Page: [1] [unclear text: Princeton ] Near Broken Arrow 14th Dec. 1824 Sir Your Express arrived here on Sunday and found us absent on a small excurtion [excursion] up the river on business most importantly connected with our mission. We did not return until yesterday, and then in [unclear text: excessive ] rain which has greatly retarded our operations -- We are not without our difficulties in determining what shall be our [deleted text: [illegible text] ] answer to the several inquiries which you have [unclear text: propounded ] . These do not arise however from any reluctance to make to you a full disclosure of our proceedings, and the [deleted text: difficulties ] [added text: obstacles ] which we have had to encounter, but from an apprehension that by such Communication we might, for the present, weaken the many of which, we hope, successfully, to avail ourselves. As Agents of the general government, and as Citizens of Georgia, we cannot regard your efforts upon this subject in other than the most favourable [favorable] light, and at a time more reasonable, in case of our failure, we shall be prepared most heartily to [unclear text: coopperate [cooperate] ] in your views & upon the very points of your inquiries. We [unclear text: commenced ] our negotiation in writing -- as far as it has progressed, in this way, we send you a copy. This method has been abandoned, as too formal, and liable to too many [unclear text: interruptions. ] Our discussions will be conducted Page: [2] orally for the future, and in this we shall enjoy advantag [document damaged] which will probably lead to success. The proceedings which you have seen published as occurring at Tucabatchee and Pole Cat Springs were evidently intended to forestal [forestall] us. They have, in great measure had [unclear text: this ] effect, by spreading alarm throughout the Nation, by the miserable farago [farrago] of threats which they contain. For Some time past, the Cherokees exerted a steady and [illegible text] interference in the affairs of this tribe. That this has [illegible text] additional impulse, and that we are now encountering a daily interference, more active and insidious, we have no doubt. [unclear text: We decline a specification ] , in the hope, that we may succeed without it, and thereby avoid its irritating Consequences. Deeply sensible, that [deleted text: [illegible text] ] a [unclear text: persevering zeal ] is indispensable in the furtherance of the policy of the government and in vindicating the rights of Georgia, we will communicate again, by Express, [added text: to [unclear text: reach ] you ] in the forenoon of Saturday, if such [unclear text: step ] should appear to us to promise an advantage With sentiments of great consideration and respect, We are yr obt serts [your obedient servants] [Signed] Duncan G. Campbell [Signed] Jas. [James] Meriwether U.S. Comsr [Commissioners] His Excellency G.M. Troup Milledgeville- Page: [3] Communication from Duncan G. Campbell & Jas. [James] Meriwether Esquires U. States Commr [Commissioners] for holding a Treaty with the Creek Nation of Indians, dated 14th Dec. 1824.