Page: [1] Fort armstrong Febry [February] 4th 1814 Colo. R. J. Meigs Sir: a number of Cherokees having assembled at this place who appeard [appeared] determined on an [unclear text: excurtion [excursion] ] into the Creek nation to form a Junction with Genl [General] Jackson in his Late tour on the talapoosy I viwd [viewed] the enterprise highly impropper [improper] as being too weak to act by ourselves and Jacksons situation was but imperfectly known to us inded [indeed] I had but Little hopes of Joining him as I then thought his object might be different from the prevailing opinion which I thought had obtained Circulation. the better to Secure his Real object. My intreaties [entreaties] were without effect nothing Could Remove their Stubborn determination when I agreed to accompany them we Left this on the 23rd Janry [January] and directed our Course for the Hillabees but on our arrival at the fork of the path which Leads to the Hillabees and [unclear text: Chinabees ] fort of friendly Creeks on the [unclear text: Chockcalockca ] they Changed their Rout [Route] to fall in the Rear of Genl [General] Jackson on our arrival at the fort we found from the Relation of the Creeks that Jackson had on the 22nd two ingagements [engagements] with the hostile party in which a number of woonded [wounded] was throne uppon [ thrown upon] his hands which Compeld [Compelled] him to Retrogade [Retrograde] on the 24 the indians having Reenforced [Reinforced] in Considerable numbers made a Vigorous attack on his Rear who in a cowardly manner Retreated and Left the company of artilery [artillery] to maintain the unequil [unequal] Contest. they However maintained their Ground and eventually Page: [2] put the enemy to Rout. they have proven what a few determined diciplined [disciplined] men can perform they have cloathed [clothed] themselves with immortal honours [honors] . -- finding Genl. [General] Jackson unable with Safety to maintain his situation I had no difficulty in inducing them to follow the army to the to Islands which we Reachd [Reached] the same day with Jackson in there Several ingagements [engagements] the enemy have Lost 200 of them but wariors [warriors] we have to Lament the Loss of some brave men 20 fell on the field and 5 have since died of their woonds [wounds] . and 55 additional woonded [wounded] many badly but none dangerous. The Cherokees were permitted to Return to their Respective homes on [illegible text] lands to Rendesvous [Rendezvous] at this place on the 20th at which time it is hoped they will Generally attend active operations will Commence about the 25th at which time it is Supposed the whole army Will Moove [Move] be pleased to urge Capt [Captain] Taylor to attend his Services I found on our former movements of some importance. I shall indeavour [endeavor] to Call at Highawassee before Long when I will more fully detail to you our moovement [movement] . Major Walker is here and intends Continuing with about 100 wariors [warriors] the Ridge Shoeboots and the indians from that Quarter are daily expected. I have Requested him to delay his Junction to the 20th Lowrey Brown and their men who were about marching have been advised to delay also. provisions are Scearce [Scarce] and no prospect of an immediate Supply. Should Page: [3] they arive [arrive] they must depend on their Guns for Subsistance [Subsistence] accept assureances [assurances] of My perfect Esteem [Signed] Gideon Morgan Colo [Colonel] Cherokee forces Colo [Colonel] Return J Meigs Page: [4] Colo [Colonel] Return J. Meigs Highwassee Garrison Mr McIntosh Col. [Colonel] G. [Gideon] Morgans letter account of G [General] Jacksons last Battle in January last. The date of this letter February 4th 1814.