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God saw the r:oad was getting tough, the hills were hard to climb, He gently closed those loving eyes and whispered (Peace Be Thine).
The weary hour, the little pain, the sleepless nights are passed. The ever patient worn-out frame , Has found sweet rest at last. .
$Safur~a\!, Jlfrhruar\! 23, 2002
Z:UU p.m.
uSfutft ~rttk ~iszinnaru ~apfizf ~4urr4 ~atntt, Oitnrght
~tit. ~nnnit ~ruanf, ffitiafing
Jlfuntral uStrltitrz
The blessed life of Annie Pearl Turner began on September 22, 1930 in Bibb County. She was the daughter of the late Burke Hill and Annie Mae Hill. She departed this life to enter her heavenly home on Monday, February 18, 2002.
Her former education was obtained through the Bibb County public schools. She was a graduate of Hudson High and attended the Dudley Hughes School of Nursing.
She was joined in matrimony to Mr. John Thomas Turner who preceded her in death, and from this union two children were born.
Having a desire for spiritual gifts, Annie Pearl confessed Jesus as her savior to the flock of believers at the Swift Creek Missionary Baptist Church of Macon, Georgia at a young and tender age. She was a member of the Nurse's Guild, Senior Choir and Sons and Daughters of Charity in which she served faithfully until her death.
Her life was full of love and filled with charity. She was about doing good to and for her fellow man. Annie Pearl was a devoted, loving, and caring mother, compassionate and caring sister, a committed and true friend. She was an outgoing, grateful and inspirational person who touched the lives of many.
She leaves to cherish and treasure her memories; a devoted son and daughter, Rev. Larry (Jessie) Turner of Macon, Georgia and Sharon White of Miami, Florida. A devoted sister, Fannie (Tommy) Collins, Sr of Macon, Georgia; two aunts, Ruthie Hill and Annie Bell Flanders of Macon, Georgia; two uncles, Clarence Stephens and William Flanders of Macon, Georgia; three grandchildren, Elizabeth of Las Vegas, Nevada, Priscilla of Los Angeles, California, Erica of Macon, Georgia; three great grandchildren; two god daughters, Cynthia Akanune of Miami, Florida and newly arrived Destini A. Harden of Macon, Georgia; one godson, Ronald Goldsby of Macon, Georgia; and a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.
PRELUDE............................................-.................................................................. M us1.9.1ans
SELECTION .................................................................................................................. Choir
PRAYER....................................................................................................... Rev. Oscar Ross
SCRIPTURE Old Testament. ........................................................................................Rev. Paul Collins New Testament. ................................................................................... Rev. Estee Sanford
SOLO....................................................................................................... Mrs. Gladys Harris
(Two Minutes Per Person)
As A Neighbor..................................................................................... Mrs. Dorothy Card
As A Church Member....................................................................Mrs. Veronica Calhoun
As A Godmother............................................................................ Ms. Cynthia Akamune
As A Friend........................................................................ - .... Mrs. Mildred Nelson Perry
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SOLO......................................................................................................Mr. Ronald Goldsby
EULOGY.............................................................................................. Pastor Donnie Bryant
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................. Charlotte Ross RECESSIONAL
INTERMENT.............................................................. Swift Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Dinner will be served at Huff Daniel Hall
"For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Hence forth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
II Timothy 4:6-8
When my life has reached its very end, And I take that final breath; I want to know I've left behind, Some good before my death.
I hope that in my final hour, In all honesty I can say; That somewhere in my lifetime, I have brightened someone 's day.
That maybe I have brought a smile, To someone else's face And made one moment a little sweeter, While they dwelled here in this place.
Lord, please be my reminder, And whisper softly in my ear. .. To be a giver, not a taker; In the years I have left here.
Give to me the strength I need, Open up my mind and my soul... That I might show sincere compassion, And love to others before I go.
For if not a heart be touched by me, And not a smile was left behind Then the life that I am blessed with, Will have been a waste of time.
With all my heart, I truly hope, To leave something here on earth... That touched another, made them smile, And gave to my life... worth.
Author Unknown
Mr. Mozel McCoy Rev. Johnny Wright Rev. Walter Lamar
Solomon Jones, Jr. Ver-Island Harden Tommy L. Collins, III Wright Antionio Jones
Mr. Paul Stephens Mr. Michael Sanders
Mr. Leon Paul
Grandson/Nephews Nathaniel Jamal Walker Charles Marvell Harris Gregory Jemell Harris
Wright Antionio Jones, Jr.
The Class of 1948
No one knows pain except one who has been afflicted by it. No one knows sorrow lest he has been caused to grieve by it. And there is no heart that can bear grievances without the warmness shown it by friends. We wish you to know that our hearts have been made to feel warm by the kindness, condolences, flowers, and all such sympathies
shown at our time of bereavement.