T HIS combination map shows all the present Delta routes as cer tificated by the Civil Aeronautics Board, plus the approved inter change routes and all new route applications. In order to show the basic route patterns, non-stop oper ations with seasonal variations have been omitted. YOUR company, during the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1948, realized a net profit from its operations of $204,729 as compared with a net loss of $310,249 for the previous fiscal year. This result is encouraging when it is remembered that it was achieved notwithstanding a broad trend evident in the airline industry of decreas ing passenger traffic, coupled with rising costs. This industry trend continued through all of the fiscal period covered by this report and losses in the industry were the rule rather than the exception. At the end of our fiscal year, your company was operating on the profit side. Its financial structure was sound. Income was better balanced between passengers, mail, and cargo. A major plant expansion program had been completed, and Delta was ready to take delivery on its new fleet of fast, luxurious DC-6 aircraft. The profit shown for the year was the result of reducing expenses wherever possible, a general re-arrange - ment of schedules, and an adjustment in our rate for carrying mail. The early part of the year was marked by a rather high frequency of flight schedules in an effort to attract business. With the approach of the Florida winter season, additional schedules were put on to assure Delta its share of the Florida winter traffic. Not only did airline traffic generally continue to decline, but the Florida traffic failed to materialize in the volume antici pated. To these disappointing factors was added a third, namely that we encountered one of the severest winter seasons from a standpoint of weather that we have experienced in Delta terri tory in many years. Faced with continuing low load factors and the tapering off of the already disappointing Florida season, it was your management's decision to reduce expenses by curtailing the number of schedules flown and discontinuing entirely cer tain schedules which experience had shown were not profitable. This reduction in expense through curtailment of schedules was still under way as the fiscal year ended, and efforts will be continued to bring service in line with demand. However, it is not possible for your company to confine its opera tions to only profitable schedules because our Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity carry with them the obligation to provide public service notwithstanding that the rendition of such service may at times and on some schedules and over certain route segments be unprofitable. Generally, schedules have been curtailed as far as possible, consistent with maintaining adequate service to both old and new route points. NEW POINTS SERVED Eight new cities were added to Delta's routes during the year, while the Delta-TWA through- plane interchange service called for still another pattern of schedules and equipment operation. File fiscal year opened with new service to four new cities. These were Macon, between Atlanta and Savannah; Columbus (Ga.) and Montgomery, between Atlanta and New Orleans; and Chattanooga, between Atlanta and Cincin nati. In each instance, the new cities provided Operating Expense TOTAL $12,618,944 Salaries, Wages and Employee Welfare . . . $6,382,848 Aviation Gasoline and Oil.... 1,501,971 Maintenance Materials and Outside Repairs 988,336 Depreciation Communications Expenses and Office Supplies . . Passenger Expenses Insurance > Taxes Advertising Rentals and Landing Fees. Travel Expenses Outside Services Miscellaneous 1,016,931 336,578 363,906 246,062 395,309 264,880 355,035 262,031 269,121 235,936 us with a second and alternate routing between the points named. Other new stations added during the year were Kokomo and Richmond, Indiana; Longview- Kilgore, Texas; and Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Some of these points were requested by Delta and others were certificated to us by the Civil Aeronautics Board pursuant to our common car rier obligation to provide public service. The net effect, however, was that eight new field stations and four new city ticket offices were required to serve these cities. The addition of the cities has had a dual effect. For the long term, the Delta route structure has been strength ened. On a short term basis, some of the cities represent a deficit operation until their traffic potential can be fully developed. The cost of station operations in cities of this size is relatively quite expensive compared with the revenue de rived therefrom. INTERCHANGE SERVICE The Delta-TWA through-plane interchange service was put into effect on June 1, 1948, giving passengers from the cities on Delta's system one-plane service to the TWA cities of Detroit, Toledo, Dayton, and Columbus (Ohio). The traffic over this interchange route has been de veloping at a satisfactory rate in spite of the fact that we are currently prohibited from providing through-plane service between New Orleans and Detroit. The approval by the Civil Aeronautics Board of the interchange agreement plus the new route into New Orleans from Meridian had the effect of making possible a direct one-plane service between New Orleans and Detroit. When this service was offered, it was protested by Chicago & Southern Air Lines, Inc., and Delta was enjoined from offering this service. Delta appealed the restriction and a decision on it is now pending. At this time, the Delta-TWA through-plane interchange is the only interchange operating within the United States. Recently, and subsequent to the close of the fiscal year, your company has entered into an interchange agreement with American Airlines, Inc., whereby through-plane interchange service will be offered between the West Coast and the principal cities in the southeast. The approval of the agreement by the Civil Aeronautics Board is necessary before this service may be inaugu rated, and the agreement has now been filed with the Board for its approval. NEW ORLEANS ROUTE The entry mileage into New Orleans from Meridian was the only route mileage certificated to Delta in the Boston-New York-Atlanta-New Orleans Case which began more than five years ago. While the decision was disappointing in that Delta was denied a much needed route from Atlanta to Washington and New York, the Meridian cut-off is an advantage from an opera tions standpoint and did create several new route patterns. It created a Delta route between New Orleans and Cincinnati for the first direct air service between those two cities. It permits of better routing and utilization of aircraft and eliminates the former turnaround at New Orleans on flights from Fort Worth. MERGERS Toward the end of the fiscal year, discussions were begun with the management of National Airlines on the possibility of a merger. Commit tees representing the directors of each company met to work out the many problems involved, to evaluate properties, and to make recommenda tions to their directors for final reference^ f,o stockholders. Thus far, no definite agreement has been reached and the matter is still in a negotiation stage. Although the proposed consolidation is a very complex problem, many advantages to both com panies woidd be gained from it. The two systems fit logically into each other. From an operational standpoint and from the standpoint of invest ment in aircraft, spare parts, and other equip ment, there would be many economies. The consolidation of field stations and ticket offices in cities common to both systems would in itself result in substantial savings. There have been no major airline mergers since the Civil Aeronautics Act was passed in 1938; there are few legal or financial precedents for such a move, and progress is necessarily slow. Distribution of Transportation Revenues ROUTE DECISIONS AND APPLICATIONS Pending before the Civil Aeronautics Board are these cases: 1. Addition of St. Petersburg-Clearwater, Flor ida, as an intermediate point between Jackson ville and Miami. This has been made a part of the Additional Florida Trunk Line Service Case. 2. An extension from Cincinnati to Washington via Pittsburgh and from Cincinnati to Norfolk via Portsmouth, Ohio; Huntington and Charles ton, West Virginia; and Charlottesville and Rich mond, Virginia. 3. A proposal to close the present gap in Routes 24 and 54 between Charleston and Savannah. 4. A proposal to form a connecting link between Monroe and Baton Rouge. 5. Consideration of a Birmingham-Memphis route; this was part of Delta's Kansas City- Memphis-Florida Case in which the over-all application was denied, but this one segment was deferred by the Civil Aeronautics Board for its consideration in the Through Service Inves tigation Case which the Board recently instituted involving the possibilities of various interchange arrangements at Memphis and St. Louis. 6. The West Coast Applications consisting of an application for a direct route to Los Angeles from Dallas and Fort Worth, with Houston as an additional intermediate point between New Orleans and Dallas, and an application for a route from New Orleans to Los Angeles via Houston and San Antonio. You will find the route pattern of all these cases outlined on the Delta system map. PASSENGER TRAFFIC 39 40 4) 43 43 44 4S 46 47 48 OPERATING EXPENSES AND PROFIT PER PLANE MILE OPERATING EXPENSES AND PROFIT PER TON MILE $100 .90 80 .70 .60 .50 .40 .30 .20 The total number of revenue passengers car ried and revenue passenger miles flown were below those of the preceding year although hold ing far above the pre-war and war years' totals. The industry as a whole showed the same general trend. We carried 493,608 passengers in the 1948 fiscal year, as against 568,289 the preceding year. Available seat miles were 4 per cent higher, so that the total effect was to decrease the load factor from 66.35 per cent in 1947 to 53.92 in 1948. The slump in winter tourist traffic, increased competition from other airlines and also from surface carriers, plus increased travel by private automobile, were among the principal factors affecting traffic. When the new Douglas DC-6's are put in service, DC-3 and DC-4 schedules will be syn chronized at connecting points. This will enable Delta to offer improved and faster service, and should contribute to increased passenger reve nues in 1949. PASSENGER FARES In all, there now have been three fare increases since the end of the war. One increase was made over a year ago. The second came during the past fiscal year, and brought fares up to 5*4 cents a mile. Then, subsequent to the close of Each dot on chart above represents one seat in a passenger plane. Not shown as part of fleet are two all-cargo planes which carry no passengers. the fiscal year, another increase of approximately 10 per cent was instituted by nearly all of the industry, including Delta. At the same time, Delta offered a discount of 5 per cent on all round trips. AIR FREIGHT Our experience in handling air freight during the past year indicates that this phase of our business will become a very important factor in producing revenue. In the past fiscal year, freight pound miles increased 251 per cent. We now have two C-47 all-cargo "Flying Freighters'' operating between Chicago-Cincin- nati - Atlanta - Birmingham - New Orleans -Dallas- fort Worth. All scheduled passenger flights also carry air freight. Up to the present time, the preponderant ton nage has been southbound. To equalize direc tional loads, and thus help maintain the present low rates per ton mile, Delta offers a special discount to shippers of fresh fruit and vegetables from points on the southern end of the routes. I his traffic is growing slowly, but is expected to increase as marketing methods improve. All in all, the air freight picture is optimistic. Between many pairs of points, air freight is now actually less expensive than first-class rail express per 100 pounds. With costs approximately equal via air or rail, shippers are turning more and more to regular volume use of air freight. Air mail is now carried by Delta on a sliding scale of pay, with return adjusted to match load factors. Air express revenues held up very well during the year, showing a gain of 29 per cent. With both air freight and air express, Delta is able to offer a well-rounded cargo program to fit the needs of shippers. AIR MAIL Details of Delta's new rate for the carriage of mail are covered in the "Financial and Statis tical'' paragraphs which follow. From a straight traffic standpoint, mail pound miles flown in creased 20 per cent for the year. Over the entire system, the average mail load per mile was 132.8 pounds in 1948, as against 119.6 pounds in 1947. Since the end of the fiscal year, air parcel post service has been offered to the public. This is a development the airlines have worked for over a period of many years. Public acceptance Delta DC-4's can carry 7,000 pounds of air freight Two all-cargo C-47 "Flying Freighters" with wide on regular flights, plus full load of 44 passengers. doors for bulk loads operate between seven cities. of this new fast service, in the few weeks it has been available, has been very encouraging. FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL Total revenues increased for the fiscal year 1948, as compared to 1947, even though there was a decrease in passenger revenues of approxi mately $475,000. In 1947, total revenue was $11,488,836 In 1948, total revenue was $12,818,969 Air freight and air express accounted for some of this gain, but the principal portion of it came from a new rate of mail pay, retroactive to September 9, 1947. Delta's new rate of mail pay is on a sliding scale basis per plane mile flown, and increases or decreases according to passenger load factors. When passenger traffic is up, the mail rate moves down. Conversely, it moves up on a graduated scale if passenger traffic declines. How ever, the scale is so constructed that the over-all return to Delta increases with increased load factors, thus creating a steady incentive to in crease non-mail revenue and to hold costs down. The future rate should give us a fair return on our investment, if costs do not increase too much above current levels. In the detailed figures of the year's operations, you will note that expenses went up $700,000. You will also note that miles flown increased from 12,211,746 in 1947 to a total of 13,084,553 in 1948. However, the increase in expenses was not analogous to the increase in miles flown. There actually was a decrease in cost per revenue mile flown from $1.0075 in 1947 to $ .9856 in 1948. This decrease was accomplished by cutting- expenses in every way possible without affecting the safety and efficiency of our operation. Whereas the cost per mile flown went down, due to greater efficiency, the over-all expense levels went up at a sharp rate. Gasoline alone increased a third in price. Materials costs went up with each round of national wage increases. There was also a general salary increase of approximately 15 per cent in the early part of the year. This was necessary to compensate for the increased cost of living. On November 16, 1947, the Loan Agreement which we had with the Citizens 8c Southern National Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, and the other eleven participating banks, was extended for another year under the same terms, thereby leaving us $3,500,000 yet to be taken down under the agreement. Shortly after the end of the fiscal year, $500,000 additional was borrowed against the loan and the balance of $3,000,000 was borrowed before the expiration of the agree ment on November 16, 1948, for the completion of the purchase of the five Douglas DC-6 air planes and the attendant spare parts. The loan is repayable in quarterly installments over a period of five years from the date of borrowings and bears interest at the rate of 21/2% per annum. After examining our books for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947, the Bureau of Internal Revenue made an additional income tax assessment against us. The Bureau would not accept our depreciation rate based upon a three-year life for Douglas DC-4 aircraft, but instead assigned a life of four years to the DC-4's. This and other minor adjustments re sulted in an assessment of approximately $150,000 in added income taxes for the four years. This Delta DC-6's ore the most modern airliners ever to go in service. There ore none foster, none finer, to and through the South. has been treated on the books of the corporation as a charge to earned surplus. It was the decision of management, inasmuch as the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Civil Aeronautics Board (for rate making purposes) both had assigned a four-year life to DC-4 air craft, that our records also be changed to reflect a four-year life. Therefore, there was a credit to earned surplus as a result of this decision of approximately $350,000 for previous fiscal years. Earned surplus as of June 30, 1948, was $978,724 as compared to $572,372 at the beginning of the year. The above-mentioned adjustments and the addition to surplus of the net income for the year in the amount of $204,729 make up the major changes in earned surplus for the year. There was no change during the fiscal year in the amount of capital surplus. The detailed Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1948, Profit and Loss Statement for the year ended June 30, 1948, and Earned Surplus State ment are included in this report. EQUIPMENT The aircraft fleet operated by your Company during the past fiscal year consisted of 17 Douglas DC-3's, 7 Douglas DC-4's, and 2 Douglas C-47 air freighters. The DC-3, as you know, is a 21-passenger ship. The D-4's are limited to 44 seats in order to provide added passenger comfort and convenience. Your company owns all of these aircraft with the exception of 4 DC-3's and 1 C-47 which are leased from the government. One DC-4 aircraft was destroyed in Chicago in March. This airplane was fully covered by insurance and was immediately replaced. Return Per Revenue Passenger Mile (in cents) A main asset of Delta Air Lines is skilled group of employees with years of service. Number of Employees and Length of Service 1111 Your fleet thus consists of one more DC-3 than during the 1947 fiscal year, and gives Delta a total passenger lift of 665 seats. The addition of the five 56-passenger DC-6's during December, 1948, not only will provide needed competitive advantages, but will give Delta the elasticity to meet increased service demands. The disposition of some or all of the DC-4 fleet has not been determined as of this writing, but will depend upon airport requirements and traffic pattern and growth. The new Douglas DC-6's will be the finest and fastest aircraft flying in commercial services. They are a needed and vital factor in the growth and progress of your company. For your interest and information, a two-page section featuring these new planes has been included in this report following the financial pages. FACILITIES New hangars, shops, and office buildings at the Atlanta Municipal Airport were occupied soon after the beginning of the fiscal year. Grouping all major facilities in one compact plant added new efficiency to operations, main tenance, and administration. With more space, several new maintenance features were added which enabled your company to save money on several functions which were formerly sublet. In Chicago, a hangar constructed jointly with Chicago & Southern Air Lines was completed this past spring and will greatly aid winter operations this year. Modern, efficient ticket offices were opened in Chicago, Miami, and Dallas, to attract more sales and maintain Delta's position from a competitive standpoint. EMPLOYMENT There was almost no change in the employ ment total during the past year. At the end of the fiscal period, we had 12 more persons on the payroll than a year earlier. Turnover is now down to the figure of 2 per cent per month. Delta employees are staying with Delta; we now have more employees with experience who are able to fill responsible jobs as the system grows. Delta employees are our most important asset. In order to help employees meet costs in the event of hospitalization due to illness, we ar ranged for an increase in this phase of our group insurance during the year. STOCKHOLDERS It might be interesting to the owners of the company to know that there are approximately 1,600 stockholders, with an average holding of approximately 300 shares. Assets Delta Air Balance Sheet CURRENT ASSETS Cash Working Funds $ 12,260.00 Cash in Banks and in Transit 572,095.94 IJ. S. Government Securities--At Cost $ 450,000.00 Accrued Interest on U. S. Securities 2,088.63 Accounts Receivable: U. S. Government $1,612,543.16 Traffic 980,230.83 Affiliated Companies 11,052.49 Trade Accounts 194,899.01 Estimated Express Revenue 24,189.40 Employees 17,181.30 Inventories TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS OTHER ASSETS Stocks--Affiliated Companies $ 25,871.00 Deposits--Postage, Utilities, Etc 1,778.35 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (Note 1) Depreciation Book Cost Taken Value Airline $6,593,883.66 $2,985,906.76 $3,607,976.90 Dusting Division 90,142.58 41,980.79 48,161.79 Construction Work in Process: Flight Equipment 686,918.85 686,918.85 Other Equipment 14,859.38 14,859.38 $7,385,804.47 $3,027,887.55 4,357,916.92 PREPAID EXPENSES AND DEFERRED CHARGES Insurance $ 57,119.70 Rentals 186,453.93 Other 41,657.99 $ 584,355.94 452,088.63 2,840,096.19 805,488.30 $4,682,029.06 27,649.35 4,357,916.92 285,231.62 $9,352,826.95 Balance Sheet Notes, June 30, 1948 Note 1--EQUIPMENT AND RESERVE FOR DEPRECIATION In the fiscal year just ended, the Internal Revenue Department, reduced the allowable rates of depreciation on the DC-4 airplanes and engines and the DC-3 airplanes for the fiscal years 1944 through 1947. The records have been adjusted to show these changes, which reduced the accumulated depreciation reserves as of June 30, 1947, by $353,619.56. Effective July 1, 1947, the Company voluntarily reduced the depreciation rates on DC-4 radio equipment and pro pellers so that all DC-4 equipment would he fully depreciated at the same time. Note 2--NOTES PAYABLE The Company owes the Citizens and Southern National Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, $1,125,000.00 on a note dated January 6, 1947, due January 6, 1952, bearing interest at 2/%. The note is payable at the rate of $75,000.00 each three months, the next payment being due July 6, 1948. Phis loan was made under a loan commitment agreement with the Citizens and Southern National Bank. Under this agreement the hank, for itself and in behalf of the several participating banks, agreed to make loans to the Company in an aggregate principal of five million dollars in the period of twelve months from November 16, 1946. Any loan thus made bears interest at 2/% and is repayable in twenty equal quarterly installments. The company is Lines, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia June 30, 1948 Liabilities and Capital CURRENT LIABILITIES Notes Payable (Note 2) Accounts Payable: Trade $ 561,959.23 Ticket Refunds 7,821.78 Traffic Accounts 618,409.31 Employees 5,194.24 Employees--Bond Credits 5,407.39 Taxes--Federal Transportation 124,999.39 Taxes--Employees' Income 44,032.02 Taxes--Employees' Social Security 14,796.04 Taxes--Federal and State Income for Prior Years 151,353.61 Employees' Benefit Fund Air Travel Plan Deposits Accrued Expenses: Salaries and Wages $ 55,979.78 Interest 28,746.03 Taxes--Federal and State Income for Current Year 102,342.86 Taxes--Property and Social Security 46,352.74 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG TERM DEBT (Note 2) Notes Payable--due after 12 months DEFERRED CREDITS AND RESERVES Unearned Transportation Revenue $ 110,545.90 Unearned Rent 131.66 Reserve for Aircraft Overhaul 40,107.25 $ 300,000.00 1,533,973.01 1,393.94 112,200.00 233,421.41 $2,180,988.36 825,000.00 150,784.81 CAPITAL STOCK ($3.00 Par Value) Authorized 1,000,000 Shares Issued and Outstanding, 500,000 Shares $1,500,000.00 CAPITAL SURPLUS 3,717,329.20 EARNED SURPLUS 978,724.58 6,196,053.78 $9,352,826.95 obligated to pay a commitment fee of 54% on the unused balance of the five million dollars. As of June 30, 1948. $1,500,000.00 of the commitment had been used. The agreement provided that it might be extended for an additional twelve months, and it has been extended to November 16, 1948. Note 3--CONTINGENT LIABILITIES We have ascertained that the Company had the following contingent liabilities at June 30, 1948. The State of Georgia and the Company are engaged in a controversy over the method of proration used by the Company in reporting income to Georgia for income tax purposes. A possible assessment of approximately $30,000.00 of additional income taxes for the fiscal years 1944 to 1947 is involved. A suit for $211,700.00 has been filed against the Company for the death of Mr. Fussell, who, while flying a smaller plane, wras killed in a collision with one of the Company's planes at Columbus, Georgia, in April, 1947. A suit for $600,000.00 has been filed by Mrs. Tripolina Meo who was injured in a crash of one of the Company's DC-4 planes at Chicago, March 10, 1948. Other suits may be filed against the Company on account of this crash, in which nine passengers lost their lives. Note 4--PURCHASE COMMITMENTS The Company has entered into a purchase agreement for five Douglas DC-6 planes which will cost approximately $3,500,000.00, on which advance payments totaling $606,916.00 have been made. Six spare engines for the DC-6 planes have also been ordered at a total cost of $164,000.00. Statement of Income, Profit and Loss Year Ended June 30, 1948 REVENUES Passenger $10,079,272.25 Mail (Note 1) 2,010,668.26 Express 273,099.17 Freight 303,114.28 Excess Baggage 120,678.94 Non-Scheduled Transportation 11,032.90 Other Transportation Revenues 1,293.73 Incidental Revenues 19,809.53 Total Operating Revenues. EXPENSES $12,818,969.06 Flying Operations $ 3,341,301.04 Direct Maintenance--Flight Equipment 1,612,722.17 Depreciation--Flight Equipment (Note 2) 862,156.18 Ground Operations 2,185,404.09 Ground & Indirect Maintenance 856,334.35 Passenger Service 897,270.30 Traffic & Sales 1,448,276.32 Advertising & Publicity 319,882.06 General & Administrative 944,799.38 Depreciation--Ground Equipment 150,798.49 Total Operating Expenses $12,618,944.38 Net Operating Income $ 200,024.68 OTHER INCOME Cash Discounts $ 10,539.64 Interest Income 14,249.26 Net Profit on Retirements of Operating Equipment ,, 147,763.35 Other Non-Operating Income 41,861.23 214,413.48 OTHER DEDUCTIONS Interest Expense Extension & Development Expense. Net Loss--Dusting Division Other Non-Operating Expense Net Income INCOME TAXES Federal States NET ADDITION TO SURPLUS Note 1--MAIL REVENUE The Civil Aeronautics Board recently granted the Company an increase in its mail pay rate from September 9, 1947. This raised the Mail Revenue $1,500,436.18 for the current year. From a comparison of mail pay under the old and new rates for April, May and June, 1948, it appears that the monthly mail revenues will be increased 400% to 500%. .... $ $ 62,472.33 23,435.50 19,627.90 1,829.84 414,438.16 107,365.57 $ 307,072.59 .... $ 92,989.65 9,353.21 102,342.86 $ 204,729.73 Note 2--DEPRECIATION-FLIGHT EQUIPMENT As a result of the changes in rates of depreciation on flight equip ment, discussed in the balance sheet notes, the charges for depreci ation in the current year were $63,021.98 less than they would have been had no changes been made. COX. T " c c, c cot '^0.*""" ^ *^o,NC October U, 1948 Auditor's Statement j Stockholders , , Directors and Sto Air ^ne3' ln` So, oeorel. Earned Surplus June 30, 1948 Credit Balance, July 1, 1947 $ 572,372.77 Add: Net Income for Year Ended June 30, 1948, after Income Taxes $ 204,729.73 Adjustments in Depreciation for Prior Years 353,619.56 558,349.29 $1,130,722.06 Less: Additional Federal and State Income Taxes for Prior Years 151,997.48 Credit Balance, June 30, 1948 $ 978,724.58 The most modern airliners of the nation have begun operations over the routes of Delta since the end of the fiscal year. The new "300 Plus" fleet of Douglas DC-6's serves Chicago, Cincin nati, Atlanta, Jacksonville and Miami, and start ing New Year's Day are to begin flights from Atlanta to New Orleans and Dallas. Delta's DC-6's are the newest of the type in operation; they have 115 major improvements not found on the original models, and in addi tion to these mechanical items they also have set a new standard for passenger comfort. Each plane has a capacity of 56 passengers, in cluding six seats in the Sky Tounge. However, these six seats are not sold but are used as an extra sales attraction, since they enable more passengers to use the lounge in flight and give all persons aboard more room to relax. There are no triple seats on these planes, only pairs, with four seats facing at the head of each aisle. The passenger section is divided into two cabins, to eliminate any "day coach" vista of a long, unbroken row of seats. Lighting, heating, ventilation, foam-rubber seats, hand-rubbed wal nut paneling, soft rugs and real leather--44 hides to a plane--all add up to a new standard of luxu rious comfort. A "300 Plus" Theme There are no faster planes in the nation to day, and there are none finer than Delta's. With a speed of over 300 miles an hour to match any competitive schedules, and with the extra com fort of the Deltaliners, a theme of "300 Plus" was used to introduce these planes to the public. In all advertising and promotion, the theme was that aboard these planes passengers could enjoy travel at over 300 miles an hour, plus spacious comfort and luxurious surroundings. One of the most thorough promotion cam paigns ever adopted by any airline preceded scheduled operations. It included national and local advertising in magazines and newspapers, radio, television, billboards, window displays, posters, direct mail, courtesy flights, press trips, post cards, first flight certificates, employee train ing and special promotion with travel agents. In as far as possible, DC-3 and DC-4 schedules DC-6's first flew with crew of four, but new regula tions now call for flight engineer as fifth member. Six-place Sky Lounge at right is an extra sales feature of DC-6's. ALL SCATS IN PAIRS AFTER CABIN PRESSURIZED "AIR CONDITIONED" CABIN FORWARD CABIN LARGE PICTURE WINDOWS SKY LOUNGE REVERSIBLE PROPELLERS GALLEY DARK BLUE NACELLES RADIO COMPARTMENT BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT ENGINES 2100 H.P. EACH REST ROOMS HEATED LEADING EDGE FOR DE-ICING are arranged to connect at key terminals with DC-6 trips, to feed long-haul traffic to them. Flight times have been cut on long trips as a result, in some cases as much as four hours. The DC-6's have also permitted improvement in other schedules, such as DC-4 operations from Miami to Detroit, via the interchange route, for the first time. The Chicago-Miami non-stop also now makes it possible for Delta to take part in luxury one- stop service to Miami from such points as San Francisco, Denver, Omaha, Minneapolis and Toronto. This is expected to play an important part in generating connecting traffic. FOAM RUBBER UPHOLSTERED SEATS DC-6's feature individual tables for meals. Tables also for games. New Atlanta terminal, shown here before opening, gives Delta greatly needed space. Outside, there is more space for planes and spectators. Spacious and modern design of the Chicago office helps maintain Delta's competitive position, identi fies it as a major airline. In Miami, this modern office was also opened during fiscal year. It is in the Columbus Hotel building, in the heart of downtown Miami. NEW, MODERN OFFICES HELP BUILD DELTA SALES Delta now maintains city ticket offices in 26 cities, including Miami Beach, and during the past fiscal year three of the offices were moved into larger, modern and more efficient quarters. Shown here are the new offices in Miami and Chicago. The third major opening of the year was in Dallas. These new offices, of great benefit to Delta sales work, are now among the finest in the entire air transportation industry. Delta's ticket office in Chicago is on "Airline Row", conveniently located near leading hotels, shopping centers and the business area. General Office!.- Delta Air Lines Building Municipal Airport, Atlanta, Georgia Transfer Agent.- Citizens & Southern National Bank Atlanta, Georgia Registrar: Trust Company of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia C. E. Faulk, Chairman M. S. Biedenharn Richard W. Courts R. W. Freeman Edward H. Gerry L. B.Judd C. H. McHenry Winship Nunnally Travis Oliver Laigh C. Parker Richard J. Reynolds D. Y. Smith C. E. Woolman C. E. Woolman President and General Manager Laigh C. Parker Charles H. Dolson Vice President of Traffic Vice President of Operations M. S. Biedenharn Vice President Travis Oliver Treasurer C. H. McHenry Secretary L. B.Judd Comptroller Catherine FitzGerald Assistant Treasurer