F-JiII 1Ao11d }n nws Roncl \'\?ll y11 e Si IH UWil S
()s lcll \\?ttre
().T \\?iIb1tr11
l'?.Hy [-Je11e ~Tiur/uiiH
flndre 'f3oud
.J)(I ri 011 Roue/
f~orey ~JJurhmn
I'llan i11 /leiso11
Honorary Pallbearers
Slru11 C.Jrwi11Ler
}olnlllY 1Bo11d J11e/ pj II \\)/, ile
'Jf3e II II le c~n/110 IllI
:After blow
I'd lil~e tlw memory of me to belt happy (me I'd lil?e to /em e tm (lfterglou of s1niles wlwu life is done.
I'd lile to leaPe llll echo whispering softly dow11 the wny
()f lwppy times mullnughiHg ti111es mil,/ brig/it mul SltllllY dnys. I'd like the tenrs of those u ho yriePe to dry before the sttn (){ lwppy memories thnt fleaPe u11wu life is doue.
- Rcknowledgments -
The {nmily o{ Lire /(lie '1Jeaco11 Timid /lelso11 , Sr. u ish Lo Llwlll'<
their mtmy friends {or all expressio11s o{ l'<illclness lllrcl co11cer11 shown Lhe1n duri119 their Lime o{ berenPeiiWIIl. '];>ltr nels o{ loPe lws helped Lo
Sltslain ltS i11 our Lime o{ sorrow. 111lly Fjod bless ttl/ of yoLt. 17w nltrlwm lii!Cl /lei S011 Fa JH; I; es
Eastlawn Memorial Chapel Funeral Home
Macon, Georgia 31217 (912) 743-3331
megoing Seroices
(])eacon CDavid Ylelson, Sr.
'monday, 'YYlarch 22, 1999
2:oo v.tn.
:Antioch Baptist C9hurch
~eorgia Kaolin 'Road 'YYlacon, ~eorgia 31020
CDeacon <David Ylelson, Sr. wns ct soil of the lnte l le11ry Ilelsoll
w~cl l[nLLie Felcl llelsoll. /lis enrthly pilyrimnye beyc111 ill Twiyys (~ounty, F-Jil oil flp_ril 16, IC)/1, allcl his life cmne to em ellcl quietly cmd pe((ce{ally ou \\Jednesclay, /llnrch 17, IC)C)C), nt the J11edicnl C~ell ter of t :elltntl <CJeorgi(/.
'1)e((COil J lelson receiPed his educcttion ill Twiyys C~o1tnty 1fJublic Schools. l[e wets joined into l[oly 111ntrimony with the lnte Ressie Hlne ()weHs llelson, c1 mnrringe which would lnst {or oPer '"52 __yenrs
producin~ three children, two, 1[(/LLie 1Bell I lelsoll q)lLrlutln nne/ 1Jcwid llelson, Jr., whom preceded him in f)(lssiuy i11to F-Jod's l[eciPellly f{i"y-
~Tiectcon llelson wc1s ct retired ert~ployee of oPer twellty-set>ell yenrs {rom /11land (~outainer (~ompwzy nnd wc1s c1 priPate {c1n~wr {or
over fifty ye((rS. IlL WI early nye, he nccepted C~hrisL illLo his life,
joi11ed flutioch 'RaptisL (~hurch cmd sen eel ns the p(/st clwinnnll of Lhe 1Jectcoll 'Ronrd {or over LhirLy-eiyht yenrs. lle u cts nlso (( p(/sl
membeJ of Llw Jlfl fl(!]{J cmd (~elllrnl (~iLy [odge I lo. 12 f?[Jl/1'1 ill
111a COil.
q)encoll I lelsou will {orePer be remembered by his {cnnily n11cl
{rieucls as Clll illdepelldeul rnc111 who Lool~ yrent pride i11 his 1R(/pLisL {a ith, {ami Iy cmd n1ce.
J low lw is free {rom pnill wul his enrLhly lnbors. /lis el'erlnsti119 meIIHHy wi II be Lre(IS ured b;J Lwo IoPi ny dcllLyh te rs, Tio/1 ie l71cw nurlwm ((11(/ Jewel t])igby of lll(lCOil; Lu () del otecl ynlllllclnughlers lw helped Y((ise, ReLLy / lelsoll F-J((illey nnd Trww/1 '1)urlwm of 111(/coll; (i{Leell yn111dchildren; Lhirly-Lhree yrectt-yrmulchildren; eiyht yreatjrenL-yr((ndcltildreu; nlld a llosl of llieces, llephews, cousins wzd friends.
flllcl fjod shed/ wipe ctw((y all Lears {rom their eyes; I lud there slw/1 be 110 more de((Lh, 11eiLher sorrou, nor crying,
J leillwr slw/1 there be c11ty rnore pctill; Por the former thillgs nre pnssed mtny.
Ret. 21:4
Order of Seroice
1Re,.l{e~ll'1eth \Vilcler, Sr., 7fJresidillg
lJ lusicn/ YJreiZLde
Last [-jlcwce l0..'eIect1o.11 ........................................................................ ( J~0111b.1necI( I)/101.t
Scriptures: ()hl Testcunent ......................... JRCl. Tho~tnas }ef{ersoH /flew Test(nnent ................ Ret>.l{eHHeth \\)ilder, Sr.
1fJrayer .......................................................... Rel. l{elrzJwth \\)i Icier, Sr.
l0....,eIect1.o1~l ........................................................................ ( J~ou1b.1neel ( I)/101.t
Remarlt?s ('l11 ree 111inlltes)
Silent Rc(ldiNg of ()bitzutry
Gztlogy ............................................................................... lRel. L'.L. Ross
l lHtioch (lBaptist C~hurch C~eJnetery The {((mily sh(/11 retur11 Lo the Church Pellowship /[all {or cli1111L'r
{ollou illy Lite serPice.