Ylctive Pa[[6earers
Robert Logan, Jr.
V. L. Pearson
Reese Stone
Wiffie Burke
Albert Clayton
Clarence Whipple
James Moss
'I1ie :J-{onorary 'Escort
The Ministers of the South District
Southern Conference
'I1ie lf{ower 5-'Ltteniants
The Ministers Wives and the Women Missionary Society of the
Macon Georgia Conference
'Entombment .
The body will be laid to rest in Memorial Gardens.
'When All Is Done
When all is done, And my last word is said And ye who love me murmur
"He is dead-". Let no one weep for fear I should know And sorrow too that ye should sorrow so.
When all is done, Say not my day is over And that through the night I seek a dimmer shore. Say rather that my morn has just begun I greet the dawn and not a setting sun
When all is done. Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Ylcli nowfedgemen t
The family of the Rev. C.H. Boddy extends sincere gratitude for the many expressions of love, caring and support.The Lord has blessed us with you, and we pray that He will continue to bless all of you.
-The Boddy Family
Be thou faithful unto death; and
I will give thee a crown of life.
- Revelation 2:10
We wish to express our apprediltion of your confidence in us and sincerely hope that ALL our services have been in every way satisfactory to you. If so, our goals have been accomplished.
(912) 272-5511
A 0 tV1 SOQn of Ov<.liey Enl erpnses "
..'4 Cefe6rati.on of tlie Life, La6or ana Ministry of tlie
MONDAY, JULY 20, 1992
1:00 P.M.
Steward Cfiape{ Jl.!M. t. Cliurcli
88 7 ![orsytli S ttut
Macon, (jeorgia 31201 The Reverend David H. Jackson, Pastor Bishop Donald G. Ming, Presiding Prelate
~Jfections Of%e-Journey
Rev. Curtis Henri Boddy, Sr. was born in Meriweather County, Georgia November 27, 1916, to the parentage of Mr. Ruffin and Mrs. Polly Boddy. At an early age the family moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee. As a small child he realized he needed a heavenly home and joined Allen Temple A.M.E. Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
CUrtis attended the public schools of Chattanooga, graduating from Howard High School . He served in World
War II in the United States Army. After an Honorable
Discharge he enrolled in Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia, where he received a B.S. degree. He also attended Turner Theological Seminary.
Rev. Boddy pastored in Log Town, Athens, Americus, Columbus, Macon, Waycross, Augusta, Macon, Milledgeville, and Dublin. He also served as a Presiding Elder in the Augusta Conference. He was a delegate to numerous General Conferences. During his life time, he only missed two General Conferences.
Rev. Boddy was united in holy matrimony on September 16, 1972, to Mrs. Barbara Burnett Murphy. There are four children, Curtis, Jr. Carrolle Lynne, Benjamin, and Kenneth.
The General Conference was the 44th for Rev. Boddy.
He could recall .names, places and events of the past
until the end.
"He never met a stranger."
Rev. Boddy was a member of Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, the Masonic Lodge, S.C. L. C. , and the NAACP where he
served as president of the Baldwin County Chapter for several years.
On Monday evening, July 13, 1992, at 6:15 o'clock Rev. Curtis H. Boddy passed from his earthly labor to his heavenly Reward.
Wife - Mrs. Barbara M. Boddy, Macon
Daughter - Carrolle Lynne, Milledgeville
Sons -
CUrtis Henri, Jr., Columbus Benjamin S , Macon Kenneth R., Macon
Grandchildren: Chantee, Cerva.ntes Rafael "Paco" Chavii 'Leonette, Rashannah, Maya, Ren~tta, Montagious and Benjamin, Jr.
Five Brothers-in-law:
%e Order OfSeroice
THE ORGAN PRELUDE .................. "Abide With He" THE PROCESSIONAL ............. Bishop Donald G. Hing
The Ministers The Family
THE HYMN OF PRAISE ................. "Amazing Grace" Choir and Congregation
THE INVOCATION ................... Dr. D. H. Jackson
SELECTION ................ St. Paul AHE Church Choir Dublin, Ga.
SCRIPTURE .... 'Ire Old Testaiert: . . . . The Rev. E. S. Mallory 'Ire New Testau:nt ...... Elder B.C. Carswell
SELECTION ................ "It Is Well With My Soul" Combined Choirs
Hr. Willie Burke ............ St. Paul AME Church
Dublin, Ga. The Rev. A.E. English .... AHE Ministers Alliance The Rev. G.S. Harderman ................ A Friend
THE RESOLUTION...... The Honorable Mayor Emma Gresham
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hs. Pansy McLendon
SOLO ...................... The Rev. Benjamin Ridley
THE EULOGY .................. Bishop Donald G. Hing
THE RECESSIONAL . . . . . "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
~Jfections Of'l1ie Journey
Mrs. Marie B. Boddy, Chattanooga, Tennessee Mrs. Mildred Williams Newman
Nieces: Catherine Boddy, Atlanta, Ga. Lillie Boddy, Chattanooga, Tenn..
Nephews: Charles Curtis Boddy, Richard Ruffin Boddy, and Julian Franklin Boddy.
Grand Niece: Earlonza McKenzie Postell, Decatur, . Ga. Great-Grand Niece: Trenese Isis Postell, Decatur, Ga.
Other relatives and a host of devoted friends also survive him.
Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar; When I put out to sea.
But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam
When that which drew from out the boundless _ Deep turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell, and after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark.
For tho' from out our bourne of time and place, The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar.
-Alfred Tennyson