Page: [1] Washington County Octobr.. [October] 12th 1789 Sir Being No treaty, Mr. Saffold Living Near the Oconey River; on the thurtieth [thirtieth] of Last month Removed his famly [family] and on the fifth Instant The Indians Burnt his house and took off a quantity of Corn, Which much frighted [frightened] the people that was in Captn [Captain] Kemps fort, on the Ninth Instant they Evacuated and on the tenth the Indians Burnt the Fort, By the Sign Supposed to be about fifteen -- Which much alarms the people, Numbers of them have Removed their famlys [families] out of the County, others [unclear text: ar ] Forting with an Intent to wait for the advice and Detarmination [Determination] of your honour [honor] with Respect to Their Situation; Being without ammonation [ammunition] we Can make No kind of Defence [Defense] and hope your honour [honor] Wil [Will] Send a supply; I Should have been with you Tomorrow agreable [agreeable] to appointment had it Not Been for the matters above [deleted text: matters ] Stated I am with Due Respect your Honours [Honor's] Obt Sevt [Obedient Servant] [Signed] Jared Irwin To the Honbl. [Honorable] George Walton Esqr [Esquire] Page: [2] Letter Colo [Colonel] Jared Irwin 12 October 1789 On publick [public] Service The Honble [Honorable] George Walton Esqr [Esquire] Agusta Legislature 29th instant farther Order taken 17 Novem [unclear text: 21 Do ] Hand by Indian Depredations Indian Spoilations [Spoliations] Legislature