Celebration of His Life, Mr. Michael Hall, Tuesday, February 23, 2016, 2:00 P.M., Donald Trimble Mortuary, 1876 Second Ave., Decatur, Georgia 30032, Reverend Robert Welch

rrJffod 6 /a u t / /
CJodsaw you were getting tirecf, }lnda cure was not to 6e.
So Jfe wrappedJ{is arms aroundyou, }lndwliisperec, ((Come witfi me".
ry'"ou dUfn't deserve wfiat you went tlirougfi, So J{e gave you rest.
qoas garden must 6e 6eautifu' Jfe on{y tafiss tfie 6est.
}lndwfien I saw are you sCeeping, So peaceju[andfree from pain,
I couUfnot wisli you 6ac~ to suffer tfiat again. UNTIL WE SEE YOU AGAIN ... OUR SUPERHERO
Terrell Bagley Luis Lozano Michael Bag!ey Juan Balderas Johnny Pritt
The family ofMichael Hall would like to say thanks for all the support and prayers during this hard time.
Professional Services Entrusted To:
Decatur, Georgia 30032 (404) 371-0772-3
BERRY'S PRINTING & GRAPHICS 404.663.6423 www.berrysprinting .net

Tuesday, February 23, 2016
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1876 Second Ave. Decatur, Georgia 30032

~~ born December 19, 1956 in Macon Georgia to the late Dorothy Mae Hall and Curtis Mack Hall. He was married to the love of his life Patsy Hall for 38 years.
He worked many jobs, but his love was driving.
He was a very strong, stubborn and head strong man, but also was there for anyone he could help. He was a superman to many. So many could not have overcome many of the health problems as he did-He was truly a superman! He fought a very long and hard battle to stay strong and around his love ones.
He leaves behind the love of his life-wife, Patsy; four daughters, Sherry, Tiffany, Terne and Dorothy; eight granddaughters, Ashley, Catie, Meranda, Clarissa, Bella, Abby and Emily; three grandsons, Andrew, Carlos and Luis. He also leaves behind many family and friends.
(])addy wfien I got tfie ca[( I was scared; I started crying. It 6rok. my fieart in two, just to tfiin~ my daddy fiat fejt me. I wanted to tfiin~ it was a 6ad dream or a fie, 6ut I je[t it was true. I'd give anytfiing in tfie worU to fiave you 6ac~for one more day. rrliere are so many tfiings tfiat I didn't fiave time to say. cy"ou wanted' me to 6e readyfor tfiis anddaddy. I ~now
you triec{, 6ut notfiing couU fiave preparedmefor tfiis trauma in my [ije. I wonder now ifyou
see me, or can fiear me wfien I ca[[ rrliis worfd, it feefs empty now. CJ>fease daddy, send a message tfiat I wiff~now was sent justfor me. Let me ~now I'm not afone andsomefiow fie[p me set you free. (])addy, you on my superman, my Fiero. rrliis worU wi[[ never 6e tfie same witfiout you. (])addy you taugfit me fiow to 6e strong andI wi{{mal?. you proud. Vnti[ we are togetfier again.

SONG.......................... .... ....................... ... .............................. ((You Should Be Here " SCRIPTURES
Old Testament New Testament PRAYER.....................................................................................................Ashley Bell SONG ....................................................................................... ((Dancing In the Slcy" REMARKS........................................................................................Family and Friends (Two Minutes, Please) OBITUARY...............................................................................................Read Silently EULOGY................................................................................... Reverend Robert Welch ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................... Donald Trimble Fu RECESSIONAL
6696 Hearth Ct. Rex, Georgia 30273 All family and close frie -
