Page: [1] [The image on this page is a colored drawing of a plot of land.] Page: [2] 1760 yds = 1 mile [unclear text: 484] sqr. yds. = 1 acre [deleted text: 22 [illegible text] = [illegible text] acre] [deleted text: 66 feet = [illegible text] ] Page: [3] Thinking my little wife, might have a choice, I have sent a lot from which, if any suits, she can select -- write the pieces & no yes of each -- Your own [Signed] Porter Page: [4] Marion -- March 10th My dearest Callie, On reaching town this morning I was summoned to attend "the Council" to-night [tonight] -- will it suit my darling to spend the night in town? If not I will come home after the lodge adjourns If you come to town, bring me a clean shirt for morning -- I send [unclear text: tricephones] & have ordered the Druggist to prepare a bot [bottle] of Cologn [Cologne] -- In haste Devotedly your Porter -- Page: [5] Porter's present on his 63rd birth-day [birthday] to his little Callie wife.