Page: [1] Washington 4th Feby. [February] 1809 His Excellency Jared Irwin Sir. Inclosed is the reply of the President of the United States to the address of the legislature of Georgia, which we had the honor to present to him some time since On Friday last the house of Representatives by a vote of 73 to 40 adopted a resolution for the repeal of the embargo on the fourth day of March next. A motion was then made to strike out that part of the Original resolution which provides for issuing letters of mark and reprisal against vessels of France and England- this motion has been the subject of discussion up to the present moment, and no decision has yet been had upon it. It is more than probable that it will prevail, & if it does I shall not be surprised, if the whole resolution falls to the ground. The dis contents [discontents] of the Page: [2] East, on one hand and a conviction of the propriety of waiting the result of the campaign in Spain, & its effects upon the British Cabinet, on the other, act with such equal force upon the majority of Congress, as in a great degree to paralise [paralyze] its exertions. From recent accounts from Europe there is but little doubt, that B [document damaged] parte has before this time over-run the whole peninsula, and captured the British armies unless they have had the good fortune to escape in their ships. It appears that the Convention of Cintra has excited general indignation in England, and if the defeat of her armies, & the loss of Spain & Portugal, should happen before that indignation should subside, the ministry will have every thing to apprehend & must be firmly secured in their [unclear text: seats ] indeed, if they shall be able to withstand the shock. I observe that Parliament was to meet on the 16th ult [ultimo] ; about which time the extent of thier [their] misfortunes on the Continent will be fully as certained [ascertained], and the mind of the nation will be ripe for an exertion against the ministry. Cotton was very high & Page: [3] rather advancing the first of last month. The capital embarked in the Spanish trade by British Merchants was immense, a great part of which will be lost in the event of their being driven out of that country. A few days past we waited on the President with the resolution of the Legislature of Georgia [document damaged] Wafford's settlement, & obtained from him a promise that all proceedings by the military against the people south of that settlement should be suspended. Wafford's settlement will be secured either by submitting the agreement or treaty to the Senate or by a declaration on the part of the President that as it was executed with money appropriated for the Indian department generally & needed no legislative aid, that therefore it was unnecessary to submit it to that body. We also learned that 10 towns of the lower Cherokees, & most of 12 towns of the upper Cherokees are disposed to remove to Louisiana & settle on lands of the U.S. They are to go this summer, & if they are pleased, are to choose their settlements & in lieu of this land, they are to cede to the U.S such proportion of their lands here, as those who remove [unclear text: bear to ] those who remain This will enable the govt. to extend our boundary to the Chatahoochee river. I am dear Sir respectfully your Excellency's most obt [obedient] & very humble Servt. [Servant] [Signed] Wm [William] H Crawford Page: [4] His Excellency Jared Irwin Governor &c [et cetera] Milledgeville Georgia Mail The Honorable Wm [William] H. Crawford dated Washington 4th February 1809 Indian [unclear text: affairs ] repeal of the embargo Foreign Aff. [Affairs]