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'l(fith Lama" Sr. rrimoth!J Card
Wi{fiam Lama0 I I I Micfzae{ Card Wi[[ie rniomas
!l(ada{fe Wi[.fiams
Note of Thanks
9'our Presence liere this da!J, tlie card !JOU maifed afong tlie wa9,
%e service !JOU stopped to rencfe0 %egift gou 6rought with thoughts so tencfer.
%e pra9ers!JOU saidpfa!Jeda major part In easing tlie pain tliat was in our hearts. Tilch liefpedusjincf tlie strength to 6ear .
%e foss ofone so dear. It was to us agreat comfort incfeed fJ'o see !JOU in time ofsorrow ancf need. So from hearts which sti{[ need mencfing, We tlianl(you sincerefy again ancf again.
Special Acknowledgement
We tlie Sons ancf fJJaughters in Ministrg of tfie
St. Pau{JL.M. f. Church wi[{forever 6egratefut
for tlie encouragement, wisdom, inspiration and fove ofWafter ((Papa" Lamar, Sr.
We enter this world From "THE GREAT UNKNOWN"
And GOD gives each SPIRIT A form of its own
And endows this form With a heart and a soul
To spur men on To his ultimate goal. ....
For all men are born ToRETURNastheyCAME
And birth and death are in essence the same
And we are but born To die and arise
For beyond this world In beauty there lies
The purpose of death Which is but to gain
And no one need make This journey alone
For GOD has promised To take care of HIS own.
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Mr. Walter Alfred Lamar, Sr., was born in Jones County on January 17, 1930 to the late William Noel and Bessie Pitts Lamar.
He attended the public schools in Jones and Bibb Counties. He later joined the U.S. Army. Having wo,rked at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Plant, he later became employed at the Robins Air Force Base, where he retired after 36 years of serviCe.
He was an active member of St. Paul A.M.E. Church for over 50 years, touching the lives of everyone he met along the way. He was a willing and dedicated worker, serving in various capacities, such as church treasurer, and member ofthe Steward and Usher Boards, and the Sunday School teaching staff. He was also very involved in community service, being affiliated with various neighborhood organizations.
On April 9, 1950, he married Alice G. Doyle, who preceded him in death. From this blessed union came four children. His daughter Cheryl Lamar Thomas, also preceded him in death.
He leaves to cherish his memories: three sons, Rev. Walter Lamar, Jr. of Macon, Gregory Lamar of New York, and Clayton Lamar of New Jersey; one daughter-in-law, Evelyn Lamar of Macon; three brothers, Henry Lamar, Sr., Norman Lamar, and Booker T. (Dorothy) Lamar, all of Macon; two sisters, Dorothy (Lawrence) Card of Macon and Bernice Green of Detroit; three grandchildren, Lavone Evans ofAtlanta, Vantoine (Latrice) and Alan Thomas, both of Macon; one great-grandchild, Valencia Thomas; a host of nieces, nephews, and cousins; Colins Lamar, Tomekia (Clinton) Hawkins, Charmekia Smith, Jocelyn, Terence, II and Tramaine Gray, and other extended family, special friends and caretakers.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.
II Timothy 4:7
Order of Service
(The Rev. Ronald Slaughter, Presiding)
Prelude.......................................................David Fields Minister ofMusic
Processional.. ..............Ministers, Pallbearers & Family
Hymn.......................................Choir and Congregation #226 "Amazing Grace"
Prayer. .........................................Rev. E. Dewey Smith Travelers Rest Baptist Church
Liturgy of theWord Old Testament ...,.........................Rev. Willie Barber New Hope 5000 Ministries New Testament....................Rev. William Lamar, IV Duke University
Choir (Selection)............................ "Be Still My Soul"
Obituary (Read Silently)..............................Soft Music
Remarks ......................................... (2 Minutes Please) Henry 0. Lamar, Jr., Family
Melvin Jones, Church Member
Acknowledgement. ....................Rev. Marva Cleveland
Eulogy.........................................Rev. Terence R. Gray St. Mark AME Church, Orlando
Hymn......................................Choir and Congregation #525 "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
Recessional.. ...............Ministers, Pallbearers & Family
Interment Woodlawn Memorial Park