Phil Campbell, 7 Commissioner Soa oe e y : rt \ i+ i 'e F WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1957 NUMBER ie NDS: BY THE FARMER fights s continuous battle against rising prices in the face of lower farm income ~ In a recent order allowing increased freight rates on most commodities for 1957, the Publie Service Commission had the following to say about increased freight rates on basie agricultural com- modities. _ . the need of the farmers of the _ State of relief from the burden of increas- | | ed transportation cost is as great if not Canon [TOWN: RABUN greater than the needs of the carriers for ae rae MADISON: iE = 8, na) te cd 2 % Nie wi a F sont ~ Keg = ze Ca s auRKe SS en - Soa oO . ater Zanes ch 2. of Oct. 8, 917. list, changes of address, address must include OLD and NEW addresses. - Address all notices and advertisements to EDITOR OF Published weekly at 114-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga., by Georgia Department of Agriculture. EDITOR, Market Bulletin. added to or removed. from etc, to CIRCULATION All requests for changes of Entered as second post office, Covington, Ga., FARM WORK WAN TED Woman and 2 children (boy 21. girl, 15), want job on that is to do on tarm, includ- ing dairy, chicken or cattle, or stten picking. Need 3 R. se. Have to be moved. tate wages and particulars st letter. Anywhere in Ga. rs. Ruby Patterson, Rt. 3, dartown. Young married couple, no ghildren, desire job near At- ta on chicken farm, and willing to do other light farm work. Robert L. Townsend, 602 Cameron St. S.E., Atlanta 12. Ph. MA 7-4457. Man wants job looking af- ter cattle farm. Can give plen- ty Ref., and have had several TS. experience in stockrais- g; also can handle most any kind machinery. Am _ honest, . M. Walden, Rt. 2, Gibson. Man with 5 in family needs job lookin ng after broilers, or ther kin work on | farm. ave boy, almost 17, and wife and other 2 school age who will help. Need 4-5 R. house, and prefer weekly pay, but would consider other basis. uld handle some cattle or art crop. Wilburn Presley, Ri 3, Loganville. White man wants dairy job. Have wife and 4 small chil- dren. Do not drink. Can drive truck, tractor or any farm machinery. Reasonable salary and good house. Floyd Bag- gett, Rt. 1, c/o Bobby South- ern, Wal eska. Man wants job on tractor farm. Can cultivate and do any kind farm work, tend livestock; want year around work. Willing worker. 20 yrs. xp. in farm, and ean handle arm labor. Oc Foskey, Rt. Man and wife want good farm in So. Ga. with good, honest man, with good house, out-bldgs., ete. Raise cotton, corn, hogs, cattle; Peanuts, Sugar Cane Syrup on Halves. Have our own canned vege- tables, and 2700 Ibs. wheat for flour in the rolling mill, 1 milch cow and yr. old heifer. Can move middle October. Frank Crider, Rt. 2, Royston. 43 yr. old woman with 8 yr. old daughter wants job at once on farm, doing light farm work, poultry, Vegeta- bles, etc. 2 or 3 R. house fur- nished or furnished apart- ment. Honest, dependable, no bad habits. $25. weekly salary. On school Rt. Good christian character and give best of Ref. Mrs. James Collins, 233 W. Broadway St. Griffin. Single, retired, white man desires job as Caretaker of farm, or any kind stock, poul- try, gardening, etc., for room, board and salary. Best of Ref. G. C. Henry, 1203 Houston St., LaGrange. Want farm work, to pick cotton, gather crop, or would accept most any kind ferm work. Rufus M. Adams, Rt. 1, c/o J. D. Hambrick, Bremen. Middleaged couple wants job on farm as Caretakers, pre- ferably near Atlanta or Deca- tur. Strong and able to work. R. S., Bullard, 355 Central aie W., Atlanta 3 Ph. MU FARM HELP WANTED Want middleaged white wo- man for light farm chores on small farm. Board, room and f Fort Valley. Ph. Taylor 5- 819, salary. W. B. Jones, RFD 2, McBean, Want col. Sank good. he th, middleaged or elderly, for truck farming on shares, and extra work milking looking after livestock. Good land, good house, with elec., bath (hot and cold water). On Chattahoochee River, about 15 mi. Atlanta city limits. No drunks. D. L. ont RFD 4, Douglasville. Want white man, 37 to 48 yrs. old, small family, son 16 or older to work for bal. 1957 and 1958. Must know machin- ery, hay baler , etc. Good weekly wages. No row crops. Raise pecans, hay, cattle. 5 R. house, elec., water, wood S. J. Clay, Rt. 3, Macon. Ph. 2-5117. Want reliable man to do reg- ular farm work, share crop 20 A. cotton and be responsible for herd of 300 sheep, and some chickens to be added (man to share in profits from same). Give age, ability, heal- th, number in family, what you expect and 3 references. A. D. Snow, 175 Hall St., Athens. Want exp. dairy help, able operate truck, tractor and farm machinery. Good 5 R. house with lights and water, on paved Hwy. Good salary. See me at once, and bring refer- ences. J. L. Owens, Rt. 2, Ea- tonton Rd., Milledgeville. Ph. 2-5332. Want man to-work for sal- ary on grain and cattle. Must be able to handle all farm machinery, $25- week straight time or $5 per day, with house, garden and other things. Must have Ref. Ralph Jones, Rt. 2, Athens. Want at once good, clean white man, 55-65 yrs. old, with small income of own, to help me on. small farm. Good home, Elec, hot and cold water. P. H. Woodard, Rt. 1, Chauncey. Ph. Eastman 2898. Want country man or couple -|for Chicken farm. Repair and keep up chicken houses etc., also need woman to help work with chickens. Regular job. Room, board and salary. Mrs. | Helen Street, 2956 Buford Hwy., Atlanta 6. Want man and wife to oper- ate small broiler and beef cattle farm also able to do maintenance, etc. 3 R. house, running water and elec. Ref. and interview required. Lo- cated 8 mi. East Lithonia on Lithonia-Loganville Rd. S. C. em Rt. 2, Conyers. Ph. Want man 40-70 yrs. old, for some day work on farm. Pay according to work. Jive with me or he can batch. Piant some vegetables, pull corn, fix fence. plow some, and some carpenter work. No drunks. Must be clean. S. N. Garrett, P. O. Box 464. Butler. Farm labor wanted. for work on So. Ga. farm, 30-50 yrs. old, with small family. $4.50 day with raise to $5.50 after 90 days is satisfactory. Write. George Varn, Box 205, Folkston. Want unencumbered white woman to live in farm home with family of 3 adults and do light farm work. Room, board and $12.50 week. Farm equipped with all modern con- veniences. Located 2 mi. W. Byron. Mrs. Eva Knowles, Rt. 2, Byron. Ph. 3-2213 (after 5:30 PM.) Wanted anh Borges family to work on poultry farm, white or colored, prefer farmer that knows nothing about chickens Salary. House wired for elec., water, school bus. Must be sober. C. C. Wthridge, Rt. 3, Fayetteville. Want experienced dairy man. Will furnish house with elect. Mail and school bus right by the door. Must be honest, no drinking. Reason- able weekly salary. Come see me at once, 3 mil No. Odum, or call, W. E. Ring, Odum, Ph. Juno 4-2346, ' to work on farm, light work, live in home as one of family, and Ligts salary. No. cone Me it iL Doni nh ec R abits i Junn, t. 1 : Be e ee ee ?1 Farmall arnesvill _| planters, SALE EVENTS. 1 berton: Ph. oetTs : ba 7 (Monday) Auction A Landrace hogs ... 25 2 gilts and 15 spring boarsat Seminole Farms, Donalsonville. Write for sale catalogue. John J. Cummings, Donalsonville. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE new battery, ed mower, sr Rotary mower. 5 ft. blades drive, $165 L. A. Powers, St. Griffin. 1954 Super A Fa tor, cultivators and p 26 in, 2 dise plow, 8 ise | and bog harow, 2 w tor trailer, drag - A-1 cond. Reasonable A. Thornton, De New Hewes ick pull behind, PTO good running shap also Lilliston ~' tary mower and new blade, $335. Watkins, Rt. 4, Box ersville. "Ph. 3030. : Minneapolis - Mole tractor with 2. ae er and silage cu just overhauled. Lilliston stationary hay bal- er, with motor, good rubber tires and bundle of baling wire; also one 2 H. wagon, with drawbar for horse and tractor. Both in excellent cond. Contact. E. J. Gleaton, Jr., Rt. 4, Lawrenceville. Ph. 4485. Buggy, just remodeled, per- fect running cond., harness in cluded. O. B. Ennis, Rt. 4, Covington. One 3 point pick-up kit for IHC tractor, for M. Super H - a pet ae oe corn ( sheller, used very tee little; 1 H wagon with body, Farms, Fenty, Ph about new, $65 at Snellville, | 1494. or pee address Carl He- 2 watt, Rt. 1, Lilburn. Galera D7 tractor, cable angle blade, excellent cond., $3,500; Farmall B tractor, like new, with 2 dise turning plow mowing machine, 7 ft. blade, 2 row cultivators, 16 dise har- row, all matched equipment, $800 cash or trade for small crawler tractor. S. M. Dudley, Box 482, Ringgold. Case" baler, excellent cond., with Wisc. air cooled motor, not used since completely over hauled, $650 or swap for other farm machinery equal in val- ue. Wm. E. Oder c/o Standing Boy Ranch, Cataula. Phone Columbus, FA 4-1827. i er, extra good cond, 31 : oe Hix, Ta Road, C Rotary pickup bal rota-rake wagem Pied - sprayer ltype, 3-400 gal. cap., to from power take-off tor. boro. : ak De-@ ft. model 1: bine. IHC one man baler, J. D. side deliv all ine = cond. 1 Pas a ics 2 row IHC c corn ne Su; M. P., IHC Diesel tra New Idea mower, IHC se 2 Se _ ons and front en _ O Ford tractor. All cond. John O. Sylvania. : JD 4 dise tiller on r also Taylor harow, 8 ood cond., $150 ea. Me uffie, Ate 2 Da Jack Forty four broiler feeders, 5 ft., good cond., 65c ea. E. Z. Trammell, Rt. i Box 42 Du- ut David Bradley garden trac- tor with sickle bar mower, opening plow, turning plow, harrow and cultivato. See if interested. David Fountain, Mt. Vernon. Ph. 2831. Horse drawn Avery Mower, good cond. No. 12 Chattanooga 3 roller cane mill _ (horsejin drawn), also one I. H. corn bean and cotton planter, good cond. Can be seen my farm 7 mi. So. Swainsboro on Wesley | Redes. > Kamba, Re Swainsboro. row, one 20 dise Dantial row (needs some re ; 12 ft. tractor weeder or wheels and appr re ' Four can milk cooler, good inch pipe. Can a seen cond., also seven 10 gal. milk cans, practically new. M. C Gentry, White Plains. CLASS 1 MILK PRICE INDE (September gE 1957) The Price Index for Class I fluid milk in Geor, calculated according to the official pricing form decreased about one and one-third points betw August 1 (108.38) and September 1 (107.05). The Fe Labor Index decreased 2.4 points. The Feed Cost Index, due to a decline in the price of hay was down 3.4 points from the previous month, The Labor Cost Index the same as for August. The Formula automatic balances changes and produces a net een Milk Price Index. ao Index brackets and corresponding producer for Class I milk, Atlanta area: 98.90 - 103.35. - - - $6.39 103.35 - 107.79 --- 6.66 107.79 - 112.24 --- 6.93 For complete information on the price Order No, 1200 A MILK Nae BO. October 7, 1955 YY losis freestates but testing is underway in all other states except states shown above, Washington, Wisconsin, Michigan,. Maine, New wh testing is underway. The five states in which no testing has been shown in white above. wagon, Cutterway har- er farm tools. All le. G. L. Jackson, 4332 otor and dasher, os. Fit churn up to 12.50. Susie M. Wesleyan Dr. mn cages, good or sale at bargain prices : Jder, Culloden. | or and various or sale at my . So. Hawkins- on) Nelson, Rt. Ville. 250 ft., 1-1/2 in. gal- used pipe, in or near suitable for irriga- seila Holcomb, 5225. N. W. bell, cheap for Wellborn, Rock ier model G ill buy _or exch. for n McDonald, Oak- nt self-feeders and wat- a 6,000 or 12,000 use, in good shape at ~ price. State ickers, Box 72 er Rd., Stone Moun- wer in good cond., Want culti-packer or Bril- lion seeder if not too high |price. Advise. Edgar K. Fowl- er, Rt. 2, Athens. Want a logging skidder. State what you have and price. Oscar Nichols, Rt. 2, Jesup. Want 100 ft., 6 or 8 inch screw type auged conveyer with bearings and box (could {use without box). State best price and number feet avail- jable. E. B. Ham, Rt. 1, Clax- ton. FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry plants, $1 C. Add _ postage. Mrs. Lora Lee Poss, Rt. 2, Washington. - Large, rooted Sage plants for fall planting, $1.25 doz. PP, or $1 doz. if come after. No less dozen PP. Mrs. Lula Wil- lis, 720 So. Green St., Dalton. Klondike strawberry plants, well rooted and damp packed, 80c C. $7 M. Add 25c per hun- dred for postage. Mrs. Luther Atlanta 7. Ph. DR. 7-1846. Collard plants, 500, $2.25; 4 M. No less 500 shipped. 3.75 M. at my farm. M. O. only. L. C. Strayhorn, Rt. 1, Gainesville. Condons giant Mastodon everbearing strawberry plants, $1 C.; Sage plants, Catnip bunches, and Muscadine vines, 6 for $1. Add postage. Mrs. Mae Turner, Rt. 6, Gainesville. Horseradish plants, 50c doz.; horseradish roots, 50c 1b.; gar- lic, one cent ea. $1 C.; Spear- mint, balm, tansy, yellowdock, wild strawberry, wild horse- mint, Queen of the Meadow, old time Confrey, yellow root, 3, 50c; black haw, 50c ea. Add postage. Mrs. Presley Fowler, Rt. 5, Ellijay. Latham Red raspberry plants, $1 doz. PP. in Ga. Lee Abernathy, Rt. 2, Barnesville. Young Ga. collard plants, for fall setting, 60c C.; 300, $4; 500, $1.50; $2.50 M. PP. Ready Sept. 15 to 20th. Large lots later. Solomon Davis, Rt. 1, Box 370, Milledgeville. Several June Pear bushes, 25c ea. No less 4 sold. Add 25 extra for a Mrs. Mae McIntosh, Rt. 3, Covington. : White nest and red multi- . |plying scallion onions and but- tons from same, $1.30 gal. and postage. Miss Gennia Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Ground. White nest or multiplying . |onions, 50c qt., 80c for 1/2 gal., $1.50 gal. Del. by parcel post in Ga. G. C. Daniel, Tennille. SEED & PLANTS S. Butler, 466 Page Ave., N.E., Mixed seed oats, suitable for grazing, Purity, 98 pct.: Germ. 88 pct. $1.25 bu. in 50 bu. lots, FOB. J. F. Lowe, Ft. Valley. ; Large quantity multiplying scallion onion buttons, also large quantity red and white nest onions, all, $1.25 gal. All sound and clean. Mrs. C, E. Hattaway, Rt. 2, Harrison. Cokers 48-93 Victorgrain seed oats, Purity 98 pct.; Germ. 90 pet. or better. Re- cleaned and bagged, $1.10 bu. No less 12 bu. shipped. Send Money Order. Chas. H. Foun- tain, Rt. 6, Dublin. Ph. 1209J. Ky. 31 Fescue, 98.58 pct. pure seed, Germ. 95 pct. No noxious weed seed, 14e Ib. FOB my farm. G. W. Darden, Watkinsville. Abruzzi rye and 200 bu. Cokers 48-93 oats, recleaned, || dehusked, sacked in 4 bu. new bags. One sale for lot. L. P. Singleton, Ft. Valley. Ph. TA- 5-5940. SEED & PLANTS WANTED Want price on 150 bu. good seed oats. W. O. McNair, P. O. Box 1364, Macon. | FEED & GRAIN FOR SALE Kudzu and Sericea hay, bal- es or ground, $30 ton. at my farm. Del. for extra charge. W. L. Pritchett, c/o Richland Farms, P. O. Box 149, Buford. Ph. Atlanta TR 2-7311. Over 3,000 bales good Millet hay, for sale, my farm, Gay, Ga G. W. Whitley, 879 Lull- water Parkway N.E., Atlanta 7. Ph. DR 3-8028. Coastal Bermuda hay. First quality, grown, cut and baled right. $20 ton FOB barn, 2-1/2 mi. So. Cordele, US Hwy. 41. L. L. Blackmon, Rt. 3, Cordele. 500 bales of baled Oats, bal- ed without rain, 75c bale at my barn. H. M. Bailey, Rt. 1, Senioa. 200 bales bright Wheat straw, for sale. Joe M. Almand, 1847 Second Ave., Decatur. HANDICRAFTS FOR SALE Crocheted white bedspread $25.; 3 crochet capes, 2 tan and 1 blue, $5. ea. Mrs. Ollie Skinner, 701 Cedar St., Car- rollton, Ph. TErrace 2-7622. y of crochet center- pieces, colors and white, 25 in. diam, with ruffles, $3 ea. Variet; -|plus postage. Miss Marcella Conway, Rt. 3, Box 105, Adairsville. _ Three nice, large quilt tops, pieced of good cotton dress material, 2 cut by patterns and other pieced in squares. Sew- ed good, $1.75 ea. Sat. guar. Mrs. Annie Kuglar, 114 Lam- bert St., Carrollton. Large bed size quilt tops, Stepping around the Moun- tain design, $4.50 ea. PP.; others, 2 for $5 PP. Miss Ma- bel Parr, Rt. 1, Reynolds. Hand made felt baby shoes, 1-3 mos. size, white, pink, blue, maize, lime, 95c pr.; work aprons, colors asst., 14-24 size, 98c ea.; pot holders, asst. col., neau, Rt. 2, Wrens. Hand applique Tulip or Dutch Doll design, large size quilt tops, new material; also cook or tea aprons. Mrs. Donie ag Bartenfeod, Rt. 3, Dub- in. CORRECTION: The hand- craft notice in July 31 issue, in name of Mrs. P. E. Traylor, Rebecca, was in error. The name should have been Mrs. =e Sullivan, Carrollton. Nice, print Aprons, asst. col- ors, $1. ea. 2 for 1.69 PP. Mrs. B. A. Weeks, Dial. Loop pot holders, 15c ea. 2 for 25e; colors, blue and yel- low, tan, gray and_ white. Susan Lovell, Rt. 3, Vienna. Crocheted table cloth, 60 x 54 inches, made all together {not in squares), Star design -}in center, blocks and filet a- reund star. Color white with deep rose border, $25. Mrs. yeni Hanson, Box 512, Villa ica. Dolls with milk filter dress- es $3. ea. State color of thread trimming wanted. Mrs. Glenn Nunn, Rt. 1, Chula One ecru (color) _ bed- spread, made of No. 30 thread, a Mrs. Goss Hewell, Dewy ose. | 10c ea. PP. Miss Ruth Bouli- | : Three-piece crocheted @hais ever sets, starched and _ blocked, white only unless color speci- fied, $2.50 cash per set. Mrs. Carl Halstead, Rt. 1, Ellaville. Crocheted baby bootees, ny- lon, $1.25 pr; cotton, $1. pr; white and colors rayon sac- ques, $1. ea; caps to match, 65c ea; batiste diaper shirts, 65c . ea., while and colors; nylon. | cocheted sacques, $4. ea. on order. All Postpaid. Miss Katie Mae Nix, Carlton. Pink, blue and white baby shoe, crocheted of baby wool thread. $1. pr., and 10c extra for postage each pair. Taking orders to be filled in October or November. Mrs. John R. Brown, Rt 1, Dewey Rose. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Black horse mule, 9 yrs. old, about 1100 Ibs. no plug, good worker, gentle, for sale or exch. for small mule or horse. A. B. Cook, Box 3009, Whites Mill Rd., Decatur. Work mare, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1200 lbs., work to anything, very gentle, also purebred Jersey heifer, freshen in No- vember for sale. G. E. Bla- lock, Rt. 5, Rome. Ph. 4-5966. 8 nice Shetland pony fillies, 1-2 yrs. old, 3 bred mares and 7 nice gentle ponies. Reason- able prices. Jess Jonesboro, Ph. 6771. Shetland ponies, few good | riding geldings; Reg. Dap. Chesnut stallion at Stud, also some mares. M. A. Duncan, Newnan. Gentle, nice, small black and white Shetland filly, 8 mos. old, for sale. See at Trea- sure Oak Farm. R. L. Mc- Guire, Carrollton. Reg. white Saanan_ buck, naturally butt-headed, big boned and extra large, gentle to handle with a halter, 2 yrs. old, guar to be a breeder, $35. at my place. Gus Rowland, Rt. 2, Tifton. a Georgia taxpayer owns notice. carded. tice. <5 St., S.W., Atlanta 3, Ga. inal notices. E. H. FALL FARM LAND EDITION OCTOBER 16 The annual fall FARM LAND edition of the Mar- ket Bulletin will be published Wednesday, October 16. The deadline for all notices arriving in the Bulletin office is. Oct. 10. Notices received later than Oct. 10 (regardless of reason involved), will NOT be published. Only Farms and Farm Land for Sale, for Money Rent, Wanted to Buy or Exchange, for or Wanting to Rent are ELIGIBLE for publication. Notices may not exceed 70 words, including name, address and phone number when desired. Notices will be cut down or returned to writer if submitted otherwise. ONE notice ONLY to an individual or family, except in case of separately owned tracts. Notices in the interest of Real Estate firms, agents, brokers, banks, dealers, ete., or for city and big town lots, individual houses, apartments or rooms, stores, filling stations, summer or winter resorts, and of LIKE nature will NOT be published. Notices of out-of-the-state property or for non- residents of Georgia will NOT be allowed, except when necessarily out of the state... planation for the out-of-the-state address should ac- company the notice and will be published with the After going to press it is ABSOLUTELY IM- POSSIBLE to alter notices or to. stop publication: of the original copy. All duplicate notices will be. dis- Notices should be carefully written (typed..or printed preferred) and signed in the PERSONAL HANDWRITING of the party responsible for the no- | . then addressed to Elizabeth Hynds, Editor of Notices, Market Bulletin, Agricultural Bldg., 19 Hunter The Bulletin is not and will not be RESPONSI- BLE for typographical or Printers errors, or for errors (of any kind) made by the patrons in writing the orig- the Georgia land and is in such cases, an ex- Holbrook, -hesaw Duewest Rd., - MARKET BU ew PAGE FOUR : Reg. Landrace hogs, bred| Want good, gentle Shetland SeN: Z. White rabbits, LIVESTOCK gilts, weaned pigs. All rea-|pony and saddle, prefer pony|to 2 yrs. old, -$3.-$8.;. sonable prices. Mavin Harris | which has been used by child- | special high class does, proven| FOR SALE Ray City. Ph, 2144. ren. Advise. C. F. Fields, Mc-| breeders, also few good bucks, oll Good, smart, sound, gentle ohare mule, about 12 yrs. old. Sell or trade for smaller one. Reasonable for gash. C. J. Malphus, Guyton. 16 AtStud: pony stallion, 36 in. Dapple, white mane and tail. Outstanding stud; also 86 in. 3 yr. old gelding pony, solid color, very gently for ghildren, $250. Ogden A. Geil- uss, Rt. 3, c/o Melody Brook arm, Marietta. Ph. Smyrna E 5-7385. One ram lamb ready for service, 3/4 Hampshire and 1/4 Corriedale, $20. R. M. Aber- pathy, ~ 605 So. Candler St. ecatur, Ph. DR 3-7727. Two fine, Reg. Suffolk rams, one 4 yr. old, other 1 yr. old. r. Linwood Morris, 619 reene. St. Augusta. Ph. 2- 4804. Reg. De to keep from inbreeding. Tamworth swine. Weaned igs. Service age pee J. 8. Davis, Abba, Rt. , Fitzgerald. Ph. 6541. Reg. Angus bull, 13 1/2 mos. old. Papers furnished if de- sired. Will make a good breed- e $175. at farm. F. W. Phil- lips, c/o Westover Farm, Ken- Kenne- saw. Ph. Marietta 8-2959. Choice Tamworth gilts and boars, Reg. buyers name, $35 @a. at my place. Kenneth Mur- phree, Cave Spring. 4 Reg. Duroc male pigs, 3- /2 mos. old, out of litter of 8, farrowed by Bettie Geor- gia Ann, 2nd. All are bred i pnd well grown to age; also 2 eg. gilts, around 200 lbs. $45 boars, $30 ea. Ernest. P. arter, Baxley. ; ; Landrace meat type pigs, purebred and Reg. Unrelated males and females. Some ex- cellent crossed individuals. 8 0 16 wks. old, $40 to $60 ea. rom imported stock. See them James W. Geeslin, c/o Sugar Ann Spice Ranch, Byromville. Tomworth boars, farrowed March 9th, ready for light ser- vice, best bloodlines, (bred for lean meat) Reg. buyers name, 50 ea. FOB. R: I. Gibbs, 1007 lifton Rd. N. E. Atlanta 7. Two outstanding Landrace boar pigs, 11 wks. old, have ve. 1 lb. per day gain since irth, $65, registered. Wm. E der, c/o Standing Boy Ranch, le Ph. Columbus FA 4- Twenty P. C. Pigs, 6 wks. a Sept. 6th, $7.50 to $11 ea. . M. Neese, Rt. 4, Alpharetta. Ph, 3791. 2 imp Hampshie sows, 8 mos. old, properly cared for and fed for heavy breeding. D. C. Law- son, 140 Medlock Rd. Decatur Ph, 7-6080 (nights) Palomino mare, 5 yrs. old, Reg., very nice with good show possibilities, Contact for price; ae 2 spotted gelding Shet- and ponies, $150 and $190; 1 ee color, $125. W. W. Kasul- 0, 1423 Wesleyan Drive, Ma- eon. At Stud; Red Lights Noble Rex, Reg. Chesnut stallion, fine type representing stallion reatest producing families of the breed. Grandson Noble Ka- arama. Thos. G. Watkins, Jr., t. 2, Flat Shoals Rd. Decatur. h; BU 9-6692. . Reg. Angus bull, 14 mos. old, Eileenmere strain, for sale reasonable price. A. V. Hamilton, 1113 Glenwood Ave, S.E., Atlanta 16 Ph. MA 71-3205. Six baby bull calves, pure- bred Jerseys, artificially sired, born June, July and August. Best of bloodlines. Rock bot- tom prices for quick sale. E. B. Braswell, Athens. Ph. LI 83-4336. FARM LAND EDITION OCTO One nice milch cow, $100.; also will swap a nice milch cow giving approx. 4 gal? day for nice mare pony. Lake W. Greene, 4075 Chambers Rd., Macon. 5 Reg. Guernsey bulls, ex- cellent breeding, wt. 350 to 1400 lbs., 15 lb. A. N. Tuck, Thomasville. 4 good, gentle Brahman bulls, 5-6 years old. Proven breeders. Sell or trade to avoid inbreeding for equal Angus or Hereford. Write George Varn, Box 205, Folk- ston. Rollo Domino, young Reg. polled Hereford bull, ready for service, priced reasonably. E. C. Dawson, 562 Loridans Dr. N. E. Atlanta 5 Ph. CE 7-7910. Fine Guernsey cow, bred Aug. 3rd. TB and Bangs test- ed, now giving 4 gal. milk daily, 3rd calf 4 mos. old. Price reasonable on cow only. Horace S. Mulkey, P. O. Box 151, Smyrna. Ph. HE 5-5726. Guernsey bull, dairy stock, 15 mos. old, fine for breeding, Reg. both sides. No papers. Can be seen E. D. Summer- ville, Rt. 1, Ellenwood. Med. size cream col. Jersey with 2nd White Face heifer calf. also soon to freshen for 2nd time Holstein and Guern- sey (cross) cow, $135. each. Mrs. Ruby James, Rt. 6, Ma- con. ; Dbl. Hereford calves: 1 bull and 5 heifers, born in December ex- cept two that are not weaned yet. $100. ea. Sired by Circle M. Ranch bred bull and top bred cows; also good 1 1/2 yr. old bull, ready for service, priced to sell. Horace B. Smith, Cleveland Rd. Dalton. Brahmas; Reg. bull, 3 cows with heifer calves at side, and 3 purebred, bred to above bull. H. J. Daniel, Hogans- ville. Ph. 4491. Reg. Red Poll cattle of good breeding, all ages, priced to sell; also, want to exch. hay of good quality (baled oats, Sericea, Fescue and Clover) for young 250 to 400 lb. steers and heifers of beef type, or sell the hay. Glenn McDonald, Oakwood. 2-Black cows, bred for late standard polled *|fall freshening with 2nd calf; 1 Guernsey cow soon freshen, for sale; Exch. some mules for yearlings; sell 2 bred nanny milk goats. J. F. Wellborn, Rock Springs. One pure white Saanan buck, 2 yrs. old, naturally hornless, very gentle, proven sire. Sell cheap. Cant ship Mrs. L. W. Smith, RFD, Ste- phens. 3 mos. old white billy goat, only $4. at my place. D Smith, Roy Huie Road, River- dale. Ph. Jonesboro 6537. 2 small flocks Sheep, 14, in- cluding ram and 18, including ram. Sell one or both flocks. $15. ea. for whole flock or flocks. I. Frank Stephens, Rt. 3, Calhoun. One Nubian milk goat with first kid, giving 2-1/2 Qts. a day. Has 2 nannies born the 30th day of May. No horns, dark red, full stock but not Reg. Sell or trade for bull or heifer. Call G. R. Reece, 111 Marble Hill Rd. Marietta. Ph. 9-4384. LIVESTOCK WANTED Want Holstein bull, full blood or reg., ready for ser- vice. Advise. Geo. L. Merritt, Greensboro. Ph. Union Point, HU 9-2232. Rae Court, McRae. Ph. 8191. Want one good milk goat. State kind and other informa- tion. Prefer Nubian or French Alpine. Also Nubian billy, near 1 year old. Must be rea- sonable. L. P. Mingledorff, Box 463, Douglas. Want horse, gentle and broke to the saddle, not over yrs. old, within 50 mi., and not over $100. in price. Ad-. vise. Jimmy Fendley, Rt. 2, Cordele. Want fresh Nubian milk goat, also good saddle horse with some pep and in good cond. Quote prices and state particulars. David A. Bagley, M.D., 44 Washington St. N.E., Austell. f GAME, FOWL, etc. FOR SALE 4 pr. Chukar quail, 1 yr. old. Ofiering ea. pair of birds} and cage, $12. Lar cages, ood wire and wood treated. ell out. B. S. Cobb, Warthen. Ph. 2877. 300 Bobwhite quail, 2 - 4 wks. old, for breeding or re- leasing; 100 Chukars, 4-18 wks. old, from stock of good layers. Priced according to quantity. 50 or more del. ra- dius 50 mi. Curtiss Nowell, 355 Main St. Colquitt. . Silver pheasants, 1956-57 hatch, Chukar, Tenn. Red, and Bobwhite and Jap. King (Coturnix) quail, all 1957) hatch; also. purebred Dark Cornish Bull Dog type ban- tams, 1956 and 57 hatch. T. W. Gleaton, Cordele. Ph. 840. Doves and quail, also Old Eng. game, Modern B-B Reds, Silver Duck Wings, Birchens Red Laced Piles, Grey Jap., bantams for sale. Claud W. Collier, 3080 McAfee Rd., De- ees Ph. DR 3-4998 after 6 8 bred N.Z. White doe rab- bits, $5. ea; Junior, $6. pr. Ship anywhere. John Fields, 1018 W. Poplar St. Griffin. Ph. 3682. Bobwhite quail, 1 week to maturity, good stock, from un- related breeders, some choice breeders and practically new laying cage, for sale. Mrs. J. H. Hitchock, 575 Elmwood St. N. .W., Atlanta 18. Ph. SY 4-5525. White Fantail pigeons, 1 pr and 3 squabs, $6. for lot. eland Donald, Jr., 1269 Har- dee St., N.E., Atlanta 7. Ph. MU 8-0956. Extra select No. Bobwhite, Valley, Gambels, Scaled, Blonde, improved Red and Button quail, Chukar part- R. | ridge and Jap. Silkie bantams. Richard H. Barry. 220 Ridge- land Ave., Decatur. Ph. DR 7-3048. No. Bobwhite quail, 12 wks. old, $1. ea; few pr. mated ones, $3.50 pr; also game ban- tams, small straw colored hens and red breasted cockerels, $1. ea. J. T. Owens, Sr., Rt. 2 Covington. Large, fully feathered Bob- white quail, 6 wks. to 14 wks. old. Special discount on 50 or more in lot; also have 100 Chukar partridges, 6-8 wks. old. Ralph E. Keefer, Harbin Lake Rd., Morrow. No. Bobwhite quail, 200 full grown, strong and_ healthy flyers, hatched this year. Min- imum shipped 5 prs. via. RR Exp. only Reasonable J. E. Akins, 1531 Athens Ave., S. W., Atlanta 10. 2 pr. Tofts (or Lofts) pig- eons, with ped., $5. pr. Lyn- wood Howell, 1607 Hoover St. Albany. records of matings kept for| _ past 6 yrs. All sub. to Reg.| Exch. for buck or doe of equal | breeding. C. W. Page, 149 North Ave., N. E., Atlanta 8. 50 pr. solid white Show Type Fantail and 25 pr. India| Mucee pigeons, banded, $2.75 pr. No less 3 pr. shipped. Mrs. e Helen Street, 2956 Buford Hwy. Atlanta 6... , , GAME, FOWL, etc. WANTED Want N. Z. rabbits, white, spotted or any kinds. Does and bucks. State what you have ings on, worm fre order less 3 Ibs. acc and price. H. R. Taylor, 1100|M Calhoun Ave., Rome. POULTRY FOR SALE 40 Red hens, layin, 2 ea. at my place. W. Harrison, Rt. 1. Jonesboro Ph. 5157. good, TA. Box 142, Nice, fat Red hens, on foot, : $1.50 ea. Mrs. M. C. Silvey, 2682 Idlewood Rd., Rt. 2, Stone Mountain. Ph. HI 3-5736 135 Parmenter Red hens, 10 mos. old, all wormed and vaccinated, $1.30 ea. Melvin Burke, Rt. 1, Wadley. 146 Ames Red cross pullets, 8 mos. old, $3. ea. Mrs. E. G.. Womock, 3159 Lakewood Ave., 4930.. 3 grown mixed Mallard ducks and 2 drakes, $3.50 for the 5. Mrs. W. E. Bowers, Rt. 2, Stone Mountain. Ph. 5224. 2 White Indian Runner ducks about 6 mos. old, $1.50 ea. Mrs. Frances Teagle, 1584 S.-W. Atlanta 15. Ph. PL ee FOB Rogers Ave., S. W. Atlanta 10 Phone after 6 PM. PL 3-3542. 4 White African Guineas, in-| cludes 1 rooster. Apply D. C. Collier, Barnesville. Ph. 73. 21 grey and white geese, 6 ganders included. $1.50 ea. for Jot. Cannot del. Pick up at my warm, Rockby. A. P. Rocker, Sparta. Ph. 4715. s Bantams, sev. dif. ages make excellent layers, for sale N. H. Lieneman, Rt. 7, Mt. Pleasant Church Rd., Macon. Ph. 5- 8503. ; Bantam chickens 50 ea. at my place. John C. Michael, 523 Jackson St., Athens. March hatch Buff Cochin bantam roosters, feather toes, Show type strain, $2 ea. Exp. Col. R. J. Fossett, Baxley. 15 -mixed bantams, laying pullets, 3 roosters, and 12 hens for $8. Will not ship. Ellis Smith, Rt. 2, Hazlehurst. Pure DetkCoes ener large, big bone type ea. in lots of 4 H. Ww. Thurmond, Farmington. 1 doz. pit game stags, Mont. Traveller, R. H. W. H. Irish Jungle and others, wt. 3 Ibs., High strain, raised on cattle farm, free range, not too wild, $2 ea. for lot. Exch. part for pure W.H. hens. Emmitt Cald- well, Rt. 1, Sharpsburg. 2 select Giant Minorca breed ing cockerels, April 1957 hatch, $5, or $3 ea. L. B. Mil- lians, 105 Temple Ave., New- ~ POULTRY WANTED Want 15 young Dark Cor- nish bantam hens. Contact L. W. Powell, 111 No. Fry St. Valdosta. 25c ea; smaller m 10c ea. Add pe R ~ Fancy ney, 12 two jars, 30 lbs. to ea 2 cases, 25 jars, prepaid. | 48) y Ground : lb; ground Sag /postage. Nellie $ONS tes : deep : er fenders, strings ments, tie leathers black color, $50. 2, Warwick. _ Ginseng roots, C; Golden Seal - roots, 50c ea; roots, $1 doz. No 1 seng roots. shipped. age. L. W. Seym Lavonia." ie - Hand pick 1957 Sage, $1.40 Il age. Mrs. Mamie anollee. : Wild sane tan plat age, _ pint pis $1. Povtps ood size sage \ Foe 12 for $1 L.. P.-O Box ot : Toehe oe i ee ee