DAILY REPORT Thursday March 23, 2023 38th Legislative Day House Budget & Research Office (404) 656-5050 The House will reconvene for its 39th Legislative Day on Monday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. The Rules Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m. 11 bills / resolutions are expected to be debated on the floor. Today on the Floor Motions to Insist HB 19 General appropriations; State Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 Bill Summary: HB 19, the Fiscal Year 2024 budget, is set by a revenue estimate of $32.4 billion. This is a 7.4 percent increase, or $2.2 billion, over the original Fiscal Year 2023 budget. The bill and tracking sheet may be found on the House Budget and Research Office website. Authored By: Rep. Jon Burns (159th) Rule Applied: Modified-Open Motions to Insist: (A motion to insist sends the bill back to the Senate for consideration.) Motions to Disagree HB 142 Education; establishment of unified campus police forces through agreements by colleges and universities; provide Bill Summary: HB 142 provides for the establishment of unified campus police forces through agreements entered into by colleges and universities. Authored By: Rep. Mesha Mainor (56th) Rule Applied: Modified-Structured Motions to Disagree: (A motion to disagree sends the bill back to the Senate for consideration.) Rules Calendar SB 1 State Government; automatic repealer on the prohibition on state and local governments from requiring proof of COVID vaccination for government services; remove Bill Summary: SB 1 removes the sunset on the prohibition that prevents state and local governments from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of providing services, accessing a facility, issuing licenses or permits, performing duties, and other matters. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Greg Dolezal (27th) Public Health Yeas: 99 Nays: 69 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-13-2023 Do Pass SB 26 State Government; meetings and public hearings of development authorities and community improvement districts to be held by teleconference; permit Bill Summary: SB 26 creates the 'Georgia Electric Vehicle Future Act'. The bill authorizes the Department of Economic Development to establish and support a statewide electric vehicle manufacturing program to advance the electric vehicle industry in the state. The bill creates and provides guidelines for the Georgia Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Commission. House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor The bill authorizes specified local workforce development boards, development authorities, community improvement districts, and the governing bodies of any large retirement systems to hold meetings via teleconference. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Greg Dolezal (27th) Governmental Affairs Yeas: 155 Nays: 1 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 35 Special License Plates; specialty license plate honoring Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc; establish Bill Summary: HB 364 is the 'Wrongful Conviction Compensation Act'. The bill creates the Wrongful Conviction Compensation Review Panel under the authority of the Claims Advisory Board. The review panel is composed of five members serving three-year terms. Members of the panel include: 1) a judge who presides over felony criminal matters in any state court who is appointed by the chief justice of the Georgia Supreme Court; 2) a current district attorney appointed by the governor; 3) a criminal defense attorney appointed by the governor; 4) an attorney, forensic science expert, or law professor, with expertise in wrongful convictions appointed by the speaker of the House; 5) and an attorney, forensic science expert, or law professor, with expertise in wrongful convictions appointed by the president of the Senate. To be eligible for compensation, the claimant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that: 1) the claimant was convicted of one or more felonies and subsequently incarcerated; 2) the claimant proclaims their innocence; 3) the claimant did not, or bribe or induce someone to, commit perjury, fabricate evidence, or engage in conduct intended to bring about the conviction; and 4) the claimant was exonerated for the crime in which compensation is being requested. To receive compensation, the claimant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that: 1) the claimant received a pardon based on innocence for the conviction; 2) the claimant was exonerated based on grounds of innocence; or 3) the claimant did not commit the crime for which the claimant was convicted and did not commit any lesser-included offenses. The claim must be filed with the board within three years after the date that the claimant's eligibility was established. If a hearing is held, the claimant, the district attorney from the circuit that the conviction occurred, and the attorney general will be provided notice in advance. Recommendations to the board may include $100,000 for each year of wrongful incarceration, although they must be at least $50,000 per year. The review panel is allowed to include reasonable attorneys' fees, and any monetary judgment or settlement agreement against the state or a locality related to the wrongful conviction will be deducted from the sum of money that is included in the recommendation of the review panel. The board will adopt the recommendation of the panel and transmit the recommendation to the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia within seven days of receiving it. If the chief justice adopts the recommendation of the board, it will be paid from the judiciary budget, subject to appropriations by the General Assembly. Payment will be made in the form of cash, and dollar amounts provided in the bill will be adjusted annually using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). If any amount is won by the claimant against the state or a locality in a separate legal action or a resulting settlement, then that monetary award will be deducted from the amount awarded by the panel. The bill defines "exonerated" as having their judgment reversed or vacated, having been granted a new trial, and having the indictment or accusation dismissed or nolle prossed; having their judgment reversed or vacated, or was granted a new trial and, upon retrial, acquitted; or having received a pardon based on innocence. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Nikki Merritt (9th) Motor Vehicles Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-14-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute Page 2 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor Floor Vote: Yeas: 137 Nays: 14 Amendments: SB 45 Education; care of students being treated for epilepsy or a seizure disorder; provide Bill Summary: SB 45 creates 'A.J.'s Law' to provide for the care of students being treated for epilepsy or a seizure disorder. A school nurse or other school employee should be trained in the proper protocols should a student experience a seizure while at school. The parent or guardian must annually supply the school with a seizure action plan which provides specific directions about what to do in emergency situations. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Jason Anavitarte (31st) Education Yeas: 167 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass SB 60 Secondary Metals Recyclers; it shall be illegal for certain persons to purchase, possess, obtain, or sell or attempt to purchase, possess, obtain, or sell; provide Bill Summary: Section 1-1 of SB 591 amends O.C.G.A. 10-1-350 to create new definitions for "copper wire", "registered agent", "used communications copper", and "used utility wire". Section 1-2 of the bill amends O.C.G.A. 10-1-351 to define the term "used, detached catalytic converter". The section also makes it a crime to purchase, solicit for the purchase of, or advertise for the purchase of a used, detached catalytic converter, or any non-ferrous metal parts of a catalytic converter, unless such person is a registered secondary metals recycler. Further, it is unlawful for any person to buy, possess, transport, or sell, a used, detached catalytic converter or any non-ferrous metal parts of a catalytic converter, unless such person is authorized to do so under O.C.G.A. 10-1351(c) and is in possession of the required registrations and licenses. Each unlawfully possessed or obtained used, detached catalytic converter is a separate offense. Section 1-3 requires secondary metals recyclers to maintain a record of the documentation of a cash transaction involving regulated metal property. Under Section 1-4, secondary metals recyclers are allowed to pay in cash, but are prohibited from: paying any seller more than $100 in cash for any transaction, limited to two per seller, per day, per registered location; and paying cash to any seller for catalytic converters or coils, used utility wire, used communications copper, copper wire, or a battery. This section does not apply to transactions between business entities, unless that transaction is related to catalytic converters. Section 1-5 makes O.C.G.A. 10-1-358 applicable to catalytic converters, which relates to entities exempt from the Article 14, Chapter 1, of Title 10. Section 1-6 allows a sheriff's office to: 1) charge $200 for renewals of annual registrations of secondary metal recyclers; 2) require a valid business license; 3) require a registered agent to submit to a criminal background check and fingerprinting; 4) deny the registration or renewal if the person's registration has been revoked in another county, the information provided was false, or if the background check revealed a previous conviction of a metal theft offense more than three times in a five-year period; 5) revoke the registration of a secondary metal recycler's registered agent if the agent has been convicted of a felony in the previous five years under Title 10 ("Commerce and Trade"), Chapter 1 ("Selling and Other Trade Practices"), Article 14 ("Secondary Metals Recyclers"); 6) require secondary metals recyclers to provide a customer identification number for the current database contractor maintained by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI); and 7) require a secondary metals recycler to submit a signed and sworn statement saying the business license or registration has not been revoked during the past year, and that the agent has not been convicted of a metal theft offense in the previous year. Section 1-7 adds a felony penalty when the regulated metal property is unlawfully obtained and results in aggregate property damage exceeding $1,500. This section also clarifies that each unlawfully possessed or obtained used, detached catalytic converter is a separate offense. Page 3 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor Section 1-8 makes a used, catalytic converter that is possessed in violation of O.C.G.A. 10-1-351(d) and any vehicle used in the transportation of that catalytic converter subject to civil forfeiture. Section 1-9 requires secondary metals recyclers to provide a statement to the GBI regarding whether their registration or business license has been revoked, suspended, or canceled in the previous year. The section also requires each recycler to submit to the GBI a receipt of each purchase of a used, catalytic converter or any nonferrous metal parts from an industrial account or secondary metal recycler. The report must include the name and address of the seller; the date, time, and place of the transaction; and the number of used, detached catalytic converters purchased. Part II removes limitations on how payments can be made for regulated metal property by secondary metal recyclers under O.C.G.A. 10-1-355. Part III provides the effective dates of the bill. Part III and all of Part I, except for Section 1-4, are effective January 1, 2024. Part II is effective January 1, 2026. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Bo Hatchett (50th) Judiciary Non-Civil Yeas: 162 Nays: 4 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-20-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 65 Commissioner of Insurance; general provisions; establishing an advisory committee; provisions; authorize Bill Summary: SB 65 allows the state to establish a state-based healthcare exchange. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Ben Watson (1st) Insurance Yeas: 136 Nays: 33 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 02-22-2023 Do Pass SB 66 Superior Courts; Atlantic Judicial Circuit; additional judge; provide Bill Summary: SB 66 increases the number of superior court judges in the Atlantic Judicial Circuit from four to five. The fifth judge will be appointed for a term beginning January 1, 2024, and an election will take place at the 2026 nonpartisan judicial election. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Billy Hickman (4th) Judiciary Yeas: 163 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 73 Telephone Services; class action suits and for damages against certain persons for violating provisions relating to telephone solicitations; provide Bill Summary: SB 73 allows citizens on the Do Not Call List who receive more than one unauthorized telephone solicitation within any 12-month period to bring an action against the person or entity that made the solicitations and/or the person or entity the telephone solicitations were made on behalf of for injunctive relief and damages. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Blake Tillery (19th) Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Yeas: 162 Nays: 7 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-20-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 74 Commerce and Trade, Courts, and Torts; the disclosure of the nature and practices of businesses that provide legal services; require Bill Summary: SB 74 makes it unlawful to misrepresent oneself as an attorney, or misrepresent an entity as engaged in providing legal services unless that person is a duly licensed attorney at law in Georgia or unless the entity is entitled to furnish legal services. It makes it unlawful to represent that a person featured in legal media is able to offer legal services in Georgia when that person is not a Page 4 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor duly licensed attorney at law. It also makes it unlawful to fail to provide accurate language reflecting the legal services, scope of work, success rate, or fees of a person practicing law. Violations are punishable with a misdemeanor offense. Damages of $500 or actual damages, whichever is greater, may be awarded in a civil claim against a person who solicits in any media in violation of this act. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Blake Tillery (19th) Judiciary Yeas: 158 Nays: 5 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 91 Workers' Compensation; the time period for the dissolution of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund; extend Bill Summary: SB 91 amends O.C.G.A. 34-9-368 to revise the sunset clause of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund to December 31, 2025. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Clint Dixon (45th) Industry and Labor Yeas: 164 Nays: 1 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass SB 95 Solid Waste Trust Fund; specify the manner in which funds appropriated shall be used Bill Summary: SB 95 amends O.C.G.A. 12-8-40.1, relating to tire disposal restrictions and fees, to require tire distributors, rather than retail dealers, to collect the $1.00 per tire sold. The bill amends O.C.G.A. 12-8-33, relating to the Recycling Market Development Council, by adding an individual from the tire industry to the list of industry representatives considered by the governor for appointment to the Recycling Market Development Council. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Randy Robertson (29th) Natural Resources & Environment Yeas: 164 Nays: 1 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-16-2023 Do Pass SB 103 Unclaimed Property; handling of certain wills; provide Bill Summary: SB 103 provides processes related to the disposition of unclaimed property as it pertains to the Department of Revenue. If a will, codicil, or other trust instrument is included among the contents of a safe-deposit box, the commissioner will retain those documents unless delivered to the testator/settlor upon confirmation of identity, delivered to the probate court, permitted to be removed, or delivered to the trustee. A claimant's designated representative may file a claim if they claim an interest in any property, with that claim being considered by the commissioner and upon approval, the claimant's designated representative shall be paid the balance remaining after deduction. When determining the merits of an unclaimed property claim, the commissioner will rely on applicable statutes, regulations, and court decisions. The burden will be on the claimant to establish entitlement to the property by a preponderance of the evidence. Upon request, the commissioner will provide a claimant's designated representative relevant account information in a searchable digital format for all unclaimed accounts, with this information being prohibited from distribution. A claimant's designated representative will register with the commissioner and pay a $1,200.00 fee for a four-year registration. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Russ Goodman (8th) Judiciary Yeas: 148 Nays: 3 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Page 5 of 23 Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor SB 106 "Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Act"; enact Bill Summary: SB 106 creates a Medicaid program to provide remote maternal health clinical services to women with high-risk pregnancies through the Department of Public Health's pilot home visiting program. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Larry Walker III (20th) Public Health Yeas: 168 Nays: 1 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-20-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 129 Primaries and Elections; time off for employees to advance vote; provide Bill Summary: SB 129 allows the State Election Board to appoint members of county boards of elections, or county boards of elections and registration to performance review boards. The bill clarifies the language that must be included on any absentee ballot application that is mailed to an elector by a nongovernmental entity. The bill requires employers, upon reasonable notice, to provide time off for employees to vote during the period of advance voting. The bill extends the time limit from 10:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. for specified reporting requirements for election superintendents following the close of the polls on the day of an election. The bill clarifies the auditing requirements for local election superintendents following specified elections. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Rick Williams (25th) Governmental Affairs Yeas: 161 Nays: 9 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 158 Property Insurance; insurance premium discount or rate reduction for property owners; tornado, hurricane, or other catastrophic windstorm events; provide Bill Summary: SB 158 designates the Southeast Georgia Soap Box Derby in Lyons, Georgia as the official soap box derby of the State of Georgia. The Department of Economic Development and other agencies are encouraged to coordinate advertising programs to promote tourism related to the derby. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Randy Robertson (29th) Insurance Yeas: 166 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass SB 164 Nurses; licensure of advanced practice registered nurses; provide Bill Summary: SB 164 creates licensure requirements for advanced practice registered nurses and changes the definition of "advanced practice registered nurse" (APRN) to only a person licensed by the Georgia Board of Nursing who is either a certified nurse midwife, certified nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist or clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric/mental health, or a recognized APRN before June 30, 2006. The bill makes it a misdemeanor to practice as an APRN without a license. The bill adds anesthesiologist assistant to the Georgia Composite Medical Board in an advisory-only capacity to the board and to the board-appointed Physician Assistants Advisory Committee. Section 6 of SB 164 is the 'Anesthesiologist Assistant Act', which creates the licensure of anesthesiologist assistants through the Georgia Composite Medical Board, and provides for licensure and renewal requirements. This bill allows for anesthesiologist assistants to perform duties and responsibilities as delegated by the supervising anesthesiologist, and requires the supervising anesthesiologist or an alternate supervising anesthesiologist to be immediately available to intervene if needed during the delivery of care. The bill allows for a supervising anesthesiologist to delegate to an anesthesiologist assistant the Page 6 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor authority to order controlled substances, dangerous drugs, medical treatments, and diagnostic studies. The bill states that the board can issue a previously revoked license under certain conditions after rehabilitation, and makes it a misdemeanor to practice as an anesthesiologist assistant without a license. Authority is granted for an anesthesiologist assistant to provide care for up to 48 hours during a state of emergency or public health emergency. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Chuck Hufstetler (52nd) Health Yeas: 166 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-13-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 197 "Health Care Practitioners Truth and Transparency Act"; enact Bill Summary: SB 197 amends the 'Consumer Information and Awareness Act' to prohibit an advertisement or identification by a healthcare practitioner that includes deceptive or misleading terms or false representation or references to medical or medical specialty titles, unless the practitioner is a licensed physician. The bill requires advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants to verbally identify themselves during each patient interaction and clearly state they are not a medical doctor if they hold a doctorate degree and identify themselves with the title "doctor". Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Chuck Hufstetler (52nd) Health Yeas: 166 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-13-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 199 State's Employee Benefit Plan Council; council to establish health savings accounts; require Bill Summary: SB 199 authorizes the state's Employee Benefit Plan Council to provide health savings accounts as part of the flexible employee benefit plan for state employees, public school employees, and teachers. The bill provides discretion to the council on whether to provide flexible benefit deductions or salary reductions, and allows the flexible benefit plan to continually provide deductions or salary reductions related to health savings accounts starting January 1, 2025. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Jason Esteves (6th) Health Yeas: 164 Nays: 1 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 204 Education Accountability; recognition of certain accrediting agencies as evaluators of the quality of education offered in public schools in this state; provide Bill Summary: SB 204 requires accrediting agencies that operate in Georgia to focus on student achievement, academic success, and fiscal solvency of schools and school systems. The State Board of Education must establish evaluation criteria, procedures, and other requirements for recognized accrediting agencies. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Greg Dolezal (27th) Education Yeas: 161 Nays: 10 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 215 Public Records; personal information of public employees; protect from public disclosure Bill Summary: SB 215 requires local governments, upon employee request, to remove personally identifiable information of such employee from all property records that are publicly available on the local government's website. Authored By: Sen. Matt Brass (28th) Rule Applied: Modified-Structured Page 7 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor House Committee: Floor Vote: Governmental Affairs Yeas: 166 Nays: 0 Committee Action: Amendments: 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 220 'Georgia Farmland Conservation Act'; historic preservation Bill Summary: SB 220 amends Chapter 10 of Title 44 to create the Georgia Farmland Conservation Trust Fund. The trust fund may award matching grants to qualified easement holders to support farmland conservation, active farming and food production, or to purchase agricultural conservation easement. The trust fund may receive appropriations from the legislature, public or private grants, donations, or contributions, and other mitigation and farmland conservation funds. The commissioner of the Georgia Department of Agriculture will oversee disbursement of funds from the trust fund and submit a report on the funds expended to the Office of Planning and Budget, the House Budget and Research Office, and the Senate Budget and Evaluation Office. The bill creates the Georgia Farmland Advisory Council to advise and assist the Department of Agriculture with administration of the trust fund. The council will consist of the following 14 members: the commissioner of the Georgia Department of Agriculture; two members appointed by the governor; one member appointed by the lieutenant governor; one member appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives; four members appointed by the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture; the president of the Georgia Agribusiness Council; one member that serves as a dean at Colleges of Agriculture at the University of Georgia, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, or Fort Valley State University; the executive director of the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission; the president of the Georgia Farm Bureau; and the Georgia state conservationist of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The council will meet at least quarterly to review and approve grants recommended by the Department of Agriculture, approve rules promulgated by the department, and recommend any changes related to program administration. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Russ Goodman (8th) Ways & Means Yeas: 165 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Structured 03-16-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 233 'The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act'; establishment of promise scholarship accounts Bill Summary: SB 233 creates the 'Georgia Promise Scholarship Act', which would provide $6,500 per student to families for qualified education-related expenses outside of the public school system. Qualified education expenses include; tuition at a participating school, tutoring, and purchase of curriculum, professional services, transportation, and other expenses authorized by the State Board of Education. Funds will go into an account controlled by a parent to be used for qualified education expenses. In order to allow parents and taxpayers to measure the achievements of this program, students participating must take nationally norm-referenced tests that measure student academic progress in math and language arts annually. The bill stipulates reporting requirements participating schools must provide annually to the Georgia Student Finance Commission and the Department of Education. The commission must annually report to the General Assembly on the previous fiscal year's promise scholarship recipients and their respective schools. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Floor Action: Sen. Greg Dolezal (27th) Education Yeas: 95 Nays: 70 Tabled Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute Page 8 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor SR 214 Joint Study Committee on Local Option Sales Tax and Service Delivery Strategy; create Bill Summary: SR 214 calls for the nomination and election of the chairperson of the State Election Board. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Floor Action: Sen. Frank Ginn (47th) Governmental Affairs Yeas: 170 Nays: 0 Adopted (Resolution) Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute Postponed Until Next Legislative Day SB 20 "Surprise Billing Consumer Protection Act"; ensure consumer access to quality healthcare by setting adequacy standards for network plans offered by an insurer Bill Summary: SB 20 requires insurers to contract with and maintain a sufficient and appropriate number of participating network providers. Additionally, insurers are prohibited from denying preauthorization of services that were rendered by an in-network provider because the referring provider is out-of-network. The bill gives the insurance commissioner authority to review network adequacy. Authored By: Sen. Kay Kirkpatrick (32nd) Rule Applied: Modified-Structured SB 64 Birth Certificate; issuance of a copy of the original birth certificate to certain adult persons who were adopted; provide Bill Summary: SB 64 allows an adult who had been adopted to request and receive a copy of their original Georgia birth certificate following payment of a fee. The copy will indicate it is not a certified copy. A parent, sibling, or descendant of a deceased person may receive a copy of the decedent's birth certificate under the same procedure. Authored By: Sen. Randy Robertson (29th) Rule Applied: Modified-Structured SB 155 Dangerous Instrumentalities and Practices; provisions relating to harming a law enforcement animal; revise Bill Summary: SB 155 creates the offense of aggravated harming of a public safety animal or search and rescue animal when they know or should have known that an animal is a public safety animal or search and rescue animal and when they intentionally commit, conspire, or attempt to commit an act that causes the death of the animal or injures the animal in a manner that affects its ability to perform as a public safety animal or search and rescue animal. The penalty for this conviction is at least two years and no more than 10 years imprisonment, a fine up to $50,000, or both. The first two years of the sentence cannot be suspended, probated, deferred, or withheld by a sentencing court without the agreement of the prosecuting attorney and the defendant on a sentence below the mandatory minimum. Authored By: Sen. Kay Kirkpatrick (32nd) Rule Applied: Modified-Structured Local Calendar HB 591 DeKalb County; increase income cap on homestead exemption for citizens age 65 or older meeting certain income requirements; provisions Bill Summary: HB 591 increases the net household income cap from $15,000 to $37,500 of a homestead exemption from DeKalb County ad valorem taxes in the amount of $14,000 for residents who are disabled or 65 years of age or older whose household net income does not exceed $15,000. Page 9 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Becky Evans (89th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 593 DeKalb County; increase income cap on homestead exemption for citizens 62 years or older meeting certain income requirements; provisions Bill Summary: HB 593 increases the net household income cap from $16,000 to $40,000 of a homestead exemption from DeKalb County School District ad valorem taxes in the amount of $20,000 for residents who are disabled or 62 years of age or older whose household net income does not exceed $16,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Becky Evans (89th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 594 DeKalb County; increase income cap on homestead exemption for citizens 65 years or older meeting certain income requirements; provisions Bill Summary: HB 594 increases the net household income cap from $15,000 to $37,500 of a homestead exemption from DeKalb County School District ad valorem taxes in the amount of $14,000 for residents who are disabled or 65 years of age or older whose household net income does not exceed $15,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Becky Evans (89th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 678 Clayton County; Board of Commissioners; provide code of ethics; establish board of ethics Bill Summary: HB 678 provides a code of ethics and establishes a board of ethics for Clayton County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Sandra Scott (76th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 717 Forsyth County; ad valorem tax for educational purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 717 provides a homestead exemption from Forsyth County School District ad valorem taxes through tax year 2035. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Carter Barrett (24th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute HB 728 Webster County; Board of Commissioners; clarify governing authority is the Unified Government of Webster County Bill Summary: HB 728 repeals an act to create a board of commissioners of Webster County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Mike Cheokas (151st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass Page 10 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor HB 729 Brookhaven , City of; DeKalb County; modify amount of base year homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 729 modifies a homestead exemption from City of Brookhaven ad valorem taxes in the amount of 75 percent of the value of the assessed homestead. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Karen Lupton (83rd) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 734 Preston, City of; clarify that the territory formerly included within the boundaries of the city is subject to governance by the Unified Government of Webster County Bill Summary: HB 734 repeals an act providing a new city charter for the City of Preston. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Mike Cheokas (151st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 737 Commission of the Unified Government of Webster County; readopt and revise laws Bill Summary: HB 737 readopts the Commission of the Unified Government of Webster County, and the cities of Preston and Weston. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Mike Cheokas (151st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 743 Hart County; Board of Education; change description of districts Bill Summary: HB 743 changes the board of education districts of Hart County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Alan Powell (33rd) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 744 Hart County; Board of Commissioners; change description of districts Bill Summary: HB 744 changes the board of commissioner districts of Hart County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Alan Powell (33rd) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 748 Gwinnett County; ad valorem tax; additional homestead exemption of $2000.00 for certain public service employees Bill Summary: HB 748 provides a homestead exemption from Gwinnett County School District ad valorem taxes in the amount of $2,000 for residents who are certain public service employees. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Matt Reeves (99th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 749 Haralson County; Magistrate Court; authorize assessment and collection of technology fee Bill Summary: HB 749 authorizes a technology fee by the Magistrate Court of Haralson County. Page 11 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Tyler Smith (18th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 750 City of Watkinsville Public Facilities Authority; create Bill Summary: HB 750 creates the City of Watkinsville Public Facilities Authority. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 751 Cohutta, City of; ad valorem tax; municipal purposes; provide new homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 751 provides a homestead exemption from City of Cohutta ad valorem taxes in the amount of $60,000 for residents who are 65 years of age or older whose income does not exceed $40,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 752 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; repeal a homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 752 repeals a homestead exemption from Oconee County ad valorem taxes. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 753 Whitfield County; ad valorem tax for educational purposes; revise homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 753 increases a homestead exemption from Whitfield County School District ad valorem taxes for residents who are 70 years of age and older from $150,000 to $250,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 754 Whitfield County; ad valorem tax; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 754 provides a homestead exemption from Whitfield County ad valorem taxes in the amount of $250,000 for residents who are 70 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 755 Tunnel Hill, City of; ad valorem tax; municipal purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 755 provides a homestead exemption from City of Tunnel Hill ad valorem taxes in the amount of $100,000 for residents who are 70 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass Page 12 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor HB 756 Dalton, City of; ad valorem tax; increase income cap Bill Summary: HB 756 increases a homestead exemption from City of Dalton ad valorem taxes from $75,000 to $150,000 for residents who are 65 years of age and older whose income does not exceed $40,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 757 Ludowici, City of; change description of council districts Bill Summary: HB 757 changes the city council districts of the City of Ludowici. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Buddy DeLoach (167th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: HB 758 Dalton, City of; ad valorem tax; increase income cap and homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 758 increases a homestead exemption from City of Dalton ad valorem taxes from $75,000 to $150,000 for residents who are 65 years of age or older whose income does not exceed $40,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 759 Peachtree City, City of; annex certain properties Bill Summary: HB 759 annexes certain properties into Peachtree City. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Josh Bonner (73rd) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 760 Tyrone, Town of; Fayette County; deannex certain properties Bill Summary: HB 760 deannexes certain property from the Town of Tyrone to Fayette County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Josh Bonner (73rd) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 761 Tunnel Hill, City of; ad valorem tax; provide new homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 761 provides a homestead exemption from City of Tunnel Hill ad valorem taxes in the amount of $60,000 for residents who are 65 years of age and older whose income does not exceed $40,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass Page 13 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor HB 762 Dalton, City of; ad valorem tax; increase homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 762 increases a homestead exemption from City of Dalton independent School District ad valorem taxes from $150,000 to $250,000 for residents who are 70 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 763 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; county purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 763 provides a homestead exemption from Oconee County ad valorem taxes in the amount of $10,000 for residents who are 75 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 764 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; county purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 764 provides a homestead exemption from Oconee County ad valorem taxes in an amount equal to the assessed value of a homestead for residents who are 65 years of age or older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 765 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; county purposes; repeal homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 765 repeals a homestead exemption from Oconee County ad valorem taxes. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 766 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; educational purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 766 provides a homestead exemption from Oconee County School District ad valorem taxes in the amount of $3,000 and an automatic increase to $8,000 on January 1, 2035. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 767 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; educational purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 767 provides a homestead exemption from Oconee County School District ad valorem taxes in an amount equal to the value of the assessed homestead for residents who are 65 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 768 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; close certain homestead exemption to new applicants Bill Summary: HB 768 closes a homestead exemption for Oconee County to new applicants. Page 14 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 769 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; county purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 769 provides a homestead exemption from Oconee County ad valorem taxes in the amount of $3,000 and an automatic increase to $8,000 on January 1, 2035. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 770 Oconee County; ad valorem tax; educational purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 770 provides a homestead exemption from Oconee County school district ad valorem taxes in the amount of $10,000 for residents who are 75 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 771 Cohutta, City of; ad valorem tax; provide new homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 771 provides a homestead exemption for the City of Cohutta ad valorem taxes in the amount of $100,000 for residents who are 70 years of age and older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 772 Bacon County; State Court; authorize assessment and collection of technology fee Bill Summary: HB 772 authorizes a technology fee by the state court of Bacon County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Steven Meeks (178th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 773 Ranger, Town of; Gordon County; provide new charter Bill Summary: HB 773 repeals the city charter for the Town of Ranger. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Matt Barton (5th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 774 Irwin County; Board of Commissioners; compensation; revise provisions Bill Summary: HB 774 revises the compensation of the board of commissioners of Irwin County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Clay Pirkle (169th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: Page 15 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor HB 775 Social Circle, City of; School District; provide new boundaries Bill Summary: HB 775 changes the district boundaries of the Academy of Social Circle. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Bruce Williamson (112th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-23-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute HB 776 Forsyth County; Board of Registrations and Elections; start and end date of member terms; revise provisions Bill Summary: HB 776 revises the board of registrations and elections of Forsyth County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Carter Barrett (24th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 777 Gwinnett County; Board of Commissioners; provide compensation of chairperson Bill Summary: HB 777 revises the compensation for the chairperson of the board of commissioners of Gwinnett County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Dewey McClain (109th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 778 Glynn County; State Court; change compensation of solicitor general Bill Summary: HB 778 revises the position of solicitor general of the state court of Glynn County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Rick Townsend (179th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 779 Paulding County; Board of Education; filling vacancies; revise provisions Bill Summary: HB 779 revises filling vacancies of the board of education for Paulding County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Martin Momtahan (17th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 780 Brooks County Public Facilities Authority; create Bill Summary: HB 780 creates the Brooks County Public Facilities Authority. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. John LaHood (175th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 781 Henry County Building and Facilities Authority; create Bill Summary: HB 781 creates the Henry County Building and Facilities Authority. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. El-Mahdi Holly (116th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass Page 16 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor HB 782 Dillard, City of; eliminate one council post Bill Summary: HB 782 eliminates one council post from the City of Dillard. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Victor Anderson (10th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 783 Moreland, Town of; Recorder's Court; repeal provisions Bill Summary: HB 783 repeals the Recorder's Court and establishes the Municipal Court of the Town of Moreland. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. David Jenkins (136th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 784 Henry County Airport Authority; create Bill Summary: HB 784 creates the Henry County Airport Authority. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. El-Mahdi Holly (116th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 785 Greene County; creation of one or more community improvement districts; provide Bill Summary: HB 785 creates one or more community improvement districts in Greene County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Trey Rhodes (124th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 786 Dalton, City of; ad valorem tax; municipal purposes; increase homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 786 increases a homestead exemption from City of Dalton ad valorem taxes from $150,000 to $250,000 for residents who are 70 years of age or older. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 787 Whitfield County; School District; increase homestead exemption amount and income ceiling Bill Summary: HB 787 increases a homestead exemption from Whitfield County school district ad valorem taxes from $30,000 to 150,000 for residents who are 65 years of age and older whose income does not exceed $40,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 788 Blackshear, City of; city council; decrease size to five members Bill Summary: HB 788 revises the city council of the City of Blackshear. Authored By: House Committee: Rep. Steven Meeks (178th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Rule Applied: Committee Action: Page 17 of 23 03-22-2023 Do Pass House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor Floor Vote: Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Amendments: HB 789 Whitfield County; ad valorem tax; county purposes; provide homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 789 provides a homestead exemption from Whitfield County ad valorem taxes in the amount of $150,000 for residents are 65 years of age and older whose income does not exceed $40,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Kasey Carpenter (4th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 790 Suwanee, City of; change corporate limits Bill Summary: HB 790 changes the corporate limits of the City of Suwanee. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Matt Reeves (99th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 791 Oconee County; ad valorem tax for educational purposes; repeal a homestead exemption Bill Summary: HB 791 repeals a homestead exemption from Oconee County School District ad valorem taxes. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (121st) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 792 Atlanta, City of; Board of Education; qualifications for membership; remove certain limitations Bill Summary: HB 792 revises the qualifications for the board of education of the City of Atlanta. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Park Cannon (58th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 800 Fulton Technology and Energy Authority Act; enact Bill Summary: HB 800 revises the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority of Fulton County. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Mesha Mainor (56th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass HB 802 Morganton, City of; provide new charter Bill Summary: HB 802 provides a new charter for the City of Morganton. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Rep. Johnny Chastain (7th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass Page 18 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Today on the Floor SB 289 City of Hampton; ad valorem taxes for municipal purposes; homestead exemption; provide Bill Summary: SB 289 provides a homestead exemption from City of Hampton ad valorem taxes in the amount of $50,000 for residents who are both under 65 years of age and totally disabled. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Emanuel Jones (10th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass SB 290 City of Hampton; ad valorem taxes for municipal purposes; homestead exemption; provide Bill Summary: SB 290 provides a homestead exemption from City of Hampton ad valorem taxes in the amount of $15,000. Authored By: House Committee: Floor Vote: Sen. Emanuel Jones (10th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Yeas: 162 Nays: 0 Rule Applied: Committee Action: Amendments: 03-22-2023 Do Pass Page 19 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Next on the Floor Next on the Floor from the Committee on Rules The Committee on Rules has fixed the calendar for the 39th Legislative Day, Monday, March 27, and bills may be called at the pleasure of the Speaker. The Rules Committee will next meet on Monday, March 27, at 9:00 a.m., to set the Rules Calendar for the 40th Legislative Day. SB 62 Counties and Municipal Corporations; certain local ordinances or policies relating to public camping or sleeping; prohibit Bill Summary: SB 62 prohibits local governments from adopting or enforcing any policies that would prohibit the enforcement of any ordinance that prohibits unauthorized public camping, sleeping, or obstruction of sidewalks. The bill prohibits hospitals and local government entities from dropping off homeless individuals outside of their area of operation or jurisdiction, subject to specified exceptions. The bill requires the state auditor to conduct a performance audit of homeless program spending in this state, including local government spending and the expenditure of federal funds. The audit must be provided to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the House of Representatives by December 31, 2023. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Carden Summers (13th) Governmental Affairs Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 109 Department of Community Health; include continuous glucose monitors as a pharmacy benefit for Medicaid recipients; require Bill Summary: SB 109 prohibits insurers from denying coverage of an in-network provider for provider administered medication or the administration of such medication under certain circumstances. The bill requires the Department of Community Health to cover continuous glucose monitors through Medicaid as a pharmacy benefit. Eligibility for coverage includes a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and patient or caregiver training. Additionally, a patient must have use of daily insulin or a history of problematic hypoglycemia to receive the benefit. An in-person or telehealth visit is required within six months prior to and every six months after initial prescription. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Shelly Echols (49th) Public Health Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 133 Juvenile Code; a uniform process to assume custody of children as a result of disposition orders; create Bill Summary: SB 133 clarifies procedures for implementing existing law within the Juvenile Code. Section 1 stipulates that in a child in need of services (CHINS) proceeding, a juvenile court must comply with the law related to a dual designation of a child. Section 2 provides a framework for CHINS proceedings in which the juvenile court must hear or consider certain information, and comply with Title 15, Chapter 11, Article 3, prior to placing a child in the custody of the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) on a nonemergency basis or in the absence of exceptional circumstances based on evidence provided at a disposition hearing. Once a child has been ordered into the custody of DFCS, the juvenile court must conduct a preliminary protective hearing within 72 hours after the placement. All parties to the CHINS case must provide copies of medical, psychological, and educational assessments, and reports of the child or the child's parent or guardian to DFCS within 72 hours after the ordering of custody. Section 3 stipulates that in a disposition of a dependent child, a juvenile court must comply with the Page 20 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Next on the Floor law related to a dual designation of a child. Section 4 provides a framework for child delinquency proceedings in which the juvenile court must hear or consider certain information, and comply with Title 15, Chapter 11, Article 3, prior to placing a child in the custody of DFCS on a nonemergency basis or in the absence of exceptional circumstances based on evidence provided at a disposition hearing. Once a child has been ordered into the custody of DFCS, the juvenile court must conduct a preliminary protective hearing within 72 hours after the placement. All parties to the CHINS case must provide copies of medical, psychological, and educational assessments, and reports of the child or the child's parent or guardian to DFCS within 72 hours after the ordering of custody. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Brian Strickland (17th) Juvenile Justice Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-20-2023 Do Pass SB 146 Georgia Public Service Commission; regulation and taxation of the provision of certain electricity used as a motor fuel in electric vehicles; provide Bill Summary: SB 146 amends the Code defining terms related to electric vehicles and adding language regarding the sale of electricity at electric vehicle charging stations, making it similar to the sale of gasoline. It gives regulatory authority over electric vehicle charging stations to the Department of Agriculture and clarifies that the supply of electricity by an electric utility to premises that are electric vehicle charging stations will be considered a sale at retail. The bill provides gallonequivalent rates for electricity and hydrogen used as motor fuel and specifies that vehicles using these methods as a form of motor fuel are not exempt to public motor fuel and road taxes. The provision of electric vehicle charging services will not violate the 'Georgia Territorial Electric Service Act', as long as it occurs on the same property as the charging station. The bill states that an electric utility may not provide, own, operate, or maintain any publicly available electric vehicle charging station, other than community charging equipment unless the station is provided through a separate legal entity that is not regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission. All electric vehicle charging providers will register with the commissioner before operating any electric vehicle charging station and do so annually thereafter. Certificates of registration and conformity will be prominently displayed at each charging station. All electric vehicle charging stations will be capable of accurately measuring and displaying upon the station or on a digital network the amount of electricity delivered to each electric vehicle on a per kilowatt-hour basis. Such stations will be further equipped with meters to record the total kilowatt-hours dispensed. The commissioner of the Department of Agriculture may hire charging station inspectors and investigators, and is expected to enforce rules and regulations upon those employed. If a station is found to give inaccurate readings and the charging provider fails to make necessary adjustments, the station will be deemed inoperable until reapproved by the department. Those found to provide accurate readings will be marked with a seal by an authorized inspector. The department is given the power to implement rules necessary to carry out inspections in the manner provided in this Code. The bill makes it unlawful to tamper with an inspector-issued seal and outlines penalties for further violations. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Steve Gooch (51st) Technology and Infrastructure Innovation Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-20-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 159 Correctional Institutions of States and Counties; wireless communications and stand-alone electronic devices behind guard lines; prohibit Bill Summary: SB 159 enhances penalties for a person who brings prohibited items beyond a guard line for purposes of providing items to inmates. The legislation provides a penalty for any employee or contractor of the Department of Corrections who is found guilty of bringing prohibited items into the facility for an inmate punishable by a 10-year term of imprisonment. Page 21 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Next on the Floor Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Randy Robertson (29th) Rule Applied: Public Safety & Homeland Security Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-15-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute SB 168 Hospitals and Nursing Homes; chiropractic practice to have a lien on a cause of action accruing to an injured person; allow Bill Summary: SB 168 includes chiropractic practices among the entities able to have a lien on a cause of action accruing to an injured person for costs of care. No filing of a lien will be enforceable unless the individual or entity filing the lien first submitted a claim to each health insurer of the injured person, if any, and had the claim rejected. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Rick Williams (25th) Judiciary Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass SB 216 Children and Youth Services; respite care for foster parents for longer periods of time pursuant to circumstances; authorize Bill Summary: SB 216 amends references to "babysitter" in O.C.G.A. 49-5-8.1, related to short-term babysitting of a child in foster care, to instead say "respite care", which the bill defines as occasional or short-term relief for a caregiver by a person or entity. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Matt Brass (28th) Juvenile Justice Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-20-2023 Do Pass SB 222 Primaries and Elections; all costs and expenses relating to election administration are paid for with lawfully appropriate public funds; provide Bill Summary: SB 222 requires all expenses related to conducting elections to be paid from lawfully-appropriated public funds. The bill prohibits local governments or election officials from accepting any contributions or donations for the purpose of conducting elections, subject to specified exceptions. The bill prohibits election superintendents, local governments, and boards of registrars from accepting grants or gifts related to conducting elections from any entity other than the State of Georgia or the federal government. The bill establishes the State Election Board as a separate and distinct budget unit in the state budget, attached to the Office of the Secretary of State for administrative purposes only. The bill completely removes the State Election Board from the jurisdiction of the secretary of state. The bill provides for appointment of an executive director of the State Election Board. Authored By: House Committee: Sen. Max Burns (23rd) Governmental Affairs Rule Applied: Committee Action: Modified-Structured 03-21-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute Page 22 of 23 House of Representatives Daily Report for March 23, 2023 Committee Actions Committee Actions Bills passing committees are reported to the Clerk's Office and are placed on the General Calendar. Intragovernmental Coordination - Local Committee HB 775 Social Circle, City of; School District; provide new boundaries Bill Summary: HB 775 changes the district boundaries of the Academy of Social Circle. Authored By: House Committee: Rep. Bruce Williamson (112th) Intragovernmental Coordination Local Committee Action: 03-23-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute Natural Resources & Environment Committee HR 438 House Study Committee on the Okefenokee Swamp; create Bill Summary: HR 438 creates the House Study Committee on the Okefenokee Swamp. The committee shall consist of seven of members of the House Representatives as follows: five members, including one designated as chairperson of the committee, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment; and the House member from District 174. The committee may meet up to five times and stands abolished on December 1, 2023. Authored By: House Committee: Rep. Darlene Taylor (173rd) Natural Resources & Environment Committee Action: 03-23-2023 Do Pass by Committee Substitute Committee Meeting Schedule This meeting schedule is up to date at the time of this report, but meeting dates and times are subject to change. To keep up with the latest schedule, please visit www.legis.ga.gov to view all upcoming events. Monday - March 27, 2023 8:30 AM JUDICIARY (CIVIL) COMMITTEE (House) 132 CAP VIDEO Agenda 9:00 AM RULES COMMITTEE (House) 341 CAP VIDEO Agenda 10:00 AM FLOOR SESSION (LD 39) (House) House Chamber VIDEO Page 23 of 23