Page: [1] Expence [Expense] 2 Hats & trimings [trimmings] procured & delivered His Honor The Governor, to be forwarded to the Creek Indians. -- 1789 April 11. Paid P. Hayes for 2 Beaver Hatts [Hats] - 9 ~ ~ McCallum & Garder 2 White feathers ~ 12 ~ Rob. [Robert] Dick & Co..... 2 Ditto 1 8 ~ A. James 3 1/2 y'ds gold Lace 2 9 ~ Calhoun & [unclear text: Riely ] 2 Buttons & 2 Bunches of Beads -- } 1 ~ 8 Harper & Maher 2 1/2 y'ds White Ribbon -- -- } ~ 19 ~ Peter Fontaine a Box ~ 7 ~ R. [Robert] Forsyth 3/4 y'ds gold Lace for Loops... -- -- ~ 10 6 Lacing & triming [trimming] the Hats 3/6 each.. -- } 1 1 ~ [unclear text: Comn. ] on the above Say 5 [unclear text: pC ] ~ 17 8 [unclear text: Ccy ] £18 4 10 E.E. [Errors Excepted] [Signed] Rob. [Robert] Forsyth. State Agent} Page: [2] Acct. of Expence [Expense] 2 Hatts [Hats] £ 18..4..10