Page: [1] New York 3rd Jan. 185 [illegible text] My dearest Callie - I have intended writing to you ever since we reached here, but various reasons have made me defer it until now too numerous to mention & yet which have really been of importance to me. My dear little boy has not been well, and having a white nurse has been a source of some trouble to me as for the life of me I cannot order them about, and I look forward to my meeting with [unclear text: Fanny] with no small pleasure in thinking of the other joys of getting home again. You have doubtless heard from Pa what caused my unexpected visit here instead of to Mobile & he has I suppose also informed you why I have been compelled to remain so much longer than he did. I am glad to tell you I have improved very much and tho' [though] the doct [deleted text: er][added text: or ] ing & necessity for it has been one of the most painful events of my life, still I feel it would be wrong to regret it if I am through the goodness of God restored to my family in health which I now know would have been entirely destroyed had I delayed much longer. I will say to you Callie & it is all I can say at present I shudder when I think what my situation was becoming & I feel renewed cause for gratitude when I know how much I am relieved & I hope will [illegible text] Page: [2] And what shall I write to you about? I am a [unclear text: close] prisoner in my room and feel almost as lonely as you do on your plantation. Indeed Callie it has cost me a great struggle and several lectures from the Dr [Doctor] to make me remain [unclear text: contented] and I assure you that nothing but a strong sense of duty keeps me here. Pa whom we persuaded to accompany us I think was benefitted by the trip but Callie he is much changed from what he once was. His mind seems wholly occupied with his children & nothing excites him much which does not concern them. [unclear text: Eddy] too came with us & really worried Pa - he became so homesick and tired of city life. He is a noble boy and my babe is so much like him it attaches me still more to him. Pa was anxious for him to remain with us - & he most kindly told me if it would cheer me he would do so willingly but I would not press it upon him. I felt his & Pa's absence very much and made myself quite sick when they first left grieving about it. Since then my letters from home & my improvement have cheered me up & I bear it much better. [unclear text: New] York Callie does not seem to me what it did when I was here before & I can scarcely realize it has been so long ago. Marion & [unclear text: Alida] visit me daily and are very kind. With all of my ill health they are more changed than I am & I know you will not think it vanity when I say look older Page: [3] Mr Cobb is much pleased with N. [New] York & enjoys sight seeing & law books here wonderfully. We had several good jokes upon Ed & himself & I now laugh sometimes at his mistakes. But you know his disposition never to yield his own opinion of things & consequently he is never embarrassed. New Years he called upon Marion & [unclear text: Alida] & drank chocolate & cake with them a new thing to him which he did not much fancy. I see very little which is new in the way of fashions. Solid colors especially blue, brown & green are much worn - & the velvet trimming as I wrote you from home. Open or flowing sleeves or the old fashioned mutton leg plaited down in box plaits at the top & at the hand are much in vogue. Large collars & worked ruffles & belts - also strike me somewhat. The hair worn [illegible text] of the face & the old fashioned knot which strikes me exactly. Black velvet [unclear text: sacques] made vest style are pretty & in great use. So much for the fashions. I went to New Haven & found also there time had produced many changes. Upon old Mrs [unclear text: Apthorpe] it had laid its hand most heavily - and I felt almost sorry as it has changed the spirit of my dreams which I have ever had of since I last saw her. We met Mr [unclear text: Thatcher] who is much improved both in manner & appearance. His wife Page: [4] & [unclear text: Miss Applia Thatcher] came to see us & told us they were very uneasy about Gabriellas mind. She had received a blow upon the top of her head last summer & they thought it would [unclear text: prove] more serious than they at first apprehended. Mr Cobb was disappointed at Niblo's but enjoys Burton's theatre very much where I went with Pa & saw David Copperfield acted the only time I have been out. Sontag is to be at Niblo's next week & I feel quite anxious to see her if I can go. I hope to be able to leave for home next week but cannot tell yet. I long to see my little darlings and Ma again & dread the trip very much. I was very sea sick coming on. Your letters home have been sent to us & I thank you for your kind wishes for me to be with you. I would have enjoyed it more under other circumstances & still have it in reserve for a more convenient season to make you a visit - when I hope to be well & hearty & enjoy it. I feel anxious to see [unclear text: Ma again] as her health is not firm & I always feel anxious about her. Do write to me & don't feel put out with my dull letter. It is [unclear text: difficult] for me to write here but I felt as if I must write you if it were only to tell you I think often of you and feel anxious to hear from you often. You must direct your letter to Athens as I trust I shall soon be there. Give my love to brother Porter and accept much yourself from Mr Cobb. He has quite broken himself down today visiting the shipping &c [et cetera] - I feel quite badly keeping him from his business but as I believe it is now or never I have believed it right to do so. Goodnight dear Callie. God bless & protect you is the fervent wish of your sister [Signed] Marion