In Loving Memory, Mrs. Bernita Brooks Oliver, December 13, 1968 - october 14, 2016, Saturday, October 22, 2016 Two O'clock P.M., Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Winesses 2914 Fairview Road, Covington, Georgia 30016, Brother Melvin King, Speaker

We wisli to e.{tetuf our tliani?J to everyone for tfieir Jnany acts of.Cove and lijnaness tfuring our 6ereave1nent. rrour e.,rpresszons of (ave liave 6een cotnforting to us as we enaure tliis aifficuft tirne.
1Jie Panz.i(y

Jii.filOving 9fCmory



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k S"'" '],,.,.,at SltM... :"nc

1163 Reynolds Street P.O. Box 629

Covington, Georgia 3001 S Phone (770) 786-6177


1t cs r.ur purpose tu _gl\"C" thoughdul :s.entet:. aod tt m dutng S.'l we have / helped to lightened your burden, our aun has been acc,Jmpl[shed
"'-.Xle ~[n(erdy hope rba.t om services. ha:-. been deserving of your wnfidence.

Orier ofService

:Ntrs. rJ3ernita (}3rook.} O[h)er 'Ulas 6orn on (])ecenz6er 13) 1968 to ?vtr. ~ !Jrlrs. Cfinton (1?J!na) t.Brook.} in Ccrvington, qeorga.
Slie .dedicated tier Cife to Jefiovali and u)as 6aptized as one oj-Jefioroali 1-lVitnesses. Slie attencfed :Jleu,ton County
Jfigli Sclioo{, wliere sfie graduatea1-vitli tfie c[ass of1987.
cr O't)er tlie years, slie 1-Va.S empfoyed at ~ eJ}[, 1?_gcl(!afe
County CJ3oarcf of CEducation ana Jfome qoods. (}n
January 20, 1995, slie T()as united in Jnarriage to ?d.r. cBruce Oti1.Jer.

ProcessionaL.......................................................crlie 'Fami{y Prayer......................................................(}3rotlier Lee 1?.g6y Song #111 jf_ckJLOrw[ediJernents.... ........................(}3rotlier :Me{vin 1(ing Song #134 C{osi11fj Prayer. ................................... (}3rotfier P.tfgar Smitfi CR.gcessiona[

On Octo6er 14, 2016, slie fe{{ asfeep n cfeatli. Sfie is Covet 6y many and wi[[ 6e great{y missed 6y lier fami{y
and frientfs. '}{er 6eautifuf smife anc funny ways of
expressing fierself to otfiers U'i{{ never 6e forgotten. Sfie
toucfied eve1)'one in a special tvay.

Slie fea.ves to clierisfi tier 1n.emories; lius6an.d, ?rtr. CJ3ruce
0U'oer, parents, .:Mr. d Cfinton. ( rBrook.}, fier
t'li}in 6rotlier, :M..r. (Bert (Brook.}) sister, ~1s. Sheree 'Brook.} JfoUer, tnotfier-in-Ca~,, 511s. CBetty oa~'er, tliree sisters-in-Caw, tfzree 6rotliers-in-Caw, one areat aunt, 9ds. CEu[a (])yer, fi~'e specia( nepliecrvs, (jenard, Jomorrow (JJ), (Devon, .7u.stin ana CaCe6, fourteen uncCes, fifteen aunts aruf a liost of nieces, nepli.etvs, devoted cousins, very
specia{friends anavery speciaCsfriends at }lrr'e:l<T.

In. termen.t



Cfements 'Jrlitft{{e Schoo{ 66 Jack georgia fo{{owing the 'Memorial

