Aurora (1899)

,BYRD' ,



-^ 9 uLc^ C'X^-^^


Hgnc9 ^2



Decatur^ Georgia*

Six Miles East of
Atlanta, on Georgia
Connected with
City by Two
Electric Lines .

Offers four Scientific, Literary,

Courses: /

w-^-i^-^-^ Classical^ JMormal


Advantages in Music and Art Specially Fine.
For Catalogue giving full information, address

f% T>. Gaines, president,

Decatur, Georgia.

M* Aw

ff\ " The First Store of the South. " (j;



is selling- high-grade Dfy
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Special attention is given
to goodness of quality in
everything we handle,
rather than to cheapness of
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the quality is as good and
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Attending to mail orders is also one of our specialties. We
gladly answer any question as to style or give samples of anything
that can be sampled. Our ilUistrated catalogue, which makes
shopping by mail easy, will be mailed for the asking.

Chambcrlin-Johnson-DuBose Co.






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ifol m.




ALr, That may be worthy in this book



6ditor^s preface

IN OFFERING to the public a new Aurora our aim is not
to make it merely a catalogue, but rather a record of the
things said and done by the students. That the book has been
appreciated by the students and their friends is evinced by the
earnest support given it, and by its improved appearance from
year to year.

In compiling this book we have tried to do our best, and
though we can not expect to please everybody in ail things, we
feel that the reader w-ill be pleased ; and we hope that, if vou
criticise, you will be lenient with us, remembering that our class
put us forward. Without the able assistance of Miss Buck this
volume could hardly have been published, and the Editors can
never thank her enough for the services she has rendered them,
nor sufficiently express their indebtedness to her.

.\nd now, our work being done, we lay aside our labors
with regret that they are done, with joy that they are well done;
and in after years we will look back on this period of labor as
one of the happiest of our course, if we have made our readers
glad that the '99 AuROR.A. was issued.

Calendar. ^ 1898 '99,



Board of 'Crustccs

George AV. Scott, . Decatur

F. H. Gaines Decatur

*E. H. Barnett Atlauta

Charees Murphy Caxdeer, Decatur

James G. PaTTOn Decatur

Therox H. Rice Atlanta

George B. Scott, Decatur

Milton A. CandeER Decatur

Organization of Board

Geo. W. Scott, President

Jas. G. Patton, Vice-President

F. H. Gaines, ... Secretar_v

Deceased. Succeeded by Mr. Sam Innian, of Atlanta.

The faculty

F. H. GAINES, D,D., President,
Bible Course and Ethics .


Miss M. Lui,a McKinney,

English Language and Literature.

Miss Nannie R. Massie,

French and History.

Miss Mary D. Sheppard,

Philosophy, Pedagogy and German.

H. B. Arbuckle, A.M , Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins),

Miss Maud Morrow, A.B. (Univ. Miss.),
Latin and Greek.

Miss Ann.\ I. Young,

Assistant in Mathematics.
Miss Libbie A. Alby,

Preparatory Department.

Miss Mattie E. Cook,

Preparatory Department.

Miss M. Melson, A.B. (Univ. Nashville),

Preparatory Department and Physical Culture.

Miss Clair Bidwell,

Primary Department .

Miss Shatteen Mitcheli,,

School of JMusic

Joseph Maclean, Director, Piano, Organ and Theory.
Miss Margaret Klebs, Voice Culture and Sight-Readino
*Miss Pauline Jennings, Piano and Musical History.
Miss Maud Powei,!,, Piano.
Miss Anna E. Hunt, Violin.
\Vm. O. Barnwell, Mandolin and Guitar.

School of Hrt

Miss Emm.\ G. Buck, Painting ana Dra-n-ins

W. S. Kendrick, M.D., Physician to Institute.

Mrs. E. P. Hull, Intendant of Infirmary.

Miss Rebecca Smith, Domestic Department.

Mr. W. D. Gilmore, Bookkeeper and Secretar)'.

Left on account of illnes.s. Her place filled bj' Prof. Theodore Saul.


The Gnglish Department

EVEN the superficial student seems to realize the necessity of some training
in English if she is to move in the better circles of society. As a conse-
quence the English classes are always full. In the English Department
at Agnes Scott such training is given as enables the student to talk
intelligently on the oft-recurring literarj' topics of the day. In the Freshman year
is begun a systematic study of the best English literature. The principles of
Rhetoric, discussed and illustrated in written exercises, form a part of the first year's
work. That this necessar}' frame-work may not become monotonous, it alternates
with a study of those two authors who never fail to appeal to young students
Irving and Scott ; and later is begun a careful study of the life and works of
Keats and of Tennyson ; nor is our own sweet Southern poet, Sidney Lanier,
forgotten, a collection of his poems, edited with an appreciative introduction and
notes by Morgan Calloway, forming an attractive part of the Freshman's work.

In the Sophomore year the study of Rhetoric is continued and completed,
special attention being directed to paragraph structure. The literary work of this
year carries the student back to the springtime of English Literature, to the age of
Chaucer through the period made brilliant by Spenser, Marlowe, Shakespeare to
the Puritan poet, Milton. A study of the men and women drawn by the world's
greatest character painter, and a discussion of the solution by this master mind of
world problems, form not the least inspiring and instructive part of the second
year's work.

The Junior year is devoted entirely to the study of the best English prose,
selections from Addison, Burke, De Quincy, Coleridge, Newman and Matthew
Arnold being studied with special refeience to style. As the study of each of these
stylists is completed, an essay discussing the style of the author is required. If
there be such a thing as conscious or unconscious influence from contact with great
minds manifested in their works, surely the Junior literary student can not escape
it. An instructive study from Arnold's Essays on Criticism occupies the last
month of the Junior year. A knowledge of real criticism, what it should be, its
spirit, and what it requires to be a true critic, is useful and necessary to all, but
especially to the college student who, as connected with college journalism, is too
often ready to " hurl philippics " at unoffending exchanges without discrimination.

Think you that the A. S I. literary student degenerates into a book-worm,
into a something resembling a pedant, from contact with the lore of these musty ( ? )
old authors? Abandon the thought. Our knowledge is not simply stored, it is
vitalized . Every effort is made to stimulate thought by means of such illustrious
examples. Nor is the student kept entirely in the past . A monthly discussion of
current literary news, an exchange of ideas about the best of the new books, and
monthly essays on questions of the day, keep us in touch with the outside world.
B}' means of these essays the student is made familiar with and initiated into the
intricacies of the various styles of writing. Especialh- are the wits sharpened and
the reasoning powers developed by frequent debates upon questions suggested by
our studies.

The last year's work is just what it should be the finishing touch, a com-
prehensive view of the whole. A note-book on English Literature used as a guide,
sending the student as it does to the reference books on this subject, begins
with the dawn of this great literature and carries us through the intervening ages
to the Victorian epoch. The literature of each era is connected with its history,
and the characteristics of each period are brought into such prominence that
definite ideas of each period are formed ; and having mastered the important things,
the}' can easily be built into one compact whole. Special studies on the develop-
ment of the English Drama and on the Romantic Movement in poetry give a fuller
knowledge of two important epochs in English Literature.

Besides this S3'Stematic study of the history of English Literature, the Senior
year offers two elective subjects that prove not only interesting, but valuable. A
study of Anglo-Saxon, in which a grammar of the language is supplemented with
translations from Calderson and other old English writers, offers opportunities
invaluable to a thorough student of English. The other subject consists of a full
study of poetry, its forms, characteristics, but chiefly its philosophj'. This class
meets twice a week and is called the "Browning," selections from the poetr\- of
Browning forming a conspicuous part of the poetical selections that serve as
illustrative studies.

Plainly, a course like this, taught as it is, with a view not to cramming the
mind with facts, but to furnish it materials out of which it may build something
of its own, is a powerful stimulus to thought. That we may learn how a book
should be read and develop a taste for good reading, for each year is arranged a
pleasant course of reading consisting of works of fiction, biographies and the
essays of the best writers. Having thus caught a glimpse of the attractive fields
of literature, it is the object to inspire the student to use it as a sure foundation
upon which to build a more beautiful superstructure.

But life is uncertain; there are examinations (and they som' Ernies end dis-
astrously) that stand like a barrier between the student and the world for which


she is prepariiif;. Are we to wait until we take part in its affairs to use our ideas?
No, we use them as best we can to bring ourselves into prominence in the college
world through our publications, of which we have two a monthly magazine and
an annual, which it may be well to state, as it is not universally known, appears
once a year. Our magazine, the Mnemosynean, was so named because founded by
the Mnemosynean Literary Society, the first that existed at Agnes Scott. Now,
however, though it retains its original name, it is no longer controlled exclusively
by the M. L. S., but is the product of the combined efforts of the collegiate
students from among whom the editorial staff is chosen. The editors are usually
six in number and are commonly members of the Junior and Senior classes,
though this is by no means an invariable rule. Those students not directly con-
nected with the paper manifest their interest by frequent contributions.

Editorial, Local, Exchange, Alumnae and Literary departments all find a
place in the Mnemosynean, and while we realize and have been made to realize
that a little more poetry would make its pages more attractive, we note as an
encouraging sign that the occasional poetic inspirations of last year did not take
flight with maidens, favored of the muse, who are with us no longer, but
have tarried and become an epidemic which none but the most prosaic have
escaped. Unlike most such dreadful things, it has produced some good results by
which our magazine has profited. Through our exchanges we are enabled to keep
in touch with the college world and to profit b}' the stimulus which never fails
to come from success achieved in a kindred enterprise. Among our esteemed
e.xchanges are the Georgian, Hampden Sidney Magazine, Tennessee University'
Magazine, Mount Holyoke, Emory Phoenix, University of Virginia Magazine, The
Reveille, Tar Heel, Crimson and White, as well as others too nnmex'ous to mention.

But the literary excitement of the year to an A. S. I. girl is the AURORA.
From January until April ever%- magazine is ransacked for suitable subjects for pen
sketches, the covers and advertisement pages sometimes disappearing in the most
mvsterious manner; every bright idea, each original conception is saved for the
annual. And woe unto the careless student who doesn't set a seal upon her lips !
part of the annual's fun will surely be at her e.xpense. But this is as it should be.
What is an annual good for if it does not give a definite idea of our school life as
it really is a peep behind the scenes?

The editorial staff of the .\rROR-V is selected from the Junior and Senior
classes, four from the Senior and thiee from the Junior. Its object is to reflect
school life at Agnes Scott. To accomplish thii we call to our aid the photogra-
pher's art, pictures of the classes and the various clubs contributing largely to the
interest of the annual. Though onh- in the third year of its existence, the Aurora
is self-sustaining, thanks to the energetic work of the business managers. Here-
tofore, this financial success has, as one member of the Faculty has kindly

expressed it, "enabled the young ladies of the editorial staffs of the Mnemosynean
and Aurora to come as benefactors to their Alma Mater, and year by year to give
her some enduring gifts, which shall remain in her halls as memorials of their
success." With such appreciation, and with the kindly aid and advice offered by
the Faculty, wh^- may we not make our annual better and better from j'ear to year?
Memories of the Literary Department will always be pleasant ones to us
A. S. I. girls. It is only with pleasure and gratitude that we can remember that
four years' English course, with its perfect freedom from routine work, and under
the direction of one whose enthusiasm makes her an inspiration to her pupils ;
and in saying that in future work her guiding hand will be sadly missed, we feel
tliat we give voice to the sentiments of the whole class of '99.

In jVIemoriam


Htlatita, Georgia, September 20tb, 1 898

Reverend Sdvourd Rairmiett Barnett, D.D.

pastor of the fnrst Presbyterian Church



and a Member of the Board of "Crustccs


Hgnes Scott Institute


f)istory of the
Decatur preshyterian Church

THE Decatur Presbyterian Church is the oldest organization of the kind in
northern Georgia, and is the mother church of nian\' of the neighboring
congregations. From it have gone out the First Church of Atlanta, the
churches at Rock Spring, Acvvorth, JIarietta, Midway, Stone Mountain,
Lithonia and Kirkwood. The church was organized under the name of West-
minster Church, October 29th, 1S25, by Rev. John S. "Wilson, D.D. Dr. Wilson
was the first pastor of the church and held that position fifteen years, his place
being supplied at intervals by the Reverend Alexander Kirkpatrick. At the time
of the organization there were eight constituting members : Wm. and JIary Bryce ;
James and Mary Lemon, great-grandparents of Grace Baxter, a former student at
Agnes Scott ; Wm. Carson and his wife, Jane : Thomas Harris and Rebekah
Luckie. On Sunday, October 30th, 1S25, three elders were chosen by ballot and
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. This was the first com-
munion ser\-ice in Decatur. At this service tables were used, and before the
members might receive the sacrament they were required to secure from the elders
"tokens," small pieces of lead one inch square and one-fifth inch thick, as a sign
of their membership and good standing. Dr Thomas was the first presentor of
these tokens.

The first sen-ices of the newly organized church were held in a small frame
building erected where the cemetery now is. Shorth- after its organization the
name of the church was changed to the Decatur Presbyterian Church. In 1S26
the Presbytery of Hopewell held its fall session in Decatur, the assemlily gathering
in the academy arbor near where the people met for worship. During this meeting-
was held the first revival in Decatur, conducted by I>r. J. C. Styles, the
Till 1830 there was no regular church building, services bein.g held in the iiiale
academy, and it was in this academy that the great revival under Dr. St\ les was
carried on. Other noted ministers who conducted revivals during the early history
of the church were Dr. Cunningham, Dr. Talmage, President of Oglethorpe I'ni-
versity, Dr. J. T. Leftwich, and Dr. Moses Waddell, President of Franklin College.
In 1827 there was an incorporation of trustees, and in the same year James D.

Shumate and his wife, Amelia, became members of the church, the first members
received on examination as to their religious experience.

Rev. Alexander Kirkpatrick, an Irishman educated in Scotland, served as
the first "stated suppl}-." He built the first manse, which is still standing and is
now known as the old McAllister place, served as pastor's supply, and taught
school in the academy.

In 1830 a portion of land was set apart for the purpose, and the first house of
worship built by the church was erected on the present site of the old church.
This structure was a frame building 40x60 feet. In 1S46 it was torn down and the
lumber carried to Marthasville, now the city of Atlanta, to be used for the erection
of store-houses. In the place of this the brick church now standing was built by
the architects, Daniel Killian and B. D. Shumate, at a total cost of |2,2oo.

In 185S Dr. Wilson left Decatur and became pastor of the First Church of
Atlanta. From that year till 1867 there was no regular pastor, but the pulpit was
supplied from time to time by Dr. James Patterson, Dr. John L. Rogers, Reverend
Thomas E. Smith, the first minister after the war, father of Bessie Smith, one of
the students at Agnes Scott in the present year, Jas. L. Kirkpatrick, Dr. De Witt
Burkhead, a noted divine from South Carolina, and Rev. M. D. Wood (iSyi).
From 1S72 to 18S7 Dr. Donald Frazier was pastor of the church.

Among the ministers sent out from the church are Rev. A. G. Johnson, T. F.
Montgomer)-, P. P. Winn, E. K. Winn, of Petersburg, Va., W. W. Brimm, of
Atlanta, Chalmers Frazier, son of Dr. Donald Frazier, D. J. Brimm, of Columbia
Theological Seminary . He was the son of W. W. Brimm, was named for an elder
of the church, Daniel Johnson, and was educated by the church.

The Sunday School of this church was organized June 19th, 1831, with
James Lemon as the first superintendent. He held that position till 1S39, when
Levi Willard, an elder of the church, was elected and remained superintendent till
1864. While the Federal army occupied the country in 1864 and till the close of
the war there was no regular superintendent. In 1865 Benjamin T. Hunter was
elected third superintendent, and was succeeded in 1867 by Wm. C. Moore, who
retained the position till his removal from Decatur. He was followed by Milton
A. Candler, then a deacon, afterwards an elder, who now holds the office. The
first teachers were James Lemon, Mrs. Olivia Clarke and Miss Rachel Calhoun.

In 1S87 the charge was left vacant by the de.ath of Dr. Frazier, and for a year
Mr. Hugh K. Walker ser\'ed as stated supply. In December, 18SS. Rev. F. H.
Gaines took the charge and retained it till 1896. In 1889 Dr. Gaines expressed his
desire and pra3'ed that a Christian school for girls be established in Decatur. As a
result of his prayers and efforts what afterward became the Agnes Scott Institute
was founded. A Presbyterian school for girls was established in a frame building,
now rolled away and used for a boarding house, which then stood on the present

site of the Institute, and the old Ansley house on the opposite side of the railroad
was used as a dormitory. In 1S91 the Agnes Scott Institute was dedicated and the
faculty of the Seminary was increased and transferred to the Institute.

In 1892 there was dedicated a new Presbyterian church, built on a site more
centrally located than the old one . For some time the erection of a new church
had been debated, and it was finally decided upon for several reasons, among which
was the proximit}' of the new site to the Institute and to the main part of the
congregation which had gradually settled at a distance from the old church .

The property of the old church was bought by the members, and a school for
boys was established in it. This school was incorporated as the Donald Frazier
High School, Ma}- 30th, 1S92. By a recent amendment of the charter of the school
two of the trustees must be appointed by the Synod of Georgia. Two are elected
by the session of the church, three represent the stockholders, two of these being
chosen by the Synod.

In 1S96 Dr. Gaines resigned his charge over the church to assume the presi-
dency of Agnes Scott Institute. Practically he had held this position since the
organization of the school, being president of the board of trustees and president
of the Institute in all except name. Rev. James G. Patton, of Henderson. Ky.,
then became pastor of the Presbyterian Church .

Senior Class


Red and White.


ANNIE GASH . President

BESSIE JONES, Vice-President


Lucile Alexander,
Ruth Candler, .
Bernice Chivers,
Annie Gash,
Bessie Jones, .
Rosa Belle Knox,
Helen Mandeville,
Mabel Lawton, .
Emma Wesley,
Nannie Winn,















North Carolina




South Carolina



fourth period

Che period of the Senior Ycur
from September, '98, to Commencement Day, '99






tucile Alexander Bessie Jones Helen Mandeville

Nannie Winn Bernice Chivers Rosa Belle Knox Emma Wesley

Mabel Lawton Annie Gash Ruth Candler




1. The Opening of the Senior Year. This the first time the members
of this class ha%'e ever been Seniors. This year the beginning of the end, the
culmination of their course .

2. The Design of the Senior Year. To complete the four years course
and, in the end, win a diploma. However, each member of the class has a
different design. There were some members who designed to get through the
course as easily as possible ; they dropped out last year.

3. The Plan of the Senior, To do what is needful to secure a
diploma. This much-desired object is secured in different waj-s according to the
varying courses taken. Of the ten Seniors five take the Normal Course, four the
Classical, and one the Scientific.


First Period From Hopkins' Moral Science to Dabney's Practical Phi-

Second Period From Wordsworth to Browning.

Third Period From Gaines' "Notes" to Alexander's '"Evidences of

Fourth Period Well-Rounded.


The Seniors are divided into two main classes day-pupils and boarders.
The day-pupils are in the majority. Significance ?

Names? Characteristics?

Cla9S of ^00


' Tout bien oil rien.


Grav and Old Rose.








Ethel Alexander,
Margie Booth,
May Barker,
Jeannette Craig-,
Mary Lou Duncan,
Mattie Cobb Howard,
Mary Payne,
Evelyn Ramspeck,
Jean Ramspeck,
Hilda Schaefer,
Rusha Weslej', .





Musical, .




Normal, .


Musical, .


Atlanta, Georgia,
Montgomery, Alabama
Decatur, Georgia
Yazoo City, Mississippi
Decatur, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
West Point, Mississippi
Decatur, Georgia
Decatur, Georgia
, Yazoo City, Mississippi
Lithonia, Georgia

-^ '^

f)istory of the

jfunior Class

Two YEARS AGO, as trembling
Freshmen, we crossed the
threshold of Agnes Scott, dulj'
impressed with our ignorance
and freshness, and heartlessh-
looked down upon bj' all those ahead of
us. Our mistakes were many, but the\-
were excused on the plea that we were
only Freshmen, and knew no better.
Alas ! how cutting this to the awakened
pride of the poor Fresh. ! But we were
not destined alwaj-s to be passed by un-
noticed, for our Fresh, year passed by at last, and we rose, with a sigh
of relief, to the position of Sophomore, one year older and many years

Here we rested more secure from the attacks of Junior and Senior,
and were looked upon with a greater degree of respect and importance.
But even here we had the reputation of being ga}- Sophs., and our
character and influence was still not valued at its true worth. But
the trials and difficulties of our Soijhomore year are now things of the
past, and we have triumphed over all : even Snph. math, has not
thinned our ranks, and to-day, as exalted Juniors, we tread together
the rough and rugged steeps of learning, well aware that the goal for
which we are striving is reached ouh' by patient toil and perseverance.
Much to the surprise of everj-body (ourselves excepted) we are
able to boast of a poet among our ranks. Responding to her poetic
inspiration for the first time in December, her maiden effort met with
success (being published in the Jlnemosynean I and was hailed by her
class-mates as signs of the " gude time coming.'" Inspired by her
example, we have hopes of others of our number.

But whatever the talents of the members may be, here's to jou.
igoo !


Eveh-n Ramspeck Jeannette Craig Rusha Wesley Mary Karke

Ethel Alexander Jean Ramspeck Margaret Booth

Mar>- Payne Martha C. Howard Mary I,on Duncan Hilda Schaefer


Class of 'oi


\"irtute ae labore.


Blue and White.












Fannie Moore Burwcll. . Xorlh Colle<i-e St., Charlotte, X. C

Mar_v Roberta Buchcr. ...... Decatur, Ga

Daisy Eleanor Caldwell. . . S7 Richardson St., Atlanta, Ga
Amanda Sanders Caldwell, dth Ave. and Pine St., Pine Bluff, Ark
Mollie Scott Cohen, . . . IK. Bolton St., Savannah, Ga
Willibert Davis, ...... Bainbridye. Ga

Anna Grace Hannah. ...... Thomaston, (ia

Marian Clifford Hall. . . . 5(. E. Ellis St., Atlanta. Ga


Maude Johnson, .

Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick,

Saedee Hull King-,

Georg-ia Mills Kevser,

Lillian McCJill, .

Loula McClain,

Chloe Louelle O'Neal.

Rose Kich,

Oiga Fleming Sobers,

Amy Seav,

Clara Mae Smith,

Anna May Stevens,

Evelyn Ninena Tate, .

Lucia Harriet Tarver,

Edith Svdnor Thomson,

. Decatur, (Ja

121 S. College St.. Montgomery, Ala

. 400 Third Ave., Rome, (in

Richmond, Ala

. Decatur, Ga

Yorkville, S. C

West Bainbridg-e, Ga

. 330 S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga

Bainbridge, Ga

Greensboro, Ala

Warrenton, Ga

. Poplar Springs, Ga

Tate, Ga

Selma, Ala
44<J N. Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga


The class of igoi is a ^^staj-''

GIVEN : A star is a body with five well-formed points.

Let a point be a characteristic.
TO PROVE : Class of '01 ^--^ a star.
PROOF : Draw conclusions from achievements.

CASE I. In Gaines' Bible Notes
Sophs =^ to the task,
and Sophs, of '99 > all former Sophs.
The task -Courag-eousness.

. . Sophs. ^= Courag-eousness. ( 1 )

(Having been previously forewarned both by Seniors and
Juniors that nothing is so frightful as Gaines' Bible Notes.)
.. Sophs, have a point in their favor.

CASE II. In Wentworth's Geometry

Sophs. :^ " The orig-inals ".
Orig-inals^= Great mental abilit^y.

. . Sophs. Great mental ability. (2)
(Having solved the problems of Wentworth's Geometry.)
.'. Sophs, have this point in their favor.

CASE III. In Eng-lish

Sophs. = Miss McKenney's " Outlines "'.
Miss McKenney's " Outlines " = Perseverance.
.'. Sophs. ^ Perseverance. (3)

("Practice makes perfect.")

.. Sophs, have this point in their favor.

CASE IV. In Science

Sophs. = " Atomic Theory".

Solving "Atomic Theory " ^Prominence.

.. Sophs. = Prominence. (4)

(Having excelled Juniors, who never solved the mystery of
the "Atomic Theory.)

.. Sophs, have this point in their favor.

CASE V. In Languages

(a; In German

Sophs. ^Fondness for Stein's Exercises.
" >Both Seniors and Juniors.
(Stein being the bane of the lives of both Seniors and

(b) In French

Sophs. ^" Literature".
" = Seniors.
(For Seniors, only, take French literature.)

. . Sophs. = Brilliancy. (5)

. . Sophs, have this point in their favor.

Then by adding 1, 2. o, 4, and 5, Sophs, have five points in

their favor,

and . . Sophomore Class ^ a star,

Q. E. D.

COR. 1. Class of 1901 is good.

(Ax. If good parts be added to good parts, the whole will

be good.)

.. Class of '(Jl is good.

(Combining the five good characteristics : courag'e, persever-
ance, mental ability, prominence and brilliancy, makes a good

COR. 2. Class of "01 being a "star" is the complement of A. S. I.


This corollary may also be written

Class of "01 being a "star" is the compliment to A. S. I.

REMARKS : This truth will be more clearlv demonstrated in TxH.


Class ^02


Vincit qui re vincit.


Red and Old Gold.



LUCY THOMPSON Vice-President


* Poet

* , Historian


Estelle Anderson, Washington, Ga

Lottie Anderson, Cartersville, Ga

Mae Barr}-, Decatur, Ga

Meta Barker, Decatur, Ga

Marion Bucher, ....... Decatur, Ga

Mary Battey, Rome, Ga

Laura Caldwell, ... 87 Richardson St., Atlanta, Ga

Nettie Calhoun, ....... Atlanta, Ga

Carrie Calloway, ....... Madison, Ga

Lorine Colmery, ....... Virden, Miss

Sara Collier, . ....... Atlanta, Ga

*Not elected.


Juliet Cox, Decatur, Ga

Ethel Davant, Memphis, Tenn

Annie Kirk Dowdell, ...... Opelika, Ala

Bell Dunnington, ..... University of Virginia

Lucy Goetchius, ........ Rome, Ga

Ruth Harwell, Opelika, Ala

Alice Hager, Decatur, Ga

Alice Hocker, ........ Ocala, Fla

Annie Hervey, Water Valley, Miss

Ida Hervey, Water Valley, Miss

Eliza Hull, . . Savannah, Ga

Marietta Hurt, Memphis, Tenn

Mary Bynum Jarnigan, .... Mossy Creek, Tenn

Ruth Lewis, 248 Jackson St., Atlanta, Ga

Eulalie Lawton, Rose Hill, Columbus, Ga

Olivia Montgomery, Tallulah, La

Carrie Morisette, New Berne, Ala

Sallie George Oliver, ...... Dancy, Ala

Clyde Ponder, Opelika, Ala

Katherine Patty, . . . :A') Capitol Ave., Atlanta, Ga

Louise Rdgsdale, Decatur, Ga

Valeria Rankin, . . . 201 Capitol Ave., Atlanta, Ga

Daisy Strong, Walhalla, S. C

Lucy Thompson, Clear Water, Fla

Bessie Smith, Tallahassee, Fla

Henrietta Smith, . Decatur, Ga

Tenney Showalter, . . .... Dalton, Ga



freshman Chronicle

SEPTEMBER 7th. Freshmen enter and are classified.
September 8th: Some fall back to sub- Freshdom, but
the world rolls on.
October 6th. Freshmen experience their first written lessons.

They don't like it.
November Sth : Freshmen get into trouble. This continues

throug'hout the year, and so need not be mentioned again in

the chronicle.
December 22t> : Freshmen leave for the holidays, but Agnes

Scott moves on in the same old way.
Januarv 3d: Freshman supposed to return to school. The

majority do not return until the 6th. Their marks consider-

ablv lowered by this.
January 16th : The Freshmen begin to take examinations. They

think thev are the only ones who have any work to do.


February 14th : The Freshmen receive valentines.

February 22d : Being- a holiday, the Freshmen walk in Decatur
alone. They play Senior.

February 23d : As a result of too much exercise the day before
and because of non-preparation of lessons the Freshmen do
not appear. The Institute mourns, but still wags on.

March 1st : The Freshmen write for the Aurora.

March 4th : Two Freshmen, one of whom is noted for her lazi-
ness and abstinence from study, refuse to write the class
history on account of "too much work " (grandiloquently).
The one specially mentioned above " came to Agnes Scott for
mathematics and Latin, etc., primarily; the Aurora is a
secondarv consideration."

March 4th to ISth : Though the Freshmen try to oppose it,
the world moves on.

(Continued till May 28th.)

Irregular and Special Courses

Thyrza Askew, ... . . Hig-bland Ave., Atlanta, Ga

Rosa Kingsberrj-, . . . 380 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga

Genie Thornton, ...... Talladega, Ala

Martha Ezra Robins, .... Lower Peachtree, Ala

Harriett Scales, ........ Atlanta, Ga

Mattie Wright, . . . .848 Greene St., Augusta, Ga

Sybil Bethel, . . . . . . . Key West, Fl a

Marie Goetchius, ........ Rome, Ga




MUSIC Special, (at concert, laboriag- under a mistake)
"What a grand artist he is ! What a touch I There
is not a fault in his plaj-ing !"

Friend "Mj- dear, that is not the great artist. He
is ill and his place is filled by a lesser lig-ht."

Special, ("much chagrined) "Oh I Er I thought I detected
some faults."

Stranger "Last half hour I heard a lovely voice on the
music floor. Do you know whose it was? "

Aspiring Young Vocalist "Oh j-es, I was practicing my
vocal lesson then."

Professor, (as he comes within hearing distance of the prac-
tice floor) " 'Music is love in search of a word.' So ! Well, well,
all I can say is that it bids fair to find the word soon or exhaust
itself in trying for it."

'Che polymnia Club

Officers '98 and '99


Secretary and Treasurer


Miss Gertrude Ausley,
Miss Fannie Burwell,
Miss Addie Boyd,
Mrs. Ed Barry,
Miss IMae Barry,
Miss Amanda Caldwell,
Miss Delle Carlton,
Miss Angie Cubbedg-e,
Miss MoUie Cohen,
Miss Mary Cook,
Miss Jeannette Craig",
Miss Mary Lu Duncan,
Miss Willibert Davis,
Miss Nannie Gilmore,
Miss Eulalie Gamble,
Miss Mary Bynum Jarnagin,
Miss Pauline Jennings,
Miss Saidee King,
Miss Margaret Klebs,
Miss Mary Kirkpatrick,
Miss Georgia Kyser,

Miss Mabel Lawton,
Miss Ethel Lawton,
Miss Carrie Morrisette,
Miss Loula McClain,
Mr. Maclean,
Miss Olivia Montgomery,
Miss Sallie George Oliver,
Miss Margaret Powell,
Miss Rose Perr}-,
Miss Madeline Routzahn,
Miss Lola Robinson,
Miss Jean Ramspeck,
Miss Daisy Strong,
Miss Olg-a Subers,
Miss Hilda Schaefer,
Miss Clara Smith,
Miss Mattie Wright,
Miss Edith Williams,
Miss Nellie Mandeviile,
Miss Harriett Scales.

Che History of the )VIusic Department
in the present '^car

THE world is full of melody, and the Music Department of
Ag-nes Scott is putting forth its best endeavors to swell the
volume of sound ; which effort, we hope, will be far reach-
ing- in its effects some day. I'here is no question of its
being far-reaching now in the sense of being heard by night or day
at a distance of from a quarter- to a half-mile, as the afflicted
auditory nerves of the public can testify. This, we fear, proves

that it has not exactly the charming effect of Orpheus' lyre upon
the woods andiforests. While we do not claim that the echoes in
our halls remind us at all times of "a forest full of delicious birds,'"
a considerate investigation, however, will show a more enlarged
and intelligent interest in the study of the history of music, which
constitute its first charms.

The year of '98 and '99 certainly dawned upon a greater Musi-
cal Department in our Institution. The introduction of a regular
course of study for those who wished to become students in the art,
is one of the new features of this department, and has found
earnest advocates in both teachers and students.

It is like "carrying flowers to Haymarket" to attempt further
praise of our most able and well-known Director, Mr. Maclean, but
it pleases us to add a fresh laurel leaf to his crown each year in
the recurrent accounts of our Music Department. He is not the
mere teacher, who is anxious only to justify his salary, but one
who has adopted a congenial life work, laboring with patience and
sympathy in the systematic building of the musical education of
his pupils. If his own thoughts could be interpreted just here,
they would probably read thus : Such quantity of endeavor granted
the Director, wliat has he a right to expect from pupils? The
answer is plain : At least a renewed effort to effect a sure and
steady progress. This repl}' may be somewhat embarrassing for
those who have all too often been overtaken in the forbidden
pleasure of playing tweedle-dum or tweedle-dee, or of whiling away
the practice hour, a time supposed to be spent in the serious and
earnest unraveling of those interminable puzzles. Bach Preludes
and Fugues or the like, in the delightful contemplation of Sousa,
truly the king of march-makers, but, alas, whose name too readily
suggests an echo of the appalling and transfixing phrase : "Five
demerits for that," when uttered by one in authority.

In the early part of our school year Miss Jennings, the able
assistant in this department, skillfully and charmingly conducted
her classes in harmony and history. But while congratulating


ourselves upon the smoothness of the course, ill-health compelled
Miss Jenning-s to resign, which fact occasioned not only sincere
regret, but a suspension of our work for a time. The monster,
"Grippe," no respecter of persons, for some weeks held sway as if
personified, and crowned himself general manager of the Music
Department, sending our Director and nearly all the assistants to
the Infirmary.

Miss Powell, our capable assistant and practice directress, and
Miss Hunt, our violin wizzard, were left alone in the Department,
and battling bravely against the odds of the epidemic, right
well maintained their reputation for faithful and successful

After the long holiday the curtain rose again upon the Depart-
ment with the mise en seine somewhat changed. We entered the
harmony class-room as usual, but instead of our fair and cultured
Miss Jennings, we were for a moment transfixed in contemplating,
with almost Galatia amazement, the presence of a Man, stalwart
and striking ! Don't think, however, that this feeling was one of
horror ; far from it, for we were all pleasantly smiling upon the
new person before us. But our wonder was much stirred when the
preceptor's name was given as Mr. Saul. The name "Saul" was
quite familiar to many of us who were then well into the second
of those three famous volumes called "Gaines' Bible Notes",
which, bv the wav, are truly worth_y of the name the_y bear. We
at once concluded that the name Sa/t/ wa.'^ well adapted to this per-
son, for he was without any doubt- "head and shoulders" above
any one else who had come within those walls within the memory
of the oldest students. We next thought of the famous oratorio,
Saul, arranged by Handel, and straightway by association of ideas
inferred that the soul of this Saul must be filled with music and
harmony. So it was proven, and even more, for when his mighty
hand struck the opening chords of the morning- devotional exer-
cises, the entire assembv listening were held spell-bound for a
moment, and then burst into joyful song. Mr, Saul is quite recently

from Germany, and comes to us with the highest endorsements.
While his capacity for instruction is beyond all question, his
faculty for impressing many of his pupils with the scope of their
ignorance of music is equally marked. His criticisms are expressed
with a somewhat Deutsche accent, which always enhances their
value to the music student.

Our vocal class has a record well worth recording, and is under
the efficient direction of Miss Klebs from Germany. She possesses
a delightful voice, and frequently contributes charming numbers
to our musical programmes. She has distinguished herself for her
careful and painstaking method in the development of the vocal
talent of the Institute, and in many cases for the remarkable
results reached in voice training. Our vocalists themselves are
famous in these parts for their strength of lung, and their Ellen
Beech Yaw notes may be heard at some distance bej-ond the
campus by day or night. While all pupils have not been made
sweet philomels, not being equally endowed with the divine gift of
some, yet they have been stimulated with the enthusiasm which
comes from working under good instructors.

Besides our accomplished Director and his able staff, this
Department boasts a musical club, the Polymnia, composed of both
teachers and students. This most valuable addition was organized
in the year 1895, and has been steadily increasing in size and
importance. Its meetings are held once every fortnight, and are
very enjoyable affairs, affording those students affected with that
most calamitous of all afflictions, "stage-fright, "ample opportunity
of warding otf the effects fatal to any musical performance in
public. Often the best talent of Atlanta honors the club with a
delightful programme, and frequently attend our receptions given
at regular intervals during the year. Besides being a great advan-
tage in the ways just mentioned, the club aids in the aasthetic and
scientific study of the art. Each year the funds of the club are
devoted to the purpose of building up the musical librarj* of the
Institute. Many valuable works have already been accumulated

in the few years of its existence, and our hope is that time may
add to it many more.

The Polymnia of '98 and '99 has not held its meetings as regfu-
larly as heretofore, due to the many vicissitudes throuo^h which it
has passed since the first three months of the year. The illness
and final resig-nation of our president. Miss Jennings, virtually left
us without a head, a necessary part of every organization, this
principally causing the lack of system and regularity in the club.
Spring, however, revived the interest in musical affairs, an interest
which had been lying- dormant during the winter months, and
work was once more begun in earnest, even a more lively interest
being shown than before. A greater incentive to work has been
offered in the scholarships in the Music Department and in piano,
each of which is maintained by the Pol3'mnia Club.

As complimentary to the Music Department the students have
the privilege of hearing the best talent of Europe and America
that is offered the Atlanta public. Season tickets for the series of
concerts by famous artists during the winter months are procured
for the students, thus stimulating a taste for and interest in what
is highest and best in the art. During the past season opportunities
were given the music students at Agnes Scott which are seldom
presented to many more than once in a life-time. The two
events which stand out in bas-relief as more impressive than the
others of the season are, tirst, the concert of Madame Fannie
Bloomfield Zeisler, the greatest woman pianist, and, second, that
of her cousin and her equal in greatness, Moriz Rosenthal, called
very justly "the piano gymnast". There were many programs
in the series which deserve mention here as interesting and
instructive, but the laws regarding the space allotted to this
article forbid the continuance of this dissertation to so great an

In short, the advantages offered are the best, and the portals
of our Music Department are open wide to those who love the
divine art and wish to have its treasures revealed to them. We,


the music students, one and all, with a flourish of our caps, give
three glorious cheers for the Music Department of the Agnes Scott
Institute and, gladlj' sounding its praises, wish for it the largest
possible scope with only the variation of ever increasing sucess.


Olivia Montgomery
Madeline Routzahn
Mollie Cohen
Annie Hervev
Ida Hervey
Gertrude Ausley
Sallie Georg-e Oliyer
Georgia Kyser
Kthel Lawton

Missey Hull
Harriett Scales
Edna May
Sibyl Bethel
Miss Williams
Miss Kirkpatrick
Miss Snook
Miss Gilmore










*Marg-aret Allison
Lottie Anderson
Gertrude Ansley
E. G. Buck

*Delle Carlton
Lena Craig
Ethel Devant

Georgia Kyser
Edna Ma}-
Carrie Morrisette
Katherine Patty
Tennj Showalter
Loucia Taryer
Jennie Vereen


THE Class of '99, believing firmly in the power of unconscious influence
( having completed a thorough course in Ethics), feels that the future
representation of the A. S. I. Senior Classes rests largely upon them.
Rich in the knowledge that comes from that much praised school of
experience, we wish, to use the words of one of our number, ahvaj's esteemed, but
doubly so after April 8th :

" Before we make our final bow.
We want to tell the others how."

To Pedagogy Class Be ready for an3'thing, and when it comes don't seem sur-

Chemistry Class Never study the entire assigned lesson if it contains three or
more experiments, (or ojif if that requires peculiar conditions), but leave the
last part for next time.

French Cl.ass If in Conversation Circle you know nothing to saj', je repeated
several times with a smile will_ answer.

Ethics Cl.ass Be a heroine in the strife. (Special reference to Dabney).

Senior Arithmetic Do the thing that seems least probable ; always use the six
per cent, method.

.\LEx.\nder's "Evidences" Get a second-hand book and learn by heart the
parts marked.

History Cl.ass Read Green and Guizot for light ( ! ) summer reading ; this
knowledge will be available in senior history.

AsTRONOJiY Cl.ass Point your telescope, observe, correct, then correct them
correct your corrections. It might also be well to add, don't cherish false
hopes ; even the largest telescopes fail to reveal in all the universe so insignifi-
cant a thing as a man.

Editor-in-Chief 'oo Aurdr.a Make it better than the '99 if you dm.

N. B. Follow, not our footsteps, but our advice, and you will be famous.

[The above guaranteed to cure all cases of "the blues" (temporarily), all over-
exertion of the brain cells, and all bad consequences of too much mental labor.]




lo^i'^i ^k^ ^^^^^rt^^M^^^^^iH^^^^^^^m ^i^iH

^^^r K^^&^m' xSWi^^^f ^Hiil^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l


il^3iiB.^;^dii.k^. jr^" "L ^-^' .'.4&^^HHHI^^^^H.

G. Aiisley R. I.ewis C.Patty C.Morrisette J.Vt

L. Craig E.May G Kyser I,. Anderson G.Thornton

L. McLain C. Calloway A. Cubbedge Buck


Art Critic


*Estel]e Anderson
Fannie Burnwell
Carrie Calloway

*Delle Carlton
Mollie Cohen
Mary Cook
Lena Craig-
Ang-ie Cubbedge
Marie Goetchius
Venetia Banner

Rosa Belle Knox
Georgia K^yser
Mary Kirkpatrick
Eulalie Lawton
Ruth Lewis
Edna May
Mary Payne
Ella Smith
Genie Thornton
Mattie Wriffht


y\)\ak? '

fG Wj/ l< ( ( V

IN September '98, we find that only five members of the Crow
Ouill Club have returned to carry on the excellent work done
b}- the last j'ear's gfirls, and to renew the interest in the Club,

which was so manifest in the previous term. But there are
many new g-irls in school, and so by the first meeting- we have
nearly twenty members enrolled, some with real artistic talent,
others it must be confessed with only the love and perseverance,
which, however, are both essential to this work.

Some of the first productions were marvelous, but our ever kind
and patient teacher only pointed out our mistakes, and then gave us
so much encourag-ement, that we resolved to do better "next time. "

This resolution was well carried out in most cases, and, by the
last of December, some really excellent work had been done as
Christmas presents. Picture frames figured largely, and were of
all kinds and descriptions daisies, wild roses, dog-wood blossoms
and also copies of the well-known "Gibson girl'", all figuring as

After the holidays work in the Crow Quill did not begin until
the seventeenth of Januar_y, but it was then that the real object of
the Crow Quill Club, that of contributing sketches to the Aurora,
was manifested.

Some of the girls did not return after Christmas, but as there
were several applications for membership, we soon had our former

"Where there's a will there's a way" is certainly a very true
saying, and it was so in this case as is proven by the pen sketches
in this annual.

This is a good work and it should certainly be kept up, and the
endeavor made every year to improve, if possible, the sketches of
the year before. Saidee King, Secretary.

C. Calloway E. Gamble JI. Wright J. McPhaiil

G. Kyser R. Lewis G. Thornton F. Burwell JI. Cohen M. Cook

M. Goetchius A. Cubbedge V. Danner M. Payne E. May I,. Craig


JVIncmosyncan Literary Society


first Quarter



ELIZA HULL Secretary

ROSA BELLE KXOX Vice-Secretary




Second Quarter





EZRA ROBINS, Treasurer



Cbird Quarter


MARY PAYNE, Vice-PresidenT








Lottie Anderson
Mary Battey
Sibyl Bethel
Fannie Burwell
Delle Carlton
Sara Collier
Amanda Caldwell
Ang-ie Cubbedge
Jeanette Craig-
Lena Craig
Kthel Davant
Venetia Danner
Marie Goetchius
Lucy Goetchius
Eliza Hull
Saidee King-
Rosa Belle Knox
Nellie Mandeville

Carrie Morrisette
Mary Payne
Rose Perry
Ezra Robins
Lola Robinson
Marietta Hurt
Mattie Wright
Harriett Scales
Mollie Cohen
Amy Seay
Rosa Gammon
Janie Bowie
Ellen Penaman
Catherine Patty
Carrie Calloway
Margaret Allison
Maiden Heiskell

propylacan Literary Society


'Virtus in Arduis''


Light Green and \\Tiite

Officers '9S-99

^irst Quarter


HILDA SHAEFER Vice-President

LULA McCLAIN, . Secretary

LILLIAN McGILL, Vice-Secretary

NANNIE WINN, Treasurer



Second Quarter


DAISY STRONG, Vice-President






Chiri Quarter


BESSIE SMITH Vice-President

MABEL LAWTON . Secretary








Mrs. Arbuckle
Gertrude Auslej
Marg-aret Booth
Mary Cook
Bell Dutming-ton
Annie Kirk Dowdell
Mrs. Gaines
Ethel Lawton
Eulalie Lawton
Mabel Lawton
Mary Bynum Jarnagin
Georgia Kyser
Louelle O'Neal
Edna May

Lillian McGill
Lula McClain
Hilda Schaefer
Bessie Smith
Clara Smith
Evelyn Tate
Nannie Winn
Daisy Strong
Alice Hocker
Wilibert Davis
Lucia Tarver
Annie Hervey
Ida Hervey
Olga Subeirs


Gertrude Ausley
Amanda Caldwell
Ang-ie Cubbedge
Carrie Morrisette
Carrie Calloway
Mary Battey
Valeria Rankin

^cx-^A '\^

rnagiii M. Payne C. Morrisette I,. Goetchius R. Gamii

G. Aiisley M. Booth M. Goetchius C. Calloway

A. Caldwell S. Bethel R. B. Knox M. Battey J. Bowie

S. Collier V. Rankin A. CubbeJge H. Scales

T, Showalter


Htiti-Olalkiiig Club

" Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun.
Ouies ^rata est.

Sybil Bethel,
Annie Kirk,

Harriett Scales,

Jennie B. McPhaul,
Ethel Davant,

Angie Cubbedge,
Tenny Showalter,

"Rest and be thankful."

"Sink to rest.'

j "I intend to get a permanent
I excuse from walking-."

" Where is rest ? "

"The sad mechanic exercise."

( "' For cure on exercise depend.'
\ Then I'll have no cure."

,- "I hate to walk in winter,
I I hate to walk in fall,
\ I hate to walk at any time,
I I hate to walk at all."


Tenne}' Showalter
Mabel Ponder
Jennie Belle McPhaul
Georg'ia Kyser
Lena Craig"
Genie Thornton
Mollie Cohen
Carrie Morrisette
Anna Grace Hannah
Carrie Calloway
Ruth Lewis
Jennie Vereen
Clyde Ponder
Ruth Harwell
Madeline Routzan

Eula Gamble
Valeria Rankin
Angie Cubbedge
Marie Goetchius

L,- Craig E. Gamble G. Thornton M. Cohen C. Morrisette II. Ponder C. Calloway

R. l,ewis V. Rankin R. Perry G. Hannah T. Showalter J. McPhaul M. Goetchiiis

A.. Cubbedge C. Ponder M. Routzan

G. Kyser R. Harwell J. Vereen

BICYCI,E ci,ri

Christian Band

Officers 'pS-'pp

first Quarter

NANNIE WINN, President



MARTHA ROBINS Vice-Secretary


Second Quarter



MARY PAYNE, Secretary

EVELYN TATE, Vice-Secretary


Cbird Quarter



EVELYN TATE, Secretary




Kappa Chi Sorority

Organization Secret


Sybil Bethel
Amanda Caldwell
Ang-ie Cubbedg-e
Kthel Davant
Fannie Burwell
Valeria Rankin

Nellie Mandeville
Mattie Wright
Rosa Belle Knox
Harriett Scales
Missey Hull

Sybil Bethel Mattie Wright Ethel Davatit Helen Mandeville Fannie Burwell
, Hull Rosa Belle Knox Angie Cubbedge Harriett Scales Amanda Caldwell Valeria Rankii


Harriett and her studies.

Tenney and walking-..
Madeline Routzan and dancing.

Rosa Belle and science.
WiUibert and Edna.

Agnes Watson and the Infirmary.
Amy Seay and laziness.

Rabbi and botany.
The rain and the sun.

Delta Chapter


Iota phi phi Sorority

Missey Hull
Mattie Wright
Fannie Burwell


Ethel Davant
Angle Cubbedge
Amanda Caldwell





'98 Bazaar

]Vctted $50.00

present Hmount

of f^und, 200.00





Prepare dainty knick-nacks and toothsome tit-bits for

No rest until SI, 000.00 has been secured.

^m n


'Cbc Hlumnae

Hope of Alma Mater's prosperit}'

The Alumnje.

Mirror of Alma Mater's principles

The AlumnEe.

Exemplars of Alma Mater's virtues

The Alumna;.

Crown of Alma Mater's efforts

The Alumnae.

Standard bearer of Alma Mater's colors

The Alumnae.

Defenders of Alma Mater's honor

The Alumna;.

Protectors of Alma Mater's fame

The Alumnae.

Herald's of Alma Mater's praise

The Alumna;.

Promoters of Alma Mater's interests

The Alumna;.

Succorers of Alma Mater's need

The Alumnae.

Perpetuators of Alma Mater's usefulness

The Alumnae.


In the Laboratory

In chem. and physics awful smells
On which in dread my mind e'er dwells,
Go floating round in all their glory
And permeate the laboratory.

I smell chlorine 'twill soon be gone,
And C2S quick passes on,
But H2S I've found will tarr}-,
And it, indeed, its own can carry.

In physics breath will soon give way.
In chem. if I were forced to stay,
I'd love and praise and thank him ever
Who from mj face my nose would sever.



published Monthly

editors - in - Chief :


Business jVIanagers:


Gwbange editor:


Local editor:


Hlumnae editor:



>Iary Payne I^iila McClaiii

Rose Rich Mabel I^awton Margaret Booth

Annie Gash Evelyn Ramspeck


Dramatic Club


Grand Impersonator of the High and Mighty.

" As Pure and Innocent as a Lily."

"Villain and Saint, by Turns.

Adaptable to Almost Any Part.


A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.

Hurora Board

6ditor - in - Chief.


President of the Christian Band, '96; President of M. L. S., '96;
Editor-in-Chief of 3Inem"Siinean, '97-'9S ; President of M. L. S ,
'97; Business Manager of Aurora, '97; Associate Editor of Aurora,
'98 ; Secretary and Treasurer of Polymnia, '97-'98 ; President of
M. L. S., '98; Editor-in-Chief of Aur>jra, '99; President of M. L.
S., '99; Senior Class Poet.

Business J^Ianager.


Member Propj-lsean Society b}- election; Vice-President Junior
Class, '98; Business Manager of Aurora, '99; Vice-President of
Sophomore Class, '97; Secretary of Senior Class, '99.

Hssistant Business jvianager.


Member of Mnemosynean Society; Assistant Business Manager

of Aurora, '99; Secretary Junior Class, '99; Treasurer Sophomore

Class, '98.

Hssociate editors.

JIathematics Medal, '97; Editor-in-Chief of Ilnemosynean , '98;

Mathematics Medal, '98; First President of Senior Class, '99;

Associate Editor of Aurora, '99.


Secretary of Propytean, 97; Treasurer of Christian Band, '97 and
'98; Pres dent of PropylEean, '98; Vice-President of Christian
Band, '99; Vice-President of Junior Class, '97-'98; Local Editor of
3Inemosyiiean, 'gS-'gg; Associate Editor of Aurora, '99.


Secretary of Sophomore Class, '97; Historian of Junior Class, 'gS;
Senior Class Prophet, '99; Exchange Editor of Jlfiif)iO.(/Hean, '97-
'98; Business Manager of Aurora, 'gS; Corresponding Secretary
of M. L. S , 'gS and 'gg; Successor of Miss Caldwell as Local Ed-
itor of Mnemosynean, '97; Censor of M. L. S., 'gS.

MARY PAYNE, Alabama.

Secretary of M. L. S., 'gS; President of . A. E. Sorority, '98; Ex-
change Editor of Muemosynean, 'gS-'gg; Historian of Sophmore
Class, 'g8; Secretary of Christian Band, 'g8 and 'gg; Vice-President
of M. L. S., 'gg; Associate Editor of .\urora, '99.





^^,^^.^'^' ^ V''^e51.\


Valse tempo






^ -e

1st Soprano



rrrl i r



I. Oh, we'll for-get her nev-er To her our heads we'll

2d Soprano



2. Now those who may de-sire it May seek an-oth-er


JJ.J ' 4 J'JJ '^

3. We know we'll ne'er for-get her Our thoughts will ev-er

l'"'^'i!l'liil!.: -I ^ S


r r r'r'f



-^' p?^


{^ \r^t rf.^rlr Ir g

A. S. I. shall live for

1^ p | jJ-,>NcL JUl id- 1 ^

But we can not


^ p i jj-j-u J i j jjj. i j gg

To the day when first we met her ;

Our hearts with



(y'j-iju- Li jM^-_ i -J' irrr

rih for the Pur. , ..... pie and White :


(f^j J-Jlj. I j jU; I .J- Irrr

rah for the Pur pie and White,


r'^^au b ju u i - i ^- '

rah for the Pur - pie and White ,


''*:^i'\iii \ ^.f^tiilii \ iii

)'""] J


(j."'r r l -' j.i l J^ JlJ- i .i J J. I j ^^

Ai -ma Ma- ter. Hur -rah for the Pur pie and White

j>"'^^ | Jj.jljJilj. I j J^ 1^


Al -ma Ma -ler, Hur -rah for the Pur pie and White

|>^Mjljj,^ljjJ |

f- ^ r r*^ ^




r^JUjjjIJjj^ ^

fl' ' .K fe



I A^if k

We love our dear old colors and we'll e'er to them be true, Lon

From Nine- ty- five to Nine-ty-iiine we've come on up the hill. Ou;

"\ "'i 'i^Uii ri^H'

^ j:^i* ^: ^ =f


r-'J' l J Jj JIJ J.IJ1.I. ^~^'

-bout their wave. for that is just their due. We don't

pres -ent state ana glo -ry great we've worked^ for with a will, And

n-'i'-Vi" '^^i-'' ' r J

'Ttl iJi 4^ -i4ilin i -i li i ^

l"i- i i" j

(\>^ f ^ J i J

j J J I J J J J I J. ^J


for oth- er col-ors anrl all others we de-cline. The

with pride we praise our class from mom till late at night, The

i'i''iiii ' i^i^ i i^i^


(|>i J, j l J JJ,j l J. .rJ^il

best of all we think, vou k

those of Nine- ty-

class whose col-ors e'er shall be the dear old Red and White.


i"i' i r i^ i j- Fl


J ^ J

^^T-^ ^? ^ 7 7 -^f^^^?^ ^^^f


r r l ^^^^'^Wr^ffJ^:^i^

Oh, we'll nev-er for-get our col-ors, Oh, we'll nev-er for-get our cla

y "^tf g p I * * |W < P 1 ( < (-I*


gg g r r IP

p Fm'PPiprp f


j/'^- l f/rrrl^^-^^ l J ^. J j l j

We'll al-ways love the Red and White What-ev-er comes to pass.

^j) ^ gjs I p p f p I F F




'^Candler Street I^o-day

[Tune: " Auld Lang Syne."]

Should we forget these good old days,
And Candler Street as well ?

Should we forget the walks we take
In woodland and in dell ?

Chorus :
It's " Candler Street today, now, girls,

It's " Candler Street today."
If anything could drive us mad.

It's " Candler Street today."

On Candler Street we often walk.

To see the lovely view.
And there we never laugh and talk,

While strolling two by two.

On Candler Street the sights we see

Are few and far between,
But this, you know, will train the eye

And make the vision keen.

As down that street we strolling go,

No spring is in our tread ;
We walk with measured step and slow

With feet that feel like lead.

On Candler Street we've walked so muck

We know it all by heart,
We tired of it some years ago,

And wish to draw apart.


[Tune : ' Charlie is My Darli

J'U U..FJ T' i | ^ r r .^



Oh ! Alice is a stu-dent,


i J J f n I' ^^^^



Oh!; Al-ice is a stu-dent, A young Soph-o-more.

M*f J I JTrf-H'^r i<'f ^


'Tvvas on a Wednes-day mom-ing, A year or two be-fore,

f. r i' n^ F r ^i-fy \{.^ J- J J

Wken Al-ice came to Ag-nes Scott, A young Soph-o-more.

j; J J i r- J I r f r J F

J:1 I J: i

Oh ! Al-ice is a stu-dent, A stu-dent, a stu-dent ;


J i J r n f^^


Oh ! Al-ice is

stu-dent. A. young Soph-o-more..

4 stanzas.

2. When she came out upon the car.
Her pulse beat forty-score ;
She said it scared lier nigh to death,

This young Sophomore.

Oh ! 'Alice, etc. Cho.

3. She'd much "gra^- matter" in her head,
.\nd sense enough for four ;
She came to fight for learning's might,

This young Sophomore.

Oh ! Alice, etc. Cho.

4. And now she's studied far and wide,
She's versed in ancient lore ;
She knows near all there is to learn.
This young Sophomore.
Oh ! Alice, etc. Cho.

Before we make our final bow,

And tear ourselves away,
We wish to tell the others how

We have enjoyed our stay.

We are the statelj* Seniors,

The class of '99,
The largest in the school's history,
Wise and famous and learned are we ;
We have our dip's and now are free.

The class of '99.

As Freshmen we of course worked hard,
And each exam, did pass ;

In pleasures, pranks and studies we
Excelled each former class.


We were the frisk)' Freshmen,

The class of '99,
The largest in the school's hist'ry,
Fearfull}' frisky and funn)' were we,
Just as frisky as Freshmen could be.

The class of '99.

As Soph'mores we were at our posts.
As usual we " pulled thro' ",

We spent much time in work and much
In social pleasures too.

We were the giddy Soph'mores

The class of '99,
The largest in the school's hist'ry-,
Awfully gay and gidd}' were we.
Just as giddy as Soph's could be.

The class of '99.

As Juniors we were well employed.

Had little time to shirk,
We eagerly, successfull)-

Did our allotted work.

We were important Juniors

The class of '99,
The largest in the schools hist'ry.
Important and studious there were we,
As important as Juniors could be

The class of '99.

Our Senior year was full of joy,
And quickly it passed by.

We had upheld the dignity
Of dear old A. S. I.

We were dignified Seniors

The class of '99.
The largest in the school's history.
Grave and dignified then were we,
As dignified then were we.
As dignified as Seniors could be.

The class of '99.


Since all our exam's ate over, we
Will soon tell you farewell,

Four happy years we here have passed
And anxious are to tell

That we are happy Seniors

The class of 'gg.
The largest in the school's history,
As happy as graduates ever can be,
We have our dip's and now are free.

The class of '99.


4^ /J l ii-r"ii^!J ^'l ^ J%;JUil3

quick fly-ing, And

. dying, My heart's ev-er ~ sigh-ing, For the


^d'Jrnr i ij-ijj




--.n j l - i jj l djfflr ^^

days that are gone Though rude time should

Friends meet a-gain nev-er. I'll ;



[) J^j] iJ j^-[^rjl i

i-ber tliem ev-er, For the days that :



'Tis sadly I'm thinking,
In dreams I am sinking,
From mem'ry's fount drinking
For the days that re gone.

And now I am learning
That with my thoughts turning
M}' heart's ever burning
For the days that are gone.

JVinctceti f)undrcd

[Tune: "John Brown's Body."]

Nineteen hundred, we're the girls of naught\'

Never in trouble, except when we're caught,
Alwaj-s learning exactly- what we ought,
We're the.ricn de si'vle class.


Glor}-, glor}-, 1900,
Glorj-, glor5', 1900,
Glory, glor}-, 1900,
To the fin de si'xh class.

Nineteen hundred, 'tis true we are but few,
Alwaj'S agreeing and never in a stew,
Never doing anj'thing that we will have to rue,
We're the fin de siede class. C'Ao.

Nineteen hundred, oh, how the days will go,
May, 1900, will be here before we know
Tout Men on rien is our motto
We're the fin de siede class. Ch(i.

Let us drink to nineteen hundred, let us hope we

all ma}- pass
That an A. S. I. diploma will be for each one in

the class.
That all the nineteen hundred girls may graduate

en masse
We're the fin di: siide class. Cho.

junior Class Song

[Tune: "The Battle-cr}- of Freedom."]

We are jolly, jolly Juniors, girls, we are full of fun,

We are the class of nineteen-hundred ;
While ninety -nine has only ten we boast of ten and one.

We are the class of nineteen-hundred.

Chorus :

Nineteen-hundred forever, hurrah, girls, hurrah !
Down vnth red and white, up rose and gray ;
We will bear away honors, girls, j-ou know, j'ou know.
We are the class of nineteen-hundred.

We will finish up "Trig" and with the Seniors quit "Chem."

We are the class of nineteen-hundred.
We've buried "Soph." troubles and have sung a funeral h3-mn,

We are the class of nineteen-hundred. Cho.

We never use a "pon}-" nor a "jack" to do pur work,

Raise a shout for nineteen-hundred !
About our examinations no cheatings ever lui-k,

Hurrah ! Three cheers for nineteen-hundred ! Cho.

One more examination and our Junior work is done,

For we're the class of nineteen-hundred ;
Then our song will be "Hurrah," for our Senior days have come !

Hvirrah ! Three cheers for nineteen-hundred ! Clio.

Instructive Information

Recently Compiled

Designed for the Clse of HU

THAT being, yonder, is a Senior, whose mien is characterized
by haughty dignity and stateliness. This mien is caused
in part by a thorough sense of their own importance and
in part to the literature to which they confine themselves-
Seniors delight only in Dabney's Practical Philosophy, Hopkins'
Moral Science, Alexander's Evidences of Christianity, and sub-
jects of kindred nature. This is also the cause of the settled gloom
upon their faces which you may observe while you are yet at a
distance. Their chief duty is to represent the dormitory floors
during study-hall, and by their frequent strolls to keep Agnes
Scott continually before the minds of the inhabitants of Decatur.
Seniors have no recollection whatever of their Freshman days and
only vaguelj' remember Sophomoredom. The lower classmen cannot
listen to the Seniors with impunity. Once a careless little Fresh-
man gave heed to the speech of the Seniors. She was advertised
for, but has never been heard from.

The Seniors are very careful about their deportment.
That person in the distance is a Junior. Juniors are closely
akin to Seniors but are less haughty and stately, and consequently
are regarded with less respect. Juniors devote most of their
time to envying the Seniors. They give up to the Seniors in
every way. It is also their duty to prepare an annual spring ban-
quet to the Seniors, at which they are to make themselves as

inconspicuous as possible. The Juniors are expected to take all
the burdens from the Seniors and to make their paths as smooth
as possible. The favorite song- of the Junior is:

' ' I want to be a Senior,

And with the Seniors stand,
With mien of stately dignity.

And face and manners bland,"

The Juniors should be treated with almost as much respect as
the Seniors.

That playful creature yonder is a Sophomore. Sophomores
think the}- know it all. Nobody ag-rees with them. No one ever
respects the Sophomores. Sophomores spend their time in planning-
schemes to make people realize their importance. They also spend
much time in silly amusements, such as making- chocolates and
singling- popular songs. The}' always gfet into trouble on Hallow-
e'en and April Fool's.

Sophomores are not allowed on the brick walk.

You will probabh' see many children walking- around arm in
arm. Those are Freshmen. They are by far the greatest in
number, but are of too little importance to receive much attention.
Freshmen have been known to sing aspiringlv:

"Where, oh, where are the little Freshmen?
Where, oh, where are the little Freshmen?
Where, oh, where are the little Freshmen ?
Safe in the Sophomore class."

Freshmen receive little attention from an}- one and are of no
trouble to any one but themselves.

That harmonious sound which you have just heard is a bell.
These are rung every half hour, and every other one causes a
change in recitation classes. These are a most prominent feature
of our life. Four minutes are given after the ringing of the bells
to allow classes to assemble, but it is "common" to take less than
eight minutes to go from one class to another.

Do not pay any attention to what you now see. That is only
a man, a porter probably, or a professor, or the telegraph boy. In
any case it is of no importance.

This which you now observe is a grasshopper, exclusively
worshipped and revered by the science classes. These insects may
be found at any time in the laboratory- rooms.

Now I will reward your interest and attention by a sigfht of
the brick walk. This is the most popular resort. There are some
interesting- facts connected with it: fifteen strolls up and down
it constitute a mile walk; the car track and the brick walk end
very near tog^ether; the car stops at the terminus for five minutes;
the brick walk is most popular just before and after dinner and
supper, and immediately after church. Below is gfiven a poem
which every one should know:

I like to watch the Seniors,

I like to hear them talk,
I like to see them strolling.

Upon the old brick walk.

They're full of mirth and gayness,

Thev seem to like to tease,
They're verj' far above us,

The3-'re ver}- hard to please.

If ever I'm a Senior,
I want to be like these ;

I'll patronize the brick walk,
It's blessings I will sieze.

Amen Corner East end, 2nd floor.

Pig-eon's Roost West end, 2nd floor.

Best Restaurant R. Lewis", 2nd floor, room 49. (See ad. in
back of book).

"YeOlde Book Shop" Window sill in English room.

Most Popular Promenade Brick walk.

Tennis Court A fictitious walk on the west side of the Insti-
tutemuch preferred to Candler street.

Hopkins' Avenue 2nd floor leading to room 59. Easily found
on account of well worn path.

Room 59 The Confessional.

The Office Mr. Gilmore's dwelling-.

Telephone In the office, generally out of fix when not in use.

Room 93 or 100 Where the Siamese twins may be found.

Saint's Rest Room 72.

The Most Sociable Room in School Mattie, Fannie and

The 3rd Floor Reception Rooms The trunks just outside
rooms 93, 94, 95 and 96.

The Most Popular Swing The one over by the Patillo's.

The Local Editor's Room 96, 3rd floor. (Visitors are warned
not to stop).

The General Meeting- Place The English room.

Agnes Scott Parlors Where the Teacher's Art Club meets.

The Chapel 1st floor, a place where it's always cold.

The Side Gate Leads out to car track. (Warning be care-
ful about crossing the track).

The Laboratory' A place where most off'ensive smells are
manufactured and where "everything is lacking."

Decatur Where Agnes Scott is.

That is it's name as given above,

It's called " Directory ".
But all are changed so much, j-ou see,

It nnVht be named " Correctorv ".

" Might}'."

"Can't you be more specific?"
"Too bad!"
"You old sweet thing-."

"Miss Hopkins would like to speak to the j'oung- ladies for a
few minutes after prayers."

" For you must be a lover of the Lord ! "
" Pestallozzi I "

Failure of Dr. Arbuckle's science classes.
"De Pontibus I "

"Get a holt of."

Herr Saul's jokes.

Miss McKinney searching- for "The Marble Faun.'

Emma Wesley's allusions to Horace Mann.

Rosa Belle's and Marg^ie's vocal productions.

" Eminently ! ''

I hope the class will do better on examinations

" Oh, you horrid thing ! "

"Old Scheele."

"That's curious ! "

Miss McKinnej-'s miscalling names.

" Rig-ht wonderful ! "

Dr. Arbuckle on the needs of the laboratory.

"You may put your outlines on the board."

Lill and Ethel !

Nannie and Mable.

Dr. Arbuckle's intimations as to his age.

Dr. Gaines' pet descriptive adjective.

Harriet and Sybil's "confabs."

" Exams ! "

"The death-ag-ony of the Institute of Yvedrew." (For any
information consult members of Senior normal class or refer to The
Life and Works of Pistalozzi !)

Rabbi's yarns and Hilda's yawns.

Sybil's complaints.

"You dun no, do you?"

The Little Bay !

The demand for nickles at recess.

" Somebody has my heart."

Bernice's plaid skirt.

Bessie's timidit)-.

" The bull dog on the bank and the bull frog- in the pool," etc.

Marv Bvnum and Belle.

Miss Hopkins' pet expression of grief !

The big- table in the library !

Rabbi's Tuesday and Thursday cry, "I'm gfoing- to stop Bible

' So ! "

Characteristics ? Sig-nilicance ? For explanation see Dr.
Gaines' Bible students.

The Atomic Theory !

Ethel's and May's jokes.

" The infirmities of the musical faculty."

Harriett's interrogations!

" The law of conditioning- and conditioned."

" Essays."

" Now if we just had a board."

Information Volunteered

To New Comers: The president of the Institution is not
Miss Agnes Scott.

To Seniors: It is not well to boast too much; there is a dis-
ease called the "big- head."

To THE Inexperiexced: Dr. Gaines is not so terrible as he
is painted.

Missie: You can make jour pompadour higher and hair
stiffer by using paste or electric starch.

To Freshjien: The Juniors are supposed to be the best
friends of the Freshmen.

Madeline. You may obtain poetry, 10 c. per foot from Miss
Adora Anderson, dealer in Sonnets, Elegies, Dactylic Hexameter,
Spencerian Stanza and Alexandrian. Sold also by the yard and
mile. It is not g-ood for tbe brain, however, to memorize and re-
peat so much of it.

Lottie: Your voice, you say, is weak. A most efiicacious
remedy would be for you to remain for at least six weeks in the
same room with Harriett and not fail to answer fully every one of
her questions.

Rosa Belle; We think it very injurious to your mind and
body to study trig-onometry so diligently. You should give some
one else a chance for the medal.

Mattie: You ask of the proprietry of entertaining more than
ten young gentlemen in the parlor at one time. This is an ex-
ceedingly difficult question to decide, when such a popular young
lady, as your note implies you are, is concerned. The young gen-
tlemen must suffer this time ; eight seems to us an elegant suffi-

Mattie Cobb: It is very distracting to the mind to be so in
love with a teacher as not to be able to recite to her. This is a
very singular case, we cannot advise you.

Ezra: The grind editor has consented not to grind you and
Lucy together.

To Freshmen: When you arrive at Agnes Scott be sure and
have ready answers to the following questions :
What course are you taking ?
What floor do you live on ?
Where are you from ?
Have you been home-sick ?
Do you take Dr. Gaines' Bible ?

Miss Melson: No, we will not grind you on sleeping. Ever}--
one knows you like to sleep.

Olivia: You ask about the Spring Styles. We refer you to
Mademoiselle Lewis, Modiste.

Ethel: Your a's may be broadened by a little more practice.

Valeria: The Blue-back Speller will better 3-our orthogra-

Margaret: We refer vou to Miss Duncan's "Notes on Pro-
priety," page 30, Chapter V.

Sallie George: Reed and Kellogg's Grammar would be an
excellent aid.

Marie: Some other expression than " darlingest, " might be
appropriate at times.

Willibert: It is hard to decide between the two, but it is
better to love them both alike, than one more than the other.

Harriett: Tt is not good taste to ask so many questions. It
is also boring aud troublesome to your friends or those who may be
around you.

Sibyl: We can think of no remedy for fickleness ; only will
power and true devotion would be the slightest aid toward curing
YOU of this sad affliction.

Vexetia: The only advice we can give you is, that you
should imitate more closely your younger sister Mary.

Carrie: It is not just the thing to tease and then not be able
to stand being teased.


^hat Sir jVIousc Saw

"Crackers and Ham!
Kcf-Flip '. Ker-FIam !
We like olives
Crackers and ham ! "

" Ah, mercy on me ! What are these girls doing- nozv ? " said
Sir Mouse, despairing^lj, cowering back in his hole in the wall be-
hind the register.

"They're at it again! Why can't they be quiet?"

' Third Floor ! Third floor .'
No more '. No more !
We are tlie best!
Not like the rest ! "

" Well, I'm just obliged to see what the racket is about.
Here goes (courageoush-). It's some of those third floor girls, I
know; I heard 'em yell, and besides they are always making a ter-
rible noise." Sir Mouse crept timorously up through the wall to
the radiator, and after making sure that he could not be seen,
sought its friendly shadow in a spot where he could have a clear
and unobstructed view of the whole room. In the room might be
seen about forty girls. They were sitting on the floor, on the bed,
perched on its foot, on the tables, trunks, chairs, and one fair
maiden adorned the top of the book-case between a marble bust of
Beethoven and a stack of German books.

" Did I hear some one say salad? They must be eating some-
thing. That's the reason they are making so much noise and look
so contented."

They became quieter and fixed their attention on a tall girl sit-
ting on the table. She said something rapidly and counted, " One,
two, three."

"Rah: Rah! Rah!
Ri! Ri: Ri!

Vive la .' Vive la .'
A. S. I. "

Sir Mouse scampered back to his hole in a manner totally un-
becoming- his dignity.

"Why on earth do they shout those terrible things 1 Well, I
intend to watch and see what they say and do. Why, there's
another g-irl coming in ! Look ! She's raking those silver toilet
articles aside with one sweep and now she's sitting on the bureau.
What's that she's saj'ing ? "

" Girls, throw me some drumsticks and a half dozen beaten

In obedience to her demand, articles of food began to fly to-
wards her and she seemed to be besieged, but she caught them all
deftly and then settled herself to besiege them.

"Ah-h ! I see," squeaked Sir Mouse. " It's a feast. One of
those girls has just received a box from home and has invited the
others in to help her eat. What did that girl on the book-case
say ? "

"Margaret, let us have some more croquettes."

" Whv, look at that girl. Her name is Margaret. She's div-
ing under the bed. She must be a mouse, too. Whj' here she
comes out again dragging a box with her. What makes those
other girls jump after it so. I see. It's full of croquettes. Now,
they are pitching them up to the girl on the book-case. Just look !
That Margaret has disappeared under the bed again. She has
pushed out another box. Look at the nuts and fruits. What are
those girls in the window seat giggling about ? Oh, they have
stolen all the chicken salad and the others do not know it. Why
is that girl on the book-case kicking her heels against it so ? She
is trying to make the girls be quiet so she can make a speech and
the girls on the foot of the bed are pitching beaten biscuit at her.
Look ! one hit her on the head, but she didn't mind that for she
has stuck one biscuit in her mouth and is throwing- the other back.

See that girl ! She fell off the foot of the bed she was laughing-
so. I wonder if she hurt herself. No, the girls on the floor
caught her. What is that ? Oh dear! what are they doing ?
They have pulled one of the girls off the window seat and she
brought every sofa pillow on there to the floor with her. They
found out she had the chicken salad. Now they are singing.

" Said the tom-cat to the owl,

What will you have to drink ?
Why, since you are so very kind,

I'll take a bottle of ink.''

" Now it's ' On the Wabash. ' Look at that girl on the bureau.
She is trying to eat a croquette and sing, ' He certainl}- was good
to me,' at the same time. Those girls on the bed are throwing
pillows at her. Look at those girls lying on the floor with their
heads on top of each other. Listen at them starting another

" It rained all day the night I left,
The weather it was dry.
The sun so hot I froze to death,
Susannah, don't you cry."

" Oh dear I Oh dear, dear ! What is that awful sound. Why,
they are all getting up to go. What's that the}- saj' ? Whistle ?
Why, yes, I remember. There they go, singing, " Good night,
ladies." In fifteen minutes the lights will be out and then I'll
bring my family up. By daylight there won't be a crumb on the

Hurora Board JVIcctincf

Time: 3 p. m., Tuesday.

Place: Knglish Recitation Room.

{E)itcr associate editors ami hitsiiicss managers.)

Editor in Chief, (^her head bozved over her book,) murmuring
snatches from Dabney, {looking tip in titter surprise) : Oh, this is
the Board Meeting- !

Miss K ox, astounded: Great g-oodness, j-ou were not ex-
pecting- us ? My mince pie I ! My precious mince pie ! 1 I To
think I only got one bite.

Miss B th: The sign was on the bulletin board. I

rushed frantically from the dining-room as the three o'clock bell
rang. Didn't wait for desert. And they had mince pie

Editor in Chief, rapping on the table sternly: We will have
the report from the business managers.

Miss Ch e s: Our discouragements are overwhelming.
Geo. Muse, Clothier, refuses to advertise with us, as we can not
patronize him.

Miss A x nd k : But, he must remember, we now

have four gentlemen in the faculty.

Miss D ne n: Mellin's Food Company agrees to adver-
tise, but insists on paying- in Mellin's Food.

Miss R YX : Horrors, what could we do with it ?

Miss B TH : Why it will be the very easiest thing in

the world to dispose of, owing to the numerous additions to our

Miss D xe x : The butter man also is to pay us in butter.

Miss P YN : We can use every bit of it at our table. I'm
sure Miss B. and Miss M. would buy the last pound of it.

Editor in Chief: Have we decided on the buckram cover ?

Miss Ch ER : With the rising sun on it ?

Miss B TH ; For pit}- sakes, what is that for ?

Miss A XND r: AuROR.A, of course.

Miss P YX : I'll refer you to Mrs. aw Rorer for that.


Editor in Chief, soloiinlv: The associate editors must g-et
grinds on every one possible, g'irls and facultj', the Aukoka Board

Miss K ox, {intcrntpl/iig): Of course.

]Miss P YN : I have a proposition to put before the board :
Miss M. E. R. informs me that if her picture be allowed to go into
Junior instead of the Sophomore Class, she will buy six annuals.

Miss K ox: I move the proposition be accepted.

Miss Ch v s : We are sadly in need of funds.

^Misses D ce n, P yn and B th in chorus: The

Juniors move it be put to a vote.

Editor in Chief, after vote is cast : Miss M. E. R's. picture
will remain in the Sophomore Class.

Miss Al x n r :

" Sopliomore thou was't,
Sophomore thou art,
Sophomore thou ever shalt be."

Grind Editor, i)i despair: My life is one horrid grind. This
morning I had several of the best jokes I ever had, and no less
than three girls have mysteriously taken me off today to sav, "Oh,
I promised so and so to keep that joke on her out of the Aurora,"
and of course I must smile broadly and say, "The pleasure's all

Miss B th : That's nothing to what I have been through.

I read my ckc-f d' oeiivre to my room-mate and she asked if my
little brother wrote it.

Miss Al an r : A poem has been handed me, signed

H. S., which in my opin

Miss K ox, as usual interrupting : I move that Miss
Sc a le be prohibited from writing poetry for the Aurora.

Editor in Chief, rapping on the desk: Miss Al x de

has the floor.

Miss K ox, irrelevantly : And may also have the door, for
there goes the 3:30 bell and I must go to pen-sketching.

Miss Al an er : There is my car.

Editor in Chief, sighing: My music time.

Misses P yn and B th : Oh, horrors, there's the

walking bell !

{Board noisily dispenses.)


Sundays at Hgncs Scott

SUNDAYS at Agnes Scott
differ from the other days of
the week as much as summer
from winter. There is not a
g-irl in the Institute who does not
welcome the Sabbath day with its
rest and quiet, its lack of half hour
bells, its freedom from the work and
interruption of the week ; who does
not lay aside her books on Saturdaj-
nig-ht with a sigh of relief and pleas-
ure in anticipation of the day of rest between her and renewed
work. At half-past seven on Sundays the rising bell ring-s and
the house awakes. At eight, breakfast is served, and after
breakfast the interval till nine o'clock is filled in different ways
b}- different girls. Some go to their rooms and arrange them
for the day; some walk on the campus or sit beneath the shade of
the trees, chatting or looking over the Sabbath lessons; some go to
the library to prepare special topics for the lesson; some gather in
chapel and practice gospel hymns. At
nine the bell rings for Sunday-School,
which is held in the chapel of the
Institute. During the h}-mns, readings
and praj'ers, the girls sit in the chapel
arranged according to classes, and at
class time go to different recitation
rooms for the lessons. After the lessons
they assemble in chapel again for the
last hymn, and then disperse to their


rooms to prepare for church. At a quarter before eleven the bell for
church is rungf, the roll is called in the first floor hall, and the
household g-oes to church. The attendance is in g-eneral upon the
Presbyterian church in Decatur, though members of other denomi-
nations frequently attend their own churches, and, when they
wish it, the girls may g-o, only two at at a time, tmless on special
occasions, to church in Atlanta. After church the brick walk is
largely patronized and the benches on the campus, some of the
girls, however, seeking- the coolness of the galleries or the retire-
ment of the library or their own rooms.

At half-past one comes dinner, the best of the week, and Sun-
day dinner is not lightly to be reg-arded. From the end of dinner
till three o'clock the girls are variousl}' occupied, and from three
to four is meditation hour. Perhaps this period was given that
name in lieu of a better, yet it is essentially a meditation hour to
some. And how welcome it is in a life of interruptions to have one
hour absolutely free from disturbances, to be used as the will and
conscience dictate. By rule the house is quiet during this time, so
there is nothing to disturb the calmness. This is the time which
may be specially used for the long, heart-relieving letters home,
and for other things too sweet and sacred to tell or write of. To
many of the girls who are growing into womanhood here this med-
itation hour has proved a blessing indeed.

At half past five supper is served and from ten minutes past
six till seven the meeting of the Christian Band is held. The girls
are not urged by rule to attend these meetings, yet most of them do
so and take part in them. After Christian Band the girls may
attend evening services at the Decatur churches, though they are
not required to do so as in the morning. More often, however, a
group of girls gather around one of the pianos in the chapel and
there practice our Sunda}' songs. At nine o'clock, the whistle
blows, and at half-past nine the building is dark.

This, almost a bare outline with but meagre details, repre-
sents Sunday at Agnes Scott, according to external affairs. Think

of the hearts and souls of the girls who spend their Sundays here
and you will g-et a better idea of what goes on beneath. The mem-
ories of Sundays spent here may last a life-time and be far-reaching
in their effects.

The lengthy halls of Agnes Scott

Familiar are to each,
We'll never know how dear to us.

Till the}' are out of reach.




Themselves stuck the Senior Class.

Miss Morrow's face a pleasant smile, g-enerallj.

Sunda}' nig-ht regular excitement.

Dr. Arbuckle's brow a worried frown during examination

The table every Sunda}- oranges for dessert.

The track of wrong-doers Miss Hopkins.

A jack a ride to perfect recitations.

The Aurora rule book "Don't make fun of the Faculty; they
don't like it."

On Mabel Lawton's table her lamp; no room for anything else.

Any subject essays.

The bulletin board general information.

The office table the latest magazines, for a week.

The wardrobe door rules. These, read with the proper accent
and energy will cultivate the voice and entertain an audience.

One's mind tomorrow's recitations.

The lamps hanging in the hall "Please knock on the door
of at o'clock in the morning."

The room doors frequently "Please don't knock.''

The brick walk promenaders.

The infirmary door "No admission to visitors.''

The window sill in the English room lost books.

The Brick Olalk

We promenade by day, by night,
At eve, by early morning light,
Beneath the sun, beneath the moon.
From Autumn days 'till first of June,
When darkness all the world obscures
And charm of Summer night allures.
Upon the old brick walk.

We never think of counting hours.
The very bricks seem turned to flowers.
While there the world seems ever young,
And not a girl that has not sung
Our college songs of man and maid,
As up and down we promenade
Upon the old brick walk.

It's there we walk from day to dav.
The Seniors grave and Freshmen gaj-,
Letters are read and schemes are planned.
While arm in arm, and hand in hand
The girls are strolling to and fro,
And up and down they ever go,
Upon the old brick walk.

When girlish days have passed us by.
And womanhood is drawing nigh,
If mem'r}' turn with motion fleet.
The io3-s of former days to greet.
Though we forget a once known book.
We'll all recall the strolls we took
Upon the old brick walk.


Senior Decisions

<< lELEN, wait! Where are you g-oing-?"

I I And Helen Davenport, who was hurrying- across the

I I campus to the main building, slackened her pace to al-
low her friend to reach her. Her fellow-Senior came
swiftly toward her, thej' clasped each other around the waist, fell
into step, and went on tog-ether chatting-. They strolled past
several groups, in one the girls Ij'ing comfortably on the g-rass,
in others about fifteen sitting- on one bench, and others in the
swings. One group hailed them gail}' and asked them to stop,
but they smilingly shook their heads and passed on followed b}'
the gaze of the girls.

"That's a reg-ular Damon and Pythias affair," said a Sopho-
more who was sitting- on the gfrass with her back against a tree.

"It's of long- duration, too," responded a Junior. "They've
been here together four years and their friendship began in their
first Freshman term.

" It's a strange friendship to me," said another Junior. " They
are such opposites, but they have been classmates and firm friends
ever since I came. They have both changed materially since the
time when I first knew them; then they were Sophomores, and a
more reckless, madder two I never saw."

"Did those two Seniors ever get into trouble ?" asked a Fresh-
man in amazement. "Why, they are so dignified iioxc!"

"It's the weight of their experience upon them," said a sister
Sophomore, tickling the ear of the first speaker with a blade of
grass. "You'll be that way yourself. Sue, three years from now."
"Never!" said Sue emphatically, turning over and calmly
laying her head in her friend's lap. "I'd rather be gay and giddy."
""Yes; and lie on the grass and watch the cars come .n," said
a Sophomore who was strumming on a guitar.

Meanwhile, the two friends walked on together, nodding to
other girls as they passed, unconscious of the interest with which

they were regarded, for the friendship of these two Seniors was
looked upon as a curious fact.

"Helen, have you written that essay on Browning-'s Ideals of
Poetry ?"

"Not yet, Alice. I was just going- over to the library to work
on it. I have my material all selected."

"Fortunate girl ! I have not even thought about mine."
Then, as the strains of a two-step reached them, "Are you going
to the dance in the gym. tomorrow night ? You know the girls ex-
pect you to lead it, don't you?"

"Yes, but I can't possibly go. It seems to me that m}- work
is piling up steadily, and the more I do, the more I have to do."

"To him that hath shall be given," laug-hed Alice. "But
don't work yourself to death, dear. Well, here are the steps.
Good bye, I must go to the chorus class."

And the two friends separated, one going to the library and
the other making her way to the chapel. When Helen went in
she found the library deserted save for one solitary Sophomore,
who sat on the floor before the history-reference book-case, sur-
rounded by a heap of books, and with a worried frown on her
brow. She responded to Helen's "Good evening," and then said
imploringly, "Won't you tell me where to look up the Reform
Laws? I have a special topic for Monday." And Helen, smiling at
the recollection of her own Sophomore "special topics," obligingly
gave the references, much to the gratitude of the girl on the floor;
then collecting her own reference books she seated herself at one
of the small tables and began to write briskly, not heeding the
gaze of the admiring Sophomore who regarded enviously the su-
perior attainments of the upper classman. For almost two hours
she wrote steadily, and then glancing over the last closely written
pages, with a sigh of satisfaction, she gathered them up and
started on up to her own room.

The five o'clock mail had just come in and on the table she
found a letter from her father. To prevent interruptions she
stuck a "Don't knock" on the door with a smile at its pricked ap-
pearance, telling a tale of the signs of the past, and throwing her-
self in her reclining chair she leaned back among the pillows to
read her letter. " My dear daughter," it read, " I am much grati-
fied at your expressed wish to go to college, and I desire to say that
you have my full consent and approval. I have often wondered if

you would be satisfied with a preparatory course, even thoug'h it
should be as higfh as the one you are now taking, and I am g-lad to
find that you are not. I see that you have not yet made up your
mind, and I trust that you will soon decide, for I especially desire
that you should have a college course.'' The letter went on for
several pages and finalh' ended, "Your loving Father," but Helen
pondered especially over the opening lines.

As she was lying back thinking she heard a chorus of gay
voices call from beneath her window, "Helen! Helen ! " At first
she paid no attention to them, but as the call continued she rose
with a half shrug of impatience and went to the window. She
leaned out and looking down saw a group of Seniors below her.

"Helen ! " they cried when they saw her, "Come on ! We are
going over in town to Bates'. There is a monkey over there and
Bates has sent word that he has some chocolate cream for sale.
Come on ! Oh, do come on ! " as they saw her hesitate.

"Can't do it this afternoon, girls; too busy. There are attrac-
tions superior to monkeys and even to chocolate cream."

"If you don't come down, Helen, I'll come up and get you,"
threatened merry Alice Graham, shaking her fist up at the window.
"The world will wag on even if you don't know your ethics for
your next recitation."

Still Helen shook her head. "Well, watch out then!" And
amidst screams of laughter a great bunch of roses came flying
up towards her. Up, up it came, actually to the third floor, and,
with great credit co the thrower, sailed in her window.

"I know there's a pebble in that," said Helen, as she sat
down on the floor to dodge it, and then catching it up, she appeared
at the window again and waved it at the departing girls as they
went off, waving back at her and singing, "Shall Candler Street
e'er be forgot ? " She watched them as they left the gates of the
campus and crossed the railroad, still sing-ing, and then sat down
to think again. From her desk she took another letter just
received that morning.

"My darling Helen," this one ran. "You can make me even
more happy than I am now by promising to become my wife next

Tap ! tap ! at the door.

"Come!" called Helen, wondering who dared knock over her
sign. "Come in," as another Senior appeared.

"Have you an eng-agement for nine o'clock this evening-,
Helen ? "

"No," inquiringly.

"Then suppose we try at the Greek roots together then."

"Very well, I shall be glad to study with you. I'll be in my
room at that time." And as the door closed she turned back to
her letter.

"You cannot know, Helen, how anxiously I have waited for
your decision. You will finish your course in May, and in a year
from that time will you not become my wife ? Make your decis-
ion as soon as you can and make it for that time."

Here Helen made a sudden movement, and then her hands
dropped nervelessly in her lap. The books on the table near her
came to the floor with a crash, but she did not heed them. She
leaned forward, staring in front of her with unseeing eyes. She
thought rapidly. Tomorrow was full of work for her. She was
swamped by another essay, and extra work and special topics
poured in upon her like a flood. She must go to town in the
afternoon, attend to some business, see the dressmaker, take
her book in to study on the car, and then come back to study after
midnight. How should she ever get her work done ? Yes, she
must decide this matter immediately. She could not let it
weigh on her and distract her attention. She would sum up the

She loved her lover. That she knew. She had engaged her-
self to him without her father's consent or knowledge, but she
knew his consent to her marriage would be freely granted. She
was nineteen j-ears old ; would be nearly twenty "next spring;"
it would take her two years to finish her college course. She
loved her lover now, but she thought that under the distracting
influences of college life, she would soon cease to do so. Still she
sat leaning forward, thinking as the twilight of the spring even-
ing came on. From her window she could see the lights beginning
to twinkle in the village below; she could hear the voices of the
girls on the campus ; she heard her class-mates singing on the
brick walk. Up to her floated.

" Where, oh where are the grave old Seniors ?
Where, oh where are the grave old Seniors?
Where, oh where are the grave old Seniors ?
Safe in the wide, wide world."


She loved her father. It was his wish that she should go to
college. She, herself, wished to go, but she could not make up
her mind she loved her lover, now.

And as she sat there, the sound of the supper bell, coming up
from below, broke into her reverie. "Next spring ! Well, I love
him. I cannot disappoint him."

And turning to her desk, she took up her pen and wrote:

^'My Dear Father:

I have, at length, decided to go to college next fall."

Zhc Bulletin Board

What is it marked with bruise and dent,
Whose face is pricked witli pins so bent
They make it look all torn and rent ?
The bulletin board.

What is it we must contemplate ?
What is it truly seals our fate,
Which we're referred to soon and late ?
The bulletin board.

What sometimes makes us turn awa}^,
And then again can send a ray
Of sunshine on a gloomj' daj' ?
The bulletin board.

What is it in the first floor hall
Which darklj- gazes on us all ?
What seems to beckon and to call ?
The bulletin board.

What speaks to us of work each day ?
What bj- its face these words does say,
" In science there's a matinee " ?
The bulletin board.

What has the most expressive face
Of any seen by human race ?
What has a lack of gentle grace ?
The bulletin board

What is it pasted up and down
With notices of " Lost " and " Found,"
With signs which draw the girls around ?
The bulletin board.

What makes announcements gaj- and grave?
And what can toil and labor save,
But vet our paths with hardships pave ?
The bulletin board.

Revision of the faculty


Professor of English Grammar and Rhetoric,

In this department particular attention and considerable time
are devoted to Siyle. Pupils required to consult frequently the
following- authorities :

' Dart de la Mode," "Bon Ton," "Delineator,'' etc.

Professor of English Language and Literature,

Principles of correct writing- inculcated by weaklv themes.
Pupils also encouraged to try their hand at verse. Rh3'thm
carefully explained, special consideration being devoted to this
particular phase ; loga-(rithm). Blank verse not acceptable.


Professor of the "Ologies, "

(Including Chromology, Ap(e)ology, Angelology, Etc., Etc.,)


In the study of Zoology it is essential that each pupil spend
all her spare moments in trying to keep an amoeba still long
enough to count its arms.

Grasshoppers always at the disposal of students.

Professor of Chemistry and Physics,
Off and on during the term, eminently great lecturers address
the class on the foundation principles of science. The following
may be expected :

"The Validity of the Atomic Theory," by Prof. Mary E.

"The Hydrostatic Paradox," b}' Prof. Mary Elizabeth Jones.


Professor of (G) Astroxomv,
Fort(nightly) lessons. Text, "The Dixie Cook-Book."




Professor of the Higher Branches,


Pupils well grounded in the art of "working sums" with a

view to aiding them in the comprehension of "chemical reactions."

No text-book used. All instruction given orally and in exercises

on the black board.

Lecturer: Prof. Imogene Julia Killian. Subject, "The
Crooked Line."



This course occupies two years the work of the first being
the "Outline Study of Man," as a condition for that of the
second, viz., "The Law of Love."

Dr. Thvrza Askew instructs in the methods of attaining the
greatest efficiency of the tongue as a necessary qualification for
the recitation of Dabney's "Practical Philosophy."



Specific instructions given in "How to be a school-teacher in
case of matrimonial disappointment."

Greek Miss Helen Lennox Mamleville, Tutor. Text-book,
Tanglewood Tales."


Latin ]Miss Martha Cobb Howard. " Pliny's (old) Letters"
deciphered, commented upon and g-iggled at b3' both teachers and

French Miss Marj' Lu Duncan. Special course designed for
those expecting to visit Paris in 1900.



This course of instruction embraces the history of civilization
from its inception to its fin:;l i:)verthrow. Names, dates, details
insisted upon.


Voice Culture and the Art of Singixg,

Exercises for gaining control of the tongue and soft palate
and proper methods of blending tones of different pitch. Artistic
delivery a specialty.

Harmony Miss Margaret Booth, Instructor; Miss Rosa Belle
Knox, Assistant Instructor,

Harmonic accompaniment to give melody.

Duets "Last Night as I Ate Ham and Chicken," etc. ; " The
Bull-Dog on the Fence, and the Bull-Frog in the Pool," etc.


Before entering at once into this science pupils are taught to
distinguish readily and appreciate the "phenomena of sound," e. g.
"Gentle taps" at 12:59 p. m. from the technique of Herr Saul.


1. Total abandonment of stage fright.

2. Ability to read by sight and sing by heart.

3. Ability to reach three octaves above middle C without
standing on tip-toes and making faces at the audience.

First Honor awarded student who, on commencement morning-,
most impressively and pathetically renders one of the following-
selections :

"There is Rest for the Weary," or " Good-bye, M}- Honey, I'm


Drawing (sighs and spirogyra specialties),


Painting (Agnes Scott in glowing colors),


(Re)Modei<inG (any old thing),


Sketching (?) (for the Aurora),

N. B. Besides Miss Bethel's department in drawing- there is
a special course desig-ned, and under the control of Miss Annie
Jean Gash, for those "who never could draw and know they never


Professor of Elocution,

Reading- "cow expresiione.^^

Director of Gymnastics,

Pupils taught to assume dig-nified, but easy and g-raceful

Professors of Penmanship,
PERPENdicui<ar Styi,e miss ANNIE JEAN GASH.

Hieroglyphics F. H. GAINES, D. D.

Hn Hgnes Scott Romance


POP SIS S S ! a naughty little exclamation, and Mar-
garet was speedily, not to say gracefully, deposited upon
the roadside not, alas, the convenient, grassy roadside of
fiction, which is always ready to receive the heroine as
she falls from runaway horses, etc. ; but the very rockiest, dustiest
and most uncomfortable one that even our common-place old
Georgia can furnish. She picked herself up slowly, just in time
to see the last girl vanish around the corner, and then realized
she was five miles from home, with a knee "which she knew was
broken," a very much shaken-up feeling, and last but not least
by any means, my friends a scratched face. It didn't take long,
however, for the bewilderment produced by her sudden fall to
change into dismay as my bummed-up heroine thought on her
various troubles. Yes, she was a goose. She might have known
better than to try these horrid roads in such dusty weather. She
knew Miss Bidwell would forget all about her there were so
many girls and she might have to stay here all night she was
hot and then the pathos of her situation so overcame her that
she forgot her dignity as a Senior, forgot her usual scorn of "cry
babies," the little red cap with its white '99 sank upon her knees,
and in a moment Margeret was sobbing in a most approved and
desperate manner.

Now those tears should only have added to her charms, her
mussed hair been vastly becoming, etc., so that when the hero
appeared on the scene all his senses would be paralyzed by her
pathetic yet dazzling beauty ; but truth compels me to state that
the spectacle that meet Rausson Collier's eye, as in answer to his
embarrassed " Er r, I beg your pardon," Margaret raised her
head, was not very prepossessing. A pair of dusty hands had not
improved the scratched face, and the combination of these two

with "weeps," was, to say the least cf ii, not becoming' to Mar-
g-aret's style of beauty.

But she wasn't one bit embarrassed, and as Rausson said after-
ward, he thought she would have hugged him then and there if he
hadn't backed away. However this may be, there was undoubted
joy in her face that shone through dirt and all as she exclaimed :
"Oh, I never was so glad to see an3-one in mj' life, and will you
please take me home at once ?" her voice so full of relief and sat-
isfaction that the grave face of that young man was constrained to
break into a smile. "I'll do the best I can," he answered, "but
you'll have to tell me where 3'ou live. Do you guess you could ride
home? I thought you might be hurt from "

Gloom ag"ain settled over the dust-begrimed face. "No," she
admitted." I can't. I forg-ot for the minute, but I hurt my knee
sprained it, I'm afraid and oh, me ! Miss Hopkins will never be-
lieve it wasn't all arranged. What shall I do ?"

"Well, I'll fix your wheel first,'' said Rausson, " and then we'll
see what can be done," and forthwith set to work to mend the
puncture, as tho' glad to escape this very talkative young person,
who now sat and watched him from under her long, brown lashes.
It was a more attractive sight than he had seen, I must confess. A
tall, strong, grave-looking young fellow in a brown bicycle suit
a young man who, to all appearances, was decidedly embarrassed,
and her decision was: "He looks like an athlete and a preacher,
too. He's evidently shy, but awfully good-looking. Oh, I know
he's one of the theological students from Emory that's just it.
And he's going up to Atlanta on his wheel.'" Everything fitted in
so nicely and Margaret concluded that, as a "preacher," he
needed drawing out, so she at once commenced that operation ; but
just as she was about to say something Rausson finished his task
and came toward her, and said in the same rather hesitating' voice :
"Suppose j-ou try to stand up. Then, if you are not hurt too
badl}-, and can mount your wheel, I think I can push you. And,
er er your face is " here he broke off, and tendered a clean

"Poor fellow," thought Margaret. "He's scared to death.
Oh, I must be a fright !" and the humor of the situation so over"
came her that she gave vent to the merriest and most unexpected
little giggle imaginable. This was almost the straw that broke
the camel's back, and with a queer little choke, Rausson turned

abruptl_y awaj to hide the laug-h he so longed to have. But he
conquered his risibles in a moment, and when he looked down at
Marg-aret again, he decided that she wouldn't be half bad-looking
if her face was clean. She had dimples and Rausson had a de-
cided weakness for dimples. She apologized for her unseemly
mirth in a frank little wa}-, that made the young fellow's impres-
sion deepen.

"You must excuse me, but somehow all seemed so funny I just
couldn't help it." (She had such a cute way of looking up at a
fellow.) "And to think only yesterday I was mourning over the
monotony of life. But I guess this is just a little too much variety,'
as her knee gave a twinge. "Theie's a spring right down here,''
he said, "and we'll see if you can get that far, and what the pros-
pects are to get )-ou home." Again, that contagious little laugh,
as Margaret thought again of her face. He went on : "I'm Raus-
son Collier, from ." He paused again, and she thinking it

from embarrassment, tried to help him out.

"Oh, yes, you are one of the ^ikeologicals'' from Emory, aren't
you? I knew it !" (triumphantly.) Again, it seemed as if Raus-
son was to depart this life by strangulation, but, with difficulty,
he saved himself and resumed his grave smile. "How did you
manage to guess it ?" he exclaimed in wondering admiration.
"Only it's the University, not Emory."

Then he helped her up, and slowly they started toward the
spring, which, after many squeals from Maigaret, was finally
reached, and where, with the aid of the handkerchief, her face,
plus the scratches, looked quite natural. When she looked up at
Rausson for his approval, that young man thought again: "She's
not half bad looking."

Another series of movements, squeals from Margaret, encour-
agement from him, and at last she was safe in her saddle and
trundled about half a mile to where the road crossed the car line,
and where they soon took a car.

Thus far our our little heroine had chatted quite gaily, but the
pain in her knee was rapidly growing worse, and when the car
stopped at the Institute gate she was suffering a good deal. As
the tall, strong fellow looked down at the pale little face and
wrinkled forehead, he didn't wait for the conductor, but gently
took her up in his arms and walked briskly toward the house.
Margaret's first feeling was one of resentment, and then the

thought that no exertion was necessary on her part made her for-
get all else in a sense of utter relief.

It was well that the two arrived when they did, for all at the
Institute was confusion. Margaret had been missed only about ten
minutes before, and Miss Bidwell, the teacher who had her in
charge, was rapidly verging toward insanity. Miss Hopkins, the
principal, was trotting up and down the halls in a most distracting
manner trying to find out when the missing one had been seen
last, by whom, etc., etc., while the girls, in excited groups, dis-
cussed the matter and made wild conjectures about her fate. She
had been kidnapped, had run away, etc., etc., were among the
most plausible of the guesses, and, indeed, the only thing not
thought of was just what had happened. Patsy, Margaret's room-
mate, was well-nigh dissolved in tears. She was sure "her dear
child was killed and only that morning she had fussed awfully
because Margaret had forgotten to hang up her clothes. Yes, it
was all judgment for her cruel behavior" and just then Rausson
appeared on the back porch. Patsy screamed, and it was several
minutes before the harrassed little principal could succeed in dis-
entangling Margaret from her violent embraces and getting from
Rausson, who was all mixed up in the melee, a clear idea of what
had happened. But at last things were straightened out and that
young man was allowed to take his departure, vowing that the
next time he saw a girl on the roadside he would ride straight by.


"Well, old fellow, what luck?" "What did Dr. Candler
say?" "Did you meet with any encouragement?" and a few
more remarks of a like nature greeted Mr. Collier as he walked
into the Athletic Club at the Aragon a short while after eight
o'clock. "We've been crazy for you to get back " "What in
the mischief are you talking about?" and then Rausson remem-
bered that, as a member of the Athletic Association, he had been
appointed to go down to Oxford and see what spirit he couid stir
up among the Emory boys. "Oh yes," he continued. " Well, won't
you just hold up till I get some of this dust off? Then I've more
than a plenty to tell you," and with these words he disappeared
into the room beyond.


After awhile he rejoined them, and throwing- himself lazily into
the nearest chair, began. ' ' Well, as far as my visit to Emory is con-
cerned, I migfht as well have stayed here. The boys didn't enthuse
worth a hardly and the few who did were promptly squelched by
Shorty I was myself. Had one talk with him in which I was
requested in gentle language to mind my own biz', and pretty soon
after left that patriarchal city. Had a fair run up, and my ad-
venture" Here he told what my reader has already heard, not
omitting a ridiculous sketch of Margaret, weeping and dust-be-
grimed, but forgetting to mention the thrill that went over him
when the little figure lay, faint and helpless, in his arms. "Well,"
he said, in answer to the many questions that poured out upon
him, "she wasn't exactly pretty, tho' there was something 'taking'
about her. Had awfully cute dimples, but she was hopelessly
young and innocent. Talked to me as if I was her grand-father
and, by Jove, fellows, she thought I was a preacher ," but he got
no further for his remarks were drowned in the heart}- chorus of
laughter that followed. "Wasn't it rich ! Collier, the biggest
athlete at the U. of G., the most consummate flirt in the State an
all-around good fellow a preacher."

"What did j'ou say her name was?" asked Jack Dorsey who
sat on the table. "Don't know," it was written on an envelope
in his pocket "Margaret something or other. At least that's
what they all yelled when I took her in." "Well," observed Jack,
"if she's much like a Margaret I know, she's not so innocent."
And then after a little more chaff the talk drifted to the pig-headed
Emory boys and like topics.

But several of Mr. Collier's cards and a list of instructions
were left at Nunnally' s and the West Vieza Floral Company before
the crowd left for Athens the next day, and inferences desired may
be drawn.


"Are there any chocolates left?" "Isn't this perfectly delic-
ious?" "Oh, you darling child, we're so glad to see you again,"
"Hasn't he treated you royally," "Flowers and candy every other
day you lucky thing."

Margaret was holding court. The sprain proved rather a
serious affair and this was the first time since the event that the

gfirls were allowed to see her. They were all making' the most of
it, and Rausson, as the source of the candy, was the topic of con-
versation. "He's certainly the nicest fellow I ever met; its awful
he's a preacher " said Margaret as she blissf ull_y nibbled at a choc-
olate almond. "What did you say his name is?" asked Patsy-
"Rausson Collier; isn't it lovely?" answered Margaret. Here
Patsy rolled off the bed where she was perched, and on reaching
the floor fairly howled. "Why, Patsy, what on earth's the mat-
ter?" was the general cry, but all they could get from her was she
had thought of something funny.

"I'm going to invite him to the reception," continued Marga-
ret. "He said he would be in Atlanta about the 15th of November
and I know he'll stay over for it." But the talk which followed
was not particularly interesting, neither does it bear upon our
story, so we'll '"let that pass."

That night a letter addressed in Patsy's dashing hand to



was slipped into the mail box just outside the office.

John Dorse_y sat in his room about 24 hours later chuckling
over a letter which lay open before him. An extract will give you
some idea of its contents. "And now, my dear old Jack, please
let's keep quiet and we can make a rich thing out of it. You know
from experience if you will remember that summer at Kate's
what a perfect little Satan Margaret is, and I know also from
experience what an outrageous flirt Rausson is, and each thinks
the other a regular cherub. I wonder what will happen ? Some-
thing unusual I know with those two concerned. Only don't let
him find out." And just here Mr. Dorsey's chuckle changed into
something- more audible as be turned to bis calculus.



The usual decorating- has been done, the usual "Oh what a
g-org-eous frock!" "You look too sweet for anything-" said, and
as the 8:30 car comes around the curve, the "Reception Committee"
proceeds slowly down the stairs to the parlors.

It is a ver}- different little girl, who now stands carelessly
leaning against the door, dressed all in white, awaiting- the first
guests, from the one who sat on the roadside that dusty afternoon
some two months before, for Margaret is looking her best tonight,
and down in the bottom of her heart she has a satisfied knowledge
of this very same fact, as she plans the entire undoing of a certain
tall, grave young man. But her face, with its determined little
mouth, dimples, and sweet, brown eyes, looks quite innocent of
anything of the kind. The acquaintance begun under such shock-
ing circumstances had not been dropped as probably the strict
decorum demanded, for as Margaret said, "common politeness
demanded that she thank Mr. Collier for his candy and flowers,"
and oh well, Rausson was not unresponsive. They were to meet
again tonight, and, it must be confessed, the latter was just a wee
bit anxious to see again the "sweet but hopelessly young and silly
little girl."

Margaret started as " I beg pardon, but I was told this is Miss
Carter," broke into her reverie, and a tall, handsome fellow in a
most irreproachable dress suit was holding out his hand. I'hen
for one brief moment they stared at one another. Could this ador-
able little creature be the dust-begrimed baby he had rescued,
thought he, and "Oh, but he's good looking; I never would have
known him ! " thought she, and then she broke out in that con-
tagious little laugh that brought all her dimples into play. From
that moment all strangeness vanished, and they were soon talking
like old friends, laughing over the funny adventure and beginning
of their acquaintance. Margaret always talked well, but tonight
she was at her best, for the handsome gray eyes looked down at
her in a most approving manner. The fact that she was evidently
wanted by a good many other fellows didn't tend to lessen Raus-
son's opinion of her, an-d, taking it altogether, he didn't have
half a bad time.

So the reception passed off, as about all of tliem do, in a very
short time it seemed to every one except the unhappy young- man
who was "stuck" behind the door with a young- woman whose
vocabulary consisted in "yes" and "no." Good-byes were said in
answer to the imperative call of the whistle, and at last the girls
were upstairs "talking it over." "Oh, Patsy," said Marg-aret, as
she stood before that young- lady having- her dress unfastened, "I
never had such a good time before in my life, and he is the dear-
est, sweetest fellow in the world. I felt so ashamed and frivolous
all the time I was with him ; he is so earnest and good, and yet
Oh, but he's grand. I almost believe I'm in love with him, and
Patsy, I'm sure he likes me." Fortunate Patsy that Margaret's
back was turned just here, but she made no answer as Margaret
went on. "What in the world was the matter with you and Jack
Dorsey ? Honestly, I didn't glance at you a single time that 3'ou
were not laughing at something, and when I talked to him, he was
the hatefullest thing I ever saw. Made all sorts of blind allusions
about 'the biter getting bitten' and a lot more foolishness. What
was it?" "Oh, nothing much," answered Miss Patsj', her mouth
full of pins and making a mental resolution to correct Mr. D.'s
volubility in her next letter. "We were both on a big tear, that's
all," and she straightway turned the subject, a fact that Margaret
would have noticed had she not been so busily engaged in finding
something hidden among the tiny ruffles at her neck. At last she
succeeded, and before Patsy's eyes she held the daintiest little Phi
Delta Theta pin imaginable. " It's all my own," she remarked bliss-
fully, and then listened in a half dreamy way to her room-mate's
moralizing on the sin of receiving valuable presents from strangers.

Rausson was not as talkative as usual that night going home.
He sat and stared vacantly out of the window while Jack Dorsey
tried in vain to make him give his opinion of Patsy as compared to
Margaret. At last he broke out, "Hang it all, old man, I feel
like a dog, talking about that adorable little girl as I did. Why,
I went there with the intention of making love to her until her
little head was in a whirl, and all that sort of stuff. I could kick
myself. She's as innocent and sweet as an angel and I'll be
jiggered if she don't think I'm a saint. Jack, she's g-ot me. I
don't mind telling 3'ou, and I don't want her to find out the truth ! ''

Wheels within wheels ! Mr. Dorsey's feelings just at present
were too complicated for my pen to attempt a description. He

stared blankly at his chum. To think that Collier, the invulner-
able, should have toppled off at the touch of a g-irl who was a
"most considerable " flirt, the very type of a g-irl he had so often
expressed his opinion of in no gentle terms ! Mr. Dorsey was now
prepared to believe anything-.

Patsy was duly notified of Rausson's "sentiments." Other-
wise, matters went on as usual.


The great day has at last come, and Auburn and the University
of Georgia are battling manfully on the "gridiron." Excitement
has reached its highest pitch, for the game is almost ended, and if
Georgia can make one more touchdown the game is hers. Up, up
goes the ball down it comes once more a grand scrimmage the
usual pile of waving legs and arms then from among the strug-
gling, squirming mass creeps a strong little fellow in a black
sweater, who starts toward the Georgia goal. Collier has the
ball! .' I .' A thousand shrieks and yells go up into the clear, cold
air as he breaks into a sweeping trot, followed by the pack.

From their seats in the grand stand the Agnes Scott girls
have a splendid view of the field, and Margaret, her cheeks a vivid
crimson, watches the flying figure until it seems as if she can bear
it no longer. Will he never reach the goal ! See ! there is one
swift young Auburn player who has nearly reached him a great
silence has fallen over all. The Auburn man makes one grand
spurt stumbles falls and Collier makes the goal ! !

"Ha, ha, Old Georgia,
Rush that ball, push that ball," etc.,

rings out the Mascot's clear voice, and then

" Ga ! Ga ! Ga ! Ga ! ! Collier ! Collier !
Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! ''

fairly rends the air. Red and black ribbons wave wildly all is
shouting and confusion for has not U. of G. won the annual
Auburn-Georgia game ?

Dusty, hot and "bum" as he looks, Rausson pushes his way,
surrounded b}- his jubilant friends, to where the A. S. I. girls must


pass and somehow the radiant little face that looks up into his is
more than all the yells and cong-ratulatlons of the rest put

And that night, after the lights were out at the Institute,
Margaret made a confession to her chum, at which the unfeeling
girl only laughed. Can my reader guess what it might be ?


The Christmas holidays came and went. So likewise did
Easter, and now it was close upon May. The Institute grounds
and the warm, bright weather made the idlers stray out of doors
all they could. But our little heroine did not belong to this class
any more, for as Patsy wrote John "I don't know what in the
world is the matter with Margaret, for. Jack, she works like a
Trojan. Gets frequent letters from Rausson and doesn't talk about
him at all, which I regard as a bad sign. It's awful. She thinks
he's good and all that sort of thing, and I do believe it's for his
sake she's settled down so. And I know he's fooling my precious
child. Why did you ever get me in this mess ? (forgetting that she
was the one to propose it). I want to 'fess up and tell her every-
thing, but I'm simply scared to. She'll never forgive me. What
will happen when they find out?" which despondent view of the
case made even that easy-going Mr. Dorsey just a little uneasy.
Strange to say, Margaret had not yet discovered the truth about
Rausson. She still thought him a theological student tho' she
knew he was quite an athlete there was nothing incongruous in
the two and to him she was the innocent yet lovable child he had
picked up on the roadside that dusty September afternoon.

Were they in earnest or not? What would they say when they
found out? These were the questions that were prominent in Mr.
Dorsey's and Patsy's thoughts just now.

That night Rausson said "I tell 3'ou what, Jack, I can't stand
this any longer. I honestly love that little girl, love her better
than anything in the world, and tomorrow I'm going to run up to
Atlanta, own up the whole blamed business and ask her to marry
me. I know we are young, but I think she likes me, and if this
outrageous Oh hang it all!" And he relapsed into gloomy
silence from which all John's encouragement couldn't rouse him.

When the the telegram announcing that he was coming was
handed to Margaret she walked over to the window and looked
gravely out at the car track for some time, and then turning to
Patsy she said: "I'm going to tell him all about it, dear. How
very different the real me is from the one he knows, and how little
I deserve all the nice things he thinks about me." And she turned
again to the window leaving the panic stricken Patsy to murmur,
" Holy Moses ! what must I do ? To tell or not to tell : that is the
question. Oh, poor little me ! " Tomorrow he was coming, but
many things could happen before tomorrow. "The best laid
schemes o' mice and men gang aft a-gley," and so it was after all
only a case of histor}' repeating itself.

On the evening mail Miss Margaret Carter received a letter
which contained, among other interesting items, this: " By the
way, I hear that you and Rausson Collier are rushing matters, and
if you weren't such a cool hand I would tell you to be careful. But
I reckon you can take care of yourself, especially as you, of course,
have heard all about him. He certainly is the most outrageous
flirt I ever met, but I don't blame jou for liking him; those awfully
bad fellows always are fascinating," etc., etc., about two pages
more in the same strain. Margaret just couldn't take it in. She
read it over and over, but the same conclusion, "Kate must be
crazy" was always reached. Surely /wr Rausson could not be this
one. "But of course Patsy could tell her it was all a big joke.
Why hadn't she thought of it before ? Patsy had known him for a
long time." So the letter was handed to Miss Patsy with a care-
less "Have you ever heard this version before?" Now was the
time, and with a desperate "Yes I have,'' Patsj- blurted out the
' whole story; how Rausson wasn't a bit good, but how he really
loved her, etc. When she had finished Margaret looked at her
chum with quiet scorn. "And you stood still and watched me
make a fool of myself. I hope you and Mr. Dorsey have enjoyed
it," she said, and then turned toward her trunk,

Rausson and a friend, Maurice Bush, were walking slowly
toward the campus on the very same afternoon that Margaret's
letter arrived. Maurice had not been in school for three years
and the two were talking over old times. "By the wa^-, old man,"
said Maurice suddenly, "I've just heard that you and little Miss
Carter are loving each other to beat the band. She certainly is a


little case. Gave me the worst shake up I ever had, and as for
Jack Dorsey, well I believe he took it even harder than I did. She's
such a sweet, innocent lookingf little trick, too; you never could
suspect anything. I'm half in love with her yet." Rausson stared
at his companion in utter amazememt. " Wh3',"he said, "it can't
be the same one. Jack doesn't know her at all well, and she's not a
bit flirt}'." "They must be stuffings you, for Jack told me himself,
and Miss Margaret always was dead in earnest ; the only trouble
was you were not the only one. There were always a good many
others. I had her photo burnt into my watch when I loved her
last summer." He opened it suddenly, and Rausson looked down
into the sweet brown eyes of his darling.

Having expressed his opinion very forcibly, and in terms more
expressive than polite, Rausson sat down to think it all over.
Assuredly she wasn't the only one fooled and the tale would get
out on him. He was an idiot, that was no joke. The very idea of
letting a pair of brown eyes so completely do him up. He was
ashamed to own it but he loved her yet even tho' but the melan-
choly thoughts about girls in general and one in particular haven't
much to do with our narrative.

The next day two missives crossed each other. One a dainty'
blue envelope, flanked by a great package and addressed in a dash-
ing, girlish hand the other with a Theta crest on one corner.

The contents were as follows :

Mr. Collier I beg to be released from 1113- engagement with 3-ou Sat. night.
I return your letters and pictures, and will ^-ou kindly send mine b}' return mail.

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Carter.

Miss Carter Owing to an unforeseen event, I find I shall be unable to be
with 3-ou Saturday evening. Please accept mj- sincere regrets.

Yours truly,

Rausson Collier.


And did they ever make up, or did they die of broken hearts ?
My dear reader, this being a true story, you must not expect me to
give it to you " a la fiction." They did neither. Only Rausson
gets angry every time any one asks him how he and Miss Carter
are progressing, and when Margaret came down to Commencement
she merely bowed coldly and arranged her ruffles so the K. A. pin
she wore could be plainly seen.


Jack Dorsey says he g-ot the worst of the whole affair. " First,
IRausson bummed me up, and then Miss Margaret wrote me such
a scorcher that it took me two weeks to stand up straight under
the burden of mj'' crimes ; and then Patsy, who ought to have stuck
to me, blessed me out for making a mess of the whole thing."
And Mr. Dorsey leaned his head against the wall and thought on
the vanity of all thinafs earthly.


Science jVIatinee

In the afternoon, promptly at the 2:30 bell,
Our regular Chemistry matinees are held ;
Where a tragedy' heavy is played with the gases
By the ignorance dark of the Chemistry [(c)l]asses.

' Work quickly as possible, don't lose any time,
Decide what you'll do while I'm slacking this lime."
The doctor looked up with a quite heav}' frown.
As he wiped on his coat from his hands a deep brown.

' To make nitric oxide some copper I need,"
Said the student who knew not to what it would lead.
Too much nitric acid so soon did the work.
In the flash, thought the pupil, the devil must lurk.

In his haste, the preceptor overturns a bell jar ;

To the rescue ! and quick ! ere his desk it should mar.

With the flash safely under the water, he rests,

Then smiled a bland smile and his students addressed :

' A university student did just such a trick
And got it all over him enough to make him sick.
Now this really happened, and tho' ' right remarkable,'
The man was ' right advanced, ' taking science course double. ' '

Ere the story was finished, a giggle from the rear
Put a stop to it suddenly and brought the teacher near

To where R and her chum had pretended to have made

Some oxygen, but they were " swapping reception trades."

' Did you use mercuric oxide ? Well, yes, it is true
' Old Scheele ' used that but something else'll do.
As that is expensive Just look ! don't you know
That water's going to ' suck back ' if you are ever that slow ? "

' Oh, get me something, quick ! for the oxygen makes."
To meet the demand, student quietly takes
Nearest vessel of glass, from the which she must cleanse
Sun-dry grasshopper legs which were pulled by their friends(?)


In the meantime, some hydrogen bubbles are blown,
And when lighted, the nervous girl clearly has shown
That a Chemical Laboratory never was meant
For the student to whom steady nerves never were lent.

' Now the fact of it is," said the Professor with a smile,
' That came ' mighty near ' blowing that saucer a mile.
Now I just want to say, on this incident for a base.
If anything should blow up, why^wst keep your place ! "

On approaching the first " N. O. student " just then,
He discovered the flash ' mighty near ' over again ;
And remarking that acid was a ' provoking thing, '
He proceeds then to tell whence the brown fumes spring.

' Don't you see that the brown fumes are really N. O^. ?
Oxygen N. O. ' gets a holt of ' and changes its hue."
And had there been anything to give up its place.
He'd have said it was ' just knocked out,' by the oxygen base.


With all the havoc that can be made.

Retorts, burettes, test tubes all smashed.
The hands of students must be stayed

To wash what on the glass was dashed
And make reparation.
For all desolation.

With face on which there dawns a smile

Because the calm must follow the storm,
Teacher sits at ease, and all the while
Looks on as all the students warm.
Make reparation
For all desolation.

He does not rest his voice not he !

But constant tells them not to cease.
There's need of care which all can see.
Till comes the car town girls to release
From making reparation
For all desolation.


With fingers burned and dresses spotted,

The girls go up to weep.
With minds made up their tasks allotted

Not to perform but sleep.


with tired step and startled stare
The town girls wend their way,

With inind made up no more to dare
The dangers of the dark.

Mama is pacing up the floor,

She fears her lambs will stra}-.

She'll ne'er believe in anj' more
A Scieiice ilutinee.

What is it that, with dim red eyes.
The Junior covets and for which sighs
When she at ten the long stair climbs?

A lamp.

What is it that the Sophomore bold
Loves and dearly longs to hold
And for it W'Ould lier life have sold ?

A lamp.

What is it that the Freshman gay
E3'es, and deepl}- longs she may
On it make some fudge some da}' ?

A lamp.

Short r)istory of Our JVIid-wcck
prayer jVIceting

One cannot fully know of our life in g-eneral without know-
ing- a little about this, which has become one of the most profit-
able and pleasant of all our privileges here. When the
first catalogue of this school appeared, it said not a word
of any such meeting- as the prayer meeting, and for a
good reason. There was no such thing at that time.
But it was not long before the necessity for such an
organization became evident. At first, and this at a
suggestion from Miss Field, a small band gathered
in No. 78, on the third floor, then Miss McKinney's and
Miss Shipman's rooms, where were held quiet and sweet
little services, with no set leader or program, but it was
only a gathering together of those souls that felt the
need of such mid-week services. Soon, however, the
crowd grew too large to be comfortable in this small
room, and the place of meeting was changed to the
library rooms on the second floor. Here
the good influence was more far reaching v^ ,^

in its effects, for it was now possible for
a much larger company to assemble.
The influence of these meetings began
to be felt perceptibly within the school,
and the meetings became better and bet-
ter attended. Soon the plan of having a
leader and following a given program
was adopted, and then they became
interestino- indeed. When the library

was moved down on the first floor, the change of location produced
no effect upon this loyal band, but here they were wont to meet in
enjoyable service until even this space became too small to hold all
those who wished to attend.

So next we find it held in the study hall. Here at last was
room enoug-h for all, and what a blessing these meetings have
proved to some of us who have attended regularly. There we have
our organ, purchased for this special use, and as we gather each
week to commune together, it adds much to the sweetness of the ser-
vice. Now we have regular programs, and are led sometimes by one
of our own number, but more frequently by a teacher. It affords a
chance for religious development which has proved a great source
of blessing to many of us in after life. "We are a little company
among ourselves," and each is free to take part as she is requested
or as the spirit moves her. To those to whom this mid-week ser-
vice has been so much benefit, it maj- be of interest to know how it
has grown and "increased in favor with God and man."



Lucia : ''Oh, yes, I told jou I doted on him. Don't 3'ou see
how love has preyed like a worm upon my damask cheek."

Ethel : "I wish there was air in here ! "
Valeria: "Well, I'm a millionair(e)."

Miss Y. : " Xozv, class, what is a quadrantal triangle ? "
Rosa Belle (confidently): "Oh, I know. Its one which
has four right angles."

A. : "What is the composition of water?"
A Pupil : "Nitrogen and Hi/'rogen."

Angie : " Oh, I hate to use the past tense ending in ' /. ' ''
MissEY : " Well, how do you like those ending in coffee? "

Mattie W. : "Oh, Miss Masse_y, I met the cutest boy and
I'm just dead in love with him, and (with a blush) I know he fell
in love with me too."

R. B. (in the laboratory) : "You see. Dr. Arbuckle, we are
awfully handicapped."

"Yes," answers Rusha, who is struggling with some refrac-
tory corks, "but not handy-chaps^

Mattie (despondentlj') : "Well, I don't see what lean do
about it. I'm sure I can't keep all the boys from falling in love
with me." ,.^t???

There's something in Geometry,

There's something in Biology ;

But through the course I'll not have passed

'Till I at length have quite amassed

A store of old Psychology.

The Life and LcttcrsC*) of Scottstitute

IT is my mournful and depressing- task to give, for the benefit of
those who come after me, a brief sketch of one who is no
more of one whom we all loved, and the mention of whose

decease even now brings tears [of joy] to the ej-es of many.

In the fall of '97 a small kitten, black, thin and innocent,
arrived at the back door of Agnes Scott Institute, to be immedi-
ately taken into the heart and and engine house of kind Mr,
Davis, our night watchman, and shortly afterward christened
"Scottstitute" by the girls. He grew rapidly in both health and
stature likewise in iappetite and soon the fear that we might lose
him died away. In accordance with the spirit of the Institute, he
became deeply religious. Not a prayer-meeting would he miss
always the small, black figure sat solemnly b}' MissH.'s skirt or
prowled around, biting the heels of naughty girls. Shortly after
his arrival he constituted himself Miss H.'s assistant, and the
wrong doers were constantly confronted with a small but reproach-
ful cat. So matters went for some time, until one day he discov-
eredah, woful day ! that he was possessed of a voice such a
voice a clear, high tenor. And Scottstitute was proud of it.
With it his fall began.

Around the Institute runs a brick walk, and here it was he
took his nightly strolls and raised his voice in song. Ere long
other felines joined him, and when the moon shone brightly, strange
sounds floated upward sounds of revelry mixed with discord. One
morning Scottstitute came in with a wicked look in one e^-e and the
other closed up. Alas! all knew what it meant. Soon he grew
negligent about chapel and prayer-meeting, and then his downfall
was rapid. He listened to no advice or tender words, and when
the end came no one was surprised. It happened in March
of '98, and was the result of an attack bv the Pattillo cat ; but

Owing to the illegibility of Scottstitute's liaml writing his " letters " will have
to be omitted

in spite of all his faults we loved him, and many sad faces showed
how his death was felt. As we g"azed upon his dilapidated form,
split ear, broken tail and bunged-up eye for the last time, all wept.
No more do we hear his sweet voice leading- the others. The moon
shines just as brightly as it used to, but the Pattillo cat has it all
his own way, and the meetings take place in his back yard. Only
an occasional strain brings back what we used to have constantly,
and we sigh at the remembrance. As I remarked, before Scottsti-
tute is dead. May he never have a successor.

Senior Sketches

<< ISN'T it awful?" "It is dreadful!" "I think so, too!"
"I never heard of anything- so sad ! "

"Why, what is the matter, gfirls ? What is so dread-
ful ? " asked Ethel Bainbridg-e, as she heard these and
similar expressions from the g^roup of Seniors she was approaching.

"Matter enough," one of them replied. " Edith is not coming
back to take her Senior year."

"Well, I wondered wh}- she did not come in Friday with the
rest of us. But, girls, it's impossible ! Last Commencement she
confidently expected to return. What does it mean ? "

" Why, Dr. Gaines has just received a letter from Edith saying-
that her mother is dang-erously ill, not expected to live, and that
Edith will not return. She wants her books, desk and all her other
belongings she left here during the summer shipped to her imme-

"What shall we do?" cried Ethel. " We shall miss her so
much. Oh, poor child ! how sorry I am for her."

" We all are, but what can we do? "

" Miss Margie ! " called a man's voice.

"What is it? Why, girls. Dr. Gaines is calling me. What
can he want ? " And Marg-ie Brewster sped away to the steps
whereon stood Dr. Gaines beckoning to her. The g"irls watched
eagerly, and with surprise saw him say a few words to her at which
her face visibly brig-htened, and then hand her a yellow envelope.
" It's a telegram," said some one, and they watched with renewed
interest. They saw her draw out the telegram from the already
opened envelope, read it, thank Dr. Gaines heartily, and then run
down the steps toward them waving the paper in her hand. "Tel-
egram from Edith's father," she cried. "Dr. Gaines has just re-
ceived it. He saw us from the ofi&ce window, and felt sure we were
discussing Edith, so he let us know immediately."

"Read it! Read it ! "

" It's the best news possible. Edith will reach Decatur at four
this afternoon. Her mother much better."


"Hurrah! Hurrah!" "Oh, I am so g-lad! "

"Wait, girls, I have a scheme," cried Ethel. "It's an hour
till four now. Let's all walk down the Consolidated track to East
End, board the car there, and come back with Edith. I'm sure she'll
come on the car, for there is no train at four."

"That's a g-ood idea. Come on." And the entire group
rushed up to their rooms after hats and gloves. In a few minutes
they were down in the first hall again, and started out to the car

In the meantime, Edith had come out on the Georgia road from
Atlanta, and when she reached the station at Decatur was disap-
pointed to find no one there to meet her. "Surely Dr. Gaines
showed them the telegram," she thought. "I don't believe they
-wanted to see me. I am sorry I came," and she was feeling very bitter
as she started on up to the Institute. The Seniors had just reached
the car track at the head of Ansley street when Margie Brewster
dropped her glove, and as she rose after picking it up, she hap-
pened to look in an opposite direction and saw a figure which she
thought she recognized coming up the street. "Girls, look ! Look
jonder ! " she cried, "Isn't it ? Yes, it is! It's Edith," and
^he started rapidly down the street followed b}' the others. Edith
was almost torn to pieces by the crowd ; her grip, umbrella and
purse were taken from her as by bandits, and she was overwhelmed
-with questions and exclamations, and "You, darling, how pale you
look!" when to the astonishment of every one she broke down
utterly and began to cry. "Edith, Edith, what is the matter?" all
asked at once, and it was some time before she could say brokenly:
"When I reached the station and found no one there, I thought you

girls did not want to see me, and " but she got no further,

for they all pressed around and all told at once how they had
started out to meet her.

And Edith wrote her father that night that she was perfectly
happy because her mother was so much better, and the girls really
"hadn't forgotten her."

It was Saturday morning, and the nine o'clock mail had just
come in. Ethel Bainbridge sat alone in her room reading her let-
ters and pondering over one of them more than was her wont over
anything. She was fair to look at, this young Senior, as she sat in
the large arm chair, her slender figure outlined plainl}- against its


dark back, her hair piled high upon her head and parted in the
middle, and the letter held up before her. Her expression was
more thoughtful than usual this morning-, for though a good, Ethel
was by no means a hard student, and she maintained her class
standing with just as little exertion on her part as possible. She
was forever making up her mind to study harder, and she intended

to go to college after she had finished her preparatory course, but
somehow she had always found it so easy to slip along, making the
pass-mark and at times distinctions without any great effort, that
her ambition was almost lost. But this letter she had received had
aroused a train of thought deeper than she >vas accustomed to
have. It was from a very dear friend, proposing that she leave
Agnes Scott to travel with her.

"Your father does not obi'ect," said the letter, "and we shall
have a g-lorious time. We shall spend most of the winter in Wash-
ington, then go to Old Point Comfort, and spend the rest of the
time in Richmond, if father does not decide to go to New York.
Now don't refuse me, Ethel; 3'ou can't, because I know how lightly
you regard school matters. Look on this as a sort of 'last request,'
for you know I am to be married next May, so this is the last oppor-
tunity we shall have for just such a trip. Write me at once about
your decision, though I know what it will be, and then begin to
pack, for father wants to start as soon as possible. "

And so Ethel thought on the matter, and the more she thought
the less inclined was she to accept the proposition. Besides the
phrase, "how lightly you regard school matters," stung her, and
she determined to show her friend that she was not such a wishy-
washy 3-oung lady as the words seemed to imply. But should she
go ? She had only herself to consult, for her father had alwaj's
allowed her to have her own way, desiring only that she should en-
joy life. He was devoted to his business, and had paid little
attention to his daughter's course of education, beyond seeing, as
she sometimes bitterly thought, that she did not "grow up in ignor-
ance. " He regarded with amusement her scheme of going to college,
and took her "aims" rather as jokes. Small wonder, then, that she
had little incentive to active work ! But should she go? This was
her final year at Agnes Scott, and she had determined to go to college
next fall. If she took this trip she knew she would give up all
idea of going to college.

And as she sat there, through the open window came the voices
of her classmates singing to "Scots, Wha Hae."

" Girls, who all through right and wrong,
Agnes Scott have loved so long,
Join with us in lively song,
Of our victor}'.

Now's the day and now's the hour.
Take at once your hard earned power,
Not a cloud doth o'er us lower,
Graduates to be. ' '

"Just listen to that!" sighed Ethel. "I can'l leave it all. I
have made up my mind to stay here and study."

"Ethel I Ethel!" from the campus. "Come down here and
bring your lexicon and let's read that Tacitus for Monday."


"All rig-ht, Rosa," called Ethel, happy in her decision, and
dropping- her letters, she seized her Latin books and disappeared
down the stairs.

* * * * ie * * *

Marg-ie Brewster sat in a corner of the long-, comfortable, old
sofa in her room on the second floor, leaning back ag-aint the sofa
pillows studying Anglo-Saxon. She was reading the T/ie AJfredian
Boethius and was becoming much interested, and pleased at her
rapid progress. So absorbed was she that she scarcely' noticed her
room-mate's decidedly breezy entrance, and answered in a rather
abstracted way the questions put to her. Finally a sofa pillow
came flying through the air accompanied with the words, "Wake
up, stupid, and let that old dry thing alone. Don't you want me to
tell you about the car ride ? "

"What car ride, Mabel ?" asked Margie, skillfully dodging
the pillow.

"Why, we have chartered a car and are going for a moonlight
ride tonight; leave here at seven o'clock and return at ten. We
are going to Atlanta, around the nine-mile circle, stop at Nun-
naily's, and have a good time generally. You are going of course.
Say you are pleased."

"I aw pleased, and I'll go; but oh, dear! I had put aside an
exercise to prepare at that time."

"Well, do as I am doing, and put in all your spare time today
instead of wasting it talking. I am going to dress for dinner now
and, young lady, don't you speak to me while I am doing it," and
dropping her Greek grammar upon her glove box on the dresser,
Mabel took her stand before the mirror and killed two birds with
one stone by arranging her hair and reviewing Greek verbs at the
same time. Then catching up her grammar she left the room with
a hasty "Auf Wiedersehen " to Margie. Margie, left alone, went
to work with redoubled vigor on Monday's recitations, thinking
with a smile of the unexpected ride at night. Soon she was aroused
by the sound of voices outside her door, and though at first she
hardly heeded them, they gradually grew so troublesome that she
closed her book to get up and shut the transom, when she heard
words that made her forget all else. Forgetting the fact that the
conversation was not meant for her to hear, she leaned forward to
hear more. What followed forced all the color from her face, her
book fell from her lap open upon the floor, and she clasped her


hands in an agfony of apprehension as she heard the disconnected
words, "Marg-ie," "telegram," "father," "dead," " poor child ! "
What was she hearing ? Could it be true ? Her father had been
ill for several days, but she had not dreamed that the illness was
serious. Could this torture be for her ? Forgotten were all the
reasonings of Senior philosophy; she dimly remembered having
been reading the Boethius, and what was it about a car ride ? AU
these thoughts passed swiftly through her mind, and still she
leaned forward trying to hear. Then the door opened and

Mabel said afterwards that she would never forget the picture
she saw when she and Mary entered. There sat Margie, their
own dear Margie, the idol of the class, looking as if she had re-
ceived her death sentence. The light summer dress, with its deep
Spanish flounce, her hair pompadoured and arranged low on her
head, her whole lovely appearance, seemed strangely out of keep-

ingf with the awful look of terror on the white face, usually so
pretty with its delicate color. Mabel took all the blame on her-
self ; she knew Marg-ie's father was ill, and she oug-ht to have
known better than to discuss such a subject where Marg-ie could
hear without understanding. It was strang-e how everything- had
fitted in. They were speaking- of a story they had read in one of the
mag-azines in the library something- about a girl whose father's
death was announced to her by telegram and just as Mary had
said, "Poor child," referring to the girl in the story, Mabel had
said they would go in and ask Margie's opinion about the story.
Margie was so weakened that for a while she could do nothing but
sob, and Mabel was most remorseful. Things were soon straight-
ened out, however, and that night on the car ride Margie was her
same merry self and the life of the party.


Give Gs Hnother Brick ^alk

[ Tune : " Answer " ] .

Would you but give to us one more brick walk,
You'd see our faces wondrous glad and bright,
It is the one thing we would ask of you,
For our delight, for our delight.

[Tune: " Hominy Corn " ].

Give us another brick walk.
Give us another brick walk.

We'd like it, love it.

Want it, need it.
Give us another brick walk.

Orator (becoming- excited): "The advaritag-es you young
ladies have are far above those of many. You are surrounded by
the best influences ; you are amongf men and women of the greatest
refinement and intelligence ; jou have possibilities for tremendous
moral, mental and physical development; you," etc., etc. (see
memory of past experiences) . ' ' What else do you want or need ? "

Voice from rear : " Another brick walk."

This is to certify that I, D G , do hereby promise to

the students of Agnes Scott to give to them another brick walk.

In token whereof, I have this day set my hand and affixed my

Signed: D G , [lawful seal.]

Witness: , [lawful seal.]


Hlpbabct of Hgncs Scott proverbs

Hbsent thee from felicity.

Be sure not to giggle on the car Miss Hopkins will find it out

Care once killed a cat.
Don't ask Dr. Arbuckle his age It's impolite and anj- way he'U

tell you.
Gnjo}' yourself to the fullest extent, but
f^lirt neither with conductors nor non-conductors.
Get all the help you can in "Trig."
Dandle the rules with care You might break them.
Increase 3'our s/'g/is by falling in love.

Jeopardize your life for your studies Reward will surely come.
Keep quiet in the library If Miss Hopkins doesn't catch you Miss

McKinney will.
L-earn to be more " specific" D. G. desires it.
]^lake 100 in Science You will be third on Dr. Arbuckle's list.
^ever lose your temper Without it you will be analogous to a no

count pair of curling tongs.
Oft expectation fails and 7)ios^ oft, but
Petition D. G. for a holiday He likes it.
Qualify your descriptions with ^' einiiienllv-'''
Read your letters in class but don't get too interested Miss McK.

might call on you.
Sulphuretted hydrogen inhaled freel}' is an excellent head-ache

Cry it !

Qse ''^eminently'''' to describe any Biblical character D. G. does it.
Vex not your teachers Be kind in little things.
QC(alk upright ! Some one might mistake you for a quadruped.
Xcept every holiday you can get.
^ou won't get many.
Zero means nothing But get one or two or three or four and find

out for yourself.


Cdinter 'Cime in Georgia

IT was winter time in the Sunny South. The thermometer stood
ten degfrees below zero. The wind blew at the rate of forty
miles per minute. The snow lay twelve inches thick and ice
covered the dancing' fountain. Indoors the north side girls
crept, shivering-, into bed weeping, and as they wept their tears
froze. The heat was turned on night and day and no longer did
cattish voices float through the clear air. The tiny mice no longer
played merrily in and out of trash baskets, nor did the electric car
run. The norther did quickly don his coat and hie him away to
g^et warm in the frozen north. The mournful Herr Saul wished
himself "not brought to this place," the fruit trees froze as did
likewise the ink. For it was winter time in the Sunnv South ! !


'I^ady Ian, I am not guilty

"Oh! Why can't vou love

Come : let us f.\

' I w.'sh a pruc; would come to my ho


Miss McKinney, when the gfirls come to her room to inquire
about examination marks.

The third hall west-end lig-hts nearl}' all the time.

Dr. Arbuckle on "Jerusalem the Golden," in chapel.

Of jokes the Junior Class.

Of ideas for the Aurora Nellie Mandeville.

Of work for the Senior Latin Class Miss Morrow. [The
above is a tellingf piece of sarcasm.]

Of Harriett's lips a question.

Of something- to saj', never ! Dr. Arbuckle.

Of work the Sophomores.

Of the habit of using the word "eminently" Dr. Gaines.

Of time Georgfia Kyser.

Of date red waists.

Of enoug-h to eat the g"irls at Miss Sheppard's table.

Of stamps Rosa Belle Knox.

Of good reputation the second floor girls.

Of sight the Junior banquet to the Seniors.

Mr. Gilmore when he is wanted.

Of tune the gymnasium piano.

Of time the watches of the girls in the practice hall.

Of patience about " trashy music " Mr. Maclean.

Of the windows conversation forbidden.

Of oil the Seniors' lamps when they have studying to do.

Of patience Herr Saul.

95-99; 34- lo

Hftcr J^lotber Goose, but not apt to catch her.

Sing a song of '95,

Almost as green as rye,
4 and 30 Freshmen

Then came to A. S. I.

When the school was opened

The girls began to sing,
And that was such a hearty song

It made the Chapel ring.

Some came to get some learning
Put in their gay j-oung heads.

But first they were obliged to learn
To make their little beds.

Then 2 naughty Freshmen

To one another said,
" I'm going home to mama

And to my trundle-bed."

The 2 and 30 Freshmen
Then left to hold the field.

Together made a thriving class,
Which swore to never yield.

Homesickness, mumps and measles
Did next this class attack.

Then 3 more conquered Freshmen
Left, never to come back.

Still 9 and 20 Freshmen

Fought on thro' thick and thin,
Till final ' ' xams ' ' of their first year

Were ready to begin.

2 other little Freshies
Deserted then their class,

Vacation's many pleasures
Drew out another lass.

Then sing a song of '96,

Almost wise as a fool.
Of brilliant Soph 'mores 26

Came back again to school.

Then 2 of these young ladies
Found " Bible Notes " too hard,

Decided that to leave this out
Would not their aims retard.

Yet 3 more names must be erased

From roll-book of the class ;
2 went home to be married,

The others failed to pass.

I and 20 Sophomores

Stayed thro' their second year,
But 2 of these took holiday

From this time on, I hear.

Sing a song of '97,

Of hard work such a lot,
19 returning Juniors

Must do at Agnes Scott.

They studied, worked with might and main,

But small pox came along
And frightened 2 poor Juniors

From places in this song.

The rest kept up till Christmas,
But truth I must not shirk,

1 died of asking questions.

And I of too much work.

2 others found that they had failed
To reach the average mark.

So just before commencement
For home they did embark.


This made i weep till she went blind,

I more became a bride,
So only 1 1 Juniors

Remained at "testing-tide."

Sing a song of '99,

And half of '98,
When only 10 high Seniors

Returned to graduate.

10 Seniors in the school-room,

Eating bread, not honey ;
10 fathers in the counting-house

Counting out their money.

10 maids are in the city.

Buying up the clothes
In which they are to graduate.

When Commencement ends their woes.



At whose sight like the sun, all others
with diminished splendor shine.

Class of ^gg Individually :
Her wit was more than man's.

She was by nature perfectly good-

Bashfulness is an ornament to youth.

La classe superieur, c'est moi.

She was in logic a great critic,
Profoundly skilled in analytic.

Of speed not over hustling.

I am resolved for death or dignity.

I have no gift of words, but I speak the

The whims of women must be humored.

But I've got my work to do, and I must
do it.

Silence is golden.

Some are wise, and some are otherwise.

I have neither wits nor words. I only
speak right on.

All that I am, all that I have, all that
I hope to be I'd give for beauty.

Class of '99 Collec-

Helen Mandeville.

Emma Wesley.
Ruth Candler.
Rosa Belle Knox.

Annie Gash.
Bessie Jones.
Mabel Lawton.

Nannie Winn.
Bernice Chivers.

LuciLE Alexander.
Glee Club.
Junior Class.

Jeannette C.

Harriett Scales.

Oueen of smiles.

Marie Goetchius.

Though we are young we scorn to flit
Upon the wings of borrowed wit.

Georgie who ? Whose father ? Whose
little hatchet?

The reason firm, the temperate will,
Endurance, foresight, strength and skill.

She is of that light, unreflecting class,
of that light, unreflecting sex.

A beauty, but over light-headed.

Who can account for the taste of fe-
males, especially for

If ladies be but young and fair,
They have the gift to know it.

What she says you may believe, and
pawn your soul upon it.

And when a man is in the case,

You know all other things give place.

Constructed on scientific principles.

None but himself can be his parallel.

Had she no hair pins.
Had she no comb ?

I don't believe I myself know that ?

Blessed are they that expect nothing
for they shall not be disappointed.

Taste refined.
Perception swift, and balanced mind.
And more than all, a gift of thought.

One struggle more, and we are free
From pangs that rend our hearts in twain.

Kids' Dramatic Ci,ub.

Mary Lou Duncan.

Miss Sheppard.

Valeria Rankin.
Ethel Davant.

Harriett's ?

MissEY Hull.

Margaret B.

Ruth Lewis.

Rose P.'s Pompadour.

Dr. Gaines.

Rosa Belle,
louelle o'n.

Morsel of Comfort
FOR Soph. Chem.Class.

Miss McKinney.
Seniors' Comfort.

One whom the music of her own vain

Doth ravish, like enchanted music.

The memory of what has been
And never more will be.

Old head on young shoulders.

Rides in the whirlwind, and directs
the storm.

I stood among them, but not of them.

E'en though vanquished she could ar-
gue still.

We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts,
not breaths. Then how old is

She that complies against her will
Is of the same opinion still.

A sudden thought strikes me let us
swear an eternal friendship.

We never dare to write as funny as we

There's nothing ill can dwell in such
a temple.

Bid me discourse, I will enchant thine

Where more is meant than meets the ear.

And, as the bright sun glorifies the sky.
So is her face illuminated by her eye.

Ethel A. only this and nothing more.

When found, make a note of.

Rose Rich.

Low-necked Dresses.
Edna May.

Dr. Arbuckle in the

Thyrza and the

May Barker.

Sallie George ?

Ethel L.

Mary Kirk.

Aurora Editors.

Marietta Hurt.

Lula McClain.
Bell D.

Miss Massie.

Motto of Pedagogy


The soul of music slumbers in the shell.

For mine own part, it was Greek to me.

The observed of all observers.

I must be cruel onl}- to be kind.

Never any marvellous stor}' but herself
could tell a greater one.

Of manners gfentle, of affections mild,
In wit a woman, simplicity a child.

You've been cooped up in the schools too
long-, and you think everybody is looking-
at you.

Remember the nig-ht is for hunting, and
forget not the day is for sleep.

Extreme simplicity touches on extreme

Talking too much is a sign of vanity.
Remember this,

It is better to live and go to dinner and
strike into a new life.

Did win
The hearts of all that she did angle for.

A flattering painter, who made it his care
To draw girls as they should be, not as
they are.

There is a gift beyond the reach of art,
of being eloquently silent.

' Twas for my accommodation Nature
rose when I was born ; should I die, the
whole creation back to nothing would

Jean R.

Sallie George.
Mr. Saul in Chapel.
Miss Hopkins.

Sybil Bethel.

Miss Young.

Evelyn R.

Nellie and Rosa

Juliet C.


Gertrude A.
Mary Payne.

A. S. I. Photog-

Fannie B.

Mattie W.

A bevy of fair women.

M. L. S.

He sigfhed, he sobbed, and furious with

He rent his e^arments and he tore his hair. .

Bold is the task when students are so wise
As to instruct their Prof, wherein his er-
ror lies.

Behold the child by Nature's kindly law.
Pleased with a rattle, tickled by a straw.

Beholding- heaven and feelingf hell.

Her voice was ever soft, g-entJe and
low an excellent thing- in woman.

Breathes there a g-irl with soul so dead
Who never to herself hath said,
This is our own, our dear promenade.

We know not what they are.

Wit's last edition is now i' the press.

I love it, I love it, and who shall dare
To chide me for loving that old arm chair.

Thou wert a beautiful thought, and
softly bodied forth.

Tranquility ! thou better name
Than all the family of Fame.

Perhaps it may turn out a song,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

Our cause is just, our union is perfect.

Some folks arc so fond of ill-luck that
they run half-way to meet it.

The beautiful eyes of my cash box.


Dr. Arbuckle after
Chem. Exam.

RvsHA Wesley.

Saidee K.

Miss Hopkins.

The Brick Walk.
A. S. I. Croquettes.

Pres. of M. L. S.


MoLLiE Cohen.

Junior Essays.
MoLLiE and Lucy.


Carrie C.

mbat s a C. O, D,

"WTiat's a C. O. D. ? Ask Miss Hopkins,
And she'll answer, with sorrowful look,

" She's the girl who lives at the Institute
Without ever open'ng a book."

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask Mr. Davis,

And he'll sa3-, with a sad sigh of woe,

" She is a girl who minds not the whistle
And ne'er to her room will she go. ''

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask the Senior,

And she will tell you right in the hall,

" She's a girl who never keeps quiet,
And one I would gladly maul."

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask the teacher on dut}-.
And her head she will sorrowfully shake,

"She's a girl who is skilled in evasions.

And most wondrous excuses can make."

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask Miss Powell,
And she says, with a look of despair,

" She's the girl who never will practice,
Unless I stand close by her chair. ' '

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask the students,

And they'll tell j'ou, with deepening scowl,

"She's a being who's always in mischief.
And keeps our poor school in a howl."

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask Bates and Co.,

And they'll answer with gladness, " Wh}-, ma'am,
She's the girl who keeps us from breaking

By purchasing crackers and ham."

What's a C. O. D. ? Ask one of their number.
And she'll tell you with many a laugh,

" We are beings to whom life's a pleasure,
We enjoy it, tho" thorny's our path.

We are happy-go-lucky by nature,

And the' we are laughed at b}- all,
We'll continue to take matters easy,

'Till something shall cause us to fall."

pussy billow, 'Che freshman

HER name was not really Pussy Willow, of course. She
was called that at home, because well, perhaps because
her name was Helen, and when she went away to school
the name clung- to her. it seemed to suit her, any way,
the girls declared, for she was so slender, so fragile, so soft, and
so affectionate and clinging that it did not seem inappropriate that
she was called by the name of the soft, clinging, furry little pussy
willow. It had been decided that Pussy Willow would grow more
independent and self-reliant away from home, so she was sent
away to school at Agnes Scott, a place which she looked upon be-
fore she knew it with fear and trembling-, and ever afterward with
respect and love.

Pussy Willow did not come out to Decatur on the car, as people
generally do, but drove out from Atlanta with a carriag-e load of
other girls. On the long drive the youngf girls were in varying-

moods. At times they would laug-h, chatter and sing- as gayly as
only young maidens of their ag-e can. Then the group would be-
come strang-ely silent, and tears came to more than one pair of
eyes at the thought of the long-, unwonted absence from home and
of the strang-ers to be faced when they reached their destination.
These girls had known each other only an hour or two, yet they
scarcely thought of that, feeling- that they must be friends, since
they were all in the same position. On the road between Atlanta
and Decatur the driver pointed out all the places of interest, and

the g-irls listened eagerly,
interrupting- him frequently
with, "How far are we from
the Institute ? "

Finally they reached the
top of a long hill, through
a cut in which a railroad
ran, and the driver said,
"This is Johnson Station.
Agnes Scott is only two miles off." The
g-irls waved their handkerchiefs with a
"Hurrah!" the driver whipped up his
horses, and after driving about a mile, said,
"Now you can see the Institute. There
just over those trees." The girls stood up
and, gazing in the direction indicated, saw
a high brick and stone tower rising- over
the trees. " Agnes Scott is on higher
ground than the surrounding country," ex-
plained the driver, "and at night may be
seen from certain points in Atlanta." Even
as he was talking they reached Decatur, and
almost immediately turned into the campus
of Agnes Scott, and as the great gates
closed behind them with a clang, a g-irlish
voice quoted solemnly amidst the silence of
the others, "All hope abandon, ye who
enter here."

They drove up to the stone steps of the
main building, descended from the carriage
and mounted the steps. They were met in

the parlors br the principal in charg-e, who quickly assigned them
rooms, ordered their bagfg-ag-e to be taken up as soon as it arrived
and rang for a maid to show them to their rooms. Pussy Willow
received a room on the third floor with a Sophomore, who regarded
her rather curiously, but was nevertheless cordial. The Sopho-
more's belongings filled all the available space in the room, but
she hospitably removed them to make room for Pussy Willow's,
and when her trunks came up offered to help her unpack.

"No, thank you," responded Pussy Willow to this offer; "I
do not wish to trouble you."

And although the Sophomore insisted that it would be no
trouble, Pussj- Willow declined to receive her assistance and went

to work her-
perplesed as
should do
worked on
the supper
half-past six,
went down
room -mate
signed a
of the tables,
the chatter
voices of so
the long din-
rather c o n -

self, rather
to what she
first. She
silently till
bell rang at
and then
with her
and was as-
place at one
The glare,
and the quick
many girls
throug h ou t
i n g hall
fused her.

and as soon as the girls at the table were excused she sought her
room again. Tired with her work of unpacking, she went to sleep
long before her room-mate returned, and did not wake till the next
morning, when she was tapped on the forehead and a voice ex-
claimed, "You will have to hurry if you want to get down to
breakfast in time." Dreading to be so gazed at as she would be if
she entered the dining-room late. Pussy Willow jumped up and
dressed hastily, then went with her room-mate down to breakfast.
Breakfast was gotten through with in the same way that sup-
per was, and Pussy Willow afterwards laughingly declared that
she never knew what she ate at either meal. After breakfast she
returned to her room to put it in order, and at half-past eight was
taken by her room-mate down to chapel. As the four hundred

g-irls marched in. Pussy
Willow felt very little and
homesick, and the home-
sick feeling- was increased when they rose to sing,
"Just As I Am," thoug-h she did her best to over-
come the feeling- and join in the hymn.

But when the prayer began Pussy Willow was
almost overcome, and putting her head down on the
back of the seat in front of her, she let her tears
come unhindered while she listened to the prayer.
And the strong voice went on, praying for loved
ones far away, that they might be kept free from danger and pre-
served in the midst of trouble and here Pussy Willow sobbed and
the girl next her put her arm around her.

After chapel the girls' schedules were arranged, and in a very
short time Pussy Willow found herself regularly classified and
with a memorandum in her hand containing a list of books she
was to get at the book closet, a place as yet unknown to her, but
destined to become very familiar. But ever}- one has trials,
especially on the first day at boarding school, and Pussy Willow's
were no heavier than those of any one else. As the days passed
her letters home grew brighter, as she learned to know the
o-irls and grew familiar with Agnes Scott. The life which
at first seemed
routine and
chinery, grew
that she bless-
ity of the ris-
meal-bells, the
summer she
not remember
more enjoy-


to her merely
useless ma-
so dear to her
ing-bell, the
half-hour and
And the next
said she could
having spenta
able vear.

Olould Be

As adorable as Ang-ie, Sibyl

Belle and society leader, .... Mattie

Grown up, Amanda

Always walking, Miss MassiE

As perfect as Mar_v, Lena

Tall and graceful, .... Mary Cook

A boj, Mary Kirk

Always on the lookout, . . . Miss Hopkins

Forever asking questions, . . . Harriett

"Just sweet sixteen, Genie

An expert chemist, Georgia

President of the Mnemosynean, . .

Rosa Belle

Editor-in-chief of the '00 Aurora, . Margie

A graceful dancer, Ezra

An expert server in tennis, . . Mary Kirk

Ever with her adorable Miss . . Belle

Professional actors, . " Ye Dramatic Club "

Always borrowing-, Eliza

Reported to weigh "just a hundred," Loula

"A parlor boarder," Tenny

Never so happy as when giggling-, . Rose P.

Authority on all questions of art, . . Edna

Ever g-oing to Atlanta, .... Madeline


On time for meals just one whole da_y ! Ruth L.

Forever raining, The Weather

Class, school and national poet, Hilda

Makingf verses to her latest flame, Dora

Tr3-ing- to manage Venetia, Mary D.

A long-haired beautj-, Sallie George

A bicjcle rider in a day, Nannie Winn

Sedate, if possible, when Ezra is around, Miss Massie's Table

Ever with "Airj, fairj' Lillian, Ethel L.

Bad, if she dared, Daisy

Ever Daisy's shadow Bessie

Angry, should she be called affected, Ethel D.

The best dressed girl in school, Tenny

Treated for a new form of St. Vitus' Dance, . . . Gertrude

Taught (especially at night) to be seen and not heard,

Ezra's Alarm Clock

Certain who was at the other end of the speaking-tube be-
fore venturing to answer, Harriett

from the Hstronomy Class*

Professor : ' ' Young ladies, you will please come to the tower
tonigfht if the sun is shining- to take the transit of the stars."

Student (gazing earnestly toward the south): "Professor,
where is the north star ? "

Prima : " What are 'Jupiter lights' ? "

Secunda : "They are more commonly known by the name,
'Aurora borealis.' "

Professor: "At what are you sighting, Miss Mary?"
Mary (sighing not knowing the telescope was unsteady):

"At the moon. Professor. I wish Joshua was here to command it

to stand still."

H Sophomore's ]Votc Book.

1. Read up about Parliamentary Reform Laws for Wednes-
day's history.

2. See about tickets for the lecture tonig-ht.

3. Look up references in Congressional Record for Civil
Government tomorrow.

4. Engag-e the English reference books for this evening".

5. Hunt for my notes on the lecture last week.

6. ' the tennis court for tomorrow afternoon.

7. Put a notice on the bulletin board about my lost German

8. Prepare lecture on Gothic architecture for history.

9. Attend Chem. Matinee this afternoon.

10. Look up Scripture passag-es for prayer-meeting.

11. Report three tardy marks tomorrow.

12. Order some fruit from the g-rocer.

13. Pay Marie the money she lent me in town Tuesday.

14. Buy coverings for window seat in my room.

15. See about having my tennis racquet restrung-.

16. Read Deuteronomy for tomorrow's Bible lesson.

17. Write a letter home and ask for some more money.

18. Buy my new Latin books.

19. Get another table cover.

20. Prepare debate for Society Sat. night.




Number One "Doesn't old Bonesey look ugly?
Number Two "Oh, hush; don't talk so loud; suppose he
were not really dead."

On a microscope in the laboratory "Please do not touch H.
B. Arbuckle.''

Major Premise The students will not walk in the campus
except on the brick walk.

Minor Premise The brick walk is not sufficient for all.
Conclusion Therefore, we need another brick walk.

]\Iiss S (as the collection basket passes her) "No, thank

Miss Wright (at Nunnally's) "I want fifty cents worth of
fudges." (As the package is handed her) "How much do I owe

There once was a gloomy j-oung lad,

Whose face was exceedingly sad,

When Bones}- he saw

He laughed, "Haw, haw, haw,

That sight would indeed make me glad."

First Student "How is Bonesy like Anglo-Saxon?"
Second Student "Because he is just strung together.
First Student "No, because he is so dry."

Freshman (much perplexed) "I found a verj-, verv large book
called "A Short History of the English People."

Gentleman (telephoning) " Is that thirtj'-three-ninety-five?

Who is at the 'phone? Ah, Mrs. (taking oif his hat), I am

glad to see you."

Junior "/ saw a man paving a street with a silk hat on.
WiLLiBERT "I never heard a man look as he did at me."

Cupid, Cupid,

Why so stupid,
Fling your bo^v away,

Without a doubt.

Hearts are out
Of style at this late da}-.

Maidens speak,

Sanskrit and Greek,
Hearts will not relent.

A lover's kiss

Would come amiss,
To those on knowledge bent.

Dr. ArbucklE (suddenly) " Men are awfully ugfly crea-
tures, aren't they?" Then seeing- the pleased looks of the girls
opposite, he adds, "and women, too, for that matter. I mean
mankind in general."

Once there was a Senior who did not study after eleven at

She's dead.

Once there was a Junior who did not have " more work than I
can possibU' get through with."
She's dead, too.

Student (translating Germania) " The soldiers stretched
their shields till the}' covered their mouths."

Harriett (indignant at being laughed at) "Well, if Dick-
ens did not write in the sixteenth century, I don't see why his books
are so ancient now."

Sophomore (endeavoring to prove to her friend the truth of
an assertion) " Dr. Gaines said so."

Friend " Then I dare not Gain(ejsay it."

junior Class poem

Oh, our cares are many, our troubles are great.

We're the class of naughty-naught.
Though once we stood the Freshman's fate.

Our counsel now is sought.

The Fresh, and Sophs, do reverence us,

Whene'er our caps they see,
But the Seniors are so envious

That with us they ne'er agree.

Yet we cannot say that we are glad

That the Seniors soon will go.
Though often they have made us mad

By saying, " You're so slow."

May their pleasures be many as ours have been.

And if by trials they're beset,
Of the clouds, may the silver lining be seen,

Till in triumph all else Ihey forget.

And now, Alma Mater, we bid you good-bye.

For the few short months ahead ;
We're all so devoted to A. S. I.,

That we're glad we're again here to tread.

When summer is o'er and fall is here,

Your halls again we'll tread ;
With light hearts we'll enter our Senior j-ear.

We, the class of nineteen hundred.

To the Seniors we bid a fond farewell.

Yet hope it will not be forever,
It would grieve us much if time should tell

That their hearts from us they'd sever.

We ask that they always remember us.

When their thoughts are to Agnes Scott led.

And hope they'll unite in shouting with us,

" Hurrah ! Three cheers for nineteen hundred !

Sophomore poem

Should 3'ou ask me whence these Soph'mores,

Whence these maids with books unnumbered,

With their many brilHant ideas

And their satisfied opinion,

Of this class in all its glory,

I should answer, I should tell you

That they left their homes so pleasant.
Filled with hopes and aspirations,
Left their sisters all their doll-rags.
Likewise thoughts of boys and nonsense
(Soph'mores vow would be insulted
Should you mention that fact to them,
How they ei\r thought of such things) ;

That they came in '97,

A. S. I. the prime attraction ;

Came to hear the wise professors.

And to follow their examples.

To drink in the words of wisdom.

Fill their minds with useful learning.

What states come they from, j-ou ask me ?
I had best enumerate them,
That 3-ou'll see how widely scattered,
And how well tliey're represented.
Many of them hail from Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi,
Pennsylvania, Carolina,
Arkansas, and many others.

Should you ask us what our motives,
Wh}' we toil and weep and struggle,
Scanning Vergil, proving problems.
Writing English exercises,
I should speak again and tell you
That we hope to reign as poets.
Authors, chemists, great musicians ;
Work in all the fields where woman
Finds her mission in the Southland ;
As a class and individuals,


Hope to be the star of nations ;
All shall hear of our achievements !
Agnes Scott, our Alma Jlater,
Shall be proud of us, her daughters.
May we keep these high ambitions
Through our Junior year and Senior,
Till receiving our diplomas,
We go forth to make our fortunes ;
Through the ages may our fame ring.
May we live in song and story,
May our motto be the watch-word
That leads others on to elorv.


Calendar for 1898-1899

Sept. 7, '98 -School opened. A marked deficiency in the roll of
old girls.

Sept. 8 Second old girl arrived. Things seemed exceedingly

Sept. 9- Things begin to liven up with the constant arrival of old
and new girls.

Sept. 10 General reception tendered new comers.

Sept. 11 New girls first attended Presbyterian church and caught
a glimpse of Decatur.

Sept. 12 General work began and classes were formed.

Sept. 14 We took our regular walk out Candler street.

Sept. 16- Our faith in Dr. Arbuckle established. Mrs. Arbuckle
at last appeared.

Sept. 18 General rush of the new girls to get Sunday-school quar-
terlies filled with engagements for church, with girls that
a week later they scarcely speak to.

Sept. 19 Rosa Belle announced for the first (?) time that she was
a Senior.

Sept. 21 First "box of clothes" received by homesick girl im-
mediately following which the sign "Please don't knock.
Busy," appeared on her door.

Sept. 23 One of our number left us for the superior J03-S of "Home,
sweet Home."

Sept. 28 Rev. Theron H. Rice, of Atlanta, led in prayer-meeting.

Sept. 30 Class of 1900 organized and officers elected.

Oct. 1 After a month's trial of Dr. Gaines' Bible Course we found
that several names had been erased from his roll. We won-
der why !


Oct. 3 Rev. T. H. Rice and Miss Rice took tea at the Institute.
The supper was well, we only wish they would come oftener.

Oct. 4 Senior class organized. Officers were elected and the
colors Red and White chosen.

Oct. 5 Reception at Mrs. Ansley's, attended by a few of our num-

Oct. 9 First regular Missionary meeting-.

Oct. 10 Ethel made an original remark.

Oct. 12 Dr. and Mrs. Gaines left for Virginia.

Oct. 16 German in the Gymnasium.

Oct. 18 Lecture by Mr. George Wendling in Atlanta on "The
Man of Gallilee."

Oct. 19 Debate in No. 18. Resolved, " That peanut candy, potted
ham and olives are conducive to health."

Oct. 21 Faculty meeting no mercy shown.

Oct 22 Ruth heard the rising bell.

Oct. 24 Oratorical contest between the Georgia colleges Univer-
sity of Georgia, Emory, Mercer and Dahlonega. Mercer was
victorious but long live old Georgia!!

Oct. 27 Concert at the Grand by Gertrude May Stein and Dr.

Oct. 28 Opening ot Polymnia Musical Club. " Folk Song Even-

Oct. 29 Rev. T. H. Rice lectured to both societies in Propylaan

Oct. 31 Tacky party in Gymnasium.

Nov. 1 Prof. E. E. Barnard's lecture in Atlanta on "Photographic
Revelations in Astronomy."

Nov. 3 Mr. W. H. Payne, of Nashville, lectured to normal classes.
Nov. 4 An advertisement to the needy!

"Free lunch counter.

Finest in school at Kirkpatrick's restaurant,

No. 57 Hopkins St.

Meals served at all hours. Especially good ones at 11:59 p. m.'

Nov. 6 (On tennis court.) Dr. Arbuckle requests Mary K. to
stand behind him when she serves. Wonder why?

Nov. 7 The day Mary B. sewed all the necessary buttons on
Saidee's clothes, thinking- them the property of Eliza.

Nov. y Nellie jNIandeville was embarrassed!

Nov. 11 Lecture by I. Zangwill at the Grand, entitled "The
Children of the Ghetto."

Nov. 12 Several of us were delig-htfully entertained at Mrs. Nell
Candler's in Decatur.

Nov. 14 Lola and Mary were seen tog-ether.

Nov. 16 Prof. John B. DeMotte's lecture on "The Harp of the


Nov. 17 Reports were given out. No comments necessary.
Nov. 19 Mnemosynean elected new officers.
Nov. 20 Lecture in Atlanta b^^ Wendling.

Nov. 21 Marked the evening of Mad. Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler at
the Grand.

Nov. 23 Not a soul in the Infirmary-!

Nov. 24 Dora wrote another piece of poetry. We don't mention

the fair inspirers.
Nov. 25 Propyljeans elected new officers.
Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 29 No one was late to breakfast!

Nov. 30 For a change(?) they played leap-frog on the third floor.
Dec. 2 Occurred the memorable commotion on second floor.
Dec. 3 Miss Melson was on time for breakfast.

Dec. 5 The Theatrical Club presented its first play, "Revenge
is Sweet," in the chapel, with great success.

Dec. 6 Polymnia reception.

Dec. 7 Lecture: "The Victorian Age in English Literature,"
by Justin McCarthy, in Atlanta

Dec. 8 "Stage folks and real people." Lecture at Grand b}'
Messrs. Thomas and Kemble.

Dec. 9 Morg-an String- Concert in Atlanta.

Dec. 1 1 Miss McKinney lost her zchite snn-bonnct en route to cot-

Dec. 13 While in prajer-meeting the delicious odor of candj- was
wafted down from the second floor. As this indulgence is
strictly forbidden, no further comment is necessary only
"They wish the3- hadn't."

Dec. 15 Bazaar held for benefit of Alumnaj Association.

Dec. 17 Mr. T. H. Rice addressed both literary societies on the
subject of his trip to Europe.

Dec. 18 Debate in Mnemosynean Hall. Resolved, That the state
of a married man is happier than that of a bachelor. Neg.
side was victorious.

Dec. 19 First impatient girl left for home to enjoj' the holidays.

Dec. 20 Art Reception, given by Miss Buck and La Bonne Heure
Club. A delightful affair!

Dec. 23 Mail full of interesting packages for all. Christmas holi-
days began.

Dec. 24 All birds had flown except those who intended to remain.
My! the interesting boxes that came!

From Dec. 23 to Jan. 2 Each girl has her own story to tell of fun
and holiday mischief.

Jan. 1--New Year's Day.

Jan. 2 New School Term opened, and girls returned for work.

Jan. 3 Dr. and Mrs. Gaines stopped boarding at the Inst, and
went to housekeeping as of yore.

Jan. 5 Dr. Arbuckle began his series of prayer-meeting services
for the month.

Jan. 7 The following anonymous verse was handed to the Mne-
mosynean editor, with the promise of more, should this prove

" The Faculty had a meeting,
The teacliers all were there,
And the subject for discussion
Was how to fix their hair. "

Jan. 6 Harriett asked 9,999 questions by actual calculation from
the rising- bell to whistle blow.

Jan. 10 Miss Jennings left for home.

Jan. 11 Examinations beg-an lasting- two weeks.

Jan. 12^Jeannette had her picture taken!

Jan. 14 Concert in Atlanta by Max Bendix.

Jan. IS Ezra heard the musical sound of her alarm clock, pealing-
forth upon the evening air at 2:15 p. m.

Jan. 16 Prof. Saul took Miss Jenning's place and became a new
star on the fourth floor (or the moon shall we call him!)

Jan. 18 Mrs. Hull was forced to leave. Her place was filled by
Mrs. Neal.

Jan. 19 Senior German class entertained us with a German play
in the Chapel.

Jan. 21 No, it was not a funeral only the regular receipt of

Jan. 22 Debate in Propyleean Society: "Resolved, That territorial
expansion is advantageous to the United States." Aff. vie.

Jan. 23 Spring term began and new girls arrived.

Jan. 24 Meeting of Aurora Board. See for yourself what we have

Jan. 25 Lecture by Dr. McDonald, of Atlanta, to both societies
on "The Haunts of Burns."

Jan. 26 A sudden fit of vanity seized us, and about half of our
number visited Russell, the photographer.

Jan. 27. No one missed in Sophomore French.

Jan. 28 It snowed for first time during the winter.

Jan. 29 Lecture in Atlanta by Mr. Burdette.

Jan. 30 Dr. Arbuckle succeeded in making an odorless compound
in the laboratory!

Jan. 31 Another interesting "box of clothes" received.

Feb. 1 Miss Hopkins commended a girl. (Followed by general
rejoicing and wonder what was coming next.)

Feb. 2 Jeannette's birthday. No one dares ask her age we can
only speculate.

Feb. 4 Aurora pictures taken.

Feb. 5 Being- Sunday, the usual commotion occurred on the second

Feb. 6 Sunshine after three weeks of steady rain.

Feb. 7 j\Ir. Saul's jokes prove themselves '''huge" as he is him-

Feb. 8. Presentation in chapel by the Theatrical Club its second
success, "All's Fair in Love and War."

Feb. 10 Marked the second grand reception given bv the Mnemo-
synean and Propylaean Literary Societies.

Feb. 11 ]Miss Buck was kind enough to suppl}- us all with " Please

don't knock" signs, as souvenirs!!
Feb. 12 Was the coldest Sunday on record the ground deep in

snow which lasted four days.
Feb. 13 Our trip to Decatur and romp in snow.

Feb. 14 Resigned to Cupid who ruled in great power.

Feb. 15 Rosenthal's treat at the Grand. Mr, Saul's jokes kept us
from freezing on our return.

Feb. 16 Prof. Maclean "just didn't'' break his neck on the ice!

Feb. 19 Had oranges for dessert on Sunday a great treat (?)

Feb. 21 Last pictures for the Annual taken.

Feb. 22 Washington's birthday. But Col. Scott's birthday hap-
pening the same day was the cause of our holidav!

Feb. 25 Debate in the Mnemosynean Literary Society: "Resolved,
That solitude is more conducive than societj- to mental and
moral culture." Neg. won.

March 15 Aurora goes to press.

^ell-hnown Sayings of the faculty*

"Now class, don't jou see this?" Miss Young.

"Get a holt of." Dr. Arbuckle.

"Exactly!" Miss Hopkins.

"Now, my dear g-irls, do you think j'ou've been quite as earnest
in your work as you migfht have been ? " Miss Alby.

"Yessum." Miss Morrow.

"Now isn't that just wonderful ?" (accompanied by a broad
smile) Dr. Aebuckle.

"Kthel, you may begin the lesson." Miss Sheppard.

"Give you zero ! " Miss Alby.

(The 8:30 bell ringing-) " Great Heavens ! " Prof. Saul.

"What is the significance of this. Miss ? " Dr. Gaines.

"Oh, that will be all right ! " Miss Buck.

(At close of stud^'-hall) " Now, young ladies, you may retire to
your rooms, and may you all have pleasant dreams." Miss Cook.

' ' The third floor girls are requested not to throw orange peeling
out of the windows or elsewhere !" Miss Hopkins.

"Zo-zo!" (so-so) Miss Klebs.

' ' You see ? " Miss Melson.

' ' Hum ? Urn hum ! " Miss McKinney.

"That's what I was about to say." Miss Cook.

"When the time comes for writing letters in study-hall it
will be announced in chapel." Miss Cook.

"Ah, good evening, young ladies; what do you hear from
home ? " Dr. Gaines.

(Miss McKinney suddenly appearing at library door) "Why,
girls, don't you know there is to be absolute quiet in here ? There
is no excuse for this talking ! "

(In study hall.) " Now girls, get quiet and get to studying."
Miss Morrow.

"Ah Nellie can I see j'ou for a moment?" Miss Buck.

" What of it ? " Miss McKinney.

"Now, girls, you ought to know that ! I told you only a day
or two ago ! " Miss Massie.

)VIy Senior Lamp

My Senior lamp ! my Senior lamp ! that standest ever by,

With thy beam so bright and thy gleam at night, when thj- wick is

turned on high,
Light not the room of every maid with all thy wondrous glow.
Thou property of Seniors, to Seniors must thou go.
The Junior doth her vigil keep at break of early morn,
Giver of light, thou evermore my table shalt adorn.

My table shalt adorn ! Ah yes ! My Junior days are o'er,

I could not live a day and know that thou shouldst shine no more.

They gave to me my Senior lamp, my love for it is strong,

I'd like to use it ever as I have used it long.

In after years, when looking back on life at Agnes Scott,

I'll think of thee, my Senior lamp, and of my happy lot,

That when the lights went out at ten, I straight my lamp did light.

And no one e'er forbade me then to study late at night.

On an evening cold and wintn ,
On an evening dark and dreary
'Twas the last day of the old year,
'Twas a bleak and bitter evening
Loudly howled the dreary north wind,
Thickl)' fell the ghost-like snowflakes,
Slowl}', sadly, as if wear}-.
Came the night on, dark and dreary.

As the wind howled drear and lonel}-
Through the dark and awful forest,
As it sighed, as if 'twas lonely.
Through the swaying, bending branches.
It would wake in me the memories.
Waken all the slumbering memories,
Bring back faces most forgotten.
Bring back days of long ago.

Silently I sat there, musing,
Never moving, scarcely' breathing,
Fearing lest m}' slightest movement
Fearing lest the flickering embers.
Fearing that the soft snow falling
Would my day-dreams drive away ;
^\'ould disperse my sad, fond memories,
.\11 the memories of the past.

Long I sat there, thinking, thinking.
Thinking of my happy childhood.
Thinking of ni}- lost ambitions,
Thinking of the one I once loved ;
Listening to the ghost-like sobbing
Of the drear}', lonelj' north wind ;
Watching one b}- one the embers
Slowly die and disappear ;

Till, at last, mj- soul grew wearj-
Till, at last, the restless, drear\'
Shadows seemed to disappear.
And I longed for something higher.
And I longed for something nobler,
And I longed, and wished, and sighed,
Life seemed like the dying embers.
Or the shadows on the wall.

Was it I, and was I dreaming ?

Or was everything a phantom ?

Suddenly, I heard the hooting

Of an owl within the forest

But did I realh- hear the hooting ?

Or was I onl)- dreaming

Only dreaming that I heard the hooting

Of the dreary, lonely owl ?

Many years are gone forever.

Passed away to come back, never,

Since that dark and dreary evening

That I sat there in the fire-light.

Since that cold and wintry evening '

That I watched the dying embers.

That I listened to the howling

Of the wild and loneh' north wind.

But the thoughts that then came to me
Have I kept forever with me,
I'll remember them forever,
I'll remember that dark evening,
I'll remember that drear north vrind,
I'll remember too those shadows
Those uncertain, changing shadows,
I'll remember all my sad thoughts.
All the memories of the past.


Infirmary Sketches

The morning' breeze flapped the shade against the
window and turned over with a crash a bottle of ammo-
nia that sat on the sill. Outside a solitary sparrow sat
on the top of the engine house and took in the landscape. Inside
all was silent until the ammonia bottle fell over. A grunt, a growl,
a wild stir, and " Oh-h-h me I haven't slept one wink!'' in a half
sleepy voice came from one of the beds; a naughty exclamation, an
impatient kick of the covers, and a most emphatic " Chestnuts ! If
you say that ag-ain I'll choke you, Hilda!" from another; a decided
remark that if people wanted to talk they should at least not wake
every one in the room; a few more stirs and the Infirmary is

"I'm hungry," remarks the girl who alwa_ys is. The sleepless(?)
Hilda, who by this time is wide awake, murmurs feebly, "I don't
see how you can eat. I can't touch one bite," at which announce-
ment Venetia giggles, the hungTf girl looks sublimely indifferent,
and the local editor of the Miiemosynean, who happened to be pres-
ent, says as usual, " Oh, that's a local." Hilda is offended and
does nothing but groan for ten minutes, during which time the
hungry girl and the local editor discuss the Faculty, and the girl
in the corner chimes in whenever a stray word reaches her, "It
certainly is," in spite of the hungry girl's mild and gentle, " Shut
up, Madeline."

"Miss Neal, say, what does you'll want fer breakfus?" It is the
maid, and a gentle clamor at once arises, above all Hilda's sad
voice stating that she /couldn't eat one bite." The maid listens
patiently until all have ended, and going out informs the nurse
that "they all wants everything, cep'n Miss Hilda, and she don't
want nuthin' but some milk and toast and steak and aigs and hom-
iny, and anything else Miss Neal would make her take, and Miss
Madeline say, 'I do too.'" And Mrs. Neal orders milk and toast;
iwo-thirds of the latter of which is eaten bv the hungry girl.

Breakfast over, beds are straig-htened, and all is quiet until
Venetia asks Sybil, who has a pain, if she has ever tried bay rum,
Sybil had never tried it but would do so now. So the maid was
despatched for the bottle, and in a short time the room was smell-
ing- like a down-town barber shop, Sybil writhingf with internal
complications, Venetia in hysterics, when Mrs. Neal comes in.
The scene ends in confusion.

Quiet ag-ain. Hilda and Sybil asleep, Venetia count-
ing her hair, Madeline waiting- for some one to say some-
thing-, the hung-ry girl wondering if it is not nearly din-
ner time, and the local editor writing. Something strikes the floor
and the local editor gives a smothered exclamation as her pencil
point breaks. Hilda stirs and faintly remarks, "Oh, I wish I could
sleep as the rest of you can," at which no one even smiles except
Madeline, who says, "I do too." Entre dinner, like unto break-
fast. Sleep again. Then a soft voice floats in through the door,
"How is Sybil? Is she very ill? When will she be out? Are there
many in there? Who? How is Rosa Belle? Can I see them? When?
How long can I stay?" etc., etc., and everj'one except Hilda who
"hasn't been to sleep," awakes, laughs, and "Hattie is getting
there," remarks Venetia, and Sybil wails faintly the bay rum
having- had effect "Harriett! Harriett!" But she stops as Mrs.
Neal comes in and begs for some milk punch, to which Madeline
adds, "me too."

Semi-darkness. The black cloth which shades the light
waves dismall}'. A few flies suffering from insomnia
crawl up and down the electric light cord. Outside the
black cat entertains a few chosen friends, and they sing duets and
choruses. In the hall a group of choice spirits sing sweetly,
"Gimme the old timereligion," while the defenseless patients wish
all sorts of things about both bands of serenaders. But gradually
all becomes quiet, and as the tired e3-es close for the night, a faint
murmur comes through the gloom from Hilda's bed, "I can not
sleep one wink." And Madeline says, "Me too."


Science jVIatinees

A Sophomore I saw coming

Adown the east end stairs,
From her air of great depression

I knew she'd a weight of cares.
As I did not dare to stop her,

I merely said, " Good-da}-. "
Gazing at me she spoke sadh-,

" There's a Science Matinee."

In the lab. the girls assemble,

Sadly make experiments.
Gloomily- the burners handle

Gaze with awe at instruments.
There the hours pass b}- slowly,

Hours that have not a ray
Of comfort for the girls attending

At the Science Matinee,

Oh ! the hours they must spend there.

Oh ! the test tubes they will break,
And the trials the}- must suffer,

But it's all " for learning's sake."
They while acids they are handling

Wonder sadly, "Will it pay
To spend our time in such performance

At the Science Matinee."

" Matinees," I pondered gravely,

" They are trials to us all.
But attending on them, never

Shall we from the pass mark fall.
Matinees we've had full often

And we'll have them yet again.
This one maxim we have learned well,

" Matinee " means only " pain."

T.0 f^y ponies

In the morning at the noontide ;

In the calm and silent eve,
You have been my dear companions,

All my weakness to relieve.

In the Slimmer 30U have waited.

As if list'ning for my call.
In the winter been my strong-hold ;

In the spring my all in all.

In my " Fresh." days you upheld me ;

Kept me safe from many a slip.
While a Soph, and yet a Junior,

And in Senior now my " dip."

In adve-.sity and trial.

When all else proved aught but true,
Only one kind word from you, dear.

Served once more to pull me through.

And as now with labors ended
I receive my " dip." complete

I would humbly bow and lay it
At mv dear old Ponv's feet.


Doctor G. (in Bible Class) " How many Gospels are there.
Miss M. ? '

MissM. " Two; one in the Old Testament and one in the New.

Prof. A. " Miss B., how do molecules differ ? "
Miss B. " In the arrangement of their atoms.''
Prof A. " Any other way ? "
Miss B. (hesitatingly) "Oh, ^ves ; in their position."

First Soph. " Miss M. says we are to get Milton's Paradise
Lost by Monday."

Second Soph. "Was that written by Alexander Dumas?"'

Miss M. "Was the temperature in northern Britain the same
in Caesar's time that it is now ? "

Fresh. Student "I don't remember that far back; I only
entered last term."

Prof. A. "Suppose water is at four degrees C, and then
the temperature is lowered, what takes place ?
Student "It gets colder."

Miss L. (for the fifth time in ten minutes) "Mr. Gilmore,
has the telephone been put in order yet ? "

Mk. Gilmore (irritably) "I wish you would put a notice on
the bulletin board that this telephone is for ornament only."

Miss M. " Give me an example of a synonym."
M. B. (just from the laboratory) "The rankest compound
of villainous smells that ever offended nostril Ho S."

Miss A. (in Normal class) " Miss J., suppose you were asked
to accept a position as teacher, what would be the very first thing
you would do ? "

Miss J. "I would ask what the salary was."

Admiring Freshman (o-ushingl}-) "But 3-ou do not properly
appreciate }-ourself. "

Her Adored " 'Twas for mj- accommodation Nature rose
when I was born; should I die the whole creation back to nothing-
would return."

Professor " What is the composition of sawdust ? "
Student "Shingles, I suppose."

Miss Y. " Mary, at what point of the sphere is A. ? "
Mary "On the northwest point of the southeast corner."

Miss S. (in Moral) Miss W., what is the condition of giving-?"
Miss W. (promptly) " Having."

Small Boy (to porter) "Is this where Miss Agnes Scott
lives ? "

Doctor Gaines (in Bible) " Miss Jean, what is original sin?"
Jean "Original sin is what makes you do wrong before you
are old enough to know wh_y you do it."

Instructoe "Why did Tacitus write so highly of Agricola?"
Student "I suppose he thought he'd better, because Agri-
cola was his father-in-law."

Freshman (at the post-office) "I wish to buy some postal
cards, but have no money with me. I suppose jov. will take
stamps instead."

Congratulating Friend "I suppose you have very little
work to do now that you are a Senior."

Senior (sotto voce) " Wonder if that woman crer was a

Conductor (on Consolidated line) "Fare, please."
Innocent School Girl "How much is it ? "

Photographer (taking a group) "All ready! Right,
That's all."

Miss H. (with a gasp) "Oh, you didn't wait for me to look

Student (excited by exam.) "Please tell me tbe number of
centimeters in a gramme.

He "May I have a rose ? "

She (dressed in red) " Yes, this white one."

He "I prefer the American beauty."

Member of the Faculty " I looked for that girl for ten days
of last week and never could find her."

Zoology Student " Why, girls, when I was trying to catch
that grasshopper, the creature jumped and jumped until it actually
jumped off its legs."

Zhc Lay of the Black Cat

Kind friends and teachers, now to you

A tale of woe I'll tell,
And if you've e'er been sick before,

'Twill surely make you well.

There used to dwell a cat so black

Out in the engine house.
It sat all da}' behind the door.

But never caught a mouse.

At night whenLuna's gentle rays

Did make it light as da}-
That cat, which never idle was,

Did condescend to play.

O then it was he sang a song ;

His voice with pathos ringing.
But if 3-ou had not loved him well,

You ne'er would call it singing.

Now in a south-side room there dwelt

A certain brave young maid.
Who would have cast down stones at him.

Had she not been afraid.

But when one night he sweetly sang.

She cruelly did throw
At him a bottle black of ink.

Which downward fell like snow.

The next day's dawn did find him dead

As any iron nail,
For had he lived, then I could not

Have written this sad tale.

With tears, all viewed his lifeless form,
And murmured, " 'Twas a sin,"

For he no noise did ever make
Save when he raised a din.

From this the third floor girls may draw

A moral, true and clear.
That they should never, never sing,

Unless thev nothing fear.

Our Olalhs.

You know that among the manj- things that men are said
to admire in woman, are those of a beautiful complex-
ion and a fine and healthy figure. It is also a known fact
that exercise is one of the best means of obtaining these
happy results. Whether the faculty here are training us up espe-
cially to become pleasing to the eyes of the other sex, we dare not
presume to know, but we are certainly forcibly convinced that
they approve of exercise as a means of promoting good health.
You may wonder what various kinds of exercise we have. We live
in a "dry town," so there is no chance of a fine row in summer, or
a merry skate in winter. There is one livery stable here where
they keep for our especial benefit, one saddle horse a little the
worse for wear "but what is one among so many?" Thus being
deprived of such sports as these, we are forced to hire in our ser-
vice the two trusty steeds called "shanks," and it is on these fiery-
animals that we travel the country o'er.

First of all our delightful walks are those found on our own
campus, and chiefest of these is the brick walk. This, from its
popularitj-, might lead you to think of a winding path, losing
itself here and there among the cool shade of mossy bowers. But
not so, fair reader. Were its position inverted and were it placed
on end, it would assume no other form than the perpendicular.
But this is, for all its unromantic appearance, one of our favorite
haunts. Especially is this true of Sunday's, immediately after
church, when the Atlanta people wait on the corner for the one
o'clock car. Then for some reason the sun does not seem to
hinder enjoyment in the least, but only adds heat to the enthusi-
astic promenaders. But especially do we love this walk in the
summer, when, about the time of the five o'clock car, the girls
begin to pour forth from the building allbent upon exercise(?)
and enjoyment. Certainly anj- one who has seen our girls at the
time mentioned will never forget the pretty sight of the gala group!
all dressed in white or other dainty summer toilettes. Yes, this

walk does lead to the front gate and quite near the corner, but
these are minor considerations when compared with the opportu-
nity that it g-ives for a long nice walk, which must of necessity
be beneficial. There are other walks on the campus, and these
are truly delightful, winding gracefully all around the grounds,
crossing the drives, and somehow usually pleasantly terminating
at the summer house, which the climbing Lad}- Bankshire roses
make a perfect bower of beauty.

But a well trodden path that must not be omitted is the one
leading to the cottage. This is in truth the one most frequently
taken by the teachers, as it is at the cottage that several of them
live. But it can hardly truthfully be said it is most frequented by
the teachers, for at all times of day one can see girls going to and
fro between here and there, bent on errands of various kinds.

But from these one would think that our walks consisted of only
two, but nothing could be more untrue or misleading. We walk
outside of the j'ard three times a week, and the first day the new
girls are alwaj's taken out Candler street, the Fifth avenue of
Decatur. By the end of the first month they have become so
familiar with it that they can name the houses in order ; by the
end of the second, the}' can correctly place every child they meet,
black or white; and by the end of the third, they can mark with
accuracy ever}' new bud on the trees, and are quick to spy a new
shingle on a leaky roof, or a broken gate repaired. Truly, the
affection of the teachers for this street is simply marvelous. It
seems that there is within each one of their hearts such a yearn-
ing for its sandy strands that successively as each one assumes
duty our faces are turned in that direction, and the delightful walk
is begun. One of its most attractive features, however, is the
"short cut," that is a street one block long, by which means we are
enabled to come in at the back gate, and thus cut off two blocks of
the assigned walk.

But next to this comes the walk out to the Orphans' Home
a walk whose cheeryC?) terminus repaj-s one for the effort of trav-
eling the mile to reach it. Especially is this walk delightful, im-
mediately after a rain, for such a thing as mud was never heard of
in that neighborhood. Sometimes, however, we go only as far as
the tabernacle and return by the railroad track if we are perfectly
snre the train has passed.

Oh, but the favorite walk to the store must not be forgotten.


This is one which truly fills the girls' hearts with delight, as by
the merr}- handling of paper bags our homeward trips are always
made entertaining and extremely pleasant. Sometimes on our re-
turn we follow the electric car track and return by the jail, but as
there is seldom anyone confined there we have become quite brave,
and really pass it with little fear.

Decatur is a very intellectual little place, and not only boasts
of our fine school, and justly, but also of a school for boys. Any
girl's heart that has leapt up at this announcement please remain
undisturbed a moment longer, for though the Donald Frasier is
indeed a fine school, j-et it believes in the same motto that our
Faculty insists upon "No men allowed," so that there are only
boys real young boys to be seen at all, and these are rarely vis-
ible to us as we pass. Situated as this school is, clear on the other
side of town, it makes us a very pleasant walk, leading through
town, by the new stone courthouse and then on, out into the lovely
woods beyond.

Sometimes we visit the old cemetery, but that is so far that
we seldom go there, even though the old war monuments are quite
interesting. No we are not afraid of spooks or ghosts the rea-
son given is the correct one.

A familiar sight to the Decaturites is that of our departure
from the back gate, while we take a due south direction and fol-
low the electric car track down to Juanita station, then leave it
abruptly and take a stroll over the violet-covered hills to the left
or the woods at the right, returning in one case by Candler street,
or in the other by the big road leading west.

But a sketch of our walks would not be complete without the
one out directly west, which we often take in summer, late in the
afternoon, while the sunset tints make the sky a beautiful study.
It leads out in a straight line through the countrj'- a good road to
Atlanta but we usually branch off the main road a short distance
from the Institute and have a fine ramble in the woods. During
violet time this is a favorite tramp.

Now, the only chief walk that has been omitted, I think, is the
one to the "tank." Long ago there used to be a dummy line be-
tween Atlanta and Decatur, and this "Decatur tank" was one of
the supply stations. There it stands yet, bright and red, a relic
of by-gone days, while running on the old dummy track, the elec-
tric cars now shoot disdainfully by, ignoring its former services.

It is on this walk that persimmons grow, and at certain times of
year it is in g-reat demand.

This is of course, but a brief sketch of some of our most fa-
miliar promenades. There are others equally pleasant, or other-
wise, that need not be referred to, and surelj' those who have been
here a year will remember that on our daily walks have occurred
some of our funniest and pleasantest experiences of school life.
We know that no one is to blame for this scarcity of pleasant
walks, and that it is only our frequent traveling- over them that
has made them monotonous. But who did not hail with delight
the announcement that if the g-irls played tennis in the afternoon
they would be exempt from walking.

Hftcr JVIother (5oo3c

There was a young student went up on a "jack,''

Ninety times high as the moon,
A voice there came floating adown her light track.

Which said she'd be back again soon.

" Young student, young student, young student," quoth I,

"Whither, O whither, O whither so high?"
''To write Jackie's name upon the blue sky."
"Did he do you much good?'' "Yes, indeed?" was her cry.

Jinglet}', janglety I in the gym.
The girls play two steps with a vim.
Facult}' say every day
The}- wish that gym. was far awaj-.

Silly Freshman met a Senior

Starting out to walk,
Said silly Freshman to the Senior,

" Stop a while and talk."

Senior looked at silly Freshman,

Froze her with a stare ;
Tnen tossed her head and walked away,

With high and haughty air.

That night for Freshman came a box.
From home a "spread" was sent

Senior thought about the snub.
And did that act repent.

Freshman never gave the Senior

Into her box a peep,
Senior had sown of snubs a crop

And did the harvest reap.

There was a young student named Kate,

Who came down to meals verv late,

Wlien thev asked how she fared.

She said, "I'm prepared

'_' J -crat what is sent me bv fate. '

Hickery, dickery, split,
The snow hasn't melted a bit,
The school girls run,
To have some fun,
Hickery, dickers-, split.

As I was going down Candler street,

Candler street was dustj*.
And there I met a pretty maid

With a stock of books all musty.

' Where are you going, my pretty maid ? '

I asked, in accents kind.
'I'm going, sir, to Agnes Scott,

To cultivate mv mind."

Revenge is Sweet'

play 6mn by the Dramatic Club Decctnbcf 5th

Plavwrio^ht Miss LENA Craig.

Cast of Characters.

Narcissus (a maiden, "pure and innocent as a lil)*") . . . Marie Gress

Prince Honcort (Narcissus' lover) Lena Craig

Lady Claire (who also loves the Prince, and who thinks

"Revenge is Sweet" ) Edna May

Duke of the Netherlands Mary Danner

Lady Dorothy, - RuTH Barry

Narcissus' Mother (who knows everything), ....... Mary Cook

ACT I, Scene I. Narcissus' Home.

Scene II. Lady Claire's Boudoir.

ACT II. Scene I. Lady Claire's Boudoir.
Scene II. The Dungeon.
Scene III. Grand Tableau.


^^Hirs fair in Love and m^f'

Given by the Dramatic Club, fcbruary 5tb.


Richard Barrington (A poor artist in love with Princess Delores, ) Lena Craig

Dorothy (Richard's sister), Marie Gress

Prince Arling (Brother of Princess Delores), Mary DannER

Princess Delores ( In love with the artist) Venetia Banner

Lady Ian (Guardian of Princess Delores) Edna May

Earl of Duncourt (Supposed to be in love with the Princess,

but in reality loving Lady Ian), Mary Cook

T, , J f Dora Anderson

Page and Guard | KaThi,een Cox

ACT I. Artist's Apartments.

ACT II. Scene I. Princess Delores' Apartments.
Scene II. Princess Delores' Boudoir.

ACT III. Prison cell (in Castle).

ACT IV. Grand Tableau.

Band of Improvers

THE Society for the Cultivation of Repose of Manner was
holding- its regular weekly meeting-. The demeanor of
each member -was most correct, and the very surrounding-s
-were irreproachable. Two members had been lost since
the last meeting, for one had been expelled for smoothing- her hair
in public and the other for settling her tie. Another member was
suspended for a short time for falling down two fligfhts of stairs
and saying-: "Oh, dear!" when she finally reached the landing-.
After waiting a proper period of time, during- which she conversed
in gentle tones with her right supporter, the presiding- officer grace-
fully touched the silver call-bell and in a carefully modulated
voice said, "The society will please come to order. At roll-call
(with a bow to the secretary) each member will respond with a
suitable quotation." The secretary at once proceeded to call the
roll, her voice being marked by perfect inflections. The responses
were in the main satisfactory, most of them bearing- on the desira-
bility of repose of manner. Half way down the list, however, one
member entirely without a sense of shame, when her name was
called, g-ave a cheerful gigg-le and responded :

' ' We now are seven ;
We once were 'leven,
But four are dead
And gone to heaven,
So -we are seven . ' '

At this gross insult to the dignity of the Society, it seemed as
if the decorum of the members would be lost. The presiding-
officer leaned forward with a flush upon her usually pale cheek, but
with an effort assumed her wonted composure, and in a calm voice
remarked: "Motions for the expulsion of this offending- member
are now in order." Each member, with true courtesy, waited for
another to speak, and it was finally determined by reference to the
records of the last meeting- who should make the motion and who
second it. " I move the offending- member be expelled." "I second

the motion." And without a word the offending" member to the
Society and left the room.

The Society proceeded to business. A committee was appointed
to wait upon a Senior who had been seen running- down the brick
walk, and tell her that if the offense was repeated she would be
deemed unfit for association with the members of the Society for
the Cultivation of Repose of Manner. It was decided that a Junior
should be excluded forever from gfood society because she had been
so hoplessly common and vulg-ar as to tap the skeleton in the labo-
ratory familiarly upon the shoulder and exclaim, "Hello, Bonesy."
A member of the Faculty was to be reprimanded for dismissing- a
class unexpectedly, and the matron reproved for serving- soup on
fish day. At this point the Seniors were heard singing- in the dis-
tance, "For you must be a lover of the Lord," and as this was
specially distasteful to the members of the S. C. R. M., it adjourned
as soon as possible, each member bearing a Latin lexicon upon her
head in order to attain the proper erect carriage.

The lot of man is hard for thought
And thinking here below,

For when I once sit down to think,
The thoughts begin to go .

It's good to have power and might.
It's good to be honest and right.
It's good to support the Institute's cause,
And bide b}' the purple and white .

H Dream

THE month was Aug-ust and it was hot. And behold I slept
and dreamed a dream. In it I sat as of yore in mine room and
soon came two disputing together the one tall and slen-
der, the other inclined to rotundity. And behold in my
dream, I heard the one whom men call Rabbi, say, "Pay the dues
which thou owest, for they are long since due." But the other
said, "That I can not do some one stole all my money." Then
I awoke, and behold, it was a dream.

But I slept again, and then heard I in loud accents and shrill :
"Olgra-Olga-Olga-Olga-Olga-Olga !" And the call did bring
tears to mine eyes as I thought of the many times it had come be-
tween me and my Trig. But behold I dreamed 3-et again, and as
I sat in the Laboratory, there floated thro' the thin wall these
words: " Give you zero." And ag-ain I wept. Then I arose, and
behold in my dream as I went down the hall, one pursued me with
wild questioning and another bade me "come to her room at once,"
and still another did flourish over my head a bell, when lo I
awoke and it was a dream, and outside m}- door the rising bell was


Dainty Little freshman

Dainty Freshman gaily tripping

Down the stairs.
Siihiling broadly, naught conflicting,

Free from cares.
To exams, she has come
Dainty Freshman, gaily tripping

Down the stairs.

Weeping Freshman slowly climbing

Up the stairs,
" Failed completely,"' she is sighing

Full of cares.
A Sub-fresh, she must be,
Weeping Freshman slowly climbing

Up the stairs.


Old Rose and the Gray

I've wandered to Agnes Scott, girls,

That used to charm us so:
I saw no faces that we loved

So many years ago.
The teacher's smiles are just the same

As they were in our day
When we were wearing caps, dear girls,

Of old rose and the gray.

The same old desk is in its place
Where Jeannette cut her name;

The bell and clock with equal pace
As used are there the same.

The girls were walking in the hall
As we did in our da}-

When we were wearing caps, dear girls,

. Of old rose and the gra}-.

I saw the same old skeleton

That Hilda loved so dear.
Where Ethel made the laughing gas

That caused our Jean a tear.
The room is scarred and marred, dear girls.

Much more than in our day
When we were wearing caps, dear girls,

Of old rose and the gray.

I entered there the chapel, too.

As we did in our day.
The services were just the same

In our familiar way.
Tho' all are gone that we loved then

I found hearts true today
As those when we were wearing caps

Of old rose and the gray.

I marked the chair of Mary Lu,

Close by where Mar}' Payne
With Mary Barker used to .sit

I see them now again.
These names are sacred to me, girls.

My comrades in that day,
When we were wearing caps, dear girls,

Of old rose and the gray.


I thought of Jeaiinette, Hilda, Jean,

Of Mattie Cobb, so gaj',
Of Ev'lj'ii and dear Margie Booth,

And all my friends that May.
They hold a place as tender now

As the}- did in that day
When \ve were wearing caps, dear girls,

Of old rose and the gray

Our President's house rears its walls

Across the narrow street.
And further down along the hill

I saw the cottage neat.
I bared my head thej- rest in peace

Who lived there in that day.
When we were wearing caps, dear girls,

Of old rose and the gray.

Yes, girls, it gave me joy to stand

Where we together stood ;
Although our class is broken up,

Our friendship's just as good.
Of all my joys that thought is best

Of pleasures in that day
When we were wearing caps, dear girls,

Of old rose and the gray.


To him that hath not a written excuse, the same shall not be

She that looks not well to daily recitations shall verily dread
examination week.


Mary "Well, I don't know who will run the Aurora next
year ! "

Nell "Why, Mary, don't cast insinuations r g-ainst the Jun-
ior class."

Mary ' ' Well, / shall not be here. "

IN harmony class.

First Student " Have you written these triads ? "
Second Student (with an alarming increase cf brightness)
" Well, I've triad to. "

Enquirer "Do you have to study at nigfht ? "
Miss Hurt "The other students do, but I don't find it

Harriett (puzzled) "Please tell me how Venus de Medici's
arms were broken off."


Unsophisticated Soph " What does Dr. Gaines mean by so
often cutting- us short in Bible by sayingf, ' We'll come to that
later' ? "

Experienced Junior "He means that he sees very plainly
your desire to draw him into a lengthy discussion to take up time,
and he takes that way of showing- you."

Dr. Gaines (in Sophomore Bible) "When we speak of the
fall of Adam and Eve we use the word /(///in a figurative sense.
Give another illustration of the word used in that sense."

Marie (confidently) "We speak of the fall of the year,
Doctor Gaines."

at science matinee.

" Doctor Arbuckle, how long- does it take to kill a mouse with
carbon-di-oxide ? "

Prof. A. "Well it takes about half an hour to kill him dead."


Ht Random

<< % %/ /HAT is it?" queried the brig-ht girl, as she leaned
\ jL / against the wardrobe in the hall, and grinned at
\/ \/ the Freshman who was preparing to steal a sign.
"What is it at A. S. I. that can be used to beautify
to (en) lighten, to cook, as an ornament, to sadden, to gladden, to
break rules, to " " Sa)' no more, "sighed the weary Senior, as
she came out of her room, "'Tis my lamp." " 'Tis even so," chuck-
led the Freshman.


The Freshman and the "Special" composed a song. They
went from room to room and sang. But all paid the Freshman to
remove her comrade from the room as soon as possible. The two
did buy peanut candy from Bate's with the gain and did eat the

Moral. If you can't sing, make the best of your voice, and you,
too, may eat peanut candy.

The Senior had two chums who were giddy Sophs., and this
fact was known to the Faculty. One sad day the three friends
were called before the aforementioned body to answer for some
misdeeds. "But," urged the Senior, "I am innocent. Why do
you thus treat me ? " "Alas," answered Miss H., "that is your
misfortune. When you are with the evil-doers then all suppose
that 3'ou also do likewise." And so the Senior must get 66 on
deportment on her next report.

MoRAi,. Avoid evil companions, especially the Sophs if you
are a Senior.

Three girls received boxes, one quite small, the other two
large and suggestive. A fourth girl was invited to the first, but

she refused, fearing- that bids for the others would come during-
her absence. But they came not the contents were but clothes
and when she went to the first, all was g"one, so that she had noth-

Moral. (1.) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
(2.) Big- boxes nearly always contain clothes. (3.) Boxes don't
last long at A. S. I., and promptness is inculcated.


Do you ask what it is, my reader? Does a feeling- of pity
come over you as you think, perhaps, of some mother mourning-
for her child, who has wandered away, or for some fair girl weep-
ing her eyes away because " Fido is lost?" Or do you think of
more practical matters and wonder if some man has dropped his
purse, or some shopper left her's on the counter?

If you do you are a strang-er, for every one at A. S. I. knows
it is R. B.'s Trig, or the Rabbi's Bible that is Lost ! ! !

She walks into her room on Friday afternoon and begins to
count. "One, two, three, four, eight, nine, ten," and on and on
until your head begins to swim. Is this some demented one who
has been driven crazy by the higher " Math." and lower marks
at A. S. I ? Oh, no, it is only Ezra counting her little brass pic-
ture frames, to see that none have been stolen while she swept.


Lewis Restaurant !

First-class in every respect.

Polite and experienced waiters.
Terms reasonable.


A handsome red front and a lovely pink
bathrobe. Heirlooms in '93, and priceless
treasures ; the owner only parting with
them b}' direst necessity, caused by
pecuniary troubles.

Those desiring to look at the afore-
mentioned articles may do so by applying
to Miss B., saleslad}'.

Come early and avoid the rush.

The genteel public invited to drop in and in-
spect. Hou-s from 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 A.M.



Greatest Invention of the 19th Century!

A telephone for sale. Always out of fix, thus saving the annoyance
of being rung up. Makes a lovely ornament for hall or office. War-
ranted not to be good for use more than three times a year.


The present owner is willing to .sell cheap. Apply D. G., Office.


A copy of Gaines' Bible Notes, Vol. I,
and a small Bible. Finder will receive a
reward if she returns afore-mentioned
articles to M. E. R. room 94, 3d floor.



Come and try our new "SUGAR ROCK".
Warranted to keep for two weeks. Orders taken.

A. S. & V. D.


A position as cook in a small family.
References given and required. Address
"M. E. R." care Aurora.



Children's photos a specialty.

A skilled hair-dresser.

Pompadours taken alone or on the head.

A flattering likeness guaranteed.
Best work only. Visitors welcome.

Knox & Burwell,

Phone . Room 106.

Decatur, Georgia.


AN OFFER. I have recently received
Ji.oo from home, and am willing to lend
it in small sums, not exceeding 15 cents.
Best security required. No hairpins or
collars accepted. Apply S. K., care


To the Scottstitute Public!

I have on hand a handsome collection
of red waists both silk and woolen, all
shades and sizes, which I am about to
close out at very low rates in order to
make room for new stock.


Come and see them. Onlv c.\sh taken.
Costumers will please remember this and
not bring produce, etc. Yours sincerely,

"Cheap Charlie" V. R.

PiGEOx's Roost, Second Floor, Room 72.


by applying at room lOO for
"Lanoline," "Almond Cream,"
' ' Viola Paste, " " Swansdown Powder, ' '
"Hair Restorer," "Rosaline," etc.

After the Examinations


A beautiful copy of Wentworth's Trigo-
nometry, with original notes and drawings
b\- the present owner ; also, the answers
corrected, which greatly raises the value.
Compass, paper, figures and ruler given
with it. Problems worked out, 50c. extra.
An invaluable work ever}- Junior should
ha\-e one. Apply A. I. Y. , Agent.

Y*^ Old^ Booke Shoppy !

Rare editions of Shakespeare, Virgil and
Milton. Any book known can be fur-

Window Sill, ist Floor.

Anecdotes ! Anecdotes !

Furnished by the j-ard or foot
to suit everj- subject imaginable.
Also a choice line of pointless
jokes. Orders filled within a week.
Address, , Care Aurora.

I have an extensive line of


All Classical,

which I will sell at low rates. Among the
pieces are; "Rastus," "The Warmest
Baby in the Bunch," "I Love My Lu,"
"Answer," "Cake Walk," " S. A. E.
Two-Step," "Only One Girl," "In the
Shadow of the Pines," and a number

Sale June ist, 1899, in Music Room.

The following reached us just
before going to press :

Editor of Aurora :

Will you please insert this in vour ad.

I have lost the bucket in which I make
chocolate candy, and would like very
much to recover the same.

When last seen it was on a trunk in the
third floor hall.

Any information will be gladh' received.
" L.," care Aurora.

Books! Books!! Books!!!

All kinds and conditions. Orders sent in October filled by May. Prompt service.

Also a varied stock of writing paper, ink, pens and pencils. See our new purple paper.

BOOK CLOSET, in Basement. MR. GILMORE, Proprietor.

Open from 8:10 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
1 .


The Geometry Class

Comedy in 'Cbrcc Hcts

The comedy incomparable. The acting superb. Miss Arnold excels in her
elucidation of propositions. Ne^o York World.

The large audiences continue. Every presentation of the corned}' received
with loud bursts of applause. Miss Kirkpatrick's fixed attention and Miss
Bucher's demonstrations of originals, simply unsurpassed. Washington Post.

Cyrano de Bergerac completely in the shade. The new comedy " The Geome-
try Class " taking the Parisian world by storm. Le Monde, Paris.

A brief synopsis of this comedy is given below.

Dramatis Person.^.

High Muck a Muck Miss Young

Grand Maker of Originals, Mary Bucher

Assistant Muck a Muck Mattie Cobb Howard

-Grand Elucidater of Propositions Addie Arnold

Original Devotee, Jean R.\mspeck

Grand Drawer of Artistic JSI.arg.aret Booth

Non-Worker of Anything Mary KirkpaTrick

Grand Engineer Genie Thornton

Grand Copyist Moi,i,iE Cohen


Scene I.

(Nine o'clock Monday morning-. Room No. 27. First floor.
Mary K. right plan, by the window, front seat. Mattie Cobb and
Margie, middle plan, front seat. Jean and Mary B. left plan,
front seat by the door. MoUie and Genie, seat immediately behind.
Miss Young enters hurriedly, closes the door and takes her seat).

Miss Young Well, girls, we have nothing but originals
today ?

Girls, (in chorus with a mighty sigh) No-m-m-m ; that's all.


Miss Young Close book, class. How many worked them all ?
(All hang- their heads, not a motion is made). Well, (very woe-be-
g-one) Mollie, how many did you work ?

MoLLiE, (with a most distressed look) Miss Young-, I tried
all of them but I couldn't get but one.

Miss Young, (sighing-) Which one, Mollie ?

Mollie The 342nd, that was the only one I could work.

Miss Young Genie, how many ?

Genie, (looking- a little conscious) The same one, 342nd.

Miss Young Mary B., did you get them today?

Mary B., (straightforwardly) Miss Young, I just worked
terribly hard, but (lowers her eyes) I couldn't get a single one
today. I got them, but I just know they are not right.

Miss Young Jean, how many did you get ?

Jean, (disconsolately) Only two today.

Mattie Cobb and Margie, (in chorus) I couldn't get but
two either.

Margie, (in a beseeching- tone) Miss Anna, you know this
lesson is just terribly hard for today.

Mattie Cobb Oh, I worked for about four hours, and so had
to g-et up this morning at five o'clock to write my monthly compo-

Miss Young Mary K. , did you g-et any ?

Mary K., (drawling it out) Ah-a-a, h, ah-h-h, I-I-don't-'t
know, M-i-s-s Y-o-u-n-g.

Miss Young, (disconsolately) Why, Marj-, it seems to me if
j-ou once worked an original, you would never forget it. Can't
you tell me how many you worked ?

Mary K., (g-rabs a geometry ; looks down the list of originals ;
picks out an easy one) I-I b-believe I can do the 342nd.

Miss Young My, my, girls ! this is the most discouraging
report I have ever had. Well, let me explain the first one. It is
the only really difficult one ; as for the others it does seem to me
you could have gotten them.

Scene II.

Miss Toiing at the board, explains the proposition, Mary K.
scribbles on paper, while the other girls pay attentioji.

Miss Young Now, class, don't you see that the i A = \ A ?
^(Looking at Mary K.) Pay attention, class. Class, please pay atten-

tion ! And the line P O being- _l to the intersection of the lines
O B, and O C, is _[_ to the plane of the lines. Do you see that, class ?
All who see that hold up their hands. (Giving- Mary K. and her
scribbling- a side glance.) Quote the proposition, Mary.

Mary K. (suddenl}' -waking up) Ma'am-m-m ! What did you
say, Miss Young ?

Miss YouxG (patiently) Mary, I -want you to tell me -why
P O is _L to the plane M N. (Waits, pointer in hand.) Margie and
Mattie Cobb, please don't talk !

Mary K., (lookingf fixedly at board) Eh-h-h, -why is P O _l to
the plane M N ?

Miss Young Pay attention, class ; this is for the rest of you
as -well as for Mary. No-w, Mary, quote the proposition.

Mary K. (coldly) I don't believe I know. Miss Young^. (Com-
mences at once to draw and scribble.)

Miss Young (discouragfed) Genie, quote the proposition.
(Genie quotes proposition.)

Scene III.

The door flies open ; Addie enters with great gusto.

Miss Young (startled) Why, Addie, what's the matter? Why
are you so late ? You've missed this whole explanation.

Addie (making a tremendous noise by pulling down the desk
seat) I don't know. Miss Young. I couldn't get here any sooner.

Miss Young Did you g-et this one, Addie?

Addie (after lookingf carefully through twenty pages of scratch
pad and keeping Miss Young and the class waitings fully five min-
utes) No'm, I don't think I did. I worked at it though.

Miss Young How many did you work, Addie?

Addie (confused) Well, eh-h, ah. Miss Anna, I worked all of
them, but I don't think I got any right.

Miss Young (heaving- a sigh) Well, pay attention now and I
will go over this explanation again. Pay attention, class (goes
through the whole proposition )

Addie (who is of a very inquiring mind, chewing her pen-
cil) Miss Anna, I don't see why the ^ ' A^i A'.

Miss Young Margie, you and Mattie Cobb must stop talking
and pay attention to the board. Class, why is the i A^j A' ? (All
scream the proposition, each one trying to make her voice heard
above the others.)


Miss Young Now, Addie, do you understand?

Mary K., (thinking- it time for her to say something-) I don't,
eh-eh, I don't understand that one bit. Miss Young; -would you
mind going over it again? (The girls sink back in despair in their
seats, at the prospect of a fourth demonstration, -while Miss Young
goes over each point carefully.)


Scene I.

Miss Young Now, class, go to the boards. (Assigns each
one a proposition.)

{The girls zuork at the boards.)

]SIargie (laboring under difficulties) Miss Young, I can't, to
save my life, make the twenty sides of this icosahedron show in
my figure.

Mary B. My frustum is a thing of beauty.

Miss Young Mary K., why are you rubbing your figure out
again? It was all right. Jean, your prism is beautifull}' drawn.

MoLLiE Miss Young, is my figure right?

Margie (looking blankly at the board) Miss Anna, please tell
me what to do first. I haven't the least idea how to begin.

Mattie Cobb I can't make head nor tail of my dodecahedron.

MaryK. (after having erased six successive figures, and having
spent twenty minutes naming the last one with fancy letters) I
don't believe I can do that one. Miss Young.

Miss Young Why, Mary, that was the one you said you could

Addie (mournfully) I can't do mine, Miss Young.

Miss Young Well, Addie, you and Mary come to the board ;
let me see if I can help you.


Scene I.

Miss Young Now pay attention, class. Genie, we will have
your proposition first.

I^Genie explains her proposition.)

Miss Young Genie, are you sure you see those pentahedral
angles? Addie, do you ?

Addie, (chewing' her pencil) No'm-m, Miss Anna, I don't
understand that proposition at all.

Miss Young Genie, go through the demonstration again.

Mary K., (when Genie is ready to say Q .K. D. ) Miss Young,
please let her say that over, I wasn't paying attention.

Miss YorxG Mary B., you explain it.

Mary B., (After struggling with it a while) I don't believe I
understand it either.

Miss Young (gets up and takes some card board) Now let me
see if I can make it plain. Two consecutive faces of the one unite
with three (the bell sounds). (Horrified) Girls, is that the last
bell ? And we have gotten over only one proposition. Class, this
is a most discouraging lesson the worst you have ever given me.
Take the same lesson for tomorrow and, girls, work hard on it.

Scene II.

The Trig, girls file in. The geometry girls, with sad coun-
tenances, silently walk out in the hall.

Mary B. (behind the scenes) Wasn't that lesson a-w-f-u-1 ?
Margie H-o-r-r-i-b-l-e !



Senior frencb

Oft had I heard of Senior French,
Of Macmillan's French Grammaire

And found, while sitting on the bench
The difBculties there.

No equal had this class in school,

The exams were noted far ;
And eich girl thought herself a fool,

For verbs were on a par.

L'Amare, Le ilisanthrope. Le Cid,

Were studied each in turn,
Until some brains we'd sadly need.

To help us all to learn.

E.-ther and Cyrano also

And Man Onde parallel ;
But those exams seem long ago

When on the verbs we fell.

In the class were seven maidens.

And this number few
With their diclionaire laden

Would move from one to two.

The roll was called, and then we freaks
Would read, of course, en franqais,

And as the French each badly speaks.
Miss Massie then would say :

" Girls, g is hard before it or o,

The cedilla makes c soft ;
You pronounce ejf'i-i<;aiit so

This you must practice oft."

La Literature is so deep,

Poor Juniors, we pit)' you.
When in this class next year you'll peep

And hear, assayez-vous.

Adieu, thou honored Alma Mater,
Nestling here in old Decatur,

We leave thee !
While we in distant lands must roam ;
May others find in thee a home

Of true felicitv.


A world of words have had "their say"
A million poems, old and new

About the boj-s who wore the gray,
The boys who wore the blue.

But Time, the grim old satirist.

Has all their props kicked clean away;

For Yank and Reb now on his list
Unless they dye wear gray.

liable of Contents

Advertisements 252

After Mother Goose 239

Agnes Scott Romance, An 153

" All's Fair in Love and War" Cast 242

Alice is a Student Song 112

Alphabet of Agnes Scott Proverbs 186

Alumnse 95

Anti- Walking Club 83

Art Societies Sketch 61

At Random 250

Aurora Sketch 5

Aurora Board 102

Aurora Board Illustration 103

Aurora Board Meeting 134

Band of Improvers 243

Bicycle Club, Members 84

Bicycle Club, Illustration 85

Brick Walk Poem 140

Brick Walk Illustration 141

Bubbles 173

Bulletin Board Poem 148

Calendar ( from Catalogue) 10

Calendar 216

Candler Street To-day Song ill

Chestnuts 125

Christian Band Officers 87

Classes, The Sketch 25

Coincidences 195

Crowquill Club Officers and Members 67

Crowquill Club Annals of 68

Crowquill Club Illustration 69

Dainty Little Freshman 245

Dante Sketch 6

Days that are Gone, For the Song I16

Decatur Presbv-terian Church Illustration 20

Decatur Presbyterian Church History of 21

Dedication 7

Director's Music Room Illustration 59

Directory 123

Dramatic Club -Illustrations 190

Dramatic Club Members 101

Dream, A 245

Editor's Preface 9

English Department, The 14

Faculty, The 12


For the Da^s that are gone Song ; 1 16

Freshman Class Sketch 43

Freshman Class Officers and Members 44

Freshman Class Chronicle 46

From the Astromony Class 207

Geometry Class.


Give Us Another Brick Walk 184

Glee Club Members 58

Hints 64

Hits 231

Illustrations 188

Information Volunteered 128

Instructive Information 120

In the Laboratory Poem gy

In the Laboratory Illustration 171

In Memoriam 18

Infirmar\- Sketches 227

Irregular and Special Courses 48

Iota Phi Phi Sororitv Jlembers .


Iota Phi Phi Sororitj- Illustration 93

Junior Class Illustration 35

Junior Class History 34

Junior Class Officers and Members 33

Junior Class Poem 213

Junior Class Sketch 32

Junior Class Song 118

Kappa Chi Sorority Members 88

Kappa Chi Sororitj- Illustration 89

Knick-Knacks 211

La Bonne Heure Officers and Members 63

La Bonne Heure Illustration 65

La Bonne Heure Sketch 62

Laboratory Illustration 225

Lamp, A Poem 168

Lay of the Black Cat, The Poem 234

Life and Letters of Scottstitute, The . 174

Mnemos\-nean Board 98

Mnemosynean Board Illustration 99

Mnemosynean Literary Society Officers 72

Mnemosynean Literarj' Society Illustration 73

Mnemosynean Literary Society Members 74

M}' Senior Lamp Poem 223

Music Sketch 49

Music Department, History of 52

Nineteen Hundred Song 117

Old Rose and the Gray Song 246

On 139

On an Evening Cold and Wintry 224

Organizations Sketch. 71

Our Coquettes 91


Our Life in General Sketch 119

Our Walks 235

Out 192

Photograph Rev. E. H. Barnett, D.D 4

Polyninia Club Members and Officers , 51

Ponies, To My Poem 230

Purple and White of Our Alma Mater Song 106

Propylsean Literary Society Officers 76

Propylaean Literary Society Illustration 77

Propylsean Literary Society Members 79

Pussj- Willow 201

Red and White, The Song 109

" Revenge is Sweet " Cast 241

Revision of the Faculty 149

Saws 248

Science Matinee Poem 166

Science Matinees Poem 229

Section of the Studio Illustration 209

Semiquavers 50

Senior Decisions 143

Senior Class Sketch 26

Senior Class Officers and Members 27

Senior Class History 28

Senior Class Illustration 29

Senior Class Song 113

Senior Sketches 177

Senior French Poem 260 -

Short History of our Mid-week Prayer Meetings 169

Sketch Tennis 24

Songs We Sing at Agnes Scott, The 105

Sophomore Class Sketch 37

Sophomore Class Officers and Members 38

Sophomore Class History 40

Sophomore Class Poem 214

Sophomore's Note Book, A 208

Studio Illustration 209

Sundays at Agnes Scott 136

Tennis Club Members 80

Tennis Club Illustration 8i

Trustees 11

Turn Back Sketch 262

Valedictory 261

View of Decatur Looking North from the Tower 259

Welcome Sketch 8

Well-known Sayings of the Faculty 221

What's a C. O. D. ? Poem 200

What Sir Mouse Saw 231

W'inter Time in Georgia 187

Would Be 205

'95-'99 193


_ '^.^ -.-i#-^^^^^^


HI Wedding and Visiting Cards Engraved Hi



' A man more pure and good and just was never born unto the earth." Dr. Gaines.

Southern RMwzy


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" Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Mary Bynum.

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An expression that's neither strange, odd, peculiar, nor sensational, but directly
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See our unequaled assortments of Dress Goods, Silks. White Goods, Laces,
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AItT I^AAhC fresh from the markets of the world. Every-
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4)1 ID DDirFC are more than reasonable when values are considered, while our reputation gua
VUK rKlvl-J antees every article boug t from us is the very best, because we sell it ; and 01
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MAIER & BERKELE, Jcwelers,

j- 31 Whitenall street, ATLANTA, GA.

"The long and the short of it" Fannie and Amanda.

' Fashioned so slenderly,
Young and so fair." Ethel Davant.





special arrangements made for schools and clubs.
Children's Photos a specialty.
Ladies' and children's hair dressed b^' an experienced hair- 4

Best work only. Visitors alwaj-s welcome.

49 J^ "WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. 'Phone 361. ]

'* 'ill' 'ii!"--i; 1- . .-ai.r.'l ji iJii mii all HI uijh.-i- :!; iJlLn ijli 4i Ill i Ill iji til! '1 iiii, ..4'i...


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In addition to this excellent through train and car service these railroads

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GEORGE C. SMITH. President and General Manager, Atlanta, Ga.

"She watches him as a cat would a mouse." Mrs. Arbuckle.

" 'Tis the voice of the sluggard, I heard him complain." Amy Seay.

Chas* W, Thurmond^

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We have planned many of the larj2;est struc-
tures in the South, both public and private, and
we are prepared to guarantee .satisfaction to
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The Latest Ideas in Fine Millinerv.




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40 Marietta St. 9 North Broad St.

106 Whitehall St. 27 Washington St.

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Write for Color-Cards and
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Mrs. M. Sugarman,



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62 < Whitehall Street, - ATLANTA, GA.


" Not born under a rhyming planet." Hii,D.\.

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Also the finest collection of fine Wash Dress
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We make a specialtj- of goods suitable
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an exquisite assortment of fine Laces,
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Write for samples.


Brookwood Floral Co,


13 Decatur Street, Kimball House,
Phone 175. ATLANTA.



M GO TO nn

J. C.erl. Daniel,



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j.j.^^^ CLOTHING


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A sleep without dreams, after a rough day
is what we covet most. Aurora Board.'

of toil,


School and College


Of every


Byrd Printing Co.

Write for



8 South Broad Street, ATLANTA

Xlhe Hurora




Tell your college jokes to her, girls ;

she's been through it all before. MiSS Morrow.

" I question things and do not find
One that will answer to my mind,
And all the world seems unkind." Sybil.

Intercollegiate Bureou

...OF ...

Academic Costumes,


472. 474, 476 & 478


Makers of Caps and Covrns to the

American Colleges and



Wellesley, Byrn Mawr, Radcliffe,

Barnard, Woman's College of

Baltimore, and the others.



DoNEHOO & Robinson,

(Successors to Donehoo Fish Co.)

No. 2 Soutb Broad Street,


Dressed Poultry and Celery.

^5'.^i'^^ PIANOS!


37 Peachtree St.

PIANOS to Rent, $3, $4 or $5 per

PIANOS, Easy Payments.


CoQfl Cola


At Soda Fountains.
Five Cents Per Glass.





Made to Order.

fS ft

40'^ Peachtree Street,

m m m THE m m m

ndelity and Casualty Co.


Accident and Health Insurance.

Bonds, Boiler and Burglary Insurance.

Employer's Liability and Plate Glass


Peerless, v/ith Continuous Record.

Always in the Lead.

EUGENE OBERDORFER, Resident Manager,

308-9-10 and 10'; Prudential BIdg., ATLANFA, G\.

"I am at my wits end." Rosa Behe.

'Whatsoever she did became her." LuciLE.

Headt/uar ters

Tiles and Grates
Hardwood Mantels
Ranges and Stoves
Housefurnishing Goods
Acetylene Gas Machines
Gas and Electric Fixtures

Hunnicutt & Bellingrath




ug Contractors.

Telephone 453.
118 and 120 Whitehall Street.


54 and 56 Whitehall Street.

The fashionable emporium for Dr\- Goods,
Rugs and Bric-a-Brac of all descriptions, both
foreign and domestic comprising Silks. Dress
Goods, Cloaks. Suits. Notions. Linings. Ribbons,
Hosierv. Wash Goods, .\rt Goods, Gloves, etc.


W. H. HvLSEY. Pres. J. H. Johnson'. Vice-Pres.

D. B. St.^n'CLiff, Gen. Mgr. and Sec'y.

Ed Crusselle, Assistant to Gen. jMgr.
F. M. Boston, Treas. Miss .A.da Knox. .\ss't Sec.




Assets over $400,000, AT. ANFA, GEORGIA.


Nos. 2 TO 10 Peachtree St.

Furniture, Carpets and Draperies of
ever\- kind, A specialt}' made of out-of-
town trade, and cuts and prices furnished
on application.


Opposite Main Entrance
Union Depot.

Drug Supplies
Fancy Articles
Patent Medicines
Surgical Instruments

34 Wall Street,

'Her voice was ever soft, gentle and low." Miss Buck.

'More in sorrow than in anger." Miss Hopkins' Reprovai^S.

J, M, HIGH, Atlanta, Ga. ^'"^.'!^Jsf^^.'"''

waists are as much in evidence as ever, and all indications promise a
of nnusual brilliancy. Nothing seems too bright in tints, every con-
ie shade shown. More artistic effects, exclusive designs, and harmo-
nious coloring have never been seen than are now shown in our Silk
Department. The entire collection is very desirable, consisting of all the
ffects in plain and fancy silks, including the popular Taffeta with pin head
whip cord effects on satin grounds, and numerous other effective styles.

There have been planning, studying, choosing and buying for the
past two months. The results are a collection of extraordinary
values in elegant and exclusive effects in novelty suits, patterns at
nnniatchable prices. Along with a collection of medium-priced
Dress Goods, including home.spun plaids, noveltv suitings, bedford cords, covert cloth. Scotch
novelties, tailor fancies and rough plaids. A coll ction that will convince you that we are now, as
in the past, acknowledged leaders in Dress Goods.

The demand for Tailor-Made Costumes i





pronounced. They are extremely serviceable.

and adapted to all occasions. With a degree

of pride we say that our ready-to-wear suit

;. You win find here all that is new, correct and stylish.

mported coverts, venecians, kersey, melton and cheviots.

jrey. brown, blue, castor, green and black.

important feature in developing spring costumes, and will

U fabrics, the handsome Pt. Venice and Ft. Applique laces

ering waists and yokes of silk gowns. The do-

;iged with Mechlin and Applique

department is replete in its conipleten
Among the favorite materials used an
They come in all colors, including tar
Ivaces will be found i
be used extensively on
will be elaborately displayed
mestic fabrics will be effectively bonded
These come in all widths, from i to 5 inches, with inserting to match

Embroideries and I,aces will figure conspicuou.sly in the new shirt waist,
bodices and fronts, which are to be elaborately beautiful. Effects never
before dreamed of are introduced for the coming season. A grand exhi-
bition, with experts to explain the uses of the newly beautiful materials.
Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook All Over Embroideries, really exquisite novel-
ties, as superior to any of the past as the eye and mind can conceive. Width
nches. Prices 60c to S2.00 a yard. Half yard only needed for attractive

SPRING, 1899



Frye Millinery Company,



The Latest Styles

at Captivating PHceSm

Your Patronage Solicited...

... and Satisfaction Assured.


"We have seen better days." The '99 Caps.

' oh I what a noble mind is here." Miss Sheppard.

Atlanta Loan & Investment Co.

Cor. Broad and Alabama Sts.. ATLANTA. GA.

JOSEPH H. lOHNSON. President.

\V. A. rtEMPHILL. Vice-President.

R. H. jONES.Secretary and General Manager.
KING & ANDERSON, General Attorneys.

DECEMBER 31, I89S, - - $264,708.88.

The demand for loans is larg-ely in excess of our ability to
promptly supfily: if you are in a position to make an invest-
ment now. will be pleased to let you have a limited amount of
6 per cent, stock at par free of all taxes.

R. H. JONES, Secretary and General Manager.

$1.00 Do^en




... DEALER IN ...

AND ft^^\\ir^

Cor. East Mitchell & Loyd Sts.



Prescription Druggists.



cor. Broad and Marietta Streets, Atlanta, Ga.

Books of ^^
HU publisbcrs.

If you see any book men-
tioned or reviewed any-
where, we can furnish it.






McMillan's Seed Store,



Flooier, Garden & Field Seeds.

Bull)Sof all kinds in 5ea.son.

Importers of Parrots, Caiiarit^s,
.\quariums, Gold Fish,

Bird Seeds of all kinds,

Poultrv Powders and Supplies.




W. M. CRENSHAW. D. D. S. Good candies I
regard as excellent food for children; and having
found Geo. E. Johnson's the best and purest goods
and invariably so. I always buj* from him.

In the spring these young girls' writings quickly hie them to the press. Aurora Editors.

'Birds of a feather flock together." Kappa Chi's.

pbllltpg, Melbotn,
Baket 8. Company,


jfurntgbtng Store.


We invite you to visit our store.

No trouble to show goods.

Polite attention to all.

Elegant Ready-to-wear Department


gttanta AVarl^et

@ @






Phone 783.









38 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA.

Prescription Druggists,


24 Whitehall,



Scientific and Manufacturing Opticians.

! Ereryl/iing Put

T OfCicttl Goods.


Optical students cannot find a more comprehensive and
thorouffli course in Opthalmic Optics than that given by our
School of Optics in Atlanta. All graduates receive a diploma.
For terms address KELLAM & MOORE.

'There is no rose without a thorn." Midnight Feasts.

Penny wise and pound foolish. Angie CubbedgE.



^.&A. R.R.




I^AU Points West. 1

For an}- kind of railroad information telephone or call upon

C. B. Walker, Ticket Agent, J. A. Thomas. Cit_v Ticket Agent,

Union Depot. Ko. i N. PrN-or St.

Telephone No. 213. Telephone No. 169.

C. E. H.\Rii.\x, General Passenger Agent,
Telephone No. 1270.


May }-ou live all the days of your life. Aurora.

"Gently to hear, kindlj' to judge." Miss Hopkins.

PAIR - IN - run - HCAD !




Thousands endorse and jxraiae tliis ivonderful discovery. Once tried never without it.
Pain-in-the-Head is a Positive Cure for Neuralgia.



[ft;-* I







38 North Forsyth Street.

Works 208-210-212 Houston Street.


J. Regenstein,


Fine Millinery,

40 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA.

Emory Market Co.


celery a specialty

No. I North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.
Telephone 584.



Terms for f House.s Jio.oo per mon. and over.s'^.
Collectins: ;( " under $io.oo peniionth, lotj-.

Real Estate, Rents, insurance and Loans,

Phone 363.

Aetna of Hartford Capital, 54,ooo,ooo.oc
In.s. Co. of North America Capital, |3,coo,0(
ANSLEY & Lipscomb Bros., Agents.

"Panting time toiled after them in vain. Dr. Arbucki.e.

Fare thee well ! and if forever.

Still forever fare thee well. Class of "99.


22 1-2 S. BROAI> STREET.





o^ fine spectacles ^
km and eyeglasses >o





Rooms 313-314, The Gkanx,

S2 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.

OTIS H. Mcdonald.


003-60-4 The Grand.



Corsets and Hair Goods Specialties.
Fancy Goods, Ladies' Furnishings,

58 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA.


70 Whitehall Street,





/iaooKkffc'ii aucl ^{atione'ii


The days of sleep and slumbers calm, are fled. Seniors.
