Georgia Partnership for School Health

Our vision is for Georgia's children to be healthy and to learn to be healthy

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Georgia Partnersliip for School Health

The Partnership's Mission is to Create an Environment in Which Children Can Be
Healthy and Can Learn
G eOl'gia Par'tnel'ship for Scl100l Health was fOl'llmd in December 1992. Tile Partner'ship was started rt'OIll a grant aW'dI'ded to a number of organizations represented by the American Cancer Society, Southeast Division, to addl'ess the issue of school health education in Georgia.

What Can I Do?
Ask }our local school adrninislralion aboul school health I>rograms available in the school and community.
Obtain infonnation and support from Georgia Parll1ership for School Health members and organizations.
Educate your state and local decision makers about1tle impOl'll.ll1ce of sUlmor'ling effective school health programs.
SUPIx>rt your local school syslem by gelling in\'ol\'ed.

What Do School Health Programs Provide?

Healthy SChool Environment: A safe and caring emirollmen! is oonducMl 10 learning.
School Health Education/Instruction:
Disease prevention Melltal health En,.irofllnenlal heullh Gnll\1h and dC\'Clollmenl Fo;ulrilioll
Consurncr health
PersooaI heallh Communily health HIV/AJDS educaliOll
Health careers
Family I""ing
5alcly AlCOhol/olher drng nbusc 1lre\'Cll1ion

SChool Health Services: n,e school 11ll1'Se works with families [0 delermine an Individual studel11's heal1h
needs, which may include \1sion and hear'ing screening, inullullizalions ami fil'sl aid, <lssistilncc with mer!ication, healill care plans, or linkage \\;th a PI'illllllY health care pro,,'oo:
School-based Physical Education: Physical education has been shoo,\n to improo."e children's self-esteem and academic I>crfonnanoe through planned I>hysical aeti\ilies.
School Nutrition: Aheallhy die! enhances 'earning and promotes the devclollmcnt of good eating behaviors IImt will lasl a lifetime,

SchooHiased Counseling, Psyt:hological and Social Services: Schoo! counselors, psychologists, and SOCial workers provide SUPlllJr! for individual students, tcacllel's, and staff.
Employee Heallh Promotion: Wellness I>rograms encourage staff 10 adopl hcallllier lifestyles, which enable them to
se....'e as IXlSili\'e role models for lheir
School, Parent, Family, and Community Heallh Promotion Partnerships: B)' \\'QI'king together, schools, families, and COllllllunities help children develop to theil' fulles' potential.

nvolved...Our Children's Health Depends On It

Why Do Georgia's Children
Need a School Health Program?
