Page: [1] Lawrenceville, Sept. 16. 1831 His Excellency Govr. [Governor] Gilmer Sir There have been convicted at this court eleven persons for residing in the Cherokee Nation, after the 1st of March last, & the peculiar circumstances attendant on the case have induced me to send them on immediately. There is no jail in this place & the jail in Walton County is entirely unsafe as reported to me by the Sheriff of that & this county also. The number is so large [deleted text: that ] the guard necessary to Keep them [added text: safe ] until sent for, would make the expense to the state greater than sending them on immediately; for the state, I presume, will have to pay the greater part of the cost attending their arrest & prosecution. Besides, I apprehend, the present use & number of the Penitentiary guard would not admit of sparing from thence the number necessary to carry down so many prisoners. I find by the resolution passed in 1823 that it is made the duty of the Inspectors & Principal Keeper with the co-operation [cooperation] of the Judge to make any arrangement to convey the Convicts to the Penitentiary in the cheapest practicable way. Believing the above arrangement in this particular case to be the one best calculated to answer the object of said resolution I hope it will meet the approbation of the Keeper & Inspectors, as well as yourself, & that the expenses of their transportation will be defrayed. Very respectfully Yr Obt. Svt. [Your Obedient Servant] [Signed] A.S. Clayton Page: [2] His Excellency Governor Gilmer Milledgeville By the Deputy Shff [Sheriff] of Gwinnett Co} Letter A. [unclear text: S ] . Clayton 16 Septr. [September] 1831 convicts for residing within Cherokee Nation.