Page: [1] flint river 12th July 1790 Sir The day before yesterday an [deleted text: d ] indian arived [arrived] at my house express from the Cussetaw King who was campt aboute [camped about] thirty miles above my house nea [added text: r ] the buzzard roost desiring that I would immediately come up to him I according [added text: ly ] Set of [off] as quick as posseble [possible] and returned home last Evening after dark his business with me was to acquaint me that three of his young warriers [warriors] that were hunting over the oconee near the rock landing Just above the old tradeing [trading] path on a creek called by the white people town creek wich [which] the old tradeing [trading] path crosses aboute [about] Six miles from the ocone river they -- were campt [camped] up in the fork of the creek Page: [2] the three indians had been at diffrent [different] times back and forwards Eateing [Eating] at the white peoples houses and buyeing [buying] goods of them wich [which] the white women had made up into Shirts and frocks for them and as they were at there [their] camps very peaceable aboute [about] Eight days agoe [ago] two white men very [unclear text: meanly ] dressed rode up to there [their] camp both armed and [unclear text: litted [alighted] ] of there [off their] horses and asked them to give them Some of the goods they had Just bought wich [which] they refused the white people on this asked them were there [where their] other companion was they told them he was Still oute [out] hunting and perhaps would not be in till night the two white men on this after watching there oppertunity [their opportunity] as one fellow Sat with his back to them and the other Seting [Sitting] down Page: [3] Eating presented there [their] guns and fired on them both, the one that had his back to them they Shot through the body wich [which] Jumped up and run aboute [about] two hundred yards and fell dead the other one that was Eateing [Eating] See the gun fire [unclear text: Send [added text: ed ] ] at him and fell back and was graced allong [grazed along] the brest [breast] bone and Shot through the arm the upper bone of his arm broke all to Shivers he likewise run of [off] and laide [laid] in the Swamp till the other fellow that was hunting came in and both went to look for the other wich [which] they found dead the one that was not wounded wich [which] was brother to the dead man buried him as well he could and went to there [their] camp wich [which] they found intirely [entirely] plundered of Evey [Every] Page: [4] thing they had wich [which] consisted [added text: of ] two rifle guns one a very fine gun with a brass box the other and [an] old gun but a very good one very long in the barrell [barrel] three rideing [riding] Saddles two pack Saddls [Saddles] four brass kettles Several new Shirts and blankets near forty dear [deer] Skins and two very good horses I think both bags they left two horses tied at the camp one not worth much and the other a large grey horse with a black [unclear text: cheak [cheek] ] which they Immagine [Imagine] thought too [deleted text: [illegible text] ] notable a horse to cary of [carry off] the indians thinks themselves that these are the very two men that Shot at the fellow I acquainted you with in my last -- The Cussetaw king desired me to acquaint your Excellency that the young man that was killed was his nephew and that for fear Page: [5] as he was a man much beloved among his family that [deleted text: [illegible text] ] Some of his relatives might goe [go] rashly to work to Seek Satisfac [added text: tion ] tho [though] he had come oute [out] a hunting he Should proceed on for the town as fast as posseble [possible] and endeavour [endeavor] to put a Stop to any immed [added text: iate ] violincyes [violences] till he had your answer as he Sayes [Says] he was told at the treaty at the rock landing by the greate [great] men that was there from congress that if any indian Spilt [Spilled] the blood of a white man that he must die for it and that if a white man Spilt [Spilled] the blood of an indian innocently it Should be the Same this he Says he looks uppon [upon] to be a talk agreed uppon [upon] by all the white people this Same talk he Sayes [Says] was aga [added text: in ] repeated to him by a gentleman from congress not many days agoe [ago] in his own town Page: [6] he therefore hopes that your Excellency will indeavour [endeavor] to make that talk good wich [which] will be the means of puting [putting] an End to any of the innocent inhabitants on the frontiers Suffering both in there [their] persons and property as he Sayes [Says] it will be oute [out] of his power to res [added text: train ] them any longer when they find they are to git [get] no Satisfaction what he requests is that the two men that has commited [committed] this murder and roberry [robbery] may be both taken and confined till Some of the relations of the deceased can be Sent for to Some place on the fron [added text: tiers ] and See them Executed and the two horses and property returned or other horses and property to the Same value if Squander [added text: ed ] he Says he himself and the rest of the head of the nation according to Mr. McGillivarys Instructions to them has been daily Page: [7] chargeing there [charging their] young people to beware of commiting [committing] any violencyes [violences] on the white Settlements wich [which] he Says by what he can find they have adherd [adhered] to Strickly [Strictly], the cowetaw town and Some of the cherokees brought in Some horses aboute [about] the time Mr McGillivary Set of [off] to congress from the upper parts of the frontiers of Georgia twelve were brougt [brought] in to the cowetaws the rest were taken to the Cherokees Elevin [Eleven] of wich [which] he and his town people immediately gathered and Sent them of [off] down to a captn [captain] phillips that lives high up on the Ocone tho [though] at Same time he had Just herd [heard] of the mans been Shot at that I acquainted your Excy [Excellency] with in my last. Since he Sent the horse of the cussetaw king Says Page: [8] one of his people come in from were [where] Captn. [Captain] phillips lives who informs him that wile [while] they were at phillipses a -- party of white people come there and chapt [chopped] at one of his people with a swo [added text: rd ] and run them of [off] the Cussetaw King desires me to acquaint your Excellency that Such treatment as this is far from what he Expected from the white people when the [they] took Each other by the had [hand] again at the rock landing the cussetaw king says he Shall doe [do] Every thing in his power to reconcile matters till there [their] great beloved day the busk is over wich [which] will be aboute [about] the twelth [twelfth] of augt [august] before that he likewise hopes that your Excelly [Excellency] on you part will doe [do] the Same and before that have those men apprehended as he Should be Page: [9] Sorry any innocent person Should Suffer for the violent act of two men and thiefs wich [thieves which] cannot be beloved in no good countrey [country] the cussetaw king Say likewise that if there has been any acts of vilence commited [violence committed] by the indians it is unknown to him and that it has not been by his people therefore what Ever is done by any other town when Mr. McGillivary returns he will make them answerable for it wich [which] is what he told them when he took his departure the Cussetaw King Says he Expects an answer by this Express informing him what measurs [measures] your Excely. [Excellency] means to fall on to Satisfye [Satisfy] his requ [added text: est ] wich [which] may the better enable him to keep his young people within bounds and hopes that if you Should apprehind [apprehend] those murderers that you would Send him the Earlyest [Earliest] notice Page: [10] by Express I have to acquaint your Excely [Excellency] that the white people in General from the upper parts of the frontiers down as low as the [unclear text: hoppes ] are daily tradeing [trading] with the indians Every one that can raise forty Shillings worth of goods, and your Excellency may be well asured [assured] that wile the [while they] are allowed to continue in that way that there will be a perpetual Disturbance amongst them on both Sides for instance aboute [about] two months agoe [ago] three indians went Down to the frontiers with three horses they Stole in the nation and Sold them to the white people on the [unclear text: hoppes ] and this day I receiv'd [received] a letter from the -- Setlers [Settlers] with the description of three more horses those Same three fellows Stole to [unclear text: pack ] home Several more instaces [instances] of the like have hapned [happened] in So Short a time as Since the Spring Page: [11] it would be no matter how Soon your Excely [Excellency] would See cause to appoint Some capable man man [man] to reside in the nation to give you Early information respecting disputes that may arise in future wich [which] if ritely mannaged [rightly managed] would be of means of keeping a good understanding on both Sides the white people write and the indians run to me when any thing happens and I cannot -- possibly neglect my own busines [business] and be Send [added text: ing ] my people [added text: and horses ] back and forward on the business as I have paid dear for it already as when governor Mathews was in [illegible text] I was at the [added text: loss ] of thirty five pounds [added text: in horses ] rideing [riding] and Sending Expresses besides my own time and trouble and has not been requited for it yet as I thought this a matter of too much consequence not to give you Excely [Excellency] the Earlyest [Earliest] notice have [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: agreed with ] bearer of this Express to pay him ten pound for his own trouble and the work of his horse Page: [12] wich [which] if your Excellency thinks him deserveing [deserving] of be So good as to See him paid in goods if you Excely. [Excellency] Should likewise think of answering the cussetaw kings talk Shall readily be at the trouble of communicateing [communicating] your answer to him as I am Satisfyed [Satisfied] that let the consequ [added text: ence ] be what will after if they doe [do] not git [get] a Satisfactory answer and those men are not punished that Some of the poor innocent inhabitants will certainly Suffer nothing more but hopes your Excelly. [Excellency] will Excuse my troubleing [troubling] you with So long a letter and remains with due respect Your Exly [Excellency] most Obdt hble. Servt [Obedient humble Servant] [Signed] Timy [Timothy] Barnard