Page: [1] Atlanta. Feb. [February] 26. 1877. Dear Col. [Colonel] Boyd. I was sorry not to have seen you in Atlanta -- but I was sick at home when you were here: in fact have been in the house during all the damp weather. I shall remain here till 1st of Apr. [April] & then go to Columbus for couple of months as my wife will want to be with her Mother for a time. I know my old friends will be glad to hear of the prospect, as they had given me up in despair. I have letter from Mr. Wainwright, Boston, today in which he wants to know if Dr. V. [Van Dyke] is not going to meet his obligations. He put Mr. Austin to good deal expense & trouble -- as he had to travel some distance to find a proper officer to certify before. I was in hopes you were interested & that the payments would be met. If you feel confident the Dr. can not [cannot] come up to time; could you not sell to others. Please let me know, prospects, so I can write to Mr. W. [Wainwright] -- believe me Yours very truly [Signed] Amory Dexter.