Page: [1] [added text (appears to be different hand and ink): Q-2 ] Spring hill April [unclear text: ye ] 26= 1786 Sir I sends your Honour [Honor] a leter [letter] I just received from Mr Barnard & if you think fitt [fit] I will Send an White man or an Indain [Indian] to Augusteen to know what the [they] have Caled [Called] the Indains [Indians] Down there for I Expect Nothing Elce [Else] by Mr Barnards letter but when the [they] Return the [they] Will be Doing Some Sort of Mischeif [Mischief] heare [here] on the fronteers [frontiers] or on Some part as his Letter Intimadates [Intimidates] and at present, we are in a Verry Indiferent [Very Indifferent] Situation to Receive them I Expect that we will be one of the first Companes [Companies] that will [added text: be ordered ] turn out if they ttempt anny thing [attempt anything] and we have got No Amunition [Ammunition] amongst us, If your Honour [Honor] Could Give me an Order to town for Some I wold [would] take it as a Partickular favour [Particular favor] I can Send for it Imeadately [Immediately] If Anny thing [Anything] Material Shold [Should] happen I will aquaint [acquaint] your Honour Imeadely [Honor Immediately] with it And i Remmain [Remain] with Respect your Honours [Honors] most Obedient Humble Servant to Command [Signed] Patrick Carr Page: [2] a Letter from Patrick Carr 26 April 1786. = Answered 2 May 1786. publick [public] service} To His Honour [Honor] Edward Telfare Goveñer [Governor] And Commander In Cheif [Chief] in and Over the State of Gorgei [deleted text: Indian Wars ] Indian Affairs [ Note: Miscellaneous mathematical calculations appear on the bottom of this page. ]