Homegoing Celebration for Mr. Willie Lewis Beeks, Sunrise February 26, 1940, Sunset April 12, 2015, Monday, April 20, 2015 11:00 A.M., Greater White Rock Baptist Church 2128 Tilson Road, Decatur, Georgia 30082, Pastor Walker B. Moore Officiating

God)s Garden

qoc{oo~caroundJfis garden }lndfound an empty pface. Jfe tlien {oo~cdown upon tlie eartli }lncsaw your tiredface. Jfe put liis anns aroundyou
}lncCiftecyou to rest. qoas garden must 6e 6eautiju{
Jfe a{ways ta~s tlie 6est. Jfe saw tlie roadwas getting rougli }lndtlie fii{{s were liard to cfim6,
So lie c{osecyour weary eyeficf.s }lndwhispered ((Peace 6e tliine "..
It 6ro~ our liearts to {ose you illut you didn't go a{one,
Por part ofus went witli you rtliat day qocca{{ec[you liome.

Flower Bearers


Family & Friends

Family & Friends

A Gratitude Of Thanks
Perliaps you sent a {ove(y card, or sat quiet{y in a cliair. Perliaps you sent a
[Cora{piece, ifso, we saw it tliere. Perliaps you sang a clieetju{song, ifso
we liearc it a{[ Perliaps you prayed a sincere prayer, or came to pay a ca{[ Perliaps you spo~ tlie ~ndest words tliat anyfriend cou{c[say. Perliaps you prepareda tasty disli, or may6efumisliec a car. Perliaps you rendereda service unseen, near at Iianeorfrom afar. Whatever you die to consofe our liearts, 6y wordor deed, or toucli. Whatever was tlie ~nd{y part, we tlianf( you so very mucli!
-rtlie Pami{y-
Donald Trimble Mortuary, [nc. "Service by Professionals"
1876 Second Avenue Decatur , Georgia 30032

J{omegoing Ce{e6ration


?dr. Wi{{ie Lewis (]3ee~

Sunrise February 26, 1940

Sunset April12, 2015

Monday,April20,2015 11:00 A.M.
qreater Wliite ~c~(Baptist Cliurcli
2128 Tilson Road Decatur, Georgia 30032
Pastor Walker B. Moore Officiating

~r. Wi[fie Lewis (((])edang" CRee~ was 6orn Pe6ruary 26, 1940, in)ltfanta, (jeorgia to tlie fate Wi{fie )I. and~ary (Jfi[Q CRee~. )ljter a fong i[[ness, lie passedaway on)lpri[12, 2015 at liis)ltfanta liome witli liis fami[y 6y liis side. (jrowing up in )ltfanta, lie receivedliisforma[ education tlirougli tlie Pu[ton County Pu6fic System. In 1961, lie marriedtlie [ove ofliis [ije, Cliarfie 1(ate 7'/irasli.
)I Vietnam Veteran, lie serveddutiju[[y andlionora6[y in
tlie VnitedStates Navy unti[liis retirement. J{e [oved [ije and
tookgreat satisfaction in lie{ping otliers andspending time witli fami[y andfriends. Jfisfavorite past times inc[udedgardening, foliing, travefing and 6ar6ecuing.
Jfe was precededin deatli 6y liis parents anda 6rotlier, (j(aive CRee~. Jfe [eaves to clierisli liis memory a devoted wife, Cliarfie CRee~; daugliter, Joyce (1(ennetli) CooR.;, two granddaughters, Cliarne[[e and)lm6er CooR.;, one great grandson, 1(aiden )Iustin; two sisters, (jCoria (Jlu6rey) ~orrison andP[ora Pliinazee; one 6rotlier, James (~amie) CRee~; two aunts, P,(iza6etli P,vans and (jeralifine Jfi{~ one unc[e, Jolinnie Jfi{~ one stepmother, Slieifa CRee~; anda liost of nieces, nepliews, cousins, otlier [oving refatives andfriends.

Order of Service

OU Testament :New Testament
(2 minutes pfease)
Sefection .

Jfeard Pami[y ~v. Carra Jfi{{
~v. JI[plionso Smitli Jfeard Pami{y
Jfeard Pami[y ~v. Wa[l{frCR. ~oore (])onaU7'rim6[e Staff

Interment Nationa[ Cemetery 1080 Veterans Cemetery CJ?.pad Canton, (jeorgia 30114
pami{y wi{{receivefami{y anafriencfs at qreater Wfiite CJ?pck.CBaptist Cfiurcfi after tfie intennent.
