p i? ;.... Ifi&lsir M ==** mm ste!pgK g BjP 9 S 3 j 2 S 3 i iM|| m k ^ hB H i |g S M | < --i' - - P v > -v , 1 -f ^ f 1 ?v I ggjgj km ^ '''`^'i?^5^ ^^jUi sSSm s Si EaBeSM mmw SR w aw Sral ISSlkiKl SglSlji*#' BE^sa* i* g 2 * j SU fi m 9 E ls PM fiT P il is -x'-. i r r ^ mw$0tM '. ;> 'V " sBBi IraF^ W ?3$ & mm E gF'B:^WM-PW- jvla; S B ttr ig s a e S n SB o ts 31Bw * MH fsa S 'J S IS fr PegaMS,E Bs>^p3f l *ggjsjs*"' $K ' A ' : ^ `- SsSvSSZSI M SI ^ ^||: r -o y s ic j w t y r fs e Vi N. AMOS, Manager M g Johnston, South Carolina, 29832 | A. PETERSON Ej^fbaimer | iesss^aspBii*;! ^tendant "" ** .^ ^ -1 5 8 5 | Batesburg, South C a ro ti^ i^ iQ Q e 5 THE HOME GOING OF BEACON JOSEPH RAIFOHD BLAND BAPTIST CHURCH RMJRFID DOCTOR L. M, TYLER, PASTOR IvEDNESPAY, SEPTEMBER 26, IQ79 3*00 P. M. P i o ^ e ^ s i ^ n a l v c . ^ . f r . . , J t e ,,J j e 4 , , c .Organ Medleys iiy :,vis S e c a n t of Gcd,S.M. #6Y8sBea5 M. B utler lead S c r i p t u r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............Old Testament Prayer New Testament Hynki, ahe Bay Is I as by6 . M. #65?Deacon M. B utler Leading rvvnarks,. . . . ......... ......... .Deacon E lija h Jackson, Sr. c, Reverend Mrs. A. M. B utler . . . . . . c . . . . . . . s . . . . . Mrs. Ju lia Kenner, 1 : - T:v op TM - t Jerusalem B ap tist Church ................................. pastor tyler i'Hj-T.ing * ie w .................................. .OrganMedleys Heoessions-i............................................Organ Medleys In.-ermsaT... . . . . . FamilyP lo t, Bland B ap tist Ch. PARTICIPANTS Cjri-iasket B e a re rs .*.. , 8.Dr>eacons t Grower Bearers,, .Wu a itltli*ng TW * oTrkers ,,Club Deaconesses PRECIOUS MEMORIES Ramos Deacon Joseph R ailera l ^ e f l e l d County, South Carol ina Urmng tne month ~ May in 1? > 1391 e fS? T*ie i^ te Abraham and Mrs. Sophia Ch-urehRol" c W r ' Y ^ * * seven^ Years Hones P r o v i d e ^ ^ r f 6 e ^ S ^ i o ^ t i L ayi understanding f a th e f ' devoted husband; a wise f o d ' e o A i g ld^ f iv r 0 f what he had; l * o r - Societyi Young Men of Honor, Johnston Passed; Friday, September 21, 1979, 3:15 A.M. THOUGHT: He was bom; he lived; he loved the right; n s hated the evils; he befriended those who accepted his friendship; he answered needy calls: he became ill; he fell asleep in his home last Friday after suffering patiently; we too, shall fall asleep. Will we be ready? THOSE WHO WILL MISS HIM MOST Sons; Mr, Bayfield Baiford, Edison, New Jersey Mr, Abraham, Bedford, Ridge Spring, S. C.; Daughters: Miss Rebecca Baiford, Ridge Spring, S. id; Mrs. Alma R. Jennings, Titusville, Florida ^Mrs.Rosa Hartley, Aiken, South Carolina Great grinds: Ptrirtira 3 % Sons-in-law: Three Daughters-in-law: Two Many, many other close and distant kinsmen and saddened friends^,..TTr_ THANKS Thank you seems sc very small in a time when so many people have shown so much sympa thy , But tnank you is the best word we can think of now for every act of kindness shown to us every minute. May God richly reward each one of you. ((( TRIBUTE ))) -^ives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime; And departing leave behind us Foot prints on the sand of time. Sadly Submitted by Raiford Children . PRAISE! Praise the Lord, m you& A ll my being, Praise His holy name! Praise the Lord, my%oiMahd do not forget how kind He is. He forgives all my sjjfs ajgd heals, all my diseases; He saves me from tip gr%ye and blesses me with love and mercy; He fills my life with good things. So that I stay young ana strong like an eagle. - The Lord set up His throne in Heaven; He is King over all. Praise the Lord, you strong and mighty Angels, Who obey His command$, who listen to what He says! Praise the Lord, all His fea tu res, in. every place He rules! ~ Praise the Lord, my soul\ -- IsssS S seB S S S sS S IX ^^m m M L ith o by Spalding Pub., W in ter Haven, F L. 33880 75-1705