Page: [1] Mobile Wednesday 28th Decr. 1853 [December] My Dear Wife, This is for your eye alone -- I feel that I must pour out my sorrows to some one & who else can I look to but to one who ever faithful & True has had my whole heart from my youth till now. This has been one of the dark & sad days of my life -- The remains of my lost friend, Mr Pope, came down in the [unclear text: cars] This morning -- I met [deleted text: it] [added text: them] alone at the Depot except Gus Baldwin & the hired hands [deleted text: to] [added text: who] are going home with him, They were Taken to the undertakers who enclosed Them in another case & this evening I accompanied, [added text: them] with Mr Davis to the boat, -- & oh! it was so sad to see one That so many people professed To love, in a strange land carried by hirelings & deposited like merchandise among The freight of a steamboat on the way to his long home! I can scarcely write now at the Thought, Through the blindness of my own tears! When I saw him placed in the appointed place, among The strangers & bustle of a departing boat, careless of who or Page: [2] or what he was, I stole away to the most retired part of the boat, to conceal the weakness of friendship & relieved my overburthened [overburdened] heart with a flood of tears -- I felt it would be a profanation of friendship even to be seen to feel in such a crowd -- Abbe was not There, however painfull [painful] I could not but wish that she had have been. -- She will not go to Oglethorpe , -- but for my overwhelming duties to the living I would have Taken the boat & gone on with his remains to their last resting place -- This is the end of the just in This world -- He was a good & an upright man, never gave just offense to a human being -- His family are ruined, but his only fault was want of judgment & too great confidence in his kind -- He could not make money, & it really seemed that his every effort to do so but plunged him deeper in debt, It really looks to me as tho' [though] he was taken from the evil to cause, for until I looked into his papers, & saw the desperation of his Page: [3] affairs I had no idea of the terrible sufferings he must have borne on account of his embarrassemnts for the last year of his life -- His great fault was The concealment of his own difficulties & [unclear text: trials] I would have done any Thing [anything] to have relieved them upon a full disclosure and if he were alive he would do it. He was idolized at Citronell, & I have wept at the sorrows of the poor people in his employment upon The very mention of his death -- I wrote you last night that I had got Thro' [through] with the contract & was now only waiting for a settlement with The Company -- I shall settle or not Settle with Them in the next Three days & Then for home, I cant [can't] tell what the company will do, but they are unjust & therefore I look for the worst from them -- Give my love to all -- I know I can not [cannot] control my grief & am sensitive to my own weakness. I could not find relief without pouring out my sorrows with you, there let them rest. Yours truly [Signed] Toombs