Page: [1] Athens March 17th/56 [1856] I received your short letter dearest Callie, before leaving home. It is six weeks now, since Sister & I both came up to see our beloved Mother, who has been confined to her room since the 1st day of January, & the greater part of the time to bed. She has had a violent attack - the result of a long neglected cold. But I gratefully announce her convalescence. She improved slowly - yet I trust none the less surely. I have enjoyed (as none can imagine better than you) the reunion at home - the long evenings slipped delightfully away, while Sister & I had long chats by Mother's bedside. For the past two weeks Mother is up & able to go out for a few minutes, each day - to look at the spring work in the garden. Sister & I returned calls, & I have spent some pleasant Page: [2] days & evenings out, while my birdies entertained Mother. [unclear text: None ] [unclear text: pleasanter] - [unclear text: few] as pleasant as a day with Marion. She gave us a charming dinner, & above all, both Mr Cobb & herself were so agreable [agreeable] - that the day was delightful. I so enjoyed a loving talk, with her remarkably sweet toned Piano! - Like the girl in "Festus" (You've read Festus?) I felt like addressing it, in tones of love. Lucy's undisguised & child like admiration of my performance was really sweet. She has great promise herself. Her touch is good & I hope she will not tire of practice. Your Sister Lucy I am sorry to see so ill. She is better, as of course you know. Her condition seems variable, but your Mother, who I called on a day or two since, said that she then thought, without further "backsets" - she would recover. How my thoughts flew back dear Callie, to many, many scenes of past days, when I went into the parlor at your Father's. After all Cal, we've had our share of girlish enjoyments - Page: [3] and must be content to take our trials as they come. I hope your dear little boy continues bright & beautiful to gladden your heart. I think I see Cousin Porter's proud look now as it rests on the little fellow. My baby is still my pride. Edge, in horse - I ought to say - turf parlance, calls her his "two year old" & vows - "she can't be beat." I am very proud of her sweet caressing ways - dearest friend - & when I say that even to this day, she has never had a sick hour, you'll realize how her life has been [unclear text: ever] a pleasure. As to news, I've heard much up here - but of course with your large family, you are kept posted up, in all village "ondits." I spent an evening at Dr [Doctor] Church's. Mrs Craig was very pretty. I scarcely think her as beautiful as for two years past. She is a little too stout. [unclear text: Sue Carr] gives a very large party soon, so she tells me. Of course I do not attend large parties & therefore did not see Mrs Venable - the bride of the new Page: [4] Professor - [added text: in her bridal dress] when Dr [Doctor] & Mrs Church were "at home" to all the world in their honor. But I have met her frequently, more privately. She is very pretty & very agreable [agreeable] - while her husband, is I think very handsome, with his redundancy of beard; & excessively Shanghai coats! The Wares - are the Wares!! They had a nice [unclear text: little] evening soire, as they always do, for my benefit & I really feel grateful for their uniform attention. [unclear text: Arrie] is quite proud of the little Elephant your baby sent her. Mrs Hill had a dinner party the other day - much to the surprise of most people. Mrs Maxwell continues very unwell - but is able to sit up. She [unclear text: designs] adding to the literary world, another book - sometime - during the present year. As was the case with "Miranda Elliott," so with this, I have [unclear text: been] favored with a perusal of the manuscript - & like this much better - than that -- Your brother [unclear text: Jimmy] is expected daily I believe - & my brother John not for two weeks yet, as he intends awaiting the election of offices for the hospital. He is very anxious to secure a place as [unclear text: one] of the attending physicians - but fears the great number of candidates will defeat him. I have gossiped on to the end of the page - so I must wind up -- Page: [5] I hope you like your new horses - Cousin Porter's elegant gift. Present me very kindly to him & assure him of Edge's & my good feeling. I hope to see my "cara sposa" next week. I shall leave for Sparta then - and hope he'll come for me. It is somewhat doubtful - for he is very busy - & stays with Father at night. [unclear text: Eddy] may come for me. My little ones send love to Mama's friend - & my dearest Cal - you need no assurances - of the unwavering love - of your ever attached [Signed] Sallie Don't neglect me now Cal - but write me often - & as of yore - heart whole & loving narratives of yourself Page: [6] Mother says I shall not close this letter 'till I add her affectionate love to "Callie"