
Judicial (a love you-hate you
relationship as displayed in the
Townsend case)? Do you feel
that studetns conceive of Judicial
as a police body and thus avoid
interaction with it?

Chapman: Although it is
difficult to make generalizations
concerning individual attitudes, I
do not feel that students have a
hypocritical attitude toward
Judicial or that they consider it
to be a police force. Most
students, I think, realize that
Judicial is concerned with the
students and in doing what is best
for them.

Rhodes The "Townshend
case" made obvious the wide
range of student opinions existing
on the campus; but I would not
call this hypocritical. I have
confidence in the integrity of the
students here to express their
opinions openly. I think Judicial
has become increasingly
conceived of as a police body,
and for this reason feel it needs
to be re-oriented somewhat. The
connection between Honor and
Judicial Council needs to be
strengthened in the minds of
students and what is not
supportative for this relationship
should be removed from
Judicial's jurisdiction.

Wilkins: I would say that
almost everyone at Agnes Scott
has a rather ambivalent attitude
toward Judicial, judicials
included. We are divided between
upholding what we have "pushed
through" student government,
what we secretly or not so
secretly believe is right or wrong,
and what almost 'everyone is
doing' anyhow.

A great number of students
are willing to maintain an
outward respect for Judicial and
yet really have little concern for
what it does as long as it does not
touch them, and a great number
of people certainly do see
Judicial as a set-apart police body
against which they can best
protect themselves by cutting off
any relations they might have
with it.

This is not a bright picture at
the least. 1 think it can best be
solved by more open acceptance
of this fact by Judicial, and by
some more realistic and open
communication between the
Council and the student body,
which if done on an individual
basis between the hall judicial
and students would not be as
much of a flop as we tend to
think any bid for "more
communication" is always going
to be.

Does board oppose tide
of modern conventions?

Do you think Judicial is swimming against
the tide of social conventions; that is, is it
enforcing behavior patterns that are no longer
required of women today? Would you say that
principles are more important than practices,
or do you advocate a laissez-faire government?

Chapman: No. Considering the changes that
have been made recently (apartment policy,
drinking policy, chaperonage policy, unlimited
social engagements for sophomores), I cannot
say that Judicial is enforcing unreasonable or
outdated behavior patterns. I am not saying,
however, that additional rule changes are not
necessary; there are rules that need to be

I don't think one can say whether principle
or action is more important; neither is
meaningful without the other. At any rate, I
do not advocate a laissez-faire government, as a
community cannot exist without sensible,
reasonable rules for community living.

Rhodes: I say again that Judicial doesn't set
the regulations, Rep does that. But Judicial is
constantly re-evaluating the rules it enforces in
light of changing times. What Judicial is
enforcing or ideally should be enforcing is not
an archaic set of rules, but a concept of trust
and honorable behavior as the basis for life in
this community; I don't think that this
concept is outdated. Where the rules are
superfluous to this principle. I think that
change is in order.

Wilkins: To begin with, this question should
not be delivered against Judicial but against
student government in general. I would not say
that we are swimming against the tide of social
conventions but are rather trying to catch up,
which is perhaps the continuing goal of all
student government. We all realize that there is
a sharp divergence between what Rep Council
and Judicial Council are saying and what
people in general are doing, and while this
provides for a lot of discord, it is not
necessarily a bad situation at all.

It is unrealistic to expect student
government to come to any immediate
agreements with all students and with the
administration concerning the basic points of
controversy. What is important is that we are

consistently trying to do so, we are getting
places, and we do think it is important to keep
Agnes Scott abreast of the situation. The
thought of maintaining a hypocritical set of
unenforced and unenforceable rules is

It has been observed that the slate of
candidates for Judicial Chairman is a
conservative one, is this a fair assessment? If
so, will you make a conscious effort to bring in
dissident opinions? Why and how?

Chapman: I do not feel this is really a fair
assessment of the candidates. Besides, I'm not
sure exactly what is meant by the term
"conservative" used in this context. If working
through existing channels is considered to be
conservative, then I would consider myself
conservative. If conservative is meant to apply
to one who is against rule and policy changes,
and who advocates a preservation of the status
quo, then 1 would not consider myself a

Yes. I think differing opinions are
necessary and beneficial to Judicial, as they
enable the board to see different aspects of
rules, policies, cases, and penalities. Such
opinions are necessary if Judicial is to
represent and serve the student body. I feel
sure that students with different opinions will
be elected to Judicial Council. Additional
differing opinions could be brought in if more
students came to Judicial meetings and voiced
their opinions.

Rhodes: I have found that Rita, Peggy, and
I have often disagreed on particular issues, so I
think the label a little too general. A key part
of the Chairman's function is to, regardless of
her personal views, see that all opinions are
given a voice. I certainly would do everything
within my power to increase my awareness of
attitudes on campus and to maintain an
openness towards all views.

By open meetings, by hopefully a board
that represents a wide range of views, by talk
between judicials and other students and
between the Chairman and other students the
board must try to achieve maximum awareness
of all views, and, thus increase the store of
wisdom from which decisions must be made.

(CONT. ON P. 3)



JUDICIAL : General Questions


do you want to hold this

Peggy Chapman: 1 would like to be
Judicial chairman because of an
interest in and concern for the Honor
System and those who live under it. I
would like to see the system better
understood, strengthened, and

Nancy Rhodes: I am interested in
holding tne position of Judicial
Chairman because I feel I have
something to contribute to the office.
As member and secretary of the
Council I have had a chance to find
out the various details of Judiciafs
work; I have an idea of what I think
Judicial should be and have seen
places where changes could be made.

Rita Wilkins: 1 want to hold this
office because I think 1 have the time,
the interest, and the know-how to do
it, and because I am sufficiently
concerned about some of the things
that have been going on in this school,
that I would like to get in there and
do something about it, and 1 feel that
the position of Judicial Chairman
adequately lends itself to what I
would like to do.

The points that most directly
concern me are the lack of
communication between student
government and the student body, the
mistaken ideas that so many of us

have concerning what is going on and
what others think about it, and the
often two-faced and overemotional
attitudes we all have toward student

I would like tc see a more objective
appraisal of what we have, what we
ought to do, and just how far we can
go with the situation as it now stands.
I would like to use the many
opportunities that the Judicial
Chairman has to encourage more
unity between Judicial and students,
the basis of which I think lies in a set
of attitudes that have been built up
and which could be rectified by
Judicial itself.

What is your basic concept of your
board or office? What does it do on
the Agnes Scott campus, especially for
the individual student?

Chapman: j believe Judicial Council
to be an integrating force, a link
between the Honor System, and all
that it entails, and the student body,
the administration, and the faculty. In
my opinion, Judicial Council's most
important function is to convey to the
student body the meaning of the
Honor System. Judicial Council
should, ideally, do much more than
distribute campuses; it should strive,
along with the student body, to
understand and live up to the
demands of the Honor System.

Rhodes: First, I think it's important

to make the distinction between
Judicial and Rep Council. Judicial is
not a legislative body: it enforces
policies and regulations established by
Rep and Administration. Of course,
this docs put Judicial in the

position of considering the relevance
of the rules and policies upon which it
is acting, and when it feels changes
need to be made it can and does
recommend those changes to Rep, the
correct legislative authority.
This function of interpreting and

judgement anil actions.

Wilkins: To me, the primary
purpose of Judicial is to safeguard
student government. We, as students,
have to a great degree influenced a
great many of the forward looking
reforms on our campus, and have
Jone so always with the correlative
promise that wc were capable of the
responsibility that goes along with it.
None of tins is any good, however,
unless we arc able both to say with
student confirmation what we will do

enforcing the college's regulations

must be based on the combined and then go on to carry it through,

wisdom of every member of the board The indicator of the success of

plus any other student opinions it can student legislation is not how good it

get, for the more informed the sounds, but how well it works, and

Council is of all views, the more
educated it's decisions are able to be
This is where the Chairman comes in
The Chairman has a responsibility
to be informed of student opinions
towards Judicial's functioning and to
see that all opinions are heard, having
a system of justice is what enables us
to live in a community of trust.
Without some sort of justice we would
live in utter fear and chaos. And the
alternative to a system based on honor
is an administrative police-state. More
than defending a particular set of
rules. Judicial is defending the
concept of honor is a basis for our life
here. Hopefully, for the individual this
type of system brings an awareness of
the trust that is vested in her, of the
confidence that is placed in her

Does board oppose...


Wilkins: As I am not in the position to
know exactly how the PROFILE would define
a liberal versus a conservative Judicial
candidate, I would make the distinction as
being between a person who is consistently
progressive, willing to hear other views, and
taking the more individual and broad-minded
view of the situation, as opposed to one who
would rather tend to uphold and support the
standards of the community fairly literally and
objectively as they now stand.

I do feel thai the conservative assessment of
the three candidates is unrealistic, basically
because Judicial itself is placed in a sort of
halfway position between these two extremes.
Our primary role is to uphold the community
standards as they now stand, and yet we are all
pulled at times by our own sentiments to
interpret the rules more or less literally.

How conservative or liberal an individual is
in this situation is a rather subjective decision
as to how often she is on one side more than
the other. As far as these three candidates, we
are farily moderate. I have seen us on one side
as much as the other, which is not a sign of
inconsistency, but a sign that we are wiiling to
treat each case individually. A moderate
chairman is perhaps the most practical one as
she is willing to let both sides have their say,
which either a violently conservative or liberal
chairman might not, thus overstepping her
position as basically a moderator to the board.

Is it part of the hall judicial's function to be
a personal counselor to students on her hall? If
so, how and where does she draw the line
between her obligation to a friend and her
position, as a member of the board?

Chapman: Only in so far as rules, policies,
and questions concerning honor are involved.
The hall judicial should not be a ''personal
counselor" as such to the students on her hall.

Rhodes: The judicial's function is not to be
a "second conscience" for everyone on the
hall. Every student here has the function of
counseling her friends to some extent; the
judicial, because of her position has perhaps
thought a little more about some aspects of life
here and in this sense does have a greater
responsibility of sharing her conclusions. She
has the same responsibility that every student
has of seeing that the system of honor that we
live under "works." From this perspective, her
obligation to a friend should not conflict with
her position as a member of the board.

Wilkins: There are certain instances in
which it is a part of the judicial's function to
act as a personal counselor to the students on
her hall. This might involve such situations as
advising students what they may or may not
do under the rules, or perhaps talking to an

individual concerning her attitude toward the
whole system mainly with her welfare in mind.

Beyond these necessary counseling rules, it
is not a part of the hall judicial's duty to be a
personal counselor. However, often those
personal qualities that made an individual a
judicial might also be of the kind that invite
students to ask her advice on different matters.
How far she goes in this area is her personal
choice, but it should not overrule her
obligation to the board, which on a higher
plane is also an obligation to the student body,
and paradoxically to that very individual who
is asking for her help from a different position.

What is your position on dorm searches? Are
they necessary or do they infringe unduly on
personal rights?

Chapman: I neither like nor approve of
dorm searches, but feel they are necessary
occasionally to stop theft and disappearance of
articles. Dorm searches do infringe upon
personal rights, but I believe they are necessary
to protect the community as a whole.

Rhodes : I detest the idea of going through
another persons's personal belongings, but they
are held only when the situation in a dorm has
reached the point that the girls in the dorm
desire it, and then only as a very last resort. If
things have reached this point, then I think the
dorm search is necessary. I would like to
investigate what other schools do about similar
problems, and if this still seems the best
method, I would like to see Rep Council pass a
permanent policy regarding dorm searches, for
the protection of Judicial Council as well as

Wilkins: I think that dorm searches are very
rarely necessary at Agnes Scott, but then again,
there is a point at which they become the only
means available to alleviate the problem of
losses. That point comes when losses in a
confined location have consistently involved
such valuable individual property that the
students themselves have requested Judicial

I would never recommend using a dorm
search until I had tried every other method
first (hall meetings, etc.), and unless I felt that
the students involved very generally felt the
need of a dorm search and had so expressed
themselves to me, and unless the situation was
such that there was a good hope of recovering
the lost material and hopefully of curbing the
more general problem of losses.

Unless all of these conditions are met, I do
think that a dorm search is an invasion of
personal rights, but when the situation is bad
enough for the students involved to agree it is
the only way out, then I feel that a dorm
search is justified and necessary to maintain
the free way of life we have here.

that is where Judicial stands. Judicial
is in the position primarily of
upholding what Rep Council
legislates, the added responsibility of
which is to use these rules for students
and not primarily against them, to
anticipate and provide for student
difficulties, and to encourage a
healthy attitude on campus.

What a lot of people forget is that
Judicial is an elected council. It has a
responsibility to the student body to
apply the rules as fairly, as
impartially, and yet as humanely as
possible. It is not a board of specially
endowed people, but a board of
ordinary students with the specific
purpose of maintaining our student
government and when possible making
practical recommendations to Rep
Council concerning reform.

What innovations do you have
planned for your board? Why? How?

Chapman: I would like to see closer
communication between Judicial
Council and other branches of
Student Government and Judicial
Council and the Student body. I
believe Judicial needs to communicate
more closely with both Student
Government (specifically COP and
Rep Council) and the student body
(through more Judicial meetings in
the dorms) to solve questions and
problems and effectuate need rule

By meeting with COP periodically.
Judicial would be in a position to
communicate more closely with
members of the administration and
faculty, as members of both of these
groups are also members of COP. I
think greater communication between
Judicial and the administration and
faculty is desirable to effectuate rule
changes and attain a greater
understanding of the Honor System;
the administration and faculty can
contribute a slightly different
interpretation of the Honor System
and what it entails.

Rhodes: Specifically, I would like
to sec the automatic penalty system
moved to House Council. My reason
for this is not that honor is something
contained in the major policies of the
college and irrelevant to these
regulations of community life, for
honorablcncss is a part of all aspects
of life here, but rather, I think that
the concept, honor, gets bogged down
around here in the "picky ruics." This
change would restore dignity to what
Judicial Council is and would create a
better perspective of the severity of

The structure for change has been
set up now that House Council has
members on each hall. This might
necessitate the election rather than
appointment of H. C. representatives;
it might necessitate, too, a
re-evaluation of Judicial's role on
campus and the reorganization of
Judicial. I think wc need to head in
this direction. I would like to see open
hearings held on questions of concern
to the student body such as Judicial
policies and the penalty system. I
would like to see more board
discussion of campus problems and
Judicial's relation to them.

Wilkins: The innovations 1 would
recommend for Judicial Council
primarily concern pushing for more
communication within studcnl
government and between Judicial and
the student body. The new office of
Vice-Chairman of Judicial will be an
extremely valuable one for promoting
interboard communication. I would

like to see more emphasis on a well
prepared and organized Freshman
orientation from Judicial's side, and
perhaps some follow up meetings later
in the year for l : reshmen and
interested upperclassmen, as a lot of
the points people get is purely from
ignorance of the rules.

I think Judicial can well use its
influence concerning a better placing
of the Honor Pledge and more specific
information being sent to prospective
students. 1 would work for a more
consistent and objective attitude on
the board itself, and would work with
Rep Council ultimately for a handing
over of many of the jobs of Judicial to
House Council.

Most of the improvements on
Judicial, however, involve not reforms
of the board but reforms in attitude.
This can be accomplished by means of
the individual board members, most
likely by more planned general
discussions among them aside from
the actual board meetings when too
much already has to be done.

Do you see a need for more
interboard cooperation? Why and
how? And in what specific areas?

Peggy Chapman

Nancy Rhodes


Rita Wilkins

Chapman: See question number

Rhodes: Basically, I think wc have
the co-operation wc need. Judicial
needs close communication with Rep
Council and has it in the committees,
COP and Rules Committee. Through
both of these Judicial recommends
changes in rules to Rep. Remember
the new drinking policy orgiginatcd in
COP. The president's attendance at
Judicial meetings also maintains close
communication channels between the
two boards. There is need of close
co-operation, too, with House Council
because of the present division in
dorm responsibilities between hall
judicial and house council
representative. At times there has
been need for better communication
here. Judicial has already
recommended to House Council that
joint meetings be held when House
Council is discussing issues relevant to

Wilkins: More interboard
cooperation would certainly be very
valuable. I would like to see more
committees composed of students
from all the boards and a little more
time spent informing each board what
the other boards arc doing. I think
this would lead to a little more
understanding within student
government itself and ultimately more
communication through the individual
board members to the general student
body. A more indicative sampling of
opinion and suggestions and less
doubling of effort would result.





Levy reveals candidates '
reluctance to face questions


Campus News

Elizabeth Mathes
Beverly Walker
Alexa Mcintosh
Catherine Auman
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga. f Post Office.

To the Editor:

A recent "feud" on campus
between the candidates for major
student government offices and the
Porfile has prompted this letter in the
bope that the problem may be
brought to the attention of the
student body and avoided in the

Last quarter, the Profile decided to
change the format of the annual
election issue so that candidates
would submit snswers to questions of
student interest rather than the
traditional articles which were, in
essence, nothing more than a re-hash
of their speech. After making some
adjustments to accomodate criticism
offered by present student

involving Profile me nine is aim

candidates, but never other members

of the student body. Eventually , afjfel

, pressure from critical students and

members ot the stalt who took great / . . . c D

^ I k;..u forced concessions trom the Profile, the

candidates agreed to answer the

government officers, the Profile
proceeded to implement its plans.
The questions were written by

care to formulate questions which
were directed at theproblems that the
new officers would face. In order to
offer the best possible selection of
questions, they made it a point to
consult others in areas where they felt
less familiar. I, myself, was among
those consulted and felt that both the
idea and the questions were excellent.

The day before the questions were
to be distributed, the editor received a
letter signed by all the candidates in
which they refused to answer the
questions which they, as yet, had not
even seen. A series of meetings was
held during the following week,

Candidates disagree...


I think the committee could work
conveniently with Miss Murphy,
through the Vocational Guidance
Office, for that is an excellent
location, with optimum space for
publicity. And I would like to see the
present Ex change/ Intercollegiate
Committee become active in
establishing contact with other
colleges and universities in the area-I
think we could benefit from some
meaningful communication here. Yet,
I do feel that this "out-reaching"
move should not take priority over
internal reform. A balance of
emphasis will be necessary.

What is your position on the
National Student Association at Agnes
Scott? Should the college belong only
to the National Student Institute, the
service organ, or should it also belong
to the National Student Association,
the politically active half? Why or
why not? Do you plan to attend the
NSA summer congress, if elected?

Brown: One of our major
complaints at Scott has been that we
lead sheltered lives. The ironic thing is
that the majority of us when given an
opportunity to get "outside" don't
really want to. ...or at least don't make
an effort to.

The National Student Institute
affords good opportunity for
communication between schools; they
have valuable information on discount
programs, etc. As far as NSA (I'm
speaking here of the "Politically active
half) goes, it depends on whether we
want to continue "sheltering" '
ourselves or not

Ultimately, the decision belongs to
the student body. Personally , I don't
think we've put as much into our
work with NSA as we could have in
the past. I understand that generally
ASC would probably be in the
minority in NSA voting, but that in
itself is certainly no reason for
withdrawal .

Financially, withdrawal would
help our already tight budget. Yet I
think we should try putting more

unused services is consequently used
to support the politically active half
of NSA whose activities have neither
been reported to nor voted on by the
Agnes Scott student body.

Unless interest and participation in
the NSA activities can be instigated on
the ASC campus, then Agnes Scott's
membership in NSA is invalid. Perhaps
one way of insuring that students
participate more actively in NSA
functions would be to make NSA a
minor board with elected class

If elected, I do not plan to attend
the NSA summer congress for two
reasons: (1) I will be working and it
would be impossible for me to take a
two-week vacation, and (2) I feel that
the summer congress, a large
expenditure of money of 750
students, is to the benefit of only two

Kenyon: I should like to see Agnes
Scott remain a member of the
National Student Association, for I
feel that we need this contact with the
national collegiate community.

We need to recognize our
relationship to this "larger" group in
order to understand our part in our
own campus community. And, too, I
feel that Agnes Scott-with other small
liberal arts schools-needs to be heard
more in this organization. We need to
be more aware of the issues, so that
we can take a responsible stand.

NSA offers a great number of
benefits which we might use more
advantageously, were we aware i of
them. Therefore, I want to see more
emphasis of the issues and
opportunities of this organization. We
need this "larger" community
perspective, and that group needs to
hear from us. That organization
cannot speak for the American
students until the different segments
speak up-we have an obligation to
make ourselves heard, rather than to
sit back and criticize.

Since Rep Council is the focal point

effort into NSA (including, if possible, of student government at Agnes Scott

having the student body vote on issues would it be possible, and if so how, to learning which comes as a result of wide but no representation" is phrase

tends to decentralize student interests,
is the most effective. Each board must
work autonomously within its own
area. Yet the diversity of interests is
contained within the structure of Rep
Council itself.

Board presidents arc responsible
not only to their own boards, for
controlling the social, athletic, or
religious areas of student life, but they
are also responsible to the Student
Government Association as a whole.
Rep Council is the focal point of
student government but it must not
focus too intensely on itself lest it
become too narrow to administer
effectively to all areas of student

Kenyon: I would not favor such a
move. I don't think this
"centralization" is either necessary or
feasible-I can't see how it would help
with "the promotion of student
interests" in the least. Rep Council
serves as the "focal point" of
legislative action-it is not, and cannot
become, the "focal point" of all
student activities. Were the other five
boards to be "subordinated" (and
how "subordinate" them other than
by making them into committees?
Heavens! we have too many of those
already!), they would lose much of
their power and independence.
"Student interests" are far better
advanced and protected with the
system as it now works.

What is your concept of the
direction that student government
should take in planning for the
future? What kind of school do you
expect Agnes Scott to be in ten years?
Twenty-five years? How does your
plan for student government fit in
with this conception?

Brown: I think that Student
Government is working and should
work in the direction of making Scott

a place in which students can, with as ^ qucst i on in response to number

few restrictions as possible, carry on onc . Broader-based committees would

the "pursuit of knowledge." I am br ing m the more widely-varying

using knowledge in a board sense here opinions that you speak of her.
to include not only learning in a

classroom situations, but also the type Guill: "A lot of representatives,

fact, initiate it. Policies which grant
more freedom for individual decisions
and responsibilities are presently
under considerations and will receive
more attention in the future.

Kenyon: Student government can
plan for the future only by preparing
for changes that will become
necessary-and this "preparing" can
best be accomplished by keeping all
present channels working and by
opening new ones. For instance, I feel
that the Board of Trustees needs now
to have mof contact with students, in
order for us to understand each other

But these plans can be made only
after we have considered what kind of
college Agnes Scott is-what it stands
for now and what it should continue
to stand for in the future. I think
student government should lead in
such an evaluation, but the interest
and participation of the whole college
community will be vitally important.

I would hope that in the next
10-25 years Agnes Scott will continue
to uphold the high standards of
academic and personal integrity which
make it such a fine institution now.
This "special" combination seems to
be disappearing from other
institutions, but I hope it can remain
alive here. The close relationships
between faculty, administration, and
the students have "saved" this so far-T
hope that these relationships will not
break down.

Many students seem to feel that
they have "a lot of representatives,
but no representation." What do you
think of this assessment? Will you
work to implement and improve
communication between Rep Council
and the individual student? How? Will
you make a conscious effort to bring
in dissident opinions? How?

Brown: I have generally answered

which will come before the Congress) subordinate the functions of other
and then it we find that we are not boards to Rep Council in order to
"gaining' proportionately, we ought centralize the promotion of student

to reconsider our membership.

For the time being, then, I am in
favor of belonging to both branches.
At this point, I have no idea as to
whether 111 be able to attend the
Summer Congress.

Guill: It is my understanding that
it is impossible for a college to belong
only to the service organ of NSA.
Fach college must belong to the
politically active half of NSA as well.
Though NSA has a great deal to offer
college Students in terms of services, I
feel that Agnes Scott should drop her
membership in NSA for two major

( 1 ) Agnes Scott spends
approximately four hundred dollars
yearly for her membership in NSA
and fails to receive, due to her own
lack of interest, an adequate return,

(2) that the money spent for

interests? Would you be in favor of
such a move?

Brown: I'm not sure I understand
the question. Personally I think the
division of labor now represented by
the boards is the most efficient for
our particular situation. Presidents of
boards must submit changes in their
constitutions to Rep and are present
at Rep Council meetings anywav.

I don't really think any more

centralization Ls necessary.

Guill: It would be possible to
subordinate the functions of other
boards to Rep Council. But such a
move, in terms of centralizing the
promotion of student interests, would
be self-defeating. It would weaken the
other boards into ineffectiveness and
probe an administrative headache for
the resulting unwieldy Rep Council.

The present structure, while it

experiences with people. I think, to
this end, that the student body will
become less and less homogeneous in
the years to come and that off-campus
activities will increase.

Guill: It Ls impossible to formulate
a precise picture of Agnes Scott
twenty-five years from now. One
would have to deal in "it would
possibly /probably bc's" and such
speculation would cither be too
conservative or close to science
fiction. But if one can accurately
judge from the trends of the last
twenty-fives, then liberalization is the
key word to the future.

There will possibly be a general
decrease in the regulating of each
student's social and off-campus life.
The emphasis will possibly be shifted
from conformity in social living to
individuality in academic endeavor.
Student government, which is
responsible for shaping the policies
and regulations for student life, will
necessarily move in this direction, in

which has become loosely accepted as
true without much thoughtgiven to its
basis. In the questionnaire distributed
by Representative Council in the
spring of 1968, the majority of the
students answered that they felt
adequately represented by their class
representatives, by Board Presidents,
and by House Presidents.

Furthermore, the majority of the
students answered that they felt free
to come to Representative Council
with questions and suggestions.
Finally, the majority of the students
replied that they were aware of the
work being done by Rep Council.

It would seem, then, that the
statement only applies to a minority
of students. Yet this minority is
vitally important. The final questions
is then, whether it is through the fault
of Rep Council that there arc some
who feel this way or whether it is
through the fault of the individual
student who fails in her responsibility

(CONT. ON P. 5)


However, just because the answers
were finally obtained is no reason to
"brush the issue under the rug" and
pretend that it never happened.
Rather, the nature of this incident
makes it imperative that we bring the
circumstances out into the open and
allow the student body to express its

The candidates' letter was a result
of their desire to present a "united
front" to the students. It has always
been my impression that in a free
election, the voters arc to have a
choice between representatives of
different views. Obviously, this is
impossible when the candidates make
joint decisions, thus deciding
among themselves the basis, and
perhaps outcome, of the election.

Moreover, the fact that the
decisions were reached at secret
meetings meetings held without
student body knowledge and without
consideration for the opinions of
non-candidatcs---further removed
control of the elections from the
hands of those to whom it belonged,
the student voters.

Several reasons were advanced in
defense of the candidates' action.
First, the candidates claimed that they
did not feel they had adequate time to
deal with comprehensive questions.
This argument can certainly be
challenged on several levels. To begin
with, no one, least of all the Profile,
wanted detailed answeres that would
inhibit flexibility in the coming year.

The object of the questions was
merely to have the candidates address
themselves to major issues in general
terms, providing an overview of their
attitude toward policy matters.
Speaking as someone who considered
running for a major office, I can
testify to the fact that these questions
were ones which the individual should
have considered as a factor in her
decision to run, not as an afterthought
to her announcement. Anyone who
finds herself facing these questions for
the first time has no business
presuming to take office.

Therefore, the candidates surely
should have had time to offer a brief
statement of an opinion they already
should have formulated. Moreover,
the time factor remains a questionable
one when it is remembered that the
candidates would have had to submit
original articles in lieu of the
questions. Were these articles
preferable because they would
demand only glittering generalities
instead of direct responses?

Further, some felt that the refusal
was "protecting" the candidates. Why
is it that they need protection instead
of publicity and exposure? Any fear
of journalistic bias should have been
alleviated by the Profile's assurance
that responses would be printed in full
and without any form of editing. It
would seem that the candidates were
being protected from the
constituents perhaps because the
voters would have expected more than
the candidates were prepared to offer?

These observations arc merely the
suppositions and opinions of one
student who was outside the closed
circle of candidates and therefore did
not have direct access to the meetings,
despite the fact that she very much
wanted to. However, I would hope
that they are a valid appraisal of the
relationship between student
government and the students- a
relationship that is not only distant
buy virtually nonexistent. Perhaps
it is time that we let what has
happened during this campaign show
us the major problem areas and move
to correct them. In the future, let us
sec that communication among
officers, candidates, and constituents
is such that elections will be
completely free and open, and that it
will be the norm, not the exception,
for those choosing to run for positions
of responsibility to face issues squarely
and directly. Respectfully,
Janet Levy, '70


R E Week still valid ?

Is Christian Association here still associated with the YWCA as it
has been in the past? What purpose does this connection serve for
your board? For the individual Agnes Scott student?

Betsy Brewer: CA is financially affiliated with the YWCA. The
connection will continue to enable the board and particularly the
individual Agnes Scott student to discover the various programs and
workshops offered by the YWCA. Especially of interest to the
student are the summer programs, i.e. the urban city project in New
York, the Washington, D.C. study project, and the overseas projects.

Judy Mauldin: CA is. at (he present time, affiliated with the YWCA. We
contribute $150 a year as dues and, in return, have access to all
YWCA programs and activities. The YWCA has changed their charter
in the last few years so that they no longer consider Christianity as a
vital part of their program.

Because of this change, because we have not benefited from Y
programs in recent years and because our purpose on campus is not
closely related to that of the Y, I think this connection is of little
actual value to our campus. I do not think the potential value of our
exploiting the Y's programs is very great. 1 would, then, suggest that
we withdraw our affiliate membership from the Y.

Is Religious Emphasis Week still valid at ASC? Why or why not?
Do you plan to continue it as it now is or do you plan to modify it?
If so, how?

Brewer: RE Week is valid anywhere because religion is a prevalent
part of our culture. If RE Week just becomes a look at religion in the
contemporary world rather than a personal inquiry, it still is valid.
See General Questions, number 3, part 3 for the remainder of the

Mauldin: I think RE Week is definitely still valid and will be as
long as even one person is seeking a better understanding of
Christianity. The schedule for RE Week is modified from year to year
in accordance with each speaker's talents and special interests. I
would suggest that the same basic format be maintained, but that we
have only four chapel talks and more opportunities for students to
interact personally with the speaker.

Speaking in the framework of our Reconciliation theme I think
RE Week should be a time which emphasizes man to God
relationships. I think students would welcome an opportunity to take
a break from the perennial lecture situation and really have an
opportunity to discuss personal questions and theological ideas with
the speaker. I think the chapel times should be an opportunity for
worship, not necessarily in a prayer-sermon-benediction sense but in a
i meditative self-expressive, sharing mode.

What purpose does CA serve on this campus? In view of the col-
lege's avowed position in favor of education based on Christian prin-
ciples, do you donsider CA an organ of official policy? If not, what
is CA? Can it be considered a club? If so , how does it differ from
other clubs like Canterbury Club, Westminster Fellowship, etc.?

Brewer: CA serves as an organ of inquiry into the faith and, thus,
an organ of response to the world, particularly to this campus. 1
cannot understand CA as either an organ of official policy or as a
club like the Westminster Fellowship. ..because CA, by being a
responsive organ of awareness including all members of the campus, is
much more flexible and all-encompassing than either definition

Mauldin: CA has attempted to serve every year whatever that
year's board considered its purpose to be. And, in fact, the question
of CA's purpose has been discussed inconclusively by every board for
at least fifteen years. I surmise, therefore, that CA's purpose has been
highly contingent upon each year's board president and cabinet.
Personally, 1 subscribe to the stated purpose of CA in the

As president, I would lead CA, "believeing that the Christian faith
is vital to a full and meaningful life." The Constitution continues,
saying that CA "Strives through its program of worship, study, and
action to know God in Jesus Christ and to deepen the commitment
of its members." 1 think in that people have spiritual needs as well as
social and athletic ones, CA can in this way serve a very meaningful
purpose on our campus.

1 am not sure that I completely understand the implications of
the question, "do you consider CA an organ of official policy?" CA is
not under administrative direction, but is a part of the College's
attempt to nurture interest in Christianity. I think CA's open
membership and its heterogeneity prevent it from being classified as a

Is CAconcerned with organized religion or a more generalized sy-
stem of Christian ethics?

Brewer: CA is concerned with both secondarily, but not primarily.
Its main concern is an inquiry into the meaning of faith.

Mauldin: CA is concerned with individual needs and any means by
which they can be met. We both write letters to freshmen inviting
them to attend Church in Atlanta, and explore Christian ethics in a
less traditional way.

To what do youattributethe campus apathy toward CA as evid-
enced in its financial crises, attendance at chapels, and response to
the King Scholarship Fund? What do you propose to do about it?

Brewer: I am not so sure that there is campus apathy toward CA,
or at least, it cannot be evidenced by these three things. First, there is

not a financial crisis presently. Secondly, attendance at chapels is not
the best anyway. Finally, the King Scholarship Fund at its initiation
accumulated over $ 1 00. The campus does need to know that CA can
finance its program only by individual pledges, that information can
easily be made concerning the scholarship, and that chapel programs
can and will continue to provide relevant programs.

Mauldin: One must consider these "evidences of campus apathy
toward CA" against the background of "campus apathy," (or is it
tiredness?) as a whole. People do not go to chapels anymore no
matter how good they are. Even Hub parties are poorly attended. I
think there has been a shift in campus sentiment toward attending
chapels, vespters, and complins which must be recognized.

1 would agree with the suggestions of this year's board that the
number of chapels be reduced to perhaps two a month, witti vespters
changed to a worship experience during chapel period. Complins
could be kept to a small number of people in order to foster
discussion and interpersonal reaction. CA service projects have,
however, shown a high degree of participation this year and are an
important way in which apathy is overcome by action.

Has CA ever attempted to analyse the required Bible course at
ASC in terms of its importance to students here and the board's pur-
pose? Should the board concern itself in this area?

Brewer: I do not know if CA has ever attempted to analyze the
required Bible course, but I see no need for CA to primarily or
secondarily concern itself with the academic, unless individuals want
to discuss an issue pertaining to the academic.

Mauldin: I do not believe that CA cabinet has formally
discussed the required Bible course. This seems as important concern
for individual students through committee, to pursue, though not
especially appropriate for CA as a board

Do you think CA can actively lead capmus reform? If so, how?

Brewer: I do not believe it is CA's responsibility to lead campus
reform, but CA may be a place for discussion about reform.

Mauldin: No.

Betsy Brewer

Judy Mauldin



as a in ember of the Student
Government Assoeiation.

Rep Council has made a conscious
effort, and will continue both to
communicate with the individual
student and to bring in dissident
opinions. The agenda for each

meeting is posted in advance; the
minutes from each meeting are posted
on class bulletin boards, on the
Student Government bulletin board,
and on each hall: not only are the
meetings of Rep Council itself always
open to students but also the meetings
of the committees of Rep Council arc
always open.

And finally, the representatives
themselves arc the most direct
channels to Rep Council. Yet the fact
remains that when a quorum is needed
to vote on Student Government
business, it can rarely be obtained.
The channels for communications
between the student and Rep Council
are there. But the student, as well as
Rep Council itself, must work
together to keep these channels clear.

Kenyon: I realize that some
students teel they have "a lot of
representatives, but no
representation," but I believe that this
"feeling" is the result of a lack of
communication, between the
representatives and these students,
and not the result of representatives
who are unwilling to listen to student
opinions. 1 would like to concentrate
on widening these channels-so that
other students might understand the
actions of Rep Council and so that the
representatives can "hear" student
feeling better.

The PROFILE and student
government might work together to
inform students of the issues as they
arc to be discussed in Rep Council.
Those students with "dissident"
opinions ought to feel free to come to
the Rep meetings to voice thcir

(CONT. ON P. 8)

General Questions

Why do you want to hold this

Betsy Brewer: For me, this office
means an inquiry into the Christian
faith by means of group inter-action.

Judy Mauldin: Having served as a
CAR my sophomore year, and as
chairman of RE Week on the cabinet
this year, I feel qualified to handle the
administrative duties of the CA
Presidency. More than this, because I
am a Christian I would like to devote
my time next year toward working in
an area which is vitally important to
me - that of learning more about God
through Jesus Christ.

What is your basic concept of your
board or office? What does it do on
the Agnes Scott campus, especially for
the individual student?

Brewer: This C. A. board (and the
office of CA. President) functions as
an organ of inquiry into faith and,
because of this, CA. is an organ of
response to the world, particularly to
the Agnes Scott campus. On the
campus, the board strives to give the
individual an opportunity for
expression in worship, service, and in
discussions with interesting speakers.

Mauldin: CA is an open-ended
Board which is directed by a fourteen
member cabinet, but which consists of
any student who feels in accordance
with its purpose. The activities of the
board seek to fulfill the needs of the
student body. I think the most
important aspect of CA is in personal
inter-action. I believe that CA has
truly been a reconciling force on our
campus this year, not only in its
formal activities, but through the
individual concern which it has
nurtured and which must develop on a
pcrson-to-pcrson basis.

What innovations do you have
planned for your board? Why? How?

Brewer: Innovations:

1. It is necessary to make
well-known the fact that board
meetings are open to all because the
discussions held concerning the
meaning of faith, the validity of faith,
the who and what of God and Jesus
Christ, the meaning of race, the
curiosity of homosexuality, the
problem of alcoholism, etc. need to
involve interested people with
different opinions. CA. can very well
be a center for campus opinions on
any topic.

2. Guests, i.e. doctors, lawyers,
clergymen, teachers, social workers,
"rocking chair philosophers," etc.,
should be invited to board meetings
for needed information and opinions.

3. I would like to explore the
question, "What docs the campus
want in a Religious Emphasis Week?"
Perhaps new possibilities would
involve more and different kinds of
speakers for a symposium effect, or a
different type of speaker, e.g. Gcrt
Bchanna, for a few days (as suggested
by the present board).

4. I suggest that the concept of
CAR be revised in order to be more
effective on this campus. Perhaps the
CAR could become not a person who
feels compelled to hold complin once
a month, but a person who "feels
out" The needs of the hall or cottage
whether they be in the form of a
complin or a party, or whether they
are individual or collective needs. The
CAR must feel that she can do this in
her own way.

Mauldin: Because student needs
seem no longer to be fulfilled by
weekly chapel periods, I would
suggest that CA chapels be reduced to
two per month. Perhaps Sunday night

vespers could be changed to chapel
period and be a type of worship

I would like to have more creative
worship services where students and
faculty members participate. I would
also like to sec CA representatives
more active in board activities. They
could act as rotating committee
members under the direction of the
various cabinet members.

Complins should consist of smaller
groups, but continue to meet about
once a month. Next year CA could
sponsor a scries of student discussions
on various theological ideas, and Bible
study groups for those students who
are interested. This type of activity
has long been neglected by CA and a
need for it has been expressed by
several students.

This year's theme of reconciliation
seems to me so timely and relevant
that I would like next year's board to
pursue it farther, but perhaps, this
time, with greater emphasis on
Man-God relationships.

Do you see a need for more
inter board cooperation? Why and
how? And in what specific areas?

Brewer: At this point, I do not sec a
great deal of need for extra interboard
cooperation other than the "spiritual
cooperation" exemplified in Rep
Council. This does not mean that I am
against interboard cooperation, but
just that I presently cannot sec any
specific areas that need interboard

Mauldin: Interboard cooperation is
an excellent way of bringing together
the ideas, suggestions, and resources
of the various boards. I think some
kind of seminar or chapel scries on
mental health would be the kind of
thing to which several boards could
effectively contribute.




Decline in class spirit ?
Candidates explain why

Garnett Bowers

General Questions

Why do you want to hold this

Elizabeth Crum: I would like to be
President of Athictic Association
mainly because I am interested in AA,
and because I think I am qualified to
do the work. I feel that Athictic
Association makes major
contributions to Agnes Scott campus
life, by adding to class spirit and to
the personal fulfillment of the
students. Therefore I want to give it
my f idlest support. And because I feel
I am qualified, having served on the
board two years, this year as
secretary, to handle the duties of the
office, 1 would like to be President of

What is your basic concept of your
board or office? What does it do on
the Agnes Scott campus, especially for
the individual student?

Crum: My concept of Athletic
Association is a board that should
"promote interest in athletic and
recreational activities among the
students, as a means of creating spirit,
encouraging good sportsmanship, and
developing physical fitness." (AA
Constitution, Article II) In other
words, A A is not out to make physical
fitness nuts out of the campus but to
offer athletic and recreational
activities for those who want to take
advantage of them. AA encourages
each student to participate in athletic
activities as a benefit to her own

For the individual student, A.A.
offers an active outlet for the physical
tension, a way to get involved in
either campus activities or outside

' What innovations do you have
planned for your board? Why? How?

Crum: I have no major innovations
planned for A A. I think the board's
activities this year have been well
planned and carried out. To handle
much more, the board would have to
be expanded. There are a few
procedural changes and activities I
would like to see modified. I think
that a definite rule for practices for
class competition should be
formulated. The point system for
athletic activities needs to be
reworked. Mainly I would like to see
A A offer more recreational activities.
For example, a ski trip for early next
winter quarter.

Do you see a need for more
interboard cooperation? Why and
how? And in what specific areas?

Crum: I think interboard
cooperation has been Quite -ood this
year. If next year's Student
Government can work together as well
as this year's student government will
continue to function smoothly.
Possibly, interboard cooperation can
be expanded, partieularly between
Athletic Association, Christian
Association and Social Council, in the
areas of service projects and
recreational projects. Specifically,
interboard cooperation in these areas
will enable Student Government to
reach a larger portion of the student
body; furthermore, it will facilitate
the planning of larger projects.

Editor*! Note: Garnett Bowers and
Martha Smith preferred to answeT the
general questions in several
introductory paragraphs rather than
responding to each question
individually. The following is the text
of their comments.

Garnett Bowers: My basic concept
of AA is an organization to promote
ithlctic activities on campus,among
the students, for the students.
Furthermore, this is what I think AA
does. All types of activities are open
to the individual student everything
from a fast game of basketball, to a
quiet afternoon in the exercise lab, to
the roar of singing at a Hub party.

The major innovations i have
planned for AA arc to initiate special
activities sooner and to publicize all
activities more extensively. Thi^
would allow the students, as well as
the A A board, to plan ahead for ski
and canoe trips, and for better
participation in all areas. I would also
like to have more open gym nights
and morllub parties. Both of these
provide good outlets for energy built
up during studying.

I think that interboard cooperation
is necessary in all areas and can best
be achieved in Rep Council. Since
Scott is such a small community, I
think everybody can, and should, have
a voice in what is happening. Since the
boards represent various aspects of the
student body in general I think they
should always work together in order
to discover what is "best for the whole
student body.

1 sec AA as a very important
organization on the Scott campus, but
only if each student is aware of its
many activities and takes advantage of
them. I hope to promote A A so that
every student knows of the facilities
available-This, however, is not enough.
The students must participate in these
activities. Any program from AA is
successful only if the students know
what is going to happen when, and
join in. .."en masse".

Martha Smith: Athletic
Association is a valid and vital board
on this campus. AA promotes interest
in recreational and athictic activities
to create spirit and encourage good
sportsmanship. AA
attempts to reach the
individaul student not limiting itself
to improving the capabilities of the
athletically-inclined by providing
many and varied activities for the
students. I am seeking the office of
President of AA because I would like
to contribute my share in continuing
and improving AA's position as a vital
board on the Agnes Scott campus.

There are several innovations I
would like to make on AA if elected
President. There is a definite need for
a re-evaluation of the Spirit Trophy. Is
the Spirit Trophy as meaningful as it
has been in the past or is it merely a
worn out tradition?

I believe the Spirit Trophy is
meaningful and should be continued
but a new means of selecting the
receiver should be established to
provide the necessary incentive to the

I would also like to have a field
day during Spring Quarter. Also a
pool tournement would possibly
increase hub participation.

There is a need for more
interboard cooperation. The President
of AA as a voting member of Rep
Council should reflect not only her
own ideas and opinions but those of
her board. A brief period should be
Set aside in each AA meeting for the
discussion of upcoming Rep Council
topics so that the President can cast
her vote as representative of her
board. This is the main avenue for
more interboard cooperation.

Do you see AA as a major avenue for
inter-collegiate contacts? Would you work to
increase or modify these contacts in any way?

Garnett Bowers: I think AA should work
primarily towards individual and inter-class
activities on campus. If inter-collegiate
contacts would interfere with any campus
activity, I don't think we should participate.

Elizabeth Crum

Martha Smith

However, I think inter-collegiate contacts are
good and should be promoted in relation to
student (the players as well as the spectators)
interests and time available.

Elizabeth Crum: The way Agnes Scott is
structured now, I do not see AA as a major
avenue for inter-collegiate contacts. Granted,
athletics has possibilities for inter-collegiate
contacts. But Agnes Scott is an academic and
not an athletic institution.

To become a major avenue for
inter-collegiate contacts, Scott would have to
have a varsity team for each of the major
sports that practices regularly and plays a set
schedule of games. As students are well aware,
the academic program of Agnes Scott is not
geared to this type athletic program. I would
like to see Agnes Scott concentrate less on
matches with individual colleges and more on
sponsoring or attending one or two, at the
most, playdays or tournaments.

Martha Smith: AA is an avenue for
inter-collegiate contacts only on a limited
basis. There rs not enough time available for
the amount of practice necessary for serious
inter-collegiate competition. Inter-collegiate
contacts on the basis of recreational enjoyment
such as playdays should be continued and

Do you think there has been a decline in
class spirit, as evidenced in attendance at class
athletic events and traditional ASC activities?
Why or why not?

Bowers: Yes, I do think that there has been a
decline in class spirit, especially at the weekly
class games. I would contribute this general
lack of attendance partly to the five-day week,
and partly to lack of interest. This is a difficult
problem which involves the best times to have

Due to labs throughout the week, Friday
remains the best single choice, but it is
obviously not good enough. I would like to
find a time that is more suitable, if at all
possible. In spite of the trouble with class
games, I think the Hub parties have been a
great success and displayed individual spirit.
Although there have only been a few parties
this year, everybody who came brought
enough spirit and laughter to contribute to a
good time.

Crum: Yes, I think there has been a definite
decline in class spirit. In fact at the 1968
Student Government retreat and at the 1969
retreat, AA discussed this problem, trying to
pin point the reason for the decline and then
to revive spirit. This loss of spirit has been
particularly noticeable during basketball this
year. With the new five day week so many girls
are leaving for the weekend that it was hard for
the classes to field teams, much less spectators.

Smith: There has been a decline in class
spirit in terms of class athictic events and
traditional ASC activities. Class spirit has

declined not on the part of the participating
teams but because of the lack of interest by
the students as a whole who fail to provide
spirit as spectators.

Class spirit in Black Cat was considerably
mitigated by the weather conditions this year.
The excitement and rivalry of the first hockey
game which had to be cancelled this year adds
greatly to class spirit and introduces the
Freshmen to class competition and spirit.

Also, not having the Hub during Fall Quarter
has contributed to the decline in class spirit.
Another factor is that the spirit trophy did not
seem as indicative of spirit as it has in the past
which has dampened the classes' efforts to
promote spirit. Finally, the decline in class
spirit is a part of the overall lack of enthusiasm
which prevails on campus.

Do you think class spirit is the major
component of enthusiasm for AA or is it based
on personal fulfillment?

Bowers: I think individuals come out for
AA both for class spirit and for personal
fulfillment, and those who come out at first
just for one of these reasons usually find that
they are soon joining in for both self and class.
Like anything else, a person does not know
how much she can get out of AA activities
until she puts something in.

Crum: I think a combination of class spirit
and personal fulfillment are the major
components of enthusiasm for AA. There are
girls who participate in athletic events neither
for personal fulfillment or enjoyment, but
because the class needs them to have a team.
There are probably many more girls who
participate in athletic events for personal
fulfillment rather than class spirit. This is
particularly true with the individual sports,
where the time played could be recorded for
AA points; however, the majority of individual
AA points that are earned are rarely recorded.

Smith: Enthusiasm for A A is a combination
of personal fulfillment and class spirit.
Sutdetns who participate in the class team
sports enjoy playing on a personal level. The
group interaction and sense of playing together
as a team for a common cause, which teams
sports provide, engenders class spirit.

What role should AA play in charity projects
like that at the Juvenile Home? Should these
be left to CA? Why or why not? Do you, if
eiected, feel a major commitment to encourage
students to involve themselves in activities

Bowers: I do not think that charity projects
should be left entirely to CA. AA and CA
could easily, and profitably, work together on
these projects, since both organizations have
diverse, yet needed, abilities to offer. I feel
that any student who really wants to should
become involved in off-campus activities and
AA should continue to help sponsor such
programs as the Juvenile Home.

Crum: I think in projects like the Juvenile
Home AA should definitely participate. AA
offers these young girls athletic and
recreational activities that they would
otherwise miss. I think with service projects
there is room for interboard cooperation. For
example, with the Juvenile Home project,
during winter quarter when the weather is too
bad to go outside, Social Council could
instruct the girls in grooming and etiquette.

I think that involvement in off-campus
activities is strictly up to the individual
student. The only encouragement necessary for
interested students is making off-campus
activities available.

Smith. AA\s role in projects such as the
Juvenile Home should be on a specific and
limited basis so that these projects will not
conflict with the functions of CA. It was felt
that the Juvenile Home project would not only
provide service but also recreation which is a
goal of A A.

If elected, my major committment will not
be involvement in off-campus activities but the
fostering of spirit and athletic participation
which I feel is the major goal of A A.



Changes needed in Dance Weekend ?

When Jess than a third of the Agnes
Scot i populationattended the recent
Winter Dance Weekend, how can you
justify expending so much time, effort
and money on this project? What are
some improvements or alternatives to
this weekend? Please be specific.

Mary Wills Hatfield!: The Winter
Dance is well justifiedby the mere fact
that quite a few students enjoy this
activity and deem it an important
event of the school year. There is,
however, some need for alternations
in the planning of the Winter
Wcek-End. At the present, we are
involved in correspondence with
several other women's colleges to find
out how other schools set up plans for
any activities similar to our Winter
Dan One alteration we might make
in our planning is a change in the
financial means for the dances. One
suggestion has been that we receive a
supplement in our budget, specifically
for the dances. Social Council hopes
to offer the best sort of activities
during the Winter Wcek-End, so that
the week-end will be even more
inviting to students.

Marilyn Merrell: justifying Winter
Dance Weekend is quite simple to me.
Those girls who come, buy tickets and
their money plus a supporting dance
fund finances the dances. The time
and efforts expended on the Weekend
are worthwhile in my opinion even if
only-third of the student body

Yet as mentioned earlier, Social
Council or any other board cannot
reach that segment of the student
body who is unwilling to participate.
However, I truly doubt that over
two-thirds of the student body is
apathetic toward Winter Weekend or
anything else.

Therefore, since the Board must
always strive first and foremost to the
majority of the student body, it seems
apparent that to serve. Social Council
must again objectively scrutinize the
whole idea of Dance Weekend. Then if
revamping, reorganizing, rearranging is
needed, certainly the very remedy
must be sought and applied.

One specific improvement in
Winter Weekend would be more
money, which in turn means
continuing with big-name bands,
continuing to sell split tickets without
loss, and numerous additives. The
expense incurred with such an event
as our Winter Dance Weekend is
incredible. Raising the cost of tickets
to $10 would help, but still would not
raise sufficient funds to present the
kind of weekend in which I feel more
Scott studentswouldparticipatc.

Not only Social Council but the
entire student body should examine
the concept of Winter Dance

Mary Wills Hatfield

Weekend. Then if the majority of
students feel another type of social
activity would better benefit the
campus, Social Council could initiate
another yearly event to replace it.

Do you think Social Council
should attempt to offer any
alternatives to the fraternity party
syndrome? If so, how? Do you have
any specific suggestions to offer
especially for the freshman, in terms
of mixers etc.? Do you think students
would respond to such a program?

Hatfield: Social Council can not be
any means compete with the
fraternities, but there arc certain
social activities which the Board offers
that the fraternities do not provide.
For example, what fraternity has
sponsored a college bowl game, or
even a dating game? As for any
suggestions which our Board might
offer along the line of mixers, we
might say that Social Council docs not
provide simply "mixers qua mixers"
because in the past they have proved

unsuccessful, according to the
students' response.

Merrell: No, Social Council should
offer no alternatives to the fraternity
party syndrome Especially for
freshmen a mixer could be arranged
with Tech's and Emory's frat pledge
classes, soon after pledge weeks are
over in the early fall. At this time of
the quarter freshmen are just
begmning to get ready to meet some
more new people Mixers per sc offer
little motivation to upper classmen.

H owever, if there is enough
interest, I would personally like to sec
some mixers planned for Scott,
Emory, Tech, Ga. State, Oglethorpe
all together with possibly swap-around
nights -i.e. ,go to different campuses",
here intcrboard cooperation could aid
in planning mixers with more than
mere bridge and popcorn. But instead
if some types of entertainment,
whether lecture, discussion, athletics,
or whatever, were interspersed, then
appeal would proliferate.

One stigma about these
get-togethers must be dispelled prior
to hope for much participation. And
this is the idea that Socaal Council is
hereby running a dating bureau
through mixers or the old Hub
Casuals. On the other hand, the Board
is actually attempting to provide an
environment in which Scotties can
meet boys on a friendship basjs, not
just to find a date for Saturday

Do you think Social Council
should assert itself in effecting social
change on the campus? What about in
the areas of the drinking policy and
the apartment policy specifically?
Would you work for change in these

Hatfield: Yes.
Social Council should assert itself in
activity involving social change. If the
Board is to function as an effective
social board, it should constantly
sense the needs of the students and
should be actively involved in
providing for all these needs.

The changes which have been
recently made in the drinking and
apartment policies, for example, arc
steps forward; but if further changes
should present themselves as
necessary, campus leaders, including
members of Boards concerned with
the area of campus life which is in
question, should exercise their power
in bringing about these changes.

Merrell: Since Social Council has a
purpose to support and work with
other boards, including ludicial and
Representative Councils, then the
Board docs help formulate and
modify policies, though rather
indirectly. Concerning the drinking
and apartment policies, I sec no
needed changes presently.

Marilyn Merrell
It seems that Social Council
perhaps encourages selfishness in the
Agnes Scott student in the sense of
focusing only on ways to have a more
fun and dates. What is your response
to this statement? Should Social
Council attempt charity projects of
any kind or attempt to involve the
student off-campus in ways other than
dating and so-called social events?

Hatfield: My response to the
statement, "It seems that Social
Council perhaps encourages
selfishness..., " is that the questioner
obviously has shown through her
choice of words a lack of
understanding of our Board's actual
program. The Board is not "focusing
only on ways to have more fun and

Providing for the students' social
needs usually entails providing for the
students a more casual atmosphere as
a sort of break from the academic life.
The activities that Social Council

plans can or cannot involve
dates.There is usually a wide enough
variety of activities (e.g., from the
bridge tournament to Student-Faculty
Coffees to the Winter Dance), so that
aim o sail students can actively
participate in and enjoy some of the
social events planned by the Board.
As to Social Council's involve-
ment, off campus one
might comment that in the past there
has been no real off-eampu-
involvement because eharity projects,
for example, are much better suited to
the activities of CA than to those of
Social Council. Our Board, as is stated
in our purpose, should focus toward
service to the campus community
within our specific capacities.

Merrell- niy response: enraged and
unbelieving. Social Council seeks to
unite the student body with itself,
with its faculty and staff, and with the
outside world through social activities
and events. Therefore, I seriously
question the idea that Social Council
focuses attention primarily towards

On the other hand, in many
campus discussions the solution to
what is missing at Scott and what
causes the winter quarter blues has
been lack of men as friends, not just

dates. Therefore, in our situation the
responsibilities of some means for
meeting boys on a friendship basis
falls upon Social Council.

I personally feel that eharity
projects arc needed and should be
available for student participation.
However, I do not feel that these
projects are solely Social Council's
domain, ere again Social Council
through intcrboard cooperation could
help sponsor and lead the campus in
eharity projects.

The popularity of the Hub seems
to have declined markedly since it was
not open during fall quarter and since
social smokers were opened in the
dorms. Can you propose any ways to
use it to better advantage? Please be

Hatfield: the decline of the
popularity of the Hub is no serious
problem. The hub is merely a sort of
student activities building where
anyone in the campus community
may go to engage in various social
acitivitics, such as card games, or pool
games, or just sitting and talking. The
fact that the Hub could not be open
during fall quarter was unfortunate
because the freshmen did not become
accustomed to enjoying the Hub, as

people have enjoyed it in the past.

However, now that the Hub is
open, most likely students will

gradually start going there more often.
The sunbathing deck should be
expecially inviting during spring
quarter. The fact that we have such a
well-equipped and attractive Hub,
where students may go at their own
will, is reason enough to say that the
Hub is a benefit to the eampus, in
spite of the number of students who
go there regularly.

Meirell: Agreed the popularity has
certainly declined. However, this
decline began previously and
particularly with graduation of the
classes of '67 and 4 68. Plus the
unfortunate delay with the Hub's
opening until just before finals fall
quarter reinforced the habits of not
going to the Hub for studying,
smoking, relaxing.

Possibly a Hub focus time could
provide a refreshing study break and a
time for everyone to gather for
visiting. Each night from 5:30 to 7
p.m. have a play-time in the Hub
when everyone could come together
for a visit with campus friends Bridge,
pool, or just watching TV offers
relaxation and a convenient time to
make, renew, or just sustain

General Questions

Why do you want to hold this

What is your basic concept of your
board or office? What does it do on
the Agnes Scott campus, especially for
the individual student?

What innovations do you have
planned for your board? Why? How?

Do you see a need for more
intcrboard cooperation? Why and
how? And in what specific areas?
Mary Wills Hatfield:

This past year has been a year in
which Social Council has made
considerable progress in its program.
This has been a year of growth and
expansion. For example, the increase
of the size of the Board has enabled
Social Council to reach more students
actively, while also contributing to a
higher degree of operation and
achievement. The innovations and
progress made by this year's Board are
to be commended, but there is still
room for change and improvement.

In order for Social Council to
effectively fulfill it purpose of
coordinating social events and
providing for the social needs of the
campus, the Board must be one which
is sensitive to the needs of the
students. The Executive Board,
consisting of the four elected officers,
has the responsibility of appointing
Board members from students who
petition for membership.

This method of appointing
members has proved to be an effective
one, for the petitions tell which
students arc interested in and
qualified for Social Council work.

Wc need members who will make
Social Council a spirited and dynamic
Board. The various committees must
also be thoughtfully appointed,
according to talents and interests of
the members. We need a diversified
yet co-operative Board next year.

Not only is there need for
co-operation among Board members,
but there is also a need for
co-operation between Social Council
and the other Boards. The past Boards
have worked well together to achieve

many of the changes which Agnes
Scott has so recently seen. Social
Council, as one of the major Boards,
can be quite active in other phases of
campus life. With a Board which is
sensitive to the social needs of the
students, Social Council should be
very capable of working toward
further progress, for example in the
social regulations.

Certainly all of us hope to sec
continued advancements in all phases
of Agnes Scott life. With the spirit and
determination of so many students,
and under the guidance of capable,
concerned leaders, progress will
continue on our campus.

Marilyn Merrell: Social Council
Board is a campus organization
designed to organize, lead, and direct
social affairs and eneourage social
involvement for all students. To be a
well-rounded individial, I believe one
must be able to live with and
appreciate her neighbors, her
community, and her world. The only
way to know how to interact with
society is through involvement and
participation within that group. Social
council's roles on our campus fulfill
vital andproliferatingneeds.

The various roles of the Board, as I
sec them, consists of providing a
means for each student to come in
contact with students, faculty, and
the outside world. Another purpose of
Social Council as a representative
campus organization is to solicit the
social needs of our campus and
seek ways to fulfill them.

Soliciting: through Board
members' recommendations as
representatives of the student body,
through the student body's
suggestions,* through individuals' ideas.
Fulfilling: through Board members 1
plans and work, through outside help,
through student interest and

Social Council Board has many
aims and goals to fulfill.
Unfortunately, oftentimes wc have
intcrprctatcd the fulfillment of these
aims and goals in petty or
unencompassing ways. Therefore, I
believe Social Council should continue
as wc began this year with much
introspection into our projects and
their purposes. Having a relatively
small number of Board members,
Social Council members must devote
their time and energy toward fulfilling
the true social interests of the
students in ways which the students
support, recommend, and enjoy.

Social Council in my opinion needs
to continue evaluating the aims and
purposes, then evaluating the
programs. Student opinions and
suggestions should be sought, should
be evaluated in light of our capacity
to carry -out feasibly such ideas, then
should be activated to meet the
demands of the student body.

Only by providing genuinely
worthwhile programs can a Board
expect reaction and participation.
Personally, I agree to the old addage
"You reap what you sow." But first
our Board must provide Agnes Scott
with programs from which a student
can reap rewards worth the time and
energy she invests in any acitvity.

Specific innovations for Social
Council Board arc impossible to
ascertain by a "possible president"
alone. Our programs require the
interest time, and support of all Board
members. However, in my wandering

dreamy idealist thoughts, I would like
to sec Social Council strive to reach
more students whether it be through a
watermelon race, a Spring informal
dance on the hockey field, an outdoor
concert, a merger with Tech for Social
events, or whatever.

Ironical the question about
intcrboard cooperation should appear,
for this concept captivated my
attention long ago. Through mergers
with other boards I can sec much
strength for involving more students.
Social Council can, and 1 believe
should, work in a pivotal position
helping to unite all the eampus and
assist jointly other Boards, whose
programs, afterall, are also social


For example, I can imagine Social
Council and Athletic Association
uniting to plan a Playday in the
spring-tennis, gym facilities, kick ball,
all the favorite sports could be
organized. Even Tech and Emory
could be invited. (And not just boys,
but girls too. We need to meet both
factions and know both sides of the
question about eocd schools.)
Afterall, a "social event" docs not
necessarily mean a date nor a dating
service. Nor docs mere presence of a
male constitute a "social
event." Intcrboard cooperation
could make possible many innovations
for our campus. The entire campus
could be united and thereby the spirit
of Scott would be strcngthed if the
various phases of our life (judicial,
Christian, athletic, social) can be
harmonized and integrated. Here again
Social Council by its very nature can
act as a strong integrating force to
initiate this harmony between our
major boards and for our campus.

I wish to serve on Social Council
Board in the capacity of President for
several reasons. First, I believe this
Board can render needed services to
the student body. With its powerful
potential I hope this Board realizes its
capacity and activities its resources.
Secondly, the programs Social Council
supports have been and should
continue to be closely evaluated and
purpose-directed. Finally since I enjoy
working with and being with people, I
suppose I think everyone docs.
Regardless, I do know everyone
should have the chance and Social
Council Board can provide that very


MARCH 26, 19b 1 )

Skardon will support
Sunday parietals here

How do you plan to increase
this year's trend toward House
Presidents Couucil becoming the
sixth major board? Why is such a
move desirable?

With major organizations on
campus to represent all of the
important phases of our life at
ASC (academic, religious,
athletic, social), there is a need to
increase the trend toward making
House Council into the sixth
major board. The positive or
negative living environment can
definitely stimulate or retard the
development of the individual

As a major influence in our
relationships one with another,
House Council should respond to
the student in her individual
situation. However, at the same
time there should be an increase
in the trend toward giving the
students as a whole more
freedom with more
responsibility. The centralization
of dormitories can further both
of these desired results.

Do you favor a move toward
individual dormitories becoming
more self-contained and self-ruled
with, for example, living rooms
open at all times so that visitors
could come directly to the dorm?
If so, how can this plan be

In favoring a move toward
individual dormitories becoming
more self-contained and
self-ruled, I would like to see the
living rooms open at more times
so that visitors could come
directly to the dormitories. To
implement this plan, the students
would have to agree to an
increase in hostess duty.
However, under the present
situation with the living rooms
used as studies and with the
problem of safety, it would be
impractical to open the living
rooms at all times.

Do you favor removing
automatic penalties, like those
involving the sign-out cards, from
under the jurisdiction of Judicial
Council to become the
responsibility of House Couucil?
Why or why not?

Ideally, I wholeheartedly
support the removing of the
automatic penalties, like those
involving the sign-out cards, from
under the jurisdiction of Judicial
Council to become the
responsibility of House Council.
This would enable Judicial
Council to put the concept of
honor in a clearer perspective and
at the same time would give to
House Council those issues with
which it is most vitally


Under the present situation,
the transfer of the automative
penalties from Judicial Council to
House Council would first entail
a restructuring of both Judicial
Council and House Council and a
re-evaluation of the point system.

Do you foresee that House
Council members will one day be
elected by the student body at

I favor and actively support a
system of parietals at Agnes Scott
so that students could entertain
male visitors in their dormitory
rooms. Student consent,
however, must be obtained
beforehand to allow male visitors
in their rooms for limited lengths
of time, i.e. on Sunday
afternoons. With student
approval and a feasible plan, this
system could be extended.

General Questions

Sally Skardon

large or by individual
dormitories, rather than being
appointed as they now are? Why
or why not? And do you expect
this change within your term in

With the past election of
House Council members by
individual halls, House Council
members have not proved to be
enthusiastic, interested, or
concerned as those who have
petitioned to be appointed. The
appointed members have been
much more effective and have
often based their selection and
preference of individual
dormitories on the newly-elected
house president.

Can House Presidents Council
work for campus reform in broad
areas like the apartment policy,
for example? Why or why not? If
you think so, how?

House Presidents Council can
work for campus reform in broad
areas. As an important voice at
ASC, House Presidents Council
should always be concerned with
the improvement of Agnes Scott
as well as and by means of the
development of the student.
House Presidents Council can
both initiate reform and support
reform sponsored by other
organizations and individuals.

Would you favor a system of
parietals of Agnes Scott so that
students could entertain male
visitors in their dorm rooms at
certain hours during the week?
Why or why not? If you favor
such a change, would you
actively work for it next year?

Editor's note: Sally Skardon chose
to write a general introduction to her
candidacy for chairman of House
Presidents Council rather than
answering each general question

House Presidents Council this year
has expanded into becoming the sixth
major board on the Agnes Scott
campus. As a vital link between the
student and her environment, House
Presidents Council is to be both
responsible for and responsive to each
student and her living situation.

As a candidate for the offacc of
Chairman of House Presidents
Council, I will continue the move
toward the centralization of
dormitories and will further expand
the area of freedom with
responsibility. I will attempt to

strengthen this board, tor it does
represent a major aspect of our life at
Agnes Scott College.

Interboard cooperation should be
increased but not to the extent that
the activities of the individuals boards
arc subordinated to it. Cooperation
among boards can be most beneficial
with well-informed members and
improved communication.

As a major channel of expressing
student opinion, Rep Council is an
effective instrument in improving
interboard relations. Discussing the
agenda of Rep Council and discussing
other important aspects of the other
boards and of House Council will
permit my voting and participation at
Rep Council to be representative of
the opinions of my board members
who are actively representing the
student body.

SGA General


year. It will require a "looking out" as
wc look inward. And it will involve
the entire campus community-a
1 k u n i te d- wc- sta ncP* e f f ort .

But I do not mean to defeat
individualism; on the contrary, I feel
that the individuality of each student,
faculty member, and administrator is
just as important as the corporate
community spirit. I would hope that
everyone might feel free to be himself
and still feel at home in the campus
community. I want to work toward a
real understanding of what Agnes
Scott is and should be-and to uphold
the integrity that is so basic to the

These hopes for next year arc not
things that can be legislated; yet, I feel
that Rep Council is the group who can
lead in this effort to unite the campus
community while keeping the larger
world community in mind. This goal
can be furthered through continued
rcforms-which will definitely be a
large part of Rep Council's work for
next year; but I hope that these
specifics can be instituted with this
greater goal always in sight.

Interboard co-operation will be a
big factor, but the best means will be
the interest and participation of
everyone. This will require an
eagerness to listen to "dissident"
opinions and a sincere
"openmindedness," but I don't think
these are impossible. We can all find a
common conviction in the high ideal
of "academic integrity," and castles
can be built from there. I am eager to
work for such a venture.

Decline in class,,.

Candidates disagree..,


l'c clings. Individual representatives
might be available to talk with
minority groups-a great deal of their
apparent "insensitrvity" is because
they are not aware that these feelings
exist. And this is not their fault - too
many students never bother to make
their gripes known. But the real
conflict is between the "individual"
and the "community" interests-I
want to work to unite the two
without destroying either-and I
believe this is possible.

What is your position on the A A UP
statement on student rights and

freedoms? Is this statement needed at
Agnes Scott? Why or why not? If so,
how do you plan to have it

Brown: omit
Cuill: Omit.

Kenyon: I believe that the Agnes
Scott Chapter of the A A UP voted
with our interests at heart. They
closed this issue then-there fore, I
don't feel that this question is


Is AA primarily an organization to provide
athletic outlets for students if they wish them
or does the board seek to encourage the
improvement of students' physical health?

I have always looked to AA to provide
athletic outlets. There is nothing better, to my
knowledge, to relieve the tensions of study
than a good workout. (1 would think that this
type of exercise promotes mental as well as
physical health, also.) AA does provide many
facilities for the improvement of the student's
physical health such as the exercise lab, the
pool, and open gym on Wednesday night.

Crum: I think that AA should primarily
offer athletic outlets for students who wish to
take advantage of them. By participating in
athletic events, students improve their physical
health. Requiring a certain number of practices
before a student may participate in an athletic
contest, AA is attempting to improve both
physical health and athletic ability.

Smith: Athletic Association promotes
interests in athletic activities as well as
developing physical fitness. Although A A
provides for the improvement of physical
health, the primary emphasis of AA is
providing for athletic outlets for the students.

It has seemed that in recent years the Hub
and Hub parties have been used for little more
than selling sweatshirts. Do you agree with this
statement? Why or why not? Do you have any
specific suggestions for using the Hub better or
for increasing participation at Hub parties?

Bowers: I do not agree with this statement
Although sweat-shirts have been on sale at
every Hub party, they may not have been the
major objective of the parties. Most people
stay long after the food and sweatshirts are
gone to sing and have fun. Judging from the

participation during this year, I think the Hub
parties have been a success, with lots of spirit
dominant. I can only hope that the turn-outs
will be as good next year and that there can be
many more parties. A party's always fun if
you take the time to enjoy yourself.

Crum: 1 do not think that recently the Hub
parties have been used "for little more than
selling sweatshirts." In recent years the Hub
has housed the Garrett; it is used for Thursday
chapels; it has been used during Winter Dance
Weekend; until this year, it was used as the
center of the first day of freshmen orientation;
the Hub houses the pool table, which is used a
good bit; finally, Hub parties do not consist
just of selling sweatshirts; one also finds many
students taking advantage of the food and
singing-more studetns than are buying

I think that the Hub can and will be used to
better advantage next year. A good bit of the
problem this year was that the Hub was not
opened untotil after Thanksgiving and people
had got used to meeting in other places. The
main thing that can increase participation at
Hub parties is by planning different types of

Smith: The purpose of Hub parties is
definitely not selling sweatshirts. There are
several reasons why AA sells sweatshirts at Hub
parties: ( 1 ) it is a service to the students, (2) it
is a means of attracting students who otherwise
might not come, (3) it is a means for AA to
raise money.

The primary purpose of Hub parties is for
spirit and a sense of campus unity. Hub parties
are a welcomed thirty-minute break from
academics. The responsibility for increasing
participation at Hub parties cannot be placed
wholly upon any one board butmustbe placed
upon the students themselves.

Co -optatioti




Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

APRIL 11, 1969

Board Presid

Editor's Note: Merely for its own information the
Profile staff began to organize the statements made in
the election issue of March 26 by the new ASC
student government. The following statements are the
result of a reading of that issue and of an interview
with the six major board presidents. Hopefully this
will give some idea of their plans and the ideas that
fuller knowledge of their offices has brought. The
article was researched by Fran Fulton, Janice
Johnston, Linda Laney, Norma Shaheen, Ginny
Sfmmons, Bev Walker, and was collected by Elizabeth

Dusty Kenyon, the President of Student
Government and an English major, stated that the
major emphasis of student government this year will
be better communication on campus.

Major legislative emphasis will be placed on
empowering House Council to take over many Judicial
functions. Dusty also advocates retention of
membership in the National Student Association and
the Intercollegiate committee. She will be unable to
attend the NSA convention because she will be in
England at the time.

Dusty did not advocate further centralization of
student government in order to make Rep Council
dominant. She does plan more contact between
student government and the Board of Trustees.

Nancy Rhodes, Judicial Chairman, made three
distinct suggestions in her election article. She called
for a permanent policy on dorm searches to be drawn
up by Rep Council, suggested that open hearings be
held to sample student opinion and that student
participation be welcomed at Judicial meetings.
Nancy also stated that the link between honor and
Judicial should be strengthened and clarified.

She stated emphatically that Judicial was not in a
position to instigate campus reform, but rather to
evaluate and recommend it. She made a clear
distinction between Rep Council's legislative power
and Judicial.

Judicial is now establishing a joint committee with
House Council to study the possibility of turning the
automatic penalty system over to House Council.

Judy Mauldin, President of Christian Association,
said that she had not yet had time to discuss specific
plans with her board. Her objectives are thus general,
the same ones that she described as a candidate.

According to Judy, CA has a two-fold purpose; it
must develop both personal involvement and
off-campus commitment. Judy plans to increase the
discussion of committment on a person-to-person
level, re-evaluating Religious Emphasis Week to
include more personal contact.

Although unable to say anything specific about
the content of chapels, she sees this area as one in
need of change - perhaps the number of CA chapels
will have to be decreased.

Mary Wills Hatfield, President of Social Council,
said that the major issues for the spring will be
planning Orientation and Winter Dance Weekend. She
is interested in getting more people involved in
Orientation, especially in planning Black Cat.

In the hope of offering a wider variety" "of
activities, mixers on Sunday and Wednesdays will be
continued. Outdoor activities with boys from Emory
and Tech. movies, the fashion show, and a


ents emphasize
on in plans

student-faculty coffee will be offered.

Elizabeth Crum, President of Athletic Association,
said that she would like to continue and extend a
program that AA worked toward this year - namely,
seeing activities open to a broader range of students
rather than just the athletically inclined.

Sally Skardon, Chairman of House Presidents'
Council, sees her main objectives as a continuation of
the move toward centralization of the dorms and
further expansion of the area of student freedom
with responsibility. She is interested in a re-evaluation
of the sign-out system, a transfer of automatic
penalties from Judicial to House Council.

In her election article, Sally came out in favor of
parietals. She also saw appointed House Council
members as more effective and enthusiastic than
those who did not petition but were elected.

Board Presidents pose with other elected officials.
They are Judy Mauldin, Elizabeth Crum, Mary Wills
Hatfield, Nancy Rhodes and Dusty Kenyon.

Nixon discusses federal aid,
the campus demonstrator

Dr. Klaus Mehnert, visiting Phi Beta Kappa lecturer,
chats with Agnes Scott senior Terri Langston.

by Janice Johnston
Features Editor

The Nixon administration has brought to the
attention of college administrators provisions of two
acts passed by the last Congress which affect the
status of student demonstrators who are receiving
financial aid from the government.

The President pointed out that the Congress has
already given university administrators the right to
ask for the withholding of federal funds from
students found guilty of violating criminal statutes.

Under certain conditions the student can be
denied aid under the following programs; National
Defence Educational Act loans, Educational
Opportunity grants, federally guaranteed loans,
college work-study, government fellowships, National
Science Foundation, and National Aeronautics and
Space Administration grants.

The 1969 appropriations bill for the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare, which provides the
money for the programs mentioned above has a
provision attached to it that says "no part of the
funds... Shall be used" for aid to any student or
faculty member "convicted by any court of general
jurisdiction of the use of or assistance in the use of

Klaus Mehnert
on worldwide

Managing Editor

Klaus Mehnert, guest lecturer in history for the
past week comes from a varied and interesting
academic background. He holds the position of
professor of political science at' the Institute of
Technology, Aachen, West Germany and has just
completed a stint at the University of California at
Berkeley as guest professor.

Professor Mehnert is interested in student youth
movements and elaborated on this theme to two
students in an interview. His Phi Beta Kappa address
also covered this same topic. He touched on student
unrest in various countries before commenting on the
situation in the United States.

Students in Czechoslovakia had been the most
successful in attaining their goals, he began. "Three
important events were first visible in the younger
generation, among the students. But in
Czechoslovakia, there was a peculiarity. There the
students were not isolated as in other countries; the
students and a great part of the adult intelligentsia
and the workers were together, due to the fact that
they had one common enemy, Soviet pressure."

Professor Mehnert continued, Jan Palach was a
symbol for the whole of Czechoslovakia, not just one
student. "He also made a dinstiction concerning the
goals of the Czech students. l What they wanted," he

force, trespassseizure of property under control of
the college to prevent officials or students from
engaging in their duties or pursuing studies."

A provision of amendments to the Higher
Education Act of 1968 applies if students participate
in a protest but are not arrested. The student can be
denied only if his school determines that he "willfully
refused to obey (its) lawful regulation or order and
serious nature and contributed to a substantial
disruption of the ad ministration' ' of the institution.

These provisions, which President Nixon says will
be enforced, are under discussion in the House higher
education subcommittee chaired by Representative
Edith Green. The Green committee has heard
testimony for and aginst aid cut-off.

Representatives of National Education Association
and its student affiliate SNEA called for repeal of the
provisions because they are "vague, unenforceable,
unduly repressive, and unjust."

In his statement the President laid to rest the
question of direct federal intervention on troubled
campuses saying "the federal government cannot
should not, must not" become the nation's campus
peace-keeper. "That," he said, "is fundamentally the
task and responsibility of the university community."

student wires t

said "Wasn't a destruction of society but a
liberialization of a socialist economy."

Questioned on the amount of student dissent in
Russia, Professor Mehenert replied that there was
very little of it. "There was not outcry in Russia over
the Czech invasion. The Russians, including the
young are very patriotic. They felt that the goals of
the Czechs were going too far. They also feel the east
European countries are part of the Russian empire;
without Czechoslovakia the whole frontier of Russia
is split wide open." In other areas besides
Czechoslovakia, Professor Mehnert also noted little
dissent among the Russian students. "There is not
much to complain about in the material field, also
their status is good. They still have to be careful in
what they say and write. But they feel a certain
amount of unanimity is necessary for the security of
Russia, so they will accept it."

"In Germany", he went on, "The students of
today are totally different from 40 to 45 years ago.
They are very internationalist and not eager to go
into the army. "Questioned as to the effect of
student activism in Germany, Professor Mehnert felt
that they had a definite effect, "As long as they stick
to areas here people feel they have an interest,
mainly the academic area. Where their effort is

(CONT. ON P. 4)



APRIL 11, 1969





Features M Janice Johnston
Campus News I Ginny Simmons
Business Manager I Sandra Parrish
Photographer M Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Ratified air . . .

There has been much said in the past few weeks about
the breakdown in communication on campus, and as this
concerns any newspaper vitally, it seems time to examine
the situation both in terms of the campus and the Profile.

Two attitudes have dominated this community of late -
that of suspicion and that of passive acceptance of what is
believed to be inert and unchangeable.

The suspicion was patent in pre-election activities with
both the electorate and the candidates assuming a posture
of self-defense against those who would attempt to
manipulate or to "get" them. The candidates appeared to
doubt the Profile's integrity, the Profile came to doubt the
candidates, and the student body wandered inbetween in

Obviously, the rarified air of post-elections has had a
salutory effect, so that student government officers appear
willing to understand and unite once again.

However, the growing passivity of our community
which leads to the much discussed apathy, is too obvious to
be written off. The emphasis of student government
officers will be on communication, interboard cooperation,
and involvement of the student body. Yet it would seem
that no amount of enthusiasm can withstand the onslaught
of daily doses of faces totally devoid of concern.

Perhaps we do see our self-government as trivial in the
face of other social problems and perhaps we do find
ourselves in a position of constant irritation with "petty
rules," but the irritation is a sign of life whereas the small
attendance at almost any campus function from hall
meetings to Student Government convocations and
elections would indicate a moribund populace.

It seems then that the real problem lies not in
channeling dissent or in easing friction but in
"participation" and "commitment," to coin a cliche. So
often we allow others to plan for us, to administrate for us,
to keep us comfortable, even to stimulate us, without
lifting one limp finger to create for ourselves. We sit, we
pay our money, we watch and sometimes we are
entertained if the inducement is great enough. We have got
to move.

The Profile has in the past attempted to be just such a
galvanizing agent and since the editors firmly believe they
have a duty to inform^to lead, and to be opinionated, we
will continue to attempt to provide a broad spectrum of
opinion. We request-no^we demand a response from the
campus community. We will work, we will try but we can
only be as good and as concerned as our readers.

Viet Nam


The Honorable Eugene R.
Black delivered a series of three
lectures entitled "Alternatives in
Southeast Asia" at Emory
University. April 7-9 He appeared
at Emory as a William Rand
Kenan, Jr., University Professor.

A former president of the
World Bank, Black served during
the Johnson Administration as a
Special Adviser to the President
for Economic and Social
Development of Southeast Asia.
In this capacity, he worked
closely with the establishment of
the Asian Development Bank and
development programs on the
Mekong River. He has been Chief
of Mission on three Presidential
Missions to Southeast Asia.

In his first lecture, Black
pointed out that American
military forces will be required in
Southeast Asia for many years to
come. But a new multilateral
framework for the American
presence must be devised to
supplant our current unilateral
action and to involve other
nations whose national interest
would be affected.

Black cited the threat of
Chinese domination of Asia as
the primary need for continued
American presence in Southeast

Black opened his second
lecture with an appeal for the
revival of the art of diplomacy in
the United States as a means of
avoiding both isolationism and
the role of world policeman.
Calling for efforts to develop
regional cooperation in Southeast
Asia after hostilities cease in Viet
Nam, he cited a common Asian
fear of China and a common
desire for "development" as
motivating forces.

"Southeast Asians themselves
will determine the forms and the
pace of regional cooperation
Black commented. Our
willingness to stay around and
help will be of crucial
importance, but the effectiveness
of our help will be a function of
the patience, self-restraint and
perservance of our diplomacy ."

Black closed the lecture series
by stating thay we must be sure
that our foreign policy ideals are
always firmly rooted in real
interests. "Only as we understand
them, then I believe there is a
world of work to be done in
which we can and must

(CONT. ON P.4)

K.P. Detail

That leviathan, the election issue, left me no
opportunity to make any last statement, any parting
shot. Elizabeth Mathes and the new PROFILE staff,
bowing to antiquity, have granted me one last column
after which, earley sets.

"Hard-driving" might be a very appropriate
adjective to characterize in part both this year and its
newspaper. Most obviously, student government has
been concerned with pushing for campus reform,
while the newspaper has tugged in another direction.

But the pace and impetus have been maintained in
other, subtler ways. One very real force was the
unusually short winter quarter when so much had to
be done, academically, legislatively, in every area.
Moreover, we had a major shift of gears in adapting to
the new routine of self -scheduling exams.

As we have worked together, and sometimes
against each other, at the rather frenzied pace, we
have taken ourselves pretty seriously. There has been
little relaxing this year. We seem to have had no time
or talent for living lightly, laughing at ourselves,
smiling at our own foibles. We've tried so hard.


by sandra earley

Perhaps this, while turn of the 1968-69 session, is
also true of the college at all times. If so, it seems a
shame. But each new year, each new student
government, is a fresh opportunity. Next year, as it
now seems, is a particularly good chance for a
positive view of the college. With any luck, this look
will include a giggle, as we learn to enjoy ourselves
and our sometimes ridiculous Lives as college students.

Whatever the opinion or evaluation this year's
PROFILE (and I still find our goals sound, both as
stated and as implemented, with the exception of a
few errors in judgment), there has been a phenominal
amount of work put into the production of the

The writing staff has been very loyal and
hard-warking, and, I hope, is repaid in part by the
experiences individual members have had and by
what they have learned from the stories they have
covered. They have done a good Somewhere in the
shadowy background far most readers of the
PROFILE, is the business staff: the business,
advertising and circulation managers. They are not
ghosts as far as I am concerned.

Sharon Plemons and Catherine Auman have kept
us solvent. Sharon figured the accounts and,
wonderously, biLled and paid bills regularly. It was
also good to be able to count on Catherine to pull in
the advertisers so Sharon could bill them. I appreciate
their work very much.

Tyler McFadden had what is undoubtedly the
most thankless job on the PROFILE. Bach week she
not only distributed the newspapers to students as
soon as they were off the press, she also mailed them
out to subscribers. It was also her burden to grapple
with the intricacies of the second class mail system. If
I were the editor of the "Greer Citizen," my
hometown weekly. I would award her the orchid of
the week.

Thanks also to Kay Parkerson O'Briant and
Elizabeth Mathes tor inumerable real and figuratively
long Sunday afternoons in the Pub. We made it, girls,
and now it's all yours, tra-la.

Last of all, 1 can't forget our staff artist, Ann
Abernethy, who whipped up graphic masterpieces at
the drop of a hat or whimper of an editor. Gritchel,
Ann, and thanks be to Humort it's all over.

One little detail has been added to the
above title. During Spring vacation, this writer
took the marital plunge and is now ensconced
in the Alumnae House complete with no hours,
no signing in and out and instant adult status.
Funny I don't feel any older, somehow the
part of married matron hasn't taken hold yet.

Vm also lacking another important
commodity - namely a husband. Oh yes, he
does exist, but is presently finishing up school
in Clem son. South Carolina. For the last three
weekends. Fve been making the trek up 1-85 to
Hubby's apartment to make sure he is fed.
dressed and otherwise kept up in the style to
which he is accustomed.

Somehow those Saturday mornings in the
library (or in bed) have been replaced by the
more prosaic jaunts to the laundromat and
supermarket. You'd be amazed at the clear
t lunking that can occur when one has one's
arms up to the elbows in detergent or

dishwater. Agnes Scott is far away and the
nitty-gritty is as near as all that goup that
collects under your fingernails.

Last weekend, was a pretty nitty-gritty one.
I got in Friday night and before going to the
apartment to survey the week's damage,
invited some of my husband's friends over for
supper. I proceeded to the apartment to find
that the electric company in its mighty wisdom
had cut off the power in the apartment
building and had forgotten to notify anyone.
The refrigerator was defrosting itself (ever
cleaned out a refrigerator by candlelight?), the
stove was useless, the cupboard bare. Brazier
burger saved the day, and besides you can't see
what vou're eating by candlelight anyway.

Saturday evening. Hubby arranged for a
get-together with several other married
couples. Somehow I get along better with his
classmates thjn nice young marrieds. A

stimulating discussion was held among the
women concerning grocery prices and that
shocking story in this month's Redbook, the
one about college students living together in
sin. I almost took the side of sin, just for fun.
The evening wound up with an exciting
half-hour of Petticoat Junction. It seems that
Billie Joe or Bobbie Joe or whatever her name
is, is about to have a baby, only she didn't get
around to it before the program was over.
Tune in next week folks.

Sunday was nice though. Just Hubby and I
on a picnic by a lake. At least until a stray dog
adopted us and kept trying to steal food all
afternoon. But I guess he was just some more
nitty-gritty popping up.

Hubby and I are staying in Clemson this
summer. He wants to take some grad courses
and wants to go to summer school too. Only
they don't offer the course I need. It's called
Survival 101.

APRIL 11, 1969



Muttered at Rep Council:
"Every litter bit hurts. "

History Professor: "Who was
that give me liberty or give me
death man?"

Oi/erli eard

Gleeful Senior: "The Easter
Bunny came to see me this
morning and left a begonia."

Honni soit qui mal y pense.

S. Grape: "Who dropped the

New NSA Coordinator: "I
don't want to be involved."

'Little Foxes'


Lillian Hellman's "The Little
Foxes" is not an exciting play,
but the Alliance Resident Theatre
production is good theatre.

And in Atlanta, that is
exciting e The easy
predictability of the plot, carried
out by a cast of clearly delineated
good guys and bad guys, was
rather annoying in the moments
which should have been tensely

However the lack of interest
in the developing plot gave the
audience time to reflect on the
developing theme. The old theme
of man's inhumanity to man,
specifically the exploitation of
the poor by the rising middle
class, has not lost its relevance.

The actors were rather
unconvincing at the start, but
seemed to grow into their roles as
the play progressed. Peter
Thompson, Claudette Nevins, and
David Gold are well cast as the
stupid crook, the cold hearted
woman, and the blustering

If you want to be a good guy
in this play you must choose to
be a Southern Negro at the turn
of the century^ an adolescent, an
alcoholic, or dead by the third

The two Negro characters
fall into the two stereotyped
black roles: one spurts laugh lines
whenever the author wants comic
relief. The other overflows with
earthy wisdom at every
opportunity . Hannibal Penny
and Mildred Brown are adequate
in these parts.

Carol More is miscast as the
Alexandra; she is simply too old
for the part. Sandra Seacat is
cast in Atlanta audiences' favorite
role: the Southern aristocrat
displaced by money grubbing
capitalists. Strange that every
Atlanta theater goer sees himself
in the latter role. 1 don't think
the playwright would agree.

Michael Ebert's performance
as Horace Giddens,
capitalistturned humanitarian, is

The impressive box set
designed by Richard almost
attains the air of opulence the
play requires. The failure seems
to be in budget rather than
imagination. Lighting and sound
are adequate, if not outstanding.
Kurt Wilhelm's costuming is well
designed and well carried out.

I recommend "The Little
Foxes" to theatre lovers. Its faults
are of the kind that the lovers of
the stage will find easy to forgive
and lovers of the cinema will find

Simmons finds Harvard
Frisbee buffs sing wel

The Agnes Scott Glee Club
sang with the Harvard University
Glee Club under the direction of
Robert Shaw Tuesday, April I.
The production was one of the
Scott Glee Club's more
spectacular moments, yet the
concert itself was actually a lesser
part of the production.

Several other rather rare
opportunities accompanied the
event. There was the experience
of having free extracurricular
classes in Frisbee handling, the
practice in understanding
somewhat foreign speech, the
rather unique chance to enjoy
free champagne, and of course
the cultural exchange inherent to
students as highly alert and


intelligent as those of Agnes
Scott and Harvard.

Actually the Glee Clubs had
been preparing for this
concersince Christmas. All winter
quarter frantic arrangements flew
through the mail.

The prepartions were flexible
in details but on the whole they
were carried out.

Monday the Harvard group
came directly out to Scott from
the airport. Here the boys were
treated to the reviving
nourishment of cookies and
punch in the Hub. The two glee
clubs mingled and munched while
the piano played away and the
refreshments disappeared. An
Atlanta "Journal" photographer

The Agnes Scott College and Harvard University Glee Clubs

settle down to Mozart after a hard day of Frisbee matches.

wandered about taking pictures.
Tish Lowe, Agnes Scott senior,
strongly suspected him of picking
out the beards to photograph;
but 1 would point out that he
would have been hard pressed to
findboys with neither beard nor
mustache. In the end it hardly
mattered; the pictures were not
printed. Before long the group
gravitated out to the Quadrangle
to set utemporary athletic field.
It seems that Harvard's official
sport is Frisbee throwing.
S co tries are game creatures, so
many joined in* Serious accidents
were avoided and the only
apparent permanent result is a
sustained trauma among the
resident pigeons.

Over supper we discovered
that Letitia Pate is far superior to
the eating facilities at Harvard.
The boys were much impressed
that we are allowed to SEE what
we are eating. The boys were also
pleased wiin our stylishness in
dress. At Radcliff girls seem
to wear only slacks and shorts.

After supper the Glee Clubs
bussed downtown for the first
joint rehearsal. Until then neither
group had heard or sung with the
other. At our Second rehearsal,
Tuesday afternoon, we paid
homage to the Harvard group
with Susi Borcuk's election talent
cheer. The boys, much pleased
and amused, replied with a
musical rendition of tl You-all,
You-all, You-all," (Ya'll just isn't
easy to put to music, I guess.


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APRIL 11. 1969


Newly elected Phi Beta Kappa members pause outside Presser for

a picture. They are (1. to r.) Anne Stubbs, Holly Jackson, Sally
Woods, Tina Brownley, Virginia Pinkston, Nancy Hamilton, Tish
Lowe, Mildred Hendry, Anne Willis, and Helen Stavros. Those
not pictured are Beverly Dirkin, Sara Groover Frazier, Ruth Hayes
and Carol Jenson Rychly.

student unrest...


directed at outdatedness in German universities, they
are also supported. But if they say they want to
change society without saying how, their impact is

Turning his attention to the American student
scene, Professor Mehnert stressed that the biggest
drawback to the American movement was the lack of
a definite program of improvements.

American student agitation appears to him to be,
tc A youthful outburst against authority with vague
goals." The color issue is also a factor common only
to the United States.

Predicting the future of the student movements in
this country, Professor Mehnert was optimistic.
"There will be changes," he said, "A colorless society
will come, but that will be a much longer process.
Idealistic liberals will probably get more done. In
changing society, the students will remain unsucessful
until they come up with suggestions. They do not
believe in ideas, they believe in action. They are
anti-intellectual and anti-idea. 1 But Professor
Mehnert retained his optimistic note to the end.

Viet Nam...

(C ONT. FROM P. 2)

In answer to questions posed
following the lectures, Black
pointed out that our moral stance
must reflect real interests to be
effective. "A nation cannot be a
saint," he stated.

He rejected the idea that the
United States is in Viet Nam to
protect capitalist interests, and
dclcared that our real interest is
to prevent the start of World War,
On programs for economic
development. Black felt that
plans tor future development
cannot be effected until after the
cessation of hostilities.

A specialist in economic
development, Eugene Black did
not concern himself with political
or military aspects of the war.
lor this reason, his lectures
offered more in the way of

alternatives for a peaceful future
than suggestions for the actual
achievement of peace in
Southeast Asia.

He strongly urged U.S.
cooperation in the development
of the Mekong River. Describing
the Mekong as the most
important international river
never restrained or bridged, Mr.
Black suggested that its
development could be the key to
peace in Southeast

campus welcomes back the
alumnae for the traditional
alumnae day festivities. There
will be an added treat this year
with the reception honoring
Carrie Scandrett, Dean of
Students, which will be held this
evening from 8 to 10 p.m.

On the agenda for Saturday
will be a class council meeting,
tours of Dana and the annual
luncheon. From 10:15 to 11:45,
special faculty lectures for
alumnae will be conducted. The
biology, chemistry and physics
departments are having an open
house cum lectures; David P.
Forsythe is lecturing on "The
Crisis Today in American Foreign
Policy." Edward T. Ladd,
director of Agnes Scott's teacher
program will speak on "Six
Ignored Barriers to the
Improvement of Public
Education"; Jack L. Nelson will
present "Activity versus Action
in the Novel"; and Richard D.
Parry is lecturing on "A New
Kind of Student".

HISTORY will be held by the
Southern Student Organizing
Committee (SSOC) at Emory
University at the Alumni
Memorial Building on April

The theme of the conference
will be the long struggle of
Southern rebels against the
system of big business and
Northern capitalism* Speakers,
discussions and panels will
emphasize the radical events in
the South and why they failed,
why the South is still the poorest
region in the nation and why
unionization is still denied to
many Southern working people.

Speakers will include: H.L.
Mitchell, organizer of Arkansas
tenant farmers into the Southern
Tenant Farmers Union in 1934;
Don West, editor of the magazine
Roy, a Duke University professor
who specializes in the sociology
and history of labor.

Young people engaged in
labor and community
organizations in Southern
communities today will also talk
on the relevancy of Southern
history to the building of
political awareness in Southern

staged reading of senior Ann
Allen's new verse translation of
Sophocles' "Antigone. The
performance is scheduled for 17
and 18 April at 8:15 p.m. in the
Blackfriars' Theatre, Dana Fine
Arts Building.

Try-outs were held recently
and students were chosen for the
cast. Antigone will be played by
Carol Ann McKensie. Patricia

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Johnston will portray Ismene,
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by Lillian Hellman April 2- 19

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by Ann Jellicoe April 4,5 and 8- 12




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APRIL IS, 1969

Dean Scandrett retires;


4 there've been some changes made '

some good times

"She is the most totally honest person 1 know,"
stated C. Benton Kline, former Dean of the Faculty,
when asked for a personal reaction to Miss Scandrett,
retiring Dean of Students, and her many years of
service to Agnes Scott. As is quite evident from this
and similar comments and from the hundreds of
well-wishers who participated in the party given for
her on April 1 1 , Miss Scandrett has made an indelible
mark on the individuals who have made up the
college community in the forty-eight years she has
been associated with Agnes Scott.

Her retirement in June will be the end of a
personal and administrative link with the founders of
the school. Her predecessor, Miss Nannette Hopkins
was the first teacher hired by the school and later
became the "Dean of Everything/ 1 She remained in
office until 1938.

Miss Scandrett first came to Agnes Scott as a
freshman in the fall of 1920. She was a real enthusiast
of sports, as one alumna put it, playing basketball,
baseball and varsity hockey. She was the 1923-1924
Student Government Association President.

Miss Josephine Bridgcman, Professor of Biology
and a member of the class of 1927, noted that at that
time there were only three major boards - SGA,
Christian Association and Athletic Association- so
that Miss Scandrett had much more responsibility
than board presidents have now. She was generally
known as a very popular student.

Graduating in June, 1924, with a double major -
Chemistry and Latin - she went to work for the
Y.W.C.A. She was invited back to Agnes Scott as
assistant to the Dean and to the Registrar. It is
interesting to note that this is how exam scheduling
came to be a function of the Dean of Students'

She served under Miss Hopkins for thirteen years
and was made Dean of Students in 1938. She is the
fust to hold this title in the school's history.

Mrs. Frank Sewell was an instructor here when
Miss Scandrett was a senior and gave the opinion that
Miss Hopkins had depended upon Miss Scandrett
during their relationship as Dean and President of


Miss Scandrett in her early days as Dean of Students

Student Government and was "happy to have her
come back." She also thought Miss Hopkins came to
depend on her more and more as time passed.

In 1927, when Mrs. Hal Smith k 31 came to Scott,
Miss Scandrett was seen as a friend and companion to
the girls as well as a person in the Dean's Office. She
commented that Miss Scandrett was "just a delightful
personal friend who was active in any student
affairs." Everyone felt fortunate when they could get
her to chaperone them at the old AA cabin at Stone

Student reaction at the time of Miss Scandretfs
appointment as Dean of Students was very favorable.
Students felt that she would be able to see their point
of view.

"Much as we respected Miss Hopkins, we felt as if
a new regime were coming in and we would have a
friend. I was on student government at the time, and
she did get a lot of reforms passed and rules relaxed.
She definitely represented the present thinking of the
time. We were very happy when she took over,"
remembered Mrs. Ed Owen '39.

Miss Scandrett took her M.A. in 1933 from
Columbia University. She has held temporary
counseling positions at Syracuse University, Emory


Taking part in the more formal life of the college

University and Florida State College for Women. She
has been active in the Pilot Club of Decatur, serving
as president in 1955-1956. She has served as president
of the Georgia Association of Deans of Women and
has been on committees for the National Association.

One of the comments most frequently made by
alumna and other associates is that Miss Scandrett is
very adaptable to change. Mrs. Hal Smith repeatedly
mentioned the tremendous growth Dean Scandrett
had shown in the way she adapted to the changing
times. She observed, "if ever there was a mother in
loco parentis it was Miss Hopkins. She would tell girls
when to put on overshoes. " She found it remarkable
that Miss Scandrett was able to break out of the strict
and "out-of-date ways" of Miss Hopkins.

She went on to say that Miss Hopkins thought it
was immoral for boys and girls to dance together,
while the girls thought it incredible that they could
not. She said smoking was the burning issue in her
day (it meant expulsion) and that there was a lot of
fire escape smoking anyway.

Mrs. James Milhouse '60 made the same comments
as to social changes. She mentioned especially the
liberalizing of the chaperonage policy which Dean

... In her office discussing student problems

Scandrett helped along, "drastic changes for those
days." Miss Winter '27, Professor of Speech and
Drama, commented that "social life at college is
richer and more extensive now."

When asked to comment on the evolution of the
duties of the office of the Dean of Students, Wallace
M. Alston, President of the college, said, "I don't
think of it as a job that has changed but rather as one
that has adapted." He went on to say that Miss
Scandrett has always been an advocate of efficient
and meaningful self-government, and has given her
support to greater responsibility for student

In thinking back over the. past Dean
Kline strongly emphasized the effect Miss Scandrett
has had as both dean and a woman. She is, he said,
"essentially a forward-looking person. She talked
about decentralization! long before most people
considered it." She has often been in the vanguard of
reform, often initiating new ideas and practices
before the students. "It is amazing," he said, "the
changes that have been made here and her ability and
willingness to change with the limes."

In considering

rule changes Dean Kline says that often he and other
members of the committees have found themselves
feeling "parental", but Miss Scandrett has never
fallen into that trap. "She has never defended a
practice because that's the way it is done now-always
she has asked the reason behind the practice and the
reason behind proposing a new one." In speaking
about the women,

Dean Kline emphasized Miss
Scandretfs love for people. He "places her value most
with people in trouble, girls and parents. She is
totally honest. She rides rough-shod because there is
no pretence with her. Most people cover-up to be
nice. When a girl wanted to change a class Miss
Scandrett said she must tell the professor that she was
leaving his class because she would have to live here
with him. When girls wanted to change roommates
she made them talk-out the situation. Miss Scandrett
lives this way herself."









Campus News
Business Manager J

Janice Johnston
Ginny Simmons
Sandra Parrish
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Our gain

It can come as no shock and yet it is a shock to realize
that Miss Scandrett is indeed retiring. Many of us have known
her only during our four years at Agnes Scott, while many
others have heard about her and Agnes Scott in the same
breath from relatives and friends.

As with any strong person she has affected people both
positively and negatively, but I dare say few are neutral. Any
member of the college community can relate at least one
story about her.

Mine is one she told herself on Tuesday night to the
1969-1970 Rep Council and seems to sum up to me all that is
most outstanding about her.

She said that after her freshman year ' at Agnes Scott, she
felt she did not want to come back, that perhaps a co-ed
school, or some other place, would be more desirable. So she
talked the whole thing over with her mother, who listened
and then said that she believed the reason her daughter did
not wish to come back was the responsibilities that were
placed upon her he re . Mrs. Scandrett then said, "And I never
thought a daughter of mine would shirk responsibility."

ACLU report
censures riots
on campuses

On April 3, 1969, the American Civil
Liberties Union called on college students
engaged in campus demonstrations to return to
peaceful, non-obstructive forms of protest.

The ACLU statement condemns the physical
disruption employed by students in pressing
their claims, asserting that "violence and the
threat of violence will breed a counter-violence
and backlash that will defeat or set back the
very objectives student activists seek to serve
and lead to repressive countermeasures."

At the same time, the civil liberties
organization assigned a large share of the
responsibility for student unrest to university
officials who have denied both faculty and
students a significant voice in the making of
policy and who have frequently prove.d
indifferent or slow to recognize the legitimate
needs and aspirations of students.

The ACLU declares that they "are
committed to the protection of all peaceful
non-obstructive forms of protest, including
mass demonstrations, picketing, rallies and
other dramatic forms of protest. "

The statement runs down a list of legislative
measures at both the federal and state levels
which seek to force peace upon the campus.
These range from heavy jail sentences to the
cut-off of financial aid to students convicted of
a crime in connection with campus disorder
(Profile April 11, 1969).

The ACLU is opposed to these measures
because of their vagueness and because of their
threat to the traditional autonomy of academic
communities. The ACLU calls upon
universities to draw upon the whole academic
community to effect desirable changes.

K.P. Defail


Instead of a regular column this week, 1
decided to include interesting articles from
other college newspapers. This will be repeated
periodically to give students the opportunity
of hearing what's going on outside the walls on
other college campuses.

From THE DAV1DSONI AN, February 21,
1969: "An estimated 300 Queens girls refused
to enter the college's Belk chapel for services
last Wednesday, choosing to gather outside
instead. ..The boycott was called by the
Queen's Christian Association. Miss Mary
Marshall, leader of the group, noted that many
Queens students felt worship to be an area not
coming under the administration's guidelines.

"Several girls added that regardless of the
Christian affiliation of the college, an enforced
worship service could not be justified because
of its hypocrisy."

From THE EMORY WHEEL, March 6,
1969: on page 9 is listed a point by point
offering of courses (mostly for next year)
which relate to the present nationwide call for
black studies. Courses such as "The Negro in
America," "Black Politics in the U.S." and
Racial and Ethnic Relations" are listed along
with new teachers being brought in whose
fields may be appropriate. The Afro-American
Studies Lectures Series is also outlined. The
next speaker in the series, Dr. John Hope
Franklin of the University of Chicago, is
scheduled to speak April 22.

From THE DAVIDSONIAN, March 7, 1969:
A system of student exchanges has been
discussed among eight private colleges in North
Carolina and Virginia. The colleges are
Davidson, Hampton-Sydney, Hollins, Mary
Baldwin, Randolph-Macon College,
Randolph-Macon Women's College, Sweet
Briar and Washington and Lee University.

Students would be allowed to transfer for
either a semester or a full year. Advantages
cited for the plan were that, "It would afford
a diverse educational experience for the
exchange students and give each of the colleges
a limited co-educational experience."

When one reflects on the past forty-four years, it seems
that indeed she never has. As the pressures of her office have
increased and student attention has turned from freedoms to
estrictions it has become difficult to see the person rather
than the personnified authority and office. That is our loss.

It is our gain that we have known such a lady.

Rep Council's progress;
will it continue in 69-70?



Chipper Senior: "Maturity is Lx-Judicial getting back in
not something you're born with." shape: "Oh my body. It doesn't

work too well."

Doughty Junior wrestling with
her liver: "I feel like I'm out on
the plains killing my own meat."

"Scarves are
look? Do I look like a Isadora

"Well no, more like Errol

On a record player. I feel
that if a person can't
communicate the very least he
can do is to shut up."

Sparkling Repartee: "What do
you think the theme of retreat
will be next year?"
,, , . "RETREAT, as opposed to
in. How do I CHARGE."

Definition of Loyal
Opposition by Anonymous Bosh:
"I am loyal to the name of Agnes
Scott. I may not be friendly with
the faculty, administration,
students or alumni, but I do
honor the name."

Campus News Editor

During last spring quarter, the Lower Dining Hall and made the The five-day week in its first year
Brownley-led Rep Council set Dress Policy a guideline. The at Scott has proven to be a
some ambitious goals. Among Decatur Area was also redefined, successful, satisfying experience,
fifteen aims listed in the April 23, The most significant work. under Also in this category, students
1 968 minutes were the the social category, however, was not privileged with voluntary
reorganization of Rep Council, the new sign-out policy which class attendance were granted one
re-evaluation of the chaperonage passed both Rep Council and cut per class. Most important, the
and drinking policies and late Administrative Committee and self-scheduling of exams passed
time limit, investigation of went into effect this past fall. through faculty committees and
self-scheduled exams and further Returning to school after fall began its trial run.
implementation of voluntary retreat, Rep Council again Lven beyond the tremendous
class attendance. Overall the new chipped away at the objectives it amount of legislative action
council suggested "generally had set. Social changes carried on by last year's Rep
reconsidering every purpose and continued. The Chaperonage Council, much re-evaluation and
plan of the Agnes Scott Policy became a guideline for discussion has taken place. Winter
student-community life." upperclassmen and somewhat less quarter and in loco parentis

These fifteen aims Rep stringent for freshmen. COP's received their share of the board's
Council listed last spring were new Drinking Policy went into concern. Communication
later divided into three major effect and the Dress Policy was between the major boards seemed
areas: internal government and made one of "appropriate dress reasonably fluid. As for the
communication, academic at all times." campus at large, communication

policies, and social policies. With Sophomore standing became had some log jams to say the
these goals, Tina Brownley truly desirable status - having least; but then another year has
"reminded the board that this unlimited social engagements and begun and work will continue,
quarter's work could easily set a year-round car privileges,
direction for the entire year; she Smokers benefitted from the
encouraged the active year's work. There are now social
participation of all smokers in each dorm and
representatives." smoking is allowed in the Main

Work began immediately. Date Parlors.
Spring legislation effected As for f urt her governmental
internal government in a definite change, Re-O reworked several
way. Reorganization Comrritlee, boards A V ice Chairman of
under Tina Bender, proposed judicial was provided for, and
several changes. Among them Athletic Association's
were modifications of Rep constitution was made more
Councils membership, revision of flexible. Special election
some election procedures, and provisions were aJso clarified and
rewritings of parts of the Social made more functionaL
Council Constitution. Academic policies shared in

Social policies also changed as the comprehensive work of this

Rep legalized smoking in the

past year s student government.

Rep Council, the '68-'69
Student Government Board,
labored this past year under
handicaps. The extent of
innovations to live under and
adjust to was in itself a real
problem. The fact that both the
offices of Dean of Faculty and of
Dean of Students were in the
process of changing hands
compounded potential confusion.
There is much to build from and
much to smooth out. fcven more
important, as candidates stressed
again and again, the student body
next year will face the serious
business of tying the campus
spirit together while continuing
to move forward.




Mason Williams speaks
out on TV, censors, humor

Although not the most famous
of the popular musicians, Mason
Williams is an influential man.
Many of us have heard his hit
records, 4 4 Baroquenova **
' 'Classical Gas," and
"Cinderfella," but his greatest
impact has been on television.

As chief comedy writer for
"The Smothers Brothers Comedy
Hour," his material has had a
pervasive influence on the entire
censorship, issue on national
television and on the well-known
controversy that surrounds the
Smothers Brothers.

While in Atlanta to publicize
his new book, 4 The Mason
Williams Reading Matter,"
members of the Profile staff were
able to obtain an interview with
him in which he discussed
television, the Smothers Brothers,
Biff Rose, communication and a
great many other things. The
following comments are excerpts
from this interview.

Q. 44 I know people have been
asking you all day about the
Smothers Brothers and their
future, but without their show at
all, what form will their message

A. "Well, Tommy really loves
people and \s concerned about
the way they are treated and the
level on which they are
approached. He doesn't subscribe
to the idea that the average
mentality is that of a twelve year
old (and if it is who wants to play
to that, anyway), so it's really
out of respect for the public and
the fact that there was nothing
on television that intelligent
people would watch other than
"Twenty-first Century" or 44 CBS
News Reports," golf games or
shot put or sports, that they tried
to do what they did."

Q. "Will they use some other

A. 44 1 used to argue with
Tommy about putting all his eggs
in one basket so to speak.. .He's
got to come back in from
somewhere else and it'll be hard
to do. There's talk about a fourth
network but there's always talk."

Q. 44 We certainly need one."

A. 44 Yeah, there should be a
network that's motivated by
something besides the dollar, a
little bit. You know, it has to
work, it does have to pay for

Q. "But it doesn't have to be so
money-oriented all the time."

A. 44 Right. Because
money-That's the mistake I


always make in dealing with or
talking about television. I went
into it thinking it was an artistic
medium and it's not. It could be
and that's what irritates me. The
potential of it for enriching your
lives is incredible instead of, you
know, just sitting there and
looking at it."

Q. "I think what's irritating the
younger generation anyway is the
potential of everything."

A. 4 Sure, the potential for
peace we have. If there is a
generation gap, it's because the
kids analyze for themselves that
you just don't need to operate
that way. The adult generation is
not- honest with itself."

Q. 44 Do you think the television
censorship problem can be
surmounted? What do you think
will happen?"

A. "It's hard to say. In the two
years 1 worked in television I
always had the feeling that it was
going to get better. It seemed
that we were making progress by
the fact that we were on the air,
that we were there."

"People saw for a while
something a little different, but
the way it's handled
commercially is responsible for
its down-fall. All business in
America is set up to operate in a
certain way and anything unusual
comes along they
can't handle it. That's why the
show's not on the air."

Q. "Do you think anything
could possible come of the

A. "Not really because the
competitiveness of the business is
also what makes it sharp. The
best thing on television is the
commercials. There are-now, not
all of them-examples of fantastic
artistry. Volkswagon. The cancer
commercials are incredible,
brilliantly constructed, and the
reason that those cancer
commercials are good is that they
aren't pulling any punches-just
being honest."

Q. A series of questions about
Biff Rose and his whimsical style
drew this response:

A. "1 really think clarity is a
good thing. The whole
psychedelic movement for


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example was an exercise in
non-clarity. The whole feeling
was that they .know something
about life that I don't, that they
have some secret. But after you
analyze it it was just some people
hung up on beauty. You know,
they were like Pan and a bunch
of nymphs running through the
woods. Really."

"It was a flavor without
meaning which IS valid, which is
like abstract painting. But 1 don't
think the idea of excluding people
is good.

"The whole generation gap is a
reality. I'm different from my
parents and I can't make them
see how simple it is to get along,
how simple it is to love people
and to have them be honest,
because they were never
motivated by honesty. It's a
strange paradox that the luxury
those people-our parents and so
forth-have created is the life we
live in, is what has given us a
chance to think a different way. I
really have the feeling that it's
only a few people in the
way-there are an awful lot of
adults who are in tune.

"I think the wrong kind of
people are in charge. I think a
man like Nixon is just dull. He's a
drag as a human being. I wouldn't
want to walk across the street
with him, and he's leading the

"My position right now is that
we're still in an era - E-R-A -of
calling attention to the problems.
Fixing them is another matter
sometimes, but we're not even
free to call attention to them.

"Humor has really seriously
been overlooked in this country.
Name me a comedy film that has
been made in the last ten years
that was good comedy, that was
of the quality of Laurel and
Hardy -there hasn't been any.
Humor is at a very low state."

As can be seen from the above,
Mason Williams doesn't say too
much that can't be heard in your
TV room every Sunday night.
The things that he did say made
one wish to question his views on
government and the role of the
entertainer in society further. He
probably would have answered.


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New translation set
for oldest ASC club


By now even the most unaware members of the Agnes Scott
community know that Blackfriars is plotting two plays this quarter.
Each play is a remarkable achievement in its own way.

The first play is a staged reading of "Antigone" translated from
the Greek by Anne Allen, a senior at Agnes Scott. The second is a
melodrama, ' Because their Hearts Were Pure or The Secret of the
Mine ' with nine sets, eighteen set changes, and a cast of over fifteen.

Both plays are a far cry from the productions that Blackfriars was
putting on fifty-four years ago. At that time, Blackfriars, just born
from the merger of two older clubs, the Mnemosynean and Propylean
societies, was doing simple plays without a theatre and with rented
costumes (hat didn't always fit.

There were other problems. For one thing, men were not allowed
in the cast and the girls who took their places were not allowed to
wear trousers. Even after the girls were finally allowed to wear their
gym bloomers when they took male parts, they were directed to
stand behind a table or chair whenever on stage, lest their legs show,
of course.

However, all things are overcome by time, even legs, and in 1928 a
play written by a student, Margaret Bland Sewell, was presented in
the National Little Theatre Tournament and the David Belasco cup
contest in New York. It won first prize for an unpublished play.

Blackfriars continued to grow. In the fall of 1939, Miss Gooch,
the founder and first director of the drama club, was joined by Miss
Roberta Winter, Miss Winter, who had been active in Blackfriars in
both acting and writing, became the director of the club after Miss
Gooch's retirement. Eventually under Miss Winter's direction, the
English Department gave birth to an independent drama department,
which is entirely separate from Blackfriars, although they, of course,
work together very closely.

(CONT. ON P.4)



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APRIL IS. 19t>9


B L A C K F R I A K S '
"ANTIGONE" will be presented
for the last time tonight in Dana
at 8:15 p.m. Carol Ann
McKenzie, Patricia Johnston and
Molly Douglas are in the leading

B.O.Z., Agnes Scott's literary
club is holding tryouts. Anyone
wishing to tryout should submit a
sample of her literary skill to
the writing box in the mailroom
by Monday, April 2 1 .

GROUP will present its spring
concert Friday night, April 25, in
Gaines Chapel. The concert will
present a variety of dances on
many themes - including light as
well as dramatic interpretations.
Penny Burr, president of the
dance group, encourages the
campus community to attend the
program. All members of Dance
Group have helped in
choreographing the selections.

COMPETITION this spring will
include class games, interdorm
games and intercollegiate games.
Open practices have been held
the past two weeks under the
direction of Miss Peggy Cox, and
class practices began this week.

The schedule for practices is
posted on the bulletin board in
the gym. Managers for the class
teams are: freshmen, Kathy Sloan
and Susan Stimson ; sophomores,
Karen Hazelwood and Rebecca
Martin, juniors, Bonnie Brown

Junior Jaunt play-day
needs you out-of-doors

and Ruth Hyatt: and seniors,
Evelyn Angeletti and Martha

The first class games are
scheduled for this afternoon at 4
p.m. with the freshmen playing
the sophomores and the juniors
playing the seniors.

Interdorm competition
centers around a tournament
which began April 16th when
Main took on Rebecca and
Hopkins battled Inman.

Students wishing to
participate in these games are
asked to practice whenever

Associate Editor

4 4 1 t just better not
rain. ../ warns Caroline Mitchell,
chairman of Junior Jaunt. Junior
Jaunt is to be held Saturday,
April 26th from 1 1 A.M. to 3
P.M. on the hockey field. The
activities this year are different.
In the past there have been
dances and such to raise money
for the underprivileged. "This
year," Caroline says, "it is time
for a change. Last year there was
not much enthusiasm. Instead of
giving money, we will devote
time. The idea is to foster
community relations. 1 '

Second, third and fourth
graders from Winnona Park
Elementary, College Heights, and
a small group from Trinity
Presbyterian Church will be
invited. About 200 children are

Minor problem. How do you
possibly feed and entertain 200
kids. Each class is uniting forces
to combat the problem. Gin
Crane, chairman for the

freshmen , is in charge of the
rations. "Two hundred kids
eating chicken will be a mess,' 1
Gin concluded, "maybe
hamburgers?" Anyway they will
eat. "We hope to have
watermelon, too," she added.

The sophomores, commanded
by Dale Derrick, are responsible
for activities. The kids will be
divided into units. Class officers
Christie Fulton, Carol Hacker,
and Sue Sayre will be in charge of
groups of 60 children. Each of
them will have five aids who will
each take 12. The groups will
rotate and play different games.

"The idea is to have
enough activities planned so the
kids will have something to do,
but to keep it flexible enough so
they can play what they want
to," says Dale. Most of the games
will be relay or ball games,
clowns will be on the field
handing out balloons and bubble
gum. Each grade will have a

The Juniors are taking care of
the "at ease period." After lunch
there will be singing and
story-telling. Bonnie Brown is in
charge of this.

Financing the activities is left
to the thrifty Seniors under Ruth
Hayes. They will sponsor a
faculty raffle and a bake sale on
Thursday, the the 24th.

All in all, the day should be a
lot of fun. Those of us who miss
having kids around will have our
fill next Saturday. The campus is
invited to come and join the
games. (If anyone thinks she
will get any studying done,
especially in the library, they'd
better forget it.) Why not join the
fun? Help combat~or maybe
join-the invasion. Volunteer now.



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possible with other interested
students in her dorm. The
intercollegiate games began April
15th with Agnes Scott playing

The next scheduled
intercollegiate tennis match will
be April 22nd at 2 p.m. with
Agnes Scott versus West Georgia.
The intercollegiate tennis
matches scheduled for April 15
with Oglethorpe were cancelled
due to rain and will be played

A. A. is sponsoring a trip to
Stone Mountain May 3. Anyone
interested in going should sign up
in the mailroom.

ASC club~.


Drama acquired a new assistant professor along with the new
department. Miss Flvena Green came in the fall of 1959 to teach
acting, speech, and direct the technical facets of productions. Under
Miss Green the technical aspects of the theatre continued to develop,
in spite of the difficulties of working in Presser. Some of the
problems took interesting turns, such as the night a tape broke and
girls had to stand backstage and bark like dogs. In 1965 Miss Winter
and Miss Green worked out the establishment of a drama major.

About the same time as the establishment of the drama major,
Blackfriars made two great steps forward. One was the new theatre in
Dana with uncluttered work space and a very interesting stage and
the second was Miss Jerry Rentz.

The club's production of plays involves both students in the
department and students with no academic association with drama in
the theatre. Learning the difficulties and hard work involved in
producing a play enhances the students 1 appreciation of drama.
Today Blackfriars is not only the oldest club on campus but also one
of the most productive.

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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

APRIL 25,1969

Renowned Pro Musica performs



One of America's most important concert
attractions, the New York Pro Musica will appear in
Presser Hall at Agnes Scott on Monday, April 28 at
8:15 p.m.

"The Pro Musica tradition consists of performing
medieval and Renaissance music in the most
authoritative manner possible, according to the latest
research in instrument and practice, and in adding a
spark of imagination that brings the music to life,"
says Chappell White, Atlanta Journal Music critic.

The Pro Musica ensemble consists of five vocalists
and five instrumentalists under the direction of John
Reeves White. Included in the five voices are a
soprano, a mezzo-soprano, a countertenor, tenor, and
a bass baritone.

Because the scoring used by the Pro Musica is as
close as possible to the performance practice
contemporary with the compositions, precise
reconstructions of the original instruments are used.
Some of the more unfamiliar to the layman are the
krummhorn, a soft wind instrument; the sackbut, an
early, less "brassy" trombone; the vielle, a medieval
fiddle; the rauschpfeife, a loud wind instrument with
a piercing sound; the organetto, a small organ
consisting of one rank of stopped flue pipes; lutes,
recorders, harpsicord and various percussion

The Pro Musica repertoire includes sacred works
formerly performed in Chartres and Notre Dame,
Germanic songs and dances of the fifteenth century,

music from Elizabethan England, music from Spain
and the Low Countries, and Italian renaissance

The program to be offered at Agnes Scott will be
based on the books published by Ottaviano Petrucci,
who in 1501 succeeded in printing from movable
type the first volume of polyphonic music anywhere.
His invention coincided witii the rise of the Flemish
tradition with such masters as Josquin des Prez,
Heinrich Isaak, Jacob Obrecht, and Baldazar.

The Pro Musica will also perform works by Dufay,
who launched the northern composers on their
international course, and some popular Italian music
such as the laude, frottole and dances written for the

Brown leads Scott summer
invasion of England in i 10


Agnes Scott is expanding its curriculum in an
imaginative way. During the summer of 1970, a
course in Social History of Tudor and Stuart England
will be offered and where better to offer it than in
England itself? The course will be worth seven hours
of credit and will entail six weeks of study and travel
in the British Isles. Michael Brown, associate
professor of history and acting assistant dean of the
faculty, is behind the formation of the program and
will accompany the tour (accompanied by his wife.)

But this is no tour as such. Seven cities will be
visited, but lectures, reading, required places to visit
and a paper to be due in the fall will assure you of the
academic nature of the course. The group will arrive
in London June 25 and stay there ten days visiting
Parliament, the law courts and other places dealing
with a theme of Britain's central government. British
professors will lecture in their field, usually at the
appropriate locale. Brown stressed that this will be no
dry classroom course.

From London, the group moves to Exeter for four
days and has a chance to see England's West Country.
The emphasis here will be on colonization and
English commerce and the ghosts of Drake and
Raleigh will be duly brought to life. Oxford is next
for one week with the stress this time on education,
art, music and architecture, or culture in the
Elizabethan age. Also it is a good chance to see a fine
university and hopefully meet some students. A. L.
Rowse, a British professor well-known to Agnes
Scott, will be a guest lecturer in Oxford.

The scene shifts to Warwick next for study of the
entertainments and amusements of the period for a
week. Although bear-baiting and cock-fighting are no
longer around, Stratford-on-Avon is, and advantage
will be taken nightly of the Bard's offerings. Three
days in North Wales and Chester are next on the
agenda and tours of country houses will be featured.
Another three days will be spent in the Lake District
at Windemere, soaking up houses and history. The
last week will be in Edinburgh, Scotland, before the
group heads home around August 5.

Mr. Brown stressed that there would be plenty of
free time for exploring on one's own. Most evenings
and weekends will be free also. Asked if this course
would be given again, he replied, "It is not a one-shot
deal, but the beginning of a continuing program of
summer work abroad." Eventually similar courses will
be offered in other fields and hopefully other

The deadline for applications is November 1 and
they may be given to Mr. Brown. Sufficient interest
has to be shown in order to enable the program to be
done. A minimum of 25 students will be needed to
make it feasible. The course is open to rising juniors
and seniors (as of 1 970).

The campus will have a chance for a preview of
one of the professors who will be addressing the
course next year. He is Professor Joel Hurstfield of
the University of London, who will be speaking on
campus April 29.

Any further questions should be addressed to Mr.

' chapt er of Mortar Boardsmiles af

recognized in Convocation.



"They are (1. to r.): .
Brow n; PeggyChapman, President; Dusty Renyon;
Marion Gamble, Secretary; Martha Harris,Treasurer;
Nancy Rhodes; Holly Knowlton, Vice-President: and
Judy Mauldin, Historian. Not pictured is Ann Marquess.

NSA sues Finch, Laird for
federal student aid cutbacks

by JOHN ZEH College Press Service

(CPS) -A suit has been filed in federal court
challenging the constitutionality of legislation which
cuts off financial aid of college students involved in
"disruptive" campus protests.

Principal plaintiff is the U.S. National Student
Association, a confederation of 386 student
governments on campuses across the nation. Joining
NSA in the action as representative parties are the
student governments at Notre Dame, the University
of California at Berkeley, and Maryland; the president
of Staten Island Community College, and four

The suit seeks to declare unconstitutional, and thus
nullify, certain so-called "anti-riot" provisions of
federal legislation designed to deny federal aid to
disruptive protesters. Named as chief defendant is
Robert Finch, Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare, who administers most of the funds involved.
Defense secretary Melvin Laird and Leland J.
Ha worth, director of the National Science
Foundation, are also named because they administer
applicable research programs. "When our nation's
lawmakers plunge beyond the constitution in their
zeal to punish students," said NSA president Robert
Powell, Jr., "it is time to call a halt. In NSA vs. Finch,
we seek to secure the protection afforded to students
under the constitution against the emotional and
intemperate reaction of our lawmakers."

More than 1.5 million students receive aid under
programs affected by the cut-off provisions. Also
involved are professors' and graduate students'
research subsidies.

The NSA suit contends the cut-offs are illegal
because they violate rights of free speech, assembly
and conscience; invade states' rights; constitute bills
of attainder; violate due process; are vague and
indefinite; and invidiously discriminate against the
poor. Powell charged that the laws also "represent
dangerous and unwise educational policy because
they substantially diminish the options" open to
educators in student discipline, because they are
"inherently unfair," and because "the powers of the
federal government do not and should not extend to

matters of student misconduct."

If the government "arbitrarily and unfairly intrudes
into the controversy surrounding student discipline
within the university," he added, "it will only invite
further division, bitterness, and paralysis within the
university at a time when that institution should be
restoring and strengthening its internal capacity for

Powell closed his statement with a plea for more
student involvement in institutional affairs: "Protests
should not be mistaken for the real problems, which
spring from the inherently undemocratic processes of
the university. Student powerlessness produces
campus disruptions. If lawmakers and educators wish
to serve the best and highest interest of our
universities, they will go to the causes of the problem
with their treatment, rather than mistakenly dealing
only with the symptoms."

William M. Birenbaum, SICC president, is the
representative administrator. The suit asks for an
immediate, temporary injunction against enforcement
of the cut-offs until the case can be heard by a
three-judge panel.

The cut-offs were tacked onto legislation by the
last Congress after the House Higher Education
subcommittee had urged leaving disciplinary matters
up to individual institutions. One provision calls for
mandatory cut-off if a student is convicted of a crime
during a protest. Another lets the school decide if the
disruption or rule violation was "of a serious nature"
before cutting off aid. The provisions were not
enforced under the Johnson Administration, but
President Nixon has made it clear he intends to
enforce the law.

The subcommittee, which handles much of the
challenged legislation, has been holding hearings on
the aid cut-off amendments.

Rep. Fdith Creen (D-Ore.), chairman of the
subcommitte, plans to see that the cut-offs are
maintained. She is preparing legislation to establish a
mediation service for campus disputes and to pay
federal financial aid to students in installments so
that it can be more efficiently cut off.



APRIL 25, 1969







Features Janice Johnston
Campus News Ginny Simmons
Business Manager Sandra Parrish
Photographer Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Great expections ...

As we come now to the completion of several months of
preparation for Junior Jaunt, it is time to stop and think
about what has been planned for us,

We are looking forward with high hopes and no little
trepidation, to the arrival of some 200 kiddies on campus
tomorrow. The "rut" we were in with last year's activity
has been filled with experience and asphalted with new
ideas. We are now whizzing down the highway to --

Only one thing seems lacking to make the affair a
triumph and a memorable one, rather than a mere success.
And that is the answer to the question, "Why are WE doing

It would seem that we have lost a sense of purpose, that
we are goalless in our activity. Merely wanting to "do
something for somebody" is laudable but creating an
effective, useful, and timely action is a difficult thing to

To begin, one must first define terms. Junior Jaunt is a
major campus-wide project. It has in the past been
concerned with charity, specifically the raising of money
for a "worthy cause." Now, "doing something for a Worthy
Cause" is good. It is also a more limited desire.

When one comes to consider the word "charity," the
field of action is considerably more limited. It generally
involves giving from abundance to those less fortunate. It
involves attention to others.

This is a purely personal definition of course, but a
project like Junior Jaunt should involve not only concern
for others but also a willingness to turn attention away
from one's self and environs. It is not that we have not
attempted to do this by having a playday, but the problem
is that we will accomplish little lasting good by this
expenditure of our efforts.

If we are concerned with human relations, then the
possibilities for action are limitless; but if we are concerned
with our obligation to society and to community relations
then enthusiasm quickly wanes. Surely with a little
experience this year, we can coordinate the two.

One more time...

When complaints reached a crescendo about the food last
quarter, gripe lists were posted in the halls and the food
committee scheduled meetings with the dining hall
personnel. The campus community is still waiting for the
results of those meetings, if any, or proof that our
suggestions are being implemented.

The gripes last quarter centered on the quality of meats,
the preponderance of leftovers, and lack of imagination in
menus. Breakfast, or the condition to which it had sunk,
was deplored. True, some changes have been made this
quarter. The popsicles are appreciated as are the cold
plates, and more bacon for breakfast.

But there are still complaints from those who are forced
to eat at 1:00 or after that any choice of food is gone
before they get there, and cold plates are non-existent. The
Saturday meals and Sunday supper are still bad. We get the
impression that all the leftovers are pulled out on Saturday,
that no one would eat the week previous. More food is
wasted than eaten.

O.K. food committee, get back to work. And let us know
what's happening, what progress is being made. And put
the gripe lists back up in the elevators. At least they're fun
to read on those elevator trips.




a %m



what Tm r
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SjHAT oJ6,

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mr iJreH
a# school^



Forum presents speaker
on John Birch Society


The John Birch Society, an
organization dedicated to fighting
communism, was the focus for
the latest Forum lecture, April
17. Dr. Lawrence McDonald.
Atlanta urologist and the
youngest member of the John
Birch Society national
committee, presented a review of
history and a discussion of the
Society .

McDonald dedicated the
major portion of his hour and
twenty minute lecture to a
discussion of the history of the
West and how it parallels the
history of communism. Beginning
with medieval society, he
discussed guild socialism and
labeled the earmark of this period
as stagnation.

The world communist
movement was traced back to
1776 when a parent organization
was founded. According to Dr.
McDonald, Karl Marx was merely
a tl hack reporter" who was hired
by communists to write the
"Communist Manifesto"-

The evolutionary theory of
communism, socialism, was
embraced by the Fabian Society
of England, whose membership


included George Bernard Shaw,
Beatrice and Sidney Webb, and
H.G.Wells. This group, said
McDonald, realized that the
battle for socialism would be won
in the United States; and
therefore, began to influence
the colleges in this
countryespecially through
textbooks such as law and
economics. Now, he says, most
U.S. colleges and universities
mis-educate students.

A crisis in American history
occurred in 1930 when Fabian
Socialism gained control of the
national Democratic Party,
McDonald reported. The speaker
noted that while socialism was
conquering America, Russia was
being attacked by

Dr. McDonald seemed to
think these two movements were
welded together by the Second
World War. Beginning with U.S.
diplomatic recognition of the
Soviet Union in 1933, he traced
in detail the path of World War II
and commented that the USSR
was the only power to profit
from this conflict. Quoting a
series of books and Birch writers,

K.P. Detail

Scenic Scot?

So MADAMOISELLE is here using student models for a fashion
feature on the Agnes Scott campus. It's a good thing they brought
their own clothes, for couldn't you see an article on "How Agnes
Scott Dresses?"

I can see it now-a shot of convocation and one student sitting in a
cluster of empty seats, avidly reading her NEWSWEEK dressed in a
sun dress with her bathing suit on underneath. Or imagine the
mailroom at the height of the 9:30 rush, a kaleidoscope of struggling
figures several of which our camera picks out. They are garbed in
various classroom outfits, from meenie-minis to linen sheaths. One
mighty mo in her mini drops a letter and leans over to pick it up just
as the camera clicks. That's one picture they won't be able to use.

What about a shot in the dining hall at high noon, Sunday? Think
of the contrast of a few darling spring suits against the cut-offs cum
bare feet and hair rollers interspersed through the line. Or drape a few
models in sleek spring fashions over a table or two, that is if you can
get them between the dirty dishes. But then, the contrast of textures
might be interesting.

Next try a picture in the amphitheater, of course with swim suits.
The trick here is to make everyone here look like they are dressed
which of course they're not. And it has to include a few workmen
leering over the top of the steps. One shot they'll have to get is the
LDH, say at supper or during chapel. The cigarette smoke and soft
soothing music set the scene for a shot of Scott's best denim and bell
bottoms lounging amidst the smoke.

One last picture. Well, really two. The library reserve room and all
those beautiful hair curler constructions. They'd be good against some
metallic dresses or something similar. And the last shot in the
article. ..A silhouette against a sunset over Atlanta: a young miss in a
hooD skirt and paraso! posing amid tne shadows cast by Main. That's
really Vgnes Scckt, or is if

he proved Roosevelt's complicity
with communism.

McDonald quoted noted
liberal, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., in
his attack of America's post war
foreign policy which was
characterized by backing down in
the face of communism and
refusing to help anti-communists
in Eastern Europe: "At the same
time, the US must not succumb
to demands for an anti-Soviet
crusade nor permit reactionaries
in the buffer states to precipitate
conflicts in defense of their own
obsolete prerogatives." ("Partisan
Review," May June, 1947, p.

Richard Parry, Assistant
Professor of Philosophy,
challenged this point during the
question period. Referring to the
same issue of the "Partisan
Review," Parry showed that
Schlesinger was discussing fascism
when he referred to anti-Soviet
reactionaries-a point which Dr.
McDonald failed to make clear to
his listeners. Thus he challenged
the whole basis for McDonald's
analysis of America's post-war
foreign policy.

The five major problems of
contemporary American society
were also outlined by the
speaker: Vietnam; the civil rights
movement, which he described as
a movement laid down by Lenin
and Stalin; the current monetary
crisis which is caused by
Keynesian economics;
disarmament, which McDonald
identified as a "transfer of arms"
to the UN; and the agricultural

McDonald concluded his talk
with a short history of the John
Birch Society, and of Robert
Welch, its founder. The purpose
o f the Society is to build an
informed electorate.

During questioning, Dr.
McDonald denied that the John
Birch Societywas racist or
anti-semitic. He also claimed that
the 14th Amendment to the US
Constitution was never legally

McDonald's whole lecture
seemed to have been based on the
assumption that Agnes Scott
students were ignorant of history,
He included enough of the facls
to mislead a person who was not
informed. But he quoted at least
one passage completely out of
context (as shown by Mr. Parry),
and this leads one to doubt the
validity of his arguments.

APRIL 25.1969



Gray on 'Antigone 9

It was a proud production.

Black friars of Agnes Soctt
proudly presented a dramatic
reading of Anne Allen's poetic-
translation of Sophocles'

Certainly it was the best of the
many readings presented by the
group in the last few years.

The lighting, setting, and
costuming created a feeling of
dignity and simplicity worthy of
the play itself.

Acting was uneven, but
generally good.

It is regrettable, perhaps, that
the play was chosen for a reading
rather than for a full production.

Miss Winter was proud of her

Miss Rentz was proud of her

And everyone was proud of

Revelation! B.O.Z.'s
name gift from past


A small group of struggling B.O.Z. had as little chance of

writers is as typical of a small survival as a beached earthworm,

woman's liberal arts college as the Not even the most tenacious

lack of hot water and the scarcity committee, or club, can survive

of interesting unattached males, without members. However, at

Agnes Scott is no exception in
any of these fields.

Up until the beginning of last
year, Scott had two writing clubs,
B.O.Z. and Folio. At that lime
the clubs merged and B.O.Z.
became open to all classes.

B.O.Z. was founded under the
direction of Dr. J.D.M. Armistead
in the fall of 1 9 1 5. The first club
was made up of a group of
students from the upper classes
who had expressed an interest in
creative writing. The purpose of
the club was to encourage
original work by meeting
regularly to read aloud and
discuss student work.

For reasons held in deepest
secrecy by the early members, or
perhaps never known, the charter
members named the club B.O.Z.
from a pen name of Dickens. The
new club took, name and all, and
in 1916 'The Silhouette" could
write about B.O.Z., that "it is a
new stimulus to creative effort
and is striving to form an
atmosphere that will honor and
encourage literary achievement."

B.O.Z., however, had no
equipment to stimulate the
creative efforts of freshmen or to
honor and encourage their
literary achievements. To end this
sad neglect, Mrs. C.W.
Dieckmann, an instructor in the
freshman English composition
course, organized the Folio Club
along lines similar to B.O.Z.

As stated above, Folio died a
natural death at the beginning of
last year and freshmen were
welcomed into the ranks of
B.O.Z. The basic structure of the
club is the same as it was before
the merger.

Interested students submit
their work to the club during
tryouts, usually held twice a year,
at the beginning of Fall and
Spring Quarters.

The material is considered and
the new members are voted in by
the entire club. The club has
three officers, a president,
secretary, and historian, and very
little other organization.

The purpose of the meetings is
an informal discussion of
members' work with occasional
critical comments by the club's
sponser, Miss Margaret Trotter.

There have been times in the
recent past when it seemed that


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present, B.O.Z. is alive and
healthy in the Faculty Club on
usually alternate Wednesdays.

To at least one group of
struggling writers, it offers both a
captive audience for new work
and badly needed constructive

One can be fairly safe in
saying that the cry for
communication going around the
campus has been heard by one
and all.

Realizing thai the paper is u
primary means of reaching
everyone in the campus
community. Rep Council is
delighted that it will have its own
column this year. (And as
Chairman of Publicity, I was
volunteered to write the article.
So, please don't spend all night
searching vainly for a slim clue to
any hidden journalistic abilities.)

Clicking our spurs together,

fidgeting with our lassos, and

peering out from under the brims

of our cowboy hats, we listened

and some even participated in the

first meeting of the 1969-70


Again, emphasis was on

communication, and discussions

at the April 8 meeting varied

from campus dates to the

sign-out policy to a proposed

re-evaluation of the library

system. We also tossed around

the idea of an open Rep meeting

to be held in the quad sometime

this quarter.

Encouraging words from Dr.

Alston and Miss Scandrett were


heard at the second meeting held
al Miss Scandrett 's house on
April 15. Members of the
Administrative Committee came
to mingle with the board.

1 he standing committees and
their chairmen were introduced
to us as follows:

Committe on Academic
Problems (CAP)-Martha Hams.
This spring, it will work on
eva lualing the procedure of
scheduling our own exams.

Committee on (he Problem
(COP)-Bebe Guill. Bebe's
committee works to remedy
specific major problems outside
I he strictly academic.

Rules Committee-Rita
Williams. This committee deals
with relatively minor policies to
pick apart the picky rules. This
year Cindy Ashworth will head
the Handbook Committee

Co-Curricular Com nut tee
-Bonnie Brown. A combination
of Symposium and Co-Curricular
Committees, this committee will
work on a symposium for next

Committee on Constitutional
Changes-Cassandra Brown. This
spring the members will work to
clarify election procedure.

Student Services-Mary Lou

: : : : by SUSI BORCUK K*>:

Benton. This committee is also
known as "Complaint Central."
It works on general gripes. It has
been combined with the food
Committee. Mary Nease will be in
charge of food problems. Good
luck, Nease.

I ntef collegiate-Mary Agnes
Bullock. This committee will
work to revitalize Scott's
contacts with other schools in the
a re a.

Lecture Commit lee-Sharon
Downs. Sharon's committee will
plan lecture schedules for coming

Convocation Committee-Carol
A n n M a cKenzie (si udenl
chairman). This committee works
with Dr. Alston to keep
convocation exciting.

Honor Emphasis Week-Peggy
Chapman. Peggy and her
committee will plan H.H.W., to
be held in November.

Reorganization of House
Council and Judicial (for want of
a better name)-Marion Gamble.

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EDITOR Andrea Quinn and
Barbara Waterston, photographer,
arrived on campus yesterday,
April 24. They have been taking
pictures using student models.
Anyone interest in modeling
should contact Miss Brewer, ASC
News Director.

GROUP directed by Miss Carolyn
Byrum will present its spring
concert Friday, April 25, at 8:15
p.m. in Presser Hall. The program
will include techniques from a
realistic burlesque on mountain
folk to an abstract commentary
on society.

Compositional studies, a
spiritual and a South Korean
ceremonial dance are also
included. Group and solo
selections will be danced to the
music of Prokofiev and
contemporary composers
Ussachevsky and Penderecki.

tomorrow! About 200 screaming
kids will arrive on campus
according to schedule at 11:00
a.m. on Saturday. So forget
studying (or sunbathing) and
come out and play with us. Don't
be left out if you forgot to
sign-up you're still welcome to
join the fun.

Plans include games on the
hockey field, a picnic lunch for
everyone, and storytelling and
singing in Dana. Although we
seem to have had more than our
quota of April showers, the
events will be held in the gym
and in Dana in case of rain.
Otherwise, all systems are go, and
it looks as if it's going to be a
great year for Junior Jaunt.

begins with explanatory class
meetings Monday, April 28.
During the next week, April
29-May 7, students returning to
Scott next year will select their
fall quarter courses. Sophomores
will also be choosing their majors
at this time.

Throughout the week,
conferences will be available with
faculty advisers, the dean and
assistant dean of faculty,
department chairmen, or other
faculty members. The hours of
these appointments will be
posted on the dean of faculty
bulletin board in Buttrick.
Students interested in teacher
education will have special
conferences arranged with Dean
Gary, Mr. Adams, and Miss Box.
Sophomores interested in this
will meet in room 3 Buttrick at
4:45 Tuesday. Freshmen will meet
in the same place at 4:45
Wednesday, April 30.

Course selection forms and
other supplies will be available on
the student table in the registrar's
office. These may be picked up
alter 2 p.m. Monday, April 2.X.
They will be due, completely
tilled out by 5 p.m. Wednesday,
May 7.


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COMMITTEE of the Board of
Trustees has approved the
establishment of the following
scholarship funds in honor of
faculty and administrative

1) The Leslie J. Gaylord
Scholarship Fund established in
honor of Miss Gaylord a member
of the Math Department for
many years . This fund is open
to all gifts from faculty, stu-
dents and alumnae.

2) The Committee
acknowledged the fact that a
Ferdinand Warren Scholarship
Fund had been set up by Mr. and
Mrs. Romeo Theriot and
authorized a contribution to it
from the unallocated funds held
by the college. This fund is open
to all who wish to contribute.
The funds from the invested
principle will be used annually
for a graduate fellowship for art

3) The Committee
acknowledged that the gifts of
alumnae faculty, students and
friends had created the Carrie
Scandrett Fund. The income
from this fund will be used for
student affairs and ultimately for
new student center.

4) T he Committee moved to
re-name the Robert Frost
Collection as the Fdna Hanley
Byers Collection of Robert Frost

CONCERT at 8:15 p.m., May 1,
the Agnes Scott Glee Club will
have its annual banquet in the
Presidents Dining Room. After
the 5:30 meal when the choir's
director, Mr. Theodore Matthews,

will play clarinet solo the club
will sing for students in the
dining hall entrance.

At 8:15 the group will
perform in Gaines for the public.
Highlighting the program will be
Kodaly's "Song Without Words
No. 1."

Guest tenor soloist Harry
Moon, artist-in-residence at
Oglethorpe University, will be
featured in selections from
Wagner's "Flying Dutchman.'
Student soloists for the concert
are Becky Belcher, Sally Martin,
and Deanna Penland.

Student Center is now offering
both a Monday and Friday night
movie series to which students in
other Atlanta schools are invited
to come.

Movies offered this quarter
include: Monday nights-May 5,
"1984" from the book by George
Orwell; May 19, "An Evening
with W.C. Fields" June 25,
"Lazarillo." Monday night

movies begin at 6:45 p.m. Friday
nights: April 25. 'The
Professionals" at 7 and 9 p.m.:
May 2, "Darling" at 7 and c >: 15
p.m.: and May 9, "My Little
Chickadee" at 7 and 8:45 p.m.

Athletic Association is
sponsoring a trip to Stone
Mountain on May 3. Everyone is
invited to join in a day of
picnicking, canoeing, mountain
climbing, and eating. There is a
sign-up sheet posted in the

Scottie Speahs

I/ow do you account for the
large number of vacant seats
during Wednesday chapel?

Nat Fitzsimmons '70: "Because
the penalties have been removed,
the interests people wanted to
pursue before, they now pursue
during chapel - like read

Susan Morton '71: "Coming to
convocation sometimes
necessitates neglecting one's
education - some poeple prefer to
neglect convocation."

Sue Sayre '71: "Probably
because there are not many
people there. People do not like
to be told that something
non-essential to their academic
career is reuuired "

a 3




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VOLUME LV Number 22

Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

May 2, 1969

N S A - Is it for Agnes Scott ?

The United States National Student Association
(US-NSA) was founded in 1947 at the University of
Wisconsin. Membership includes over 380 recognized
college and university student governments,
representing approximately 1.7 million students. At
the 1968 summer convention, the Association
approved the constituting of two groups - the
National Student Institute (NSI) to handle traditional
educational programs and the NSA corporation to be
involved in lobbying for legislative change.

NSA was originally an educational non-profit
corporation funded by student dues and tax
deductible gifts. In order not to jeopardize this tax
standing and in the desire to form a potent political
group, the new structure of US-NSA was approved.

The new NSA branch was approved as a
non-partisan lobbying body with power to support
five major legislative items a year, subject to the
approval of the annual congress. Major issues this year
have been lowering the voting age to 18, liberalization
of drug laws, draft opposition, educational reform
and civil rights.

The political action is financed through the student
services division which offers discounts on life
insurance, travel (US-NSTA), car purchasing, records
and entertainment booking. Insurance, records and
films brought in $ 1 00,000 in 1967.


The student services division also offers a job
placement bureau, cultural affairs program, national
film festival, and a campus calendar and handbook
for each student in a member university, according to
the "New York Times."

The NSI has received Federal foundation grants for
projects on tutorial assistance, educational reform,
community action, teacher evaluation, Vietnam,
black power and two completed projects on drugs
and student stress. Under one $315,000 grant from
Ford Foundation, a national informational center on
experimental education will be set up.

In 1966, upon discovery that some US-NSA
international projects had been funded covertly by
the Central Intelligence Agency, US-NSA began to
place its major emphasis upon domestic issues.

The group embraces the entire political spectrum,
from Wallace-ites to hard core revolutionaries, and as
a result of its controversial pronouncements has a
good deal of internal dissension. The liberal element
tends to dominate the group, as do the large
universities, as voting rights are based on population.
Agnes Scott is entitled to send 1 delegate and 1

Resolutions passed at the 1968 convention include
a statement ol liberalized drug laws; a condemnation
of the USSR's intervention in Czechoslovakia,

Warren exhibition opens; his
environment influences art


A "retrospective exhibition" of the works of
Ferdinand Warren, N.A., retiring chairman of the
Agnes Scott art department, will open May 4 at three
in the afternoon. Included in this exhibition of about
fifty items are oil paintings, water colors, enamels,
graphics and encaustics from 1928-1969. The
exhibition will continue through June 8.

Born in 1899 in Independence, Missouri, Warren
has been drawing and painting as long as he can
remember. His early training was accomplished at
Kansas City Art Institute where his studies were
interrupted by World War I. In 1925 he was awarded
a Tiffany Fellowship and continued his study in New
York where he was deeply impressed with the city
theme as a subject for his works.

In 1950 he came to the University of Georgia as a
research professor of art. The new environment of red
earth, red sun, and pine groves stimulated him, adding
more color to his work.

In 1951 Dr.. McCain and Dr. Alston asked him to
reorganize a badly neglected art department at Agnes
Scott. Thinking that he would return to New York
after getting the department back on its feet, he
accepted. He has been at Agnes Scott ever since.

Mrs. Pepe says "he and I came to Scott together.
We were in the third floor of Buttrick. The fourth
floor which was a huge vacant attic with Gothic
rafters and bay windows was used as his studio and
our gallery. We had lots of fun with artist coffees and
experimental movies. That's still his room." When he
came to Scott Mrs. Pepe says that "he was
instrumental in getting the permanent gallery up since
he and Harry L. Dalton were good friends." The N.A.
after his name signifies membership in the National
Academy of Design, to oldest art organization in the
U.S. It is an honorary society of one hundred artists
chosen for life. His membership was received in 1939.
Mr. Warren is represented in permanent collections in
such places as the Metropolitan Museum of Art of
New York City, the Brooklyn Museum, the Memorial
Gallery of Rochester, New York, the Fine Arts
Museum of the University of Georgia, the Atlanta Art
Association and the University of Georgia Library.

Among his most memorable experiences are
painting the portrait of Robert Frost, creating the
mural "History of the Printed Word," and painting
war bond posters for World War II.

Mr. Warren enjoyed doing the Frost portrait from
life "very much. It was very inspiring; he has a

^^ -^M. 'fV' $

Ferdinand Warren shows some of the work that he

has done in his many years here at Agnes Scott.

fascinating face and I had been studying it every
chance I could." When Robert Frost saw the finished
portrait, he turned to Mr. Warren with tears in his
eyes and said, "There's more of me in that portrait
than there is me in me."

In an interview Mr. Warren discussed his art style
and his future. Believing that most artists change
style, although not intentionally, he feels that his is a
"reaction to the times." More recently he has been
doing "abstractions from things heard, felt, smelt or

For him "inspiration comes from a reaction to
anything. An idea grows and there is the desire to say
something about it. This builds up to a point of
action." Usually he remains quiet about his ideas: "If
I tell someone about something I want to paint, I
usually end up not painting it because, having
unloaded my idea with words, there's uo need to do a

"A painting grows with an idea. Some think an
artist can visualize ahead of time what he's going to
do. Not to me. I can't visualize an idea. A sketch
comes first. To suit me a work needs artistic qualities
and to say what I want it to say. If it doesn't have
both of these things, I discard it."

(CONT. ON P.4)

equating its presence there with that of the US in
Vietnam; a statement on racism which gave a
mandate for a credentials committee to be formed to
approve seating of SGA representatives at the next
convention on the basis of efforts to combat
institutionalized racism. Voting privileges will be
denied to delegations whose schools have not
attempted to comply with the suggested efforts.

Investigations, involving expenditure of NSA
funds, active pressure and special education projects
aimed at admissions, faculty hiring, administration
and curriculum were approved. A statement on birth
control was also drawn up by Roman Catholic students.

The major source of agreement at the 1968
convention was discontent. Robert Powell, new
president of NSA stated that the differences among
students at the convention were "so small," when
compared with the differences between students and
"those people who run this society."

NSA has supported the legalization of the sale and
possession of marijuana in affiliation with the
American Civil Liberties Union. It has sponsored a
tour by Biafran students in the US and has supported
the farm workers boycott against manufacturers of
California table grapes.

There is feeling on the ASC campus that NSA
programs are not beneficial to the student body or to
the prestige of the school, that it is an useless
expense. The following are comments from SGA
officers and administrative leaders.

Dr. Wallace M. Alston, president of the college, said
that he felt it was "good for us to belong. NSA is a
national student forum that is very necessary and
important. It is a consultative body of national
standing where all points of view can be expressed.
Their findings and decisions are not binding upon

He went on to say that NSA "has always passed
resolutions different from my ideas and always will,
but it is good for our insight into other student

Cheryl Bruce, former NSA co-ordinator, "NSA is a
way of getting people interested in what's going on
off campus. I don't know if there's a better way. My
big aim when I went in was to get people involved in
it. The campus as a whole is tremendously apathetic;
they don't even want to discuss it. Some people
would beixtremely disappointed to see us pull out of
a national organization, though."

Dusty Kenyon, president of SGA, "No other
groups speaks as strongly on anything. I feel it is a
good way for ASC to sample student opinion. They
really aren't binding on us and shouldn't be."

"The question of Agnes Scott's affiliation with
NSA is not one to which a simple "yes' or 'no' answer
can be given,' Tina Brownley stated.

"When I was President of Student Government, I
intentionally did not bring up the question of our
membership in NSA for active consideration because
I felt that after the corporate division of NSA into
two parts last summer we needed time to see in what
directions the organization would go.

"Agnes Scott definitely needs the stimulus of
contact with other campuses over the country; NSA
can provide this kind of contact, but only if we on
our part are willing to make an active effort. At this
point, we are not making the efforts necessary to
realize any appreciable advantages from our
association with NSA.

"Speaking realistically, I think we have only two
alternatives: make NSA work on this campus or get
out. The failure of NSA at Agnes Scott is due not to
the national organization but to student apathy here.

"It certainly reflects poorly on us that if a campus
referendum were held on NSA, the majority of
students simply do not know enough about the
organization to vote with any real insight on the



May 2, 1969




Campus News
Business Manager J

Janice Johnston
Ginnv Simmons
Sandra Parrish
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Us or the outside world...

Last Monday, Rep Council took up the question of
National Student Association and Agnes Scott's place in it.
Nothing definite was decided mainly because the two
people with the most information concerning it were not
there. This in itself was one of the major gripes about NSA;
namely that the student body as a whole knows too little
about what the organization can do for us and what we can
contribute to it.

What some students have heard they do not like, such as
the Association's controversial stands on drugs and the War
and Draft, questions which seem distant from Agnes Scott's
ken. Not enough is known of the many benefits that the
group offers, such as travel discounts, a popular record club
and low cost insurance. But beyond the realm of what
material rewards we can get out of NSA is the underlying
concept of its real importance.

That importance is in the coming together of students
and the resulting exchange of opinion. Or in the words of
Dr. Alston, its worth lies in its use as an "invaluable
national student forum." Agnes Scott has to accept the fact
that it will probably be in the minority opinion on a great
number of issues. That in itself does not put us in the
wrong, only in a smaller segment of opinion.

There are not as many schools in the South that stay in
NSA as other regions of the country. The South has gained
a reputation for quickly wounded pride and an
unwillingness to listen to all sides of a question objectively.
Southern schools have also had a tendency to bolt the
conventions with little provocation. Let us not put Agnes
Scott in that category by hasty action on our part.

Another fact that many people seem to overlook is that
NSA's legislative decisions are not binding upon a school.
The school has to sign legislation if it wants to show its
support. This writer does not personally agree with the
aforementioned stands on the war, draft, and drugs. But
she does agree with the drive to lower the voting age to 18
and various other projects.

The problem at Agnes Scott seems to stem from the poor
job done by the NSA co ordinators in the past two years.
Ignorance and distrust have grown up concerning the job
and the power wielded by it. One member of Rep Council
Monday in discussing the voting privilege of the
co ordinator bemoaned "the danger inherent in investing
that much power in one or two delegates."

But there is evidenced a willingness to build up an NSA
organization on campus. With a good co ordinator, this
could be done. The number of petitions for the now-vacant
post of co ordinator supports this optimism. There is
interest on campus; there can be more with time and effort.
NSA can give us much; we can give it more.

This is 1969, and there does exist a whole different world
above the Mason-Dixon line. Agnes Scott would not be true
to herself and what she has stood for for 80 years, if she
turned her back now on the outside world. We as students,
would not be true to ourselves if we turned our backs on
our fellow students. If we do not stand together, there is
little hope of changing the world. And if we do not stand
with NSA, there is little hope of changing the students to
our way of thinking or even to the knowledge of our way
of thinking.

Kav Parkerson O'Briant

Spellman SGA goes
for broke-and wins!


The student body president of Spellman
College spoke at Agnes Scott last Thursday,
and 725 students missed a fascinating lecture.
Betty Ann Childers, Spellman's retiring SGA
president, was invited by the Forum and spoke
about the revoluntionary rule changes which
Spellman students agitated for and received
last October.

Miss Childer made her SC.A's
accomplishments sound very easy. Classifying
Spellman with most colleges, she said it was
undergoing a "period of change and
Awakening." She recounted how SGA
examined its constitution and then abolished
all rules and regulations concerning dormitory
and social life, such as curfews.

Actually the story has a little more to it.
SGA's action followed some weeks of student
interest and discussion. Followingthe vote for
abolishment, SGA members went to all
dormitories explaining their action and asking
for comments and discussion. They also asked
the students not to take advantage of their new
privileges that night-but to wait until the
administration found out about it the next

SGA saw the action as an assertion of
maturity, Betty Ann said, for the college's role
is not to regulate one's comings and goings.
The student leader emphasized that the action
was not to condone staying out all
night-rather an assertion of the principle that
this decision was up to the individual.

In the face of complete administration
hostility to SGA's action, the students
consented to a compromise solution. Now any
student who receives her parents' permission
has unlimited curfew. Sixty percent of the
students have obtained such permission. These
girls get an ID card which they show the

Betty Ann also commented on the problem
of apathy, which Spellman seems to have in
common with Agnes Scott. She emphasized
the predicament of the SGA which must strive
to represent the apathetic majority as well as
the active minority.

Spellman's ideas and problems have much
relevance for Agnes Scott. The Forum is to be
commended for its attempt to show this
relevance to ASC students.


Blase Sophomore: * l Mr.
Fowler thinks Fm cute."

Disgruntled Junior and friend:
"You know, we read that three
weeks ago. How am I supposed to
remember it?"

"Well, you said you had a
photographic memory."

"1 haven't developed that film

The John Birch man: "The
whole world watches America
and America watches television."

Franklin on
Afro history

Associate Editor
Dr. John H. Franklin a noted Negro historian
spoke on "The Future of Afro-American
History" at Fmory last Tuesday. Dr. Franklin
presently heads the department of history at
the University of Chicago. The author of
several books, Dr. Franklin is a noted scholar
of the Civil War and Reconstruction era.

Dr. Franklin's talk centered on tnc mas ana
inadequate representation of historians, such as
Beard and Bancroft concerning America's past
history. The Negro's importance and
contributory role are disregarded in these
interpretations. Dr. Franklin emphasized the
importance of "revision" in history.

The history taught in our schools he said,
should be such that it recognizes the role of all
people in our history as "prescribed by justice
not pride." (He refers to the idea given by-
textbooks that America's past is filled only
with glory, honor, victory and an American
image where all are undoubtedly equal...) The
white author's omission of the credible deeds
of Negroes suggests Negro inferiority.

Dr. Franklin said we are experiencing a
demand in recent years for recognition of this
history. Part of the Black Revolution in
demanding courses on Negro history stems
from the idea that "an understanding of the
past assists people in understanding their own

In the question period following the talk the
question was raised concerning how much
minority groups can take credit lor the upsurge
in black history. Dr. Franklin replied that they
(minority groups) can take credit for a certain
kind of currency, but not for any major
breakthroughs. There is an increase in the
number of people involved but the ferment has
been going on for a generation. The people
making these demands are standing on a firm
platform. Dr. Franklin did say thai "after the
Black Revolution higher education will never
be the same."

As a result of pressure to include black
history courses, many administrators can not
find competent people in these fields. For
example, qualifications for a prof to teach
Fnglish lit would vary considerably from those
required to teach Negro literature.

Dr. Franklin concluded that wc need j new
reassessment of American History. We must be
willing to criticize the past including
institutions and men. Dr. Franklin also warned
that Negro-American history should not
become a significant tool for political
purposes. He stressed the importance of
history as a "sobering influence" and a type of
"balance-wheel in American experience."

Aurora's growth - from

annual to magazine


Agnes Scott has a literary
magazine. Not only does it have
one now but it has had one since
189.1. From 1891 to 1899, the
Agnes Scott literary magazine
was the "Mncmosy nean," named
for the mother of the Muses.

The "Mnemosyncan" was
founded by the literary society of
the same name. At that time the
"Aurora" was the school annual,
although both publications were
open to poetry, essays, and all
sorts of general information.

The old "Aurora's" in the
library are worth looking through
if only for the sake of the
pictures and the wonderful
general information contained
therein, l or instance, in 1X99 the
music curriculum included a

course in Mandolin.

The v4 Aurora" became a
literary magazine in the school
year 1900-1901. At first, it was
published monthly. Later, it
came out quarterly and, finally, it
was published only two or three
times a year. At that time it was
the joint effort of the school's
two literary societies.

The literary societies, it seems,
put on all I he scilOOJ plays ueioie
Blackfnars was founded and gave
numerous literary teas. All this
activity may explain why they
published progressively fewer
"Aurora's" as lime passed. Then
again it just may be that I hey had
as much (rouble with their
printer as the present Aurora
staff does.

loday. the "Aurora" publishes

student poetry, essays, short
stories, and art work. Usually
there is more poetry than
anything else because, it seems,
even at men's colleges, more
students are working on the great
American poem than on the great
American novel.

If the "Aurora" has any
purpose except perpetuating
itself, it is to show the campus
community and anyone else
willing to read the magazine what
Scott students are writing.
"Aurora" also offers the student
the encouragement of seeing her
work in print. F inally, it gives the
beginning writers on campus,
both those who are published and
those who are not, a chance to
compare their work with that of
other students.

M;iv 2, 1969



'Twelth Nl


Lt Up! up! my Friend, and quit
your books;

Or surely you'll grow double:

Up! up! my Friend, and elear
your looks;

Why all this toil and

Thai is to say, it* your last
memory of Shakespeare is a
missing footnote at 3 a.m.,
you've missed the point.

Shakespeare never wrote for
the library or for the classroom,
he wrote for the stage.

And he did it quite well.

A delightful example is the
Alliance Resident Theatre
production of TWELFTH
NIGHT. In addition to being an
Shakespearean comedy, it's a
very funny play. As in the
1-lizabethan theatre, the play is
performed on only one set. The
curtain is never drawn.
Unobtrusive lighting changes vary
the focus* and mood of the

The cast obviously enjoys the
play. The only slow moments are
the clown's rather painfully
executed mandolin tunes.

Llaine Kerr plays a wonderfully
vivacious Viola. Her gusty asides
to the audience and addresses to
Sir Toby, her reaction to Olivia's
professions of love, her bravado

ghf opens

and cowardice charm the

Albert Quinton is a lusty,
lovely Sir Toby, but often
overshadowing him comically is
his dupe. Sir Andrew Aguecheek
(David Cold).

The audience delights in the
downfall of the sour Malvolio
(Bernard Kates), steward to the
infatuated mourner Olivia
(Claudette Nevins). Director
Michael Howard is to be
commended for imaginative use
of stage movement.

1 invite you, 1 urge you to see
TWELFTH NIGHT. I only regret
that you will miss the absurd
ending the audience experienced
on opening night, April 23. After
the last curtain call, Shakespeare
stroried onstage in a costume just
a little too small around the
middle, put on his bifocals, and
read his latest work, a birthday
poem for himself and Michael

The audience joined the cast in
singing "Happy Birthday" to the
playwright and director as the
cake was brought out and
balloons were distributed. A good
time was had by all.

And many an Atlanta matron
left with an orange balloon over
her shoulder.

Opera arrives here
for week of music


The Metropolitan Opera
Company is coming to Atlanta's
opera week beginning May 5. The
six operas will be night
performances at the new Civic
Center, except "La Boheme"
which will be a matinee.
According to Mr. Michael
McDowell, chairman of the music
department the civic center will
hold five hundred to six hundred
more people than the Fox

In conjunction with opera




emphatically urges that although
"opera is interesting and varied
vocal music which anyone can
enjoy, it is necessarry since opera
has a plot and is generally
performed in the original
language, that some advance
preparations be made so that the
story may be enjoyed." Books
for this purpose are available in
the library. Another reason for
studying the opera beforehand,
according to Mr. McDowell, is so
that one will not be disappointed
when what was thought to be a
tragedy is really a comedy!

On opening night a new
production of "Der

Rosenkavalier" by Strauss will be
presented with Regine Crespin as
the leading lady. "Faust" by
Gounod will be the second
night's performance. On
Wednesday, Anna Moffo, whom
Mr. McDowell calls "one of
Atlanta's favorite singers" will
star in Verdi's "Rigoletto," which
is taken from the play "Le Roi
s'amuse" by Victor Hugo.

"Adriena Le Crouvriere" by
Frances Cilea, a nineteenth
century contemporary of Puccini,
will be presented on Thursday
with Franco Corelh and Renata
Tebaldi as leading man and lady
respectfully. According to Mr.
McDowell, "This is not one of
the great tragedies, but it is very
pleasant musically." A comedy,
barber of Seville," which Mr.
McDowell refers to as "almost
slapstick" will be performed
Friday. It is the work of Rossini
and stars Roberta Peters.

"La Boheme" by Puccini is the
Saturday matinee performance.
Saturday night's performance of
Verdi's "AI Trovatore" will be a
new production with Radmila
Bakocevic, a new singer, as the
lead and James McCracken as


To the Editor:

I want to commend you Junior Jaunters for the lovely community
service you performed on Saturday. Many were the children who
would agree with the little girl who said, "I'm so much having fun I
wish we could come every Saturday."

Constance Shaw Ma/.lish

Editor's Note: The Profile joins with Mrs. Mazlish in congratulating
a job well done.

Margret Trotter has just had a short story of hers published in
the current "Georgia Review". The story is entitled, "The Birthday
Party" and joins the long line of her previous published work.

Romaine lauds ASC
dance program



If the Agnes Scott Dance
Group is the most creative group
on campus, it is because the
young women forming its
numbers have clothed with
imagination and perception their
pride and joy in the movement of
their own bodies. The beauty of
their Spring Concert performance
was undoubtedly fused with the
spirit of Miss Carolyn By rum,
director, who knows her art: the
necessity of demanding technical
perfection while allowing the
group the freedom of collective

It was this balance of limitation
and license that produced the
quality of performance Friday
night: the variation in lighting
from a purple haze to bright stage
lights; in sound from the pluck of
a banjo or swell of a symphony
to rain and the Midnight Special;
in costuming from a full-length
Korean kimona to the
puffed-sleeve blouse and floral
skirt of a West Virginia Mountain
girl; and in styles from the grace
of a minuet to the ecstacy of the
buck dance.

Two exciting shorts in the
program were "Design" and the
Korean Drum dance. In
"Design," Tricia Lindsay's gift of
organized movement as natural as
breathing brought grace to the
study of duo-motion now in
harmony, now in antitheses. Gin
Crane, romantic in filmy aqua
kimona and torso length braid,
expressed her knowledge of the
rhythmic refinement of the
oriental dance, and matched it
with technical skill in producing
the difficult drum beat.

Miss Crane's, understanding of
the musical expression of another
country was unfortunately not
matched by the conception of
other dancers of music of
sub-cultures within their own
society. Perhaps it was easier to
dance to the rhythm of the
Andy-Williams-type rendition of
"Go Down Moses," but neither
movement nor commercialized
music expressed the struggle from
which this black spiritual was

Similarly, use of bastardized
musical versions of venerables
like "Cripple Creek," one of the
most popular hoedowns, and
"Single Girl," another traditional
Appalachian song, was
regrettable. However, the humor



What role should NSA
(National Student Association)
play here at Agnes Scott? Is it
relevant to the needs of our

These are the key issues around
which the debate on NSA was
centered at this Tuesday's Rep
Council meeting.

Fveryone there agreed that the
relationship which Scott has had
with the Association in the past
has been a relatively passive one,
and, if we continue to belong, we
must somehow activate the
program here on campus.

Alternatives were proposed,
however. One would be to pull
out completely and reroute the
unused money (estimated around
$400 this year for airline
expenses) in a more constructive

Another alternative would be
to pay the $46.20 national and
regional dues and forget the idea
of paying round trip plane fares
to send the delegates to the
convention. This would allow
Scott the prestige of belonging'
and the benefits offered to
students by the Association.

Before it comes to a decision,
Rep Council feels it should hear
more from those who have been
connected with NSA in the past,
and, almost more importantly,
from the rest of the student

Make yourself heard
The next time you pass your
friendly student government
representative, yank her aside and
demand to know the facts about
NSA. I guarantee you that she
will be more than happy to hear
that you are interested. (Rumor
has it that few people outside
those directly involved in the
debate even know what the
letters stand for; few realize that
Agnes Scott belonged to it this
year; and even fewer recognize
that the continuation of our
membership as it now stands is
being challenged.)

of this final work, "Sourwood
Mountain," the gaiety expressed
in the technically exciting
expression of the hoedown and
buck dancing styles, and the
charm of Judy DeWitt, who never
loses her oldness, is

The second selection of Part I,
"Nightmare," captured all the
horror of a Freudian dream. The
gauze-draped stage of figures, the
moans and hysterical laughter,
and the furtive leaps of the
dancer-dreamer enclosed each
watcher in the sub-conscious

The horror of the scene was
reversed later in the program with
"Morphic," a ludicrous antitheses
of the anxiety of "Nightmare."
This dance, ostensibly restricted
by ribbons held by a central
dancer and attached to each of
the other five, was transformed,
by means of percussive sounds of
drums, tape recorder squeals,
bird-like twitters and props of
hoops, a wheeled cart, a chair and
a drum for a turtle-person
s h e 1 1 - p re s t o ! --a hilarious
do-your-own-thing psychedelia.

Perhaps the most perceptive
performances were those which
used all or a majority of the
dancers--the psychological
statement of total peace and
stillness and acceptance of self,
and the contrasting statement of

anxiety. The former, "Untitled , lr _

u/ i ll/1|t . i i * n A special screening of THE

Work, was delicate, flowing, GULL was recently held for
misty-all edges blurred. Atlanta area educators. Because

"Commentary," danced by Q f their reaction, we recommend
everyone, was an experession of this Russian literary masterpiece
group understanding of their to you at a special student rate,
medium. Rainbow variety of See your English instructor for
tights, typewriter music, and discount coupons,
angular movement synthesized to |\|

fulfill the words: "Our fears keep EMORY CINEMA
pace with us. We are driven."

Dance group, well done. 1439 Oxford Rd. Ni:. 373-8566






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May 2. 1969


Assistant Professor of Economics,
and Dr. John A. Tumblin, Jr.,
Professor of Sociology and
Anthropology, have been selected
to participate in a two-summer
seminar on South Asia. They will
spend "eight weeks during the
1969 summer at Syracuse
University (June 16-August 8) in
an intensive, multidisciplinary
seminary on the history, cultures,
peoples, and problems of South
Asia." A second eight-week
seminar will be held in India
during the summer of 1970.

Agnes Scott is one of fifteen
colleges in the United States to
be chosen to participate.

The selection of Miss Thimester
and Mr. Tumblin was based on
the qualifications they have in
their fields as their "further
interest in the international
scene." According to Miss
Thimester, their travel experience
and linguistic aptitude were also

Miss Thimester, who
participated in a similar program
at Duke last summer, said that
the seminar would be
study-packed. Miss Thimester and
Mr. Tumblin will prepare for the
seminar by reading from a list
prepared by Syracuse University.

This summer at Syracuse
they will spend two hours each
day in lectures and another two
hours in discussions. The lectures,
all members of the Association
for Asian Studies, are well-known
specialists in a wide variety of
fields. These include economics,
sociology, history, political
science. In addition to the
lectures and discussions, the
members of the seminar will
spend ten hours each week
studying Hindi in order to work
with field specialists in India.

"The program in India will
include initial orientation lectures
by distinguished Indian public
figures and scholars, further
Hindu language training and five
weeks of serious investigation
through interviews, seminars, and
briefings of major themes
essential to informed
pedagogy..." They will also spend
two weeks travelling locally and
studying independently in their

Miss Thimester explained that
the overseas program is confined
to India at present because of the
uncertainty of travel expense and
security in other parts of South

Upon completion of these
programs, Mr. Tumblin and Miss
Thimester will include their
experiences in their courses here.
From the Syracuse seminar Miss
Thimester hopes to see further
suggestions to the Curriculum
Committee on new courses of
course-expansions. Also to grow
from this set of seminars are help
for future independent studies
and perhaps a Seminar on Asia.

BLACK MASK" will be shown
Monday, May 5, in Room 3 at
12 and 4 p.m. The movie is
an introduction to Central
African Culture examining in
detail works of primitive art in
the former Beligan Congo. "This
film has superior insight and
critical interpretation of the
sculpture of the world of Negro

sponsor a fashion show in Dana,
onWednesday, May 7, at 8:30
p.m., featuring both spring and
summer clothes and bridal wear
from RegensteuYs. There will be
many valuable door prizes given

"Counterpoint" (Exposition
Press), will be guest of honor at
an Autograph Party given by the
ASC Bookstore. The party will be
held in the Library, Thursday,
May 8, during Chapel period.

class competition the freshmen
play the juniors, and the
sophomores play the seniors. The
games are scheduled to begin at 4



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In last week's dorm games,
Hopkins and Rebecca were both
victorious. Wednesday, Winship
battled Walters, and Rebecca
challenged the cottages. The next
games are scheduled for May 14.

In the intercollegiate tennis
matches, Agnes Scott will play
Spellman College this afternoon at
2 p.m.

Don't forget the AA trip to
Stone Mountain tomorrow!

CORPS (AUC) striving to involve
students in the crises of American
cities, provides an opportunity to
work on problems in Atlanta.

Agnes Scott students have a
disadvantage in that we have no
Federal Work Study Program
(FWSP). The money source for
an individual's salary comes 80
per cent from FWSP and 20 per
cent from the agency. Because we
don't have FWSP funds we are
lacking 80 per cent unless AUC
has sucess in raising enough
money for us.

Some agencies have agreed to
pay the full 100 per cent.
Southern Regional Education
Board has put up $20,000 which
will support about 20 students at
100 per cent; Fulton County
Health Department-ten at 100
per cent; and Vista-25 at 100 per

Question: What^ if any.
relevance do you see in the
National Student Association
(NSA) for Agnes Scott? Have you
ever utilized N S A ' s

Fran Ellington, 4 72: "Why
don't they have more publicity
about NSA so I can't answer
questions like that?"

Although he says "subject varies according to my
reaction to things," he is very interested in the city
theme as much of his work done during his stay in
New York shows. His colors are greatly influenced by
environment: in New York most of his oils were
dominated by dark colors; whereas, in the South his
work is influenced by the deep red earth and bright

The art of today for Warren "can be like sitting
down in a chair a certain way-it's a happening. It is
not created to last. Some sculpture is made that
blows itself up at a certain time. This may be a
rathering disturbing commentary on our times."

In regard to teaching at Scott Mr. Warren says he
enjoyed it very much "when students take an artistic
point of view. Yet it takes a lot out of a painter; you
have to talk about aesthetics so much that there's not
much left of you when you stand before a canvas."
After leaving here he plans to "keep on painting" and
to "play golf" (he is inspired after a hole-in-one last

Mrs. Pepe expressed our feelings about Mr. Warren's
retirement when she said, "I think he's a terrific
teacher because his students do not all have to paint
exactly like him. They all seem to have their own
styles. He's quiet, not a flamboyant teacher. I think
we will really miss him."

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Tina Adams, '7 1 : "Agnes Scott
needs desperately to keep in
touch with anything and
everything off of its own campus
to keep the accumulations of
stale air carculating! NSA seems
to offer us a good opportunity
for outside contact, and I hope
we won't throw this opportunity
away. The only NSA sponsored
opportunity I have made use of is
the International Student
Identity Card which was of help
while I was in Europe last

Mary Lou Romaine, '70: "In
light of Agnes Scott's present
isolation(in most areas) from
20th century thought,
membership in NSA could be
invaluable in helping us know
what aware students are doing
and thinking on other campuses.
Ive never used NSA
opportunities because no one has
told me what they are. So much
of the relevance of NSA to our
campus is dependent on the
action of one person-the
NSArepresentative. Perhaps we
need to allowand encourage
more people to attend the NSA


Janet Levy , '70:' "I feel that
NSA has very little relevance for
Agnes Scott. Its programs and
ideals simply do not reflect either
the needs or interests of our
students. I have not and would
not avail myself of their

Tricia Daunt, 4 70: "I definitely
think Agnes Scott should stay in
NSA. NSA is concerned with
issues which are relevant to our
society; and if Agnes Scott
students are going to live in
society, they must relate to the
issues. I think it would be a step
backwards for Agnes Scott to
pull out of NSA. I utilized their
conference on Educational
reform last year."

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in Decarur

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Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia 30030

MAY 16, 1969

Service scholarships - bad bargain?

bv KAY O'BRIANT Manaeine Editor JL C J

by KAY O'BRIANT Managing Editor

TWENTY-FOUR PER CENT of the student body
held some form of scholarship aid last year. The
average grant was approximately $600. Scholarships
are usually set up so that work is required for only a
portion of the amount. Freshmen and sophomores
work up to five hours per week; juniors average six
and one half hours; and seniors may work up to ten
hours a week. These facts were released from the
Registrar's Office which handles the financial details
in such matters.

The registrar would not give the definite number of
the scholarships which require no work, saying only
that ''there are a few...' 1 Only three were named, the
annual Stukes Scholarships awarded to the ranking
student in the rising sophomore, junior and senior

The duties that accompany each scholarship are
assigned by the member of the Dean's staff
designated as the Supervisor of service scholarships.

Sylvia Chapman is the Supervisor and it is her job
to fit students with a job. This is done on the basis of
interviews and takes into account, in her words, "the
kind of work she'd like to do and the hours she
would prefer to work." Miss Chapman adds that the
work "is excellent job experience and also helps the
student to learn a sense of responsibility." But is this
always true?

SOME STUDENTS COMPLAIN that they don't see
how hostess duty or cleaning up labs or shelving
books in the library will ever help them once they
leave school. Others criticize the difference in amount
of work that accompanies certain jobs.
Upperclassmen quickly learn to avoid the "excessive
work" jobs such asteacher's assistants, lab assistants
and other work which gives no time for study.

Some students question the amount of money paid
per hour of work and would like to see jobs on
campus for pay rather than never seeing the money
they "earn." A few even volunteered to work in the
dining hall or serve as dorm hostesses for pay.

ONE STUDENT LEADER who has been on
scholarship the three years that she has been a
student here, professed to be satisfied with her work
assignments. But she would like to "see the program
explained more fully in such areas as awarding of
scholarships, number of work hours assigned to each
student and placement." She also brought up the
relevant point of the small size of the average
scholarship grants, saying "The college's scholarships
are relatively small and I feel that it might lose good
students because of this."

This last point has seen a large factor in Agnes
Scott's inability to attract many Negro students. As
one student who considered coming to Agnes Scott
said, "Why go there when Michigan State offers you a
full scholarship with no strings attached?"

One gripe heard among the upperclassmen is that
there seem to be few privileges that go with your
experience in the program and your increased
workload. The upperclassmen ask for responsibility
"so that you're not doing the same mechanical jobs as
a senior that you were as a freshman." A junior
complains, "Upperclassmen used to have more choice
in the times to work and less weekend duty. Now, it's
almost as if they're trying to give upperclassmen a
hard time. They seem to be coddling the freshmen
too much."

Everybody has improvements they would like to
see in the program. Sylvia Chapman herself would
like to see a training period, especially for those in
clerical jobs, that would "help them to be more
accurate in their jobs." She also would like to do
away with weekend duty, but realizes that it is
presently impossible.

stem from the fact that upperclassmen must juggle an
increased academic workload with a larger scholarship
workload as well as possibly a greater amount of
student activity involvement. At present, only three
positions on campus allow a student to forfeit the
.ervice obligation of her scholarship. These are: the
chairmanships of Judicial and Rep Council and the
editorship of the PROFILE. Many scholarship
students feel that their workload could be
individually adjusted according to their overall
commitment on campus. A few have even confessed
that they feel unable to indulge in extra-curricular
activities because of their workload.

Capable students engaged in useful jobs rather than in

busywork would benefit the school.

One senior who is practice teaching would like to
have her hours eased this quarter. She has her classes
during the day along with seminars in the afternoon.
Her student aid time must be sandwiched in at night
and on weekends. She says this leaves her too tired to
prepare her lessons as well as she would like.

One upperclassman suggested a program whereby
the student agrees to accept her scholarship for the
four years here at school. She would work the first
two years in some job such as hostess duty or the
library or whatever. Her junior and senior year would
be spent in her major department, perhaps working
for a teacher her junior year and then combining the
work with study her senior year. The study, not
necessarily independent study, would be considered
part of her scholarship workload and would also
benefit her academic endeavors.

Another student brought up the possibility of
having more difficult and challenging jobs. Students
who have been in the program for three years are
simply bored no matter what they do the senior year.

BUT IN THE END, there is always one relevant
fact to refute any criticism or attempt at
improvement of scholarships. As one sophomore said
somewhat cynically, "There's really nothing they can
do to improve it and you can't really criticize,
because that'd be biting the hand that feeds you."

Frost collection a permanent
legacy of Librarian Byers



After 37 years as head librarian at Agnes Scott,
Mrs. Byers is retiring at the end of the school year.'
She is leaving a library much changed from the small
one in the Hub of 1932.

The library in which Mrs. Byers first worked
contained only 20,000 volumes and subscribed to
100 periodicals; these numbers have now risen to
115,000 volumes and 600 periodicals. In 1932, the
total salaries of the two librarians was only $3500. In
addition, they were allowed only $3500 to spend on
books. Most of the books have always been selected
by "an active faculty, very good in book selection." |
Mrs. Byers did much in helping to design the new
library. Having been a student under the man who
originated the study of library buildings, she planned
the seating space, book space, etc. in our present
library. She has also written a book, "College and
University Library Buildings,' a study of libraries in
various schools.

Mrs. Byers described her problems in trying to
provide a staff lounge with a kitchenette in the new
library, a necessity, since there was then no place to
eat in the summer in Decatur. Apparently, the
treasurer thought this to be a terrible extravagance.

Because of the problems involved with lighting,
Mrs. Byers did not want the library to be built in the
Gothic style. Until the library had flourescent
lighting, the lighting in the library was insufficient.
But, "It was Gothic or nothing," stated Mrs. Byers,
"Since Buttrick and the gym were on either side of
us." One improvement which she sees as necessary is
the installation of air conditioning.

Much of Mrs. Byers' time has been spent in building
the collections in the Robert Frost room and the
Agnes Scott room. The Robert Frost room, started
by Mrs. Byers in 1945, is one of 5 or 6 collections in
the country. Mostly the work of Mrs. Byers, it is an
amazing collection.

"The collection includes first editions, both limited
and trade, of the poet's books, holograph copies of
his poems, some written especially for the Agnes
Scott collection, periodicals containing the first
printing of his writings, anthologies containing the
first printings of his poems in book form, translations
into foreign languages, Christmas cards, broadsides,
page proofs, keepsakes, records, and other collector's
items. Mrs. Byers is now working on cataloging this
huge amount of material.

Miss Emma May Laney, an English professor here,
first convinced Mr. Frost to speak at ASC in 1935.'
Upon hearing him speak at Columbia University, she
wrote: "J was impressed with his stalwart integrity,

his courage, and his humor. I was especially struck by
his reading of The Code' and his comment that
college students are like the hired man in the poem:
you can tell them what to do but not how or how
much. I felt that we must have him for a lecture at
Agnes Scott."

After 1945, Mr. Frost returned to Scott every year
until his death. It was the writings which he gave to
Miss Laney which formed the nucleus of the
collection. Mrs. Byers stated that many of these
works which were gifts have doubled or tripled in
value in the past ten years.

Mrs. byers will leave July 4 for Europe; she plans to
visit Luxemburg, Prague, Stutgart, and Budapest. This
fall, she hopes to travel to Oregon and California.

In all her work at Scott - planning, running the
library, building the Frost collection - Mrs. Byers'
says her primary purpose has been to serve the
students and faculty. She described the library as
"her baby" and said that after 37 years it was going
to be hard to leave.

"Robert Frost and Edna Hanley Byers stand
chatting on the walk outside of Butterick.



MAY 16,1969




Campus News
Business Manager j

Janice Johnston
Ginny Simmons
Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Published weekly exceDt for examination and holiday periods
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

Me too

There comes a time in all men's lives when they really
would like to know what is going on. Since this school year
began there have been three major administrative
appointments made, those of Dean of Students, Dean of
the Faculty and Vice-president in charge of Development,
and in each instance the student body has been left to the
mercies of the Atlanta press in finding out what is

The same old "communication" problem crops up once
again. It is difficult to feel anything but shock and
embarrassment when asked about a person who does not
even exist as far as the campus is informed. Being left out
of a situation that the student lives within, of knowledge
that should rightfully have been given us immediately,
intensifies the much dreaded alienation. Interntional or
not, the slight is noticed.

It is impossible to ignore the real difficulties of campus
communication. The administration is obviously frustrated
by the belief that the entire student body can be reached
only once or perhaps twice a week through convocation
and the PROFILE. This is limiting on all sides. The
PROFILE staff, indeed, has never seen the paper in the role
of memo to the campus.

No one can quarrel with the necessity of waiting until
such appointments have been approved by the Board of
Trustees to tell the larger group of people involved. No one
can quarrel with the idea that the press must be informed
to cut off rumor mongering. However, we can quarrel with
the fact that there has been a three day lapse between
notification of the press and the official mention on campus
These people are important to us, and a little more should
be done that a notice in the dining room or on a bulletin

As a suggestion made in all kindness and considerable
disappointment, the PROFILE would like to suggest that
an effort be made in the future to include the entire
student body through called meetings in the dorms or fliers
in mailboxes or any other feasible suggestion. We can not
continue to to rely on WQXI or on word of mouth.
Granted that the old joke about the fastest means of
communication being either telegraph or tell-a-woman has
not been proved false on this campus, but one can never be
sure which rumor is the official one.


Work Scho/or^Jii-ps.

Reinhart probes ASC
black failings

Experienced Freshman: "When
I a. is leaching in Headstart^ the
kills used to pinch me all the tune
to see me change color."

* **

History 101 joke: "l*oy, look
.il I urkcy aftei WWI. She really
got carved."

* * *

Meul-ti me grouser "The

student government that lives,

eats and sleeps together thinks

On the door of the Cast Main
Date Parlor door:

"If you've half a mind to
watch television, that's all you
need." mm +

in the Pub:

I'm sick of being

Overwrought protessor: "This
class is unexciting, uncxcited and
frankly unexcitahle."

To the Editor:

Rev. King's chapel talk of Friday May 2, prompts consideration of
the following proposition: Agnes Scott would be a better Christian
college, if it made greater sincere efforts to enroll Negroes.
Admittedly, we presently will enroll any "qualified" Negro; however,
it is also true that most such Negroes will be offered more scholarship
money to go elsewhere. Thus, in my opinion, we avoid facing an
important Christian and educational responsibility.

Three steps to a more Christian response are listed: 1. Let the
leaders of the Atlanta Negro community know that ASC is actively
seeking and encouraging Negro applicants, 2. Lower admission
requirements for Negroes (by more heavily weighting intelligence and
motivation as compared to academic preparation), and 3. Develop
full Negro scholarships (by augmenting present scholarships, through
Class (lifts, by advertising in the local papers for funds, etc.)

It should be pointed out also that more Negroes in the student
body (and faculty) would result in an enriched educational
experience for all due to increased cultural interaction. And, it can be
argued that the college dies a little, if it fails to meet this challenge of
our time with enthusiasm and sincerity.

Philip B. Reinhart,
Assistant Professor
of Physics

Rev. King
speaks to



Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr.
Spoke to a full chapel Friday,
May 2. A powerful speaker, he
captivated the audience's
attention. His ultimate point was
the bad state of affairs, the lack
of brotherly love.

"America's trouble," said King,
"is that she will not repent. 1
don't mean just white America,
all America." Somewhere the
idea of Brotherhood has been lost
and an effective teaching of hate
has taken its place. "America
may fail because she won't come
to grips with the question of

King blamed part of the lack of
brotherhood on the churches.
"The church has not done what
she might have done in teaching
love and brotherly kindness.
There are sermons we hear, but
few sermons we can see." King
went on to say that the church
has lost its youth. The youth are
no longer interested in what the
church has to say.

A major point in King's talk
was the question of seeing, seeing
black and seeing white. King said
that as far as he was concerned
the color of skin was an accident.
What difference does it make in
the person? King doesn't approve
of the new' 4 Black"notation. He
prefers "Negro." "Black lends
itself to separation."

Society is also to be blamed for
the lack of brotherhood. "What
has society left undone?"
questioned King. King
emphasized that it was not who
committed a crime but why and
what made him do it. What in
society has led him to do this?

King's attitude toward youth
was on the negative side. He said,
"Youth lack a sense of religion, a
sense of direction." King pointed
out that it would be theproblemsf
today's youth to face the present
problem. Todays youth will have
to come to grips with this lack of
brotherhood. "Let me say this,"
King said, "This whole thing is
going to be dropped in your lap".

K.P. Detail

Needed - a pet policy?

Agnes Scott definitely needs
life. Not more college girl or
parent-figure > faculty type life,
hut animal life. Oh, I agree, the
pigeons and squirels have a corner
on the furry-feather contingent at
Scott, but I'm talking of real
animals, like kittens, puppies,
ducks, and other cute little
critters. The few animals that do
manage to so worm themselves
into our affections that they are
brought to this seat of learning,
do not find an understanding
reception in the Dean's offace.
And so Maurice, Juan. Harvey
and other friends join the ranks
of the dear departed.

(iirls are driven to great lengths
to compensate for a normal girl-
animal relationship. Witness the
many students furtively petting
their rat in experimental psych,
knowing t he horrible late that
awaits it at the end of the course.
Also notice the many girls
desperately clutching their date
on weekends and indulging in
what else but petting, to lay at
rest their animal oriented urges.

I put forward five reasons in
support of the institution of an

animal policy on campus. First
such a policy would eliminate the
aforementioned inclination for
ersatz animal companionship.
Secondly, the responsibility of
caring for a pet would greatly
benefit a future home maker.

Thirdly, such an undertaking
would greatly stimulate
connected industries in Atlanta,
such as feed shops and
veternarians-Agnes Scott must
think of the outside world.
Fourthly, we would be helping to
eliminate the abundance of furry
orphans at the Humane Society-
Agnes Scott has always been
forward in her charity work. And
finally think of what a nice place
it would be with our little friends
scampering around the campus- a
very pleasing picture.

Of course there would be a few
problems connected ith the new
regime. To prevent bickering
among the young, dorms would
have to be set up on the basis of
kinds of animals Main could be
dog-land, with complementary
animals allowed, such as fish,
birds and crocodiles Rebekah
would be the cat sanctuary, with

snakes and ducks too. Rooms
would be assigned on the basis of
the size of your pet- the larger
animal would get the larger room
(Would you like a room that a
girl with a german shepherd

Any dispute between the
creatures could be referred to
house council with new
committees set up to provide for
expected occurances. Say a
committee to decide fights and
another to judge damage resulting
from improper disposal of
products of natural body

I he security force would be no
longer needed. Instead the dogs
could take rotating duty guarding
the campus. Weekends otherwise
frivolously spent could be used to
care for the animals.

Wouldn't that make a beautiful
picture 7 The setting sun over
Agnes Scott; the bark of a dog,
the ducks and birds settling in for
the night, the cats curling up on
the beds and the crocodile
turning over in his bathtub. Who
knows 7 The pigeons may get
jealous and leave.

MAY 16, 1969



'Sea GulV panned - no
emotional involvement


The trek out to the Emory
Cinema for "Seagull" was one of
the more interesting points of the
week. As 1 had been warned, the
film contained absolutely no
action. Instead it was held
together and carried forward
merely by suspense.
Unfortunately, the suspense
tended to be overdone and

For example, the film began
with melodramatic flashes of
Nina riding frantically through
the thicket, and of the house,
where everything was
forebodingly still. During this
burdomsome and stiflingly
pregnant silence one tends to
notice the jerkiness of the

This same effect extended
throughout the film. Elaborate
silences and overdone symbolism
push the audience beyond
enjoyment into conscious
analysis. Performances did the
same thing. Simone Signoret, as
Irkadina, portayed the elegant

actress of the play as a
self-centered star. David Warner,
playing her son, Constantine,
emerged as an incompetent and
disilusioned would-be playwrite.
In the Chekhov play Constantine
was a sensitive budding author.

The big-name stars in the film,
James Mason and Vanessa
Redgrave, did only a creditable
job. Mason's Trigorin seemed flat
even after his impressive speech
at the lakeside. Vanessa Redgrave
had some good moments, but
overall she seemed to be too
mature for the innocent Nina
that Chekhov wrote.

As for the "stuff" of the play,
Chekhov's theme is covered up
by the brilliant display of
unhappiness in the film. In the
play itself, love is a subordinate
problem. The basic statement
concerns talent, the artist's
vanity, and ambition. Only
familiarity with the play would
glean these elements from the
film. They are well-concealed
under the strained chain of lovers
and their fretful manueverings.

Anne Allen, *69, signs a copy of "Counterpoint" at an autograph

party given soon after the publication of her book of poetry.

Switchboard - Scottie's
connection with Life!

A scene from "Flower," an animated Japanese film by Yoji
Kuri, and one of the offerings in the "Kinetic Art" series now at
the Atlanta Memorial Arts Center.

Unknown to many of us, Mrs.
Mary Whitley and Mrs. Ester
Barnett perform a job crucial to
most Scotties as telephone
operators. Few know, in
addition, what goes on behind
the room with the wierd blue

Our switchboard consists of 30
lines coming in and 1 1 going out.
According to Mrs. Whitley, this is
sufficient, as many students have
private phones. There is,
however, a time limit of 5
minutes if someone is waiting to
use the phone. The equipment is
relatively new; 5 years ago
operators had to dial each
individual number instead of
merely plugging in a wire.

In addition to working the
switchboard, the operators train
the student aid, a job in itself. It
takes 1 5 hours and several broken
calls to train an operator. One
student just happened to be on
training when this reporter was at
the switchboard, and had just cut
off Sylvia Chapman in the middle
of a conversation. Poking her
head in the door, Sylvia said that
it didn't matter; she had cut off

the business manager once when
he was in a pay phone and didn't
have another dime.

Commenting on some of the
interesting calls that come into
the switchboard, Mrs Whitley
stated "we're an information
center, that's for sure!" Calls
inquiring about the observatory
are a nuisance, since the
operators didn't even have a
window to look out of to see
whether the sky is clear.

Suprisingly, the switchboard
does not have many crank calls.
There was a problem, however,
when our phone number was
printed in the Technique as being
FREAKS 1. For about a week,
operators answered only to hear a
"Hey - it really works!" Then,
there was the person who asked
to speak to Agnes Scott. "He
really did believe that there was
an Agnes," commented Mrs.
Whitley. "It's fascinating; no two
days are alike."

High's 'Kinetic Art 9 series
has fine foreign films


"The Kinetic Art", a program of 26 films of
various lengths, will be shown at the Atlanta
Memorial Art Center in three parts on May 16,
23 and 30, at 1 :30 p. m. The films, all but one
foreign, represent a sampling of work being
produced by the new wave artists and directors
of today. The works range from 55 seconds to
55 minutes and are divided into three programs
which will be shown on alternative nights.

The films are as different from each other as
they are from the usual cinematic offering.
Some are cartoons, such as an Italian one titled
"Life in a Tin (Can)", and a delightful French
offering entitled "Spiderelephant." Others are
"regular" films, distinguished by their use of
camera, unique story line or just overall effect.
Two even use marionettes to act out the
producer's intent.

A preview showing was presented to the
press recently. Another selection of this same
program was seen by this reporter over a year
ago in Washington. Repetition did not mar the
effect of some of these films, it only proved
the genius present in most. If anything, the
films that were repeats for me were more
enjoyable, because 1 could relax, secure in the
knowledge of the outcome, and concentrate on
the director's intent, method, and catching
details that escaped before.

Perhaps a sampling of some of the films
would give a better idea of the program.
4 4 Phenomena", the only American work
represented, is a series of light images that shift

and merge in an everchanging pattern. Some of
the effects are kaleidoscope, while others are,
well, indescribable.

The three cartoons on the program, "Life in
a Tin", "Spiderelephant" an( j "The
Magician" are all excellent. They use no dialog
and are certainly not beamed at a children's
level (but a child would enjoy them
nonetheless.) The colors are gorgeous and the
drawing definitely not Walt Disneyish.

One Italian film "II Ciudice" has several
faults. This is the only film with subtitles (and
I can't remember any that are dubbed either).
The spoken Italian is too loud against the
subtitles that sometimes run below the edge of
the screen. Also this was a difficult film to
understand symbolically, and the good
camerawork went unnoticed with all the other
distractions. Definitely a film to see more than
once and to ponder over.

One last film deserves mention. This was a
Hungarian flick called, "Elegia". A symbolic
presentation of world events in everyday
actions, it has a true poetic quality. The
camera work is magnificent and the impact is
powerful. Scenes range from wild horses to
trolley cars to a bloody slaughterhouse, none
of which are easily forgotten. Definitely don't
miss this one if you can help it.

It's too bad that a show like this will
probably be seen by only a few people. Do try
to get to one of the three programs. You're
only depriving yourself if you don't.



Agnes Scott will remain a
member of NSA for the 1969-70
school year. At the May 5th
meeting, a roll call vote showed
17 against and 7 for Carolyn
Cox's motion to suspend our
membership in NSA for one year
(during which a study of the
situation might be made, and,
according to provisions made by
Rep Council, the funds used in
another way).

Before the vote was taken,
various possibilities were
discussed at great length. Cheryl
Bruce, a former NSA
coordinator, seemed to feel that
sending delegates to the
convention in Dallas is a
tremendous expense for our small
budget, but that it might be
beneficial to send one major
officer, who would best be in a
position to communicate with
the rest of the student body.

On the other hand, Elizabeth
Crum presented AA's suggestion
that we subscribe to the services
offered by NSA, but send no
delegates to the convention.

Augmenting Elizabeth Mathes'
recommendation that an effective
committee be set up to assist the
NSA co-ordinator, Cassandra
Brown proposed that we renew
our membership for one more
year on a strictly trial basis.

Discussion followed each of
these major suggestions.

Word to the informed
Rebekahians: Date parlors are to
date in-not to study in. Please
sign up for parlors on the day on
which you will be "actively
using" them (as Lou Frank so
memorably put it).


"We must take the future as the
criterion for all our value appraisals -
and not look behind us for the laws of
our action."

Dear Western Girl:

Not only was my vacation
assignment financially
helpful, but I also polished
up my skills . . .


Offices across the nation. For local information call . . .
Atlanta 875-7681



MAY 16,1969


Windows Dairy mple and Truelove
are discoveredin rocking chairs
counting out the money for the
interest on the mortgage on their
There is enough! Their humble
home is safe for yet another year.

You have found yourself in at
the beginning of "Because Their
Hearts Were Pure, or The Secret
of the Mine," a melodrama in the
finest sense of that great tradition
in Theater. Settling deeper into
your plush seat you will follow
the heart-rending adventures of
Melody Truelove, the heroine,
and Goodwin Dalyrymple, the
hero, as they suffer through the
evil scheming of Sebastian
Hardacre, cruel and lecherous

You may, also, find out the
secret of the mine and the true
identity of the articulate bundle
that threatens Melody's good
name. On top of all that, you will
see Carol Ann McKenzie play the

vamp. In any case, you are bound
to enjoy yourself, if you don't
split a seam : The happening
occurs May 16 in the Dana Fine
Arts Building at 8:15 p.m.
Admission is $ 1 .25.

The cast is as follows:
Melody-Patricia Briggs; Widow
Truelove- Beth Herring; Widow
Dairy mple-Penny Poats; Miss
H u t c h ett-E lizabeth Jones;
Shanghai Mamie-Carol Ann
McKenzie; Lulu Mae-Katrine Van
Duyn; Patience-Chris Pence; Miss
Prymm-Debi Long; The
men-Men! ! !

Harry L. Dalton art contest are
due Monday, May 26. The
contest sponsored by Arts
Council awards a first prize of
S50 and a second prize of $25 for
the best art work submitted. The
winning pieces of art become a
part of the permanent student art

Panel faces problems
of feminist movement


"You have to convince women
there is a problem," commented
one member of a panel discussion
on Women's Liberation organized
by the Forum. A panel of Emory
grads and undergrads focused on
woman's position in three
primary areas: as student--a role
in which woman is intellectually
equal, but socially sub-servient ; as
psychological being-woman is
nun, epitomy of goodness,
prostitute, epitomy of sexual
prowess, or mother, a
combination of the two; and as
worker in the society, fulfilling
one of four roles of wife, servant,
sexpot, or career girl.

Emphasis throughout the
meeting was on the distortion
and corruption that these
stereotyped patterns bring to the
lives of both men and women. If
woman is limited to passive,
stable, intuitive roles, man is
confined to theopposite ones. It is
as dishonest to place the male in
abnormal, purely aggressive roles
as it is to teach the female that
her only worth is her sexual

Reinforcing the opposition to
woman's role as mere beauty
queen (by stereotyped concepts
of physical beauty) was a mostly
| u m orous film of the
demonstration protesting the
f968 Miss America contest
("Brains and Body, mostly bod.
Inc.") If you still weren't
convinced there were facts:

1) In | l >60, 8 5' of women
who worked made less than
15000 a year.

2) The largest proportion ot
w. o in l' n w h o work hold
uncreative jobs. 33% of working

women who work have clerical
jobs; the next largest segment
have blue collar jobs; and the
next have service jobs-jobs as
maids or cooks, not protected by
minimum wage.

3) There is a decrease in the
number of women working in
professional jobs. Of women
working in 1940, 45% held
professional jobs; today only 38%
are working as professional.

Questions and answers were
varied, covering abortion, the
right of woman to decide for or
against life as a housewife, the
tactics used by the liberation
movement, and the relation of
Civil Rights to Women's
Liberation, This last brought
questions' of problems within the
movement. The problem of
inequalities in women's rights is
more obscure than the race
problem. Women have difficulty
organizing: They're
"programmed to compete with
one another," women are
isolationists, fearing to become
close to another woman.

Previous winning works are
now on display in the lobby of
Presser. Last year's first prize was
awarded to Betty Whitaker while
second prize went to Ruth Ann

Those students interested in
submitting an entry should notify
Deborah Ann Claiborne.

open their production of "The
Persecution and Assassination of
Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by
the Inmates of the Asylum of
Charenton under the Direction of
the Marquis de Sade" on
Thursday, May 15, at 8:30 p.m.
in the Alumni Memorial Building
Auditorium Advance tickets are
on sale now for one dollar.

The "Best Play of 1966;'
Marat/Sade has been variously
hailed as filthy, moral, sensual,
and prophetic. Set in
post-revolutionary Napoleonic
France, the elements are clowns,
theater of cruelty, asylum, ritual,
satire, songs, war and revolution.
The assassination ritual is set
within a larger scene of the
Charenton Asylum in the year

CHAPTER of the American
Association of University
Proffessors recently elected
Ronald B. Wilde, Assistant
Professor of Mathematics,
president for the 1969-70 term.
Other officers include Sarah L.

A fork in the road for ASC?

Newly elected NSA coordinator
Myki Powell pauses for a moment
before beginning work on her new


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Ripy, vice-president; Jack L.
Nelson, secretary-treasurer; and
Gimther Bicknese and Philip B.
Reinhart, Executive Committee
members. Over one-half of the
Scott faculty hold membership in
the organization

president of the college, was
elected president of the
fifty-seven member Southern
University Conference at the
organization's annual meeting in
New Orleans. He succeeds Dr.
David W. Mullins, president of
the University of Arkansas.

Agnes Scott was a charter
member of the Conference,
organized in 1935 with initial
membership of thirty-three
institutions. Members of the
essentially liberal arts group are
from thirteen southern states and
the District of Columbia.

JAMES BENTLEY, prominent
Georgia politician, will speak
Tuesday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. to
the ASC Young Republicans
Club. His topic will be
"Government by Ritual or

Scott participated in the Atlanta
Recreational Invitational
Volleyball Tournament. Winning
five out of six matches, Scott
placed second in the tournament.
Sophomore Peggy Lee was
selected for the All-star team by
all of participants.

In class competition, the
sophomores remain undefeated
with two wins and one default. In
last Friday's games, the seniors
beat the freshmen in a 2-1 match.
This afternoon the freshmen will
try to stop the sophomores and
the juniors will take on the
seniors. The games will begin at 4

The finals of the dorm
competition were held
Wednesday, May 14th, when
Rebekah and Winship battled for
first place. The winner will be
announced at the AA picnic on
May 21st.


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MAY 23.1969

Three administrators called
to ASC positions; a new era

were filled by action of the Agnes Scott Board of
Trustees during the 1969 spring quarter: Dr. Paul M.
McCain was named to a newly created position of
vice-president for development; Miss Julia T. Gary
was made dean of the faculty; and Miss Roberta K.
Jones was appointed dean of students.

The addition of new personnel to the campus is
more significant by the fact that the three
appointments were made within one year:

PAUL MOFFATT McCAIN has been the president
of Arkansas College for the past seventeen years. He
is the son of the late James Ross McCain, second
president of Agnes Scott. His niece, Evelyn Brown, is
presently a sophomore at ASC.

Before becoming president of Arkansas College,
McCain was professor of history at Brenau College.
He has also taught military history at the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point.

He earned his Ph.D. in history at Duke University.

Under McCain's leadership, Arkansas College has
moved to a new 100-acre campus, initiated
cooperative programs with other colleges and
universities in the region, and completed a long-range
expansion program. His primary responsibilities at
Agnes Scott will be in the area of capital fund

JULIA THOMAS GARY has been an associate
professor of chemistry at ASC since I960. She
became assistant dean of faculty in 1962 and
associate dean of faculty in I 967.

Before coming to ASC, Miss Gary was an instructor
at Mount Holyoke C ollege and at Randolph-Macon
Woman's College. She has done special study at the
Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Tufts
University, and the University of Illinois. She is a
member of Alpha Delta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa
( Randolph-Macon), and Sigma Xi ( Emory).

ROBERTA K. JONI S will become the second dean
of students (by title) in the college's eighty year
history. She has been associate dean at Valdosta State
College for the past two years and was formerly on
the staff of the dean of students at Ohio Slate
University, where she was director of a co-educational
residence hall. She was on the dean\ staff at the
University of Georgia for six years.

When asked to comment on her new job at ASC,
she stated:

"My job at Agnes Scott is more than a job. I see it
in three ways: as a major stage of my career, to some
degree as a way of life, and of course as a livelihood
to be pursued. I believe any woman entering a
profession must put all of these facets of her work
into perspective along with her goal to be herself. All
of these facets should enhance a personal life which is
satisfying and fulfilling, and I believe I will be able to
achieve this combination at ASC.

"My conception of the role of a Dean is something
like a jack-of-all-trades. She is a generalist rather than
a specialist because of the demands of the role:
education, administration, counseling .... I believe
in learning by doing and providing an opportunity for


Roberta K. Jones, dean of students\

Steele profile of Scotties uncovers hidden strengths

K, nCDDIT lAnniM


Miss Laura Steele, Director of Admissions, is, of
course, the most informed source of information on
"the Scott girl." Responsible for gathering personal
data on all applicants to be used by the admissions
board, she, in return, dispatches information on Scott
and Scott girls.

When interviewed about a general profile of the
student body, Miss Steele readily offered facts and
figures about this year's freshman class, the only class
for which this type of information is approximately
correct. She commented, however, that the
Registrar's Office is hesitant about publishing a
detailed list of criteria because of the "built in
anxiety it might create for the high school student
who fears that she might not meet the requirements
or fit in at Agnes Scott."

Miss Steele explained further, "In considering a girl
for admission, we don't examine her record to see if
her interests are unusual. We are, of course,
concerned if they look out of line in that she might
have a struggle here - especially academically."

The admission requirements do not vary from year
to year. It has been observed by many people that
each class has certain widespread characteristics that
make it noticeably different from the other classes.
Miss Steele claims that this is "just coincidence ."

Therefore the facts on the freshman class can be
considered representative of the entire student body
This is the second largest freshman class, the first
largest being the class of 1969. There are 29 states
and six foreign countries represented, with about 67%
of the freshmen coming from outside Georgia. Public
schools graduated 87%, while 1 3% attended private or
parochial high schools.

There are 1 1 newspaper editors, two literary
magazine editors, and 17 annual editors. Fifty-nine
served on student council, ten were DAR Good
Citizens, and six are National Merit Scholars. A
national fencing champion, Georgia's 1968-69 Junior
Miss, and an almost-Olympic swimmer round out the

These are the kinds of girls that make up the Scott
student body. What about the future? Miss Steele was
most firm in stating that admissions have not slacked

The freshman class for next year is expected to be
one of the largest in the history of the college. It will
include students from thirty states and four foreign
countries (Brazil, Belgium, Korea, and Germany).
Seventy-four per cent are from outside the State of
Georgia. Florida is next to Georgia in number of
students from a single state, with South Carolina and
North Carolina third and fourth.

Eighty-seven per cent of the freshmen are graduates
of public schools, and thirteen per cent are graduates
of independent or parochial schools. Nineteen
freshmen are daughters of alumnae, eight are
granddaughters of alumnae and five are sisters of
present students or alumnae.

There are fifteen editors of school papers, six
editors of literary magazines and eighteen editors of
school year books among the freshmen. Seventy-five
were members of student councils, twenty-one were
cheerleaders, one hundred sixty-six were members of
school honor societies, and fifteen attended
Governor's Honors Programs in their states. Nineteen
attended Girls State, with one serving as governor and
another as secretary.

A number of freshmen have awards on a state or
national basis. There are nine who have scholarships
through the National Merit Scholarship Program, and
over thirty others who received recognition in the
National Merit Program as finalists or commended
students. There is a General Motors Scholar in the
class. Other special scholarships based on merit come
through the National Honor Society, the Betty
Crocker competition, and two state oratorical
contests. There is a 4-H state winner, a recipient of a
Danforth award, and other special awards.

Represented in the freshman class are "Miss
Congeniality" in the Miss Teenage Richmond
Contest, the first flutist in the Denver (Colorado)
concert band, the 1968 Slate of Georgia tennis
doubles champion, and several DAR Good Citizens.

Also Miss Steele sees "no great increase in
transfers." She said, "We are not sending more
transcripts this year than last." She cited definite
figures for the present upperclassmen at Scott:
"Ninety-five per cent of last year's juniors returned as
seniors, 75% of the sophomores returned as juniors,
and 81% of the freshmen returned as sophomores."
"Next year the junior class will loose a substantial
number when twelve go on the junior year abroad."

She continued, "People who drop out do not
usually do so for academic reasons. There is usually,
however, another reason which keeps them from
functioning academically."

Despite student gossip, Scott is really ahead in the
race. The senior classes consistently graduate with at
least "62-65% of their original number which is well
above the national average of 40%."



MAY 23, \w






Features 0 Janice Johnston
Campus News M Ginny Simmons
Business Manager M Debbie Jordan
Photographer M Tyler McFadden

Views expressed in the editorial section of this publication are those of the
majority of the editorial staff, unless signed by the author. They do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the administration or the student body.
Published weeklv exceDt for examination and holiday periods
Entered as second class mail at the Decatur, Ga., Post Office.

A liberal definition...

Any attempt to answer the question of Agnes Scott's
future brings the inquirer directly back to the question of
what Agnes Scott is today. The cliche most often thrown
out in response is that ASC is a liberal arts college. The
following is a definition of the purpose of a liberal arts
college obtained from Merle Walker, associate professor of
philosophy, which may help us to re-consider our
frustrations here.

"The purpose of a liberal arts college is:

To develop the mind's capacity for independent thought
and for responsible criticism of ideas proposed for belief.

To encourage both a respect for facts and an ability to
weigh and evaluate the methods by which the facts are

To satisfy natural human curiosity about other times and
places and about the physical and cultural universe in
which we live.

To stimulate the imagination to go beyond the past and
present and to entertain creative possibilities for the future.

To develop and discipline one's powers of self-expression
by which both thoughtand feeling are communicated.

To provoke a search for human and spiritual values and
the commitment to self-sacrificing and courageous
translation of these values into action.

To emphasize the belief that one has not begun to
understand the universe until one has found something
other than oneself at its center.

A liberal arts college is the only type which sets all of
these goals for itself. Others have some of the same goals
we come way short of achieving these purposes - but it is
much easier to do less and succeed.

It is important to get away from grading papers, covering
material, etc., and look at what we are supposed to be


"Man is the only one that
knows nothing, that can learn
nothing without being taught. He
can neither speak nor walk nor
eat, and in short he can do
nothing at the prompting of
nature only, but weep."

"You are a good man's son. 1
was young, too, once, and then I
had a tongue very inactive and a
doing hand. Now as I go forth to
the test, I, see that everywhere
among the race of men it is the
tongue that wins and not the

Cheating-learning made
painless by co-operation


Fling wide the gates...

Beyond the 1842 sign at the entrance to Hollins there's

There are men and women going to classes together and
regarding each other as people and not as convenient
week-end accessories. There are student protests.

There are political leaders playing "my country's stronger
than your country" games with the ABMS. The
constitutionality of presidential decisions is being

Babies are being bitten by rats as they sleep in their
slums. Welfare recipients aren't getting the benefits that are
legally theirs.

There are people struggling for acceptance. Others are
experimenting with new and sometimes frightening ideas.

If we are not aware of the contemporary world, we won't
fit in when we leave Hollins. Our growth will be retarded.

The nineteen hundred is securely established at Hollins.
Even the sixty has a pretty firm foothold. But the nine is
still outside the gates.

Let it in.

-reprinted from the Hollins COLUMNS.

Canadian University Press
(CUP-CPS)-I want to call for
an organized conscious campaign
of cheating for the spring

You see, I used to think that
the examination system should
be abolished. And a suitable
protest would be that no one
would write exams. And 1 did
that, but they still tried to give
me a degree.

So I gave up on that type of
protest. Now, I've sold out. All I
want to do is to make the
examination system better.

1 sat down for two weeks all by
myself in a closet with an
armload of books and candles.
And 1 thought and read and
thought and read and I didn't
sleep much and after thirteen and
a half days I said, "Ahah!" and I
came out and here is what I had

The examination is supposed to
measure how much you have
learned about the subject
material being questioned via the
examination, up until the time
you write your answers. You
would not be able to figure out
any (or at least not very many) of

Since the rest of the paper this
week is concerned with peering
into the future of Agnes Scott 1
decided to give my imagination
free hand and visualize a class
reunion in say thirty years. The
class of '70 would be returning in
2000 a.d., like all returning
alumnae to be aghast at the
changes that have affected the
face of the institution.

The campus has by this time
expanded to Memorial Drive and
has about 5000 students. What
we fondly remember as the
campus is now the "old quad"
and all (he buildings long since
replaced by the high rise
buildings stretching down
Candler Avenue. 'Our" buildings
are preserved however and have
been lately adopted as the
favorite pigeon roost for the
campus air corps.

A t la n t a has long since
Swallowed up Decatur and the
campus, and downtown Decatur
replaced by a hugh shopping
center. The Atlanta business
district is a short live minutes
away by the old underground
transit system. but the city
planners promise to have the new

the answers just by thinking"
about them in your virgin head.

So what the society does for
you is give you a place (the
university) to learn in, and books
(the library) full of information,
and people (the teachers) who
know all sorts of goodies that
they were examined on and that
they read and were taught.

Now as a psychology professor
said to his class while they were
writing his Xmas exam, "Don't
guess, because the exams is rigged
and Til find out and it'll cost
you." And that's reasonable,
because the exam is only
supposed to measure what you've
learned and guessing would be

But if you're not going to
cheat, there are only a few ways
to get good marks:

Know ahead of time what's
going to be on the exams (called
cheating unless the professor
hands it out in some form of

Guess what the professor wants
to hear (Cheating - see above).

Have the exam only on what
the individual student learned
from the course and the reading

K.P. Detail

speed-of-light shuttle service
operating within the year. Four
new airports have been added and
the moonport is already ten years
old. The students really had a
fight last year getting the Atlanta
area officially enlarged to include
late parties at Stone Mountain's
moon playground.

The rules really aren't that
much different. The girls still
have to be in at night, at least in
time to sign in before their 8:30
class. Classes don't convene as
such. Each girl has her own view
screen in her room or carrel and
can plop on the bed and change
the channel to another class if the
lecture gets boring. Cutting is
almost non-existent since
portable view screens ean be
checked out of the library. Tests
are administered under the new
IBM system, just instituted last

The teacher programs the
tape and sets it up in the lest lab .
Students take the test on one of
I he IBM transcribers which
automatically records answers,
and delivers a graded test back to

i he student

I he plan has suceeded so well
that the school hopes to admit an

and his life (but that's not an
exam in the accepted sense).

Have the exam on what all the
students have learned

So I fall back on cheating as
the only way to pass the average
exam. But not everyone wants to
cheat, or does it well, or has a
conscience that will let them do
it at all.

So what I propose is that when
the exams are passed around, the
examinees get together and
discuss the questions and decide
on the answers. If there are two
or more solutions to one
problem, then you divide up the
work load among yourselves.

And this hardly even seems to
be cheating, the more I think
about it. Because what you put
down is what you have just
learned through discussion, and
that's what the examination is
supposed to be measuring.

And in the end, all the answers
would be right if they were the
answers of everyone in the class
including the teachers, so that
marks would be high. And high
marks are the point of the thing,
are they not?

extra thousand students next
year to quell student protests
over the small size and
provinciality of the institution.

The relocation of Tech at the
abandoned Kennedy Space
Center in 1985 hasn't hurt the
students' social life a bit. Most
girls are able to make it back to
school in a little over 15 minutes,
if the runwavs not too crowded.
Emory, with its 20,000 student
university complex is still popular
although there has been friction
lately between it and Scott over
which school gets Decatur for use
in its political science program.

The charges by alumnae that
Agnes Scott has become a
suitcase college are just not true.
Most girls manage to study on
Tuesday and Wednesday when
classes are held. Some even cut
their weekends short to return

before Tuesday and study.

But let the alumnae be
reassured. The school has not lost
its warmth and personal
attention. In today's world of the
megaversity educational factories,
Agnes Seott remains a small
school dedicated to teaching
young women how to live in our

MAY 23, 1969



'Where is Scott going*
discussed by Forum


"The Future of Agnes Scott College" was the topic for last
Thursday's Forum meeting, and it seems somehow significant that
only 32 people (30 students, 2 faculty members) were interested
enough in this vital subject to attend the meeting. Six people
associated with the past or present Agnes Scott made up the panel:
Evelyn Angellctti ('69), CatTierine Auman ('69), Marguerite Kelly
069), Claire Allen 067), Sally Richardson (two years at Scott,
transferred to University of Michigan) and Richard Parry, assistant
professor of philosophy.

Mr. Parry set the tone for the discussion by categorizing Scott in
the past and present as a ''secluded haven of contemplative
acquisition of knowledge" - one where creativity is discouraged and
information merely given. He labeled the alternative to this passive
role as a school on the "growing edge of creativity." Circumstances of
history and geography (the fact that ASC is in the deep South -- a
backwater region) have limited Agnes Scott in the past, but Parry
feels Scott is now in a position to change. "Any school with a $29
million endowment has a future."

Claire Allen listed five obstacles to change at Agnes Scott: the
student body, the faculty, administration, alumnae, and trustees.
Among her proposals were that ASC go coed -- and she even
suggested merger with Morehouse as a solution to many of our
problems - lack of contact with hiales and with blacks.

"Educated toward avoidance" is how Sally Richardson
characterized Scott students. "The education for life you get here is
sadly lacking." She described how she carried a heavy study load (and
maintained her grades) at Michigan but also worked 1 5 hours a week
in the cafeteria and "even dated." (Horrors!)

The word ''encapsulated" came up frequently in the discussion as a
description of the atmosphere of Agnes Scott and its students. A
question and discussion period brought varying responses from the
audience. A freshman pointed out the proliferation of status-oriented
upper middle class people seems to preclude awareness.

Marguerite Kelly felt stifled by the regional attitude toward
woman's function found "especially among the trustees." We seem to
be "educated to be gracious ladies of a home."

The Forum meeting was free one in which all types of ideas were
expressed and discussed. The fact that so few people care about
expressing ideas and listening seems to show how much validity there
may be in Parry's evaluation of ASC as a campus isolated from the
"growing edge of creativity."

RECOGNITION WAS GIVEN on Awards Day for the hard wofk

and achievement of Agnes Scott employees who have participated
in the Literacy Action Foundation tutorial sponsored by CA.

ASC plans expansion
across Candler Dr.


English majors fear
technical grad school


A recent prediction that future humanities under the study of
English study will resemble pre- English.] n addition Kolb suggests
med work strong dissent from that rhetoric will enjoy a "major
Margaret Pepperdene, Chairman revival in popularity" and that
of the English Department. traditional courses like Old

Pre-medicine has necessarily English will be replaced by
become a restrictive study, but in studies more relevant to the 20th
the case of English, Mrs. Century.

Pepperdene feels that "if you Mrs. Pepperdene pointed out
mechanize it this way, you take that in the Chaucer and Old
the humanity out of it. The more English courses at Agnes Scott,
you narrow your field of their relevance to today is
experience, the less ableyou are apparent. Eliminating Old English
to read." in the study of the language is

According to Gwin J. Kolb, according to Mrs. Pepperdene like
Chairman of the Department of -cutting off its roots." She feels
English Language and Literature that there will "always be a place
at the University of Chicago, f or Chaucer and Old English."
however, dramatic changes in the she agreed with Kolb that
study of English will be occurring there is a tendency toward a
in the immediate future. For command of one language as
example, English majors will be opposed to the thin reading
taking a special course of study knowledge previously encouraged
which "will resemble the course [ n several languages. The new
of study premedical students take emphasis that Kolb mentioned in
now, except that the course will rhetoric is more applicable to the
be in the area of English studies." big universities that have never

Kolb, last year's head of the had this emphasis than at Agnes
Association of Scott. The English courses

Departments of English, said he offered here have always stressed
was basing his predictions on critical writing,
discussions with other members Kolb's suggestion that students
of the ADE. Although Agnes planning to do graduate work in
Scott is a member of the ADE, English would soon be following
Mrs. Pepperdene was not a more rigid set of courses
included in the conversations brought objection from Mrs.
Kolb mentioned. Pepperdene. From her own

Kolb's other predictions experience, and from those of her
included concentration -in one .students, she states that a "good
foreign language rather than understanding in any area should
having a thin knowledge of prepare students for study in
several and the ultimate graduate school."
incorporation of all the


Two years ago, the Agnes Scott
Board of Trustees approved a
plan for long-range development.
As we examine Scott, what it is,
where it's going, this plan offers a
definite direction for the
momentumof the campus.

The plan for expansion was
presented by a special committee
in November, 1 967 to the Board
of Trustees. It was based on an
intensive study conducted by
Clyde D. Robbins, an Atlanta
Community Planning Consultant.

The plan outlined campus
growth to the south and east,
across Candler and down to Kirk
Road. The addition of the block
between South Candler and
Avery Streets is the projected site
of future academic facilities and
student housing. The block
beyond McDonough St. to
Adams St. would be faculty

In order for the campus to
expand across Candler and
McDonough, both of which are
presently main thoroughfares,
traffic would have to be
redirected west from Candler
over to Adams St. This would
conduct traffic directly into
Clairmont Ave. and thus improve
conditions in Decatur as well as
at Scott.

Dr. Walter E. NcNair, Director
of Public Relations and
Development, said that the board
adopted the plan "as guideline to
acquisition of land and as a
framework in which to move."
After the trustees of the college
had approved the study, it was
presented to community leaders
and then to the community at
large in a mass meeting at Winona
Park Elementary School. The
meetings were well attended and,
according to P.J. Rogers, Jr.
Agnes Scott Business Manager,
the community has "backed it
thus far 100%."

Mr. Rogers went on to explain
that the plan has also been
presented to the Highway
Commission, which totally agrees
with the concept. He expects that
by the end of 1969, the plan
should have the Commission's
formal committment.

Robbins, in making the study,
was asked to evaluate "the
present and foreseeable future
circumstances of Agnes Scott
College with respect to its
physical cnviroment and to
translate these factors into
workable programs of land
acquisition and recommended
community action. "This
evaluation was based on his
assumption that "at some time in


the future the college may want
or need to grow to perhaps 2000

When Dr. Wallace M. Alston,
President of the College, was
asked about the possibilities of a
student body this size, he
maintained that Scott should
never become too large to
continue its "personal quality to
life." Although he stressed the
importance of an open attitude
toward all possibilities and
reemphasized the longevity of
these plans, he did feel that Scott
would remain what it is now. In
other words, in the complex ol
Atlanta we can afford to remain a
small liberal arts college foi

While the Robbins study did
basically provide impetus for
forward thought, it has already
directed action. The college has
proceeded to purchase land
within the projected expansion
area, as it has become available
and as we have had the money.

Perhaps the most important
step in the progression of the
plan lies in the acquisition of a
Vice President for Development.
Dr. Paul McCain

I Repartee


Like the student, Dr. Alston
would like to see instant
communication lines set up
between administration, faculty,
and student body. While speaking
to Rep Council on Tuesday, he
expressed a sincere desire to
adequately notify the campus of
new innovations before the news
media somehow secures the
information and broadcasts it all
over Atlanta.

However, it must be clear to
everyone that this is not as easy
as it sounds. Indeed,
newspapermen are notorious for
their skillful persistence, and, as
Dr. Alston points out,
precautions must be taken that
incorrect information doesn't
leak out to the press.

Dr. Alston suggested that,
perhaps, a public relations
coordinator (student) could be
selected to work directly with
student government in keeping
the campus community

Along with this idea, he also
sees weekly convocation as an
important means of
communicating to the students
and faculty. In his opinion,
convocation has helped to unify
the campus to a rather marked
degree in the past; however, in
very recent years, interest has
dropped significantly.
Attendance records (which have
been kept each Wednesday this
year) show that about 60% of the
student body is "reasonably
responsible" in coming, 25%
"come some", and the rest
"don't come unless they feel it
absolutely necessary."

Dr. Alston asks that the
student body, as well as Rep
Council, stand behind
convocation. He invites more
student, participation and,
especially, better support. Any

Water bucket award
given to heroic profs

The PROFILE wishes to offer
a commendation to two members
of the faculty for service above
and beyond the call of duty. It
may not be known to all that
Margaret W. Pepperdene,
professor of English, and Jack L.
Nelson, associate professor of
English, successfully extinguished
a fire in the Hub on Wednesday,
May 14. The PROFILE has
succeeded in putting together this
report of the event from several
eye witness accounts.

It was a mild, uneventful day
in Decatur until the calm was
broken by the sight of black
smoke billowing from Agnes
Scott campus. "Fire in the Hub,"
shrieked one of two professors
casually sauntering by the scene
and both sprang instantly into

As one unnerved student put
it, "I was coming across the mud
flats from Buttrick when I looked
up and saw Mr. Nelson and Mrs.
Pepperdene running around the
corner of the Hub. I thought they

were playing tag. I couldn't
believe it. Then I saw the>

A student or unknown
students, as was ascertained at a
later time, had attempted to roast
hotdogs on the Hub stove
without being in attendance. The
hotdogs thus proceeded alone
beyond the point of return and
had begun to smoke in the last
stage of their demise. This same
smoke was observed by the
eagle-eyed profs who ran to the

The excited activity stirred
the curiosity of several students
who gathered outside the Hub in,
a vain effort to discover what was
happening. Several other students
jumped up and down in their
excitement and screamed, "Come
on baby, douse that fire." They
were squelched by the raised
eyebrows of passersby.

After the crisis had passed, the
feelings of all present were
expressed by Nelson as he walked
away muttering, "all that for a
bunch of hotdogs."



MAY 23, l%9


Agnes Scott College has
received a grant of $400,000
from the William Rand Kenan.
Jr., Charitable Trust of New
York. The announcement was
made to the college on
Wednesday, May 21 by Agnes
Scott President Wallace M.
Alston, who stated that the grant
will be used to endow a chair of
chemistry, to be known as the
William Rand Kenan, Jr.
Professorship of Chemistry.

From New York the trustees
explained, "The objective of the
Kenan Trustees in making this
grant is to establish a
professorship of such eminence
and distinction as to bring honor
and respect to the name of
William R. Kenan, Jr. Of equal
importance is our wish to support
a scholar-teacher of distinction
whose enthusiasm for learning,
commitment to teaching and
interest in students will make a
notable contribution to the
Agnes Scott College
community. "

Mr. Kenan, for whom the
professorship is named, was born
April 30, 1872, in Wilmington,
N.C., and died July 28, 1965. A
chemist, engineer and
industrialist, the philanthropist
provided for the William R.
Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust to
support and perpetuate his wishes
as stated in his last will: "I have
always believed firmly that a
good education is the most
cherished gift an individual can
receive and it is my sincere hope
that the provisions of this Article
will result in a substantial benefit
to mankind." The Kenan family
has been instrumental in
furthering the cause of educatior
in North Carolina and the South
since the time of the American

* **

Lawrence L. Gellerstedt, Jr.,
president of Beers Construction
Company in Atlanta, has been
elected a trustee of Agnes Scott

A native of Atlanta, Mr.
Gellerstedt was graduated from
Georgia Tech and is currently
president of the Georgia Tech
National Alumni Association.

He is vice president of the
Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, a
member of the Metropolitan
Atlanta Commission on Crime
and Juvenile Delinquency, the
City of Atlanta's Community
Relations Commission, and the
Community Council for the
Atlanta Area, Inc.

Mr. Gellerstedt is a director of
the Citizens and Southern
National Bank of Sandy Springs,
Tift College and the Gatchell

* * *

Faculty and administrative
promotions effective with the
1969-1970 college session are as

Marie 11. Pepe (currently
associate professor of art)
promoted to professor of art
and chairman of the


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Nancy P. Groseelose (currently
associate professor of biology)
promoted to professor ot

Bonnie Rose Beaver (currently
instructor in art) promoted to
assistant professor of art.

Vladimir Volkoff (currently
instructor in French)
promoted to assistant
professor of French.

Margaret Louise Cox (currently
instructor in physical
education) promoted to
assistant professor of physical

Gunther Bicknese (currently
associate professor of
German) to become chairman
of the department of German.

Julia T. Gary (currently acting
dean of the faculty and
associate professor of
chemistry) promoted to dean
of the faculty and associate
professor of chemistry.

The Janef Newman Preston
Poetry Prize comes from the
income of a fund established in
Miss Preston's name. Miss Preston
was for many years a valued
member of our English
department. The Fund provides
an annual prize of $50.00 for the
student writing the best original
poem. The student selected by a
committee from the department
of English to receive this prize is
Nathalie Elize FitzSimons.
* **

The Louise McKinney Book
Award was established a number
of years ago as a memorial to
Miss Louise McKinney who,
during her years of teaching in
our department of English,
awakened in many Agnes Scott
students a love of reading and a
delight in the ownership of
books. Each year the award of
$50.00 is given to the student
who, in the opinion of the judges,
acquires during the current year
from May to May the most
interesting and discriminating
personal library and who reveals
real understanding of her books.
The winner of the Louise
McKinney Book Award for
1968-1969 is Ann McCallum

** *

The Robert Frost Literary
Award was established by the
class of 1963. It consists of a
cash prize of $25.00 to be given
annually to the student who
shows the most promise in the
field of creative writing. This
student is to be chosen by
members of the department of
English. The Robert Frost

Literary Award is given this year

to Theda Anne Allen.


Teachers College of Columbia
University presents a book prize
to juniors in leading liberal arts
colleges. The Teachers College
award is an outstanding book in
education to be presented to the
member of our junior class who
displays the most constructive
intellectual int e rest in
educational issues. The award this
year goes to Pamela Dorathea

* **

The Wall Street Journal
Student Achievement Award
consists of an engraved medal and
a subscription to the Wall Street
Journal. The student nominated
by the department of economics
and selected by the Wall Street
Journal to receive this award is
Jane Austin Dillard.


The Agnes Scott Dance Group
has selected Penelope Burr as the
most outstanding performer in
dance and is awarding her a
scholarship of $200 for summer
study with Hanya Holm at
Colorado College, Colorado
Springs, Colorado.


The Harley R. Kimmel Award
was established by Nancy
Kimmel (Mrs. Harry A. Duncan,
Jr.), Blackfriars 1958, in memory
of her father. It is given to the
member of Blackfriars who has
made the outstanding
contribution to Blackfriars'
productions during the current
year. The winner of the Kimmel
Award for 1968-1969 is Mary
La Roche Douglas. Honorable
Mention goes to Miriam Jerdone
Corson, Annelle Capers Huffman,
and Edythe Patricia Johnston.

The Bennett Trophy is awarded
to the student who, in the
opinion of the judges, has done
the best acting of the year. The
winner of the Bennett Trophy for
1968-1969 is Carol Ann
McKenzie. Honorable mention
goes to Edythe Patricia Johnston.
Commendation is given to Carol
Juliette Langford. The judges also
recognize Hope Gazes for
outstanding acting in a smaller
role, with honorable mention in
this category going to Charlotte
Norma Coats and to Christine
Cope Pence.

The Winter-Green Summer
Theatre Scholarship was
established by Miss Roberta
Winter and Miss Elvena Green of
the department of speech and

College Relations Director

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drama at Agnes Scott. The

winner of the scholarship for the

summer of 1969 is Miriam

Jerdone Corson.

* **

The Quenelle Narrold
Fellowship Fund was established
by Mrs. Thomas Harroid in honor
of her daughter, an alumna in the
Class of 1923. The income from
this fund is used to provide an
alumna with a fellowship for
graduate work. The Quenelle
Harroid Fellowship is awarded
this year to Margaret Louise

Each year, the Atlanta Rotary

(Tub has a Student Honors Day

to recognize outstanding

scholastic achievement and

leadership among students in

local colleges and universities.

The member of our senior class

who was honored by the Atlanta

Rotary Club on May 5 is Martine

Watson Brownlev.


Virginia Crane has been
notified that she has won a S500
cash prize in the 1 969
Educational Fund Awards
competition, sponsored by Great
Books of the Western World. In
addition, the College has received
a set of Great Books in
recognition of Virginia Crane's


Do you think student course
evaluation would work at Agnes

Cheryl Granade '70 -- "I think
it would for two reasons. First,
the students here are serious
enough about academics to be
sincere. Secondly, the
administration and faculty are
open to constructive
suggestions. "

Virginia Uhl '72 - "I think it
sounds like a good idea. I believe
that the freshmen, and all
students, should have some idea
of the kind of course and what
kind of teacher they're getting. A
composite view from the entire
student body would be better
than well-meaning advice from
one or two students."

Miss Gary: 'The evaluation of
a course usually involves an
evaluation of the professor. I do
not think that such subjective
evaluation should be made

Faye Hamlin '72 - "The
students would feel that they
were really doing something
about their gripes - instead of
talking behind the teacher's

Kathy Tripplet, '7 1 : "I think
it would help the professor
perfect his method. It might be
good for the school to know
about what the kids think of
some of the courses. It might also
help better communications
between students and


Linda Reed '71 - "Yes, it
might provide an opportunity for
more varied courses. Since the
student body at Scott is so small
and a great number of courses are
not feasible, the evaluation might
help in planning classes the
students would really like to




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