Volume 14209 1 (1) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thos. Causton de.ted at Westminster the 11th, of June 173?. Sir The Trustees on the 6th. instant received Yoirr Letter dated the 24th. of March last with the Copys of the Correspondencys therein inclosed. The next day Mr. Simond presented Sola Bills with Your Certificates of having receivd the Value of Messrs. Samuel Montaignt and Co. to the Amount of t 1,01?. v;ch. with the L 433 You before advised of having paid away makes together L 1450 of the 1500. tha.t were sent over. The Certified Accots. already received without Sola Bills attending them will therefore now he examined and reported upon for Payment, and as it may he hoped You have before this time received from Gapt. Dymond L 1000 in Sola Bills sent You by him You will thereby be Supplied for mahing Payments for Provisions and the absolute Uecessltys of the Colony without having Occasion to send over any more Certified Accompts for Payment in England; Yet Copys of Accots. must Continue to be sent to Satisfy the Trustees of the Particulars for which their Sola Bills are paid. The Trustees will continue to send over their Sola Bills for Psjments in Georgia, and Your Corresponding by every opportunity will inform them of Your foreseen Occasions in Order that You may be regularly Supplied vn.th them. Since my last Letter to You the Trustees have Settled the inclosed Directions relating to Mr. V/ptsons Affair. And I shall send a Duplicate thereof and of this Letter hy the first Opportunity which shell Offer. I am, Sir Your most humhle Servant (5) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to The Reverend Mr. John Wesley dated at Westminster the 15th. of June 1737- Sir The Reverend Mr. Burton has this day laid "before the Trustees a Letter from You to them dated Savannah March 4th. 1737, Wherein you express a concern that th^ should receive an Accusation of Your imhezzling any part of their Goods, and likewise a Desire to know the Name of Your Accuser. The Trustees have ordered me to assure You that they are vdry much Surprized at any Apprehension You teve of Such Accusation "being brought before them; No Complaint of any kind has been laid before them relating to You; They have never as a Board nor any of them privately heard of one, nor have they the least Suspicion of any Ground for one. They would not (if they ha,d received any) form a Judgement of You without acquainting You with the Accusation and the Name of Your Accuser; At the ssme time they ksdtx beleive You'll think it rea.sonable to let them know who has informed You that any such Accusation has been brought before them, and that for the future you will only regard what may be sent to you from them and that You will not beleive nor listen to any private Informations or any Insinuations that must make You uneasy, and may lead You to distrust the Justice of the Trustees and the Regard they have for You. Thft Trustees are very sensible of the great In^ortsnce of the work you are engaged in and they hope God will prosper the Undertaking and Support you in it, for they have much at heart not only the Success of the (6) Colony in general hut the Promotion of Piety amongst the People as well as the Conversion of the Indians. They are very glad to find that Kr. Causton has seconded your endeavours to Suppress Vice and Immorality, and tha,t a Reformation gairxs Ground as you observe it does. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant. (9) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thos. Causton dated at Westminster the I7th. of June 1737- Sir In my Letter to You by the Peter and James dated the 23d. of March last I acquainted You that a Particular Benefaction had enabled the Trustees to direct You to furnish to each Man of the third Transport of Saltzburghers a Cock and an Hen and to every five heads of the said Transport a Sow a Turkey Hen and a Goose, conputing the said Transport to 55 heads I am now to acquaint You Tha.t the Benefactor kaocxac has extend his Benefaction to the Supplying to every five heads of the sak said 55 heads a Cow and a Calf; Which the Trustees desire You will provide them with and send a particulsr Accot. of the Charge thereof 4 (9) Signed by Mr. Bolzius to discharge the Trustees of the said Benefaction. I am Sir Yr. Most humble Servant (13) Copy of a Letter from the Trustees to Sir Eobert balpole dated at V/estminster the 226., of June 1737* Sir Having in April last Presented a Memorial to You, and as there was then a great hurry of Business and this is a time of More leasure. We hope You'll permitt us to remind You of it since every days Advices confirm the Necessity of having a speedy Resolution taken thereupon. We therefore telce the Liberty of giving You a Copy of that Memorial which is as follows. The Colony of Georgia being Intrusted by His Majesty to Our Care, We think our Selves Obliged to inform You of the Situation of it And that the L 20000 granted by Parliament this Year will not maintain the Colony further then Ladjr Day 173* The Expences of the Colony at first Saakxxiatxg looks large but if You consider tha.t the Trustees have hitherto Protected as well as improved the Colony out of the Parliamentary and other Money; You will find that it has not been so escpensive as other Colonies The Military Defence of Nova Scotia and Asa Annapolis stands the King in L 13,000 yearly; though there is no Improvement Made in that Province. 5 (13) Most of the American Colonies are at least as expensive as ITova Scotia and Annapolis; The Charge of vhich is either paid "by the King for Troops Artillery &c or by Taxes Raised upon the People of the Colory, or by both. Thus Jamaica stands the Publick in L l4000 a Year upon the Estimate besides the Governors Salary out of the Civil List, and the Taxes raised by the Country; (14) So that the whole Expences of Jamaica are near L 30i000 yearly. We farther think our Selves obliged to acquaint Yoti. That seven Thousand pounds a Year will be necessary to defray the Expence of the Civil Government maintaining Persons newly arrived, Preserving a good Harmony with and Supporting the Indians, and Carrying on the other Improvements of the Province such as raising of Silk, Wine Oyl and other Produces. The Sxpence Whereof priva,te Persons are not able to bear, and which the Trustees apprehend is the reason why the English America ha.th not Yet Produced any Qaantity of them, though their Climate and Soil are very proper for them. It will be expedient also that the Sam intended to be Granted to the Trustees be put into the Estimate laid by the Crown before the Parliament; for it will be impossible for the Trustees every Year to talce upon them to Proceed by Petition, nor can they be expected to hazard the making Contracts for Men Provisions &c (which is necessary to be done the Year before) upon the Precariousnesa of their Petition's being received or a Sum Voted upon it. We likewise think o^ir Selves Obliged to represent to You the Situation of Carolina and Georgia, which Provinces are almost Surrounded c by the Erench and Spaniards (who lye upon the same Jjontinent and 6 (14) and can March into the former thro* the latter hy land). The many In5)rovements here made and the Earhours now discovered, Occasions those Powers to he Covetous of them; And the More those Provinces improve the stronger their desire will he of getting them, for Georgia is the Key of all North America. And if (15) they possessed those Ports they conld hy Cruizing from thence Search all the Carolina and Virginia homev/ard hound Ships and would prohahly Confiscate many of them. Since they generally bring Spanish Silver home which is the only Coin Currant in America. For these Reasons the Trustees humhly apprehend that it will he e3Q)edient for His Majesty to Order a Regiment of Seven hundred Men to he raised which being properly Posted upon the Islands and along the Rivers, will protect both those Provinces from the Spaniards And which seems to he more immediately necessary, since the Trustees have Informations from Eye Wittnesses and Men worthy of Faith, That the Spaniards are fitting up Barracks at St. Augustine for a Regiment of 500.^ Men which they dayly estpect; and which with those already there, will make up Eleven hundred regular Troops; And that the French have Two Thousand Five hundred regular Troops in their Province next adjoining to Georgia and Carolina. We are. Sir Tour most humble Servants Thomas Frederick Roht. Tracy Ja. Vernon T. Archer Roht. Cater I. Page Sawd. Dighy Stephen Hales Henry St. Apostre John Laroche Roht. Hucks Geo. Heathcote Wm. Sloper Thos. Tower Chr. Tower Wm. Heathcote Shaftesbury Egmont Talbot Tyrconnel Carpenter James Oglethorpe H. Archer B. Chandler 7 (17) Copy of a Lettor from Mr. Verelst to Mr. John Mattliias Kramer dated at Westminster the 24th. of June 1737* Sir I rec*d yours dated 26 Instant N. S. and will lay it before the Trustees next Wednesday; But in the mean time I thought Proper to acquaint You That I heleive The Trustees will not increase your Instructions which are Confined to 60 Servants and if that certain Number cannot be complied with for Mr. Hope to engage in to send a Ship to Georgia your Sollicitation will be at an End and therefore inroroper for You to Stay at Eotterdam at Expence I shall si write to You again this day sevennight which may be sent after You if You go from Eotterdam before. I am Sir Your Most humble Servant. (21) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to Mr. Philip George Frederick ^ de Eeck dated at Westminster the 13th. of July 1737* Sir Mr. Vernon has this day laid before the Trustees for Establish ing the Colony of Georgia a Letter from You dated Wind Hausen June 28th. 1737 Wherein You desire to know whether the Trustees will enable You to Subsist in the Colony without Land. In ansv^er to which they have ordered me to acquaint You that it is an Established Eule with 8 (21) them to Subsist none Wio do not intend to cxativste Lands for their ovm Suhsistance They therefore desire to know whether You intend to return to the Colony, because if You do not return thither within Six Months, the Grant of Land which was made to You October the 7th. 1735* will be Vacated. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant. (25) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn Mr. Thos. Causton Dated at Westminster the 3^* August 173 Sir The Trustees have received the Packet of Letters which You forwended to Mr. Svelei^, and in this Packet Your Diary, with which they are Ki well pleased and e^ect You will continue and send it every Opportunity especially since You have received as they hope a Youth Named John Pye whom they sent to You for a Clerk by Captn. Dymond They have sent You another, vizt. Samuel Hurst by Captn. Thomson; with whom likewise comes one Samuel Smallwood, who is to be sent up to Prederica for the Service of the Storekeeper there. The Trustees approve of Your Care in managing the Stores and Your Striking off the idle persons who have not performed their Covenant of Cultivating their Lands according to the time expressed in their Grants; which had they done, they would by this time have been able to Subsist them selves, and for want of this Ability they have put the Trustees to 9 (25) very great Sxjjence, who are determined not to Support any longer in Idleness those, who have so little Regard to the Trust and themselves. The Trustees desire that You will see that the Arms "be kept clean and in good Repair, and you must tell the ConstaMes that they earoect this from them. (26) They hope that the Officers in Savannah (as they expect any favour from them) will cooperate in their respective Stations with friendship and Unanimity to maintain the Peace of the Colony, and give good Example to the Inhahitents. If ever there is any Attempt to introduce Martial Law, the Trustees do hereby Order You always to Oppose it; for no Martial Law can be declared without and Express Order from tiie Trustees or some Persons authorized by them for that Purpose. In relation to the Moravians taking up Arms, the Trustees think You should only have called upon them for two Men that is to say. One for each Lot of Mr. Spangenbergs and Mr. Nitchman's, And on their sending two Men whether Moravians or others provided they are not Servants, it will be a Discharge of them from that Duty, As to tiieir Request of the Trustees giving them Leave to remove from the Colony, You must acquaint them that no Application has been made to them from Count Zinzendorff, thro* whom the Trustees have always treated with them; And till they receive such an Application from the Count, they can say nothing to it. But the inclosed Articles have been settled with Count Zinzendorff, which You must put in Execution in the most favourable manner to them You can, and treat them on every Occasion with a Brotherly Love and Tenderness. 10 (26) The Trustees have observed with Satisfaction that Mr. (2?) Jones the Surveyor has provided himself with hands for carrying on the necessary Work of Suiveying the great Lots towards the West and they hope he will go on to finish the Surveying and running out the whole, tha-t those, who have made his ITeglect of doing it a pretence foi their Idleness, may he left without Exduse if they continue in it. Mr, Stephens, who goes over hy this Ship is appointed Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia; You must on all Occa-sions give him what Assistance You can to enable him to discharge the Trust reposed in him. You will see by Mr. Verelsts Letter what Allowance is to be ma^e him. I am Sir Yo\ir very humble Servant. P. S. The Trustees have ordered that Mr. Robert Howss House be rebuilt (as it was before it was burnt down) out of the Fund for Religious Uses, in consi6.eration of His Services. (29) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to the Bayliffs and Recorder of the Town of Savannah dated at Westmr. the ?d. of August 1737, Gentlemen/. There being Reason to beleive that in a Course of time some Neglects may happen in putting in Execution the Laws tha.t were ma,de here and approved of by His Majesty for the Peace and Welfare of the 11 (29) Coloiay; And as the Trustees are determined to see the s-ae panctnally Obeyed, They do hereby repeat their Orders that You do in your several Stations use Your utmost Endeavours to make the said Laws effectual And in particular the Trustees do expect and require that the Con stables and Tythingmen upon Duty do never fail giving their Axx Asistance in Staving what Hum may be brought into the Province, and they do farther hope and expect that as You will an Example to the People by a Strict Obedience to their Orders and their Laws, and by a vigourous Maintenance of them so the People will likewise pay a dutifull Regard to the same and that all the inferiour Officers will be assistant to You in Supporting and executing them on every Occasion. I am Gentlemen, Your very humble Servant, (33) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to Mr. Thos. Hawkins dated at Westminster the 3d. of August 1737* Sir The Trustees have ordered me to acquaint You that they hsve with great Concern heard of some Differences at Frederica among the Persons in Commission. Tliey do expect that You inform them as soon as possible hov; the same began, and wh=!t has happened thereupon; And they hope You will continue keeping a regular Accot. of all Occurrences and send it hy every Opportunity that offers. As You are sensible the Trustees can govern themselves in their 12 (33) Care and Provision for the Province only "by the Accot. which they receive from thence. You must know tha.t the readiest way to gain and keep their fj^vour is to he punctual end veiy particular in writing to them. As the People mast not depend upon the Trustees Subsisting them beyond the time Allotted in their Grants (unless very good Season shall appear to them for doing otherwise) they must know that they cannot be to early in the Cxiltivation of their Lands you must there fore omit no Opportunity to Press and Sollicate them to tnis and Assure them that as Industry will prove their greatest Happiness, so it will be the surest Secominendation of them to the Trustees. As the Tr\istees have passed some Laws which have been approved of by His Majesty in Council; And as (34) they are preparing others for the better P.egulation of the Colony, They do expect a due Obedience be paid to the same, and that the Magistrates will do their utmost to Support them, and preserve good Order among the People. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant. (37) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thos. Causton Dated at Westminster the 11th. of August 1737- Sir Your Letter with the Accompts of the Remain of Stores the 22d. of November 1736, Youir Receipts of Stores since that time to the 31st. 13 (37) of Decemoer following, Your General Issues thereof for the sssfie time, with Your particular Issues from the 22d. of Hovember 173^ tlie 31st. of January following; And the Several Persons Accompts taken from the Leidger from ffwbw Tehruary 1735 to the 23d. of November 173^. were received by the Trustees. It would have been more Satisfactory had Your General Issues shown what part thereof went to the Southward, You having been directed by Mr. Oglethorpe to Supply the People there according to the Quantitys Stated the 5th. of November 1736 which would be wanting to cojrpleat their Establishment of Provisions for a Year and a (Quarter from November 1736 to Eebrusry 1737; and a Copy of the said Establishment and Qoantitys of Provisions was left with You for that purpose. The Trustees desire You will continue the Copys of Yoxir Day Books Receipts and Issues of Stores; And they direct You that at the End of everj'^ month a Copy of the Day Book of Your P.eceipts during the said month, and a Copy of the Day book of Your Issues in such Month may be made out And that You (38) will send a such Copys inclosed to them by every Opportunity, taking Receipts from the Boatmen for the delivering them to the Mercht. at Charles Town You send them to, to be forwarded to England; That the Trustees may know what Merchant they are to ask after their Letters, if not received. In your Letter of the 24th. of Eebruary last You mention Tha-t the Querys on Your Accompts before February 1735 should be answered as soon as possible. To be sure your Want of proper Assistance was the real Occasion of those Defects; but as a reexamination Kzi^ will k set every thing Eight, I hope from Yoor Answers to State the Expences of 14 (38) the Colony aoroad Tiiider their proper heads. I have inclosed You the Accom^ts Currant of Persons ahrcaA taken from the Trustees Leidger here, to compare with their Accots. in the Leidger You keep In Order that such Accots. may he Balanced except Mr. Bradley's whose Accompt at Present is to he kept open( or what is due there on when it is a proper time to demand the same may he re ceived. And if any of the Persons are dead or have left the Colony Please to Examine if they accoted. for or discharged their Ballances at all. But the Trustees would have no hardships put upon Industrious Men hy Oppressing them for their Debts; For th^ direct You to he kind to the Industrious, at the same time that You take Care that the Idle do not in^iose upon the Trust. Mr. Cookesey's Accot. is come to hand, and the (39) Trustees are willing to give him twelve months time for Payment of the Ballance due from him, and they wod. not have You lay any hardship on him no more than on other Industrious Men nor to take away such Men's Effects to he an hindrance to their Improvements. The Bxpences of the Colony, being hy Estahlishmts. limited, the one made up hy Mr. Oglethorpe and Yourself, for the Northern Division (a Copy of which has been formerly sent You and another is now sent jf You;) and the other for the Southern Division, which is herev/ith send You. The Tiustees hope that no exceeding has been made, and they direct that no exceeding shall he of the said Establishments. They have extracted from that made up at Savannah the inclosed annual Esqjence of the Eorthivard-, and the Southern Establishment is the Annual Expence of the Southward. Which at those Rates are to he continued from the 15 (39) Receipt of this Letter to Lady Day 1738; and there is no Addition or exceeding to he made on any accot. whatsoever But as unforeseen Acci dents may happen, hy which whole Familys may he ruined for want of some small Assistance, or that strange Indians may cone in and require a Welcome, or Strangers, Or other unforeseen incidental Charges may arose; The Trustees fekanraiirg therefore confiding in You, You may eaqjend in such Contingencys not mentioned in the Establishments a Sum not exceeding Twenty pounds Sterling a month in the northern Division of the Province hut they recommend (40) to You not to exceed Five pounds a Month in such Contingencys \anless in Cases of very Urgent necessity as above; And You must talce Care to give a particular Accompt of Such Contingencys and in your Diary which You send the Trustees (and which they desire you will continue to do monthly) You are to give Yoiir Reasons for such Contingent Expences. And You are to f\irnish as far as Twenty poTjnds Sterling a Month to Mr. Horton for Contingencys in the Southern Division, upon his Certifying to You the Occasions. The Trustees are resolved to bring the Expences of the Colony to a Certainty and to send over Cash in Sola Bills sufficient to -^ay those Expences. If that Certainty is exceeded, there will always he a want which they can mahe no Provision for, and it must end in the Destruction of the whole. To prevent wiiich they have pursued Mr. Oglethorpes method of the before mentioned Establishments. Buf if these are not Perfect, as nothing can be expect to be so at first You may apprize the Trustees of such Articles as there may be savings upon, and of such other Expences if any sliall be as you shall see necessary. Yet You must not make any Expences or any Alterations in the Establishmt. 16 (^0) until the Trustees return you an Answer to such Proposals as you shall make. But You must go on until those Answers axe received upon the Rules of the Estahlishments, For should Essences arise in Georgia larger than what the Trustees ea^ect and what they have calculated to Provide for; It will create the greatest Confusion since it (4l) may exceed what they have appropriated for that Purpose. In the northern Estahlishment there is a Provision of Three hundred pounds Sterling, to he advanced in Provisions on Credit to Freeholders for clearing their Lands, hut not exceeding Four Pounds Sterling to any one Freeholder; Which You are to use in the Application thereof in such manner as to keep the Industrious People from dispersing. And You are to have a particular Regard to those who cultivate Lands in the Villages. The Trustees think it is better not to advance above the value of Twenty shillings Sterling p Acre fenced and planted in Corn. Which Credit is to he repaid in Corn in two Years after. The Trustees have sent You Six hundred and fifty Pounds Sterling in Sola Bills, they are Letter C; Ro. 201 to 330 of i 5::- each, which are to he applied for three months Pay to the Persons in the inclosed List, if so much is due is due to them at the Receipt of this Letter; And what is more than due will he Cash in your hands for the Service of the Colony. The said Sola Bills are in the Box hereafter mentioned, which contains also a Seal for the Town Court of Savannah and the Trustees will send by the next ship more Sola Bills to Supply the Colony with, according to the Expences they have allowed to he made by the Estahlishments before mentioned; And they direct You to encourage those Inhabitants who raise Indian Corn Pease or Potatoes, by hying from them 17 (41) for Supplying the Colony, to Lady Day 1738> and to allow them the grwttiTTiMYBr Premium of one SQdqcz: Shilling a hushell if they have raised sufficient "before You "buy of others. The Trustees desire to know whether You took from Mr. Stirlings and Mr. Baillie at the Ogeeche, the Corn tha.t grew there; And if You did not, the Reason for not doing it. (42) The Trustees desire to know whether the House is "built at Cooanoochi Ferry and the Boat "bought for it whether Thoma.s Mouse's House is built and how much has been advanced to Andrew Duchee, and whether Walter Augustine and his Assistants have been Supplied with Provisions while repairing the Saw Mill, and to wh^t Value. The Trustees desire You will send them an Accompt of Persons on the Store pursuant to former Orders, whose Year or time for being supplied is not eacpired., and who are not Provided for by the Establish ments vdth the times when they will be off the Store. And they direct that the Maintenance of such Persons should be continued until their time of Maintenance is expired, or until such Account is received and the Trustees Orders thereupon. I have enclosed You a Copy of Mr. Bradleys Agreement with the Trustees, and they desire You to keep his Accompt open, for at Mr. Oglethorpe's Instance they intend to ta'ce into Consideration the Damage that may ha.ve arose, by his not having the thirty Servants to cultivate the Land according to their Agreement; And I have wrote to him a Letter to that Purpose, The Credits to Mr. John Brown and the other Familys who want such Credits, tho' sent at their friends Sxpences; whereof the Widow Polhill's is one, must be further carried on by subsisting them at the 18 (42) Freeholders Allowance p v;hole head, snd their Servants at the Servants Allowance; And their Accoiapts mast he made up and Signed hy each Master or Mistress of the Fajnily, to produce to their (43) friends here ths,t they have been so supplied with Suhsistance; .And to he a Demand upon them, if exceeding the money they have alrea.dy contributed. When Captain Thomson arrives from Scotland the Servants (over and above the forty, for the Trust which he shall bring and dispose of to Masters in Georgia, may be supplied on Credit to the Masters of such Servts. iv'ho shall really want it v;ith a Bushell of Corn p Month for each Servant for the first Year; and the Servants Indentures to be Security for the Eepayment thereof in Corn in two Years; And You must send the Trustees an Accot. thereof, Captn. Thomson will bring you a bale of Tartan for Plaids and Short Cloaks and short Hoes and will bring you I50 pair of Highland Shoes and each of the Servants which remain to the Trust and B.re to be sent to Lietit. Moore Mackintosh at the Darien (as mentioned in my Letter by Captain Thomson) are to be f-ornished with a Plaid a short Coat and short Hoes two shirts and tv;o pair of Shoes a year vrhich must be sent to Lieut. Moore Mackintosh for that Purpose and the same for the other Highland Servants belonging to the Trust under Ih*. Hugh Mackay and please to acquaint Lieut. Mackin tosh that one of the forty Servants sent at the Ejcpence of the Trust whose Indenture will be particularly assigned is to be daiixaaixia; delivered to John Mackintosh of Lenlwilg in lieu of a Servant he lost in the Trustees Service. You are to Supply Tomo Cha.chi and his Indians and the fibrat Savannah Indians, and the Indian School with Provisions Vliich the 19 (43) Trustees ceoinot now bring to a Certainty for want of sufficient Inform ation; But they desire that You would bring it to a monthly (44) Certainty in such manner as the Indians may be entirely Satisfied, and the Trustees know their E^qsence, and that You would by the next Ship give them an Account thereof. You are to give the Indians that Come to Savannah when sent for and not otherwise while they stay such Wine and beer as shall be absolutely necessary but not exceeding a Pint of Wine or a Qiaart of Beer a day to each Person. And the same Proportion you may send to Tomo Chachi in case he should send for it upon Account of Sickness amongst his Indians. In my Letter by Captain Dymond You was desired to Supply the Southward with Gun Powder, and was acquainted that 49 Kegs were on board consigned to Johnny Brownfield. If you have not boxaght and Supplied the Southward with that Quantity, You are again desired to send so many Kegs to them. The Trustees hope tha.t all Demands of Expences abroad to ^ady Day 1737 are come to hand, and by the Certified Accompts received since that time they observe that You and Mr. White have received in Store as follows. Vizt. Provisions and necessenys bought at Savannah of Lawrence ^ ) 215:18:5 Wessells that 17th. of April 1737 to the Amount of ) Seventy Pipes of Wine bought of Robert Ellis and deli- ) vered at Frederica the 21st. April 1737 to the Amount ) of i 13:1:6 a Pipe ) 915: 5:- 6:19:9 Orders dne from Dr. Htmoss Rnd Adrian Loyer certified at ) ) Savaanaii to Messrs. Minis & Salomons the 4th of May 1737* ) ) to the Amoimt of ) And Provisions hoToght of !rhofflas Ware at Savannah the ) ) 181: 7:3 27th. of May 1737 to the Amount of ) wwaj-.;r-.-Ta^3affl; Carried forward It 1,319:10:5 (45) Brought fonvard i 1,319:10:5 And the Trustees now know You have received the Sola Bills they sent in March last hy Captain Dymond to the Amount of i 1000. (2 of them having come hack.) ) ) ) 1,000 ) ) L 2,319:10:5 I have hy the Trustees Order wrote to Mr. White at Irederica, that if he has not sent forty of the Seventy Pipes of Madera Wine to You at Savannah for the Store there; That he would send so many; And have acq.uainted him as well as I now acquaint You. That the said seventy Pipes was not designed for the daily Consumption of the Inhahitsjnts on the Store; But was intended and must he given out as Pay due or to grow due to the Officers Souldiers end Labourers in the Trustees Service and therefore as Money and to he at Prime Cost which is at the rate of L 13:1:6 Sterling a Pipe Or given out as an Allo\yance of a Pint a day to those that work for the Trust when there is no strong Beer: But the Lying in Women are to he supplied with the usual Allowance of V/ine out of this Wine, and also the Sick Persons with what shall he pres cribed hy the Doctor. 21 (45) All the li 1,500 Sola Sills are come lack and paid except the 4o You paid Captain Sarnes; and and several Certified Accompts have teen received and paid after deducting of Errors in Confutation. Those now under Reference for Payment which have Errors in them are as follows. Jemmet Cotley*s Accot. certified the 28th. of March 1737 to te I 369515510 Currency due to Balance, is tut L 368:15510 which in X'b sterling at 750* p Cent is ii 4952:1 (46) to te paid his Attorney here the Difference in Currency is ^ D 1:10:0 The 4th. of May 1737 You Certified i 75:9:11 Sterling due to Messrs. Minis and Salomons on their Accouft Cui-rent and two days tefore you Certified your receiving L 50. of them in their Accompt Currant for L 50 in Sola Bills and no other accot. Current teing produced the said li 50 will te deducted from the 7559511* snd will reduce the same to Ii 25:9:11 which should have teen taken Notice of in the said Certified Accompt that on the Payment of the said ii 50 Bills no more than li 25:9:11 was due to them; without there is any other Acconpt Cui'rent for the said ii 50 not Yet Arrived. Thomas Wares certified Accompt of Provisions You tought the 27th. of May 1737 amounting to 1 181:7:3 Sterling is over computed 130f and thereby reduced to L 179:17:3 hut the other Copy cone to hand is right and therefore the whole will he paid and Lawrence V/essells Accot. of Provisions ^d Necessarys You bought the 17th. of April 1737 amoting. to L 216:11:5 sterling is over confuted L 0:13;0 and thereby reduced to L 215:18:5 The Trustees are apprehensive that the Espences which have been 22 (46) rijn into unon Account of tiie fort will exceed tiieir Estslslisluneiits snd as such the People were very much in the V/rone for thinking of putting them to Expences, which they think improper, you was in the wrong to coEiply at all in the beginning hut wh-=t makes is something excusable in you WPS the Terror the People might have been under; and You was much in the right to Insist upon not going farther in it. The Cutting dom the Wood was a great Folly, for that Wood was a better Defence than any Fort th^ could erect by the Garden. (4?) Such a Port would be of no use but by Commanding the River which mi^^t have been better defended from the Guardhouse Battery and Guns in the Wood. The Toto would be as open to an Enemy over Land as if no such Port had been. The real Defence of the Town is the Woods and the Swamps and a few men who know the Comtry assisted by the Indians might have mane a much better Defence in the Woods than in the Port; Since thereby they could have prevented an Eneny from coining to the Tovm which they could not by defending the Fort. And Savannah is as Strong by the Swamps and the River which Surround it, as any Town in America, though fortified. For Fortifications without a Gai-rison are no Defence and the same Garrison as would Defend a Port, can keep the Passes of the Swamps. Captn. Mackpherson judged extremely right. And the whole Scheme of the Port Seems more to be a design to draw money from the Publick Store than any Defence against an Eneiiy. For the Cutting down the Wood which commanded the River and where Cannon and Men under the Shelter of the Trees might have been conveniently Posted, is a real weakening of the Place The Trustees therefore find themselves obliged to give You positive Orders not to make any Expence beyond the Bstablisbments, nor to be ruled by 23 (^7) People to expend the Trust Money contrary to their Orders. And they direct You not to suffer any Trees to he cut down hy the Spring. The Tov?n of Savannah being now grown considerable and having withstood the Atteiipts of their open an private Enemys; The Trustees have thought Proper That in order to give more weight & Distinction to the Court, and to show their Favour to the Tovm; to send (48) Gowns for the Magistrates and Eecorder to wear in Court, and the same are to be kept in a proper Press locked up in the Court. And they have sent a Seal for the To\m Court of Savannah to Authenticate the Proceedings of the Court sent over to England, and all Affidavits Certificates and other Material Papers which require a Testimony to them And they have sent an Engine for the Seal which affixes to the Wooden Table sent for it's use, and fastens with a Bar of Iron underneath, the Nutt on the Top of the Engine unscrews to let in the fly, and then must be screwed on again. The four Screws at the bottom of the Table are to Screw the Table to the Floor v/hereon the Seal is used, to keep it firm. The Seal is put into a Small ^ag being first covered with Mutton Suet to keep it from Bust, and before it is used it must be wiped with a Cloth very clean before the Fire or in the Sun; And after it is used must be covered with the like Suet or Sweet Oyl to prevent it's Eusting. The Seal will put into the Socket of the Engine either way, for being affixed either at the Top or Bottom of Papers as Occasion shall be, and there is a. small Pin which goes through the Socket and Neck of the Seal to keep it tight, and there are proper Wafers sent to put under squire Peices of Paper to impress the Seal upon, but before impressed a Quire of Prown Paper or Something of a plying Substance mast be laid upon the 24 (48) plate the Engine falls on and under the ^aper to he sealed to Strengthen the Impression if at any time you have Papers to annex to what the Seal is affixed to some green Eihhand (of which the Trustees have sent You a peice and a Needle to use it) will he proper to annex such Papers with and the Eihhand which goes thro the Papers so to he annexed being also put through the Paper the two Ends (49) of that Eihhand must he put between two of the Wafters and then covered with a square Peice of Paper whereon the Seal being impressed will Authenticate the Papers annexed as well as the Papers Sealed; And as a Specimen you hs=ve inclosed an Impression on the Top, and at the Bottom of a Sheet of Paper. Mr. Stephens who brings you this, comes over to settle in G-eorgia, and is appointed by the Trustees Sectary, for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia. His Constitution and Instructions he vdll show you Himself and two others including his third Son are to he suppliBd for the first Year with Six poTUids of Beef a week eaSh two Pounds of Eice tv/o Pounds of Peace, and two Q^oarts of Flour a week each a pint of strong Beer a day each, a CJpart of Molasses a Week each four pounds of Cheese; two Pounds of Butter, two Out^ces/ of Spice, two pounds of sugar, a Gallon of Vinegar, six pounds of Salt, three Quarts of Lamp Oyl, and three Poimds of Soap a Quarter each; and a pound of Spun Cotton each And his Woman Servant and each of his ten Men Servants are to he supplied for the first Year with Tviro hundied pounds of Meat and three hundred and forty two Pounds of Eice Pea.se or Indian Corn; together with Contingent food for the said Eleven Servants to the Value of Eight Shillings Sterling each. 25 (^9) You are to Supply Stephens with fifty Pounds Sterling in the first Year after Ids Arrived in Georgia at such times and in such manner as he shall find Occasion for it, with part of the Sola Bills that will he sent You hy the next Ship. Mr. Stephens comes over in the Many Ann Captain Thomas Shuhrick for Charles To\m and brings with him one (50) Woman Servant qnd four men Servants Mr. Jenys is wrote to to dg&aoDckkg defray the Charge of sending him and the Passengers and Goods with him from Charles Town to Georgia and Mr. Jenys is to draw upon the Trustees for that Expence The Passengers which come with him besides his o\m Servants are as follow Vizt. Mary Smallwood Wife of Samuel Smallwood whom the Trustees sent on board the Two Brothers to be a Clerk to the Store at Frederica and herewith You receive the Agreement with him under the Sea.1 which Please to deliver or send to him and his Wife must be provided with a Years Provision a.s a first Settler. Samuel Lander ivhose Indenture is herewith sent You and another Man Servant whose Indent-ure Mr. Stephens will give you he being to be put on board at Gravesend Both these Servants The Trustees direct should be sent to Cooper the Millwright to be einployed in the Trustees Service \inder him. Eichard Warrin and Elizabeth Warrin two Orphan Children of the late John V/arrin by Elizabeth Ms Wife both decea^sed; their Father in Law James Wood having brought them to the Tmistees to take Care of out of the Eents a d Profits of their late Fathers House and fifty Acres Lot You are therefore to take Care of the said House and Lot and keep/ 26 (50) the Children out of the Profits thereof the said James Wood having more to do with the Lot or the Children. And there will he five Eecruits and the Wives of two of them put on hoard at Gravesend for the Independent Company now under Mr. Oglethorpes Command; who mast he sent to the Southward with the other things hereafter Mentioned. (51) And Mr. Wolley and a f^an Servant who at his Fathers Expence is going to settle at Frederica. The Parcels shipped are Consigned to Paul Jenys Esqr. at Charles Town to he forwarded hj?- him to You and consist of the following pauticnlars, A Case containing an Engine for the Toxm Seal the Fly Spring Turn Screw and Iron Key. A Case containing the Table a^nd Frame for the said Engine and 4 Screws to fasten it to a Floor a Box within the Frame containing the three purple Gov/ns for the three -Bailiffs and a Black Govm for the Recorder of Savannah the daily advertizers from the 13th. of Septr, 1736 to the 17th. of June 1737 hoth included and fifty of the Printed Act for maintaining the Peace v;ith the Indians fifty of the printed Act for preventing the Use of Negroes. Some of which Acts are to he sent to Frederica. A small Case directed for Tono ChacM containing a peice of red Cloth, which the Trustees have sent him a Present of and You must acquaint him it was made hy Mr. Oglethorpe's Order for him at Godaiming in Surry. A Box directed to Yourself containing the Town Seal, four 27 (51) tiundred v'aiers for SesliTig with a peice of green Ri'bhand to annex Papers with a Needle to use it and i 650 in Sterling Sola Bills, and several Letters for Persons in Georgia. A Box with Caper Plants and herewith you receive Directions how the Gardener is to manage them. A Trunk directed to Mr. Richard lifhite at Frederica. (52) A Box directed to John Welsh at Frederica; Both which please to send to them. Fourteen half Berrells of Gun powder, whereof 8 is for Cannon and 6 for Small Arras, the Cannon Powder and two of the Half Barrells for Small Arras ai'e for the Independent Company end must he sent with the Recruits, and the other 4 Half Barrels must he put into the Trustees Store for Small Arms. Tv;o Bundles and a Scane containing one hundred weight of Match one half thereof is for the Independent Company to he sent with the Recruits, and the other half for the Trustees Store. A Cask containing an Union Flagg to he sent to the Independent Company vfith the Recruits. One hundred Cannon Balls of 2 pd. weight each and fifty Cannon halls of 3 pds. weight each for the Independent Company to he sent with the Recrxiits. Five Pigs of Lead containing about 6 1 weight v^hereof 2 I weight must he sent to the Independant Company to make hullets with, and the rest must lye in the Store at Savannah And three Casks containing about 5 ^ weight of Cheshire Cheese v/hereof 1 I wt. must he sent to Lieutenant Moore Macld.ntosh at the 28 (52) Darien to be divided "by him among the ^^eople there 1 i v;t. to Frederica to he divided hy Mr. Horton's Order aisong the people there 2 I weight to he equally divided among the Magistrates Constables end Tythingmen at Savannah and the other 1 i wt. to he seat to the Store at Frederica to he disposed of according to Mr. Horton's Orders for the Boats Crews Conrpanys Service. (53) The Trustees Observing in your Diary That John Venderplahk John Penrose and John Lyndall had endeavoured to Convict Sailors of Selling Hum; To encourage them for such Endeavours they have directed You to Pay them the Moiety of the Penalty hy the Act provided as if the said Sailors had been Convicted to he divided equally between them. The Trustees having taken into Consideration that Men Servants who serve faithfully in the Colony all the time of their Several Inden tures deserve encoioragement at the End of their Service on Froof that they have behaved well have agreed to grant to each of Such men servants who are or shall he out of their time before Christmas 1737 Fifty Acres of Land instead of the Twenty first Agreed for and to give him a Cow and a sow; And that their Lend he set out in the Villages as soon as they are out of their Service and Proof given of their Behaviour. If Hosse the Surveyor has not surveyed at Ehenezer You must vacate his demands and put his Agreement in force. I am to exhort You to take all the Care you can to manage the Trust Store with the greatest Frugality and to have at the same time a Care not to discourage tlie Industrious and not to he imposed upon hy the Idle who are ^ Drones eating upon the Puhlick, and at the same time evil mouthed even to their Benefactors. There are great Humhers of 29 (53) very honest and industrious People in the Colony who are silent and easily contented and these the Trustees hear little of; These should meet with the greatest Countenance and not to stretch any thing so as to malce them uneasy But rather to Interpret all Orders in their favour as far as the Woords will hear it. (5^) You are farther to encourage the Villages, Those who live upon their Lands and raise Corn and Provisions will he usefull Memhers to the Colony and also serviceable to themselves. Consider ^ow much money has been laid out in Provisions and if there was raised within the Colony so much as to sell to the Store wha,t was wanted; what an Advantage it would be to the whole, and to the particular Ifen who had Produce to Sell Since that besides the Trustees Bounty of One Shilling p Bushell, he would have the Advantage of Carriage over Strangers. I must Conclude by recommending to You to be carefull and tender of the Poor and Sbcsk Sick and to take care tlia.t the Clerks of the Store behave with Decency and Submission to the People who come for their Allowances; for thej/ are paid by the Trustees for attending upon the people And as they are not to Injure the Publick by giving petulant People above their Allowances, they are to give with civility and dis patch, that wiiich is allowed. The Board of Trade have consulted the Attorney General upon the Act for maintaining the Peace with the Indians in Georgia And his Opinion is entirely in fa.vour of the Proceedings of Georgia under that Act, and the Determination of th^t Matter will be in their favour. The Trustees desire You will send over some Acorns of the ever green Oak from Georgia and let them know what Soil is best for them. 30 (54) You are desired to send over a Certificate of the Life of Elizabeth the Wife of Joseph Sniith in the nev/ V^ard and first JJything thereof at Savannah in Lot 202 la case her Maiden Ifane was Parker It being necessary here to prove her Living on Accot, of some Estate held for her Life. (55) Mr. Stephens has seen the Contents of this Letter, and will explain any Article to You, which may v/ant any Inqtiiry upon, I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant, (57) Georgia Office Vfestmr. My Lord. The Memorial to the King was presented by the Consent and advice of Sir Pnbert to the Duke of Newcastle But there v;as no Cabinet Council yesterday. Inclosed is yoTor Lordship's Simmons, I am Yr. Lordship's Most Dutiful Servant Harman Verelst 12 August 1737 (61) Copy of a Letter from lir. Verelst to Lieutenant Moore Mackintosh dated at Westminster the 12 of August 1737* Sir 31 (61) The Trustees hare hy this Ship Two Brothers sent over 40 Men Servants to he sent to ^ the Darien One of whoin, whose Indenture will he particularly assigned, is for John Machintosh at Lenewilg in lieu of a Servant he lost in the Trustee Service Others of them are for Free holders at the Darien upon Credit, one to each who sha,ll desire it; and those that remain to the Trust You aie to en^loy in Sawing Boards for the Puhlick use Mr. Causton will send you for each of them as well as for the other Highland Servants under Mr. Hugh Kackay, a Plaid a Short Goat and Short Hose two Shirts, and two pair of Shoes a Year. He will also send You 1 i wt. of Cheshire Cheese which you are to divide among the People at the Darien. The Musquets ordered to he sent You for the Darien could not he finished in time, hut hy the next Ship they will he sent which is expected to Sail next Month. But lir. Causton will send You some Guns tha.t went hy the Ship Tv;o Brothers. I am Sir Your most humhle Servant. (pages 65 throng 71 cover accounts of Expences for the two Sstahlishments and are not copied here.) (73) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Wm. Horton dated at Westminster the 12th of August 1737- Voltune 14209 31a (65) 12 Augst. 1737 Sterling Carolina Currency Mr. Aospettrger Engineer and Surveyor p Annum i 5^:15:- L 4 Labourers at 10 Currency p month. p Annum 480;-:- Eichard Vnaite en^loyed in the Store at L 14 p month i Samuel Clement's Gunner at 10 p month p Annum Elisha Dohree en^loyed in the Store at s 2. p diem to 25 March 14; 2;- Ditto from 254h. March to 5th. November 1737 at 14?* p month 103:-sEenneth Stewart Master of the Pettiauguas at i 12 p month 144:-;- n?wo hands when enployed in Ditto at la 10 ea. per Month 240:-:- John Dalton in lieu of John Colwell who Copy of the Ezpence of the Southern Division of Georgia Establishment of Frederica assists on Surveying at L 10 p month 120:-:- 3113 (65) Sterling Carolina Currency And Cloathing for the 4 Lahourers at L 1:10:- a year each 6:-:- L 71^-: 17:- i 1375:-:- Provisions for Frederica for a year and a (Quarter Meat Rice Com Flour Beer Molasses Cheese Spice Ih. Ih. hushs. Ih. pints Quarts Ih. oz. 30,670-1/4. 23,289-3/4. 928. 2,551^-1/2. 3,666. 3,608. 391. 585 Sugar Vinegar Salt Oil Soaji Butter Ih. Quarts Ih. Quarts Ih. Ih. 292-1/2. 390. 585. 214. 292-1/2. 292-1/2 Besides Mary Smallwood as a first Settler. Bstahlishment of St. Andrews. Sterling Ensign Hu^ Mackay I 9 Sterling p Month i 24;-;- IId Ditto for overseeing the works 8. pm. Ten Men I 80 p m. One Storekeeper I l4 p m. One Surgeon i l4 p m. Nineteen Servants Cloathing at D 1;10;0 a year each 28:10;- T^fo Carpenters at D 10 Currency each p mo. to find himself Provisions Carolina Cxurency -: 96 960 168 168 240;-;- Total p Annum L 52:-:- ^ 1,632;-;- 31c (66) Provisions for St. Andrews for a Year and Quarter Meat Rice It It 10,296. 53-^8. Corn Plotir Beer bush I'b pints 103. 400. 1600. Molasses qumts 320. Cheese Spice S-ugar Butter Ih oz Ih Ih 200. 64. 150. 200. Establishment of Darien A Storekeeper at ii 24:-:- A Cattle keeper at 2:-:- 26;-:- a year Provisions for Darien for a year and (Quarter Meat Corn Cheese Butter Ih 4678. 282. 129. 2672 And for so many of the 40 Servants 'by the Ship Two Brothers which shall remain to the Trust 4 pds a week each a "bushell of Corn and 2-| pds. of Butter a month each and 7 pds. of Cheese a Quarter each. (67) Carolina Scout Boat Esta'blishment John Latter the Pahroon at L 18 Currency p Month L 288:-:- Currency a year 1584:-:- 12 Men at 9 Do 1.296 3M (67) On the Northern Estahlishmt. ProvisionE for the Caroline Scout Boat a Year and Quarter Meat Ih Eice Ih 2372 Beer pints 2500 Bread Ih 2372. Ceorgia Scout Boat Estahlishment John Bay the Patroon at L 18 Currency p mo. 10 Men at 9 Do* i 216:-;- 1080:-j1296:-:- Provisions for the Georgia Scout Boat Meat Eice Bread Ih Ih Ih 3936. 1918. 2500. a Year and Quarter Beer pints 1918. (68) List of Persons to he paid three months Pay with the Sola Bills sent hy the Mary Ann fe,ptain Thomas Shuhrick the 11th. of August 1737 To Mr. Hohn Cuthbert and 6 Eangers. To Mr, Willey and 3 Eangers To Captain Machintosh and 10 Men at Port Prince George To Thomas Jones and 2 Men for half Pay. To the 2 Lahourers in the Store House And to the Cooper employed there And to the Captain, Lieut, and 15 private Men at Port A^ugusta 31e (68) On the To the Persons on the Bstahlishment at Frederica. Southern Estahlishmt. To the Storekeeper end Cattlekeeper at the Darien To the Persons on the Bstahlishment at St. Andrews. To John Latter the Fa^oon and 12 Men helonging to the Carolina 4cout Boat. And to John Eajr the Patroon and 10 Men belonging to the Georgia. Scout Boat. 12 Augst. (69) Copy of the Annual Expence of the Northern Division of the Province 1737 of Georgia If a Si:^ply ha,s fiap been voted at Charles Town C^tain Mac^herson and 25 Bangers at Fort Argyle for Mackphersons Bangers there will be a saving on this Article Mr. John Cuthbert and 6 Bangers at L q Mo. Mr. Willy and 3 Bangers at Do. To the Storekeeper at Savannah This by the 2 Clerks sent Kxh will be reduced lower and answer for the advanced To 3 Clerks at 1 40 Sterling a year each pay of Cuthbert and will above that of the Bangers To 2 Labourers at L 20 Currency p month Sterling L 629:14; 4 168; -; - 96: -; - 50; - 120; -; - 35: - To 2 Cooper at L 20 Currency p month 35: - To the Smith for B^air of Indian Arms 25: - 3lf (69) To Do. for Sundry Repairs Ror the necessary S\3pport of the Sick the Widows and Orphans To a Messenger to the Southward L Por the Hire of 2 Pettiaugpas at 70Currency p Mo, ea. Por Half Pay to Mr. Thomas Jones whose whole Pay is at ii l6 Currency Per month and 2 Men imder his Command whose whole Pay is at 24 L To 2 Millwrights for huilding a Saw Mill at 9j4;0 Sterling p Month To 10 Labourers for their Assistance at ! 10 Curry, p Month each Por Provisions to the 4 Magistrates 4 Constables and 15 Tythingmen at Sa.vannah at L 7il0;0 ea.. 172:10:- To the Constable and 6 Tythingmen of Ibenezer at Do. 52:10:- To the 7 Peace Officers of Hampstead, Highgate, Skidoway, 5^bee, Abercorn, Thunderbolt and Port Argyll at Do. 52:10:- To Captain Ma,ckintosh and 10 Men at Fort Prince Georgia To a Cowpen keeper at Ebenezer at I* 182 Curry, a year Sterling 25: - 100; -: - 100; -: - 113: 9: 5 35: 2; 8 100: 8: - 175:13:^ 277:10:- 241; 7: - 24:12; 7 Carrd. Over L 2362; 2; 8 3lE (70) Those are Annual Expences Brot. Over To the Captn. of the Fort at Au^sta 50: To the Lieutenant of the said Fort JQi To 15 private Men in Garrison at I 10 Currency p month each 244: To the "^talian Silk Winders. Yizt, 400 pds, of Eice at 8? p 100 pds. 1;12;- 1600 pds. of Flour 10 p 100 pds. 8: 4 Bushels of Corn 2 p Bushel 8:- 2 Quarts of Wine p Week is 26 Gallons at 3^ a Gallon 20 pds. of Sugar @ 3^ a pd. -I 5i 12 Gallons of Molasses @ l/6 a Gall. 5I8:- 8 pds. of Butter at 6? a Poxmd ; 4:- 2 pints of Beer a day is 9I Gallons and I at 1! 4;11;3 Cloathing for the said Italians 5s 1560 pds. Meat at L 4 Currency p 100 pds, 8; 9!- Wages 3O! 0;0 Washing end Bedding 5t Lamp Oyl One Quart a. week 26 G^ll. at 1/10 2: 7:8 not 1450 feet Sawed Boards at 6 4: 2 Machines for Winding 4; -s - L 2362: 2: 8 324: - 3lh (70) 78:19:11 s A To Frsjicis Piercy for Work in the Publick Garden at 1^/6 a day 23: 9: 6 For the hire of 10 Men at 10 Currency a month each in making the Western Road 162: L 2,950:12:1 fo he advanced in Provisions on Credit to Freeholders for gVviCTv clearing their ^ands hut not exceeding i 4 Sterling to any one Freeholder 300 To Tomoj^Chachi end the Indians and the Savannah Indians aad the Indian School Provisions To the Indians th't come to Savannah when sent for or not otherwise a Pint of Wine or a (Juart of Beer a day to each And the same Proportion to he sent to Tomo Chachi If he should send for it on Accot. of Sickness among the Indians (71) To Persons on the Store whose times for being supplies are not Expired. For Provisions to Mr. Stephens a Woman Servant and ten men for one Year And for his extraordinary Expences in the Colony 50 To each Servant who is or shall he out of their time before Christmas 1737, and who by his Behaviour shall he intitled to a fifty Acre Lot, a Cow and a Sow. The Charge of rebuilding P.ohert Hows*s House as it was before it was burnt down, in Consideration of his Services. 32 (73) Sir The Trustees having Sent Mr. Causton Estahlishments for regulat ing the Expences of the Horthern and Southern Eivision of the ^^rovince of Georgia, v;hich he cannot exceed. Yet as unforeseen Accidents may happen to create an incidental. Expence, The Trustees have directed Mr. Causton, that upon your certifying to him the Occasion he should furnish You with Ability to defray such Contingent Expences as may happen in the Southern Division of the Province, and which are not provided for hy the Sstahlishment, hut not exceeding in the whole the Sum of i 20 Sterling a month which Contingent expence is not to he made unless in Cases of very urgent Necessity. Ihr. Causton has Directions to send to the Southward 2 I w. of Cheshire Cheese whereof 1 i v;t. is to he divided hy Your Order to the People at Erederica and the other 1 i weight to remain in the Store at Frederica to he disposed of according to your Orders for the Boats Crews Company's Service. The Trustees are much obliged to You for Your good Services in Georgia and hope for the Continuance of them. I am Sir Your most humble Servant. (77) Georgia Office V7estminster Lord. Last Thursday the Council considered of Geraldino's Memorial for 33 (77) two hours, and adjourned the further Consideration to twelve yesterday noon at the Duke of Newcastle's Office where they Satt till near five. Ihey have resolved not to regard the memorial. And Mr. Oglethorpe v-tis desired to hijnt with the King and Sir Eohert today, he went at seven this morning. I hope every thir*g will he satisfactory. I am 1-^ Lord Yr. Dutiful Servant Harman Verelst 20. August 1737 (81) Copy of e Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Causton dated at Westminster the 22d. August of 1737* Sir Herewith you have Copys of the Letters sent with Mr. Stephens; And the Trustees having a sudden Oportunity of sending some Sola hills in a small Box Consigned to Paul Jenys Esq.r. hy the Ship Charles Captain Jas. Reid, They have made out the Sum of One Thousand pounds Sterling in those Bills of L 5 each being Letter C, and Numbered from 331 530 both included. As Mr. Oglethorpe is in England and his name is necessary to the Bills these Bills are made out issuable in Georgia for Value JdJESCK there to be received either by himself Or his Order; And Mr. Oglethorpe on the Back of these Bills has directed You to Issue them for the Value thereof. Therefore You are to fill up the days of Issuing and the Person to whom; and Sign the Issue Yourself, filling up the Checq.ues 34 (81) S^t. 1737 also That f You may know hereafter to v/iiom each Bill was respectively Issued. For v;hich purpose You are to keep the Cheq_ues after the Bills are Indented from them when Issued. On the Eeceipt of this Letter The Trustees desire You will xts send them an Accompt "by the first Opportunity what Eemands rejas.in unsatisfied at the time you write next That they may know the State of their Cash, and Provide for anEwerir.g the Estahlishnents to Lady Lay 1738; by sendir^ Sola Bills in time sufficient for that Purpose: and they again repeat their Lirections for Yotir (82) Conforming to the Rules of those Bstablishments, without making any other Sxpence whatsoever. I have sent Mr. Eveleigh the Daily Advertizers from l8th. Jime 1737 to 20th of this Month, both included, which when he has perused I have desired he v;ill forward to You. I have sent You two Locks and Keys fastened upon the small Box to put to a Chest to be made in Georgia for keeping the Seal for the Toim Court in and Books end Papers of Record; which Keys are to be kept by two of the Magistrates. I am Sir Yotir most humble Servant. (85) To the Right Honble. the Lords of the Committee of His Majestys most Honourable Privy Council My Lords 1. Pursuant to yotir Lordships Orders of the 8th. of Leer. 173^ 4th. of Febry. last We have had under Our Consideration the humble 35 (85) Petition and Sepresentation of the Coiincil and Assemhly of His Majesty's Province of South Carolina dated July the 17th. 17^6. "Complaining of Several Ohstructions given to the Trade of that "Province hy the persons en^iloyed in the Government of the Nev; "Colony of Georgia And also the humhle Petition and Eepresentation "of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia. Containing "a Complaint against the Lieutenant Governor Council and Assembly "of South Carolina for having Opposed the Execution of an Act "Aproved by his Majesty in Council the J6.. of April 1735t Entitled "An Act for Ifeinteining the peace -with the Indians in the Province "of Georgia And also for having passed an Ordinance in an illegal lb "manner for raising 2000. Sterling to Indemnify the Traders from "Carolina in Conten^jt of the sd. Act In Consequence of wch. Act "Several Traders came from Carolina into Georgia. And in particular "Thomas b'right a Transported Convict was enployed as a Lycenced "Trader from. Charles Town to animate the Indians Inhabiting within "the said Province against His Majestys English Subjects by a great "many Villainous Reports & Suggestions wch. Occasioned the pulling "doxra of an House within the Bounds of the Province of Georgia and "the further Endangering the peace of the said Province. 2. Upon his Occasion having been Attended by the Agent for South Carolina and several of the Trustees for Geirgia and heard Co-uncil as well for and against the Petition of South Carolina as for and against the Petition of Georgia. 3. We take leave to acquaint Your Lordships, Tha^t the (86) Co'uncil for Carolina, in Support of their Petition insist That they and all 36 (86) Ills Mejestys Siibjects had a right to Trade with all Indisms in Amity with the Crown of Great Britain. 4. That there vxas a Law then in Torce in Carolina hy which all persons going from that Province to Trade v;ith the Indians were Obliged in Order to preserve the peace with them to take Lycences & give Seciirity for Observing Certain Rules laid down for Regulat ing the said Trade. 5. They likewise insisted that the Navigation of the Plver Savannah ought to be Tree to all Majestys Subjects. 6. And then prodiiced Several Affida'vits to Shew that several persons who were regularly Lycenced in Carolina to Trade with the Indians had been disturbed in their Trade and Driven by force from the places where they were Trading And some had their Goods Seized, under pretence that they were within the province of Georgia, end were not to Trade there without taking out Lycences at New Savannah in Georgia from the Commissioners Appointed for that Purpose. 7. They likewise gave Evidence that some Rum had been Seized and Staved on Board a Vessell at New Savannah To in Georgia, that Stopped as they alledged only to deliver Letters and was proceeding up the River to Old Savannah To in Carolina; And that a Boat had j5 been Obliged to bring to as it was passing up the Savannah River on pretence that it was in^jorting Rum into Georgia Contrary to the Lav/s of that Province. 8. In Answer to which the Council for Georgia insisted that by Vertue of the aforementioned Georgia Act for maintaining the peace 37 (86) with, the Indians no persons whatsoever were to Trade with the Indians within the Province of Georgia without first taking out a Iiycence at Savannah in Georgia. 9. And that hy Virtue of another Act passed hy (87) Georgia Trustees and Confirmed "by His Majesty to prevent the Importation of Rum and Prandys into the Province of Georgia no person to Import Evim into the said Province 10. They then proceeded to Exsmne some Witnesses and read some Affidavits, to prove that some of the Places (mentioned by the Council on the other Side) from whence The Traders of Carolina had been removed, were within the Limitts of Georgia between the River Savannah and Alatamaha, the North and South Boundarys thereof as described in their Charter. 11. They likewise Produced other Evidence to Shew that some of the said Places were on the South Side of the Savannah River, and they concluded from thence that they were in the Province of Georgia at least if they were not it would be Incumbent on the Con^ilaints to prove the Contraxy. 12. They Admitted that Rum hs.d been Seized at New Savannah. 13. And likewise insisted tha.t they had a Right to Stop all Vessells going on the South side of Hutchinsons ^sland in the River of Savannah to Search for Rum it being in the Province of Georgia and therefore lis.ble to Seized by Vertue of the aforesaid Act. ih. Having thus given your Lordships a Short State of this Case vre take lea.ve to observe. 15. That the trade that is carried on with the Indians is of great in^iortance end Advantage to His Majestys Subjects. 38 (8?) 16. That the said Trade has encreased Ann-ually since the Province of Carolina has "been in His I4ajestys Hands, 17. \Je must likewise Observe That its of great Consequence to all His Majestys Settlements in these parts to preserve the Frendship of the Indians (88) 18. And therefore it is with Concern We see these Disputes between His Majestys Subjects and unless care be taken to quiet them V*e fear they may endanger the loss of this Trade and the French or Spaniards may thereby gain the Indians into their Interest. 19. For We ^4 must Observe Eiat Laxfs made in either of these pro vinces cannot bind the Indians, and if they are put under Difficultys in Obtaining such European Goods as they have Occasion for from His Majestys Subjects they will easily be Tempted to Trade with the French or Spaniards. 20. We are of Opinion that this Trade with the Indians should be Free to All his Majestys Subjects. 21. And that if the Act passed in Georgia for Maintaining the peace with the Indians is to be taken in the Strict Sense that is put upon it, it may be highly prejudical to the (cannot make out next word as it is ca.^lght within binding) of Great Britain, and be Attended with Inconveniences vhich Vie think could not be intended at the time of passing the same. 22. And instead of being an act for regulating their Trade it ma^'- give them an Exclusive Trade and be of Dangero'^s Consequence. 23. And to Shew your Lordships what the Opion of the Board v/as on a Case of the like Nature We take leave to (binding obliterates next 39 (88) word) a Copy of a Eepresentation to the late Queen dated the 6th. of Sept. 1709- relating to the Seizure of Goods in Carolina belonging to some Indian ^Traders of Virginia. 24 V^e must Observe that as yet the heads of the Eivers tha,t are given for the Boxtndarys of Georgia are Unknovm and no Western lines can therefore be Settled 25. Tis likewise certain great part of the Indians lye on the South Side of the Alatamaha Elver the most Southern Eound of Georgia, and are Still within the province of Carolina. 26. So that were his Majestys Subjects residing in Carolina Obliged to go to New Savannah in Georgia to tai-3 out a Lycence under that Government for leave to Trade not (89) only with the Indians that are said to be in Georgia, but also for Crossing that part of his Majestys Dominions to Trade with the Indians Actually within the province of Carolina, it would be a Hardship could not possibly be intended by that Act 27. And yet V/e find His ejected that every person that goes to the Southward of the Savannah should take a Lycence Agreeable to the Act of Georgia. 28. If that Eule is to take piece We must further Observe that there will be no Obligation on the Governmt. of Georgia to grant Lycences to any Persons they please to Object to, and then the Inconveniencys may soon happen which are mentioned in the former Eeport. 29. Nor these Eeasons We are of Opinion that all His I'fe.jestys Subjects in Carolina as well as in Georgia should be at Liberty to Trade with ell Indians in Amith with the Crown of Great Sritain. ^0 (39) 30. And that those Traders which so from Carolina should t^he their I^rcences at Charles Tovfn and give the Security there Agreeaole to the Law of that Province; And those Traders that go from Georgia should take their lycences at Jlev; Savannah and give the Security there Agreeahle to the Law of that Province. 31. As to the Navigation of the River Savannah e think that the Northern Branch of it ought to Le free, and no Vessell should Le Stopped going up either side of Hutchinsons Island (a little ^sland in the said Northern Branch Opposite to New Savannah) on Account of having P.un on Boai'd unless Offering to Trade at any of the Settle ments in Georgia, For with respect to the Indians We are Apprehen sive that if e dont Supply them with Rum they will get it from the French. 32. WaVir-y With respect to the Coroplaint of the Ordinance passed in Carolina we do not find that its against Law, or against the Governors Instructions or goes further then a Resolution to raise a Sum of money to Indemnify the Traders who took out lycences there in Case they should (90) suffer for Acting under those lycences whilst this Dispute v;as depending. 33. Nor do V/e find the Thomas 'vfright the person mentioned in the Complaint of the Georgia Trustees was a Transported Felonsor that he was employed to Animate Indians in Georgia against his Majesty Subjects. e are I!y Lords t/hitehall ) Your Lordships Most Obedient ) and most humble Servants. Septr. 14. 1737.) Monson T. Pelham R. Plumer Ja: Bruonell 41 (91) Copy of a Eepresentation from the Conmissioners of Trade & plantations to the late Queen relating to the Seiziires of Goods in Carolina belong ing to some Indian Traders of Virginia. Dated the 6th. Septr. 1709* To the Queens most Excellent Majesty May it please your Majesty Having received a Complaint from Edmund Jennings rsq.r. President of your M3,jestys Council of Virginia and Commander in Chief there That the Governmt. of South Carolina had lately Seized some goods which the Ineian Traders of Virginia were carrying to the Western Indians to the great Interruption and prejudice of that Trade We acquainted the Lords Proprietors of Carolina there with and desired to be informed by their Lordships whether the said Seirnore was made by Vertue of any Orders from them and on what Account. In Answer whereunto they say that a Law was lately passed in Carolina for the Support and Maintainance of their Clergy wnereby a Small 3>uty is laid upon all Skins exported out of that Province And that by Vertue of the said Lav; some Skins were Stopped till one said Duty was paid but on payment thereof, were immediately Discharged, whereupon We humbly take leave to represent to yoTxr Majesty the State of that Matter as set forth in the Minutes of Council in Virginia of the 28th. of April 1708. And in other Accots. Transmitted to Us from thence whereby it Appears that Several ^ndieu Traders Innabitants of that Colony having in September then foregoing been Trading with the Western Indians and having purchased a. Considerable Qtiantity of Skins and Purrs which they left in the Tovms of a Certain Nation of Indians 42 (91) called the Usherees the Govermnent of South Carolina caused all (92) the said Skins with other Goods belonging to those Virginia Traders to he Seized and Carried to Carolina and at the same time gave Orders (as one of them was informed) to Seize the said Traders in their Return, to Strip them of all they lia..d and send them hack to Virginia That one of them went afterwards to Charles Town to know the Cause of the Seizure, at last after an Attendance of several weeks and a Consideraole Bxpence in presents to the Govr. and other Persons upon his Sntring into Bond with a penalty of 500.^ pound Sterling never to Gross Santee River again he procured restitution of some of the said Goods hut the rest were detained without any Satisfaction made or reason given for s\ich Treatment. It further apoears hy the said linutes and Accots. that the President and Coimcil of Virginia Writ to the Governor of South Carolina, to Compla.in of such unjustifiable proceedings desiring that the Bond so finding obliterates next word, hut it may he Extorte^ might he Cencelled and the above mentioned restriction taken off. But we do not find that the same has yet been Conplyed with. herefore Me humbly Offer to Your Majesty that the Western Indians with whom the said Trade has long been carried on by the Virginia Traders are not under the Government of Carolina and Conseauently that Government has no power to lay Dutys on Goods carried to those Western Indians or brought from thence that the levying Dutys on European goods Carried through one plantation to another has ever been and ought Still to be discouraged That the Goods Vended in this Trade being Course Cloths Guns Hatchetts Beds Powder Shott (93) and 43 (93) other Europes'ii Manafectures which the Inligbitants of Virginia Imported directly from Great Britain. The Consumption thereof will he much lessened if the Trade between that Colony and the said Western Indians is Interrupted and Ggrolina permitted to engross the same in regard the Inhabitants of Carolina, have a Constant Clandestine Trade with Currace and St. Thomas and Import European Goods from those places which they purchase with Bum and Spirits Nor have they such Conveniencys of Shipping from Great Britain to Supply them with European Goods as Your Majestys Subjects of Virginia have for which reason those of Caj:olina cannot Export from Great Britain so great Q^antitys nor afford to Sell what Goods they do Export at so Cheap Rates. To all which We may Add that the Sbia^^uasg Stopping the Indian Trade from Virginia and permitting it to be Engrossed by the few Inhabitants of Carolina Concerned therein will be Attended with Consequences very dangerous to your Majestys Service and to the Peace of Your Colonys in America Eor the Inhabi tants of Carolina not being able to Supply the Indians with European Goods (for want of Conveniency of Shipping from Great Britain as has been observed) when they shut out the people of Virginia from Trading they will raise the price of their Goods as they think fitt. The Consequence whereof will be that those Indians who are next neighbours to the Erench at Missisippi will be Supplyed from thence whereby the Trade will be in Danger of being intirely lost and the Erench have it in their power to make Use of those Indians to Annoy Your Majestys Sub jects in those parts Whereas on txie other hand if this Indian Trade is left Open, The Cheapness of British Goods (94) will not only Secure the Erendship of the Indians already known but give an Encouragement to Hk (94) Your Majesty Stibjects there to Attempt the Opening a Trade with other Indians Yet "undiscovered. as Tor these reasons We look "upon this Duty (which/ix We are Informed is heavy end equal to a Prohihition) or any other Eestriction on thal Trade v;ith regard to the Virginia Indian Traders to he highly Injurious and prejudicial to Your Majestys Sp-hjects and are therefore of Opinion thal the same otight to he taken off and the Trade left Free and Open to Virginia In Order whereuiito V'e humhly propose that Your Majesty will he pleased to Signify Your Eoyal Pleasure to the Lords Proprietors of Cs-rolina that they give directions to their Governor not to Demand or Le"vy the ^ said Dirty upon any goods or Merchandizes which shall he carried hy the Virginia Indian Traders to the Western Indians or which shall he brought hack from thence hy way of Trade. But tliat the said Trade he permitted to he carried on without any Lett hindrance or Hilestation whatsoever And that the said Governor of Carolina he required to transmitt to the Comiiiander in Chief of Virginia the Bond so Extorted in Order to he Cancelled. All which is most humhly Submitted Signed Dartmouth Phi; Meadows J. Pulteney ^5 (97) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thos. Causton ds-ted at Westminster the 17th. September 1738- Sir Several German Familys having indented themselves at Cov/es as Servants to the ISrustees, Captadn Ihinher who went down on that Occasion will inclose You the Indenture wliich they ell Sign and a List of eech Fenily end the Heads contained therein These Familys are to he deli vered at Tyhee hy the Ship Three Sisters Captain Hewitt who will send You Notice of his Arrival That you may go and receive them in such Craft as is proper to bring them from thence to Savannah You are to call over the Familys by the List computing the Number of heads the whole amount to; and then You will find if they all arrive or if any shall have dyed at Sea. Those that Arrive and are delivered to You are the Heads the Trustees are to pay for, and You are to give the Captain a Heceipt for the Number of Heads you receive. If the Passengers have no just Complaints against the Captain in the Voyage The Trustees wou'd have you be very civil to the Captain whereby he may be encouraged and like to bring Passengers for Georgia and you are to be very kind to those German Familys to get dry Lodgings for them, to ftrrnish them with such Potts ns shall be necessary and to let each Family be kept together and let them have the Liberty of working for themselves on Saturdays. And what Baggage or Necesssrys they have belonging to them are to remain their own. (98) If there are two Familys in which there axe four or five young Men, You are to send them to Captain Gascoigne to serve him; and the rest are to be imployed in going on with the Farm for the Trust 46 (98) under Mr, Bradleys Directions if he is in the Colony and in health so as to he willing to take the Charge upon him But if not Then Mr. Henry Parker the third BpHiff is to Oversee them, and they must he employed for the Trustees Service in Clearing and Cultivating some of their Parms, untill Mr. Oglethorpes Arrival. Each head of these German Families is to he Supplied with five pds. of Meat half a Pound of Butter and Six pounds of Bread kind of Indian Corn Bice and Flour a week, and You are to take Caue that their Victuals are regularly Given them, and that neither they nor any other of the Inhabitants of Georgia have any Disobliging Behaviour Shevm to them to make them uneasy. The Trustees have heard That Camuse*s Family are at Charles Town; and if it is true they desire to know the reason of their going from Georgia. The Trustees have also heard Tha,t there is Scarcity of Provisions at the Southv'ard which they are surprized at by reason of the Orders You have had for the Supplying them from Mr. Oglethorpe and by the Trustees Letters; And they again repeat their Directions that they sho-uld be supplied according to those Orders, and to be sure that you do not let them want Bread kinds at the Darien nor any where else to the South ward. If Indian Corn is not to be had at a reasonable Price Kice which is the Product of Carolina sure cannot be wanting now the Harvest is (99) Coming in. And as great Quantitys of Provisions have been bought, how came the Southward Settlers not to have their full Supply. The Trustees are sending the Georgia Pink Captain Daubuz this month to Ireland for a Cargo of Beef & of Butter, And they have Shipped 47 (99) 60 Barrels of Beer aiid 20 Casks of Flotir on Board the said Ship here. IThe Trustees have sent You in a Small Box hy this Ship (the Bill of Lading for which Captain Ilunhar will send You) One hundred Sola Bills of L 1;-:- each A No. 1501 to 1600 towards defraying the Expence of these G-erman Families. And they will send Four hundred pounds more hy the Minerva Captain Nicholson, of which You will have Advice from Sir Your most hTomhle Servant. If you have Occasion for any Provisions for the Colony and Captain Hewitt has what are good and can spai'e You any he will deliver You what he can spare and You want on your Eeceipt to him for the same. The Trustees again Eepeat In Relation to the Moravians taking up Arms That they think You should only have called upon them for two Men That is to say. One for each Lot of Mr. Spangenhergs and Mr. Nitchman*s; And on their Sending two Men whether Moravians or others, provided they are not Servants, it will he a discharge of them from that Buty. (101) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to his Excellency the Count of Zinzendorff and Pottendorff dated the 23d. of September 1737* My Lord The Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America have received Your Lordships Letter of the 19th. of Atigust from herrenhut, occasioned as they observe by Complaints sent from Your Bomesticks in Georgia, 48 (101) The Trustees, always attentive to ftilfill their Engagements cotild not he guilty of Inattention for those contracted with Your Excellency for whom they have the greatest regard and to convince You of this Truth, They need only appeal to the Inclosed Extract of the Orders sent by them to their Officers in Georgia some time before the Receipt of Yprur Letter, by which it will appear that it never was in the Intention of the Trustees tha.t the Moravian Brethren shotild be obliged to beer Arms for it is a fundamental Maxim with them to preserve the Eights of Conscience inviolable within their Jurisdiction. In the Present Case one Man is required for each Lot who may be either one of the Moravian Brethren or any other Person fit to bear Arms, provided he is not a Servant. As the Trustees (who ere the Governors) look upon themselves under an indispensable Obligation to provide for the Security and Defence of the Kings Subjects inhabiting their Province against Violence in any Shape; So the Trustees will never attempt to deprive any of the Liberty of withdrawing out of their Province or of continuing there while they are conformable to the Eegulations (102) ITecessery for the Preservation and Good Government of the Whole. The Sta,te of the Case My Lord is this. The Colony being under an Apprehension of Common Danger by an immediate Invasion from the Spaniards, the People were put under Arms and then the Moravian Brethren were required to appear in Arms (as they in their Letter appriz'd Mr. Causton) to which they made a very just Answer. That they were not Freeholders. And as they are your Servants and not Freeholders they cannot Legally be compell'd to bear Arms; The Trustees therefore 49 (102) hope tlit since they have given Directions to their Officers, there will he no occasion of any Complsints for the future. The Priviledge of going up among the Indians and other Priviledges were allowed to Yonr People out of Regard to Your Lordship, and to their good Behavio\ir being Inhabitants of that Province; but if they cease to be Inhabitants there than those Privilidges cannot be con tinued to any of them and with respect to wanting them as Missionaiies to Instruct the Indians, it would be a Reflection on our Country as if there was not sufficient Humber of good ^en fit to Preach the Gospell of Christ. Hot but that while all Your People continue Inhabitants there the Trustees will rejoice at any success among the Indians which their Labours may be attended with. Upon the whole my Lord, The Trustees hope tixat the Directions given and which they have required their Magistrates to see performed are agreeable to the (IO3) Conversation which they had with your Lordship when you did them the Honour of Applying to them in England. But if Your Lordship has alter'd Your mind or Your Views with Relation to Your People so as not to Admit of the Ereeholders Dutyj( to be done for the two Lots which may be done by any two Persons tho* they are not Moravians provided they are Ereeholders the Trustees will give them Leave to depart, & xirill write to that Purpose, vhen they know Your Lordships further Sentiments on this Occasion. , I am My Lord Your Excellencys Most Obedient humble Servant 50 (105) Copy of 8 Letter from Mr. Verelet To Mr. Thomas Causton d^ted at Westrainster the 10th. day of October 1737* Sir By the Mary Ann Captn. Shnbrick and by the Charles Captn. Eeid You received the Trustees Resolutions of limiting the Expences of the Colony, and their Derections for Your Conforming to the Rules of those Establishmts. sent You by both the sd. Ships which they still Continue to Repeat. 'Ey the three Sisters Captn. Hewitt the Trustees Letter mentions their Surprize to hear of a Scarcity of Provisions at the Southvvard when by the inclosed Accots. of the Rems, at November last and Receipts Since taken from the Certified Accots. such Qpantitys appear. You had a List left with you in Novemr. last of the Inliabitsnts at the Southward and the Proportion of Provisions to be delivered to each, a Couy of which is now sent You ihich Inhabitants being those that Mr. Oglethorpe left or Provided for Coming who amounted in the whole to 22h Heads, v^hereof at Frederica 153 ^'3- Darien 68. And the Trustees fearing That the Proportion of Bread kinds estsblishd for them in the said List is not sufficient. They have ordered that from the Receipt of this Letter to Lady Day next each head of the sd. Inhabi tants both at Frederica add the Darien is to be Supplied after the Rate of 24 Po-unds of Flour or Rice or a Bushell of Indian Corn p Month so as to make the whole bread kinds 6 pds. a week to each head, whether all of one kind or part of one kind and part of Another; whereby a. months Flour or Rice or a Proportion of each be 24 Pounds together, or a Bushell of Corn in lieu thereof 51 (105) Captn. Dgiibuz will Sail next Week to Cork end from thence to Georgia with 600.^ S^xrels of Beef 200.^ Firkins of Butter, (106) 60 Barrels of Beer, 20 Casks of Flo\ir, 60 Firkins of Tallow, 516 pair of Shoes, and another Saw Mill, Mr. Stephenss Son who "brings You this is accompanied with the following New Settlers at their own Expence. Vixt. John Araory His ty Wife and 3 Children with two Men Servants. He has a Grant of I50 Acres of Band and is recommended to the Trustees as understanding Surveying, in Case there should "be any Occasion of his Assistance; He "brings over a Circumferenter and Case of Instruments, if he should "be found usefull and fit to "be employed, he has a Copy of the Terms made vvith Eosse; And if he is at all employed it must "be under proper Agreements from time to time as he shall "be used. The Memorial of his Great to "be Eegistred with the Auditor will "be sent "by the next Ship; Mr. Anory has an Estate in England of 53: ~ s. yr. the Bents of which are engaged for near 4 yrs. to Pay some remaining Belts of liis, and he and his Wife have executed a Deed to the Trustees for Georgia for the lb Payait. of L 50* Sterling after his Creditors are paid in Case that he or his Wife should want Assistance in the mean time with either Provi sions or Necessarys in Georgia, to that Amount, for which they have a Particular Letter of Credit Issaac Gibbs his Wife 2 Children and a Man Servt. to Settle on a 50 Acres Lott, and Samuel Wathey to Settle on a 50 Acres Lot for which they have Particular Letters You will receive by this Ship forwarded from Charles Town 2 Cases of Musquets 2 Caggs of Bulletts & 2 half Barrells of G^ln Powder 52 (106) which, imist he sent to Lieut. Iloore Meckintosh for the use of the Darien. There 8X6 also 15 Barrels of Herrings sent You five whereof must he sent to Frederica, five more to Lieut. Moore Mackintosh for the Darien and the other five are for Savaniiph; and the whole are to he divided to the (10?) People at each Place hy Heads, whereof Mr. Horton and Lieut. Moore Mackintosh are made Acq.uainted , Ih And in a small Box to You the Trustees have seat You 400. more in Sola Bills for the Service of the Colony. They ere Letter A- No. 1601 : to 2,000 and they will send more hy Ceptn. I^ers who Sails this Month. The Ship Three Sisters was to Sail from Cov;es last Saturday with 109-^ Heads of Forreign Servts. in tne Better hy that Ship You were directed That after Captain Gascoigne had two Farailys the rest were to he eaiployed in going on with the Farm for the Trust under Mr. Bradleys Direction hut the Trustees have wrote to him That You aie now directed to employ of them Servants, Men and Boys sufficient to Supply Two for the Store, such Bspourers for the Millwrights as they went Eight for the Crane and Garder and Loading and unLoading &c. And the Fgmilys belonging to them are not to he Seperated from them hut to he with tnem end ea^loyed in such manner as You shall find most Convenient for the Service of the Trust; and the rest are to he enroloyed in going on with the Farm for the Trust under I4r. Bradleys Direction if he is in the Colony and in Health so as to he willing to teke the Charge upon him. But if not then Mr. Henry Parker the 3^* ^ayliffe is to Oversee them, and they must he employed for the Trustees Service in Clearing and Cultivating some of their Farms untill Mr. Oglethorpe^s Arrivall 53 (10?) according to the said Letter. The employing of these Servants in such Lshour which is nov paid for will he a Saving in that Article of Expence. And the Trustees desire That every Saving may he made where there is any Room for it; and You cannot recomiaend Your self more to them than hy acting in that manner, and at the same time having a Regard not to permitt any read went among the Industrious People. (108) The Trustees now acquaint You Tliat notwithstandg. any Rumours concerning Spanish Claims and Intentions against Georgia, the Colony is to he Supported; For the King has upon full Consideration took the Measures and made Mr. Oglethorpe Captain General and Commander in Chief of all His Majestys Force's in Carolina and Georgia and has a ordered a. Regiment of 600. Men besides Officers for Protecting his Subjects in Georgia and his Possession thereof, and given the Command of the said Regiment to Mr. Oglethorpe; Men Whereof will soon Arrive with the Lieut. Col. These Troops will not in any manner Inter fere with the Civil Affairs, hut the Power of the Militia and Guard Houses will remain as they are; And sci All Priviledges & Libertys will he preserved. Vfnerefore You are to he Assistive in every thing to make Your Protectors easy; And to remember the great Obligations You have to the King for his Care of You. In the small Box sent herewith You receive a Grant and Counter part of 500.^ Acres of Land to Mr. Robert Hay who Sailed from Scotland for Georgia with Mr. Anderson Bie S. 1:1:0 Consideration Money and L 0;10:6 more for Registering the Memorial of the Grant with the Auditor have been Advanced for Mr. Hay by the Trustees, which You aa-e to receive of him on his Executing the Counterpart of the Grant and 54 (108) Charge Yotirself therewith; and when received and the Counterpart Executed You are to deliver the Grant to him, and send the Counterpart to the Trustees; And the Memorial thereof Eegistered will he sent Mr, Hay hy the next Ship. The Trustees have also sent You their part of Sami, Landers Indenture who went hy the Mary Ann Captn. Shuhrick and was Ordered to the Millwrights which Please to Lett him have. (109) Mr. John Crokatt having agreed to deliver You at Savannah for the use of the Trustees Servants in Georgia 1,000. Yards of the hest Oznahrigs at 8. Sterling a Yard, he has wrote to Mr. George Seaman for that Purpose, and You are to give yr. Receipt otf for them to he paid for in England, the Trustees have pd. Mr, Crokatt for the 2 Hhds, of Molasses delivered in Georgia hy Mr. Oglethorpes Order in August 173^ Mr. Jenys being dead, the Parcells hy this Ship are consigned to Mr. Joseph hragg at Charles Town to he forwarded to You and he has heen desired to draw a hill upon the Trustees for the Expence thereof I have sent Mr. Eveleigh the I)a.ily Advertizers from the 22d. of August 173? io the 8th. of ^ctoher instant both included, which when he has perused, I have desired he will forward to You. I am Sir Your most h-umhle Servant. 55 (113) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Vfilliam Bradley dated at Westminster the 10th. day of October 1737 Sir By the Ship Three Sisters which Sailed from Cowes last Saturday several German Familys are gone Servants to Georgia, and Mr. Causton was by that Ship Directed That after Captn. Gascoigne had two Femilys wherein 4 or 5 Young Men, the rest were to be esi^iloyed in going on with the Farm for the Trust under Yo'ur Direction if You were willing to take the Charge upon You. B-at if not, then other Directions were given concerning them. Since which the Trustees have by this Ship the Minerva directed Mr. Causton to en^loy of the said German Servants, Men and Boys suffi cient to Supply Two for the Store, such Labourers for the Millwrights as they may want. Eight for the Crane and Garden and Loading and unloading, &c. And that the Familys belonging to them were not to be Separated from them/ but to be with them and employed in such Manner as he should find most Convenient for the Service of the Trust; And that then the rest were to be en^loyed in going on with the Farm as above. Wbereof the Trustees have directed me to Hcq,iiaint You. I am Sir Your most humble Servant. (117) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to William Stephens Esq. Dated at V/estminster the 10th. of ^otober 1737 56 (117) Sir Your Son who "brings You this will let You know how Your Comple ment of Servants has been made up, there ha-ving been only three Shipped from Scotland for w^hich a Bill has been drawn and will be paid next Thursday. I hope you had a good Toyage, The Trustees for the Conveniency of a safe Correspondence beWeen the Inhabitants in Georgia and their Friends in England have directed You to give Eotice to the Inhabitants that they may bring or Send their Letters to You once a fortnight to be forv'srded to England by every Opportunity that next Offers; which You are to forv/axd accordingly to the Care of the Trustees with a List of the said Letters, keeping a Copy of each List to send by the next Opportxxnity after them with an Account how they were forwarded. You are further desired to acquaint the Trustees what Horses Cattle and Stock are in the Colony belonging to them, and what Quantity of Trees there ere in the Trustees Garden. The Trustees by their Letter to Mr. Causton have directed that the Inhabitants at Frederica and the Darien which Mr. Oglethorpe left there should from the Receipt of that Letter which comes with this he supplied with Bread (118) kinds until Lady day next at the rate of 24 Pounds of Flour or Rice or a Bushell of Indian Corn each heed p Month so as to make the whole bread kinds 6 pds. a week to each head whether all of one kind or part of one kind and part of another Vfhereby a Months Flour or Rice or a proportion of each be 24 pds. together or a Bushell of a Corn in lieu thereof Which Direction is given for fear the Proportion of Bread kinds on the Established Allowance for those 57 (118) Inlisi.titents was not siifficient. -^nd the Trustees Ordered me to acquaint You of this Direction that You msy Si? Enquire how they are Supplied. The King has ordered a Eegiraent for Georgia of 600. Men "besides Officers and made Mr. Oglethorpe Colonel Csptn. Cochrpn Lieut, and Captn. Cook Major; Lieut. Col. Cochran will soon "be with You with Part of the Regiment, he going to Gibralter for Men from thence. Last Start* Saturday the Ship Three Sisters Sailed from Cowes with 109-1/8 heads of Forreign Servants for Georgia; Two Familys whereof are for Captn. Gascoigne several others to "be employed as La'bounerE in the Store, for the Millwrights, for the Crane and Garden and for loading and unloading &c. And the Residue are to he enployed in going on with the Farm for the Trust under Mr. Bradley's Direction, if he is in the Colony and in health so as to he willing to take the Charge upon him. But if not then Mr. Henry Parker the 3d. Bayliff is to oversee them and they are to he employed for the Trustees Service in Clearing and Culti vating some of their Farms (119) until Mr. Oglethorpe's Arrival. I am Sir Your most humhle Servant (121) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to V/m. Horton EEq,r. dated at w'estminster the 10th. day of October 1737- Sir The Trustees fearing the Proportion of Bread kinds on the Established Allowance was not sufficient for the Inhabitants at 58 (121) Frederica and tlie Darien, have directed Kr. Causton That from the Receipt of their Letter to Him which comes with this to Lady Day next. Those Inhahitants wch. Mr. Oglethorpe left at the Southward or Provided for their Coining who amo-iuited to 221 Heads whereof t Frederica 153 at the Darien 68 as hy the inclosed List should he Supplied at the Rate of 24 pounds of Flour or Eice or a B-ashell of Indian Corn each head p Month So as to make the whole Bread kinds 6 pds. a week to each head, whether all of one kind, or part of one kind and part of another; Wherehy a month's Floior or Eice or a Proportion of each he 24 pounds together or a Bushell of Corn in lieu thereof. The Trustees have sent hy this Ship 5 Barrels of Herrings which Mr. Causton is to send to Frederica to he divided to the People there hy Heads. I am Sir Yovir most humhle Servant. (125) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Lieut. Moore Mackintosh dated Westminster the 10th. Day of Octor. 1737 Sir By this Ship the Trustees have sent 50 Musquets in 2 Cases, 5 ^ wt. of Bullets in 2 Caggs and 2 half Barrels of Gun Powder for small Arms which they have directed Mr. Ceuston to send You to he under your Care for Service at the Darien. The Trustees have also directed him to send You 5 Barrels of 59 (125) Herrings vMcla come ty tMs Ship to be divided to the People at the Darien by Heads. Whereof I hereby Acquaint You ana rm. Sir Your most hunble Servant. (129) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Gauston dated at Westminster the 12th, day of October 1737 Sir, Herewith You receive Copys of the Trustees Letter Da-ted the loth. Instant, and the Papers therewith inclosed. Inclosed You receive the Invoyce and Bill of Lading of what was Shipped in London on board the Georgia Pink. The 2 Casks of Shoes You are to keep in the Store until Mr. Oglethorpe's Arrival and also the ale of Cloth and Basket of Hour Glasses. The Box of Medicines must be sent to Mr. Hawkins at Prederics. The Saw Hill in the 2 Casks and Peices loose must be preserved until farther Orders concerning the Setting it up. And the other Parcels to be delivered as directed. The Passengers on board this Ship are, Mr. Thilo a Surgeon going to Ebenezer. SpJDiiel Goff whose Indenture I have indorsed and inclosed to Mr. Harry Buckley at Frederica in Georgia, and whose Passage lias been paid in Fngland; He must therefore be sent to Frederica to Mr, Harry Buckley. I reced, some money for sending this Servant and for his Maintenance in 60 (129) Georgia v'hereon I have a Balance for Mr. Harry Buckley end his Servant*s Use in my Hands of 6:13:0 which if You please to Apply in Maintenance and ITecessaxys for him and his Servant; It shall he made good to the Trustees on Mr. BucltiLey^s Certificate that he has been Supplied to that Amount. And (I30) I have wrote to him for that Purpose. Thomas Wehh and Edward Haymes two Servants hound to the Trust hut assigned over to Wm. Stephens Esqr. to Coiapleat the 10 Servants he was to take over; which if hy any other means are Corapleated, his Son Mr. Eaomas Stephens who has their Indentures, has Signed the inclosed Hote to deliver over the Indenture or Indentures so Assigned to remain for the use of the Trustees. And John Evan a Servant hound to the Trust whose Indenture I have inclosed and who is to he employed in such Lehour as is at present paid for, or with the other Trust Servants on Cultivation. The Trustees parts of the said 4 Indentures will he sent over as soon as they are Sealed. I am Sir Your most humhle Servant (133) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thoina,s Hawkins at Frederica dated at Westminster the ^th. of November 1737 Sir Major Wm. Cook having presented the Colony iirith Sixteen 61 (133) different Sorts of Vines Cuttings from France. General Oglethorpe directed me to send them to Your Care, they ere in a Basket in Mould and each Sort have Notched Sticks fastened to them; Which when taken out must he planted seperate and new marked. The Sticks Notched as follow, descrihe each particnaar Sort of Vine Cuttings as hereafter is mentioned. No tch Notch Notch Notch Notch Notch No tch Notch Notch Notch Notch Notch Notch Notch No tch Notch 1 \fnite Frontinac 2 Blew Frontinac 3 Grizlin Frontinac h White Sv/eet V/ater 5. tfiaite Muscadine 6. St. Peter or hlew Kisperian 7. Red Kisperian or Hamhro 8. Blew Hamhro or Warner 9. Chiants or Greek 10. Red Eayzon Grapes for Wine 11. Rhenish Grape 12. Avernant the true Burgundy, or Pino 13. Avernant Tent, Red Wine 14. 'White Avernant 15. Toca Grape from Hungary 16. The Miller, called hy Mr. King and others the Burgundy. (134) Note. If the Soil is strong gfeiiBxSrsgg white Grapes is only proper. But for Blew a light Sand especially the Avernant which does hest in Sand. 62 (134) ChaErpaign and most of the .Vines in France is made from the Avernant, as well as the Burgundy Wine. Eie Vine Cuttings sent are to their proper length and must he planted so. That the Top Bye is even with the Ground. The Ground must he kept very Clean when they are planted; And no other Plants must he suffered to grow near them. Which Instructions You are desired to have purs\ied I am Sir Your most humhle Servant (137) Extracts of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Causton dated at Westminster the ^th. day of Movemher 1737* The Trustees now not only repeat their Directions for your being very kind to these German Families; But they Order You to acquaint the said Familys of the Instructions You now receive, vrhich are That all the said German Families hound to the Trust, who can within Six weeks after their Arrival on Your Eeceipt hereof repay their Passage and the Charges of their being brought to Georgiasnounting to i 6:2:6 Sterling for each Head, either by their own Ability or by procuring themselves Masters who will pay it for them Provided that each Family do continue to remain together and are not proposed to be divided; shall be dis charged from their Indentures, and be at their own Liberty to Settle themselves in Georgia or to go from thence as they shall think fit. And tk The Trustees direct You to be very Carefull in your Conduct to 63 (137) them, that they may have no Cause of Complaint. These Familys were hy Compulsion contracted with Messrs. Hopes at Eotterdam to carry them to Philadelphia were ill used in their Voyage to Cowes, and complained thereof to His Majesty a Copy of whose Petition the Trustees have herev/ith sent you. The King referred this Petition to Genl. Oglethorpe to examine into the Allegations thereof, who took great Pains therein; and made a Eeport, whereof a Copy is (138) also sent You Whereupon the Merchant having consented to alter the Voyage and several of the Germans being inclined to Go to Georgia,, Captn. Dunbar was sent to Cowes to indent so many of them as were willing to go to Georgia vdth an Agreement for such Families to be discharged from their Indentures as could Eepay their Passage and Charges as above The other Families on board the said Ship go to Settle in Caro lina, among which there is Hanss Jacob Ham and his Family who had paid a considerable pa.rt of his and his Familys Passage in Holland consist ing of 4 Heeds whereof John Jacob Vanomaker his Servant was one, who with his masters Consent indented himself to the Trustees; And for whom you are to Pay the said Hanss Jacob Ham D 2:12;6 Sterling for the half freight of his said Servant which he paid in Eotterdsm, and which the Trustees will deduct from the Chmer here out of the freight they are to Pay; And You are to Discharge the said Hanss Jacob Ham from being lyable to the Owner for the other half of the said freight, which the Trustees are lyable for in Case the said Servant arrives in Georgia. 64 (141) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst To Captn. Gascoigne dated at Westminster the 13th. Decemher 1737* Sir Your Letter to Mr. Martyn dated the 10th. of Angst, last was received, with the Copys of the Govr. of St. Augustine's Letter to You and your Answer, for which the Trustees thank You and very much approve your Conduct. It is a great Satisfaction to them that so Zealous and prudent an Officer as as yourself has the Protection of their Colony; And as Succours are now going from England to Strengthen the Colony hy Land the Trustees hope they will arrive soon enough to prevent the Designs of the Spaniards. But in the mean time they are highly obliged to You for Your Care end they doubt not the Continuence of it. I am Sir Your most Obedient humble Servant. (145) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Terelst To Mr. V/m. Williemson Dated at Westminster the l4th. of December 1737* Sir The Trustees received your Letter dated the 9th. of Septr. last with the Affidavit and Copys of ^apers therewith sent relating to %. John Wesley, and they have ordered a Copy of Your Letter and your Wife's Affidavit to be sent to him for his Answer thereto; That the Complaint 65 (1^5) and Answer may be considered of at the same time. It is very right that the Trustees should be acquainted with every Proceeding but very wrong in you to Order the Presentments of the Grand Jury and Your Wife's Affidavit to be printed; which is tahing a Remedy and appealing to the World at the same time that You are applying to the Trustees of the Colony to consider your Case. If You shall have any further Conqjlaint to send for the Trustees Consideration either against Mr. Wesley or any one else. You are desired to let the Party complained against have a Copy of such Conplalnt; Thft they may at the same time send their Defence, For the Trustees cannot determine on hearing one Side only. I delivered Your Letter to Your Uncle and Sister as you desired, and am Sir Your most humble Servant. (l49) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley dated at V/estminster the l4th. Day of Deer. 1737. Sir Agreeable to the Trustees Resolution communicated to You by Mr. Maxtyn's Letter of the 15th, of June last, that they would never form any Judgement of You on any Courplaint whatsoever without first acquainting You with the Accusation and the ^^ame of Your Accuser. I have by the Trustees Order inclosed You a Copy of a Letter they lately received from Hr. Wm. Williamson at Savannah and an Affidavit made by his Wife which relates to You to make Answer to. And the Trustees hope 66 (149) thst You will "be able to justify yomself, having in the mean time Suspended their Judgement until they receive your Answer that they may consider of the Coupleint and Aiiswer at the same time. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant. (153) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thoma.s Causton dated at Westminster 14th. day of December 1737" Sir The Trustees have received your Journal from 25th. April 1737 to the 24th. of I'lay following and also your Day Book with the several Copys of Letters and Papers therewith sent. They have also received your Letter of the 22d. of August last with Your Cash Books from the 2d. of ETovember 173o to the lest of Jure 1737* But Your Casn Books from the last of July 173^ for the months of Augp.st September and October 1736 have never been received, nor year Diary mentioned in yoirr said Letter. Therefore Please to send them or Duplicates of them in Case they have been sent and miscarried. The Trustees on reading your Jcornal, approve of your Conduct as You h.ve there Stated it; and acquaint You that You are not obliged to ts>ke notice of an^- Persons alledging they have a Commission from the Trustees, without their Producing it to be Recorded. Herewith You receive another Copy of the Agreement with I4r. Bradley, whereby You plainly See he has no Powers given him to Act as 67 (153) You represent him to have done in the C3,se of the Cattle; And the Tr^Jistees have wrote to him, tha,t he has no other Charge of the Cattle hut -under your Order, And that You are to Communicate the Trustees Orders to him which he is to (15^) Obey. Which Orders are Thrt You take from him what Cattle are necessary for the Settlers =^it Higligshe and such other Settlers to whom the Trustees are under any Promise to Supplj'-. But at the same time Yoti are directed to leave Mr. Bradley sufficient Cattle for the Improvements of the Tiust Parm. It was very right in You to prevent the taking up Land without the Trustees Grant, and You are to take all proper Measiires to continue to prevent the like in any the least Instance. As to Captn. Mackpys Use of Negroes, the Trustees direct that the Act for Prohibiting the use of Negroes be duly put in Execution And in that Act there are Sufficient Powers end Penaltys enacted to put an End to such Proceedings of Captn. Mackaj'-, for no one is to be spared that will not obey Lew, nor any one indulged in their Endeavours to evade the Law. The several Bills you drew on Genl. Oglethorpe to enable You to Settle jOMT new Farm are now all cone to hand amouiting in the whole to L 200 Sterling. Which the Trustees ordered to be paid in Consideration of Your Services in the Colony from February 1732 as Storekeeper and one of the Magistrates. The f following Advices of and Certified A.ccots. have been received by the Trustees amounting to L 3>293il9:^ Sterling Vizt. (155) Bates of Certificates 21. July 1737 Messrs. Sami. Montaigut & Co.76:5il0*Sterl. 68 (155) 23 Bo.To Me. Prsncis Johonnot.3^11 5 Bo. 26 Bo.To Mr. ^enjsjnin Appelbe.l48: 2:11^ Bo, 1 Au^rust. . . To Mr, V?illi?Tn Bellinger.14?: - Bo. 3 Bo.To Messrs. Woodward and Flower. 266;l4; 7 Do. 6 Do.To Mr. Eodert Sllis.^9^: 1; ~ Do. 8 Do.To I^ir. EoDert Williams & Co.48:15: 4 Do. 10 Do.To Messrs. Minis and ) ) 317:15:11 Salomons .) .459:14:9|' Bo. 17 Bo. ... To Messrs. Sami. Montaigut & Co. 285: 3? 9 Bo. 22 Do.To Mr. Samuel tlacy.166:19: 4 Do. 6 September . To Mr. William Clay.149:16; 2 Do, 9 Bo.To Mr. Samuel Eveleigh. ) ) Note the Currency certified due in ) ) 197:13: ^ Bo. Letter of Advice was said to be ) ) Sterling instead of Oarrency ) 7 October . . To Messrs. Minis and Salomons 393:18:4 .472;7:10 Do. !> 3.293:19; ^ These Accompts being for Provisions and ITecessarys supplied the Colony; and the Trustees having sent You since Captain Dymonds Arrival with > 1,000 in Saia (156) Sola Bills, the Sum of A 2,450 more in Sola Bills by the following Ships. Vist. In August 1737- By the Mary Ann Captn. Shubrick . . . 650:-;- By the Charles Captn. Eeid . 1,000:-;- 69 (156) In Septeifllier . By the three Sisters Captn. Hewitt. 100;-!- In October . By the Minerva Captn. Nickleson. 400:~:~ In November . By the Zing George Captn. jSyers. 300J~J 1 2,450:-;- and they have now sent yon i 200. more in Sola Sill of I> 1:-:- ea. A 2201 to 2400, and they are the lest Supply they can send you until a j, new Grant is made by the Parliament; Which 200. with the former sent You as above and tne before mentioned Accots. Certified since Midsummer last amount in the whole to the Sum of L 5 943:19:4. The Trustees therefore now rest Satisfied that You are fully Supplied to answer the Demands abroad to lacy Day nezt according to the established Allowances and Orders sent You; TiiOiich Demands You are to Discharge with the said Provisions Necessarys and Sola Bills without Gertifz-ing any more accots. for the Trustees will not nor cannot Pay them. A^d they are resolved that no other Method shall be used of supplying their Demands abroad, but by their Sola Bills; to Prevent any larger Purchases of Provisions and necessarys being made, or any larger Bspences being at any time accrued than there are Sola Bills in the Colony to Pay for and Answer; and thereby pre.serve their own Credit (15?) snd tlr^t of the Colony at the same time in having the Expences thereof regulated agreeable to what the Trustees sloall from time to time appropriate by sending their Sola Bills to Answer. In the Trustees Letter dated 23d. March last You were directed to expend L I6. Sterling in building the Ministers House and a School House at He;? Ebeneser exclusive of the Expence of Hogs and Poultry; But 70 (157) Mr. Bolzins by his Letter dated 28th. of July last writes, thst You told him some of the i l6 should he applied for buying the Hogs and Poultry; Which sure must he some miste-ke in him, for the Letter makes the sixpences distinct the one from the other, the Benefactor having enabled the Trustees to do both. And the Trustees now direct You that the said L l6 should be increased to i 30. to be expended in building the said Houses as Mr. Bolzius shall approve of; Besides the Charge of the Hogs and Poultry which is no part of the said L 30, nor was intended any part of the L 16. Aiad at Mr. Bolzius's Request and Genl. Oglethorpe's acquainting the Trustees of the Rules prescribed to the People at Old Ebenezer before their Removal, the Trustees have con sented that the Crop got at Old Ebenezer at their Removal should not be accoted. as part of their reduced Allowance, but shall remain to their OTO use over and above the said reduced Allowance to September last. The Ereinds of John Stone hewer to Skidoway have applied to the Trustees for Leave for his Alienating his Pifty Acres Lot &c for his R|turn home, his said Priends being desirous (158) to provide for him in Eni_,land and his V/ife being here and unwilling to Go to him; Which the Trustees have Consented to, on Stonehewer's Producing a Proprietor for such Lot not having Lands in the Province of Georgia in Possession or Ibsaixacacs Remainder. V/hom Wm, Stephens Esqr, the Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within their Province shall approve off. The Queen being dead the Trustees have received an Instruction from the King to Cause his Order to be Published in Georgia for praying for "Their Royal Highnesses Frederick Prince of Vales, the Princess of "Wales, the Duke the Princesses and all the Royal Family" And 71 (158) herewith You receive a Copy thereof, that the sene in?^y be Complied with accordingly by sll the Minister's of the several Congregations in the Province of Georgia. I am Sir Your most humble Servant. (161) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to m. Stephens Esqr. Dated at Westminster the l4th. day of December 1737* Sir The Friends of John Stonehewer at Skidoway having applied to the Trustees for Leave for his Alienating his Fifty Acres Lot and his Ret-urn home, his said Friends being desirous to provide for him in England and his Wife being here and unwilling to Go to him. The Trustees have consented thereto Provided he produces a Proprietor for such Lot not having Lands in the Province of Georgia in Possession or Remainder, whom you shall approve the Character of; Whereof I have acquainted Mr. Causton and him. The Queen being Dead the Trustees have received an Instruction from the Zing to cause his Order to be Published in Georgia for praying for 'Their Royal Highnesses Frederick Prince of Wales the Princess of Wales, the Hike, the Princesses and all tiie Royal Family. And here with You receive a Copy thereof that the same may be complied withaccordingly by all the Ministers of the several Congregations in the 72 (161) Province of Georgia. And I have sent another Copy to Mr. Causton I am Sir Yo\ir most humhle Servant (165) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. William Bradley dated at Westminster the ^ l4th. Lay of Lecemher 1737- Sir The Trustees are very much Surprized to hear that You tahe upon you an Authority which You are in no manner intrusted with. vizt. The Care of all their Lands; And that You pretend to engross the Cattle e.s if you have a. Title to Serve yo\ir self first to the Letriment of others who have the Trustees Orders for Cattle. The Trustees on this Occasion acquaint You tha.t the Charge of the Cattle under your care is under the Orders of Mr. Causton relating to the Disposition of them; And that he is to Communicate the Trustees Orders to You which You are to Ohey. It is yo\irs and every one's Duty in the Colony to Act in their Proper Stations, and mind their own Business to raise a Maintenance for themselves and Pamilys; and hy a peecefull and orderly Behavioiir to he quiet vrith each other and enjoy the Fruits of their Labour with Com fort; Which will best conduce to their own Hj^piness and the Favour of the Trustees. And Sir with respect to your own immediate Dependence on the Trustees they have ordered me to send You a Copy of your Agreement. 73 (165) Siiey have personsily to You very kindly given favourable Orders relat ing to You, and they hope for a suitable Eeturn by being easy under Governmt. and Settling a good Exa,i!rple, and applying to the Trustees in Writing your self when any thing material shall require it I am Sir Your most humble Servant (169) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. H\jgh Anderson dated the l4th. day of December 1737* Sir The Trustees have Considered of Xa your Request for a Grant of Land for one of your younger Sons, and they think it will be most for his and Your Advantage to have a Grant in such Younger Son's -ame of Five Hundred Acres of La,nd under your Care to Improve for him, which they have s^sreed to. Place therefore to send me such Younger Son's Christian Name that the Grant may be made out accordingly; Your own Lot will descend to Your Eldest Son, the Five hundred Acres therefore cannot be granted to him. I am Sir Your most humble Servant. 74 (173) Copy of 8 Letter from I'4r. Verelst to the Eeverend Mr. Bolzius dpted at Westminster the l4th. Lecemher 1737 Eevd. Sir Yoar Letters to ^^r. Vernon of the 28th. of June 8.nd ry self of the 28th. of July lest v;ere reed to the Trustees And this ncqup.ints You th^t hy a Letter dated the 17th. of June last and sent hy the Way of Charles Tovm to Mr. Causton hy the Seaford Man of War, the third Transport of Saltzhurghers v;ere ordered the Supply of a Cow and a Calf to every five heads. The Trustees are sorry to hear there is danger of the People's losing their Crops this Year, and if there sliould happen so genera.1 a Calamity, You may he assured the Saltzhurghers will not he excepted from partaking of such general Assistance as will he necessary on such an unhappy Occasion. When the People's Farms are run out at New Ehenezer You will then See how each Family will Possess a Proportion as near as may he of Some good Land in their respective Lotts w'herehy they may raise their Suhsistance from. But as to have leave to exchange the had Garden Lots with better Grounds The Trustees cannot alter their Plots hut must leave it to the Possessor's Judgement to first Cultivate tlia^t Part of his Lot which is good Land. And if Part of a Fifty Acre Lot he good whether laid out for the Garden or the Farm such good Land must he taken as it falls in the Setting out. Tliis Removal to New Ehenezer was at the (174) Request of the Saltzhux^ers granted, and an Indul gence given to none else in the Colony; For were the Trustees enter into or give way in the least to suffer the exchanging of Lands, their 75 (174) vrould 1)6 no end of Applications. IThe Orders the Trustees geve for huildir^ your House & School House at He^f Ehenezer were with a Benefaction of L l6. for that Pur pose, And the Orders for a Cock and Hen to each Man and a Son a Turkey Hen and a Goose to every five heads of the third Transport \fere to he Supplied besides with a further Benefaction. Vhich the Trustees have again repeated to Mr. Causton, tho* it could never he appre hended thrt L l6. was to do the whole hut on the Contrary the Trustees have been so kind on your Representation of tlie Eifficiency of the l6. for building your House and School House to send Orders to Mr. Causton by this Ship to increase the l6. to 30' to be ejqpended in building the Houses for the Ministers and School House at Hew Sbeneser as You shall approve of. And they have further Consented at your Request and Genl. Oglethorpes acquainting then of the Rules prescribed to the People at Old Ebenezer before their Removal, and have sent Orders to Mr. Causton accordingly; That the Crop got at Old Ebenezer at the Saltzburghers' Removal from thence should not be accoted. as part of their reduced Allowance to September last. These Concessions of the Trustees they hope will fully (175) Satisfy and encourage the Saltzburghers to that Industry and Content which n^^turally flow from a Satisfyed Mind. I am Sir Your most Obedt. Servt. Mr. Vernon sends his Service to Your self and Mr. Gronau, and will be allways ready to do you any Service in his power. 76 (177) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Causton dated at Gravesend 6 January 17'^7-8 Sir The following Parcells were Shipped for the Trust Accot. to he delivered as underiaentioned. Vizt. On hoard the Amey two Boxes for the Saltzhurghers at Eheneser Markd E.P.B. end E.M.T. end on hoard the Lightfoot 2 Casks for Wm. Eigden at Savannah which will he deli vered to You. The Mates Receipt for the first Col. Cochran has, being Shipped with Copper Ealf Pence for the Regiment, and for the 2 Casks the Quarter Master has the Mates Pueceipt. The Reverend Mr. Whitefield on hoard the Whitaker with Mr. Tolly and I4r. Hahersham his Assistants a>re going to Frederica, his said Assistants are for instructing the Children; And when Mr. LeLaMotte shall Go to England to See his Friends, one of the said Gentlemen will Supply his Absence. Mr. Tolly and Mr. Habersham are to he Supplied for one Year with the following Provisions, vizt. 312 pds. of Meat lOh pds. of Rice 104 Pds. of Pease 104 pds. of Flour 39 Gallons of Strong Beer, 52 Q;uarts of Molasses l6 Pds. of Cheese 8 pds. of Butter 8 Ounces of Spice 8 pds. of S\jgar, 4 Gallons of Vinegar, 24 pds. of Salt, 12 Quarts of Lamp Oyl, 12 pds. of Soap sind a pd. of Spun Cotton. Joseph Husbands Mr. Whitefields Servant, and John Dohle a Servant to Mr. Charles Wesley are each of them to he Suplyed for one Year with 200.^ pds. of Meat and 342 pds. of Rice Pease or Indian Corn, with Contingent Food to the Value of 8. Sterling. As to what Provisions Mr. Whitefield may want You (178) are 77 (178) -fenr-g-s desired to Supply him with them at Prime Cost and plsce it to his Accot. And to Communicate the foregoing to the Storekeeper at Prederica. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servent (181) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Causton dated at Westminster the 11th. Janry. 1737-8 Sir The Trustees having sent You Sola Bills for L 2,650:-:- by the following Ships, vizt. In August 1737 By the Mary Ann Captain Shubrick.L 65O:-:- By the Cha.rles Captain Eeid. 1,000:-;- In September By the Three Sisters Captain Hewitt . . . 100;-:- In October By the Minei'va Captain Hichleson. 400:-:- In llovember By the King George Captain Ayers. 3OO:-;- In December By the Content Captain Thurnsm . 200:-;- L 2,650;-:- i 1,650. whereof the Trustees have been informed are arrived, and they hope the remaining L 1,000 will also Arrive; Which were sent You for the Supply of the Colony to Lady Day next. And the Trustees having received the following Certified Accompts since the l4th. of December last; Which the said Sola Bills 78 (181) would have answered the Parent of vizt. Days when Certified 15th. July l?^? To Da;vid Provost for Provisions & ) ) llecessarys.) 10th. August 1737 - To Thomas 'Jare for Provisions . . . . 20th. Septemher 1737- 28th. Do. 29th. Do. 2d. Octoher 1737 4th. Do, l4th. Do. 17th. Do. hire To James Searle for Pettiaugua/kijqfci; . To Benjamin Appelhe for Provisions . . To Wm. Vander Spiegel for Provisions) .. ) and STecessarys ) To Captn. James Maclspherson for Pay ) of the Southern Rangers at Fort ) ) Argyll .) To Samil. Montaigut and Co. for ) ) Provisions and Ifecessarys . . . ) To Captn. ASneas McKintosh for Pay ) ) end Provisions at Fort Prince ) ) fturenirg* George and of Expenses for ) ) the Indians ..) To Eohert Ellis for Provisions and ) ) Kecesssrys .) 43:16; 4 226; 4; 9 62:17: 1 138:12:11 293: 3:11 425; ^ 166: 3:11 221:10: 6 384: 7:10 S, 1,961:17: 7 They have therefore sent Back the said Certified Accots. to he paid hy You in Georgia. For the Trustees having Appropriated Money to Answer their Sola Bills, cannot Apply it in any other manner. The Trustees therefore give you Notice thereof. That You may 79 (182) reserve Sola Bills for thpt Porpose; aad they further acq.uaint You, Thp.t no more Bills of Parcells or Certified Accots. for Provisions or Kecessprys hought in the Colony or for Money due or to grow due there will he paid in England. (I83) For that all E^q^ences and Charges of the Colony in America- must he defrayed with the trustees Sola Bills to he Issued there, and must he limited to the Amount of sucii Bills from time to time as they shall he sent. I am Sir Yr. most humhle Servant (185) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Causton dated at h'estminster the 17th. Febry. 1737-8 Sir The f follovdng is a. Copy of my last Sec. Page 101. Since which Letter two more Certified Accots. have been presented to the Trustees for Payment transmitted to Messrs. Pytt and Tuclswell from Mr. Brownfield, the one for L 111:0:3 and the other for 1. 90:9:0 both of them are Tonpaid, as well as the L 1,961; 17:7- 1 heleive the Merchants possessed of those Certified Accots. will Chuse to keep them here untill the Trustees hear from You, what Sum in Sola Bills you have reserved and will keep by You unissued until the Tiustees furtner Pleasure shall he Imown thereon. Which Sum the Trustees fear will not he great, by reason of several of the above mentioned Sola Bills being already come home for Payment. 80 (185) You see the Confusion creeted by your ingking E35>ences before You had Sola Sills to defray them, and thereby are now unprovided for; and You must regulate Your self to the Contents of the Trustees Letter by Mr. Stephens. And The Trustees direct You not to Certify any Accot. for the future to any Person whatsoever, nor Contract any Espences but those You are ordered to make, & have Sola Bills to Defray; v;hich You will be Supplied with to the Amount of all E2q:>ences You are ordered to make. And for that Purpose You will receive the Established Expences that are to be made for the Year I738, as soon as the Trustees loiow to what Amount they will be enabled to make those Sxpences Go; and one half of that Ainoxint will be sent You in (186) Sola Bills for that Puipose at one time and the other half at another time; And no other Payments whatsoever will be made by the Trustees here, but those for their Sola Bills. The Trustees direct You to Send them a Remain of Stores at Lady Day next both at Savannah and Frederica, and also an Accot. of what Credits have been given by the Stores to any and which of the Inhabi tants that have not been repaid at Lsdy Day next. And if eny Debts due from the Store at that time more than the Certified Accots. reed, as beforementioned. You must let the Trustees know. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant. 81 (189) Copy of a Letter from The Trustees To the Eight Eonourshle Sir Eohert Walpole dated at hestminster the 1st. May 1738- Sir Whereas His Majesty lias been graciously Pleased to provide for tne Defence of the Province of Georgia and Carolina on the Military Bstablishaent. And Whereas the Parliament have this Year granted the Sum of Eight thousand Pounds for the Civil Establishment &c of the Colony. The Trustees beg Leave to acquaint You That until the Province is better Settled the yearly Sum of Eight thoiisend Pounds will be neces sary towards the defraying the Expenses of the Civil Government, Affording a Provision and Maintenance to such Persons p,s shall from time to time come to settle in the Colony for Preserving the friendship of the Neighbouring Indians (of great Service in time of Peace, and much more in Case of a War should break out withat Country), for carrying on such Improvements as the Province is capable of Producing such as Silk Wine and Oyl (the Ezpence whereof private Persons are not able to bear without some Assistance). Tliey also beg Leave to acquaint You That as these Sxpences for the f Civil Government &c. will be necessary to be defrayed by the Publick, until the Province is Settled and in a Capacity to Support them themselves; And which in their Present Circumstances they are utterly incapa.ble of doing. They therefore Earnestly desire That these Expences may in future Sessions be put into some Estimate, to be laid by the Crown before the House of (190) Commons; since it will be impossible for the Trustees every Year to take upon them the Labour of Proceeding as Petitioners nor can it be thought reasonable that they 82 (190) shoTold hazard the making Contracts for Men Provisions &g. which is necessary to he done the Year before, upon the Uncertainty of their Petition's being received, or the Sum they expected being granted them. We are John Laroche P. Eyles Chr. Tover Thos. Tower Geo: Heathcote m. Sloper James Oglethorpe Eobt. Hucks Eobt. Eyre Sir Your most humble Servants Shaftesbury Tyronnnel Wm. Eeathcote E: Ai-'cher Eobt. Tracy T. Archer Egmont Jacob Bouverie (193) Copy of a Letter from The Trustees to the Eight Honourable Sir Eobt. Walpole dated at Westminster the 1st. May I738. Sir V/e think our Selves obliged to acquaint You with the Services Thpt Captain James Gascoigne Commander of His Majestys Sloop the Hawk hath Performed in the Colony of Georgia. He hath been Indefatigable in viewing all the Southern Inlets of that Province, and hath continually either Cruized upon the Coast, or staid with, assisted, and Protected the Southern Settlements; and 83 (193) cheerfully londergone the Eifficultys and Hardships which attend s\ich severe Services. e therefore desire the favour of You to recommend Captn. James Gascoigne to His Majesty; That Ee may he advanced to the Command of one of His Majestys Ships of War. We are Sir Hoht. Hucks E. Eyre Geo: Heathcote Eoht. Tr'^cy F. Eyles John Laroche Jacob Eruverie James Oglethorpe Chr: Tower Thos. Tower Your most humhle Servts. Shaftesbury Egmont Hyrconnel T. Archer Wm. Heathcote H; Archer (197) Copy of a Letter from I^Sr. Martyn to Mr. Hugh Anderson dated at Westminster the 19th, May 1738. Sir The Earl of Egmont laid before the Trustees your Letter to his Lordship dated August loth. 173?* They are very well pleased with the Care you Imve already taken and v?ith the Observations You have made in your Memorial concerning the State of the Publick Garden. Chey are con cerned that the Garden has been so strangely neglected by those who had the Management of it, and that it ha,s been so much prejudiced by the Peoples cutting down the Trees which were a proper Shelter of it from 84 (197) the Winds. They heve no doubt however but by Your care and Industry it may soon be brought to Answer their edtpectations, and they will give Orders that You shall have such Assistance as will be necessary for it. The Trustees have 8,lways designed it as a Nursery for Such Prod\ictions as it is the Interest of the Province to Cultivate, such as Mulberries, Vines Olives &C, which were to be Delivered out to the People as they could get their grounds ready to receive them. They have Still the same View, and therefore desire that You will let them know by the first Opportunity how many Days a latch Surrounding the Garden of four feet deep and propertionably v/ide, together with a Hedge on the Inside of the Pales will take up; Also how manj days in probability the making a Pump or bell in the Garden will take up, and how m3,ny d.ays to make proper Devisions by Hedges in the Garden by two Men. The Trustees hear tliat it is best to raise the Mulberries from the Seed, they recommend it to You therefore to (198) raise as many as you can from the Seed at the Properest Season, as also Plenty of Vines and Olive Plants. In the mean time when the Grapes ere ripening, the Trustees think it necessary that no Person be admitted to enter the Garden, except the Magistrates or other Persons who have a right to inspect it; And they hope th^t due Care will be taken for the Preservation of all the Trees and Plants in it. And they recommend it to You, that the Growth from the Stocks of the Trees next Adjacent to the Garden on the North and North Vest Side be preserved, in Order for a Shelter. You was acauainted in December last that Lord Igmont had 85 (198) comrauaiGated to the Trustees you desire of e Lot for one of Your younger Sons; And that the Trustees thought it most for your's end your Sons Advantage that a Grant should he made to your Son of Five Hundred Acres of Land, which You may take Care shall he improved for him. I am Sir Your most humhle Servant (201) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to I-Ir. Ahraham de lyon dated at Westminster the 19th. of May I738. Sir Your Petition and Proposal for propagating Vines in Georgia having heen read and approved of; Your Self, Dr. Samuel Hunes, Mr. Daniel Ifunes, and Mr. Moses Nunes axe to he hound jointly and severally and to Sign a Bond in the Presence of two Witnesses to the Trustees for estshlishing the Colony of Georgia in America and their Successors in the Penalty of Four hundred Pounds Sterling in Six Years from the Date without Interest, \fiiich Bond You are to deliver to General Oglethorpe now going to Georgia, and he will Pay You the Two hundred pounds you desired to he advanced. The Trustees do this in Confidence that You will perform every Part of Yoirr Proposition as well as the Repayment of the said L 200 And they wish You Success therein. I am Sir Your most humhle Serva.nt 86 (205) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to Mr. Thomas Hawkins dated at Westminster the I9 May 1738- Sir I laid before the Trustees your Letter of November 28 last. They are very well pleased with the Account You give of the great Harmony amongst the People of Your Part of the Piovince. As this in some mea-sure must depend on the Conduct of the Magistrates, they have no doubt of it*s Continuance from Yours and the other G-entlemens Behaviour. The Trustees desire You will omit no Opportunity of writing to them, and that You will acquaint them with whatever occurs worth your Notice; You cannot be too Particular in vrriting to them, since they can only govern themselves in their Care of the Colony by the Accots. which they receive from thence. The Improvements in Building and Cultivating of the Lands, the Births and Peaths of the People are what they -want to be Constantly informed of. as likewise of their Behaviour in general. And as they think that Sobriety and Indxastry are the properest means to make the People quiet and happy, they are determined to shew the greatest Marks of their favour to those Who shall be found to be the most Sober and Industrious. Tne Trustees have ordered the Drugs, of which You sent an Invoice, to be sent over to You. I am Sir Your very humble Servant 87 (209) Copj of a Letter from I'tr. MEXtjm to the Reverend tir. George hlaitefield dated at WestTainster the 19th. May 1738 Sir In your Letter to Mr. Verelst from Gihraltar dated Fehrupry 20th. You take Notice of Mr. Wesley's Return to England and desire to know whether the Trustees would ha,ve You alter the Measxrres which they pro posed- They ha,ve ordered me Sir to acquaint You, that they are Pleaeed with the Zeal which appears in you and they do hy this Permit You to Perform all Religious Offices as Deacon of the Church of England at Savannah as well as Frederica, until another Minister is provided for the Town of Savannah. The Trustees have no Douot hut hy your Prudence every Spirit of Dissention will he laid amongst the People as far as You can Contribute to it; And that Sobriety and Industry, and a due Reverence to the Magistracy will he constantly recomraended hy You to them, e,s the most Effectual means to make them quiet and happy, and to Qualify them for a just Observance of the Worship of God. The Trustees ha,ve ordered another a Box of Stationary Ware to he sent to You as You desire hy the first Opportunity. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant (213) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Martyn to Wm. Stephens Bsqr. dated at Westminster the 19th May I758. 88 (213) Sir The Trustees hr-ve received Your Letter dated Janry. 19tli. last with yoior Journal. Tliey have Ordered me to acquaint You that they are very much Pleased with Your heing so Pf.rticulsr in your Accots. And they hope You will go on to Communicate "by all Opportunities every Circumstance tha.t appears worth Your Ilotice. In your Letter You take Notice of a Dissatisfaction among several Persons upon the Ten\ire of their Lots, being confined to the Heirs Male. And You make an Observation on the great A.dvantage of their going to the Heirs General. The granting of Lots to the Heirs General The Trustees are perswaded will appear to You on a second Heflection to be taprasAx impractable as the Colony will consist of People of so many different Countries, -^nd to Convince You that the Trustees have always had, and still have a Disiposition to make the People Perfectly easy in this Particular, and to grant the Lots whenever there is a failure of Male Issue to the Daughters of any Proprietor; They have ordered me to inclose to You a Clause in the Printed terms (which are always offered to such Persons who go at their own Expence) relating to the Females which is as follows. Wlien the Land reverts to the Tiust on the Determination of the "Estate in Tail Male; It is to be nted a.ga.in to s^uch Persons as the "Common Gouticil of the Trustees shall think most for the Advantage of "the Colony And the Trust will have a special Regard to the Dau^ters "of those who have made lEiprovements on (2l4) their Lots, not already "provided for by having raaxried or marrying Persons in Possession or "intitled to Lands in the Province of Georgia in Possession or "Remainder." 89 (214) "And the k Wives of such Persons in Case they shotild survive their Hushands, are during their Lives intitled to the Mansion house "and one half of the Lands iarproved hy their Hushands, that is to say, "Inclosed with a fence of Six feet hight. The Trustees have likewise ordered me to acquaint You That they thiuk Proper to adhere to the Covenants which have "been made in their several Grants, and that they are determined to take the forfeit of Grants of those who neglect to cultivate their Lands I am Sir Your most OLedient Servant (21?) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Ceuston dated at Westminster the 19th. day of May 1733* with the following Accots. Sir The Trustees received your Letter dated the l4th. Janry. last with the Accompt of Captain Thomsons Arrival with Servants for the Trust and others at his Owners Risque together with the particular Dispositions of those at the owners Risque; Whereof only 10 Women, 1 Boy and 1 Girl are in that Disposition charged as "belonging to the Trust, end all the other at the owners Risque being 44 in number are chargeable on other Proprietors; Yet in another List of those Servants, You gave the Captain with a Receipt at the bottom You ecknov/ledge to have received them all for the use and Accot. of the Trust and quote 90 (217) the Trustees Orders of the 20th of May 1737 for that Purpose, \\liich Orders were That if any of the Servants sent at the Owner's Bisque should not he paid for at the end of Tliirty Days from their Arrival the Captain hE,d Leave to deliver such Servants and their Indentures to You for the Trustees Use to he employed in the Puhlick V/ork. But such Servants v;ere not to he disposed of to private Persons upon Credit, hut were to remain the Servants of the Puhlick for cultivating Lands for the Use of the Colony, and to save the Expence of hiring Servants for Puhlick V/ork, which has heen so great a Charge. As You have therefore without any Authority brought this Charge upon the Trust, the Trustees have determined that You must ansvier for the Charge of the said 44 Servants making 431- heads at ^ p head demanded of the Trustees hy Virtue of Your Eeceipt to Captain Thomson, they being all hy Your Dis position become the Property of private Persons on Credit; Which Charge,^ (218) amounts to L 3^- Sterling. Against which they will allow for the Man sick at Savannah, if he shall appear to remain the Trustees Servant; As also for 1 V/oman Servt. to V/illiam Stephens Ssqr. and 1 Vioman Servant to Mr. John Brov/ne of Highgate, on their Certifying their having received each of them such V/onen Servant brought hy Captain Ife Thomson. As to all the others the 8. p head must he mp.de good to the Trustees, and not in the hire of Servants to work it out, for that would he an extraordinary Proceeding to Pay for indented Servants lent to Private Persons and he repaid hy the hire of them out again to the Trustees themselves who paid for them. The Trustees fxirther Observe that You have taken 9^ heads of German Servants brought hy the Ship Three Sisters on your own Accot. 91 (218) without any Permission from the Tr^istees, for whose Passage the Trustees have paid, inclusing the Charge of delivering them at Tyhee i 6:2:6 Sterling p head amounting to ii 5813:9 which You are further Chargeable with. And on Inspecting the Accots. Currant you lately sent them, They Observe that large Credits had been given to several Persons for which they cannot find ar?'^ Orders sent by them to You for that Purpose; And herewith You receive a List of the Ballances stated due from those Persons on their said Accompts Currant amounting in Sterling Money to the Sim of L 890;7:8|- They therefore call upon You to know the Peason why such Credits were given. The Trustees are very sony to find all their Endeavours hitherto so ineffectual for obtaining a regular and known Essence of the Colony and their provideing a proper means of defraying it; Which have been so much kxK hindred by that (219) Surprizing Liberty You have taken of receiving every Ship*s Cargoe brought to Georgia, end the Certifying the Eeceipt of them to demand Payment in England, even when their Cargoes were not wanted; As in the Case of Robert Ellis so lately Certified as the 3<1* of February last While at the same time the Trustees were calculating to Provide for the E:^ence they ordered to be made, and sending their Sola Bills to defray them; Yet they not only find their Sola Bills come to Englaud for Payment without any Cash Accots. of them shewing when received and to whom and for what Issued, This Conduct of Yo-urs is so disatisfactory, Tliat the Trustees find it high time to put an End to all Credit whatsoever, and have therefore preparatory in England given Publick Notice in several different Gazetts ^ printed in April last, one of which is Inclosed to 92 (219) You "That all E3q)ences xsxSQpa^xisx. they Order, shall he paid for in "their Sola Bills, end that no Person has any Authority from them or in "their llame, or on their Account, to purciiase or receive any Cargoes of "Provisions, Stores or ITecessarys, or to Contract any Debt, or create "any Sxpences whatsoever in America." The TriJ-stees have sent You the annexed Accompt of the Escpence of the Colony paid for in England and accrued since Midsummer last, of the Sola Bills sent You since that time amoxinting in the vrhole to 11152:2:1 Sterling, which Surprising Amount has been owing to this unrestrained method of Your Receiving of every thing brought You and making the Trustees Debtor for the Conveniency and Encouragement of Ships to Over stock tlie Colony with their Cargoes. (220) These large Qoantitys of Provisions and Goods must richly Provide for all Espences in the Colony before the Receipt of this Letter, and produce a great Surplus for the Maintenance of the Trustees Servants who are the only Persons now on the Trustees Expence to maintain, And for which they appropriate this great Remain of Provi sions and Goods as their Surpluss Fund to do so. All the Established allovfances sent over by Mr. Stephens and directed to continue to Lpdy Bay 173 every Article of Expence contained in the Trustees Letter by him Do upon the Receipt of this Letter entirely cease and determine, and the Trustees will allow and defray no other Expenses but those which are now sent in the annexed Accompt of Expences in America Estimated for the Service of the Colony for one Year from Midsumr. 1738 io Midsumr. 1739* Copys of which Accot. of Expenses are also sent to illiam Stephens Ss S d Cash remaining in Mr. Causton's hands a,t Midsummer 1737, s hy his own Accompt of Payments between the Eeceipt of the L 1,000 Sola Bills he received 5 June 1737 hy the Ship Peter & James Captain Lymond and Midsumr. following. 509: - 1737 11. Jialy Eeceived from Daniel Provost Provisions and ^ iJecessarys amounting to 43:16; 4 Demanded for Pettia.ugua hire to James SeaJils at L 10 a month for ^ 23 days from Midsummer 1737, part of a Certified Accompt for L 62:16:5 Certified 20 Septemr. 1737 7:13; 4 99c (228) 23 Eeceived from Pras. Johonnet Provisions &c amotuating to.... 38^! 5 26 Eeceived from Benjamin AppelBee Provisions amounting to....**.. .1^: 2: 6 1 August Eeceived from Win. Bellinger Steers to the Amount of.... 491s Is 10 Eeceived from Messrs. Minis and Salomons, Provisions &c to the Amount of . 141;18*.10 carried forward L 1,872:16: 5 (229) Brought forward I 1,872:16: 5 1737 10 August Eeceived from Messrs. Minis and Salomons Provisions &c to another Amount of . * . 317:15: 8 . / m Eeceived from Olios. Ware, Provisions to the Amount of.. ..^26: 4; 9 15 Eeceived from Messrs. Montaigne and Co. Necessaries "between Midsumr. 1737 15 August following to the Amount of.... 285: 3* 9 22 Paid Samuel Lacy for Pettiaugua hire Freight and Provisions since Midsummer 1737* part of L 166:19:4 Certified 22 August 1737 . 33:18: 8 99a (229) 7 September Received from Willxpm Clay, Provisions &c from 13th. July proceeding, to the Amount of .... . 1^9:l6; - 27 Received from Benj. ilppelbe. Provisions to the Amount of.-.138:12:11 29 Received from Wm. Van Der Speigel, Provisions and Recessarys to the Amount of. 293: 3ill Received from Csptn. James Me pherson. Cattle to the Amount of ii 198:7:6, and demanded for the Pay of the Rangers from Midsummer to Michas h 122*8:- part of an Acconpt Certified 2 October 1737 .320:15: 6 Demanded for the Pay of the Rangers at Port Prince George from Mxsac Midsumr. to Michas, part of a Certified Accot, dated ih October 1737 .... 6O: -: - Carried over la 31698: 7: 7 (230) Brought Over ii 3.698: 7: 7 1737 29 September Received from the Warehouse of Messrs. Pytt and Tuckwell between Midsr. and Michas, Recessarys to the Amount of. Ill: 3 Received from Messrs. Montaigne and Co. between 15 August J737 and Michmas, following Recessaries to the Amount of. 166: 3:11 99e (230) 7 OctoTaer Received from Messrs. Minis and Salomons, Pro visions &c to ttie Amovint of Received from Do. Provisions &c to another Amount of...* Received from Wm. Clay, Steers then delivered and the Balance thereof demanded, amounts to. . Received from Roht. Ellis, Provisions and Kecessarys to the Amount of 1 November Received from the Warehouse of Messrs. Pytt and Tuckwell since Michas 1737 Necessarys to the 28 Decemr. Received Amount of from . Messrs. Montaigne & Co. a Cargos of Provisions from Philadelphia to the Amount of. January Received from the Ship Georgia Pink a Cargos of Beef, Butter and Tallow from Ireland, which ^ with Received the Freight from Isaac Cost Nunez . Henriques, Provi sions and Necessaries in Deer, last, and certified 5 January to the Amount of . Received from the Warehouse of Messrs. Pytt & Tuckwell since 1 Novr. 173? Necys. to the Amt. of... .' 395: 8: 4 78: 9: 6 65:10: 5 384: 7: 9 90: 9: - 847: 5: 8 1,168; 8: - 160:11: 5 81:15: - Garrd. forward 7.245:16:10 99f (231) 16 Janry. 21st 3 Febry. Sajxx Brough-t forv/ard i 7.245:16:10 Received from Messrs. Montaigut end Co. Necessaries "between 2d. October 1737 & 23d. Deer, following, and Certified I6 Jentiary to the Amotint of.. 282:14: 3 Received from Captain Wm. [Thomson, Provisions & Necessarys delivered in November & Jannary 1737 Besides 54-1/3 heads of Servants whereof 43-1/2 are not on the Tr\istees Accot., end for which 8 a head is demanded Amounting to 3^* which Mr. Causton must be answerable for. Received from Robt. Rllis the 30bh. Janry. Provisions & Necessaries certified Jd., Pebry. to the Amot. of. 504: 9:11 mhe Sola Bills received since 1st. Novr. 1737 amount to.2,650: -: - 11,152: 2: 1 (232) An Accoiapt of the Expences in America Estimated hy the Trustees for the Service of the Colony of Georgia for one Year from Midsummer 1738 to Midsummer 1739* S s Eor the Services of the three Bailiffs and Recorder at Savannah, and the three Bailiffs and Recorder at Erederica a.t L 10 a year each ..80; Eor the Services of the Six Constables and Twenty four Tythingmen in the said Towns, for Six V/ards in each and a Constable and four Tythingmen in each Ward at Sj-S a year each.... 300 s "i Eor the Service of a Storekeeper at I 30 a year and a Clerk to him at L 10 a Year, and 8 a year more in lieu of Provisions ..... .......... Eor the Services of Two more Clerks engaged by the Trust, to be employed as the Trustees shall order, at 10 a year each and 8 a year each in lieu of Provisions ...... To an Overseer, for his Services in looldLng after the Millwrights, &c..... ... Por the Maintenance of the Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust in Georgia and his Son at 10 a year each, and of his ten Servants at 6, a year each, and for his extraordinary Charges at 40 a year.. 48; 36: 10; 120; -1. 99h (232) iFor Poirp Ministers in Georgia at L 50 s, year each. 200: - For the necessary Support of the Sick, the Widows & Orphans; in the Northern part of the Province.100: -: - Por the necessary Support of the sick the Widovfs & Orpha,ns; in the Southern part of the Province. 50:-:- Por a Messenger to keep a Correspondence between Savannah and Charles Toxvn. 50:-:- Por a Messenger to keep a Correspondence between Frederica and Savannah. 80: - The two Millwrights to be paid a,t enployed at a Bate not exceeding a day eanh, and to be hastened in bringing their work to a Conclusion.. (233) Mr, Auspourger the Surveyor, to be enployed in Surveying the Land at.5^:15: - And f. an Assistant to him, as occasion shall require at 12 The ^ Smith, a day . for Repair of the Indian Arms and other Repairs at L 25* a year for each. 50:-:- The Charges of the Italian Silk Winders .. 70:12:11 s d The Gardiner in the Publick Garden at 1 /6 for each Working day 23: 9: 6 99i (233) A Cowkeeper at Elieneser. 24:12: 7 And if a Cow for all to a hundred, but all above to be sent to Ebenezer. A Sea Boat at Tybee ) Instead of the hire of two Pettiauguas wch. ) A Sea Boat at Frederica ) Charge amotmted to I 113:9:5* IThe Expence of the Georgia Scout Boat consistiiag of a Patroon and ten Men, and Provisions for them. 258:15: 1 And for Contingencies to inclxide all Charges of the Indians (except Presents, which are to be sent from England only) and all other accidental, except extra ordinary Occasions, not exceeding i 5 a month for the Northern part and i 5* a month for the Southern part of the Province. 120: - Which Estims-ted Expences were approved of and agreed to by the Common Co-undl of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America upon the 10th. and 17th. Days of May 1738. 99j (234) An Invoice of the several Parcels from the Trustees consigned to General Oglethorpe, end Shipped on hosrd the Transports now on their Departure for Georgia, with the use that each Parcel is to he applied to vizt. Por Sant Building the Church at Savannah. 85 Tons of Flint Stones ) g ) at 15. a Ton 5 Tons of Dantzick Stones ) , 77 Barrs of Sweeds Iron containing 32:2:16 at 15^/6 p i wt. 100 Barrs of Eussia iron containing 54:3!10 at l4/6 p i wt, 6 Faggots of Steel containing 4:1: 4 at 30? p wt. And Deal Boards used in building the Cabins on board the Amy, the Lightfoot and the Whitaker Transports, and part of those used on board the present Transports. Working Tools for the Trtxstees Servants. G X C Ho, 1 to 9* Small Casks of Wrought Iron 10 A Small Chest of Saws A Bundle of Saws, and 2 small Baskets of Planes, &c. Which Package contain as follows. s 6 5 feet crosscut saws whet and sett at 12. 6 6 feet Do. Do. 14? 4 7 feet Do. Do, l6? 12 Steel Whipsaws Do. l6? 1 Doz. Tellers and handles t 1:4;~ 4 Doz: Steel hardened hand Saws Do. at 5? 99k (234) 4 Doz! "best Steel Saw Sets A Box 3? 3 Doz: crosscut ssw Files at 3*/^ 2 Doz: h,ipsaw Do. at 5/ 6 Doz handsaw Do. at 1/10?- 4 Doz Do. for the Mill Saw 64* l4? a doz. 10 Setts of Splitting Hedges 12 "broad Axes 5^ each at 3 (235) 20 Carpenters Hammers at 11? 6 Strong Claw Do. large at l/4^ 6 Carpenters Mallets 6 one Inch Augers at 1? 6, 1^ inch Do. at l/3^ 15: Doz: "best Gimhlets at 15^ a doz. 1 Doz Spike Do. at 2/ a doz. 1 Doz Do. larger at 2/6 1 Doz "box handled Do. at l/3 6 Smoothing Planes fixt with Irons at 11^ 4 Jack Do. Do. l/3^ 4 Fore Do. Do. 2? 4 long Do. Do. 2/3^ 2 Joynter Do. Do. 2/6 1 Doz. best Steel square Compasses 4? 4 2 ft. figured Sq^uares at 11?' 37 "m 3^^^ 3/4 Hose at l/9^ 30 m 7^ 1/2 Do. at 2/8^ 99-1 (235) Do. Do. Do. at at at at 3^/8^ idl ic4 2/s4 20 m 11. 22 nri3. 10 m 21. 20 Mortice Axes 10 large Peakes 10 Do, Chizells 100 Hew England Axes at 6 Crow Leavers ^ron 19 at 1 Doz: Cane hook hills 14/*' 50 round eyed hatchets each 8^ Whetting and Setting 28 Saws at 1? each 16 pair of handles for the Cross Cut Sa.vrs at ^ a pair. 3 Doz. hlackscore Gimhlets 2/6^ 12 Whipsaw Boxes ^ each (236) For the Trustees Store for the use of the Colony a Box containing 40 pd. of Turnip Seed at 6^ a Pound. In a Box G x C 1^^ of Dr. Cockbxirns Electuary for the Flux In a Brown Paper, two Brass Cocks for Salting whole. For presents for the Indians. 295 Guns in List Cases contained in 12 Chests marked G x C, from No. 1 to 12. A Box G X C Paint containing 8 pds. fine Yermillion at 5/^ 8 Do. Smalt blue at 2f 8 Do. Eose ColoTxr at l/6^ 8 Do. Yellow at l/6^ 8 Do, Green at 4f And 20 pds. of Nergo Beads in Box No. 8. f.B. to he delivered hy John Brownfield. 100 (237) The Present Hurry on General Ogelthorpes Departure has pre vented the fully talcing your Journal into Consideration hut they will the very first Opportunity They in the Strongest mpuner recommend to You to enquire and send them a particular Accot, how and on vrhat Lahour the Trustees Servants are employed; for the "benefit of their Lahour mast appear not only to answer the great Charge of them, hut also to produce a Surpluss Benefit for the use of the Colony; V/hicir was tne cheif end of sending them. The Trustees notwithstanding their Endeavours to regulate the Sxpence of the Colony and provide the proper means of defraying it, have heen greatly prevented therein hy the IJumher of Certifieo. Accon5)ts for Cargoes received in Georgia, wnich have heen sent over to England for Payment; At the same time tiiat their Sola Bills were sent to Georgia for defraying the Expences they ordered to he made. They have therefore given Puhlich Notice in the London Gazette, which I have inclosed to You; "That all Sjcpences they order, shall he paid for in their Sola Bills; and that no Person has any Authority from them, or in their Name, or on their Account, to pi-irchase or receive eny Cargoes of Provisions Stores or Necessaries, or to Contract any Deht, "or Create any Expence whatsoever in America." and You receive also two Notices Signed hy the Secretary, whereof Mr. Thomas Jones who brings You this has two others, One of which is to he affixed on (238) the Door of the Storehouse at Savannah and the other on the Door of the Storehouse at Erederica and to remain thereon; Wherefore as he has two and You two, they will Supply the want of one in Case either shoiold he taken down, both the Storehouses Doors being to have the Notice remain on them. 101 (238) Mr. Tliomas Jones is appointed Storekeeper in the room of Hr. Ci^uston, whose Attendance on the Sovirt and other Avocations will fully take up his time, And Mr. Jones is to take Possession of the Remain of Stores in the Custody of Ifr. Thomas Causton in one month after he has delivered Mr. Causton the Trustees Letter he brings over to him, and Is to Issue them piirsuant to the Orders he shall receive from Yourself I>Ir. Causton and Mr. Henry Parker, or any two of You; which Issues the Trustees direct in the first place to he made for the Maintenance and providing for the Trustees Servants, who are the only Persons now on the Trustees Expence to maintain. All the Established Allowances sent over by You and directed to continue to Lady Lay 1738, and every Article of E::Q)ence contained in the Trustees Letter to 14r. Causton sent by You Bo upon the Receipt of the Letter now sent by Mr. Jones to Mr. Causton entirely cease and determine; And the Trustees will allow and Defray no other Expences but those which by the Copy thereof herewith sent You are Estimated for the Service of the Colony in America for one Year from Midsummr. I738 to Midsumr. 1739* And You together with Mr. Causton and Mr. Henry Parker, or any two of You are directed to defray those E::iQ)ences from time to time either with the Remain of Sola Bills still in 14r. Causton*s hands, or with those which any two of You shall be empowered to Issue and as such Expences shall be Defrayd those teo of you Who defray them are to Sign the Accompt thereof and send it from time to time to the Trustees Specifying the Services for and to whom such Expences were paid, agreable (239) to the said Expences so estimated; with a List of the Bills as Issued. 102 (239) Mr. Bradleys Accompt and Demands and Conduct is referred to Mr. Tiiomas Jones to examine and Report upon, ABraham Delyons Petition Being granted. General Oglethorpe vT-trl? will advance him the 200. Sterling on the Trustees Accompt. EoBert GilBert is appointed Third Bailiff of Savannah in the room of John Dearne deceased and herewith You receive his Constitution, which You are desired to deliver to him v/ith proper Advice for his Behaviour in the Discharge of his Duty. The Trustees have desired Mr. Causton to move the Town CoTort of Savannah to name a Trustee for the Orphans in the room of John Coates the ConstaBle, and that the Trustees for the Orphans may Be called upon to Send an Account of their Proceedings from time to time to the Trustees. The Trustees have sent to Mr. Whitefield and permitted him By reason of Mr. John Wesleys Return to England to perform all Religious Offices as Deacon of the Church of England at Savannah as well as Erederica, until another Minister is providee for the Town of Savannah; .fhich they are very Anxious to have provided By the first Opportunity: And they have desired the Magistrates in the mean time not to ABsent themselves on Sundays, But to AssemBle together and cause Prayers to Be read to the People By some decent Person v/ho can read. And Being equally desirous to have the 300.*^ Acres of Land granted 3l3t. March 1736 In Trust to Mr. Causton and others, to Be Cultivated in the Northern part of the Province for the Religious Uses of the Colony; They have Ordered that Seven of the Trustees Servants Be erployed immediately therein and that your self and Mr. Henry Parker are to 103 (239) Cooperate with Mr. Causton in the proper eii5)loying of the said seven Servants (24o) for that piorpose; of which please to acquaint the said Mr. Parker. Hie Trustees having considered of Mr. Henry Parker's Services have orderd him two Men Servants such as he shall Chuse, and now under the Care of Mr. Bradley; and if they are married their Wifes are to go with them, and to he maintained hy the Trustees until fiirther Orders end they have also Ordered me to Send Jiim the Value of B 20 Sterling in Gloathing and necessaries for him, which I will do hy the first OpportTinity. And in Cp-se Mr. Cliristie continues his Office of Recorder, The Trustees have allowed him two Servants, -under Mr. Bradleys Care, to he maintained hy the Tiustees until further Orders; which please to acquaint him of in Case he is still Recorder and will continue so to he. Tlie several Parcels Shipped for the Trust, and the Use they are to he put to are descrihed and particularized in the Invoice herewith sent You; They are consigned to General Oglethoin)e/ and Yourself, Mr. Causton and Mr. Henry Parker, or any two of You are to direct the Storekeeper in the Application of them; except those Parcels which are for Presents to the Indians which General Oglethorpe will please to direct the Disposition of. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant P. S. There is a Trust Grant sent You herewith, the Coonterpart of 104 (241) which. You are to get Executed hy the of Savp,nnah, it (24l) contaiiis 3000.*^ Acres of Land in Trust that every Kan of Twenty one Years of Age and upwards heing a Protestant who should within three Years from the Date arrive in Georgia should have an Allotment of Fifty Acres of land gr.^nted to him as is therein mentioned; And those Lots which are desired in the Northern Part of the Province are to he set ou hy Your self and Kr. Causton, and those Lots which are desired in the Southern jjart of the Province are to he set out hy William Eorton Ssqr. and Mr. Thomas H,owkins; whereof please to give them Notice on your Eeceiving and Perusing the said Trust Grant. (245) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Eenry Parker dated at Westminster the 20th. Kay I738. Sir The Trustees having been informed of youi' good Behaviour and tliat Yo\ir time has been greatly employed in the honest Discharge of Your Duty of 2d. Bailiff of Savannah, have Ordered me to hu^' for You Cloathing and Necessaries to the Yalioe of L 20 Sterli.ig, which I will do and send You hy the first Opportunity. They liave also allowed You two Men Servants now under the Care of I4r. Bradley, such as You shall Chuse to he for your ov/n use; And if they are married their Wifes are to go with them, and they are to he maintained hy the Trustees till further Order; Kr. Bradley has Directions sent him for that purpose. The Trustees have appointed Eohert Gilbert to he third Bailiff of Savannah in the room of John Dearne deceased whom they hope v'ill 105 (245) believe v1?^ never been brought for Payment and of the Balance due to Mr. Chardons Ex:ecutors which Mr. Simond desires may be paid him here. The Trustees therefore desire That You will give Mr. Wm. Stephens and Mr. Henry Parker such Directions as you shall think necessary for receiving the Moneys as are still due in Georgia, and for the Sale and Application of the Trustees Effects therqtor these Purposes. And the Trustees are very sorry there is so much Occasion to trouble You hereupon. You having so full Employment in Your Military Concerns. As there is no Establishment for this Year to take place for Want of Money to answer one; The Trustees recommend it to You in the directing the Application of their Effects, after their Debts are paid: That the Surpluss may be used for defraying only the (331) ost necessary Expences which may best conduce to keep the industrious People from any real Want, until the Trustees can acquaint You what further Supply they shall have in the next Session of Parliament. 139 (331) Eie Trustees long for the News of Your Arrival in Georgia and an Account of their jJ. Affairs thereupon; Which when received, together with your Opinion of what Articles of Expence in the Civil Concerns of the Colony for the further Settling it, and the Encooiragement of Produces from it to maintain it Self hereafter shall he necessary, which is now the only Business of the Trust; They will he furnished with proper Materials for urging to the Minister that a Stun may he put into the Estimate in the next Session to answer such Expences; Which if Obtained and voted, the Trustees will on the Credit of such Vote malce out their Sola Bills, and Send them for defraying the Expences they shall hereafter order; and the Money for Payment of them v;ill he in Bank before their Return from Georgia, in Order to have an early Supply and to answer such Expences at the time of creating them. By reason no Debts can he hereafter contracted to make the Trustees lyahle. Col. Stephens in his Journal of the 20th. of April last Mentions that the Minister at Darien had wrote to desire his and Mr. Causton's Opinion whether he might exceed the Dimensions of the Church intended at Darien, Those given being too little. The Trustees thereupon desired me to acquaint You That they cannot he at the Escpence of build ing a Church at Darien for the Scotch, and therefore it must not go on at their Charge. (332) Captain Thomson will Sail next Week with foreign Servants for Georgia at his o\m Risque; Several of them come recom mended to You by Mr. Van 5Ek Eicchen the Kings Hanover Secretary. By that Ship You will receive a Duplicate of this letter, and a full 140 (332) Letter from myself of such. Occurrences since your Sailing worth your notice from. Sir Your most Ohedt, humble Servt, (333) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Willm. Stephens Esqr. dated at Westminster 4th. August I738. Sir This acquaints You of the Eeceipt of Your Letter to me dated the 15th. of April last with a Duplicate of a Letter to the Trustees dated 29th. of March last, and your Journal to the said 15th. of April; and also of the Receipt of Your isjcJcdc Letter to me dated the 27th, of May last and your Journal continued: And incloses You a Duplicate of the Trustees last Letter to You from me dated 12. June 1738 The particular and intelligent manner of yo-ur Journals, your sensible Letters, and regular Correspondence, fully answer the Trustees Expectations, and prove very Satisfactory to them. They have the Pleas\rre nov/ to send you over by the Two Brothers Captain Thomson a young Gentleman well ed\icated at the University of Dublin, whose Character has been strongly certifyed by the Primate of Ireland, whereby he obtained Ordination of Deacon and Priest, and is appointed by the Trustees to perform Ecclesiastical Offices in the room of Mr. & John Wesley: He comes with well adminished Dispositions And the Trustees recommend him to You for advice on all Occasions, desiring your introducing him to the Magistrates to have all due Countenance 141 (333) agreealjle to his Fuaction; The Trustees are well Satisfied You will find h-ttr. a Man after your own Heert, capable of doing Good} (334) And whose Behaviour it is to he hoped will exceite a sutahle Return from the Inhabitants Mr. Causton having by his Certifying so many Accoi^ts made the Trustees lyable to such Surprizing Demands as have swept away the whole Money granted by Parliament; And having in his Settling the late Mr. Jenyss Accompt omitted to Charge him with the Money he received at Charles Town for the Duty on Enm the said Accompt is sent back, and wha,t shall appear really due to the said Mr. Jenyss Executors must be paid by the Sale of some of the Trustees Effects in the Store, they having no Money left in England to defray the Expences of the Colony to Midsummer 1739. Which must therefore be defrayed by applying or Sale of their Effects in Georgia, as well as all Outstanding Debts under yours and Mr. Henry Parkers Directions. The Trustees have wrote to General Oglethorpe on that head also. The intended Establishment for this Year not being able to take place for want of Money to Answer it; The Trustees recommend it That in the Application of their Effects, after their Debts ar^ paid, the Surpluss may be used for defraying only the most necessary Expences which may best Cond-uce to keep the Industrious People from any real Want, until they shall have a further Supply in the next Session of Parliament Mr. Oakes one of the Kings Coachmen, whose Son was bound to the Trustees and sent to Georgia, having a.ttended the Trustees on a Com plaint of the cruel Usage given to his Son by Young, the Wheelwright, 142 (335) to whom the Trustees had assigned the said Lad as most proper "by reason he had Served part of his time to that Trade in England; The Trustees desire You will send for the Young Man and enquire into the Treatment he has received from his Master, and of his Masters Neglect in employing him in the Business of his Trade. And in Case You shall find just Eeason for Complaint, the Trustees who are desirous tha,t all Masters shoiild he d\xly punished who use their Servants Ill, hut parti cularly Mr. Young for using this Lad who was a Servant assigned to him from them for better Purposes, and as Matter of favour being bred to his Business; and therefore they think him a proper Example for PTinishment. And they further direct You that if the had is desirous to retiirn horn to his friends in England, rather than Serve his time out and have the Benefit of Settling on Land for himself in Georgia; You have the Trustees full authority to vacate the Lads Indenture, and send him home by the Two Brothers Captn. Thomson who Sails for Georgia next week with a freight of foreign Servants at his 0\mers Eisque. In your Journal of the 20th. of April last You mention that the Minister at Darien had desired yours and Mr. Causton's Opinion whether he might exceed the Dimensions of the Church intended at Darien, those given being too little. The Trustees thereupon acquaint You that they ,a cannot be at the Expence of building/ Church at Darien for the Scotch, and therefore it must not go on at their Charge. (336) The Trustees as you desired to now acquaint You, That the Grand Jury has no Eight by Law to Administer Oaths. The Trustees desire to know whether the Inhabitants have a prudent Caution of Saving the Timber they fell from their Lands, in 143 (336) Order when the Sap is out to meke proper use of; The Trustees finding tha,t last Yeex Robert Willisitis brought Sawed Timber from Carolina; ^fhich it might have been expected from the dumber of Sawyers in Georgia, the Inhabitants mi^t have furnished themselves with. I am Sir Your most Obedt, Servant (337) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Genl, Oglethorpe dated at Westmr. 11th. August 1738. Sir Herewith You receive /. a Copy of the Trustees last Letter dated the 4th. instant. They now send you the following Accot, of the Dis position of their Servants in Georgia as it appears to them; And of the Directions they have given concerning them. The 40 Men Servants sent to the Darien Under the Care of Lt. John Moore Mackintosh, the Trustees have directed an Accot. of them to be sent from him and certified by the Magistrates at i^'ederica shewing to which of the Freeholders at the Darien any, and how many of the said 40 Servants have been disposed of; and also shewing in what Service the others of the sa.id 40 Servants and the 10 Women 1 Girl and 1 Boy (part of those at the Owners of the Two Brothers Eisgue put under the care of Lt. Mackintosh) have been enployed, and how the Profit of their Labour is Accoted. for to the Trust. And as the Grant for 300*^ Acres of Land in the Southern part of the Province for the Religious Uses of 144 (337) the Colony went over with You, the Trustees desire that the said Land may he set out; and have directed that seven of the Servants now under the care of Lt. Mackintosh should he immediately employed in the Cultivation thereof. And that the then residue of all the said Servants at the Darien should he offered for Supplying the People at Frederica who want Servants, on their giving Bond for L 8. the Expence of each head, to he paid in Twelve months from the Date: Unless the profit of their past Labour (over and above the Charges of their Cloathing and Maintenance) being (338) Acconroted for to the Trust can reduce tha.t Sum; And in that Case the Bond is to he given for so much less. For the follov/ing Servants the Trustees have paid 1 8. p head to Captn. Tliomsons Ovuer, which must he repaid to the Trustees by the Several Persons hereafter l-Jemed, they having been Creditted with them by Mr. Causton; or Mr. Causton must he ans\irerahle for what may he not paid. y vizt. 6^- heads in the Service of Mr. ^homas Causton being 4 Men 2 Women and 1 Boy. 2 Men in the Service of Archibald MacBean 1 Woman the Wife of Laughlan MacLean 1 Woman the Daughter of Benjamin Mackintosh 3 Men ) ) in the Service of St. Jolm Moore Mackintosh 1 Woman ) 1 Man in the Service of William Mackintosh 1 Man in the Service of Kenneth Baillie T Men ) 1 Woman ) Service of James Anderson 10 Men ) 1 Woman ) Service of John Bradie 32^' heads at L 8. each L 260. 145 (338) The Women Servants "by Ceptn. Thomsons SMp in the Service of Mr. Willisjn Stephens, Mr, John Brown and John Vanderplank*s Widow, the Trustees hear the Charge of. The Woman Servant to Nathaniel Polhills Widoxir hy the said Ship, Sir John Lade will pay for. And the Trustees have directed me to call upon Miss SapaDSx:tiB3s L Upton the Sister of Mr. Upton's Wife to try if She will pay the L 8 p head or any part thereof for the 3 Men and 3 Women Servants hy the said Ship Mr. Causton creditted Mr. (339) Upton with A Otherwise he or Mr. Causton must he answerable to the Trustees for that i 48:-:-. The Servants hy the Ship Three Sisters amounted to 121-^ heads whereof 9-| heads Mr. Causton took into his own Service and for wMch he is Debtor to the Trustees at L 6:2:6 p head L 58:3j9* And 29 Men, 2? Women 16 Boys and 15 Girls making 71-2/3 heads vrere put imder the Care of Mr, Bradley with Leave for Masters in Georgia to R^sy ioKX Ii 6:2:6 p head the Charges of sending them within 6 weeks, and thereby free them from the Trustees Service. The rest of the said Servants were en^ployed or disposed of as follows. 10 Men 10 Women 7 Boys end I3 Girls making heads were appointed to work at the Crane, and in the Garden. 2 Men 2 Women 2 Boys and 2 Girls making 5-i/6 heads were appointed to the Millwrights at Ehenezer. And 2 Men 2 Women and 1 Boy making 5 heads were assigned to Captain Gascoigne. Mr. W'ragg has received from the Trustees the Balance of his 146 (339) Accot. of the Freight and the L 100. for delivering these Servants at IJy'bee; hut as to the extraordinary Demand of L 87:16:0 (over end above the i 100) for want of a Pilot coming off from Tyhee when the Ship Three Sister*s first arrived; the Trustees, without you can furnish them on enquiring into the Case with further Peasons, than the Captain's Protest and Certificate, cannot enter into it. The I. 37:7:9 Sterling received of the Passengers in Holland and made good to them hy Mr. Causton, Mr. (34o) Wregg is still answerable for; And Govr. Horsey will be made acquainted therewith, that it may be paid to the Trustees . . . .out of the Money due to Mr. Wragg from the Province of South Carolina, by Virtue of the Duke of Newcastle's Letter now directed to Govr. Horsey. The Trustees have ordered That out of such of the 71-2/3 heads of German Seriraats not freed within the 6 weeks granted for that pur pose, and who still remain under Mr. -Bradley's Care, Seven of them should be employed in the Cultivation of the 300.' S Acres of Land at Savannah for the Eeligious Uses of the Colony. Two more of them with their Wives, such as Mr. Henry Parker shall chuse, to be assigned to him from the Trustees in Consideration of his Services as -Bailiff; and two more to be assigned to Mr. Thomas Christie, if he still continues in his Office of Recorder. And that the then Residue of the said 71-2/3 heads should be en^Dloyed in the Cultivation of Bouverie's Farm, which must be set out and cultivated to Discharge the Trustees of Sir Jacob Bouverie's Benefaction for tha,t purpose. The Moravian Brethren having laboured in Georgxa to the Amount of i 260:0:10 Sterling as Certified by Mr. Causton in two Accompts 14? (340) dated 10. August and 25th. Fehry. 1737; eud one of the said Brethren having delivered those Accompts to the Trustees, they have balanced their Bonds hy that Labour, and the Trustees have delivered them up. The incorporated Society in Scotland for promoting Christian Knowledge being willing to bestow a Sum on their Missionary at Darien (over and above the Annual (341) L 50 paid him) to Enable him to pro cure Servants to cultivate the Daxid allowed him on Condition that the Land so improved be declared by the Trustees to belong to the said Societys Missionary at Darien. The Common Council have resolved That on the Surrender of Mr. John MacLeods fifty Acres Lott at the Darien to the Trustees the said Lott shall be granted for or towards the Main tenance of a Missionary Minister at the Darien for so long time as the incorporated Society in Scotland for promoting Christian Knowledge shall continue to send and Support a Person to be a Missionary there; The said Missionary to be approved of and authorized by the Trustees. Mr. John West having named Mr. David Provoost Junr. of New York Merchant to Succeed to the Lott at Savsn^ah late Joseph Hughess, and Captn. Thomson having consented thereto; The Common Coiincil have agreed to the same, bliereby it is to be hoped Mr. West will be enabled to pay his L 10. Note to me for the Trustees Use dated 26th. Septemr. 1735 payable in Two Years; and the Trustees have directed him to be called upon for that purpose, and also to know if his Draught on Mr. Causton to you the 27th. of October 1735. for D 60. Sterling has ever been paid; and if it has not, that it may be. Mr. William Norris having been very well recommended to the Trustees to Succeed Mr. John Wesley at Savannah, and having received 148 (341) the Ordination of Deacon end ^riest, comes over hy the Two Brothers to take upon him the Ministry at Sevannah; Of whose Beha,viour the Trustees have ^reat hopes. On the 21st. of last month the King Signed the Instruction to the Trustees relating to the Trade with the Indians in Georgia, Which will he taken into Consideration as soon as Mr. Vernon (342) comes to Town; That if any part of it shall appear to want an Ejcplenation, the Trustees may Apply for that purpose. The Lords of the Committee pre sent when that part of the Report was Settled were the Speaker, the Master of the Rolls, and Sir Charles Wager, As soon as the Trustees have come to a Resolution hereupon You will he acquainted with the Result. Mr. Eyre and Mr. Thomas Tower met last Monday to Consider of the most effectual Method to Enforce the Execution of the Act prohibit ing Rum in Georgia; And they are of Opinion That one proper Method would he. That on the Summing up of the Evidence to the Jury on any Tryal it should he general, whether they should find it Rum Brandy or any Spiritous Liquor, if they heleived it to he a Spirituous Liquor sold used or hro\ight into the Colony, it vras within the Act, and hy Virtue of their Oaths they would he obliged to give a Verdict and find the Offence. The same Gentlemen also considered of the most effectual way for preventing private Credit; and are of Opinion, Thpt a Law should he prepared hy the Trustees on the foot of the Irish Law for Recovery of small Debts, which has been regularly executed and without any Incon veniences. But that instead of confining theDehtor, there should he a 149 (3^2) Clause giving the Creditor power over his Debtor to make him labour and work out his Debt at certain times, computing a proper Humher of Days Lahoxir p pound Sterling; And on the Debtor's Non Compliance, he should be obliged to work for the Publick or be confined. And some thing of this Nat-ure will be fxirther considered of. The Trustees have sent the Surveying Instruments You desired for Mr. Augspoxirguer the Surveyor in a Case, and 1,000.^ Gun Worms in a Box, the Gun Worms being part of the Presents designed for the Indians. (3^3) 40 pieces of Duffils and 6 pieces of Strouds in 9 Bales and a Cask with Pocket Knives Looking Glasses &c. for the Indians and a Box of Matchets will be Shipped next week on board the Minerva Captain Nickleson, Captn. Thomson not having room for them, and no other Ship going to Georgia this Year. They will be forwarded to Mr. Thomas Jones at Savannah, or in his Absence to Mr. Wm, Stephens and Ml. Eenry Parker with other Parcels on board the said Ship, which are sent to John Brov/nfield by Mr. Taclwell; and Lt. Colonel Cocliran's Serjeant going over in the said Ship will take Care of them. The Trustees received a Letter from Mr. i/hitefield relating to the building a Tabernacle Minister's House And School House at Frederica, which they think necessary to be done out of the Fund for the Religious Uses of the Colony; But as he is coming over for Priest's Orders, there is time for doing it aga.inst his Eetxirn. Mr. Charles Wesley thinke of returning as soon as his Health will permit him. Mr. Whitefield writes tha.t he desires an Order from the Trustees to have Money to bear his or Mr. Habersham the School Master's Expence 150 (3^3) in their Voysge hack to England v/hen they shall have a Desire of retxirning; As to Mr. Whitefields coming hack for Priests Orders it is no douht necessary, hut for Mr. Hahershsms return the Trustees dont see any immediate necessity, if He is of any use in Georgia; But the Trustees refer that to You, v;ho can judge better on the Spott. The Trustees have paid for Mr. Brailsford's Pa-ssage hy tne Two Brothers, and the Common Council ordered him L 25. for his Attendance on the Dispute between South Carolina and Georgia, which has been paid him. Mr. Amos Callsrd sent to me this morning to attend him about the Money for Georgia, and altho he fully depended (3^4) on i 400. it is reduced to 300. which is ordered to be paid into the hands of the Secretary to the Trustees; and I have given Mr. Martyn llotice to go and receive it. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant. (345) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to btoocS Wm. Stephens Esqr. dated at Westminster 11. August 1738* Sir Herewith You have a Copy of the Trustees l^st Letter dated 4th. instant. And they have ordered that out of such of the 71-2/3 Heads of German Servants not freed within the six weeks granted for tha.t purpose, and who still remain under Mr. Braaleys Care; Seven of them should be 151 (3^5) a employed in the Cioltivation of the 3OO. ' Acres of Land at Savanneh, for the Religious Uses of the Colony. Two more of them with their Wives, such as Mr. Henry Pej'ker shall chuse, to he assigned to him from the Trustees in Consideration of his Services as Bailiff; and tv/o more to he assigned to Mr. Thomas Christie, if he still continues in his Office of Recorder, and that the then Residue of the said 71-2/3 Heads should he employed in the Cultivation of a Farm which the General is wrote to to haJ?e set out, and to he called Bouverie*s Farm. The Trustees having consented to the Nomination of Mr. David Provoost Junr. of Nev/ York Merchant to he the Successor of the late Mr. Joseph E-ughes*s Lot, they hope Mr. John West v.'ill he enabled to pay his Note of L 10. dated 26. September 1735 Michaelmas 1737. and ha.ve directed You to call upon him to pay it into the Trustees Store to he Accoted. for to them, and they desire to know v/hether Mr. John Wests Draught on Mr. Causton for i 60. to James Oglethorpe Esqr. dated the 27th. of October 1735 has ever been paid; and if not, they have directed that he should he called upon by You for that purpose; his Accot. with the Store from February 1735 not taking any Notice of such Draught. (3^6) As the due Execution of the Act prohibiting the ^se of Suirituous Liquors in Georgia will greatly contribute to the Welfare of the Colony; The Trustees are of Opinion msxs. one effectual Method towards it would he, the general Summing up the Evidence to the Jury on any Tryal, That if th^ heleived the Liquor sold used, or brought into the Colony, to he a Spirituous Liquor whether Rum, Brandy or ai)y other Spirituous kind; The Offence \f8S within the Act, and by Virtue of their 152 (3^6) Oaths they were obliged to find the Offence and give a Verdict accordingly. The Trustees are considering of proper Lav/s relating to private Credit, which will he Settled as soon as possible There comes consigned to You and Mr. Henry Parker (in case Mr, Thos. Jones should be absent from Savannah) by the inclosed Bill of Lading the following Parcels whicia please to forward and deliver as directed. 1 Chest and 3 Boxes for Mr. Carteret 2 Boxes for Mr. Henry Parker at Savannah 1 Box for Ihr. William Williamson at Bo. 1 Box of Surveying Instmunents marked GxC for Mr. Augspourguer 1 Box for l>Ir. Thomas Eyre a Cadet in Genl. Oglethorpes Eegiment 1 Box to Thomas Young at Savannah 1 Box to John Coolen at Do. 1 Box of Stationary Ware for Mr. V/hitefield 1 Box of Gtoi Saxk Worms for the General to dispose of in Presidents to the Indians. (3^7) 1 Case with a Mace for the Town Court of Savannah. & 2 Boxes directed to Your self at Savannah. One of the Boxes to You contains Daily Advertizers for the use of the Colony end two Percels whereof 1 to lieutenant Colonel Cochran and the other to Mr. Francis Moore. And the other Box contains Letters. I am Six Sir Yr. most Obedt. Servant. 153 (3^9) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Thomas Causton dated at Westminster the 11th. of August 1738* Sir Herewith You receive a Copy of the Trustees last Letter dated 4th. instant. And they having paid L 8. p head to Captain Thomsons Ovmer for the following Servants, the several Persons hereafter named must renay the same to the Trustees, or You must he answerable for what may not he paid, they ha,ving been creditted with the said Servants by You. vizt. 6-^ heads in your Service being 4 Men 2 Women & 1 Boy. 2 Men in the Service of Archibald MacBean 1 Woman the Wife of Laughlan MacBean. 1 Woman in the Service of Alexander MacLean. 1 Woman the Daughter of Benjamin Mackintosh. 3 Men ) ) in the Service of Lieutenant John Moore Mackintosh. 1 Woman ) 1 Man in the Service of William Mackintosh 1 Man in the Service of Kenneth Baillie 3 Men ) ) in the Service of James Anderson 1 Woman ) 10 Men ) ) in the Service of John Bradie 1 Woman ) 32^ heads at L 8. each.L260 The Women Servants by Captain Thomsons Ship in the of Mr. 154 (349) William Stephens, Mr. John Brown and John V&nderplank*s Widow, the Trustees hear the Charge of The V/oman Servant to Nathaniel Polhill*s Widov^ hy the said Ship Sir John Lade will pay for. And the Trustees have directed me to call upon Miss Lupton the Sister of Mr. Upton*s Wife, to try if She will pay the (350) L 8 p head or any part thereof for the 3 3 Women Servants hy the said Ship you creditted Mr. Upton with; Otherwise he or You must he answer able to the Trustees for that L 48. And of the GeEman Servants by the Ship Three Sisters You took into Your Service 9s heads, which at L 6.2.6 p head You are L 58:3i9 further Debtor for to the Trustees. The Trustees have ordered That out of such of the 71-2/3 heads of German Servants not freed within the 6 Weeks granted for that pur pose, and who still remain under Mr. Bra,dleys Care; Seven of them should be employed in the Cultivation of the JOO. Acres of Land at Savannah for the Religious Uses of the Colony. Two more of them with their Wives, such as Mr. Henry Parker shall chuse, to be assigned to him from the Tiaxstees in Consideration of his Services as Bailiff; and two more to be assigned to Mr. Tliomas Christie if he still continues in his Office of Pi.ecorder. And that the then Residue of the said 71-2/3 heads should be en5)loyed in the Cultivation of a Perm which the General is wrote to to have set out, and to be called Bouveries Farm. The Trustees having consented to the Nomination of Mr, David Provoost Junr. of New York Merchant to be the Successor to the late Joseph Hughes's Lott, they hope Mr. John V/est will be enabled to pay 155 (350) his Note of L 10 dated 26. Septr. 1735. s^d due at Michaelmas 1737 end have directed Mr. Wm. Stephens to call upon him to pay it into the Trustees Store to he accoted. for to then. And they desire to know whether Mr. John West's Draught on You for L 60 to Janes Oglethorpe Esq^r. dated the 27th. of October 1735 has ever been paid; and if not they have directed that he should be called upon as above for that purpose; His Accompt with the Store from (35l) february I735 not taking any Notice of such Drat:ight As the due Execution of the Act prohibiting the use of Spirituous Liquors in Georgia will greatly contribute to the Welfare of the Colony; The Trustees are of Opinion one effectual Method tov,'ards it would be the general Summing up the Evidence to the Jury on any Tryal; That if they beleived the liquor sold, used or brought into the Colony to be a Spirituous Liquor, whether Hum, ^randy, or any other Spirituous Kind; the fchtwi-rtrg Offence was within the Act and by Virtue of their Oaths they were obliged to find the Offence, and give a SS Verdict accordingly. The Trustees are considering of a proper Law relating to private Credit, which vdll be Settled as soon as possible. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant (353) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mr. Henry Parker at Savannah dated at Westmr. the 11. August 1738 156 (353) Sir The Trustees loaving taken into Consideration Your Services have Ordered that two Men Servants helonging to the Trust under the Care of Mr. Bradley such as You shall chuse should be allowed you for your owa. Use; and if they prove to be married Men, their Wives are to go with them and are to be maintained by the Trustees until further Orders; Whereof Mr. Stephens and Mr. Causton have been made acquainted They have also sent you in a Box by the Two Brothers Captain Thomson the several particulars in the inclosed Contents which amount to l4;15:0 part of the i 20. they ordered me to lay out for You in Cloathing and Uecesseries at their Expence The remaining L 5*5*0 You may Suppljr your self with Shoes Stockings and Hatts from Captain Thomson, and draw uq)on me for it; without you would have tha.t Sum paid here to Mary Crooper your Landlady for ^ a Years Bent of her House at Savannah from 16. June 1737* instead of Your Paying it und.er her Letter of Attorney, if it is unpaid, or in discharge of any future half Year; the 2 Years Bent from 1735 to 1737- the Trustees have at twn different times advanced her for Ihr. Causton as her Attorney to receive of You, and place it to their Accot. I am Sir There is a, China Mug in the Yr. most humble Servant Box which you are to Deliver to Mr. Stephens. 157 (357) Copy of a Letter from I-!r, Verelst to The Reverend Mr, Whitefield dated at Westminster the 11, Avignst 17j8 Sir I received Your Letters of the 6th. loth, and 27th. of May last which I laid hefore the Trustees, They are very glad You had so plea-sant Voyage, and of the Concurrent Circumstances which made it so; But they are sorry that Pleasure was Superceeded with your own and the Passengers Illness. I received yonr Letter from Gihrrslter also and the Trustees have sent You hy this Ship the Two Brothers, the Stationary Ware you desired. General Oglethorpe sailed from Plymouth the 4th, of last month, and I have wrote to him about the Tabernacle Ministers House and School House at Frederica; For which there is time while you come to England for Priests Orders and return By this Ship the Reverend Mr, Eorris comes to Officiate at Savannah in the Room of Mr. John Wesley, and very seasonable for the time You mentioned ,f Your Return to England. The Expences of yoxxr Voyage back I have wrote to General Ogle thorpe and Col. Stephens about; But I hope Mr, Habersham will continue the Care of the School until your Return, wlien may remove with You to Frederica; and the Care of the School at Savannah will then be Supplyed by Mr. Norris, if Mr. DeLaMott should not return. Yet if it is necessary for Mr. Habershams retijrn with You, the Expence thereof on that Necessity being represented to General Oglethorpe or Mr. Stephens must also be defrayed. 158 (358) Mr. Chaxles V/esley intends to return to Georgia ?!S soon as his Heslth vfill permit him to he itinerant Minister. I am Sir Yr. most humhle Servant. (361) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Lt. John Moore Mackintosh dated the 11th. August 1738. Sir In Noveraher I737 You having 40 Men Servants put under your care and 10 Women 1 Girl end 1 Boy; The Tri:istees desire an Account from You certified hy the Magistrates at Frederica to show them if any and how many of the 40 Men Servants have been disposed of, and to which of the Freeholders at the Darien; And also to show them in what Service the other of the 40 Men and the 10 Women 1 Girl and 1 Boy have been employed, and how the Profit of their Laboiu* is Accoted. for to the Trust. Which Accotjl. You are desired to transmitt them by the first Opportimity. The Trustees also direct that Seven of their Servants now under your Care should be immediately employed in the Cultivation of 30. Acres of Land in the Southern part of the Province which General Ogle thorpe is desired to Order to be set out for tne Eeligious Uses of the Colony; And that the then Residue of all the said Servants of the Trustees at the Darien should be offered for supplying the People at Frederica who want Servants on their giving a Bond for L 8; the Expence 159 (361) of each head, to he paid in twelve months from the Date, unless the Profit of their past Labour (over and above the Charges of their Cloathing and Maintenance) being Accompted for to the Trust, can reduce that Sum; And in tha,t Case the Bond is to be given for so much less. And the Trustees expect that those Preeholders at the Darien who were Supplied with Servants in Hovr. last, will be carefull in repaying their L 8. p head when the Year is up. I am Sr. to &c. (365) Copy of a Letter from Benj. Martyn Esqr. to Mr. Andrew Millan ds-ted at Westrar. 23d. of August I738. Sr. The Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia have received Your Letter dated 26th. of May 1738> and have ordered me to acquaint You that as You are Apprehensive thR,t You cannot be of any farther Service to the Trust by continuing in the Spanish Settlements, and are desirous of quitting the way of Life You are in, and propose Your going to Georgia with what Eippocacuana. You have got. They are very willing You should go to the Colony with it, and indeed think it reasonable; Lest the planting of it should suffer by the want of Your Inspection. But as nothing appears to have been done for the Money which they have already paid, they cannot Charge themselves with any farther Expence upon that Account. The Trustees are sorry to find that You dont mention any other 160 (365) Plants tut the Hippocacxisna for the Colony of Georgia. They hope if You have any others the Colony will ha,ve the Benefit of them, as well as your other Suhscriters; Since the PrincipaJL Intention of Your going was for the benefit of thaf Province. I am Sir Yr. most burntle Servant (369) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to His Excellency General Oglethorpe dated at Westrar. 25th. August 1738 Sr. Herewith You receive a Copy of the Trustees last Letter the 11th. of this instant; and they acknowledge the Receipt of Yours from the Madeira with great Pleasure. The 19th. Instant Governor Horsey after a short Illness died, and the Dioke of Heiv^castles Letter relating to Mr. Hraggs Demand on the Province of South Carolina will now stand directed to Lt. Governor Bull, out of which Demand the Trustees are intitied to L 37:7:9 Sterl ing received of the Passengers on hoard the Three Sisters in Holland and made good to them in Georgia, Waich Mr. Wragg agrees to te ensweratle for out of that Money when received from South Carolina. Whereof the Trustees desire You will acpuaint Lt. Govr. Bull. Last Wednesday the Trustees mett and Considerd of His Majestys Instruction relating to the Trad.e with the Indians in Georgia, and herewith you have a Copy of their Minutes and Resolution thereupon. 161 (369) Which the Trustees recommend to You to get adjusted with the present Lieutenant Govr. that Amity may he settled to the mutual Interest and Benefit of both Provinces. Had Govr. Horsey lived they did not doubt of tha.,t end being obtained, nor have they less reason to doubt of the good Will of Col. Bull to Co-operate with You in those Propositions which may be (370) best Conducive to an happy Union v/ith the Provinces and Preservation of Peace with the Indians. The same day which Governor Horsey died; His Honour the Master of the Rolls died also in Hertfordshire. As he was a grea.t Benefactor and Friend to Georgia in his Life time, it is possible he may have remembred tha.t Province in his Will, which will be examined for that Purpose when brought into Doctors Commons. Lieutenant Colonel Cochran's Serjeant Mackenzie taking his Passage to Georgia on board the Minerva by the way of Charles Town and taking care of those things shipped for the Trust. The following are the Particulars under his Care for Georgia to be delivered to Mr. Thomas Jones or in his Absence to Mr. Wm. Stephens and Mr. Henry Parker to be applied as follows. vizt. G X C. No. la Chest ) ) containing the Medicines in the Invoice herewith 2 a Barrel ) sent which Mr. Hawkins wrote for. Whereof part for the Northern Settlemts. if v/anted. No. 1 ) Groce ) Cases containing ZkfSaauss. of Hunting Pipes for Presents to 2 ) the Indians, as You shall direct 162 (368) No. 1 ) to ) Beles contsining 40 peices of Buffill Blankets. Do. 8 ) 9- A Bale containing 6 Peices of Strouds Do. 10. A Barrel containing vizt. 600 Box handles Butchers or Pocket Knives ) & Sheaths ) 0 10 Doz. Buck horn Clasp Knives ) (369} SDdbczsKi: a Parcel of Gun Hammers & Plyers ) ) 6 Doz. of Looking Glasses ) ) 10 PoTinds of small Beads ) ) Do. 6 Bunches of Red Beads ) ) 24 small fine Yellow Necklaces ) & 10 Doz. pair of Stone Ear rings ) No. 11. A Box of Machets ) ) for the Trustees Servants Loose 6 Bundles of Spades & Shovels ) I am Sir Tr. most Obedient humble Servant. (371) Copy of ^ Letter from Mr. Verelst to Wm. Stephens Esqr. dated at estmr. the 25th. Atagust 1738 Herewith You receive a Copy of the Triistees last Letter dated 11th. instant; And inclosed You receive a Copy of a Bill of Lading of 163 (371) 62 parcels consigned to Messrs, fis Crokatt & Sesjnan at Charles Town hy the Minerva Captain Nickleson who was desired to forward the same to Mr. Thomas Jones at Savannah, or in his Absence to Yonrself and Mr, Henry Parker. hereof 21 Parcels are for the f Trust marked G x C which I have acquainted General Oglethorpe off. The Chest and Barrell Ko. 1. and 2 contain Medicines which Mr. Hawkins wrote for, hut such of them as may he wanted in the northern parts of Georgia must he supplied thereout. The Gases Ho. 1 and 2 contain Hunting Pipes for the Indians, the Bales No, 1. to 8. contain Ihrffill Blanketts for Do, the Bele No. 9 contains Strouds for Do. and the Barrell No. 10 contains Knives Looking Glasses &c for Do. All which are to he applied in Presents to the Indians as General Oglethorpe shall direct. The Box No. 11. con tains Matchets, and those and the 6 Bundles of Spades and Shovels are for the Use of the Trustees Servants. Tne 39 Parcels marked i.G. belong to James Carteret Hsqr. at Frederica, and are to he delivered to him; and the 2 Boxes to Mr. Proctor and Mr. Burnside as directed. The Trustees condole with You for the Loss of Your sincere Friend Govr. Horsey. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant. (375) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to the Eeverend Mr. hOiitefield dated at Vestmr. 2d. October 1738- 164 (375) Sr. My last to You were of the 11th. and 25th. Axigast hy the two Brothers and the Minerva, This waits upon You to acknov/ledge the Eect. of two Letters from You dated l4th. June and 1 July last. The Trustees are ^vell pleased with your Accot. of the People's behaviour at Savannah, and they hope for as good an Account from Prederica vfhere your future Station is intended; And hy your speedy Eeturn to England expect the same in Person. I am Sr. Yr. most humble Servant (379) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Mx m. Stephens Esqr. dated at Westmr. 2d. of October 173 Sr. The Trustees not hearing from you since your Journal and Letter of 27th. May last when Opportunitys have occasioned their hearing from Mr. V/hitefield twice, vizt. By Letters dated the l4th. of June and 1st. July last makes them fear you vfere indisposed. You always having been so regular in Your gnmrgir Corespondence. And they desire that in ca.se of Indisposition at any time happening to You, that You son may in that case keep up the Correspondence with them. Please to take care that the several Persons to whom the Letters herewith sent You, have them delivered. I am Sr. When the Eeverend Mr. llorrie has Yr. most humble Servant occasion for his Salary of 5C^ a Year from the Trust. Please to Assist him in the Application for it, out of the Trustees Effects in Georgia. 165 (383) Proposals from the Reverend Whitefield to he considered upon Wednesday the 20 of December 17^8. 1. If Mr, Westley does not return Mr. Whitfield would Chuse Savannah for his Residence. The Inhabitants and he being endeared to each other, and he thinking he can be of most service to the Colony there. Agreed to 2. He desires an Orphan house may be set on foot, for it is greatly wanted. And if the Trustees will let him have the Management of the money he shall Collect, he will immedistly begin to preach at Bristol Bath and London, and he hopes to engage Parsons to go as assistants in that work for a very Small considerations. He shall have a Commission to collect in the Common Form, according to his letter to the Trustees of 16 Decj 3. He desires tlxat he may have a general grant to have what he will out of the Stores for those that Shall go with f, him as well as him self. The allowance made to his friend Mr. Habersham being too Scanty. And if they ever give Just occasion to the Trustees to complain of sending for too much, that moment he desires they mey be restrained. Tlie Trustees intend to Shut up the Stores and pay in money. 4. He desires that orders may be given him to have the Ministers Lott fenced round immediatj^ly, and Servants to clear some part of the Land, and also a few Cattle to put in. This shall be done as far as the appropriated money for religious uses will go. 166 (383) 5. He desires that orders may he given him to have those persons whom he is obliged to Employ to do things for him paid in money, if they desire it; and that whenever God shall call either himself or any of his friends home they may he furnished for their Voyage, and also that he may have some Cash if at any time he wants it His own passage shall he repaid, and when we know wlia.t number they are that go with him it shall he considered of. 6. He desires to have Six pounds to buy Mr. Habersham necessarys for the year ensuing. (384) Six pound shall he ordered for Mr. Habersham 7. He desires the Trustees, as in all probability he shall continue a long while at Georgia; to pay his Mother yearly during his Absence Ten pounds. This he has declined 8. He desires Orders may be given to have the Church Yard of Savannah to be new fenced. That two Christening Basons may be bought for Savannah and Frederica Church, Two black Burying Cloths, and some handsome brass Candlesticks to hold the Candles at Evening Public Worship The banons, biorying cloths, and Candlesticks shall be provided: and Mr. ^fhitfield is desired to acquaint Mr. Verelts what is prouer on this occasion 9. He desires the Trustees would Strengthen his hands by enacting some particular Law for restraining Fornication and Adultery. For people Come to Georgia now he would think to have License for Such crimes. The Trustees are much concerned to See Virtue encoTiraged and Vice represt; and will come into 167 (38^) any lawfull measiires for those ends, "but they cannot direct any thing Contrary to the Law of England; They will order the Magistrates to put the laws in execution which they hope will in a great meastire discoxarage these Sins, vrith Mr, Whitfields effectual labour and preaching added thereto, 10, He desires to know whetlier masters have povrer to forbid their Servants Banns, Masters have not at present power to forbid their Servants Bands, nor do the law allow it. Besides the Comand encrease and multiply (by Marriage) is a particvilar advantage to an Infant Colony, (385) The above were made in writing and the following by word of Mouth. a Young Gentleman from Bristol is proposed to be an universal Apothe cary having Sxx Drugs and food and Raiment Serve the Poor gratis, and those that can pay at prime Cost, The Trustees have no objection to this. (387) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to His Excellency General Oglethorpe dated at Westmr. the 22d, Deer. 1738 Sr. The Trustees thank You for pleasuring them with Your Letter 168 (38?) dated the 13th. of September last, and long to hear of Yoiir V/elfere by the next Letters. Eiey have heard of Yo\jr safe landing, by the way of Charles Toim and New York, and hope soon to have particnlars from Yourself. Mr. hitefield on the 13th. instant brought them Letters from Mr. Stephens and Mr. Causton in July and August last, end two more Certified Accots. have been presented to the Trustees which we re certified by Mr. Causton the one the 5th. of August last for 426:0:2 to Messrs. Sami. Montaigut and Co. and the other the 20th. of the same month to Messrs. Eobert and John Williams for L 58?:13i0 VThich are both sent back to Georgia for Payment. These were certified long after Mr. Causton promised to obey the Trustees Orders, and certify no more Accots. The Trustees have received the So. Carolina Gazette wherein a Stop is put to further Debts the Notice published therein on the 7th. of September last. The Parliament meets the l8th. of next month and the Trustees hope to have a further Supply, they having nothing left; And if the Effects in Georgia dont Answer the Accots. sent back for Payment, they will be much in Debt. The Accots. sent back amoTonting to upwards of L 3000 (388) The Trustees have paid Mr. Simond every thing due to Mr. Chardons Executors. I am Sr. Yr. roost Obedient humble Servant 169 (391) Copy of a Letter from Mr, Verelst to Vm. Stephens Esqr. dated at Westmr. the 22d. December 1738* Sr. Mr. Whitefield being so long in his Passage the Trustees did not receive your Letters of the 25th. of J\jly and 26th. of August last until the 13th, instant; which made them so uneasy at Your Silence, as in my Last Letters to You I have mentioned. And to prevent the like for the future, the Trustees desire you may write to them by the way of ITew York when Sloops give You an Opportunity as well as by the way of South Carolina. The Trustees have received your Journals from 2?. May to 26 August which accompanied Your Letter's, and a Committee meet next Wednesday to consider them end the other Papers and Letters before them; You give them an entire Satisfaction in Your- particular and honest Accot. of things, their Ears desire to be open to Truth only, and Your Adherence to the Principles you have hitherto continued to show in their Service will, as well as has, convinced them, that they vjere not mistaken in the E:3q)ectations they had from your engaging in their Service. Give me Leave to acknowledge the Receipt of Your Letter to me and to Acquaint You that the Letters You forwarded were carefully sent as directed. Mr. Joseph Wragg's Accot. of the Charges when Mr. Thomas Stephens arrived at Cha.rles Town in December last (392) haa never been sent to the Trustees, but I have by this Ship wrote to him to Charge 170 (392) the 50}^ Currency he supplied your son with to the Trustees Accompt. I am Sr. Yr. most Obedient Servant Captn. Shuhrick who is to sail next Month will "bring very full Letters from the Trust. And Mr. Whitefield intends to return to Georgia soon after that Ship. Inclosed is a Copy of the things sent "by the America Captn. Gerald, which Mr, Abercrom'by is to forward from Charles Town to You; and which please to take Care they are delivered as directed with the several Letters herewith sent according to the inclosed List of the said Letters. You are desired to make inquiry if one Mr. We"bster Taylor for merly an Attorney in Hew Inn he in Georgia or not, he being a Witness to a Will, and his being alive to be examined a Matter of great Service to the Person who desired this Inquiry to be made. The "Vine Cuttings in the inclosed Bill of Lading are sent to be Planted in the Colony. (395) Copy of a Letter from Mr. "Verelst to Mr. Thomas Caxiston dated at Westmr. 22d. December I738. Sr. On the 13th. instant the Trustees received your Letters dated 171 (395) 25th. July and 26th. August last with the fix Continuation of Your Journal to 24th. of September 1737, the Issues of Stores for November 1737 and the Duplicate of Receipts for Money paid from Christmas 1737 to Midsummer I738, and those Receipts as far as they are intelligible for what Service the Moneys were so paid, shaill be Posted off to Your Credit; But those which are not must remain a Charge on You Tintil they are erplsined as the former Queries on your Payments have been made for want thereof. These Letters Journals and Papers You have transmitted will be taken into Consideration next Week by the Committees of Correspondence and Accompts. But the Trustees are much Surprized at Your breaking your Promise to them which You made in Your Letter of the 26th. of May last, to Obey their Orders and not Certify any more Accompts. And instead thereof dared to Venture to Certify an Accot. the 5th. of August last to Messrs. Samuel Montaigut & Co. for L 426:0:2 and another the 20th. of the same month to Messrs. Robert and John Williams for L 587:13:0 both of which are returned to Georgia for Payment, whereby the Accompts sent back amoiint to upwards of L 3OOO to be paid out of the Trustees Effects in Georgia. What those Effects are the (396) Trustees are ignorant of, but by the Sums the have paid and the Orders they have given they know what they ought to be. In your Letter to me of 26th. July last You Mention that You had taken an Inventory of Stores to Midsummer 1736i 3-^*1 lY taken, sure a Copy might have been made, which was so necessary a Work to have been done and sent, that no Multiplicity of Business could have prevented it; And the not sending it, the Trustees blame You much for. I am Sr. Yr. most humble Servant 172 (398) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to Lieutt. 'Willisin Horton dated at Westmr. the 22d. Decemher 1738* Sr. The Trustees received your Letter dated 28th. Augrist last on the 13th. / instant, end they are obliged to You for the Accot. You gave them of the Situation of the Southern part of the Province of Georgia, and for the Pains You have taken with the People at Prederica. Your Conduct relating to the Spanish Launce the Trustees very much approve of and they are glad to congratulate You on your Promotion to a Lieutenancy in General Oglethorpes Regiment, which they think You very deserving off. I am Sir Yr. most Obedient Servant. (403) 23 Jany. 1738-9 Reasons for preserving and Supporting the Colony of Georgea 1. Georgea is nov/ become a Barrier to all his Majestys Plantations on the Continent of America, and if Supported by her Mother Country for a time, as ell Colonys in their infancy require, will be in vincible from the number of persons Settling there, and the Indian Nations brotight into allyance Since the erecting this Province. 2. It hath already encreased the produce of South Carolina very con siderably by the lands taken xqj in the South and Nest parts of that 173 (^03) Province, which were not ventured upon hy the Inhaoitsuts whilst they ley exposed to Indien incursions. 3. It is an Asylum for persecuted Protestants abroad, and for undone Subjects at home, rendering them usefull to their KadfeMEEKS Mother Country who before were a burthen to it. 4. In a few years it will consume greet quantities of British manu facture, and much encrease the Navigation of great Britain. 5. The Manufacture of Baw Silk alone (the Success of which is certain) will Save to great Britain the Specie or bullion carried to Italy to purchase the Same, emoianting Com. Anns, to 200.000 > as Sr, Thomas Lomb a confessed Judge of the Silk trade affirmed, who offered to prove at the Bar of the house of Commons if called on, that the Silk of the Produce of Georgea is better than that of Itp.ly or any other Country in the world. 6. Numbers of unliappy persons who are gone over to Settle in fiteauEgi Georgea upon the Pu.blick faith, and have Spent their little fortunes there will be utterly undone if obliged to remove; for the removing them to South Carolina or any other region and giving them new lands will be of no service to them, when they have not wherewithal! to hire and maintain Servants to cultivate those lands. 7. The honour of his Majesty and of the Parliament is concerned to Support this Province, after a Charter granted wherein the limits are described, and annual Sums given by Parliament to Settle and defend it. 8. It is so conveniently and happily Sitviated, as to be a protection to otir trade and a bridle on the Spanish trade in case of a War as 17^ (^03) also on their pyratical Skk Seizxrre of OTor Merchant Ships: for to the Southward of this Province are (4o4) within the hounds of it, ^^e guns xxxkaxaxa, have a Port capable of receiving Ships of 4o/at low water, and of 50 guns at high. 9- The advantages Great Britain will lost by quitting it will be so many advantages gained upon as by the Spaniards, which were not known or thought of by them before this Province was erected. Hitherto they have only Port Augustine on the Bast Coast of Plorida to which there is but a bad harbour, and worse riding out at Sea; but sk Should they possess our harbour abovementioned, their biggest Ships will ride there, they will comrnand the mouth of the Allatahama river and be masters of the inland trade thereof, they will expell the neighbouring Indians or gain them: they will be able to dislodge his Majestys Subjects Settled to the Northward and Strike Carolina it Self with terror, and the Guardo Coasts 'v'ill iotxHacs be nearer at hand to molest our trade and secure their booty. Should Georgia fall into the Spanidards hands, a part of South Carolina must be involved of Course, Georgea being but a percell tnereof, and not the utmost bounds of his Majestys possessions Southward, which may be justly asserted to extend even to all the Eastern Coast of Florida, comprehending Fort Augustine now in the Spanish possession. 11. The Indian Nations brought into our Allyance by the reputation of this Settlement, will if it Shall be abandoned, be prevailed on to ally themselves to the Spaniards or French, and add such increase 175 (^04) of Strength to them as aksaisdfefiEi ahsolutly to destroy oxir other Plantations in case of a V/ar, without an infinite expence to defend them, or recover them when is lost. At this very time the most powerfull Nation of Indians in that part of America making mani" thousand of Warriours, h^th detached it Self from the French interest, and Sent deputies with offers of friendship to the English. This Providential occtrrrence if lost can never he regained, and if Cherished will Save large disbursments on forts and Standing Forces which otherwise will in a little time be found necessary to defend the back of our Settlements, from the invasion of the French: But when these Indians shall See the Province of Georgia abandond, and their proffer'd friendship Slighted, they will reconcile themselves to the French. The Creek Nations will do the Same, and the Chickesaws who have ever been at enmity with the French, will be forced to follow the Torrent, so that Carolina will not be able to defend herself against either the Spaniard or the French, having now even with the additional Strength of (405) Georgea not 4000 fighting men to oppose any attempt that Shall be made, or Insult committed upon her, by double that number of veteran troops and their Confederate Indians. The Representa tion sent over to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle by Col. Bull Lt. Govr. of South Carolina the 25 May 1738 makes this plainly appear. 12. Sk His Majestys Title to Georgea can be evidently proved; but the bare Suffering his Majestys right to anj' part of his Dominions to be questioned or debated by Plenipotentiaries b?. appears to be 176 (405) intended, gives Suspicion thet we pre not confident of his Majestys title, end f-urnishes hopes that it is not to he insisted on, which cannot hut make the Spaniards obstinate to refuse giving Satisfac tion in other particulars of our differences, unless they have private assurances previously given them that their Claim to Georgea shall he allowed good, or at least Some part thereof Surrenderd to them, which may he apprehended from this, that it is very rarely Seen, when Mens titles to their Estates are Submitted to a Reference, hut that Something is yeilded up to Satisfy the Contentious party. But if this should he done in the case of Georgea, the most fertile parts of it, and the hest of its harbours will fall to the Spaniards as lying nearest to them, 13. If the Spaniards claim to Georgea he allowed good, as being part of Elorida, they may as well csiz claim both North and South Carolina, for all these Provinces are insisted on by Spain to he parts of Florida: and indeed the Spanish Minister did in his Memorial claim all the Country as far as Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina, adding that England should he s-ufferd to keep Charles town Since they were possest of it; But it is to he hoped his Majesty will not hold any part of his Dominions by the Curtesie of an other Prince; that ridiculous donation of America to Spain by Peper Blex, und.er the 6th was never regarded by any State, and Henry ? S- of England Shew*d his con tempt of it by tvro years after comissioning John Cabot to make discoveries in that new World, it is ye rig^t of Conquest, Purchasse, Possession, and Confirmation by Subsequent Treaties, 1?7 (^05) "by wch. all Europesn Princes hold their Dominions in America, and all these Eights center in Georgea, which Province if given up, may revive the pretentions of Spain to other parts of his Majestys Dominions, not only in America hut in E\irope too. The Pope gave Ireland to Philip the King of Spain. 14. It may he hvimhly doubted whether Plenipotentiaries can lawfully ohey directions to part with any part of Georgea or treat about it, Hsi without an Act of Parliament for that purpose, the Seme being purchased of the late Proprietors with Publick money for the use of the Publick. Lastly. The French were the first discoverers of South Carolina from the Eivdr May in 29 degrees and half IT. latitude to Portroyal, and they built a fort there. Georgea lyes between the two. Should the Spaniards possess Georgea and be obliged or induced hereafter to part with it to France, \fha.t must become of our West India Trade? (407) 23 Jany. 1738-9 A Short Account Of the difficiulties and discouragements the Adventurers were under, in establishing The Province of Virginia Extracted from Sr. Willm. Keith's history of Virginia with an application to the Colony of Georgia. 178 (407) 1584. In the year 1584 Queen Elizfeheth erected a. Company hy Letters Patents granted to Sr. Walter Ealeigh and others, for discovering lands in America: which Company sent tv^o Ships the same year, iinder the Command of Captn. Philip Amidus, who took formal possession of the small Island Wokoken, helonging to that part of the main land, since called Virginia. 1584 The following year, the Company sent 7 Ships with 108 persons to make a Settlement near tha,t Island, and left them there: 1586 but in 1586 they all deserted the Colony, and embarked again for England. Nevertheless, before that year was out, the Company who knet/ nothing of their peoples retnrn. Sent 4 Ships more with recruits, and 50 men were left with provision for Wo years to renew the Settlement: 1587 But the next year they were all dispersed or destroy'd by the Indians. This likewise was unknoim to the Company who the same year sent 3 Ships with further Becruits who rf^eopled the Colony. 1589 In 1589 the Con^eny sent 3 Ships more to carry on the Settlement, bxit at their arrival they foTinfi it entirely broke up, and not one Soul on the place or any tidings of them; upon which discouragement the ships returned with their people to England, and the Company despairing of any Successj^, dissolved. Thus ended the first attempt to people Virginia, after a perseverance of 5 years, the loss of many mens lives, and of very greet Sums of money in freighting 19 Ships with men. Pro vision, tools end other necessarys for making a Settlement, and thus matters rested for 17 years. 1606 In 1606 King James the first granted new Letters (408) Patents to the Lord Arundal of Wardour p.nd other Nobility and Gentry to 179 (^08) 1607 1608 re-settle a Colony in Virginia, end established them in form of a Company under certain rules of Government, by s Standing Council at home, and an inferior Council abroad; and in December that yean, 3 Ships were sent which arrived the May following. This was the first regular Settlement by Publick Authority in Virginia, In June those Ships returned leaving 100 persons, of whom 50 died in 3 months time. The miseries of the remainder of them thro bad Government and want of food, and by the opposition the Indians gave them is scarce to be expressed, which it v;a.s not possible for the Patentees at that distance to remedy in proper time, altho before the year was out they Sent a Ship with fresh Supplys of Provision and men, Bixt the Governor and his Officers v;asted the provisions, Selling the publick Stores for their ovm use, while others were half starved. In Se]btember 1608 the number in the Colony were 130, and Soon after a Ship v/as Sent with 70 more, chiefly Artifficers, end particularly certain Polacks and Dutchmen to make pitch, tai', pot ash, Glass &c. to build Mills and other Machines for carrying on these severall manufac tures, and such were their immaginery hopes of an immediate immense profit from these commodities, that they forgot to begin with the necessary precaution of either causing to be raised in the Country, or sending from Europe provisions Sufficient to maintain so great a number of people, which occasioned faction and discontent, discouraged the most industrious, and rendered the greater number lazy and unwilling to work, about 4o of them were industrious to Cultivate the land, but the rest Stood still. The famous Captain Smith their New Governor endeavoured to remedy 180 (408) 1609 this, hy holding a Sttrari-crt: Strict hand on the mutinous, encouraging the lahorious, pujiishing the Sloathfull, and keeping an exact acct. of every mans v/ork, each individual "being sure to he treated according to his merit, at the Same time he vTote to the Patentees, that they shcuLd not e3q)ect the poor people under his charge, could under their Circumstances, and in a wilderness, make such dispatch (409) in Manu factures, and such Speedy returns as might he done in other Countries, where that Sort of business was hy long eacperience brought to perfec tion. But after all, the adventurers finding themselges consioerahly out of pocket, and tired out with factious divisions, as well as the Con tinual demands for more Supplies of money, men, and es^ectation of immediate returns of immense riches from thence, petitioned the King in 1609 to recall his Letters Pa.tents, and alter the form of that Government, hy appointing a Sac Govr. in Chief and other puhlick Offi cers for the better administering affairs under the Royal Authority. Thus after 3 yeajs new tryal a second attempt to Settle this province failed, end had mankind been at that time as indifferent to American Colonys as they are in these days, "Virginia had been forgotten, ajid the great advantages both the Crovm and the Subject now draw from thence been lost, and flung into the hands of the french. But tho the Colonies, to Speak of them in general were not then knoivn to be profit able to "England, by Experience, yet King James and those about him, had riaht notions of this in Speculation; and therefore notwithstanding the proceeding discouragements. He pawned his credit, if I may use the expression, in forming a Goverment for establishing a Colony in this 181 (409) Country, wherely mpjny persons of figure and fortune were invited to renew the attempt at a greater expence than it cost "before. Accordingly, all matters "being Settled to the mind of that Prince, he appointed the Lord Delawar Govr. Sr. Thomas Gates Lt. Govr. Sr. Thomas Dale Genl. of the Horse, Sr. George Sommers Admiral, and Captn. Hewport "Vice Admiral; from whence may ""oe inferd the great expectation that prince was under, tliat Virginia would one day become a consider able Province, and his Zeal to promot it, when in the very Infancy, and before a Man was sent. Such honourable Posts were erected, and such persons of rank appointed to have the conduct and Administration there. In May that yean, the Company sent out 9 Ships, 7 of which arrived and landed a considerable n-umber of men. Governor Smiths Commission being thereby Superceded, he ret\arned with those Ships to England which proved of fatal consequence, (4l0) for whithin 6 months after his departure, all things went into confusion; the hoggs, poultry and Sheep v'ere in a very short time consumed by the Officers, and the Colony reduced from above 500 persons to no more than Sixty odd men woman and Children, who had nothing to Subsist on but wild herbs, roots, and a little fish; at lenght the famine was so great, that they eat the very Skins of their horses, and fed on the body of an Indian that was killed, which they dug out of the ground after it had been buried; and one man killed his V7ife, Salted her body, and had eat good part of it, before the raurther was discovered; So that a resolu tion was taken by all the remaining Inhabitants to return to England, end had been accortplished, but for the opportijne arrival of the Lord Delawar who till this time had been missing in one of the Ships that 182 (410) ceme not with, the other seven: He exercising his authority of G-ovr, in Chief, obliged them to ley their piirpose aside, to which they were encouraged by a large Stock of provision he brought with him. 1610 In March I6IO that Lord returned to England, leaving 200 people in the Colony. 1611 In May I61I Sr. rnomas Dale who had a consieerable time before left the Colony, returned with the Commission of Govr., and with 3 Ships laden with recruits of Men, provisions for a. year &c who finding the people v-ere returned to their former Idle course of life, obliged them to plant a good deal of Corn on a rich and fertile Spot, from whence they had a tolerable crop, and afterwards he kept such order among them, that all the Laws were punctually executed, and no delinquent could hope to escape pionishment. The same year the Company; intent to forward the plantation. Sent 6 more large Ships with 30O men, together with a great Supply of Amunition, live Cattle and all manner of Stores, and the Governor Settled many Plantations. 1612 In the begining of the year l6l2, two more Ships arrived from England with provisions, and 80 men, and the Colony went Smoothly on till the 1616 begining of the year I6I6, when Sr. Thomas Dales administration ended, who then returned to England f, being Succeeded by Captain Argal. (4ll) 1617 In March lol? Captn. Argal the new Govr. arrived, but found the Settlement in a miserable condition; for in the short interval of Sr. Tnomas Dales absence, of 400 people he left at his departure, one half # were unfit for any manner of Service, and not above five or 6 houses standing in James Town the Capital of the Province. The Church was 183 (^11) I6l8 1620 fel.len down to the groiond, the pelisadoes and bridge quite Broken, and the well of fresh water half filled up and spoiled. The market place and Streets were planted v'ith Tobacco, but the raising com neglected, and the Indians become expert in the use of fire Arms. This is the first time we read of tobacco raised in this Colony: a plant not thought of by any thing tliat appears in the Instructions given by the former adventurers to their managers, but which afterwards proved the great Staple Commodity of the province: from whence may be observed, that tho the motives on which Colony's are founded may fail (as here they did with respect to the manufactures of pot ash, glass, pitch, tar, frankinsense and the production of gold, returns of which were the original inducements for Settling this Colony) yet unforeseen profits may arise as will aa^ly repay the expence of making such Settlements. In l6l8 the Lord Lelawar was again sent with 200 men, of whom 30 died in the passage and my Lord himself. In 1620 Captn. Argals Commission of Govr. ceased, and Sr. George Yardly was sent to succeed him: who calling an Assembly of the Burgesses, made Laws for the regulating property: a Certain portion of Land was allov/ed for the importation of Servants and effects into the Colony, and a form was agreed on for issuing Patents for grants of lands, so that many new Settlements were mace this year. The people began to take pleasure in working for themselves and improving their own estates, which created a. Strong inclination for industry and Improvements all over the Country, and the English became so numerous that the tobacco they made over Stocked the market in England. 184 (411) 1626 Yet after all, the Company finding the returns hear no proportion to the great expence they had teen at, many of them flung up their In terests, and animosities arising. King Charles the 1st, ty a Quo Warranto dissolved it in 1626, and took tloe Country under his ovm immediat direction: from vhich time^ the province grad gradually rose to such a pitch of wealth & inprovment as to become of great advantage to its Mother Country, and repay her a f hundred fold all the expence the Settlemt. had cost the private Adventurers. How they who shall reflect on the difficulties and discourage ments this now flourishing Province Virginia met wth. in the course of 42 years, for so long it was before it was settled and became advantagious to England: what vast Sums must have been disburst in sending within that time no less than 49 Ships at the Adventurers expence laden with provisions, tools, utensils, clothing Amunition &c for many h-undred persons, who for so ma,ny years were not able to Subsist them selves: what numbers of those unhappy people perished by Idleness, famine and war with Indians: the indiscretion of Governors and offi cers Sent over, and the factions that arose, all which i^as inpossible for the adventurers to prevent or remedy in due time by reason of the distance: the Small returns, if any, made towards reimbursing the heavie charges they had been at, which threw three Sets of them into such dispair as to make them abandon their designs and Surrender their Letters Patents; whoever (I say) reflects on this, and coiipares the Settlement of Virginia with the Settlement of the province of Georgea, must in justice own, tha.t either the Trustees of this New Colony have been more fortunate or more wise in doing more within 7 years than the 185 (no number) pdvent-urerfs did in forty, for since the date of their Charter on the 9th of June I732 they have at the expence of the Trust Settled near l400 people under equitable and Satisfactory grants, Some hundreds of whom are Saltsburghers and other foreigners persecuted for their Heligion; have never Sioffered them to \vant for provision or encouragment of any nature; have provided for their defence against Sudden attacks of Indians Subject to other European powers, and brought divers nations of them to befriend the Colony and enter into Allyence. They have prevented any faction from taking head to the destroying the publick peace or bringing dishonour on the Magistracy. They have by one good lav; regulated the Indian trade the defect of which has proved the most frequent cause of war between those Nations and our other provinces. They by another have put down the use of Spirtuous liquors, (new page - no number) which rendered men idle, weak, poor, mutinous and finally destroyed them; and by a third have obliged their people to work for themselves by not suffering Negroes in the Colony, which in other Provinces makes their Masters lazy, proud and cruel, end will in time endanger their Safety. They have encouraged the industrious planters, and after long trysl in hopes of smendment. Struck off the Idle from further expectation of Support. They have to their best provided for the religious concerns of the people, and encouraged Manufactures that do not interfere with those of Great Britain. In a word they have done all tha.t could be expected, with the most frugal manag:ement, and have received repeated assurances from the most Sober and knowing persons in their Colony, that in time Eiigland will become Sensible, that the money disburst in rearing it. 186 (no nuniber) will "be Biiroly repaid, tho for some years it still will be necessary to support the industrious inhabitants, by reason of many unforeseen accidents and disasters that disable them from yet Subsisting them selves, Such as Summer droughts and winter frosts which destroy'd the fruits of their labour, and the frequent alarms and real intention of the Spaniards to invade them, which called them from their work to Stand on their defence, and for several years retarded their new planting the ground until the proper Seasons were past. Neither was it to be expected that new comers Settled in a wild and unknown Country could be Sufficiently acquainted with the nature of the Soil, end the -oroper for Sowing, untill experience had taught them, which is always bought dear, more especially as there is no proportion of Skilfnl1 husbandmen among them, the greatest number by far being poor mecloenicks and broken Shopkeepers, for the Trustees were very backward in sending over such hands as were most usefull to their Mother Country. In a word the Trustees cannot reproach themselves with having omitted on this side any tiling, or with having given improper orders to be nut in Execution on the other, but what directions they have sent were well calculated for the good of the Colony, and if not duely there conply'd with, which may have been sometimes the case, no reflection can ly upon them, for upon notice of s,ny failure therein, they gave the speedyest reme^ they could, (412) tho by reason of the great distance, their instructions could not always arrive so eanly as they hoped for; Nevertheless in the end, they have seen obedience paid to them. 187 (^12) But whatever merit shall he allowed the Trustees for their dili gent disinterested and hopefull laoours in the puhlick Service; the honr. of erecting a new Province, and thereby of encreasing in a short time the trade and consequently the wealth of great Britain hy the production of raw Silk, (of which there is a moral certainty that it will prove a Staple Commodity) of Cotton, of wine and pottery ware, (which attempts promise Success) of lirmher, and a large extention of the Indian trade for Hides, of which last we are informed some thousa-nds have been la.tely Ship*d in exchange of British Manufactures: the blessing of providing for so many hundred indigent poor to the ease of Great Britain, and the comfortable Subsistance of their families if industrious, and of many hundred more of persecuted Protestants abroad who have found, and still v;ill find an Asylum in Georgea: and the Policy of Securing the utmost bounds Southv/ard of his Majestys American Dominions from Spanish claims, French encroachments and Indian depreda tions, whereby lends have since the erecting this Colony been taken up by the Inhabitants of South Carolina, which before they dared not venture upon: (The honour and glory of all this is due to his Majestys providerttial care countenance, and to the Generous Support the parliajaent of Great Britain has annually given the Trustees for furthering this Settlement: in carrying on of which, as they have no Interest to impose upon the Publick by false and idle talkes, so hrve they been free to let every one know the grounds they proceeded on, the Steps they have taken, the disappointments they have met with, and their certain hopes of Success. They have kept annual accounts of their 188 (412) Receipts and dislnjrsments in the most exact and particular manner, and printed therryl^or the styytirgig'iz-fci: satisfaction of the world, nor have they heen v/anting to contruhute money of their ovm: and tho they have under gone the censure of Some who are not duely apprised of their proceed ings, and look upon the whole as a chimerical project: the Olamoirrs of others who proposing nothing more than to eat the bread of Idleness, have neglected to cultivate (413) their grants, and are returned to be a fresh burthen on their STative Country; and the ill will of Neighbour ing provinces who are jealous of being deprived of Some share of the Indian trade, altho there is enoiogh for all; yet they h^re persisted in one uniform conduct, and resolve to do so, v;hile they shall be SupTjorted being assured tliat in the end, George? will become a flourishing Pro vince, end in all liklyhood as beneficial to Great Britain as Virgina her Self, and this by the Silk Manufacture alone, Sr. Tlaomas Lomb lately deceased (the best Judge of that matter) having offered himself at any time when called upon, to prove at the Bax of the House of Commons, that the Silk of this province is better then that which grows in Piedmont or is brought from other Countrys; and that v?hen it shall become a Staple Commodity, more than 250,000 i Sterling will be annually Saved to this Nation, which now goes out in Specie or in Bullion to purchass raw Silk in Italy. This Surely deserves attention, and the more, if what was published in the last years News paper be true, that the present King of Sicily had on heavy penalties forbid the esportation of TiTTiryarTgarwT un-organzined Silk out of his dominion. But if it should happen tliat the Parliament of Great Britain change its politick (which cannot be Supposed of so wise a body, the 189 (^13) guardians of the puhlick) ard should think they have overvalued the secui'ity of his Majesties American dominions, the influence this Colony has by the Situation of her Ports over the Spaniards trade from the Havannah, and the sure prospect of enlarging the commerce of Great Britain, by the Sums already advanced; and thereupon refuse fxurther Supplies, The Trustees will readily acquiesce; for Gentlemen who sexve the publick for nothing, have no reason to wish they may be continued in a trust, that is not approved of by the Legislature; Only it will be a concern to them to find so much of their time and of the publick money thrown away, to the dissapipointment and ruin of so many familys, who went over relying on their honour and the publick faith; and this at a time when after many difficulties Surmounted, they have all the reason tha,t can be to extpect that the Province will with so small a charge as 5,000 L ann. for the maintenance of an orderly Civil Govern ment be able to Support it Self and enrich her Mother Countrie . Turn Over. P S. t S. (4l4) The only objection ever made to the Trustees conduct, is the Teiaure of their Grants of Land, whereby Pemales are not permitted to inherit on fa.ilure of Issue Male. To those who are ignorant of the provision for Females Substituted in the room of Such inheritance, this carrys the face of hardship & injustice; V/herefoce it is fit that provision Should be known, as also the reasons that induced the Trustees to Settle the Subjects property in the manner complained of; And then it will appear the most prudent measure that could be taken for the effectual Settlement of an infant Colony (the frontier of his Majesties American dominions, and thereby ejqxosed to the insults & 190 (4l4) fplse claim of the Spaniards) and even the most heneficial for the females themselves. The Trustees have in all their grants of Land kept the following points in viev;: the Cijitivation of the land, the encrease of the people, and defence of the Province. These they thoioght would he promoted in the hest manner hy making the Settlements on the heirs male; with these Provisoes however. That the value of the Improvments of the Land in failure of Male Issue, Shall go to the Females; one third to the Widow, and the remainder to the daughters: and in case there are no da.ughters, the whole to the widow, & So vice versa to the daughters. And if the eldest daughter marries a man not possessed of any Lot, and willing to reside in Georgea, the husband will he entitled to the Lot of the deceased; and the other daughters, marrying husbands under the Same provisions, will be entitled to new Lots. This method will make the Females more desirous of manuring, as their Subsistence will depend upon it, and will make them and their Parents more Studious to qiialify them for it. This must likewise make the men more industrious, when they know that the Improvements to their Lands, and their personal Estates will be all tinat they can leave to their wives & daughters. If a Lot Should descend to a Female, who has no husband to cul tivate it for her, the improvements which had (^15) been made on the Lands must consequently for want of culture decrease in their value, and that pert of the land which was before uncultivated, must Still continue So, and will be of no use to her; She will therefore be no 191 (415) gainer by keeping it in her hands, and the adjoining Lots must at the Same time he very much prejudiced for want^txag of cutting down the timber, making drains^ &c. By confining the Inheritance of Lots to the Mgdes, there will be a greater Security for the Colony, by having a Sufficient number of Free holders in every Town or Village kept in discipline for the defence of the Publick, v^ithout which the possessions both of Males & Females will be very precarious in this exposed Province, and the Females the first to desert it. This method prevents the accumulating of Lots, aud thereby preserves that ^ equality, which will be the greatest Strength of the Colony: and for want of which, in their first Settlements, Jamaica, & Some of om- other Colonies have Suffer*d So very much. As this on one Side prevents the uniting too many Lots into One, by marriage or otherwise. So, on the other it prevents a division of those Lots which are not more than a Sufficient maintenance for a family. For the Lots which the Trustees give to those who axe Sent on the charity, are but 50 acres. If a Lot of 50 Acres Should be divided into tvro or more parcels, these would become too Small a Subsistance for each of the Possessors: The Trustees therefore, thought it more for the advantage of the people, to give the improved Lot to the eldest Son (the other cliildren however to be maintaind out of it, or at the Trustees kS expence till they come of age); to give to the other Sons at their coming of age each of them a Lot of 50 a-cres; and to Shew their care of the widows and daughters, they give to their husbands (if not already possest of Lots) each of them a Lot of 50 Acres. 192 (417) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to His Excellency General Oglethorpe dated the 5* Eehmary 17389 Sir On the 29th. of last month and not before the Trustees received Your Letter dated the 19th. of September last, giving an Account of yo'or Arrival in Georgia. They had applied for a Supply to Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and prepared a Petition to Parliament before the Receipt of that Letter. Your Letters of the 7th. and 19th. of October were received on the 22d. of last month, which occasioned the Trustees to resolve to amend their Petition, and apply for the Pajrment of Debts by unforeseen Accidents, and therefore not provided for in the Grant of the last Session of Parliamt. Resolving to get as much as possible granted this Session. The Papers You sent with your Letter of the 7th. of October were also received. And the Trustees, out of a due Concern for the Welfare of the Colony, and to Ease You as much as possible under the great Weight you labour, in that faithfull Discharge of the Trust reposed in You, have Agreed to Your directing the Issue of the Five Hundred Pounds in Sola Bills which you took over with You, and are to be so Issued for the Support of the most necessitous Objects, and for Assistance of the Industrious Inhabitants. And the Trustees nave reserved Money in the Bank for the (4l8) Psyment of them on their Return to England. They have also agreed to send You by Captain ShubricK (whom Mr. 193 (^13) Revel hps engaged to go to Georgia the 15th. instant with Forty Tons of Provisions for Your Regiment) Fifteen Tons of Beer in Barrels the Use and Produce whereof is to he applied for the Trustees Servants to he euroloyed in c\iltivating Lands for the Religious Uses of the Colony; being to he paid for out of tha.t Money. They have also agreed to send You hy the same Ship Six hundred pounds more in Sola Bills for the use of their Servants, and have resemred L 400 out of the Money for building Churches, and L 200 out of the Money for Religious Uses, to answer them. And the Servant's Labour in those Services, or the Produce thereof, must he so applied. The Trustees when they know their Success in Parliament intend to send over a Commission to State end Determine the Puhlick Debts in Georgia and for that purpose to ITame Vi'iHiam Stephens Esqr. Mr. Henry Parker and Mr. Thomas Jones, vdio are to sign to eanh Account wh^t shall appear due to he pa,id in England. And thereby to discharge the Effects in Georgia from any Claim; That they may he applied for the Service of the Colony, vintil the Arrival of the Sola Bills to he sent after the next Supply is Voted, for the Support of the Colony for the ensuing Year. The Trustees are very sensible of the DifficTiltys (419) You labour voider, end the Dangers You are exposed to; And Bless God for your great deliverance in the late Mutiny. They much approve of your Conduct voider these Hardships, and are trvily animated with a most commendable Zeal for the Preservation and Welfare of th t Province v'hich you have endured so many Fatigues, and gone thro so many eminent Dangers in the establishing of. 194 (419) Tliey are very sensible of the Spaniards Desire to Possess it; But as it never has been (to the Trustees knowledge) possessed by them; They have reason to hope it never will. As to Ml-. Causton^s and Mr. Bradley's severaxl Conducts, the same Commissioners i\ull be impowered to Examine and Determine thereupon. And the Trustees expect, th.at the same Cere should be taken for Mr. Bradley's giving Security to Ansv^/er the Event, as well as Mr. Ca.uston. This Comes by the way of New York, in hopes to reach You before Captain Shubricks Ari'ival. I am Sir Yr. most Obedient Servant. I (421) Feby. 26, 1738/9 Extract of the Votes of the E. of Comons A Petition of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, was presented to the House, end read; Setting forth, that his Majesty, by his Royal Charter bearing date the 9th day of June 1732, granted to the Petitioners and their Successors for ever. Seven undi vided parts of ell those Lends Countries and Territories, In that part of South Caroling in America, which lies from the most Northern Stream of the Savannali River, all along the Sea Coast to the Southward unto the most Southern Stream of the Alatamah River, and Westward from the heads of the Said River in direct lines to the South Seas, with the 195 (421) Islends in the Sea lying opposite to the Ea,stern Coast of the Sa.id Lands, v/ithin 20 leagues of the Same; all which His Majesty thereby made erected and created one independent and Separate Province, by the ITame of Georgia; tha.t John Lord Carteret (the proprietor of the other undivided eight pert of the said lands, Co-ijn-ftries and Territories, which his Majesty granted to the Petitioners) by Indenture bearing date the 28 day of February 1732, granted and released all his Eight and property in tne undivided eighth part of Georgea in the Same manner to the Petitioners and their successors for ever; and that the Province of Georgia was granted to the Petitioners in Trust for Settling and Establishing a regular Colony in the Southern Frontiers of Carolina end not for any benefit or profit whatsoever to the Petitioners; and that by divers Sums of money granted by Parliament for this purpose, and by vol'untaxy Contributions, the Petitioners h-ave been enabled to send at Several times poor British Subjects, and Foreign persecuted and other Protestants to Settle in Georgea, who b.s well as others that went thither at their ovm expenee, have erected Houses and cultivated Lands in Se'veral parts of the Province, and particiilarly in the Northern and Southern Parts thereof; and, whereas in a letter from Monsr. Geraldino (then Agent for the King of Spain) to his Grace the Dulte of Newcastle bearing date the 21st Septbr. 1736, (a Copy whereof was sent to the Petitioners by Command of her late Majesty when G\iardisn of the Kingdom, for the (422) Petitioners answer thereto) it is asserted, that the Colony of Georgia, being to the Southward of the Colony of Carolina, is without dispute on the Territories of the Zing his Master, end whereas by a Convention between Great Britain and Spain concluded the 196 (^22) 14th of Jany. last, U.S. it is s^^reed that the regulation of the limits of Florica and Cexolina should he committed to Plenipotentiaries to confer and final]y regulate the respective pretentions of the two CroTOs, according to the treaties therein mentioned; that therefore the Petitioners, in discharge of tha.t great trust, which his Majesty has heen graciously pleased to repose in them, and being fTolly Satisfied of the undoubted Eight and title of the Crov-n of Great Britain to the said Province of Georgea think it their indispensible duty to lay this State of their Case before this House, and to implore their Protection in behalf of this part of the Dominion of the Croim of Great Britain in America, intrusted to the care of the Petitioners; and also in behalf of his Majestys Subjects in Georgia; for whose Safety and Welfare the Petitioners are deeply concerned. Orderd That the said ^etition be refered to the consideration of the Comittee of the whole House, who are to consider of the Convention between Great Britain and Spain, concluded at the Pardo Jan;"'. 14, 1739, N. S. and the Seperate Articles belonging thereimto, with the Several ratifications thereof. (425) Copy of a Letter from IJlr. Verelst to Mr. Thome.s Jones dated the 3d. March 17^8-9 Sr. I received your Letters dated I9. & 20th. October and 12th. November last, and several Accompts orawn out which Hr. William Stephens 197 (^25) sent me. The Trustees will apply to Psxlisment for Money to discharge the Dedt incurred, and for further settling and improving the Colony which when Voted they intend to send over a Commission to State and Determine the Puhlick Debts in Georgia, and the Commissioners will be enabled to Sign to each Accot. the several Sums which sliall appear to be due to the respective Persons intitled. And such Debts is intended to be made payable in England, and Sola Bills will be sent as soon as the Sum is Voted; Which are to be issued for the Service of the Colony according to the Eegulations to be sent with them, whereby all future E3$)ences will be defrayed with ready Money and all Occasions of contractiiog nev^ Debts avoided, pursuant to the Publick Notices affixed on the Store Houses in Georgia, and published in the London end South Carolina Gazettes The Trustees have sent over to General Oglethorpe by this Ship i 710. in their Sola Bills consisting (426) of 3I 10?'^ each and 400 of L 1 each, which by Indo^ments thereon are to be issued by William Stephens Esqr. Mr. Henry Parker and your self or any tv^ each, which hy Indorsements thereon are to he Issued hy Your Self Mr. Thomas Causton and Mr. Henry Parker or any tu-o of You for defraying the most necessary Services of the Colony in tne Supporting and yyyxyiz assissting the Industrious and Helpless. Therefore You and Mr. Parker are desired to he the two Persons who Sign to the Issue of them, and as you Issue them you are to make out an Accot. shewing to w'hom and. for v;hat Ser vices agreea.hle to the ahove Directions each respective Issue is made, which you are to send over to the Trustees Signed hy hoth of You together with a List of the Bills so issued in Order to he discharged therefrom, and to enable the Trustees to Accot, to the Fahlick in what Services the Moneys granted and given have been applied. The Trustees have sent over to Genera.l Oglethorpe hy this Ship L 710. in their Sola Bills consisting (430) of 31- of loP each and 400 of 1^^ each, which hy Indorsements thereon are to he issued hy your Self Mr. Henry Parker and Mr. Thomas Jones or any two of You for the follov/ing purposes, vist, L 600 part thereof to he applied in Closthing and Maintenance of the Trustees Servants whose Services are to answer the Ejqpence thereof as far as L 400. towards building a Church at Savannah, and L 200 in cultivating Lands for Heligious Uses 200 (430) in the Northern and Southern parts of Georgia, and the renaining L 110 is to he Issued as follows, vist. L 4o part thereof to the Eevd. Mr. John MacLeod the Scots Minister at Darien in Georgia in Discharge of the like Sum received hy the Trustees for his Use from the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge L ^0. other part thereof to the Eevd. Mr. Gronau at Ehenezer in Georgia to make up the Charge of building his D^^elling House from L 10. to L 4o. pursuant to his Eeouest to the Trustees hy his Letter dated the 6th. of Novemher last, and L 4o the Eesidue to the Eeverend Mr. Bolzius at Ehenezer to he applied hy liiin tov/ards the Maintenance of Saltzhurgh Widows and Orploans. The Trustees ha.ve sent hy this Ship and consigned to Genl. Ogle thorpe 15 Tons of strong Beer in 90 Barrels, which hy the Invoice here with sent You amounts (with Freight and Insurance) to the Sum of t 160:10:6 the Produce whereof is to he applied for the Cloathing and (431) maintaining the Trustees Servants to he employed in cultivating Lands for Eelig'ious uses besides the ahovementioned L 200. in Sola Bills for that purpose, of which Produce and issuing the said L 7IO. in Sola Bills some tv/o of You three before named are to Accot. to the Trustees, and show thereby in what Services agreeable to the foregoing Instruc tions the said Produce of the Beer and the said Sola Bills have been applied. And the Trustees have desired Genl. Oglethorpe to direct a House to he built at Frederica for Mr. Norris the Minister who is (on the Arrival of Mr. Whitefield at Savannah) to he Stationed there, and also to have a Five Acres Lot to he fenced and cultivated for the 201 (431) Minister at Savannali, as near as may be to the Minister's House there. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant (433) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to the Reverend Mr. Horris dated at Westminister 3 Mardh 1738-9 Reverend Sir Though the Trustees have received no Letter from You, yet they hear of your safe Arrival by their Secretary Mr. V/m. Stephens, and by his Account hope you will be an accei^table Pastor to the People at Savannah. Mr. Whitefield who arrived here in December kH last has been ordained Priest and intends to return soon for Savannah The Trustees on that Occasion have agreed to your being Minister at Prederics. after his Arrival at Savannah, end have ordered a House to be built there for your Reception and a five acres Lot near it to be fenced and culti vated for You at their Espence, wch. will be a very commodious Situa tion for You; They desire to hear from you by every Opport\inity. I am Sir Yr. most humble Servant 202 (437) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to the Eeverend Mr. Bolzius dated at Westminster 3^* March 1738-9 Eevd. Sir On the 23d. of January last, I was favoured with your Letter dated 6th. of ITovemher proceeding, which I laid before the Trustees who have been pleased to direct ths.t L 40. should be paid into your Hands to be applied tovjards the Maintenance of yoxr Saltzburgh Widows and Orphans, for which purpose their Sola Bills are sent over by this Ship, and by applying to Wm. Stephens Sso^r. Mr. Henry Parker and Mr. Thomas Jones or any two of them Tou will receive the said L 40. which on Heceipt thereof please to Signify to the Timstees. The Passage of the two Pamilies of Palatine Servants consisting of 5 heads by the Two Brothers will be a future Consideration, to which the Trustees Inclinations appear very favouraJble, Mr. Gronau's Eequest has been also granted, of which I have acquainted him by this Oppor tunity. You may assure your Self, Sir, that nothing in my Po\?er shall be wanting to the encouraging that Industry and good Harmony subsisting your Congregation, and that your self and Mr. Gronau will always find your Letters kindly received by Sir Yr. most Obedient Servant (44l) Copy of a Letter from Mr. Verelst to the Reverend Mr. Grenau dated at Westminster "d. March 1738-9 Eevd. Sir 203 (441) On the 23d. of Jsnxisry last I received your Letter dated 6th. of ITovemiber proceeding and laid it "before the Trustees who are Tifell pleased that your House is huilt strong and convenient to yourself; and in Consideration of its remaining a Dwelling House for a Minister of the Gk)spel for the time "being, they have consented to paying You the L 30. to make up the Deficiency of the Charges of ""Duilding the same, and you may apply to m. Stephens Esqr. Mr. Henry Parker and Mr. Thomas Jones or any two of them for the Money; Sola Bills being ""oy this Ship sent over for that purpose: Please to Signify your Account of them to the Trustees. I am Sir Your most hum"ble Servant (445) Copy of a Letter from Mr. "Verelst to His Excellency General Oglethorpe dated 3 March 1738-9 Sir. Herewith You receive a Copy of the Trustees Letter dated the 15th. instant, sent "by the way of Hew York. Your Letter to me of the 22d. of Novr. last I received the 15th. of last month, and laid it before the Trustees; they are thereby as well as by Your former Letters furnished with reasons for their in creasing of their first Demand, and they are proceeding with all Possible Diligence to obtain the wanted Supply. The Trustees having received L 40. for Mr. Jolin MacLeod the 204 (445) Scots Minister at Dai-ien, they have sent over Sola Bills for that Purpose; They have also sent h 70 more in Sole Bills, whereof i 30* is to he paid to Mr. Groaau to make np the Charges of building his Bxfelling House from t 10 to t 40., and & 40 to Mr. Bolzius tovrards the Maintenance of Saltzhurgh Widox^s and Orphans, which & 70. is out of Money epprooriated for the Use of the Saltshixrghers. The Trustees desire also that out of the Sola Bills now sent You and payable with the Money appropriated for the Religious Uses of the Colony, You shotild direct a House to be built at Frederica for Mr. Norris the Minister, (446) who is (on the Arrival of Mr. Uhitefield at Savannah) to be stationed there, and also to have a five Acres Lot to be fenced and cultivated for him; And a five Acres Lot to be fenced and cultivated for the Minister at Savannah as near as may be to the Ministers House there. Herewith You receive an Invoice of the 15 Tons of Beer amounting (with Freight and Insurance) to the Siam of L l60:10:6. The Produce whereof is to be applied for the Cloathing and Maintaining the Trustees Servants to be employed in cultivating Lands for Religious Uses; VThich William Stephens Esqr. Mr. Henry Parker and Mr. Thomas Jones or any tivo of them are to Accot. for to the Trustees in the same manner as they are to Accot. for the Sola Bills they are directed to Issue. The Sola-. Bills sent You vmich the Trustees now desire You to Indorse amount to L 710. And herewith You receive an Indemnity for the Indorsements of them under the Seal of the Corporation. They are to be Issued by William Stephens Esqr. Mr. Henry Parker and Mr. Thomas Jones or any tvfo of them in the following Manner, vizt. L 600 part thereof 205 (^6) to tje applied in Cloething and Maintenance of the Trustees Servants whose Services axe to Answer the Ejspence thereof as far as Ii 400. towaxds "building a Church a,t Savannah and L 200. in cultivating Lands for Religious Uses in the Northern and Southern parts (44?) of Georgia. And the other i 110. to Mr. MacLeod, Mr. Gronau and Mr. Bolzius as "before mentioned; And they axe directed tha,t the two of them who shall Issue the said Bills do send an Accot. Signed to the Trustees shewing on every Issue, to whom and for wnat Services, agreeaole to the ahove Instructions each respective Issue was made, together with a List of the several Bills so Issued. The Trustees take this Opportunity of acquainting You, That the Lords of the Admiralty instead of s small Sloop to attend on the Settlement of Georgia, have ordered the Phoenix and Seaford Men of War "both 20 Gun Ships alternately from South Carolina to Georgia to attend upon and Secure Georgia from any Attempts. I am Sir Yr. most O'bedient Servant. The Sola Bills sxe in a small Box directed to You & marked GxC and consist of Jl, of 10.^ each No. 201. to 231. & 400 of L 1. each No. 2,501 to 2,900. 205a (449) Q> 4:> Vio tfi coo Jjooo - chKS in (D ,0POP H r! So a> a> p6o H rt tiao a> til Hoo rHoo 0\ OD cn CNP Si ts> (U Vt o (0 fe 'i CJ K rc5 Vi 0> CQC 4^ d H CQ Q> Fh Q> i 'd Q> 4^O Q> NaOg CO Q> Q> 4^ VO to ?3 IS (DP 'dop cc Jj Hao N tn CN a> 0\ (DPMo p sio 'Hou (DW (DC Si H to (DP Pi a>ftUo rc5 F4ooo f: H to P! O 'd P! o Hi 'Ho Ph d a>c P! H to a>3 CA (DdC P! H to OD CNC PhdS OD OD CN cn CNCs VO VO tn CN in VO tn CNc PhdS pc (D >> 'Hooo d rH ifJ C C 3 pi oO Vto (D^ . P Pha 'H O o o 'd Common Council 'Trustees when Elected when Resigned 205b (449) tj a S O rH Q> H -t CI o 0 } o ^ a u o o e 4 ^ bo b b Q> S JS V r-t -H N O 0} p 'b oo 'S ^ c fH O Q> g 4^ gO a o CM 45ou cd A a\ 00 cn 45os cnl-t cn CMr^ 45O si a A o\ CX> C*'! 41OU cd a CM CDg CO CO CO CO CO CO moo +> ppo H S' m m a ! +> buos 0) m a !KCfl 414=Hs CO 4^o cbaOm fHO 'd 4^ cboo o' CO W 4^H P PP 4^ CO nd Po >> D3 r-t CC< P 'A o goo H *tii p cco H Q>B HP 'dP U O' CO P H ^4 P *til o ^4o* CO No 44o H CD ci CDuK 4 = PI Pi O 6 CD 5e W0 CD w CD Pi 43OP KO 4^OO 4^ 4^ 4^ 'S t4 004lo Pi K ^ ^ nd o nd iJ CD Cfl Pi<3 * (0 4= 43O Pi ndC CD 00 C^', 45O ^^ I*0 os CD CO CO o< CO po 1^ 4^ H O HP Common Council Trustees when Elected when Resigned 205d (450) VOt*'! jdo &d a> TO rti ^ *3 Q> 0) i i xn w -p pq rC c t) TO a>o ,0a> n o ce +> ,0o pc! Pi >> 03 jdoHIt S VO >*ffi TO Td TO d TO I TO 43mda> Pd Pi TOtc K*> 0) w -p Pi TOd >>o tifl m s O E4 Pc o' Pd 43 ,0 >* CD Pi E4 X M. Sidney Beauclere 15 March 1738/9 Mem'bers of the Trustees not of the Common Trustees who had been of the Common Council. 15 Council 15 March I738/9 Common Council but resigned March I738/9 x In Parliament In Parliament 205e (451) Chandler (Rich) Bsq,r. x Philips (Sr. Erasmus) Bt. X Erederick (Thos.) Esqr. Gonson (Sr. John) Kt Lapotre (Henry) Estir. Tyrer (George) Aldn. Liverp. Mem'bers of the S Trustees not of the Oommon Trustees who had "been of the Common Council. 15 Council 15 March 1738/9 Common Council hut resigned Maich 1738/9 X In Parliament In Parliajnent 205f (451) GO IS^ S GO CS 0> I 43o2 Pi& mu CO (D4>O 43 ce s O3 EH 'd Ih CQ P^l o X.-' Pi -1^ Pi O Pi (DSo H PS o> Pi Ooo Pi O ID PI Pi -P> IQ Pi XI O Pi 0) ?o EhK Pi O ID PI6ao -p>m Ido IhO IQ PI <& xa m 43o Pa 0> Ih >> fa 43 pq .0oo CO 0> H Ih0>>O pq Ih CQ IK CQC6 6oou Ih CO K o> 4: pqn uo 0> CUu 0> 43 0> PMo pj Hi -p> n Ih pq o> CO d pq o 0) ci> Pi > 4 o .Q ON GOr^\ is^ O K) 4^ Pi ffl O% Xioa >aOo . The reason able fee of a Pilot bringing in and conducting out is 2 guinea.., and no Mercht. will Scruple it, or 4 Shill, for 4 Shill, for 11 foot water craft, and 15 Shill, for draft exceeding 12 feet. The Same as at Charlestown v/ill cost 50 or 60 i Sterl. Answr. One in the South at Jekj^1 Isld. or St. Simonds Isld. the other at T^bee, and to be always in readiness for duty. Answr. The general price is From Savannah to Charlestown-4 guineas to Frederica -4guineas 22. What is the Gliarge of a Coasting Vessel between Savannah & Frederica.. 21^ (468) Gentlemen Free holders Servants Eegisterd Grants Lots laid out Tenure of lands Industry Answr. 4 A The hands Coxon prime each . piorchasse 1.50 of . ye Vessel Repair . i Sterl. t) month 2.0.0 ) ) - ^>0.0 ) 10 L Per Ann. 12 celendr. months ann. 84. 0.0 2.10.0 86 .10.0 23. Hov/ do gentlemen freeholders pay their Servants? Answr. They feed them, & give them 4 or 5 S' in lieu of Clothes, and their d victiials may he computed at 4.a day. 24. Did he hear of Any complaints for grants not registerd? Answr. Ko. 25. Were there any complaints of Lots not Surveyd & laid out? Answr. He believes they are Sa^tisfied as to that. 26. V/ere there conplaints concerning the Tenure of their iam lands? Answer. Yes very general 27. Were the people industrious? Answr. No, hut especially Since it was infused into their heads to have Negroes which expectation made them quit cultivating this year, hut Mr. Oglethorpe came lately to them from Frederica, and ordering them Seed, many were returnd to cultivation. 28. Wha,t is his opinion of introducing Negroes, and how came So many persons to Sign the petition for them? Negroes 215 (^68) (469) Foreigners Season for Sowing Price of things Answer It would endanger the Colony, the greater numher followd the weJm Sticklers for Fegroes as Sheep follow one another, regardless of the had conseq\iences. So as for the present they might have lahour cheaper than white Servants. He helieves the refusal of them, together wth. poverty & debt will drive a great many away, and it will he a good riddance, for they will prove of the proudest or idlest Sort; and it was an Error we Sent So many broken trades men, who were never used to hard labour, or above it, and lived luxuriously in England. 29* Are not the Foreigners Industrious? Answr. Yes, above ell; and we Should have Settled the Colony with none but Such, especially at first. 30. -l^heat - Barley -rye -Oats - Indian wheat Ansv/r. Knov;s only of Ird-ian wheat, that the Season is from teby. till Jione, according to the rains, which if they come within that time unseason ably, they Sow again. 31. What is the price of the following things to be bought at private Stores. 216 {Ur69) Pd. by Mr. Oglethorpe 1739 Thin linnen 0. 2.8 checqued Shirt 0. 1.5i' yd. 0. 1.5^ 0. 3-9 0. 5.7j dirffel blanket 0.12.6 . yard 0. 7.6 0. 3-9 0. 0.1-3/4 0. 6.3 (470) 0. 1.6-3/4 Answer. s d Of linnen for womens Caps.l/6 yd. Of Shifts or Shirts each.3/6 or 4 d Of linnen for aprons, osnabrigs. 9 2. Of Stockings a pair.l/4 Of Sn:lish Shoes a pair ( Men.4/6 ( Women.2/9 Of Country Shoes a pair.2/6 Of blanlcets each.8/6 Of Of Eats, Strouds co^-orse . felt. 2/6 d Of Mens Capps (Single. 8 (double.1/2 Of fresh beef . . . n noTond Of Salt beef . . . n pound Of Milk, Scarce Saw any . . Of Salt butter pound Of fresh butter. Saw none . Of Cheese. pound Salt bushel. All Spice called Piemento Of Strong beer qt. . . Of MoIosstxs pint . . . of Eice t) nound under . . Of Do. pan bushel . . 2-1 d d 6 to 8 d 6 1.6 0.6 0.1 Shill. 4.4 21? (470) 0.3-9 0.1.6 Soundings distances Of pease "bushel. Of wheat bread 2, pd.0.1^ Of Indian Corn p pound under.0.0-^ Of Do. n bushel .2.0 Of Wheat flower o po\md.0.1-^ Of V^orking Tools - Ke Icnew not Of Cattle - Fat Cow & calf.i.2.0.0 - An Ox, Sold by ye pd. weight (alive & the Same as fresh beef - Boars & Sows & pigs, ) weighd alive & Sold ) . . - 0.0.1 ) by the pound ) Of Fowl - A chicken at market . . . . 0.1.0 bought in ye plantation . 0.0.6 A duck, the Same A Turkey.0.2.0 Of Greens.He knows not At Cockspur Low Water fathom At ifybee - Low Water Do. At Jekyl Harbour Low Water Do. At Frederica or Amelia Low Water Do. 3i to 4. 2- upon the bar 21. 21- From Savannah to Thunderbolt Miles by water . . 12 to Skidaw'ay 17. point . . . I6 218 (470) (471) to Nev.' Ebenezer.25 to Josephs town.. . 12 To Sterlings hliiff.90 To Augusta. .150 From Frederica to St. Andrews ....... 25 to the darien now New Inverness 25 to Jekyl I to Aioelia. Prices pd. by Mr. Oglethorp I739 Russia drab coat - 1.12. 6 a yard of gartering 0. 0. .73 a payr of buttons - 0. 0. 1^ Silk handkerchiefs - 0. 3* 9 1 yd. of plain -0. 1.104 1 yd. Irish Sheeting 0. 1. 8 holland n yd. -- 0. 4. 0 a q.t. of Cyder- 1. 6-3/4 Best Spring Knife - 0. 5*10 Xat Gomon knife- 0, 0. 8 Best payr of Surers 0.12. 6 horn Spoon- 0. 0. 5 pd. of best leaf tobacko 0.0.11^ pd. loaf Sugar-- 0. 0.10 a hog--- 0.15. 0 iland ....... 2 ......... 40 & more Mr. Tho. Stevens computation of cloathing a White Servt. 1739 p. ann. 3 Osnabrug Shirts . . 0.2.6/0. 7*6 2 payr of Trowsers . 0.2.6/0. 5*0 3 payr of Siioes . . . 0.4.0/0.12,0 a hat ........ 0.2*6/0. 2.6 a payr of Indian boots 0.3*0/0.3*0 a Woollen Cap . . . . 0.1.O/O. 8.0 a handkerchief . . . 0.1.0/O. 1.0 a knife Spoon & buckles O.l.O/O.l.O L 1.13.0 Feeding n week 4 pd. of beef at l/-|- 0.0.6 1 peck of Indian corn ) or pease & potatoes in) 0.1.6 proportion.) 1 Pint of Molossus . . 0.0.4-i^r 0.2.4-1/ 6..?'3*^ a Steer 2.10. 0 7.19.6 219 (^70) a "bushel of potatoes-- 0. 3- 9 a q:t. of wine-0. 1. 3 wch. must he q,dded ) a flock hed, a rug & ) 0.17.0 brass kettle n P^--0- 2. 6 hlsnket.) looking glass-0. 2. 6 And coat wastcoat and ) breeches omitted by ) pd. of Candles---0. 1. 0 him wch. will cost at ) least.) _ Trading gun -0.18. 9 Other gun-1. 5* 0 Indian gun-0.12. 0 100 flints-0. 1. 0 50 pd. weight of gunpowder 3*15- 0 a falling Axe---0. 5 0 Do.---0. 3. 9 a hatchet--0. 2. 6 a Small hatchet-0. 1. 0 Saddle & crusper --- 1. 0. 0 a bridle---0. 2. 0 1.10,6 9.10.0 (Pages 473 through h8l comprise an Estimate of the Ezpence for the Colony of Georgia, for one Year to commence from Michaelmas 1739f and were not copies.) 219a (473) EB. The Expence of the Minister Savannah will he Saved this Year. Mr. V/hite field going at his own Expence. Estimate b of the Expence for the Colony of Georgia for one Year to commence from Michaelmas 1739 At Savannah Salary to the first Magistrate.3^: Eo. to the second & third Magistrate and the Recorder at 2oP each. 60: Eo, to the Secretary and Postmaster for himself Clark &c. 100: Eo, to the Register, upon transmitting an exact Account, of all the Grants pursuant to his Instructions. . . . 20: Bo, to two Ministers, Vizt. One at Savannah and one ITd for the Out Settlements at 50. each.. 100: Eo, to the Schoolmaster at Savannah in lieu of Food ... 10: Eo, to the Schoolmaster of the Saltzhurghers a Gratuity . 5; Eo. to the Parish Clerk at Savannah Eo, to the puhlick Midwife at Savannah for the Poor, and Trust Servants, besides five shillings p Laying; and to be obliged to go on all Occasions when required. Bo. to the publick Overseer of the Garden and Mulberry Trees, for keeping an Horse to see what Plantations are made, and to attend the Garden at Transplanting time; and for taking an Account of every Mans Planting, and sending the same over.. . , 10: 2191) (473) Do. to the Heed Gardiner, having no land and to find himself; besides having Liberty to sell the seeds at rates to be enrunerated, but not Plants.20: 365. 0. (474) Salary to the Overseer of the Trust Servants employed in cultivating Trust Lands, and Lands for Religious Uses; to have no Land and find himself, to keep a weekly book of Labour by Taskd Work, and make monthly Returns to the Secretary in the Province . . . 3^ Ho. to the publick Blacksmith for mending Militia Arms L 15 nd for mending Indian Arms L 20 . . . . 35? Do. to the Italian Family employd in the producing Raw Silk.... 20; Alienee to tbhe Reforder for aClerk.20; Do. to the four Constables at Savannah their Duty frequently calling them away from their Occupations. 1 T-., In lieu of Provisions formerly given them } 10. ea.ch.... 40: Do. to the chief Magistrate for publick Rejoj/cings, Anniversary Days&c.. 4; Do. to the Cowpen keeper for the Trust and Peoples Cattle for Cloaths Wages and Provision L 25 and for keeping two Horses, Farrier ALIO.35: 219c (47^) Do. to the Pilot at Tubee, to he obliged to give strict attendance to have the Boat and sufficient hands always upon the Spot (not less then two besides the Pilot) and to keep the Boat in repair; being first supplied with the Boat and its Appurtenances, and to be allowed besides for Pilotage in and. out to Sea again by the Captain of each Ship so piloted as follows Vizt. for every Ship (475) drawing eleven feet Water and under twelve feet Four Shillings p Foot Draught, and for every Ship exceeding twelve feet draught Five shilling p foot Draught for every foot so exceeding, besid.es the four Shillings p foot voider twelve feet draught ...........40 Allowance for the care of the Widows of Trust Servants, till married or in Service due regard being had to their Age and Infirmities) not exceeding. 100 Allowance for the care of the Sick Vizt. Food Apothecary*s Drugs, Attendance, Midwife, Wurses burying the dead &c. being for such only as ane on the poor Account, and Trust Servants, not exceeding.150 Servants Allowance to the three Magistrates for the Maintenance and Cloa.thing of two Servants each in Sickness and in health at 12:3:4 a year each . .. 73 219d (475) II:B: the Servant Allowance to the Recorder, tv/o Ministers the Italian Pamily to the Minister will he saved for the Silk and to the V/idow Vanderplank v/hose husband was this year by Mr. Whitefields late Haval Officer for the Maintenance and Cloathing of one going at his own Expence Servant each in Sickness and in health at the sane rate . . , 60;l6: 8 Allowance to the Cowpenkeeper for the Maintenance and Cloathing of an Helper at the same rate.12: 3j 4 Eor the Charge of sixty Men Trust Servants to be enployed as follows. Vizt. Hine at and for the Saw Mill, four in the publick Garden, seven in cultivating Lands for Religious Uses, and forty in cultivating Bouveries Farm for the use of the Colony And these Servants to have Lands set out for themselves, & to labotir by weekly Task work to be settled by their (476) Overseerp to encourage them to fini^ such 985: 0; 0 Task Work and have the remainder of the week to them selves. To be paid by the week after the rate of eight pence a day each to maintaun themselves in Provision & Cloathing therewith, but upon not performing their weekly Task Work, then to be paid in proportion to the Work they do.......................... 730: The Women Servants to be employed in labour as the Ovdrseer shall direct, and to be paid by the week after the rate of Sixpence a day each, to maintain them selves in Provision & Cloathing therewith; but upon not performing their Work as directed, do. then to be paid in preportion to the Work they 219e (476) The Children of six Years old ajid upwards of such Servants, to he employed as the Overseer shall direct; and the Maintenance of them for Provision and Cloa.thing to he paid hy the week after the rate of fotir pence a day each one with another, hut those Children of such Servants under six Years old are to he maintained hy their Parents out of their Allowances. MB The Charge of the Servants for ciiltivating the Lands for Religious Uses, and Bouveries Land, will (it is hoped) if good Seasons happen gradually he eased; hy the Produce, or hy |,ett|ng the reduced Lands to Parmers at settled Rents. HB All Savings on the head of Trust Servants for Nonperformance of their Task Work hy Idleness Burning away. Sickness &c must he accoted. for to the Trust; which the Overseer is to he carefull of, and keep a weakly Acot. thereof 1715: 0; 0 (477) Por Grindstones, Saws, Plains, Hails and other Tools and Necessary Materials. 15: Por repair of Tools.. 5: Por repair of the Houses and Machines used Encourage ments and other Incidents, on the Production of Raw Silk 50 219f (^77) Total E3!i>ence of Savannah Division (besides the Purchase of the proper Pilot Boat at Tybee Value about 60. And the Amount of the Charges of the Women Servants & _ Children of Trust Servants) amounts to.I 1785 1785 At Frederica Salary to the first Mggigtrate & Correspondant with the Secretary of the Province. hO lb Do. to the Second & third Magistrate @ 15 each. ^0 Do. to the Recorder. 20 Do. to the Minister. 50 Do, to the Overseer of the Trust Servants en^jloyed in cultivating Trust Lands & Lands for Religious Uses; to have no Land and find himself to keep a Weekly Book of Labour by Task'd work, and make monthly Returns to the Secretary in the Province. 25 Do, to the publick Blacksmith for mending Militia arms , 15 Do. to the Schoolmaster at Frederica.' 10 Do. to the Parish Clerk at Frederica. 5 Do. to the publick Midwife at Frederica for the Poor & Trust Servants, besides five Shillings p laying: & to be obliged to go on all Occasions when required . 5 219g (^77) Allowance to the chief Magistrate for ptihlicfc Rejoycings, Anniversary Day &c. Do. to the two Constables at Frederica, theiry Duty frequently calling them away from their Occupation 10 each. (478) Allov/ance for the Care of Widows of Trust Seirvants till married or in Service (due regard being had to their Age Allowance & Infirmities) for the not cere exceeding of the . Sick. Vizt. Food Apothecarys Dyugs, Attendance, Midwife, Nurses, burying the dead &c: being for such only as are f. on the poor Accompt. & Trust Servts. not exceeding. For a Coasting Boat to be worked by a Coxon @ 2^"^ a month fotir hands @ 25 a month each, for Repairs of the Boat 50. a Year; and for the Pxirchase of the Boat value L 10 . Allowance to the Pilot at Jekyll or St. Simons to be obliged to give strict attendance, to have the Boat & sufficient hands always upon the Spot (not less then two besides the Pilot) and to keep the Boat in repair; being first supplied with the Boat & it's appurtenances. And to be allowed besides for Pilotage in and out to Sea again by the Captain of each ship so Piloted as follows Vizt. For every Ship drawing eleven feet water and under twelve feet Four shillings p foot draught, and for every Ship 21911 (^78) exceeding twelve feet draiight, Five shillings p foot draught for every foot so exceeding "besides the four shillings p foot under twelve feet draught Servants Allowance to the first Magistrate & the Minister for the Maintenance & Cloathing of one Servant each in Sickness & in health 12:3:4 a year each.* . . 24; 6; 8 Por the Charge of Twenty one Men Trust Servants to te employed as follows "Vizt. seven in cultivating Lands for Eeligious Uses, seven in cultivating ifflfflsx&ixxft Trust Lands at Prederica, and seven in cultivating Trust Lands at St. Simons SlTiff for the use of the Colony, And these Servants to have Lands set out for them selves, and to laUour "by (479) weekly Task work to "be settled "by their Overseer, to encourage them to finish such Task work and have the Eeraainder of the we^ to them selves. To "be paid "by the week after the rate of eight pence a day each to maintain themselves in Provision and Cloathing therewith; But upon not performing their weekly Task work, then to Be paid in proportion to the work they do. 355:^0: To seventeen Women Servants to "be emploii^d in lahour as the Overseer shall direct, and to "be paid "by the week after the rate of six pence a day each, to maintain themselves in Provision and Cloathing therewith; But upon not per forming their Work as directed, then "be paid in proportion , , . 155; 2; 6 to the work they ao..**** 219i (^79) IIB The Children of these Servants are all under six Years old, & are to he maintained hy their Parents out of their Allowances KB The Charge of the Servts: for cultivating the Lands for Religious Uses & the Use of the Colony; will (it is hoped) if good Seasons happen gradually he eased hy the Produce, or hy Settling the reduced Lands to Parmers at settled Rents. KB All Savings on the Head of Trust Servants for non performance of their Task work hy idleness Running away. Sickness &c. Must he Accorpted for to the Trust, which the Overseer is to he carefull of, and keep a weekly Accot. thereof. Total Ejqpence of Frederica Division (besides the Purchase of the proper Pilot Boat & JekyU or St: Simons Value about L 60) amot, to L 1020:9:2 General Charges Surveying Lands to he paid p Acre not exceeding.50 Incident Essences Vizt, erecting puhlick Buldings & Bridges, raising Banks purchase of new Boats (h80) when lost or worn out, occasional Piettiaugu a hire to Frederica or Charles Town from Savannah at four quincas each hire to each Place, purchase of seed for Trust Lands, supply of Trust 219S (480) Cattle Hogs Ponltery &c. Excess of dearness of Provision which may make it necessary to encrease Servants allowance Eepair of Mills Light House, Crane, & all puhlick Civil Buildings & works; not exceeding. 500: Towards huilding and repairing ChurcheB, Btiying Furnit-ure, Books for the School &c not exceeding.100; To execute Justice, pursue fugitive Servants & Felons; not exceeding ...... .......... 100; For Paper Books and other Stationary Ware for the Colony, with Charges of sendg; not exceeding.. 30s For Presents to the Indians including the Charges of sending and Insurance & for entertaining them when they come down; not exceeding.. 500: For encouraging usefull Inventions Parts, as Silk wine Potash Pottery Ware &c not exceeding.314:10:10 Charges in England Salary to the Secretary.150: Bo. to the Accoinptant.150; Wages to the Messenger at 4 a week. 10; 8;0 Bo. to the Housekeeper at 2/6 a week ..... 6:10;0 220k (480) Extraordinary Clerkship one Year with another . 48: 2:0 Eeifard to the Accoinptsnt for hie extrordinary Trouble in attending the Trustees Business at the Coustom house & in making checquing & accenting the Sola Bills; & other Business not relat; to the Office of Accomptant; being the same as allowed in each Year, for tifo Years passed.... 100: Stationary Ware & Printing one Year with another.40: Incident Charges one Year with another ..... 40: House Eent.. 301 Sola Bills one year with another.25; * 600: (481) further General Charges for the Colony For the Georgia Scout Boat consisting of a atroon & ten men & ^revision for them ..258:15: 1 For Provisions & Shoes for the Cock swain and seven Bowers for the Boat at St; Andreifs at 6 ea. .. 48; ToxMxixS Wm; Stephens Esqr. for his Services from Midsr. 1739 to Michas foil before the Estimate take place. 25J