W. C. BRADLEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY COLUMBUS, GA. R 917.58 Columbus c.2_8132b (lb96-1097) COSCO 2327 John R. Garrett DEALER IN OYSTERS. Wood and Coal. COGUMBUS, J. RHODES BROWNE, President. WILLIAM SLADE, Cashier. ...THE. .. National Bank of Columbus, COLUMBUS, - GEORGIA. v (Georgia Home Building.) Capital, Surplus, H-* $1 00,000.00 $100,000.00 Accounts of Individuals, Merchants and Corporations Invited. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. [5] No Better or Safer Investment THAN. STOCK IN THE Shares can be taken at any time. $!>0.00 each. Payable $1.00 per month. 8 Per Cent. Dividends Paid. Loans made on Columbus and suburban Real Estate only. Take stock with and build up the Company which builds up your town. J. J. SLADE, Secretary. Merchants & Mechanics Bank 1106 Broad Street. W. H. BRANNON, President. T. W. BATES, Cashier. Capital, $1 50,000. Do a General Banking Business. N. Y. CORRESPONDENT: American Exchange (Nat'l) Bank. . DIRECTORS: W. H. Brannon, 0. C. Bullock, W. R. Brown, T. W. Bates, N. P. Banks. _ _ Arthur C. Murdoch, FIRE INSURANCE -AGENT FOR- SOUTHERN MUTUAL INS. CO., of Athens, Ga. PHCENIX INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., of London, Eng. TELEPHONE No. 121. No. 1124 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. C. L. TORBETT, Undertaker and Practical Embalmer, 930 and 932 Broad Street. Orders by Telegraph Receive Prompt Attention Telephones: Office No. 211: Besiieiice No. 284-4 calls. COLUMBUS, GA. PtWEH'f CASH STORE. Upper anfl Lower Bridgfe. GIRaRD, j^^-A. Wm, L. LOTT, Gen'l Agent No 10 TWELFTH STREET There are no new features offered by any other Company that are not embraced in the New Policy Contract of this old and tried Company. Estimates and information cheerfully given. See them. 1 also represent the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY, of Baltimore, Md., who becomes Surety on Bonds of all kinds, including Guardians, Administrators, Assignees, County Officers, Receivers, etc. Call on or write Wm. L. LOTT, Agent, _No- 10 Twelfth St- I I. F. EVERETT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Manufacturer of TINWARE. Roofing M Guttering a Specialty @"Bids given on all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work. 1033 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, - - - GEORGIA. [8] R. L. ROSS' Bicycle Exchange. Bicycles* Renting ^ Renairinga Specialty Bought. Sold and Exchanged Old Wheels Taken in Exchange. Whee's Rented by the Day or Hour. WHEELS BUILT TO ORDER.. Repairing Done on Short Notice. 75 Wheels In Stock at All Prices. From $15.00 to $100.00 For Cash or on Installments. Sundries and Parts in Stock at All Times. Twelfth St., COLUMBUS, CA. All Kinds of Lathe Work anl Machine Eejairing, Brazil, Enameling, Etc. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. "GiKAj^p. ALA. J. Bush & Son, -DEALERS IN- General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oil, Agricultural Implements, RAILROAD AND GONTRACTORS SUPPLIES. Agents for McCORMICK MOWERS, REAPERS and BINDERS, and THE MITCHELL WAGON, the Best Made. 1009 Broad Street. C. M. KINSEL, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, OPTICAL mi AND MANUFACTURING JEWELER. | Jewelry, j Silverf Plated Ware Cut-Glass, Brie a Brack, and Fancy Goods. 1105 Broad St. i Columbus, Ga. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. COXjUIVIBTJS, &iV. Main Entrance 1308J Broad St. (Governed by a Charter.) Cures Whiskey, Tobacco, Morphine, Cocaire and Opium Habits, by the latest and most scientific method known to the world. T XI E RUSSIAN TREAT 3VE ENT. Treats all diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Lungs, and all diseases of Females and Children; also, all chronic and long-standing diseases. CANCERS AND OLD SORES Cured without using Knife and with out Pain. Hydrophobia can be cured " under our treatment. Hot Springs at Homs. Ask your Family Physician to get you a Bath Outfit. Baths for sale at our office. A Medicated Vapor Bath can be given at your Home That is thoroughly scientific and one of the Greatest SuoceSBes of Moclorn Times. We invite investigation and produce evidence which will repay you to examine. We place before the public a Bath that gives results equal to the most noted Hot Springs of the land with great saving of time and money it costs to patronize them. We prove by actual testi monials that patients from these resorts use ours with success after others failed. It produces a gradual rise of temperature. No shock is given and no vapor inhaled, which enables one to remain in the Bath much longer. Always ready and at your home. No danger from after exposure. No muss, no trouble, and no attendant necessary. We guarantee to help or entirely cure the most stubborn cases of Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver, and Nervous troubles, Piles, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Syphilis, Obesity, Eczema, and Blood Disorders, and Diseases peculiar to the Female Sex. This Institute hs Twenty Consulting Physicians on its Staff, and is under the management of the celebrated Welch Physician and Sci entist, David Elias Morgan, M. D. The Physicians will give to all that are too poor to pay, Office Con sultation and Medical Advice FREE every Friday. Mail correspondence must enclose stamp for reply. Letters must be addressed to the Secretary, D. E. MORGAN, M. D. bstsend for symptom blank. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GlRAffEl/jALA. THE ENTERPRISE Photographic and Portrait Studio, THE LARGEST ART STUDIO IN THE SOUTH. Enlarging Done from Life Photos and Tintypes in Crayon, Pastelle Oil and India Ink. BABIES and FAMILY GROUPS A SPECIALTY. PEDRO A. CASANAVE y PINEDA, Artist, Marshall and Jackson Sts., - Phenix City, Ala J. M. FLETCHER. J. T. FLETCHER. M. A. BRADFORD. Fletcher & Bradford, DEALERS IN UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES. PROMPT ATTENTION CIVEN. C. H HERRING, Practical Undertaker and Embalmer, is with us. 7 Twelfth Street, - COLUMBUS, GA. Office 'Phone (>7 - two calls; Residence 'Phone (17. F. M. BAGLEY, -DEALER IN- LIQUORS and TOBACCOS One Gallus and Copperas Breeches Corn Whiskey -A. SPECIA.L.TY. 1021 BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia. M. T. BBRGAN, Ice Manufacturer WHOLESALE DEALER IN Whiskey, Oysters, AM THE CHRISTIAN IOERLEIN BREWING- COMPANY'S BEER, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. JOHN W. MILLER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fish, Oysters, Game, &c. PROPRIETOR Columbus Ice Delivery Co. IC13 & 1015 First Avenue# ket Stalls Nos. 34 and 36. Telephone 14*5. POWER'S pASl-rSTORE Upper an* Lower Bridge. 0 gira^%,ala. FRANK LOCKWOOD. T. F. LOCKWOOD. LOCKWOOD BROS. ail Superintendents, Office, Oowdiesy BmiMiag, ist Await, A. ROCK. J. FROELICH. A. Rock & Co. MERCHANT TAILORS, 18 Eleventh Street, COLUMBUS, = = GEORGIA. Have your WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and SPECTACLES Repaired by F. M. SOMMERKAMP, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 1142 Broad St. (City Drug Store,) COLUMBUS, - GKEOZELGrl-iM All Work READY when PROMISED and GUARANTEED. POWER'S CASH STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fruits, Confections, Canned Goods, &c. Telephone 271. Two Stores, Upper and Lower Bridge, Girard, Ala. Fine Tools, Cutlery, 'Phone 15. 1120 Broad St. COLUMBUS CIDER & VINEGAR WORKS Manufacture the Best Grade of PURE VINEGAR, --also-- PURE FRUIT CIDER. 16 W. 7th Street, COLUMBUS, GA. t. w. smith: & co. Architects, Engineers and Superintendents, 1113^ Broad Street. KS^Consultation Free. A little way out from the centre of the City, but com peting direct ly with other first-class Re tail Grocery Houses. Full Line of GROCERIES and STOCK FEED. Corner B St. and Comer Ave., - Columbus, Ga. D. L. PARMER, Attorney at Law, l Columbus, Ga. Special attention to the Collection of Claims in the City and at all points within fifty miles of Columbus. Correspondence in all the principal Cities in the U. S. Wakefields Pharmacy. O. W. WAKEFIELD, Prop'R. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. No. 8 Twelfth Street. B. F. Ketchum, DEALER IN ICE, FISH, OYSTERS, GAME And Fancy Groceries. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED and DELIVERED. N. W. Cor. 1st Ave. and 12th St. Telephone 83. PHILIP EIFLER, Fire Arms AND Ammunition, Bicycles and Sundries. 1005 Broad Street, - - COLUMBUS, GA. J. 1. WEBSTEK, DEALER IN Coal and Wood WOOD CUT AND SPLIT TO ORDER. ELECTRIC KINDLING a Specialty. Yard on 10th Ave., between 12th & 13tli Sts., COLUMBUS, GA. SALE STABLES and TRANSFER LINE, Especial attention given to the moving of Safes, Pianos, and other heavy articles. 1st Ave., bet. 12th and 13th Sts., - Columbus, Ga. INGRAM BROS. WHOLESALE OMOCEHS BACON, CORN, OATS, BRAN, HAY, SALT, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, FLOUR, TOBACCOS, BAGGING AND TIES, KEROSENE OIL, &c. 1036 Broad Street, - - Columbus, Georgia. L, L. COWDERY & CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF China, Crockery, Foreign Glassware and Fancy Goods. TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, CHAN DELIERS, LAMPS and MIRRORS. 1044 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. .. . ...... ,...t-v POWER'S CASH STORE. U|per ant Lower Bridge; GIRARD, ALA. [17] For- Toilet Paper Don't Use the Wrong Kind. Thick Paper clogs a drain; A clogged drain causes impure air: Impure air causes ill health ; Ill health causes suffering ---And Doctors' bills. Stiff Paper clogs a drain; A clogged drain cannot be used and therefore causes incon venience ; A Plumber must clean the drain, and Plumbers' work is expensive Moral: Use a SOLUBLE TISSUE Toilet Paper. It is not expensive. $1.00 will buy 25 Packages. $1.00 will buy 5 Rolls (10,000 sheets) with fixtureput up in neat wooden box. 20 different kinds of Packages and Rolls from 5c. to 20c. each, and from $3.75 to $18.00 per Case. A Case contains 100 Packages or Rolls. To Factories, Hotels and other Large Consumers, we quote very low prices. Thos. Gilbert, Printer and Manufacturing Stationer, 15 & 17 Twelfth St., Columbus, Ga. "'Eiv: Upper an*' 5 fo'REBtidge.- GIRAHu. ALA [18] Fine Engraved Stationery Wedding and Reception Invitations. Visiting Cards. 7i\ /T\ S^R All Engraved neatly, accurately, and in latest styles. ^ ^ We carry a large line of the Finest Correspondence Papers made. We make a Specialty of Embossing and Illuminating Correspondence Papers with Monograms^ Addresses. Our work is not excelled anywhere in this country. Prices reasonable. Thos. Gilbert, Printer and Manufacturing Stationer, 15 & 17 Twelfth St., Columbus, Ga. POWER'S C ASH STORE. Upper an* Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. 119] HOTEL VERNON. /VlRS. S. E. CHAppIN, Proprietress. CORNER 13TH STREET AND FIRST AVE., - COLUMBUS, GA. RATES, $1.00 r*o $1.50 PER DAY. ' SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. CLARK & WALTON. GENERAL PLASTERERS, ATLANTA, GA. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Specimen of Work MUSCOGEE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. PARAGON SAFETY OIL CO., DEJ\LEfjS IN Finest Lamp Oil and Stoue Gasoline. Telephone 25. po. 12 Twelfth Street, COLUMBUS, GA. ~NEW YOffK JACKET STORE, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES. Cheapest House in Town. 1041 broad St. I ADAMS & WADE, PROPRIETORS. John Blackmar Co. Special Notice. Merchants Bureau o! Infonnation and Collecting Agency, Do a General Collecting Business, and furnish "Special Reports" on any party, in the City, from 1 to 6 hours. Outside this City, from 1 to 6 days. Old and Hard Claims a Specialty. Office, Georgia Home Building; 'Phone 3$. THOS. W. LIGON, Sec'y & Treas. Merchants Information and Employment Bureau. Office, Georgia Home Building. 'Phone 35. THOS. W. LIGON, Manager. Assist all out of employment in getting good places. " We are having calls almost daily, for help of all kinds." POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. LS , DIRECTORY OF THE City of Columbus GEORGIA. -- 1896-7 CONTAINING A GENERAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE CITIZENS OF COLUMBUS, WITH A DIRECTORY OF THE STREETS, NUMBERS AND OCCUPANTS, TOGETHER WITH A COMPENDIUM OF GOVERNMENTS, INSTITUTIONS AND TRADES, AND MUCH OTHER USEFUL AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTER, SUCH AS COUNTY AND CITY GOVERNMENTS, CORPORATE AND OTHER BODIES, NAMES, TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING OF SECRET AND OTHER SOCIETIES, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, &v. Price, ~ - $5.00. PUBLISHED BY SOUTHERN DIRECTORY AND PUBLISHING CO., WILLIAM H. WALSH, Manager. TO FIND A NAME YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT. COLUMBUS, QA.: Thos. Gilbert, Printer and Stationer. 1 89 6. BRADLEY MFMQPi AL LIBRARY COLU^WuS, GEORGIA jWER'S CAS* STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. GENERAL INDEX. Page Abbreviations.107 Alphabetical List of Names... .107 Asylums and Hospitals. 36 Banks. 36 Board of Health. 32 Board of Trade. 37 Board of Underwriters. 37 Building and Loan Associations 37 Business Directory.375 Cemeteries. 38 Churches.38 City Government. 31 Clubs. 40 County Officers.48 Courts and Officials. 48 Educational. 33 Express Companies. 40 Page Fire Department. 35 Incorporated Companies. 40 Insurance Companies.. 42 Li braries...42 Military. 43 Miscellaneous. 31 Newspapers. 48 Parks and Places of Amusement 43 Police Department. 36 Post Office. 43 Railroads. 44 Schools. 33 Secret Societies. 44 Street Directory. 49 Telegraph and Telephone Cos.. 47 U. S. Local Offices. 47 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. . , Page Adams & Wade. 49 Andrews Tom.395 Bagley F. M.. ' 12 Beach William. 44 Bergan M. T. 42 Blackmar, John Co. 20 Bradley William C.. front cover Bush J. & Son . 9 Caffey F. C. & Co."''. 393 Chaffin Thomas.bottom lines Chancellor A. C.394 Chappell L. H.396 Clark & Walton, Atlanta, Ga. 49 Coleman T. A.393 Columbus Cider & Vinegar Works.!!'.!".] 14 Columbus Cycle Co.back cover Columbus Grocery Co.front cover Columbus Laundry Co... .'.bottom lines Columbus Ledger.. _ 392 Columbus Savings Bank..... . ...front cover Columbus Savings & Loan Co. 5 Cowdery L. L. & Co.45 Davis John T.. Jr., & Co.|' 394 Douglass A W.' _ '394 Eifler Philip, estate. 45 /v Enquirer-Sun......394 \ POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. GIRaR$.ALA. Page Everett H. F. 7 Fletcher & Bradford .'. 11 Garrett John R. 3 Georgia Home Insurance Co.top lines Georgia Midland Ry. 2 Gilbert Thomas.back cover and 17-18 Herald Publishing Co.393 Howard R. 16 Ingram Bros. 16 Interstate Building & Loan Association.top lines and 397 Johnston Cycle Co.opposite JohnstonS. H. opposite Ketchum B. F. 15 Kiusel C. M. 9 Lockwood Bros. 13 Lott William L. 7 Lupo W. F. 14 Merchants Bureau of Information and Collection Agency. 20 Merchants & Mechanics Bank. 5 Miller J. W. 12 Moses W. M. & M. J.backbone Murdoch A. C. 6 Paragon Oil Co. 19 Parmer D. L. 15 Pease's J. W. Sons.top lines Pineda P. H. C. 11 Powers Frank G. 13 Rock A. & Co. 13 Ross R. L.front cover and 8 Schomburg C.bottom lines Smith T. W. & Co. 14 Sommerkamp F. M. 13 Surgical & Medical Institute. 10 The National Bank of Columbus. 4 Third National Bank.front cover Torbett C. L. 6 Tuggle M H.back cover Wakefield O. W. 15 Webster J. M. 16 Wells & Curtis.bottom lines Willcox D. F. & Son. top lines Wills J. F. 391 Young C. E. & Co. back cover OWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. Changes, Removals, Etc. Arenowitch I, successor to Lentin & Arenowitch, dry goods, etc, 1284 Broad Bessellieu Alice J, wid C M, changed to 1120 1st av Bowling W B Prof, teacher public schools, r 1112 5th av BRANNON & BLACKMAR (W H Brannon and A 0 Blackmar,) fire insurance agents, 1006 Broad COLUMBUS CYCLE CO (M H Tuggle and George W Urmey,) bicycles, repairers and sundries, 823 Broad, (see back cover) COLUMBUS INVESTMENT CO (J F Flournoy, pres, C M Woolfolk, sec & treas,) changed to 1st avand 12th Dudley Sterling W, elk Jno T Davis Jr, & Co, bds Hotel Vernon Fillingim Henry V, trav sales Elledge & Norman, r 1225 2d av Fussell Austin C, blacksmith C R R, r P C Greene E F, special agt Standard Oil Co, changed to 1114 5th av Hamer George W, successor to Eason & Hamer, grocer, etc, 1107 Broad, r 215 15th Jones Larkin T(RW Page & Co,) changed to 24th, R H Loeb Leo (Loeb & Kaufman,) changed to 1019 2d av MOSES MONTEFIORE J (W M & M J Moses,) changed to 1120 1st av MOSES W MOULTRIE (W M & M J MOSES, changed to 1120 1st av Page Rinaldo W (R W Page & Co,) changed to 24th, R H Peddy Laura E, grocer, 801 16th, r same Railey Joseph M, grocer, 550 3d av, r same Snider W F (W F Snider & Co,) r 1316 3d av Snider W F & Co (W F Snider,) cotton buyers, 1043 Front TUGGLE MOTT H (Columbus Cycle Co,) and plumber, gas and steam fitter, etc, 823 Broad, r 831 Broad, (see back cover) URMEY GEO W (Columbus Cycle Co,) r 831 Broad POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY --sOF THEsr- CITY OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, #^FOR 1896-7,#- City Hall, Tenth St., between First and Second Aves. Mayor elected 2d Saturday in December, 1894, for two years. THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Is composed of a Board of Aldermen, consisting of sixteen (16) members, elected every two years, in December. Regular meeting of Council, first Wednesday in each month. Mayor, Cliff B. Grimes ; salary, $1,800. Mayor pro tem, Joel Bush. Board of AldermeD. First Ward--E. J. Rankin,* Sol Sarling. Second Ward--E. F. Roberts,* T M Oliver. Third Ward--J R Brannan,* J. F. Shackelford. Fourth Ward--J. K. Harris,* Theo M Foley. Fifth Ward--T. A. Bowen,* Robert S. Grier. Sixth Ward--J. Bush,* C. L. Torbett. Seventh Ward--John F. Clegg,* John P. Turner. Eighth Ward--J. H. McKnight,* George W. Sheridan. *Time expires December, 1896, balance in December, 1897. STANDING COMMITTEES. Accounts and Contracts--Sarling, Bowen, Harris. Bridges and Wharf--Sheridan, Torbett, Shackelford. Cemetery--Harris, Brannan, Rankin. City Improvements--Bowen, Clegg, Torbett. Cisterns and Fire Department--Turner, Oliver, Roberts. Finance--Foley, Sarling, Turner. Gas and Street Lights--McKnight, Bush, Grier. Hospital--Shackelford, Harris, Bush. (a) ' OWER'S CASH STORE, upper ano Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. 32 COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. Market and Magazine--Torbett, McKnight, Clegg. Ordinances--Brannan, Rankin, Bowen. Parks and Commons--Clegg, Roberts, Oliver. Police--Oliver, Foley, McKnight. Public Schools--Rankin, Shackelford, Brannan. Sanitation--Bush, Sheridan, Foley. Streets and Sewers--Roberts, Grier, Sheridan. Water Works--Grier, Turner, Sarling. City Officers. Clerk of Council--M. M. Moore; salary, $1,500. Treasurer--John S. Matthews; salary, $1,500. Recorder --A. W. Cozart; salary, $600. Marshal and Chief of Police--Wiley Williams; salary $1,350. First Lieut, of Police--C. E. Ryckley; salary, $900. Second Lieut. Police--W. C. Bailey; salary, $900. Third Lieut. Police--W. H. Denson; salary, $900. Overseer Street Hands--E. E. Massey; $750. Supt. Public Works--R. L. Johnson; salary, $1,000. Sanitary Inspector--J. W. Long; salary, $800. City Attorney--F. D. Peabody; salary, $800. City Physician--0. D. Wall; salary, $1,200. Hospital Keeper--Catherine Anderson; salary, $175, and 45 cents per day for board of patients. Clerk of Market and Magazine--Mark Masters salary $660. Sexton City Cemetery--J. A. Beard ; salary, $900. Sexton Riverdale Cemetery--Emory Jefferson; salary, $450 Sexton Colored Cemetery--R. P. Porter ; salary, $400. Port Wardens--Thomas Chaffin, R. A. Carson, E. L. Wells, Dan Joseph and F. J. Dudley. ASSESSORS OF Real Estate--James Smith, J. J. Joines, B. H. Harris. Chief Engineer of Fire Department--George J. Burrus. Superintendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph--R. K. Munn; salary, $250. Board of Health. Meets on call at City Hall. Dr. John Norwood, president; M. M. Moore, secretary; J. W. Long, sanitary inspector. Members--Dr. D. C. Ticknor, Dr. T. E. Mitchell, Dr.' R. E. Griggs, Dr. C. D. Wall, Dr. J. H. McDuffie, Dr. W. T. Gautier, Dr. W. T. Gann. ' .*.?/// POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper an* Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 33 EDUCATIONAL Board of Trustees Public Schools. Office--Tenth Street School, cor. Second av. and Tenth st. Officers--R. A. Carson, president; C. B. Gibson, secretary; J. S. Matthews, treasurer. Members--James Smith, William Slade, J. B. Tarver, Dr. C. E. Estes, L. T. Ryckeley, F. D. Peabody, L. Buhler, F. B. Gordon, J. A. Kirven, 0. W. Chears, R. A. Carson. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance and Supplies--J. A. Kirven, J. B. Tarver and James Smith. Course of Study and Text Books--F. B. Gordon, F. D. Peabody and J. B. Tarver. School Houses--James Smith, J. A. Kirven and L. Buhler. Examination of Teachers--F. D. Peabody, W. B. Slade Dr. C. E. Estes. Rules and Regulations--W. B. Slade, F. B. Gordon and C. W. Chears. VISITING Tenth Street and Sixth Avenue Schools. J. B. Tarver, F. D. Peabody and L. Buhler. Sixteenth Street and Claflin Schools. Dr. C. E. Estes, J. A. Kirven and W. B. Slade. High-School, Rose Hill and Twenty-Eighth Street Schools. C. W. Chears, James Smith, F. B. Gordon, L. T. Ryckeley. City Schools. Carleton B. Gibson. Supt.; office, Teoth Street School, 2d ave. and 10th st. HIGH SCHOOL--11th street cor. 4th ave. J. A. Alderman, principal; A. H. Allen, 1st grade. TENTH STREET SCHOOL--Tenth, corner 2d av., W. B. Bowling, principal; W. T. Halliday, assistant principal. GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. Miss M. E. Deignan, Mrs. L. E. Saunders, Miss Amoret Williford, Miss Hynes Raines. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Miss Jodie Johnson, Miss Rosa Russell, Miss Emma Thorn ton, Miss Jessie Snyder. ELEVENTH STREET SCHOOL--Eleventh, southwest corner 4th av., J. A. Alderman, principal. (b) J-UWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. 34 COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Mrs. L. M. Ticknor. ROSE HILL SCHOOL--Twenty-first, near Hamilton Av., L. C. Slade, principal ; Miss Annie Belle Redd, Miss Annie Bennett, Miss Lucy Foster, Miss Rowena Gunby, Miss Lizzie Deignan, music teacher. SIXTEENTH STREET SCHOOL--Corner Sixteenth street and Third av., Robt. A. Ryder, principal; Z. White hurst, assistant principal; Miss Myra H. Birdsong, Miss Florence I. Holmes, Miss A. C. Jones, Miss Josephine Worrill, Mrs. Dolly Banks, Miss Jennie Lott, Miss Bettie Brown, Miss Nellie Brown. NIGHT SCHOOL--Fifteenth, between Broad and 1st av., Z. Whitehurst, principal; Miss Mamie Bell, assistant; ap prentice teacher, Miss Mildred Shepperson. (Colored.) W. H. Spencer, principal. SIXTH AVENUE SCHOOL--718 6th av. GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. W. H. Spencer, principal; Miss Julia Thomas, Miss Ella E. Spencer, Miss L. F. Cantey, Miss A. L. Tucker. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Miss M. E. Austin, Miss I. A. Terry, Miss L. H. Spencer, Miss E. M. Taylor, Miss L. L. Davis, Miss V. E. Applen, Miss M. L. Stewart; senior assistant, Miss W. A. Dennis. CLAFLIN SCHOOL--1527 6th Av. GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. Miss D. F. Terry, principal. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Miss I. B. Morgan, Miss E. L. Jones, Miss I. M. Jones, TWENTY-EIGHTH ST. SCHOOL--Twenty-eighth, near Hamilton av. W. S. Cantey, principal. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Miss M. E. Hawkins, Miss M. B. Stevens. FOURTH ST. SCHOOL- PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Mrs. Bhyshe McRae, Miss G. Williams. Apprentice teacher, Miss Ruth Moore. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 35 Fire Department. Organized as a semi-paid department, and is under the supervision of the following BOARD OF FIRE WARDENS. George J. Burrus, W. J. Hartmann, C. P. Springer, E. E. Yarbrough, W. A. Crow, H. P. Bausch. The Department is maintained at an annual expense of about $17,000, and has one chemical engine, three steam engines, three hose reels, with 6,000 feet of hose, fourteen horses and a force of eighteen men. The chief is paid $500 per annum; engineers, $900 each; drivers, $600 each; run ners, $600 each. George J. Burrus, chief; J. W. King, Jr., first assistant; F. U. Downing, second assistant; L. J. Abbott, secretary. Fire Alarm Telegraph. (Location of Signal Boxes.) No. 4--Chief Engineer's residence. No. 5--Bell Tower. No. 6--Corner 9th and Front. No. 7--Corner 10th and 2d avenue. No. 8--Corner 12th and 3d avenue. No. 9--Corner 12th and 1st avenue. No. 13--Front Eagle and Phenix Mfg. Co. No. 14--Corner 14th and 1st avenue. No. 15--Corner 3d avenue and 15th. No. 16--Swift Mfg. Co., 6th avenue. No. 17--Union Passenger Depot. No. 18--Near Muscogee Oil Mill, 11th and 10th avenues. No. 21--County Jail, corner 6th avenue and 10th. No. 23--Corner 8th and 4th avenue. No. 24--Corner 7th and 6th avenue. No. 25--Corner 6th and 3d avenue. No. 26--Corner 5th and 1st avenue. No. 27--Corner 7th and Broad. No. 42--Corner 4th and 4th avenue. No. 45--Corner 11th and 4th avenue. No. 53--18th and 2d avenue. No. 54--Hamilton av and 21st street. No. 56--10th and Talbotton avenue. 36 COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. TELEPHONES. 7--Chemical Co, East Highlands. 30--Chief's Office. 191-- No. 1 Engine House. 192-- Chief Fire Department. 194-- Hook and Ladder and Stonewall No. 4. 195-- Young America No. 5. SPECIAL SIGNALS. One stroke of the bell will denote 11:30 a. m. Three strokes, fire out. Twelve strokes, large fire, every member of the department needed. R. K. Munn, Superintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph. Police Department. Headquarters, Tenth St. cor. Seventh av. Including the Chief, the regular force numbers 44 men, with six supernu meraries, paid as follows: Chief, $1,350; Lieutenants, $900 each; Sergeants and privates, $720 each. The total expense of the department for 1895 was $30,835.92. Chief, Wiley Williams; First Lieutenant, C. E. Ryckeley; Second Lieutenant, W. C. Bailey; Third Lieutenant, W. II. Denson; Sergeants, B. F. Watt and M. D. Rowe. Asylums and Hospitals. CITY HOSPITAL--City Park 15th bet. 8th-9th avs. MrsCatherine Anderson, matron; Dr. C. D. Wall, physician in charge. FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM--Fourth av., southwest cor. 14th. Miss Hephzibah Pope, matron. MUSCOGEE ASYLUM FOR THE POOR--Situated eight miles east of City. D. A Fulton, in charge. BANKS. COLUMBUS SAYINGS BANK--1152-1154 Broad. Incor porated 1889. Capital $100,000. Surplus $15,000. G. Gunby Jordan, president; J. W. Murphey, vice-president; H. B. Crowell, assistant treasurer. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK--1000 Broad. Incorpo rated 1892. Capital $150,000. Surplus $31,500. T. E. Blanchard, president; E. P. Owsley, cashier; J. B. Huff, dccictriTif. ooQniPr GEORGIA HOME SAYINGS DEPARTMENT--Corner Broad and 11th. Incorporated 1879. Capital, $300,000. J. Rhodes Browne, president; William Slade, cashier. '..? *- POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper an* L#wer Bridge. CiRARD, ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 37 MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS BANK--1106 Broad. Incorporated, 1871. Capital, $150,000. W. H. Brannon, president; T. W. Bates, cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBUS-1048 Broad. Incor porated, 1875. Capital. $100,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $100,000. J. Rhodes Browne, president; William Slade, cashier. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBUS-- 1152-1154 Broad. Incorporated, 1888. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $50,000. G. Gunby Jordan, president; John W. Murphey, cashier; J. W. Murphey, Jr, assistant cashier. BOARD OF TRADE. COLUMBUS BOARD OF TRADE --Organized, 1882. Incorporated, 1890. F. B. Gordon, president; Rhodes Browne, secretary and treasurer. Directors--F. B. Gordan, S. A. Carter, T. M. Foley, G. M. Williams, L. H. Chappell, J. K. Orr, Rhodes Browne. BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS OF COLUMBUS-- Annual meeting, second Monday in July. Monthly meet ing, second Monday in each month, at 1149 Broad. J. J. Slade, president; Rhodes Browne, vice-president; Dana Blackmar, secretary and treasurer. BUILDING AND LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM PANIES. COLUMBUS INVESTMENT CO.--1st av. and 12th. Incor porated, 1889. Capital, $200,000. J. F. Flournoy, presi dent; C. M. Woolfolk, secretary and treasurer. COLUMBUS MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIATION--1140 Broad. N. P. Banks, president; C. J. Edge, secretary and treasurer. COLUMBUS SAVINGS AND LOAN CO.--Organized 1893. William Slade, president; R. O. Howard, vice-president; J. J. Slade, secretary; National Bank of Columbus, treas urer. Meets third Monday in each month. . ' 'ER'S CASH STORE. Upper ann Lewer Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. . 38 COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. INTERSTATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Columbus. 1150 Broad. Incoporated, July, 1889. Authorized capital, $7,500,000. E. P. Dismukes, president; C. E. Beach, vice-president and general manager; D. E. Williams, secretary and treasurer. MUSCOGEE MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIATION--1140 Broad. N. P. Banks, president; C. J. Edge, secretary and treasurer. MUSCOGEE REAL ESTATE CO.--1205 Broad. Incor porated, 1887. Authorized capital, $1,000,000. Paid up, $450,000. J. F. Flournoy, president; Cliff. B. Grimes, secretary and treasurer. NORTH HIGHLANDS LAND, IMPROYEMENT AND MANUFACTURING CO.--Office, 1047 Front. Incor porated, 1890. Capital, $155,000. S. A. Carter, president; E. J. Rankin, vice-president; Rhodes Browne, secretary and treasurer. "ROSE HILL CO.--Office 1212th. Incorporated, 1887. Cap ital, $75,000. G. Gunby Jordan, president; W. C. Bradley, vice-president; L. H. Chappell, secretary and treasurer. Directors--G. Gunby Jordan, W. C. Bradley, A. Illges, N. N. Curtis, H. R. Goetchius, R. O. Howard, J. A. Kirven. CEMETERIES. CITY CEMETERY--Sixteenth and 6th av. J. A. Beard, sexton. RIYERDALE CEMETERY Tenth av, near river. Emory Jefferson sexton COLORED CEMETERY--Sixth av, corner 4th. Richard Porter, sexton. CHURCHES. BAPTIST. FIRST CHURCH--Twelfth, between 2d and 3d avs. Rev. W. H. Smith, pastor. FIRST AYENUE CHURCH--1431 1st av. Rev. R. W. Page, pastor. (Colored.) FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH--Corner 6th av. and 11th. Rev. J. S. Kelsey, pastor. FREE WILL CHURCH--1006 10th av. SHADY GROYE CHURCH--Second av, corner 19th. Rev. L. F. O'Bryan, pastor. power's cash store. Upper and Lwer Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 39 ST. PAUL PRIMITIVE CHURCH--Seventh av, corner 8th. SPRINGFIELD CHURCH--Wvnnton. WYNN'S HILL CHURCH--Rev. Philip Owens, pastor. TABERNACLE--Sixth av. nr 16th. Rev. W. R. Forbes, pastor. EPISCOPAL. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL--Cor. 3d ave. and 17th st. TRINITY CHURCH--1126 1st av. Rev. W. C. Hunter, rector. HEBREW. B'NAI ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE--Tenth, southwest corner 4th av. Rev. E. B. M. Browne, rabbi. METHODIST. BROAD STREET CHURCH--1321 Broad. Rev. J. H. Mather, pastor. EAST HIGHLANDS CHURCH--Thirteenth av., north of 17th. Rev. George B. Culpepper, pastor. ROSE HILL CHURCH--Hamilton av. southeast corner 21st. Rev. E. J. Burch, pastor. ST. LUKE CHURCH--Second av., between 11th and 12th. Rev. Dr. C. E. Dowman, pastor. ST. PAUL CHURCH--Third av., southeast comer 13th. Rev. A. M. Wynn, pastor. (Colored.) ST. JAMES CHURCH-1010 6th av. Rev. J. B. Lofton, pastor. ST. JOHN.CHURCH--1522 5th av. Rev. Wm. Flagg, pastor. ST. MARK CHURCH--Second av, corner 6th. EVERETT CHAPEL--Eighth, between 7th and 8th avs. PRESBYTERIAN. FIRST CHURCH--First av., northwest corner 11th. Rev. W. A. Carter, pastor. (Colored.) SECOND CHURCH--Fourth av., southeast corner 6th. ROMAN CATHOLIC. CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY--Twelfth, southwest corner 4th av. Rev. G. X. Shadewell, pastor. rER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. 40 COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. CLUBS SOCIAL. CATHOLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION--947 Broad. J. W. King, president; J. A. Curry, vice-president; L. H. Curry, secretary and treasurer. HARMONY CIRCLE--West 11th, between Broad and Front. S. Loeb, president; A Schield, vice-president; J. Fried laender, secretary ; M. Julius, treasurer. MUSCOGEE CLUB--1219 Broad. T. E Blanchard, presi dent; J. K. Orr, vice-president; Dana Blackmar, secretary and treasurer. Governing Committee--J. B. Holst, T. E. Blanchard, C. E. Beach, J. K. Orr, T. J. Chappell, W. S. Shepherd, G. M Williams, John Hill. EXPRESS COMPANIES. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.--1225 Broad. C. M. Couch, agent. INCORPORATED COMPANIES. A. G. RHODES FURNITURE CO.--1110 Broad. Incor porated 1888. Capital $25,000. W. J. Smith, president; T. F. Smith, secretary and treasurer. BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO.--1121 1st av. J. F. Flournoy, president; W. S. Drake, treasurer; W. A. Boileau, superintendent. CHATTAHOOCHEE BREWING CO.--Brewery, Phenix City. Office 1219J Broad. Incorporated 1888. CITY MILLS CO. Incorporated 1890. Capital $100,000. George A. Pearce, president; Thomas Salisbury, secretary and treasurer. Eighteenth and River. CLEGG MANUFACTURING CO.--1636 2d av. Incorpo rated 1882. Capital $36,000. J. F. Clegg, secretary and treasurer COLUMBUS BARREL MANUFACTURING CO.--Tenth av., bet. 11th and i2th. Incorporated 1885. Capital$8,500. M. M. Hirsch, president. COLUMBUS FERTILIZER CO.--Works, Girard. Office, 1018 Broad. Incorporated 1884. Capital $50,000. W. H. Brannon, president and treasurer; A. Bussey, general manager and secretary. COLUMBUS GROCERY CO.--1047 Front. Incorporated 1891. Capital $50,000. S. A. Carter, president; E. I. Carter, vice-president; J. F. Pomeroy secretary and treas urer. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 41 COLUMBUS INVESTMENT CO.--Incorporated 1889. Capital $250,000. J. F. Flournoy, president; C. M. Woolfolk, secretary. Office, cor. 1st ave. and 12th. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO.--109 W. 9th. Incorpo rated 1856. Capital $120,000. W. R. Brown, president; G. W. Brown, secretary and treasurer. COLUMBUS RAILROAD CO.--Incorporated, 1885. J. F. Flournoy, president; Cliff G. Grimes, secretary. Office-- Broad and 12th. COLUMBUS WATER WORKS CO.--Works, Lee county, Alabama, three miles north of city. Office, 1211 Broad. Incorporated, 1880. Capital, $150,000. H. H Epping, president; J. G. Beasley, secretary and treasurer. COLUMBUS AND GULF NAVIGATION CO.--Office, 1035 Broad. Incorporated, 1887. Capital, $30,000. A. J. Bethune, president; J. A. Lewis, secretary; I. Joseph, gen eral manager and treasurer. EAGLE AND PHENIX MANUFACTURING CO.--Front, between 12th and 14th. Incorporated, 1866. G. Gunby Jordan and J. W. English, receivers. FLETCHER STABLE CO.--First av., between 12th and 13th. Incorporated, 1894 Capital, $15,000. J. M. Fletcher, president; T. W. Bates, secretary. GAS LIGHT CO. OF COLUMBUS--Office, 1017 Broad. Incorporated, 1852. Capital, $80,525. T. E. Blanchard, president; T. D. Huff, secretary and treasurer; James Ferrier, superintendent. GEORGIA COTTON OIL CO.--(Muscogee Mills) 10th av., corner 11th. Incorporated, 1892. Capital, $100,000. J. V. Walker, manager. G. J. PEACOCK CLOTHING CO.--Incorporated, 1891. Capital, 8100,000. G. J. Peacock, president. Broad and 12th. GOLDENS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO.--600 12th. Incorporated, 1890 A. Illges, president; T. S. Golden, secretary and treasurer; J. P. Golden, superintendent. HAMBURGER COTTON MILLS--Tenth av., between 10th and 11th. Louis Hamburger, president; Geo. S. Ham burger, secretary and treasurer. Incorporated, 1891. Capital, $100,000. HATCHER MANUFACTURING CO.--Incorporated, 1886. Capital, $60,000. B T. Hatcher, president; F. C. Weisiger, secretary. Office, 1025 Broad. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. 42 COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. HERALD PUBLISHING CO (THE)--Incorporated, 1893. Capital, $3,000. R. F. Ellis, president; B. J. Daniel, sec retary and treasurer. JOHN BLACKMAR CO.--(Real estate, stocks, bonds and insurance) Incorporated, 1893. John Blackmar, presi dent; Walter Newman, secretary; Dana Blackmar, treas urer. Office, 14 11th J. K. ORR SHOE CO.--Incorporated, 1893. Capital, $100,000. J. K. Orr, president; W. J. Peabody, secretary. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS STEAMBOAT LINE-- Office, 1047 Front. Incorporated, 1885. Capital, $15,000. M. W. Kelly, president; S. A. Carter, secretary and treas urer and general manager. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO.--Front, head of 14th. Incorporated, 1869. Capital, $157,500. Geo. P. Swift, president; Edward W. Swift, secretary and treasurer. MUTUAL COTTON OIL CO.---Ninth av., corner 10th. Incorporated, 1895; Capital, $25,000. M. E. Gray, man ager. PEKOR IRON WORKS--Ninth av. corner 11th. Incor porated, January 1896. Capital, $50,000. W. H. Bran non, president; C. J. Edge, secretary and treasurer. C. F. Pekor, superintendent. SWIFT MANUFACTURING CO--Sixth av., between 14th and 15th. Capital, $200,000. G. M. Williams, president; S. Salisbury, secretary and treasurer; J. T. Abney, super intendent. INSURANCE COMPANIES. GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO--1048 Broad. In corporated, 1859. Capital, $800,000. Total assets, $1,157,902.97. J. Rhodes Browne, president; Wm. C. Coart, sec retary ; William Slade, treasurer. Directors--J. Rhodes Browne, L. H. Chappell, N. N. Curtis, E. J. Rankin, Rhodes Browne, S. A. Carter, G. M. Williams. LIBRARIES. COLUMBUS PUBLIC LIBRARY-First av., between 11th and 12th. Chartered, June 1880. Number of volumes, 6,500. Open from 8 A. M. to 9:30 P. M.; Sunday, from 9 to 11 A. M. E. P. Dismukes, president; A. C. Chancellor, secretary; F. C. Reich, treasurer; Mrs. Nina Holstead, librarian. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. , GIRARD. ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 43 MILITARY. COLUMBUS GUARDS--Armory, 941J Broad. Organized 1834. John D. Little, captain; Frank Peabody, second lieutenant; C D Wall, first sergeant. BROWNE FENCIBLES--Armory, 9411 Broad. Organized 1896. J. S. Harrison, captain; William Hunter, first lieutenant: A. W. Haile; second lieutenant; B. H. Rich ardson, first sergeant. COLORED. COLUMBUS VOLUNTEERS--Armory, 6th av. bet. 6th and 7th. Organized 1875. N. T. Humphrey, captain; H. H. Johnson, first lieutenant; Charles Johnson, second lieu tenant. NEWSPAPERS. ENQLURER-SUN--Established 1828. Daily except Mon day, and Weekly, 9-11 11th. C. I. Groover, editor and proprietor. Terms: Daily, $8 per year; Weekly, $1 per year; Sunday edition, $1.50 per year. EVENING CALL--Daily except Sunday, 23 13th. Call Publishing Co. Terms $4 per year; 10 cents per week. EVENING LEDGER--Established 1886. Daily and Sun day morning. 1009J Broad. R. W. Page & Co., pub lishers. Terms: 10 cents per week. SOUTHERN REVIEW--Established 1891. Monthly. E. T. Byington, publisher. Terms. $1 per year. PARKS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE - Tenth N. E. corner 1st av. C. P. Springer, proprietor and manager; F. H. Springer, treasurer. WILDWOOD PARK--East Highlands, belt line. Laid out by and under management of the Columbus R. R. Co. NORTH HIGHLANDS CASINO AND PARK--Under management Columbus R. R. Co. LINCOLN PARK c--North of City. Under management of Columbus R. R. Co. POST OFFICE. Located on 12th, S. E. corner 1st av. William Redd, Jr., postmaster; CharlesK.Redd,assistant postmaster and registry clerk; W. T. Williams, general delivery and stamp clerk; Ira S. Clary, mailing clerk; W. C. Lawrence, stamping clerk; Daniel M. Seals, special delivery messenger. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. The Post Office Department promises to deliver by carriers only such mail matter as is directed to the streets and numbers, and the only sure way to avoid having letters advertised is to follow instructions of the postal department by addressing letters as above stated. GENERAL DELIVERY. W. T. Williams and A. C. Wilkerson, Jr. clerks. Window open daily from 8:00 A. to 7:00 P. Sunday hours 12 M. to 1:00 P. M. MONEY ORDER AND REGISTRY. Office opens at 8:00 a. m. and closes at 4:30 p. M. RAILROADS. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GA. (Third Division.)--Main : I offices, Savannah; local offices, 12th, corner 7th av; freight and ticket office, 10 11th. T. S. Moise, superintendent; W. E. Estes, general agent; L. A. Camp, traveling pas senger agent. COLUMBUS SOUTHERN RAILWAY -- General offices, 1017 Broad. T. E. Blanchard, receiver; W. B. Moore, auditor and treasurer; S. F. Parrott, general manager. GEORGIA MIDLAND RAILWAY--General offices, 1150 Broad. T. C. S. Howard, secretary and treasurer; C. W. Chears, general manager; Clifton Jones, general freight and passenger agent. STREET. COLUMBUS RAILROAD CO.--Office, Broad and 12th. J. F. Flournoy, president; Cliff B. Grimes, secretary; W. S. Drake, treasurer; W. D. Keene, superintendent. Operates seventeen miles electric lines. Directors, J. F. Flournoy, L. F. Garrard, F. D. Peabody, Herman Meyers. SECRET SOCIETIES. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. COLUMBUS LODGE NO. 7--Meets 1st and 3d Wednesday each month, at hall, 1150 Broad. Wm. Emrich, M. W.; E. B. Palmer, R.; J. Feiler, F. DAYIDSON LODGE NO. 45--Meets at hall, 1150 Broad. C. L. Williams, M. W.; J. H. Whittlesey, R.; P. E. Grif fith, F. IMPROVED ORDER HEPTASOPHS--Meets second and fourth Friday in each month, at B'nai Brith hall. C. L. Torbett, achron; B. T. Castellaw, secretary. POWER'S CASH STORE.; Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 45 FRATERNAL MYSTIC CIRCLE. NEW SOUTH RULING NO. 183--Instituted, 1890. Louis Ryckley, W. R; J. II. Whittlesey, recorder. Meets first Thursday of each month, at 1150 Broad. IMPROVED ORDER B'NAI BRITH. COLUMBUS LODGE NO. 77--Meets first Sunday in each month at hall, 1150 Broad. H. Sternberg, president; Jacob Feiler, secretary; Louis Buhler, treasurer. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RED MEN. CREEK TRIBE NO. 11--Meets every Tuesday, at hall, 13th and 1st av. J. H. Henderson, S.; Charles Brown, C. of R. PAWNEE TRIBE NO. 27--Meets every 2d and 4th Thurs days at 13th and 1st av. J. S. Matthews, S; M. M. Moore, C. of R. McINTOSH DEGREE COUNCIL NO. I--Meets 1st and 3d Fridays each month at 13th and 1st av. A. S. Howe, S; E. B. Porter, C. of R. KNIGHTS OF DAMON. MUSCOGEE CONCLAVE NO. 11--Instituted 1892. Henry Ingram, C. C.; Geo. J. Burrus, secretary. Meets 1st Friday of each month in B'nai Brith Hall, 1150 Broad. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. COLUMBUS LODGE NO. 631.--Meets 2d and 4th Mondays each month at hall, 1150 Broad. Wm. P. Hunt, D; M. M. Moore, R; R. W. Slade, T. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR. FRIENDSHIP LODGE NO. 282--Meets 1st and 3d Fridays each month at hall, 1150 Broad. II. J. Abbott, P.; M. M. Moore, secretary and treasurer ; R. S. Crenshaw, financial secretary. KNIGHTS OF PHYTHIAS. STONEWALL LODGE NO. 25--Meets 1st and 3d Thurs days at hall, 1150 Broad. W. C. Smith, C. C.; J. A. Beard, K. of R. & S. ROBERT E. LEE LODGE NO. 51--Meets every Tuesday at 1st av and 11th. F. M. Sommerkamp, C. C.; J. H. Whittlesey, K. of R. & S. UNIFORM RANK--Dr. C. D. Wall, S. K. C.; Dr. H. L. Gill, S. K. L.; J. H. Whittlesey, S.; J. W. Bush, T. MASONIC. COLUMBIAN LODGE NO. 7, F. & A. M--Meets 3d Tues day each month at hall, 1150 Broad. J. M. McNeill, W. M.; Jacob Feiler, secretary. ^SH STOR^OW^ S C.0*c, Bt\ Pease'sSons ABN 108 AEN Abner Sarah E, wid J, r 1240 Front " William, r 1240 Front Abney, Albert O, wks Swift Mills, bds 1101 A st George L, constable H C Hargett, r 50118th Georgia B Mrs, dressmkr, bds 1723 3d av John T, supt Swift Mill, r 1101 A Maggie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " William W, bailiff J H Cochran, r G Acree Bettie L Mrs, wks Hamburger Mills, r 606 14th " Jefferson D, wks Hamburger Mills, r 606 14th Adams Andrew J, barkpr M T Bergan, r 1310 5th av " Anna c, laundress, r 317 5th " Benjamin c, carp, r rear 3 221 5th av Camilla Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 2218 10th av Diana c, laundress, r 804 9th Estelle Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills Filmore c, fireman J J Hickey, r 708 6th av Frank c, stone cutter Elledge & Norman, r 403 2d av George W, farmer, r 2214 10th av James c, deckhand, r 834 7th av James A, grocer, 1723 and 1725 2d av, r same ADAMS JAMES B, (Adams & Wade,) r Sanford, Ga Johnson c, waiter Columbus Inn, r 708 6th av Lee Miss, wks J Kyle & Co Martin c. shoemkr, 643 6th av, res 716 6th av Mary L Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 2214 10th av Matthew wks CRB Matthew L, plumber, rLinwood Mattie M Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 2214 10th av Pink Miss, wks Swift Mills Richard c, shoemkr, 106 13th, r same Richard M, policeman, residence 1044 17th " Thomas, mach, r 1036 1st av Thomas c, peddler, r rear 1832 Hamilton av ADAMS & WADE, (J. B. Adams and R. A. Wade,) Dry Goods, Notions, etc 1041 Broad (see advt.) Advertising Journal Co (The), P E Griffith local mngr, 1110 Broad Aenehbacher Louis E, (Aenchbacher & Son,) bds 1613 2d av " L Philip, (Aenchbacher & Son,) r 1613 2d av Columbus Steam Laundry Specl*rer"W POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper anc Lower Bridge. GIRARL.ALa AEN 109 ALE Aenchbacher Oscar, moulder, bds 1613 2d av & Son, (L P & L E Aenchbacher,) merchant tailors, 11041 Broad Affleck Bessie Miss, wks E & P mills, r G " Helen Miss, bds 1132 4th av Ida Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " William D, trav agt Ga Mfg Co, r country Airline Bichard, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front Akin C, fireman C R R, r Linn wood Louis E, wks C R R, r Linn wood Albertson Eugenia, wid J M, r 808 Broad Albrecht Brownie Miss, milliner M H Lee, r 1026 5th av Charles, gun and locksmith, 13 w 10th, r same Henry, app C R R, r 1026 5th av II Walter, mach Golden's F & M Co and wood and coal dealer, 13th bet 8th and 9th avs, r G John C, foreman C R R, r837 Front John R, mach Golden's F & M Co, bds 837 Front " Neal W, mach C R R, r 1026 5th av (ALBRECHT see also ALBRIGHT) Albright Edward A, grocer, 1447 1st av, r 2500 Hamilton av Jacob A, Prin Pbenix City Public Schl, r P C John O, general store P C, r same J J, asst eng Brush E L & P Co ALDERMAN JOHN T, Prin High School, bds 2226 Hamilton av Aldridge Bertha Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r P C Hattie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r P C Malissa Miss, r 824 5th av Mattie Mrs, wks J Kyle & Co, rPC " T Lafayette, cutter, C S Gabriel & Co, r P C Alexander Adam c, lab, r Wynn ton rd Alonzo r, wks E & P Mills, r Bottom Anna A c, school teacher, r 310 18th Caroline W Miss, r 2007 Thomas Charles c, wks Col Iron Wks, r 616 4th av Claude wks E & P Mills Edward c, porter, C Schomburg, r 310 18th Gabriel c, porter, Sarling Shoe Co, r Bottom " George c, wks E & P Mills, r 648 27th WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. 4-Don't fail to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. cirARO.aLa. ' THE * INMATE Bums > ADD > LOAN ASSOCIATION, * COLUMBUS, * SA, _AUTHORIZED CAPITA!,, $7,500,000. ALE 110 ALL Alexander Isaac c, wks Col Sou Ry, r 714 7th av " Jefferson c, wks Banks & Brown, r 15 Dillingham " John c, whitewashes r rear 821 6th av Lester, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front Lucius c, wks G 0 Berry, r rear 440 10th " Mack c, watchman str Queen City, r 416 6th " Mack Jr c, carrier P 0, r 416 6th " Mary, wid C, r 1244 Front " Nancy c, cook, r 318 2d av " Nora c. laundress, r 616 4th av " Richard c, lab, r 716 7th av " Thomas 5H STORfi. jpper and Lower Bridge. d-!=s>PATRONIZE home institutions by insuring with=^ The Georgia Home Insurance Company ALL ILL AME Allen James c, driver Fletcher Stables James H, conductor Col Sou Ry, bds 440 2d av " Jeffries c, peddler, rl036 6th av " Jesse L, carp Jones & Pollard, r 1907 lltn av " Jesse W, r 1410 1st av " Jessie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1657 1st av " John, driver Col Laundry, bds Frazer House " John, carp, bds 1500 1st av " John, moulder Col Iron Wks " Jordan c, waiter Rankin House, r 306 Carter " Lillis Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co " Lon, lab, r 1626 3d av " Lula Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r G " Mamie Miss, wksGa Mfg Co, r P C " Mattie Miss, r 810 1st av " Minnie Miss, wks Clegg Mills, r 1840 3d av " Peter c, wks Col R R, r 1642 4th av " Robert P, shoemkr Crenshaw & Scarbrough, r 413 23d " Sallie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas c, wks city, r 511 4th av " Victoria c, laundress, r 825 9th av " Washington c, lab, r 1920 Robinson st " William c, porter T A Bowen, r 1920 Robinson " William H, wks E & P Mills, r 1905 3d av " Willie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1905 3d av Allison Jordan props Sans Souci Saloon, " Joseph F, mach Muscogee Mills, r 1623 2d av Baudy James c, lab, r 684 4th av Banjo Plumber e, carp, r rear 825 5th av Banks David c, carp, r 700 4th av T -It " TJ Mrs, teacher, 16th st school, bds 1326 3d av Dome J Miss, stenographer C R R, bds 1326 3d av Edward S, farmer, r 812 5th Eliza c, cook shop, 521 8th, r 519 8th Genie Miss, student, Massey's Business College George c, lab, r rear 517 8th AVynntcm vice'pres G J Peacock Clothing Co, r Green c, lab, r 6 72 27th Jerry c, (Banks & Brown,) r 722 6th av Lancy c, laundress, r 511 27th u ?eut0? P' vice Pres Col Investment Co, r 1220 3d av Richard c, carp, r Mealer's Hill William c, lab, r 511 27th VirWu C' (JBanks aQd H Brown,) blacksmiths, 15 Dillingham Bankston Charles B, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1412 Broad Columbus Steam Laundry Who dors your Laundry ? TRY US ... . POWER'S CAS+4 STORE. Upper an* Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. 1 T'*ToLt"\eo1.?;',pf1*a*,,A2S%cSSoCo- Assets, $19,450,000 j D. F. WILLCOX & SON, Agents ban 7 n7 bar- ___ *-:---.... ____ Bankston J Monroe, watchman, Muscogee Mills, r 13 16th Queenie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1412 Broad " William, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C William H, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1412 Broad Banner Louis, elk, M Banner, bds 1119 6th av Max, grocer, 421 loth, r 1119 5th av William, trav agt, bds 1119 5th av Barbee James, wks E & P Mills, bds 1406 Broad John G, wks Muscogee Mills, r 1406 Broad " William, wks E & P Mills, bds 1406 Broad Barber Charles c, wks Empire Mills Chipley J, cond Col R R, bds 13 7th Gordon J, bill poster, Springer Opera House, r 13 7th " Hunley, elk, A J Bethune, bds 13 7th " Ida Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Louisa c, laundress, r 613 6th av " Mary A, wid J W, r 13 7th " William c, wks Empire Mills, r Bottom Bard Blanie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, bds 2402 Hamilton av Barden Eolatah Miss, bds 2320 Florida " Mamie, wid H E, bds 1242J Broad Barfield Andrew J, wks Bartlett & Bize, r Linnwood John W, elk, Hatcher Mnfg Co, bds 1000 A " Pinkney, r 1000 A (BARFIELD see also BAIRFIELD.) Barker Annie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r 2203 1st av Charles, (Broughton & Barker,) and with Hamburger Mills, r 1508 10th av Barlow George M, contractor, r 736 Front " Mell C, contractor, 1125 lstav bds 1326 4th av Barnard Anthony c, carp, r 635 5th av " Eliza c, r rear 1400 3 av Barnes Aquila c, plasterer, r 1815 1st av " Charles F, wks E & P Mills, r P C David A, butcher J D Smith & Bro, r 208 7th Dink, wks E & P Mills, r P C Emeline c, laundress, r rear 201 18th Frank, wks Swift Mills, r P C Henry c, wks Boyce Bros Jesse, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1344 Broad WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Ketale BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. @Don't fail to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, ColmnDus, Ga. Do you own a Home ? If not become a member and build one. BAR 118 BAR Barnes Julia Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Julius C, druggist, etc, 1802 Broad, r 1314 4th av " Maria c, domestic, r 1815 1st av " Spencer, grocer G, r same " William, wks E & P Mills, r P C Barr Adam Y, wks E & P Mills, r 1421 3d av " Elizabeth D Mrs, dressmaker, bds 1421 3d av " Ellen Mrs, bds 811 Front " George F, carrier Post Office, r 629 21st " Henry Y, wks Pekor's F and M Wks, bds 421 3d av " Hugh W, wks Muscogee Mills, r PC " John, wks E & P Mills, rPC " Joseph H, foreman Muscogee Mills, r P C " Lillie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William A, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " William T, with Kern & Loeb,' r 208 11 Barran Charles D, wks Goldens' F and M wks, r 12th av Linwood " Luke, carp, r 2218 10th av " Mary, wid F, r 110 15th Barringer Thomas c, wks Brush E L & P Co, r Wynnton Road " Wingfield H e, waiter Rankin House, r Bottom Barrington Nellie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Barrow William c, lab, r 210 19th Barry John A, fireman CFD, r 818 2d av Barschall, Mary J, wid M J, r 936 2d av Barswell James A, watchman Ga Midland Ry Bartee George R, carp, bds 631 23d " George W, watchman E & P Mills, r 631 23d " Rufus, wks Jones & Pollard " Walter L, wks Mutual Oil Co, bds 631, 23d Bartlett & Bize, (D D Bartlett and R E Bize,) wheelwrights and blacksmiths, 1240-1246 1st av " Deleslen D, (Bartlett & Bize) r P C " Edwin J, painter C R R, r 1712 2d av " Henry J, wks E & P Mills, r G " Julia Mrs, boarding 1014 1st av " Thomas D, policeman, r 924 3d av " William T, clerk A B Daniel & Son, r 1014 1st av Picture Frames, Mouldings, Etc, ] INSURE WITH RHODES BROWNE, OFFICE IN GA. HOME BLDG. 'PHONE 52. Basch George , pattern mkr C R R, r 601 Broad Thomas J, pharmacist Turner Bros, r 1314 3d av Walter, elk J C Mitchell, r 1016 2d av Wilber, grocer, r Wynnton William, moulder Col Iron Wks, bds 616 Front William W, elk J C Mitchell, r 1016 2d av " Zebran A, with J A Deaton & Co, r Wynnton Broome Charles M. special agent Chatta B & L Assn, r 1420 2d av ' Broughton & Barker, (J Broughton and C Barker) butchers J 0th av and C R R " Eva Mrs, wks Swift Mills TflnLc!TMN|} School Bools and School Sopplies DON'T SEND YOUR PREMIUMS AWAY! with the GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Broughton James, (Broughton & Barker,) r 14th, Linn wood James B, wks Muscogee Mills, r 14th, Linnwood Brown Allen c, tinner, r 527 oth av Alonzo, wks E & P Mills, r P C Andrew c, cook shop, r Wynnton rd Arthur c, wks Gas Co Charles, mach E & P Mills, r G Charles F, farmer, r Wynnton Clara, wid W H, r 817 Front David, wks E & P Mills, r 1246 Front Edward, fireman CRB Ella Miss, r Wynnton Ellen, wid G W, r 716 Broad Elvinia Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r 623 4th av Emma Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Fannie wid William, r 11 W 13th Fannie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r P C BROWN GEORGE W, Sec and Treas Col Iron Wks Co, and Sou Plow Co, r 541 Broad Georgia Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Green, wks E & P Mills, Harold F, plumber, bds 1015 5th av Hattie c, nurse, Surgical and Medical Institute Henry Rev c, pastor Prim Bap Cn, r 829 6th av Henry c, (Banks & Brown,) r rear 1025 1st av Henry c, wks Col Sou Ry, r rear 516 5th James H, brick mnfr, r 824 2d av James c, lab, r 827 8th av James, eng Empire Mills James J, mach Col Iron Wks, r 1015 5th av John, wks E & P Mills, r G John c, fireman Golden's Ice Wks, r 526 4th av Jones c, lab, r 511 8th Joseph c, peddler, r 214 8th J W, student, bds 1086 4th av King c, wks Col Sou Ry Lizzie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r P c Lucy Miss, milliner M H Lee, r 817 Front Lula Mrs, propr Frazer House, r same Mary Miss, r Wynnton FINE JEWELRY, &c., 1113 Broad Street. It^HEngraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen."8 WEN'S CASH STORE. xAxrxtuisotiso' m Maaitupurcanfos ptipcetau$ree'frabmooeks^>eoai^seels BRO 136 BRY Brown Mittie L Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds 13 19th Mollie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Moses c, lab, r 527 5th av " Nathaniel c, lab, r Mealer's Hill Nellie Miss, teacher 16th St School, bds 817 Front Reuben c, wks C R R, r 20 Jackson's Alley Robt c, pressman Thos Gilbert, 6th bet 4th and 5th avs Rosie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co Thomas, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front Thomas c, lab, r rear 1026 1st av William Rev c, pastor Springfield Baptist Church William c, shoemaker, r 734 6th av William H, moulder Col Iron Wks, bds 817 Front William J, contractor, r 511 13th BROWN WILLIAM R, Pres Col Iron Wks, and Sou Plow Co, r 914 Broad (BROWN see also BROWNE.) BROWNE J LEWIS, Prof Music, 217 12th, bds 2226 Hamilton av BROWNE J RHODES, Pres Ga Home Ins Co, and the National Bank of Columbus, r 2d av and 14th BROWNE RHODES, Fire Ins Agt, 1046 Broad, r 1334 2d av, (see top lines) Browning John, carp Swift Mills, r 508 14th Bruce Charles W, butcher J G McKenzie, r Lons', G Harry, bkkpr, r 1319 2d av BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO, John F Flournoy pres, J Wainwright v pres, W S Drake sec and treas, W E Boileau supt, wks 10th av, office 1121 1st av Bryan Carlton, elk E Andrews & Co, bds 420 1st av John T, Ry news agt, bds 420 1st av Luther E, Ry news agt, bds 420 1st av Morgan, elk W P Sapp, bds 420 1st av Sallie C, wid M, r 405 12th Thomas L, city salesman D Rothschild, r 420 1st av (BRYAN see also BRYANT) Bryant Aleric M, elk C R R, r 622 2d av Albert A c, wks Goldens' F & M Wks, r 413 15th " Alberta c, r 413 15th 911 First Avenue Is the Place you are lookin for. ('Phone 202.) i DWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. D. F. WILLCOX & SON,} 1849 Agency in Georgia & 1896 1149 Broad St., Colnmbns, Ga. f Alabama. 4@-Kepresent the oldest GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. J American and English Companies. BRY_137_BUR Bryant Henry c, wks G M Ry, r 2226 Talbotton av Thomas, driver Chat Brewing Co, r 112 R R " Thomas M, pilot, r 617 Broad Buchanan, Augustus, wks E & P Mills, r G " C H mach C R R, r P C Mrs Eugenie, wks Georgia Mfg Co, bds 700 25tth " John, Moulder Col Iron Wks " Maggie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Nellie Miss, wks E & P Mills " Susie Miss, wks J. Kyle & Co " Samuel, wks E & P Mills Buford G R, student, r 1402 4th av " William c, wks Goldens F & M Co Bugg Mattie Mrs, wks Ga Mfg Co. bds 2101 Talbotton av Buhlei Louis, with A Sabel, r 309 10th Buhler, Moritz L, with A Sabel, r 309 10th Bulger Mary Miss nurse City Hospital " Sallie Miss, nurse City Hospital Bull Robert e, farmer, r 511 2nd av " William c, wks city, bds 511 2nd av Bullard Alberta Miss, wks Swift Mills, r 1341 6th av " Benjamin, wks Swift Mills, r 710 26th " Henry P, wks Hamburger Mills, r G M Ry, bet 10th and 11th " Mollie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r 1341 6th av " Virginia c, dressmaker, r 404 3rd av " Warren M, wks Swift Mills, r 1341 6th av " William, wks Swift Mills, r 1413 6th av " William c, drayman Columbus Grocery Co, r 2601 Talbotton av " William L, physician, 1035 Broad, r 1408 3d av Bullock Alfred c, wks G O Berry " Annie, wid N, bds 700 1st av " Mattie Mrs, wks Hamburger Mills " Osburn C (Fletcher & Bullock), r 1409 2d av Bulow Amos c, wks Shepherd Bros Bunch John c, wks Golden's F & M Co Burch Daniel c, lab, r513 15th BURCH EDWIN J REV , pastor Rose Hill Methodist church, r 630 21st WELLS A* CURTIS, Wholesale and Bftail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHEB. Hare moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. -Don't fall to visit onr ELEGANT NEW STOKE. (10) GIRARD. ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Colllinlms. fta CeaSejojj^tlfelnterBtSenBuildfafg'aiiaOlf sWdent Dr Aug Burghardt, r same Burke Ada Miss, seamstress, bds 506 9th Arthur, elk T F Farley, bds 1245 2d av Charles, Ry news agt, r 2218 Florida st D, cooper Col Barrel Mnfg Co Henry c, wks C R R Jacob, wks E & P Mills, bds 506 9th John, tinner, bds 506 9th John W, bkkpr T F Farley, r 1245 2d av Tahtha, wid H, r 506 9th BURKE, see also BURKS Burks Emma c, laundress, r 2113 10th av George, wks Swift Mills, rPC Green c, plasterer, r 222 26th Julia Y D, wid w, dressmaker, r 713 24th Miller Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Robert, wks Swift Mills, rPC Toby, wks E & P Mills Wiley c, wks E & P Mills, r 320 24th William, wks Swift Mills, rPC BURKS, see also BURKE Burney Jackson c, brickmason, r 529 5th av William c, brickmason, r 529 5th av Burnett Alma Mrs, seamstress Rothchild's, bds 843 1st av ,, P> bkkPr E & P Mnfg Co, r 1430 Broad Paul, elk, r 1430 Broad Burns Fannie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills Burns Morris, butcher, r 212 7th Burns Peter L, meat market 607 2d ave, r 121 6th Burnside Henry, wks E & P Mills, r P C John, wks E & P Mills, rPC " . Thomas, wks E & P Mills, rPC Burrus Annie, wid J G, r 1014 5th av Dora, wid W M, r 1009 5th av Felex H, bkkpr Blanchard, Humber & Co, r 1014 Otn av ' THOS. CHAFFIN ) BookS;statiaery, MusicalInstruments, Pic- UUrtl 1 1124 Broad St. f ture Frames, Mouldings, School Books, and ) SCHOOL, SUPPLIES. 'OWER'S CASH STORE Upper an a Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. GIN-HOUSES INSURED BY RHODES BROWNE. Office in Georgia Home Building. 'Phone 52 BURRTJS GEORGE J, with T M Foley and Chief Col Firs Dept, r 16th 9th " G Edward, city salesman Col Grocery Co, r 1501 1st av " John L, elk C M Kinsel, r 16 E 9th " Susie, wid P, r 1501 1st av " W Jake, stenographer Col Grocery Co, r 1014 5th av Burt Charles H, (Hines, Burt & Burton) r 506 15th Newton c, wks Col R R Co, r 1711 6th av (BURT see also BURTS) Burton Alice C Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1310 10th av " Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Bessie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r 842 Broad " Corinne Madame, r 507 6th av " Frankie Miss, bds 507 6th av " James, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Joseph, (Hines, Burt & Burton) r 1310 10th av " Lewellyn, wks J Kyle Co, r 842 Broad " Martin R, assist foreman Muscogee Mills, r P C " Ora A, Madame, r 818 5th av " Pearl Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Burts Charles H, wks E & P Mills " Edgar D, atty at law 1132J Broad, r 1415 3d av " Edward c, wks R M Kirven Frances c, domestic J Diffley, r 1918 Gorman's Alley Morris J, elk J J Hickey, bds 1415 3d av Wiley c, wks E & P Mills (BURTS see also BURT) Busbee J H, printer, bds Col Inn " Oliver, lab, r 1813 Gorman's Alley BUSH CL AREN E P, (J Bu=h & Son) r 1120 1st ave George J, elk J Bush & Son, r 446 2d av Henry G, elk J Bush & Son, r 446 2d av Bush Homer E, policeman, r 637 23d BUSH JOEL (J Bush & Son,) r 446 2d Av BUSH J & SON, (J & C P Bush) Hardware, Agricul tural Implements, stoves, tinware, etc, 1009 Broad, (see advt) J William, elk James A Lewis, r 936 4th Sumner, wks Swift Mills, CLOCKS of all descriptions I 'V I FUWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. Picture ptrarn.es ^orde*0 PEASE'S BOOK STORE BUS_ 140 BUT Bush Thomas, r 906 4th ave BUSSEY ARTHUR, (Bussey & Son) Sec and Mngr Col Fertilizer Co, r 1021 2d.av Elizabeth, wid H C, r 3012 Hamilton av BUSSEY HEZEKIAH (Bussey & Son) r 1021 2d av M S, machine opr Enquirer-Sun, bds Yernon hotel Nathan J, wheelman Col R R, bds 3012 Hamilton av BUSSEY & SON, (H & A Bussey) lessees Col Fertili zer Co, office 1018 Broad " William, driver J H Brady, r 24 Jackson's Alley Butler Bass c, wks Morgan Massey, r 216 8th " Eve, wid J, bds 24 5th Ella Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r 24 5th Harvey, painter, Col Wall Paper and Paint Co " John, wks Sou Plow Co John c, drayman Col Grocery Co, r Talbotton av beyond limits Kate Miss, r 684 5th ave J Llewellyn, delivery elk Sou Ex Co, r G Lucy c, school teacher, bds 404 2d av Richard c, wks T Andrews BUTT WILLIAM B HON, Judge Superior Court, r (BUTT see also BUTTS.) Buttolph William Mrs, r 10 8th Butts Charles c, wks C R R, r 513 4th av & Cooper, (T L Butts and J T Cooper,) Lumber and Planing Mill, 6th av bet 13th and 14th Georgia Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G Henry c, drayman T L Gruzard, r 2518 3d av James, elk, bds 14 7th Johnson c, wks Str Naiad, r 503 4th av Louis c, lab, r rear 442 3d av Melton O, erocer, 1403 1st av, r 14 7th Melton O Jr, elk M O Butts, r 14th 7th Milton c, wks City, r 216 7th Sallie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G Thomas U, (Butts & Cooper,) r Wynnton " William D, elk M O Butts, r 14 7th (BUTTS see also BUTT.) Columbus Steam Laundry ^h0 do t^?uus aundry ? ''7ER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. The Largest and Best Accident Co. iiiwwmmwij wwi A T*wovtca*li Luuoosa secs s PA. aaiidu,, $q294,1,4m 1(,U 00O0U., Assets, $19,450,000 J D. V. WILLCOX & SON, Agents BYA 141 CAL Byard Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r ? C " Beulah, wid Joel, r 1321 1st av " George, wks E & P Mills, r PC " John, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mary Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Byers John, lab, r W 14th bet Broad and Front Byington Edward T, publisher, r 809 1st av Byrd Annie Miss, with Thos Gilbert, r 1613 2d av " Henry c, cook, r 908 Pasehal's Alley Henry Jr c, head waiter Rankin House, r 908 Paschal Alley. " Joseph c, shoemaker, Wynnton Road, r same " Martha H Mrs, bds 841 Front Cadenhead, William asst foreman E & P Mills, r P C Cadue Mary c, wks A S Matheson. r 735 6th av CAFFEY FRANK C, (F C Caffey & Co,) r 1603 3d av CAFFEY F C & Co. (F C Caffey, W E Spencer, E H Mayer and C S Swan, proprs People's Drug Store, 20 10th, (seeadvt) Cain Ice R, elk Garrett & Sons, bds Rankin House " James H, brickmason, r 721 21st Mattie E Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 721 21st Caldwell Eldridge E carp T J Dudley & Sons, r 2114 10th av Joseph c, wks C R R Compress, r 818 7th av William R, elk A & R Reid, r 2114 10th av Calfee L, cond C R R Calhoun Annie c, laundress, r 209 5th Ella c, domestic E D Burts, r rear 1415 3rd av George B, watchman 0 R R, r 1020 5th av " James a, carp, r Mealer's Hill James A, with Sternberg Carpet House, r 824 1st av John C, Ry postal elk, r 518 3rd av " Mary Mrs, r 627 1st av Nathaniel c, wks Shepherd Bros, r Mealer's Hill i --u ?>ij4 7th. r 209 5th and builder, 104 11th, .^'ER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. The Largest and Best Accident Co. Total Losses Paid, $29,141,000. Assets, $19,450,000 D. F. WILLCOX & SON, Agents BYA 141 CAL Byard Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r ? C " Beulah, wid Joel, r 1821 1st av " George, wks E & P Mills, r P C " John, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mary Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Byers John, lab, r W 14th bet Broad and Front Byington Edward T, publisher, r 809 1st av Byrd Annie Miss, with Thos Gilbert, r 1613 2d av " Henry c, cook, r 908 Paschal's Alley Henry Jr c, head waiter Rankin House, r 908 Paschal Alley. " Joseph c, shoemaker, Wynnton Road, r same " Martha H Mrs, bds 841 Front ^^lADE CLARENCE C, elk Beehive, bds 502 Broad Cade Julius A, farmer, r 502 Broad Cadenhead, William asst foreman E & P Mills, r P C Cadue Mary c, wks A S Matheson. r 735 6th av CAFFEY FRANK C, (F C Caffey & Co,) r 1603 3d av CAFFEY F C & Co. (PC Caffey, W E Spencer, E H Mayer and C S Swan, proprs People's Drug Store, 20 10th, (seeadvt) Cain Ice R, elk Garrett & Sons, bds Rankin House " James H, brickmason, r 721 21st Mattie E Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 721 21st Caldwell Eldridge E carp T J Dudley & Sons, r 2114 10th av Joseph c, wks C R R Compress, r 818 7th av William R, elk A & R Reid, r 2114 10th av Calfee L, cond C R R Calhoun Annie c, laundress, r 209 5th Ella c, domestic E D Burts, r rear 1415 3rd av George B, watchman 0 R R, r 1020 5th av " James a, carp, r Mealer's Hill James A, with Sternberg Carpet House, r 824 1st av " John C, Ry postal elk, r 518 3rd av " Mary Mrs, r 627 1st av Nathaniel c, wks Shepherd Bros, r Mealer's Hill William A c, lunch house, 5u4 7th, r 209 5th " William B, wks C R R, r (517) 18th Callahan Adolphus R, contractor and builder, 104 11th, r Linnwood WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1X30 (east side) Broad St. #S*Don't fail to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. S CASH ST^Rg Upper and Lower Bodge, CJRARD, ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, ColunMs. Ha, . Wealth is made by PERSISTENT SAVING. CAL_142_CAN Callahan George L, policeman, r 825 2nd av Callier Frank c, drayman Kern & Loeb, r 307 18th (CALLIER ses also COLLIER) Calloway Benjamin C c, wks C R R, r 10th av, Bottom Henry c, wks City Mills Co, r 218 26th John c, wks City Mills Co, r 2505 2nd av " Josephine c, r 816 4th av Morgan c, wks Col Iron Wks, r 826 Front " Roddy c, lab, r Bottom " Willis c, carp, r 2219 3rd av Cameron Annie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r Patton av, Linn- wood Archibald c,-solicitor, r 812 Broad Ella Mrs, oper L Meyer, r 800 Front " Henry C, attorney at law, 1101$ Broad, r 307 10th Henry C Jr, cash Blanchard & Booth, r 307 10th John, dyer Muscogee Mills, r 800 Front Josephine Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 808 Front Mary Miss, dressmaker, bds 842 Broad Nannie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mfg Co, r Patton av, Linnwood Pearl Miss, seamstress Peacock Clothing Co, bds 842 Broad Thomas, tailor Peacock Clothing Co, bds Frazer House William, wks E & P Mills, r Patton av, Linnwood CAMP LEON A, Trav Pass Agt C of Ga Ry, r 313 14th Leon A Jr, elk Ga Mnfg Co, bds 313 14th " William C, trav salesman, bds 3.3 14th Campbell Calvin c, lab, r 12th Bottom " Wood, dyer E & P Mills, r P C CAMPFIELD ALEXANDER, Soliciting Agent, r 612 Front Candler George L, freight agt C R R, r 1209 5th av (CANDLER see also CHANDLER.) Cannon G Wylie, wks Col R R Co, r 2007 Talbotton av Cantey Elizabeth F c, school teacher, r 419 21st " William Sc, schoolteacher, r52l 4th av Cantrell Terrell A, grocer, 1002 10th av, r 730 3d av Picture Frames, Mouldings, Etc, ITllos- ciiaffm D ' ( 1134 BROAD ST. rOWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. CiRARD. ALA. THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE-CO. Is a Home Institution, and deserves and desires the Patronage of every Citizen of Columbus and vicinity. CAN_143_CAB Cantrell Virgil R, grocer, 1813 Hamilton av and W 14th bet Broad and Front, r 2023 Robinson Capurro William N, jeweler C M Kinsel, r 1423 2d av Carden David C, grocer, G, r same " John L, wks W T McCollister, r P C " Samuel, 8d cook Rankin House, r G Cardwell James A, policeman, r 2109 Talbotton av Carey Edna Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Edward, dyer Muscogee Mills, r G " Lee Miss, wks E & P Mills, rPC " Lula Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mary c) laundress, r rear 640 6th av " Walter, wks E & P Mills, r P C Cargill Edward K, bkkpr Harris & Joseph, r 744 Front " George W, elk, r Wynnton " James E,dry goods, notions, 1151 Broad, r 411 11th " James E Jr, elk J E Cargill, bds 411 11th " John W, grocer, 100 11th, r 1020 3d av " J Ralston, storekppr C R R, bds 1020 3d av " Oscar c, wks G M Rv, r 1912 Center " Thomas, elk Turner Bros, r 411 11th " Walter H, elk J W Cargill, bds 1020 3d av Carlisle James C, grocer, G, rsame (CARLISLE see also CARWILE.) Carlton Matt 10371 Broad, r 921 1st av CARSON ROBERT A, (Brannon & Carson,) r 1328 2d & V S S Mrs, wid J T, r 423 13th William c, wks Col Sou Ry " Willis G, elk A A Carson, r 921 1st av Carter Albert c, wks J Friedlaender & Co, r 4th bet 8-9 Bozzie, c, wks Shepherd Bros Carlton c, wks J Mattox Charles c, porter J A Benton, r Bottom Dock c, wks Shepherd Bros, r Cooleyville Dock Jr c, wks Shepherd Bros, r Cooleyville " Emmett THE * INTERSTATE * BOILDIHt * AND * LOAN ASSOCIATION, COLUMBUS, 64, No danger from Failure in time of Panics. CLA_150 _ CLE Clark Millie c, r 803 4th av " Paul, elk G M Ry, bds 1227 3d av " Ena Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r G " Yiola c, schoolteacher, r 522 2d av William E c, head bellman Rankin House, r 522 2d av William L, prest Muscogee Mutual Loan Association, 1227 3d av " William L, wks Hamburger Mills, bds 1214 10th av Clary Ira S, mailing clerk P O, r 20 5th CLASON MILO B, Optician. 1100J Broad, r Wynnton Claughton Henry L, elk J B Holst & Co, r 2317 3d av Clay Allen, grocer G, r same " Emmett c, lab, r 729 7th av " Harrison, elk Blanchard & Booth Henry c, sawyer, r 729 7th ave " John c, brakeman C R R Lizzie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Lula Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G Clayton Arthur, wks E & P Mills, r G Charles c, coachman Dr Gilbert, r Bottom James T, wks Col Iron Wks, r 1510 1st av Joseph c, driver M W Kelly, r 1720 5th av Joseph A, dyer Swift Mills, r 2100 10th av Mack c, wks Muscogee Mills, r 2629 Hamilton av " William W, elk J Kyle & Co, bds 2100 10th av Cleckley L Marsden, dentist, 1100| Broad, r 1423 2d av & 14 Clegg Birdie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 930 Short " A Mrs, r 1803 1st av " Charles, wks E & P Mills, r 930 Short " Claude Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 936 Short " Edward F, wks G M Ry, r 920 5th av " Fannie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Henry, wks E & P Mills, r P C " John, wks E & P Mills, r G " John A, grocer, P C, r same John C, mach General Fire Extinguisher Co, r G John F, sec and treas Clegg Mnfg Co, r 201 17th Laura B Mrs, wks Hamburger Mills, r 1651 3d av " Mary Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G Books, Stationery, do. TH0S. CHAFFIN, 1124 BROAD ST, power's cash store. jpper Jri Lower Bridge CJRARD.ALA. eVi?XSr".,es}RHODES BROWNE, ance given by.J Office in Ga. Home Bldg. 'Phone 52. CLE 151 COD Clegg Mnfg Co,-pres, J F Clegg sec and treas, 1632 2d av " Pearl Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 936 Short " Wells, helper G M Ry " William H, butcher, r P C " W E, butcher, J D Smith & Bro Cleghorn Alfred c, wks City, r 1614 4th av Clein William, dry goods and notions, 1242 Broad, r same CLEMENCE EDWARD N, Agt for Receivers E & P Mnfg Co, r 1217 2d av (CLEMENCE see also CLEMENTS.) Clements Addie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co Clements Augustus c, wks City, r 426 5th av Clements John, retired, r 1007J Broad Cleveland Tempie c, domestic C Philips, r (104) Jordan " Thomas c, wks Golden's F & M Co, r (104) Jordan Clevin Lee c, wks Neil & Young, r Wynnton Clifton Bandall, elk G M Ky Cline Fay Madame, r 837 5th av Clinton William W, carp, r 815 4th av Clung Rosa L Miss, wks Meyer's Clothing Manfy, bds 2213 Center Coan John B, magistrate, P C, r same Coart John C, elk Ga Home Ins Co, r 1946 Hamilton av Leroy H, elk B H Harris, r 1946 Hamilton av COART WILLIAM C, Sec Ga Home Ins Co, r 1946 Hamilton av Cobb Benjamin c, wks CER, r 824 6th av " George, mach Col Iron Works, r G " George G, printer, Ledger, bds 405 12th " James M, wks E & P Mills, r G " Jane Miss, dressmaker, r 308 20th " Robert, watchman Col Sou Ry Cobia Lizzie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Cochran Hattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1930 North West COCHRAN JOHN H HON, Mayor of Girard, Ala. r same Cochran Martin C, carp, r 1930 North West Mattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1930 North West Code William T, foreman C E Young & Co, r 2027 Robinson C. SCHOIYIBURG, SILVERWARE, 1113 broad st. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. OWER'S CASf STORE. Upper anc i-OWff GIRaR: A La. eoiiovgr Ptti:iarios arbeetshte j, fWoi :PrEASE>SbSy0NS COD 152 COL Cody Judge c, wks C E Young & Co, r G Cofield John D, col Thomas & Maxwell, r 117 16th Coffield John W, elk D Dierks, bds 1519 4th av Lillie P Miss, wks Knitting Mill, bds 117 16th " Martha J, wid J, r 1519 4th av " Mary F Miss, printer, bds 1519 4th av Ossie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 117 16th " Thomas E, elk Neill & Young, bds 1519 4th av Cogbill Annie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r G " Burk, mach Col Iron Wks, r G " George, carp Col Iron Wks, r G Coggin Thomas M, wks W NR:chards, r G Cohen Julius (L Cohen & Co), r 931 4th av " Lee, wks E & P Mills, r P C " L & Co (J Cohen) saloon, etc, 10 10th COIIEN, also KOEHNE and KOHN Coker Andrew J, painter, r 209 9th Colbert Austin c, porter F J McArdle's Sons, r 1836 3d av " Buster c, wks CEE " Eli c, lab, r 1513 5th av George c, porter R W Needham, r 1836 3d av " Samuel c, wks Howard's Coal Yard, r 629 6th av Man r, wks Prof Massey, r 607 17th " William c, carp, r Wynnton Cole Aggie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r Patton av Linnwood " Benjamin e, lab, r 1813 3d av Bessie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r Patton av Linnwood " Charles E, conductor C R R J A, carp C E Young & Co Nancy Miss, wks Swift Mills, r Patton av Linnwood Narcissa, wid J, r Patton av Linnwood " Perisade, wid F, r 1324 6th av " Susan Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Susie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r Patton av Linnwood " Thomas A, conductor C R R, r 408 11th " Thomas P, painter Sou Plow Co " Wiley, asst fireman Muscogee Mills, r P C " William, carp Sou Plow Co, r 1324 6th av Coleman Bascomb, motorman Col R R, bds 2505 Hamilton av " Benjamin F, carp E & P Mills, r 801 2d av Columbus Steam Laundry Special Rates for Weekly Customers' Entire Wash. 'OWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. D. F. WILLCOX & SON, 1149 Broad vt., Columbus, (la. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. i n in The oldest Insurance .... I 04o Agency in Georgia & \ 00 U Alabama. 4=-llepresent the oldest American and English Companies. COL 153 COL Coleman Clara c, dressmkr, r 743 5th av " George c, wks steamer Queen City, r 409 4th av " George C c, lab, r (1659) 5th av " James c, grocer, 1014 Wynnton rd, r same " James c, wks CKR, r Bottom " Jeremiah c, janitor Rose Hill Public School, r 632 27th " Jesse c, wks Bartlett & Bize, r 3d ave " John c, wks cemetery, r 1909 9th av " J Thomas c, printer, bds 701 Front " Kate c, dressmkr, r 74^5 5th av " Mary A, wid T J, bds 703 7th av " Ralph, student, bds 15 W 7th Robert B, conductor C R R, bds Vernon hotel " Susan A Miss, seamstress, bds 703 7th av " Thomas c, janitor 10th street public school, r 630 27th COLEMAN THOMAS A. Book Publisher, 1132 and 1134 Broad, r 518 2'd (see advt) " Thomas G, elk, r 15th W 1th " Thomas G Jr, student, bds 15 W 7th " Thomas H, drayman Col Iron Wks, r 703 7th av " Thomas W, elk H L Seligman, r 2505 Hamilton av " Wesley c, lab, r 832 6th av " William c, porter C R R, r 836 5th. av Collier A.aron c, dyer B & P Mills, r country John o, gardner, r 13th ave Linnwood " Lizzie F, wid Louis A, r 846 2d ave " Silas c, driver, r Mealer's hill (COLLIER see also CALLIER Collins Edward c. wks T J Dudley & Sons, r 1902 3d av " Eudosia V, wid W, r 1 16th " Johne, steward, r 838 4th av Lucy Miss, wks G J Peacock Clothing Co, bds 1 16th Lucretia Mrs, wks Clegg Mills, bds 309 18th Mary E Miss, seamstress G J Peacock Clothing Co, r 837 3d ave " Minnie Miss, tailoress P J Ludwig, r G " Permel M, wks C R R, bds 1502 17th " Robert E, farmer, r 1502 17th Romeo B, wks Evening Ledger, bds 1502 17th WELLS A* CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHEB. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. 4"l)on't fall to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. rjrnER 3 CASH STORE ^'''AKh A I e,lds* ' THE INTERSTATE BOILDlNfiMN ASSOCIATION, Colnmbns, Sa. If you wish to save your money, subscribe for Stock. COL 154 COL Collins Valuria L, wid T, bds 15 20th Walter S, rnach Col Iron Wks, bds 1502 17th " William, lab, bds 210 18 th illiam, wks Muscogee Mills, r P 0 William T c, porter Columbus Cash Co, r 1705 lstav " Willis J, foreman J R Rowe, r 837 3d av Colston Eli GEN'L INSURANCE AGENCY COO Cooper Ada Miss, elk James A Lewis, r 113 8th Adela Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, bds 1725 1st av " Alonzo c, mason, r 314 19th Amanda L, wid W, r 2406 Hamilton av Andrew H, wks C ER, bds G M Ry bet 10th av and Comer av Annie L Miss, elk Bee Hive, bds 32 E 19th " Charlotte C, wid G, r 32 E 19th E T, student Massey's Business College " Fannie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " George c, porter, r 20 St James George W W, wks Chas Jones, bds 32 E 19th Gertrude Miss, milliner Bee Hive Homer, apprentice C R R John R, foreman Swift Mills, r P C John T (Butts & Cooper), r 931 3d av Joseph E, tailor P J Ludwig, r 634 2d av Lottie G Miss, elk Bee Hive, bds 32 E 19th " Marion C, elk Mrs M Y Smitn, r 32 E 19th Mary H, wid Thomas W, r 113 8th Mattie E Mrs, seamstress G J Peacock Clothing Co, r 634 2d av Newsome, student Massey's Business College Samuel c wks Empire Mills, r 543 3d av Virginia J Mrs, dressmkr, r 1725 1st av William, foreman C RR, r G M Ry bet 10th av and Comer av William, wks Col Iron Wks Cope Benjamin, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Copeland Eli c, wks E & P Mills, r 504 25th James, wks Swift Mills, r P C John c, brakeman C R R Joseph B, dyer E & P Mills, r 1333 Broad Moses, wks Swift Mills, r 1325 Broad Rowland c, drayman R Howard, r 614 26th Corbett Aldora Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r 1422 10th av Anna Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1422 10th av Bessie Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1422 10th av " George W, lab, r 1422 10th av " James, elk, bds 1422 10th av WELLS <& CURTIS, Wholesale ami Retale BOOTS, SHOKS and LEATHER. Hare moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. *Don't fail to visit onr ELEGANT NEW STORE. THE INTERSTATE * BUS AND LOAN * ASSOCIATION, * COHENS, SA, Do you own a Home ? If not become a member and build one. Corbett Rufus S, wks E & P Mills, r 711 24th " Samuel c, wks H M Howard & Son, r 6th av Cordray Emma Miss, school teacher, bds 930 3d av George W, motorman Col R R, r 520 llth Corley Eli L, fireman C R R, r 1454 10th av Lizzie Miss, wks Swift Mills " Lula B, wid W, r 620 3d av Sarah E Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1454 10th av " Young C, carp C E Young & Co, r 2319 3d av Cornett John c, shoemkr, r 313 19th John R, U S deputy marshal, r 2218 llth av " K F, foreman Evening Ledger, bds 2218 llth av Correllis William c, carp T L Gruzard COSGRAVE WILLIAM M, Gen Mngr Sou Plow Co, r 717 Broad Cosper John, wks Yinegar Mnfg Co, r rear 705 Front Cotton Benjamin F, collector Thomas & Maxwell, r 115 15th " John W, grocer, 3015 Hamilton av, r same Couch Armstead, c, wks City, r 1922 Robinson COUCH CHARLES M, Agt Sou Exp Co, r Central hotel " Ephraim c, lab, r 1922 Robinson George c, wks C R R, r 1922 Robinson Gus C, e, wks Young Bros, r 313 18th , rV- " John, elk, bds 932 Broad ., 4 " John c, wks C R R, r 1922 Robinson " Littleton c, wks G M Ry, r 511 18th " Thomas c, lab, r 1018 6th av " Walton K, elk W D Britt & Co, r 310 14th " Young c, wks C RR, r 19^2 Robinson Coudrey George T, student, bds 709 3d ave Coulter Allen F, elk W H Coulter, r G Augustus E, wks Swift Mills, r 14th av, Linnwood " Bettie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills Gertrude Miss, wks E & P Mills, r 14th av, Linnwood John L, cutter J Kyle & Co, r 2023 3d av " Joseph, wks E & P Mills Josephine Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r 14th av, Linn wood " Kimball, wks E & P Mills, r G Mettie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r 14th av Linnwood TH0S, CHAFFIN 1124 BROAD ST. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. CJRARD, ALA. 4-t=3PATR0NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS BY INSURING WITH=--. The Georgia Home Insurance Company COU 159_CRA Coulter Reuben M Y, farmer, r 14th av Linnwood " Reuben M Y Jr, wks Muscogee Mills, r 14th av Linnwood " Rufus, elk D A Lupo, r Boland P C " Sadie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Smith, wks Muscogee Mills, r G M Ry bet 10th and 11th avs " Thomas, subscription elk Columbus Ledger " Wm H, butcher, G, r same COUNTY JAIL, 6th av and 10th Courtney James E, tinner, r 437 2d av " John T, eng Col Sou Ry, r 437 2d av " Oscar, wks T J Dudley's Sons, r 15th Linnwood " Susan H, wid H E, bds 437 2d av " William A, tinner, r 211 8th Covington Dosia c, r 272 North " John LOAN * ASSOCIATION, * COLUMBUS, GA, Every man. in America should own his own home. Saving is _the secret of wealth. Become a member of this Association. ELE_ 178 ERW Ellison Lucinda, wid R, bds 1127 5th ave " Robert c, farmer, r 2603 Talbotton av " Sterling J, policeman, r 740 3d av " William, mason C E Young & Co Ellman Meyer, dry goods, r 609 Broad Ely Lizzie, wid James, r 847 4th av " Luke c, wks Muscogee Mills, r 613 5th av " Sarah E, wid T, bds 210 18th " William <:, wks I) Dreyspool, r 613 5th av Emerson Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Emory George c, wks C R R, r 1927 Robinson " George c, lab, r 702 26th " William c, lab, 702 Comer's al Empire Mills, G W Woodruff, propr, mnfrs of flour, etc, 844 Front Em rich Albert, elk W Emrich, r 1339 Broad " William, agt, clothing, etc, 1238 Broad, r 1330 4th av Engert John, supt C E Young & Co, bds 1109 1st av England James R, carp, bds 1301 18th English Annie Miss, tailoress P J Ludwig, r G " Reuben H, contractor, r 1301 18th ENGLISH J W, co receiver E and P Mnfg Co, r At lanta, Ga English P J Mrs, wks J Kyle & Co, r G Ennis Ida c, r 216 8th J Henry, peddler, r 14th Linnwood ENQUIRER-SUN (THE), CI Groover, editor and propr, L M Harris, business mngr, 9 and 11 11th (see advt) Enright Frances Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r 1324 6th av Hugh A, mason, r 1324 6th av EPPING EARLY H, mngr Chattahoochee Brewing Co, r Beallwood EPPING HENRY H pres Columbus Water Works Co, r 1411 Front Epping H H, Jr, chairman police commission, r 1414 Front Epps Columbus c, wks Shepherd Bro, r Cooleyville Erby Jones c, fireman T J Dudley & Sons, r 1537 5th av (ERBY, see also Irby) Erwin Charles M, trav agt, bds 416 Broad (ERWIN, see also IRVIN) Picture Frames, Mouldings, Etc, Tlios. Chaffin 1124 BROAD ST. . 'HR'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. RHODES BROWNE, ance given by.J Office in Ga. Home Bldg. 'Phone 52. ESS 179 EYE Essex Daniel c, lab, r 318 7th " Etta c, mattress mkr, r 318 7th Estes Charles E, bkkpr Loeb & Kaufman, r 1042 Broad " Fred J, reporter Evening Call " Martha, wid H, 1110 3d av " William T, flagman C RE, bds 1216 4th av ESTES WILSON E, gen'l agt Central of Ga Ry Co, bds Rankin House Etheredge Carrie c, laundress, r 736 7th av " Charles A, trav agt, r 1547 2d av " Charles W, elk, bds 1547 2d av " John C, trav agt, bds 1547 2d av Eubanks & Cornett c(R H Eubanks and J J Cornett) shoemks, 1428J 1st av " Richard H c (Eubanks & Cornett) r 1936 Oak al EULALIA MARY SISTER, r 1142 3d av Evans Aaron c, cook M T Bergan, r 1717 5th av " Aaron, Jr, e, porter Evans & Howard, r 1717 5th av " Charles c, train hand G M Ry, r 12th Bottom " Henry c, wks J C Moulder, r 1717 5th av EVANS & HOWARD, (T H Evans & R 0 Howard,) druggists, etc, 1100 Broad " Isom c, wks C R R Compress, r Bottom Julius c, wks Mrs Fannie Burt, r Wynns' Hill " Thomas ?, carp, r 606 2d av " Thomas c, wks E A Shepherd, r 605 17th EVANS THOMAS H, (Evans & Howard, r 1410 4th av " William t., Columbus, Ga. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. Ford Martha M c, nurse, r 508 3d av Mary Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r P Mattie Miss, wks Ga Mnfg Co Walter, wks E & P Mills Fornby Ellis c, lab, r Wynnton Gregory c, coachman Jos Kyle, r rear 514 12th Hattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Lizzie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Luxey Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Forsyth Francis M, grocer, P C, r same William, wks Swift Mills, r P C William S, paper hanger, r G Fort C Bruce, printer, The Sunday Herald, r 1225 2d av W G, student, r 1402 4th av Foster Annie B Miss, wks J H Gabriel, r 1923 2d av Cleburne B, wks E & P Mills, r rear 1923 2d av David C, (Wyndham & Foster), r G Dock c, wks Col R R, r (1664) 4th av Dona Miss, wks E & P Mills Edward c, lab J J Hickey, r Cooley vilie Elijah, wks E & P Mills, r P C Frank c, lab, r Wynnton George, tinner, G W Sheridan, r 514 15th av Henry c, wks Col Iron Wks Henry L, wks Swift Mills, bds 1520 10th av Ida Miss, wks Swift Mills, r 15th, Linnwood John H, wks Swift Mills, r 1520 10th av Joseph, wks E & P Mills Lavonia H, wid W, r 829 8th av Louis, wks Swift Mills, bds 514 15th Lucy P Miss, school tchr, bds 511 20th Mattie F Miss, art tchr, r 511 20th Ola Mrs, wks E & P Mills P D, wks E & P Mills Sarah B Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r rear 1923 2d av Seaborn, wks E & P Mills, bds 1504 1st av Silas S, wks Muscogee Mills, r 2005 3d av Susan Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 1504 1st av Susie P Miss, opr telephone exchange, bds 511 20th Fountain Charles e, wks D C Herring, r (206) 19th WELLS <& CURTIS, Wholesale and Retale BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. flS-Don't fail to visit Our ELEGANT NEW STORE. : s t'k i tii THE INTERSTATE BUILDINS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, ColuinHiis, Ha, No danger from Failure in time of Panics. FOU 186 FEE Fourth National Bank (The), T E Blanchard, pres, E P Owsley, cashier, 1000 Broad Fowler J C, trav sales J Kyle & Co " Mamie Miss, printer Col Ledger Fox Kate Mrs, nurse City Hospital Frails Clara c, r 1326 Cotton av Frampton James H, elk J H Brady, r 1309 4th av " James L, elk CEE, bds 1309 4th av FRANCES MARY SISTER, r 1142 3d av Franchise Baptist Church c, Eev D L Davis c, pastor, r G Frank Abe, (Frank Bros) r 108 7th Bros, (Samuel and Abe Frank) job printers, etc, 20 W 10th " Charles, with Frank Bros, r 108 7th John, wks Chattahoochee Brewing Co, r G " Louis, elk C S Gabriel & Co, r 108 7th " Samuel, (Frank Bros) r 108 7th Franklin Benjamin F Eev c, pastor St Mark A M E Church, r 208 6th " Ellen Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C George E, elk Sarling Shoe Co, r 1409 Broad " Thomas, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Willis c, wks City Mills, r 510 18th Frater James, wks Muscogee Mills Frazer Caroline B, wid W, r 634 21st FRAZER HARDWARE COMPANY, L C Frazer, Mngr, hardware, cutlery, guns, etc, 1123-1125 Broad " Haywood, mach Col Iron Wks " House, Mrs L Brown propr, 922 Broad FRAZER LUTHER C, Mngr Frazer Hardware Co, r 1419 2d av Sydney A, elk E G Dun & Co, r 634 21st Eebecca J, wid I, r 1917 Northwest (FEAZEE see also FEAZIEE.) Frazier Dosia c, domestic W H Lathrop, r 2319 Eobinson " Lizzie c, wks Col Steam Laundry, r P C Ulysses, wks Murray's Farm, r2ll9 Eobinson Frederick Charles c, r 832 8th av Charles J, grocery and saloon, 523 10th, r same Frank M, with C J Frederick, r Wynnton Books, Stationery, <&c. T"0ATMN' '-R'S CASH STORE. Upper an* Lower Bridge. o_*==s>PATRONIZE HOME INSTHTUflO^^V INSURING WITHs-- The Georgia Home Insurance Company FRE_187_FRY Freeman Annie Miss, wks E & R Mills, r P C " Ella Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Emma Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Emmet c, mason, r 1213 6th av General c, wks E & P Mills, r 2701 Hamilton av George c, wks Chattanooga Brewing Co, r 709 5th av " George c, wks Col Iron Wks " George Jr c, wks Col Iron Wks " Henry c, lab, r 1813 Robinson Henry C, druggist, Wakefield's Pharmacy,r 1030 3d av " John c, porter, r 1008 Wynnton Road " Josie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Josie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " J T, carp E & P Mills, r P C " Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, r 1036 4th av " Lucy Miss, dressmaker, r 1036 4th av " Martha J, bds 1036 4th av " Millard F, mach E & P Mills, r P C " Minnie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " M E, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Sallie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas F, butcher, r 746 3d av " Wesley c, wks Goldens' F & M Co " Wesley S, (W S Freeman & Co,) r 738 Broad " William c, wks Shepherd Bros " William c, farmer, r Cooleyville William A, butcher, 1301 4th av, r 1036 4th av W S & Co (W S Freeman and M O Berry), mer chandise brokers, 1039J Broad Freeney Sarah E, wid L, r 617 20th FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev J H Jenkins pastor, 1006 10th av Friedlaender Julius (J Friedlaender & Co), r 1007 3d av " Julius & Co, (Julius Friedlaender and Max Rosenberg), harness and saddlery, 1122 Broad Friel Maggie Miss, weaver, r 14th, Linnwood Frisbie Willis D, carp T J Dudley & Sons, r 908 5th av FROELICH JACOB, (A Rock & Co), r436 2d av Frost John c, wks C R R Fry Laura c. r 808 4th av 7 C- SCHOMBURG, 1113 Broad St., for WATCHES. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. Largest Stoclt Blan^* Boo^s J.W. Pease's Sons FUL_188 _GAB Fulcher William A, line Postal T C Co, bds937 1st av Fulford Samuel H, elk William Beach, r 415 21st Fuller Annie Miss, bkkpr Thomas Gilbert, r 721 1st av " A C, carp T J Dudley & Sons " Caleb c, lab, r 1648 4th av " Crook, wks E & P Mills Dozier E, elk A L Crawford, bds 209 13th " Edwin H, grocer, G, r same " Froney, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front " George c, wks CEE George W c, grocer, 808 5th av, r 810 5th av " Ida Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " James, wks Hamburger Mills, r 1244 Front James E, mess Postal Tel Cable Co, r 721 1st av " John, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front " John E, school teacher, r 209 13th " Joseph P, wheelright, r 721 1st av " Julia Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Lena Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Ludie Miss, milliner J A Kirven & Co, r 721 1st av " L E, wks Col Iron Wks " Sallie Mrs, wks Ga Mfg Co " U L, wks Hamburger Mills, r 1244 Front Fullerton Alverine Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Jennie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " John T, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Willie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C Fundaburk William I, carp C E Young & Co, r P C Furlow Jane Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r 825 Front " William, lab, r 825 Front Fussel Ida Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 216 Gorman's al " Jacob A, street overseer P C, r same Futch H L, (moulder Col Iron Wks) r 823 2d av OABEL Dock c, wks A Ellis & Co, r 528 3d av Gabriel Charles S, (C S Gabriel & Co) r 923 4th av Gabriel C S & Co, (C S and Mrs M Gabriel) mnfrs pants, overalls and shirts, 1228 and 1230 Front " M Mrs, (C S Gabriel & Co) r 923 4th av " Thomas c, deck hand, r 737 Front Columbus Steam laundryWh0 doeT^saundry ? .AVER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. of New York. Assets, $221 ,213,721 .83 GAF IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE WORLD. D. F. WILLCOX & SON, Agents 1149 Broad St., COLUMBUS, GA. 189 GAR Gafford Horton, painter, r 1919 3d av " John, mach T J Dudley & Sons Gager George E, retired, r 1007 6th av Gaines Alexander c, wks E & P Mills, r 2400 North " Catherine c, grocer, 500 3d av, r514 3d av " James e, lab, r Bottom Methodist Chapel c, Rev C G Hatcher <>** 'Kff-r? _GBA Goodwin Boss, carp Col Iron Wks, r G Henry c, wks E & P Mills, r P C James, wks Col Iron Wks Marion C, wks E & P Mills, bds 2107 Talbotton av Martin M, peddler, r 2 i 07 Talbotton av Nancy Miss, r 1921 Northwest Sophronia Miss, wks E & P Mills, r 1921 Northwest William T, wks Muscogee Mills, r 110 20th (GOODWIN see also GODWIN) GORDON FREDERICK B (J Kyle & Co), r 1217 5th av George c, carp, r E 9th, Bottom James H, boarding, 515 12th, r same Levi c, porter M Dooner, r 516 18th Thomas L, bailiff, r 607 3d av Gordy James, wks Swift Mills, r 15th, Linnwood John, elk L A Scarbrough, r 108 8th " L Fred, student, bds 1102 4th av Thomas L, conductor CRB, bds 1014 17th Gore Andrew c, wks Muscogee Mills " Samuel c, wks E & P Mills, r 639J 4th av Gorham Belle Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, rPC " Haney, wks E & P Mills, r E II " Lourie Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r P C (GORHAM see also GORMAN) Gorman Henry, wks E & P Mills, bds 111) B " James c, porter H E Everett Gorum Franklin B, barber R Jefferson, r P C " Scott, wks E & P Mills, r P C Goshea James c, carp, r Wynnton Goslin Sarah Mrs, wks G J Peacock Clothing Co, r 1020 5th av Gossett James, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front Missouri, wid Thomas, r 1244 Front Gould Anthony c, wks J Rumsey, r rear 1226 3d av Grace Pearl Madame, r 833 5th av Graddy Joseph E, elk Chatt Knitting Mills, r P C Olin H, wks Knitting Mill, bds 23 19th Zachariah T, carp C R R, r 23 19th (GRADDY see also GRADY) Grady Edward, helper C R R Tony c, dyer E & P Mills, r 935 6th av IF YOU WISH TO LOOK NEAT, SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO COLUMBUS STEAM LAUNDRYFIRSNTA9viiNuE CV, ' .A-' V. ";-ER'S CASH STORE. Upper an Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. I LI11 T UJJJU11KJ iilUUllXUWil The Largest and Best Accident Co. u \ Tiuoitaail Lijuoosbscebs Preauiu d,, $29,1it4i1,u ,0u0u0.. Assets, $19,450,000 J T) V. WILL00X & SON, Agents GRA 197 GRA Graham Ada Mrs, wks Swift Mills " John, mess So Ex Co, r Frazer House " Mary Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William E, wks E & P Mills, r 15 W 13th Gramling John C, elk W W Jamieson, r P C " William S, physician, office G, r P C Granberry Isiah c, dyer Swift Mills, r 1938 3d av " James c, farm hand, r 2213 3d av " Jasper c, wks Str Queen City, r 413 4th av " Lottie E Mrs, wid E, bds 1245 4th av " Love c, wks W D Affleck, r 2629J Hamilton av " Marshall c, wks Goldens' F & M Co Grant Ada Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Alfred c, mattress maker, r 1908 2d av " Alonzo G, artist, bds 1221 4th av " Antoinette B, Pres Southern College of Music, bds 1221 4th av " D c, wks Col Barrel Mnfg Co " Henry c, wks City Hospital, r 1430 5th av " John A, carp C E Young & Co, r 724 23d " Louisa Miss, r 600 5th av " Marion, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Monroe M, motorman Col R R Co, bds 2310 2d av " William c, wks Col R R Co, r 215 18th " Willoughby C, wks J T Davis & Co, bds 724 23d Graves George c, brakeman C R R " Sarah A, wid T, bds 17 14th " William, motorman Col R R Gray Clarence E, student Massey's Business College " Hattie L, wid W R, bds 1015 5th av " James, wks E & P Mills, bds 1936 Robinson " John, asst property man Springer Opera House " John, cigar maker Mrs A Posada, r 1613 1st av " Leila P Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1936 Robinson " Mentoria E, wid F M, r 415 13th " M C, dyer E & P Mills " M Edgar, mngr Mutual Cotton Oil Co, r Linnwood " HE Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1936 Robinson " William, reporter Ledger, bds 845 1st av " William H, cigar maker, bds 1613 1st av POWER'S CASH STORE. Uoper and Lower Bridge GIRARD, ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING A LOAN ASSOCIATION, Colllfc Ga. _Wealth is made by PERSISTENT SAVING._ GRA__198__ GEE Gray W H, student Massey's Business College, bds 709 8d av Greathouse Beulah L Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 114 18th " Mary, wid G, r 114 18th Mattie L Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 114 18th Willie A Miss, wks Knitting Mills, bds 114 18th Green Alice Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds 514 15th " Benjamin W, shoemkr, r P C " Charles, wks Muscogee Mills,r P C " Charles c, hackman, r 611 6th av Charles c, fireman Col Steam Laundry, r 929 6th av " Charles c, porter B F Wilson & Co, r Mealer's Hill Ellen Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C E Britten, wks Windham & Foster, r 2502 1st av E Frank, special agt Standard Oil Co, r 1037 17th E L, student Massey's Business College, r 624 1st av E L Mrs, student Massey's Business College, r 624 1st av " George M, farmer, r 1915 11th av George W, driver Col Bakery, r 628 Front " Henry c, wks Empire Mills " James, wks Swift Mills, r Patton av, Linnwood " John C, elk J P Blake, r P C GREEN J M REV, Pastor Trinity Methodist Church, r P C Kate B, Miss, wks D Rothschild, bds 1915 11th av Louisa D Miss, wks D Rothschild, bds 1915 11th av " Mattie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, rPC " Mattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Miles, carp, r 3 21st Moselle D Miss, wks D Rothschild, bds 1915 11th av " Moses B Rev c, r 2131 lstav " MS (Terry & Green), r P C " Nelson c, painter, r 1317 5th av " Robert c, elk, r 405 1st av " Robert S, fireman C R R, r 1024 18th Rosa Mrs, cigar mkr A Posada, bds 925 Short " Thomas, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas F, fireman C R R, bds 1915 11th av " Yaudie H, flagman C R R, r 207 20th " William, wks Swift Mills, bds 514 15th THOS. CHAFFIN, l headquarters for ]V[usicaI Instruments, ii24 Broad st. J -^Picture Frances, Moulding, ^c. vVER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. FOR FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE AT LOW RATES Apply to RHODES BROWNE, office in Ga. Home Bldg. 'Phone 52. GEE 199 GET Green William c, hackman, r 607 6th av " William S, real estate broker and insurance, 1101J Broad, r Wynnton * " William H, fireman C EE, bds 1915 11th av (GEEE1ST, see also GEEENE) GREENE ANTHONY D, propr Central Hotel, r same " John M, printer, r 315 15th Greenleaf S c, wks Muscogee Oil Mills, r 12th, Bottom Greenlee Leander, wks Moye's wood yard, r 302 Carter Greentree David, (Hofflin & Greentree) r 1229 2d av Greenwood William c, cook Central Hotel Gregory Eobert T, dry goods and millinery, 1117 Broad and bkkpr James A Lewis, r 623 Broad Gresham William, wks E & P Mills, r G " Minnie Miss, wks Ga Mnfg Co Grider John W, cod C E E, r 13th Linnwood Grier Gilbert c, wks CEE compress, r 14th Linnwood " Maria, wid T J, r 727 3d av " Eeuben J c, coachman W A Dougherty " Eobert J c, driver J F Flournoy, r E H " Eobert S, r 213 7th Griffin Ab c, wks E Howard " Andrew c, wks Shepherd Bros, r Cooleyville " Austin c, switchman CEE " Daniel M, stamp elk south eastern tariff association, office 1038 Broad, bds 1530 3d av " Eugene, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Homer, carp, bds 400 1st av " J C, carp, r W 14th bet Broad and Front " Jeremiah, brickmason, bds 400 1st av " Jones c, wks CEE " Margaret E, wid T, r 615 2d av " Mary T Miss, r 1530 3d av " Melvina, wid John, r 4 W 13th " M c, wks Shepherd Bros " Mon M, flagman CEE, bds 1326 4th av " Nelson c, farm hand, r Wynnton " Porter B, train hand G M Ey " E B, student Massey's Business College " Stella Miss, with Blanchard & Booth, r 1437 2d av c, FINE JEWELRY, &c., 1113 Broad Street. Ht3TEngravirig and Repairing ! by Reliable Workmen."8 Upper ana Lower Brldg-e. GIRARD, ALA. Picture Frames PEASE'S GRI 200 GRI Griffin Thomas c, wks Shepherd Bros, r Cooley ville " Wiley c, lab Brush E L & P Co, r Wynnton " William S, con C R R, r 926 5th av (GRIFFIN see also GRIFFITH) Griffith Alwin, stenographer T A Coleman, r same " Beatrice C, wid W L, r 506 Broad " Crawford c, wks A Ellis & Co, r 619 3d av David T, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Edward L, elk, bds 506 Broad James W, carrier postoffice, r W 5th bet Broad and Front " M M, flagman C R R P Emmett, mangadvg Journal Co and sec'y and treas The American B & L Ass'n, office 1110 Broad, r 2320 Florida Griggors John H, carp, r 1725 5th av Griggs Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 928 Short " Carrie Miss, wks E & P Mills, rG " Charles, peddler, bds 928 Short * Edward c, wks City stables, r rear 916 8th av " John R, grocer, G, r same " Louis c, huckster, r 409 17th " Lula Miss, r 204 11th " Mary Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " Rhodum, carp, bds 928 Short " R E, physician, 9| 11th, r 718 2d av " Stephen, wks E & P Mills, r G GRIMES CLIFF B. HON. (Grimes Owsley & Co) Sec Muscogee Real Estate Co and Col R R Co, and mayor of Columbus, r 1438 Broad " Edward c, carp, r rear 10 Solomon's al " George WR'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. Keep your money circulating AT HOME by Insuring with THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Hall Edward, wks Swift Mills, r G Edward, wks E & P Mills, r P C Elizabeth, wid T, r 618 2d av Ernest, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Harry T, bds 1440 3d av Henry c, wks J F Flournoy, r 305 19th Howard E, carrier postoffice, r 613 2d av Hubbard H,driver Chattahoochee Brewing Co, r P C James, wks E & P Mills, r P C Jesse D, motorman Col R R Co, r 1716 2d av John, wks E & P Mills, r P C John c, porter Abbott & Brinson, r Mealer's Hill J L, wks E & P Mills, r G Lettie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C Lewellyn Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, r 838 3d av Louisa, wid A, bds 719 Front Mamie R Mrs, grocer, 524 9th, r same Miles c, driver J C Mitchell Myers c, lab, r Mealer's Hill " Samuel, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Yirgil, wks Swift Mills, r P C " Walter, wks Swift Mills, r PC " William, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " William A, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 2023 3d av " William T, foreman Shepherd Bros and grocer, 422 6th, r same William T, foreman Col Iron Wks, r 18 W 9th " Willie Miss, elk Bee Hive, r 838 3d av Halleman R L, eng CRR Hallmark James, dyer Muscogee Mills, r P C Hallum Beatrice c, domestic E Bussey Ham Calvin T, elks G T Sells, r 2117 Talbotton av Farhobie Mrs, r 2230 10th av Frances E Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 2232 10th av John T, wks Pekor's Iron Wks, bds 2117 Talbotton av Margaret Miss, cigar mkr Mrs A Posada, bds 2117 Talbotton av Mattie Miss, cigar mkr Mrs A Posada, bds 2117 Tal botton av CLOCKS of all descriptions Engraving and Repairing toy Reliable Workmen. ` >-,f ' &WCV* ..WAR***? CWER'S CASH S^ORE. Upper an* Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. AltfStS' MfftPmfc PICTUKE FRA"ES, EASELS XXIUOIO maiCliQW PE^gE'g Bool-' gtfOlJE HAN Ham Thomas F. foreman Swift Mills, r 2230 10th av HAM BURG-BREMEN FIRE INS CO, of Hamburg, Germany, W M & M J Moses, agts, 18* 12th HAMBURGER COTTON MILLS, Louis Hamburger pres, G A Hamburger sec and treas, 10th av and 12th HAMBURGER GEORGE S, sec and treas Hamburger Mills, r 1232 3d av HAMBURGER LOUIS, pres Hamburger Mills, r 1232 3d av Hamby Charles M, watchman Dudley's Mills, r 912 5th av Herschal, druggist Oliver Drug Co, bds 912 5th av James, fisherman, r 1240 Front James, dyer Muscogee Mills, r 1328 Front Lula Miss, wks E & P Mills Martha A, wid T, r 2112 Center Hamer Anna Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 2119 2d av Benjamin G, carp, r 2119 2d av Charles H, elk, r 1621 1st av George W, (Eason & Hamer,) r 215 15th Jessie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1621 1st av Loett Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 2119 2d av " Mattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1621 1st av HAMER NOEL R REV, Pastor Girard Methodist Church, r G Thomas Z, elk Eason & Hamer, bds 215 15th Hamilton Alfonso c, wks Vernon Hotel, r 528 2d av Henry c, wks F J Dudley, r 1703 6th av Henry c, wks CRE Jennie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C Lula Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C William, lab, r Cooleyville Hammett Henry, wks CRR, bds 1402 4th av Hammond Amanda Miss, r 809 8th Georgia Mrs, with Mrs A Posada, r 1613 1st av J M, wks E & P Mills, r P C Noble c, porter J H llumsey, r 1243 1st av Spencer c, switchman CRR, r 832 5th av Hampton Wilson c, carp, r 438 5th av Hancock Charles W, supt Hamburger Mills, r P C Fannie N, wid W, r 6 Duncan's al COLUMBUS : STEAM: LAUNDRY Employs Skilled Labor Only. ,`WfcR'S CASH STQRE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. D. F. WILLCOX & SON, 11849 Agency in Georgia & 1896 1149 Broad St , Columbus, Ga. f Alabama. 4@"Represent the oldest GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS ) American and English Companies HAN_205_HAR Hancock George c, porter Surgical and Med Institute Georgia A Mrs, wks Hamburger Mills, bds 209 16th " Homer, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1928 Robinson " Jackson J, wks Col R R, bds 209 16th " Jesse M, wks E & P Mills, r 2007 1st av John, wks Muscogee Mills, r 13th, Linnwood John D, carp, C E Young & Co, and grocer 1911 2d av, r same " Lina Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas M, wks E & P Mills, r 1918 2d av " William R, weaver, r 1928 Robinson (HANES see HAINES and HAYNES) Hanserd George c, wks P Burrus, r 528 2d av " Mary D, wid Joseph, r 1116 Front " Samuel c, grocer, 835 7th av, r 833 7th av Hansley Fletcher c, farmer, r Mealer's Hill Hanson Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Geo c, drayman I C Brooks " Ida Mrs, wks E & P Mills, rPC " James, wks E & P Mills, rPC " John, wks E & P Mills, r P C Haralson Lula Mrs, wks E & P Mills Harbuck Eugene, wks Swift Mills, bds 510 15th " George C, dyer Swift Mills, r 510 15th " Hattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Henry, dyer Swift Mills, r 510 15th " Homer, wks Swift Mills, bds 510 15th " James H, wks Swift Mills, bds 510 15th John T, wks Swift Mills, bds 510 15th " Thomas, wks Swift Mills " William, wks E & P Mills, r G Hardaway Miles c, wks City Mills, r 518 4th av Harden Benjamin, wks J Kyle & Co " Edward wks Col Iron Wks " Elijah, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Emma Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Emma Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r P C " Henry, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Lorella Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Mary Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. rBon't fall to visit our ELEGANT MEW STORE. f oWER'S CASH STOREUpper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD- ALA. THE INTEBSTATE BUILDING- & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Calniubus, da. _See Statement on inside Back Cover. HAR_ 206 HAR Harden Napoleon B, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Wm H c, candy makr Pearce & Williams, r 315 18th Hardis John, wks E & P Mills, r 944 Short Hardman & Becker, (W F Hardman and W M Becker, (fur niture, etc, 1310 Broad " Gustavus S, printer, r 823 4th av " W Prank, (Hardman & Becker) Hardy Aquila C, conductor C R R, r 13th, Linnwood " Minnie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Pink, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Stephen, wks E & P Mills, r G Hargett Elizabeth Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, bds 13 E 19th Henry C. magistrate, office 1209 Broad, r 13 E 19th HARGETT HERSCHEL V, Attorney-at-Law, 1007J Broad, r E H Lillie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Lizzie Mrs, wks J Kyle & Co Maggie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co Maydora Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, bds 13 East 19th Harkey Mrs, wks Ga Mnfg Co Harlan Eliza J, wid J, r 933 5th av Harless Alice II Miss, dressmaker, bds 1700 5th av George W, lab, r 2109 2d av Sarah E, wid D, r 1700 5th av Harmon Ellen Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 616 15th " Jefferson D, wks E & P Mills, r 516 15th Harmony Circle, S Loeb pres, J Friedlaender sec, M Julius treas, 14J W 11th Harp Arthur c, wks Shepherd Bros, r 723 6th av Carrie Miss, wks Hamburger Mills, r 2009 3d av Henry c, wks Hamburger Mills, r Wynnton road " John c, wks Col Iron Wks Lula Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 2009 3d av Ninia Miss, wks Hamburger Mills, bds 2009 3d av " Oscar e, wks Shepherd Bros " Willie Miss, wks Clegg Mills, bds 2009 3d av Harper Alexander c, lab, r 624 5th av Gilbert r, drayman, r 816 6th av " Jeremiah c, lab, r 2108 2d av " Robert c, policeman, r 710 3d av THOS. CHAFFIN, l headquarters for ]V[usicaI Instruments, ii24 Broad st. J -^Picture prances, Moulding, %c. r AVER'S CASH 'STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. GIN-HOUSES INSURED BY RHODES BROWNE. Office in Georgia Home Building._'Phone 52 HAR 207 HAR Harper William c, lab, bds 929 9th av " Wright on't fail to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. P JWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. ColnmUus, Ga. Every man in America should own his own home. Saving is the secret of wealth. Become a member of this Association. HOL_218__IIOL Holland Orlando M, elk M & M Bank, r country Holleman Robert L, engineer C R R, r 1300 18th HOLLEMAN see also HOLLOMAN Holley Edward J, prop Col Broom Factory, r P C " E L, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Lula Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Millard W, city elk and tres P C, r same Holliday Edward M, moterman Col R R, r 1106 B " Tobias c, laundreman, r 802 6th av Hollins Charles c, farmer, r Wynnton " Wesley c, butler A A Dreyspool, r 811 6th av Hollis Boney c, porter Abbott & Brison, r 1018 6th av " Charles V, elk M W Howard, bds 402 11th " E E, traveling salesman J Kyle & Co " John R, elk F W Williams, r P C " Mabel Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Holloman Noll Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r 1714, 1st av " Reese, wks Col Iron Wks " Russell, moulder Col Iron Wks (HOLLOMAN, see also HOLLEMAN) Holloway Alfred c, shoemkr, 1408 1st av, r (204) 19th Hill P, wks J Kyle & Co, r 742 3d av " John K, propr Dime Store, r 1023 17th " Miles c, wks City Mills, r 518 4th av Robert c, wks Dr Schley, r 518 4th av " Tillman c, shoemkr, r (204) 19th " W H, presser J Kyle & Co, r 742 3d av Holmes David A, vet'y surgeon, 1228 1st av, r 1431 4tb av " Emory F, elk C R R, r 1433 4th ave Florence I, Miss, sch'l tchr, bds 30 12th, Hamilton av " Henry c, lab, r 502 25th " John c, waiter Frazier house, r 519 9th Minnie Miss, elk Frank Conti, r 1234 4th av " Sterling c, wks G O Berry Holsey Peter c, farmer, r Linnwood HOLST JOHAN B, (J B Holst & Co), r 1439 4th av HOLST J B & CO, (J B Holst and H Weber) Cotton exporters, 1041-1043 Front HOLSTEAD NINA MRS, Librarian Col Pub Library, r1407 Broad TMLTMN-} School Boohs and School Sopplies t AVER'S cash store. Upper and Lower Bridge. CIRARD. ALA. Keep your money circulating AT HOME by Insuring with THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. HOL_219_HOR Holston, Henry c, wks T J Dudley & Son " Robert J, agt, coal and wood dealer G, r same Holt Edward c, cook Str Griggs, r 709 Comer av Frederick J, mach E & P Mills, bds 315 12th " George c, wks Str Griggs, r 508 4th av " George Kepresent the oldest GENERAL, INSURANCE AGENTS J American and English Companies. JOH_238_JO II Johnson John L B, mngr Thomas & Maxwell, r PC " John T, train mast C R R, bds Vernon Hotel " John W, wks E & P Mills, r 719 8d av " John W, (Johnson & Bennett,) bds 315 12th " Jonas c, farm hand, r 1940 3d av " Jordan c, wks Hatcher Mnfg Co " Joseph H c, drayman, r 308 6th av " Julius c, lab, r 641 6th av " J C, student Massey's Business College, r 1402 4th av " J N, tinner C R R Lawson c, wks T J Dudley & Sons, r 12th Bottom " Lester a, lab, r 716 5th av " Lola Mrs, night opr Col Telephone Ex, r 715 3d av " Luke c, wks E & P Mills, r 274 North " Lula Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r P C " Manuel c, farmer, r 1334 5th av Margaret A Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, bds 1744 Ham ilton av " Mary Miss, bds 303 11th " Minnie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Minnie E Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1540 1st av li Mitchell c, wks C R R, r 1914 3d av " Mitchell J c, dyer Swift Mills, r 219 18th " Mittie Miss, dressmaker, bds 1519 1st av " Nellie D Miss, music teacher, bds 1237 5th av " Nim c, porter J B Tarver & Co, r 411 17th " N B, dyer Muscogee Mills, r P C " Owen c, lab, r E 9th Bottom " Peter >y i , . 11 'i I ' * t .it- LEO 252 LEW Leonard Arthur c, lab, r 923 Carter " Carrie L c, grocer 800 9th, r same Ella Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 115 16th Herman c, porter Dr E B Schley, r 16th bet 3d and 4th avs John H, wks Muscogee Mills, r 115 16th " Mack c, wks C W Munroe " Martha c, midwife, r 319 16th Mary Miss, wks Knitting Mills, bds 115 16th Moses, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 115 16th " Prince Miss, wks Muscogee Mills Samuel c, candy mkr F J Kohn, r 800 9th Silas G c, lab, r 14th, Linn wood (LEONARD see also LENNARD) Lepane Bethany, wid C, bds 5 14th Levenson Saul, agt, r 841 4th av Levin N, foreman D Rothschild Levis Walter P, chief elk Col Sou Ry, bds 1233 2d av Levy Emanuel, elk A H Ginsberg, r P C LEVY LIONEL C, (McNeill & Levy), r Esquiline Hill Lewis Alabama T Miss, stenographer, bds 1331 3d av Albert c, wks Goldens' F & M Co, r 712 4th av Alexander c, wks Swift Mills, r 1508 4th av " Alexander A, planter, r 1 243 5th av " Alfred c, lab, r Cooleyville " Angeline, wid John, r 1336 Front Burton T, trav salesman Pearce & Williams, bds 1243 5th av " Daisy Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1530 1st av Dinkie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r 1336 Front Edward c, porter J C Barnes, rPC Edward c, wks C E Young & Co, r 636 4th av Elijah E c, carp, r Bottom Elizabeth c, dressmaker, r 400 5th av Emma Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co Emma Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1336 Front Fannie Mrs, wks E & P Mills George c, porter Vernon Hotel, r 1522 5th av George c, wks C R R Compress, r 704 6th av Georgia Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G Books, Stationery, Musical Instruments, Pic ture Frames, Mouldings. School Books, and SCHOOL SUPPLIES. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upcer and Lower Bridge. GIRmRL. ALA ' Keep your money circulating AT HOME by Insuring with THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. LEW 253 LIL Lewis Howard c, wks E & P Mills " James A, dry goods, etc, 1135 and 1137 Broad, r 2500 2d av " James E, elk Pearce & Williams, r 1243 5th av James T, elk L L Cowdery, bds 1243 5th av " John, wks E & P Mills, r G " John A, trav salesman, r 1826 3d av " John L, elk Wells & Curtis, r 1243 5th av " John W, printer, r 1530 lstav " Leila Miss, dressmaker, bds 1331 3d av " Maggie S, wid A, r 926 3d av " Minnie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills li Nancy M, wid T, r 1331 3d av " Nathan c, watchman Col Sou Ry, r Cooleyville " Richard, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front " Roderick c, wks E & P Mills, r 524 2d av " Sallie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r G " Thomas B, with Pearce & Williams, r 1243 5th av " Walton c, farmer, r Cooleyville " William, wks E & P Mills, r 1242 Front " William, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William i P WEFTS CASH STORE. Upper and Lows' Bridge. D. F. WILLCOX &KSON7h849 Agency in Georgia & 1896 1149 Broad St 9 Columbus, Ga. f Alabama. 4^Represent the oldest GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS J American and English Companies. LIV_ 255 LOF Livingston Henry, wks Swift Mills, bds (219) E 19th " John, wks Swift Mills, bds (219) E 19th " Mary, wid J, r (219) E 19th " Pearl Miss, wks J Kyle & Co Lloyd Charles C, wks E & P Mills, r 1616 1st av Charles R, wks E & P Mills, bds 1616 1st av " Cornelius 4. ' .ACER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. DON'T SEND YOUR PREMIUMS AWAY! with the GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY MET_273_MIL Metropolitan Baptist Church c, Rev W R Forbes pastor, 5th av bet 16th and 17th METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO, D L Sawyer asst supt in charge, 1237 J Broad Meyer Abe B, asst bkkpr Loeb & Kaufman, r 1013 2d av " Bernard, stock elk M E Joseph, r 627 1st av " Charles M, elk Cen of Ga Ry Co, r 627 1st av " Helen Miss, elk R T Gregory, r 627 1st av " Lassar, pants and overall mfr, 1318 Broad, r 1013 2d av (MEYER see also MYER) Middlebrook Henry c, wks Col R R, r 182L 2d av " William c, wks Muscogee Mills, r 311 Carter Middleton George, mgr Singer Mnfg Co, r 1506 18th Milam David N, peddler, r G M Ry, bet 10th and 11th avs Milborn Dock c, wks Ga Mnfg Co, r (412) Zion's al Miles Arthur, district officer Salvation Army, r 510 Broad " Daniel c, drayman, r 1023 7th av " Elbert c, lab, r 2101 2d av " Foster c, lab, r 2104 2d av " George c, wks E & P Mills, r 2104 2d av " George G, r 833 1st av " George H c, porter J G Moon, r 2120 2d av " Jefferson c, lab, r 309 26th " Jeremiah c, wks M Barlow, r 102 23d " Mack C c, well digger, r 6 20th " Samuel c, lab, r 2104 2d av " Walter c, lab, r 2120 2d av " William c, porter L A Scarbrough, r G Milford Laura E, wid R W, r 20 6th " William T, elk H F Everett, bds 120 6th Miller Alfred c, porter T M Foley, r 839 5th av " Amos c. lab, r 114 19th " Annie Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r 908 2d av " Anse, carp, r W 14th bet Broad and Front " A J, student Massey's Business College, r 1018 Front MILLER BRICK S (Battle & Miller,) bds Central Hotel Charles F, barber R E Pou & Co, r 1018 Front " Charles T, farmer, r 908 2d av " Claud, student, r 508 11th " C A, student Massey's Business College C. SCHOMBURG. SILVERWARE. 1)13 broad ST. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. U uprp:*er/"a' n3a CLASH STORKbE.. C,RK0.AL*ndge- . . .SOLD BY . . . J. W. PEASE'S SONS 274 MIL Miller Daniel, wks E & P Mills, r 15 W 13th Dennis c, brakeman CER Edward, elk 0 R R, r 508 11th Edward c, battery man W U Tel Co, r 1820 1st av Edward E. asst bag agt Union Depot, bds 508 11th Eugene, elk, r 508 11th George, wks E & P Mills, r P C George T, bag master Union Depot and transfer agt, office Union Depot, r 508 11th Homer, wks E & P Mills, r P C James A, policeman, r 21 5th Jesse E, policeman, r 526 24th MILLER JOHN W, Fish, Oysters, Game, etc, and propr Columbus Ice Delivery Co, 1013-1015 1st av, r 821 3d av, (see advt) Johnson e, lab, r 309 19th Julien M, grocer, G, r same Letha Miss, wks Ga Mnfg Co Mary H, wid W, r 1707 1st av Monte, wks E & P Mills, r P C Philip, motorman Col R R, bds 210 17th Robert W c, janitor 16th st School, r 1535 4th av Shelby, bkkprM Julius, r 910 3dav Shep c, wks R Howard Thomas c, wks C L Perkins, r Wynnton MILLER THOMAS T, (Battle & Miller,) r Linnwood Tony c, lab, r 1619 4th av Walter, wks E & P Mills, rPC William, wks C R R Compress, r 1016 5th av William M c, wks E & P Mills, r 1607 4th av Millirous James, wks E & P Mills, r G Jesse, wks E & P Mills, r 15 W 13th Mills Annie Miss, wks Ga Mnfg Co, rPC DillieMiss, wks Swift Mills, r 512 14th Hettie Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r P C James T, wks J H Rumsey, r 1216 4th av John, wks E & P Mills, r P C Laura Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r P C Lizzie Miss, r 512 14th " Mack c, wks Goldens' F & M Co Special Rates for Weekly Customers' Entire Wash. D. F. W1LLC0X k SON, 1149 Broad St., Colamtms, Ga. GEN'L INSURANCE AGENCY. Mills Mary Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C Thomas, wks E & P Mills, r P C Milton W H, carp Ga Midland Ry Mims William H, barber J W Whitaker Mingo Wilson c, wks Muscogee Mills, r Minnifield Peter c, carp, r Cooleyville Minor Annie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G Julius deck hand, r 1028 6th av Robert c, wks Col Iron Wks, r Bottom Mischke Carl A, newsdealer and umbrella repairer, r 110 6th Mitchell Alexander c, hostler, r Cooleyville Alexander, confc'r, 1216 Broad, r 2117 Talbotton av Edgar, wks Muscogee Mills, r G Fannie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G Frank c, lab, r 401 4th av Gus c. lab, r Cooleyville John A, trav salesman, bds 1^82 3d Joseph c, lab C R R, r 815 9th av Jule C, grocer, etc, 22 11th, r 1333 3d av Kate T D, wid F H, r 815 Broad Mitch c, fireman Muscogee Mills, r G Rebecca S, wid J, r 319 12th Thomas 0, wks Rowe's stables, bds 734 2d av T Emerson, physician, 9J 11th, r 402 11th Wilifred E, designer Muscogee Mills, r 1100 17th " William c, lab, r 216 22d Mizell Charles W, elk R E Pou & Co, r 315 12th Mittie Miss, elk J A Kirven & Co, 315 12th MOBLEY JOHN J, Mngr R G Dun & Co, r 13 W 11th Moey Charles, fireman E & P Mills, r P C Moffett Harry C, blacksmith Col Iron Wks, bds 937 1st av MOISE T S, Supt (3d div) C of Ga Ry Co, r 1228 5th av Molder Joseph C, grocer and saloon, 522 11th, r 542 Front Molsby George R, moulder Goldens' F & M Co, r 841 1st av Monahan Matthew, carp Col Barrel Factory, r 14th, Linnwood MONCREIFF EDWARD S REV, Pastor West Side Baptist Church, P C, r same Moncrieff'John T, physician, 1142 Broad, r (125) 24th William S, baggage master C R R, r 1035 17th Monk Fannie W Miss, music teacher, bds 1531 1st av WELLS vV OURTKS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Brond St. WDon't fail to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. .TVER'S C*SH STORE. Upper and Lower bridge. GIRARD. ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING- & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Colllllfc Ga. AUTHORIZED CAPITAU, $7,500,000. MON 276 MOO Monk Ida Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P 0 " James M, elk L A Scarbrough, r P C " John, saloon, 1428J 1st av, r 1531 1st av Marcus W, elk J B Tarver & Co, r 1519 1st av Monroe Arnos, dairyman, r Wynnton " Frank A, printer, r 732 4th av " James c, lab, r Bottom " W W, student Massey's Business College, bds Col Inn (MONROE see also MUNRO) Monte Cornelius R, cutter G J Peacock Clothing Co, r G " Jacob G, cutter G J Peacock Clothing Co, r G Hi. : " Herbert, tailor G J Peacock Clothing Co, r G Montgomery Carrie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 626 Front " Eliza, wid H, r 626 Front " Eliza Miss, wks E & P Mills " James S, supt factory J Kyle & Co, r Talbotton rd " Joseph A, mill opr, bds 626 Front " Joseph C, physician 1331 Cotton av,r 1911 Hamiltonav " Martha Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 626 Front " Thomas A, elk Ernest Andrews & Co, bds 1320 17th Moody Cornelia Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William J, wks E & P Mills, r P C (MOODY see also MOOTY) Moon James G, atty-at-law and real estate agt, 1100J Broad, r 1128 Front " John L, marshall P C, r same " Moses M, shoemaker P R Moon, bds 709 21th " N M Crawford, shoemaker P C, r same " Paschal R, shoemaker Wells & Curtis, r 709 21th " W Henry, wks Peacock's Dairy, bds 709 21th Mooney Oscar P, flagman C R R, r 912 13th Moore Andrew H, bds 1211 3d av " A B, eng C R R, r EH " Carrie E Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1619 1st av " Benjamin J, eng C R R, r 730 25th " Charles c, blksmith J McElheny, r 745 Front " Clara Miss, elk J Kyle & Co, bds 1001 2d av " David W, pressman Thomas Gilbert, r 307 16th " Drury Y, wks E & P Mills, bds 1715 3d av " George c, wksCRR, r Bottom THOS. CHAFFIN, 1 Books, Stationery, Musical Instruments, Pic ture Frames, Mouldings, School Books, and 1124 Broad St ) SCHOOL SDPPLIES. - 'vf; l cash store. Upp-i' jna Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. Insure with the Ga. Home Insurance Co OFFICE IN GA. HOME BLDG. 'PHONE 52. MOO_ 277 MOO Moore George B, dentist, 1237J Broad, bds 1507 2d av " Grace Miss, with Thos Gilbert, r 307 16th " Grigsie M, wks D Rothschild, bds 2122 Center " Henry c, wks C RR Compress, r 1701 1st av " James e, carp, r 1513 6th av " James E, wks E & P Mills, r G " Jesse c, wks Col Iron Wks, bds 820 Front " John c, lab, r 430 5th av " John A, dyer E & P Mills, r P (J " John II, motorman Col R R, r 307 16th " John R, elk, bds 732 Broad " John S, wks E & P Mills, r 1715 3d av " John T, elk, bds 1619 1st av " Joseph c, carp, r 1916 3d av " Joseph T, painter, bds 17 W 10th " J Linton, mach Gen'l Fire Exting'r Co, r 1001 2d av " J Montague, bkkpr W C Bradley, r 732 Broad " Lizzie Miss, wks E & P Mills Lou D Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 727 Front " Martha C, wid J F, r 1001 2d av " Mary A Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mary E, wks E & P Mills, bds 1715 3d av MOORE MONTAGUE M, Clk of Council, r 732 Broad " M J, wks E & P Mills " Nancy Mrs, wks E & P Mills " Nora Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Oscar F c, elk F C Caffey & Co, r 829 4th av " Owen, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Patience Miss, wks E & P Mills " Rebecca Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 727 Front " Reuben H, 727 Front " Rosella Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Ruth A Miss, school tchr, bds 728 1st av " Sadie Miss, r 533 6th av " Sallie, wid J, r 2122 Center " Sallie Miss, wks E & P Mills, 727 Front " Stella Miss, elk J Kyle & Co, bds 1001 2d av " Thomas E, policeman, r 1619 1st av " Thomas L, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 307 16th C. SCHOMBURG, DIAMONDS, m3 broad st. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. POWER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. PEASE'S ) place J ... fl^IE . BOOK STO^E FOR MOO MOR MOORE WILLIAM B. Auditor and TrexsCol Sou Ry, bds 321 12th William L, wks E & P Mills, bds 1715 3d av " William R, steamboat agt, 947 Broad, r 110 9th " Zell, dyer E & P Mills, r G Moorefield Dorsey E, elk W L Lott, bds 620 3d av " Eugene W, elk Blanchard & Booth, r 620 3d av " Homer T, elk D Rothschild, r 810 3d av Mooty Charles P, elk D Rothschild, r 1132 3d av " Elizabeth M, wid A, r 1238 2d av " E Van, elk Bee Hive, bds 1238 2d av " Hugh M, bkkpr Bee Hive, r 1238 2d av (MOOTY see also MOODY.) Morehead William, E & P Mills, r P C Morgan Chas A, prescription elk City Drug Store, r 216 11th MORGAN DAVID E DR, Sec and Treas Surgical and Medical Institute, r G " Edward, jeweler 0 F Pekor, r 1300 5th av " Edward D, wks E & P Mills, r 1244 Front " E C, wks E & P Mills George M, coll Col Telephone Ex, r 1344 3d av " Gilford c, lab, r 1805 Gorman's al " James A, elk Willis & Crossman, r 3 W 6th " James P, salesman J Kyle & Co, r 545 Broad " James T, elk J H Morgan, r712 2d av " John c, restaurant, 1801 3d av, r 1936 3d av " John c, wks Swift Mills, r 1936 3d av " John e, dyer Swift Mills " John F, coll Beehive, r 712 2d av John T, elk J H Connor & Co, r 712 2d av " Katie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills " Luke c, caller C R R, r 830 6th av " Robert c, lab, r 112 19th R J, student Massey's Business College, r 1402 4th av Seaborn c, drayman R Howard, r 12th Bottom " & Sorrel (D E Morgan and B Sorrel,) druggists, etc, G " Susan C Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r 2018 3d av " Thomas F (T F Morgan & Co,) r 1300 5th av " T F & Co, (T F Morgan,) blacksmiths, etc, 1413 lstav " William c, lab, r 2430 3d av oil First Avenue Is the Place you are looking for. ('Phone 202.) ^ER'S CASH STORE. C'pper and Lower Bridge. CIRaRC. aLm D. F. WILLCOX & SON,) 1849 Agency in Georgia & 1896 1149 Broad St , Columbus, Gn i Alabama. .8@"Represent the oldest GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS J American and English Companies. MOR_279_MOS Morgan Willis c, porter A B Daniel, r 721 7th av " Zacbariah c, hackman J R Rowe, r 639 5th av Mormon Jeff T, wks W M Amos & Son, r Wynn's Hill Morris Clara Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r G " Elisha W, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Ella Mrs, wks E & P Mills " George, wks Swift Mills, r G " James S, policeman, r 2201 Robinson " John c, carp, r 12th Bottom " John A, fireman 0 R R, r 1128 18th " John T c, blacksmith J McElheny, r 2230 Talbotton av " Luke A, wks T J Dudley's Sons, bds 1320 17th " Mamie Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds 1400 10th av " Mary E, wid D, bds 9 16th " Nancy, wid D, bds 1718 1st av " Perry S, foreman bindery Thos Gilbert, r 2209 Ham ilton av " X C Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Young S, grocer, 1746 10th av, r 1010 18th Morrison Adeline, wid I, r 1653 1st av " D W, Indian doctor, r 212 8th " Georgie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 17 14th " James T, wks E & P Mills, r 1837 3d av " Lula J, wid W J, r 845 1st av " Margaret, r 22 W 12th " Mary J Mrs, wks Clegg Mills, r 306 25th " Wiley, wks Swift Mills, bds 1653 1st av Morrow Claude, wks E A Murray, bds 2846 Hamilton av " William H, wks E A Murray, r 2846 Hamilton av Morton Catherine, wid J L, bds 716 Broad " Frank M, mach Goldens' F & M Co, r 14th Linnwood " Jesse H, (Perry & Morton) r 911 Hamilton av " Julius, wks Col Iron Wks, r 604 Front " William c, carp, r 1529 5th av Moseley William, mach Goldens' F & M Co, r 13th, Linnwood Moses Berry c, lab, r 2417 3d av " C C, student Massey's Business College Henry c, wks City Mills, r 2417 3d av MOSES ISAAC I, insurance and real estate agt, Girard and Phenix City, Ala, r Sandfort av, G WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. ^S-Bon't fall to visit our ELEGANT NEW STOKE. FGVVER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. tup. INTERSTATE BUILDING Si LOAN ASSOBIATION. Columbus. Ga. MOSES MONTEFIORE r 1120 1st av J (W M & M J Moses,) MOSES W MOULTRIE (W M & M J Moses), r 1120 1stav Bremen Fire Ins Co of Hamburg, Germany, im perial Ins Co (Limited) of London, Eng, Manchester Fire Assurance Co of Manchester, Eng, Provident Savings Life Assurance Society of New York, and the Fidelity and Casualty Co of New York, 18 J 12th, phone 254, (see backbone) Moshell Henry J, steward Muscogee Ciub, bds 738 1st av " Jacob H, r 738 1st av Moss D Coleman, trav sales G J Peacock Clothing Co, r P C " Elizabeth Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 934 Short " Richard, wks E & P Mills, bds 930 Short MOSS ROBERT E. elk Rankin House, r same Mote Charles M, fireman C R R, r 1504 10th av " Emma Miss, r 312 5th Henry S, wks Goldens' F & M Co, r 2311 3d av " James, moulder Col Iron Wks, r P C " Jesse C, eng Barrel Factory, r 620 Front " John, moulder Col Iron Wks, bds 841 Front " Louis M, moulder Col Iron Wks, bds 605 Broad " Marion M, moulder Golden Bros, r 605 Broad " Nep Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Samuel, wks J Kyle & Co Moteley Mark c, lab, r (1664) 4th av " William c, drayman, r 1511 6th av Mott A E, wid J R, bds 1138 Front " Edward c, drayman, r 1029 7th av " Homer c, porter Sans Souci Saloon, r 1029 7th av " J Randolph, shipper J B Holst & Co, r 727 Broad Moulton Lucy Mrs, wks E & P Mills Mount William C, mach C R R Moye Charles W, wood dealer, 932 9th av, r 1305 A Mullins Charles c, wks C W Munroe THOS. CHAFFIN, l headquarters for Jidusical Instruments, 1124 Broad St. 5 j As-Picture Frances, Moulding, S;c. POWER'S CASH store:. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus. &a, CeaseJotoinwtahseteInytoeursrtamteonBeyu.ildBineggianndtoLsoaavne.ASsstoopciahtoiounse. rent. MOS 280 _MUL Moses Lionel B, stenographer Little & Little MOSES MONTEFIORE J (W M & M J Moses), r 11214th " Samuel S c, mason, r 1609 5th av " Wolf,dry goods, notions, etc, 1045 Broad,r 1108 4th ay MOSES W MOULTRIE (W M & M J MOSES), r 11214th MOSES W M & M J, gen'l insurance agents, repre senting Nat'l Fire Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, British America Assurance Co of Toronto, Can, Hamburg Bremen Fire Ins Co of Hamburg, Germany, Im perial Ins Co (Limited) of London, Eng, Manchester Fire Assurance Co of Manchester, Eng, Provident Savings Life Assurance Society of New York, and the Fidelity and Casualty Co of New York, 18J 12th, phone 254, (see backbone) Moshell Henry .J, steward Muscogee Ciub, bds 733 1st av " Jacob H, r 733 1st av Moss D Coleman, trav sales G J Peacock Clothing Co, r P C " Elizabeth Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 934 Short " Bichard, wks E & P Mills, bds 930 Short MOSS ROBERT E, elk Rankin House, r same Mote Charles M, fireman CRB,r 1504 10th av " Emma Miss, r 312 5th Henry S, wks Goldens' F & M Co, r 2311 3d av " James, moulder Col Iron Wks, r P C " Jesse C, eng Barrel Factory, r 620 Front " John, moulder Col Iron Wks, bds 841 Front " Louis M, moulder Col Iron Wks, bds 605 Broad " Marion M, moulder Golden Bros, r 605 Broad " Nep Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Samuel, wks J Kyle & Co Moteley Mark c, lab, r (1664) 4th av " William c, drayman, r 1511 6th av Mott A E, wid J B, bds 1138 Front " Edward c, drayman, r 1029 7th av " Homer c, porter Sans Souci Saloon, r 1029 7th av " J Bandolph, shipper J B Holst & Co, r 727 Broad Moulton Lucy Mrs, wks E & P Mills Mount William C, mach C B B Moye Charles W, wood dealer, 932 9th av, r 1305 A Mullins Charles c, wks C W Munroe THOS. CHAFFIN, ) headquarters for jVEusical Instruments, 1124 Broad st. ' j -^-Picture Frames, ]VEouIding, *;c:. MUL __ 281 MUR Mullins Elizabeth Miss, wks Peacock's Clothing Co, bds 1922 2d av " Jerry L, cutter Ga Mnfg Co, r P C " John W, bkkpr J B Tarver & Co, r P C " Toby c, drayman, r Mealer's Hill Munday David G, foreman Fletcher Stable Co, r 919 3d av " Emily C, wid W, r 919 3d av Muun Daniel L, fireman CFD, r 423 10th J Edward, oper Postal Tel Cable Co, r 1044 17th Robert K, chief oper W U Tel Co, r 920 4th av William B, propr Broad St Shaving Parlors, 1026 Broad, r 602 1st av Munro Albert, farmer, r Wynnton " Charles W, farmer, r Wynnton " Mark F, farmer, r Wynnton " Samuel H, farmer, r Wynnton (MUNRO see also MONROE.) MURDOCH ARTHUR C, Ins Agt, representing South ern Mutual Ins Co of Athens, Ga, Phoenix Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, and Northern Assurance Co of Lon don, Eng, 1124 Broad, r 301 15th, (see advt) Murdock Mack c, farm hand, r Wynnton MURPHEY JOHN W, Vice Pres Col Savings Bank, and cashier Third National Bank, r 731 Broad MURPHEY- JOHN W, JR, Asst Cashier Third Na tional Bank, bds 731 Broad (MURPHEY see also MURPHY) Murphy Anthony c, lab, i 1930 3d av " Augustus, wheelwright, bds 9 14th Charles, wks Muscogee Mills, r Wynnton road " Ellis c, carp, r 1015 6th " Emma, wid M W, r 1015 3d av George W, wks T F Morgan & Co, bds 9 14th Murphy & Harris c (P M Murphy and N H Harris), barbers, 1033 lstav H L, wks Jones & Pollard Lecy A, wid A, bds 9 14th Lecy A Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 9 14th " Maggie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 9 14th C SCHOMBURG, 1113 Broad St., for WATCHES. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. F . V-'ER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. Largest Stock Blan^+Boo^s J. W. Pease's Soos MUR 282 MUS Murphy Mamie Miss, mang millinery department J A Kirven & Co, r 1015 3d av " Mamie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Matthew M, bkkpr Chattahoochee Brewing Co, r 1015 3d av " May Miss, milliner M H Lee, r 838 2d av " Patrick Me (Murphy & Harris), r 1000 Wynnton rd " Patrick c, driver Col Ice Delivery Co " Sarah A, wid M, r 4th av and river " Thomas c, porter John K Harris & Co, r 524 18th Murrah Edward L, bartender J M Murrah,r 1508 1st av " John M (E F Roberts & Co), saloon, 1400 1st av, r 1508 1st av Murray Alexander c, lab, r 539 5th av " Alfred c, watchman, r 519 9th " Edward A c, mason, r'408 19th " Esther Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Ethan A, truck farmer, r 2125 Hamilton av " Gordon c, gardner, r 825 7th av " Henry, painter, r 520 10th av" James c, porter, r 830 4th av " James E, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " John P, gunsmith, r 824 lstav " Mabel M Miss, r 2725 Hamilton ave " Mamie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Pearl Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, rPC ' " R L, student Massey's Business College, r 1402 4th av MUSCOGEE CLUB, T E Blanchard, Pres, Dana Blackmar sec and treas, 1219 Broad " Mnfg Co, G P Swift pres; E W Swift vice-pres, sec and treas, Front oppo 14th MUSCOGEE REAL ESTATE CO, John F Flournoy pres and treas; Herman Myers vice-pres; Cliff B Grimes sec, 1205 Broad Musgrove Edward H, baggage master G M Ry, r 931 5th av " Emma G Miss, r 1119 4th av Musick J, wks E & P Mills, r P C " M E, wks Swift Mills, bds 2100 10th av " William E, wks Swift Mills, bds 2100 10th av Mustin Marion c, lab, r E 9th, Bottom Columbus Steam LaundifWhodoeTKYuusaundry? , AA/ER'SCA?H STORE. Upper- a nr; Low" Bridee. GIR A K. .ALA MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO.) no equal in the world of New York. ,*D. F. WILLCOX & SON, Agents Assets, $221 ,21 3,721 .83 J 1140 Broad St., COLUMBUS, GA. MUT 288 NEL Mutual Cotton Oil Co, A M Elledge pres, H H Daniel sec and treas, M E Gray mgr, 989 9th av MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION, Malone & Pinkston gen agts, 1007J Broad Myers George c, wks E & P Mills Thomas O c, barber W E Terry, r 19th bet 3d av and Robinson Myhand Jesse, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Marion, wks Swift Mills, r P C " Peter e, lab, r Bottom ^TASH GEORGE c, wks E & P Mills, r 620 27th Nash W M, coll Metropolitan Life Ins Co,bds 1333 Broad Nathaniel Charles c, huckster, r E 9th, Bottom " Ephram c, r E 9th, Bottom " Joseph c, tinner H F Everett, bds 306 Carter " Nataniel, tinner, r E 9th, Bottom NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBUS, (The) J Rhodes Browne pres, William Slade cashier, 1046 Broad, (see advt) NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO of Hartford, Conn, W M & M J Moses agts, 18J 12th Naylor Mark c, wks E & P Mills, r 714 6th av Neal Carrie Miss, bkkpr Singer Mnfg Co, bds Yernon Hotel (NEAL see also NEILL) Needham Richard W, grocer, 1301 Broad, r 1501 2d av Neely Annie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " Dora D, wid B, r 112 15th Neill Bessie B Miss, stenographer Empire Mills, r E II " Cecil, stenographer L F Garrard, r Wynnton " George H, farmer, r E H NEILL J DOUGLAS, Teller The National Bank of Columbus, r Beallwood " S Lindsay, (Neill & Young,) r E H " & Young, (S Lindsay Neill and William II Young,) grocers and coal and wood dealers, 1801-1803 10th av Nelligan John P, canvasser, r 1514 10th av Nelson Ada Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1911 3d av " Alonzo, wks Muscogee Mills, r 108 Railroad " Cecelia Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. 4-I)on't fall to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE:. (19) THE INTERSTATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, COLUMBUS, GA, No danger from Failure in time of Panics. NEW Nelson Edward c, mason, r Cooleyville " Ellis c, wks V R Cantreli John, carp, r 11th av, Linnwood LaFayette, wks Muscogee Mills, r 1911 3d av Reuben c, barber, r 1920 Robinson Sallie Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r 11th av, Linnwood William c, barber W Yarbrough, r E H Nero Lucius c, wks W T Harvev & Co, r 1314 5th av Newberry Carrie, wid W, bds 1500 10th av Newman Alice Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 710 7th av Emma Miss, wks E & P Mills Katie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r 412 9th ' u Minnie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G NEWMAN WALTER T, sec John Blackmar Co, r 2014 Thomas av " William, wks E & P Mills, r G " William J, policeman, r 429 Broad " AVilliam T, hostler G M Ry, r 412 9th " Wright Rev c, r 545 4th av Newsome Alexander S, wks Muscogee Mills, r 12th av, Linn wood " Alice Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Annie Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds 1400 3d av " Daisy Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Ellen Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Emma Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Fannie Miss, wks L Meyer, r G Fannie M Miss, wks Hamburger Mills, r 12th av, Linn wood George, wks Hamburger Mills, r P C James, wks Swift Mills,'bds 1400 3d av James, wks E & P Mills, r P C " John, foreman E & P Mills, r P C John, r 12th av, Linnwood John T, watchman Jones & Pollard, r 12th av, Linn wood Julius H, policeman, r 2200 10th av Mary Mrs, wks Hamburger Mills, r P C Mary Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Minnie L Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds 1917 Northwest Tlios. Chaffin 1134 BROAD SX. AVER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO. Is a Home Institution, and deserves and desires tbe Patronage of every Citizen of Columbus and vicinity. NEW_285_NOR Newsome M Ella Miss, wks Hamburger Mills, r 12th av, Linnwood " Philip, wks Muscogee Mills, r G " Samuel, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1917 Northwest " Solomon, wks Muscogee~Mills " Thomas, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Thomas, wks E & P Mills, rP C " Walter M, wks Swift Mills, bds 2232 10th av " William, wks E & P Mills, r G " William C, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William T, wks Swift Mills, r Linnwood Newton Thomas, carp, bds 934 Short Niblet Ellis B, carp 0 E Young & Co, r P C Nicholas Vacile, fruits and confectionery, 900 Broad, r same Nickerson Thomas c, lab, r 1317 1st av Nisbet Emma C, wid J, r 1423 2d av " William W, elk J F Pou & Co, r 423 2d av Nix Edward A, chief car inspector CEE,r 1205 17th " Elizabeth Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " B J c, wks C R R Nixon Aaron c, wks E & P Mills, r 734 5th av Noble Hezekiah, dentist, r P C " L L, student Massey's Business College (NOBLE see also NOBLES) Nobles Leola Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William F, wks E & P Mills, r 1344 Broad Nolan Joseph Rev c, pastor Shiloh Baptist Church c, r P C Norman Annie Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 17 14th NORMAN FREDERICK, Propr City Drug Store, r 1124 3d av " John c, blacksmith, r 1243 1st av " John c, wks A Ellis & Co, r 7th av " John T, (Elledge & Norman,) r 1220 2d av " Peter c, wks Abe Ellis & Co, r 800 8th av " Richard M, (R M Norman & Co,) r 1224 2d av " R M & Co, (R M Norman and L Lowenthal,) mdse brokers, 1047 Broad Norris Annie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r P C " A J, wks E & P Mills c, 1113 Broad $1 CLOCKS of all descriptions I Engraving and Repairing ' by Reliable Workmen. JR'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. Largest Stock of Guitarsand Violins--J, W. Pease's Sons NOR 286 O'PR Norris Eva Miss, wks E & P Mills " Hugh S, printer Enquirer Sun " Jennie E, wid John, r 1325 Broad " John, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Lively F, wks Swift Mills, bds 112 21st " Robert A, wks E& P Mills, bds 112 21st " William J, shoemaker, r 112 21st North Rufus M, canvasser Singer MnfgCo, r 836 Comer av Norton John c, wks Sou Plow Co, r Mealer's Hill " L P, mach Col Iron Wks Norwood John, physician, r 1233 4th av Nosworthy Sarah M Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1433 6th av " William, wks Muscogee Mills, r 1414 Broad " William, Jr, mill operative, bds 1414 Broad NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO, of London, Eng, Ar thur C Murdoch, agt, 1124 Broad (see advt) Noyes T T, electrician Col R R, bds 1720 2d av Nuckolls Alice, wid T J, r 1422 3d av Nunn John c, wks C RE Compress, r 1522 5th av John, Jr, c, bartender E E Yarbrough, r 1522 5th av 05 TORI AN Lafayette F Rev c, pastor Shady Grove Church, r 219 26 O'Brian William P, cattle dealer, r 1429 2d av O'Connor Daniel J, head miller Empire Mills, r 803 1st av " Martin, r 14 Dillingham O'Grady James, grocer and saloon P C, r same O'Hara Barney, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Ida Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Jasper, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Minnie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C O'Leary Earle Miss, bds 730 5th av O'Neal Francis c, wks Mrs R B Gunby, r 517 27th " Minnie J, wid M, r 1301 A (O'NEAL see also O'NEILL) O'Neill Belle Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Benjamin F, elk J W Blanton, r P C " Green c, piper E & P Mills, r 2406 North " Seab, wks E & P Mills, r P C O'Pry Lucy Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C oil First Avenue Is the Place you are looking for. ('Phone 202.) D. F. WILLCOX & SON, 1149 Broad St , Columbus, Ga GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS O'Sheilds Frank, painter Col Wall Paper and Paint Co " Mattie C Mrs, r 1441 1st av Oakes Frances E, wid J, r 325 18th Frank, wks Jones & Pollard, bds 325 18th John, carp, bds 325 18th Sarah, wid John, r 313 8th William L, wks Swift Mills, r 321 18th Oates Fannie Mrs, wks Swift Mills George c, porter Rankin House bar, r 1441 5th av N G, internal revenue coll, r 1408 4th av Odom Charles, elk Boyce Bros, bds 1329 Broad Daniel, elk, bds 1329 Broad Elizabeth Miss, dressmaker, r 726 3d av Ida Miss, wks E & P Mills, r 1329 Broad Jackson K Rev c, r 208 25th James c, wks Col R R, r 1431 5th av James c, wks Hatcher Mfg Co James B, canvasser Metropolitan Life Ins Co, r Wynn's Hill " Jesse c, lab, r 2307 1st av " John c, lab, r 630 5th av " John W, bkkpr Sans Souci, r 1329 Broad " Leila Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r 1329 Broad " Martha A, wid A, r Wynn's Hill " Mary Miss, dressmaker, r 726 3d av " Samuel c, brakeman CRR, r 630 5th av " Sarah E, wid Abram, r 1329 Broad " Sidney II, grocer, 1639 13th av, r Wynn's Hill " William c, wks C R R, r 630 5th av " William E, cutter L Meyer, r 509 26th Ogburn John c, painter J M Osborn Ogletree Etta Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " James P, carp, r 732 2d av " James T, elk, r P C " Laura V Mrs, seamstress G J Peacock Clothing Co, r G " Lisbon R, eng Muscogee Mills, r P C " Mary M Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r 543 5th av " Mary L Mrs, wks J Kyle & Co, r P C " Sadie Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r P C " Virginia E Miss, dressmaker, r 543 5th av WELLS & CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. S"Bon't fail to risit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. i it 'ER'S CASH STORE. Upper ane Lower Bridge. GIRaRD. ALa. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus. Ha. Wealth is made by PERSISTENT SAVING. OGL_288_OWE Ogletree William L, con Col R R Co, bds 2304 3d av Olive Benjamin 0, wks Swift Mills, bds 1534 10th av " Eliza Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " J B, wks Swift Mills " Lena Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Oliver Charles W c, porter W C Bradley, r 511 7th OLIVER DRUG CO, T M Oliver mngr, druggists, etc, Broad, cor Cotton av " George L, classer McQ McIntosh bds Hotel 7 ernon OLIVER THOMAS M, mangr Oliver Drug Co, r 21213th Olmstead Richard c, wks R Howard Omyer Thomas c, barber Ed Terry, r 1908 Oak al Orange Ants, wks E & P Mills, r G " Jane Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " Walter, wks E & P Mills, bds 936 Short ORR JOSEPH K, pres J K Orr Shoe Co, r 1220 5th av ORR J K SHOE CO, JK Orr pres, D H Kirkland vice- pres, W J Peabody sec and tres, wholesale boots and shoes, W 11th, bet. Broad and Front Osborn Cora Miss, wks Muscogee Mills " James M, painter and paper hanger, 102 11th, r G " James M, Jr, painter J M Osborn, r G " John, elk H Rothschild, r 1 21st " John P, painter J M Osborn, r G " Jones, wks Sou Plow Co " Lewis c, wheelwright, r 713 7th av " Nora Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas J, wks Col Iron Wks, r 16 W 9th " William M, paper hanger J M Osborn, r G (OSBORN see also OSBURN) Osburn Craven T, dentist 12J W 11th, r 1320 3d av " Neal G, policeman, r 607 4th av Osteen William, wks GM Ry, r 7th av bet 12th and 13th Overby Charles P, elk J W Pease's Sons, r Wynnton " Cincinatus N, elk J A Kirven & Co, r Wynnton Thomas L, elk J W Pease's Sons, r Wynnton Owen Jesse L, attorney-at-law, 938 Broad, r 1231 17th " Jessie Miss, opr Telephone Exchange, bds 1231 17th " John B, policeman, bds 1625 3d av (OWEN see also OWENS) thos. chaffin, 1 School Books and School Supplies 1124 Broad St. ) : WER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD.'A LA. of,^iiingZsu?-68}RHODES BROWNE, ance given by.j Office in Ga. Home Bldg. Phone 52. OWE 289 PAG Owens Baxter Miss, tailoress P J Ludwig, r 1617 2nd av " Charles c, wks Col Iron Wks " Edward S, cutter J Kyle & Co, r 627 2d av " John T, wks Muscogee Mills, r 2111 2d av " Laura, wid James, r 13 W 13th " Mattie J B Mrs, dressmkr, r 1617 2d av " Pearl Miss, wks Clegg Mills, bds 2111 2d av " Philip c, blacksmith, Wynnton, r same " Regina, wid J T, r (301 Broad " Regina Miss, millinei M H Lee, r 601 Broad " Wesley, farmer, r Wynnton " Zena Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 2111 2d av Owsley Ephraim P, (Grimes, Owsley & Co,) and Cash Fourth National Bank, r 1113 2d av ~T~~> ACE AUGUSTUS c, wks Robert Carter, rMealer's Hill Pace George c, wks Albrecht's wood yard, r Linnwood Pace Jackson c, lab, r Mealer's Hill " James C, paper hanger Col Wall Paper and Paint Co, r 2225 11th av " Thomas, wks Hamburger Mills, r P C Pacetty Thomas A (Pacetty & Willet), and mach C R R b om- press, r 1802 1st av " & Willet (T A Pacetty and J B Willet), mnfrs and bottlers mineral water, 1802 1st av Packard Conrad E, barber T B Duncan, r G Paden William H Rev c, pastor Second Presbyterian Church, r 809 5th av (PADRICK see PATRICK) Page Annie, wid W, r 208 13th " Bird Miss, printer Col Ledger " Harris Miss, elk Bee Hive " John, bds 208 13th " John R. grocer P C, r same " Lula Miss, wk J Kyle & Co PAGE MATTHEW REV, past First Avenue Baptist Church, r 2006 3d av " Melvina Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C PAGE RINALDO W (R W Page & Co), r 1007 2d av FINE JEWELRY, &c., 1113 Broad Street (ElF'Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. VER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. nA irtixiQ otfbc' mMaaltmariiaaliob PICpTeU^ReE^frbaomoeks,ptefoais^Eels PAG_290 PAR Page Roger M, subscription manager Evening Ledger bds 208 18th " Ruth Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C PAGE R W & CO, (R W Page and L T Jones.) proprs Col Ledger, 1009J Broad Palmer Carrie Miss, wks E & P Mills " Caroline, wid R, bds 201 18th David B (D B Palmer & Bro,) r 816 1st av D B & Bro, (D B and E B Palmer), mer brokers, 6 11th Edward B, (D B Palmer & Bro,) r 902 Broad " Ellis c, barber, r 508 8th PALMER GEORGE C, atty-at-law and court stenogra pher, 1017J Broad, r 829 3d av James, driver CFD, bds 314 14th John H, watchmaker, jeweler and graduate optician, 1012 Broad, r 829 3d av Mary A, wid William, r 816 1st av Sarah A, wid H, r 728 1st av W E, printer Thos Gilbert, r 1109J Broad (PALMER see also PARMER) PARAGON SAFETY OIL CO, C D Preer, propr, 12 12th (see advt) Pardon Ida Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G Parham A Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds 1835 Hamilton av Eugenia T, wid T, r 1835 Hamilton av Lucy R Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 1831 3d av Paris Carrie Miss, wks E & P Mills Parker Arthur, wks Swift Mills, r P C E, carp Jones & Pollard, r P C Homer W W, coll J D Smith & Bro, bds (7) East 19th John W, grocer, 1533 5th av, r 2215 Hamilton av Sallie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Thomas, c, lab, r 533 5th av Thomas J, elk F G Power, r 1333 Broad " William W, wks T F Farley, r (7) East 19th Parkman Surana, money elk Sou Ex Co, r 503 Broad " Wesley c, farmer, r Wynnton Parks Charles W, train dispatcher C R R, bds Vernon Hotel Parmb Robert, wks D C Herring, r 3d av bet 18th and 19th IF YOU WISH TO LOOK NEAT, SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO COLUMBUS STEAM LAUNDRYfirst'avenue FARMER DAVID L, Lawyer and Magistrate, Wynnton rd, r 1305 A, (see advt) (PARMER see also PALMER) Parr Mary Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 2015 1st av Parramore Annie Miss, wks Swift Mills, r 14th, Linnwood " Capero J, wks C R R, r 14th, Linnwood PARROTT SAMUEL F, Genl Mngr Col Sou Ry, bds Rankin House Parsons Benjamin F, wks Col Barrel Mnfg Co, r Patton av, Linnwood " Sadie Miss, elk Bee Hive " W B, wks Col Barrel Mfg Co, r Patton av, Linnwood " W B, Jr, wks Col Brl Mfg Co, r Patton av, Linnwood Parton Maud Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas, wks E & P Mills, r P C Paschal Abel c, lab, r 900 Paschal's al " Chandler c, flagman C R R, r 900 Paschal's al " Riley c, waiter Rankin House " Susan R, wid W O, r 1109 1st ave Passmore Harry, student Massey's Bus College, r 1018 Front " William, wks City, r (400) Jordan Patillo Sarah L Mrs, bds 1627 11th av Patrick Alfred M, butcher, r 11th av, Linnwood " Annie Miss, student Massey's Business College Annie E Mrs, wks Ga Mfg Co, r 13th av, Linnwood " Georgia A, wid J W, r 1112 3d av Homer N, wks Col Iron Wks, r 11th av, Linnwood " James, wks Swift Mills, r P C " James, elk J Martin, r Wynnton James L, butcher, 501 10th, r same " John, carp, r 14th, Linnwood " John H, wks Swift Mills, r PC Maud Miss, wks Swift Mills " Pearl J Miss, elk C F Pekor, r 1121 3d av " Weston Miss, r 901 4th av Wilbur, wks Swift Mills, r 11th av, Linnwood PATRICK W G Dr, pres Surgical and Medical Insti tute, bds Columbus Inn Patten Alice Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co Patterson Albert E, farmer, r 1118 4th av_ WELLS & CURTIS, FholesaleamI Retail Broad St. BO*O=TDSo, nS'Ht OfaEllS and LEATHER. Hare to visit our ELEGANT moved t" 1180 NE1V STORE. (east side) t.K'3 CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL., $7,500,000. PAT 292 PEA Patterson Albert E, Jr, bkkpr D Rothschild, bds 1118 4th av " Augustus c, hackman, r 429 3d av " Charles H, wks Col Iron Wks, bds 620 25th " Daniel E, carp Col Iron Wks, r 620 25th " Dora F, Mrs, dressmkr, r 323 16th " Edw'd M (E M Patterson & Co,) rooms Gallome bld'g " Ernest D, broker, bds 1118 4th av " E M & Co (E M and M L Patterson,) druggists, etc, 1127 Broad " Oscar, elk, bds 1118 4th av " M Louis (E M Patterson & Co,) r Russell Co, Ala " Newton Rev c, presiding eld Col M E ch, r 825 6th av " Robert A, merchant, r 524 1st av " Robert C, coll L H Chappell, r 524 1st av " Wylie G. wks Col Iron Wks, r 723 24th PATTON AVE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Rev George Cumbus pastor, Linnwood Patts William J J c, barber Lockett & Brace well, r 843 6th av PAUL MARY SISTER, r 1142 3d av Payne Alice Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Emanuel, wks Hamburger Mills " Emma Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r 14th, Linnwood " Francis M, foreman Swift Mills, r P C Jesse M, (M B Richards & Co,) and supt Muscogee Mills, rP C " John H c, hackman, r 650 27th " Leonard, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Mann, wks Hamburger Mills, r 14th, Linnwood PEABODY FRANCIS D City Attorney, 1045 1047 Broad, r 1949 Hamilton av " Frank, bkkpr J B Holst & Co, r 744 Broad " Josephine L, wid J, r 744 Broad " J Royden, student, bds 744 Broad School House, Prof Threadgill prin, G Thomas K, ticket agt Union Depot, bds 744 Broad PEABODY WILLIAM J, Sec and Treas J K Orr Shoe Co, r 645 Broad PEACOCK GIDEON J, Pres G J Peacock Clothing Co, r Wynnton THOS. CHAFFIN, L headquarters for JVIusical Instruments, ii24 Broad st. j -^-Picture Frances, ]VIouIding, ^c. GIRARD WHEN WANTING- INSURANCE, apply to RHODES BROWNE, Representing the HOME COMPANY and the Strongest American and English Companies. Office in Ga. Home Bldg. 'Phone 52. PEA 293 FED PEACOCK G J CLOTHING CO, G J Peacock Pres, G Y Banks vice-pres, R H Peacock sec, clothing mnfrs, etc, 1200-1202 Broad " Martha C, wid R II, bds 135 Broad " Oliver, dairyman, Wynnton PEACOCK R HOWELL, (G J Peacock Clothing Co), r 435 Broad Pead William, wks Swift Mills Pearce Alvah, elk J T Pearce, bds 1238 3d av " Arthur R, with Pearce & Williams, bds 1247 5th av PEARCE'S CHAPEL (METHODIST), 1730 3d av " Cordelia Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds 2001 3d av " Cynthia Miss, wks Swift Mills, r P C " Elizabeth J, wid T J, bds 1132 4th av " G A, pres and gen mngr City Mills Co, r 1519 2nd av " Isaac F, pipeman CFD, wks 1625 3d av " John T, grocer, 1347 Broad, r 1238 3d av " Richard c, milkman, r Bottom " Robert c, wks W C Marcrum, r 1023 6th av " Thomas J, (Pearce & Williams), r 1247 5th av " Warren c, wks Harvey's Wood Yard, r 1514 6th av " & Williams (T J Pearce and J J Williams), wholesale grocers and candy mnfrs, 1244 Broad (PEARCE see also PIERCE) Pearson John c, wks W T Harvey & Co, r 1247 5th av " Pig c, wks W T Harvey & Co, r 1247 5th av PEASE J NORMAN (J W Pease's Sons), r 1438 3d av J Walter, elk J B Holst & Co, r 908 Broad PEASE'S J W SONS (W C & J N Pease), Books, Sta tionery, pianos, organs, music and musical mdse, 1140 Broad (see top lines) " Leah A, wid J W, r 908 Broad PEASE WILLIAMS C (J W Pease's Sons), r 1537 3d av Peck Henry c, fireman Hamburger Mills, r 826 6th ay Pecot Garrett, bkkpr A L Crawford, r 619 1st av " George S. elk Third Nat'l Bank, r 619 1st av Peddy Charles, wks E & P Mills, bds 1722 3d av " David 1ST, merchant, r 1536 1st av " Elizabeth Miss, seamstress, bds 1536 1st av " Fannie Miss, seamstress, bds 1536 1st av i MnUlMDlIKll, CCrUAUDIIDr Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, OptlcaKioods, Bric-a-Brac, &c. ms Broad st. Engraving and Repairing W Reliable WorKm^n i, n . it: 1 ilLl * ;/ER-3 OSH STORE. Upper ana Lower bridge. GIRARD. ALA. PED 294 PER Peddy Forbes B, canvasser Singer Mnfg Co, r G " George B, peddler, r 1829 3d av " Hellis I V Miss, wks Clegg Mills, bds 1829 3d av " Iva Miss, wks Clegg Mills " Jessie M Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1829 3d av " LauraE Mrs, grocer, 1620 3d av, r same " Wiley H, with E M Averett, r 1620 3d av (PEDDY see also FREDDY) Peed James T, farm hand, r 2106 Center " Mary E Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 2106 Center " Olive Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 2106 Center Robert, wks E & P Mills, bds 2106 Center " William M, wks Swift Mills, bds 2106 Center Pekor Charles F, supt Pekor Iron Wks, r 844 3d av " Frank W, farmer, r Wynnton " Iron Works, W H Brannon pres, C J Edge sec and treas, C F Pekor supt, 9th av bet 10th and 11th " Joseph F, mach C R R, r Wynnton PEKOR VACLAV J, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Dia monds, silverware, crockery, etc, 1010 Broad, r Wynnton Pendleton Wyatt F, tailor H Geyer, r 509 10th PENN MUTUAL LIFE INS CO OF PHILA, Wm L Lott genl agt, 10 12 th PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, F C Caffey & Co Proprs, 20 10th, (see advt) Perkins Charles L, pres Ga Mfg Co, r Wynnton " Ellen c, midwife, r 1531 5th av " Felix c, barber W A Mahone, r 729 6th av " G J, student Massey's Business College Perlmon Ii, peddler, r 902 4th av Persons E L, conductor C R R Perry Charles c, wks CRR, r 910 Paschal's al " Jeff c, wks E & P Mills, r 1626 4th av Lee c, fireman E & P Mills, r rear 731 4th av " & Morton (W G Perry and J H Morton,) druggists, 1911 Hamilton av " Ransom c, farmer, r Bottom " R Emmett, elk B L Clark, r 745 3d av " Wesley c, carp Jesse Snyder, r 101 21st Men IF YOU WISH TO PLEASE YOUR LADY FRIENDS, patronize the COLUMBUS STEAM LAUNDRY ,'WEK'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. I The Largest and Best Accident Co. 1141 f UJJJJllW 141 fj llilll V U Uwl T4 U ottaali 4LJU oD ss9eCs9 APaHiidll,, $2 " George c, lunchroom 1028 1st av, r near Broad rear John Seallv " Jesse c,. barber W E Terry Poyner A W, cooper Col Barrel Mfg Co, bds 1916 10th av " Martha Miss, wks E & P Mills, Sarah M Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1916 10th av " William H, r 1916 10th av Prader James, wks E & P Mills, bds 940 Short Prather Anderson C, r 923 3d av Charles, wks E & P Mills, bds 932 Short " Effie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 932 Short " Frederick, carp CEE, bds 521 11th " Joseph, wks Muscogee Mills, r 827 Front THOS. CHAFFIN, 1 Books, Stationery, Musical Instruments, Pic ture Frames, Mouldings, School Books, and 1124 Broad St. ) SCHOOL SUPPLIES. And keep yonr money ---sPATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS BY INSURING WITH=^o. The Georgia Home Insurance Company RED 305 REE Redd Cliff, elk S H Johnston, r 743 1st av " Eugenia W, wid C, bds 1438 Broad " Lewis, broker, bds 743 1st av " Rebecca F, wid N L, r 743 1st av " Soule, wks E & P Mills, bds 743 1st av REDD WILLIAM. JR. Postmaster, r Wynnton Reddick Easter J L Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 928 Short Redding Allie Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Anderson c, lab, r 1445 5th av " Gabriel c, wks Col Iron Wks " John, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Richard c, carpet layer Sternberg's Carpet House, r 1st av bet 18th and 19th " William c, porter City Drug Store Reddy Sarah Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Redman Thomas A, wks Swift Mills, r 103 21st Redmond Nannie Mrs, wks E & P Mills Reed Arthur o, wks W Blankenship, r Bottom " Charles u, cook A A Williams, r Bottom " Joseph, barkpr E F Roberts & Co, bds 411 13th " Lottie Mrs, wks Swift Mills, bds ill 16th (REED see also REID) Reeder John c, painter Bartlett & Bize " John c, wks R Howard, r Bottom Reedy John C, r 908 5th av Rees Edward, moulder Goldens' F & M Co, bds 616 Broad " John B, trav agt, bds 616 Broad " John M, with W C Bradley, r 622 Broad (REES see also REESE) Reese Calhoun, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1514 2d av " Charles F, wks Swift Mills, bds 1 16th " Edward, wks Swift Mills, r P C " Eli c, porter Loeb & Kaufman, r 717 6th av " Emma Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Frank R, fireman C F D, r 2007 11th av " George c, wks F Conti, r 307 19th " Hamilton c, lab, r Mealer's Hill " Herbert c, lab, r 511 8th " Jabus M, wks Swift Mills, r 15th, Linnwood " James c, wks Chatt Brewing Co, r G C. SCHOMBURG, SILVERWARE, 1113 broad st. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. ' 'iIR'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lowc< Andge. GIRARD. ALA. PEASE'S ) PLACE j . . . Ff H E BOOK STOKE 1 FOR 1 WRETtflQ PAPER, REE 806 REI Reese John c, carp Jones & Pollard, r 707 5th av Louis c, waiter Rankin House, r 1027 6th av " Martha A, wid G, bds 1 loth " Tillman c, lab, r Bottom " Wright c, plasterer, r Mealer's Hill Reeves Florence, wid W M, r 1036 6th av " Lula, wid W, bds 207 18th " Lula Miss, wks Ga Mnfg Co, bds 20 f 18th " Susan Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Walter T, trav salesman Jas E Deaton & Co, rooms Ga Home Building " Wyatt J, baggage master G M Ry, bds 1536 10th av Reich Frank C, bkkpr M E Joseph, r 22 W 5th " Frederick Mrs, r 536 Front Frederick W, watchmaker C Schomburg, r 536 Front Reichart Charles, flagman C R R " Jacob, flagman C R R Reid Alexander, (A Reid & Co, and A & R Reid,) r 1028 Broad " Alexander c, janitor public school, r 819 7th av Augustus c, drayman R Thweatt, r 731 6th av A Carlisle, elk Enquirer-Sun, bds 2026 Thomas av A & Co, (A & R Reid,) proprs Old Reliable Saloon, 1028 Broad A & R, proprs Col Wall Paper and Paint Co, 1039 Broad " David G, wks Swift Mills, r l'4th, Linnwood Edward c, wks Shepherd Bros, r 428 5th av Elbert c, lab, r 6 Solomon's al " Fannie E, wid J C, bds 416 Broad Fernando H, baker Williams & Co, r 815 Broad Fletcher I, wks E & P Mills, r 14th, Linn wood " General c, carp, r 437 6th av James N, wksE & P Mills, r P C John c, wks C W Munroe John c, farm hand, r Wynn ton John A, policeman, r 2026 Thomas Joshua c, cook H H Goodlett, r rear (612) 18th Lemuel c, wks Empire Mills Mack S c, wks E & P Mills, r 1830 2d av Maggie D Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r 14th, Linnwood Columbus Steam Laundry 8pedS*reelywash. AVER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. D. F. W1LLC0I Sc SON, 1 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, MARINE, I PLATE GLASS, STEAM BOILER, 1149 Broad St., ColumTms, Ga. f TORNADO Policies in Oldest and GEN'L INSURANCE AGENCY. I Best Companies. RBI _ 307 _BEY Reid Robert (A Reid & Co, and A & R Reid), r 1028 Broad " Robert C, operator C R R, rooms 1128 Broad " Robert E, foreman Muscogee Mills, r P C " William c, porter Wakefield's pharmacy, r Bottom (REID see also REED) Reinschmidt Michael F, foreman cooper Col Barrel Mnfg Co, r 1226 10th av Reliford Moses c, lab, r Wynnton road " Stephen, wks E Philips Remington John, foreman, r 111 21st " John C, policeman, r 515 2d av " Walter S, dyer E & P Mills, r 2228 10th av^ Renfroe Alfred,student Massey's Business College,r 520 1st av " A James, coll, r 1339 Broad " Clara L Miss, dressmaker, bds 420 1st av " Claud, wks E & P Mills, bds over 1431 1st av " David H, carp, bds over 1431 1st av " Eli c, butler, r 710 6th av " Elijah barber J W Whitaker, t-823 8th av " James K, foreman E & P Mills, r P C " Jefferson c, carp, r 619 5th av " Jefferson c, lab, r 809 8th av " John S, watchman Bradley Warehouse, r 120 1st av " J, wks Sou Plow Co " J Ernest, elk T A Watt, bds over 1431 1st av " J W, fireman Col Sou Ry, r P C " Philip c, wks Shepherd Bros, r 907 6th av " W Joseph, elk J A Kirven & Co, r 1337 Broad Rentz F L Miss, wks Hamburger Mills, r 11th av, Bottom " Lawrence B, wks Hamburger Mills, r 11th av, Bottom " Mattie, wid T, r 11th av, Bottom Revel Felix, carp, bds 101 20th " Homer, wks C J Pekor, bds 101 20th `C William, farmer, r 101 20th Reynolds Augustus, policeman, r 2200 Thomas av " Cora N Miss, r 13th av, Linnwood " Ella A Miss, operator Tel Exchange, bds 715 3d av " Glasgow L c, barber 1112 1st av, r same " Henry e, lab Empire Mills, r 725 7th av " Henry E, miller Empire Mills, r 908 Broad 5 CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. -SS-Don't fall to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. I, I ' I Pi - '/ER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, ColDls. Ga. See Statement on inside Back Cover. EEY 308 RIG Reynolds Herman A, conductor Col R R, bds 2200 Thomas " James c, deckhand, r 802 5th av " Lizzie c, restaurant, etc, 22 14th, r same " Mamie S Miss, r 13th av, Linnwood " Mark c, wks CRR, r 741 7th av " Martha Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mattie P Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r 13th av, Linnwood " M S Miss, student Massey Business College " Ophelia Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills " Quincy, wks E & P Mills, bds 932 Short " Robert L, wks C R R, r 13th av, Linnwood " Robert S, wheelwright, r 13th av, Linnwood " Russell c, fireman E & P Mills " Susie Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co, r 13th av, Linnwood " William c, lab, r Wynnton " William P, kpr City Stables, r 916 8th av RHODES A G FURNITURE CO, W J Smith pres, T F Smith sec and treas, furniture, stoves, mantels, grates, etc, 1110 Broad " Jacob c, wks Muscogee Mills " Mary Miss, opr L Meyer, bds 730 25th " Mollie Miss, opr L Meyer, r 730 25th Rice Alexander c, lab, r Mealer's Hill " Benjamin F, mach Col Iron Wks, r 819 Front " Charles, piano tuner, 1140 Broad, r Patton av, Linnwood " Julia Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r Patton av, Linnwood " William B, painter, r 823 Front Richards Alonzo A, mgr M B Richards & Co, r P C " Carrie Mrs, grocer G, r same " Charles, flagman CRR, bds 1326 4th av " Cornelius A, painter, r 11th av, Linnwood " James L, saloon G, r same " Lish Mrs, wks Swift Mills " Lona Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mary B Mrs, (M B Richards & Co,) r P C " M B & Co, (M B Richards and J M Payne,) dry goods, etc, P C " Warren N, grocer and propr mattress mftry G, r same Richardson Allen c, lab, r 935 6th av " B Howard, elk C R R, r 917 1st av Picture Frames, Moulding Etc. Tlios. Chaffin 1124 BROAD ST- r.,,*,ER-S CASH STORE. iW w*Low" Br,dse- GIRARD ALA' FOR FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE AT LOW RATES Apply to RHODES BROWNE, office in Ga. Home Bldg. 'Phone 52. EIC 309 ROB Eichardson Frank c, lab, r 2418 Eobinson " Georgia, wid B H, r 20 W 11th " James c, painter Bartlett & Bize, r 1017 6th av " John c, farmer, r Mealer's Hill " Leonard E, wks E & P Mills, r G Eichmond William c, fireman Muscogee Mills, r G Eiddle Annie E Mrs, propr Columbus Inn, 944 Broad " Charles, wks E & P Mills, bds 11 16th " Hattie J Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 11 16th " Henry C, farmer, r 11 16th " John W, mngr Columbus Inn, 944 Broad " Libbie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 11 16th Eiddly Almeta Miss, wks Clegg Mills, r 311 Jordan's al Eidenhour C C, student Massey's Business College " Thomas F, bkkpr, r 514 1st av " Winton, elk C R R Compress, r 4 16th Eidings Ora, wks Swift Mills, bds 2802 2d av Eidley Alfred c, porter, r 1029 6th av " Henrv c, porter Brannon & Carson, r 1029 6th av 1 Eidley Zachariah c, porter Brannon & Carson, r 1029 6th av Biggins Paul c, coachman T E Blanchard, r 1502 5th av Eighterway West c, wks Col Sou Ey, r 1011 6th Eiley Brooks c, hackman, r 530 2d av " Edward c, lab r Bottom " John c, plasterer, r 2406 Eobinson Eiley Katie Miss, wks Chattahoochee Knitting Mills, bds 1026 1st av " Mary E Miss, cigar maker, bds 1026 1st av " Nelson 5th av " W wks Col Barrel Factory (SAUNDERS see also SANDERS) Savannah John c, r 811 9th av Sawyer Caleb T, elk, bds 518 Broad SAWYER DANIEL L, asst supt in charge Metropoli tan Life Insurance Co, r 518 Broad " John, wks Muscogee Mills, r Linnwood Saxon Arthur, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Benjamin, wks E & P Mills, r P C " James, wks E & P Mills Scarborough Albert, wks Col Inn, r 11th av, Bottorn " Ellen Miss, stenographer Jno F Flournoy,r 1217 2d av John A, wks Col Iron Wks, r 11th av, Bottom " John F (Crenshaw & Scarborough), r 108 8th (SCARBOROUGH see also SCARBROUGH) Scarbrough Lemuel A, wholesale grocer, etc, 1015 Broad, r 1102 4th av " Lucy Miss, dressmkr, r 705 2d av Scheimer Emil, carp, bds Frazer House Schell Louis, wks Muscogee Mills Scheurman Joseph, confectioner, 928 Broad, r P C Scheussler John c, lab, r 1928 3d av __ For Optical Goods goto C. SCHOMBURG, 1113 broad st. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. f '^ER'S cash STORE. Upper ana Lo*et Bridge. CJRARl), ALA. Js W. Pease's Sofis keep BEST SCH 318 SCO Scheussler Louis G, with Ga Cotton Oil Co, r 120 9th Schield Albert, elk Kern & Loeb, r 1019 2d av Schley Edward B, physician 1100J Broad, r 1318 2d av " Francis Y, physician 1100J Broad, r 2317 Florida Schnell Edward, wks Swift Mills " Frank T, trav salesman M E Joseph, r 620 Broad John L>, bds 620 Broad " Lucius J, with D Rothschild, bds 620 Broad " William C, mason C E Young & Co, bds 620 Broad (SCHNELL see also SNELL) SCH0MBURG CARL, watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware and optical goods, 1113 Broad, r 514 Front, (see bottom lines) Schoolcraft Ellen Mrs, boarding, 1026 1st av Schutze Daniel C, mgr Ludden & Bates Music House 1119 Broad, r Wynnton " Daniel C, Jr, mach Goldens' F & M Co, r Wynnton " Philip T, bkkpr Third Nat Bank, r 1136 4th av Schwell Fannie Mrs, wks Swift Mills Scilar James c, wks C L Torbett, r 932 Broad Scill Alma Miss, wks Swift Mills, r P C Scoggins Beulah Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G Scott Allen c, farmer, r Wynnton " Allen, Jr, c, wks II Woolfolk, r Wynnton " Alton L, mess W U Tel Co, r 13th, Linnwood " Cecelia Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " Charles c, lab, r 409 5th av " Eliza M, wid W, r 13th, Linnwood " H, wks Sou Plow Co " Ida J Mrs, dressmaker, bds 1909 Hamilton av " James c, lab, r Mealer's Hill " James R, mngr Kennedy Furniture and Loan Co and Union Loan Co, r (23) E 19th " John B, (Stevens & Scott), bds 1615 1st av " Kager c, wks T J Dudley Sons, r 12th, Bottom " Louis, wks Sou Plow Co " Thaddeus B Mrs, dressmaker, r 644 1st av " William c, lab, r Cooleyville " William c, lab, r 709 5th av IF YOU WISH TO LOOK NEAT, SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO COLUMBUS STEAM LAUNDRYfirst'a9vknue ;-7F,T3'S-CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. D. F. WILLCOX & SON,) 1849 Agency in Georgia & 1896 1149 Broad St , Columbus, Ga. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS f Alabama. 4Kepresent tlie oldest J American and English Compani j.. SCO_319_ ____SEL Scott William O, wheelwright and horse-shoer, 109 12th, r 1909 Hamilton av Screven Raymond H, trav salesman, r 1421 4th av Screws Charles F, wks E & P Mills, bds 1605 1st av " Henry A, wks Muscogee Mills, r Linnwood " James C, printer, r P C " John G, wks E & P Mills, r 1607 1st av " Lizzie, wid S H, bds 19 9th " Mary A, wid J, r 1605 1st av Scroggins Jane A, wid T, r 1523 1st av Seabrook E Marion, bkkpr Fourth Nat Bank, r 1313 3d av Seals & Beard (W R Seals and J J Beard,) butchers, etc, Broadnax, G " Daniel M, elk P O, bds 1212 2d av " Warren c, whitewasher, r 413 2d av " William R (Seals & Beard,) r P C Sealy George M c, wks E & P Mills, r 2328 Robinson " John, r 402 Broad Searcey Burt c, porter H F Everett, r 1905 Robinson Sears Moses, wks E & P Mills, r P C SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev Page pastor, 1st av bet 14th and 15th Sedberry Anna Mrs, dressmkr, r 313 8th " Wiley H, steamboat eng, r 313 8th Segal Dora Mrs, clothing, dry goods, etc, 1013 Broad, r 933 4th av " Samuel, dyer and cleaner, r 933 4th av " Simon, mgr D Segal, r 933 4th av Segar Nelson c, wks Chatt Brewing Co, r G Segrist Melissa Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co Seigler John, wks E & P Mills, r 936 Short " Lillie Miss, wks Clegg Mills, r P C " Mittie Miss, wks Clegg Mills, r P C Selden Silas c, porter C T tarter & Co, r Wynnton Seligman Abraham S, elk H L Seligman, bds 1413 4th av " Bernard, elk H L Seligman, r 1413 4th av " H L, clothing, etc, 1224 Broad, r 1413 4th av " Jacob, elk H L Seligman, r 1413 4th av " Louis, elk II L Seligman, r 1413 4th av " Simon, with H L Seligman, r 1413 4th av WELLS A- CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail Broad St. BSOSO'DTSo,nS'Ht fOaEllStaonvdisLitEAouTrHEELRE. GAHNavTe moved to 1130 NEW STORE. (east side) ^ VER'S CASH STORE. Upper an* Lower Bridge. gjRard. ALA. THE * INTERSTATE BBC * ANS * LOAN * ASSOCIATION, * COLUMBUS, * OA. When all the people Save, all the people Prosper. SBL 320 SHA Sellers Charles c, brakeman Col Sou R R, r E 9th, Bottom " Fannie Miss, wks Swift Mills " Frank COLUMBUS, * El No danger from Failure in time of Panics. STO 336 STR Stone Mark c, brakeman CRE,r rear 1325 6th av " Minnie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Stovall Charles C c, lab, r 1611 5th av Stover Ida Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Storey J W, carp T J Dudley & Sons " Wiley c, hackman, r 326 28th Stratford Richard A, policeman, r 2312 Hamilton av Straus Abraham, saloon, etc, 1001 Broad, r 1308 4th av " Melville, student Massey's Bus Col " Moses, elk Mrs S Straus, r 1339 Broad " S Mrs, notions, etc, 1314 Broad, r 1339 Broad Street John Bool^s J.W, Pease's Sons TIL 346 TOR Tillinghast George W, printer, r 1109 Broad Tillman Ella Miss, seamstress, r 1219 1st av " Frank c, lab, r Mealer's Hill " James, wks E & P Mills " James c, wks Sou Plow Co, r Mealer's Hill " Jeptha F, elk, bds 812 Broad " Thomas W, asst supt E & P Mills, r G " William c, lab. r Mealer's Hill " William L, capitalist, r 812 Broad " W Tobe, wks E & P Mills, r 907 4th av Tinner Peter Rev c, Pastor Macedonia Church, r Shellman, Ga Tinsley Arthur c, carp, r 2509 2d av " Paul c, carp, r 815 5th av Tippett Bryant, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Dona Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Edward, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Tolbert Charles c, fireman Butts & Cooper, r Cooleyville " Gabe W, grocer, Wynnton, r same " James c, wks C R R, r Bottom " Joseph, wks Swift Mills, r 608 14th " Nannie Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " R T Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " ST, moulder Goldens' F & M Co Toles Alexander anndu LuEi-AflTiuHiEau R,. Have moved tw o 1a" 180 (east side) Broad St. *g*Don't fall to visit our ELEGANT NEW STORE. -'/ER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. CJRARD, ALA. THE INTERSTATE BDILDINS & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, Ha, When all the people Save, all the people Prosper. WAT 356 WEA Watson Wiley c, lab C R R, r Wynnton " William c, dyer E & P Mills, r G " William T, carp Col Sou Ry, r 14th, Linn wood Watt Albert c, wks Hatcher Mfg Co, r rear 938 10th av " Benjamin F, sergeant police, r 548 Broad " Bros, (C H & T B Watt) wholand ret grocers, 5 & 7 10 th " Charles H, (Watt Bros) r 1036J Broad u Claude Miss, dressmkr, bds 143/ 2d av " Felix c, blksmith, r 418 17th " George c, wks E Philips " Giles c, carp, r 321 19 th " Governor F c, horseshoer Bartlett & Bize, r 411 19th " Howard c, lab, bds 938 10th av " Leila F c, school tchr, r 411 19th " Mattie Miss, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds 1437 2d av " Thomas B, (Watt Bros,) r 1036J Broad " Yirgil c, lab, r 319 19th " Willis J, mach Col Iron Wks, bds 543 Broad (WATT see also WATTS) Watts Annie Miss, with Thos Gilbert, bds 1907 Oak av " Emily Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Gillie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Ida Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Mary L Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas A, ice dealer 1415 1st av, r 1907 Oak av " Walter P, elk J Joseph, r 1544 2d av " William M, stenor R M Norman & Co, r 1907 Oak av Weatherly Florence Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r P C " Frederick, wks Chatt Brewing Co, r P C " Frederick, Jr, wks J Kyle & Co, r P C " Leone Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r P C Weathers Dulah Miss, wks E & P Mills WEATHERS J F, (J F Weathers & Bro,) r P C WEATHERS J F & BRO, mgrs, (J F&L P Weath ers,) furniture, etc, Jackson, P C WEATHERS LAWSON P (J F Weathers & Bro,) r P C " Thomas S, salesman, r 416 14th Weaver Carrie S Miss, wks Swift Mills, r 14th, Linnwood " George Y, printer " Isaac c, wks C R R Books, Stationery, &c. THOS. CHAFFIN, 1124 BROAD ST. OWER'S CASH STORE. Upper ana Lower Bridge. GIRARD, ALA. DON'T SEND TODE PREMIUMS AWAY! Keep them at Home where they will do the most good, by insuring ,ith a. GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY WEA 357 WEE Weaver John W, (Weaver & Kennedy) r P C " & Kennedy. (J W Weaver and EP Kennedy) grocers, PC' " Susan A, wid T, r 14th Linnwood " S L Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r G " William c, wks E A Murray, r rear 2846 Hamilton av " William H, carp, r 14th, Linnwood Webb Abner c, mason, r 1606 2d av " Beulah Miss, wks Ga Mfg Co " Cornelius c, lab, r 12th, Bottom " Mattie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " William c, wks Wm Newsom, r 12th, Bottom WEBER HERMANN, (J B Holst & Co,) r Savannah WEBSTER & FEILER. (H E Webster and L Feiler,) propr Col Steam Laundry Co, 911 1st av, (see bot tom lines WEBSTER HOWARD E, (Webster & Feiler,) r Fra zer House WEBSTER JAMES M, electric kindling and wood yard, 1240 and 1242 10th av, r same (see advt) " John, wks E & P Mills, r G " Ramsey, painter Col Iron Wks, r G " Warehouse, (Blanchard, Humber & Co) props, Broad bet 9 th and 10th " William O, fireman C R R, bds 1530 18th Weddington Stella Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Thomas, wks Ga Mnfg Co Weekley Emmett G, wks Jones & Pollard, r 2009 Talbotton av Weeks Daisy Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Henry, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Joseph c, wks Stevens & Weeks, r 1600 2d av " S B, carp E & P Mills, r P C " Yiola Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " William c, (Stevens & Weeks), r 1600 2d av Weems Anderson B e, carp, r 617 7th U Charles c, polisher Elledge & Norman u Isaiah, wks E & P Mills, r 7 W 13th John c, stone cutter Elledge & Norman, r 740 6th av Turner c, driver J C Mitchell William K c, barber H H Williams, r 314 6th_ c, 1113 Broad St, CLOCKS of all descriptions 1 Engraving and Repairing ' by Reliable Workmen. ' -/tR S CASH STORE Upper ana Lower Bridge. Girard, ala. Largest Stock of Goitarsand Violins--J. W. Pease's Sons WEI 358 WES Weinberg Gustave, dry goods, 1500 1st av, r 1504 1st av WEISIGER CLARENCE, wks Hatcher Mnfg Co, bds Yernon Hotel WEISIGER FREDERICK C. sec and treas Hatcher Mnfg Co, bds Yernon Hotel WEISIGER WILLIAM P, supt Hatcher Mnfg Co, bds Yernon Hotel Welborn Anthonyc,waiter Jackson & Son,r 3d av bet 6th& 7th. " . Charles c, porter Turner Bros, bds 929 9th av " John e, wks Shepherd Bro " John c, porter Shackelford's drug store, bds 929 9th av " Monroe c,driverGarrett's ice and fish dely,r 1025 7th av " Kichard c, candy mkr F J Kohn, r 734 7th av " Richard c, porter Watt Bros, r 929 9th av (WELBORN see also WELLBORN) Welch Rebecca S, wid N N, bds 921 1st av (WELCH see also WALSH) Wellborn Alfred A, elk Ga Home Ins Co, r Wynnton " Florida A Miss, r Wynnton " S Marshall, elk C R R, r Wynnton (WELLBORN see also WELBORN) Weller Carrie Miss, stenographer E & P Mills, bds 1217 2d av WELLS & CURTIS (E L Wells and N N Curtis), whole sale and retail boots, shoes, leather and findings, 1130 Broad (see bottom lines) WELLS ELBERT L (Wells & Curtis), r 744 Front " Henry c, lab, r 907 6th av " Louis, barber R E Pou & Co, r Wynnton " Louisiana T c, dressmkr, r 604 5th av " Lyman E, elk B F Wilson & Co, r 114 9th " Mary B, wid Lyman, r 114 9th " William W, wks Hamburger Mills, r 514 14th Wenger Michael G, upholsterer, etc, 1340 Broad, r same Wern Henry c, r 1309 1st av Wesley Anna c, restaurant 17 13th, r same " Brady c, lab, r Wynnton " Emanuel c, waiter, r 17 13th " Garrett G, mach Col Iron Wks, r G " James c, wks Armour's Packing Co, r 1241 4th av " John c, porter City Drug Store Is the Place you are looking for. ('Phone 202.) GIRARD. ALA. TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO.j The Largest and Best Accident Co. | UXJ Uwi \ Ti U ottadll JLuU oSsO seCsS PX aCtiidU^, $2w9i7,.1iT4l1^U ,0U 0U 0.i Assets, $19,450,000 |I D. F. WILLCOX & SON, Agents WES 359 WHA Wesley John c, wks Hatcher Mfg Co " John R, c, hackman, r 330 24th " Lila Miss, wks J Kyle & Co, r G " Thomas c, dyer E & P Mills, r 510 5th West Cora Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Emma Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Jesse, wks T J Dudley & Sons " Joseph c, wks Chatt Brewing Co, r G " Meridith c, drayman, r 426 1st av " Patrick c, painter, r 209 19th " R, eng Col Barrel Mfg Co WEST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev E S Moncreiff, pastor, P C " William c, watchman Hatcher Mfg Co, r 722 9th av " W, wks Col Barrel Mfg Co Westbrook Eli c, brakeman C R R " James M, asst supt Col Fertilizer Co, r G WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, 0 C Harrell, rnngr, 1007 Broad Whaley B'unk, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C " Isaac, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Lora Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Whatley Alice Miss, wks Hamburger Mills " Andrew J, fireman C R R, r 13th, Linnwood " Bertha Miss, wks E & P Mills, _ " George, wks E & P Mills, r 808 Front " Ivon II, elk J A Kirven & Co, r 1082 5th av " Jacob, wks E & P Mills " John T, with Eason & Hamer, r 633 20th " Joseph c, wks C R R " Maggie A Miss, milliner Ernest Andrews & Co, r 13th, Linnwood " Minnie Miss, elk J A Kirven & Co, r 13th, Linnwood " Ollie Miss, wks Swift Mills " R Landon, wch'mn Pekor Iron Wks, r 13th, Linnwood " Sallie Mrs, wks E & P Mills " Susan, wid A, bds 800 Front " William, wks E & P Mills, r P C (WHATLEY see also.WATLEY) WBIvIvS & CURTIS, itail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (.east side) I M o .-/HR'S CASH STORE. Upper anc Lower Bridge. CIRARL. ALa THE INTERSTATE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Colnlms, Ha. Wealth is made by PERSISTENT SAYING._ WHE_860_WHI Wheat Eli M, bkkpr and prescription elk City Drug Store, r 825 1st av 11 Harvey L, mach Goldens' F & M Co, bds 1324 4th av Wheeler Benton W, carrier P 0, bds Yeranda Hotel " James c, farmer, r Wynnton " Lula Mrs, wks Muscogee Mills, r G Whipple Willie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C Whitaker Joshua W, barber, 1246 Broad, r 1682 5th av " Smith c, driver J W Cargill, r 1221 3d av White Albert c, wks J B Knight, r 310 24th " Albert, Jr, c, wks Clegg Mills, r 321 28th " Albert N, elk C T Porter & Co, r P C " Annie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Annie Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 1500 10th av " Birdie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Cam, printer Col Ledger " Carter c, wks M T Bergan, r 810 24th " . Charles, farm hand, bds 1500 10th av " Dora Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " E W, apprentice CEE " Frank, elk Williams & Booker, r P C " Frank, wks E & P Mills, r P C " George c, lab, r 417 5th av " G E, apprentice CEE " Henderson c, hackman, r 427 3d av " Henry c, shoemaker S Shell, bds 109 10th " Henry M Rev c, r 422 4th av " James A, shoemaker, 19 11th, r 6 16th " James W, farm hand, bds 1500 10th av " Jesse W, wks Swift Mills, r 14th, Linnwood " John R, carp, r 1500 10th av ^ " J Elisha, shoemaker J A White, bds 6 16th " Katie Miss, wks J Kyle & Co " Lineus E, farmer, r 221 17th " Lucy Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Margaret, wid A W, r 221 17th " Marion C, with Col Ledger, r 708 2d av " Sarah Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Thomas H, wks Swift Mills, bds 1500 10th av Throneteeska Miss, wks Swift Mills, bds 6 16th Thos. Chaffin 1124 BROAD STL TVER'S CASH STORE. Upper and Lower Bridge. - V GIRARD, ALft. GIN-HOUSES INSURED BY RHODES BROWNE. Office in Georgia Home Building._'Phone 52 WHI 361 WIG White Walter, elk T S Young, r P 0 " William D, carp Col Iron Wks, r P C " William P, carp Col Iron Wks, r G -- " W Daniel, wks B & P Mills, r P C Whithead Adam c, porter Garrett & Sons " James T, elk D Segal, bds Frazer House " Philip c, wks J T Pearce, r 1715J 5th av " William c, wks Dr W S Sheridan Whitehurst Frances M, elk W E Marcrum, r 602 Front " James, moulder ^Goldens' F & M Co, r G WHITESIDE GEORGE B, gen agt Central pf Ga Ry Compresses and sec and treas Central Line Boats, office 16J W 11th, r 914 Broad " Thomas J, eng CRB Compress, r 800 2d av " Thomas, Jr, steamboat captain, r 800 2d av " Wilson, elk, r 800 2d av Whitlow Thomas c, gardner, r 832 5th av Whitman Carrie, wid J, bds 419 14th " Charles, presser Ga Mfg Co " Gus, wks E & P Mills, r P C Whitsitt Austin M, mach CEE,r 415 10th " Jeremiah L, master mach C R R, r 13th, Linnwood " Lemuel D, engineer C R R, r 12th bet 4th and 5th Whitten Charles N, wks Muscogee Mills, r Railroad " Maggie Mrs, seamstress, r Wynnton rd Whittlesey Brooks, messenger W H Tel Co, r 1046 5th av " Joseph P, conductor C R R, r 1046 5th av " J Hamlin, elk Bee Hive, r 1002 4th av " Philip E, cashier C R R, r Wynnton Wharton Fred c, farmer, r Wynnton Wickam Alonzo, contractor and builder, r 924 5th av Wiggins Charles G, elk J A Kirven & Co, bds Hotel Vernon " Daniel c, wks M H Tuggle, r 214 19th " David c, dyer E & P Mills, r 1011 7th av " Elizabeth Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 934 Short " Eugene c, dyer E & P Mills, r 1013 9th av " Frank c, wks Chattahooche Brewing Co, r P C " Henry c, wks E & P Mills, r 727 6th av " Isiah F, wks E & P Mills, r Patton av, Linnwood " James, dyer E & P Mills, r Patton av, Linnwood C, FINE JEWELRY, &c., 1113 Broad Street. HEiPEiigraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen."8 AVER'S CASH STORE, Upper and Lower Brtdge, GIRARD, ALA. Artists' Materials PICTURE FRAMES, EASELS PEE'iS BOOK fStfORE WIG 362 WIL Wiggins Sabrina V, wid J L, r 502 9th " Thomas, wks B & P Mills, r Patton av, Linnwood Wilborn Adam c, lab, r 902 Paschal's al " Annie Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Hilliard c, lab, r rear 212 Gorman's al " Eeese c, driver, bds 902 Paschal's al " Thomas, wks E & P Mills, r P C Wilder Elizabeth N M, wid W, r 105 21st Wilding C D, fireman CEB Wiley Charles, fireman C ER, bds 1431 1st av " Jacob, watchman Muscogee Mills (WILEY see also WYLIE) Wilhelm George E, eng OR R, r 1021 17 th Wilkerson Acee c, wks W T Harvey & Co, r 1231 9th av " Augustus R, asst gen'l del elk P O, bds 1116 3d av (WILKERSON see also WILKINSON) Wilkins Barney c, gardner, r 409 3d av " Fannie Miss, J A Kirven & Co, r 820 Broad " Lucinda, wid F G, r 820 Broad Wilkinson Martha A, wid R, r 1427 1st av " Sarah, wid Daniel, r 825 4th av (WILKINSON see also WILKERSON) WILLCOX A A, (D F Willcox & Son,) r 1515 2d av WILLCOX D F, (D F Willcox & Son) r 1515 2d av WILLCOX D F & SON, (D F and A A Willcpx) gen'l insurance agents, representing Hartford Fire Ins Co of Hartford, Conn ; JEtna Ins Co of Hartford, Conn; Commercial Union Assurance Co of Eng; Royal Ins Co of Liverpool, Eng; North British and Mer cantile Ins Co of London and Edinburg; Lancashire Ins Co of Manchester, Eng; Orient Ins Co of Hart ford, Conn ; Palatine Ins Co of Manchester, Eng; Sun Mutual Ins Co, of New Orleans; Mutual Fire Ins Co of New York ; Springfield Fire and Marine Ins Co of Mass; Mutual Life Ins Co of New York; Travelers (Accident) Ins Co of Hartford, Conn; Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co, of Hartford, Conn ; Lloyd's Plate Glass Ins Co of New York, and the Guarantee Co of North America, 1149 Broad, (see top lines) IF YOU WISH TO LOOK NEAT, SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO COLUMBUS STEAM LAUNDRYFiRSntVvEnuE A , yER'SCAS- STORE- r Upper ane tower Bridge. GIRARD. ala. TD K 17TT TD <3 TWCTTD AWPE Pfl 1 THe Largest and Best Accident Co. lMVllljJjnO liN uUIlillNOJj UU. ! Total Losses Paid, $29,141,000. Assets, $19,450,000 j D. Y. WILLI OX ^ 80N. Agents WIL 363 WIL Willett John B, (Pacetty & Willett,) bds 1802 1st av " Neal S, elk T A Bowen, bds 1722 2d av " Rollie, grocer 1726 2d av, r 1722 2d av " Stanford, bartender T A Bowen, r same Williams Adlai c, midwife, r 628 27th " Alexander, wks Swift Mills " Alexander c, carp, r 1528 4th av " Alice E Miss, wks Clegg Mills, bds 723 23d " Alice R Miss, r 404 11th " Alpha A, photographer, etc, 1153J Broad, r Wynnton " Annie Miss, dressmkr, bds 402 12th " Appleton c, wks C R R, r 1528 4th av " Augustus c, wks Wells & Curtis, r 1715 5th av " Augustus c, wks C R R, r Bottom " A Domjah, harness mkr Julius Friedlaender & Co, r G " A L, dyer Swift Mills, r P C WILLIAMS BENJAMIN B REV, Pastor Girard Bap tist Church, r G " Bernice C Miss, mgr A A Williams, r Wynnton " Bivins D Ennis c, wks C R R Compress, r 846 5th av Edgar c, wks C A Mischke, r 1715 5th av Edna Miss, bds 1133 5th av Edward c, porter Fogle & Lynch ` Edward G, route agt Sou Ex Co, r over Express office Edward W c, porter Wells & Curtis, r 1715 5th av Emanuel c, drayman, r 907 6th av Ernest, coll, bds 1505 1st av Ernest c, wks CRR Fannie K Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C a Frank, wks Muscogee Mills, r P C Frank c, wks G O Berry, r Mealer's Hill " Frank, Jr, c, huckster, r Mealer's Hill " Frank c, painter, r Wynnton " Frank c, lab, r (420) Robinson " Frank H c, carpet layer W H Martin, r 1820 1st av " Frank AV, grocer, P C, r same " FI Miss, student Massey's Bus College, r 1409 1st av " George M, pres and genl mngr Swift Mnfg Co, r 1028 Front " George R, traveling salesman Pearce & Williams, bds 1247 5th av " George W c, porter J W Cargill, r 1612 3d av " Gertrude E c, school tchr, r 516 3d av " Green c, wks City, r 1805 8th av " Gus c, drayman, r 818 4th av " Hal c, green grocer 1828 Hamilton av, r 417 17th " Hal, Jr, c, wks Sou Ex Co, r 417 17th " Henry c, cook Frazer House, r 829 7th av " Henry c, lab, r 1814 Hamilton av " Henry c, lab, r 921 6th av____ rrnno PDAPUIW 1 Books' stationery, Musical Instruments, Pic- lilUoi LnAmn, l ture Frames, Mouldings, School Books, and 1124 Broad St ) SCHOOL SUPPLIES. r WER'S CASH STORE. Upper ancl Lower' Bridge. G1RARL ALA THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO. Is a Home Institution, and deserves and desires tlie Patronage of every Citizen of Columbus and vicinity. WIL 365_ WIL Williams Henry c, cook Muscogee county chain gang, r 1323 5th av " Henry H c, barber 1 W 12th, r 516 3d av " Henry L, with Swift Mfg Co, r 1028 Front " HE, student Massey's Business College " Ida Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r P C " James, wks E & P Mills " James c, plasterer, r 404 6th " James c, elk H Williams, r 417 17th " James c, lab, r. 505 3d av " James H, elk G T Sells, bds 723 23d " James H c, druggist, 1218 1st av, r same " James J W H c, plasterer, r 403 23d " James L c, porter E Faber, r 533 3d av " James T, printer Thos Gilbert, r 1914 2d av " Jeremiah c, cook Str Bay City, r 611 3d av " Jessie Miss, wks E & P Mills, bds 936 Short " John, eng CRR,r 924 4th av " John c, lab, bds 904 Paschal's al " John c, carp, r 1331 5th av " John c, wks E & P Mills, r 1526 4th av " John c, lab^X-434 1st av " John c, sexton Baptist Church, r 813 7th av " John A, elk, bds 723 23d " John B, elk D Rothschild, bds Frazer House " John H c, lab, r (1649) 5th av " John T, wks E & P Mills " John W, presser J Kyle & Co, r 608 Broad " Johnston J, (Pearce & Williams), r 1529 1st av " Joseph c, wks Goldens' F & M Co, r 1647 4th av " Joseph c, farm hand, r Wynnton " Joseph H, brickmason, bds 723 23d " J Homer, elk G T Sells, r same " King, wks E & P Mills, bds 936 Short " King c, driver J W Cargill, r 739 4th av " Lit c, lab, r Cooleyville " Louis c, wks T Andrews, r 412 2d av " Mack, elk, bds 1933, Northwest " Major c, wks C E Young & Co " Maria, wid J, r 723 23d _ C. SCHOMBURG, SILVERWARE, 1113 broad st. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. -* veer's cash store Upper ana Lo^e dndge, GIRARD, ALA. ^ Q 0p@^lE| ... SOLD BY . . . J. W. PEASE'S SONS WIL_366_WIL_ Williams Matthew, wks E & P Mills, rPC " Matt c, porter C R R, r 904 Paschal's al " Maud Miss, wks E & P Mills, r G " Mollie Mrs, wks E & P Mills, bds 936 Short " M Susan Miss, bds 404 11th " Nat H, inspector J Kyle & Co Nathan A, wks Swift Mills, r 2219 11th av " Nora Miss, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Parnella Miss, wks E & P Mills Paul E, r 1210 18th " Pauline o, seamstress, r rear 1420 Broad " Peter c, gardner, r 317 9th " Plummer J c, wks C E Young & Co, r 314 24th " P J, (Williams & Co,) r 1st av bet 15th and 16th " Ransom c, carp, r 618 9th . " Rebecca R c, school tchr, r 1612 3d av " Richard c, lab, r rear 404 6th " Robert c, porter Little & Little, r 826 8th av " Robert L, wks Swift Mills, r 5 Duncan's al " Sallie R, wid J J, r 402 12th " Samuel c, driver Fletcher Stables " Samuel H, pharmacist Brannon & Carson, r 1517 lstav " Sarah J, wid G, r 1914 2d av " Sidney c, sexton E H Meth Ch, r 13th av, Lmnwood " Simon c, porter L A Scarbrough, r rear 1440 3d av " Smith c, wks C E Young & Co, r 1917 Robinson " Terry c, porter Fourth Nat Bank, r 510 7th " Thomas c, blksmith Col Iron Wks " Thomas c, lab, r 611 3d av " Thomas c, farmhand, r 2401 Robinson " Thomas c, brakeman CRR, r 1329 6th av " Thomas A, elk J A Kirvin & Co, bds 204 11th " Thomas J, wks E & P Mills, bds 930 Short " T S, presser J Kyle & Co " Walter E, elk W H Martin, r 611 2d av " Warren, (Williams & Booker, r P C " Wesley c, wks Boyce Bros " Wheeler, lawyer, 941 Broad, r 401 Broad WILLIAMS WILEY, Chief Col Police, r 1043 17th " William c, lab, r 212 29th Columbus Steam Laundry Customers' Entire Wash. ^"R'S CASH STORE- uppfer *na 'Lower Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. Dt . rn W WH ILLT OriUAAT tr vV MQfV/IYNr, \ ( FIRE, life, accident, marine, PLATE glass, steam boiler, 1149 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. f TORNADO Policies in Oldest and GEN'L INSURANCE AGENCY. ) Best Companies. WIL_367_ WIL Williams William c, driver, r Bottom " William F, gen'l del elk P 0, bds 1235 3d av " W F, wks E & P Mills, r P C " Zan c, wks C E Young & Co Williamson John F, elk, bds 1113 17th " William H, contractor, r 1113 17th Williford Nora Miss, bds 730 5th av Willingham Hiram e, shoemkr, Cooleyville, r same Willis Alexander c, carp, r 12th, Bottom " Allen c, lab, r 411 2d av " Amelia D Miss, wks Muscogee Mills, bds 1625 3d av " Benjamin c, wks T A Watts " Benjamin H, wks Swift Mills, r 520 14th " Cain, shoemaker, r Cooleyville " Charles D, (Willis & Crossman), r 447 Broad " Chollie c, driver Sou Ex Co, r rear same " & Crossman, (C D Willis and J S B Crossman), dry goods and notions, 1011 Broad " C Judson, policeman, r 1437 2d av " Dixie c, helper C R B, r 513 18th " Don Q, wks Swift Mills, r 1325 Broad " Dozier, bkkpr Dan Joseph, r Wynnton " Edward, elk Willis & Crossman, r W 5th nr Broad " Ella Miss, elk Beehive " Emma, wid J T r Wynnton " Eugene c, waiter Rankin House, r E 9th, Bottom " Henry c, wks Union Depot, r E 9th, Bottom " Isom c, restaurant, 1343 Cotton av, r E 9th, Bottom WILLIS JAMES L. Judge City Court, and atty-atlaw, office 1125J Broad, r Wynn's Hill " Jesse S, (W T Harvey & Co), r 419 13th " John c, farm hand, r rear 1507 2d av " John J, mattrass maker, r 1325 Broad " John O, wks Swift Mills, r 1325 Broad " Katie Mrs, wks Swift Mills, r 14th, Linnwood " Lawson c, lab, r Wynnton " Mary W Miss, wks Hamburger Mills, bds 1625 3d av " Oliver H, watchman Hamburger Mills, r 1625 3d av " Reubin c, lab, r 1430 5th av " Richard c, lab, r 23 Gorman's al WELLS CURTIS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. Have moved to 1130 (east side) Broad St. @*Don,t fail to Tisit onr ELEGANT NEW STORE. uPPer ana Lower Bridge gjrard.ala. THE INTERSTATE BUILDING- & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Mu. &a. Wealth is made by PERSISTENT SAYING. WIL 368 WIN Willis Robert c, farm band, r Wynnton " Robert H, wks Swift Mills, bds 1532 10th av " Walter c, wks Shepherd Bros, r 522 5th " William c, porter Sans Souci Saloon, r 4th av and 8th " William A, grocer, Wynnton, r same " William D, elk Bee Hive, r Wynnton Willoughby Rhodes, wks Muscogee Mills, r P 0 WILLS JAMES F, druggist and seedsman, 1210 Broad, r 1201 17th (see advt) Wilmont W E, conductor C R R, bds Frazer House Wilson Andrew e, wks Goldens' F & M Co, r 720 4th av " Benjamin, inspector C R R WILSON BARTOW F (B F Wilson & Co),r 1032 3d av " B F, fireman C RR, r P C WILSON B F & CO (B F Wilson), fancy grocers, etc, 22 and 24 12th " Charles F, canvasser Metropolitan Life Ins Co " Cora Madame, r 807 7th av " Fd c, sexton St Paul's Episcopal Ch, r Mealer's Hill " Elbert C, 18251 Hamil ton av Ketchum B F, 121 12th (see advt) Emrich W Agt, 1238 Broad Hofflin & Greentree, 1146 Broad Harris John K & Co, 1128 Broad Howartl M W, 1144 Broad Pou R E & Co, 1016 Broad Rothschild D, 1043 Broad Seligman H L, 1224 Broad McArdle W H, 1032 1st ave and City market Miller J W, 1013 1st av, (see advt) Rumsey O L, 26 14th Grocers. (wholesale.) Abbott & Brinson, 1101 Broad Columbus Grocery Co, 1039-1047 Front, (see front cov) Flour and Grist Mills. City Mills Co, Wth and 1st av Empire Mills, 844 Front Deaton James E & Co, 1008 Broad Deignan R, 944-946 Front Eason & Hamer, 1107 Broad Ingram Bros, 1036 Broad, Foundries. (see advt) Col Iron Whs Co, Front near cor W 9th Goldens' F & M Co, 600 12th Pekor Iron Wks, 9th av and 11th Fruits. Kelly M W, 10-16 W 10th Kohn F J, 924 Broad Kern & Loeb, 1201-1203 Broad Loeb & Kaufman, 14-16 W 11th Porter C T & Co, 1243 Broad Scarbrough L A, 1015 Broad (SEE ALSO CONFECTIONERS.) Watt Bros, 5 & 7 10th Conti Frank, 18 12th and 9 10th Tarver J B & Co, 1222 Broad Domnitz M, 1035 1st av Nicholas V. 900 Broad Power F G, G (see advt) Slaughter R W, G (retail.) Adams James, 1725 2d av Albright E A, 1447 1st av Anglin D A, 924 Front Furniture. Anthony J A, G A J Garner, 600 4th av Blake J P, P C Bagler J A, 523 8th Farley T F, 1248 Broad Batastini C, 1805 Hamilton av Hardn.an & Becker, 1310 Broad Banner M, 421 15th Kennedy Furniture and Loan Co, Barnes S, G 1306 and 1308 Broad Bazemore J W, 500 4th av Martin W H, 1118 Broad Beck J M, 203 18th Rhodes A G Furniture Co, Bentley J C, 217 23d 1110 Broad Benton J A, 1012 Wynnton rd Rothschild H,1236 Broad Blakely J J, 1600 1st av Smith Co II H. P C Blanton J W, 1401 1st av Thomas & Maxwell, 1241 Broad Brady J H, 14 12th Britt W D & Co,1113 & 1115 1st av Gas Companies. Brooks J H, Jr, Wynnton Gas Eight Co of Columbus, 1017 Broad Butts M O, 1403 1st av Cantrell T A, 1002 10th av C. SCH0MBURG, Jeweler, 1113 Broad St. Engraving and Repairing by Reliable Workmen. GEO 382 GEO Cantrell Y R, 1813 Hamilton av and W 14th bet Front and Broad Carden D C, G Cargill J W, 100 11th Carlisle J C, G Carmack H A, P C Carmack W J, 1831 Hamilton av Carroll J P, 400 8th Chitwood L A, 502 8th Christopher ,T, G Clark B F, 502 7tli Clay A, G Clegg J A, G Coleman J c, 1014 Wynnton rd Conway C L. 501 15th Conway R 8, 846 Cth av Conti D, 2503 Hamilton av Connor .1 II it Co, 1023 Broad Cotton J W, 3015 Hamilton av Crouch G W, G Culpepper W M, G Dally J D, 2631 Hamilton av Dalton F M, 317 18th Dalton L L, 1933 2d av Daniel A B & Son, 942 Broad Daniel H H, 23 10th Denson J M, 326 5th Dinion S li A Co, 12tli cor 1st av Doles T J, G Douglas A W, 301 17t.li, (see advt) Dupree Bros, Wynnton rd Eason & Hamer, 1107 Broad Everett J S, G Faber Elmer, 701 3d av Fennel B F, 641 4th av Tenney J W & Bro c, 13214 5th av Field C W, G Foley T M, lOl lOtli Forsyth FM, PC Frederick C J, 523 10th Fuller E H, G Fuller G W c, 808 5th av Gaines Catherine c, 500 3d av Gilbert W T, G Griggs J R, G Guy W J, 1801 Hamilton av Hackney & Glass, 746 1st av Haines L G, 2100 Talbotton av Hall M R Mrs, 524 9th Hancock J D, 1911 2d av Hanserd S c, 835 7th av Harris J H, G Hendrix R, 1944 2d av Hicks Willie c, Wynn's Hill Hightower R L, 1346 6th av Hill M A & Co, 2623 Talbotton av Hines S W, G Hood D G, 1008 Wynnton rd Howard W P, 2614 2d av Jackson T, G Jefferson J, G Jefferson R, 1431 1st av Jennings T S, G Johnson W B, 1540 1st av Johnson E M, 21 10th Johnson T P, 90 20th Jones H J, 1726 3d av Jones U, G Julius M, 24 11th Ketclium B F, 131 12tU (see advt) Kimbrough J T, 700 5th av Kinnett J H. G Kley C, 2408 Hamilton av Knowles J W, G Lawrence J W, G Lawson Lucinda c, G Leonard Carrie L c, 800 9th Lockhart W S. 1350 10th av Lupo D A, P C Lupo IV F, 15 ami Comer av (see advt) McCart M, 1210 10th av McCook C M Mrs,1701 Hamilton av Marcrum W E, 522 8th Martin J. Wynnton Martin M E Mrs, 1532 1st av Massey J W, Wynnton rd Millar J M, G Mitchell J C, 22 11th Molder J C, 522 11th Morris Y S. 1746 10th av Needham R W, 1301 Broad Neill & Young, 1801 10th av O'Grady J, PC Odom S H. 1639 13th av Page J R, P C Parker J W, 1533 5th av Pearce J T, 1347 Broad Qll First Avenue Is the Place you are looking for. ('Phone 202.) _ . WILLCOX & SON, 1149 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS Pearce & Williams, 1244 Broad Guns and Ammunition. Peddy L E Mrs, 1620 3d av Eifler Philip estate, 1005 Phipps C Y, 501 14th Broad (see advt) Price W H c, 1504 5th av Frazer Hardware Co, 1123 Pryor P W\ 1900 2d av Rawls M W Mrs, 2417 Hamilton av Richards C Mrs, G and 1125 Broad Gun and Locksmiths. Richards W N, G Albright C, 13 W 10th Roberts E F & Co, 521 12th Culpepper D W, 1316 Broad Robinson R B, 1460 10th av Filler Philip estate, 1005 Roper S A Mrs, Bottom Broad (see advt) Rumsey J H, 1411 1st av Sapp W P, 801 5th av Hardware and Cutlery. Sells G T, 301 18th Simmons J Y, 1446 1st av Simmons S L, 646 3d av Simons A, 1829 Hamilton av (wholesale.) Frazer Hardware Co, 1123 and 1125 Broad Simons M & Co, 947 Broad (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Simpson C T, G Beach Win, 1120 Broad Sing Sang, 22 10th (see advt) Smith A L, 500 5th Bush J & Son, lOOO Broad Smith M Y Mrs, 2101 and 2103 (see advt) Talbotton av Dooner M, 1303 and 1305 Broad Staggs F C, G Frazer Hardware Co,1123 Stevens & Scott, 1402 1st av and 1125 Broad Summersgill James, P C Summersgill John, P C Harness and Saddlery. Summersgill J, Sr, Jackson, G Dooner M, 1303 and 1305 Broad Summersgill J T, 620 8th Friedlaender, Julius & Co, 1122 Tant W A, G Broad Tarver J B & Co, 1222 Broad Hatcher Mnfg Co, 1025 Temples M Mrs, G Broad Thomas A P, 220 9th Pou Bro's, 1047 Broad Titlebaum N, 900 4th av Tolbert G W, Wynnton Hats and Caps. Tomblin F B, 10th av nr C R R Walker & Watson, G Watkins L F, Cooleyville Chancellor AC & Co, 1133 and 1134 Broad (see advt) Dreyspool D, 1003 Broad and 19 Watson J H, G Watt Bros, 5-7 10th Weaver & Kennedy, P C 10th Harris John K & Co, 1128 Broad Hoffliu & Greentree, 1146 Broad Willett R, 1726 2d av Williams & Booker, P C Williams & Co, 16-18 11th Williams, F W, P C Howard M W, 1144 Broad Joseph J, 1102 Broad Pou R E & Co, 1016 Broad Willis W R, Wynnton Hides. Wilson B F A Co, 22-34 12th Friedlaender J & Co, 1122 Broad Yarbrough E E, 1300 Broad Young T S, P C Youngblood WRW, Wynnton Hotels. Central Hotel,1024 Broad eV CUKTIS, Wholesale ami Retail BOOTS, SHOES and RATHER Have nnvvec1 to 1130 (east side) Broad St. Don't fall to visit our ELkUAiM auh siuhe. r I r --/EFTS CASH STQ.RE, Upper ancf Lower Bridge. ClRARDvALA. THE * INTERSTATE BUG * AND UAH * ASSOCIATION, COM, * GA, Wealth is made by PERSISTENT SAVING. HOU 384 PLA Columbus Inu The, 944 Broad Frazer House, 922 Broad Rankin House, 1004 Broad Veranda Hotel, 22 10th Vernon Hotel, 1300-1308 1st av, (see advt) House Famishing Hoods. Busli J & Son, 1009 Broad, (see advt) Cowdery L L & Co, 1044 Broad, (see advt) Everett H F, 1033 Broad, (see advt) McArdle F J's Sons, 1250 Broad Ice Manufacturers. Her gan M T, 911-917 Broad, (see advt) Ellis A & Uo, 8ch and river Goldens' Ice Works, 1520 6th av (dealers.) Columbus Ice Delivery Co, 1018-1015 1st av, (see advt) Garrett's Ice and Fisli De livery. 1143 1st av, (see advt) Ketchnm B F, 121 12th, (see advt) Watts T A, 1415 1st av Ice Cream Manufacturers. Boyce Bros, 1220 Broad Insurance Agents. (ACCIDENT.) Blackmar John Co, 14 11th (see advt) Chappell L II, 12 12tli (see advt) Harris B H, 16 12tli Harris & Joseph, 1035 Broad Lassiter T C, Marshall, P C Lott B in L, 10 12th (see advt) Moses I I, G and P C Moses W M & M J, 18} 12th (see backbone) Willcox D F & Son, 1149 Broad (see top lines) Fire. Blackmar John Co, 14 11th (see advt) Chappell L11,12 12th (see advt) Crawford A L, 1123} Broad Daniel J E, 13 10th Grimes, Owslev & Co, 1000 Broad Harris B H. 16 12th Harris & Joseph, 1035 Broad Lassiter T C,Marshall, P C Lott W L,10 12th (see advt) Moses 11, G and P C Moses W M & M J, 18} 12th (see backbone) Murdoch A C, 1124 Broad (see advt) Slade & Slade, 10112tli Willcox D F & Son, 1149 Broad (see top lines) INDUSTRIAL. Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 1237} Broad LIFE. Chappell L H, 12 12th (see advt) Green W S, 1101} Broad Lassiter TC.Marshall,P C Lott W L, lO 12th, (see adv) Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 1237} Broad Moses I I, G and P C Moses W M fc M J, 18} 12th (see backbone) Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, 1007} Broad Willcox D F & Son, 1149 Broad (see top lines) Plate Glass. Blackmar John Co, 11th (see adv) Books, Stationery, Musical Instruments, Pic ture Frames, Mouldings, School Books, and SCHOOL SUPPLIES. iR' CASH STORE. Upper ana Lwer Bridge." GIRARD. ALA. WHEN WANTING INSURANCE, aply to RHODES BEOWNE, Representing tlie HOME COMPANY and the Strongest American and English. Companies. Office in Ga. Home Hldg 'Phone 52. INV 385 LAW Willcox D F & Son, 1149 Broad (see top lines) Investment Companies. (SEE miscellaneous dept.) Iron Works. Colnmbns Iron Works, W 9th and Front Goldens' F & M Co. 600 12th Pekor Iron Works, 9th av and 11th Jewelers. Dierks D, 1204 Broad Kinsel C M 1105 Broad (see advt) Palmer J H, 1012 Broad Pekor V J, 1010 Broad Scliomburg C, 1113 Broad, (see bottom lines) Justices. (see miscellaneous dept) Land Companies. (SEE miscellaneous dept.) Laths and Shingles. Dudley T J & Sons, 1243 6th av Gruzard T L, 1318-1320, 1st av Hickey, J J, 902 9tli av Jones & Pollard, 900-920 6th av Laundries. (steam.) Columbus Steam laundry Co, 9111st av (see bottom lines) Chinese. Kee Sam, 15 11th Lee Ben, 8 10th Long Sam, 111 12th Lung Sang, 5 12th Sam Wah, G Sing Sam 1226 Broad Tuck Kwong, 1301-1303 1st av Lawyers. Battle & Miller, 1017j Broad Blandlord & Grimes, 1209 Broad Brannon, Hatcker & Mar tin 1\ 19) Broad Burts E D, 11323 Broad Carson A A, lOBlj Broad Chapman J E, 1101^ Broad Cameron H C, llOlj Broad Cozart A W, llOOj Broad Craw lord J M, 947 Broad Crawford R, 9 12th Crawford Tol Y, 1153J Broad Downing H U, 1045-1047 Broad Dozier A A, 1038^ Broad Garrard L F, 11531 Broad Gilbert S P, Court House Goetchius & Chappell, 11004 Broad Hargett H V, 10073 Broad Hays G A, P C Ingersoll EL, PC Kimbrough J S, PC Lennard J M, 1007i Broad kittle & kittle, 1017i Broad McCrory W H, 110H Broad McNeill *fc kevy, 1044-1046 Broad Moon J G, llOOj Broad Owens J L, 938 Broad Palmer G C, 10173 Broad Parmer D k, Wynhton rd, (see advt) Peabody Francis D, 1044- 1046 Broad Ray Eugene, 1100^ Broad Bussell Charles B, 1044- 1046 Broad ThomasGE, Jr,947 Broad Thornton A E, 547 Broad Thornton C J, 947* Broad Tlgner G Y, 1153J Broad Tigner W A, 1119| Broad Williams Charles K, 1044 and 1046 Broad Williams W, 941 Broad Willis James L, 1125| Broad WimbishW A,1132i Broad Engraving; and Repairing ay Reliable Workmen C. SCHOMBURG, Diamonds, Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Opti cal Goods, Bric-a-Brac, &c. 1113 Broad St. rxscash sTr-p&. Upper ano Lowe. Br^t. C1RARD, ALA. Picture prairies ^5^ PEASE'S BOOK STORE LEA 386 NEW Worrill J H, 11071 Broad Wynn E J, 10171 Broad Marble Works. Elledge & Norman, 907 Broad Leather and Findings. Friedlaendar Julius & Co, 1122 Broad Wells & Curts, 1130 Broad (see bottom lines) LIBRARIES. (see miscellaneous dep't.) Lime, Cement, Etc. BEACH WIELIAIf, 1130 Broad (see advt) Butts & Cooper, 6th av bet 13th and 14th Dudley T J & Sons, 1343 6tli av Gruzard T E, 1318 and 1330 1st av Harvey W T & Co, 1500 Gth av Hickey J J, 903 Otli av Liquors. (WHOLESALE.) Bergan M T, 911-917 Broad (see advt) Cohen L & Co, 10 10th Garrett & Sons, 901-905 Broad Kern & Loeb, 1201-1203 Broad Loeb & Kaufman, 14-16 W 11th Sabel A, 1104 Broad Mattress Manufacturers. Goff Bros, 5 14th Loeb A, 1232 Broad Richards W N, G Mercantile Agencies. Dun It G A Co,11511 Broad Millinery and Millinery Goods. Andrews E & Co, Broad Bee Hive, 1141-1143 Broad Gregory R T, 1117 Broad Harrison M J Mrs, P C 1103 liirven .1 A A Co,1136-1138 Broad Lee M H, 1114 Broad Rothschild D, 1245-1247 Broad Strong Bettie Miss, P C Music,Musical Instruments and Musical Merchandise. Chaffin Tkos, 1134 Broad (see bottom lines) Pease's J W Sons, 1140 Broad (see top lines) Johnston S H, 1013 Broad (see advt) Ludden & Bate's Music House, Broad Lumber. Butts & Cooper, 6th av bet 13 and 14th Dudley T J A Sons, 1343 6th av Harvey W T & Co, 1500 6th av Hickey J J, 903 9th av Jones & Pollard, 900-920 6th av McCollister T, P C Machine Shops. Columbus Iron Works, Front N W cor W 9th Goldens' F & M Co, 600 12th Pekor Iron Works, 9th av and 11th Music Teachers. Browne J Eewis, 317 13tli Chase Conservatory of Music, 220 10th Southern College of Music, 1221 4th av News Dealers. Hook J H, 1032 Broad Johnston SH, 1013 Broad, (see advt) Misohke C A, 1115 Broad Newspapers. Columbus Chronicle c, Front & 8th Young Men IF YOU WISH TO PLEASE YOUR LADY FRIENDS, patronize the COLUMBUS STEAM LAUNDRY ' SR'S- -AS-*. S TORE. Upper ano Lwer Bridge. GIRARD. ALA. MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. of New York. Assets, $221,213,721.83 OIL IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE WORLD. D. F. WILLCOX & SON, Agents 1149 Broad St., COLUMBUS, GA. 387 PHY Columbus Eedger, 1009) Broad, (see advt) Enquirer-Sun, 9-11 11th, (see advt) Evening Call, 23 13th The Sunday Herald, 1209 Broad, (see adv) Paper Hangers. Col Wall Paper & Paint Co, 1039 Broad Osborn J M, 102 11th Paper and Paper Bags. Howard J W, 1445 1st av Oils. (MANUFACTURERS.) Ga. Cotton Oil Co, 10th av and 11th Mutual Oil Co, 9th av and 10th Paper Box Manufacturer. Gilbert Thos, 15-17 12th (see advt) Pawnbrokers. Dealers. Bird S, 1212 Broad Yarbrough J J, 1304 Broad (SEE ALSO FAINTS AND OILS) Photographers. Paragon Safety Oil Co, 12 12th, (see advt) Standard Oil Co, 1625 4th av Jungermaun E, 101 1) Broad King J W, 1010 Broad King R E L. G Pineda Pedro A Casa- Opticians. nave y, Marshall and Jackson, Clason M B. 1100) Broad Palmer J H, 1012 Broad P C (see advt) Williams A A, 1153) Broad Optical floods. Physicians. Bullard W L, 1035) Broad Kinsel C M, 1105 Broad, (see advt) Pekor V J, 1010 Broad, Schomburg C, 1113 Broad, (see bottom lines) Bass A C, 12) 12th Blanchard M D, 9) Uth Boman G W, 1222 5th av Crook J M, 1139 Broad Des Portes W L, 1132) Broad Painters. Col Wall Paper & Paint Co, 1039 Broad Lenoir F. 1039 Broad Osborn J M, 102 11th Shepherd J T, 110 13th Gann W P, 1715 2d av Griggs R E, 9) 11th Grimes & Stewart, 1142) Broad Jansenius A J II, 4 W 13th Kitchen T N, 1002 Broad McDuffie J H, 1037) Broad Paints, Oils and Glass Mason J J, 1302 Broad Mayer E H, 20 10th Col Wall Paper & Paint Co, 1039 Broad Dooner M, 1303-1305 Broad Beach Wm, 1120 Broad, (see advt) Young C E