Cdonieyainy C om es QLiitjene Q&unrise 0 hne 12, 1951 Qbbimset December 30, 2011 (Blowing fosses to Heaven that's all I can do every time I want to say I love you. (Blowing fosses to heaven I foiow that you love me to and I am so 6lesses and thanffulthat Cjodgave me you a precious gift to 6e in my life. Con are so giving and so fond and we are so very privilege to have you in our lifefo r such a short time and now you are receiving 6lessing that are so deserved and every time I thinfoofyou I 'll 6low a foss to heavenfrom my heart to you . Active Palbearers Family and friends Floral Attendants Family and friends Acknowledgements The family of James Eugene Mingle would like t express our thanks and appreciation for all you acts of kindness shown to us during our time of bereavement. May God continue to bless and keep each of you is our prayer. *! OSm ice y frid a y yfanuary 6, 2012 LOO pm Aladp o fAssumption fPathdic fPhurch Ahplvania, pQ}A (-ffidator. yyfalher Alow Arrangements By: Gaines Funeral Home 301 East Frontage Rd Sylvania, G a 30467 Phone: 912-564-2344 Minus Gaines, Owner Repast: Catholic Church Hall and Mrs. Moralee Mingle House O bituary n e s Eugene Mingle was born June 12, 1911 in Sylvania, Go to the lute M e w Mingle and Susie Mae Godbee. He poised into eternnl life nt his lome on December 50 2011. He was educated in the Screven County chool system. At on early age he joined the Catholic Church where he erved as n devoted member until his passing. James L Mingle had no hildren, but had a hand helping raise his cousins Diane Cooper, Joseph, llysee, Eula Mae .Franklin and Eulo lee Tisby-Burke, as well as his God laughter Haylester Latosha Tisby-Burke.. He was employed at Sylvania 'am jar 50 plus years He is preceded in death by his loving grandparents o whom raised him Dessie and Mary Oglesby, his lather Matthew Mingle, 2 mothers Matthew Jr. and Ray Charles Mingle, I uncle Dessie Oglesby Jr, I n t Haylester Oglesby, 2cousins Franklin Tisby and Eulln Lee Tisby-Burke. le leaves to cherish his memories d sisters Snsnnne Godbee- HT, Deidre loot- Statesboro, Addie Mae(Oiell) Scarboro, Ella Mae Mingle and, Sylvia Johnny) Graham - Sylvania Willie lee Mingle- Horth Augusta. I Brother ohnny (Margaret) Mingle- louisville, GA. 2 Uncles Willie Robersonavannah and (levan Oglesby-HT. 2 Aunts Stella Oglesby-Augnsta, Ga, Van Hermon) Mckinney-Hew Torh and a host of nieces,nephews, cousins and riends. DON'T GRIEVE FOR ME, FOR NOW I'M FREE, I'M FOLLOWING THE PATH GOD LAID FOR ME. I TOOK HIS HAND WHEN I HEARD HIS CALL, I TURNED MV BACK AND LEFT IT ALL. I COULD NOT STA Y ANOTHER DAV, TO LAUGH, TO LOVE, TO WORK, TO PLAY, TASKS LEFT UNDONE MUST STA Y THAT WAY, I'VE FOUND THAT PEACE AT THE END OF THE DAY. IF MY PARTING HAS LEFT A VOID, THEN FILL IT WITH REMEMBERED JOY. A FRIENDSHIP SHARED, A LAUGH, A KISS, a h , Ye s , t h e s e t h in g s t o o i Will m i s s . BE NOT BURDENED WITH TIMES OF SORROW, g o d Wa n t e d m e n o w , h e s e t m e f r e e .i Wis h Yo u THE SUNSHINE OF TOMORROW. MY LIFE'S BEEN FULL, I SAVOURED MUCH, GOOD FRIENDS, GOOD TIMES, A LOVED ONE' TOUCH. PERHAPS MYTIME SEEMED ALL TOO BRIEF, DON'T LENGTHEN IT NOW WITH UNDUE GRIEF. l if t u p Yo u r h e a r t a n d s h a r e Wit h m e , Order o fService Lather Lou (presiding ProcessionaC fiords ofComfort............Lather Lou Song SeCection LCC QospeCSingers (Reflections Sis a Lriend...........Herman Hirffand LuCogy.................. Lather Lou RessionionaC Repast: CathaCoic H ad and afterwards Ms. MoraCee MingCe. 's house