Inmate Statistical Profile Active Inmates with Mental Health Level 2 and Above Information within contains data on all offenders with Scribe Status of INMATE, including those Out To Court, Reprieves, Conditional Transfers, Escapes, etc Produced for General Distribution Georgia Department of Corrections Operations, Planning, and Training Division Planning and Analysis Section 01-FEB-17 Profile_mental_health_2017_01.pdf Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Contents Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Table of Contents Demographic information 4 Current age, broken out in ten year age groups 5 Race group 6 Marital status, self-reported at entry to prison 7 Number of Inmates with Dependents, self-reported at entry to prison 8 Religious affiliation, self-reported at entry to prison 9 Home county - self-reported at entry to prison 14 Employment status before prison, self-reported at entry to prison 15 Age at admission 17 Height, measured at entry to prison 18 Height, measured at entry to prison 20 Weight, measured at entry to prison 21 Weight, measured at entry to prison 23 Military service Correctional information 24 Type of admission to prison 25 Current / last supervision level 26 Current / last institution type 27 Institution type - transitional centers 28 Institution type - county prisons 29 Institution type - state prisons 30 Institution type - private prisons 31 Institution type - inmate boot camp 32 Number of disciplinary reports 33 Number of transfers 34 Number of escapes 35 Split sentence - Probation to follow 36 Probable future release type of still active inmates 37 Time served in current (or last) institution Educational, psychological and physical information 38 Highest grade level attained Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Contents Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Table of Contents Educational, psychological and physical information 39 Culture fair IQ scores 40 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) reading score 41 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) math score 42 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) spelling score 43 Current / last mental health treatment level 44 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'P' overall condition ('P'hysical) 45 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'U' upper body 46 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'L' lower body 47 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'H' hearing 48 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'E' vision 49 PULHESDWIT medical scale -'S' psychiatric 50 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'D' dental 51 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'W' work ability 52 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'I' impairment 53 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'T' transportability Crimes and criminal history information 54 Number of prior Georgia incarcerations 55 Prison sentence in years 56 Primary offense, broken out into felonies vs misdemeanors 57 Primary offense, broken out into six broad crime categories 58 Primary offense, detailed offense code 64 County of conviction of primary offense 69 Circuit of conviction of primary offense 71 Years served (jail + prison) in this incarceration Medical information 72 Results of most recent HIV test 73 Results of most recent tuberculosis test 74 Results of most recent syphilis test 75 Results of most recent Hepatitis-C test Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 4 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Current age, broken out in ten-year age groups COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Current Age Teens (1-19) Twenties (20-29) Thirties (30-39) Forties (40-49) Fifties (50-59) Sixties (60-69) Seventy + (70 and above) Total Reported Count 137 1,774 2,208 1,695 1,253 462 76 7,605 Male Col % 1.80% 23.33% 29.03% 22.29% 16.48% 6.07% 1.00% 100% Row % 88.39% 76.27% 75.80% 77.29% 84.04% 90.06% 95.00% 78.64% Count 18 552 705 498 238 51 4 2,066 Female Col % 0.87% 26.72% 34.12% 24.10% 11.52% 2.47% 0.19% 100% Row % 11.61% 23.73% 24.20% 22.71% 15.96% 9.94% 5.00% 21.36% Total Total Col % 155 1.60% 2,326 24.05% 2,913 30.12% 2,193 22.68% 1,491 15.42% 513 5.30% 80 0.83% 9,671 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 39.63 38 29 37.24 36 34 39.12 37 29 Current age group Inmate Statistical Profile Page 4 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 5 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Race group COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Race Group 1 White 2 Black 5 Other 6 Asian 10 Hispanic 12 Native American 13 Native Hawaiian Total Reported Count 3,163 4,285 4 18 126 8 1 7,605 Male Col % 41.59% 56.34% .05% .24% 1.66% .11% .01% 100% Row % Count 71.64% 1,252 84.47% 788 57.14% 3 90.00% 2 86.30% 20 88.89% 1 100.00% 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 60.60% 38.14% .15% .10% .97% .05% Row % 28.36% 15.53% 42.86% 10.00% 13.70% 11.11% 100% 21.36% Total Total Col % 4,415 45.65% 5,073 52.46% 7 .07% 20 .21% 146 1.51% 9 .09% 1 9,671 .01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 0 7,605 Black 0 2,066 White 0 9,671 Black Race group Inmate Statistical Profile Page 5 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 6 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Marital status, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Marital Status 0 Unknown D Divorced M Married S Separated U Unmarried W Widow Total Reported Count 113 875 882 303 5,305 127 7,605 Male Col % 1.49% 11.51% 11.60% 3.98% 69.76% 1.67% 100% Row % 96.58% 70.79% 72.35% 59.53% 83.18% 59.91% 78.64% Count 4 361 337 206 1,073 85 2,066 Female Col % .19% 17.47% 16.31% 9.97% 51.94% 4.11% 100% Row % 3.42% 29.21% 27.65% 40.47% 16.82% 40.09% 21.36% Total Total Col % 117 1.21% 1,236 12.78% 1,219 12.60% 509 5.26% 6,378 65.95% 212 9,671 2.19% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 0 7,605 Unmarried 0 2,066 Unmarried 0 9,671 Unmarried Marital status Inmate Statistical Profile Page 6 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 7 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Number of Inmates with Dependents, Self-Reported at Entry to Prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Number of dependents 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Over 10 Total Reported Count 2,634 1,339 892 525 247 136 55 32 20 11 5 14 5,910 Male Col % 44.57% 22.66% 15.09% 8.88% 4.18% 2.30% 0.93% 0.54% 0.34% 0.19% 0.08% 0.24% 100% Row % 80.75% 78.86% 70.07% 65.22% 70.57% 73.51% 73.33% 82.05% 90.91% 84.62% 62.50% 100.00% 76.32% Count 628 359 381 280 103 49 20 7 2 2 3 Female Col % 34.24% 19.57% 20.77% 15.27% 5.62% 2.67% 1.09% 0.38% 0.11% 0.11% 0.16% 1,834 100% Row % 19.25% 21.14% 29.93% 34.78% 29.43% 26.49% 26.67% 17.95% 9.09% 15.38% 37.50% 23.68% Total Total Col % 3,262 42.12% 1,698 21.93% 1,273 16.44% 805 10.40% 350 4.52% 185 2.39% 75 0.97% 39 0.50% 22 0.28% 13 0.17% 8 0.10% 14 7,744 0.18% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,695 7,605 232 2,066 1,927 9,671 Mean (average) 1.26 Median (middle) 1 Mode (most frequent) 0 1.55 1.33 1 1 0 0 Number of Inmates with Dependents Inmate Statistical Profile Page 7 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 8 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Religious affiliation, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Religious Affiliation 1 Islam 2 Catholic 3 Baptist 4 Methodist 5 Episcopln 6 Presbytrn 7 Chc Of God 8 Holiness 9 Jewish 10 Anglican 11 Grk Orthdx 12 Hindu 13 Buddhist 15 Shintoist 16 Seven D Ad 17 Jehovah Wt 18 Latr Day S 20 Other Prot 96 None Total Reported Count 216 144 1,886 80 6 10 54 116 7 5 2 1 9 1 15 51 7 355 333 3,298 Male Col % 6.55% 4.37% 57.19% 2.43% .18% .30% 1.64% 3.52% .21% .15% .06% .03% .27% .03% .45% 1.55% .21% 10.76% 10.10% 100% Row % 92.70% 64.57% 62.76% 68.38% 75.00% 58.82% 60.00% 61.38% 53.85% 71.43% 100.00% 100.00% 64.29% 100.00% 75.00% 68.92% 87.50% 84.32% 98.23% 68.97% Count 17 79 1,119 37 2 7 36 73 6 2 5 5 23 1 66 6 1,484 Female Col % 1.15% 5.32% 75.40% 2.49% .13% .47% 2.43% 4.92% .40% .13% .34% .34% 1.55% .07% 4.45% .40% 100% Row % 7.30% 35.43% 37.24% 31.62% 25.00% 41.18% 40.00% 38.62% 46.15% 28.57% 35.71% 25.00% 31.08% 12.50% 15.68% 1.77% 31.03% Total Total Col % 233 4.87% 223 4.66% 3,005 62.84% 117 2.45% 8 .17% 17 .36% 90 1.88% 189 3.95% 13 .27% 7 .15% 2 .04% 1 .02% 14 .29% 1 .02% 20 .42% 74 1.55% 8 .17% 421 8.80% 339 7.09% 4,782 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 4,307 7,605 Baptist 582 2,066 Baptist 4,889 9,671 Baptist Religious affiliation Inmate Statistical Profile Page 8 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 9 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Home county, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Home County 000 Unknown 001 Appling County 002 Atkinson County 003 Bacon County 004 Baker County 005 Baldwin County 006 Banks County 007 Barrow County 008 Bartow County 009 Ben Hill County 010 Berrien County 011 Bibb County 012 Bleckley County 013 Brantley County 014 Brooks County 015 Bryan County 016 Bulloch County 017 Burke County 018 Butts County 019 Calhoun County 020 Camden County 021 Candler County 022 Carroll County 023 Catoosa County 024 Charlton County 025 Chatham County 026 Chattahoochee County 027 Chattooga County 028 Cherokee County 029 Clarke County 030 Clay County 031 Clayton County 032 Clinch County 033 Cobb County 034 Coffee County 035 Colquitt County 036 Columbia County 037 Cook County Count 917 22 7 8 2 29 9 38 73 32 14 197 10 7 26 13 37 31 20 13 15 6 82 37 7 255 3 29 57 80 8 186 9 248 28 23 30 17 Male Col % 12.06% .29% .09% .11% .03% .38% .12% .50% .96% .42% .18% 2.59% .13% .09% .34% .17% .49% .41% .26% .17% .20% .08% 1.08% .49% .09% 3.35% .04% .38% .75% 1.05% .11% 2.45% .12% 3.26% .37% .30% .39% .22% Row % 78.71% 91.67% 77.78% 57.14% 66.67% 74.36% 81.82% 71.70% 62.93% 78.05% 93.33% 82.77% 76.92% 50.00% 100.00% 59.09% 74.00% 93.94% 80.00% 76.47% 75.00% 50.00% 75.93% 68.52% 87.50% 88.85% 60.00% 59.18% 65.52% 74.77% 88.89% 78.48% 69.23% 73.37% 65.12% 76.67% 73.17% 80.95% Count 248 2 2 6 1 10 2 15 43 9 1 41 3 7 9 13 2 5 4 5 6 26 17 1 32 2 20 30 27 1 51 4 90 15 7 11 4 Female Col % 12.00% .10% .10% .29% .05% .48% .10% .73% 2.08% .44% .05% 1.98% .15% .34% .44% .63% .10% .24% .19% .24% .29% 1.26% .82% .05% 1.55% .10% .97% 1.45% 1.31% .05% 2.47% .19% 4.36% .73% .34% .53% .19% Row % 21.29% 8.33% 22.22% 42.86% 33.33% 25.64% 18.18% 28.30% 37.07% 21.95% 6.67% 17.23% 23.08% 50.00% 40.91% 26.00% 6.06% 20.00% 23.53% 25.00% 50.00% 24.07% 31.48% 12.50% 11.15% 40.00% 40.82% 34.48% 25.23% 11.11% 21.52% 30.77% 26.63% 34.88% 23.33% 26.83% 19.05% Total Total Col % 1,165 12.05% 24 .25% 9 .09% 14 .14% 3 .03% 39 .40% 11 .11% 53 .55% 116 1.20% 41 .42% 15 .16% 238 2.46% 13 .13% 14 .14% 26 .27% 22 .23% 50 .52% 33 .34% 25 .26% 17 .18% 20 .21% 12 .12% 108 1.12% 54 .56% 8 .08% 287 2.97% 5 .05% 49 .51% 87 .90% 107 1.11% 9 .09% 237 2.45% 13 .13% 338 3.49% 43 .44% 30 .31% 41 .42% 21 .22% Home county Inmate Statistical Profile Page 9 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 10 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Home county, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Home County 038 Coweta County 039 Crawford County 040 Crisp County 041 Dade County 042 Dawson County 043 Decatur County 044 Dekalb County 045 Dodge County 046 Dooly County 047 Dougherty County 048 Douglas County 049 Early County 051 Effingham County 052 Elbert County 053 Emanuel County 054 Evans County 055 Fannin County 056 Fayette County 057 Floyd County 058 Forsyth County 059 Franklin County 060 Fulton County 061 Gilmer County 062 Glascock County 063 Glynn County 064 Gordon County 065 Grady County 066 Greene County 067 Gwinnett County 068 Habersham County 069 Hall County 070 Hancock County 071 Haralson County 072 Harris County 073 Hart County 074 Heard County 075 Henry County 076 Houston County Count 80 8 34 17 9 47 375 24 11 148 90 7 42 20 20 6 11 33 116 37 29 814 17 2 90 40 15 24 221 13 85 7 34 19 23 10 74 77 Male Col % 1.05% .11% .45% .22% .12% .62% 4.93% .32% .14% 1.95% 1.18% .09% .55% .26% .26% .08% .14% .43% 1.53% .49% .38% 10.70% .22% .03% 1.18% .53% .20% .32% 2.91% .17% 1.12% .09% .45% .25% .30% .13% .97% 1.01% Row % 81.63% 72.73% 82.93% 80.95% 52.94% 82.46% 83.89% 92.31% 78.57% 86.55% 78.95% 53.85% 79.25% 71.43% 74.07% 54.55% 61.11% 76.74% 75.32% 80.43% 78.38% 88.00% 73.91% 66.67% 82.57% 64.52% 83.33% 85.71% 78.93% 65.00% 68.00% 77.78% 82.93% 79.17% 82.14% 83.33% 72.55% 70.00% Count 18 3 7 4 8 10 72 2 3 23 24 6 11 8 7 5 7 10 38 9 8 111 6 1 19 22 3 4 59 7 40 2 7 5 5 2 28 33 Female Col % .87% .15% .34% .19% .39% .48% 3.48% .10% .15% 1.11% 1.16% .29% .53% .39% .34% .24% .34% .48% 1.84% .44% .39% 5.37% .29% .05% .92% 1.06% .15% .19% 2.86% .34% 1.94% .10% .34% .24% .24% .10% 1.36% 1.60% Row % 18.37% 27.27% 17.07% 19.05% 47.06% 17.54% 16.11% 7.69% 21.43% 13.45% 21.05% 46.15% 20.75% 28.57% 25.93% 45.45% 38.89% 23.26% 24.68% 19.57% 21.62% 12.00% 26.09% 33.33% 17.43% 35.48% 16.67% 14.29% 21.07% 35.00% 32.00% 22.22% 17.07% 20.83% 17.86% 16.67% 27.45% 30.00% Total Total Col % 98 1.01% 11 .11% 41 .42% 21 .22% 17 .18% 57 .59% 447 4.62% 26 .27% 14 .14% 171 1.77% 114 1.18% 13 .13% 53 .55% 28 .29% 27 .28% 11 .11% 18 .19% 43 .44% 154 1.59% 46 .48% 37 .38% 925 9.56% 23 .24% 3 .03% 109 1.13% 62 .64% 18 .19% 28 .29% 280 2.90% 20 .21% 125 1.29% 9 .09% 41 .42% 24 .25% 28 .29% 12 .12% 102 1.05% 110 1.14% Home county Inmate Statistical Profile Page 10 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 11 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Home county, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Home County 077 Irwin County 078 Jackson County 079 Jasper County 080 Jeff Davis County 081 Jefferson County 082 Jenkins County 083 Johnson County 084 Jones County 085 Lamar County 086 Lanier County 087 Laurens County 088 Lee County 089 Liberty County 090 Lincoln County 091 Long County 092 Lowndes County 093 Lumpkin County 094 Macon County 095 Madison County 096 Marion County 097 Mcduffie County 098 Mcintosh County 099 Meriwether County 100 Miller County 101 Mitchell County 102 Monroe County 103 Montgomery County 104 Morgan County 105 Murray County 106 Muscogee County 107 Newton County 108 Oconee County 109 Oglethorpe County 110 Paulding County 111 Peach County 112 Pickens County 113 Pierce County 114 Pike County Count 19 36 16 11 20 10 9 21 14 2 35 15 33 6 7 70 13 17 33 6 29 6 35 5 17 22 9 17 29 162 84 10 13 47 20 17 12 9 Male Col % .25% .47% .21% .14% .26% .13% .12% .28% .18% .03% .46% .20% .43% .08% .09% .92% .17% .22% .43% .08% .38% .08% .46% .07% .22% .29% .12% .22% .38% 2.13% 1.10% .13% .17% .62% .26% .22% .16% .12% Row % 86.36% 72.00% 80.00% 84.62% 90.91% 90.91% 75.00% 75.00% 87.50% 50.00% 68.63% 93.75% 86.84% 100.00% 100.00% 94.59% 81.25% 80.95% 84.62% 66.67% 82.86% 75.00% 81.40% 71.43% 65.38% 91.67% 75.00% 85.00% 72.50% 81.00% 75.00% 58.82% 92.86% 75.81% 80.00% 70.83% 54.55% 90.00% Count 3 14 4 2 2 1 3 7 2 2 16 1 5 4 3 4 6 3 6 2 8 2 9 2 3 3 11 38 28 7 1 15 5 7 10 1 Female Col % .15% .68% .19% .10% .10% .05% .15% .34% .10% .10% .77% .05% .24% .19% .15% .19% .29% .15% .29% .10% .39% .10% .44% .10% .15% .15% .53% 1.84% 1.36% .34% .05% .73% .24% .34% .48% .05% Row % 13.64% 28.00% 20.00% 15.38% 9.09% 9.09% 25.00% 25.00% 12.50% 50.00% 31.37% 6.25% 13.16% 5.41% 18.75% 19.05% 15.38% 33.33% 17.14% 25.00% 18.60% 28.57% 34.62% 8.33% 25.00% 15.00% 27.50% 19.00% 25.00% 41.18% 7.14% 24.19% 20.00% 29.17% 45.45% 10.00% Total Total Col % 22 .23% 50 .52% 20 .21% 13 .13% 22 .23% 11 .11% 12 .12% 28 .29% 16 .17% 4 .04% 51 .53% 16 .17% 38 .39% 6 .06% 7 .07% 74 .77% 16 .17% 21 .22% 39 .40% 9 .09% 35 .36% 8 .08% 43 .44% 7 .07% 26 .27% 24 .25% 12 .12% 20 .21% 40 .41% 200 2.07% 112 1.16% 17 .18% 14 .14% 62 .64% 25 .26% 24 .25% 22 .23% 10 .10% Home county Inmate Statistical Profile Page 11 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 12 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Home county, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Home County 115 Polk County 116 Pulaski County 117 Putnam County 118 Quitman County 119 Rabun County 120 Randolph County 121 Richmond County 122 Rockdale County 123 Schley County 124 Screven County 125 Seminole County 126 Spalding County 127 Stephens County 128 Stewart County 129 Sumter County 130 Talbot County 132 Tattnall County 133 Taylor County 134 Telfair County 135 Terrell County 136 Thomas County 137 Tift County 138 Toombs County 139 Towns County 140 Treutlen County 141 Troup County 142 Turner County 143 Twiggs County 144 Union County 145 Upson County 146 Walker County 147 Walton County 148 Ware County 149 Warren County 150 Washington County 151 Wayne County 152 Webster County 153 Wheeler County Count 44 11 30 2 8 7 258 50 5 14 12 72 20 6 28 4 24 14 19 9 37 58 36 4 11 88 9 8 10 26 65 66 49 6 26 18 1 7 Male Col % .58% .14% .39% .03% .11% .09% 3.39% .66% .07% .18% .16% .95% .26% .08% .37% .05% .32% .18% .25% .12% .49% .76% .47% .05% .14% 1.16% .12% .11% .13% .34% .85% .87% .64% .08% .34% .24% .01% .09% Row % 70.97% 73.33% 78.95% 100.00% 72.73% 63.64% 78.90% 70.42% 83.33% 77.78% 70.59% 79.12% 66.67% 100.00% 84.85% 80.00% 82.76% 87.50% 73.08% 56.25% 74.00% 95.08% 67.92% 40.00% 68.75% 86.27% 81.82% 66.67% 62.50% 74.29% 69.89% 75.86% 75.38% 85.71% 76.47% 72.00% 100.00% 87.50% Count 18 4 8 3 4 69 21 1 4 5 19 10 5 1 5 2 7 7 13 3 17 6 5 14 2 4 6 9 28 21 16 1 8 7 1 Female Col % .87% .19% .39% .15% .19% 3.34% 1.02% .05% .19% .24% .92% .48% .24% .05% .24% .10% .34% .34% .63% .15% .82% .29% .24% .68% .10% .19% .29% .44% 1.36% 1.02% .77% .05% .39% .34% .05% Row % 29.03% 26.67% 21.05% 27.27% 36.36% 21.10% 29.58% 16.67% 22.22% 29.41% 20.88% 33.33% 15.15% 20.00% 17.24% 12.50% 26.92% 43.75% 26.00% 4.92% 32.08% 60.00% 31.25% 13.73% 18.18% 33.33% 37.50% 25.71% 30.11% 24.14% 24.62% 14.29% 23.53% 28.00% 12.50% Total Total Col % 62 .64% 15 .16% 38 .39% 2 .02% 11 .11% 11 .11% 327 3.38% 71 .73% 6 .06% 18 .19% 17 .18% 91 .94% 30 .31% 6 .06% 33 .34% 5 .05% 29 .30% 16 .17% 26 .27% 16 .17% 50 .52% 61 .63% 53 .55% 10 .10% 16 .17% 102 1.05% 11 .11% 12 .12% 16 .17% 35 .36% 93 .96% 87 .90% 65 .67% 7 .07% 34 .35% 25 .26% 1 .01% 8 .08% Home county Inmate Statistical Profile Page 12 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 13 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Home county, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Home County 154 White County 155 Whitfield County 156 Wilcox County 157 Wilkes County 158 Wilkinson County 159 Worth County 999 Other Custody/Out Of State Total Rported Count 15 82 10 8 11 15 12 7,605 Male Col % .20% 1.08% .13% .11% .14% .20% .16% Row % 55.56% 70.09% 83.33% 72.73% 100.00% 71.43% 70.59% Count 12 35 2 3 6 5 100% 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % .58% 1.69% .10% .15% .29% .24% 100% Row % 44.44% 29.91% 16.67% 27.27% 28.57% 29.41% 21.36% Total Total Col % 27 .28% 117 1.21% 12 .12% 11 .11% 11 .11% 21 .22% 17 .18% 9,671 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mode (most frequent) Fulton County Fulton County Fulton County Home county Inmate Statistical Profile Page 13 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 14 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Employment status before prison, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Employment Status 01 Full Time 02 Part Time 03 Unempl < 6M 04 Unempl > 6M 05 Never Worked 06 Student 07 Incapable Total Reported Count 1,973 372 309 1,573 755 147 884 6,013 Male Col % 32.81% 6.19% 5.14% 26.16% 12.56% 2.44% 14.70% 100% Row % 76.47% 71.40% 96.26% 70.98% 82.88% 88.55% 72.34% 75.76% Count 607 149 12 643 156 19 338 1,924 Female Col % 31.55% 7.74% .62% 33.42% 8.11% .99% 17.57% 100% Row % 23.53% 28.60% 3.74% 29.02% 17.12% 11.45% 27.66% 24.24% Total Total Col % 2,580 32.51% 521 6.56% 321 4.04% 2,216 27.92% 911 11.48% 166 2.09% 1,222 15.40% 7,937 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 1,592 7,605 Full Time 142 2,066 Unempl > 6M 1,734 9,671 Full Time Employment status before prison Inmate Statistical Profile Page 14 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 15 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Age at admission COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Age At Admission 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Count 2 10 42 167 191 242 262 269 292 262 266 267 252 238 244 254 249 198 221 221 197 210 223 179 164 170 183 162 151 150 123 138 111 125 118 127 117 87 90 78 Male Col % 0.03% 0.13% 0.55% 2.20% 2.51% 3.18% 3.45% 3.54% 3.84% 3.45% 3.50% 3.51% 3.31% 3.13% 3.21% 3.34% 3.27% 2.60% 2.91% 2.91% 2.59% 2.76% 2.93% 2.35% 2.16% 2.24% 2.41% 2.13% 1.99% 1.97% 1.62% 1.81% 1.46% 1.64% 1.55% 1.67% 1.54% 1.14% 1.18% 1.03% Row % 66.67% 100.00% 97.67% 87.89% 90.09% 87.36% 81.62% 83.54% 83.91% 80.86% 77.78% 76.50% 75.90% 77.78% 73.27% 79.62% 77.33% 72.53% 77.54% 71.29% 68.17% 76.64% 79.64% 80.27% 75.58% 74.56% 78.54% 77.51% 82.07% 75.38% 75.00% 77.09% 69.38% 72.67% 73.29% 79.38% 79.05% 71.31% 81.82% 79.59% Count 1 Female Col % 0.05% 1 0.05% 23 1.11% 21 1.02% 35 1.69% 59 2.86% 53 2.57% 56 2.71% 62 3.00% 76 3.68% 82 3.97% 80 3.87% 68 3.29% 89 4.31% 65 3.15% 73 3.53% 75 3.63% 64 3.10% 89 4.31% 92 4.45% 64 3.10% 57 2.76% 44 2.13% 53 2.57% 58 2.81% 50 2.42% 47 2.27% 33 1.60% 49 2.37% 41 1.98% 41 1.98% 49 2.37% 47 2.27% 43 2.08% 33 1.60% 31 1.50% 35 1.69% 20 0.97% 20 0.97% Row % 33.33% 2.33% 12.11% 9.91% 12.64% 18.38% 16.46% 16.09% 19.14% 22.22% 23.50% 24.10% 22.22% 26.73% 20.38% 22.67% 27.47% 22.46% 28.71% 31.83% 23.36% 20.36% 19.73% 24.42% 25.44% 21.46% 22.49% 17.93% 24.62% 25.00% 22.91% 30.63% 27.33% 26.71% 20.63% 20.95% 28.69% 18.18% 20.41% Total Total Col % 3 0.03% 10 0.10% 43 0.44% 190 1.96% 212 2.19% 277 2.86% 321 3.32% 322 3.33% 348 3.60% 324 3.35% 342 3.54% 349 3.61% 332 3.43% 306 3.16% 333 3.44% 319 3.30% 322 3.33% 273 2.82% 285 2.95% 310 3.21% 289 2.99% 274 2.83% 280 2.90% 223 2.31% 217 2.24% 228 2.36% 233 2.41% 209 2.16% 184 1.90% 199 2.06% 164 1.70% 179 1.85% 160 1.65% 172 1.78% 161 1.66% 160 1.65% 148 1.53% 122 1.26% 110 1.14% 98 1.01% Age at admission Inmate Statistical Profile Page 15 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 16 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Age at admission COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Age At Admission 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 Total Reported Count 83 65 75 55 52 44 25 36 21 18 21 11 7 6 8 4 9 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 7,605 Male Col % 1.09% 0.85% 0.99% 0.72% 0.68% 0.58% 0.33% 0.47% 0.28% 0.24% 0.28% 0.14% 0.09% 0.08% 0.11% 0.05% 0.12% 0.03% 0.03% 0.04% Row % 80.58% 90.28% 85.23% 87.30% 91.23% 81.48% 83.33% 94.74% 72.41% 81.82% 95.45% 91.67% 87.50% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 66.67% 100.00% 0.01% 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 100% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.64% Count 20 7 13 8 5 10 5 2 8 4 1 1 1 Female Col % 0.97% 0.34% 0.63% 0.39% 0.24% 0.48% 0.24% 0.10% 0.39% 0.19% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% Row % 19.42% 9.72% 14.77% 12.70% 8.77% 18.52% 16.67% 5.26% 27.59% 18.18% 4.55% 8.33% 12.50% 1 0.05% 33.33% 1 0.05% 100.00% 2,066 100% 21.36% Total Total Col % 103 1.07% 72 0.74% 88 0.91% 63 0.65% 57 0.59% 54 0.56% 30 0.31% 38 0.39% 29 0.30% 22 0.23% 22 0.23% 12 0.12% 8 0.08% 6 0.06% 8 0.08% 4 0.04% 9 0.09% 2 0.02% 3 0.03% 3 0.03% 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 9,671 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 33.88 32 22 34.41 33 34 33.99 32 25 Age at admission Inmate Statistical Profile Page 16 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 17 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Height, measured at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Height 0 4'05" 4'06" 4'07" 4'08" 4'09" 4'10" 4'11" 5'00" 5'01" 5'02" 5'03" 5'04" 5'05" 5'06" 5'07" 5'08" 5'09" 5'10" 5'11" 6'00" 6'01" 6'02" 6'03" 6'04" 6'05" 6'06" 6'07" 6'08" 6'09" 6'11" 7'02" Total Reported Count 18 1 1 1 3 15 16 36 50 150 262 558 618 788 988 806 934 825 606 454 249 144 40 25 5 5 4 2 1 7,605 Male Col % 0.24% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.04% 0.20% 0.21% 0.47% 0.66% 1.97% 3.45% 7.34% 8.13% 10.36% 12.99% 10.60% 12.28% 10.85% 7.97% 5.97% 3.27% 1.89% 0.53% 0.33% 0.07% 0.07% 0.05% 0.03% 0.01% 100% Row % 81.82% 100.00% 20.00% 11.11% 7.14% 16.48% 13.01% 13.90% 17.30% 32.61% 50.87% 68.89% 74.01% 87.36% 91.82% 93.61% 96.69% 98.33% 98.22% 99.56% 99.20% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.64% Count 4 1 2 4 8 13 39 76 107 223 239 310 253 252 217 114 88 55 32 14 11 2 2 2,066 Female Col % 0.19% 0.05% Row % 18.18% 100.00% 0.10% 0.19% 0.39% 0.63% 1.89% 3.68% 5.18% 10.79% 11.57% 15.00% 12.25% 12.20% 10.50% 5.52% 4.26% 2.66% 1.55% 0.68% 0.53% 0.10% 0.10% 100.00% 80.00% 88.89% 100.00% 92.86% 83.52% 86.99% 86.10% 82.70% 67.39% 49.13% 31.11% 25.99% 12.64% 8.18% 6.39% 3.31% 1.67% 1.78% 0.44% 0.80% 100% 21.36% Total Total Col % 22 0.23% 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 2 0.02% 5 0.05% 9 0.09% 13 0.13% 42 0.43% 91 0.94% 123 1.27% 259 2.68% 289 2.99% 460 4.76% 515 5.33% 810 8.38% 835 8.63% 902 9.33% 1,076 11.13% 861 8.90% 966 9.99% 839 8.68% 617 6.38% 456 4.72% 251 2.60% 144 1.49% 40 0.41% 25 0.26% 5 0.05% 5 0.05% 4 0.04% 2 0.02% 1 9,671 0.01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) 5'10'' 5'05'' 5'09'' Height Inmate Statistical Profile Page 17 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 18 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Height, measured at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Meoadne (amvoesrat gfree)quent) Male 5'09" Female 5'04" Total 5'09" Height Inmate Statistical Profile Page 18 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 20 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Weight, measured at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Weight Under 80 pounds 80 - 89 pounds 90 - 99 pounds 100 - 109 pounds 110 - 119 pounds 120 - 129 pounds 130 - 139 pounds 140 - 149 pounds 150 - 159 pounds 160 - 169 pounds 170 - 179 pounds 180 - 189 pounds 190 - 199 pounds 200 - 209 pounds 210 - 219 pounds 220 - 229 pounds 230 - 239 pounds 240 - 249 pounds 250 - 259 pounds 260 - 269 pounds 270 - 279 pounds 280 - 289 pounds 290 - 299 pounds 300 - 309 pounds 310 - 319 pounds 320 - 329 pounds 330 - 339 pounds 340 - 349 pounds 350 - 359 pounds 360 - 369 pounds 370 - 379 pounds 380 - 389 pounds 390 - 399 pounds 400 pounds and over Total Reported Not Reported Grand Total Mean (average) Median (middle) Count 2 1 1 7 24 109 281 557 755 989 929 986 628 606 441 368 256 222 132 82 67 45 28 23 10 15 5 3 3 4 3 3 1 5 7,591 Male Col % 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 0.09% 0.32% 1.44% 3.70% 7.34% 9.95% 13.03% 12.24% 12.99% 8.27% 7.98% 5.81% 4.85% 3.37% 2.92% 1.74% 1.08% 0.88% 0.59% 0.37% 0.30% 0.13% 0.20% 0.07% 0.04% 0.04% 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0.01% 0.07% 100% Row % 100.00% 50.00% 16.67% 38.89% 32.88% 54.50% 61.62% 67.84% 76.96% 81.40% 81.92% 83.91% 84.07% 82.34% 83.68% 83.26% 81.27% 86.72% 80.00% 75.93% 90.54% 69.23% 70.00% 67.65% 76.92% 83.33% 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 83.33% 78.61% Count 1 5 11 49 91 175 264 226 226 205 189 119 130 86 74 59 34 33 26 7 20 12 11 3 3 1 3 1 1 2,065 Female Col % 0.05% 0.24% 0.53% 2.37% 4.41% 8.47% 12.78% 10.94% 10.94% 9.93% 9.15% 5.76% 6.30% 4.16% 3.58% 2.86% 1.65% 1.60% 1.26% 0.34% 0.97% 0.58% 0.53% 0.15% 0.15% 0.05% 0.15% 0.05% 0.05% 100% Row % 50.00% 83.33% 61.11% 67.12% 45.50% 38.38% 32.16% 23.04% 18.60% 18.08% 16.09% 15.93% 17.66% 16.32% 16.74% 18.73% 13.28% 20.00% 24.07% 9.46% 30.77% 30.00% 32.35% 23.08% 16.67% 25.00% 50.00% 20.00% 16.67% 21.39% Total Total Col % 2 0.02% 2 0.02% 6 0.06% 18 0.19% 73 0.76% 200 2.07% 456 4.72% 821 8.50% 981 10.16% 1,215 12.58% 1,134 11.74% 1,175 12.17% 747 7.74% 736 7.62% 527 5.46% 442 4.58% 315 3.26% 256 2.65% 165 1.71% 108 1.12% 74 0.77% 65 0.67% 40 0.41% 34 0.35% 13 0.13% 18 0.19% 5 0.05% 4 0.04% 6 0.06% 5 0.05% 3 0.03% 3 0.03% 1 0.01% 6 0.06% 9,656 100% 14 7,605 1 2,066 15 9,671 185 174 183 180 168 178 Weight Inmate Statistical Profile Page 20 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 21 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Weight, measured at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Mode 18(m0 os1t4f0requent) Male 180 Female Total Weight Inmate Statistical Profile Page 21 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 23 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Veterans validated by Veteran's Administration COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Military service 0 Others 1 Air Force 2 Army 3 Navy 4 Marines 5 Coast Guard Total Reported Count 208 232 31 59 3 54 587 Male Col % 35.43% 39.52% 5.28% 10.05% .51% 9.20% 100% Row % Count 94.12% 13 95.08% 12 96.88% 1 98.33% 1 100.00% 98.18% 1 95.45% 28 Female Col % 46.43% 42.86% 3.57% 3.57% 3.57% 100% Row % 5.88% 4.92% 3.13% 1.67% 1.82% 4.55% Total Total Col % 221 35.93% 244 39.67% 32 5.20% 60 9.76% 3 .49% 55 8.94% 615 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 7,018 7,605 Air Force 2,038 2,066 Others 9,056 9,671 Air Force Military service Inmate Statistical Profile Page 23 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 24 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Type of admission to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Type of Admission 16 Population Redistribution 27 Boot Camp Plus 28 Initial Assignment 52 New Sentence 53 Probation Rev Partial 54 Probation Rev Remainder 55 Parole Rev New Sentence 56 Parole Rev No New Sentence 57 Released In Error 65 Return Appeal/Bond 67 Admit Fm Other Cust 69 New Sent/Par Rev Pnd 70 Life W/O Parole 72 Par Rev/Rsn Unknown 74 Pb Parole Rescinded Total Reported Count 1 1 3 6,234 332 413 338 270 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 7,604 Male Col % .01% .01% .04% 81.98% 4.37% 5.43% 4.45% 3.55% Row % Count 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 79.41% 1,616 71.86% 130 67.82% 196 83.25% 68 82.82% 56 .04% .01% .03% .01% .01% .04% .01% 100% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.63% 2,066 Female Col % Row % 78.22% 6.29% 9.49% 3.29% 2.71% 20.59% 28.14% 32.18% 16.75% 17.18% 100% 21.37% Total Total Col % 1 .01% 1 .01% 3 .03% 7,850 81.18% 462 4.78% 609 6.30% 406 4.20% 326 3.37% 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 9,670 .03% .01% .02% .01% .01% .03% .01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 1 7,605 New Sentence 0 2,066 New Sentence 1 9,671 New Sentence Type of admission Inmate Statistical Profile Page 24 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 25 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Current / last supervision level COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Security Status 3 Minimum 4 Medium 5 Close Total Reported Count 246 4,742 2,617 7,605 Male Col % 3.23% 62.35% 34.41% 100% Row % Count 26.86% 670 79.26% 1,241 94.41% 155 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 32.43% 60.07% 7.50% 100% Row % 73.14% 20.74% 5.59% 21.36% Total Total Col % 916 9.47% 5,983 61.87% 2,772 28.66% 9,671 100% Still being diagnosed Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 0 0 7,605 Medium 0 0 2,066 Medium 0 0 9,671 Medium Current / last security status Inmate Statistical Profile Page 25 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 26 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Current / last type of institution COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Type of Institution County Ci State Prison Transitional Center Private Prison County Jail Total Reported Count 28 6,648 111 817 1 7,605 Male Col % .37% 87.42% 1.46% 10.74% .01% 100% Row % Count 100.00% 77.16% 1,968 53.11% 98 100.00% 100.00% 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % Row % 95.26% 22.84% 4.74% 46.89% 100% 21.36% Total Total Col % 28 .29% 8,616 89.09% 209 2.16% 817 8.45% 1 9,671 .01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mode (most frequent) State Prison State Prison State Prison Type of institution Inmate Statistical Profile Page 26 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 27 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Institution type - transitional centers COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Institution Type - Trans. Centers Albany Tc Arrendale State Prison Atlanta Tc Augusta Tc Charles D. Hudson Tc Clayton Tc Coastal Tc Columbus Tc Macon Tc Metro Tc Phillips State Prison Smith Tc Valdosta Tc Total Reported Count 8 11 15 12 16 18 10 11 13 1 9 124 Male Col % 6.45% 8.87% 12.10% 9.68% 12.90% 14.52% 8.06% 8.87% 10.48% .81% 7.26% 100% Row % Count 100.00% 19 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 98 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 51.45% 117 Female Col % Row % 16.24% 100.00% 83.76% 100.00% 100% 48.55% Total Total Col % 8 3.32% 19 7.88% 11 4.56% 15 6.22% 12 4.98% 16 6.64% 18 7.47% 10 4.15% 11 4.56% 98 40.66% 13 5.39% 1 .41% 9 3.73% 241 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 0 0 124 117 241 Mode (most frequent) Coastal Tc Metro Tc Metro Tc Institution type - transitional centers Inmate Statistical Profile Page 27 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 28 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Institution type - county prisons COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Institution Type - County Prisons Carroll County Ci Clarke County Ci Clayton County Ci Colquitt County Ci Coweta County Ci Decatur County Ci Effingham County Ci Floyd County Ci Gwinnett County Ci Hall County Ci Jefferson County Ci Mitchell County Ci Muscogee County Ci Richmond County Ci Spalding County Ci Sumter County Ci Terrell County Ci Total Reported Count 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 28 Male Col % 14.29% 3.57% 3.57% 3.57% 3.57% 3.57% 10.71% 7.14% 3.57% 3.57% 3.57% 3.57% 10.71% 3.57% 10.71% 7.14% 3.57% 100% Row % Count 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100% Female Col % Row % % Total Total Col % 4 14.29% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 3 10.71% 2 7.14% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 1 3.57% 3 10.71% 1 3.57% 3 10.71% 2 7.14% 1 3.57% 28 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 0 0 28 0 28 Mode (most frequent) Carroll County Ci Null Carroll County Ci Intitution type - county prisons Inmate Statistical Profile Page 28 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 29 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Institution type - state prisons COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Institution Type - State Prisons Arrendale State Prison Augusta State Med. Prison Autry State Prison Baldwin State Prison Burruss Correctional Training Ctr Calhoun State Prison Central State Prison Coastal State Prison Dodge State Prison Dooly State Prison Emanuel Women'S Facility Ga Diag Class Prison Ga State Prison Hancock State Prison Hays State Prison Helms Facility Johnson State Prison Lee State Prison Long Unit Macon State Prison Metro State Prison (W) Montgomery State Prison Phillips State Prison Pulaski State Prison Rogers State Prison Rutledge State Prison Smith State Prison Telfair State Prison Valdosta State Prison Walker State Prison Ware State Prison Washington State Prison Whitworth Women'S Facility Wilcox State Prison Total Reported Count 667 359 485 45 6 446 261 10 17 487 504 10 743 1 616 6 1 16 2 430 279 404 9 12 775 5 15 17 20 6,648 Male Col % 10.03% 5.40% 7.30% .68% Row % 99.85% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Count 805 1 .09% 6.71% 3.93% .15% .26% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 7.33% 7.58% .15% 11.18% .02% 9.27% .09% .02% .24% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 25.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% .03% 100.00% 6.47% 100.00% 4.20% 6.08% .14% .18% 11.66% .08% .23% .26% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% .30% 100.00% 100% 77.16% 238 3 1 698 222 1,968 Female Col % 40.90% .05% Row % 100.00% .15% 12.09% 100.00% .15% 75.00% .05% 100.00% 35.47% 100.00% 11.28% 100.00% 100% 22.84% Not Reported Grand Total 0 6,648 0 1,968 Total Total Col % 805 9.34% 668 7.75% 359 4.17% 485 5.63% 45 .52% 6 446 261 10 17 238 487 504 10 743 4 616 6 1 16 1 2 430 698 279 404 9 12 775 5 15 17 222 20 8,616 .07% 5.18% 3.03% .12% .20% 2.76% 5.65% 5.85% .12% 8.62% .05% 7.15% .07% .01% .19% .01% .02% 4.99% 8.10% 3.24% 4.69% .10% .14% 8.99% .06% .17% .20% 2.58% .23% 100% 0 8,616 Institution type - state prisons Inmate Statistical Profile Page 29 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 30 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Institution type - state prisons COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Mode (most frequent) Male Valdosta State Prison Female Arrendale State Prison Total Arrendale State Prison Institution type - state prisons Inmate Statistical Profile Page 30 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 30 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Institution type - private prisons COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Institution Type - Private Prisons Coffee Corr Facility Jenkins Corr Facility Riverbend Corr Facility Wheeler Corr Facility Total Reported Count 271 124 159 263 817 Male Col % 33.17% 15.18% 19.46% 32.19% 100% Row % Count 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100% Female Col % Row % % Total Total Col % 271 33.17% 124 15.18% 159 19.46% 263 32.19% 817 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 0 0 817 0 817 Mode (most frequent) Coffee Corr Facility Null Coffee Corr Facility Intitution type - private prisons Inmate Statistical Profile Page 30 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 31 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Institution type - inmate boot camp COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Institution Type - Boot Camps Total Rported Count Male Female Total Col % Row % Count Col % Row % Total Col % Not Reported Grand Total 0 0 0 Mode (most frequent) Null Null Null Institution type - inmate boot camp Inmate Statistical Profile Page 31 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 32 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Number of disciplinary reports COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Number of Disciplinary Reports 0 1 2 3 4 5 More Than 5 Total Reported Count 2,634 930 571 403 280 242 2,545 7,605 Male Col % 34.64% 12.23% 7.51% 5.30% 3.68% 3.18% 33.46% 100% Row % Count 70.09% 1,124 75.18% 307 81.57% 129 81.09% 94 77.78% 80 85.21% 42 89.77% 290 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 54.40% 14.86% 6.24% 4.55% 3.87% 2.03% 14.04% 100% Row % 29.91% 24.82% 18.43% 18.91% 22.22% 14.79% 10.23% 21.36% Total Total Col % 3,758 38.86% 1,237 12.79% 700 7.24% 497 5.14% 360 3.72% 284 2.94% 2,835 29.31% 9,671 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) 8.85 Median (middle) 2 Mode (most frequent) 0 3.32 7.67 0 1 0 0 Number of disciplinary reports Inmate Statistical Profile Page 32 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 33 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Number of transfers COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Number of Transfers 0 1 2 3 4 5 More Than 5 Total Reported Count 478 2,107 1,015 734 462 412 2,397 7,605 Male Col % 6.29% 27.71% 13.35% 9.65% 6.07% 5.42% 31.52% 100% Row % Count 51.01% 459 69.72% 915 76.14% 318 83.03% 150 87.33% 67 89.37% 49 95.69% 108 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 22.22% 44.29% 15.39% 7.26% 3.24% 2.37% 5.23% 100% Row % 48.99% 30.28% 23.86% 16.97% 12.67% 10.63% 4.31% 21.36% Total Total Col % 937 9.69% 3,022 31.25% 1,333 13.78% 884 9.14% 529 5.47% 461 4.77% 2,505 25.90% 9,671 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) 5.68 Median (middle) 3 Mode (most frequent) 1 1.68 4.83 1 2 1 1 Number of transfers Inmate Statistical Profile Page 33 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 34 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Number of escapes COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Number of Escapes 0 1 2 3 4 Total Reported Count 7,572 26 5 1 1 7,605 Male Col % 99.57% 0.34% 0.07% 0.01% 0.01% 100% Row % Count 78.62% 2,059 78.79% 7 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 99.66% 0.34% Row % 21.38% 21.21% 100% 21.36% Total Total Col % 9,631 99.59% 33 0.34% 5 0.05% 1 0.01% 1 9,671 0.01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) .01 Median (middle) 0 Mode (most frequent) 0 .01 0 0 0 0 Number of escapes Inmate Statistical Profile Page 34 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 35 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Split sentences - Probation to follow COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Probation to follow Yes No Total Reported Count 5,453 2,152 7,605 Male Col % 71.70% 28.30% 100% Row % Count 77.42% 1,590 81.89% 476 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 76.96% 23.04% 100% Row % 22.58% 18.11% 21.36% Total Total Col % 7,043 72.83% 2,628 27.17% 9,671 100% Grand Total 7,605 2,066 9,671 Mode (most frequent) Yes Yes Yes Culture fair IQ scores Inmate Statistical Profile Page 35 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 36 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Probable future release type of still active inmates COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Probable Future Release Type Paroled with probation to follow Paroled w/o probation to follow Maxout with probation to follow Maxout w/o probation to follow Life, LWOP or death sentence Total Reported Count 2,707 1,036 2,379 466 921 7,509 Male Col % 36.05% 13.80% 31.68% 6.21% 12.27% 100% Row % Count 73.84% 959 78.31% 287 79.73% 605 82.19% 101 90.74% 94 78.59% 2,046 Female Col % 46.87% 14.03% 29.57% 4.94% 4.59% 100% Row % 26.16% 21.69% 20.27% 17.81% 9.26% 21.41% Total Total Col % 3,666 38.37% 1,323 13.85% 2,984 31.23% 567 5.93% 1,015 10.62% 9,555 100% Released Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 0 7,509 0 2,046 0 9,555 PAR with PROB follow PAR with PROB follow PAR with PROB follow Probable future release type Inmate Statistical Profile Page 36 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 37 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Time served in current (or last) institution COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Time In Institution 0 to 3 months 3.01 to 6 months 6.01 to 9 months 9.01 to 12 months 12.01 to 18 months 18.01 to 24 months 2.01 to 3 years 3.01 to 4 years 4.01 to 5 years 5.01 to 6 years 6.01 to 7 years 7.01 to 8 years 8.01 to 9 years 9.01 to 10 years Over 10 years Total Reported Count 1,634 1,255 693 585 898 527 741 407 259 217 131 82 59 29 88 7,605 Male Col % 21.49% 16.50% 9.11% 7.69% 11.81% 6.93% 9.74% 5.35% 3.41% 2.85% 1.72% 1.08% 0.78% 0.38% 1.16% 100% Row % 78.03% 78.49% 72.04% 76.37% 81.93% 79.37% 81.34% 81.40% 80.43% 75.61% 84.52% 82.00% 83.10% 90.63% 78.57% 78.64% Count 460 344 269 181 198 137 170 93 63 70 24 18 12 3 24 2,066 Female Col % 22.27% 16.65% 13.02% 8.76% 9.58% 6.63% 8.23% 4.50% 3.05% 3.39% 1.16% 0.87% 0.58% 0.15% 1.16% 100% Row % 21.97% 21.51% 27.96% 23.63% 18.07% 20.63% 18.66% 18.60% 19.57% 24.39% 15.48% 18.00% 16.90% 9.38% 21.43% 21.36% Total Total Col % 2,094 21.65% 1,599 16.53% 962 9.95% 766 7.92% 1,096 11.33% 664 6.87% 911 9.42% 500 5.17% 322 3.33% 287 2.97% 155 1.60% 100 1.03% 71 0.73% 32 0.33% 112 9,671 1.16% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 20 months 10 months 0 months 18 months 9 months 1 months 19 months 10 months 1 months Time in institution Inmate Statistical Profile Page 37 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 38 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Highest grade level attained COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Grade Level No school at all Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 or GED Some tech school Completed tech school College, 1 year College, 2 year College, 3 year Bachelor's degree Master's degree Ph.D. degree Law degree Medical degree Total Reported Count 4 4 6 17 18 25 76 168 576 901 1,112 929 1,765 44 45 133 198 43 83 15 1 2 2 6,167 Male Col % 0.06% 0.06% 0.10% 0.28% 0.29% 0.41% 1.23% 2.72% 9.34% 14.61% 18.03% 15.06% 28.62% 0.71% 0.73% 2.16% 3.21% 0.70% 1.35% 0.24% 0.02% 0.03% 0.03% 100% Row % Count 100.00% 100.00% 66.67% 3 94.44% 1 90.00% 2 86.21% 4 87.36% 11 86.15% 27 86.62% 89 86.22% 144 86.07% 180 80.22% 229 76.31% 548 58.67% 31 57.69% 33 65.52% 70 70.71% 82 63.24% 25 72.81% 31 75.00% 5 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80.28% 1,515 Female Col % 0.20% 0.07% 0.13% 0.26% 0.73% 1.78% 5.87% 9.50% 11.88% 15.12% 36.17% 2.05% 2.18% 4.62% 5.41% 1.65% 2.05% 0.33% 100% Row % 33.33% 5.56% 10.00% 13.79% 12.64% 13.85% 13.38% 13.78% 13.93% 19.78% 23.69% 41.33% 42.31% 34.48% 29.29% 36.76% 27.19% 25.00% 19.72% Total Total Col % 4 0.05% 4 0.05% 9 0.12% 18 0.23% 20 0.26% 29 0.38% 87 1.13% 195 2.54% 665 8.66% 1,045 13.60% 1,292 16.82% 1,158 15.07% 2,313 30.11% 75 0.98% 78 1.02% 203 2.64% 280 3.64% 68 0.89% 114 1.48% 20 0.26% 1 0.01% 2 0.03% 2 7,682 0.03% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 1,438 7,605 10.57 Grade 11 Grade 12 or GED 551 2,066 1,989 9,671 11.27 Grade 12 or GED Grade 12 or GED 10.71 Grade 11 Grade 12 or GED Higest grade level attained Inmate Statistical Profile Page 38 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 39 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Culture fair IQ scores COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row IQ Scores 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 99 100 - 109 110 - 119 120 - 129 130 - 139 140 & Up Total Reported Count 290 679 1,089 1,654 1,502 862 190 5 1 6,272 Male Col % 4.62% 10.83% 17.36% 26.37% 23.95% 13.74% 3.03% 0.08% 0.02% 100% Row % Count 87.35% 42 85.73% 113 70.58% 454 71.39% 663 85.10% 263 88.14% 116 76.31% 59 17.24% 24 5.88% 16 78.18% 1,750 Female Col % 2.40% 6.46% 25.94% 37.89% 15.03% 6.63% 3.37% 1.37% 0.91% 100% Row % 12.65% 14.27% 29.42% 28.61% 14.90% 11.86% 23.69% 82.76% 94.12% 21.82% Total Total Col % 332 4.14% 792 9.87% 1,543 19.23% 2,317 28.88% 1,765 22.00% 978 12.19% 249 3.10% 29 0.36% 17 8,022 0.21% 100% Not Reported Not Valid (under 60) Grand Total 1,084 249 7,605 239 77 2,066 1,323 326 9,671 Mean (average) 95 Median (middle) 97 Mode (most frequent) 103 95 95 94 96 99 99 Culture fair IQ scores Inmate Statistical Profile Page 39 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 40 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) reading score COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row WRAT Reading Score 0.1 to 0.9 1.0 to 1.9 2.0 to 2.9 3.0 to 3.9 4.0 to 4.9 5.0 to 5.9 6.0 to 6.9 7.0 to 7.9 8.0 to 8.9 9.0 to 9.9 10.0 to 10.9 11.0 to 11.9 12.0 to 12.9 13 Total Reported Count 170 192 307 627 619 518 615 207 430 273 402 556 1,656 106 6,678 Male Col % 2.55% 2.88% 4.60% 9.39% 9.27% 7.76% 9.21% 3.10% 6.44% 4.09% 6.02% 8.33% 24.80% 1.59% 100% Row % Count 97.70% 4 96.97% 6 92.75% 24 90.61% 65 84.79% 111 83.82% 100 79.25% 161 81.50% 47 74.91% 144 80.77% 65 72.30% 154 66.91% 275 72.25% 636 74.65% 36 78.51% 1,828 Female Col % 0.22% 0.33% 1.31% 3.56% 6.07% 5.47% 8.81% 2.57% 7.88% 3.56% 8.42% 15.04% 34.79% 1.97% 100% Row % 2.30% 3.03% 7.25% 9.39% 15.21% 16.18% 20.75% 18.50% 25.09% 19.23% 27.70% 33.09% 27.75% 25.35% 21.49% Total Total Col % 174 2.05% 198 2.33% 331 3.89% 692 8.14% 730 8.58% 618 7.27% 776 9.12% 254 2.99% 574 6.75% 338 3.97% 556 6.54% 831 9.77% 2,292 26.95% 142 1.67% 8,506 100.0% Not Reported Grand Total 927 7,605 238 2,066 1,165 9,671 Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 8.04 8.1 12.9 9.80 11.2 12.9 8.42 8.9 12.9 WRAT reading score Inmate Statistical Profile Page 40 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 41 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) math score COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row WRAT Mathematic Score 0.1 to 0.9 1.0 to 1.9 2.0 to 2.9 3.0 to 3.9 4.0 to 4.9 5.0 to 5.9 6.0 to 6.9 7.0 to 7.9 8.0 to 8.9 9.0 to 9.9 10.0 to 10.9 11.0 to 11.9 12 .0 to 12.9 13 Total Reported Count 30 88 263 473 950 1,082 1,271 480 610 362 67 228 759 14 6,677 Male Col % 0.45% 1.32% 3.94% 7.08% 14.23% 16.20% 19.04% 7.19% 9.14% 5.42% 1.00% 3.41% 11.37% 0.21% 100% Row % Count 96.77% 1 96.70% 3 94.27% 16 89.92% 53 85.13% 166 80.21% 267 78.12% 356 80.81% 114 72.36% 233 74.79% 122 88.16% 9 71.03% 93 66.17% 388 66.67% 7 78.51% 1,828 Female Col % 0.05% 0.16% 0.88% 2.90% 9.08% 14.61% 19.47% 6.24% 12.75% 6.67% 0.49% 5.09% 21.23% 0.38% 100% Row % 3.23% 3.30% 5.73% 10.08% 14.87% 19.79% 21.88% 19.19% 27.64% 25.21% 11.84% 28.97% 33.83% 33.33% 21.49% Total Total Col % 31 0.36% 91 1.07% 279 3.28% 526 6.18% 1,116 13.12% 1,349 15.86% 1,627 19.13% 594 6.98% 843 9.91% 484 5.69% 76 0.89% 321 3.77% 1,147 13.49% 21 8,505 0.25% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 928 7,605 238 2,066 1,166 9,671 Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 6.92 6.5 12.9 8.15 7.4 12.9 7.18 6.5 12.9 WRAT mathematic score Inmate Statistical Profile Page 41 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 42 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) spelling score COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row WRAT Spelling Score 0.1 to 0.9 1.0 to 1.9 2.0 to 2.9 3.0 to 3.9 4.0 to 4.9 5.0 to 5.9 6.0 to 6.9 7.0 to 7.9 8.0 to 8.9 9.0 to 9.9 10.0 to 10.9 11.0 to 11.9 12.0 to 12.9 13 Total Reported Count 189 238 421 600 490 759 598 529 516 330 253 429 1,279 49 6,680 Male Col % 2.83% 3.56% 6.30% 8.98% 7.34% 11.36% 8.95% 7.92% 7.72% 4.94% 3.79% 6.42% 19.15% 0.73% 100% Row % Count 98.44% 3 99.17% 2 94.82% 23 93.17% 44 88.93% 61 87.14% 112 82.83% 124 77.79% 151 77.95% 146 76.39% 102 72.70% 95 73.46% 155 61.85% 789 70.00% 21 78.51% 1,828 Female Col % 0.16% 0.11% 1.26% 2.41% 3.34% 6.13% 6.78% 8.26% 7.99% 5.58% 5.20% 8.48% 43.16% 1.15% 100.0% Row % 1.56% 0.83% 5.18% 6.83% 11.07% 12.86% 17.17% 22.21% 22.05% 23.61% 27.30% 26.54% 38.15% 30.00% 21.49% Total Total Col % 192 2.26% 240 2.82% 444 5.22% 644 7.57% 551 6.48% 871 10.24% 722 8.49% 680 7.99% 662 7.78% 432 5.08% 348 4.09% 584 6.86% 2,068 24.31% 70 0.82% 8,508 100.0% Not Reported Grand Total 925 7,605 238 2,066 1,163 9,671 Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 7.44 7.2 12.9 10.06 11 12.9 8.01 7.7 12.9 WRAT spelling score Inmate Statistical Profile Page 42 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 43 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Current / last mental health treatment level COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Mental Health Treatment Lev 2 Receiving outpatient treatment 3 Inpatient, moderate treatment 4 Inpatient, intensive treatment 5 Undergoing crisis stabilization 6 Hospital for criminally insane Total Evaluated Count 5,798 Male Col % 76.24% Row % Count 74.28% 2,008 Female Col % 97.19% Row % 25.72% Total Total Col % 7,806 80.72% 1,476 19.41% 96.85% 48 2.32% 3.15% 1,524 15.76% 312 4.10% 96.89% 10 0.48% 3.11% 322 3.33% 18 0.24% 100.00% 18 0.19% 1 0.01% 100.00% 1 0.01% 7,605 100% 78.64% 2,066 100% 21.36% 9,671 100.0% Never had MH evaluation Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) Receiving outpatient treatment Receiving outpatient treatment Receiving outpatient treatment Receiving outpatient treatment Receiving outpatient treatment Receiving outpatient treatment Mental health treatment level Inmate Statistical Profile Page 43 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 44 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'P' overall condition ('P'hysical) COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'P' Overall Condition 1 No medical illness 2 Well-controlled chronic illness 3 Poorly-controlled chronic illness 4 Significant problems requiring special housing 6 Inmate is pregnant Total Reported Count 4,047 2,244 206 18 6,515 Male Col % 62.12% 34.44% 3.16% 0.28% 100% Row % Count 78.32% 1,120 74.06% 786 79.54% 53 54.55% 15 16 76.60% 1,990 Female Col % 56.28% 39.50% Row % 21.68% 25.94% 2.66% 20.46% 0.75% 45.45% 0.80% 100.00% 100% 23.40% Total Total Col % 5,167 60.75% 3,030 35.63% 259 3.05% 33 0.39% 16 0.19% 8,505 100.0% Not Reported Grand Total 1,090 7,605 76 2,066 1,166 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 No medical illness 1 No medical illness 1 No medical illness PULHESDWIT 'P' overall condition ('P'hysical) Inmate Statistical Profile Page 44 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 45 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'U' upper body COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'U' Upper Body 1 Upper bones, joints, muscles all OK 2 One or both arms minimally limited 3 One or both arms moderately limited 4 One arm disabled, paralyzed, or amputated 5 Both arms disabled, paralyzed, or amputated Total Reported Count 5,961 450 75 11 1 6,498 Male Col % 91.74% 6.93% 1.15% 0.17% 0.02% 100% Row % Count 76.27% 1,855 80.50% 109 77.32% 22 73.33% 4 50.00% 1 76.55% 1,991 Female Col % 93.17% 5.47% 1.10% 0.20% 0.05% 100% Row % 23.73% Total Total Col % 7,816 92.07% 19.50% 559 6.58% 22.68% 97 1.14% 26.67% 15 0.18% 50.00% 2 0.02% 23.45% 8,489 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,107 7,605 75 2,066 1,182 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Upper bones, joints, muscles all OK 1 Upper bones, joints, muscles all OK 1 Upper bones, joints, muscles all OK PULHESDWIT 'U' upper body Inmate Statistical Profile Page 45 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 46 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'L' lower body COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'L' Lower Body 1 Lower bones, joints, muscles all OK 2 One or both legs minimally limited 3 One or both legs moderately limited 4 One leg disabled, paralyzed, or amputated 5 Both legs disabled, paralyzed, or amputated Total Reported Count 5,363 938 156 36 4 6,497 Male Col % 82.55% Row % Count 75.46% 1,744 14.44% 81.21% 217 2.40% 88.14% 21 0.55% 83.72% 7 0.06% 100.00% 100% 76.56% 1,989 Female Col % 87.68% 10.91% 1.06% 0.35% 100% Row % 24.54% Total Total Col % 7,107 83.75% 18.79% 1,155 13.61% 11.86% 177 2.09% 16.28% 43 0.51% 4 0.05% 23.44% 8,486 100.0% Not Reported Grand Total 1,108 7,605 77 2,066 1,185 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Lower bones, joints, muscles all OK 1 Lower bones, joints, muscles all OK 1 Lower bones, joints, muscles all OK PULHESDWIT 'L' lower body Inmate Statistical Profile Page 46 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 47 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'H' hearing COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'H' Hearing 1 Normal hearing both ears 2 Some loss in one ear with other OK, or mild loss in both 3 Total loss in one ear with mild loss in other 4 Severe loss in both ears 5 Total loss in both ears, requiring special housing Total Reported Count 6,361 102 20 7 2 6,492 Male Col % 97.98% 1.57% 0.31% 0.11% 0.03% 100% Row % Count 76.38% 1,967 85.71% 17 90.91% 2 87.50% 1 66.67% 1 76.56% 1,988 Female Col % 98.94% 0.86% Row % 23.62% 14.29% 0.10% 9.09% 0.05% 12.50% 0.05% 33.33% 100% 23.44% Total Total Col % 8,328 98.21% 119 1.40% 22 0.26% 8 0.09% 3 0.04% 8,480 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,113 7,605 78 2,066 1,191 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Normal hearing both ears 1 Normal hearing both ears 1 Normal hearing both ears PULHESDWIT 'H' hearing Inmate Statistical Profile Page 47 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 48 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'E' vision COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'E' Vision 1 Correctable to 20/40 in both eyes 2 Correctable to 20/70 in one eye, may be blind in other 3 Correctable to 20/200 in one eye, may be blind in other 4 One eye not correctable to 20/200, other may be blind 5 Blind in both eyes, requiring special housing Total Reported Count 4,378 1,897 152 20 1 6,448 Male Col % 67.90% Row % Count 82.02% 960 29.42% 68.48% 873 2.36% 59.61% 103 0.31% 52.63% 18 0.02% 100.00% 100% 76.74% 1,954 Female Col % 49.13% Row % 17.98% 44.68% 31.52% 5.27% 40.39% 0.92% 47.37% 100% 23.26% Total Total Col % 5,338 63.53% 2,770 32.97% 255 3.03% 38 0.45% 1 0.01% 8,402 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,157 7,605 112 2,066 1,269 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Correctable to 20/40 in both 1 Correctable to 20/40 in 1 Correctable to eyes both eyes 20/40 in both eyes PULHESDWIT 'E' vision Inmate Statistical Profile Page 48 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 49 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'S' pSychiatric COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'S' pSychiatric 1 No impairment or disorders 2 Stable, or in remission, or mild impairment or retardation 3 Requires moderate inpatient treatment 4 Requires intensive inpatient treatment 5 Requires Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) inpatient care Total Reported Count 2,228 3,379 953 181 13 6,754 Male Col % 32.99% 50.03% Row % Count 88.52% 289 69.06% 1,514 14.11% 98.05% 19 2.68% 98.37% 3 0.19% 100.00% 100% 78.73% 1,825 Female Col % 15.84% 82.96% Row % 11.48% 30.94% 1.04% 1.95% 0.16% 1.63% 100% 21.27% Total Total Col % 2,517 29.34% 4,893 57.03% 972 11.33% 184 2.14% 13 0.15% 8,579 100% Not Reported Grand Total 851 7,605 241 2,066 1,092 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 2 Stable, or in remission, or 2 Stable, or in remission, 2 Stable, or in mild impairment or or mild impairment or remission, or mild retardation retardation impairment or retard PULHESDWIT 'S' pSychiatric Inmate Statistical Profile Page 49 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 50 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'D' dental COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'D' Dental 1 Minimal routine dental health needs 2 Moderate cavities and/or gum disease 3 Extensive gum disease and/or widespread decay 4 Urgent need for dental services 5 Life-threatening disease or extreme pain or infection Total Reported Count 3,284 1,940 452 7 1 5,684 Male Col % 57.78% Row % Count 72.86% 1,223 34.13% 80.80% 461 7.95% 70.63% 188 0.12% 100.00% 0.02% 100.00% 100% 75.22% 1,872 Female Col % 65.33% Row % 27.14% 24.63% 19.20% 10.04% 29.38% 100% 24.78% Total Total Col % 4,507 59.65% 2,401 31.78% 640 8.47% 7 0.09% 1 0.01% 7,556 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,921 7,605 194 2,066 2,115 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Minimal routine dental health needs 1 Minimal routine dental 1 Minimal routine health needs dental health needs PULHESDWIT 'D' dental Inmate Statistical Profile Page 50 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 51 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'W' work ability COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'W' work ability 1 Unrestricted work or activity 2 Minor restrictions on type of work 3 Moderate restrictions on type of work 4 Major restrictions on type of work 5 Cannot work under any circumstances Total Reported Count 4,671 1,379 284 126 34 6,494 Male Col % 71.93% 21.23% 4.37% 1.94% 0.52% 100% Row % Count 76.07% 1,469 76.02% 435 87.12% 42 82.35% 27 64.15% 19 76.53% 1,992 Female Col % 73.74% 21.84% Row % 23.93% 23.98% 2.11% 12.88% 1.36% 17.65% 0.95% 35.85% 100% 23.47% Total Total Col % 6,140 72.35% 1,814 21.38% 326 3.84% 153 1.80% 53 0.62% 8,486 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,111 7,605 74 2,066 1,185 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Unrestricted work or activity 1 Unrestricted work or activity 1 Unrestricted work or activity PULHESDWIT 'W' work ability Inmate Statistical Profile Page 51 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 52 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'I' impairment COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'I' Impairment 1 No impairments or disabilities 2 Wheelchair-bound but otherwise OK 3 Needs low-level Assisted Living (level I) 4 Needs moderate Assisted Living (level II) 5 Needs maximal Assisted Living (level III) Total Reported Count 6,401 Male Col % 98.58% Row % Count 76.44% 1,973 Female Col % 99.05% Row % 23.56% 62 0.95% 83.78% 12 0.60% 16.22% 8 0.12% 61.54% 5 0.25% 38.46% 7 0.11% 87.50% 1 0.05% 12.50% 15 0.23% 93.75% 1 0.05% 6.25% 6,493 100% 76.52% 1,992 100% 23.48% Total Total Col % 8,374 98.69% 74 0.87% 13 0.15% 8 0.09% 16 0.19% 8,485 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,112 7,605 74 2,066 1,186 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 No impairments or disabilities 1 No impairments or disabilities 1 No impairments or disabilities PULHESDWIT 'I' impairment Inmate Statistical Profile Page 52 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 53 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced fo General Distribution PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'T' transportability COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row 'T' Transportability 1 Can be transported in any ordinary approved vehicle 2 Wheelchair-bound, not needing special vehicle 3 Wheelchair-bound, requires special vehicle 4 Needs specially-equipped medical vehicle 5 Requires ambulance transport Total Reported Count 6,421 Male Col % 99.03% Row % Count 76.50% 1,973 Female Col % 99.45% Row % 23.50% 10 0.15% 66.67% 5 0.25% 33.33% 2 0.03% 100.00% 2 0.03% 100.00% 49 0.76% 89.09% 6 0.30% 10.91% 6,484 100% 76.57% 1,984 100% 23.43% Total Total Col % 8,394 99.13% 15 0.18% 2 0.02% 2 0.02% 55 0.65% 8,468 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1,121 7,605 82 2,066 1,203 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1 Can be transported in any 1 Can be transported in any 1 Can be ordinary approved vehicle ordinary approved vehicle transported in any ordinary approved vehicle PULHESDWIT 'T' transportability Inmate Statistical Profile Page 53 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 54 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Number of prior Georgia incarcerations COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Num of Prior GA Incarcerations 0 1 2 3 4 5 More Than 5 Total Reported Count 3,877 1,390 894 551 329 219 345 7,605 Male Col % 50.98% 18.28% 11.76% 7.25% 4.33% 2.88% 4.54% 100% Row % Count 72.56% 1,466 82.49% 295 86.71% 137 89.30% 66 89.65% 38 90.12% 24 89.61% 40 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 70.96% 14.28% 6.63% 3.19% 1.84% 1.16% 1.94% 100% Row % 27.44% 17.51% 13.29% 10.70% 10.35% 9.88% 10.39% 21.36% Total Total Col % 5,343 55.25% 1,685 17.42% 1,031 10.66% 617 6.38% 367 3.79% 243 2.51% 385 3.98% 9,671 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mean (average) 1.28 Median (middle) 0 Mode (most frequent) 0 .65 1.14 0 0 0 0 Number of prior GA incarcerations Inmate statistical profile Page 54 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 55 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Prison sentence in years COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Prison Sentence In Years 0-1 1.1 - 2 2.1 - 3 3.1 - 4 4.1 - 5 5.1 - 6 6.1 - 7 7.1 - 8 8.1 - 9 9.1 - 10 10.1 - 12 12.1 - 15 15.1 - 20 20.1 - Over Life Life Without Parole Death Youthful Offenders Total Reported Count 29 98 127 151 281 153 157 159 183 539 304 670 1,402 1,640 1,326 306 40 40 7,605 Male Col % 0.38% 1.29% 1.67% 1.99% 3.69% 2.01% 2.06% 2.09% 2.41% 7.09% 4.00% 8.81% 18.44% 21.56% 17.44% 4.02% 0.53% 0.53% 100% Row % Count 65.91% 15 75.38% 32 61.35% 80 74.75% 51 66.59% 141 68.61% 70 72.69% 59 72.60% 60 79.91% 46 67.38% 261 71.03% 124 73.87% 237 80.21% 346 83.89% 315 87.01% 198 91.34% 29 100.00% 95.24% 2 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % 0.73% 1.55% 3.87% 2.47% 6.82% 3.39% 2.86% 2.90% 2.23% 12.63% 6.00% 11.47% 16.75% 15.25% 9.58% 1.40% 0.10% 100% Row % 34.09% 24.62% 38.65% 25.25% 33.41% 31.39% 27.31% 27.40% 20.09% 32.63% 28.97% 26.13% 19.79% 16.11% 12.99% 8.66% 4.76% 21.36% Total Total Col % 44 0.45% 130 1.34% 207 2.14% 202 2.09% 422 4.36% 223 2.31% 216 2.23% 219 2.26% 229 2.37% 800 8.27% 428 4.43% 907 9.38% 1,748 18.07% 1,955 20.22% 1,524 15.76% 335 3.46% 40 0.41% 42 9,671 0.43% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Determinate (numeric) sentences only Mean (average) 24.07 21.07 23.82 All sentences (including determinate), with life, life without parole, and death sentences figured at 45 years Mean (average) 34.21 33.90 34.18 Prison sentence in years Inmate Statistical Profile Page 55 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 56 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, broken out into felonies vs misdemeanors COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Felonies and Misdemeanors Felonies Misdemeanors Total Reported Count 7,593 3 7,596 Male Col % 99.96% .04% 100% Row % Count 78.64% 2,063 100.00% 78.64% 2,063 Female Col % 100.00% 100% Row % 21.36% 21.36% Total Total Col % 9,656 99.97% 3 9,659 .03% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 9 7,605 Felonies 3 7,599 Felonies 12 9,671 Felonies Felonies vs misdemeanors Inmate Statistical Profile Page 56 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 57 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, broken out into six broad crime categories COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Crime Categories 1 Violent 2 Sex Crime 3 Property 4 Drug 5 Habit/DUI 6 Other Total Reported Count 4,244 1,701 1,074 340 9 236 7,604 Male Col % 55.81% 22.37% 14.12% 4.47% .12% 3.10% 100% Row % Count 81.88% 939 95.19% 86 67.25% 523 45.64% 405 56.25% 7 69.01% 106 78.63% 2,066 Female Col % 45.45% 4.16% 25.31% 19.60% .34% 5.13% 100% Row % 18.12% 4.81% 32.75% 54.36% 43.75% 30.99% 21.37% Total Total Col % 5,183 53.60% 1,787 18.48% 1,597 16.51% 745 7.70% 16 .17% 342 9,670 3.54% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mode (most frequent) 1 7,605 Violent 0 2,066 Violent 1 9,671 Violent Crime categories Inmate Statistical Profile Page 57 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 58 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, detailed offense code COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Primary Offense Count Abuse Neglect Elder/Disab (2812) 3 Agg Aslt W Intnt To Rape (2095) 10 Agg Sex Battery Atmpt (2099) 1 Aggrav Assault (1302) 803 Aggrav Assault Peace Ofcr 72 (1314) Aggrav Battery (1305) 215 Aggrav Battery Peace Ofcr 8 (1315) Aggrav Child Molestation (2021) 274 Aggrav Sexual Battery (2009) 34 Aggrav Sodomy (2003) 54 Aggrav Stalking (1321) 57 Aggravated Assault On 65+ 1 (1304) Armed Robbery (1902) 918 Arson 1st Degree (1401) 18 Arson 2nd Degree (1402) 1 Arson 3rd Degree (1403) Arson Misc (1400) 1 Ass W/ Int Transmit Hiv (1313) Atmpt Aggrav Sodomy (2093) 1 Atmpt Armed Robbery (1992) 23 Atmpt Burglary (1690) 3 Atmpt Child Molestation (2094) 7 Atmpt Murder (1190) 34 Atmpt Rape (2091) 16 Atmpt Robbery (1991) 10 Atmpt Sodomy (2092) 3 Atmpt Theft By Taking (1812) 1 Atmpt Viol Substance Act (4090) 1 Att/Consprcy Commt C/S/Of 5 (4134) Bail Jumping (2511) 2 Bribery Govt Officer (2301) Burg 1st Aft 6/30/12 (1611) 195 Burg 2nd Aft 6/30/12 (1612) 90 Burg Bef 7/1/12 (1601) 402 Child Molestation (2019) 549 Male Col % .04% .13% .01% 10.56% .95% Row % Count 30.00% 7 100.00% 50.00% 1 82.53% 170 85.71% 12 2.83% 79.93% 54 .11% 88.89% 1 3.60% 95.14% 14 .45% 97.14% 1 .71% 93.10% 4 .75% 87.69% 8 .01% 50.00% 1 12.07% 88.61% 118 .24% 85.71% 3 .01% 50.00% 1 1 .01% 100.00% 1 .01% 100.00% .30% 95.83% 1 .04% 100.00% .09% 100.00% .45% 89.47% 4 .21% 94.12% 1 .13% 90.91% 1 .04% 100.00% .01% 100.00% .01% 50.00% 1 .07% 50.00% 5 .03% 100.00% 1 2.56% 72.22% 75 1.18% 84.91% 16 5.29% 88.35% 53 7.22% 94.49% 32 Female Col % .34% Row % 70.00% .05% 8.23% .58% 50.00% 17.47% 14.29% Total Total Col % 10 .10% 10 .10% 2 .02% 973 10.06% 84 .87% 2.61% 20.07% .05% 11.11% 269 2.78% 9 .09% .68% .05% .19% .39% .05% 4.86% 2.86% 6.90% 12.31% 50.00% 288 2.98% 35 .36% 58 .60% 65 .67% 2 .02% 5.71% .15% .05% .05% 11.39% 14.29% 50.00% 100.00% .05% 100.00% .05% 4.17% .19% .05% .05% 10.53% 5.88% 9.09% .05% 50.00% .24% 50.00% 1,036 21 2 1 1 1 1 24 3 7 38 17 11 3 1 2 10 10.71% .22% .02% .01% .01% .01% .01% .25% .03% .07% .39% .18% .11% .03% .01% .02% .10% .05% 3.63% .77% 2.57% 1.55% 100.00% 27.78% 15.09% 11.65% 5.51% 2 .02% 1 .01% 270 2.79% 106 1.10% 455 4.71% 581 6.01% Primary offense Inmate Statistical Profile Page 58 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 59 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, detailed offense code COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Primary Offense Chop Shop Violation (5003) Cnspire Traffic Cntrl Sub (4130) Computer Pornography (1760) Conceal Death Of Another (1125) Conspiracy (9901) Crmnl Damage 1st Degree (1501) Crmnl Damage 2nd Degree (1502) Crmnl Interfere Govt Prop (2613) Crmnl Trespassing (9912) Cruelty To Children (2801) Cruelty To Elder Person (2811) Drvng Habtl Violator (5004) Entering Vehicle (1880) Entice Child Attempted (2090) Enticing Child-Indec Purp (2020) Escape (2501) False Imprisonment (1308) False Statements Govt (2408) Family Violence Battery (1301) Financial Identity Fraud (1756) Fleeing/Eluding Police (2316) Forg 1st Aft 6/30/12 (1711) Forg 1st Bef 7/1/12 (1701) Forg 2nd Aft 6/30/12 (1712) Forg 2nd Bef 7/1/12 (1702) Forg 3rd Aft 6/30/12 (1713) Forg 4th Aft 6/30/12 (1714) Fraudulent Checks (1750) Fraudulent Credit Card (1753) Gang Participation (9914) Guard Line W/Weapon/Drugs (2963) Habit Traf Viol/Impaired (5005) Habit Traf Viol/Other (5006) Harbor/Conceal Sex Offndr (2027) Hijacking Motor Vehicle (1911) Hindering Appreh Or Pun (2503) Count 1 2 15 2 2 4 13 6 1 35 2 17 1 15 8 33 4 14 3 30 9 50 3 2 3 2 7 1 2 2 1 4 Male Col % .01% .03% .20% .03% .03% .05% .17% Row % Count 100.00% 66.67% 1 100.00% 25.00% 6 66.67% 1 57.14% 3 92.86% 1 .08% 85.71% 1 .01% 100.00% .46% 39.33% 54 .03% 22.22% 7 1 .22% 94.44% 1 .01% 100.00% .20% 83.33% 3 .11% 72.73% 3 .43% 89.19% 4 .05% 44.44% 5 .18% 87.50% 2 .04% 15.00% 17 .39% 69.77% 13 .12% 33.33% 18 .66% 39.68% 76 .04% 42.86% 4 .03% 100.00% .04% 17.65% 14 .03% 28.57% 5 1 .09% 36.84% 12 .01% 100.00% .03% 20.00% 8 .03% 100.00% .01% 100.00% 1 .05% 100.00% 1 Female Col % Row % .05% 33.33% .29% .05% .15% .05% 75.00% 33.33% 42.86% 7.14% .05% 14.29% 2.61% .34% .05% .05% 60.67% 77.78% 100.00% 5.56% .15% .15% .19% .24% .10% .82% .63% .87% 3.68% .19% 16.67% 27.27% 10.81% 55.56% 12.50% 85.00% 30.23% 66.67% 60.32% 57.14% .68% .24% .05% .58% 82.35% 71.43% 100.00% 63.16% .39% 80.00% .05% 100.00% .05% 100.00% Total Total Col % 1 .01% 3 .03% 15 .16% 8 .08% 3 .03% 7 .07% 14 .14% 7 .07% 1 .01% 89 .92% 9 .09% 1 .01% 18 .19% 1 .01% 18 .19% 11 .11% 37 .38% 9 .09% 16 .17% 20 .21% 43 .44% 27 .28% 126 1.30% 7 .07% 2 .02% 17 .18% 7 .07% 1 .01% 19 .20% 1 .01% 10 .10% 2 .02% 1 .01% 1 .01% 4 .04% 1 .01% Primary offense Inmate Statistical Profile Page 59 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 60 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, detailed offense code COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Primary Offense Hit-Run W/Injury/Fatality (5007) Homicide By Vessel (1124) Illegal Attm To Obt Drugs (4011) Impersonation (2404) Incest (2006) Inciting To Insurrection (2203) Injury By Vehicle (1318) Insurrection (2202) Interference With Custody (1312) Involuntary Manslaughter (1103) Kidnapping (1311) Manf Methamph 200-399 Gm (4144) Manf Methamph 28-199 Gm (4143) Manf Methamph Unspec Amt (4147) Manufact Meth Near Child (2803) Misc Correctionl Inst Off (6200) Misc Drugs Trafficking (4100) Misc Forgery (1700) Misc Fraud (1799) Misc Homicide Offense (1100) Misc Invasion Of Privacy (3000) Misc Sexual Offense (2000) Murder (1101) Murder Conspire To Commit (1191) Mutiny In Penal Inst (2507) Obstr Of Law Enf Officer (2314) Peeping Tom (3002) Perjury (2401) Pimping A Minor Under 18 (2016) Poss Dep Stim Cntrf Drugs (4007) Poss Drug Related Matrl (4016) Poss Ephedrine (4030) Poss Firearm 1st Offender (2913) Poss Firearm Convct Felon (2914) Count 2 7 37 1 5 1 26 253 1 2 10 2 1 1 1 2 9 1,115 2 5 75 6 1 8 3 5 73 Male Col % .03% .09% .49% .01% .07% .01% .34% 3.33% .01% Row % Count 28.57% 5 63.64% 4 4 1 97.37% 1 100.00% 31.25% 11 100.00% 1 59.09% 18 94.05% 16 100.00% .03% 28.57% 5 .13% 58.82% 7 3 .03% 100.00% .01% 100.00% 1 .01% 20.00% 4 .01% 100.00% .03% 100.00% .12% 81.82% 2 14.66% 83.96% 213 .03% 100.00% .07% 100.00% .99% 75.76% 24 .08% 100.00% 1 .01% 50.00% 1 .11% 30.77% 18 .04% 42.86% 4 1 .07% 83.33% 1 .96% 77.66% 21 Female Col % Row % .24% 71.43% .19% 36.36% .19% 100.00% .05% 100.00% .05% 2.63% .53% 68.75% .05% 100.00% .87% 40.91% .77% 5.95% .24% 71.43% .34% 41.18% .15% 100.00% .05% 100.00% .19% 80.00% .10% 18.18% 10.31% 16.04% 1.16% 24.24% .05% 100.00% .05% 50.00% .87% 69.23% .19% .05% .05% 1.02% 57.14% 100.00% 16.67% 22.34% Total Total Col % 7 .07% 11 .11% 4 .04% 1 .01% 38 .39% 1 .01% 16 .17% 1 .01% 1 .01% 44 .46% 269 2.78% 1 .01% 7 .07% 17 .18% 3 2 1 1 5 1 2 11 1,328 2 .03% .02% .01% .01% .05% .01% .02% .11% 13.73% .02% 5 .05% 99 1.02% 6 .06% 1 .01% 2 .02% 26 .27% 7 .07% 1 .01% 6 .06% 94 .97% Primary offense Inmate Statistical Profile Page 60 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 61 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, detailed offense code COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Primary Offense Poss Knife During Crime (2911) Poss Methamphetamine (4031) Poss Narcotics Opiates (4006) Poss Of Certain Weapons (2912) Poss Of Cocaine (4022) Poss Of Firearm Dur Crime (2910) Poss Of Marijuana (4009) Poss Tools Commit Crime (1602) Poss W Int Dis Other Drug (4053) Poss W Int Dist Cocaine (4050) Poss W Int Dist Marijuana (4051) Poss W Int Dist Meth (4052) Poss Wpn Drugs By Prisnr (2965) Racketeering (3404) Rape (2001) Reck Cond Infected Person (1317) Robbery (1901) Robbery By Force (1903) Robbery By Intimidation (1904) Robbery By Sudden Snatch (1905) S/D Cocaine (4021) S/D Cont Sub Public (4017) S/D Cont Sub School (4018) S/D Dep Stim Cntrf Drugs (4002) S/D Narcotics Opiates (4001) S/D Of Marijuana (4004) Sale Methamphetamine (4032) Sex Exploitation Child (2843) Sex Offender Fail Registr (2026) Sex Offender Fail To Move (2028) Sexual Battery (2011) Simple Battery (1316) Sodomy (2002) Solicit Sodomy From Minor (2025) Statutory Rape (2018) Count 1 42 9 6 36 26 6 5 6 18 30 20 8 4 371 4 183 31 44 27 47 2 1 9 12 20 47 103 1 32 5 4 1 108 Male Col % .01% .55% .12% .08% .47% .34% Row % Count 100.00% 35.90% 75 33.33% 18 100.00% 62.07% 22 65.00% 14 .08% 85.71% 1 .07% 100.00% .08% 42.86% 8 .24% 72.00% 7 .39% 63.83% 17 .26% 26.67% 55 .11% 57.14% 6 .05% 33.33% 8 4.88% 98.67% 5 .05% 80.00% 1 2.41% 76.25% 57 .41% 81.58% 7 .58% 78.57% 12 .36% 93.10% 2 .62% 78.33% 13 .03% 100.00% .01% 100.00% .12% 42.86% 12 2 .16% 70.59% 5 .26% 37.74% 33 .62% 95.92% 2 1.35% 94.50% 6 .01% 100.00% .42% 96.97% 1 .07% 100.00% .05% 100.00% .01% 100.00% 1.42% 90.00% 12 Female Col % Row % 3.63% 64.10% .87% 66.67% 1.06% 37.93% .68% 35.00% .05% 14.29% .39% .34% .82% 2.66% .29% 57.14% 28.00% 36.17% 73.33% 42.86% .39% .24% .05% 66.67% 1.33% 20.00% 2.76% .34% .58% .10% 23.75% 18.42% 21.43% 6.90% .63% 21.67% .58% .10% .24% 1.60% .10% .29% 57.14% 100.00% 29.41% 62.26% 4.08% 5.50% .05% 3.03% .58% 10.00% Total Total Col % 1 .01% 117 1.21% 27 .28% 6 .06% 58 .60% 40 .41% 7 .07% 5 .05% 14 .14% 25 .26% 47 .49% 75 .78% 14 .14% 12 .12% 376 3.89% 5 .05% 240 2.48% 38 .39% 56 .58% 29 .30% 60 .62% 2 .02% 1 .01% 21 .22% 2 .02% 17 .18% 53 .55% 49 .51% 109 1.13% 1 .01% 33 .34% 5 .05% 4 .04% 1 .01% 120 1.24% Primary offense Inmate Statistical Profile Page 61 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 62 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, detailed offense code COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Primary Offense Tampering With Evidence (2315) Terrorist Threats & Acts (1307) Theft Bring Prop In State (1815) Theft By Conversion (1808) Theft By Deception (1803) Theft By Rec Stolen Prop (1806) Theft By Shoplifting (1821) Theft By Taking (1802) Theft Credit Card (1751) Theft Motorveh Or Part (1813) Theft Of Lost Property (1805) Traf Amphtmine 28-199 Gm (4126) Traf Cocaine 201-400 Gm (4102) Traf Cocaine 401+ Gm (4103) Traf Cocaine Less 200 Gm (4101) Traf Marijna 10-2000 Lb (4121) Traf Mda/Extsy 28-199gm (4150) Traf Methamph 200-399 Gm (4141) Traf Methamph 28-199 Gm (4140) Traf Methamph 400+ Gm (4142) Traf Methamph Unspec Amt (4146) Traf Narcotic 15-28 Gm (4112) Traf Narcotic 29+ Gm (4113) Traf Narcotic Less 14 Gm (4111) Traffick Sexual Servitude (1331) Unknown Offense (9999) Unlwfl Mfg/Del/Dist N-C S (4014) Vehicular Homicide (1123) Viol Dngrous Drgs Act (4013) Viol Ga Cntrl Sbst Act (4012) Viol Motor Vehicle Laws (5001) Violatn Othr States Law (8001) Vol Manslaughter Of Fetus (1119) Voluntary Manslaughter (1102) Dui (72) Count 89 3 2 6 40 73 108 6 1 2 3 6 3 9 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 18 3 5 1 160 1 Male Col % 1.17% .04% .03% .08% .53% .96% 1.42% .08% .01% Row % Count 3 88.12% 12 100.00% 28.57% 5 60.00% 4 59.70% 27 41.48% 103 62.79% 64 4 85.71% 1 1 50.00% 1 .03% 50.00% 2 .04% 60.00% 2 .08% 85.71% 1 .04% 100.00% 1 6 .12% 20.93% 34 3 .04% 20.00% 12 .01% 50.00% 1 .01% 50.00% 1 .01% 100.00% .01% 25.00% 3 .01% 50.00% 1 .01% 100.00% .33% 43.10% 33 .24% 43.90% 23 1 .04% 75.00% 1 .07% 45.45% 6 .01% 100.00% 2.10% 63.49% 92 .01% 100.00% Female Col % Row % .15% 100.00% .58% 11.88% .24% .19% 1.31% 4.99% 3.10% .19% .05% .05% .05% 71.43% 40.00% 40.30% 58.52% 37.21% 100.00% 14.29% 100.00% 50.00% .10% .10% .05% 50.00% 40.00% 14.29% .05% 100.00% .29% 100.00% 1.65% 79.07% .15% 100.00% .58% 80.00% .05% 50.00% .05% 50.00% .15% 75.00% .05% 50.00% 1.60% 1.11% .05% .05% .29% 56.90% 56.10% 100.00% 25.00% 54.55% 4.45% 36.51% Total Total Col % 3 .03% 101 1.04% 3 .03% 7 .07% 10 .10% 67 .69% 176 1.82% 172 1.78% 4 .04% 7 .07% 1 .01% 2 .02% 4 .04% 5 .05% 7 .07% 3 .03% 1 .01% 6 .06% 43 .44% 3 .03% 15 .16% 2 .02% 2 .02% 1 .01% 4 .04% 2 .02% 1 .01% 58 .60% 41 .42% 1 .01% 4 .04% 11 .11% 1 .01% 252 2.61% 1 .01% Primary offense Inmate Statistical Profile Page 62 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 63 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Primary offense, detailed offense code COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Primary Offense Misc Misdemeanor (500) Public Indecency (83) Total Rported Count 1 1 7,604 Male Col % .01% .01% 100% Row % Count 100.00% 100.00% 78.63% 2,066 Female Col % 100% Row % 21.37% Total Total Col % 1 .01% 1 9,670 .01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 1 7,605 0 2,066 1 9,671 Mode (most frequent) 1101 Murder 1101 Murder 1101 Murder Primary offense Inmate Statistical Profile Page 63 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 64 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution County of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row County of Conviction 000 Unknown 001 Appling County 002 Atkinson County 003 Bacon County 004 Baker County 005 Baldwin County 006 Banks County 007 Barrow County 008 Bartow County 009 Ben Hill County 010 Berrien County 011 Bibb County 012 Bleckley County 013 Brantley County 014 Brooks County 015 Bryan County 016 Bulloch County 017 Burke County 018 Butts County 019 Calhoun County 020 Camden County 021 Candler County 022 Carroll County 023 Catoosa County 024 Charlton County 025 Chatham County 026 Chattahoochee County 027 Chattooga County 028 Cherokee County 029 Clarke County 030 Clay County 031 Clayton County 032 Clinch County 033 Cobb County 034 Coffee County 035 Colquitt County 036 Columbia County 037 Cook County Count 19 12 9 11 1 52 7 38 104 44 19 200 8 8 10 15 48 28 15 4 27 11 95 67 14 296 4 35 77 109 4 216 7 323 35 28 50 25 Male Col % .25% .16% .12% .14% .01% .68% .09% .50% 1.37% .58% .25% 2.63% .11% .11% .13% .20% .63% .37% .20% .05% .36% .14% 1.25% .88% .18% 3.89% .05% .46% 1.01% 1.43% .05% 2.84% .09% 4.25% .46% .37% .66% .33% Row % Count 82.61% 4 85.71% 2 90.00% 1 73.33% 4 100.00% 80.00% 13 70.00% 3 64.41% 21 67.97% 49 75.86% 14 100.00% 80.97% 47 72.73% 3 61.54% 5 83.33% 2 93.75% 1 71.64% 19 90.32% 3 88.24% 2 100.00% 84.38% 5 61.11% 7 74.80% 32 72.04% 26 93.33% 1 87.32% 43 80.00% 1 64.81% 19 68.75% 35 82.58% 23 66.67% 2 81.82% 48 77.78% 2 73.41% 117 74.47% 12 80.00% 7 65.79% 26 86.21% 4 Female Col % .19% .10% .05% .19% Row % 17.39% 14.29% 10.00% 26.67% .63% .15% 1.02% 2.37% .68% 20.00% 30.00% 35.59% 32.03% 24.14% 2.27% .15% .24% .10% .05% .92% .15% .10% 19.03% 27.27% 38.46% 16.67% 6.25% 28.36% 9.68% 11.76% .24% .34% 1.55% 1.26% .05% 2.08% .05% .92% 1.69% 1.11% .10% 2.32% .10% 5.66% .58% .34% 1.26% .19% 15.63% 38.89% 25.20% 27.96% 6.67% 12.68% 20.00% 35.19% 31.25% 17.42% 33.33% 18.18% 22.22% 26.59% 25.53% 20.00% 34.21% 13.79% Total Total Col % 23 .24% 14 .14% 10 .10% 15 .16% 1 .01% 65 .67% 10 .10% 59 .61% 153 1.58% 58 .60% 19 .20% 247 2.55% 11 .11% 13 .13% 12 .12% 16 .17% 67 .69% 31 .32% 17 .18% 4 .04% 32 .33% 18 .19% 127 1.31% 93 .96% 15 .16% 339 3.51% 5 .05% 54 .56% 112 1.16% 132 1.36% 6 .06% 264 2.73% 9 .09% 440 4.55% 47 .49% 35 .36% 76 .79% 29 .30% County of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 64 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 65 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution County of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row County of Conviction 038 Coweta County 039 Crawford County 040 Crisp County 041 Dade County 042 Dawson County 043 Decatur County 044 Dekalb County 045 Dodge County 046 Dooly County 047 Dougherty County 048 Douglas County 049 Early County 050 Echols County 051 Effingham County 052 Elbert County 053 Emanuel County 054 Evans County 055 Fannin County 056 Fayette County 057 Floyd County 058 Forsyth County 059 Franklin County 060 Fulton County 061 Gilmer County 062 Glascock County 063 Glynn County 064 Gordon County 065 Grady County 066 Greene County 067 Gwinnett County 068 Habersham County 069 Hall County 070 Hancock County 071 Haralson County 072 Harris County 073 Hart County 074 Heard County 075 Henry County Count 101 5 43 19 17 40 389 46 18 161 141 15 2 29 25 21 6 18 34 145 61 33 827 18 2 114 57 19 19 253 18 98 3 36 19 24 12 76 Male Col % 1.33% .07% .57% .25% .22% .53% 5.12% .60% .24% 2.12% 1.85% .20% .03% .38% .33% .28% .08% .24% .45% 1.91% .80% .43% 10.87% .24% .03% 1.50% .75% .25% .25% 3.33% .24% 1.29% .04% .47% .25% .32% .16% 1.00% Row % Count 84.17% 19 83.33% 1 79.63% 11 82.61% 4 58.62% 12 81.63% 9 86.25% 62 92.00% 4 81.82% 4 86.56% 25 70.15% 60 71.43% 6 100.00% 72.50% 11 78.13% 7 72.41% 8 66.67% 3 66.67% 9 64.15% 19 72.14% 56 78.21% 17 76.74% 10 88.17% 111 75.00% 6 100.00% 83.21% 23 65.52% 30 79.17% 5 86.36% 3 74.63% 86 90.00% 2 73.13% 36 75.00% 1 85.71% 6 82.61% 4 77.42% 7 80.00% 3 67.86% 36 Female Col % .92% .05% .53% .19% .58% .44% 3.00% .19% .19% 1.21% 2.90% .29% Row % 15.83% 16.67% 20.37% 17.39% 41.38% 18.37% 13.75% 8.00% 18.18% 13.44% 29.85% 28.57% .53% .34% .39% .15% .44% .92% 2.71% .82% .48% 5.37% .29% 27.50% 21.88% 27.59% 33.33% 33.33% 35.85% 27.86% 21.79% 23.26% 11.83% 25.00% 1.11% 1.45% .24% .15% 4.16% .10% 1.74% .05% .29% .19% .34% .15% 1.74% 16.79% 34.48% 20.83% 13.64% 25.37% 10.00% 26.87% 25.00% 14.29% 17.39% 22.58% 20.00% 32.14% Total Total Col % 120 1.24% 6 .06% 54 .56% 23 .24% 29 .30% 49 .51% 451 4.66% 50 .52% 22 .23% 186 1.92% 201 2.08% 21 .22% 2 .02% 40 .41% 32 .33% 29 .30% 9 .09% 27 .28% 53 .55% 201 2.08% 78 .81% 43 .44% 938 9.70% 24 .25% 2 .02% 137 1.42% 87 .90% 24 .25% 22 .23% 339 3.51% 20 .21% 134 1.39% 4 .04% 42 .43% 23 .24% 31 .32% 15 .16% 112 1.16% County of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 65 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 66 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution County of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row County of Conviction 076 Houston County 077 Irwin County 078 Jackson County 079 Jasper County 080 Jeff Davis County 081 Jefferson County 082 Jenkins County 083 Johnson County 084 Jones County 085 Lamar County 086 Lanier County 087 Laurens County 088 Lee County 089 Liberty County 090 Lincoln County 091 Long County 092 Lowndes County 093 Lumpkin County 094 Macon County 095 Madison County 096 Marion County 097 Mcduffie County 098 Mcintosh County 099 Meriwether County 100 Miller County 101 Mitchell County 102 Monroe County 103 Montgomery County 104 Morgan County 105 Murray County 106 Muscogee County 107 Newton County 108 Oconee County 109 Oglethorpe County 110 Paulding County 111 Peach County 112 Pickens County 113 Pierce County Count 97 16 34 11 18 21 13 9 29 14 5 44 11 32 5 11 69 9 13 23 4 30 9 33 5 17 22 7 24 30 194 113 11 9 34 13 15 14 Male Col % 1.28% .21% .45% .14% .24% .28% .17% .12% .38% .18% .07% .58% .14% .42% .07% .14% .91% .12% .17% .30% .05% .39% .12% .43% .07% .22% .29% .09% .32% .39% 2.55% 1.49% .14% .12% .45% .17% .20% .18% Row % Count 75.78% 31 94.12% 1 82.93% 7 68.75% 5 85.71% 3 95.45% 1 92.86% 1 100.00% 70.73% 12 82.35% 3 83.33% 1 80.00% 11 73.33% 4 76.19% 10 100.00% 78.57% 3 86.25% 11 64.29% 5 100.00% 71.88% 9 66.67% 2 83.33% 6 81.82% 2 82.50% 7 71.43% 2 65.38% 9 70.97% 9 70.00% 3 75.00% 8 76.92% 9 82.91% 40 76.35% 35 84.62% 2 81.82% 2 80.95% 8 61.90% 8 65.22% 8 70.00% 6 Female Col % 1.50% .05% .34% .24% .15% .05% .05% Row % 24.22% 5.88% 17.07% 31.25% 14.29% 4.55% 7.14% .58% .15% .05% .53% .19% .48% 29.27% 17.65% 16.67% 20.00% 26.67% 23.81% .15% .53% .24% 21.43% 13.75% 35.71% .44% .10% .29% .10% .34% .10% .44% .44% .15% .39% .44% 1.94% 1.69% .10% .10% .39% .39% .39% .29% 28.13% 33.33% 16.67% 18.18% 17.50% 28.57% 34.62% 29.03% 30.00% 25.00% 23.08% 17.09% 23.65% 15.38% 18.18% 19.05% 38.10% 34.78% 30.00% Total Total Col % 128 1.32% 17 .18% 41 .42% 16 .17% 21 .22% 22 .23% 14 .14% 9 .09% 41 .42% 17 .18% 6 .06% 55 .57% 15 .16% 42 .43% 5 .05% 14 .14% 80 .83% 14 .14% 13 .13% 32 .33% 6 .06% 36 .37% 11 .11% 40 .41% 7 .07% 26 .27% 31 .32% 10 .10% 32 .33% 39 .40% 234 2.42% 148 1.53% 13 .13% 11 .11% 42 .43% 21 .22% 23 .24% 20 .21% County of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 66 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 67 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution County of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row County of Conviction 114 Pike County 115 Polk County 116 Pulaski County 117 Putnam County 118 Quitman County 119 Rabun County 120 Randolph County 121 Richmond County 122 Rockdale County 123 Schley County 124 Screven County 125 Seminole County 126 Spalding County 127 Stephens County 128 Stewart County 129 Sumter County 130 Talbot County 131 Taliaferro County 132 Tattnall County 133 Taylor County 134 Telfair County 135 Terrell County 136 Thomas County 137 Tift County 138 Toombs County 139 Towns County 140 Treutlen County 141 Troup County 142 Turner County 143 Twiggs County 144 Union County 145 Upson County 146 Walker County 147 Walton County 148 Ware County 149 Warren County 150 Washington County 151 Wayne County Count 6 35 11 25 2 5 10 305 54 2 16 13 78 25 9 29 9 1 24 12 20 12 38 76 43 7 13 96 10 8 10 35 74 90 73 6 21 16 Male Col % .08% .46% .14% .33% .03% .07% .13% 4.01% .71% .03% .21% .17% 1.03% .33% .12% .38% .12% .01% .32% .16% .26% .16% .50% 1.00% .57% .09% .17% 1.26% .13% .11% .13% .46% .97% 1.18% .96% .08% .28% .21% Row % Count 66.67% 3 74.47% 12 91.67% 1 73.53% 9 100.00% 71.43% 2 71.43% 4 80.26% 75 76.06% 17 100.00% 84.21% 3 61.90% 8 82.98% 16 67.57% 12 100.00% 80.56% 7 81.82% 2 100.00% 66.67% 12 80.00% 3 71.43% 8 80.00% 3 79.17% 10 84.44% 14 68.25% 20 38.89% 11 76.47% 4 82.05% 21 90.91% 1 80.00% 2 76.92% 3 76.09% 11 74.00% 26 77.59% 26 76.04% 23 100.00% 65.63% 11 69.57% 7 Female Col % .15% .58% .05% .44% Row % 33.33% 25.53% 8.33% 26.47% .10% .19% 3.63% .82% 28.57% 28.57% 19.74% 23.94% .15% .39% .77% .58% 15.79% 38.10% 17.02% 32.43% .34% 19.44% .10% 18.18% .58% .15% .39% .15% .48% .68% .97% .53% .19% 1.02% .05% .10% .15% .53% 1.26% 1.26% 1.11% 33.33% 20.00% 28.57% 20.00% 20.83% 15.56% 31.75% 61.11% 23.53% 17.95% 9.09% 20.00% 23.08% 23.91% 26.00% 22.41% 23.96% .53% 34.38% .34% 30.43% Total Total Col % 9 .09% 47 .49% 12 .12% 34 .35% 2 .02% 7 .07% 14 .14% 380 3.93% 71 .73% 2 .02% 19 .20% 21 .22% 94 .97% 37 .38% 9 .09% 36 .37% 11 .11% 1 .01% 36 .37% 15 .16% 28 .29% 15 .16% 48 .50% 90 .93% 63 .65% 18 .19% 17 .18% 117 1.21% 11 .11% 10 .10% 13 .13% 46 .48% 100 1.03% 116 1.20% 96 .99% 6 .06% 32 .33% 23 .24% County of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 67 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 68 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution County of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row County of Conviction 153 Wheeler County 154 White County 155 Whitfield County 156 Wilcox County 157 Wilkes County 158 Wilkinson County 159 Worth County Total Rported Count 6 18 103 10 14 9 19 7,605 Male Col % .08% .24% 1.35% .13% .18% .12% .25% 100% Row % Count 75.00% 2 56.25% 14 66.88% 51 90.91% 1 87.50% 2 100.00% 76.00% 6 78.64% 2,066 Female Col % .10% .68% 2.47% .05% .10% .29% 100% Row % 25.00% 43.75% 33.12% 9.09% 12.50% 24.00% 21.36% Total Total Col % 8 .08% 32 .33% 154 1.59% 11 .11% 16 .17% 9 .09% 25 9,671 .26% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 0 7,605 0 2,066 0 9,671 Mode (most frequent) Fulton County Cobb County Fulton County County of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 68 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 69 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Circuit of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Circuit of Conviction 1 Alapaha Circuit 2 Alcovy Circuit 3 Atlanta Circuit 4 Atlantic Circuit 5 Augusta Circuit 6 Blue Ridge Circuit 7 Brunswick Circuit 8 Chattahoochee Circuit 9 Cherokee Circuit 10 Clayton Circuit 11 Cobb Circuit 12 Conasauga Circuit 13 Cordele Circuit 14 Coweta Circuit 15 Dougherty Circuit 16 Dublin Circuit 17 Eastern Circuit 18 Flint Circuit 19 Griffin Circuit 20 Gwinnett Circuit 21 Houston Circuit 22 Lookout Mountain Circuit 23 Macon Circuit 24 Middle Circuit 25 Mountain Circuit 26 Northeastern Circuit 27 Northern Circuit 28 Ocmulgee Circuit 29 Oconee Circuit 30 Ogeechee Circuit 31 Pataula Circuit 32 Piedmont Circuit 33 Rome Circuit 34 South Georgia Circuit 35 Southern Circuit 36 Southwestern Circuit 37 Stone Mountain Circuit 38 Tallapoosa Circuit 39 Tifton Circuit 40 Toombs Circuit Count 65 203 827 97 383 77 187 242 161 216 323 133 115 337 161 74 296 76 153 253 97 195 218 117 48 115 114 172 98 106 61 79 145 81 147 64 389 71 121 58 Male Col % .86% 2.68% 10.90% 1.28% 5.05% 1.02% 2.47% 3.19% 2.12% 2.85% 4.26% 1.75% 1.52% 4.44% 2.12% .98% 3.90% 1.00% 2.02% 3.34% 1.28% 2.57% 2.87% 1.54% .63% 1.52% 1.50% 2.27% 1.29% 1.40% .80% 1.04% 1.91% 1.07% 1.94% .84% 5.13% .94% 1.60% .76% Row % Count 89.04% 8 76.89% 61 88.17% 111 75.78% 31 78.64% 104 68.75% 35 82.38% 40 82.31% 52 67.08% 79 81.82% 48 73.41% 117 68.91% 60 79.31% 30 80.43% 82 86.56% 25 81.32% 17 87.32% 43 67.86% 36 75.74% 49 74.63% 86 75.78% 31 72.22% 75 79.56% 56 71.34% 47 75.00% 16 70.55% 48 76.51% 35 77.13% 51 82.35% 21 75.71% 34 70.93% 25 71.82% 31 72.14% 56 77.88% 23 83.05% 30 85.33% 11 86.25% 62 79.78% 18 84.62% 22 87.88% 8 Female Col % .39% 2.96% 5.38% 1.50% 5.04% 1.70% 1.94% 2.52% 3.83% 2.33% 5.67% 2.91% 1.45% 3.98% 1.21% .82% 2.09% 1.75% 2.38% 4.17% 1.50% 3.64% 2.72% 2.28% .78% 2.33% 1.70% 2.47% 1.02% 1.65% 1.21% 1.50% 2.72% 1.12% 1.45% .53% 3.01% .87% 1.07% .39% Row % 10.96% 23.11% 11.83% 24.22% 21.36% 31.25% 17.62% 17.69% 32.92% 18.18% 26.59% 31.09% 20.69% 19.57% 13.44% 18.68% 12.68% 32.14% 24.26% 25.37% 24.22% 27.78% 20.44% 28.66% 25.00% 29.45% 23.49% 22.87% 17.65% 24.29% 29.07% 28.18% 27.86% 22.12% 16.95% 14.67% 13.75% 20.22% 15.38% 12.12% Total Total Col % 73 .76% 264 2.74% 938 9.72% 128 1.33% 487 5.05% 112 1.16% 227 2.35% 294 3.05% 240 2.49% 264 2.74% 440 4.56% 193 2.00% 145 1.50% 419 4.34% 186 1.93% 91 .94% 339 3.51% 112 1.16% 202 2.09% 339 3.51% 128 1.33% 270 2.80% 274 2.84% 164 1.70% 64 .66% 163 1.69% 149 1.54% 223 2.31% 119 1.23% 140 1.45% 86 .89% 110 1.14% 201 2.08% 104 1.08% 177 1.83% 75 .78% 451 4.67% 89 .92% 143 1.48% 66 .68% Circuit of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 69 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 70 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Circuit of conviction of primary offense COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Circuit of Conviction 41 Waycross Circuit 42 Western Circuit 43 Rockdale Circuit 44 Douglas Circuit 45 Appalachian Circuit 46 Enotah Circuit 47 Bell-Forsyth J.C. 48 Towaliga Judicial Circuit 49 Paulding Circuit Total Rported Count 155 120 54 141 51 44 61 51 34 7,586 Male Col % 2.04% 1.58% .71% 1.86% .67% .58% .80% .67% .45% 100% Row % Count 75.24% 51 82.76% 25 76.06% 17 70.15% 60 68.92% 23 57.14% 33 78.21% 17 78.46% 14 80.95% 8 78.63% 2,062 Female Col % 2.47% 1.21% .82% 2.91% 1.12% 1.60% .82% .68% .39% 100% Row % 24.76% 17.24% 23.94% 29.85% 31.08% 42.86% 21.79% 21.54% 19.05% 21.37% Total Total Col % 206 2.14% 145 1.50% 71 .74% 201 2.08% 74 .77% 77 .80% 78 .81% 65 .67% 42 9,648 .44% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 19 7,605 4 2,066 23 9,671 Mode (most frequent) Atlanta Cobb Atlanta Circuit of conviction Inmate Statistical Profile Page 70 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 71 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Years served (jail + prison) in this incarceration COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Years Served Less than one year 1 to 1.99 years 2 to 2.99 years 3 to 3.99 years 4 to 4.99 years 5 to 5.99 years 6 to 6.99 years 7 to 7.99 years 8 to 8.99 years 9 to 9.99 years 10 to 10.99 years 11 to 11.99 years 12 to 12.99 years 13 to 13.99 years 14 to 14.99 years 15 to 15.99 years 16 to 16.99 years 17 to 17.99 years 18 to 18.99 years 19 to 19.99 years 20 to 20.99 years 21 to 21.99 years 22 to 22.99 years 23 to 23.99 years 24 to 24.99 years 25 to 25.99 years 26 to 26.99 years 27 to 27.99 years 28 to 28.99 years 29 to 29.99 years Thirty + years Total Reported Count 1,280 1,015 730 641 558 520 362 341 262 291 190 135 117 128 109 93 88 75 86 91 61 55 44 56 40 32 31 25 14 19 106 7,595 Male Col % 16.85% 13.36% 9.61% 8.44% 7.35% 6.85% 4.77% 4.49% 3.45% 3.83% 2.50% 1.78% 1.54% 1.69% 1.44% 1.22% 1.16% 0.99% 1.13% 1.20% 0.80% 0.72% 0.58% 0.74% 0.53% 0.42% 0.41% 0.33% 0.18% 0.25% 1.40% 100% Row % 72.23% 71.83% 73.22% 75.41% 76.44% 81.00% 82.84% 84.83% 87.63% 90.09% 81.20% 83.33% 87.97% 87.07% 90.08% 90.29% 91.67% 86.21% 87.76% 93.81% 91.04% 90.16% 91.67% 93.33% 88.89% 84.21% 91.18% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.62% Count 492 398 267 209 172 122 75 61 37 32 44 27 16 19 12 10 8 12 12 6 6 6 4 4 5 6 3 2,065 Female Col % 23.83% 19.27% 12.93% 10.12% 8.33% 5.91% 3.63% 2.95% 1.79% 1.55% 2.13% 1.31% 0.77% 0.92% 0.58% 0.48% 0.39% 0.58% 0.58% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.19% 0.19% 0.24% 0.29% 0.15% 100% Row % 27.77% 28.17% 26.78% 24.59% 23.56% 19.00% 17.16% 15.17% 12.37% 9.91% 18.80% 16.67% 12.03% 12.93% 9.92% 9.71% 8.33% 13.79% 12.24% 6.19% 8.96% 9.84% 8.33% 6.67% 11.11% 15.79% 8.82% 21.38% Total Total Col % 1,772 18.34% 1,413 14.63% 997 10.32% 850 8.80% 730 7.56% 642 6.65% 437 4.52% 402 4.16% 299 3.10% 323 3.34% 234 2.42% 162 1.68% 133 1.38% 147 1.52% 121 1.25% 103 1.07% 96 0.99% 87 0.90% 98 1.01% 97 1.00% 67 0.69% 61 0.63% 48 0.50% 60 0.62% 45 0.47% 38 0.39% 34 0.35% 25 0.26% 14 0.14% 19 0.20% 106 9,660 1.10% 100% Not Reported Grand Total Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (most frequent) 10 7,605 6.59 4.25 Less than one year 1 2,066 4.01 2.51 Less than one year 11 9,671 6.04 3.78 Less than one year Years served Inmate Statistical Profile Page 71 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 72 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Results of most recent HIV tests COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row HIV Test Results Positive Negative Indeterminate Total Reported Count 200 6,776 1 6,977 Male Col % 2.87% 97.12% 0.01% 100% Row % 82.64% 77.73% 100.00% 77.87% Count 42 1,941 1,983 Female Col % 2.12% 97.88% 100% Row % 17.36% 22.27% 22.13% Total Total Col % 242 2.70% 8,717 97.29% 1 8,960 0.01% 100% Not Reported Grand Total 628 7,605 83 2,066 711 9,671 HIV test results Inmate Statistical Profile Page 72 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 73 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Results of most recent tuberculosis test COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Tuberculosis Test Results Positive on current test Positive on previous test Negative Total Reported Count 1,230 1 6,056 7,287 Male Col % 16.88% 0.01% 83.11% 100% Row % 92.69% 100.00% 75.88% 78.28% Count 97 1,925 2,022 Female Col % 4.80% 95.20% 100% Row % 7.31% 24.12% 21.72% Total Total Col % 1,327 14.26% 1 0.01% 7,981 85.73% 9,309 100% Not Reported Grand Total 318 7,605 44 2,066 362 9,671 Tuberculosis test results Inmate Statistical Profile Page 73 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 74 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Results of most recent syphilis test COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Syphilis Test Results Positive on current test Negative Total Reported Count 31 2,477 2,508 Male Col % 1.24% 98.76% 100% Row % 81.58% 89.55% 89.44% Count 7 289 296 Female Col % 2.36% 97.64% 100% Row % 18.42% 10.45% 10.56% Total Total Col % 38 1.36% 2,766 98.64% 2,804 100% Not Reported Grand Total 5,097 7,605 1,770 2,066 6,867 9,671 Syphilis test results Inmate Statistical Profile Page 74 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-FEB-17 Page 75 Active Inmates With Mental Health Level 2 And Above Produced for General Distribution Results of most recent Hepatitis-C test COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Hepatitis-C Test Results Positive on current test Negative Total Reported Count 210 410 620 Male Col % 33.87% 66.13% 100% Row % 85.37% 89.91% 88.32% Count 36 46 82 Female Col % 43.90% 56.10% 100% Row % 14.63% 10.09% 11.68% Total Total Col % 246 35.04% 456 64.96% 702 100% Not Reported Grand Total 6,985 7,605 1,984 2,066 8,969 9,671 Hepatitis-C test results Inmate Statistical Profile Page 75