Page: [1] Winns Ferry, Chattahuchee Jany [January] 9th 1832. Dear Sir; I arrived at this place at 12 oclock yesterday and found it impossible to cross the river. It is yet verry [very] high but expect to cross over by 12 or 1 Oclock to day. severil [several] persons have already made complaints against the Indians. As I have not yet had an opportunity to examine the laws, and my instructions fully, I beg leave to present a case to you for your directions; this I do under the impression that it is not clearly defined, either in the law, or my instructions. It is this: An Indian took possession of an improvement that had been abandoned, and rented it to [added text: a ] white man; the man took the othe [oath] required by the law, and obtained the agents permit; he planted the land, and made an additional improvement Page: [2] of fifteen or twenty acres, at the end of the year he paid his rent and gave up the ground rented (8 acres) the Indian claimed the new land, took the othe [oath] necessary to obtain the aid of the shff [sheriff] to give him possession. When the shff [sheriff] and the Indian arrived the man (rather than have his family turned out of doors) gave his Land & security to deliver up the place before the day of renting. he has consulted a lawyer, and he has directed him to me. I have neglected to mention that this improvement is enclosed by to town, or neighbourhood [neighborhood] fence made for the purpose of keeping the cattle off of the make sick vally X. you will parden [pardon] me for giving you, perhaps, unnecessary trouble, but my great desire to do nothing but what will promote the interest of the state I know will be a sufficient apology. I have the honor to be verry [very] respectfully your excellencys Obdt Servt [Obedient Servant] [Signed] Jno [John] Coffee To his Excelency [Excellency] Wilson Lumpkin Milledgeville Page: [3] Please write by return mail & direct to Lawrenceville Gwinnett County [Signed] J. C. [John Coffee] X The vally [valley] of the Chattahuchee in this neighbourhood [neighborhood] produces some kind of vegetable which the cattle eat, and [added text: it ] makes the milk pisonous [poisonous] . Page: [4] [ Note: A postmark appears in the upper left of this page.; ATHENS Ga JAN 10 ] 10 To Wilson Lumpkin Governor of Georgia Milledgeville John Coffee 9 Jany [January] 1832 Cherokee Gold Mines