A Celebration of Life for Ms. Aundria Rene' Owens, Sunrise June 28, 1964, Sunset April 8, 2011, Friday, April 15, 2011, 1:00 P.M., Fellowship Group Baptist Church, 2813 East Point Street, East Point, Georgia, The Reverend Montele A. Crawford, Officiating

Family and Friends
Family and Friends
"I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me,
Though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in
me shall never die. " St. John 11:25-26
The family of Aundria Rene' Owens would like To extend our heartfelt thanks for your kind expressions of sympathy shown during our
bereavement. Your prayers, love and support will always be remembered.
May God continue to bless you.
- The Family -
Arrangements and Services Entrusted to professionals:
({Pollmrd~ ~, f"-6.
Serving Atlanta Since 1932 827 Pollard Boulevard, Southwest
Atlanta, GA 30315 404.688 .7073 C~eYYaV\- TittLe ALL~SOV\ Chtr's l3Vtl'l-ts c;rnphcs www.che rsevents.co m 770.598.1517

Sunrise June 28, 1964

Sunset AprilS, 2011

Friday, Apri/15, 2011 rv 1:00 P.M. rv
2813 East Point Street East Point, Georgia
TV!e Revere!/\,~ Moll\,teLe A. CrClwfor~

A~..<.V\.driet R.ell\.t' OWeV\-S Wets bor-11\- tV\- Atletll\-tet, C(eor-gtet OV\-jL.<.II\.t 2g>, ~~-+ to Mr-. WtLVI.-lerOWeii\-S,jr-. etV\.d MY'S. SetV\.dr-et D. OWeV\-S.
A~..<.V\.driet etffec-HoV\-ClteLtj ir<.MWV\- ets 'R.ell\.t' ettteV\.deci ThOVI.-lets 1-t. SLetter- 5LeVI.-lell\-tetr-tj sc,vwoL etV\.d tVIeV\, ettteV\.deci L~..<.tVIer-J~..<.cisoV\- 'Pric-e 1-ttgVI sc,VIooL wVIer-e sVIe pLettjeci c-Letrill\.tt tV\, tVIe MetnVIt~ BetV\.d.
R.ell\.t' wets et cievoteli et~ Lovt~ Vl.-lotVIer- to c.ec-tLetgVI ArieLLe oweV\,s. TI\etj botVI r-estcieci tV\, RLver-cietLe c;eor-gtet wttVI VIer- Vl.-lotVIer- setV\.dr-et oweV\-s. R.ell\.t spell\-t et Lot of HVI.-le 11\-L.<.Y"t~..<.ri~ VIerc-Lose r-eLetHoV\-sVItp wttVI VIer- Vl.-lotVIer-, fettVIer- etV\.d ciet~..<.gVIter-.
R.ell\.t' wets eVI.-lpLotjeli wttVI tVIe 111\-ter-V\-ClL R.e\leV\,~..<.e SeY"Vtc-e wVIer-e sVIe wor-lr<.eli for- tVIe petst 23 tjeetr-s - tV\, tVIe A~..<.toVI.-letteci c.oLLec-HoV\,s StjsteVI.-lS DtpetrrVI.-lell\-t ets et C.L.<.StoVI.-ler- seY"Vtc-e R.epr-eseV\-tetHve.
Bec-et L.<.Se of VIer- ciestr-e to Leet r-11\- et V\.d to eet r-11\- VIer- cieg r-ee, R.ell\.t' ettteV\.deci west c;eor-gtet C-oLLege et V\.d tVIell\- Letter- eV\,mLLeci ett tVIe st. Leo's C-oLLege wVIer-e sVIe wets wor-lr<.t~ Oil\- VlerL.<.V\-cier-gr-etci~..<.ette tiegr-ee tV\, BL.<.Stll\.tSs AciVI.-ltV\,tstr-etHoV\-.
R.ell\.t' wets et ver-tj foc-L.<.Seti per-soli\- pettjt~ c-Lose ettteV\-HOV\- to cietettL etll\-ci ver-tj pr-oVI.-lpt. sVIe VIetti et ver-tj c-etr-t~ etV\.d wetr-VI.-l Vleetrr etV\.d Loveli VIer- c-Lose fetVI.-ltLtj etV\.d friell\-lis.
R.ell\.t' Leetves beVItV\.d to c-VIerisVI VIer- Vl.-leVI.-lories; (Detci) wtLVI.-ler- oweV\-s,Jr-.; (MoVI.-l) set~r-et D. OWeV\-s; (Det~..<.gVIter-) Mtss C.ec,tLetgVI A. OWeV\-s; (c;r-eett A~..<.V\-t) ALtc,e C.ox.; (A~..<.V\-t) DeLor-es 'DeLL' 1-teV\-Y"tj (t-tor-etc-e); ([..{11\,c,Le) RoV\-ClLci e. oweV\-s; (C.oL.<.StV\-) RutVI t-tctms etV\.d et Vlost of otVIerr-eLetHves et 11\-ci frie~s.
r Love you Mo~~Le, bec~use ~ou Love ~e!
c.ecLLeLg V\


Call to Celebration Procession of Family Musical Selection Comfort From God's Word
Scriptures: Old Testament ...................................................... .......... Consuelo Campbell New Testament ................................................................ Dennis B. Bowen

Comfort From Prayer Solo Reading of Obituary (In Silence) Remembrances ............................................................................. Tewanna Foley
Carolyn Salley-Prink Eulogy ............................................... .......................... Reverend Montele A. Crawford

Musical Selection

Acknowledgements ........................................................ Pollard Funeral Home Staff


Greenwood Cemetery, Inc. 1173 Cascade Circle, Southwest
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Repast Fellowship Group Baptist Church
