Page: [1] Being Called on By Major Call Surveyer [Surveyor] General of the State To Give Information Respecting the Boundary Lines of Wilkes County agreeable To Then cession 1773 To the Best of my Recollection the Creek Indians Gave up the Land To the Dividing Ridge Between Ogeeche and Okone and a Line was to Be Run to the South fork of ogeeche and also to be Extended up The [added text: Said ] Ridge to the then Called Andersons Corner and thence Twenty miles above the said Corner, But the Indians Refused Going above the Tugelo path which was Said to Be about five or Six miles where a Corner was made on Said path, But the then Acting Commissioners Complained much of not having their Complement of Land, But understood They Expected to Gain on Tugelo River, and the Line was Run to the north fork of Broad River and mark'd [marked] no further Because the Indians would not act according to their agreement at the Treaty. Sworn to Before us This 28th Day of May 1784 [Signed] M Williamson. [unclear text: JD ] [Signed] John King. [unclear text: P. ] [Signed] Stephen Heard [added text (appears to be in different hand and ink): Gov Ga ] Page: [2] Deposition of Stephen Heard Indian Land