Celebration of Life for Bobby Andrew Colbert "Ray", Sunrise: May 9, 1959 - Sunset: May 11, 2016, Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 1:00 PM, Donald Trimble Chapel, 1876 Second Avenue, Decatur, GA 30032, Reverend Alge Brown, Officiating

r fJonafl rim6fe cfl.pef

Mr. 13o6{;_J :llnlrew Co!6ertwas 6orn on MCIIJ /', 1959 to the fate Ms. Mary :llnn
Gof6ertanithe fate Mr. 1-fen"J 1Javis, 13o66_y was 6est known to affofus 6_y his chiflhool nickname 1<..qy. 1-fe attencfelthe 1itfanta Pu6fic .Schoof..Sjstem anl3racfuatelfrom ~ufton 1-f!Jh .Schoo{ 1-fe workelvariousjo6s cfuri11_3 his fife. ~or severafJears he was emt{o_Jelwith 1Je1<af6 Goun{_J 0anitation 1Jett., G0.,9 0-,ervice, 1itfanta ?ourna( anl1itfanta Venli11_3 0-,ervices, 1ifter workf11J for 1itfanta Venli11_3 0-,ervices, he stent time with {ami& ani{rienls
untifhis fassin:J on MCIIJ tl', 2.016.
1<..qy feaves to cherish his memory five chiflren: his 6efovellaU_Jhter anlsons, Ms. Nickfa Gofhert-1-farris, Mr. Ghristother Gof6erf, Mr, 13o6{;_J 7artkJ, Mr. r2uintavis Gof6erf, Mr. Messiah 0-,canlrett, anione stetson, 13ranlon ~avors, threeJranlchillren:
?aniah 1-farris, Zaifa aniGarter 1<fl!J 7artkJ 1-fe is survivei{;_J his si6HYJ_Js, Mr. ?imYn!J
Gof6erf, Mrs, 11.tfriane Gof6ert- Pearson (13ralff3!JJ, Mrs, 0.,hefia 1Uafk._er (1inthory), Mrs, 13ernita 1-fassan (?ameeO, aniMs. 7omeka Gof6ertanione 1iunt Ma"J Catherine Martin afo11_3 with a host ofnieces, nethews, cousins, anifrienls,

Orler ofService
Prefule ........................................................... . ............ The O"Janisf
6J Processionaf.Sefecfion .............................. . ..... Sfile Presentation Montez Coffins 6J .Scriptures .......................................... The OftfTestament real Starfene 1iffen
The New Testament real6J Starfene ?lffen
Pr~er ...................... . ..... . ....... . ..... . ................... . ..... ~. 1le *8rown
.Sefecfion ... . ... . .... ......................... 9'm ~f!J qone 'Miss 1/ou fq SmokCJ tR.Q6inson
1<marh ............. . ..... . .. . .. .. . ... . ...... .. ...... ~ami& ani~entfs {3 minutespfease) Cfosi'f!!j 1<marh ............................................................... ~enia ~ 1<ali'f!!j of06itua'J.. ... ... .. . ............ ............ ... ..... .. ..... ... ~~Sifent& Pfease u~ .......... ........................... . .............................. ~. 1le *8rown 1Icknowfe'Jemenfs ............ . ....................................... (}onakfTrim6fe Staff
1<cessionafPostfule.... .... .. ... . ... . ... . .. f.ove anl1-fappiness fq 1{{qreen (9nsfrumentaD

.Shaniha Cof6ert :Jour/an 1<irk/J_J

Meoshia 1Uafk..er 1<ftven 1tJi({jams

Montez Comns 4rtJ_JOr:J :Johnson fJeonfa Cof6ert :Josh ~a/far/

fJeontra Cof6ert 'Eric :Jones

7he ~ami& of~oh~ "1<fl.!J" Cof6ertacknowfecfjes with sincere attreciation, the com{ortirJ_J messa3es,
(fora(arrarJ_Jements, aniother e~tressions ofhnlness durirJ_J this time ofbereavement 7hank 1fou ani
~ores{ f.awn Cemetery
5755 Maffory ~
Cof{e_Je Par~ qa. 30349
