Page: [1] Tuesday night . Oct. [October] 28th 1856 My dearest Callie, Again this evening did I anxiously watch the approach of the stage, hoping to receive intelligence from my darlings -- the trifling post masters I feel assured have detained your epistles of love, so much needed by me -- My dear wife, I do love you so supremely my heart longs for you -- what wouldn't I give this night to press dear Callie to the bosom that beats so [unclear text: waverly], so enthusiastically so devotedly for her -- My dear boy how is he, has he forgotten his pa, how does he amuse himself? Tell me all his smart tricks -- I do love so much to receive just such letters as you write -- I took tea at Sis Sarah's this evening she has just returned from Greensboro and Bob G's [Goree's] all well in G.boro [Greensboro] -- Bob's wifes [wife is] better, though quite sick yet . [illegible text] writes very enthusiastically about you all, a letter was received from her this evening -- I am much pleased with our presiding judge, Shorter law and politics all the rage -- I made a short talk after [unclear text: court] to-day [today] my friends seemed pleased Page: [2] I have heard nothing new. -- several of our town folks speak of attending the fair at Montgomery next week -- I dined yesterday with Col [Colonel] Yancey at Mrs Brooks, with several of the [unclear text: Democracy] -- he spent the night at [unclear text: father's] -- I had to prepare for to-day's [today's] work and did not go down with him -- As to politics, I think, this state will vote for B & B [Buck and Brien] by 15000 majority -- this [unclear text: county] for Fillmore by. 75 [illegible text] 100 majority -- Write me fully about yourself and Joe -- I often wish there was a telegraph between the two places -- our hearts, my darling, are in constant connection and pulsate in unison, without the aid of wires, and thyy [they] beat love, love -- Kiss my boy, my noble boy and believe me as ever Your fondly attached husband [Signed] Porter --