REFERENCE DEPARTMENT SHADUey Memorial ub**** COLUMBUS. OSORGiT^ W. C. BRADLEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY COLUMBUS, GA. R 917.58 Columbus c.2_81319 (1878) COSCO 2327 nationa O' junmr swim cu ATLArjTA NOW/. Establislied 1818.) . it m% ' 4 T.'/.V/>r MmMWFaTWBEE -AND- FA.NCY CAKE BAKER. --DEALKU IN.-- Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Toys, Cigars, &c., &c. --A.SO,-- ' . * ICE CREAM SALOON, JVo, 72 tfitotiv Street* - - - Coei'.hrvr* G.i. ' Aa DENTIS T, 34 St. Clair St.,. - Columbus, Ga. Wmmwm tSxTmicrmv Wi th airt ^fjyr. Treating Diseased Gums and Preserving the Natu ral Teeth, Specialties. a m* PROVISION BROKER, Represent lag: the Best Houses in the Trade* Patronage solicited* No. 106 BROAD ST., - COLUMBUS, GA. H. H. KPP1NG, President. H. W. EDWARDS, Cashier. It. M. MULFOKD, Asst. Cashier. Cbattaboocbee National M of Columbus, Georgia, CAPITAL, SURPLUS FUND, $100,000.00 $ 20,000.00 ! OTHER UNDIVIDED PROFITS, 6,998.34 | TOTAL DIVIDENDS PAID, llfKKQVORfi . 112,000.00 H. H. EPPING, GEO. P. SWI I T, R, E. MOTT, ,TOS. KYLE, J. M. SMITH, C. C. McGEHEE, CHAS. E. DEXTEK. Accounts of Banks, Hankers, Easiness Firms and Individuals Solicited. Prompt Returns made lor Collections on all Accessible Southern Points. Correspondence Invited. A. WITTICH. C. M. KINSEL. Cor. Broad and Randolph Streets, COLUMBXJS, - - GEORGIA, Dealers in WiMWCMKK, CLOCKS', LEWKLMV Diamonds, Rings, Spectacles, SIEWRR WAKE, Silver Elated WARE, Wmmej 'Aztieles* WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELEY, EEPAIEED TO GIVE SATISPACTION AND WAEEANTED. EKTGBAVING ZDOHSTE TO ORDER. J. KYLE&CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CARPETS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. 106 Broad Street, - Columbus, Gra. Grocer & Commission Merchant, BAIOT wjwses 3tt6inyi% i"All Purchases Delivered.,,??^ No. 116 BROAD, cor. St. CLAIR STREET, COLUMBUS, G--A.y| V*W W< SHOLES' DIRECTORY -OIF1 THE- n nn AUGUST, 1878. -A-- SHOLES,-PUBLISHED. VOL. I. i DON'T LEND YOUR DIRECTORY; 5-- \(& ,, Your-Ne ighb-- or is as a* ble to-PSurc:hU ase o-- ne as-vou are. L . PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS, $3. Thos. Gilbert, Printer and Binder, Columbus, Ga. MFMORiAL LIBRARY COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions OF ALL KINDS, Sin'inger Opera House, Corner Oglethorpe and Crawford Streets, - - COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Manufacturer of and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, t-BAffBBBANDBE I-TI arc. -- A.11 kinds of New Work and Repairing done at Short Notice. 102 Broad St., - COLUMBUS,GA. INTRODUCTORY. In presenting *this, the first of the Regular Series of Directories, the publisher need only say to the citizens, that experience, combined with strenuous efforts and a liberal outlay, has brought forth a Directory which needs very little prefacing, nor demands much indulgence. To the stranger, he would say that it is a representative book of the city. Special attention is invited to the Appendix Department, pages 17 to 53, it will be found to contain a vast amount of general and useful information not usually contained in a Directory, all obtained from the proper sources. The Post Office Directory, in the back of the book, is another valuable feature in this work. The Advertising Department, while not so extensive as to make the work profitable, 'represents the leading and best houses in their respective lines, and the publisher hereby extends hearty thanks to those who have appreciated and encouraged the work. The lack of any Board or organization keeping statistics, precludes the possibility of giving the figures and data of Columbus business. The numbering of the city is. very incomplete, and is a source of great .inconvenience to citizen as well as stranger. This, however, can be easily and cheaply remedied by the proper authorities. A great deal may be said of the manufacturing advantages of Columbus, but we show, herein, by pointing to facts, that it is the leading city of the South, proper, in manufacturing, already, and naught but facts, comes within the province of a directory publisher. The water power and location are simply unsurpassed. A careful census was taken in connection with the Directory, the figures include the residents and those having business in Columbus: Whites, 9,435; colored, 6,588; total, 16,023. Columbus was incorporated in 1829. In 1848 she had 5,074 souls, white and colored, and in 1860 a total of 9,039, in the city proper; the present volume contains 4,700 names--3,658 white, and 1,042 colored, against 2,713 contained in the Directory of 1873, and if we follow the custom of most cities in ascertaining the population, by multiplying the number of names by 4, it would show a population of 18,800. But this mode is no criterion in a manufacturing city like Columbus. In conclusion the publisher would state that lie proposes to con tinue the publication of the Columbus City Directory at regular intervals in the future, and, as he believes this volume will be acknowledged vastly superior to those heretofore published, so it will be his honest endeavor to make each succeeding work ah im provement on those which have preceded it. Very Respectfully, August, 1878. A. E. SIIOLES, Publisher. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. 1 PAGE. Abbreviations. 81 Incorporated Companies. 33 Academies and Schools. 20 Index to Advertisers. 13 Advertising Department. 73 Insurance Companies. 31 Appendix. 17 Internal Revenue Dept. 41 Asylums and Hostipals. 20 Introductory .. 11 A. O. U. W. 40 I. O. B. B.". 39 Bands. 20 I. O. O. F. 39 Banks. 20 Judiciary . 43 Bible Societies. 21 Knights of Honor. 40 Board of Aldermen. 17 Masonic . 38 Board of Education.. 18 Military Organizations. 34 Board of Health. 18 Muscogee Asylum for Poor. 42 Board of Underwriters. 21 Newspapers, etc,. 35 Bridges. 21 Odd Fellows. 39 Building and Loan Associations... 21 Parks, and Places of Amusement. 3.1 Census of Columbus. 1(! Police Department. 19 Cemeteries. 21 Post Office. 35 Churches. 22 Post Office Directory..opp 2.14 City Government. 17 Railroads. 37 City Officers. 18 Registers in Bankruptcy. 41 Clubs and Societies. 23 Schools and Teachers.,.... 18 Columbus City. 17 Secret Societies. 38 Commercial Directory.237 Societies and Clubs. 23 Congress of U. S. 4!) State Judiciary... 43 County Courts. 42 State of Georgia. 42 County of Muscogee. 41 Steamboat Lines. 40 County Officers. 41 Street Guide. 14 County Prison. 42 Superior Courts. 43 Educational. IS Telegraph Companies. 40 Express Stations. 23 United States Government. 48 Fire Department. 19 United States Courts. 49 General Directory of Names. 81 United States Internal Revenue... 41 Georgia State Government. 42 United States Officers (local). 41 Halls and P ublicri B uildings. 1,1 Ward Boundaries.. 15 ' v>y it~.rnnffpiU|iii jji i INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. PAGE, Aenchb acher L. P., tailor,...253 Kyle J. & Co., dry goods and Bowers L. G., cotton broker,.241 shoes,..front fly B. cS Bradford M. A., saddles and har Lee M. H., millinery,.250 ^o4 03 P ness,...back of title. Mc.Gehee & Hatcher, cotton com Bradford & Everett, stoves and mers,.front cover. tinware,.front cover and 75 Mason J. M. Dr., dentist, front fly A. Buhler Louis, beer, cigars and sa Merchants & Mechanics Bank, O O loon, . 73 back fly C. Chattahoochee Nat. Bank, front fly A. Mobile & Girard Railroad, back fly D. Columbus Female College, G. R. Muscogee Mnf'g Co., cotton and 1 rXO2U S Glenn. 80 Columbus Iron Works Co., foun ders and machinists, bottom lines and. 79 Columbus Trunk Mnf'y, I. Joseph, woolen mnfrs, .front paster. Patterson P. B. & Co., stoves and tinware,...253 Phenix Carriage Works, Herring I Q front cover and back, fly C. & England, . 78 Dudley T. J., lumber and builders' Pioneer Co-Operative Co., general depot. 54 store,. 77 Eagle & Phenix Mnf'g Co., cotton Rankin House, J. Marion Estes, and woolen mnfrs, bottom lines & 74 propr,. . back cover and back paster. Eagle & Phenix Savings Bank, Ryder B. H., engineer and ma bottom lines and 74 chinist. 77 Eifler Phil, gun and locksmith,..., 73 Slade & Etheredge, cotton com Enquirer-Sun, Jno. King, propr, mers,.242 opp. 122 Soluble Pacific Guano, W. H. Estes J. Marion, propr Rankin Young, . 77 House, and boots and shoes, Southern Plow Co., bottom lines & 79 ba k cover and back fly C Spear T. S., jeweler and watch Flournoy and Epping, cotton com maker.back cover. mers,.242 Springer F. J , Opera House, and Gammel A, livery and sale stables, groceries,.back of title. back fly D. Strupper I. G., confectionery, Georgia Home Ins. Co.,...front cover. front fly A. Gilbert Thomas, printer and hind er,..back cover and opp. 123 Glenn G. R., Columbus Female College. 80 Hamilton J. H., groceries and fer The National Bank of Columbus. . 75 Thornton & Acee, clothing and fur nishing, .front paster. Vandenberg Ed. B., broker, front fly A. tilizers . 77 Wells & Curtis, boots and shoes.. 75 Herring & England, carriage mnfrs, 78 Willcox D. F., ins agt,. .top lines &76 Hochstrasser C. E., fancy grocer, Williams G. T., photographer,. ...236 front fly B. Willingham W. A., lumber and Jordan & Blackmar, ins agts, builders depot, . 73 back cover. Wittich & Kinsel, watchmkrs and Joseph Isaac, grocer and trunk jewelers, lines and front fly B. factory, front cover and back fly C. Young W. H., fertilizers,.. 77 I i * - GUIDE --TO-- STREETS AND AVENUES, WARD BOUNDARIES, ETC. AOTE. Crawford street is the dividing line, running east and west, the river is the initial point, North and South. North and South streets are numbered from Crawford, (except Broad street, that is numbered from Franklin, south.) East and West Streets are numbered from the river, east. The iiTegularity and scarcity of numbers jnecludes the possibility of giving a more full Street Directory. Streets and Avenues. BALDWIN, from river, east to limits, 2d south of Crawford, 5th Ward. BAY, from Randolph, south to Alabama Warehouse (continued by Short) 1st east of river, 3d and 4th Wards. BROAD, from Lee, at river to Cov ington, at river, 3d east of river, touches every Ward. BRYAN, from river, east to limits, 3d north of Crawford, 2d Ward. CARNES, from river (at Hospital) east to limits, 8th south of Crawford, 6th Ward. CEMETERY, from Mercer, at Washington, northeast to limits, 1st Ward. CHAPEL, from Jackson, east to Troup, bet Baldwin and Few, 5th Ward. CHURCH, from Jackson, east to Trrap, bet St. Clair and Randolph, 3d Ward. COVINGTON, from river, east to colored cemetery, 6th south of Craw ford, 6th Ward. CRAWFORD, from Short, near river, east to limits, forming dividing line of city, 4th Ward. DAWSON, from river, east to lim its, 9th south of Crawford, 6th Ward DILL1NGMAM, from river (at South Bridge) east to Broad, 1st south of Crawford, 4th Ward. EARLY, from river, east to limits, 4th south of Crawford, 6th Ward. FEW, from river, east to limits, 3d south of Crawford, dividing 5th and 6th Wards. FIRST AVENUE, from Crawford north to Cemetery and south to river, l()th east of river, crossing every Ward. FORSYTH, from Crawford north to Northern Liberties and south to Hospital, on river, 7tli east of river, crossing every Ward. FOURTH AVENUE, from Craw ford north to Cemetery, at limits, and south to river (forming the eastern boundary) 13th east of river. 1C. Columbus City Directory. FRANKLIN, from river, east to limits, 4th north of Crawford, divid ing 1st and 2d Wards. FRONT, from Franklin south to river, at Covington, 2d east of river, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and Oth Wards. WARREN, from es Broad, north of Bryan, northeast to Oglethorpe, at Franklin, 2d Ward. WASHINGTON, from river, east to Cemetery, Gth north of Crawford, 1st Ward. FULTON, from river, east to limits, 5tli south of Crawford, Gth Ward. GOULDING, from river, east to limits, 7th south of Crawford, 6th Ward. Ward Boundaries. FIRST WARD--On the north by Northern Liberties, on the east by 4th Avenue, on the south by Franklin street, and on the west by the river. JACKSON, from Crawford, north SECOND WARD--On the north to Northern Liberties, and south to by Franklin street, on the east by river, at Goulding; 5th east of river, 4th Avenue, on the south by Ran crossing every ward. dolph street, and on the west by the LEE, from river, east to limits, 5th north of Crawford, 1st Ward. McINTOSH. from Crawford, north to Northern Liberties, and south to river; 8th east of river, crossing every Ward. river. THIRD WARD--On the north by Randolph street, on the east by 4th Avenue, on the south by St. Clair street, and on the west by the river. FOURTH WARD--On the north by St. Clair street, on the east by 4th MERCER, from Crawford, north to Cemetery and south to river; Oth east of river, crossing every Ward. OGLETHORPE, from Crawford, north to Northern Liberties, and south to river, at Goulding ; 4th east of river, crossing every Ward. Avenue, on the south by Thomas street, and on the west by the river. FIFTH WARD--On the north by Thomas street, on the east by 4th Avenue, oil the south by Few street, and on the west by the river, SIXTH WARD--On the north by Few street, on the east by 4th Ave RANDOLPH, from river, east to nue, on the south and west by the limits, 2d north of Crawford, divid river. ing 2d and 3d Wards. Halls and Public Buildings. ST. CLAIR, from river, east to BURRUS BUILDING -- Broad, limits, 1st north of Crawford, divid southeast corner Randolph. ing 3d and 4th Wards. CITY MARKET HOUSE--Ogle SECOND AVENUE, from Craw thorpe, bet Crawford and St. Clair. ford north to Cemetery and south to COURT HOUSE -- Crawford, bet Colored Cemetery, and thence to riv Oglethorpe and Jackson. er; 11th east of river, crossing every GUNBY BUILDING--North side Ward. St. Clair, west of Broad. SHORT, from Bay, at Alabama Warehouse, south to Baldwin, 1st east of river, 4th and 5th Wards. THIRD A VENUE, from Crawford, north to Cemetery and south to Col ored Cemetery, and thence to river; 12th east of river, crossing every Ward. THOMAS, from river, east to lim its, 1st south of Crawford, dividing 4th and 5th Wards. MASONIC HALL--70 Broad. MUSCOGEE BLOCK -- Broad, northeast corner Franklin. ODD FELLOWS' HALL -- East side Oglethorpe, 2d south of St. Clair. RANKIN ROW--North side Craw ford, bet Broad and Oglethorpe SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE -- Crawford, northeast corner Oglethorpe TEMPERANCE HALL--76 North Oglethorpe. THE GEORGIA HOME BUILD TROUP, from Crawford, north to ING--Broad, southeast corner St. Northern Liberties, and south to riv Clair. er, near Hospital; 6th east of river, VILLA REICH--East side Front, crossing every Ward. south of Early. APPENDIX SHOLES' Columbus Directory. 1878. CITY. EIUITY, STATS HID DIITEB STATES Mill COUNCIL CHAMBER, Court House, Crawford Street, between Oglethorpe and Jackson. CITY GOVERNMENT Is composed of Mayor and Board of Aldermen; Mayor elected biennially; election for half the Board held annually, election day 2nd Saturday in De cember. The Board is composed of twelve members--two from each ward. Regular meetings, 1st Monday each month. CITY OF COLUMBUS. SECOND WARD--,T. P. Man ley, 2 years ; Rollin Jefferson, 1 MAYOR--Francis G. Wilkins year. (elected December, 1877, for two THIRD WARD--F. M. Brooks, years,) salary $1,000 per annum. 2 years; Walter S. DeWolf, 1 year. Board of Aldermen. FOURTH WARD--E. G. Rai- (Elected December, 1877.) FIRST WARD-C. B. Grimes, ford, 2 years; J. C. Andrews, 1 year. 2 years; H. C. Bussey, 1 year. FIFTH WARD--L. G. Schues- (V) 18 Columbus City Directory. sler, 2 years; N. X. Curtis, 1 Douglass, R. W. Ledsinger, J. P. year. Kyle. SIXTH WARD--H. F. Everett, SEXTON -- Abraham Odom ; 2 years ; W. R. Moore, 1 year. salary fees. STANDING COMMITTEES. STREET OVERSEER--James Vernoy; salary $600. Accounts--Raiford, Everett. Manley, TREASURER-J. N. Barnett; salary $1,000. Bridges and Wharf--Manley, Brooks, Scliuessler. WHARFINGER-Thomas Huff; salary $300. D. Cemeteries--Bussey, Grimes, Raiford. Board of Health. Cisterns and Eire Depart ment--Jefferson, ford. Brooks, Rai Meets first Monday month at Court House. of each John E. City Improvements and Commons--Everett, Curtis,-. Bacon, M. D., president: T. P. Chafin, M. D., J. AY. Pitts,M. D., S. B. Law, M. D., G. J. Grimes, Contracts--Grimes, Bussey, M. D., and C. Terry, M. D.; M. M. Moore, clerk. ley.Finance--Curtis, Brooks,Man- Commissioners of Com Hospital -- Everett, Moore. Curtis. mons. Market and Magazine-- Moore, Andrews, Jefferson. B. H. Crawford, president; M. M. Moore, secretary; John Pea Police and Gas--Andrews, body, H. S. Estes, F. M. Brooks, Scliuessler, Bussey. II. H. Epping, B. F. Coleman. Public Schools -- Brooks, Moore, Grimes. Streets and Sewers--Schuessler, Jefferson, Andrews. EDUCATIONAL. City Officers. Board of Trustees. ASSESSORS--C. A. Klink, J. T. Daniel and G. E. Gager: sala Office -- Jackson, northeast ries, $20 each, per annum. corner Crawford. ATTORNEY -- AY. F. AVilliams; salary $100; office Broad, north-east corner St. Clair. B. F. Coleman, president; J. A. Frazer, AY. S. Needham, N. J. Bussey, M. J. Crawford, John CLERK--Montague M. Moore; salary $1,000. King, John Peabody, A. O. Blackmar, N. N. Curtis, I. I. Moses, C. A. Redd. KEEPER HOSPITAL--Cath George M. Dews, superintend arine Anderson ; salary $175. ent; salary $1,500. MARKET AND MAGAZINE CLERK -- Tom Moore; salary Schools. $300. Moore salary MARSHAL (ex-officio Chief of Police)--Tiff T. ; $1,050. BOYS'SCHOOL,NO. 1--Jackson, northeast corner Crawford. Henry W. Battle, principal, sal ary $1,000; Miss J. M. Brooks, PHYSICIAN--S. B. Law, M. first assistant, salary $450; Miss D.; salary $400; office 135 Broad. A. Williford, Miss A. A. Berry, PORT WARDENS--George E. Miss L. W. Bailey, assistants, Andrews, AY. J. Chaffin, T. O. salaries $405. Columbus City Directory. 19 GIRLS' SCHOOL, NO. 2--St. Douglas, secretary; J. D. John Clair, southwest corner Forsyth. son, Treasurer ; J. G. Burrus, en Miss M. H. Birdsong, principal, gineer; M. T. Bergen, assistant salary $540 ; Miss F. I. Holmes, engineer. Miss M. A. Deignan, Miss A. E. Pond, assistants, salaries $450; Miss E. H. Bailey, Miss M. J. Peabody, Mrs. L. E. Saunders, assistants, salaries $405. WASHINGTON FIRE CO., No. 2 (colored)--Hand Engine-- Front, opposite St. Clair; Jackson Brooks, president; Charles John son, vice president; George W. L. COLORED SCHOOL--East Mathis, secretary; W. G. Hoskins, side Mercer, south of St. Clair. treasurer; Anthony Jenkins, gen G. P. Lewis, principal, salary eral superintendent; John Bell, $450; W. H. Spencer, Mrs. F. H. foreman; Lewis Thompson, as Reese, Mrs. F. A. Browning, Miss sistant foreman; Robert Schley, L. E. Howard, Mrs. A. Wads foreman hose; Parish Shorter, worth, Miss Ella Shaw, assistants, assistant foreman hose. salaries $180. YOUNG AMERICA FIRE CO., No. 5 (steamer)--Crawford, FIRE DEPARTMENT. corner Oglethorpe; E. L. Wells, president; D. E. Williams, vice- president ; E. B. Porter, treasurer; Conducted upon the volunteer plan. The department comprises two steamers, three hand engines, one hook and ladder truck and one large Champion Fire Extinguish er, and using 3,500 feet of hose. The city appropriates annually $850 to the department. G. R. Flournoy, secretary; W. E. Barnard, foreman; W. H. Wil liams, first assistant foreman ; H. L. Woodruff, second assistant foreman ; J. S. Carruthers, third assistant foreman ; H. R. Sedber ry, engineer; Phil Eifler, assistant engineer. Fire Alarm Districts.--Dis trict No. 2, West of Oglethorpe and North of St. Clair. District No. 3, East of Oglethorpe and North of St. Clair. District No. 4, East of Oglethorpe and South of St. Clair. District No. 5, West of Oglethorpe and South of St. Clair. District No. 6, in the im mediate vicinity of Alarm Bell. RESCUE HOOK AND LAD DER CO., No. 1--North side Crawford, 3d east of Oglethorpeorganized 1868. M. M. Moore, president; I. G. Strupper, vicepresident ; George N. Hartman, secretary and treasurer; G. E. Thomas, foreman ; I. L. Pollard, first assistant foreman; J. J. Clapp, second assistant foreman. Chief and Staff. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Cliff B. Grimes, Chief Engineer. Geo. M. Rosette, 1st Assistant. Wm. R. Wood, 2d Assistant. Geo. R. Flournoy, Secretary. Headquarters at Court House, Crawford, southeast corner Ogle thorpe. The force consists of eleven men, including the chief, Douglas Green, Superintendent Water Supply. and is under control of the Mayor and City Council. The men are COLUMBUS FIRE CO., No. 1 nominated by the Mayor and con (steamer)--Broad, between Bryan firmed by the Council. The an and Franklin; B. F. Coleman, nual cost to the city is about $6,- president: C. C. McGehee, vice- 120. ' president ; W. H. Brannon, fore CHIEF (ex-officio Marshal) -- man ; R. W. Ledsinger, first assist Tiff T. Moore. ant foreman; William Fee, second assistant foreman; W. R. Brown, LIEUTENANTS--E. W. Joines, J. A. Robarts; salaries $55 third assistant foreman; T. O. per month. 20 Columbus City Directory. ASYLUMS AND PATROLMEN --Charles Bra dy, John Brady, John Bowen, John Foran, J. A. Johnson, J. H. HOSPITALS. Palmer, Zeno Pickett, John St. Clair. Salaries $50 per month. CITY HOSPITAL --Located on Chattahoochee river, southern portion of the city; Mrs. Cathe rine Anderson, keeper. ACADEMIES AND COLUMBUS FEMALE OR PHAN ASYLUM --West side SCHOOLS. Mercer, north of Franklin. Dedi cated April 7th, 1845. [For Public Schools, see Educa OFFICERS. tional, and for Private Schools, Mrs. Margaret Ware, president; see the Commercial Directory.] Mrs. Martha A. Patten, vice- CLAFLIN SCHOOL --Wash ington, corner Mercer. Estab lished in 1866-7. R. L. Mott, president; Geo. Hungerford, sec retary. Trustees--R. L. Mott, president ; Mrs. Sarah Allen, sec retary ; Mrs. Jane Cushman, as sistant secretary ; Mrs. Jane Mar tin, treasurer ; Miss Cornelia A. E. Patterson, matron. T. M. Hogan, J. E. Webster, Dan MANAGERS. iel Harris, Geo. Hungerford. Mrs. Clara Dexter, Mrs. Martha COLUMBUS FEMALE COL LEGE--Troup, southeast corner Lee. G. R. Glenn, A. M., presi dent; H. W. Key, A. M., secre tary; Miss Hattie R. Dingman, governess. Estes, Mrs. Carline Beach, Mrs. Anna Chapman, Mrs. Aurora E. Woodruff, Mrs. Virginia Wood ruff, Miss Anna Tyler, Miss Mar tha King, Mrs. Ann Appier, Mrs. Soplironia Dews, Mrs. Elvira Shingleur, Mrs. Julia Willcox. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. J. Rhodes Browne, president; BANDS. D. F. Willcox, secretary; A. 111es, A. M. Allen and George P. wift. GIRARD CORNET BAND-- FACULTY. G. R. Glenn, A. M., mental and moral science and English litera ture; Rev. Howard W. Key, nat ural science and mathematics; J. Harris Chappell, A. B., Latin, History and English composition; Miss Hattie R. Dingman, modern languages and art; Prof. Joseph Ebert, director school of music; Hall in Girard, Ala.; D. R. Mc Kenzie, leader. SUNNY SOUTH BRASS BAND--Organized January, 1878. Hall, south side Thomas, 2d east of Broad. The band has thirteen members, and meet for practice Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Prof. J. W. Ryan, instructor; George E. Brooks, leader. Miss Augusta Glenn, home de partment. (See page 80.) BANKS. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY-- (For young ladies.) Troup, south east corner Randolph. In charge of the Sisters of Mercy; Sister Mary Bernard, superior. CHATTAHOOCHEE NA TIONAL BANK--57 Broad. Incorporated 1866. Capital, $100,000. H. 11. Epping, president; H. TRINITY PARISH SCHOOL W. Edwards, cashier; R. M. Mul- --West side Oglethorpe, 2d north ford, assistant cashier. Directors: of St. Clair; Rev. W. C. Hunter, H. H. Epping, R. L. Mott, Geo. principal. P. Swift, James M. Smith, Joseph Columbus City Directory. 21 Kyle, C. C. McGehee, Charles E. RATING COMMITTEE. Dexter. (See front fly A.) R. B. Murdoch, J. Rhodes E A GLE AND PHENIX SAY Browne, D. F. Willcox. INGS BANK--Front, between Randolph and Bryan. Capital, $1,250,000. N. J. Bussey, presi BRIDGES. dent; G, Gunby Jordan, cashier. (See page 74.) MOBILE & GIRARD R. R. MERCHANTS' AND ME BRIDGE--South of Thomas. CHANICS' BANK--110 Broad. Organized 1872. Capital, $76,250. W. H. Brannon, president; A. O. Blackmar, cashier; J. W. Woolfolk, teller. Directors: W. H. WESTERN R. R, BRIDGE-- North of Washington. LOWER ROAD BRIDGE-- Opposite Dillingham. Brannon, W. R. Brown, C. A. UPPER ROAD BRIDGE-- Redd, J. T. Warnock. Opposite Franklin. THE NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBUS-118 Broad. BUILDING AND LOAN Organized July 15th, 1876. Capi ASSOCIATIONS. tal, $100,000. J. Rhodes Browne, president; George W. Dilling ham, cashier. Directors: J. Rhodes Browne, N. N. Curtis, L. T. Downing, George W. Dilling ham, Peter Preer, James Rankin, Charles Wise. (See page 75.) COLUMBUS MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN AS SOCIATION--Oflice south side St. Clair, 2d east of Broad. Or ganized June 11th, 1877. Install BIBLE SOCIETIES. ment meeting third Tuesday of each month ; Regular meeting of Board first Friday following third Tuesday of each month. W. L. MUSCOGEE COUNTY BI BLE SOCIETY (Auxiliary to Clark,president; W. H. Williams, secretary and treasurer. Direc American Bible Society)--Depos itory 92 Broad, Organized July tors : G. M. Williams, C. A. Eth eredge, J. M. Frazer, James 17th, 1866. Object: To keep a Smith, J. A. Kirven, S. J. Pecot. full supply of the publications of the American Bible Society to be sold at cost to any person, and to canvass the city as often as prac ticable, and supply the destitute. G. J. Peacock, president; W. J. Chaffin, secretary and treasurer. MERCHANTS' BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION-- Office 32 St. Clair. Organized December 1872. Installment meet ings third Monday of each month; _Regular meeting of Board third "Friday of each month. Thomas Chaffin, president; John King, secretary and treasurer. Direc BOARD OF UNDERWRI tors : W. R. Kent, J. P. Manley, TERS. L. M. Burr us. COLUMBUS BOARD OF UN CEMETERIES. DERWRITERS--Organized 1872. R. B. Murdoch, president; Thos. CEMETERY--Located in the Chaffin, secretary and treasurer. northeastern part of the city. En Members: R. B. Murdoch, J. trances on Cemetery street, oppo Rhodes Browne, D. F. Willcox, site First and Second avenues. Jordan & Blackmar, Mulford & This Cemetery is the property of Estes, Etheredge & Chappell, J. the city. Abraham Odom, Sex B. Holst. ton. Columbus City Directory. COLORED CEMETERY--Lo- man, president; Max Wolfson, cated on south common, opposite secretary and treasurer. Few. R. P. Porter, (c) sexton. Methodist. CHURCHES. Rev. A. M. Wynn, Presiding Elder Columbus District. Baptist. BROAD STREET CHURCH --West side Broad, north of Bry FIRST CHURCH--South side an. Services at usual hours. Randolph, between Troup and Jackson. Services 10:30 a. m. and 8.30 p. M. Sunday-school 9 A. m. Rev. A. B. Campbell, pastor; residence 43 north Troup. GIRARD CHURCH--Bridge, west of Broad, Girard, Ala. Ser vices 11 a. 3i. and 8 p. m. - Sun day-school 4 p. 31. Prayer meet ing every Friday'8 p. m. Rev. BROWNEVILLE CHURCH H. Y. M. Morris, pastor; resi --Fourth, north of Crawford, dence Browneville, Ala. Browneville, Ala. Services 10.30 A. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sundayschool 9 A. m. Rev. Jasper Hicks, pastor; residence Browneville, Ala. ST. LUKE CHURCH--Jackson, northeast corner St. Clair. Services 10.30 a. 3i. and 8 p. 31. Sabbath-school 9 a. m. Rev. Jas. O. A. Cook, pastor; residence 100 GIRARD CHURCH--Bridge, St. Clair. west of Broad, Girard, Ala. Ser ST. PAUL CHURCH--Troup, vices 10.30 A. m. and 7.30 p. m. southeast corner Bryan. Services Sabbath-school 9 a. m. Prayer 10.30 a. 31. and 8.15 p. m. Sab meeting every Wednesday 7.30 p. bath-school 5 p. 31. Rev. J. W. m. Rev. William Lively, pastor; Key, pastor; residence 45 N. residence Smith's Station, Ala. Troup. COLORED. TRINITY CHURCH-Fourth, FIRST CHURCH--West side corner Crawford, Browneville, Front, north of St. Clair. Ser Ala. Services 10:30 a. >i. and 7:30 vices 11 A. si., 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. p. 31. Sunday-school 2:30 p. 31. Sunday-school 9.30 a. m. Rev. Rev. H. V.' M. Morris, pastor; G. McArthur, pastor; residence residence, Browneville, Ala. 24 S. McIntosh. COLORED. SHADY GROYE CHURCH-- MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCH Jackson, northwest corner Water, -- McIntosh, southwest corner Northern Liberties. Services 11 Washington. Services 11 A. 31., A. M., 3 p. 3i. and 7.30 p. m. Sun 3 p. 31. and 7:30 p. 31. Sunday- day-school 9 a. 3i. Preaching school 9 a. 31. Rev. E. Gibson, every Thursday 7.30 p. 31. Rev. pastor; residence, McIntosh, ad Philip Owens, pastor; residence joining church. county. ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH Episcopal. -- East side Mercer, north of Crawford. Services 11 A. 31., 3 TRINITY CHURCH--West side Oglethorpe, north of St.Clair. Services 10.30 A. 3i. and 6 p. m. Sunday-school 9 a. 31. Rev. W. p. 31. and 7:30 p. 31. Sundayschool 10 a. 31. Rev. W. D. John son, pastor; residence west side Mercer, 5th north of Crawford. C. Hunter, rector; residence 39 ST.JOHNS A. M. E. CHURCH N. Oglethorpe. --East side McIntosh, north of Lee. Services 11 A. 3t., 3 p. 31. and 8 p. 31. Sunday-school 9 A. 31. Rev. H. H. Taylor, pastor; resi dence west side Mercer, 2d south of Franklin. Columbus City Directory. 23 Presbyterian. librarian. Directors: Louis Wells, Richard Deignan, John Brady. FIRST CHURCH--Oglethorpe, northeast corner St. Clair. Servi ces 10:30 A. m. ancl 6 p. m. Sundayschool 9 A. m. Rev. J. H. Hall, pastor!; residence 6 S. Jackson. YOUXG MEX'S SOCIAL CLUB--Hall, 59 Broad (up stairs). Organized October, 1877. The Club has at present seventeen members. Cliff B. Grimes, sec Roman Catholic. retary. EXPRESS COMPANIES. ST. JAMES AXI) ST. PHILIP CHURCH--East side Jackson, north of Few. Services 7 a. m. and 10 a. m., and 8 p. m. Sunday- SOUTHERX EXPRESS COM- school 3 p. M. Rev. John Ber- PAXY--41 Broad. Matt O'Brien, tazzi, pastor; Rev. A. Lenke, agent; John Lovette, route agent; assistant pastor ; residences east W. B. Jones, cashier and money side Jackson, north of Few. clerk. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. Southern Stations Revised and corrected by Division Superintendent and Route Agent. COLUMBUS CHORAL UXIOX--Meets in Springer's Opera House. Organized January, 1877. E. L. Wells, president; H. W. Battle, vice-president ; W. C. Coart, secretary and treasurer; F. U. Downing, musical director; S. D. Moore, librarian; Mrs. H. W. Battle, pianist. COLUMBUS SHOOTIXG CLUB--Hall, north side St.Clair, west of Broad. W. S. Shepherd, president; C. E. Hochstrasser, vice-president; B. H. Hudson, secretary and treasurer. GERMAH SIXG YEREIX-- Meets every Thursday in Gunby Building. Phil Eider, president; C. Kinsel, secretary ; E. W. Blau, musical director. MUSCOGEE SHOOTIXG CLUB--Hall, Southwestern Rail road depot. T. K. Wynne, presi dent ; G. M. Dews, vice-president; J. D. Estes, secretary and treas urer. YOUXG MEX'S CATHOLIC UXIOX--Meets first Wednesday evening of each montli in Gunby Building, St. Clair, west of Broad. Organized June 29,1874. George J. Burrus, president; Frank Gol den, vice-president; Joseph Ryckeley, Secretary; George X. Hart man, treasurer; William Code, Abbeville, Miss Abbeville, S. C Abbottsburg, N. C Aberdeen, Miss Acton, IS. C Acworth, Ga Adairsville, Ga Adams, Ga Adams, Tenn Adams Run, S. G H Aiken, S. G Alabama Fv rnace, Ala Albany, Ga Albany, Tenn Alcovy, C a Allatoona, Ga Allendale, S. C Allens, Tenn `Alpine, Ala Alston, S. O Ambersons, Ala Amelia Court House, Ya Americus, Ga Amite City, La Anderson, S G Andersonville, Ga Anniston, Ala Antioch, Ga Appleton, S. 0 Areola, La Archers, Fla n-> Arkadelphia, Ark Arlington, Ga Arlington, Ky Armiston, Ala 24 Columbus City Directory. Artesia, Miss Ashby, Ala Ashepoo, S. C Ashville, Ala Athens, Ala Athens, Ga Athens, Tenn Atlanta, Ga Atoka, Tenn Attala, Ala Auburn, Ala Aucilla, Fla Augusta, Ga Austin, Ark Ayersville, Ga Bainbridge, Ga Bakers, Tenn Bakersport, Ky Baldwin, Fla Baldwyn, Miss Bamberg, S. C Bangor, Ala Bardwell, Ky Barksdale, Va Barnesville, Ga Barnett, Ga Barrs, S. C Bartlett, Tenn Barton, Ala Bartow, Ga Batesburg, S. C Batesville, Miss Bath, S. C Baxley, Ga Bay Minette, Ala Bay St Louis, Miss Bear Creek, Ga Beaufort, S. C Beauregard, Miss Beaver Dam, Ky Beebe, Ark Bel Air, Ga Beldoc, S. C Belle Buckle, Tenn Bellefonte, Ala Bellfield, Va Bells, Tenn Bellton, Ga Belton, S. C Bennetts, Ala Bennetts, Miss Benton, Ala Benton, Ark Berzelia, Ga Bethany, Ga Bethal, Tenn Bethlehem, Ky Big Clifty, Ky Big Hatchie, Tenu Big Sandy, Tenn Biloxi, Miss Birmingham, Ala Blacks, S. C Blackshear, Ga Blackstock, S. G Blackville, S. C Bladenboro, N. C Bloomingdale, Ga Blount Springs, Ala Blue Mountain, Ala Bluff Spring, Tenn Bogue Clotto, Miss Bogue Chitta, La Bolegee, Ala Bolingbroke, Ga Bolivar, Tenn Bolling, Ala Bolton, Miss Bon Aqua, Tenn Bonds, Tenn Bonneaus, S. C Boonville, Miss Boston, Ga Bostwick, Ga Boughton, Ark Bovina, Miss Box Springs, Ga Boykin, Va Bradford, Ark Bradford Station, Tenn Branchville, S. C Bradens, Tenn Brandon, Ala Brandon, Miss., S & M Brandon, Miss., Y & M Brentwood, Tenn Brewer, Ga Brewton, Ala Bridgeport, Ala Bridgewater, N. C Brinkley, Ark Brinsonville, Ga Bristol, Tenn Broad Tree Run, Tenn Bronson, Fla Brookhaven, Miss Brooksville, Miss Brownsboro, Ala Browns Station, Ga Brownsville, Tenn Brunson, S. C Brunswick, Ga Buekatunna, Miss Buckhead, Ga Buford, Ga Bufords, Tenn Bullards, Ga Bulls Gap, Tenn Columbus City Directory. 25 Burkville, Va Burksville, Ala Burns, Tenn Burnsville, Ala Burnsville, Miss Butler, Ga Buzzard Roost, Ga Byron, Ga Cabot, Ark Cairo, Ga Caledonia, Tenn Calera, Ala Calhoun, Ala Calhoun, Ga Callahan, Fla Callman, Ala Calvert City, Ky Camak, Ga Camden, S. C Camden, Tenn Cameron, Ga Camilla, Ga Campbplls, Tenn Campbellton, S. C Caneyville, Ky Canoe, Ala Canton, Miss Carbondale, Miss Carbondale, Tenn Careys, N. C Carlisle, Ark Carpenters, Ala Carrs, Ga Carter, Tenn Carters Creek, Tenn Carters Hill, Miss Cartersville, Ga Caskey, Ky Cass, Ga Castleberry, Ala Catawba, N. C Cave Springs, Ga Cayce, Ky Cecilian Junction, Ky Cedar Hill, Tenn Cedar Keys, Fla Center, N. C Central, S. C Chappels, S. C Charleston, Mo Charleston, S. C Charleston, Tenn Charlotte, N. C Chatham, Ya Chatata, Tenn Chattanooga, Tenn Chauncey, Ga Chehaw, Ala Cheraw, S. C Cherokee, Ala Cherryville, N. C Chester, S. C Chester, Tenn Chestnut, Ky Chewalla, Tenn Chickamauga, Ga Childersburg, Ala China Grove, N. C Chula, Ya Chunnenuggee, Ala Clanton, Ala Claremont, S. C Clarks River, Ky , Clarksville, Tenn Clarkton, N. Clayton, N. C Clear Pond, Ky Clements, Ala Cleveland, Tenn Clietts, Ala Climax, Ga Clinton, Ky Clinton, Miss Clover, Va Coalfield, Va Coatopa, Ala Cochran, Ga Coileeville, Miss Cokesburgh, S. C Coldwater, Miss Coleman, Ga Coleys, Ga Collierville, Tenn Collinsville, Ala Columbia, S. C Columbia, Tenn Columbiana, Ala Columbus, Ga Columbus, Ky Columbus, Miss Como, Miss Company Shops, N. C Concord, N. C Concord, Tenn Conover, N. C Conyers, Ga Cooling, Ala Coopers, Ala Cooawatchie, S. C Corinth, Miss Corning, Ark Courtland, Ala Courtland, Miss Covington, Ga Covington, Tenn Cowan, Tenn Cowles, Ala Crawford, Miss 26 Columbus City Directory. Crawfordsville, Ga ' Crofton, Ky Cross Plains, Ala Crystal Springs, Miss Cuba, Ala Cuba, Miss Cullman, Ala Culverton, Ga Cumberland, Tenn Cushingville, Ga Cusseta, Ala Cuthbert, Ga Dalton, Ga s Danville, Tenn Danville, Ya Darbyville, Fla Darlington, S. C Davidson College, N. C Davisboro, Ga Davis Mills, Miss Dawson, Ga Days Mills, Ga Dearing, Ga Decherd, Tenn Decatur, Ala Decatur, Ga Delaplaine, Ark Delhi, La Demopolis, Ala DeSota, Miss DeVails Bluff, Ark Devereux, Ga Dexter, Mo Dickson, Ala Dickson, Tenn Doctortown, Ga Donald, 8. C Doraville, Ga Doves, S. C Drakes Branch, Va Dresden, Tenn Dry Fork, Ya Duck Hill, Miss Duck River, Tenn Duluth, Ga Dupont, Ga Durant, Miss Durhams, N. C Dyer, Tenn Eadyville, Ky Earlington, Ky Early Branch, S. C Easleys, 8. C Eastman, Ga Eastover, S. C East Point, Ga East View, Ky Eatonton, Ga Edenton, N. C Edgefield Junction, Tenn Edwards, Miss Egypt, Miss Elkmont, Ala Elko, S. C Ellarville, Fla Ellenton, S. C Elliott's, Miss Elmore, Ala Emmett, Ark Enfield, N. C Enterprise, Fla Enterprise, Miss Erin, Tenn Eufala, Ala Eutaw, Ala Evansville, Ind Evergreen, Ala Evington, Va Ewells, Tenn Extension, Ga Fairbluff, N. C Fairburn, Ga Falcon, Tenn Falkville, Ala Fall Creek, Va Farmsdale, Ala Fayetteville, N. C Fayetteville, Tenn Femandina, Fla Ficklin, Ga Fleming, Ga FlintviUe, Tenn Florence, Ala Florence, S. C Florence, Tenn Flowery Branch, Ga Forest, Ga Forest, Miss Forestville, N. C Forest City, Ark Forsyth, Ga Fort Deposit, Ala Fort Gaines, Ga Fort Mitchell, Ala Fort Motte, S. C Fort Payne, Ala Forts, Tenn Fort Valley, Ga Fosterville, Tenn Fountain Head, Tenn Franklin, Ala Franklin, Tenn Franklin, Va Franklinton, N. C Fullens, Tenn Fulton, Ark Fulton, Ky Gadsden, Tenn Columbus City Directory. 27 Gaffney, S. C Gainesville, Ala Gainesville, Fla Gainesville, Ga Gainesville, Miss Gallatin, Tenn Galloway, Tenn Gardi, Ga Gardner, Ala Gardner, Tenn Gamer, Miss Gaston, N. C Gastonia, N- C Geneva, Ga Georges, S. C Georgiana, Ala Germantown, Tenn Gibson, Tenn Gibsonville, N. C. Gilbert Hollow, S. C Gillem, Tenn Gilmer's, Ala Girard, Ala Gleason, Tenn Goggin's Ga Goldsboro, N. 0 Goodman, Miss Gordan, Ga Gourdin's S. C Graham, Ga Graham's, S. C Grahamsville, S. C Graham's X Roads, S. C Grand Bay, Ala Grand Bay, Miss Grand Junction, Tenn Graniteville, S. C Grantville, Ga Grayson Springs, Ky Graysville, Ga Green Bay, Ya Greencove Syring, Fla Greenfield, Miss Greenfield, Tenn Green Hill, Tenn Green Pond, Ala Greensboro, Ala Greensboro, Ga Greensboro, N. 0 Green's Mills, Ga Greeneville, Tenn Greenville, Ala Greenville, Fla Greenville, Ky Greenville, S. 0 Greenwood, Ala Greenwood, S. C Greers, S. C Grenada, Miss Griffin, Ga Griffith's, Ala Griswoldville, Ga Grooverville, Ga Grove Station, S. C Guerryton, Ala Gunn's Mill, Ga Guntown, Miss Guthrie, Ky Guyton, Ga Haddock, Ga Halcyondale, Ga Halifax, N. C Hammond, La Hampton, Ga Hanceville, Ala Handy, Miss Hanson, Ky Hardeeville, S. O Harlem, Ga Harmony Grove, Ga Harris, Tenn Harrisburg, N. C Harrison, Miss Hartsell, Ala Hatchachubbee, Ala Hatcher, Ga Hattieville, S. 0 Hawkinsville, Fla Hawkinsville, Ga Haw River, N. O Hazelhurst, Ga Hazelhurst, Miss Helena, Ala Helena, S. C Henderson, Ky Henderson, N. C Henderson, Tenn Hendersonville, Tenn Henry, N. O Henry, Tenn Hernando, Ga Hernando, Miss Herndon, Tenn Hickman, Ky Hickory, Miss Hickory, N. C Hickory, Tenn Hickory Valley, Miss High Point, N. G Hillsboro, Ala Hillsboro, N. C Hogansville, Ga Hollow Rock, Tenn Hollow Springs, Miss HomerviUe, Ga Honea Path, S. C Hoover, S. C Hope, Ark Hopkinsville. Ky Horn Lake, Miss Hot Springs, Ark Houston, Fla Howard's, Ga Humboldt, Tenn Hunterville, N. C Huntingdon, Tenn Hunt's, Tenn Huntsville, Ala Hurtville, Ala Icard, N. C Independence, La Iuka, Miss Jackson, Miss Jackson, S. C Jackson, Tenn Jacksonboro, S. C Jacksonville, Ala Jacksonville, Fla Jamestown, N. G Jarrett's, Ya Jasper, Fla Jennison, Ala Jesup, Ga Jetersville, Ya Johnson, Tenn Johnson City, Tenn Johnsonville, Tenn Johnston, Ga Johnston, S. 0 Jones, Tenn Jonesboro, Ala Jonesboro, Ga Jonesboro, Tenn Jonesboro, N. C Jonesville, S. C Jordan, Ky Judsonia, Ark Junction, Ala Kelso, Tenn Kensett, Ark Kenton, Tenn Kemersville, N. C Keysville, Va Kingston, Ga Kings Mountain, S. C Kingston Springs, Tenn Kingstree, S. C Kingville, S. O Kinston, N. 0 Kittrells, N. C Knoxville, Tenn Kosciusko, Miss Kushla, Ala Kuttawa, Ky LaGrange, Ga LaGrangee, N. C LaGrange, Tenn Lake, Miss Lake City, Fla Lamar, Miss Langley, S. C Larkinsville, Ala Lauderdale, Miss Laurel Hill, N. C Laurenburg, N. C Lavergne, Tenn Lawrence, Miss Lawtey, Fla Lawton, Ga Lawtons Bluff, Ky Lawtonville, Ga Lawyers Road, Va Leary, Ga Lebanon, Tenn Leesburg, Ga Leesville, S, C Leeville, Tenn Leighton, Ala Lenoirs, Tenn Letohatchie, Ala Lewisburg, Tenn Lewisville, S. C Lexington, Ga Lexington, N. C Lexington, 8. C Litchfield, Ky Lithonia, Ga Lilesville, N. C Limestone, Tenn Lincolnton, N. C Linwood, Ala Linwood, N. C Little Rock, Ark Littleton, N. C lave Oak, Fla Livingston, Ala Lloyd, Fla Loachapoka, Ala Lockhart, Miss Lockville, N. C Long Creek, Miss Long View, Ga Lonoke, Ark Loudon, Tenn Lovejoy's, Ga Love's, Miss Lowndesboro, Ala Lucade, Va Lucy, Tenn Lumber City, Ga Lumberton, N. C Lylesford, S. C Lynchburg, Va Lynch's, Va Lynnville, Tenn Lythonia, Ga Columbus City Directory. 29 McComb City, Miss McEwen, Tenn McHenry, Ky McIntosh, Ga McIntyre, Ga McKenzie, Tenn McMilan, Tenn McMinnville, Tenn McNairy, Tenn McVille, Ga Macon, Ala Macon, Ga Macon, Miss Macon, N. C Mac Rea, Ga Madison, Ala Madison, Fla Madison, Ga Madison, Miss Madison, Tenn Madisonville, Ky Magnolia, Miss Magnolia, N. C Malvern, Ark Malvern, Ga Manchester, Tenn Maplesville, Ala Marietta, Ga Marion, Ala Marion, Ga Marion, N. C Marion, S. C Marion Junction, Ala Markeeta, Miss Mar's Bluff, S. C Marshallville, Ga Martin, Tenn Martin's, S. C Martinsville, Miss Mason, Tenn Matthews, Ala Mattoax, Va Mayesville, Ga Mayfield, Ga Mayfield, Ky Mayhew, Miss Maxeys, Ga Maxwell, Tenn Mebansville, N. C Medina, Tenn Medon, Tenn Meherrin, Ya Mellonville, Fla Memphis, Tenn Memphis Junction, Tenn Meridian, Miss Michigan City, Miss Middleton, Tenn Midville, Ga Midway, Ala Midway, S. C Midway, Tenn Milan, Tenn Milledgeville, Ga Millen, Ga Millets, S. C Milner, Ga Minturn, Ark Mississippi City, Miss Mississippi Line, Miss Mitchell, Ala Mobile, Ala Molino, Fla Moncks Comer, S. C Monroe, La Monroe, N. C Montevallo, Ala Montezuma, Ga Montgomery, Ala Montmorenci, S. C Monticello Junction, Fla Morehead City, N. C Mooresville, N. C Morgana, Ala Morgansville, Ga Morganton, N. C Morris, Ga Morrison, Tenn Morristown, Tenn Morton, Miss Moscow, Ky Moscow, Tenn Mossingford, Va ' Mossy Creek, Tenn Motleys, Va Mount Airy, Ga Mount Juliet, Tenn Mount Olive, N. C Mouse Creek, Tenn Muldon, Tenn Muldraugh, Ky Mullens, S. C Mumford, Ala Munnerlyn, Ga Murfreesboro, Tenn Nashville, Tenn Naylor, Ga Nesbitt, Miss Neville, Tenn Newberne, Ala Newbeme, N. C Newberry, N. C New Market, N. C New Market, Tenn Newnan, Ga New Orleans, La Newport, Ark News Ferry, Va I 30 Columbus City Directory. Newsom's, Va Newton, Miss Newton, N. C Nichol's, S. 0 Nicholson, Ga Ninety-six, S. G No. H, Ga Norcross, Ga Norfolk, Va Normandy, Tenn Norris Mills, Tenn Nortonville, Ky Notasulga, Ala O'Kean, Ark Oakfield, Fla Oak Hill, Tenn Oakland, Miss Ocean Springs, Miss Oconee, Ga Ogeechee, Ga Oglethorpe, Ga Okloknee, Ga Okolona, Miss Old Fort, N. C Oliver, Ga Olustee, Fla Ooltewah, Tenn Opelika, Ala Orangeburg, S. C Osyka, Miss Otter Creek, Fla Otter River, Va Ousleys, Ga Owensboro, Ky Owensboro Junction, Ky Oxford, Ala Oxford, Ga Oxford, Miss Oxmoor, Ala Pacolet, S. 0 Paducah, Ky Paducah Junction, Tenn Paint Rock, Ala Palatka, Fla Palmetto, Ga Panola, Ga Paramore Hill, Ga Paris, Tenn Parks, Tenn Pass Christian, Miss Patona, Ala Peach Orchard, Ark Pea Point, Tenn Pelahatchie, Miss Pelham, Ga Pembroke, Ky Pendleton, S. C Pensacola Junction, Ala Pensacola, Fla Perdido, Ala Perkins Mill, Ala Perry, Ga Petersburg, Va Philadelphia, Tenn Pickens, Miss Pierson's, Ala Pike Road, Ala Pilot Knobb, Tenn Pine House, S. C Pinson, Tenn Plantersville, Ala Pleasant Grove, Tenn Pleasant Hill, Va Plymouth, N. C Pocahontas, Tenn Polkton, N. C Pollard, Ala Pomaria, S. C Ponchatoula, La Poor Christian, Miss Pope's, Miss Poplar Bluff, Ark Portersville, Ala Port Royal, S. C Portsmouth, Va Powhattan, Va Prairie, Miss Prescott, Ark Princeton, Ky Prinston, N. C Prospect, Tenn Pryor's, Ga Pulaski, Tenn Quincy, Fla Quitman, Ga Quitman, Miss Raleigh, N. C Ralston, Tenn Ramer, Tenn Randolph, Ala Raytown, Ga Rayville, La Redbank, N. C Redclay, Ga Reed's Ala Reeves's S. C Reid's, Ga Reidsville, N. C Resaca, Ga Reynolds, Ga Riceville, Tenn Richland, Tenn Richmond, Va Ridgeville, S. C Ridge Spring, S. C Ridgeway, N. C Rienzi, Miss Riley's, Ky Columbus City Directory. Rineyville, Ky Ringgold, Ga Ringgold, Ya Ripley, Miss Rising Fawn, Ga Rive's Station, Tenn Roanoke, Ya Robbin's, S. 0 Rock Hill, S. C Rockingham, N. C Rockport, Ky Rocky Mount, N. C Rogersville Junc'n, Tenn Rome, Ga Rosine, Ky Rossville, Tenn Rough & Ready, Ala Rowesville, S. G Ruffin, N. C Russellville, Tenn Rutherford, Tenn Rutledge, Ga Sadlersville, Tenn Saint Stephens, S. C Salem, Ala Salem, N. C Salisbury, N. C Salkehatchie, S. C Salter's, S. G Saltillo, Miss Saluda Old Town, S. C Sander's, S. 0 Sanderson, Fla Sandersville, Ga Sandford, N. C Santee, S. C Sardis, Miss Saulsbury, Tenn Saundersville, Tenn Savannah, Ga Sawdust, Ga Scarboro, Ga Scooba, Miss Scottsboro, Ala Scottsburg, Va Scranton, Miss Screven, Ga Seaboard, Va Seal's Station, Ala Sebastopol, Ga Sebree City, Ky Selma, Ala Selma, N, C Seneca City, S. C Senatobia, Miss Shannon, Miss Sharon, Miss Sharon, Tenn Shelby, N. 0 Shelby, Tenn Shelby Springs, Ala Shelbyville, Tenn Shell Mound, Tenn Shelton's, S, G Shephard's, Tenn Shoe Heel, N. C Shorter's, Ala Shubuta, Miss Shuqulak, Miss Sikeston, Mo Silura, Ala Silver Springs, Tenn Slaughterville, Ky Smarr's, Ga Smithville, Ga Smyrna, Ga Smyrna, Tenn Social Circle, Ga Society Hill, S. 0 Somerville, Tenn South Boston, Va South Carrollton, Ky South Tunnell, Tenn Sparta, Ala Sparta, Ga Spartanburg, S. G Springdale, Miss Springfield, Tenn Spring Hill, Ala Spring Lick, Ky Springville, Ala Springville, Tenn Stanton, Tenn Stanton River, Va Starke, Fla Starkville, Miss Starkville, Tenn State Line, Miss State Line, Tenn Statenville, Ga Statesville, N, 0 St Augustine, Fla Stegall's, Ga St Elmo, Ala Stephensburg, Ky Stephens, Ga Stevenson, Ala Stewart's, Ala Stockton, Ga Stone Mountain, Ga Stonewall, Ala Strawberry Plains, Tenn Strother's, S. G Suffolk, Va Sulphur Springs, Ala Summerville, S. G Summit, Miss Summit, S. 0 Sumter, Ga Sumter, S. C Sunny Side, Ga Surrency, Ga Surrounded Hill, Ark Suspension, Ala Southerlin's, Ya Suwanee, Ga Swan's, Ga Sweetwater, Tenn Switch, Ga Sycamore, Va Tait's, Tenn Talbott's, Tenn Talladega, Ala Tallahassee, Fla Tallahatchie, Miss Tallulah, La Tangipahoa, La Tarboro, N. C Taylor's, Miss Taylor's, Tenn Tebanville, Fla Tecumseh, Ala Telford's, Tenn Tennessee Bidge, 'Tenn Tennille, Ga Terry, Miss Texarkana, Texas The Narrows, Ky Third Creek, N. C Thomasville, Ala Thomasville, Ga Thomasville, N. C Thompson, Tenn Thomson, Ga Three Notch Boad, Ala Tibbee, Miss Tickfaw, La Tillatobia, Miss Tilton, Ga Timmonsville, S. C Tip Top, Ky Toccoa, Ga Toombsboro, Ga Toomsuba, Miss Toon's, Tenn Torrence, Miss Town Creek, Ala Town's, Ga Trail Bidge, Fla Traskwood, Ark Trenton, Ga Trenton, Ky Trenton, Tenn Trenton Boad, Tenn Trezevant, Tenn Trinity, Ala Troutman's, N. C Troy, Ala Trusville, Ala Tuckaseegee, N. C Tullahoma, Tenn Tunnell Hill, Ga Tupelo, Miss Tuscumbia, Ala Tuskaloosa, Ala Tuskegee, Ala Tyner's, Tenn Union, Tenn Union City, Tenn Union Point, Ga Union Springs, Ala Uniontown, Ala Unionville, S. C Upatoic, Miss Yaiden, Miss Valdosta, Ga Valley Head, Ala Vances, Ala Varnell's, Ga Varnesville, S. C Vaughan, Miss Verbena, Ala Verona, Miss Vicksburg, Miss Vine Grove, Ky Wadesboro, N. C Waldo, Fla Wales, Tenn Walhalla, S. C Walnut Bidge, Ark Walthourville, Ga Wards, Ga Wards Springs, Va Warrenton, Ga Warrenton, N. C Warrior, Ala Wartrace, Tenn Washington, Ga Water Valley, Ky Water Valley, Miss Waverly, Tenn Waynesboro, Ga Waynesboro, Miss Way's Station, Ga Weaver's Station, Ala Welborn, Fla Weldon, N. C Wellford, S. C Well's, Tenn Wesson, Miss Westminster, S. C West Point, Ga West Point, Ky West Point, Miss West's, Miss Wetumpka, Ala Columbus City Directory. 33 Wheatley, Ark miles north of Columbus, on Chat White Bluff, Term tahoochee river. Capital, $253,- Whitehall, S. C 157. Spindles, 4,157; looms, 116. White Plains, Ky R. H. Chilton, president; A. 111- Whitepond, S. 0 ges, secretary. Directors : R. H. White's, Tenn Chilton, A. Illges, J. Rhodes Whitesburg, Tenn Browne, Jas. Todd, C. E. Dexter, Whiteville, N. C Chas. Philips and T. M. N. Phil Whitney, Ala ips. The property of this com Whittles, Va pany covers 800 acres of land, 170 Williams, Ala acres of which is on the Alabama Williamsburg, Ga side. It embraces one mile of \ Williamstown, S. C river front on either side, with a Williston, S. C fall of 43 feet. The company was Wilmington, N. C Wilson, N. C Wilsonville, Ala Winchester, Miss Winchester, Tenn Windsor, S. 0 Wingham, Ga Wingo, Ky Winnsboro, S. G incorporated in 1866 and the mill was started early in 1868. They have a power of 10,000 horse with in their property, and control suf ficient to run 40?000 spindles. Manufacture sheeting, shirting, yarns, thread, batting and wool rolls and carding. Winona, Miss EAGLE AND PJIENIX Winterville, Ga MANUFACTURING COMPA Wythe, Tenn NY--Front, between Randolph Wolf Trap, Ya and Bryan. N. J. Bussey, presi Woodland Mills, Tenn dent ; G. Gunby Jordan, secretary Woodstock, Ala and treasurer. Directors: N. J. Woodstock, Ga Bussey, W. II. Young, Alfred I. Woodville, Ala Young, T. W. Battle, and Chas. Woodville, Ga Green (of Savannah). John Hill, Yemassee, S. G mechanical engineer; A. S. Mathe- Yocona, Miss son, superintendent cotton depart Yonges, Ala ment. (See also Banks.) York, Ala The Eagle and Phenix Company Youngsboro, Ala was organized since the war, built its first mill in 1866, then added INCORPORATED COM No. 2 mill in 1869, then a woolen mill in 1872, and in 1876-'77 has PANIES. completed the largest cotton mill in the South--No. 3 Eagle and Phenix Cotton Mill. This corpo ration now has in operation 42,000 [For other Factories see Commercial Directory.] spindles and 1,600 looms. Em COLUMBUS IRON WORKS ploys $1,250,000 capital and eigh --Office and shops foot of Thomas. teen hundred (1800) operatives. Incorporated 1857. Capital, This immense establishment is $60,000. W. Ryley Brown, presi run entirely by water power, and dent ; John H. Johnston, secretary never lacks power, it being abun and treasurer: George J. Golden, dant and cheap--manufacturing superintendent. Directors: W. over one hundred varieties of col Ryley Brown, G. J. Golden, W. ored and fancy cotton and woolen L! Clark, John Peabody, W. H. goods. They have a splendid trade Brannon, R. S. Stockton, P. A. in the South and West. They are Gettinger. (See bottom lines.) sole manufacturers in the United COLUMBUS M AXUFAC- States of the celebrated Cotton TURING COMPANY--Office 32 Blanket, which is a marvel of Randolph. Mills two and a half beauty and cheapness. Their Columbus City Directory. ginghams, diaper and Turkish W. R. Brown, Elias Haiman. towels have few equals in this (See bottom lines.) country, and their splendid line of woolens and cottonades cover TIIE COLUMBUS GAS LIGHT COMPANY--Office west every quality and style. Con sumes more cotton than any mill side Short, south of Crawford. Organized 1853. Capital, $80,000. in the United States making col ored goods only. This corporation promises to be the most noted in the United States. Successful R. L. Mott, president; C. E.Dex ter, secretary and treasurer; Oli ver Mcllhenny, superintendent. Directors: R. L. Mott, C. E. from its inception, it has added much to the confidence of the Dexter, L. T. Downing, I. G. Strupper, and Mayor F. G. Wil wavering, in the great truth now kins representing city stock. fully recognized, that the South is the home of textile manufactur ing. INSURANCE. In connection with the other business of the company, they have a savings bank, which has increased the independence and happiness of many of the work people and citizens. The future of Columbus is brighter, in that it has such progressive institu tions in its midst as the Eagle and Plienix. (See page 74.` GEORGIA HOME INSU RANCE COMPANY--Office in Company's Building, 118 Broad. Organized 1859. Capital, $300,000. Total assets, $537,961 72. J. Rhodes Browne, president; Lambert Spencer, secretary ; Geo. W. Dillingham, treasurer. Direc tors : J. Rhodes Browne, Charles MUSCOGEE MANUFAC Wise, L. T. Downing, James TURING COMPANY" -- Front, Rankin, Peter Preer, George W. opposite Franklin. Incorporated Dillingham, N. N. Curtis. (See 1867. Capital, $157,500. George front cover.) P. Swift, Sr., president; William A. Swift, secretary and treasurer; MILITARY ORGANIZA William B. Gorton, superintend ent. Directors: George P.Swift, TIONS. Sr., J. Rhodes Browne, A. Illges, C. E. Dexter, H. H. Epping. This company controls 150 horse power, CITY" LIGHT GUARDS--Ar runs 4,000 spindles, 80 looms, and mory Oglethorpe, northwest cor manufactures sheetings, shirtings, osnaburgs, duck, cottonades, yarn, ner Crawford. Organized 1846. Re-organized 1866. Uniform, blue trimmed with buff, blue cap, white plume tipped with blue. PIONEER CO-OPERATIVE Total strength 40 men rank and COMPANY--East side Front, file, armed with breech-loading south of Bryan. Chartered De rifles. Business meetings held cember, 1876. Capital, $50,000. first Thursday of each month; A. M. Allen, president; O. S. meet for drill every Thursday Jordan,treasurer. Directors: A. night; M. T. Lallatte, secretary M. Allen, O. S. Jordan, B. T. and treasurer. Officers: R. J. Hatcher, W. R. Martin, A. Mont- Binford, captain; W. H. Wi liams, first lieutenant; W. A. Swift, second lieutenant; J. A. Flournoy, junior second lieuten ant ; Charles Pekor, first sergeant. COLUMBUS GUARDS--Ar mory Gunby Building, St. Clair, west of Broad. Organized 1835. Uniform, dark blue coat and light Columbus City Directory. 35 blue pants trimmed with white; PARKS AND PLACES OF black fur cap ; white plume tipped with blue; blue and white epau AMUSEMENT. lets. Total strength 40 men rank and file, armed with Springfield breech-loading rifles ; E. S. Faber, secretary and treasurer. Officers : W. S. Shepherd, captain; T. W. Grimes, first lieutenant; C. B. SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE --Crawford,northeast corner Ogle thorpe. F. J. Springer, proprie tor. Grimes, second lieutenant; J. J. VILLA REICH -- East side Clapp, junior second lieutenant; Front, south of Early. F. Reich, J. W. Barber, first sergeant; L. proprietor. C. Frazer, quartermaster. MUSCOGEE RIFLES--Armo ry, east side Oglethorpe, north of POST OFFICE. Randolph. Organized 1853. Re organized 1867. Uniform, green Located at 49 Randolph, corner trimmed with buff, white plume Oglethorpe. Walter II. Johnson, tipped with green. Total strength postmaster; George Ilungerford, 69 men rank and file, armed with assistant; A. H. Hendricks, mail breech-loading rifles. Business ing clerk. meetings held first Wednesday GENERAL DELIVERY--T. night in January, April, July and C. Sturgis, delivery clerk. Win October; meetings for drill sub dow open daily from 8 a. m. to 6 ject to call; II. M. Brown, secre p. m. ; Sunday, from 8.30 to 10 a. tary and treasurer. Officers: m. All letters remaining uncalled Reese Crawford, captain; X. J. for in the office are advertised on Bussey, Jr., first lieutenant; W. Sunday of each week, and if not IT. Gray, second lieutenant; S. claimed in one month. are for O. Lloyd, third lieutenant. warded to the Dead Letter Office COLORED. at Washington. When calling for COLUMBUS VOLUNTEER GUARDS--Armory, west side Mercer, 4th north of Crawford. such a letter, say, "Advertised," and give full name and date of ad vertisement. Uniform, blue trimmed with buff. MONEY ORDER DEPART Total strength 40 men rank and MENT -- George II ungerford, file ; J. McDuffee, secretary. Offi money order clerk. Office opens at cers ; W. M. Albright, captain; 8 a.m. and closes as 5i p. m. Ab J. R. Davis, first lieutenant; John solute safety in sending money by Jarrett, second lieutenant and mail is secured by obtaining a treasurer. money order on another money order office. No fractions of cents NEWSPAPERS, ETC. to be introduced in an order. United States Treasury notes or National Bank notes only, re E X Q UIR E R-S U X--Daily, ceived or paid. No single order weekly and Sunday (Democratic.) Established 1828. John King, publisher and proprietor. Terms : Daily, $7.00; Weekly, $1.10 ; Sun day, $1.50. 32 and 34 St. Clair. (See adv.) issued for more than $50. Parties desiring to remit larger sums', must obtain additional orders. No applicant, however, can ob tain, in one day, more than three orders payable at the same office TIMES--Daily,semi-weekly and and to the same payee. Money weekly (Democratic.) Established orders can also be obtained at this 1875. Wynne, DeWolf & Co., office upon post offices in Switz publishers and proprietors. Terms: erland. When foreign money or Daily, $7.00 ; semi-weekly, $2.00 ; ders are paid in currency, the gold weekly, $2.00. 43 Randolph. value will be transmitted by the 36 Columbus City Directory. postmaster in New York. By act On local or drop letters at office of Congress approved March 3, where free delivery is established, 1875, the fees for domestic money two cents for each half ounce or orders have been changed, so that fraction thereof. On same where "on and after the first day of July, free delivery is not established, 1875," the fees or commissions to one cent for each half ounce, or be charged for the issue of domes fraction thereof. tic money orders will be as follows: On orders not over $15, ten cents ; over $15 and under $30, fifteen cents; over $30 and under $40, twenty cents; over $40 and un der $50, twenty-five cents. REGISTERED LETTER DE PARTMENT.--R. I). Locke, reg ister clerk. Office opens at 8 a. m. and closes at 5i p. m. Valua ble letters or packages should be registered, the fee for same, to all parts of the world, being ten cents, in addition to the regular rates of letter postage, to be paid in stamps, i. e., stamps sufficient must be attached to letters before presenting for registration. - The name and post office address of the sender must be endorsed on face of envelope. After a regis tered letter has been transmitted, it cannot be recalled by the sender. No letter can be registered on Sunday. The Post Office Depart-, ment, or its revenue, is not by law" liable for the loss of any registered mail matter, but will vigorously prosecute the search for any reg istered package reported lost. Reg istered letters will not be delivered to any person but the one to whom they are addressed, or to a person the postmaster knows to be au thorized to receive them. NEWSPAPERS AND OTH ER MATTER -- On transient newspapers and other printed matter, one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof ; blank books,cards, patterns, ornamented paper, lithographs, photographic views, merchandise, samples of ores, metals, etc., seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, etc., one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. All such matter must be prepaid in full, or it cannot be forwarded. Any writing, either inside or out side of the wrapper, except the address and name of parties send ing, subjects the above articles to letter postage. Section 92, Postal Regulations, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : A business card printed or impressed on the wrapper or envelope of any printed matter of the third class, or any printed di rections upon the same, including a request to return, or a simple mark designed to call attention to any article in such printed matter does not subject such matter to letter postage. But any writing whatever except name of parties sending same, subjects it to letter postage. Newspapers and periodicals from offices of publication to regu- STAMP DEPARTMENT--!). ular subscribers, issued once a M. Griffin, stamp clerk. Window week or oftener, two cents for open daily from 8 A. m. to 6 p. m. each pound or fraction thereof; Sunday, from 8.30 to 10 A. m. issued less frequently than once a Postage.--On letters, sealed week, three cents per pound, or packages, mail matter wholly or fraction thereof, provided the in part written, (except book man postage is always prepaid. uscript and corrected proofs pass Postal cards may be sent either ing between authors and publish in print, pencil or ink, or partially ers ; and except local or drop let in all. They are regarded by post ters, or postal cards), all printed masters the same as sealed letters, matter so marked as to convey except that in no case will they be any other or further information returned or sent to the Dead Letter than is conveyed by the original Office. If not delivered within print, etc., three cents for each sixty days from the time of re half ounce, or fraction thereof. ceipt, they will be burned by post- Columbus City Directory. 37 masters. In using postal cards, SOUTHWESTERN RAIL- be careful not to write or have ROAD--(Under management of anything printed on the side to be Central Railroad.) W. G. Raoul, used for the address, except the superintendent, Macon, Ga.; W. address. To use, or attempt to L. Clark,agent. Office, Randolph, use in payment of postage, a post corner 1st avenue. age stamp or stamped envelope, or DISTANCE FROM COLUMBUS TO a stamp cut front any such envel ope which has been before used in payment of postage is punishable with a fine offifty dollars. Schatulga. 0 miles. Wimberly. 14 " Jones' Crossing.... 17 u Box Springs.. 23 " RAILROADS. Juniper. 26 " Geneva. 30 " Howard's. 40 . " All trains arrive and depart at Butler....'. 50 " Union Depot, Randolph, corner Reynold's.58 " 1st avenue. Everett's. 64 " MOBILE AND GIRARD RAILROAD-Office and depot, Randolph, corner 1st avenue. In corporated 1846. Wm. M. Wadley, president; W. L. Clark, super intendent ; .1. M. Frazer, treas Fort Valley. 71 Powersville. 79 Byron. 83 Echeconnee.,.... 88 Seago. 92 Macon..........100 " " " " " urer; D. E. Williams, general WESTERN RAILROAD OF freight and ticket agent; Wm. ALA BAM A -- General offices, Eyles, master mechanic. (See Montgomery, Ala. E. B. Alexan back fly D.) der, president and general man ager; S. D. Hubbard, Jr., general DISTANCE FROM COLUMBUS TO passenger and ticket agent (Mont Girard. 1 mile. gomery); Charles Philips, agent. Fort Mitchell.10 miles. Office and depot, Bryan, corner Seale.20 " 1st avenue. Ilatchechubbee.26 " Hurtville...35 " Guerryton.40 " Suspension.46 " Chunnenuggee.50 " Union Springs (connect for Eufaula and Mont gomery).55 " Thomas........ 64 " Linwood.....73 " Troy.85 " DISTANCE FROM COLUMBUS TO MONTGOMERY. Smith's. 9 miles. Mott's. 14 " Salem. 19 " Yonge's. 26 " Opelika. 99 U Auburn. 36 " Loachapoka. 43 " Notasulga... 49 " Chehaw. 56 " NORTH AND SOUTH RAIL Clough's.... 59 " ROAD OF GEORGIA--(Narrow Franklin 61 " gauge.) Office, Oglethorpe, cor Cowles. 65 " ner W. R. R. T. E. Blanchard, Hayden's... 69 " president; H. Blanchard, general Shorter's.... 72 " manager; W. Redd, Jr.,secretary Brown's. ,76 " and treasurer. Mt. Meigs... ,81 " DISTANCE FROM COLUMBUS TO Clapp's Factory. 31 miles. Seven Mile.. Montgomery ,88 " 95 " Cleghorn. 7 " TO WEST POINT. Blanchard. 10 " Opelika..29 " Cataula. 17 " E. A. &.C. June.31 " Kingsboro. 20 " Gusset a.40 " Hamilton. 231 " West Point.51 " 38 Columbus City Directory. SECRET SOCIETIES. GRAND COUNCIL R. AND S. M. OF GEORGIA.--The next annual assembly to be held in Macon, the fourth Wednesday in April, 1879. Charles R. Armstrong, M. I. G. M., Macon ; Thomas J. Perry, I. D. G. M., Rome; Jesse J. Little, G. P. C. W., Griffin; Joseph E. Wells, G. T., Macon ; Andrew M. Wolihin, G. R., Masonic. Albany; Richard S. Rust, G. C. G., Albany; Thomas Ballantyne, G. S., SUPREME COUNCIL 33, A. AND Savannah ; Charles H. Freeman, G. A. RITE, SOUTHERN JURISDIC S., Macon. TION.--Albert Pike, Most Puis.-. GRAND CHAPTER OF GEOR Soy.-. Gr.. Com.'. H. \!E.'., Washing GIA.--The fifty-seventh annual con ton, D. C. ; John Robin McDaniel, vocation will be held in Macon on the Puis.'. Sov.'. Lt.'. Gr.'. Com.'. H. \ last Wednesday in April, 1879. Wm. E.'., Lynchburg, Va.; Ebenezer Ham J. Johnson, G. H. P., Fort Gaines; ilton Shaw, Gr.'. Prior. \ H.'. E. . San Robert M. Smith, D. G. H. P., Francisco, Cal. ; Henry Buist, Gr.'. Athens; J. W. Oslin, G. K., West Chancellor H.'. E. ., Charleston, S. Point; C. E. Lamden, G. S. BarnesC. ; Theodore Sutton Parvin, Gr.`. ville : Joseph E. Wells, G. T., Macon; Min.', of State, H.'. E. ., Iowa City, J. M. Blackshear, G. S., Macon. Iowa ; Albert Gallatin Mackey, Sec.'. Gen.'. H.'. E.'., Washington, D. C. ; Frederick Webber, Treas.'. Gen.'. H.'. E.'., Louisville, Ky. ; Luke Ed ward Barber, Gr. \ Almoner, Little Rock, Ark. GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA.-- Next annual communication will be held in Macon, Tuesday, October 29th, 1878. James M. Mobley, G. M., Hamilton ; J. I. Wright, D. G. M., Rome; J. W. Taylor, S. G. W., GENERAL GRAND ENCAMP Luthersville; James M. Rushin, J. G. MENT OF K. T. OF THE U. S.~ W., Boston, Ga. ; Joseph E. Wells, Next conclave third Tuesday in Au G. T., Macon; J. Emmett Blackshear, gust, 1880. Sir Vincent L. Hurlburt, G. S., Macon; Rev. Caleb W. Key, G. E. C., Chicago, Ill. ; Sir Walter G. C. ; W. W. Goodman, Sr., G. D. ; Bragg, D. G. E. C., Montgomery, A. C. McIntosh, Jr., G. D. ; G. W. Ala. ; Sir Benjamin Dean, G. G., Gammage, G. M. ; W. F. Parkhurst, Boston, Mass. ; Sir Lafayette Lyttle, 1st G. S. ; R. T. Kendrick, 2d G. S, ; G. C. G., Toledo, Ohio ; Sir Robert A. H. Sneed, 3d G. S. E. Withers, G. S. W.,-, Ya. ; Sir B. B. Richardson, G. J. W., Galveston, Texas; Sir John W. Sim ons, G. T., New York City; Sir Theo dore S. Parvin, G. R., Iowa City, Iowa. GRAND! COMMANDERY. -- Wil liam J. Pollard, G. C., Augusta; Wm. D. Luckie, D. G. C., Atlanta; William S. Rockwell, G. G., Savannah ; John G. Deitz, G. C. G., Macon; Rev. Charleton H. Strickland, G. P., Au GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER gusta; Thomas Ballantyne, G. S. W., OF R. A. M. OF THE U. S.-- Savannah ; Roland B. Hall, G. J. W., Twenty-fourth triennial convocation Macon; Joseph E. Wells, G. T., at Detroit, Mich., fourth Tuesday in Macon; CharlesR. Armstrong, G. IL, August, 1880. John Frizzell, G. Gr. Macon; AndrewM. Wolihin, G. S. B., H. P., Nashville, Tenn.; Robert F. Albany ; William B. Young, G. S. B., Bower, D. G. Gr. H. P., Keokuk, Augusta; Charles T. Watson, G. W., Iowa; Alfred F. Chapman, G. Gr. K., Atlanta. Boston, Mass. ; Noble D. Larner, G. Gr. S. Washington, D. C. ; John McClellan, G. Gr. T. Boston, Mass. ; MASTEE MASONS. Masonic Hall, 70 Broad street. C. G. Fox, G. Gr. Sec., Buffalo, N. COLUMBIAN LODGE, No. 7.-- Y. ; Henry Bostwick, G. Gr. C. of II., Meets third Tuesday in each month. Covington, Ky. ; David F. Day, G. M. M. Moore, W. M. ; A, M. Bran Gr. R. A. C., Buffalo, N. Y non, S. W. ; D. Wolfson, J. W. ; John Columbus City Directory. 39 King, Treasurer ; Joseph Hecht, Sec GRAND LODGE OF GEOR retary ; H. Middlebrook, S. D. ; L. GIA--The next Annual Session Banner, J. D. ; J. M. Hughes, Tyler. will he held in Macon on the sec MT. HERMON LODGE, No. 301. ond Wednesday in August, 1878. Meets fourth Tuesday in each month. W. S. Gamling, M. W. G. M., F. M. Brooks, W. M. ; James H. Con Atlanta; H. S. Bradley, R. W. D. way, S. W. ; C. B. Taliaferro, J. W. ; G. M., Gainesville; M. P. Cald D. H. Burts, Treausrer ; T. A. Can well, R. W. G. W., Gainesville; trell, Secretary; G. W. Gafford, S. John G. Deitz, R. W. G. S., Ma D. ; M. Joseph, J. D. ; J. M. Hughes, con ; Thomas A. Bui'ke, R. W. G. Tyler. T., Athens; Charles C. Kibbee, WILSON WILLIAMS LODGE, No. 351.--Meets every Thursday night. Fifth, northeast corner Craw ford, Browneville, Ala. J. T. Hol land, W. M. ; J. W. Hodo, Secretary. Hawkinsville, and Luther J. Glenn, Atlanta, R. W. G. Reps. G. L. U. S.; E. A. Burch, W. G. C., Hawkinsville; W. G. Gam- ling, W. G. M., Atlanta; J. S. Tyson, W. G. C., Savannah; A. ROYAL ARCH. II. Simpson, W. G. G., Lumpkin; DARLEY CHAPTER, No. 7.-- J. E. Glatigny, W. G. IL, Savan Meets first Friday in each month. nah. M. M. Moore, H. P. ; J. C. Porter, K. ; C. A. Klink, S. ; John King, Treas urer ; James T. Thweatt, Secretary ; A. Wittich, C. H. ; H. Middlebrook, P. S. ; 0. C. McGehee, R. A. C. . C. B. Grimes, No. 3 Vail; Louis Banner, No. 2 Vail; Joseph Hecht, No. 1 Vail; J. M. Hughes, Sentinel. HOPE COUNCIL, No. 4.--Meets third Saturday in each month from October to May. H. Middlebrook, T. I. M. ; A. Wittich, I. H. T. ; L. G. Schuessler, I. H. A. ; M. M. Moore, Rec. and Treas. ; J. M. Hughes, Sen tinel. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF GEORGIA -- The next Annual Session will be held in Macon on the second Tuesday in August, 1878. Thomas A. Askew, M. W. G. P., Savannah; W. A. Prout, M. E. G. II. P., Barnesville; W. T. Winn, R. W. G. S. W., Mari etta; John G. Deitz, R. W. G. S., Macon; T. A. Burke, R. W. G. T., Athens; L. P. Aenchbaclier, R. W. G. J. W., Columbus; C. A. Robbe, R. W. G. Rep. G. L. IT. S., Augusta; E. A. Heard, W. G. S., Griffin; J. F. Glatingy, W. G. M., KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Savannah. ST. ALDEMAR CCMMANDERY, No. 3.--Meets second Tuesday in each LODGES. month. Hiram Middlebrook, Com MUSCOGEE LODGE, No. 6-- mander , C. C. McGehee, General Meets every Monday night in hall issimo ; John King, Capt. Gen. ; F. east side Oglethorpe, south of St. M. Brooks, Prelate ; Cliff B. Grimes, Clair. Philip Filler, N. G.; J. W. S. W. ; A. Wittich, J. W. ; M. M. Johnson, V. G.; H. F. Everett, Moore, Rec. and Treas.; R. J. Hun recording secretary; W. T. Rob ter, St'd B. ; Charles A. Klink, S'w'd inson, treasurer. B. ; Wm. Fee, Warden; S. S. Brooks, Sentinel. ENCAMPMENTS. CHATTAHOOCHEE EN Independent Order of Odd CAMPMENT, No. 4---Meets sec ond and fourth Friday in each Fellows. month, in hall east side Oglethorpe, south of St. Clair. G. W. Gaf ford, C. P.; L. G. Schuessler, scribe. I. 0. B. B. COLUMBUS LODGE, No. 77 Hall, east side Oglethorpe, south --Meets first and third Sunday of of St. Clair. each month, in Burrus Building, 40 Columbus City Directory. Broad, southeast corner Randolph. J. Hecht, president; S. B. Stern, the bate FROM COLUMBUS TO First 10 W01'd8. secretary. j Albany, Ga.$0 40 Each ad ditional word. 03 A. 0. U. W. I Albany, N. Y. 1 00 07 | Americus, Ga. 40 03 COLUMBUS LODGE, No. 7-- Athens, Ga. 50 03 Meets every Friday night in Ma Atlanta, Ga. 40 03 sonic Hall. G. E. Thomas, M. Augusta, Ga. 50 05 W.; W. C. Coart, recorder. Austin, Texas. 1 25 08 Bainbridge, Ga...... 40 03 Knights of Honor. Baltimore, Md. 1 00 07 j Barnesville, Ga. 40 03 COLUMBUS LODGE, No. 631 Bartow, Jeff. Co., Ga... 50 03 --Meets second and fourth Mon Beaufort, S. C. 75 05 day in each month at Masonic Birmingham, Ala. 50 03 Hall. S. J. Pecot, dictator; J. Blackshear, Ga. 50 03 M. Mason, vice-dictator; G. R. Boston, Mass. 1 00 07 Glenn, assistant dictator; M. M. Bowling Green, Gy.... 75 05 Moore, reporter; Chas. Coleman, Brownsville, Tenn. 75 05 financial reporter; P. Preer, treas Brownsville, Texas. 1 50 10 urer; Rev. J. O. A. Cook, chap Brunswick, Ga. 50 03 lain ; R. J. Binford, guide; B. F. Cairo, Ill. 1 00 Coleman, guardian ; S. T. Roper, Camak, Ga. 50 sentinel. Camilla, Ga. 40 Cartersville, Ga. 40 07 03 03 03 Charleston, S. C. 75 05 STEAMBOAT LINES. Chattanooga, Tenn. 50 03 Chicago, Ill. 1 00 07 Cincinnati, 0. 1 00 07 CENTRAL LINE - Office 32 Clarksville, Tenn. 75 05 St. Clair, C. A. Klink, agent. j Cochran, Ga. 40 03 Landing, foot of Baldwin. Steam J Columbia, S. C. 75 05 ers: "Wm. S. Holt," "Julia St. j Columbia, Tenn. 75 05 Clair," "G. W. Wylly." Columbus, 0. 1 00 07 PEOPLE'S LIN E--Office, Thomas, northwest corner Broad. Thomas H. Moore, general mana ger. Landing, foot of Baldwin. Steamers : "Big Foot," "G. Gunby Jordan." j | Conyers, Ga. Covington, Ky.. Cuthbert, Ga. Dalton, Ga. Darien, Ga. Dawson, Ga. Decitur, Ala. 1 1 40 00 40 50 50 40 50 03 07 . 03 03 11 03 03 Denver, Col. 2 00 13 Des Moines, Iowa. 1 50 10 TELEGRAPH COM Detroit, Mich. 1 00 07 PANIES. Dupont, Ga. 50 03 Eastman, Ga. 40 03 Eatonton, Ga. 40 03 WESTERN UNION TELE Elizabethtown, Ky. 75 05 GRAPH COMPANY--Office, 33 Eufaula, Ala. 25 02 St. Clair. Oscar C. Harrell, man Evansville, Ind. I 00 07 ager ; A. A. Coleman, operator. Fleming, Ga. 50 03 TARIFF. Forsyth. Ga. 40 03 Fort Gaines, Ga. 40 03 The date, address and signature Fort Valley, Ga. 40 03 will not be counted. Half Rate Gainesville, Ga. 40 03 Messages will be received up to 10 Galveston, Texas. 1 25 08 p. m. to be delivered the following Geneva, Ga. 25 02 day. Messages must be written Gordon, Ga. 40 03 on the company's blanks. I Greenville, S. C. 50 03 Columbus City Directory. 41 THE RATE FROM COLUMBUS TO First 10 words Each ad ditional word THE, RATE FROM COLUMBUS TO First 10 words' Each ad ditional word Griffin, Ga. 40 03 i Shreveport, La. 1 00 07 Hampton, Ga. 40 0:i j Smithville, Ga. 40 03 Harlem, Ga. 50 03 I Sparta, Ga. 50 03 Hartford, Conn. 1 00 07 | Spartansburg, S. C. 75 05 Hawkinsville, Ga. 40 03 Springfield, Tenn. 75 05 Helena, Ark. 75 05 J St. Louis, Mo. 1 00 07 Hickman, Ky. 75 05 Tallahassee, Fla. 50 03 Hot Springs, Ark. 1 00 07 Terre Haute, Ind. 1 00 07 Huntsville, Ala. 50 03 | Tibee Island, Ga. 1 00 10 Indianapolis, Ind. 1 00 07 | Thomasville, Ga. 40 03 Jacksonville, Fla. 1 00 00 Toccoa City, Ga. 50 03 Jesup, Ga. 50 03 Tuscaloosa, Ala. 50 03 Jonesboro, Ga. 40 03 I Union Point, Ga. 40 03 Kansas City, Mo. 1 25 08 Union Springs, Ala. 40 03 Keokuk, Iowa. 1 25 08 Yaldosta, Ga. 50 03 Knoxville, Tenn. 75 05 Vicksburg, Miss. 75 05 LaGrange, Ga. 40 03 Waco, Texas. 1 25 08 Leavenworth, Kan. 1 25 08 Wartrace, Tenn. 75 05 Leesburg, Ga. 40 03 Washington, D. C. 1 00 07 Louisville, Ky. 1 00 07 Washington, Ga. 50 03 Lumber City, Ga. 50 03 Waynesboro, Ga. 50 03 Lynchburg, Va. 1 00 07 West Point, Ga. 40 03 McRae, Ga.. 50 03 Wheeling, W. Va. 1 00 07 Macon, Ga. 40 03 Wilmington, Del. 1 00 07 Madison, Ga. 40 03 Wilmington, N. C. 1 00 07 Marietta, Ga. 40 03 U. S. LOCAL OFFICERS. Memphis, Tenn. 75 05 Milledgeville, Ga. 40 03 Millen, Ga.. 50 03 Milner, Ga. 40 Mobile, Ala. 75 Montezuma, Ga. 40 03 05 03 COMMISSIONER--Lemuel T. Downing, 109 Broad. Montgomery, Ala. 40 03 DEPUTY MARSHAL--W. A. Murfreesboro, Tenn.... 75 05 Barden,119 Broad. Nashville, Tenn. 75 05 INTERNAL REVENUE -- New Haven, Conn. 1 00 07 (Second District of Georgia.) Of New Orleans, La.... 75 05 fice 61 Broad. Lassar Meyer, dep New York, N. Y. 1 00 07 uty collector. Newnan, Ga. 40 03 REGISTER IN BANKRUPT Norcross, Ga. 40 03 CY"--L. T. Downing, 109 Broad. Norfolk, Ya. 1 00 07 COUNTY OF MUSCOGEE. Pensacola, Fla. 75 05 Perry, Ga. 80 00 Philadelphia, Pa. 1 00 Pine Bluff, Ark. 1 00 Pittsburg, Pa. 1 00 07 07 07 Columbus, county seat. Court House, Crawford, between Ogle Portland, Me. 1 00 07 thorpe and Jackson. Henry Tay Providence, R. I.. 1 00 07 lor (c), janitor; salary $15 per County Officers. Quincy, Ill. 1 00 07 month. Quitman, Ga. 40 03 Richmond, Ya. 1 00 07 Rome, Ga. 40 03 COMMISSIONERS--Meet for Russellville, Ky. 75 Sandersville, Ga. 50 05 03 business first Saturday in each month, at Court House. L. F. San Francisco, Cal. 2 75 18 Garrard, W. G. "VVoolfolk, J. A. Savannah, Ga. 50 03 Frazer; County Ordinary, clerk. Selma, Ala. 50 03 CORONER--S. O. Lloyd,Court Shelbyville, Tenn. 75 05 House; salary fees. 42 Columbus City Directory. SHERIFF--Jacob G. Buitus, Muscogee county. Terms, second Court House. Term expires Jan Monday in May and November. uary, 1879. Salary fees. J. M. M. J. Crawford, judge; appointed Allen, deputy. January, 1877, for eight years. SURVEYOR--John E. Lamar, Salary, $2,500. Hezekiah Bussey, Court House; salary fees. solicitor-general. Salary, fees. TAX COLLECTOR--Davis A. Andrews, 118 Broad; salary 2% commission on receipts and George Y. Pond, clerk; elected January, 1877, for two years. Sal ary, fees. disbursements. Bond $80,000. STATE OF GEORGIA. TAX RECEIVER--James T. Thweatt, office 71 Broad ; salary 1 % on receipts. Bond $37,000. County Hospital. MUSCOGEE ASYLUM FOR CAPITAL--Atlanta. Chief Executive. THE POOR--Situated nine miles GOVERNOR--Hon. Alfred H. east of Columbus. John Wimber Colquitt. Elected January, 1877, ly, superintendent; salary $250. for four years. Salary, $4,000. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ATTORNEY GENERAL-- John E. Bacon, M. D., presi Robert N. Ely. Salary, $2,000. dent; James A. Bradford, secre SECRETARY OF STATE-- tary and treasurer; G. E. Thomas, Nathan C. Barnett. Elected Jan Jr., A. J. Odom, O. P. Poe. uary, 1877, for four years. Salary, County Prison. COUNTY JAIL --South side $2,000. Bond, $10,000. Department Officers. Crawford, east of Mercer. Frank COMPTROLLER GENERAL M. Comer, jailor. --W. L. Goldsmith. Elected Jan Courts. uary, 1877, for four years. Salary, $2,000. COUNTY COURT--Court DEPARTMENT OF AGRI House. Terms, third Monday in CULTURE--Thomas P. Janes, March and June, and second Mon commissioner. Salary, $2000. day in September and December. GEORGIA STATE AGRI Joseph F. Pou, judge; appointed CULTURAL SOCIETY--Head by the Governor, January, 1878, office State House, Atlanta. Sup for four years. Salary $500 and ported by appropriations, and in fees. George Y. Pond, clerk. come of State Fairs ; one hundred This court has jurisdiction in and twenty subordinate county criminal cases below a felony and societies. Officers elected by the in civil cases to the amount of Society. Thomas Hardeman, Jr., $1,000. G. E. Thomas, Jr., solici Macon, president; Malcolm John tor ; salary, $300 and fees. ston, Atlanta, secretary; salary, COURT OF ORDINARY -- $1,200. T. G. Holt, Macon, treas Court House. This court has urer; salary, commission, 24 per probate jurisdiction, and is the cent, on receipts; bond, $10,000. only one having power to grant The next Annual Fair will be held marriage licenses. Terms, first at Macon, October 28tli, 1878. Monday in every month. Faancis GEOLOGICAL SURVEY -- M. Brooks, ordinary; elected Jan Established February 27th, 1874. uary, 1877, for four years. Salary, Survey commenced September 1st, fees. 1874. Annual appropriations of SUPERIOR COURT--Court $10,000 for five years. George Lit House. Chattahoochee Circuit, tle, Ph. D., State Geologist. Columbus City Directory, 43 KEEPER OF PENITENTIA Monday in March and September. RY--John W. Nelms, principal AUGUSTA CIRCUIT. keeper. Salary,$2,000. Bond,$10,- William Gibson, judge ; Salem, 000. Dutcher, solicitor general. LIBR ARIAN-Frank L. Har Burlce--Third Monday in May alson. Salary, $1,000. Bond, $2,- and November. 000. Columbia -- Fourth Monday in SCHOOL COMMISSIONER-- March and September. Gustavus J. Orr. Appointed Jan McDuffie -- Third Monday in uary, 1877, for four years. Salary, March and September. $2,000. 'Richmond -- Third Monday in TREASURER--John W. Ren- April and October. froe. Elected January, 1877, for BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT. four years. Salary, $2,000. Bond, George N. Lester, judge; Thos. $200,000. F. Greer, solicitor general. WILD LAND OFFICE-- Cherokee -- Fourth Monday in Comptroller General, ex-officio, February and second Monday in commissioner. Judiciary. August. Cobb--Second Monday in March and November. Dawson--Third Monday in April SUPREME COURT--Court and second Monday in September. rooms, State House, Atlanta. Fannin--Third Monday in May Hon. Hiram Warner,chief justice; and October. Logan E. Bleckley and Jas. Jack- Forsyth--Third Monday in Feb son, associate judges ; Z. D. Har ruary and fourth Monday in Aug. rison, clerk; Robert N. Ely, attor Gilmer--Second Monday in May ney general; Henry Jackson, re and October. porter; J. G. McLin, sheriff. First Lumpkin--Second Monday in term commences third Monday in April and first Monday in Sept'ber January ; second term begins sec Milton--Fourth Monday in Mar. ond Monday in August. and third Monday in August. SUPERIOR COURTS. Pickens -- Fourth Monday in April and September. ALBANY CIRCUIT. Towns--First Monday after 4th G. J. Wright, judge; W. O. Monday in May and October. Fleming, solicitor general. Union--Fourth Monday in May Baker--First Monday in May and October. and November. Calhoun -- Second Monday in March and September. Decatur--Second and third Mon day in May and N ovember. second and Dougherty -- First, third Monday in and April Oct. Mitchell -- Fourth Monday in Monday after May and November. Worth--Fourth Monday in April and November. BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. John L. Harris, judge; Simon W, Hitch, solicitor general. Appling -- Third Monday i n March and September. Camden--First Tuesday after fourth Monday in April and Oct'r. Charlton--First Camden Court. Clinch--S e c o n d T uesday in April and October. ATLANTA CIRCUIT. Coffee--First Tuesday in April George Hillyer, judge; B. H. and October. Hill, jr., solicitor general. Glynn--First Tuesday after 4tli Dekalb -- Third Monday in Monday in May and November. ManCadrlcaShyetopantne--dmFbSieerrsp.tteMmobnedra. y in Mar'h anPdieSrecpet--emFbiresrt. Monday in March Ware--Fourth Monday in Mar. Fulton -- Monday after fourth and September. 44 Columbus City Directory. Wayne--Second Monday in Mar. Bryan -- Thursday after first and September. Monday in April and October. CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT. M. J. Crawford, judge; H. Bus sey, solicitor general. Chattahoochee--Fourth Monday in March and September. Harris--Second Monday in Ap'l and October. Marion--Third Monday in Ap'l and October. Muscogee -- Second Monday in Bulloch--Thursday before first Monday in April and October. C hatham-- Second Monday in February, May and October. Effingham, -- First Monday in ApLribileratyn10,- 000. Secretary of the Interior--Carl Officers. Schurz, of Missouri. Salary, 10,000. Postmaster-General--David M. Key, of Tennessee. Salary, 10,000. Attorney-General--Charles Devens, of Massachusetts. Salary, 10,000. Tteasurer of the United States-- James Gilfillan. Commissioner of Internal Reve nue--Green R. Raum. Courts and Judges. SUPREME COURT. CHIEF JUSTICE. Morrison R. Waite, Toledo, Ohio. Salary ,10,500. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Comptroller of the Currency-- John J. Knox. Commissioner of Agriculture-- William G. LeDuc. Commissioner of Patents--Ellis Spear. Commissioner of Pensions--John A. Bentley. Commissioner of Education--John Eaton. Nathan Clifford, Portland, Me. Commissioner of Land Office-- Salary, 10,000. James A. Williamson. Ward Hunt, New York, Salary, Commissioner of Indian Office-- 10,000 E. A. Hoyt. William Strong, Philadelphia, Pa. Congressional Printer--John D. Salary, 10,000. Defrees. Joseph P. Bradley, Newark, N. J. Superintendent of Coast Survey Salary, $10,000. --Carlisle P. Patterson. Noah H. Swayne, Columbus, Ohio. Librarian of Congress--A. R. Salary, 10,000. Spofford. Officers and Members of John M. Harlan, Louisville, Ky. Salary, 10,000. Samuel F. Miller, Keokuk, Iowa. Salary, $10,000. Congress. Stephen J. Field, San Francisco, Officers of the Senate.--William Cal. Salary, $10,000. A. Wheeler, president ; George C. Samuel F. Philips, Solicitor Gene ral, Washington, D. C. Salary, 7,500. circuit Judges. First Circuit, George F. Shepley, of Portland, Me. ; Second, Alexander S. Johnson, of New York; Third, Wm. McKennon, of Washington, Pa.; Fourth, Hugh L. Bond, of Baltimore, Md.; Fifth, Wm. B. /Woods, of At lanta. Ga. ; Sixth, John Baxter, of Nashville, Tenn. ; Seventh, Thomas Drummond, of Chicago, HI. ; Eighth, John F. Dillon, of Dubuque, Iowa. ; Ninth, Lorenzo Sawyer, of San Fran Gorham, secretary ; William J. Mc Donald, chief clerk ; John R. French, sergeant-at-arms ; W. E. Creary, post master ; George F. Dawson, librarian ; Rev. Byron Sunderland, chaplain. Officers of the House.--Samuel J. Randall, speaker; George M. Ad ams, of Kentucky, clerk; John G. Thompson, of Ohio, sergeant-at-arms ; Charles W. Field, doorkeeper ; James M. Steuart, of Virginia, postmaster ; William D. Hardy, librarian; Rev. W. P. Harrison, chaplain. Forty-Fifth Congress. cisco, Cal. Salaries, 5,000 each. Court of Claims--Charles D. Drake, Chief Justice ; Edward G. Began March 4th, 1877, ends March 4th, 1879. Figures after Senators' names show the date when term ex- (4) 50 Columbus City Directory. pires; after Representatives', show Wm. E. Smith.. 2 the number of district. Senators' Philip Cook. 3 names in italic. Henry R. Harris. 4 Milton A. Candler. ALABAMA. James H. Blount. George E. Spencer.79 W. H. Felton. 1 John T. Morgan.83 Alexander H. Stephens 8 James T. Jones. 1 Hiram P. Bell., 9 Hilary A. Herbert.... 2 ILLINOIS. Jere N. Williams. 8 Charles M. Shelley. 4 Robert F. Ligon. 5 Goldsmith W. Hewitt. 6 William H. Forney. 7 W. W. Garth. 8 Richard L. Oglesby.. David Davis. William Aldrich. Carter H. Harrison. Lorenzo Brentano. William Lathrop. 79 83 1 2 3 4 ARKANSAS. Horatio C. Burchard..., 5 Stephen W. Dorsey.79 Thamas J. Henderson.. 6 Augustus H. Garland.83 Philip C. Hays. 7 Lucien C. Gause. 1 William F. Slemons. 2 Greenbury L. Fort. Thomas A. Boyd. , 8 9 Jordan E. Cravens. 3 Benjamin F. Marsh. 10 Thomas M. Gunter. 4 Robert M. Knapp. 11 Wm. N. Springer. .12 CALIFORNIA. Thomas F. Tipton. 13 Aaron A. Sargent.79 Joseph G. Cannon. ,14 Neicton Booth.81 Horace Davis. 1 Horace F. Page.. 2 Jonn K. Luttrell. 3 Romulado Pacheco. 4 John R. Eden. Wm. A. J. Sparks. Wm. R. Morrison. William Hartsell. Richard W. Townshend. 15 .16 .17 .18 19 COLORADO. Jerome B. Chaffee.79 INDIANA. DJoasnepiehl EW. . MVcoDorohneeasld. .7 89 1 Henry M. Teller.83 Benoni S. Fuller. 1 James B. Belford. 1 Thomas R. Cobb. 2 CONNECTICUT. George A. Bicknell. 3 Leonidas Sexton. 4 Wm. H. Barnum.79 Thomas M. Browne. 5 Wm. H. Eaton.81 Milton S. Robinson. ti George M. Landers. 1 John Hanna. 7 James Phelps. 2 Morton C. Hunter. 8 John T. Wait. 3 Michael D. White. 9 Levi Warner. 4 Wm. H. Calkins.10 DELAWARE. James L. Evans.11 Andrew H. Hamilton.12 Thomas F. Bayard.81 John H. Baker.13 Eli Saulsbury.83 James Williams. 1 FLORIDA. IOWA. SWamilluiaeml JB. .KAirlklwisoono. d.7 89 3 Simon B. Conover.79 J. C. Stone. 1 Charles W. Jones.81 Hiram Price. 2 Robert H. M. Davis. 1 Theo. W. Burdick. 3 H. Bisbee, Jr. 2 Nathaniel C. Deering. 4 Rush Clark. 5 GEORGIA. Ezekiel S. Sampson. 6 John B. Gordon.79 Henry J. B. Cummings. 7 Ben H. Hill.83 W. F. Sapp. 8 Julian Hartridge. 1 Addison Oliver. 9 v#wv , // Columbus City Directory. John J. Ingalls. 79 Preston B. Plumb.83 William A. Phillips. 1 Dudley C. Haskell. 2 Thomas Ryan. 3 Isaac P. C/iristiancy.81 KENTUCKY. Thomas W. Ferry...83 Thomas C. McCreery.79 James B. Beck.83 Andrew R. Boone. 1 James J. McKinzie. 2 John W. Caldwell. 3 J. Proctor Knott. 4 Albert S. Willis. John G. Carlisle. J. C. S. Blackburn. Alpheus S. Williams. 1 Edwin Willits. 2 James H. McGowan. 3 Edwin W. Keightley. 4 John W. Stone. 3 Mark S. Brewer. 6 Omer D. Conger. 7 Charles C. Ellsworth. 8 Jay A. Hubbell. 9 Milton J. Durham. MINNESOTA. Thomas Turner. John B. Clark. Silas J. R. McMillan.81 Wm. Wisdom.83 LOUISIANA. Mark H. Dunnell. 1 James B. Eustis.79 Wm. Pitt Kellogg.83 Horace B. Strait. 2 J. H. Stewart. 3 Randall L. Gibson. 1 MISSISSIPPI. E. John Ellis... J Blanche K. Bruce (c).81 Chester B. Darrall. 3 Lucius Q. O. Lamar.83 John P. Elam. 4 Henry L. Muldrow. 1 Van H. Manning. 2 Edward W. Robertson.. Hernando DeS. Money. 3 Otho R. Singleton. 4 HJaamnensibGa.l BHlaaminlein. .8 83 1 Charles O. Hooker. 5 James R. Chalmers. 6 Thomas B. Reed. 1 MISSOURI. William L. Frye. 2 David H. Armstrong.79 Stephen D. Lindsey. 3 Francis M. Cockrell.81 Lewellyn Powers. 4 Anthony Ittner... l Eugene Hale... Nathan Cole. 2 MARYLAND. GWemor.gPe .R.WDheynten. is.8 71 9 Daniel M. Henry. 1 Charles B. Roberts. 2 William Kimmell. 3 Thomas Swann. 4 Eli J. Henkle. 5 William Walsh. 6 Lynn S. Metcalfe. 3 Robert A. Hatcher. 4 Richard P. Bland. 5 Charles H. Morgan. (j Thomas T. Crittenden. 7 Benjamin Franklin. 8 David Rea. 9 Henry M. Pollard.10 John B. Clark, Jr.11 John M. Glover.12 MASSACHUSETTS. Aylett H. Buckner.13 HGeeonrrgye LF.. DHaoware. s.8 83 1 Algernon S. Paddock.81 William W. Crapo. 1 Alvin Saunders.83 Benjamin W. Harris. 2 Frank Welsh. 1 Walbridge A. Field. 3 Leopold Morse. 4 NEVADA. Nathaniel P. Banks. 5 John P. Jones. 7J George H. Loring. 6 Wm. Sharon.81 Benjamin F. Butler. 7 | Thomas Wrenn. 1 52 Columbus City Directory. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Alfred M. Waddell. 3 Bainbridge Wadleigh. E. H. Hollins. Frank Jones. James F. Briggs. Henry W. Blair. 79 ,81 Joseph J. Davis. Alfred M. Scales. 1 Walter S. Steele. 2 Wm. M. Robbins. 3 Robert B. Vance. 4 5 6 7 8 NEW JERSEY. OHIO. Tlieo. F. Randolph. John R. McPherson. Clement H. Sinniekson. John Howard Pugh. Miles Ross. Alva A. Clark. Augustus W. Cutler. Thos. B. Peddie. Aug. A. Hardenbergh. Stanley Matthews. .81 83 1 2 Allen G. Thurman. Milton Sayler.. Henry B. Banning. 3 4 5 6 7 Miles Gardner. John A. MacMahon. Americus V. Rice. Jacob D. Cox. Henry L. Dickey. Joseph W. Keifer. 79 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NEW YORK. John S. Jones. 9 Roscoe Conkling. 79 Charles Foster. ,10 Francis Kernan. .81 Henry S. Neal..... 11 James W. Covert. 1 Thomas Ewing. 12 William D. Feeder. 2 Milton I. Southard. .13 Simeon B. Crittenden. 3 E. B. Finley. . 14 Archibald M. Bliss. 4 Nelsoon H. Van Vorhes... 15 Nicholas Muller. 5 Lorenzo Danford. .16 Samuel S. Cox. 6 William McKinley. .17 Anthony Eickhoff. 7 James Monroe. .18 Anson G. McCook. 8 James A. Garfield. .19 Fernando Wood. 9 Amos Townsend. .20 Abram S. Hewitt. 10 OREGON. Benj. A. Willis. Clarkson N. Potter. John H. Ketchum. George M. Beebee. 11 12 John H. Mitchell. LaFayette Grover. ,13 Richard Williams. 14 79 ,83 1 Stephen L. Mayhem. ,15 PENNSYLVANIA. Terence J. Quinn. .16 James Don Cameron. .79 Martini. Townsend.. .17 Wm. A. Wallace. ,81 Andrew Williams. .18 Chapman Freeman. 1 Amiziah B. Jones. .19 Charles O'Neil. 2 John H. Starin. .20 Samuel J. Randall.. 3 Solomon Bunday. .21 Wm. D. Kelley. 4 George A. Bagley. .22 Alfred D. Harmer. 5 W. J. Bacon. .23 William Ward. , 6 Wm. H. Baker. .24 Isaac N. Evans. 7 Frank Hiscock.... .25 Heister Clymer.. 8 John H. Camp. .26 A. Herr Smith... 9 Elbridge G. Lapham. 27 Samuel A. Bridges. 10 Jere W. Dwight. .28 Francis D. Collins. ,11 John N. Hungerford. .29 Hendrick B. Wright. .12 E. Kirk Hart. .30 James B. Reiley. .13 Charles E. Benedict. .31 John ML Killinger... 14 Daniel M. Lockwood. .32 Edward Overton, Jr. .15 G. W. Patterson. .33 John I. Mitchell. ,18 NORTH CAROLINA. | Jacob M. Campbell. .17 j William S. Stenger. .18 Augustus S. Merrimon.... 79 Levi Maish. .19 Mathew P. Ransom. .83 Levi A. Mackey. .20 Jesse J. Yates. 1 Jacob Turner. .21 Curtis H. Brogden. 2 1 Russell Errett. .22 ( Thomas M. Bayne.23 Dudley C. Denison. 2 Wm. S. Shallenberger.24 George W. Hendee. 3 Harry White....,...25 John M. Thompson.26 VIRGINIA. Lewis H. Watson.27 Robert E. Withers.81 RHODE ISLAND. Ambrose, E. Burnside.81 Henry A. Anthony.83 Benj. T. Eames. 1 Latimer WT. Ballou. 2 John W. Johnston.83 Beverly B. Douglass. 1 John Goode, Jr. 2 Gilbert C. Walker. 3 Joseph Jorgensen. 4 George C. Cabell. 5 SOUTH CAROLINA. John J. Patterson.79 M. C. Butler.83 Joseph H. Bainey. 1 J. Randolph Tucker. 6 John T. Harris. 7 Eppa Hunton. 8 A. L. Pridemore. 9 Richard H. Cain. 2 D. Wyatt Aiken. 3 J. K. Evins. 4 Robert Small. 5 WEST VIRGINIA. Frank Hereford.81 Henry G. Davis.83 Beniamin Wilson. 1 TENNESSEE. Benjamin F. Martin. 2 James E. Bailey.81 John E. Kenna. 3 Isham G. Harris.83 James H. Randolph. 1 WISCONSIN. Jacob M. Thornberg. 2 Timothy O. Howe... 79 George G. Dibrell. 3 Angus Cameron.\.81 Haywood Y. Riddle. 4 Charles G. Williams. 1 John M. Bright. 5 Lucien B. Caswell. 2 John F. House. 6 George C. Hazelton. 3 W. C. Whitthorne. 7 Wm. Pitt Lynde. 4 J. D. C. Atkins. 8 Edward S. Bragg. 5 Wm. P. Caldwell. 9 Gabriel Bouck. 0 H. Casey Young...10 H. L. Humphrey. 7 TEXAS. Thad C. Pound. 8 Sam. B. Maxey. 81 Richard Coke.83 John H. Reagan. 1 David B. Culberson. 2 J. W. Throckmorton. 3 Roger Q. Mills. 4 DeWitt C. Giddings. 5 Gustave Schleicher. 6 VERMONT. Justin S. Morrill.79 George F. Edmunds.81 Charles H. Joyce. 1 TERRITORIAL DELEGATES. Arizona--Hiram S. Stevens. Dakotah--Jefferson P. Kidder. Idaho--Stephen S. Finn. Montana--Martin Maginnis. New Mexico--Trinidad Romero. Utah--George Q. Cannon. Washington--Orange Jacobs. Wyoming--William W. Corlett. . . STEAM FLAME MILLS -A. 1ST ID -e- Manufacturer and Dealer in Keeps constantly on hand all Regular Sizes, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND MOULDING. Flooring and Ceiling dressed and matched. And all kinds of Door Frames, Window frames. Mouldings, Scroll Work, Brackets, Pickets, Lattice &c., made to order. All Work Done, and Material Furnished, at bottom prices. OS-S-tCS and MH.X.S Mercer Street, Near Gen'l Passenger Depot, Columbus, Ga. Advertising Department. 73 PHIL, ctm Mi * i t t And Dealer in Guns, Pistols, Sporting Articles, Ammunition, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, &c. &. 80 Broad St,, Columbus, Ga. SORE AGENT FOK W* A* ST. LOUIS. !^-`BEST I0TILED BEER IN AMERICA." JOBBER IX And Dealer in Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Lime, Cement, Plaster, ms^vs qf BWI&BEB&' 8WPP&IM&. OFFICE AND Y A K I >, llandolph St., between Oglethorpe and )ack?op, - - Colombo?, Ga. *rr .. . 14 Advertising Department. a: J. BUSSEY, President. O. GUNBY JORDAN, Treasurer. Ool/pitoDl $1,250,000. 42,000 Spindles 1,000 Looms. Manufacturers of Over One Hundred Varieties of Cotton and Woolen Goods, . Suited to Southern and Western Markets. $o (Local (Agents! ell to (Merchants nly! I MllfS G. GUNBY JORDAN, Cashier. INTEREST COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR! 15 r t't'rT t >'J 7 7 7 7 7 7' 7 7 7 7 7 7') Capital - - - $100,000.00 /. Rhodes, PRESIDENT. Geo. IT* Rilli.yuud.v, CASHIER. Columbus, Georgia. MADFUMD & EKMEW Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HOLLOW-WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASS-WARE, Crockery, House Furnishing Goods, &c. No, 142 Broad St., - - Coiambus, Ga. fj'il Id Slioe Store 73 Broad Street, - - - Sign of the Big Boot. Best Assortment of Fine Work! WELLS& CURTIS -DEALERS IN-- Boots 1 Shoes, Leather f Findings. , 16 Advertising Department. 1849. ' 1878. Genera! Insurance Headquarters ! Office of General Insurance Agent, ; 71 13road Street, - - Columbus, Gra. INSURANCE ONLY The best English and American Companies repre sented--such as have been proven by Long Experience. D. F. WILLCOX, Agent Mutual Life Insurance Co. j of New York--Assets over $85,000,000 cash: The advantages offered to insurers by this company, in | solid security, superior economy, and its convenient system : of annual cash dividends, combine to make it the safest, I the cheapest and the best in the world. -Accident Insurance a Specialty. $25 buys a $5,000 Policy for a Year, with $25 Weekly Indemnity for Disabling Accident. Gen. Ins. Agent. Advertising Department. A. M. ALLEN, President. O. S. JORDAN, Treasurer. CDartcrod. Capital $30,000. PIONEER CO-OPERATIVE Co. Pioneer Buildings, - - - Columbus, Georgia. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, General Agents Celebrated Chewacla Lime. S. H. RtPER, Practical Engineer Machinist. General j|ae|uig$ jjepair its Oglethorpe St., between Bryan and Franklin, - - Columbus, Ga. J. S. HAMILTON f Grocer and Provision Dealer, June. FRANKLIN, WARREN & OGLETHORPE Sts., - - Columbus, Ga. Agent for CHESAPEAKE GUANO COMPANY. 8S FIN K I'11 .Oi l! A 8PECIALTY.-S? Compound Acid Phosphate. Wm.l I. N oung, A_gt. Gunby Building, - Columbus, Ga. Also Dealer in Peruvian Guano and Land Plaster. Advertising Department. C. H. HERRING. J. R. ENGLAND. Herring' & England, Manufacturers of 1ST ID Also Manufacturers of Oglethorpe' Street, Opposite Dishrow's Stables, COLUMBUS, - - - GEORGIA. Advertising Department. 79 W. RYLEY BROWN, GEO. J. GOLDEN, JNO. H. JOHNSTON, President. Supt. Sec'y & Treas. INCORPORATED 1857. Columbus Iron Works Co., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Engines* saw smite* Mill I Gin Gearing, Iron Screw Cotton Presses, Cane Mills, Hollow-ware, Pumps, Pulleys, Sh&fit&g*Hangers* Calender Rolls* Tur bine Water Wheels* Ac. All kinds of LUMBER, Rough, Tongued and Grooved and Matched, always on hand at living rates. Specifications and Estimates on all work furnished upon application. Correspondence solicited. COLUMRUS, GEORGIA. W. R. BROWN, Pres't. GEO. J. GOLDEN, Supt. JNO. H. JOHNSTON, Sec. & Treas [I1VCO It X' O ItA T K XI 1877.] Manufacturers and Dealers in Haiman's Pat. Universal PLOW STOCKS, Haiman's Patent Steel Solid Wing Sweeps; Pinkard's Patent Plow Stocks; Dixon Sweeps; Wrought Iron, Cast Iron and Steel PLOW HOES of every description. Heel Him Bolts* Brass Bods* Clevises* Single trees* Try us before buying elsewhere. Correspondence solicited. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Advertising Department. Tmup SrMMBT, SoprMX*sr m. qf Lee. Gr. R. GrREISriN, a\. IVf., Pres't. Rev. HOWARD W. KEY, A.M., Natural Science and Mathematics J. HARRIS CHAPPELL, A. B., Latin, History, English Compos'n Prof. JOSEPH EBERT,.Director School of Music Miss HATTIE R. DINGMAK,.Modern Languages and Art Miss AUGUSTA L. GLENK,.Home Department Next Session Begins September 16, 1878. HIT For Terms, etc., send for Catalogue. Address, A ) IXf 9 Air il JL/J2/A>A Columbus, Gra. Repaired and Guaranteed to give satis faction at Wittich &, Kinsel's Jewelry Store. SHOLES' COLUMBUS DIRECTORY. VOLUME I.--August, 1878. ABBREVIATIONS. ab.above (list.district propr.proprietor adv.advertisement E. or e.east r.residence agt.agent es..east side al.alley j gen'l..general ret.retail asst.assistant I S. or s.south av.avenue | junc..junction se.southeast bds.boards lab.laborer as .8otlIh side bel.below mkr.maker sw.southwest bet.between mntr.manufacturer sec.secretary bey.beyond nr.near 8ii pt.superintendent bkkpr.bookkeeper N. or n.north tel opr.telegraph operator bWg. ..building ne.northeast I treas.treasurer elk.clerk ns.noit side \V. or w . west (c).colored nw.northwest ws.west side com mer. commission merchant opp.opposite whol. wholesale cor.corner P. 0.postoffice w id.w idow* dep.deputy pres.president dept.department prin.principal ABB 81 ABN A BBOTT HARRY L., messenger W. U. Tel. Co, bds 8 S. McIntosh Abbott Hawkins, J. (Abbott k Newsom), r 49 S. Oglethorpe Abbott Mary A. wid F. J, r 8 S. McIntosh Abbott & Newsom (H. J. Abbott and W. II. Newsom), gro cers, 119 Broad Abner George, pedler, r es Oglethorpe, 2d n of Lee Abney Arminda E. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co, bds 144 N. Oglethorpe Abney John, wks E. k P. M. Co Abney Kate, wks E. & P. M. Co rnMuA IP A PT Tj1 0 DU1?1\11Y MIT I 0 Manufacture over One Hundred Va- UllluLlij (X MlLLu rietiesof Colored and Taney Gools. ABN 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. 82 ALE Abney Rosanna, wid Absalom, r ws 7th, 3d n of Franklin, Browneville, Ala Abney Thomas W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws 7th, nr Franklin, Browneville, Ala ACEE F. WALLACE Abrams George (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 5th n of Lee (Thornton & Acee), r Randolph, ne cor Mercer Acree Cora, Mad., bds 103 N. Oglethorpe Acree Lizzie Mrs, r 100 N. Oglethorpe Adams George W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Adams Georgia A. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 3 Broad Adams Nathan (c), lab, r 45 S. Forsyth Adams Rachel, wid William, r 3 Broad Adams Sarah A. E., wid Wiley, r 15 N. Oglethorpe Adams Sarah J. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 3 Broad Adams Thomas, machinist E. & P. M. Co., bds 9 N. Ogle thorpe Adams William Id., elk D. N. Gibson, r Girard, Ala Addison Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Adkins John T., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 6 Muscogee Blk AENCHBACHER LOUIS P., Adkins Julia, wid W., r es Jackson, 2d s of Few fashionable tailor, 89 Broad, r ws Jackson, 2d n of Washington Affleck Ellen Miss, bds 23 S. Troup Affleck Margary, wid John, r 23 S. Troup Affleck AMilliam. D., elk J. A. Lewis, r 27 S. Troup Albertson Imogene E., bds 222 Broad Albrecht Anna M., wid H. P., r 29 S. Front Albrecht John C, machinist M. & G. R. R., r 29 S. Front Alderman Isaac E., section boss M. & G. R. R,, r nr S. Bridge Girard, Ala Alderman Mary E., wid Amoriah, bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Alexander Green (c), shoemkr, ss St. Clair, 2d w of Ogle thorpe Alexander Henry (c), barber W. E. Terry, r nr S. W. R, R. e of limits Alexander James (c), waiter M. J. Crawford Alexander London (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r 68 S. Troup SOUTH PM Manufacturers of All Kinrls of l, IRON AND STEEL PLOW HOES. MmI n IRWRT RY UUIjU U Ill VV HjJjn I EinSs' Necklaces, Lockets etc,, at jWITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. ALE 83 ALL Alexander Robert (c), trunk mkr I. Joseph, r ss Randolph, 1st w of Jackson Alexander Sandy (c), barber, 36 Randolph Alford Doc (c), train hand M. & G. R. R., r Mercer, nw cor Thomas Alford Leonidas, jeweler Wittich & Kinsel, r 53 S. Ogle thorpe Alford Phoebe, wid Whitford, r 53 S. Oglethorpe Allen Anderson W., watchman, r 101 N. Oglethorpe ALLEN AUGUSTUS M., Allen Annie Miss, r 6 Broad pres. Pioneer Co-Operative Co., r es Troup, 3d n of Bryan. Allen Benjamin, lab, r 6 Broad Allen Caroline Mrs., seamstress G. J. Peacock Allen Charles (c), driver J. L. Hogan, r Bryan, nw cor For syth Allen Charles H., cotton buyer, ns Front s of St. Clair, r es Forsyth, s of Franklin Allen Edward, elk M. Joseph, r 61 N. Forsyth Allen Elijah J., shoemkr W. Meyer, r 138 N. Oglethorpe Allen Elizabeth Mrs., r 12 Muscogee Blk Allen Ella, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Front, s of Thomas Allen Emma Miss, seamstress, r ws Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Allen Franklin, molder Columbus Iron Wks, r 106 S. Front Allen George, car inspector W. R. R., r ns Bryan, 2d w of McIntosh Allen James (c), basket mkr, r Thomas, nw cor McIntosh Allen James A., elk L. F. Mullen, r Browneville, Ala Allen James B., elk M. Joseph, r 61 N. Forsyth Allen James M., dep. sheriff Muscogee County, r es Broad, junc AVarren Allen Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Front, s of Thomas Allen John G., lab, r Early, sw corner Mercer Allen Jones, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Commerce, N. Liberties Allen J. Linton, bkkpr Flournoy & Epping, r 53 N. Forsyth Allen Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Front, 4th s of Thomas Allen Martin Y. B., mer, r ss Lee, 3d e of Oglethorpe TJ A PT p 0 DUIPMIY MIT I Q Manufacturers of the famous Fane; MuLill & rflMuA IILLO, GINGHAMS & TURKISH TOWEL! WILLCOX'S AGENCY.ji Nut Time-Tried, Fire-Tested. Experience, Care, Security. ALL 84 AND Allen Nancy, wid W. F., bds 106 S. Front Allen Robert P., shoemkr W. Meyer, r ws Hamilton rd, 1st n of Commerce, N. Liberties Allen Sarah A. Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Jackson, ne cor Early Allen Wesley (c), porter W. H. Young, r Franklin, cor For syth Allison Willie Miss, r 56 N. McIntosh Alston Philip H., elk Epping & Hanserd, bds Central Hotel Amison Isham (c), fireman, r 17 S. Mercer Amos James, wks W. M. Amos, bds Wynnton, Ga Amos William M., wagon mnfr and grocer, Wynnton, Ga Amyet William D. (W. D. Anryet & Co.), r ws 6th, n of Craw AMYET W. D. & CO. ford, Browneville, Ala (W. D. Amyet and A. O. Young), grocers, Oglethorpe, se cor Lee Anderson Alexander (c), fruit, etc., Randolph, nw cor Jack- son Anderson Catherine Mrs., keeper City Hospital, r same Anderson George (c), plasterer, r Troup, ne cor Water, N. Liberties Anderson Isham (c), fireman M. & G. R. R Anderson Lucius (c), driver W. A. Swift, r Oglethorpe, ne cor Franklin Anderson Michael, lab, r City Hospital Anderson Moses (c), lab, r ws Troup, 2d n of Commerce, N. Liberties Anderson Robert (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Thomas Andrews Davis A., State and County tax collector, 118 Broad, r county Andrews George E., mer, r Gunby Bldg, St. Clair, w of Broad Andrews Harrison (c), driver, r rear 85 N. Jackson Andrews Jackson (c), driver, r 62 N. Forsyth Andrews Jane, wid Frederick, bds 82 S. Oglethorpe. Andrews Joseph C. (J. C. Andrews & Co.), r ws Jackson, s of ANStD. CRlEaiWr S J. C. & CO. (J. C. Andrews and-), whol grocers, 132 Broad Andrews Thurston (c), carpenter, r ws McIntosh, 2d n of Bald win Columbus Iron Works Co. First-class STEAM ENGINES Manufactured and for Sale by S1Snt Bafal WITTICH & Kill's ANII ,_85_BAD_ ANHETJSER E. CO.'S BREWING ASSOCIATION, L. Buhler, agent, 80 Broad. (See page 73.) Ansley James J. Rev., pastor Broad Street M. E. Church, r Perry House Anthony John (c), saloon, 96 N. Oglethorpe. Anthony Joseph (c), barkpr, r 96 N. Oglethorpe APPLER JACOB E., 83 Broad, r Linwood, Ga Appling William (c), lab, r 91 S. Troup Armstrong David (c), porter, r 93 S. Forsyth Armstrong Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Arnold Fannie Miss, r Broad, cor Bridge, Girard, Ala Arnold James Iv., butcher Cook & O'Brien, r Girard, Ala Arnold John D., r 5 N. Jackson Arnold John W., route agent M. & G. R. R., bds 5 1ST. Jackson Ashurst William N. (c), wagon mkr, 49 Bryan, r Browneville, Ala Atkins John T., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Atkinson Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 11 Muscogee Blk Atkinson Willie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 11 Muscogee Blk Attaway Caroline Miss, r 78 S. Troup Attaway Sarah, wid Isaac, r 78 S. Troup Austin Seaborn J., physician, 43 J Crawford Austin Smith (c), hackman, r 67 S. Front Austin Thomas 0., shoemkr, 181 Broad Autman Clara, wks E. & P. M. Co Autman S., wks E. & P. M. Co Averett David, grocer, Oglethorpe, se cor Randolph, r Frank lin, nw cor Forsyth Averett Edwin A., elk D. Averett, r Franklin, nw cor For syth Averett Mary R. Mrs., dressmkr, 32 Randolph Averett William H., grocer, bds Franklin, nw cor Forsyth BABBITT CYRILLUS W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Broad, cor Washington, Girard, Ala Babbitt Frank, driver J. H. Hamilton, r 83 N. Front Backus Helen A., wid H. R., r es Troup, s of Franklin Bacon John E., physician, 107 Broad, bds Central Hotel Badger Cornelius (c), lab., r S. W. R. R., e of limits Sole Manufacturers, in the United States, of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. B. F. WtUCQJPS Crnmaat. I&S&9&FGB tfG&.var, 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. BED 86 BAR Badkins Robert, butcher, r ws Jackson, 2d n of Early Bailey Abraham (c), lab., r ws Mercer, 4th n of Crawford Bailey Allen (c), carpenter A. Turner Bailey E. H. Miss, teacher Girls School No. 2, bds ss Frank lin, 1st e of Troup Bailey Frances L., wid S. A., r ss Franklin, 1st e of Troup Bailey Henry C., elk S. W. R. R., r ss Franklin, 1st e of Troup Bailey L. W. Miss, teacher Boys School No. 1, bds ss Frank lin, 1st e of Troup Baird John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es 6th, n of AY. R. R. Browneville, Ala , Baker Bryant (c), lab., r ws Forsyth, 2d s of Thomas Baker Ida Mrs., r 88 N. Jackson Baker James M., r ns Franklin, Browneville, Ala Baker March (c), lab., r 27 Early Baker Sarah, wid Newman, r 40 2d, Browneville, Ala Baldwin Eliza Miss, dressmaker, 14 S. Forsyth Baldwin Lewis J., engineer M. & G. R. R., r 15 S. Forsyth Baldwin Samuel R., with J. S. Garrett, r 67 S. Forsyth Ballou Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Ballou Eugene, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Ballou Frank, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Bambush Joseph, baker, r ws Forsyth, lstn of Lee Bane John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Banks Jeremiah (c) (Spencer & Banks), r ws Forsyth, 2d n of Few Banks Lafayette (c), bricklayer, r rear Commerce, ne cor Jack- son, N. Liberties Banks Richard (c), blacksmith, 82 S. Forsyth Banks Richard Jr. (c), lab., r 82 S. Forsyth BANNER ADOLPH, Bankston William T., painter, r ss Lee, 4th e of Oglethorpe groceries, dry goods &c., Lednum & BANNER LEWIS, David's old corner, Broad, cor Warren, r 13 Broad dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps and notions, 122 Broad, r McIntosh, cor St. Clair Barbee Dorcas A. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 5 Mus cogee Blk Pinkard's Pat. Adjustable I'OK SAJCVE BY SOUTHERN PLOW CO. SOLID SILVER SPOONS TM FORKS at Greatly Reduced Prices at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. BAR 87 BAR Barbee Harriet E., wid J. F. r 5 Muscogee Blk Barbee John, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 11 Muscogee Blk Barber James W., bkkpr. r 49S. Jackson Barden Dora Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Barden Ida, wks E. & P. M. Co Barden John W., cotton buyer, r 91 N. Jackson Barden L., wks E. & P. M. Co Barden William A., provision broker, 119 Broad, r Jackson ne cor Franklin Bardwell Sarah S., wid R. N. R., r 26 N. Forsyth Barefield John (c), painter r 69 N Forsyth Barefield Junius (c), shoemaker H. R. Dayis, r Hamilton rd N. Liberties Barker Betty, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 32 Baldwin Barker Eliza, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 32 Baldwin Barker Lula, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 32 Baldwin Barker Mary J, wid Robert, r 32 Baldwin Barker Nannie, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 32 Baldwin Barksdale Hiram W., printer Times, bds 91 N. Jackson Barnard William E., salesman, r 79 N. Forsyth Barner Maria J., wid Samuel, r 240 Broad Barnes Anna (c), teacher N. Liberties Colored School, r Ogle thorpe, nr Commerce Barnes Color (c), lab, r Oglethorpe, nw cor Water, N. Liber ties Barnes Color Jr. (c), plasterer, r Oglethorpe, nw cor Water, N. Liberties Barnes Effianna, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 18 2d, Browneville, Ala Barnes Fannie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 18 2d, Browne- ville, Ala Barnes James S., carpenter, r e of Summerville rd, Browne- ville, Ala Barnes Jesse, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 33 2d, Browneville, Ala Barnes Livisa Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Barnes Martin (c), wks S. W. R. R., r ss Thomas, 2d e of Front Barnes M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Barnes Vandella Miss,, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 18 2d, Browne ville, Ala nmomfv MflH! Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Liluulj uL lllljlvlA llllLLu, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. D. F. WILLCOX, 71 BROAD STREET, BAR II 88 ' Call and Secure A POLICY. BAT Barnes P., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Barnes Yictoria Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 18 2d, Browrie- ville, Ala Barnes William J., wheelwright, r 18 2d, Browneville, Ala Barnes Zinamon, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws 7th, 5th n of Frak- lin, Browneville, Ala BARNETT JOHN N., city treasurer, office Court House, r St. Clair, ne cor Front Barr Adam, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es 5th n of W. R. R., Browneville, Ala Barr Archibald M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Barr John R. (Barr & Boland), r Girard, Ala Barr John R. S., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Brvan Barr Joseph, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Barr J. Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Barr William T., elk Gibson & Boyd, bds Central Hotel Barr & Boland (J. R. Barr and H. Boland), grocers and butch ers, S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Barrentine Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 2d s of Crawford Barrow James A. (c), prin. 7th dist school, r Mercer, nr St. Clair Barschall Mary J., wid M. J., r 79 S. Oglethorpe Bartlett De. D. (D. D. Bartlett & Co.), r Browneville, Ala Bartlett D. D. & Co. (D. D. Bartlett, A. Gage and F. Watt), carriage mnfrs, ns Bryan, w oi Oglethorpe Bartlett Edward J., painter D. D. Bartlett & Co., bds 171 N. Oglethorpe Bartlette Eliza Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Gi rard, Ala Bartlett Elizabeth Mrs., grocer, Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Bartlett Henry, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala BASKETTE CLAIBORNE A., with SHOLES' DIREC TORIES, 42 Randolph, bds Central Hotel Bass John H., farmer, r McIntosh, sw cor St. Clair Bass Robert L. (Disbrow & Co.), r Perry House Batastini Clement, grocer and saloon, ns Commerce, 2d w of Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Bates Abner (c), lab, r 70 FT. McIntosh GOLDEN'S IMPROVED COTTON PRESS, Simplest, Cheapest & most durable. For Sale by QTT WR-PI ATTTn ^ea ^etts> ^asters an^ Knives, Spoons and Forks, UlLlVI-jR rjjillijU at WITTICH & KINSEL'S JEWELRY STORE. _BAT_89~ BEL Batastini Eugene, grocer, Commerce, nw cor Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Bates Adam (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Oglethorpe, s of St. Clair Bates Jerry (c), lab, r ws Oglethorpe, 4th s of St. Clair Bates Joseph (c), lab, r ws Oglethorpe, 4th s of St. Clair Bates Mary Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Bates Thomas W., elk, r 67 S. Oglethorpe Bates T. Jeff, master carpenter E. & P. M. Co., r 67 S. Ogle thorpe Batson Caroline, wks E. & P. M. Co Batson James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 35 2d, Browneville, Ala Battle Henry W., principal Public School No 1, r es Forsyth, 1st s of St. Clair Baugh Josephine Mad, r ws Warren, 2d s of Franklin Bausch John G, furniture, 183 Broad Baxter James (c), waiter Rankin House Beach C. Edwin, elk J. B. Holst, r Wynnton, Ga BEACH W. & CO. Beach William (W. Beach & Co.), r 89 Randolph (W. Beach and-), hardware, 96 Broad Beard Solomon (c), lab, r ns Covington, 2d e of McIntosh Beasely Sarah, wid John, bds ss Commerce, Is e of Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Beaty Lewis Rev. (c), pastor Bethel Chapel, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Beck Jesse R, wagon mkr, ss Broadnax, e of Spencer, Browne ville, Ala Beck Martin M., fruit store, 8 Broad Beck Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Beck Moses (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Bedell Charles, physician, bds 37 N. Jackson Bedell Eliza, wid A. G., r 29 N.' Troup Bedell James (c), porter T. T. Edmunds Bedell Mary E. Miss, r 29 N. Troup Beecher Henry B., bkkpr Wells & Curtis, bds Broad, sw cor Baldwin Beecher James (c), lab 92 S. McIntosh Belcher James, wks E. & P. M. Co EAGLE &. PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. D. F. WIIXCOX, 71 Broad Street, Eepresents the MUTUAL LIFE INS. Oo. of N. Y.; Assets over ... $85,000,000 BEL 90 BEN Belcher Lizzie Mrs., r 6 Broad Belcher Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co Belcher Tabitha, wid Saul, r ws Front, 2d s of Crawford Belcher Tilitha, wid David, r 179 N. Oglethorpe Belcher Victoria, wks E. & P. M. Co Bell Annie, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 54 S. Front Bell Charity, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 54 S. Front Bell Daisy, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 54 S. Front Bell Flora Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co., r 138 Oglethorpe Bell Georgia Mrs., wks A. Clegg & Co., r 138 Oglethorpe Bell Jackson (c), lab, r McIntosh, ne cor Few Bell Jacob (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r 78 S. Forsyth Bell John (c), tinner W. Fee, r es Forsyth, 3d s of Thomas Bell John, well digger, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala Bell^Martha Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 12 Muscogee Bell Moses (c), lab, r 28 Early Bell Samuel, bds 32 S. Oglethorpe Bell Sarah J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 54 S. Front Belton Edward D. (c), shoemkr, ss Dillingham, 1st w of Broad, r 10 S. Forsyth Belton Mingo (c), porter W. & W. Mnfg Co Bennefield Bettie, wks E. & P. M. Co Bennefield Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co Bennefield Margaret, r es Short, 1st s of Crawford Bennefield Stephen, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds ws Forsyth, 1st n of Lee Bennefield William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Forsyth 1st n of Lee J ' Bennett Charles (c), harness mkr, ns Randolph, 2d w of Jackson, r Forsyth, nw cor Franklin Bennett Rachael Mrs., r 43 N. Forsyth Benning Augustus (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Baldwin Benning Monroe (c), lab, r ss Baldwin, 2d e of McIntosh Benning Peter (c), porter M. D. Hood & Co., r Troup, s of Few Benning Samuel (c), lab, r 68 S. McIntosh Benson Henry L., elk M. & G. R. R., r Broad, nr Bridge, Gi rard, Ala Benson Nancy, wid William, r Girard, Ala HAIMAN'S PATENT UNIVERSAL PLOW STOCK, Manufactured and for sale by SOUTHERN PLOW Co. Pins and stud8 fo1' sale, or Made to Order, OI\tl I\ll}gb, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. BEN 91 BLR Benson James C., frt elk M. & G. R. R., r McIntosh, n of Thomas Bentley Amanda E. Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 80 Jackson Bentley Commodore Rev. (c), pastor New Providence Baptist church, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Bentley Robert, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 23 Lee Benton Mary E., wid John, r 52 N. Oglethorpe Benton Peter (c), hackman, r es Jackson, 2d n of Water, N. Liberties Bergan Glenn, elk M. T. Bergan, r 18 S. Front Bergan Martin T., grocer, 16 and 18 S. Front Bernard Mary, Superior St. Joseph's Academy, r same Berry A. A. Miss, teacher Boys' School No. 1, bds 74 S. Front Berry Benjamin A., elk T. B. Berry, r 74 S. Front Berry Doc (c), lab, ws Jackson, 1st n of Commerce, N. Liber ties Berry George, bkkpr, r 249 Broad Berry Macon O., elk W. L. Tillman & Co., bds es Front, s of Baldwin Berry Moses (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 2d n of Early Berry Thomas B., grocer, 197 Broad, r 74 S. Front. Berry Wilson B., brick mnfr, nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Bertazzi John Rev., pastor St. James and Philip Catholic Church, r same Best Morgan, elk, r 48 N. Forsyth Bethune A. J., r Broad, nw cor Few Bethune Jeremiah (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Bryan Betz Alice Miss, bds 32 S. Troup Betz Emma, wid George, r 32 S. Troup Betz Lee, carrier Enquirer-Sun, r 32 S. Troup Bevel Louisa F., wid J. W., bds 109 S. Jackson Biehler Peter, shoemkr, r 197 Broad Biggers Frank (c), r es Broad, 3d s of Baldwin Bilbro Sarah Mrs., bds 42 S. Oglethorpe Billings Moses (c), lab, r 84 S. Oglethorpe Binford Robert J. (Pearce, Biuford & Co.), r 52 Bryan Birch A., wks E. & P. M. Co , r Brownville, Ala Birch William (c), wks E & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Bird Hampton (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Mt1 AUOuTHTji1 u 0 rDnUlIlPiMMIAY IMVlIlTb TbuQ Consume more Cotton than any Mills, making Colored goods only,in America. (a; mV UTIT T 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest VVlLlLlUUA, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. BIB 92 BLA Bird Gilbert (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Hamilton rd, N. Liber ties Bird Julius (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Hamilton rd, N. Liber ties Bird Major (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Hamilton rd, N. Liber ties Bird Wesley (c), lab, r ws Front, 3d n of Thomas Birdsong M. H. Miss, principal Girls' School No. 2 Birt Daniel (c), lab, r 175 Broad Bishop L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Bishop Matthew, elk, bds Albert, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Bivins Caroline, wid Isham, bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Bivins James M., elk W. T. Robinson, bds 247 Broad Bivins John M., carpenter, bds 247 Broad Bivins Mary F., wid J. M., r 247 Broad Bize Charlotte E., wid C. J., r 44 N. Jackson BIZE DANIEL R., grocer, 85 N. Oglethorpe, r 44 N. Jack- son Blackman Bird (c), lab., r Hamilton road, N. Liberties Blackman D., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Blackmar Alfred O., cashier Merchants and Mechanics' Bank r 46 N. Forsyth BLACKMAR JOHN (Jordan & Blackmar), and real estate agent, 31 St. Clair, r 46 N. Forsyth Blackmar Susan A., wid A. O., r 46 N. Forsyth Blackwell Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Blackwell William, carpenter, r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Blaine Charles, mate, r 101 S. Jackson Blake Emma Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co., bds S, Bridge, Gi rard, Ala Blake John E., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 44 3d, Browneville Ala Blakely Abraham, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r 30 2d, Browne ville, Ala Blakely Alfred J., elk G. P. Swift & Son, r 63 N. Forsyth Blakely George W., grocer, ns Dillingham, 4th w of Front Blakely Jesse A., elk J. M. Russell, bds 63 N. Forsyth BLAKELY JOHN J., grocer, ss Broadnax, w of River, r Browneville, Ala HI IIS CO. SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEARING Manufactured and for Sale by BLA American, English and Swiss mates', at Tery Low Prices, at I Wittich & Kinsel's Jewelry Store. 93 BOB Blakely Josephine, wks E. & P. M. Co Blakely Mary Mrs., bds Broad, nr Washington, Girard, Ala Blakely Thomas T., elk, r Girard, Ala Blanchard Henry, general manager 1ST. k S. R. R., bds Rankin House Blanchard James (c), drayman, r Commerce, N. Liberties Blanchard Thomas E. (Blanchard, Williams & Co.), and pres N. & S. R. R, r ns Randolph, 2d w of Mercer Blanchard William R. (Blanchard & Hill), r county Blanchard, Williams & Co. (T. E. Blanchard, G. M. Williams and L. M. Burrus), cotton factors and com mers, ws Front, BLsAofNSCt.HCAlaRirD & HILL (W. R. Blanchard and J. B. Hill), dry goods, 123 Broad BLANDFORD & GARRARD Blandford Mark H. (Blandford k Garrard), r Wynnton, Ga (M. H. Blandford and L. F. Garrard, lawyers, 67 Broad Blankenship Ellen Mrs., mattressmkr, 38 Broad Blankenship Martha Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 11 Muscogee Blk Blankenship Sarah J. Mrs., r Troup, ne cor Franklin Blankenship William H. H., r Wynnton, Ga Blau Edward W., tuner J. W. Pease k Norman, r Girard, Ala Bleier Elfert, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Bleier James, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Bleier Mary, wid Theodore, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Bleier Pauline Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Bloom Henry, elk Hern & Loeb, r 61 Broad Blount William W., lab, bds Front, se cor Bryan Board of Underwriters, R. B. Murdoch, pres; Thos. Chaffin, sec Boatrite Alva V., with E. & P. M. Co., r 69 N. Jackson Boice Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Boland Fannie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Boland Frances Miss, weaver D. G. Wesley, r Girard, Ala Boland Frank M., wks E. k P. M. Co., r 11 1st, Browneville, Ala Boland Grace Mrs., r Few, sw cor Troup Boland Hamilton (Barr k Boland), r Girard, Ala Boland Mattie Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala ty(jLt & HW SAVINGS BANK. W Deposits strictly Confidential. Di F. WILLCOXi I Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co.,) SET CASH assets, General Agent ( Virginia Home Insurance Co. f $593,987.21 BOL 94 BOS Boland Lizzie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 11 1st, Browneville, Ala Boland Mary, wks E. & P M. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Bolding George, wks E. & P. M Co., r Browneville, Ala Bolter Mary C. Miss, with Colvin & Donnelly, r 100 Broad Bonnell Lucy Mrs., dressmkr, 74 Broad Bonner Anthony (c) (Bonner & Ridley), r es McIntosh, s of Baldwin Bonner Peter (o), cook, r 79 S. Forsyth Bonner & Ridley (c) (A.Bonner and H. Ridley), cabinet mkrs, ss Thomas, 1st e of Broad Booher David L. (J. D. Johnston & Co.), and grocer 208 Broad Booher Marshall H., elk D. L. Booher, bds 206 Broad Booker Washington (c), carpenter, r Albert, nr King, Girard, Ala Booth Adella Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 82 2d, Browne ville, Ala Booth George (c), lab, r Bryan, nw cor Forsyth Booth Helen Miss, wksE. &P. M. Co., bds 32 2d, Browneville, Ala Booth Ida Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 32 2d, Browne ville, Ala Booth James A., r 32 2d, Browneville, Ala Booth James P. (Noble & Booth), r Oglethorpe, se cor St. Clair Booth Martha A. R. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 32 2d, Browneville, Ala Booth Richard (c), porter I. G. Struper, r Bryan, nw cor Forsyth Booth Sarah E. Miss, wks E. & P M. Co., bds 32 2d, Browne ville, Ala Boothe John E., elk Blanchard & Hill, bds St. Clair, ne cor Front Borham Jack (c), lab, r Troup, se cor Commerce, N. Liberties Boring George W., carpenter, r Crawford, sw cor 6th, Browne ville, Ala Boring Rebecca, wks E. & P. M. Co Borrum Catus (c), barber, 185 Broad, r Girard, Ala Bosada R. Ann Mrs., cigarmkr, bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Manufactured and fo"LsiSeEbSjColumbus Ironworks Co. Suitable for Bridal Presents, at BOS 95 BRA Bostick Berry, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Commerce, N. Lib erties Bostick Elizabeth Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Commerce, N. Liberties Bostick Henry, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Commerce, N. Lib- ertiss Bostick James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Commerce, N. Lib erties Bostick James, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala. Bostick Sallie Mrs., wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Bostick Sarah J. Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Boswell Ann Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Boswell Cooper (c), lab, r 45 S. Forsyth Boswell Mathew, farmer, r ws Forsyth, lstn of Lee Bowen Annie Miss, r 120 S. Forsyth Bowen Elizabeth, wid John, r 120 S. Forsyth Bowen John W., policeman, r 6 S. McIntosh Bowen Thomas, blacksmith, M. & G. R. R., r 120 S. Forsyth Bowers Jane Miss, dressmkr, r ss Franklin, 1st w of Warren BOWERS LLOYD G., cotton broker, ss Randolph, 2d w of Broad, r Wynnton, Ga Bowers Phillip B., bkkpr L. G. Bowers, r Wynnton, Ga BOWLES AUGUSTUS, with A. Gammel, r 11 N. McIntosh Bowman George (c), lab, r 110 S. Forsyth, Bowyer Charles E., printer, Thos. Gilbert, r es Troup, bet Crawford and Thomas Boyd Albin A. (Gibson & Boyd), r es Front, s of Thomas Boyd John, lab, r 2 S. McIntosh Boyes Martha P., wrid William, r es Short, 2d s of Crawford Boykin Carlton (c), farmer, r Division, N. Liberties Boykin Solomon (c), lab, r Division, N. Liberties Boynton Martin (c), wks W. Munday, r county Boys' Public School, Crawford, ne cor Jackson Bozeman Tempy Miss, r ws Mercer, 2d s of Few Bradiield II., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Bradfield Melissa Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 21 2d, Browne ville, Ala Bradford George A., druggist J. J. Mason & Co., r Troup, ne cor Crawford Bradford Jesse J. (Bradford & Everett), r 238 Broad Ills & 1111 sins III D. P. WILLCOX, Agt,, Represents GGJtP&fnt--MvB &-vn IJSf&WB&Mr&B iW$5.00 Buys $1,000, BRA 96 _ BRA Bradford James A. (Bradford & Gafford), r Troup, ne cor Crawford Bradford Mark A., saddlery and harness, 94 Broad, r 5 N. Troup BRADFORD & EVERETT Bradford Pleasant S., grocer, 43 St. Clair, r 91 Crawford (J. J. Bradford and H. F. Ev erett), stoves, tinware, house furnishing goods, etc., 142 Broad. (See front cover.) Bradford & Gafford (J. A. Bradford and G. W. Gafford), house and sign painters, 47 St. Clair Bradley George W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Bradley Josephine Miss, bds 2 S. McIntosh Brady Charles, policeman, r 80 S. Oglethorpe Brady John, policeman, r Broad, ab Bryan Brady Michael, elk L. Banner Brady Owen, bds 15 Crawford BRAMHALL JOSEPH H., Brady Patrick, trav agt, r 15 Crawford practical and experienced watchmkr and mnfr of fine watches, 87 Broad, r St. Clair, sw cor Troup Brann Michael, wks E. & P. M. Co Brannon Alexander M. (Brannon & Carson), r 27 N. Troup BRANNON WILLIAM H. Brannon James R. (Hecht & Brannon), bds Central Hotel (Peabody & Brannon), and BRANNON & CARSON pres Merchants and Mechanics' Bank, r 27 N. Troup (A. M. Brannon and R. A. Carson), druggists, 10 and 135 Broad Brantly Eliza S., wid William, r 79 N. Front Brantly George, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 79 N. Front Brantly George A., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 79 N. Front Brantly Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 79 N. Front Brantly Nannie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 79 N. Front Brasch Charles E., machinist M. & G. R. R., r Girard, Ala Brasch Sarah A. Miss, dressmkr, bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Bray Henry, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Commerce, N. Lib erties Bray Jennie Miss, wks Steam Mill, bds Commerce, N. Lib erties Bray Marj^ Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Jackson, N. Liberties Brazbees M., wks E. & P. M. Co heel pin bolts|grass eods Southern Plow Co. 97 BRO Bresinham John D., boilermkr, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Fulton Brewer Joseph C., with P. B. Patterson & Co., r Lin wood, Ga Brewster William G., foreman E. & P. M. Co., r46 3d,Browne- ville, Ala Brewster Susan, wks E. & P. M. Co Briggs Annie M., wid G. W., r St. Clair, ne cor Troup Briggs George W., elk W. R. R, r St. Clair, ne cor Troup Brinkley John R., painter, r ws 5th, 2d n of Franklin, Browne- ville, Ala Britt Jimmie Mad., bds 103 N. Oglethorpe Britt Luther W., elk W. R. Britt, r 54 S. Front Britt William R., grocer, ns Crawford, 2d e of Oglethorpe, r county Brittingham Herbert, wks M. & G. R. R., bds Girard, Ala Brittingham George, molder, bds 147 N. Oglethorpe Brittingham James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 147 N. Ogle thorpe Brittingham Lewis, wks M. & G. R. R., bds Girard, Ala Brittingham Lucinda, wid John, r 147 N. Oglethorpe Brittingham Nelson, supervisor M. & G. R. R., r Girard, Ala Brittingham Saleda, wid Elijah, bds Girard, Ala Brittingham Sue Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Britton James, elk J. M. Collins, r Browneville, Ala Britton Jennie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Broad, nr Jeffer son, Girard, Ala Britton John, wks. E & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Britton Lizzie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Broad, nr Jeffer son, Girard, Ala Britton Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Britton Nancy, wid William, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala BroadJStreet M. E. Church, Rev. J. J. Ansley, pastor; ws Broad, n of Bryan Broadliurst Annie E., wid W. W., r es McIntosh, 2d s of Ran dolph Broadnax James M., molder Columbus Iron Works, r 98 S. Front Broadnax James M. Jr., elk W. J. Chaffin, bds 98 S. Front Broadnax William (c), lab, r ss Thomas, 1st w of Forsyth Brock Nancy, wid Francis, bds Hamilton rd, N. Liberties EAGLE & MX IlllS, Sole Manufacturers, in the United States of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. D. F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. BEO 98 BKO Brock J. Frank, printer Enquirer-Sun, r ss Lee, e of Ogle thorpe Brock Pleasant, lab, bds ss Lee, 1st w of Jackson Brock way Charles, captain steamer G. W. Wylly, r over 32 St. Clair Broden Ella Miss, quiller D. G. Wesley, r Girard, Ala Brokaw Janet Mrs., r es Jackson, 2d s of Franklin Brombello Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Brooks Arnold (c), lab, r Oglethorpe, nw cor Water, N. Lib erties Brooks Charles E., elk, bds Front, se cor Eandolph Brooks Florence B., machinist Columbus Iron Wks, bds 257 Broad BROOKS FRANCIS M., Brooks Florida Miss, bds 7 N. Jackson judge ordinary Muscogee Co., office Court House, r Front, se cor Eandolph Brooks Frank L., grocer, r 240 Broad Brooks George E., machinist Columbus Iron Works, bds 257 Broad Brooks Jackson (c), porter J. S. Garrett, r Forsyth, ne cor Lee Brooks Jo. M. Miss, teacher Boys' School, bds St. Clair, ne cor Front Brooks John, engineer M. k G. E. E., r 12 S. McIntosh Brooks Philo, wid William, r 7 1ST. Jackson Brooks Stephen S., pattern mkr Columbus Iron Works, r 257 Broad Brooks Thornton (c), fireman Steam Mill Brooks William, engineer M. k G. E. E., r Broad, nr Thomas Broughton Berthenia, wid James, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Broughton James, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Broughton Melissa Miss, wks D. P. Wesley, bds Girard, Ala Brown Alexander (c), carpenter, r 4 S. Forsyth' Brown Allen (c), lab, r 116 S. Forsyth Brown Amanda, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Brown Annie M. Miss, with M. II. Lee, r 43 S. Front Brown Augustus (c), lab, r Commerce, N. Liberties Brown Burrill (c), sexton First Col'd Bap. Ch, r McIntosh, n of St. Clair Brown Calvin, carpenter A. Turner, r 77 S. Forsyth. HOLLOW-WARE of all kinds, including POTS, OVENS, SPIDERS &c.( Manufactured and for Sale by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. t I America#, English and Swiss makes, at very Low Prices, at I, Wittich & Kissel's Jewelry Store. BRO 99 BRO Brown Carrie Miss, bds 202 Broad Brown Cicero (c), lab, r rear 179 Broad Brown Edward (c), driver A. J. Gibson Brown Eliza, wks E. & P. M. Co Brown Frank (c), wellborer, r n of Bridge, wof Broad, Girard, Ala Brown George W., wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds 202 Broad Brown Georgia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 43 S. Front Brown Henry, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 43 S. Front Brown Isaac (c), lab, r ns Dillingham, 1st w of Front Brown James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Brown James W., elk, E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Brown John, lab, bds Short, 4th s of Crawford. Brown John (c), wks N. & S. R. R., r Commerce, N. Liberties Brown John H., farmer, r ws Front, 4th s of Crawford Brown John R., barkpr J. W. Jones, r ws McIntosh, 2d n of St. Clair Brown John AY., with E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Brown Lizzie Miss, bds 202 Broad Brown L. Cal, printer Times, bds 91 N. Jackson Brown Martha Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Brown Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r rear 60 IN". Oglethorpe Brown Nathan (c), driver AVatt & AYalker, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Baldwin Brown Peter (c), lab, r ss Commerce, 1st e of Troup, JST. Liberties Brown Philopena Miss, dressmkr, r 46 N. Forsyth Brown P. J. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Brown Robert (c), musician, r ws McIntosh, 2d n of Early Brown Sarah Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Brown Sarah, wid Milton, r es Short, 4th s of Crawford Brown Stephen (c), lab, r nr S. AY. R. R., e of limits Brown Susan Airs., seamstress, bds ws Jackson, N. Liberties BROWN W. RYLEY, Brown AYilliam(c), lab, r 61 S. Troup pres Columbus Iron Wks Co. and Sou Plow Co., r 202 Broad Browne H. Glover supt Steam Cotton Mill, r Jackson, se cor Franklin tlllfr PUCllIfY MUllIj W 1 nLlVlA Mflld IUIIjLiJ Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (H) . ' f - D. F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. BRO 100 BUF BROWNE J. RHODES, propr Steam Cotton Mill, pres The National Bank of Columbus and pres Georgia Home Insurance Co., r Jackson, se cor Franklin Browneville Baptist Church, Rev. Jasper Hicks, pastor; es 4th, n of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Browneville Public School, M. B. Ely, prin; Crawford, nw cor 4th, Browneville, Ala Browning Edmund, car inspector M. & G. R. R. and S. W. R. R., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Browning John, carpenter M. & G. R. R., bds Girard, Ala Browning Mary, wid Isaiah, r Broad, Girard, Ala Bruce Annis, wid James, bds 28 S. Troup Bruce Belle Miss, bds 28 S. Troup Bruce Henry, bkkpr E. & P. M. Co., r Broad, se cor Wash ington Bruce William, bkkpr E. & P. Savings Bank, r Bonny Doon Farm Bnielil Emil, watchmkr Wittich & Kinsel, bds Front, ne cor St, Clair Brunbeloe James II., lab, r es 4th, 3d s of Marshall, Browne ville, Ala Bryant Alaric M., elk, bds 253 Broad Bryant Augustus (c), lab, r ss Franklin, 3d e of McIntosh Bryant Edward (c), blacksmith, r es Hamilton rd, nr Com merce, N. Liberties Bryant Gustavus (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Bryant Michael, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Bryant Thomas M. pilot Stmr. Clara Dunning, r 253 Broad Bryant T. Bartow, elk, bds 253 Broad Buchanan Charles H., machinist M. & G. R. R Buchanan Cicero, machinist, r ns Crawford rd, 2d e of 6th, Browneville, Ala Buchanan Justin F., carpenter M. & G. R. R., r Browneville, Ala Buchanan Maria, wid M. G., r 6tli, se cor W. R. R., Browne ville, Ala Buchanan Matilda Mrs., wks Steam Mill, r es Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Buchanan Thomas, carpenter, r Front, se cor Bryan Buford Hall A., with A. Gammel, bds 31 N. Oglethorpe OANE MILLS of every Description, including HORSE, WATER or STEAM POWER, Manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. I I -j g*$ GR'YPXAJc, IWSWF/MWVB getjswev, 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA? BUR 102 BUT Burrus Martha P., wid James, r es 4th, n of Crawford, Browne ville, Ala Burras William (Noble & Burras), r Crawford, nw cor McIn tosh BURTS DUNCAN H., Burton William J., mer, r 32 S. McIntosh lawyer, 101 Broad, r 70 Troup, n of Franklin Bush Joel (J. Bush & Co.), r 13 S. Forsyth Bush J. & Co. (J. Bush and W. E. Sandeford), grocers, 146 Broad Bush Robert, painter, r ws 5th 2d n of Franklin, Browneville Ala Bush Thomas, cotton buyer, r 18 S. Forsyth Bush Tyler (c), lab, r rear 182 N. Oglethorpe Bussey Henry C., manager Columbus Transfer Co., r 92 N. Troup Bussey Hezekiah, solicitor general and lawyer, 68 Broad r 219 Broad Bussey James, milliner, r 13 Broad Bussey James B., law student H. Bussey, bds ws Broad, 2d s of Thomas Bussey Mary A. Mrs., milliner, 103 Broad, r ws Broad, n of Bryan BUSSEY NATHAN J. DR., pres Eagle and Phenix Mnfg BUCSo.SaEnYd SNavAinTgHs BAaNnkJ, .r JR., 91 N. Troup with E. & P. Mnfg Co r 91 N. Troup BUSSEY WILLIAM W., teller Eagle and Phenix Savings Bank, r 94 N. Troup Buston Rachael Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 75 S. Front Butler Annie Miss, bds 25 S. Oglethorpe Butler Charles (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Butler Eva Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., Browneville, Ala Butler Henrietta, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Butler Jane Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Front 3d n of Thomas Butler Joseph (c), hackman, r 120 S. Jackson Butler Nancy Miss, r es Front, 3d n of Thomas Butler Nathan (c), porter Chattahoochee National Bank, r 88 S. Jackson One New and one Second-hand ICE MACHINE at HalfPrice, for Sale by m&W.WMWS IBBN WQBSS Co. rCrLrOrCjK rS mIN mEVcERaY&SxTMYLjErs, sfrvosm $2.50 Upw8*a*rd*,*a.t BUT 103 cam' Butler Richard (c), lab, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Butler William, bds 25 S. Oglethorpe Butts James J., physician, ws McIntosh, oth s of Thomas Byard Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 2d e of Front Byrd Edward (c), waiter Rankin House Byrd Gilbert (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Byrd Henry (c), restaurant Union Depot, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Byrd H., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Byrd James T., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds Troup, N. Lib erties Byrd Julius (cl, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Byrd Major (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala CADE1N HEAD ELIZA L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browne ville, Ala Cadenhead Fannie Mrs., r 7 1st, Browneville, Ala Cadenhead Lorenzo, elk J. Summersgill, r Browneville, Ala Cadman Anthony, gun and locksmith, 34 Broad Cadman A. Mrs., bakery, 34 Broad Cain Madison (c), lab, r 37 S. Troup Caldwell Joseph (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 2d s of Thomas Calhoun James A., elk L. Rooney, r 42 S. Oglethorpe Calhoun J. Henry, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Calhoun George B., Fireman M. & G. R, R., r es McIntosh, 3d s of Randolph Calhoun Laura Miss, dressmkr, es Front, 2d s of Crawford Calhoun Lou Miss, r 59 S. Oglethorpe Calhoun Mary, wid Alexander, bds 42 S. Oglethorpe Calhoun Samuel M., planter, r 59 S. Oglethorpe Calhoun Wiley, butcher, r ns Dillingham,.5th w of Front Calhoun William (c), lab, r ns Fulton, 1st w of Broad Calhoun William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r e of Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala Callaway Willis (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Troup, N. Liberties Calvin Elizabeth, wid John, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Calvin William W., bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala CAMPBELL ABNER B. REV,, Campbell Abigail J., wid D. G., r Browneville, Ala pastor First Baptist Ch., r 43 N. Troup I? A riT I? % PWTOY MIT I Q Consume more Ootton than any Mills, MuJjllja rnji\llA MlJjLlOmakingOoloredgoodsonly,inAmerica. WILLCOX'S AGENCY, * Broad ni ) Time-Tried, Fire-Tested. pt. j EExperience, Care, Security. CAM 104 CAR Campbell Jesse H. Rev., city missionary, bds 43 N. Troup Campbell John (c), lab, r 32 S. McIntosh CANTRELL BROS. Cannon Nancy A., wid Wiley, r 143 N. Oglethorpe (T. A. & Y. R. Cantrell), dry goods, groceries and liquors, 167 Broad Cantrell Terrell A. (Cantrell Bros.), r 42 S. Troup Cantrell Yirgil R. (Cantrell Bros.), bds 42 S. Troup Carew Elizabeth, wid John, r 15 2d, Browneville, Ala Carey Catherine M., wid E. L., r 47 3d, Browneville, Ala Carey Edward, lab, r Short, ne cor Baldwin Carey Elizabeth, wid Isaac, r Short, ne cor Baldwin Carey Jacob (c), farmer, r ws Mercer, 1st n of Randolph Carey Lula, wks E. & P. M,, Co., r Browneville, Ala Carey Lydia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala CARGILL GEORGE, Carey Thomas I., lab, r Short, ne cor Baldwin groceries, produce and dray line, 451 Crawford,' r Oglethorpe, nw cor Baldwin Cargill James E. (Gordon & Cargill), r 81 N. Jackson Cargill John AY., grocer, Odd Fellows' Bldg, r 105 St. Clair Carlson John, lab, bds 7 N. McIntosh Carmack Amanda Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 21 2d, Browne-j ville, Ala Carmack John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r'Browneville, Ala CARNES ROBERT E., Carmack Martha, wid Frederick, r 21 2d, Browneville, Ala with D. F. Willoox, r ws Mein- I tosh, 2d s of Crawford Carpenter Benjamin, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Carpenter Charles E., fisherman, r 7 Muscogee Blk Carpenter Dollie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Carpenter Gil, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Carpenter Georgia Mrs., wks Clegg's Mill, bds Washington, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Carpenter Lula, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Carpenter Mack, fisherman, bds Washington, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Carpenter Narcissa E., wid B. F., r es 5th, 4th n of Craw ford rd, Browneville, Ala Carpenter William, wks E. & P. M. Co Carr George AY., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds Broad, nr Jef- ; ferson, Girard, Ala To get, at all times, First-class LUMBER, Rough or Plane!, in any style, Call on COLUMBUS IRONWORKS COMPANY. CAR 105 CHA Carruthers Joseph S., binder T. Gilbert, r 30 S. Oglethorpe Carson Daniel (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 6th s of Thomas Carson Robert A. (Brannon & Carson), r es Troup, 4th n of St. Clair Carson Thomas, elk Brannon & Carson, bds Front, ne cor St. Clair Carter Fannie E. Miss, r 92 St. Clair Carter George (c), porter G. Cargill, r Girard, Ala Carter Henry (c), wks M. k G. R. R. r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Carter John (c), porter,r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Carter John D., bkkpr M. Joseph, r es Jackson, 2d s of Frank lin Carter Robert, druggist, 81 Broad, r Wynnton, Ga Carter Robert E., elk, r 81 Broad Carter Willis C. (c), shoemkr, 49 St. Clair, r es McIntosh, s of Baldwin Casey Barnard D., constable, r Oglethorpe, ne cor Baldwin Casey Daniel, lab, r Baldwin, se cor McIntosh Cash Mattie Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Castleman Humphreys, com mer, 69 Broad, r Wynnton, Ga Cater Charles (c), lab, r ns Thomas, 1st e of Forsyth Cates Ella Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cates Lula Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Central Hotel, J. W. Ryan, propr; 140 Broad Central Line of Steamers, C. A. Klink, agt; 32 St. Clair Chadwick Buena, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds 23 S. Front Chadwick Mary Mrs., wks E. k P. M. Co., r 23 S. Front Chaffin George D., elk M. k G. R. R., r 96 S. Front CHAFFIN WILLIAM J., Chaffin Thomas, ins agt, r 41 N. Oglethorpe, n ol St. Clair books, stationery and music, 92 Broad, r 41 N. Oglethorpe Chafin John, printer Times, r 48 N. Forsyth Chafin Thomas P., physician, 81 Broad, r 48 N. Forsyth Chalfant Ida, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Chalfant William E., wks E. k P. M. Co., r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Chalmers Euphenia, wid John G., r 35 S. Jackson Chalmers George B-, machinist Columbus Iron Wks., r Girard, Ala IUU k PHEN1X MS MI Compounds Interest 4 times aYear. Security Ample, Interest Liberal. I D. F. WILLCOX, 71 Broad Street, Represents the MUTUAL LlxJj iris. Co. of N, Y.; Assets over - - . $85,000,000 CIIA 106 CHE Chalmers Louis M. (McCollister & Chalmers), bds Broad nr ^ Bridge, Girard, Ala Chalmers Mary O., wid George, r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard Ala Chalmers William E., elk T. T. Edmunds, bds Broad nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Chalmers Wiley (c), wks E. & P. M, Co., r ss Wynnton rd e of limits Champayne David W. (Champayne & England) r 72 Crawford Champayne & Eugland (D. W. Champayne and R. H. England), contractors and builders, es Oglethorpe, 2d n of Ran dolph Chaney Zack (c), hostler A. Gammel, r St Clair, w of Troup Chapman Elizabeth Mrs., boarding 56 N. Troup CHAPMAN THOMAS, with Pioneer Co-Op Co r 77 St Clair. Chappell Absalom H., lawyer, r Rose Hill Chappell Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Chappell J. Harris, prof Columbus Female College, r Rose Chappell Lucius H. (Etheredge & Chappell), and prov broker, 119 Broad, r Rose Hill Chappell Thomas J. (Rambo & Chappell), r Rose Hill Chappell William, carpenter, r ns Franklin, 2d w of 7th Browneville, Ala ' Charleston Nathaniel (c), tinner W. Fee, r s of Wynnton rd e of limits J ' CHASE GEORGE W. PROF, teacher of music, r 73 Crawford ' Chase Gywnn (c), lab, r nr S. W. R. R. e of limits CHATTAHOOCHEE NATIONAL BANK H H. Epping, pres; H W Edwards, cashier; R. M. Mulford, asstcash^ ler; 57 Broad. (See front fly A.) Cheek John W., grocer, es Hamilton rd, N. Liberties, r Talbotton rd Cherry Jane Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co, r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Cherry Margaret, wks E. & P. M. Co, bds es Short, 7th s of Crawford ' Flchine?JfnrNJ!LAb0R GRATES, GRATE BARS, and all kinds of Ma chinery for sale and manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS Co. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Rings, Necklaces, Lockets etc., at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. CHE 107 CLA CHESAPEAKE GUANO CO, Cherry Lunana, wid G. H., r es Short, 7th s of Crawford J. H. Hamilton, agt, junc Oglethorpe, Franklin and Warren. (See page 77.) CHILTON ROBERT H., Childs Jane Miss, wks E. &P.M. Co., r rear 60 N. OHethorpe pres Columbus Mnfg Co., r Factory Village Christian John, wks E. & P. M. Co Christian William (c), shoemkr, r ws Mercer, 7th n of Craw ford Circus Lizzie Mad., r 100 N. Oglethorpe City Commons, e of Mercer and s of M. & G. R. R City Market House, Oglethorpe, s of St. Clair City Mills, J. N. Embry & Co., proprs, foot of Commerce, N. Liberties Claflin School (col'd), R. L. Mott, pres; Washington, sw cor Mercer Clapp Julius J., salesman G. P. Swift & Son, bds 56 N. Troup Claridy Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, 5th s of Crawford Claridjr Michael, watchman E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 5th s of Crawford Claridy William, farmer, r es short, 5th s of Crawford Clark Abner (c), wks M. & G. R. R Clark Elijah (c), shoemkr, 2 Rankin Row, r Baldwin, cor For syth Clark Henry (c), lab, r 117 S. Jackson Clark Henry (c), lab, r Ogletherpe, ne cor Division, N. Liber ties Clark James (c), rags, r rear 179 Broad Clark Jeremiah (c), lab, r rear 7 N. McIntosh Clark John (c), barber 0. Weems, r Wynnton, Ga Clark John (c), carpenter E. & P. M. Co., r 57 S. Jackson Clark Moses (c), lab, r rear 92 St. Clair Clark Robert (c), farmer, r Oglethorpe, ne cor Division, N. Liberties Clark Sarah, wid George, r 182 N. Oglethorpe CLARK WILLIAM L., Clark Thomas (c), wks W. Munday, r 117 S. Jackson supt M. & G. R. R. and agt S. W. R. R., r 23 N. Troup Clarke John A., r 7 N. Jackson EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS. Manufacturers of the famous Fancy GINGHAMS & TURKISH TOWELS (6) D. F. WILLOOX, Ag;t., Represents C (i .V P.'IJV r- Lxrii a.yv axrpxuK.yr. ^$5.00 Buys $1,000 CLA 108 CLE CLARKE CLARENCE C., watches and jewelry, 3 Rankin Row, bds es Oglethorpe, 2d s of Thomas Clay Annie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Clay Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Clay J. M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Clay Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Clay Moses E., mason, r e of Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala Clay Thomas J., machinist Columbus Iron Wks, r Girard, Ala Clayton Jane, wid Alexander, r 75 S. Front Clayton Philip A., cotton buyer, r es Front, n of St. Clair Cleckler Martha, wid Elijah, bds ws Jackson, n of Division, A. Liberties Clegg Anthony (A. Clegg & Co.), r Oglethorpe, nw cor Com merce, N. Liberties Clegg Anthony, Jr., elk A. Clegg & Co., bds Oglethorpe, nw CLEGG A. & cor Commerce, N. Liberties CO. (A. Clegg and-), check mill, ws Jackson, s of St. Clair Clegg Cam, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Front, 4th s of Craw ford Clegg Edward F., foreman Steam Mill, r Broad, nr King, Gi rard, Ala Clegg John F., bkkpr A. Clegg & Co., r ws Jackson, N. Lib erties Clegg John H., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Front, 1st s of Craw ford Cleghorn Alaitha, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cleghorn John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cleghorn Samuel B., r Perry House Cleland Ellen Mrs., grocer 86 S. Forsyth Clements A. Frank (A. F. Clements & Co.), r 18 S. Troup Clements A. F. & Co. (A. F. and R. N. Clements), saloon and billiards, 164 Broad CLEMENTS JOHN W., grocer and provision dealer, 111 Broad, bds Central Hotel Clements Robert 1ST. (A. F. Clements & Co.) r 2 S. Jackson Clemons Isabella W., wid William, bds ns W. R. R., 5th w of 6th, Browneville, Ala FORCE PUMPS, PULLEYS, SHAFTING, HANGERS &c., always on hand at CQl*V.U8l'S I3Q,V WOSJSS 0. f LO CK S IN EVERY STYLE, from $2.50 Upward,at jjJJJ J WSTWWm J&tltSM&S J/mwb&mt gross. CLE 109 COL Clemons Clara, Avks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Clemons Josephine, Avks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Clemons J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Coart Thomas S., elk Wells & Curtis, r 73 Broad Coart William C., bkkpr Georgia Home Ins. Co., r 45 N. Troup Cobb Daniel (c), r ns Thomas, 1st e of Forsyth Cobb Eliza H. Miss, Avks E. & P. M. Co., bds Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Cobb George, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Cobb James M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Bridge, av of Broad, Girard, Ala Cobb Jennie Miss, dressmkr, r 50 N. Oglethorpe Cobb John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Cobb Mary, wid Jacob, bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Cobb Victoria Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co., bds Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Cochran John II. (T. G. Cochran & Son), r Franklin, nAv cor 7th, Browneville, Ala Cochran S., wks E. & P. M. Co Cochran Thomas G. (T. G. Cochran & Son), r Franklin, nw cor 7th, Browneville, Ala Cochran T. G. & Son (T. G. and J. II. Cochran), grocers, Franklin, nw cor 7th, Browneville, Ala Code Catharine, wid John, r 80 S. Forsyth Code William, bricklayer, r 80 S. Forsyth Coffield Flora Miss, dressmkr, bds Columbus line, nw cor Troup, N. Liberties Coffield Milton, carpenter, r Columbus line, nw cor Troup, N. Liberties Coffield M. Mrs., seamstress G. J. Peacock Coffield William J., miller, r avs Oglethorpe, 2d s of Com merce, N. Liberties Cogbill John W., wks Columbus Iron Wks, r Girard, Ala Cogbill Leonidas H., wheelwright, r Girard, Ala Cogbill Morgan, elk Blandford & Garrard, r Girard, Ala Colbert Abraham (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, res Front, s of Thomas Colbert E. F., wid J. S., r es Front, 2d s of Randolph EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. D, F. WILLCOXJ Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co.,)J,ET cash assets, General Agent ( Virginia Home Insurance Co, J $593,987.21 COL 110 COL ' Colbert Joseph (c), farmer, r es Troup, 5th s of Commerce, N. Liberties Cole Archibald H., lab, r 3 Muscogee Blk Cole Emma Miss, whs Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 3 Muscogee Blk Cole Ezekiel, r 42 2d, Browneville, Ala Cole Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co Cole Joseph, lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Cole Lucy A., wid William, r e of Summerville rd, Browne ville, Ala Cole Margaret Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 3 Muscogee Blk Coleman Adolphus A., opr W. U. Tel. Co., r Jackson, sw cor St. Clair Coleman Benjamin F., contractor, r Broad, sw cor Few Coleman Benjamin F., Jr., bricklayer, bds Broad, sw cor Few Coleman Charles, lawyer, Broad, ne cor St. Clair, r 45 1ST. For syth Coleman Charles (c), porter A. L. Harrison, r ss Fulton, 2d e of Broad Coleman George (c), cook Central Hotel, r Jackson, se cor Division, N. Liberties Coleman George (c), lab, r 231 Broad Coleman George (c), shoemkr, r 118 S. Jackson Coleman Mary, wid Thomas, r 30 S. Jackson Coleman Thomas G., brick mnfr, nr S. W. R. R., e of limits, r ss Few, 2d w of Broad Coleman Wesley (c), lab, r McIntosh, ne cor Early Collee John, fireman M. & G. R. R Collee Meredith, engineer M. & G. R, R Collier Emmerson, carrier Enquirer-Sun, r es Jackson, s of Thomas Collier Lewis A., with Gordon & Cargill, r 25 S. Jackson Collier Lewis M., blacksmith M. & G. R. R., r 25 S. Jackson Collins Annie M. Miss, dresssmkr, bds Broad, nr Wayne, Girard, Ala Collins Charles, mail agt M. & G. R. R., r Broad, nr Wayne, . Girard, Ala Collins Daniel, doors, sash and blind factory, es Oglethorpe, s of Franklin, r Girard, Ala Collins Daniel jr., wks D. Collins, r Girard, Ala PJ1 TTI11\T JPPt'lJP Allum's and Wright's bUllUlll Patent D Ma,lu*'actllre,I and always on hand at lUljldllJjU, COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. COL 111 COL Collins Edward (c), wks T. J. Dudley, r 58 N. Mercer Collins James, wks D. Collins, r Girard, Ala Collins Jessie A. Miss, dressrnkr, Broad, nr Wayne, Girard Ala Collins John M., grocer, ss Broadnax, w of river, Brownville, Ala Collins Maggie Mrs., r 89 S. McIntosh Collins United S., machinist, bds Broad, nr Wayne, Girard, Ala Collins William, lab, r es -1th, 4th s of Crawford, Brownville, Ala Colston Monroe (c), porter W. S. Needham Colt John (c), lab r rear 2 S. Jackson Colter Van, wks E. & P. M. Co Columbus Choral Union, E. L. Wells, pres; Hall, Opera COHLoUusMe BUS ENQUIRER-SUN, John King propr; 82 COanLdU3M4BSUt.SClaFiEr.M(ASeLeEadCvO.)LLEGE, Prof G. R. Glenn, pres; Troup, se cor Lee. (See page 80.) Columbus Female Orphan Asylum, Miss Cornelia Patterson, matron, ws Mercer, n of Franklin Columbus Gas Light Company The, R. L. Mott, pres, ws Short, COs LoUf CMrBawUfSordIRON WORKS CO., W. R. Brown, pres; J. H. Johnson, sec and treas; G. J. Golden, supt; founders and COmLaUchMinBisUts,SfoMot AofNTUhoFmAaCs.TU(SReIeNbGooCttoOm., lines.) R. FI. Chilton, pres; A.Illges, sec; office 32 Randolph, factory 2 J miles n on river. (See back paster.) Columbus Mutual Building and Loan Association, W. II. Williams, sec and treas; 31 St. Clair Columbus Shooting Club, W. S. Shepherd, pres ; ns St. Clair, w of Broad Columbus Transfer Co., H. C. Bussey, manager, 78 N. Ogle thorpe Colvin John A., pass agt, r 100 Broad Colvin J. A. Mrs. (Colvin & Donnell3r), r 100 Broad Colvin & Donnelly, (Mrs. J. A. Colvin and Miss A. V. Don nelly), milliners, 100 Broad IIPII ,Pr nnPIlTIV MIT IP Sole Manufacturers, in the United States, MULIj W MAMA IlLLiJ, Of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. COL 112 Colzey Eugene F., physician, 32 St. Clair, r 4 N. Troup Combs Philip (c), lab, r rear 179 Broad Comer Frank M., county jailor, r ss Crawford, e of Mercer Comer Marcus L., r ss Crawford, e of Mercer Cone Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co Cone Mattie Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Connell Annie, wid John, r 14 S. Fors}rth Conner Angie Miss, bds es Hamilton rd, nr Commerce, N. Liberties Conner Bridget, wid James, bds ns W. R. R., w of 1st, Browne- ville, Ala Conner B. F., wks E. & P. M. Co Connor Fannie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r N. Liberties Connor John H. (J. H. Connor & Co.), r Front, nw cor Thomas Connor J. H. & Co. (J. H. Connor and W. McGovern), grocers, 145 Broad Connor Martha, wid Charles, r 23, S. Front Connor Martin, stoker gas wks, r ns Dillingham, 3d w of Front Connor Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Hamilton rd, nr Commerce, N. Liberties Conway Hansford D., lab, r 21 2d, Browneville, Ala Conway James H., with J. Kyle & Co., r Linwood, Ga Coo'ey Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co Cooley John, gardener, r Broad, sw cor Franklin Cooley Mary Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r N. Liberties Cooley M., wks E. & P. M. Co COOK JAMES 0. A. 'REV., Cook James M., grocer, r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Thomas pastor St. Luke M. E. Church, South' r 100 St, Clair Cook James T. (Cook & O'Brien), r 12 S. Troup Cook John C., bkkpr J. McGough & Co., r ws Broad, s of St. Clair Cook Henry (c), shoemkr, 53 Bryan, r Hamilton rd, N. Lib erties Cook Henry C. (c), shoemkr, r 46 N. Forsyth Cook Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Cook Robert (c), lab, r ws Broad, 2d n of Thomas Cook Sallie Miss, r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Cook Sarah A. Mrs., wks Hinde & Preer, r 2 S. McIntosh mTTlMrp UNIVERSAL PLOW STOCK, Manufactured and l for sale by SOUTHERN PLOW Co. Cook Savannah, wks E. & P. M. Co COOK & O'BRIEN Cook Susan Mad., r 116 Oglethorpe (J. T. Cook and market 15 and 17, city market Cooper Adaline, wid Hadley, r 26 S. Jackson Cooper Edward (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Cooper Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cooper Fannie Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cooper George, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 24 2d, Browneville, Ala Cooper George W., carpenter W. A. Willingham, r 28 S. Troup Cooper Henry (c), bricklayer, r Hamilton rd. at limits N. Lib erties Cooper Jennie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cooper John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Cooper John T., conductor M. & G. R. R., r 28 S. Jackson Cooper Mattie Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 24 2d. Browneville, Ala Cooper Melissa, wks E. & P. M. Co Cooper Michael, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Cooper Octavio Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Cooper Richard, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Cooper Sarah, wid A. W., r Front, se cor Bryan Cooper Washington (c), carpenter, r 16 Early COOPER WILLIAM, Cooper William, carpenter, r 149 Front with Pioneer Co-Op. Co., r ss Bryan, 2d e of Troup Cooper William M., carpenter, r ns Thomas, 1st e of Front Cooper Willie Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Copeland Herschel V., elk, bds es Oglethorpe, n of limits, N. Liberties Copeland Homer E. Miss, seamstress, r es Oglethorpe, n of limits, N. Liberties Copeland Joseph B., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Corbett A., wks E. & P. M. Co Corbett Bora Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girai'd, Ala Corbett George, carpenter, r S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Corcey Susan Miss, w'ks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 11 Musco gee Blk yiJLt & HiNIK SAVINGS BANK. W Deposits Strictly Confidential. J "JJEKSSS?* mi IBII ACT. TfoiloT8 COE 114 CEA Corcev G. AY., wks E. & P. M. Co Corcey Thomas, driver Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 11 Muscogee Blk Corcey William, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Costan Martin A., elk A. L. Harrison, r ws Jackson, n of Few Cotton Mattie Mrs., with W. & AY. Mnfg Co., bds Bridge, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Cotton William, machine agt, r Bridge, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Couch Charles M., elk So. Ex. Co., bds 256 Broad Couch Elizabeth J., wid George, r 256 Broad Couch Ellen Mrs., r Girard, Ala Couch Frank, lab, r S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Couch Lena, wid Eli, r ws Front, 1st s of Crawford Coulter Henry (McColister, Chalmers & Coulter), r 2d, Browne- ville, Ala Coulter William H., butcher, r ns Crawford rd, 3d e of 6th, Browneville, Ala Coulter AY. Y. B., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Council Chamber, CrawTford, bet Oglethorpe and Jackson County Jail, ss Crawford, e of Mercer Court House, Crawford, bet Oglethorpe and Jackson Cowdery Lester L. (L. L. Cowdery & Co.), r Eose Hill Cowdery Lester L. Jr. (L. L. Cowdery & Co.), r Eose Hill COWDERY L. L. CO. Cowder}^ Louis AY., elk L. L. Cowdery & Co. r Eose Mill. & (L, L. and L. L. Cowdery, Jr.), im porters and dealers, china, glass, queensware, wooden and willow ware, fancy goods, &c., 120 Broad Cox Green (c), lunch room, es Hamilton rd, 2d n of limits, N. Liberties Cox Eachel Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Crabtree Alice Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 38 2d, Browne ville, Ala Crabtree Alary, wid Frank, r 38 2d, Browneville, Ala Craddock Elizabeth, wid H., bds Albert, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala CRANE ROBERT S., Crane Laura, wks E. & P. M. Co staple and fancy grocer, 68 Broad, cor Randolph, r 81 S. Oglethorpe Crane William H., elk R. S. Crane, r Beallwood, Ga ' Manufactured and for Sale by Columbus Iron Works Co. CRAWFORD BENNETT H., lawyer, 97 Broad, r Bryan, sw cor Troup Crawford Doc (c), lab, r Franklin, se cor McIntosh CRAWFORD MARTIN J., Crawford Gordon (c), lab, r Lee, ne cor Oglethorpe judge Superior Court, office 87 Randolph, r Bryan, ne cor Jackson Crawford Mary Miss, r 106 S. Forsyth Crawford Milton (c), waiter D. Wolfson Crawford Reese (Crawford & McNeill), r es Troup, 2d n of Bryan CRAWFORD & McNEILL (Reese Crawford and J. M. McNeill), lawyers, 128 Broad Crester Luke, lab, r ns Baldwin, 2d e of McIntosh Crew Warren (c), shoemkr, 45 St. Glair, r Womack's Hill, N. Liberties Crichton Charles, baker A. L. Harrison, r ss Baldwin, 1st w of Jackson Crichton Paschall (c), lab, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Crogan Bridget, wid John, r 50 S. Troup Grogan Mary Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Crogan Patrick, engineer, bds 50 S. Troup Croghen Annie Miss, housekeeper Central Hotel Cropp Lottie E. Miss, bds 75 S. Oglethorpe Crouch George W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Jackson, N. Liber ties Crouch Ida Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Crouch Lillie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Crouch William T., carpenter, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Crowell Frank (c), driver Dr. N. J. Bussey Crump Richard (c), drayman, r 72 S. Troup Cullen Annie Miss, r ns Franklin, Browneville, Ala Cullen Mary J., wid John, r e of Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala Culverson George, wks E. & P. M. Co Cunningham Samuel (c), porter I. Joseph, r ws Mercer, 1st s of Franklin Cunningham Washington (c), carpenter, r ws Mercer, 4th n of Thomas Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (H) 1 _________ D. F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. CUQ 116_ DAY 1 Cuquilard Leonard, bricklayer, r 6 Broad Cureton Nancy Miss, r 15 N. Oglethorpe Curlee Elizabeth, Avid Meredith, r 18 S. McIntosh Curlee John, watchman, bds 18 S. McIntosh Curlee Joseph A., watchman AY. R. R., r Franklin, se cor Mercer Curlee Meredith, engineer M. k G. R. R., r 18 S. McIntosh Curlee Serena, wks E. k P. M. Co Curran Peter, grocer, ns Crawford, 4th e of Front Curry James T., engineer M. k G. R. R., r 16 S. McIntosh Curtis Norris N. (AYells k Curtis), r 225 Broad Curtis Robert (e), lab, res Forsyth, 4th n of Few Cushman Jane, wid Charles, r Randolph, se cor McIntosh Cutri Antonio, musician, r 186J Broad ~1 \ ANIEL ASA B., agt, grocer, 5 Rankin Row, r 62 S. -I--' Oglethorpe Daniel Callie, wid John, r 22 N. Jackson Daniel Elisha (c), butler J. Hanserd Daniel Harry II., elk H. Castleman, bds 83 N. Jackson Daniel Henry, lab, r 120 S. Troup Daniel James E., elk J. T. Daniel, bds 83 N. Jackson DANIEL JAMES T., Daniel James L., bds 90 S. Oglethorpe grocer, CraAvford, nw cor Oglethorpe, r 83 N. Jackson Daniel John (c), lab, r es Hamilton rd, nr Commerce, N. Lib erties Daniel Joseph H., Avith G. J. Peacock, r Broad, ne cor St,. Clair Daniel Lemuel (c), lab, r ns Dillingham, 2d e of Front Daniel Lewis (c), lab, r 15 N. McIntosh Daniel Lunsford, Avith AY. & AY. Mnfg Co., bds ws Jackson, n of St. Clair Daniel Thomas IT., printer Enquirer-Sun, bds ws Jackson, s of St. Clair Dann Augusta, wid Thomas, bds 49 S. Oglethorpe Dasher Helen M., wid A. F., r Front, se cor Randolph Davenport Charles J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 13 1st, Browne- ville, Ala Davenport Floyd (c), lab, r ays McIntosh, 5tli n of Few Manufacturers of All Kinds of IRON AND STEEL PLOW HOES. DAV Suitable for Bridal Presents, at 117 DAV Davidson Della, wks E. & P. M. Co Davidson D. L., wlcs E. & P. M. Co Davidson Eli F., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 49 3d, Browneville Ala Davidson Eli L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 31 2d, Browneville, DAAVlaIDSON ERANK, job printer T. Gilbert, bds Troup, sw cor Commerce, N. Liberties Davidson James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 31 2d, Browneville, Ala Davidson Stillman, carpenter, r Troup, sw cor Commerce, N. Liberties Davis Albert (c), r rear 219 Broad Davis Allen (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Oglethorpe, n of Division, 1ST. Liberties Davis Alonzo, blacksmith M. & G. R. R Davis Andrew (c), carpenter, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Davis Anna M., wid A. B., r 84 S. Oglethorpe Davis Anthony (c), lab, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Davis Augusta, wTks E. & P. M. Co Davis A., wks E. & P. M. Co Davis Belle, wks E. & P. M. Co Davis Edmund (c), carpenter, r 39 S. Forsyth Davis Edward T., baggagemaster M. & G. R. R., r 51 Few Davis Emeline, wid E. J., r ns IV. R. R., 8th w of 6th, Browne ville, Ala Davis Emma, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Davis Frank (c), lab, r 90 S. Troup Davis Gabriel (c), shocmkr A. Jones, r ws Mercer, 4th n of Lee Davis George (c), steward Mrs. M. C. Lary Davis George, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Davis Gustavus (c), hostler A. Gammel, r 31 Oglethorpe Davis Henry (c), shoemkr, ss Randolph, 5th e of Oglethorpe, r ws Troup, 1st s of IV. R. R Davis Jack, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Davis James E., elk R. Deignan, r Baldwin, se cor Forsyth Davis John (c), lab, r 45 S. Jackson Davis John (c), lab, r rear Jackson, sw cor Washington Davis John, machinist A. Clegg & Co., r Girard, Ala F!AfrT F PWF1\TIY Mil I Q Manufacture over One Hundred Va- LnULlllj d rnUjiuA MiljJjO rieties of Colored and Fancy Goods. n fi WII m Broa^ U. 1 1 . [ 71 Street' Represents Oldest and Strongest VViUUUUA, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. __DAY 118 DEC~ Davis John C., wks E. & P. M. Co.t r Girard, Ala Davis Joseph (c), driver, r 64 1ST. McIntosh Davis Lucinda, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Davis Lumpkin (c), section hand N. & S. R. R r ss Com merce, 1st e of Troup, N. Liberties Davis Margaret Mrs., wks A. Clegg & Co Davis Mary E. Mrs., grocer, 59 Baldwin Davis Mel ford, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Davis M. E., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Davis Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Davis Ransom A., blacksmith, r 5th, sw cor Crawford, Browne ville, Ala i Davis- Reuben (c), wks M. & G. R. R., r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Davis Robert A., blacksmith, r 50 S. Troup Davis Sim (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Davis Virgil S., lab, r Washington, nr Broad, Girard. Ala Davis William (c), farmer, r ns Dillingham, 2d e of Front Davis William, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 6th s of Crawford Davis William, wks Hinde & Preer Davis William A., grocer, 51 Few Dawson Demoss (c), lab, r ws Troup, 4th s of Division N. Liberties Dawson Elijah (c), brickmason, r ws Troup, 1st n of Com merce, N. Liberties Day Cynthia Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 2d w of Broad Day Mary A. Mrs., dressmkr, 23 Broad Day Y. J., wks E. & P. M. Co Dean Eliza Miss, wks F. W. Loudenber, bds N. Liberties Dean James M., farmer, r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Dean Jennie Miss, r es Jackson, 2d s of Few Dean John T., blacksmith, r Girard Ala Dean M., Avks E. & P. M. Co Dearing Lucy, wid John, r ws Front, 2d s of Crawford Deaton James E., groceries, 166 Broad, r 57 S. Oglethorpe Decker Andrew, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 39 2d, Browneville, Ala Decker John, Avks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEARING Manufactured and for Sale by ikrqox\d Pins and Studs for sale, or Made to Order, at WITTICH & KISSEL'S Jewelry Store. DEC 119 DIC Decker Julia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Deckrow Sarali J. Mrs., dressmkr, 11 N. Jackson i Dees Georgiana E. Miss, wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Dees John, r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala I Dees Josephine Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala | Dees M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala f Dees Ophelia Miss, wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala ] Deignan Catharine, wid Williarn, r 50 S. Oglethorpe DDDeEEigIIGGnaNNn AAMNN. A. Miss, teacher Girls School PATRICK, grocer, ss Crawford,4th e RICHARD R., grocer, Front, se cor of Front Crawford Deignan Thomas M., elk L. J. Rafferty, r 50 S. Oklethorpe Dennard Mack (c), lab, r ws Forsyth, 4th n of Few Dennis Francis M., with G. P. Swift & Son, r 19 2d, Browne ville, Ala Dennison Mollie Mad., r 70 N. Oglethorpe Dense Alexander (c), waiter, r rear 52 Bryan Dent Alexander, Firmer, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala Dent Anna, w'ks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala- Dent Emma Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Dent Hattie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard Ala Dessau Moses H., dry goods, Hamilton rd, 2d s of Commerce, N. Liberties Dessau Rebecca Mrs., milliner, Hamilton rd, se cor Com merce, N. Liberties Dever Hugh, pedler, r 145 S. Front Dever Katie Miss, with M. H. Lee, bds 145 S. Front DeVOTIE JEWETT G., Devore Thomas J., elk G. J. Peacocs., r county editor Enquirer-Sun, r 32 St. Clair DeWolf Walter S. (Wynne, DeAVolf & Co.), res Forsyth, 1st s DEWS GEORGE M., of Randolph Supt Public Schools, office, Jackson, ne cor Crawford, r 50 N. Forsyth Dexter Charles E., sec and treas Gas Co. and com mer, ws, Front, n of Crawford, r es Forsyth, 2d s of Randolph. Dickens Effie, wid Clinton, r 41 2d, Browneville, Ala Dickens Theodosia Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 41 2d, Browneville, Ala Dickson Harriet Mrs., seamstress, r 22 Broad MD UHLiiIhj1 aj? DrnUUFMlluTAY MMIiT.LlTljUQmCaoknisnugmOeomloorree:lCgoototoisnonthlyan,inaAnymeMriicllas., P, /?, WJtEi&&O.Xt$ QsE'.VRfciz Ijv-sv&.-'Ijvcv {ie?j?WGTt 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. DIC 120 DOZ Dickens William, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 41 2d, Browne- ville, Ala Dickson Washington (c), lab, r rear 179 Broad Dillard Mattie Mad., r Warren, sw cor Franklin DILLINGHAM GEORGE W., cashier The National Bank of Columbus, r 250 broad Dingman Hattie R. Miss, teacher Columbus Female College, r Troup, se cor Lee Dinkins Alpha, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Disbrow John (Disbrow & Co.), r Perry House Disbrow & Co. (John Disbrow and Robert Bass), livery and sale stable, 78 N. Oglethorpe Dishroon Gilbert (c), lab, r rear 182 Oglethorpe Dixon Charles F., druggist, 44 Randolph Dixon Flavelia Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co., bds 144 N. Oglethorpe ) Dixon Harriet, wid George, r 144 N. Oglethorpe Dodd Ann Mrs., grocer, Early, mw cor McIntosh, r same Dolan Bridget, wid Bernard, r Front, nw cor Dillingham Doleman Emanuel (c), lab, r ws Front, 1st n of Baldwin Donnelly Ann Y. Miss (Colvin & Donnelly), r 100 Broad Donnelly John, mer, r 54 S. Oglethorpe Donnelly John, clk^J. H. Connor & Co., bds Front, ne cor Thomas Dorn Maier, grocer, Wynnton rd, cor 4th av Dorris Carrie Mrs., r ws Warren, 5th s of Franklin Dorsey Benjamin Rev. (c), r Womack's Hill, N. Liberties Dorsev Georgia Mad., r ws McIntosh, 3d s of Few Douglas George C., ins agt, r 83 N. Troup Douglass Thomas 0., with J. A. Frazer & Co., r 97 Broad Dowclle Madison (c), express wagon, r Forsyth, nw cor Frank lin Dowdy Enoch, carpenter, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Dowdy Hiram, lab, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Dowdy Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co Downing Francis U., engineer, r avs Broad, 4th s of Thomas Downing Lemuel T., lawyer and U. S. comr, 107 Broad, r ws Broad, 4th s of Thomas DOZIER ALONZO A., lawyer, 126 Broad, bds Rankin House Dozier Daniel P.. Avitli J. McGough & Co., r 89 Randolph heel PIN bolts & GRASS Ds Southern Plow Co. DOZ 121 DUN Dozier George H., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Washington, nr river, Girard, Ala Dozier Henry (c), wks W. M. Amos, r 59 S. Troup Dozier Homer W., law student J. F. Pou, r Wynnton, Ga Dozier Iverson (c), porter J. S. Newton Dozier John (c), shoemkr, Wynnton rd, nr e limits, r Ogle thorpe, N. Liberties Dozier Stapler, bkkpr G. W. Woodruff, bds Eaiford House Drew Elizabeth, wid Manning, r e of Summerville rd, Browne- ville, Ala Drew Ella, wks E. k P. M. Co Driggers Amanda, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Driggers Mary, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Driggers Susan, Avks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Driver William A., elk J. McGough k Co., bds 74 Randolph Drummond Richard (c), lab, r avs Mercer, 1st s of Baldwin DuBose Walter E., yardman Flournoy & Epping, r Linwood, Ga Dudley Charles, student, bds 56 N. Troup Dudley Enoch, wks E. k P. M. Co DUDLEY THOMAS J., Dudley Henrv H., bkkpr T. J. Dudley, r country pi aning mill, lumber yard, sash, door and blind mnfr, avs Mercer, n of Randolph, r 57 N. McIntosh. (See page 54.) Duff Sarah Mrs., seamstress, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Duffee Henry S., molder Columbus Iron Wks, r Hi S. Front Duffee John L., artist, 69 Broad, r 46 N. Forsyth Duffee William, elk T. J. Me Adam, r ws Front, s of Thomas Duke Jesse M., turner, r 22 Broad Duke John, lab, r 94 N. Jackson Duke William, r 55 Broad Dunbar John S., tinner P. B. Patterson & Co., r Linwood, Ga Duncan Daniel, trader, r ws Oglethorpe, junc Warren Duncan John, grocer, 148 N. Oglethorpe Dunham Winfield C., plumber E. k P. M. Co., bds Central Hotel Dunn Fannie Mrs., wks E. k P. M. Co., r es Short, 5th s of Crawford Dunnivan Fanny, Avid W. B., r 71 N. Troup Dunwoody James (c) (Moore k Dunwoody), r 73 S. Forsyth pT Compounds Interest 4 times aYear. yjl Security Ample, Interest Liberal* WILLCOX'S AGENCY, 71 Time-Tried, Fire-Tested. Experience, Care, Security. DUE 122 EDW Durkin John, grocer, Troup, se cor Few Dyer Julia Miss, bds es Oglethorpe, 2d n of Lee TT^ADY HEART P., elk J. F. Moore, r Browneville Ala EAGLE AND PHENIX MANUFACTURING COM PANY, N. J. Bussej^, pres; G. Gunby Jordan, sec and treas; Iront, bet Randolph and Bryan. (See bottom lines and page 74.) EAGLE AND PHENIX SAYINGS BANK, A. J. Bus sey, pres; G. Gunby Jordan, cashier; Front, bet Randolph and Bryan. (See page 74.) Eason B., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Eason John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Eason Josephine Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Browneville, Ala Eason Lewis, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Eason S. A., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Eason Wyatt 0., grocer, 6th, cor W. R. R., Browneville, Ala Eastworth Amanda, wks E. & P. M. Co 'Eaton Plummer (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 4th s of Randolph Eatonton Jordan (c), carpenter, r ws Forsyth, 1st n of Few Ebert Joseph, prof of music Columbus" Female College, r Troup, se cor Lee Echols flarriet Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Ecter Isaac (c), painter, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Edgar Peter K., carriage mkr, r ws Troup, N. Liberties Edmondson Gustavus (c), drayman, r ws Oglethorpe, 3d n of Commerce, N. Liberties Edmunds Gus (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Edmunds Thomas T., furniture, 98 Broad, bds Rankin House Edwards Amanda J., wid J. C., r 43 N. Forsyth Edwards Annie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Edwards Annie Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Jackson, ne cor Early Edwards A. Jane, wid J., r 30 Broad Edwards Christopher, painter, r ws 6th, 1st s of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Edwards Fannie Miss, dressmkr, 43 N. Forsyth Manufactured and TMsXEbS;Columbus Ironworks Co. The Cheapest Best Paper in the South! Thoroughly Democratic! Three Editions! WMMM&F I'WJil'. Publishes full Associated Press Dispatches. Is known and read in every State in the Union. Largest Subscrip tion List of any paper in Western Georgia or Eastern Alabama; therefore, The Best Advertising Medium in the South. No pains or money will be spared to sustain its posi tion as one of the First of Southern Publications, ULa._i._li j ) Subscription Rates (in advance', One Year,.$7.00 Six Months,.$4.00 Tliree Months. One Month. ti.OO 75 THE A thirty-six column Paper--a Home Paper at Northern Prices. Subscription Rates (in advance), -- WE PAVING POSTAGE-- One Year.91.10 Six Months.75. Three Months.50e. ST; ADA V KDITIDNj Another large Paper. In every sense of the word, A Family Paper, Reaches the mass of the working people, besides going to every Daily subscriber. Unexcelled as an Advertising medium. Subscription Rates (in advance). One Year. 91.50 Six Months 91.00 Three Months. 75 WEEKLY and SUNDAY, to one address. One Year,$2.2 0 For Rates of Advertising call at the OFFICE, Ho. 32 St. Clair Street, JOIXJY KI*XG\ Prop., COLUMBUS, GA. + This establishment is complete; having an immense quantity and large assortment of mate rial, which is constantly being added to by $ew Resigns and (Styles of Qype. Its Presses are run by Steam Power, thus assuring dispatch in work. An examination of j Specimens, Prices and Stock is solicited, guar anteeing good and reliable workmanship. EI) TV etc., at elry Store. 128 EMB Edwards Elizabeth Miss, wksE. & P. M. Co., bds nr S. Bridge Girard, Ala EDWARDS HEZEKIAH W., cashier Chattahoochee Nat. Bank, r Oglethorpe, nw cor Lee Edwards James B., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds avs Front, n of Bryan Edwards John, lab, r cs Short, 1st s of Crawford Edwards Leila, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Edwards Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Front, 1st s of Crawford Edwards Sarah, wid William, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Edwards Susan, wks E. & 1*. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Edwards William (c), lab, r rear (11 N. Forsyth EIFLER PHILIP, gun and locksmith, ns Crawford, 2d w of Broad. (See page 78.) Elder Henry, painter, r ns Franklin, Browneville, Ala Elder Mollie Miss, wvks E. & P. M. Co., bds Browneville, Ala Elder William, lab, r ns W. R. R., w of 6th, Browneville, Ala Elkins S. E., wks E. P. M. Co Ellington Buck, with J. S. Garrett, bds Raiford House Ellis Abram, machinist Columbus Iron Wks, r Girard, Ala Ellis George H., lab, r 85 S. Jackson Ellis James R., machinist Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 2 Muscogee Blk Ellis Julius A., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Ellis L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Ellis Mary A., wks E. & P. M. Co., r N. Liberties Ellis Robert, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 169 N. Oglethorpe Ellis Sallie Miss, Aveaver A. Clegg & Co Ellison John C., Avks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 3d w of Broad Ellison John W. (c), miller, T. J. Dudley Ellison M., wks E. & P. M. Co \ Ellmaker Charles V., miller G. W. Woodruff, r 23 Few Ely Marcus B., principal Browneville Public School, r es 4th, n of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Ely Mattie F., teacher Browneville Public School, r Browne- ville, Ala Embry J. Newton (J. N. Embry & Co.) r es McIntosh, 1st s of Randolph EAGLE PHEN1X MILLS "oSure over One Hundred Va- & Oolored and Fancy Goods 0) D. F. WILLCOX, Agt., Represents TRAVELER'S IXSERAXCE CQMPAXT- Limt awn AacanMWT. mr$5.00 Buys $1,000, BMB 124 ETII Embry J. 1ST. & Co. (J. 1ST. Embry, J. T. Jr. and G. A, I Pearce) grist mill, river front, opposite Commerce, N. Lib erties Emery Frank L., foreman E. & P. M. Co., r 43 3d, Browne- ville, Ala Ertirieli Julius, grocer, 25 Broad Emrich William, elk J. Em rich, bds 25 Broad j England James R. (Herring & England), bds 8 N. Troup | England Reuben (Champayne & England), r 8 N. Troup j ENQUIRER-SUN, John King propr; 32 and 34 St. Clair. I (See adv.) Ennis David, carpenter, r Oglethorpe, se cor Commerce, N. I Liberties { Ennis Frank, cigarmkr F. W. Loudcnber, r N. Liberties Ennis George (c), hostler Disbrovv & Co., r 79 N. Oglethorpe ] Ennis Robert A., coml trav, r Broad, ne cor St. Clair EPPING HENRY H. (Epping h Hanserd), and pres Chat tahoochee National Bank, r 3i Broad Epping Henry H. Jr. (Flournoy & Epping), bds 31 Broad EPPING & HANSERD (14. II. Epping and Joseph Han- I serd), cotton buyers, 57 Broad Essick Daniel (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Dillingham, 3d w of Broad Estes Charles E., physician, 109 Broad ESTES EDWIN 0., with J. M. Estes, bds Rankin House Estes Henson S. (Estes & Son), r 37 Broad Estes James C., elk J. M. Estes, bds Rankin House 1 ESTES JOEL D. (Mulford & Estes), and bkkpr Chattahoo chee National Bank, bds 37 Broad ESTES JOEL L. M., cigar stand, and elk Rankin House, r same s Estes John, elk Estes & Son, bds 37 Broad ESTES J. MARION, propr Rankin House and Boots and I Shoes, 126 Broad, r Rankin House. (See back cover and back paster.) Estes Richard H. (Estes & Son), bds 37 Broad Estes Thirza B., wid of J. D., r 101 N. Jackson Estes William G., elk Gordon & Cargill, bds 37 Broad Estes & Son (II. S. and R. H. Estes), hardware, 113 Broad Etheredge Frank (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 2d s of Thomas FORCE PUMPS, PULLEYS, SHAFTING, HANGERS &cT, always on hand at CQ&EMSOS Ikqw Worths Co. a rCrl rD rPKJ r S IN EVERY STYLE, witticb & fromj$e2w.8e0lUrypwstaordr,ea.t ETH 125 FEL Etheredge Charles A. (Slade & Etheredge and Etheredge & Chappell), r es Front, 2d s of Randolph. ETHEREDGE & CHAPPELL (C. A. Etheredge and L. H. Chappell), genl ins agts, 119 Broad Evans Aaron (c), porter Abbott k Newsom, r N. Liberties Evans George A., printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 12 N. Jackson Evans Joseph L. (c), lab, r ss Division, 2d w of Jackson, N. Liberties Evans Peter (c), driver, Abbott & Newsom, r Franklin, secor McIntosh Evans Robert (c), porter J. L. Hogan, r Franklin, cor McIn tosh Evans Thomas (c), lab, r 110 S. Forsyth ^ Evans Thomas (c), porter, r rear 79 N. Forsyth Everedge Margaret, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Everett Elizabeth, wid John, r 255 Broad Everett Henry F. (Bradford & Everett), bds 255 Broad Everett John, bds 255 Broad Eyles William, master mechanic M. k G. R. R., r es McIntosh, 1th s of Randolph "TT^ABER EDWARD S., student, bds 71 S. Oglethorpe Faber Elmer, elk, bds 71 S. Oglethorpe Faber Savannah, wid E. A., r 71 S. Oglethorpe Fanning Georgia, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Fanning Josephine, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Fanning Ophelia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Farland Abbie, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Farmer L. V. Miss, r e of Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala Faulkenberry Angeline Mrs., wks E. k P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Faulkenberry William, carpenter, r Girard, Ala Fee George, elk W. Fee, bds 246 Broad Fee Isaac (c), carpenter, r rear 11 N. Oglethorpe Fee Washington (c), lab, r rear 11 N. Oglethorpe FEILER DORA J. MRS., Fee William, tinner, 174 Broad, r 246 Broad baker, 58 Crawford, r 27 S. Oglethorpe Feller Jacob, with Mrs. D. J. Feiler, r 27 S. Oglethorpe Fell Henry C., pressman Times, r 43 Randolph EAGLE Sc PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. D, F. WILLCOX, f Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co.,) SET cash assets, General Agent ( Virginia Home Insurance Co. ) $593,987.21 FEL_ 126 Fis Fell John, molder J. II. Sanders, bds ws McIntosh, s of Few Fell Thomas M., wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds Eufaula rd Girard, Ala Felton Miles (c), carpenter, r 17 S. Forsyth Ferguson Alexander F. (c), barkpr D. Wolfson, r Oglethorpe nw cor Columbus line, N. Liberties Ferguson Charles R., farmer, r ws Jackson, n of Division, A. Liberties Ferguson John, tailor, bds es Broad, 1st n of Warren Ferguson John G., wks N. & S. R. R., r Commerce, 1ST. Liber ties Ferguson John W., grocer, Jackson, sw cor Commerce, N". Liberties Ferguson Joseph (c), porter I. G. Strapper Ferguson Martha Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co, r N. Liberties Ferrell George (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Commerce, N. Liber ties Ferrell Isaac (c), carpenter W. A. Willingham Ferrell William (c), drayman, r ws Oglethorpe, 3d n of Com-, merce, N. Liberties Ferrell William (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Ferri Frank, musician, r 186J Broad Fields George, elk R. II. Moreland, r Girard, Ala Fields James V., shoemkr, 87 N. Front lields Jane E., wid W. 1L, r Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala lields Joseph A., shoemkr W. Meyer, r Girard, Ala Fields Richard M., lab, r 25 S. Front Fillman John, grocer, ns Dillingham, 2d w of Front Fincher Mattie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Findlay Thomas 1)., printer Times, r 23 Lee Finnegan Ellen, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Finnegan Peter, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville' Ala FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev. A. B. Campbell, pastor; ss Randolph, bet Troup and Jackson hirst Colored Bap. Ch., Rev. G. McArthur, pastor; ws Front, n of St, Clair First Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. II. Hall, pastor; Ogle thorpe, ne cor St. Clair Fischacher Bella Miss, elk Mrs. R. Dessau Pinkard's Pat. Adj ustable I'oit svi.r: 15V SOUTHERN PLOW CO. FIS 127 FOG Fish Mark (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 5th n of Lee Fisher Isaac (c), carpenter, r ws Mercer, 4th s of Franklin Fisher Jesse (c), drayman, r McIntosh, nw cor Baldwin Fitzgibbons Eliza, wid Thomas, bds 86 S. Forsyth Fitzpatrick Sina, wid James, r Front, se cor Bryan ' Fleming Eliza, wid Samuel, r 41 S. Front Fleming Goode II., elk Wells & Curtis, r 73 Broad Fleming Green (c), carpenter, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Fleming James M., collector W. & W. Mnfg Co., bds es Front, n of St. Clair Fleming John G., with Singer Mnfg Co Fleming Joseph, wks E. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Fleming J. J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Fleming Mary Miss, r 53 N. McIntosh Fleming Oliver, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala k Fleming William, wks E. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Fleming William, cotton buyer, ws Front, s of St. Clair Fleming Willis (c), lab, r 87 S. McIntosh Fletcher Frances Miss, r 19 2d, Browneville, Ala Fletcher James M., stock dealer, r 77 Crawford Fletcher John F., stock dealer, r 11 S. Forsyth k Fletcher William, wks E. P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Flewellen Jacob (c), farmer, r Wynnton, Ga Flewellen Jefferson (c), porter J.Al. Bayfield, r Girard, Ala Flewellen Osborne (c), farmer, r rear 103 St. Clair Flewellen Philip (c), lab, r 73 S. Troup Flewellen William W., physician, 93 Broad, r Perry House Florence John, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville, Ala k Flournoy Charles (c), porter Zacharias Co., r Wynnton, Ga Flournoy George R., elk, r es Broad, 2d s of Early k Flournoy John F. (Flournoy Epping), bds 31 Broad Flournoy Mary, wid John, bds 69 N. Jackson Flournoy Robert (c), r nr S. W. R. It., e of limits Flournoy Robert Jr. (c), lab, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits FLOURNOY & EPPING Flournoy Spencer (c), lab, r nr S. W. R. It., e of limits (J. F. Flournoy and II. H. Epping Jr.) cotton warehouse, and com mers, ns Randolph, w ^ of Broad logarty Austin, elk J. Burrus, r ws Jackson, s of Baldwin Fogarty Nicholas J., physician, 55 S. Jackson EOT (Pr PUfllUfY lUflTTE Sole Manufacturers, in the United States, LilULlJ W iDfilillA IiIIlLiJ, Of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. J D. F. WILLCOX, 71 Broad Street, Represents the MUTUAL LIFE IUS. Co. of N. Y.; Assets over ... $85,000,000 _FOG _ 128 FRA Fogle William J., dentist, 32 Randolph Fontaine George, planter, r Front, se cor St. Clair Fontaine Tlreo. S., planter, r Front, se cor St. Clair Foran. James, cabinetmkr, r 89 S. Jackson Foran John, policeman, r 20 S. Forsyth Foran Margaret Mrs., grocer, 22 S. Forsyth Foran Patrick, watchman G. W. Woodruff, r McIntosh, nw cor Few Forbes Benjamin G., cutter G. J. Peacock, bds Central Hotel Forbes Nathan (c), lab, r 72 S. Front Ford Belle Mrs., wks'E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Ford Edward (c), tinner, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Ford Eli, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala FORD JAMES M., Ford Fannie Mad., r 92 N. Oglethorpe druggist and physician, 3 Rankin Row, r es Oglethorpe, 2d s of Thomas Ford John (c), yardman Rankin House Ford Martha. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville, Ala Ford Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co. r es Short, s of Craw ford Ford Wesley, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 5th s of Craw ford Forrest Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Forsyth D., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Forsyth Marion, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Forsyth Mozell, wid Marion, r es 7th, 2d n of Franklin, Browne ville, Ala Forsyth Robert E., farmer, r Madison, Girard, Ala Forsyth William, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Foster Charles (c), porter C. Ileyman & Co Foster James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, 0th s of Crawford Foster Lou Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Jackson, s of Few Foster Martin, elk, r ws Jackson, 3d s of Few Foster William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r cs Short, 6th s of Craw ford Frampton James TL, with M. Joseph, r 30 S. Troup Franklin Ellen Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard Ala Franklin E. S., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala' GOLDEN'S IMPROVED COTTON PRESS, Simplest, Cheapest & most durable. For Salo by A TIT1 OTT IIPD-DT FI ^ea ^etts' Casters and Knives, Spoons and Porks, Ui-Ll V Ulil 1 J-Jil 1 J_|JJ at WITTICH & KINSEL'S JEWELRY STORE. FRA _ 129 GAB Frank Charles, grocer, Dillingham, nw- cor Short Fraser Jefferson (c), blacksmith A Wright, r Girard, Ala Fraser Lizzie, wid Donald, bds 28 S. Troup Frau Emily Miss, bds Eulaula rd, Girard, Ala Frazer Charles (c), driver C. E. Hochstrasser, r 58 S. Front & Frazer John A. (J. A. Frazer Co.), r 60 N. Troup JOHN M,, FR AZER treas AT. & G. R. R., bds es Front, n of St. Clair FRAZER J. A. & CO. (J. A. Frazer and V. R. Toinmey), hardware, 95 and 97 Broad Frazer Luther C., elk J. A. Frazer & Co., bds 60 N. Troup Frazer II. M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Frazer William, lab, bds Commerce, N. Liberties Frederick Charles J., r ws McIntosh, s of Randolph Frederick Francis M., elk W. O. Johnson, bds ws McIntosh, 3d n of St. Clair Frederick Lewis (c), lab, r ws Hamilton rd, 5th n of Colum bus line, N. Liberties Frederick Sarah, wid C. B., r ws McIntosh, 3d n of St, Clair Freeman Charles (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 7th s of Thomas Freeman Cornelia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Brownsville, Ala Freeman Josiah M., lab, r es 3d, 2d n of Crawford, Browne ville, Ala Freeman Peter (c), barber 0. Weems, r Forsyth, se cor Thomas Freeman Wesley (c), baker A. L. Harrison Freeman Wesley S. (W. L. Tillman & Co.), bds 71 S. Front I rencli Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Freyer E., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Frost Annie Miss, wks Hinde & Preer, bds 71 N. Troup Frost Susan A., wid U. B., r 71 N. Troup Fry Walter A., elk steamer Wylly, r ns Few, 1st e of Broad Fulfert Jane, wid Robert, r 38 S. McIntosh Fuller Anthony (c), whitewasher, r rear 82, N. Jackson Fuller Parker (c), lab, r Jackson, se cor Water, N. Liberties Fussell Druscilla, wid Benjamin, r ns Franklin, 1st e of 7th, Browneville, Ala Fussell Lydia, wks E. & P. M. Co /'~AJ_ABEL JOSEPH (c), lab, r ss Few, 1st e of Forsyth Gabriel Jonas IT., agt Columbus Oil Co., 80 Broad, r ws Troup, 1st n of Baldwin l!5Lt & H10 SAVINGS BANK, Deposit? 3t|`ictly Confidential. GAF 130 Call and Secure A POLICY. GAN- Gaft'ord George W. (Bradford & Gafford), r 184 Broad Gaftbrd Missouri Mrs., seamstress, r ws Oglethorpe, 2d n of Bryan Gage Alonzo (D. D. Bartlett & Co.), r Linwood, Ga Gager George E., city assessor, r Crawford, nw cor Mercer Gaines Alexander (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Jackson, se cor Early Gaines George P. (c) (Gaines & Thornton), r Oglethorpe, N. , Liberties Gaines Levi (c), lab, r 81 Early Gaines Prince (c). lab, rss Few, 2d e of Jackson Gaines Willis (c), lab, r 85 S. Troup Gaines & Thornton (c) (G. P. Gaines and H. Thornton), black smiths, Randolph, sw cor Jackson Galloway Alice, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Galloway John EL, wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Albert, nof Bridge, Girard, Ala Gamble Murray (c), lab, r es Hamilton rd, 6th s of Commerce, N. Liberties GAMMEL ABRAHAM, livery, sale and feed stable, and1 City Omnibus line, 31 and 33 N. Oglethorpe, r county. (See back fly D.) Gammel Arabella, wid Jeremiah, r 42 N. Forsvfh Gammel Elizabeth, wid James, bds 93 S. Jackson Gammel E'rancis M., wks EL & P. M. Co., r 64 S. Troup Gammel Jerey Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Gammel L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Gammon George A., elk, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Lee Gammon George W., paper, twine, etc., Oglethorpe, sw cor Lee Gammon Harvey (c), lab, r 88 S. McIntosh Gammon James T. (Gammon & Ridenhour), r 47 Thomas GAMMON JOSIAH E., bkkpr Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville, Ala Gammon Martha Mrs., r 47 Thomas Gammon Sarah Miss, bds 47 Thomas Gammon & Ridenhour (J. T. Gammon and J. B. Ridenhour), grocers 6 Rankin Row Gand William, lab, r ws 5th, 2d n of Franklin, Browneville, Ala HOLLOW-WARE of all kinds, including POTS, OVENS, SPIDERS &c., Manufactured and for Sate by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. GAN American, English and Swiss mates, at very Low Prices at Wittich & Kixsel's Jewelry Store. 131 GEO Gansberg Bettie Mrs., bds ws Oglethorpe, 4th s of St. Clair Gardner Amelia Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 18 2d, Brown e- ville, Ala Gardner Charles (c), lab, r 120 S. Forsyth Gardner Howard (c), wks McGehee & Hatcher, r ss Few e of Troup GARDNER JOSEPH M., physician, 13 N. Troup Gardner Julius (c), driver G. W. Woodruff, r 75 S. Troup Gardner Lester (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 1st s of Baldwin Gardner Louisa Mrs., r ws Mercer, 3d s of Fulton Garland Jordan (c), lab, r 15 N. McIntosh Garnett Lewis (c), lab, r ss Thomas, 2d w of Front Garrard Louis F. (Blandford & GarrardA, r Wyunton, Ga Garrett Elisha F., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala ' Garrett Henry H., elk A. Simons, bds 87 Crawford Garrett John R., shipper Blanchard, Williams & Co., r Bridne w of Broad, Girard, Ala Garrett Joseph S., whol liquors, 121 Broad, r 4 N. Forsyth Garrett Maggie Mad., r 102 N. Oglethorpe Gartman James C., tinner J. D. Johnston & Co., r Browneville Ala Gaudy James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 6 Broad Gaudy Mattie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Gay Thomas P., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Gayliardi Charles, musician, r 186J Broad Geeslin Anna, wks E. & P. M. Co Geeslin Clem, wagon yard, r 148 Oglethorpe Geeslin Ellen, wks E. & P. M. Co Gennett G., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Gennett James D., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Gennett Maria, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Gennett R., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Gentry David, elk, bds es Jackson, 2d n of Division Gentry Mary Mrs., wks A. Clegg & Co., bds Jackson, N. Lib erties Gentry William, lab, r es Jackson, 2d n of Division, N. Lib erties George Alexander, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 16 2d, Browneville Ala ' George Jeremiah (c), porter W. 0. Johnson Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tic inas. (H) D. F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. GEO GIL GGeEoOrgRe GMIaAry,HwOkMs EE. INSURANCE CO. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala of Columbus, Ga: J. Rhodes Browne, pres; Lambert Spencer, sec; 118 Broad. (See front cover.) German Sing Yerein, Philip Eifler, pres; C. Kinsel, sec; Gunby Bldg Gibson Alonzo F., elk H. A. Gibson, bds 56 N. Jackson Gibson David N., grocer, 28 Broad, bds Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala Gibson Edward Rev. (c), pastor Mt. Zion Ch., r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Washington Gibson Frank, brick mnfr, nr S. W. R. R., e of limits, r Thomas, nr Oglethorpe Gibson Hiram A., grocer, 27 Broad, r 56 N. Jackson Gibson James T. (Gibson & Boyd), bds Central Hotel Gibson Mary, wid William, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala Gibson Wiley (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Gibson & Boyd (J. T. Gibson and A. A. Boyd), wliol grocers, 127 Broad Giddens Caroline Mrs., r S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Guldens Frank, wks Culumbus Iron Wks, r Girard, Ala Giddens James K., mer, r Girard, Ala Giddens Nancy Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Giddens Robert, wks bag mill, bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala. Giddens Susan, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Gideon Amanda, wid Samuel, r 71 S. Forsyth Gifford Benjamin F., contractor, ws Oglethorpe, s of Randolph, r Girard, Ala Gifford Charles T., carpenter B. F. Gifford, r Girard, Ala Gilbert Esquire (c), lab, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Gilbert Henry (c), wks Patrick & Bro., r 2 N. Jackson GILBERT THMOAS, Gilbert Jasper N. (Gilbert & Thornton), r 6 N. Jackson book and job printer and book binder, 42 Randolph, r 42 N. Jackson. (See back cover.) Gilbert & Thornton (J. N. Gilbert and J. T. Thornton), drug gists, 150 Broad Giles Freeman (c), coachman J. Rhodes Browne Giles J. J., photographer, ss St. Clair, 3d w of Broad CANE MILLS of every Description, including H3R8E, WATER or STEAM POWER, Manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. Suitable for Bridal Presents, at Giles Mattie Mrs., bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Gill Mary wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard Ala Gillam Aureniawid John, bds Girard, Ala Gillam Ida T. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Gillam Mary J, Miss, wksE. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Gillespie Fredrica Mrs., tailoress G. J. Peacock, r 43 S. Front Gilligan Edward, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Gilmer Miles D., lab, r 54 S. Front Gilmore Emma, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Gilmore FI. wks E. & P. M- Co., r Browneville, Ala Gilmore Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Girard Baptist Church, Rev. Wm. Lively, pastor; Bridge w oi Broad, Girard, Ala Girard Methodist Church, Rev. J. Y. M. Morris, pastor; Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Girls Public School, Miss M. II. Birdsong, prin; St.Clair, sw cor Forsyth Givens Eliza, wid Robert, r Odd Fellows' Hall Givens Lewis (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Glass John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Sanford rd, Girard, Ala Glaze Cupid (c), lab, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Glaze Jesse (c), lab, r 68 S. Mclhtosh Glenn Anderson (c), lab, r rear 3 N. Jackson Glenn Augusta Miss, home dept, Columbus Female College Glenn Basha Mrs., wks A. Clegg & Co., r 15 N. Oglethorpe GGlLenEnNCNlarGa UMSisTs,AdVreUssSmkRr., PROF., bds 11 N. Jackson pres Columbus Female College, r Troup, se cor Lee. (See page 80.) Glenn Maria Miss, dressmkr, bds 11 N. Jackson Glenn Parazad Miss, dressmkr, bds 11 N. Jackson Glenn Thomas Rev. (c), r es Jackson, 2d s of Few Glenn Willie Miss, dressmkr, bds 11 N. Jackson Glenn Wilmoth Miss, dressmkr, bds 11 N. Jackson Glover Thomas (c), lab, r 41 S. Forsyth Goetchius Charles B., student, bds St. Clair, se cor Jackson Goetchius Henry R., city editor Times and lawyer, 67 Broad, r St. Clair, se cor Jackson Goins Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Goins Ella, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Browneville, Ala Goins Jones, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 17 2d, Browneville, Ala TP AHT TJ1 0 DU1?1\UV MIT T P Manufacturers of the famous Fancy HjnubUi a rilMuA lVliLLa ginghams & Turkish towels 71 Broal Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. GIO 134 GRA Goins Martha, wid Druid, r 45 3d, Browneville, Ala Goins W. B., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala GOLDEN FRANK, elk Rankin House GOLDEN GEORGE J., supt Columbus Iron Wks Co. and Sou Plow Co., r Girard, Ala Golden John B., patternmkr Columbus Iron Wks, r Girard, Ala Golden Josephine Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Golden Lizzie Miss, bds 60 S. Oglethorpe Golden Sarah J. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Golden Theodore E., elk Columbus Iron Wks Co., bds Girard, Ala Golden Victoria Mrs., wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Goldsmith William (e), cooper, ss Randolph, 4th e of Ogle thorpe, r ns Randolph, e of railroad Golibart Simon H., carriagemkr Herring & England, bds Perry House Gomer Nancy Mrs., r es 5th, 3d s of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Good George (c), fruit, etc., 43 N. Oglethorpe Gorder Henrietta, wid Lafayette, r 28 S. Troup Gorder Thomas L., lab, r 28 S. Troup Gordon Henry (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala GORDON & CARGILL Gordon Melville C. (Gordon & Cargill), r 79 St. Clair (M. C. Gordon and J. E. Cargill), GORTON WILLIAM B., New York Store, dry goods, etc., 82 and 84 Broad supt Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Broad nax, cor Broad, Browneville, Ala Goslin Sarah Mrs., seamstress G. J. Peacock Goss Larry (c), brickmason, r S. W. R. R., e of limits Gossett Andrew J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, secor Bryan Gossett Charles J., watchman, r Front, se cor Bryan Gossip Jack, wks E. & P. M. Co Grady Jacob (c); lab, r ns Dillingham, 2d e of Front Graham Ella Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, e of Front Graham John (c), lab, r 63 N. McIntosh Graham Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 4th e of Front Graham W. Legrant, elk J. L. Hogan, bds Troup, cor Lee One New and one Second-hand ICE MACHINE at Half- Price, for Sale by UiQX WQMKS @Q. Pins and Studs for sale, or Made to Order, , at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. GRA 185 GRE Granberry Marshall (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r N. Liberties I Grandison John (c), mason, r vvs Mercer, 4th s of Franklin Grange and Farmers' Union, D. H. Burts, genlmanager; 79 N. Oglethorpe I Grant Albert (c), lab, r Jackson, ne cor ater, N. Liberties Grant Carrie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala I Grant Cuflfy (c), wks B. Hawkins Grant Henry (c), lab, r 76 N. Jackson Grant Judy, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Grant Lewis (c), wks Rankin House, r 39 S. Oglethorpe Grant Sandy (c), lab, r 118 S. Forsyth Grant Susie Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co Graves Jennie Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Graves Mary Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Graves Mary, wid William, r ns Franklin, 1st w of 4th, Browne ville, Ala Graves Sarah Ann, wid T. J., r 28 Franklin Gray Caroline Mrs., boarding, 122 J Broad Gray Randolph L., painter M. & G. R. R., r es Oglethorpe, nr F ulton Gray William, timekeeper E.& P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala I Gray William C., r 122 J Broad Greeleigh Leander (c), wks M. & G. R. R Green Aaron (c), lab, r ws Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Green Americus, carpenter, r Wynnton, Ga Green Anna E. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Green Charles (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Oglethorpe, 4th s GRofESEt.NClCaiHr ARLES A., with W. H. Young, r Troup, se GRcoErEFNranDkOlinUGLASS, asst supt E. & P. M. Co., bds 74 Ran dolph Green Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 14 1st, Browneville, Ala Green Mary Mrs.., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, s of Crawford Green Moses (c), lab, r ws Oglethorpe, n of Division, N. Lib erties Green Nelson (c), painter, r 66 N. McIntosh T? A PT F UlllUJjHl & P DUFMIY rnCjMA MIT I Q Consume more Cotton than any Mills, ivllL|]j|jmakingColoredgoodsonly,inAmerica. D, F. WILLCOX'S, J.vsrrt.'iA'r/r ≥jvv, 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. GRE 136 GRI Green Talitha, wid H., r Washington, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Green Thomas (c), lab. r 81 N. Oglethorpe Green William H. (c), lab, r ws Oglethorpe, 4th s of St. Clair Greene John M., printer Enquirer-Sun, r ns Lee, 1st e of Troup Greenleaf James (c), porter, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Greenleaf Leander (c), lab, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Greenwood Joseph (c), carpenter, r es Oglethorpe, IST. Liber- ties Greer William (c), lab, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Grenage James (c), blacksmith, ss Randolph, 4th w of Jack- son, r nr S. AY. R. R., e of limits Grier Robert S., trav agt, bds 56 S. Troup Grier Maria Mrs., grocer, 56 S. Troup Griffin Benjamin (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r 88 S. McIn tosh Griffin Colonel (c), porter Flournoy & Epping, r rear 54 N. McIntosh Griffin Crawford (c), lab, r rear ns Thomas, 3d e of Front Griffin David, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Griffin I). Mulville, stamp elk P. O., bds 89 N. Troup Griffin Gerald, civil engineer, bds 89 N. Troup Griffin Henry (c), lab, r 84 S. Troup Griffin Mary E., wid Daniel, r 89 N. Troup Griffin Sim (c), lab, r ss Crawford, 1st w of Mercer Griffin Washington (c), lab, r 114 S. Forsyth Griffith Agnes C., wid Seaborn, r es Broad, junc Warren Griffith James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Broad, junc War ren Griffith Jasper, lab, bds es Broad, June Warren Griffith John L., fireman, bds es Broad, junc Warren Griffith Pierre E., elk J. A. Lewis, bds Oglethorpe, nw cor St. Clair Griffith Robert, wks A. Clegg & Co., bds es Broad/junc War- ren Griffith Seaborn wks E. & P. M. Co., bis es Broad, junc Warren J Griggs Edward (c), hostler Disbrow & Co., r ws Warren, 5th s of Franklin To get, at all times, First-class LUMBER, Rough, or Plane!, in any Style, Call on COLUMBUS IRON WORKS COMPANY. GRI 137 HAG Griggs Martlia, wks E. & E. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Griggs Mollie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Griggs Seaborn, wks A. Clegg & Co., r Girard, Ala CLIFF B., Griggs Woodley (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 3d uof Few GRIMES bkkpr Pioneer Co-Op Co., and chief Fire Dept, r 45 Broad, cor Lee Grimes Edgar (c), lab, r es Broad, 3d s of Early Grimes George (c), train hand M. & G. K. R., r Mercer, nw cor Lee Grimes George J. (Grimes & Grimes), bds 20 X. Jackson Grimes Sarah J., wid S. F., r 45 X. Broad, cor Lee Grimes Thomas W. (Grimes & Grimes), r 20 X. Jackson Grimes Thomas W., Jr. (Thornton & Grimes), r ss Randolph, & GRIMES 1st e of Front GRIMES (Thomas IV. and George J. Grimes), physicians and surgeons, 76 Broad Gronbeck Thomas A., baker Mrs. J. Stevenson, bds ss Bald win, 1st w of Jackson Grubbs Bettie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Grubbs Ebenezer S., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Grubbs Fannie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Grubbs James G., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 25 S. Front Grubbs Rlioda A. M. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Grubbs Richard, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Gruggs Jerry, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Gruggs Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Gue Eliza, wid J. A., r 51 Baldwin Gue Ella Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 51 Baldwin Guerry Caroline, wid Dr. ffm., bds 65 X. Jackson Guerry William, printer Times, bds 65 X. Jackson Guerry W. C., with J. B. Holst, bds Rankin House Guinet Sallie Mad., r ws Front, 3d n of Thomas Gunby Building, ns110 St. k_/U. CVlltauiri ,j wVV of Broad V_/l 1/1 WUU-l GUNBY ROBERT B., bkkpr Columbus Mnfg Co., r Rose Hill 1AXACKXEY MAGGIE MRS., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Hackney William ()., pedler, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala III/ Compounds Interest 4 times aYear. lu Security Ample, Interest Liberal. WILLCOX'S AGENCY, n in} Time-Tried, Fire-Tested. Experience, Care, Security. IiAD 138 HAM Haddock Alabama Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Broad, nr King, Girard, Ala Haddock E., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Haddock James, baker, r 28 Franklin Haddock James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Haddock Martha L. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Hadleigh Jesse, blacksmith, r ws Hamilton rd, 1st n of Com merce, N. Liberties Flagler Donia Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Bridge, Girard, Ala 9 HAIMAN ELIAS, director Southern Plow Co., r Atlanta, Ga Haines William (c), lab, r Franklin, sw cor Oglethorpe Ilaire Thomas, watchman M. & G. R. R Haley Richard (c), lab, r Fulton, sw cor Mercer Hall Augustus (c), lab, r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Hall Frank (c), porter W. R. Moore Hall Georgia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hall Johnson (c), butler H. Estes, r 73 S. Forsyth Hall lizzie Miss, dressmkr Mrs. E. Phelps, r 46 N. Forsyth Hall Sarah J. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville Ala Hall Simeon (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 4th n of Early Hall Simeon Jr. (c), lab, r Crawford, sw cor McIntosh Hallenbeck John, elk A. Williams, r Wynnton, Ga Ilalliday Cora, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Halliday Pink, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Ilalliday W. Thomas, watchman S. W. R, R Halsted Eliza Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Halsted Martha Miss, r Front, se cor Bryan Hamby James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Brvan, 4th e of Front Hamby Joseph, wks Hinde & Preer, bds ws Forsyth, 1st n of Lee Hamby Martha, wid Thomas, r ss Bryan, 3d w of Broad Hamby Sarah, wks E. & P. M. Co Hamby Susan,' wks E. & P. M. Co Hamilton B. A., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hamilton Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co HAMILTON JOHN H., whol and ret groceries and pro visions, and agt Chesapeake Guano Co., junc Oglethorpe, Franklin and Warren, r 61 JST. McIntosh. (Seepage 77.) FIRE and VENl 1LAl OR GRATES, GRATE BARS, and all kinds of Ma chinery for siale and manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS Co. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Kings, Necklaces, Lockets etc,, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. HAM 139 HAR Hamilton Charles (c), pedler, r Commerce, e of Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Hamilton Melinda Miss, r 22 Broad Hammock Frances, wid John, r 120 S. Troup Hammock James, lab, bds 120 S. Troup Hammock John, lab, r Oglethorpe, sW cor Bryan Hammock Louisa Mad., r Warren, se cor Franklin Hammock Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Hammock Mary Mrs., r ws Front, 3d s of Crawford Hammock S., wks E. & P. M. Co Hammond Archelus, elk A. Banner, r Browneville, Ala Hammond Frances Miss, r es Front, 2d s of Crawford Hammond Georgia A. Mrs., cigar mkr, bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Hammond Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hammond Samuel, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Browneville, Ala Hammond Spencer (c), porter M. & G. R. R., r Wynnton, Ga Hancock Charles W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Hancock Fannie Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 10 Musco gee Blk Hancock Jack, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 10 Muscogee Blk Hancock Jefferson G., driver, r 10 Muscogee Blk, Hancock John, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Hancock N. J. wid W., r Front, se cor Bryan Handy James, wks E. & P. M. Co Haney Annie, wks E & P. M. Co Hanley Jane Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Hanna Matthew, wks Steam Mill IJansboro Haywood (c), elk G. McArthur, r 24 McIntosh Hanserd Joseph (Epping & Hanserd), r 47 Broad Hardaway Miles (e), lab, r 79 S. Troup Hardin S. J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Hardis Abigail Mrs., wks D. G. Wesley, r Girard, Ala Hardis James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st s of Craw ford Hardis John, wks I). G. Wesley, bds Girard, Ala Hardis John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st s of Craw ford EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS Manufacture over One Hundred Va rieties of Colored and Fancy Goods. (8) D. F. WILLCOX, Agt., Represents TRR YEL MR*& X.YRMRR^YCM @MRRN--Rifb a?m ^$5,00 Buys $1,000. IIAR 140 HART Hardis Lula, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st s of Craw ford Hardis Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st s of Craw ford Hardis William, wks D. G. Wesley, bds Girard, Ala Hardrick Martha, wid J. A., r Washington, se cor Oglethorpe Hardy M. R., wks E & P. M. Co Hare Henrietta, wid David, r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Hare Mary Miss, r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Hare Thomas E., watchman, r Odd Fellows' Hall Harkev Charles, wks E. &. P. M. Co Harlan Joseph, r Troup, nw cor W. R. R Harless John B., carpenter, M. & G. R. R., r Girard, Ala Harmon James P., grocer, Thomas, sw cor McIntosh Harper Richard (c), porter R. S. Crane r Lee, nw cor McIntosh Harper Sarah, wid Elijah, r 45 3d, Browneville, Ala Harrell Benjamin T., lab, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Harrell Emma, wid Hardy, r Oglethorpe, 1ST. Liberties HARRELL OSCAR C., Harrell Isabel Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 1ST. Liberties manager W. H. Tel. Co., r 11 S. McIntosh Harrington William, painter, r ns Thomas, 1st e of Front Harrington William II., carpenter, r Troup, nw cor Wash ington ' Harris Abraham (c), carpenter r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Early Harris Addie Miss, dressmkr, r 50 N. Oglethorpe Harris Afred (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r Girard, Ala Harris Benjamin II., elk Pollard & Harris, r 55 Broad Harris Edwin T. (Pollard & Harris), bds Rankin House Harris Elizabeth, wks E & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Harris James (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Harris Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Harris Jeptha C. with Hofflin & Bro., r es Troup, s of Craw ford Harris John, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Harris John K., elk J. A. Lewis, bds Central Hotel Harris Joseph (c), lab, r ws Forsyth, 1st of Few Harris Joseph, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Grirard, Ala Harris Katie Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Allum's and Wright's nilTfUDj pJrCPTC Ma,,uf*ct"red anil always on hand at Patent UU11 UlU FflIjiJiJiliJ, COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO* rrr CL0rC)K rS wINiEmVEcRaY&STYLE, fromj$b2w.5b0bUkvpward,at HAR 141 IIAR Harris Leffkowitz, dry goods, 114 Broad, r ws Oglethorpe, 4th. s of St. Clair Harris Lewis L. (c), lab, r es 4th av, nr S. W. R. R Harris Lorenzo (c), waiter Rankin House Harris Mary Mrs., seamstress G. J. Peacock, r 13 N. Ogle thorpe Harris Mary Mrs, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 70 S. Front Harris Mary, wid J. T., r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Harris Melinda, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Harris Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Harris Nathan (c), porter Dr. J. M. Mason, r Girard, Ala Harris Perry, binder T. Gilbert, r 13 N. Oglethorpe Harris Peter (c), bricklayer, r es 4th av, nr S. W. R. R Harris Peyton (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r N. Liberties Harris Philip, jeweler, r 186J Broad Harris Ranee (c), shoemkr, Front, se cor Dillingham Harris Richard (c), lab, r es 4th av, nr S. W. R. R Harris Walton B., lawyer, r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Harris William (c), wks T. Gilbert, r 22 S. Troup Harris William (c), lab, r ws McIntosh, 5th n of Few Harris William (c), lab, r es 4th av, nr S. W. R. R Harrison Aaron L., grocer, 170 Broad, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Jackson Harrison Alfred (c), wagonmkr, Randolph, sw cor Jackson, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Harrison Charles S., auctioneer, 28 Broad, r Beallwood Harrison James H., cotton buyer, r 9 N. Troup Harrison James M., cotton buyer, 79 N. Oglethorpe, bds 9 N. Troup Harrison Lottie, wks E. & P. M. Co Harrison William A., elk A. L. Harrison, bds Oglethorpe, sw cor Jackson Harter Nancy, wid John, r 144 N. Oglethorpe Hartman Montgomery (c), lab, r ws McIntosh, 2d n of Lee HARTMANN GEORGE N., elk Blanchard, Williams & Co., bds ns Crawford, 2d w of Jgckson Hartmann Mary L., wid P. FI., r ns Crawford, 2d w of Jack- son Hartmann William J., messenger W. U. Tel. Co., bds ns Craw ford, 2d w of Jackson EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. D. F. WILLCOX, f Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co., )!VET CASH assets, General Agent \ Virginia Home Insurance Oo. f $593,987.21 HAR 142 IIP] A Hartman Henry (c), lab, r ss Thomas, 1st w of Forsyth Hartsfield Green (c), lab, r ws Troup, n of Division, 1ST. Liber ties Hartsfield Gnstavus (c), lab, r ws Troup, n of Division, 1ST. Liberties Hartsfield Lawson (c), lab, r ws Troup, n of Division, 1ST. Lib erties Ilarvell L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Harvey E., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Harvey Jeremiah (c), lab, r Few, sw cor Forsyth Harvey L. Ichabod, elk Gordan & Cargill, bds Raiford House Harvey Minnie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hastings Hattie Miss, dressmkr, 36 St. Clair, bds 52 S. Ogle thorpe Hatcher Benjamin T. (McGehee & Hatcher), bds Rankin House Hatcher Elizabeth, wid S. J., r 92 1ST. Jackson Hatcher Samuel B., lawyer, 67 Broad, r 97 M. Jackson Hawes Laura, Avks E. & P. M. Co Hawkins Barney (c), boarding, 34 Randolph, r 1ST. Liberties Hawkins George (c), porter, r rear Commerce, ne cor Jackson, 1ST. Liberties Hawkins George, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 28 Franklin Hawkins George (c), wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Hawkins Lewis (c), lab, r Commerce, nw cor Troup, N. Lib erties Hawkins Matilda, wks E. & P. M. Co Hawks John, engineer, bds 81 St. Clair Hawks Julia Miss, bds 81 St. Clair W. Hawks Sarah C., wid Rev. 1ST., bds 81 St. Clair Hayes Katie Mad., r Warren, se cor Franklin Hayston Martha, wid Harrison, bds Albert, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Haywood Charles (c), tinner P. B. Patterson & Co., r 45 S. Forsyth Haywood Columbus (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Head Sarah, wks E. & P. M. Co Ilealmes Mary E. Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Heard Charles E., tel opr W. R. R., bds Planters' Hotel UNIVERSAL PLOW STOCK, Manufactured and for sale by SOUTHERN PLOW Co. Repaired and Guaranteed to give satis faction at Wittich &. Kinsel's Jewelry Store. HEA 143 HEP Heard Joseph, elk P. S. Bradford, bds 1 N. Jackson Heard Lorena E. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds ss Com merce, 1st e of Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Heard Mary A. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r N. Liberties Heard Susan, wid R. J., r ss Commerce, 1st e of Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Hearn Calvin A., carpenter, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Hearn Henry, carpenter, bds Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Heath Sarah, wks-E. & P. M. Co Heath William (c), wks E. Marino, r Girard, Ala Hecht Babet, wid Marcus, r 26 S. Troup Hecht Jacob, auction com mer, 28 Broad, r 26 S. Troup Hecht Joseph (Hecht & Brannan), r 26 S. Troup Hecht & Brannan (J. Hecht and J. R. Brannan), dry goods and grocers, 155 Broad Heidemann Jacob, sausage mnfr, Baldwin, sw cor McIntosh Helms Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Helms Mattie Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville, Ala Helms Samuel, elk J. & J. Kaufman, r 28 Broad Henderson Edward L., photographer G. T. Williams, r 69 Broad Henderson John H., elk Sou. Exp. Co., r 8 S. Jackson Henderson Primus (c), huckster, es Broad, 1st n of Warren Henderson Thomas (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 1st s of Baldwin Hendricks Alfred H. (c), mailing elk P. 0., r es Forsyth, 2d s of Baldwin Hendricks Jane Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, 3d s of Crawford Hendricks Marion, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st s of Crawford Hendricks Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Henley Belle Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Henley John, carpenter, bds 67 N. Forsyth Henley Slaton, carpenter, r 67 N. Forsyth Henry Doc (c), lab, r rear 58, S. Forsyth Heptinstall Anna Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Ileptinstall John, farmer, bds Girard, Ala Heptinstall Sarah, wid A., r Girard, Ala MPTD St DUPIIIIV Mini! Sole Manufacturers, in the United States, fiiillLlj W llllnlllA illlLLiJ, Of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. D. F. WILLCOX, ~1 BROAD STREET, HER 144 Call and Secure A POLICY, IIIL Herd Mollie Miss, wks Steam Mill Heron Wallace (c), wks E. & P. M. Co.-, r Girard, Ala Herren David C., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 10 Muscogee Blk Herren Elizabeth, wid Z., r 10 Muscogee Blk Herren Henry (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Crawford Herren John, wks Steam Mill, bds 10 Muscogee Blk Herren Walter, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 10 Muscogee Blk Herren Zachariah, wks Steam Mill, bds 10 Muscogee Blk Herring Charles H. (Herring & England), r es Troup, 2d n of Franklin HERBING & ENGLAND Herring Robert, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co (C. H. Herring and J. R. Eng land), carriage mnfrs, 71 and 73 JST. Oglethorpe. (See page 78.) Herrington Clopton, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Heyman Charles (C. Heyman & Co.), r 136 Broad Heyman Charles & Co. (C. Hejunan and E. Kurniker), restau rant, 136 Broad Hicks Barney (c), porter P. B. Patterson & Co., r 61 Few Hicks Caroline, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hicks Delia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hicks Hamilton, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hicks Jasper, magistrate, r 5th, n of W R. R., Browneville, Ala Hicks John N., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hicks Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 25 S. Front Higdon Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 11 Muscogee Blk Higdon Sarah Mrs., r Front, se cor Bryan Higdon Tap B., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 11 Muscogee Blk Higgins Samuel, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 9 N. Oglethorpe Hightower Robert (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 3d s of Franklin Hill Asha, wid Burrell, r es 4th, 1st e of Marshall, Browne- ville; Ala Hill Bird, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hill B. D., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hill Charls II. (c), wks L. Wells, r rear 179 Broad Hill Edward (c), barber L. Wells, r ws McIntosh, 6th s of Thomas "Manufactured and for Sale by Columbus Iron Works Co. flTIT1 QuTliT-jlVljJ_pJpil .prM i IMFJI ^ea Casters and Knives, Spoons and Forks, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S JEWELRY STORE. HIL 145 HOC Hill Clements (c), lab, r es Broad, 3d s of Early k Hill Elizabeth Miss, wks E. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hill Frank II., elk, bds 31 Broad Hill Henrietta D., wid J. B., r Bryan, nw cor McIntosh Hill Jesse, pedler, r 22 2d, Browneville, Ala Hill Jesse Jr., lab, r 22 2d, Browneville, Ala HILL JOHN, mechanical engineer and architect Eagle and Phenix Mnfg Co., r 66 N. Forsyth, n of Bryan Hill John C., grocer, 38 S. Oglethorpe k Hill Joseph B. (Blanchard Hill), r Franklin, nw cor McIn tosh Hill Lindsay (c), lab, r ss Early, 2d e of Jackson Hill Mattie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hill Moselle Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 22 2d, Browne ville, Ala Hill Moses (c), porter Flournoy & Epping, r rear 31 Broad Hill Robert J. (c), porter, r Thomas, ne cor McIntosh Hill Samuel H., messenger Chatt. Nat. Bank, bds 31 Broad k Hill Sylvanus, wks E. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala k Hill William, wks E. P. M. Co., Browneville, Ala Hillman Wright (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties k Hilton Margaret Miss, wks E. P. M. Co., bds 80 N. Jack- son k Ilinde William II. (Hinde Freer), r 4S. Jackson HINDE & PREER (W. H. Hinde and P. Freer), innfrs domestic bagging, 55 to 59 St. Clair Hiudley Bell, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hines Bryant R., farmer, r 74 Crawford Hines George (c), porter J. C. Andrews & Co., r rear 8 N. Jackson Hines George W., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville, Ala Hines Mollie, wid Henry, r 83 Randolph Hines Thomas J., boots and shoes, 148 Broad, r Linwood, Ga Hinton William (c), porter S. W. R. R,, r Wynnton, Ga llirsch Marcus M., junk dealer, Crawford, ne cor Broad, r 9 N. Jackson HOCHSTRASSER CHARLES E., staple and fancy gro cer, i road, ne cor St. Clair, r ws Broad, 2d n of Few. (See front fly B.) UfiLt & Ui\\IK SAVINGS BANK. All Deposit? Strictly Confidential. D. F. WILLCOX, 71 Broad Street, Represents tlie MUTUAL LIFE INS. Co. of N. Y.; Assets over - - - $85,000,000 HOD 146 HOL Hodge Arnica A., wid J. F., bds ws Oglethorpe, 1ST. Liberties Hodo John W., grocer 8| Broad, r Oglethorpe, ne cor Lee Hodo Marcus D. L., r Browneville, Ala Hofflin Jacob (Hofflin & Bro.), bds Central Hotel Hofflin Nathan (Hofflin & Bro.), r Baltimore, Md Hofflin & Bro. (J. and N. Hofflin), clothiers, 88 Broad Hoffmann John J., engineer, r 19 S. Forsyth Hoffmann Sarah, wid Sebastian, r Baldwin, se cor McIntosh Hoffmann S. J., elk, r Front, nw cor Dillingham Hogan Isabel, wid James, bds 46 S. Troup Hogan John L., ice dealer 79 Broad, r 41 N. Troup Hogan Kebecca Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 5 Broad Hogan Thomas M., ice dealer, r 41 N. Troup Holbrook Jefferson (c), blacksmith, 91 N. Oglethorpe, r es Oglethorpe, 1st s of W. R. R Holbrook Julius (c), wks J. Holbrook Holcomb Carrie Miss, trimmer G. J. Peacock Holden Josephine Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co Holland Horace (c), lab, r 28 Early Plolland Jacob (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Holland James T., mer, r Browneville, Ala Holland Lucy Mrs., boarding 151J Broad Ilolley Edward J., foreman E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Ilolley William, cash boy Pioneer Co-Op. Co., r Browneville, Ala Holliday James M., farmer, r ss Crawford, 2d e of Troup Holliday William T., watchman Muscogee Mnfg Co Hollihan A., wks E. P. M. Co., Holliman John, carpenter M. & G. R. R., r 41 S. Jackson Hollis John, wks M. & G. R. R., r Girard, Ala Holmes Chester G., cotton bujmr, 67 Broad , bds 69 N. Jackson Holmes F. I. Miss, teacher Girls School No. 2 Holmes Mary, wid Joseph, r 36 St. Clair Holmes Sonny (c), lab, r es Short, 2d s of Crawford HOLST JOHANN B., cotton bujmr and agent LIVER POOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INS. CO., 17 Broad, r es Troup, 3d s of Franklin Holstead Willis S., with E. & P. Manf'g Co., r Georgia Home Bldg Manufactured and r&ifb) Columbus Ironworks Co. American, English and Swiss mates, at wy tow Prices, at Wittich & Kinsel's Jewelry Store. HOL ' 147 HOW HOLT CHARLES S., agent The Singer Mnfg Co., 99 Broad, bds Rankin House Holt Jackson (c), driver J. S. Garrett, r McIntosh, ne cor Lee Holt Jennie, wks E. & P. M. Co Holt Marion, molder, Columbus Iron Wks,, r 39 S. Jackson Holt Minnie, wks E. &. P. M. Co Holt Susan, wks E. & P M. Co Holt Wiley (c), r es Forsyth, 7th s of Thomas Hood Erastus C. (M. D. Hood & Co.), bds Railord House Hood Martin D. (M. D. Hood & Co. ), bds Raiford House Hood M. D. & Co. (M. D. and E. D. Ilood), druggists, 93 Broad Hooks Kirby, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Front, se cor Bryan Hooks William. A., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 85 N. Front Hoopaw Lizzie Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Hooper Henry (c), wks E. & P. M. Co HOOPES LLOYD R., groceries and liquors, 53 Broad, r 79 N. Forsyth HootenMary, wid J.F., r 23 N. Troup Horless Sarah E. Mad., r 110 S. Forsyth Horne Elizabeth, vrid Michael, bds Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Horne George W., cabinetmkr T. T. Edmunds, r Girard, Ala Horton Frederick (c), lab, r Wynnton, Ga Horton Samuel (c), lab, r es Troup, 4th s of Commerce, N. Liberties Hoskins William G. (c), shoemkr, 173 Broad, r 110 S. Jackson Houston F. Mrs. wks E. &. P. M. Co., r 51 3d, Browneville Ala Houston Michael (c), train hand, M. & G. R. R Houston Sophronia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Houston William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Howard Alexander (c), hackman, 60 INT. Oglethorpe, r Jack- son, se cor Bryan Howard Amelia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala HOWARD ANDERSON, lawyer and justice of peace, 109 Broad, r Wynnton, Ga Howard Anderson (c), lab, r 20 S. Front Howard Charles (c), driver E. & P. M. Co., r 39 S. Troup Howard Dora A., wid J. S., r 5th, nr Crawford, Browneville, Ala HpiP P DUllllIfV MdHf Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, imlJllli w IfllillllA llllLLo Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (8f) H 1? WIT T PHY 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest U. T. VUlJjJjuUA, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. HOW Howard Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Howard Drew (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Howard Elbert, wks E. &. P M. Co., r es Oglethorpe, 2d s of W. B. R Howard Elizabeth Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Howard Ellen, wid Tobias, r 21 S. Jackson & Howard Fannie, wks E. P. M. Co Howard Homer M., elk S. W. R. R., r Linwood, Ga Howard James (c), driver A. Gammel, r N.liberties Howard Janies, wks E.& P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 1st e of Front Howard James M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 6th s of Crawford Howard James W., elk M. M. Hirsch, r Crawford, ne cor F ront Howard Jane, wid Augustus, r 16 S. Troup Howard Jeremiah (c), storekpr Rankin House Howard John, elk, r 21 S. Jackson Howard John F., bkkpr, r 78 Broad Howard Lula, wks E. & P. M. Co Howard Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Howard Mary R. Mrs., milliner, 78 Broad Howard Milton (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, oth n of Baldwin Howard M. D. Mrs., second hand clothing, 48 Randolph Howard Nathan, lab, r ss Bryan, 4th e of Front Howard Rebecca, wks E. & P. M. Co Howard Sarah Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 12 Muscogee Block Howard Thomas (c), carpenter, r 28 S. Mercer Howard Thomas, physician, ws 4th, n of Crawford, Browne ville, Ala Howard Toombs C. S., elk S. W. R., r ns Randolph, 2d e of Forsyth Howard William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Howard Wright (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Troup, 2d a of W. R. R Howell Annie, wks E. & P. M. Co Howell Charles J., elk J. Joseph, r Linwood, Ga Howell Jordan L., accountant, 37 Randolph, r Linwood, Ga Manufacturers of All Kinrla of , IRON AND STEEL PLOW HOES. . vS-ti'4= V4 *v* ' Suitable for Bridal Presents, at 149 'Q Jewelry Store, HUN Howell Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co I Howell William, lab, r Jackson, ne cor Early 8 Hoxey Oliver (c), waiter Central Hotel Hudgins Lewis (c), lab, r Commerce, ne cor Troup, N. Liber- 11 ties Hudson Benjamin H. (Hudson, Jenkins & Redd), r 68 N. For syth Hudson E. J. Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Hudson Frank C., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 6 Broad Hudson Isaac E., shoemkr, 38J St. Clair, r Baldwin, se cor Troup Hudson, Jenkins & Redd (B. H. Hudson, F. ,T. Jenkins and W. A. Redd), com mers, 79 N. Oglethorpe Hudson Longenia E. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Hudson Mary J., wid Alfred, r es Warren, 1st n of Broad Hudson Millard M., elk C. A. Redd & Co., r 128 Broad Hudson Robert, wks Steam Mill, r es Warren, 1st n of Broad Hudson Samson (c), marble cutter II. McCauley Hudson Wesley (c), lab, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties * Hudson William F., varieties, 6 Broad Huff James B. Jr., elk Enquirer-Sun, bds Front, s of St. Clair HUFF THOMAS D., Huff" Orange (c), wks S. W. R. R., r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits city editor Enquirer-Sun, r es Front, 3d s of St. Clair Huff'William II., elk Blanchard & Hill, bds Rankin House Hughes Gdorge P., conductor, r ns Few, 1st e of Oglethorpe Hughes Hardy P., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Hughes James M., elk, r Troup, ne cor Franklin Hughes Julia Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r ss Franklin, 1st w of Warren Hughes William H., with W. II. Young, r Rose Hill Hughes Willie Miss, r 13 N. Oglethorpe Hughley Ann, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, 4th s of Crawford Hughley E., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, 4th s of Craw ford Hughley Rebecca J., wid G. S., r es Short, 4th s of Crawford Hungerford George, asst postmaster, r 4 N. Jackson Hunley Aaron (c), expressman, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Hunlev Mary E., wid John W., bds 49 S. Jackson EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS, GINGHAMS & TURKISH TOWELS .. ........... .. .WfrCY.V- v, B. F. WTfrLCOT'F (Sgwmnaz w$im&A?em .'2cn2.vcv 71 1 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. HUN 150 ING Hunt Charles D., grocer, 66 Broad, r 55 Broad Hunt C. Joseph, with Thomas & Acee, r 95 Broad HUNT GEORGE L., postmaster Lively, Ala., r Browne- ville, Ala Hunt Jacob (c), porter J. H. Hamilton, r N. Liberties Hunt John T., elk Gordon & Cargill, bds ws Jaekson, 2d s of Washington HUNT THOMAS, grocer, Broadnax, Browneville, Ala Hunt Thomas J., with W. A. Swift, r ws Jackson, 4th n of Lee Hunt William P., elk C. D. Hunt, bds 92 Jackson Hunter Rickard J., bkkpr G. P. Swift & Son, r es Forsyth, 2d s of St. Clair Hunter Samuel, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala HUNTER WILLIAM C REV., rector Trinity Episcopal Church, r 89 N. Oglethorpe Hurd Aaron (c), lab, r ws Front, 1st n of Baldwin Hurt John (c), farmer, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Hutchings Jack, wks E. & P. M. Co Hutchings James H., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hutchins Ezekiel J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 42 2d, Browneville, Ala Hutchins George T., butcher, r ss W. R. P., 1st w of 6th, Browneville, Ala Hutchins Pleasant, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hutchinson E., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hutchinson Isabella, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Hutchinson Margaret Mrs., r 44 3d, Browneville, Ala Hutson Isaac E., shoemkr, r Baldwin, nw cor Troup Hutton John, watchman Steam Mill, r 62 S. Troup Hutton John A., wks T. Gilbert, bds 62 S. Troup Hyde Hiram, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds es Short, s of Crawford Hyde Matilda Mrs., r es Short, 5th s of Crawford Hyde William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Hysmith Alice, wks E. & P. M. Co rLLGES ABRAHAM, sec. Columbus Mnfg Co., r 85 N. Jackson Hunt Wright (c), lab, r Forsyth, nw cor Franklin Ingraham M., wks E. & P. M. Co Uian]Or(a I\ir\gS, i V r Pins and Studs for sale, or Made to Order, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. ING 151 JAC Ingraham William E., r 109 S. Jackson Ingrain Porter, lawyer, 119 Broad, r Lin wood, Ga Ingram William, engineer W. R. R., r 4th, nr Crawford, Browneville, Ala Irvin Sterling (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Isbell James K., elk, bds 56 N. Troup Iverson Charles (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Mercer, 1st s of IVTEhRomSOasN JOHN F., with D. F. Willcox, r 41 Broad, n of Franklin Ivy James, elk L. Harris, r ns St. Clair, e of Broad Ivy M., wks E. & P. M. Co TACKSON ALFRED (c), lab, r 29 Early * J Jackson Alexander (c), shoemkr, r Wynnton, Ga Jackson Amos (c), lab, r Jackson, nw cor Water, N. Liberties Jackson Andrew (c), carpenter, r Forsyth, se cor Thomas Jackson Andrew (c), grocer, ws Oglethorpe, 1st s of Randolph, r rear 47 Broad Jackson Andrew Jr. (c), carpenter, r es 4th av, nr S. W. R. R. Jackson Arthur (c), wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r N. Liberties Jackson A. C.. wid J. R., r 28 S. Front Jackson Benjamin (c), drayman, r 183 Broad Jacksou Beverley (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Jackson Daniel (c), lab, r es Jackson, 2d n of Early Jackson Edward (c), mason, r 155 Front Jackson Giles (c), lab, r 41 S. Forsyth Jackson Henry (c), bell boy Rankin House Jackson Henry (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Jackson Henry T., with G. W. Woodruff, r 20 S. Troup Jackson John L., blacksmith, r 94 N. Jackson Jackson Josephine Miss, dressmkr, bds Broad, nr Bridge Girard, Ala Jackson Lee (c), wks M. & G. R. R.. r Wayne, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Jackson Lizzie, wks E. & P. M. Co Jackson Marsh (c), wks W. M. Amos Jackson Mary Mrs., bds Broad, nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Jackson Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan MD AuPLTlEpl 0 CL TI jlTlJHIpi MIt T1AV MIT I Q Consume more Cotton than any Mills, lvliLuU making Colored goo is only,in America. WILLCOX'S AGENCY, } JI Broad St, Experience, Care, Security. JAC 152 JER Jackson M,, wks E. & P. M. Co Jackson Oliver (c), wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r H. Liberties Jackson Richard (c), lab, r rear 71 N. Troup Jackson Robert (c), lab., r Broad, nr King, Girard, Ala Jackson Samuel (c), lab, r ws Troup, N. Liberties Jackson Samuel (c), porter G. P. Swift & Son, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Jackson Sarah, wid Lowe, r 20 S. Troup Jackson Thomas (c), cook, r 41 S. Forsyth Jackson Thomas J., printer Enquirer-Sun, r Girard, Ala Jackson William (c), lab, r ss Fulton, 1st w of Troup Jackson William EL., scalesman McGehee & Hatcher, r 39 FT. Jackson James George (c), driver Sou. Exp. Co., r 94 S. Jackson James James (c), wks W. A. Willingham Jamison Lewis (c), lab. r 185 Broad Jaques Wesley (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Jarrett Benjamin (c), wks W. M. Amos Jarrett John (c), shoemkr, ns Randolph, 2d w of Jackson, r ws Mercer, 4th n of Crawford Jefferson Joseph, with J. H. Hamilton, r Russell Co., Ala Jefferson Rollin, with J. H. Hamilton, r 60 N. Jackson Jenkins Anthony (c), carpenter, r 37 S. Troup Jenkins Cornelius, (c), lab, ws McIntosh, 4th s of Few Jenkins Felix J. (Hudson, Jenkins & Redd), r 7 7 N. Ogle thorpe Jenkins Giles (c), lab, r ws Jackson, 3d s of Commerce, N. Liberties, Jenkins Henry, lab, r ws 5th, Browneville, Ala Jenkins Lydia Mrs., r ws Oglethorpe, 3d n of Lee Jenkins Thomas (c), porter Times Jenkins Thomas J. (c), carpenter Champayne & England, r Troup, sw cor Baldwin Jepson Alonzo C., engineer, M. & G. R. R., r 22 S. Troup Jepson Francis A., brick mnfr, Lumpkin rd, bds Thomas, sw cor Troup Jepson Joseph T., carpenter, r Thomas, sw cor Troup Jepson Lovick P., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 71 S. Forsyth Jernegin Mason (c), lab, r ns Crawford, 1st e of McIntosh Jernegin Simon (c), lab, r ns Crawford, 1st e of McIntosh SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEARING Manufactured and for Sale by SOLID SILVER SPOONS *** PORKS at Greatly Reduced Prices at WITTIOH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. JET 153 JOH Jeter Henry (e), lab, r ws Forsyth, 3d n of Few Jeter Francis M., printer Times, r 90 St.Clair Jewell James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jewell Josephine, wks E. & P. M, Co., r Girard, Ala Jewell Lydia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jewell Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jewell Mattie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jewish Synagogue, Forsyth, sw cor Crawford Johnson Achay (c), carpenter, r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Fulton Johnson Albert (c), lab, r Wharf, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Johnson Albert, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 34 S. Troup Johnson Alfred (c), lab, r rear 87 S. Front Johnson Alexander (c), gardener, r Womack's Hill, N. Liber ties Johnson Alexander, Jr. (c), carpenter, r Hamilton rd, N. Lib erties Johnson Carrie, wks E. & P. M. Co Johnson Charles (c), lab, r 75 S. Troup Johnson Cicero (c), lab, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Johnson Eli (c), farmer, r Troup, N. Liberties Johnson Eliza, wid Alfred, r 10 Muscogee Blk Johnson Elizabeth Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Johnson Emanuel (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Franklin, se cor McIntosh Johnson Emma, wid Edwin, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Johnson Fannie Miss, wks Steam Mill, bds 10 Muscogee Blk Johnson Francis S., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Johnson Frank K., dry goods, r Perry House Johnson George, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 10 Muscogee Blk Johnson Henry (c), carpenter, r es Forsyth, 2d s of Thomas Johnson Henry (c), drayman, r Oglethorpe, n of limits, N. Liberties Johnson Henry, lab, r es 6th, 3d s of W. R. R., Browneville, Ala Johnson Henry (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., t OlTS. McIntosh Johnson Henry (c), wks S. W. R. R., r ws'AIercer, n of Bryan Johnson Henry W., lab, r es 6th, 3d s of W. R. R., Browne.- ville, Ala Johnson Isaac (c), lab, r ws Forsyth, 2d n of Few Johnson Israel (c), lab, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Compounds Interest 4 times aYear. Security Ample, Interest Liberal. 0. F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. _JOH^ 154 JOH Johnson James (c), lab, r Commerce, N. Liberties Johnson James (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Thomas JOHNSON JAMES D., Johnson James, lawyer, bds 77 N. Forsyth with Thomas Gilbert, r 42 N. Jackson Johnson Jennie, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 34 S. Troup Johnson Joel T., school comr Harris Co., r St. Clair, sw cor Mercer Johnson John (c), harnessmkr M. A. Bradford, r N. Liberties Johnson John (c), lab, r Troup, nr Division, N. Liberties Johnson John (c), lab, r Wayne, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Johnson John A., policeman, r 95 S. Jackson Johnson John W., foreman E. & P. M. Co., r 34 S. Troup Johnson Jordan (c), porter J. H. Hamilton, r es McIntosh, 2d n of Lee Johnson J. A., wks E. & P. M. Co Johnson Lafayette, elk, bds 10 Muscogee Blk Johnson Lewis (c), painter W. A. Willingham, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Johnson Lucy Mrs., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Johnson Luke (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Johnson Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 86 S. McIntosh Johnson Mary B. Miss, r St. Clair, ne cor Troup Johnson Mary E. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Johnson Mattie Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 9 Muscogee Blk Johnson Melvina C., wid Wicldiffe, r 56 S. Oglethorpe Johnson Napoleon, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 10 Muscogee Blk Johnson Narcissa Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds N. Liberties Johnson Nathan (c), porter W. A. Swift, r Wynnton Johnson Nathan Jr. (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Johnson Nelson (c), section hand S. W. R. R., r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Johnson Orfila C., trav agt, bds St. Clair, sw cor Mercer Johnson Richard (c), farmer, r Troup, nr Division, N. Liber ties Johnson Robert (c), lab, r 6th, nr Crawford, Browneville, Ala HOLLOW-WARE of all kinds, including POTS, OVENS, SPIDERS &c., Manufactured and for Sale by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. Rings, Necklaces, Lockets etc., at WITriCH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. JOH 155 JON Jolinson Sarail Miss, wksE. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Johnson Sarali, wid W. S., r Girard, Ala Jolmson Stephen (c), porter Pollard & Harris, r ss Randolph, bet Broad and Front Johnson Thomas (c), blacksmith, r ws Troup, 2d s of Divis ion, N. Liberties Johnson Thomas (c), wks D. Collins, r McIntosh, nvv cor Baldwin Johnson Wallace (c), lab, r 111 S. Troup Johnson Walter II., postmaster, 49 Randolph, r 77 N. For syth Johnson William (c), porter, r 28 Early Johnson William C. Rev., r ss Thomas, 1st w of Oglethnrpe JOHNSON WILLIAM D. REV. (c), pastor St. James A. M. E Church, r ws Mercer, 5th n of Crawford Johnson William 0., grocer 47 Randolph, bds St. Clair, sw cor Mercer Johnston Asbury F., elk W. L. Tillman & Co., r 37 N. Jack- son Johnston Asbury F. Jr., elk, bds 37 N. Jackson Johnston Calvin E., grocer, r Linwood, Ga Johnston Calvin E. Jr., agt N. k S. R.R., and grocer 56 Broad, r Oglethorpe, cor W. R. R Johnston David W., physician, 33 Randolph, r 58 N. Jackson Johnston Frank M., printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 260 Broad Johnston James D., (J. D. Johnston & Co.), r 260 Broad Johnston James D. Jr., bkkpr Enquirer-Sun, r 260 Broad JOHNSTON JOHN H,, sec and treas Columbus Iron Wks. Co. and Sou. Plow Co., r ws J ackson, 2d n of Crawford Johnston J. D. & Co., (J. D. Johnston and D. L. Boohcr), stoves and tinware, 141 Broad Johnston Robert C., trav agt, bds es Front,-n of St. Clair Johnston S. Jesse, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 260 Broad Johnston William R., elk C. E. Johnston, r Linwood, Ga Joiner Josephine Mrs., wks E. &P M. Co., r 44 S. Oglethorpe. Joiner Sarah E. Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Troup, N. Liberties Joines Edmund W., licirt police, r 24 Early Jones Aaron (c), porter Bradford k Everett, r ws Oglethorpe, 4th s of St. Clair EAGLE & PHEN1X MILLS Manufacture over One Hundred Va rieties of Colored and Fancy Goods. (9) D. P. WILLCOX, Agt., Represents TRSVELPR'S JCXSVRSXCP XFE &<3GtPK.XV. i^"$5.00 Buys $1,000. JON 156 JON Jones Afred (c). carpenter, r es Jackson, 2d s of Division, N. Liberties Jones Andrew (c), shoemkr, 83 Bryan, r 103 S. Troup Jones A. wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Jones Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Jones Claiborne H., tailor, 102 Broad Jones Dennis (c), driver A. Howard, r es Jackson, 1st n of Jones Dennis (c), janitor Girls' Public School Janes Edmund (c), lab, r 81 S. Forsyth Jones Emma C. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st n of Dillingham Jones Fanny Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co Jones Frank, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jones George W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 15 2d, Browneville, Ala Jones Gilbert (c), lab, r 70 N. McIntosh Jones Hampton (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r rear 2 S. McIntosh Jones Henry (c), blacksmith J. Holbrook, r N. Liberties Jones Henry (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 2d s of St. Clair Jones Henry (c), lab, r Jackson, N. Liberties Jones Henry, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Jones Henry J., grocer, 30 Broad JONES JAMES S., Jones James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala dry goods, notions, etc., 70 Broad, bds 74 Randolph Jones Jane Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co Jones Jesse (c), barber, 173 Broad Jones John (c), grocer, ws Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Jones John (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties JONES JOHN W., Jones John (c), porter Slade & Etheredge, r 114 S. Jackson Cottage Saloon, 45 Randolph, r 186J Broad Jones Josie Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Jones Lula Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Jones Lydia, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jones Lymus (c), painter, r es EArsyth, 5th s of Thomas Jones Mack (c), lab, r ns Baldwin, 1st e of Front Jones Mark (c), lab, r 76 S. Troup Jones Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Front, se cor Bryan 0AHE MILLS of every Description, including HORSE, WATER or STEAM POWER, Manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. J r IMWM&KT f T flPK SIN EVERY STYLE, from $2.30 Upward,at JFJJ WTTWS MtlJt8BM,*8 JON 157 JOE Jones Mary, wid William, r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Jones Mattie Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Albert, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Jones Mollie Mad., r 102 1ST. Oglethorpe Jones Nancy Miss, dressmkr, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Jones N. F., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Jones P., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Jones Robert (c), hackman, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Jones Russell (c), lab, r 32 S. McIntosh Jones Sarah Miss, r Girard, Ala Jones Strauther (e), lab, r 84 S. Troup Jones Susan Mrs., wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Jones Susan Mrs., wks Mrs. C. Gray Jones Talliaferro (c), lab, r rear ws Oglethorpe, 4th n of Lee Jones Thomas (c), bricklayer, r 46 S. Oglethorpe Jones Thomas, machinist, r ws 6th, Browneville, Ala Jones Thomas (c), wks S. W. R. R., r 64 N. McIntosh Jones Thomas C., carpenter, r 6th, cor Crawford, Browneville, Ala Jones Van (c), carpenter W. A. Willingham Jones Washington, wks E. k P. M. Co., r 6th, cor Crawford, Browneville, Ala Jones Wesley (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liber ties Jones William, bailiff, r ss W. R. R., Browneville, Ala _ Jones William (c), blacksmith J. Holbrook, r N. Liberties Jones William (c), lab, r ws Mercer, Bd s of Fulton Jones William (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Jackson, 2d s of Few Jones William B., money elk Sou. Ex. Co., r ws Troup, 3d n of Franklin Jones William H. (Noble k Jones), r Randolph, ne cor Broad JORDAN G. GUNBY (Jordan & Black mar), and sec and treas Eagle and Phenix Mnfg Co., r 43 N. Broad, nr Lee Jordan John L., elk Brannon k Carson, bds Raiford House Jordan Julia Mrs., r Franklin, sw cor Forsyth Jordan Mary, wid William, bds 16 2d, Browneville, Ala JORDAN OSCAR S., treas Pioneer Co-Operative Co., r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Randolph Jordan Sylvester F., r 43 N. Broad, nr Lee EAGLE &, PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. Di F. WILLCOX * Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Go.,) !'iET CASH assets, General Ageut '{ Virginia Home Insurance Oo. j $593,987.21 JOR 158 KEL JORDAN & BLACKMAR (G. Gunby Jordan and John ti Blaokmar), ins agts, represent COMMERCIAL UNION t ASSURANCE CO. of London, WESTCHESTER INS. I CO. of N. Y., SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL INS. CO. of I Glasgow, Scotland, FIREMEN'S FUND INS. CO. of I Cal., FIRE ASSOCIATION of Fhila., and MOBILE I LIFE INS. CO. of Mobile, Ala.; Georgia Home Bldg, 31 I St. Clair. (See back cover.) Joseph Charles, bds es Broad, 2d s of Thomas Joseph Daniel A., elk I. Joseph, bds es Broad, 2d s of Thomas JOSEPH ISAAC, whol grocer and trunk mnfr, 158 Broad, r es I '-road, 2d s of Thomas. (See front cover.) Joseph Jacob, dry goods and notions, 160 Broad JOSEPH MOSES, whol and ret dry goods, 89 Broad, r ws Jackson, 1st s of Randolph Justice Robert (Pirrie & Jnstice), bds Oglethorpe, nw cor St. . Clair KAUFMAN JACOB (J. & J. Kaufman), r 25 N. Forsyth. Kaufman Julius (J. & J. Kaufman), r 82 S. Jackson KAUFMAN J. & J. (Jacob and Julius Kaufman), whol and ret grocers, 1-land 16 Broad Kavanaugh Mary A., wid John, r ns Thomas, 3d e of Front Kavanaugh Robert, carrier Enquirer-Sun, bds ns Thomas, 3d e of Front Keenan George (c), lab, r es Short, 3d n of Baldwin Keith Carrie, wks E & P. M. Co., bds Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Keith Daniel, mechanical engineer, 18 Broad Keith William R., wqlldigger, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Kelly Alfred, elk, bds Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard. Ala Kelly Alexander (c), porter Central Hotel Kelly Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Kelly George, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Kelly Harriet, wid William, r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala Kelly Horace, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard Ala Kelly Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Kelly John G., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Kelly J. M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Kelly Lula Miss, wks E. & P M. Co., r Giraad, Ala One New and one Second-hand ICE MACHINE at Half- Price, for Sale by WOMBS &. KEL 159 . KEY Kelly Mary, whs E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Kelly Mattie Miss, wks E. & P M. Co., r Girard, Ala Kelly Patrick II., fireman M. & G. R. R., r 35 S. Forsyth Kelly Sarah A., wid J. G., r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Kelly William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Kelly Zachariah, wksE. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Kelton Rebecca, wid S. II., r 173 N. Oglethorpe Kemp Lon Miss, wks Steam Mill, r 23 Lee Kemp Nellie Miss, wks Steam Mill, bds 23 Lee Kemp William R., lab, r 23 Lee Kendon William, tinner W. Fee Kendrick Wilson (c), lab, r Forsyth, ne cor Lee Kennedy C., wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Kennedy Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M Co., r Browneville, Ala Kennedy John D., printer, bds 91 N. Jackson Kennedy Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Kennedy Thomas J., with G. P. Swift & Son, r 53 Broad Kennedy William, machinist W. Schober, r Girard, Ala Kennedy William S., printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 91 N. Jackson Kenny Caroline, wid Thomas, r 87 S. Troup Kennington James, machinist, Columbus Iron Wks., r Girard, Ala. Kent Eliza, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala., Kent Gilbert, wks E. &. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Kent John M., presser G. J. Jeacock, bds Jackson, N. Liberties Kern Emanuel (Kern & Loeb), r 225 Broad Kern & Loeb (Emanuel Kern and S. Loeb), grocers, 61 Broad Kersey Elizabeth, wid John, r 10 Muscogee, Blk Ketchum Susan E. Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 7 Mus cogee Blk Key Henry (c), lab, ws Mercer, 2d n of Crawford Key Howard W., prof of natural science, Columbus Female College, r 45 N. Troup Key Joseph S. Rev. D. D., pastor St. Paul M. E. Church, South, r 45 N. Troup Key Marshall (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Crawford KEYES HENRY C,, Key Troup (c), hostler A. Gammel, r 31 N. Oglethorpe elk Pioneer Co-Op. Co., r 25 N. Troup M MUM! A DP11TY Sole Manufacturers, in the United States, ut IllljlvlA MlLLiJ, Of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. D. F. WILXCOX, 71 Broad Street, Represents the MUTUAL LIFE INS. Co. of N. Y.; Assets over - - - $85,000,000 ~~ KID . 160 KLE Kidd Victoria Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Kilgore Harriet Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Kilgore Massilva Mrs., r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Kilpatrick Martha A. Mrs., boarding, 11 N. Oglethorpe Kimball Albert (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 2d s of Thomas Kimbro Margaret, wid Thomas, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Kimbro Sallie Miss, wks Steam Mill, r Girard, Ala Kimbrough Alfred A., painter Bradford & Gafford, r Girard, Ala Kimbrough Henry, elk Gordon & Cargill, r Perry House Kimbrough Jesse W., elk J. W. Clements, r Linwood, Ga Kimbrough John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala KIMBROUGH THOMAS J. S., M. D., druggist, 74 Broad, r ws Troup, 8d n of Lee Kindon Martha R., wid George, r 37 S. Forsyth King David (c), shoemkr, 49 St. Clair, r Troup, N. Liberties King Edward (c), lab, r 231 Broad King George (c), wks G. W. Woodruff KING JOHN, publisher and propr Enquirer-Sun, r 231 Broad King John (c), tailor, ws Hamilton rd, N Liberties King Joseph, mer, r 62 S. Oglethorpe King Josiah, r 9 1st, Browneville, Ala King Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co King Mary, wid Bartley, r ws Front, 4th s of Crawford King Mary E., wid Edward, r ss Baldwin, 2d e of McIntosh King M. A. Miss, bds 231 Broad King Z. T., bkkpr, r ws McIntosh, 4th n of St. Clair KXNSEL CHARLES M. (Wittich& Kinsel), r 21 Few Kirven James, r 222 Broad KIRVEN J. ALBERT, dry goods, notions, etc., 90 Broad, r 101 1ST. Jackson Kirven Noble A., with J. A. Kirven, bds McIntosh, n of Ran dolph Kirven Richard M., bkkpr J. A. Kirven, r 42 N. Forsyth Kirven Susan E., wid A. C., r 52 N. McIntosh Kite Francis M., presser G: J. Peacock, r ws Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Kleber Mary B, wid E. A., r 91 N. Jackson II Pinkard's Pat, Adjustable FOOT PWIcT wnmr&Fm. QUTlTLTVTHTJiilnl"_Di TLlAA T1 FillFJJl ^ea ^ettS| Casters and Knives, Spoons and Porks, at W ITT 1CH & KINSEL'S JEWELRY STORE. KLE 161 LAK Kley Christian, lab, r es Warren, junc Broad KLINK CHARLES A., agt Central Line Steamboats, 32 St. Clair, r 252 Broad Klink Fritz, shoemkr Wells & Curtis, r 11 S. Troup Knight Albert I. S., tinner Bradford k Everett, bds 11 N. Oglethorpe Knight Amelia Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Knight Benjamin, tinner Bradford & Everett, bds 11 N. Ogle thorpe Knight Cornelia, wks E. & P. Vf. Co., r Girard, Ala Knight Georgia, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Knight Louisa Miss, wks E. k P. tVI. Co., bds Girard, Ala Knight Margaret Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Knight Mary J. Miss, photograph artist, bds Girard, Ala Knight Mary L. Mrs., wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Knight Sylvana Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Knight Thomas S., r Girard, Ala Knowles E., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Knowles Frank (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r Gii'ard, Ala Knowles Frank M., grocer, Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Knowles Mary E., wid Ephriam, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Knox Emma, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Knox Sarah A., wks E. k P. M. Co., r 52 3d, Browneville, Ala Kurniker Edward (C. Heyman k Co.), r 23 S. Oglethorpe Kurniker Gustav, with C. Heyman k Co., r 136 Broad Kyle Catharine L., wid John, r Randolph, nw cor McIntosh KYLE JAMES P., with J. Kyle k Co., r 106 Broad Kyle Joseph (J. Kyle k Co.), r ss Randolph, 1st w of Mercer KYLE J. & CO. (Joseph Kyle), dry goods, carpets, boots, hats, etc., 106 Broad. (See front fly B.) Kyle Nelson (c), lab, r rear 18 S. Forsyth Kyle Warren (c), porter J. Kyle & Co LAFFKITZE MARKIES, pedler, r rear 17 Crawford Lallatte Elizabeth, wid C. II., r 48 Thomas Lallatte Elizabeth F. Miss, bds 48 Thomas Lallatte Fannie Miss, dressmkr 103 Broad, bds 48 Thomas Lallatte Mary E., wid Sidney M., r 12 N. Jackson LaHatte M. Thornton, printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 48 Thomas Lakey Julia Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala LAK Call and Secure A POLICY. 162 LAR Lakey Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Lamar Columbus (c), lab, r 80 S. Troup Lamb Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Lambertsou Ella Miss, dressmkr 38 Broad Lambertson James, wks T. Newman, bds 36 Broad Lancaster Ida Miss, wks Steam Mill Lancaster Mary, wid Ben, r ws Front, 2d s of Crawford Lancaster Nancy, wid Bibb, r 33 S. Front Lancaster Nora Miss, wks Steam Mill Land Melinda, wid J. W., r Browneville, Ala London Fannie, wid Frank, r 23 Broad Lane Archibald, wks E. & P. M. Co Lane Henry (c), helper Herring & England, r ns Lee, w of Mercer Lane Margaret, wid Ben, r Browneville, Ala Lane William (c), steward, r Commerce, N. Liberties Langdon Henry, elk, bds 236 Broad Langdon John, bds 236 Broad Langdon William B., with Wittich & Kinsel, r 236 Broad Langdon William P., manager shoe dept J. Kyle & Co., bds 236 Broad Langford John, wks A. Clegg & Co., r Girard, Ala Langford Joseph, stoker Gas Wks, r Girard, Ala Langford Milton, stoker Gas Wks, r Girard, Ala Langford Noah, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Langley Elizabeth Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 11 Muscogee Blk Langley Emily, wid Isaiah, r 11 Muscogee Blk Langley Joshua C., bkkpr McGehee & Hatcher, bds es Front, 2d n of St. Clair Lanier Eveline Mrs., r 11 Muscogee Blk Lanier James P., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Lanier Nancy Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co & Lanier Sallie Mrs., wks E. P. M. Co., r 79 N. Front Lansford Caroline Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 38 2d Browneville, Ala Lansford Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Lapham George, pilot, r 78 S. Oglethorpe Lapine Belle, wks E. & P. M. Co Larkins Simeon (c), lab, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits HEEL PIN BOLTS*GRASS KODSgouj|lem p|QW American, English and Swiss mates, at very low Prices, at Wittich & Kinsel's Jewelry Store. LAR 163 LEE Larkins Simeon Jr. (c), brickmason, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Lary George C., elk, bds es Front, n of St. Clair Lary Mary C. Mrs., boarding, es Front, n of St. Clair Lavender Wiley, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co SAMUEL B., Law Ellen S., wid Josiah, r 83 St. Clair LAW physician 135 Broad, r 82 St. Clair Law Samuel S., elk F. W. Loudenber, r 83 St. Clair & Lawhon Samuel E. (Rosette Lawhon), r Oglethorpe, nw cor Bryan Lawless John, wks E. & P. M. Co.,' r es Oglethorpe, 2d s of Fulton Lawrence Elenor, wid A. G., r ws Forsyth, 1st n of St. Clair Lawrence Eugene, dray line, bds ws Forsyth, 1st n of St. Clair Lawrence Lewis (c), lab, r rear 53 N. Forsyth Lawrence Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 6 1st, Browne- ville, Ala Lawrence Mary Mrs., r Front, se cor Bryan Lawrence Mary A. Mrs., r es Short, 2d s of Crawford Lawrence Richard (c), lab, r rear 80 N. Jackson Lawrence William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Lawson Jackson (c),- gardener, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits LAYFIELD JAMES Layfield George M., baker J. M. Layfield, r -1 S. McIntosh M., baker and confectioner, 47 Craw ford, r 4 S. McIntosh Layfield Robert L., elk J. M. Layfield, bds 4 S. McIntosh Layfield W. Henry, foreman Steam Mill, r es Broad, junc Warren Leary Charles (c), lab, r Bryan, nw cor Forsyth Ledsinger Robert W., elk I. Joseph, r 30 S. Jackson Lee Abner (c), lab, r Jackson, N. Liberties Lee Anderson G. (c), lab, r Wynn ton, Ga Lee Charles (c), lab, r Jackson, N. Liberties Lee David (c), lab, r Wynn ton, Ga Lee Ella Mad., r 105 N. Oglethorpe Lee James (c), porter J. J. & W. R. Wood, r Wynnton, Ga Lee John B., lab, r 54 S. Front Lee L. A. Mrs., milliner, 108 Broad LEE MICHAEL II., millinery and fancy goods, 102 Broad, r 108 Broad Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (H) D F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. LEG 164 LIG LEITNER CHARLES B., Leger William R., shoemkr, S. Bridge, r Girard, Ala physician, 38 Randolph, r 85 N. Troup Leitner John H., elk, bds 85 N. Troup Lenke Andrus Rev., asst pastor St. James and Philip Catholic Church Lennehan John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Lennen Hiram (c), lab, r 116 S. Jackson Lennen Thomas (c), lab, r 117 S. Jackson Leonard Jeremiah (c), r ws Troup, n of Division, N. Liberties Lequin Charles H., watchmkr T. S. Spear, r ss Thomas, 1st w of Mercer Levy Lionel C. Jr., lawyer, 118 Broad, r county Lewis Alabama T., r 101 St. Clair Lewis Alexander (c), cook Rankin House Lewis Anna Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Lewis Annabel L. Miss, dressmkr, bds 101 St. Clair Lewis Charles (c), waiter J. Rankin Lewis Elijah (c), carpenter, r 70 S. McIntosh Lewis Elizabeth Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 2 1st, Browne ville, Ala Lewis George (c), porter Rankin House, r 17 S. Forsyth Lewis George P. (c), prin colored school, r 12 S. Forsyth Lewis George W., elk J. Bush & Co., r 6 S. McIntosh Lewis James A., dry goods, 152 Broad, bds Raiford House Lewis John A., grocer, 40 Randolph, r 101 St. Clair Lewis J. W., printer Enquirer-Sun, r Girard, Ala Lewis Joseph, lab, r 2 1st, Browneville, Ala Lewis Lelie E. Miss, dressmkr, bds 101 St. Clair Lewis Martha Mrs., r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Thomas Lewis Mary A., wid Richard, r 2 1st, Browneville, Ala Lewis Mary E. Miss, teacher, bds 101 St. Clair Lewis Mary F., wid Jason, r 6 S. Forsyth Lewis Nancy M., wid T. J., r 101 St. Clair Lewis Roderick (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r 90 S. Jackson Lewis Samuel (c), lab, r 57 S. Jackson Lewis Thomas, tinner Bradford & Everett, r Girard, Ala Lightfoot Wesley, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Ligon Daniel W., adjuster Singer Mnfg Co., r 46 N. Forsyth Ligon John, elk G. Cargill, r 93 St. Clair To get, at all times, Eirst-class LUMBER, Rough or Planed, in any Style, Call on COLUMBUS IRON WORKS COMPANY. LIG Suitable for Bridal I[T|[CjHIEiyel-y Presents, at 165 LOG Ligon John A., elk, bds 98 St. tHair Ligon Thomas W., cashier J. S. Jones, r 74 Randolph Ligon William W., elk, hds 98 St. Clair Linck Conrad J., barkpr F. Reich, r 144 Broad Lindsay Helen R., wid J. B., r ws Forsyth 2d n of Franklin Lindsay James B., student W. J. Fogle, bds 32 Randolph Lindsay Simon'(c), lab, r ns Washington, 1st w oi Iroup Lips Emma Miss, bds 252 Broad Lips Pauline Miss, r 252 Broad Lipsey J., wks E. & P. M. Co Little Janie E. Miss, r 83 Randolph Little Mary E., wid James r 83 St. Clair Little Peter (c), pedler, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Little William A. (Smith & Little), r Wynnton, Ga Littleton E. A. Mrs., mattressmkr 52 Broad Littleton Jane Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 1ST. Liberties Lively William Rev., pastor Girard Baptist Ch., r Smith Station, Ala Lloyd Alfred (c), train hand, M. & G. R. R Lloyd Charles B., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 22 S. Troup Lloyd Fannie, wks E. & P. M. Co., Lloyd George, harnessmkr, r 120 S. Troup Lloyd John F., sampler Flournoy & Epping, r Lmwood Lloyd Mary E., wid C. B., r 22 S. Troup Lloyd Sidney, cabinetmkr, 45 N. Oglethorpe Lloyd William S., bkkpr W. A. Swift, r Lmwood, Ga Locke Richard D., register elk, P. O., r 49 Randolph Lockett Alburtus (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Lockett Louisa, wid Hampton, r Franklin, sw cor Forsyth Lockett Lun (c), gardener, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Lockett Solomon (c), blacksmith^ Browneville, Ala., r JN. Liberties Lockhart George (c), carpenter, r ws Mercer, i th n ol Craw ford Lockhart Young (c), hostler A. Gammel, r 31 Oglethorpe Loeb Leo, elk Kern & Loeb, bds Rankin House Loeb Solomon (Kern & Loeb), r Broad, nw cor Baldwin Logan Eliza J. Miss, r 54 N. Mclmosb Logan Lewis (c), lab, r rear 23 S. Mercer Logan Margaret, wks E. & P. M. Co EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS Manufacture over One Hundred Va rieties of Colored and Fancy Hoods. 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. LOG 166 LUN Logan Susan, wid Dawson, r cs Short, 2d s of Crawford Lollis Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Lollis Nancy, wks E. & &. M. Co Long Edgar T., with J. A. Kirven, bds Rankin House Long Melinda, wid David, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Long Samuel (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 3d s of Baldwin Lopez Cayetans, cigarmkr, 20i Broad LOUDENBER FRANK W., cigars, tobacco and smokers articles, 41 Randolph, r N. Liberties Loudenber Rosetta, wid Frank, r es Oglethorpe, n of limits, N. Liberties Love Booker (c), lab, r 81 Early Love Isaiah (c), cotton sampler, r Forsyth, se cor Thomas Love John (c), wks W A. Willingham Love John W. (c), lab E. & P. M. Co., r ws Mercer, 7th n of Crawford Love Jubilee (c), wks W. A. Willingham, r 28 McIntosh IjOve Steihn0 II. (e), waiter, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Crawford Lovette John, route agt. Sou. Ex. Co. Lovelace Charles A., with Thornton & Acee, r Perry House Lowe Alexander (c), blacksmith J. Holbrook, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Thomas Lowe Isaac, engineer steamer Wylly Lowe Winkfield Mad., r 94 S. Troup Lowenthal Herman, elk M. Simons & Co., bds 82 Crawford Lowenthal Leopold (M. Simons & Co.), bds 82 Crawford Lowenthal Moses, elk L. Bidder, bds Raiford House Lowndes John R., painter, r Commerce, e of Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Lowry Amelia, wks E. & P. M. Co Lowry Martha, wid David, r ws Front, 2d s of Crawford Loyd Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Loyd James, wks W. M. Amos, r Wynnton, Ga Loyd Lucinda, wid John, r 23 Early Luckie Mark (c), porter Pearce, Binford & Co., r 95 S. For syth Luckie Wesley (c), plasterer, r rear 50 N. Forsyth Luckie William F., cotton buyer, r 103 S. Oglethorpe Luke William H. (c), shoemkr, 184 Broad, r 92 S. Jackson Lunsford Caroline, wks E. & P. M. Co FIRE and VENTILATOR GRATES, GRATE BARS, and all kinds of Ma chinery for sale and manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS Co. f)iari|or\d 5yii]g^/ Pins and Studs for sale, or Made to Order, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. LUN 167 McO Lunsford Fannie, wks E. & P. M. Co Lunsford Jolm (c), engineer T. J. Dudley, r country Lyle Martha Mrs., wks A. Clegg & Co Lyle Newton, wks E. & P. M. Co Lyman George (c), carpenter, r ss Fulton, 1st w of Troup Lynah James W., bkkper, bds 32 N. Oglethorpe Lynch Charles, painter, r Baldwin, nw cor Troup Lynch Louis M., trav agt, r 50 Thomas Lynch Richard, carpenter, bds 11 N. Oglethorpe Lynch Robert (c), lab, r rear 23 S. Jackson Lynn Moses, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Lynn Susan, wid Riley, r 69 S. Mercer Lyons Herschel, elk, r es Oglethorpe, n of limits, N. Liberties^ Lyons Phalba, wid R. D., r 12 N. Jackson Lysle Henry, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Lysle Sarah, wid K., r 3d, nr Crawford, Browneville, Ala "TV/rCADAM Edward P., elk T. J. McAdam, r 194 Broad -b.V_L. McAdam Thomas J., grocer, 194 Broad McAlister Lizzie, wid William, r 80 S. Front NcArdle Catharine, 'wid Felix, r ns Thomas, 4th e of Front McArdle Frank, lab, r ns Thomas, 4th e of Front McArdle Frank J., tinner, 22 Broad McArthur Daniel, elk, r Odd Fellows' Hall mcarthur green rev. (c), pastor First Col'd Bap. Ch., and groceries, dry goods and produce, 41 Crawford, r 24 S. McIntosh McBride Dora Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Washington, nr Broad, Girard, Ala McBride James, farmer, bds Washington, nr Broad, Girard, Ala McCahey Michael, grocer, 36 S. Oglethorpe McCall Scipio (c), carpenter, r 36 S. Jackson McCann Martha Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg. Co., r 10 Musco gee Blk McCardel Charles L., grocer, es Salem rd, Browneville, Ala McCarter Benjamin (c), wks W. Munday McCarthy Margaret, wks E. & P. M. Co McCarty John, r 37 S. Jackson McCarty Major (c), lab, r 53 S. Troup JH. P,, WFELQ*S, (rK.viTti.~in J.Ysrit.*.YCi? .HkkJP@vb 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. McC 168 McD McCaslin Tobias (c), lab, r Jackson, N. Liberties McCauley Henry, marble works and undertaker, 40 Broad, r Summerville, Ala MoClarlen Eliza, wid Duncan, bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala McClary Archelaus Y., lab, r es Short, 4th s of Crawford McClung James, wks N. & S. R. E., r es Oglethorpe, N. Lib erties McCluskey Eliza Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 5 Muscogee Blk McCluskey Isabella Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 5 Mus cogee Blk McColister, Chalmers & Coulter (T. McColister, L. M. Chal mers and Henry Coulter), meat market, 6 City Market McColister John, wks E. & P. M. Co McColister Thomas (McColister, Chalmers & Coulter), r Browneville, Ala McColister William, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r es 6th, n of W. R. R., Browneville, Ala McColister & Chalmers (Thomas McColister and L. Chalmers), grocers, ns Franklin, Browneville, Ala McCook Caroline Mrs., grocer, Hamilton rd, N. Liberties McCook Matthew, grocer, Warren, sw cor Franklin, r Thom as, sw cor McIntosh McCormack Henry, carpenter, r 278 Broad McCormack Rosa Miss, bds 36 S. Jackson McCracken Elizabeth, wid W., r Browneville, Ala McCracken Josephine, wks E. & P. M. Co. McCubbins John, huckster, r71 S. Front McCubbins Mary Miss, wks E.& P. M. Co., r 71 S. Front McCullough Edward, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala McCullough Fannie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala McCullough Mary Mrs., r Broad, cor Washington, Girard, Ala McCullough William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala MeCutcheon Robert II., physician, es Franklin, n of N. Bridge, Browneville, Ala McDaniel Juliet Miss, dressmaker, 76 Broad, r Jackson, nw cor Franklin McDaniel William W., wagon yard, 137 N. Oglethorpe, r Jackson, nw cor Franklin FORCE PUMPS, PULLEYS, SHAFTING, HANGERS &e., always on hand at I:KQW WQSKS Cq, McD 169 McG McDaniel John F., farmer, bds Jackson, nw cor Franklin McDonald Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala McDonald Hugh, engineer M. & G. R. R., r 9 S. McIntosh McDonald John, trunk mkr, r Girard, Ala McDougal Elmira Mrs., wksE. & P. M. Co., r rear es Front, 8d n of Thomos McDougald Alique Miss, r ns Randolph, 2d w of Mercer McDougald Frances L., wi'd A., r ns Randolph, 2d w of Mer cer McDuffie John (c), porter Slade & Etheredge, r218 Broad McDuffie John N., elk, r 64 N. Forsyth McDuffie Louisa M. Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala McDuffie Martha J. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala McDuffie Susan C., wid J. M., r 64 N. Forsyth McDuffie Theodore (c), carpenter, r 91 S. Troup McEachern Edward S. (T. S. Young & Co.), r ws Oglethorpe, 3d n of Lee McEachern J. Albert, molder, bds ws Oglethorpe, 3d n of Lee McElrath Martha Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 2d w Broad McElrath William, Avks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, w of Broad McGee Garrett (c), porter R. Deignan, r 68 S. McTntosh McGee Isabella Mrs., r 64 S. Troup McGee John, carpenter, r es McIntosh, 1st s of Baldwin McGee Joseph (c), barber W. E. Terry, r rear 179 Broad McGee Pope (c), waiter Raitord House McGee William (c), porter, r Broad, nw cor Fulton McGehee Allen C., cotton buyer, r Jackson, sw cor Washing ton McGehec Charles (c), lab, r Jackson, swcor Washington McGehee Christopher C. (McGehee & Hatcher), bds es Front, n of St. Clair McGehee Lucy Miss, elk Mrs. M. R. Howard, bds Jackson, sw McGEHEE & HATCHER cor Washington (C. C. McGehee and B. T. Hatcher), com mers and cotton factors, Front, sw cor St. Clair. (See front cover.) EAGLE & PHI SAVINGS Mil Compounds Interest 4 times a Year. Security Ample, Interest Liberal* WILLCOX'S AGENCY, 7! MsU Time-Tried, Fire-Tested. Experience, Care, Security, McG 170 McGough George L. (J. McGough & Co.), bds Rankin House McGough John (J. McGough & Co.), r Russell Co., Ala McGough John, lab, r 93 S. Jackson McGough J. & Co. (John and G. L. McGough), dry goods, 151 Broad McGough Robert, elk J. McGough & Co., bds es Front 2d s of Randolph ' McGovern James, tinner F. J. McArdle, r 151 Front McGovern Sarah Miss, r ns Chapel, 1st w of Jackson McGovern William (J. H. Connor & Co), r 38 S. Jackson McGraw Annie, wid Thomas, r Browneville, Ala McGue William (c), porter F. J. Springer McGuirt Fannie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Division ne cor Jackson, N. Liberties McGuirt Helen Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Division, ne cor Jackson, N. Liberties McGuirt Mary Mrs., r Division, ne cor Jackson, N. Liberties McHolt John (c), barber C. Borrum, r ns Dillingham 2d w of Broad Mclllienny Oliver, supt Gas Co., r Broad, nw cor Franklin Mcllvain S., wks E. & P. M. Co McIntosh John R. Rev., r Broad, nw cor Franklin McJunkin John D., mattress mkr, ns Crawford 5th w of Broad McKay Edward H., elk Wells & Curtis, bds' Broad, sw cor Baldwin McKee Hockley C., carriages and harness, Gunby Bldg St. Clair, w of Broad, r ws Forsyth, 2d n of Franklin McKee John G., with E. & P. M. Co., r es Forsyth 3d n of Franklin ' McKendree John Jay, r 90 N. Troup McKenney Emma Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Broad cor W arren McKenney Hester Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfo- Co. r Broad cor Warren ' McKenzie Daniel M., lab, bds es Short, 6th s of Crawford McKenzie Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co McKenzie Isabella, wid John, r es Short, 6th s of Crawford McKenzie Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co McKenzie John G. (McKenzie & Maddock), r 244 Broad MeKenzie Wdlliam H. wks Ej. & P. M. Co., Browneville, Ala Allum's and Wright's nniWiniif P iFCCrQ an.i Uuajkoi, hanLat Patent uUHUllI IuIjiJuIjiJ, COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO* NSIWWM ^JSiAiV'-* , // r**?tt*+ rfffjs -'.*' SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Rings, Necklaces, Lockets etc,, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. McK 171 MAD McKenzie & Maddock (J. G. McKenzie and J. J. Maddock), meat market, 2 city market McLaughlin Stephen, watchman W. R. R., r ns W. R. R., at bridge McMahon L. 0. Miss, bds 6 S. Jackson McMahon Mary, wid James, bds 6 S. Jackson McMealcin John, lab, r ss Bryan, 3d e of Front McMeakin Margaret, wks E. & P. M. Co McMeakin Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co McMeakin Samuel, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan 3d e of Front McMichael Albert W., constable, 95 Broad r 42 N. Forsyth McMichael Caroline, wid Silas, r 22 Broad McMichael S. W., warehouseman, bds 62 N. Jackson McNaughton Walter S., r Thomas, se cor McIntosh McNeal Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala McNeill James M. (Crawford & McNeill), r 15 S. Forsyth McNeill Joseph (c), porter J. Bush & Co., r ws Mercer, 2d n of Baldwin McNeill Malcolm, lab, r 75 S. Forsyth McNeill Rory, r St. Clair, se cor Oglethorpe McNeill Sarah, wid Randall, r 15 S. Forsyth McPhail John D., engineer W. R. R., r ss Bryan, 1st e of For syth McRae A., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala McRae John, wks E. & P. M. Co McSwain Carrie Miss, r Front, se cor Bryan McSwain Daniel, lab, r Front, se cor Bryan McSwain Lila Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan McSwain Martha Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan McSwain Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan McSwain Narcissa Mrs., cook, r ss Bryan, 3d w of Broad McSwain Rachael Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Eront, se cor Bryan McSwain Sophronia Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Maddin William (c), lab, r es Troup, 3d s of Commerce, N. Liberties Maddox Andrew, wks E. & P. M. Co., r N. Liberties I? APT P MuLiCj arDflUMITMuIAY Mil I Q MlLLo, Manufacturers of the famous Fancy GINGHAMS & TURKISH TOWELS (10) D. P. WILLOOX, Agt., Represents TmrEXcKm*$S CUMPdUfY--*W*a aw &@@sbwv. tiW$5.00 Buys $1,000. MAD 172 MAR Maddock Joseph J. (McKenzie & Maddock), r 179 N. Ogle thorpe Maddox George W., carpenter, r Jackson, N". Liberties Mahone Alexander (c), barber, r 81 S. Troup Mahone Michael (c), barber L. Wells Mahone Richard (c), lab, r Wynnton Malone Essie (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 3d n of Few Malone Rebecca, wid W. P., r 41 N. Broad Mandy John (c), lab, r s of Wynnton rd, e of limits Manley John (c), r rear 236 Broad Manley John P. (C. A. Redd & Co.), r 58 1ST. McIntosh Mann Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co Mansfield Bruce, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Mansfield George B., r 6 Broad Mansfield Hattis Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 144 N. Ogle thorpe Mansfield J. Bruce, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Mapp Jackson (c), hackman, r nr S. W. R., e of limits Mapp J. B., lab, r ns W. R. R., 2d e of 6th, Browneville, Ala Mapp J. Linton (c), boot artist 0. Weems, r Wynnton, Ga Mapp Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Marchant Alexander, fisherman, r Browneville, Ala Marcrum Benjamin F., pilot stmr G. Gunby Jordan, r 284 MABrRoCadRUM JAMES F., confectioner, 134 Broad, r 284 Broad Marcrum Theodore A., pilot stmr G. Gunby Jordan, bds 284 Broad M; qrum William, E., elk J. F. Marcrum, r 284 Broad Ma us Benton, supt Columbus Transfer Co., r 84 N. Jackson Marche Van, r 84 N. Jackson MARKHAM MARY J., Marino Elihu (c), blacksmith, r Girard, Ala wid Charles, r 108 S. Oglethorpe Markham Tim, county treasurer, and grocer, 50 Randolph, r W y nnton Markham T. Woodson, with T. Markham, r 3 N. Jackson Markham William E., printer G. T. Williams, bds ws Ogle thorpe, 3d s of Crawford Marshall David, laundry, r ws Jackson, N. Liberties Martin Ann, wid W. B., bds Albert, near Bridge, Girard, Ala SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEARING Manufactured and for Sale by C LO CK S IN EVERY STYLE, from $2.SO Upward,at J J) J) J wmnm & Ibwb&bv Mvqm. MAR 173 MAT Martin Charles E., salesman, r St. Clair, ne cor Front k Martin Columbus (c), cook, r Wynnton Martin Fannie, wks E. P. M. Co Martin James, lab, r Jackson, ne cor Early Martin James (c), lab, r es Jackson, 2d s of Division, N. Lib erties Martin Jane, wid P. W., bds 69 N. Jackson Martin John (e), blacksmith, Oglethorpe, se cor Franklin, r Wynns' Hill Martin John H. (Wynne, DeWolfe& Co.), r Girard, Ala Martin Joseph J., elk W. C. Martin, r Girard Ala Martin Mary A., wks E. k P. M. Co Martin Matilda, wid Bartley, r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Martin Rachel, wks E. P. M. Co Martin Thomas (c), drayman, r Commerce, N. Liberties Martin Ulyses L., grocer, Baldwin, nw cor Mercer, r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard Ala Martin William (c), lab, res Jackson, 1st s of W. R. R Martin William A., grocer, Bridge, cor Broad, r Girard, Ala Martin William C., law student, bds Broad, nr Bridge, Girard, Als Martin William R., foreman, E. k P. M. Co Martiniere William A., with E. k P. M. Co., r 41 N. Troup Mason Edward (c), waiter Central Hotel Mason John J., physician, 33 Randolph, r 7 N. Troup MASON JOSEPH M., Mason Joseph D., bds 7 1ST. Troup dentist, 34 St. Clair, r 65 1ST. Front. (Ses front fly A.) Mason William (c), wks E. k P. M. Co Mason William Rogers, elk J. Kyle k Co. bds 7 N. Tro' Masonic Hall, James Hughes, janitor; 70 Broad, cor Rai olpli Masonic Hall (Browneville), 5th, cor Crawford, Browneville, Ala Masters Mark, blacksmith, r ws Jackson, 3d nof Washington MATHESON ALEX S., Mathes E. J., wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala supt cotton dept Eagle k Phenix Mnfg Co., r 224 Broad Matheson George D., with E. k P. M. Co., r 224 Broad Mathews George W. L. (c), porter L. R. Hoopes, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. Di F. WILLCOX, f Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co., )JiKT CA8H assets, General Agent \ Virginia Home Insurance Co. ) $593,987.21 MAT 174 MER Mathews George P., with J. S Jones, bds 74 Randolph Mathews James G., with J. S. Jones, r 74 Randolph Mathews Reuben (c), teacher, r ws Troup, N. Liberties Mathews Robert (c), farmer, r ws Troup, N. Liberties Matthews Ann, wid Henry, r Broad, se cor Thomas Matthews E. J., wks E. & P. M. Co Matthews Jainns E., molder, Columbus Iron Wks Co., bds 9 1ST. Oglethorpe Matthsws James H., with Singer Mnfg Co., r 16 N. McIntosh Matthews Jennie, wks E & P.M. Co Matthews Kittie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co Matthews Margaret, wks E. & P. M. Co Matthews Mary Mrs., boarding, 9 1ST. Oglethorpe Matthews Sarah wks E. & P. M. Co Mattox Annette Mrs., r Browneville, Ala Mayo Rosa Mrs., private school, 222 Broad MAYOR OE COLUMBUS, Francis G. Wilkins, Court House Mays James P., wks Hinde & Preer, bds ns Franklin, 1st e of Troup Mays Kate, wid J. P., r ns Franklin, 1st e of Troup Mays Nancy Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 5th s of Crawford Meacham Richard (c), lab, r ns Franklin, w of Oglethorpe Meeler James, carpenter, r es Oglethorpe, 4th s of Thomas Mehaffey Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Mehaffey Joseph S., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Mehaffey Josiah, wksE. & P. M.Co., r 9 1st, Browneville, Ala Mehaffey Margary Mrs., r 5 1st, Browneville, Ala Mehaffey Thomas .Jr., wks E. & P. M.Co., r Browneville, Ala Mehaffey William, engineer, r 27 S. Jackson Meigs Henry V., mnfr, r Troup, lie cor Bryan Menifield Peter (o), lab, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Baldwin Merchants Balding and Loan Association, John King, sec and treas; 32 St. Clair MERCHANTS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, W. II. Brannon, pres ; A. O. Blackmar, cashier; 110 Broad. (See back fly C.) Meredith Meda Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 70 N. Ogle thorpe HOLLOW-'WAKE of all kinds, including POTS, OVENS, SPIDEES &c., Manufactured and for Sale by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. Repaired and Guaranteed to give satig' faction at Wittich &, Kinsel's Jewelry Store. MEY 175 MIL Meyer Benjamin (c), lab, r ws McIntosh, 6th s of Thomas Meyer Charles W., tel opr S. W. R. R. and M. & G. R. R., r 57 S. Oglethorpe Meyer Elizabeth, wid Louis, r Broad, se cor Thomas Meyer Fred, barkpr T. Newman Meyer Lassar, bkkpr Kern & Loeb and dep collector Int Rev, 61 Broad, r es Forsyth, 2d n of Crawford MEYER WILLIAM, boots and shoes, 104 Broad, bds 21 Few Middlebrook Hiram, with M. A. Bradford, bds Central Hotel Middlebrook Thomas E., grocer, 12 Broad, r 60 S. Front Middleton Adam (c), lab, r es Front, 2d n of Thomas Miles Boston (c), shoemkr, 83 N. Oglethorpe, r N. Liberties Miles George (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division Miles Mack (c), wks E. k P. M. Co., r N. Liberties Milford Robert W., elk Bradford k Everett, r 6 S. Troup Miller Amanda Mrs., wks E. k P. M. Co., bds ws Front, n of Bryan Miller Angeline Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Broad, nr Jef ferson, Girard, Ala Miller Anthony (c), wks Gas Wks Miller Asbury farmer, r Columbus line, N. Liberties Miller Aurelia M. Miss, bds 30 Baldwin Miller Bennie Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Miller Charles A., shoemkr D. Wade, r Browneville, Ala Miller Clementina Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Broad, Gi rard, Ala Miller Florence Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Miller George T., baggage master M. k G. R. R. and S. W. R. R., r 9 McIntosh Miller James T., mail agt, r 69 Broad Miller Jordan (c), waiter R. L. Mott Miller Joseph, r 30 Baldwin Miller Lizzie Mrs., r 5 N. McIntosh Miller Lizzie, wid James, r 65 N. McIntosh Miller Mary, wid J. M., r Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala Miller Pink Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Broad, Girard, Ala Miller Robert G., elk W. Meyer, r 104 Broad Miller Sallie Miss, wks E. k P. M. Co., bds Broad, nr Jeffer son, Girard, Ala Mi?r mim Mill? S,e Manufacturers, in the United States, M ImYlX IlbiliJ, of the Celebrated COTTON BLANKET. D. r. WILLCOX, 71 Broad Street, Represents the MUTUAL LIFE INS. Co, of N. Y.; Assets over - - - $85,000,000 MIL- 176 MOH Miller Robert J., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 65 1ST. McIntosh Miller William, train hand, bds 5 N. McIntosh Millions James, carder Steam Mill, r 22 Broad Millions Nancy, wid J. P., r 22 Broad Mills Amelia Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Mills Dilla Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 9 Muscogee Blk Mills Elizabeth Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browncville, Ala Mills James T., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 28 2d, Browneville, Ala Mills Lizzie Miss, r 9 Muscogee Blk Mills M. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co Milner James M., carpenter, bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Milner John T., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Milner Silas J., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Milton Green (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Forsyth, ne cor Few M ims T. H., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Minor Charles F., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Mitchell Gus (c), waiter, r 96 N. Oglethorpe Mitchell Henry (c), teacher N. Liberties colored school, r N. Liberties MITCHELL HOLLAND (c), junk dealer, 83 Broad, r ws Troup, 3d s of Division, N. Liberties Mitchell John (c), lab, r 91 S. Troup Mitchell Jupiter (c), gardener, r Troup, N. Liberties Mitchell Melvina, wks E. & P. M. Co Mitchell Philip (c), porter, r ws Troup, 3d s of Division, N. Liberties Mitchell P., wid Isaac, r 41 N. Troup Mitchell Eichard (c), waiter T. K. Wynne Mitchell Eobert G., justice of the peace, 128 Broad, r ss Thom as, e of Broad Mitchell Sarah Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co Mitchell Sarah Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co MOBILE AND GIRARD RAILROAD, W. M. Wadley, pres; W. L. Clark, supt; office Randolph, cor 1st av. (See back fly D.) Moffett Charles J., mnfr teething powders, 35 Randolph, bds Rankin House Mohan Annie, wks E. & P. M. Co Mohorn Richmond (c), hostler W. Munday heel mn & bolts grass rods Southern Plow Co. OlLVM 1 MMlllWjD at & ATT TTT71 D DT ^ea Setts, Casters and Knives, Spoons and Forks, WITTICH KINSEL'S JEWELRY STORE. MON 177 MOO I Moncrief Henry, farmer, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties l Moncrief Miranda, wid Thomas, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties I Moncrief Sarah Mas., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Monroe James (c), farmer, r ws Oglethorpe, 2d n of limits N. Liberties . Monroe James Jr. (c), lab, r ws Troup, 5th s of Division, N. Liberties I Montfee David, cigarmkr Mrs. A. Posada, bds Girard, Ala Montgomery Anna Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 100 8. Front Montgomery Arthur, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r 58 S. Front Montgomery Eliza Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 100 S. Front Montgomery Martha Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 100 S. F ront Montgomery Mary A., wid Hugh, r 100 S. Front Monti Jacob, tailor, bds es Broad, 1st n of Warren Moody Jane Miss, r Broad, cor Warren Moody Mary Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 1st e of Front Moore Benjamin, wks E. & P. M. Co Moore Burrell (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Jackson, 3d n of Water, N. Liberties Moore Burrell Jr. (c), lab, r es Jackson, N. Liberties Moore Caroline, wid William, r 27 2d, Browneville, Ala Moore Charles (c) (Moore & Dunwoody), r Front, sw cor Baldwin Moore Edgar (c), wks City Mills, r Jackson, N. Liberties Moore James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Moore James (c), carpenter, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Lee Moore James F., grocer, 175 N. Oglethorpe, r Browneville, Ala Moore Joel W., wksE. & P. M. Co., r 23 S. Front Moore Johanna, wks E. & P. M. Co Moore Joseph (c), carpenter, r ws Troup, 2d n of Water, N. Liberties Moore Julia Miss, bds 34 S. Oglethorpe Moore Justice (c), hostler, r Jackson, N. Liberties Moore J. Young, r S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Moore Melinda Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala t/iQLt & SAVINGS BAM. All Deposits strictly Confidential. D. F. WILLCOX, 71 BROAD STREET, MOO 178 Call and Secure A POLICY. MOR MOORE MONTAGUE M., city clerk, office Court House, r es Broad, 3d s of Baldwin Moore Peyton E., bds es Front, n of St. Clair Moore Peyton E. Jr., mail agt, bds es Front, n of St. Clair Moore Randolph B., elk W. R. Moore, r 74 S. Oglethorpe Moore Robert, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Moore Robert W., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Brownville, Ala Moore Ruth Miss, teacher, r 34 S. Oglethorpe Moore Sallie Miss, bds 34 S. Oglethorpe Moore Sidney (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 2d n of Few Moore Stephen D., with J. W. Pease & Norman, r es Forsyth 2d s of St. Clair J ' Moore Thomas, clerk of market and magazine, r Odd Fellows Hall Moore Thomas, wksE. & P. M. Co., r 27 2d Browneville, Ala Moore Thomas H., agt Peoples' Line Steamers, Thomas, nw cor Broad, r 25 S. Oglethorpe MOORE TIFF T,, city marshal, Court House, r 106 S. Jack- son Moore Virginia Miss, r 37 S. Oglethorpe Moore William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Moore William, carpenter, r Browneville, Ala Moore AVilliam R., grocer, Broad, nw cor Thomas, r 74 S. Oglethorpe Moore & Dunwoody (c) (C. Moore and James Dunwoody), blacksmiths 179 Broad Moran Frank, lab, r Warren, se cor Franklin Moran Matilda, wid Michael, r Warren, se cor Franklin Morehead 1 homas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Moreland Robert II., grocer, Broad, cor Bridge, Girard, Ala Morgan James (c), blacksmith, r ws Mercer, 3d n of Crawford Morgan James A., elk J. McGough & Co., r 66 S. Oglethorpe Morgan Thomas (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Morgan Samantha, wks E. & P. M. Co Morris Daniel M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Morris Elizabeth Mrs., seamstress, r ns Washington, 1st w of Jackson Morris E. II., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Morris h., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Manufactured and f0PSEbyColumbus Iron works Co. American, English and Swiss makes, at very low Prices, at Wittich & Kinski.'s Jewelry Store. MOR 179 MOT Morris James S., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Morris James B., elk J. M. Ford, bds es Oglethorpe, 2d s of Thomas Moiris J. V. M. Rev., pastor Girard M. E. Ch. and Trinity M. E. Ch., Browneville, r Perry House Morris Sarah, wid Henry, r 148 N. Oglethorpe Morris Seletia, wid Thomas, r ws Jackson, 2d n of Washing ton Morrison Mar}^, wks E. & P. M. Co N. Morrison Teresa, wid Benjamin, r 101 Jackson Morse Emma, wks E. & P. M. Co Morton Catharine, wid of Joseph, r 61 N. Forsyth Morton Henry (c), teacher, r Columbus line, N. Liberties Moses Isaac I., r 24 S. Troup Moses Raphael J., lawyer, 118 Broad, r county Moshell Henry J., wks J. H. Moshell Moshell Jacob H., wagonmkr, ws Oglethorpe, 8d s of St. Clair Moss Albert M., with J. H. Hamilton, r 82 N. Jackson Moss Dickson, farmer, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Moss Elizabeth, wid W., r ss Lee, 2d e of Oglethorpe Moss Emma Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds nr S. Bridge, Gi rard, Ala Moss Mary, wid Augustus, bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Moss William, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds ss Lee, 2d e of Ogle thorpe Mote Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Mote Emma Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 108 S. Jackson Mote Emma Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds ns Franklin, 1st e of Troup Mote Henrietta, wks E. & P. M. Co Mote James A., moldcr Columbus Iron Wks, r ss Bryan, 4th e of Front Mote John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Mote Julia Miss, r 18 S. McIntosh Mote Lizzie Miss, wks E. &P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Mote Lou Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co Mote Marion, molder Columbus Iron Wks, r ws Jackson, n of Few Mote Mary Miss,wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Standard Plaids, Gottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (10*) D. F. WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. MOT 180 MUeT Mote Missouri Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Mote Missouri Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co Mote Rebecca Mrs., wks A. Clegg & Co Mott A. E., wid J. R., r Broad, nw cor Franklin Mott Edward (c), bus driver A. Gammel, r rear 179 Broad Mott James (c), farmer, r Albert, nr King, Girard, Ala Mott Randolph L., pres Gas Light Co., r Broad, nw cor Franklin Mount Zion A. M. E. Church, Rev. E. Gibson, pastor; McIn tosh, sw cor Washington Moyer Samuel W. (S. W. Moyer & Son), r Randolph, ne cor Troup Moyer S. W. & Son (S. W. and W. II. Moyer), carriage mnfrs Oglethorpe, sw cor Troup Moyer William II. (S. W. Moyer & Son), r Randolph, ne cor MUTrLoFuOp RD RANDOLPH M. (Mulford & Estes), and asst cashier Chattahoochee Nat. Bank, r Franklin, nw cor MiAUBnsrLNoFCaaOdgEtRsC;DOr.e&porfEeTsSeoTnrtoEnSBtoR(RaI.nTMdI.SLMHAuNlfAoCrMdAEaSnRHdIICJRoAEel IDAN. SSES.sUtCeRsO)., of Eng., 57 Broad Mullin John W., elk Pearce, Binford & Co., r Browneville, MUAlLaLIN LAFAYETTE F., grocer, ss Broadnax, w of river, Browneville, Ala Mullins Elijah, with J. W. Hodo, r Oglethorpe, ne cor Lee Mullins Elizabeth, wid John, r Bridge, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Mullins George, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Mullins Joseph W., bailiff W. F. Williams, r ws Jackson, 1st s of Few Munday William, livery stable, ws Oglethorpe, 5th n of Crawford, r 9 S. Troup Munkas William, wks E. & P. M. Co Munn Daniel E., driver T. Newman Munn Robert, elk W. H. Sauls, r 172 Broad Munn S. Miss, r McIntosh, necor St. Clair Murdoch Harriet Miss, r 81 N. Troup FOB SALE BY SOUTHERN PLOW CO. "Sent, "" WITTICH & KUSH'S tee1 MUR 181 MYE MUooEffRRHNDNa.OrtMfCYoH.rU,dT,RaUnOCdABonLECn.RO;ofTNMANBtAhE.,eNCngTsHe,nIAlCGiTaUn.;sTTaAPgNtFH; IrORepFEErIeNRseIIEXnNtsSIISN.NOSCSU.O.T.CCHOOo.f. Hartford, Conn., 92 Broad, r 81 N. Ttoup Murdoch Robert B. Jr., bkkpr J. S. Jones, bds 81 N. Troup Murdoch Samuel S., ins agt, bds 81 N. Troup Murphey Anna Miss, teacher Browneville Pub. School, r Browneville, Ala Murphey Emma Miss, bds 23 N. Troup Murphey Ida Miss, bds 23 N. Troup Murphey Thomas H. Rev., bds 23 N. Troup Murphy Bridget Mrs., r 83 S. Forsyth Murphy Emma, wid M. W., r 59 Baldwin Murphy Ross (c), lab, r Commerce, e of Hamilton rd, N. Lib erties Murray Alfred (c), head waiter Rankin House, r avs McIn tosh, 1st s of Few Murray Alfred(c), restaurant, ns Baldwin, 1st w of Mercer, r 8 N. Troup Murray Evaline, wid Andrew, r S. Broad, Girard, Ala Murray Henry (c), porter J. T. Daniel, r es Oglethorpe, s of Baldwin Murray John P., locksmith, es Oglethorpe, 3d s of Thomas Murray Laura Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Murray Sallie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds S. Broad, Girard, Ala MMuUsScoCgOeeGBElEockM, BArNoaUd,FnAeCcTorUFRrIaNnkGlinCOMPANY, George P. Swift, pres; William A. Swift, sec and treas; William B. Gorton, supt; Front, opp Franklin. (See front paster.) Muscogee Shooting Club, T. K. Wynne, pres ; J. D. Estes, sec and treas; Hall, Southwestern R. R. depot Musgrove Adaline, wid Edward, r 21 N. Forsyth Musgrove Edward H., elk W. R. R., r 21 N. Forsyth Mustain Adolphus (c), fireman M. & G. R. R., r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits . Myers Daniel (c), expressman, r 45 S. Jackson Myers John C., carpenter, r Troup, N. Liberties Myers Peter (c), blacksmith, r Jackson, N. Liberties EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS Manufacture over One Hundred Va rieties of Colored and Fancy Goods. 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. MYR 182 NEW Myrick John (c), wks Hinde & Preer, r 44 S. Oglethorpe Myriek Moses (c), porter P. S. Bradford, r es Forsyth, 4th s of Thomas Myron Frances Mrs., seamstress, bds \vs Jackson, N. Liberties "TVTALL JAMES H. REV., pastor First Presbyterian -L n Church, r 6 S. Jackson Names Thomas, grocer, 19 Crawford Names Thomas Jr., elk T. Names, bds 19 Crawford Nance George (c), porter J. & J. Kaufman, r rear es Forsyth, s of Randolph Nance Stephen (c), lab, r 101 N. Oglethorpe Nathan Nancy Mrs., r 37 S. Front Nasworthy John C., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Lee, se cor Oglethorpe Needham Richard, elk W. S. Needham, r 21 Broad Needham William S., grocer, 21 Broad Nelson Julia Miss, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Nelson Lafayette, wks Steam Mill, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Nelson Patience, wid Noel, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Nelson Reuben (c), lab, r 51 S. Troup Nelson William (c), porter C. E. Iloehstrasser, r Troup, ne cor Baldwin Nelson William L., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Oglethorpe, N. Lib erties Nevills Amanda Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Nevills Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Nevills John, painter Bradford & Gafford, r Girard, Ala Nevills Nancy, wid John, bds Girard, Ala Newman Benjamin F., grocer, ws Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Newman Emille, lawyer, 67 Broad, bds ws Oglethorpe, 2d n of Baldwin Newman George (c), lab, r rear 13 N. Oglethorpe Newman Julius, r ws Oglethorpe, 2d n of Baldwin Newman Katie, wks E. & P. M. Co Newman Matilda, wid William, r 41 N. Forsyth Newman Tobias, saloon, 58 and 60 Broad Newsom Abbie, wks E. & P. M. Co Newsom Frank, wks E. & P. M. Co Newsom Frederick (c), lab, r 26 S. Jackson SOUTHERN FIB! Manufacturers of All Kinds of I, IRON ANO STEEL PLOW HOES. , i r ( Pins and Studs for sale, or Made to Order, lknqoqd i\ll)g0, at WITTICH & KINiSEL'S Jewelry Store. NEW 183 NOR Newsom George, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Newsom Henry, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Newsom James, spinner, r 6th, n of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Newsom John, carpenter, r 64 N. Oglethorpe Newsom John, farmer, r 6th n of Franklin, Browneville, Ala Newsom John F., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville Ala Newsom Lizzie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Newsom Lula, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Newsom Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Newsom Sarah, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Newsom Williard H. (Abbott & Newsom), r 26 S. Jackson NEWTON JOHN S., M. D., Ph. G., druggist, 107 Broad, r 232 Broad t> t> Nix Ambrose J., carpenter S. W. R. R. and M. os G. R. R., r Girard. Ala Nix George A., wks S. W. R. R., r S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Nixon Harkus (c), lab, r Albert, nr King, Girard, Ala Noble Charles T. (Noble k Jones), r 60 S. Troup Noble Daniel S. (Noble k Booth), r Oglethorpe, se cor bt. Noble Georgia, wid John, r es Short, 4th s of Crawford Noble Hezekiah, wheelwright, r 87 S. Oglethorpe Noble John C. (Noble k Burrus), r Rose IIiU Noble Mary S., wks E. k P. M. Co Noble & Booth (D. S. Noble and J. P. Booth), meat market 3, City Market Noble & Burrus (J. C. Noble and W. Burrus), meat market, 7 city market Noble k Jones ( C. T. Noble and W. II. Jones), meat market, 5 city market Nolds Sarah, wid Robert, r Odd Fellows Hall Nolen Nancy Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Noles Hester A., wid A. J., r Front,' se cor Bryan Noles Joseph, fisherman, r Front, se cor Bryan Noles Mary Mrs., wksE. k P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Biyau Norman Jacintha Miss, bds 204 Broad Norman Richard (c), huckster, r 9 N. McIntosh Norman Richard M. ( J. W. Pease & Norman), r ns Randolph, 2d ws of Mercer !! J}. 2<\ WILL COX'S: C/fA'Ilti.-iL I.YSfti.-t.YCK .'tdlt.YCr, 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. NOR 184 OAK Norris George, bds 11 N. Oglethorpe Norris John W., millwright, r ss Few, 1st e of Jackson Norris William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala North and South R. R. of Georgia, T. E. Blanchard, pres; William Redd Jr., sec and treas; H. Blanchard, general manager; office, Oglethorpe, crossing of W. R. R North Liberties Col'd School, II. Mitchell prin; Jackson, sw cor Division, N. Liberties Northern Liberties School, Miss A. B. Redd, teacher, ns Columbus line, 2d e of Oglethorpe k Nuckolls Joseph K., elk J. Kyle Co., r Randolph, nw cor McIntosh NUCKOLLS THOMAS J., lawyer, 81 Broad, r 75 N. Troup Nunn Robert (c), lab, r 66 N. McIntosh O'BANNON W. SAMUEL, carpenter, r Girard, Ala k O'Brien John, watchman M. G. R. R., r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala O'BRJEN MATT, agt Sou. Exp. Co., 41 Broad O'Brien Silas (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 3d n of Few k O'Brien William P. (Cook O'Brien), r 10 N. Troup O'Connell Martin, lab, r ns Dillingham, 4th w of Front k O'Conner Hugh, wks E. P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala k O'Grady Annie Miss, wks E. P. M. Co., r 4 1st, Browne ville, Ala k O'Grady Eliza Miss, wks E. P. M. Co., r 4 1st, Browneville, Ala O'Grady James, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 4 1st, Browneville, Ala O'Grady Julia,'wid James, r 4 1st, Browneville, Ala O'Neal Marcus, elk J. E. Deaton O'Neill Levi (c), helper J. Martin, r es Oglethorpe, s of Lee k O'Neill William L., elk J. McGough Co., bds St. Clair, cor Front O'Pry Hugh, overseer chain gang, r ws Front, 2d s of Craw ford OAKS ANNIE, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Jackson, ne cor Early Oaks Fannie, wid John, r Jackson, ne cor Early "Manufactured and for Sale by Columbus I ron Works Co. SOLID SILVER SPOONS TPn HIT ITED _DT A ^ea ^8tts' Casters and Knives, Spoons and Forks, iMbVMTMlMJ at WITTICH & KINSKI S JEWELRY STORE. POW 193 PRI Powell Isaac (c), hostler Disbrow & Co., r Bryan, ne cor Ogle thorpe Powell James (c), lab, r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Powell James (c), lab, r 93 S. McIntosh Powers James, carpenter, r 22 Broad Powers James (c), lunch room, r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Poyner George, wks E. & P. M. Co Prather Adaline, wid Bazil, r es Short, 1st s of Crawford Prather Anderson C., elk Watt & Walker, r 7 S. Troup Prather Andrew M., elk T. J. Ilines, r 148 Broad Prather Charles, lab, r es Short, 1st s of Crawford Prather Effie, wks E. & P. M. Co Prather Moses ,clk, bds Raiford House Prather Sydney I. Miss, bds 7 S. Troup Preddy Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Preer Peter (Hinde & Preer), r Broad, ne cor Lee Prescott Alfred B., r 21 N. Troup Presnell Lucy Miss, wks Steam Mill Pretty Sarah, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Pretty William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Price Amanda, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Price Bell, wks E. & P. M. Co Price Frances Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Browneville, Ala Price Henry (c), wks Alabama Warehouse, r Girard, Ala Price Joseph, lab, r es 6th, Browneville, Ala Price Lindsay (c), porter W. Beach & Co., r Browneville, Ala Price Mittie, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Price Peter (c), porter, r Girard, Ala Price Thomas (c), teacher, r Troup, N. Liberties Pridgen Thomas C., elk J. M. Cargill, bds 105 St. Clair Prince Harriet, wid Jesse, r 38 2d, Browneville, Ala Prince Haywood (c), lab, r Girard, Ala Prince Henry, bds 38 2d, Browneville, Ala Prince Ilenry, lab, r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Prince Peyton (c), lab, r Girard, Ala Prince Rebecca, wid Ellis, r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Prince Richard (c), cotton sampler, r Girard, Ala Prince Susan Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Prince Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala WLt & WlX SAVINGS BANK. W Deposit? Strictly Confidential. / PRO Call and Secure A POLICY. 194 RAI Proffitt L. R., wks S. W. R. R., r Wynnton, Ga Profumo Frank X., confectioner, 43 Crawford, r 39 Baldwin Pryor Alexander P., r es Warren, junc Broad Pryor George C., slioemkr es Warren, junc Broad Pryor Louis C., 112 Broad, r Broad, cor Warren Pryor Philip Jr., supt W. Munday, r ws Oglethorpe, 4th n of Crawford Public School No. 1, II. W. Battle, prin; Jackson, nc cor Crawford Public School No. 2, Miss M. II. Birdsong, prin; St. Clair, sw cor Forsyth Pursell Mary E., wid D. P., r 138 N. Oglethorpe QUATTLEBAUM PAUL J., contractor, r Broad, nw cor Franklin Quick Mollie Mad., r ws McIntosh, 3d n of Early Quinn Ellen, wid Dennis, r 21 Broad Quinn John, r 44 S. Troup Quinn John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala L3 ADCLIFFE CARRIE MISS, dressmkr, bds Broad, J-V/' Girard, Ala Radcliffe John E., machinist, r`13 N. Oglethorpe Rafferty Laurence J., general store, 151 Broad, r 48 S. Ogle thorpe Ragland Katie Mad., r 100 N. Oglethorpe Ragland Mary Mrs., r 100 N. Oglethorpe Ragland William, with J. C. Andrews & Co., r ws Jackson, s of St. Clair Ragsdale John E., printer Enquirer-Sun, r 62 S. Troup Ragsdale John T., blacksmith, Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Raidy Lizzie Mrs., dressmkr. r 6 Broad Raiford Augustus (c), driver, r Commerce, nr Hamilton rd, N. RALIibFeOrtRieDs ELIJAH G., bkkpr J. A. Lewis and propr Raiford House, Broad, se cor Crawford Raiford Frank (c), driver, r nr Hamilton rd, N. Liberties RAIFORD HOUSE, Raiford Gus, carrier Enquirer-Sun, bds Raiford House E. G. Raiford, propr; Broad, se cor Crawford UNIVERSAL PLOW STOCK, Manufactured and for sale by SOUTHERN PLOW Co. American, English and Swiss makes, at very Low Prices, at Wittich & Kinski,'s Jewelry Store, RAI 195 RED Railey Joseph M., steward Rankin House, r 33 8. Jackson Rambo John D. (Rambo & Chappell), bds St. Clair, ne dor Front Rambo & Chappell (J. D. Rambp and T. J. Chappell), lawyers 119 Broad Ramsey Annie Mrs., milliner, r 13 Broad Ramsey Laura, wks E. & P. M. Co Rand Turner (c), lab, r Oglethorpe, 1ST. Liberties Randall Albert, supt Columbus Mnfg Co., r Factory Village Randall Josephine, wks E. & P. M. Co Randall Martha, wid H., r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Randall Robert, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Rankin Edward J., elk W. R. R., bds 89 N. Jackson RANKIN HOUSE, J. Marion Estes, propr; Broad, ne cor Crawford. (See back cover and back paster.) Rankin James, planter, r 89 N. Jackson Rankin Row, ns Crawford, bet Broad and Oglethorpe Ratliff James, lab, r ws Front, 1st s of Crawford Ratliff Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Ratliff William, fruit stand, foot of Franklin, r ws Front, 1st s of Crawford Ray Henry (c), lab, r ws McIntosh, 2d s of Few Reames George W., shoemkr W. G. Hoskins, r Girard, Ala Reames Harriet !L, wid James, r ss Dillingham, 1st w of Front Reames Sallie Miss, dressmkr, r ss Dillingham, 1st w of Front Reames Sarah, wid William, r ws McIntosh, 3d n of Early Redd Anna B. Miss, teacher JST. Liberties School, r Rose Hill Redd Charles A. (C. A. Redd & Co.), r 21 N. Oglethorpe Redd C. A. & Co. (C. A. Redd, J. P. Manley and W. Redd), grocers, 128 Broad Redd Edward, wks E. & P. M. Co Redd Eliza, wid William, r 65 N. Jackson Redd James E. (c), waiter Mrs. M. C. Lar'y Redd Lou Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co Redd Mary E., wid J. K., bds 88 St. Clair Redd Nicholas L., justice of-peace, 95 Broad, r 88 St. Clair Redd Soule, with IF. A. Swift, bds 56 N. Troup Redd William (C. A. Redd & Co.), r 53 N. McIntosh Redd William Jr., supt, sec and treas North and South R. R., r Wynnton, Ga Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (14) I D. F. WILLCOX'S Genera! Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. RED 196_REN Redd William A. (Hudson, Jenkins & Redd), bds 24 N. Ogle thorpe Redding Anthony (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Reed Amanda, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 288 Broad Reed Armistead (c), lab, r Jackson, N. Liberties Reed Edward (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Broad, nr King, Gi rard, Ala Reed Harrison (c), carpenter, r ns Bryan, 3d w of Mclntosli Reed Jane, wid Thomas, r 55 Few Reed Jeremiah (c), wks W. R. R., r ss Franklin, e of Mercer Reed Mack (c), lab, r Jackson, N. Liberties Reed Peter (c), lab, r 25 S. Mercer Reed William (c), gardener, r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Reed William, wks Patrick & Bro., r rear 2 N. Jackson Rees John, cotton buyer, r ws Forsyth, 3d s of Thomas Reese Edward (c), porter D. N. Gibson, r Girard, Ala Reese Hampton (c), lab, r Jackson, n of Division Reese James (c), shoemkr J. M. Estes Reese John (c), lab, r 7 S. Oglethorpe Reese Thomas (c), lab, r 23 S. Mercer Reese Thomas, molder, r 102 S. Front Regan Daniel (c), carpenter, r Troup, N. Liberties Reich Frank, barkpr, bds Front, s of Early Reich Frederick, saloons, 112 and 144 Broad, r es Front, s of Early Remington John, foreman E. & P. M. Co., r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Remington John C., elk W. D. Amyet & Co., r N. Liberties Renfroe Alfred J., fireman M. & G. R. R., r 13 Broad Renfroe Joel G., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 5th Browneville, Ala Rentfrow Emma Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Rentfrow James K., foreman E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Rentfrow John, painter, r 28 Franklin Rentfrow Laura Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Jackson, N. Liberties Rentfrow Lucinda, wid D. B., bds ws Jackson, 4tli s of Com merce, N. Liberties Rentfiow Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Jackson, 1ST. Lib erties CANE MILLS of every Description, including HiESE, WATEE or STEAM POWEE, Manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. REN 197 RIL Rentfrow Mary, r ws 5th, Browneville, Ala Rentfrow Philip (c), lab. r 64 S. McIntosh Rescue Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, G. E. Thomas, foreman; ns Crawford, 3d e of Oglethorpe Reynolds Emanuel (c), hackman, r es Forsyth, 3d s of Bald win Reynolds Henry (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r es McIntosh, 2d n of Early Reynolds Henry (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Reynolds James (c), wks W. M. Amos Reynolds Robert, wheelwright, r Mercer, nw cor Fulton Rhodes Jacob (c), wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Rhodes John (c), waiter Raiford House, r es McIntosh, 2d s of Thomas Rhodes Thomas (c), harnessmkr, ss Randolph, 5th e of Ogle thorpe, r 30 S. McIntosh Rice Benjamin F., machinist Columbus Iron Wks, r ws Front, 2d n of Baldwin Rice Mary A., wid C. W., bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Richardson Allen (c), train hand M. & G. R. R., r 98 S. For syth Richardson James (c), painter, ws Oglethorpe, 7th n of Craw ford Richardson John (c), carpenter A. Turner Richardson Raywood (c), mason, r ss Early, 2d e of Jackson Riddle John W., elk J. II. Hamilton, bds McIntosh, ne cor Bryan Ridenhour Frank, elk, r 84 S. Oglethorpe Ridcnhour John D. (Gammon & Ridenhour), r county Ridley Alameda Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Ridley Henry (c) (Bonner & Ridley), r 180 Broad Ridley Zachariah (c), porter Brannon & Carson, r ws Jackson, n of St. Clair Riley Benjamin(c), switchman S. W. R. R., r nr S. W. R. R., e ot limits Riley Eli, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 3d s of Crawford Riley Hiram, lab, r ws Front, 2d s of Crawford Riley John, wks E. & P. M. Co Riley Nelson (c), lab, r ss Crawford, 1st w of Mercer Riley Peter, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala EAGLE & PHEN1X MILLS "oSure over One Hundred YaOolored and Fancy Goods. 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest JENGEISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. RIL 198 ROB Riley William, wks Steam Mill Ritter Annie Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Front, se cor Bryan Rivers Joshua (c), lab, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Robarts James A. O., lieut police, r 55 Baldwin Roberts Edmund S., bkkpr, r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Roberts James II., lab, r ss Broadnax, 2d w of Broad, Browne- ville, Ala Roberts Martha B., wid Jonathan, bds Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Roberts Mary, wid John, r ws McIntosh, 3d.s of Few Roberts Silas J., foreman E. & P. M. Co., bds 44 3d, Browne- ville, Ala Robertson Detom (c), lab, r es Broad, 3d s of Early Robertson Joseph (c), lab, r Jackson, 1ST. Liberties Robertson Lafayette (c), mason, r Commerce, N. Liberties Robertson Madison (c), mason, r Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Robinet Jane Mrs., tailoress G. J. Peacock, r Girard, Ala Robinet Thomas (c), lab, r es Short, 3d n of Baldwin Robinson Annie, wks E. & P. M. Co Robinson Berry (c), porter J. A. Frazer & Co., r 1ST. Liberties Robinson Cypule Rev. (c), presiding elder, A. M. E, Church, r 47 S. Jackson Robinson Daniel (c), wks S. W. R. R., r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Robinson Esau (c), cook Rankin Plouse Robinson Isaac (c), lab, r 91 S. Forsyth Robinson Isabella, wks E. & P. M. Co Robinson Lucy, wid Blake, r 32 S. Troup Robinson Mary, wks E. & P, M. Co Robinson Nancy Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Robinson Nury (c), carpenter E. & P. M. Co., r es Mercer, 2d n of Crawford Robinson Thomas C., baggagemaster M. & G. R. R., r 93 S. Jackson Robinson William (c), baker, r -ws Forsyth, 1st s of Few Robinson William (c), butcher, r ss Randolph, 1st e of Front Robinson William L., tailor L. Aenchbaclier, r 53 S. Ogle thorpe Robinson William T., confectioner, 198 Broad One New and one Second-hand ICE MACHINE at HalfPrice, for Sale by C0&VX&V8 IBQJt WQEMS Go. i arf|Ot\a1 $ l\)ir' (g,CS(, Pins and Studs at WITTICH for sale, or Made to Order, & KINSEL'S Jewelry Store. ROD 199 ROS Rodney Alice, wks E. k P. M. Co Rodney Josephine, wks E. & P. M. Co Rogers Andrew (c), lab, r 62 N. Forsyth Rogers Benjamin (c), lab, r 23 S. Foasyth Rogers G. W., wks E. &. P. M. Co Rogers John (c), blacksmith Columbus Iron Wks, r es Troup, s of Randolph Rogers John (c), lab, r ws Forsyth, 1st s of Bryan Rogers John, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Rogers John T., wagonmkr, ss Broadnax, Browneville, Ala Rogers Josephine, wks E. k P. M. Co Rogers Lizzie, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Rogers Ola, wks E. k P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Rogers Osborne (c), gardener^ r Washington, cor Mercer Rogers Sallie Miss, bds ns Franklin, 1st e of Troup Rogers Shepherd (c), barber Perry House, r 102 S. Forsyth Rogers Theodocia Miss, bds ns Franklin, 1st e of Troup Rogers Washington, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 16 2d, Browne ville, Ala Rogers William, r ws 4th, Browneville, Ala Roland Caroline, wid Jacob, r 57 S. Oglethorpe Roland George W, tel opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds 57 S. Ogle thorpe Roland Martha Mrs., r 12 Muscogee Blk Roland Nancy Mrs., r 12 Muscogee Blk Roman Peter B.,. molder Columbus Iron Wks, r 103 St. Clair Rooney Clara Miss, music teacher, r 55 N. McIntosh. Rooney Ernestine Miss, music teacher, r 55 N. McIntosh Rooney Lawrence, furniture, 85 Broad, r 55 N. McIntosh Roper Joseph, engineer, r 90 S. Oglethorpe Roper Joshua, painter, r 89 S. Oglethorpe Roper Samuel T., grocer, 51 Crawford, r 31 S. Forsyth Rose Mary Mrs., wks Ilinde k Preer Rosette George W. (Rosette & Lawhon), r Oglethorpe, nw cor Bryan Rosette & Lawhon (G. W. Rosette and S. E. Lawhon), car riages, Oglethorpe, nw cor Bryan Ross Anderson (c), lab, r ns Baldwin, 1st e of Front Ross Isaac (c), porter, r rear 179 Broad FAP.T IP Pr PUPM fY MIT T Q Consume more Cotton than any Mills, MuLlIlia rriMlA Mi LI LIU making Colored goods only,in America. 3. F. WB>&@X*Sg $gjw@V 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. ROS 200 RYA Ross Isaac (c), porter Gilbert & Thornton, r Troup nw cor Lee Ross Joseph, machinist M. & G. R. R., r Girard, Ala Ross Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Ross Thomas N., carpenter S. W. R. R., r Girard, Ala Rowe Jane, wks E. k P. M. Co Rowe Mary, wid Daniel, r Franklin, sw cor Forsyth Rowe Sarah Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Broad, nr Jeffer son, Girard, Ala Rowell Martha, wid Richard, r es McIntosh, 4th s of Ran dolph Ruff Green (c), lab, r es Hamilton rd, U. Liberties Rumsey Benjamin, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Browneville, Ala Rumsey Ellen, wks E. & P. M. Co Rumsey James, lab, r Browneville, Ala Rumsey John II., rner, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Rumsey Mary, wks E. k P. M. Co Rumsey Unity, wks E. & P. M. Co Rumsey Yan, wks E. & P. M. Co Rumsey Z. T., elk, r Browneville, Ala Rusher Minerva, wid Andrew, r 22 Broad Russell Charles R., lawyer, 55 Broad, r Bryan, se cor Jackson Russell James M., lawyer, 55 Broad, r Rose Hill Russell Martha Mrs., r 10 Muscogee Blk Russell Missouri Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 6 Muscogee Blk Russell Rolin A., lawyer, 55 Broad, r Rose Hill Rutherford Adolphus S., with E. k P. M. Co., r Linwood, Ga Rutherford Charles (c), wks McGehee & Hatcher, r 41 N. Jackson Rutherford Jacob (c), lab, r ss Dillingham, 1st e of Front Ryals Annie Mad., r 84 S. Forsyth Ryals James, wks E. & P. M. Co Ryals Lizzie Mad., r 84.S. Forsyth Ryan Emanuel (c), farmer, r 120 S. Troup Ryan Estella, wks E. & P. M. Co Ryan James W., propr Central Hotel, 140 Broad Ryan Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co Ryan John E., elk Central Hotel Ryan Martha, wid J. II., r Commerce, N. Liberties To get, at all times, First-class LUMBEK, Rough or Planed, in any style, Call on COLUMBUS IRON WORKS COMPANY. r nrttifg Awr. -wn--,-' . -'-7- SOLID SILVER SPOONS FORKS at Greatly Seduced Prices at WITTIGH & KISSEL'S Jewelry Store. BY A 201 SAM B.yan Thomas, lab, r es Mercer, 2d n of Fulton Ryckeley Alfred M., elk, bds 64 S. Oglethorpe Byckeley Charles, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 87 S. Oglethorpe Ryckeley George J., elk F. J. Springer, r 64 S. Oglethorpe Ryckeley Joseph, elk, r 186J Broad Byckeley Louis T., elk J. A. Lewis, bds 64 S. Oglethorpe RYDER BENJAMIN H., Ryckelev Mary A. T., wid John E., r 64 S. Oglethorpe engineer and machinst, es Ogle thorpe, s of Franklin, r Girard, Ala. (See page 77.) Ryder Carrie wks E. & P. M. Co Ryder Jesse W., machinist, B. H. Ryder, r Girard, Ala Rynehart Mary A. E. Mrs., dressmkr, 85 Crawford Ryneliart William, barkpr, r 85 Crawford ST. CLAIR JOHN, policeman, r 95 S. Troup St. James A. M. E. Church, Rev. W. D. Johnson, pastor ; es Mercer, n of Crawford St. James & Philip Catholic Church, Rev. John Bertazzi, pastor ; es Jackson, n of Few St. John A. M. E. Church, Rev. H. II. Taylor, pastor; es McIntosh, n of Lee St. John Matilda, wid James, r 85 N. Front St. Josephs Academy, Sister Mary Bernard, superior ; Troup, STs.e LcoUr KREandMo.lphE. CHURCH, (South), Rev. J. O. A. Cook, pastor; Jackson, ne cor St. Clair St. Paul M. E. Church, (South), J. W. Key, pastor ; Troup, se cor Bryan ALISBURY GEORGE (c), lab, r rear 55 Few ^ Salisbury Samuel, bkkpr Blanchard, Williams & Co., bds es Front, 1st n of Crawford Salisbury Sarah, wid William L., r es Front, 1st n of Crawford Salisbury Thomas, elk C. E. Hochstrasser, bds es Front, 1st n of Crawford Salisbury William L. civil engineer, bds es Front Salzman Frederick, baker Mrs., I). J. Feiler, bds ws Ogle thorpe, s of Thomas Sample Alexander (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ns Fulton, 1st e of Troup e-Tested. Security. SAN 202 SAX Sandeford William E. (J. Bush. & Co.), bds 76 Crawford Sanders Addie, wid M. D., r 91 S. McIntosh Sanders Elizabeth, wid Thomas M., r 37 S. Jackson Sanders Emma, wid William, r Jackson, ne cor Early Sanders Emma Mrs., r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan Sanders Georgia, wlcs E. & P. M. Co Sanders Henry (c), lab, r rear 6 S. Forsyth Sanders Henry, watchman Columbus Iron Wks, r ws 5th, 1st n of Franklin, Browneville, Ala Sanders James (c), hackman, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Lee Sanders James H., foundry, foot of Baldwin, r 37 S. Jackson banders Janet, wks E. & P. M. Co Sanders John, carpenter, r 9 N. Oglethorpe Sanders John I., carpenter, bds 9 N. Oglethorpe Sanders Mary M. Miss, bds 37 S. Jackson Sanders Mattie Miss, bds 11 N. Jackson Sanders Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co Sanders Bodolphus, elk, bds 9 N. Oglethorpe Sanders Willie Miss, dressmkr, bds 11 N. Jackson Sappington Rebecca E., wid Wade, r Perry House Sartis F. A. Mrs., weaver D. G. Wesley, r ss Bridge, w of river, Girard, Ala Satterwhite F., wks E. & P. M. Co Sauls A. II., tinner J. D. Johnston & Co., r Girard, Ala Sauls Daniel G., carpenter, bds 115 S. Jackson Sauls Edward C., machinist Columbus Iron Wks, r ws Broad, s of Thomas SAULS WILLIAM H., Sauls William D., engineer, r 23 Early cigar manfr and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 172 Broad, r 223 Broad Saunders Emily Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Saunders Lizzie E. Mrs., teacher Girls' School, r McIntosh, ne cor St. Clair Saunders Mary A. Mrs., seamstress, r 6 Broad Sawjmr John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, s of Crawford Sawyer Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 4th s of Craw fordSaxon Calvin, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Saxon Fannie, wks E. & P. M. Co Manufactured and toSft) Columbus Ironworks Co. SAX 203 SEW Saxon Melinda, wid William, bds 77 S. Forsytli Saxon William, shoemkr 1). Wade, r es Short, 4th s of Craw ford Sealy John, tobacconist, r 292 Broad Scarbrough Lemuel A., elk J. W. Clements, r 111 Broad Schley Edward B., homoeopathic physician, Broad, ne cor St. Clair, bds St. Clair, ne cor Front Schley Robert (c), lab r 92 S. McIntosh Sclmell John, machinist, r ws Jackson, s of Few Schnell John Jr., cash boy, CL J. Peacock Schober William, gun and locksmith, 39 Randolph Schomburg Carl, watchmkr and jeweler, 105 Broad r es Front, s of Early, Schubinsky Simon, dry goods, 32 Broad Scliuessler Louis G., with W. Beach & Co., r Jackson sw cor Troup Scott Alexander F., grocer, Franklin, cor Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala Scott Alice Miss, elk M. Joseph Scott Angeline, wks E. &. P. M. Co Scott Caroline, wid George, r ws Front, 3d s of Crawford Scott C. E. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 6 Broad Scott Epsey Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Scott James (c), porter Estes & Son Scott Lewis, wks E. & P. M. Co Scott Lucius (c), lab, r 118 S. Forsyth Scott Mary B. Mrs., dressmkr, 52 S. Oglethorpe Seals Warren (c), lab, r 36 S. McIntosh Searcey James, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 25 2d, Browneville ' Ala Searcy John, wks E. & P. M. Co Sedberry Henry R., marblecutter H. McCauley, r 34 Jackson Sedgewick Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co Sellmann John II., tailor, 130 Broad, r Browneville, Ala Sells Taylor, wks E. & P. M. Co. r 6 1st, Browneville, Ala Sells Thomas R., printer T. Gilbert, r 171 N. Oglethorpe Sewell C., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 16 N. McIntosh Sewell Wesley, pedler, r 16 N. McIntosh Sewn Frances Mrs., r Oglethorpe, sw cor Bryan EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS,*"5-TM - D, F. WILLCOX, Agt., Kepresents TMRVR>MM* HSrSltR&NCR C*M*dUtY--*wra Reemswr. &=r$5.00 Buys $1,000. SHA 204 SHI Shady Grove Col'd Baptist Church, Rev. P. Owens, pastor; Jackson, N. Liberties Sharpe M. H., wks E. & P. M. Co Sharpe William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Troup, 2d n of W ashington Shaver Ellender, wid William, r 23 S. Front Shaver Hulda, wks E. & P. M Co., r Girard, Ala Shaver James, lab, r ws Front, 3d s of Crawford Shaver Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Shaver Robert, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard; Ala Shaw Frank (c), porter J. B. Holst Shaw J. D., printer Times, bds Central Hotel Shaw William (c), carpenter Champayne k England, r ns Baldwin, 3d e of Jackson Sheen Lizzie Miss, bkkpr W. & W. Mnfg Co., bds 34 S. Jackson Shehan Patrick wks Hinde & Preer Sheldon Allen (c), lab, r es Troup, s of Early Shelton Thomas (c), lab, r 36 S. McIntosh Shelton Wiley (c), wks E. & P M. Co., r ss Wynnton rd, e of limits Shelton Windsor (c), carpenter, r Troup, se cor Division, N. Liberties Shepherd Albert, r Wynnton, Ga Shepherd Andrew, planter, r Wynnton, Ga Shepherd Edward A., elk Gas Wks, r 69 Broad Shepherd Edward T., planter, r Wynnton, Ga Shepherd Henry (c), lab, r ws Jackson, 2d s of Division, N. Liberties Shepherd John T., (c), lab, r nr Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Shepherd Robert (c), whitewasher, r rear 82 N. Jackson Shepherd William S. Capt., planter, r Linwood Sheridan George A., tinner F. J. McArdle, r 148 N. Oglethorpe Sherling Mary A., wid Charles, r 7 Muscogee Blk Shingleur James A., cotton buyer, Fontaine Warehouse, r ws Forsyth, 1st s of Franklin Shipp Georgia, wid T., r Broadnax, Browneville, Ala Shipp J. Miss, wks E. & P M, Co., r Browneville, Ala Shira Henry, lab, r Front, se cor Bryan Shivers Wright (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, swcor Commerce heel pin bolts & grass rods Southern Plow Co. rCrLrOrC)KrS wINiwEwVmERmY&SmTY&L?&E&, f&ro&mj$m2.w50mUsptward,at SHO 205 SIM SHDOIRLEECSTAOLRBYE, RaTnd E., publisher directories of COLUMBUS ATLANTA, CITY AIL GUSTA, MACON and SAVANNAH, GA.; CHAR LESTON, S. C.; MEMPHIS and NASHVILLE, TENN.; LITTLE ROCK, ARK., etc.; office, 42 Randolph Short Alonzo, boss chain gang, r 12 Muscogee Blk Short A. F., wid N. H., r ss W. R. R., 5th w of 6th, Browne- ville, Ala Short M. T., wks E. & P. M. Co Shorter Jeremiah (c), grocer, es Hamilton rd, nr Commerce, N. Liberties Shorter Paris (c), porter T. Markham, r AVynnton, Ga Shoup E. A. Mad., r es Front, 3d s of Thomas Shyler M. J., wks E. & P. M. Co Siddall Margaret Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 4 1st, Browne- ville, Alaj Sikes Adam (c), lab, r es Jackson, 3d n of Early Sikes Amanda E., wid J. H., r Oglethorpe, nw cor St. Clair Sikes Carrie F. Miss, bds Oglethorpe, nw cor St. Clair Sikes Ida P. Miss, bkkpr The Singer Mnfg Co., r Oglethorpe, nw cor St. Clair Sikes M., wks E. & P. M. Co Silves Madison (c), lab, r rear es Front, 3d n of Thomas Simmons Ann, wks E. & P. M. Co Simmons Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co Simmons Frank (c), lab, r rear 10 S. Forsyth Simmons Jasper M., elk Pearce, Binford & Co., bds 180 N. Oglethorpe Simmons Lucinda, wid Stephen, r ns Franklin rd, Browne ville, Ala Simmons Robert (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Simon Solomon, optician, 79 Broad Simons Aaron, grocer and dry goods, Crawford, sw cor Mer cer, r 87 Crawford SIMONS M. & CO. Simons Moses (M. Simons & Co.), r 82 Crawford (M. Simons and L. Lowenthal), general store, Baldwin, sw cor Mercer Simpson Charles T., elk W. Martin, r Broad, nr Bridge, Gi rard, Ala Sims Jacob (c), lab, r 96 N. Jackson EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. D. F. WILLCOX.| Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co., ) >KT 0Asn assets, General Agent ' 1/Virginia Home Insurance Co. f $593,987.21 SIN" 206 SMI SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. THE, C. S. Holt, agent; 99 Broad Skinner Lewis D., wks W. M. Arnos, r Wynnton, Ga Skinner Ellen Mrs., r 7 1ST. McIntosh Skinner Emma Miss, r 5 N. McIntosh Skipper Catherine, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Skipper Isaac, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Slade James B. (Slade & Etheredge), r 15 N. Forsyth Slade James J., propr Slade's School, r4th av, bey limits Slade Richard, bkkpr W Beach & Co., bds 15 N. Forsyth Slade Thomas B. Rev., r ws Forsyth, 2d n of Franklin SLADE & ETHEREDGE (J. B. Slade and C. A. Etheredge) warehousemen and com mers, Front, sw cor Randolph Slade's School, J. J. Slade, propr; ws Forsyth, n of Franklin Slagle Franklin, farmer, r Washington, nr river, Girard, Ala Slate Frank (c), lab, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Slaughter Amanda, wks E. & P. M. Co Slaughter Emnla, wks E. & P. M. Co Slaughter Francis E., soda water mnfr, 138 Oglethorpe Slaughter John, wks T. J. Dudley, res Front, 3d s of Craw ford Slaughter Richard (c), lab, r 49 S. Troup Small Sampson (c), wks Ilinde & Freer Smart Frank (c), lab, r 6 S. Forsyth Smith Alia Mrs., weaver E. & P. M. Co., bds ws Front, 1st s of Crawford Smith Albert, pedler, r es Oglethorpe, 2d, s of Franklin Smith Alexander, shoemkr, ws 5th, 3d n of Crawford rd, Browneville, Ala Smith Amy Mrs., boarding, r Albert, nr Baidge, Girard, Ala Smith Ann Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 3 Broad Smith Benjamin, wks E. & P. M. Co Smith Betsey, wks Steam Mill Smith Charles, elk, bds 108 S. Front Smith Charles (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Wynnton, Ga Smith Edna Miss, r ss Few, 1st w of Jackson Smith Edward, wks T. J. Dudley, r Girard, Ala Smith Eliza Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 146 N. Oglethorpe Smith Eliza, wid Allen, r ws Broad, 1st s of Crawford Smith Ella Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala __^____j__ HOLLOW-WARE of all kinds, including POTS, OVENS, SPIDERS &c., Manufactured and for Sale by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. SMI 207 SMI Smith Emma Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Smith E. M., wks E. & P. M. Co Smith Fannie Mrs., bds Oglethorpe, nw cor St. Clair Smith Fannie A. wid Eugene, r 108 S. Front Smith Frank, machinist, bds 6 S. McIntosh Smith George, carrier Enquirer-Sun, r ws Oglethorpe, s of Early Smith Georgia Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock, bds ws Jack- son, 1st n of Washington Smith Hattie Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co Smith Henry F., elk Mrs. C. McCook Smith Homer, elk, bds 108 S. Front Smith II. Gates, elk Gordon & Cargill, bds ss St. Clair, 2d c of Jackson Smith Israel (c), shoemkr, r Womack's Hill, FT. Liberties Smith James, foreman S. W. R. R. and M. & G. R. R., r 85 S. Oglethorpe Smith James M. Hon. (Smith & Little), r Linwood, Ga Smith Jane, wid James, r ws Jackson, 1st n of Washington Smith Jefferson (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws Jackson, N. Liberties Smith Jennie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Smith John, lab, bds Albert, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Smith John (c), lab, r 01 S. Troup Smith John D. (Smith & Bro.), r 3 N. McIntosh Smith John II., with Singer Mnfg Co., r 14 S. McIntosh Smith John R., miller T. J. Dudley, r Oglethorpe, nc cor Washington Smith Joseph, painter, r ns Crawford, 1st e of Forsyth Smith Levi, pedler, r 138 N. Oglethorpe Smith L. S., wks E. & P. M. Co Smith Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Albert, nr Bridge ^ Girard, Ala * Smith Mary Mrs., seamstress, r ws Jackson, 1st n of Wash ington Smith Mattie Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Smith Minnie Mrs., r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Smith Mollie, wks E. & P. M. Co / Smith Nancy Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Smith Newett L., elk, bds Albert, n of Bridge, Girard, Ala EAGLE & FISH MILLS. ^ IF. WILLCOX, D. 71 Broad Street, Eepresents the MUTUAL LIFE INS. Co, of N. Y.j Assets over - - - $85,000,000 Smith Nixon (c), lab, r foot of Commerce, N. Liberties Smith Peyton, lab, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Smith Polk (c), lab, r ss ThomaS, 1st w of McIntosh Smith Richard P. (Smith & Bro.), bds 3 N. McIntosh Smith Robert (c), carpenter, r Wayne, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Smith Robert (c), helper Columbus Iron Wks, r 70 S. McIn tosh Smith Robert W., lab, r Franklin, ne cor 6th, Browneville, Ala Smith Rosa Miss, wks F. & P. M. Co., r 6 Broad Smith Sallie Miss, bds Albert, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Smith Samantha Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 146 N. Oglethorpe Smith Seaborn (c), lab, r 9 S. Oglethorpe Smith Seaborn J., saw mill, r Bridge, n of Broad, Girard, Ala Smith Sidney, machinist E. & P. M. Co., r es 4th, 5th s of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Smith Simeon, wagonmkr, ss Randolph, 4th w of Jackson, r Browneville, Ala Smith William (c), lab, r 9 S. Oglethorpe Smith William (c), lab, r ws Troup, 5th s of Division, N. Lib erties Smith William B., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 7th s of Crawford Smith Willliam M., wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Short, 1st s of Crawford Smith & Bro. (J. D. and R. P. Smith), meat market, 11 and 14 SMCiItTyHMa&rkeLtITTLE (James M. Smith and W. A. Little), lawyers, 81 Broad Snead Henry (c), porter W. L. Tillman & Co., r es Front, s of Baldwin Sneed Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Snell Joseph (c), lab, r Commerce, e of Hamilton rd, N. Lib erties Snider Charles II., mer, bds S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Snider Henry D., Wks A. Clegg & Co., bds S. Bridge, Girard, Gi - Ala Snider Thomas, wks Columbus Iron Wks, bds S. Bridge, rard, Ala SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEARING Manufactured and for Sale by QIT IfFD-DT A TTTn ^ea Setts' ^asters an(1 Knives, Spoons and Porks, DILI V ml lLinlLjU at WITTICH & KINSEL'S JEWELRY STORE. SNI 209 SPE Snider S. Mrs., seamstress G. J. Peacock Snider William F., cotton buyer, r Thomas, se cor Oglethorpe Snow Anna Miss, seamstress, r Columbus line, ne cor Jackson, N. Liberties Snow W illiam, painter, bds ws Jackson, 2d s of Commerce, N. Liberties Snowden Alexander, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Prowneville, Ala Snowden John, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ns Crawford rd, 4th e of 6th, Browneville, Ala Snowden Martha Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Girard, Ala Snowden R. J., wid R. E., r ns Crawford' rd, 4th e of' 6th, Browneville, Ala Snyder Jesse, foreman Champayne& England, r 16 S. Jackson Solomon Call man, dry goods, etc., 24 Broad SSOOUUTTHHEERRNN EPXLOPRWESCSOMCOP.A, MNYat,t O'Brien, agt; 41 Broad W. R. Brown, pres; J. H. Johnston, sec and treas; G. J. Golden, supt; plow mnfrs- foot of Thomas. (See bottom lines.) SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD, W. L. Clark, agt; office Randolph, cor 1st av. (See baca fly D.) Sparks John (c),-farmer, r rear Commerce, ne cor Jackson N. Liberties Sparks Mac, scalesman Slade & Etheredge, r Front sw cor Randolph Sparks Richard (c), lab, r rear 84 N. Jackson SPEAR THOMAS S., Spear Horace P., mdse broker, 101 Broad, r 101 Broad watches, clocks and jewelrv, 101 Broad, r Linwood. (See back cover.) Spellers Charles (c), lab, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Spellers Seaborn (c), porter Gammon & Ridenhour, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Spencer Amos (c), drayman, r ns Water, N. Liberties Spencer Anna Miss, r es Troup, 2d n of Franklin Spencer Henry (c) (Spencer & Banks), r es Forsyth, 4th s of Baldwin Spencer Henry P., elk Blanchard & Hill, bds es Troup, n of Lranklin SPENCER LAMBERT, Spencer Jesse (c), lab, r es Uamilton rd, N. Liberties sec Georgia Home Ins. Co., 118 Broad, r Jackson, se cor Washington hint & pHtNix SAVI SANK. Ml Deposits Strictly Confidential. Call and Secure A POLICY. STA SSpPeEncNeCr PEeRrryR, IgCroHceAr,R1D29PB.roJard.,, r Linvvood, Ga special trav agt Georgia Home Ins. Co., r 118 Broad Spencer W. H. (c), teaclier Colored School Spencer & Banks (c) (H. Spencer and J. Banks), blacksmiths, ws Oglethorpe, 7th n of Crawford Spinks William, drayman J. N. Embry & Co., r foot of Water, N. Liberties Spivey Robert, with J. S. Jones, bds Perry House Spratling Ellen A. Miss, wks G. J. Peacock, bds ws Jackson, SPnRoIfNDGivEisRion,FNR.ALNibKertiJe.s, groceries and provisions, and propr Springer's Opera House, Crawford, ne cor Oglethorpe, r Linwood, Ga. (See back of title.) Springer's Opera House, F. J. Springer, propr; Crawford, ne cor Oglethorpe \ Stafford Madison (c), lab, r Troup, se cor Commerce, N. Lib erties Stafford Primus Rev. (c), r Womack's Hill, N. Liberties Stagg Franklin, elk, bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Stagg Josephine Miss, wks G. J. Peacock, bds Eufaula rd, Gi rard, Ala Stains Marian Miss, r ss Thomas, 1st w of Front Stains Mary Miss, r ss Thomas, 1st w of Front Stanbeck Peter (c), lab, r ss Franklin, 3d e of McIntosh Stanfield Lucretia B. Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 28 Franklin SStTanAfNorFdOCRhDarleFs RT.A, pNlaCnItSer, A.,r Front, se cor physician St. Clair and surgeon, 37 Randolph, r Front, se cor St. Clair Stanford Elaser (c), farmer, r Albert, n of Bridge, Girard, Ala Stanford Jeremiah (c), farmer, r n of Bridge, Girard, Ala Stanford Josiah (c), farmer, r Albert, n of Bridge, Girard, Ala Stanton Emanuel (c), wks A. Clegg & Co., r es Troup, N. Liberties Stapler Glasgow (c), lab, r rear 7 S. McIntosh Stapler John (c), cook T. Newman Starr Elvira A., wid Edward, r ws McIntosh, 4th n of St. Clair Statham Robert J., wks E. & P. M. Co., r 29 2d, Browneville, Ala American, English and Swiss mates, at very tow Prices, at I, Wittich & Kinsel's Jewelry Store. 211 STR Steam Cotton Mill, J. Rhodes Browne, propr; Oglethorpe, junc Warren Steamer No. 1, Jacob Burrus, engineer, Broad, ab Bryan Stephens Henry (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 2d s of Baldwin Stephens Mary, wid Benjamin, r 88 S. McIntosh Stephens Wade II., shoemkr, r 88 S. McIntosh Stephens Walter (c), wks Columbus Iron Wlcs, r Girard, Ala Stern Isaac, elk J. & J. Kaufman, bds es Forsyth, 2d n of Crawford Stern Rebecca Miss, bds es Forsyth, 2d n of Crawford Stern Sarah Miss, bds es Forsyth, 2d n of Crawford Stern Sigmund B., elk J. & J. Kaufman, bds es Forsyth, 2d n of Crawford Stettonheim Meta Miss, bds 49 N. Jackson Stevenson Jessie Mrs., bakery, 36 Broad Stewart Alexander A., packer L. L. Cowdeay & Co., r es Broad, s of Crawford Stewart David W., engineer, bds 44 S. Oglethorpe Stewart Eli (c), wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Stewart Fado (c), lab, r 29 Early Stewart Freeman C., foreman Columbus Iron Wks, r Broad, nr Bridge, Girard, Ala Stewart Jack (c), hackman, r ws Mercer, opp cemetery Stewart Jennie, wks E. & P. M. Co Stewart John F. (c), miller G. W. Woodruff, r 77 S. Jackson Stewart John S. (Wynne, DeWolf & Co.), r 53 Broad Stewart Joseph (c), porter, r 98 Lee Stewart Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Stewart Nancy, wks E. & P. M. Co Stewart Peter (c), wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Stewart William, fisherman, r ws Front, 2d s of Crawford Stockton Robert S., director Columbus Iron Wks Stockwell Richard, shoemkr T. J. Hines, r es Forsyth, 3ds of St. Clair Stolz Ernst, tailor, 3 S. Oglethorpe Strafford Jackson (c), lab, r es Troup, 3d s of Commerce, N. Liberties Street Nicholas, tailor, 170 Broad, r 43 S. Oglethorpe Streeter Major (c), lab, r rear 29 S. Troup Strickland Bettie, wks E. & P. M. Co Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. (12) t). F. WlLLCOX'B General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. STB 212 SWI Strickland John J., printer Times, r 18 Broad Stringfellow Mary J. Miss, r Forsyth, se cor Fulton Stringfellow Mattie Miss, r Forsyth, se cor Fulton Stringfield Pinkey Miss, wlcs Steam Mill Strong Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Struppa James M., printer Enquirer-Sun, bds 34 S. Jackson Struppa Mary A., wid J. B., r 34 N. Jackson STRUPPER IGNAZIO G., Struppa William I., bar str Big Foot, r 26 Early candy mkr, confectionery, fruit, etc., 72 Broad. (See front fly A.) Stubbs Columbus, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Washington, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Stukes Silas (c), lab, r es Hamilton rd, N. Liberties Sturgis Mary Mrs., r es Front, 2d s of Thomas Sturgis Tliaddeus C., delivery elk P. O., r 41 N. Troup Sturkey James (c), lab, r ws Oglethorpe, n of Division, N. Liberties Sullivan A., wks E. & P. M. Co Sullivan George, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ss Bryan, 1st e of Front Sullivan Michael, conductor M. & G. R. R., r 36 S. Jackson Summerlin Giles, wks E. & P. M. Co Summerlin Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Summers Agnes, wid Daniel, r 8 S. Forsyth Summersgill Emma, wks E. & P. M. Co Summersgill Henry, r ws 5th, n of W. R. R., Browneville, Ala Summersgill James, grocer, Crawford, cor Summerville rd, Browneville, Ala Surles Augustus W., carriagesmith Herring & England, r 47 Baldwin Sutton Frank (c), cook str Big Foot, r 53 Baldwin Swift Eudoxus S., cotton buyer, Front, sw cor Randolph, r SWIFT GEORGE P. Jackson, sw cor Lee (Geo. P. Swift & Son), and pres Mus cogee Mutg Co., r Randolph, ne cor Troup Swift George P. Jr. (Geo.P. Swift & Son), r 25 1ST. Troup Swift George P. & Son (George P. and George P. Swift Jr.), SWIFT WILLIAM A., warehousemen and cotton factors, Planters' Warehouse sec and treas Muscogee Mnfg Co., and propr Centennial Store, Oglethorpe, ne cor Franklin, r Troup, ne cor Randolph ' Manufactured and for Sale by Columbuslron Works Co. f" "aPbrelseents, Balti" IITT1CI & KIISEL'S toy TAL 213 TEF TALBURT EMELINEJMRS., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r Browneville, Ala Taliaferro Charles B., cotton buyer, Alston Warehouse, r 54 N. McIntosh Taliaferro Charles F., cotton buyer, Alston Warehouse, r Randolph, ne cor Forsyth Talley Hampton (c), shoemkr, r ws Mercer, 2d n of Bryan Tandy Beverly (c), carpenter, r es Jackson, 3d s of Division, N. Liberties Tapper Clara Mrs., r ws Oglethorpe, 3d n of Lee Tapper Edzard G., molder Columbus Iron Wks, r 60 S. Front Tarver John (c), bricklayer, r 100 S. Forsyth Tatum Mary Miss, seamstress, r 151 N. Oglethorpe Tatum Susan Miss, wks Steam Mill Taylor Adaline, wid James, r 4 Muscogee Blk Taylor Cassiana Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 4 Musco gee Blk Taylor Edmund (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r ns Baldwin, 1st e of Forsyth Taylor Eugenia Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 4 Muscogee Blk Taylor Henry (c), janitor Court House, r Wynnton, Ga Taylor Henry n. Kev. (c), pastor St. John's A. M. E. Church, r ws Mercer, 2d s of Franklin Taylor John (c), blacksmith Columbus Iron Wks, r es Troup, 2d s of Commerce, N. Liberties Taylor John (c), lab, r Bryan, sw cor Troup Taylor John, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds 4 Muscogee Blk Taylor Lafayette, elk Pollard & Harris, bds ws Oglethorpe, 2d s of Lee Taylor Lucius (c), hostler Disbrow & Co., r Bryan, ne cor Oglethorpe Taylor Lucy Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Taylor Miles (c), lab, r Girard, Ala Taylor Peter (c), lab, r ns Few, 1st e of Troup Taylor Thomas (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 1st s of Few Taylor William (c), wks Ilinde & Preer, r 69 N. Forsyth Teasdale Chappell B., r 10 N. Jackson Teasdale Mary M., wid John, r 10 N. Jackson Teft W. B , wks E. & P. M. Co EAGLE & PHENIX MILLS M""fiolnreo,er0ne Hundred v- 71 Broad Street, Represents Oldest and Strongest ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. THO Temperance Hall, 76 N. Oglethorpe Temple Benjamin K., wks B. & P. M. Co., r Girard, Ala Temple Ella Miss, r 72 N. Oglethorpe Temple George, machinist, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Temple Missouri Mrs., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Terry Carlisle, physician, 103 Broad, r 71 Crawford Terry Charles (c), bai'ber S. Alexander Terry Ellen Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Terry John, silversmith, r 11 Muscogee Blk Terry Martha Miss, wks A. Clegg & Co Terry Paris (c), waiter E. Reich Terry Thomas (c), blacksmith, ss Randolph, 3d e of Ogle thorpe, r Wynn ton, Ga Terry William E. (c), barber, 3 Crawford, r 76 S, Forsyth TThHaErp NJoAhnT,IOwiNthASLingBeAr NMKnfgOCFo., CrO90LUNM. TBrUouSp, J. Rhodes Browne, pres ; George W. Dillingham, cashier; 118 Broad. TH(SEeeSpIaNgeG7E5R.) MNFG. CO., C. S. Holt, agent; 99 Broad Thetford Ida P. Miss, bds ws Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Thetford John W., r ws Jackson, 2d s of Commerce, N. Liberties Thetford Thomas J., elk D. R. Bize, r ws Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Thomas Albert (c), farmer, r Wayne, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Thomas Alexander (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Thomas Allen (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r Forsyth, sw cor Thomas Thomas Anderson (c), carpenter, r 105 S. Troup Thomas Andrew (c), fireman, r es McIntosh, n of Early Thomas Anthony (c), farmer, r es Oglethorpe, N. Liberties Thomas A. Peyton, elk M. D. Ilood & Co., bds 11 N. Ogle thorpe Thomas Bradford (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Thomas Cambridge (c), driver, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Division, N. Liberties Thomas Edmund (c), shoemkr, 38 Baldwin, r es Forsyth, 3d s of Baldwin Manufacturer* of All KinHs of f)ikoqoi\d ?}ir|g$ , Pins and Studs for sale, or Made to Order, at WITTICH & KLNSEL'S Jewelry Store. THO 115' THO Thomas Edward (c), lab, r 92 S. Troup Thomas E. A. Mrs., r ws Forsyth, 1st s of Franklin Thomas Gaston (c), farmer, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Division, N. Liberties Thomas George (c), wks M. & G. R. R., r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala TThHoOmMasAGSreGenRI(Gc),SlBabY, E. SR., r rear ws Oglethorpe, 4th n of Lee clothing and furnishing goods, 117 Broad, r 73 N. Troup, Thomas Grigsby E. Jr., lawj'er, Broad, ne cdr St. Clair, r Wynnton, Ga Thomas Henderson (c), farmer, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Division, N. Liberties Thomas Henry (c), lab, r Commerce, ne cor Troup, FT. Lib erties Thomas Henry (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 4th n of Crawford Thomas Homer (c), porter I. Joseph, r Oglethorpe, sw cor Division, N. Liberties Thomas Jack (c), porter Pioneer Co-Op-Co., r N. Liberties Thomas James (c), lab, r ns Baldwin, 1st e of Front Thomas Jesse (c), blacksmith, r 78 N. Jackson Thomas John (c), farmer, r Albert, nr King, Girard, Ala Thomas John (c), lab, r 19 S. Mercer Thomas John (c), porter J. W. Jones, r rear 47 Broad Thomas Margaret Miss, r 49 S. Troup Thomas Mollie Miss, bds 24 N. Jackson Thomas Moses (c), farmer, r 32 S. McIntosh Thomas Moses (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 3d n of Early Thomas Moses (c), wks Columbus Iron Wks, r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Thomas Obediah (c), driver J. L. Hogan, r Oglethorpe, cor Bryan TThHoOmMasARSobRerOt B(cE),RlaTb, B.,r es Short, 2d n with Pioneer of Baldwin Co-Op. Co., bds 24 N. Jackson Thomas Sarah, wid W. E., r ws 3d, 6th sofW.R. R., Browne- ville, Ala Thomas William (c), lab, r es Jackson, n of Division, N. Lib erties Thomas William (c), lab, r es McIntosh, 1st sof Fulton IMP AUPjTjHIPi P & DriUlMtPMnIAY MIviliLllLIlk0) Consume more Cotton than any Mills, makingOolored goods only,in America. />. F. Vi'tLLFOX'S. Gn.VKtfrlL I.vsrrt.-f.YCK .'Igh.ycy. 71 Broad St. OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN WESTERN GEORGIA. TIIO 216 THO _ Thomas William (c), porter C. A. .Redd k Co., r Troup, sw cor Division, N. Liberties Thomas William A., vvks B. & P. M. Co., r 112 S. Jackson THOMAS WILLIAM H., paymaster E. & P. M. Co., r 24 N. Jackson Thomas Wilson (c), wks E. & P. M. Co., r es Hamilton rd, nr Commerce, N. Liberties Thomason Jefferson, wks E. k P. M. Co., r 36 2d, Browne- ville, Ala Thomason J. A., elk, bds 3 N. McIntosh Thomason M., wks E. & P. M. Co Thomason Nancy, wks E. k P. M. Co Thomason Thomas L., cotton buyer, Planters' Warehouse, r county Thompson Alice Miss, wks Steam Mill, bds es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Thompson James M., foreman E. & P. M. Co., r 1st Browne- ville, Ala Thompson Kit (c), lab, r es Forsyth, 7th s of Thomas Thompson Lewis (c), polishor H. McCauley, r 84 S. McIn tosh Thompson Martha A. Mrs., bds es Jackson, n of Division, N. Liberties Thompson Mary A., wid Thomas, r ws Front, 2d s of Craw ford Thompson Robert, stock dealer, r 218 Broad Thompson Sarah Mrs., seamstress, G. J. Peacock Thompson Thomas, wks E. k P. M. Co Thornton Alonzo, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Thornton Beverlv A,. (Thornton k Grim s), r Wynnton, Ga THOi&NTON (DiRY J., lawyer, Broad, ne cor St. Clair (up stairs), r Wynnton, Ga Thornton Henry (c) (Gaines k Thornton), r McIntosh, n of Lee Thornton Henry J. (Thornton k Acec), r Linwood, Ga Thornton James, lab, r ss Broadnax, w of Van Buren,Browne- vilkyAla Thornton James T. (Gilbert k Thornton), bds 6 N. Jackson Thornton Pleasant P. (c), porter G. P. Swift k Son, r ss Washington, w of Troup Allum's and Wright's nflTTIHW DUliCdliO Ma,mfactured and a*w>s on hand at Patent ljUllullI IIUjOuIjO, COUJMBUS IRON WORKS CO, TIIO 217 TIL THORNTON & ACEE Thornton ITrilla, wks E. & P. M. Co (II. j. Thornton and F. W. Acee), clothiers, hatters and gents' furnishers, 83 and 85 Broad. THORNTON & GRIMES (See front paster.) (B. A. Thornton and T. W. Grimes), lawyers, Broad, ne cor St. Clair Thullenham John, drover, r nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala Thweatt Alexander S., elk Watt& Walker, r Linwood, Ga Thweatt James T., state and county tax receiver, 71 Broad, r Liuwood, Ga Thweatt Milton W. (c), porter J. T. Daniel, r 45 S. Forsyth Thweatt Robert R., boss dryman, bds es Front, 2d s of Ran dolph Tice John W., boss Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 8 Muscogee Blk Tice Mattie Mrs., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Tice Nancy, wid Ilarvey, r 8 Muscogee Blk Tice Nancy A. Miss, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., bds 8 Musco gee Blk Tice Samuel II., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r 8 Muscogee Blk Tice Thomas, wks Muscogee Mnfg Co Tice Wesley H., wks N. & S. R. R., r ns Washington, 3d w of Jackson Tice William II., wks Muscogee Mnfg Co., r N. Liberties Ticknor George W., elk The National Bank of Columbus, bds 60 S. Oglethorpe Ticknor Rosa, wid Dr. F. O., r 60 S. Oglethorpe TIGNER WESLEY F., Tigner G. Y., stenographer, 68 Broad, r Linwood, Ga dentist, 35 Randolph, r Linwood, Ga Tillinghast Geor^r W., printer Enquirer-Sun, bds Raiford House Tillinghast II. (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Tillman Bettie, wid F. C., r 231 Broad Tillman Fredrick C., elk 231 Broad Tillman Jane, wks E. & P. M. Co Tillman Joseph E., elk, bds 231 Broad Tillman Julia Mrs., wksE. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Gi rard, Ala Tillman Mary Miss, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Gi rard, Ala EMStPIEKimVlIM Compounds Interest 4 times aYear. Security Ample, Interest Liberal. WILLCOX'S AGENCY, v M st | Time-Tried, Fire-Tested. J Experience, Care, Security. TIL 218 THE Tillman Mary A., wid James, r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Tillman Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Tillman Tobias, wks E. & P. M. Co Tillman William, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Tillman William L. (W. L. Tillman & Co.), r 220 Broad Tillman W. L. & Co. (W. L. Tillman and W. S. Freeman), grocers, 143 and 162 Broad Times (Daily and Weekly), Wynne, DeWolf & Co., proprs; 43 Randolph Tinsley Lewis, wks E. & P. M. Co., r Bridge, w of Broad, Girard, Ala Tinsley M., wks E. & P. M. Co Tolbert Evaline Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Browneville, Ala Tolbert Herman Y., lab, r 5th, nr W. R. R., Browneville, Ala Toles Alexander (c), brickmason, r 68 S. Troup Toles Anthony (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 3d, s of Few Tommey Vincent R. (J. A. Frazer & Co.), r Atlanta, Ga Tompkins Elizabeth E. Miss, r 96 S. Jackson Toney Ella, wks E. & P. M. Co Tooke James J., boarding, 74 Randolph Tooke Mary E. Miss, dressmkr, ns Commerce, 2d, e of Troup, N. Liberties Tooke Mary E., wid John, r ns Commerce, 2d, e of Troup, N. Liberties Torbett Charles T., elk J. Blackmar, bds 1861 Broad Torbett David R., engineer G. W. Woodruff, r 186| Broad Torbett Frank, elk L. Rooney, bds 186J Broad Touchstone Frank (c), lab, r 93 S. McIntosh Touchstone F. M., wks E. & P. M. Co Touchstone William, wks E. & P. M. Co., r 23 2d, Browne ville, Ala Trawick Susan Miss, r 57 N. Mclntosli Traylor Fannie Miss, bds nr S. Bridge, Girard, Ala. Treadaway James L., with T. E. Middlebrook, r es Ogle thorpe, n of Franklin Treadaway Jobn C., wks Muscogee Mfg Co., r Browneville, Ala Treadaway Martha, wid L., r ws Troup, 2d, n of Lee illUlll Pinkard's Pat. ID 11111 Adjustable FOR SALE BY SOUTHERN PLOW CO. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, " Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev. W. C. Hunter, rector; ws Oglethorpe, n of St. Clair Trinity M. E. Church, Rev. J. Y. M. Morris, pastor; Craw ford, cor 4th, Browneville, Ala Tritt John, butcher, r Crawford, nw cor McIntosh Troutman Annie Mad., r 103 N. Oglethorpe Trump Richard (c), driver J. Durkin, r Troup, se cor Few Tryman Washington (c), lab, r rear 185 Broad Tucker Edmund (c), cabinetmkr, 34 Baldwin, r 66 S. Troup Tucker Fannie Miss, seamstress G. J. Peacock Tucker George (c), wks E. & P. M. Co Tucker William (c), cabinetmkr, ns Crawford, 6tli w of Broad Tucker Willis (c), lab, r 57 S. Troup Turley Emma, wks E. & P. M. Co Turnage Caroline, wid David, r ws 7th, 4th n of Franklin, Browneville, Ala Turnage Elizabeth Mrs., seamstress Rankin House Turnage Ellen, wks E. & P. M. Co Turnage Henry, saloon, ws Hamilton rd, 1st n of Columbus line, N. Liberties Turnage Larkin S., lab, r 145 N. Oglethorpe Turnage Lizzie, wks E. & P. M. Co Turnage Thomas J., wks T. J. Dudley, r Hamilton rd, N. Liberties TURNER. ALONZO, carpenter and undertaker, Thomas, nw cor Oglethorpe, r Broad, ne cor Fulton Turner Clara A. Miss, elk I. G. Strupper, bds Broad, ne cor Fulton Turner Jackson (c), lab, r 65 Few Turner Jeremiah (c), farmer, r Wayne, nr Broad, Girard, Ala Turner John, carpenter A. Turner, bds Broad, ne cor Fulton Turner John P., elk Brannon & Carson, bds 6 N. Troup Turner Joseph E. (c), barber L. Wells, r ws Mercer, n of St. Clair Turner Martha, wks E. & P. M. Co Turner Stephen (c), lab, r nr S. W. R. R., e of limits Turner Thomas, wks E. & P. M. Co., r ws McIntosh, 3d n of Early Turner William P., real est dealer, r 6 N. Troup Twilley Ada, wid Elijah, r Front, se cor Bryan Mil PBHttiStf=SS D. r. WILLCOX, Agt., Eepresents TM&V&&MM*& @ 0 MP&Jf T--,sbm awB &GViffBwr, &&"$5.00 Buys $1,000. TWI 220 YIC Twilley Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co Twilley Henry, boss chain gang, r es Oglethorpe, 2d s of W. R. E Tyler Andrew Jackson, harnessmkr M. A. Bradford, r Girard, Ala Tyler Anna E. Miss, teacher, r 77 N. Forsyth Tyler Charles (c), porter F. Reich, r Girard, Ala Tyler Rosa Miss, r 77 N. Forsyth Tyner Emma, wks E. & P. M. Co Tyner Mary, wks E. & P. M. Co Tyner Susan, wid Caleb, r ws 7th, 1st n of Franklin, Browne- ville, Ala TTNITED STATES INT. REY. OFFICE, 61 Broad ' Upshaw John (c), lab, r ss Crawford, 3d w of Broad Upshaw John M., adjuster W. & W. Mnfg Co., r Broad, ne cor St. Clair Upshaw Richard (c), carpenter, r Troup, ne cor Franklin Upton Matthew, beamer A. Clegg & Co., r Girard, Ala Upton William M., wks A. Clegg & Co., r Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala "V T'ANDENBERG ED. B., mdse and provision broker, V 106 Broad, bds 46 N. Forsyth. (See front fly A.) Yandenberg Rose, wid Theodore, r 46 N. Forsyth Yandenberg Walter D., with T. T. Edmunds, bds 46 N. For syth Yan Riper Daniel W., photographer J. J. Giles Yardaman Thomas B., miller J. N. Embry & Co., foot Com merce, N. Liberties Yeasey Andrew J., wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Gi rard, Ala Veasey Daniel, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Velati Angelo, cigar manfr, 35 St. Clair Vernoy James, street overseer, r 4 S. Forsyth Yickers Eliza Mrs., r Early, se cor Broad Yickers Nancy Mrs., r ss Bryan, 4th e of Front Vickers Sarah, wks E. & P. M. Co Yickery Amelia, wks E. & P. M. Co FIRE and VENTILATOR GRATES, GRATE BARS, and all kinds of Ma chinery for sale and manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS Co. rtj|jJKW;yW.Y SOLID GOLD JEWELRY,,5Eings, Necklaces, Lockets etc., at ITTICH & IvINSEL'S Jewelry Store. YOU 235 ZAD Yorsten Charles, wks B. & P. M. Co., bds 44 3d, Browneville Young Absalom 0. (W. D. Amyet & Co.), r Browneville Young Alec C., shipper E. & P. M. Co., r es Front, s of Bryan YOUNG ALFRED I., director E. & P. M. Co., r Beall- wood, Ga Young Amanda Mrs., boarding, 144 Oglethorpe Young America Fire Co., No. 5, W. E. Barnard, foreman; Oglethorpe, cor Crawford Young Elizabeth, wks E. & P. M. Co Young Frank, boss E. & P. M. Co., r Eufaulajrd, Girard, Ala Young James (c), lab, r 147 Front YOUNG MEN'S CATHOLIC UNION, Joseph Ryckeley, sec; Hall, ns St. Clair, w of Broad Young Naman (c), sexton, r ws Oglethorpe, 1st n of Craw ford Young Pleasant Ella Mrs., wks E. & P. M. Co., r Girard Young Rajunond (c), lab, r ws Mercer, 6th n of Crawford Young Richard (c), farmer, r ws Troup, 4th s of Division, N. Liberties Young Richard T., office, E. & P. M. Co. Bldg, r Beall wood, Ga Young Samuel, wks E. & P. M. Co., bds Girard, Ala Young Thomas S. (T. S. T outig & Co.), r Browneville, Ala YOUNG T. S. & CO. (T. S. Young and E. S. McEachern), grocers, Oglethorpe, se cor Washington YOUNG WILLIAM H., director E. & P. M. Co. and agt Soluble Pacific Guano, Gunby Bldg, St. Clair, w of Broad, r Beall wood, Ga. (See page 77.) Young Winnie, wid Williamson, r ws 6th, 7th n of Crawford, Browneville, Ala Youngblood Marv, wks E. & P. M. Co Youngblood William, wks E. & P. M. Co Younger Margaret A., wid John, r 56 S. Oglethorpe ZACHARIAS ISIDORE (Zacharias & Co.), bds Central Hotel Zacharias & Co. (I. Zacharias and Kern & Loeb), druggists, 33 Randolph Zadich Caesar, elk L. Bidder, bds Rankin House EAGLE & PHENlX MILLS, ffiSTo&i (14) 1854 OLD RELIABLE. 1878 24 Years in the Business! THE LEADING -1>- COLUMBUS, GA., over wmztiH & kimseid* COR. BROAD AND RANDOLPH STS. Long experience with thousands of Patrons in this section can bear testimony to the Durability of my Pict ures. Every Style and Size of PHOTOGRAPH taken in the best manner at the Lowest Prices in this city. |XEsDNever fails to secure Pictures of Children. ^"Copying and Improving Old Pictures -A. SPECIALTY. Pictures Taken Regardless of Cloudy Weather. Please call at the Gallery and examine Specimens and Prices and be convinced that the Reliable Pho tographer in Columbus is GILES T. WILLIAMS. Idr3Remember his Gallery now, is over Wittich & Kinsel's Jewelry Store. CLOCKSTM EVERY STYLE, from $2.50 Upward,at rrrr) r wittmbm & ki.xsel,& jjcwmkmt sto*#. S3EXOL,ESf COLUMBUS, GKA.. COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY AUGUST, 1878. Embracing a Classified List of all Professions, Manufactures, Trades and Pursuits in the City of Columbus; each classification alphabetically arranged, thus exhibiting the full address and special business of her Citizens. For the individual names of the members composing firms; residences, etc., see the General Directory. ARC 237 BAK Architects. Champayne & England, e s thorpe, 2d n of Randolph Auctioneers. Ogle Harrison C. S., 28 Broad Artists. Duffy J. L., 07 Broad Bagging Manufacturers. Hinde & Preer, 55 St. Clair Attorneys at Law. (See Lawyers.) Auction and Commission. Hecht J., 28 Broad Bakers and Confectioners. FEILER D. J. MRS., Cadman A. Mrs., 34 Broad 53 Crawford Harrison A. L., 170 Broad Layfield J. M., 47 Crawford Stevenson J. Mrs., 36 Baoad EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS BANK, by Special Charter, gives Depositors a first Lien on all the Property of the Corporation. D. F. WI1XCOX, 71 15KOAD STREET, BAN Bankruptcy. [register in.] Downing L. T., 101) Broad SI I 238 Call and Secure A POLICY. BOA Billiard Halls. Clements A. F. & Co., 1C4 Broad Blacksmiths. Banks ami Bankers. (See also Wagon Manufacturers.) CHATTAHOOCHEE Na tional BANK, 57 Broad. (See Gaines & Thornton (c), Randolph, sw front fly A.) EAGLE AND PHENIX cor Jackson Grenage James (c), ss Randolph, 4th w of Jackson SAVINGS BANK, Front, bet Ran dolph and Bryan. (See page 74.) HERRING & ENGLAND, MERCHANTS AND Me 71 and 73 N. Oglethorpe. (See page 78.) chanics BANK, 110 Broad. (See Holbrook J. (c), 91 N. Oglethorpe back fly C.) Martin John (c), Oglethorpe, se cor THE NATIONAL BANK Franklin OF COLUMBUS, 118 Broad. (See Moore *- Lim jsr,rn .'JrrxjtK.vr. tgr$ 5,00 Buys $1,000. BUT 240 CLO Butchers. China, Class and Queens- (See Meat Markets.) ware. Cabinet Mahers. (See Furniture Made and Repaired.) BRADFORD & EVERETT, 142 Broad. (See front cover.) COWDERY L. L. & CO., 120 Broad Carpenters. (See Contractors and Builders.) Candy Man ufactnrers. STRUPPER I. G., 72 Broad. (See front fly A.) Cigar Manufacturers. Lopez C., 201 Broad Loudenber F. W., 41 Randolph Posada A. Mrs., 4 Rankin Row Sauls W. H.. 172 Broad Valati Angelo, 35 St. Clair Cigars and Tobacco. Cane Mills. COLUMBUS IROK WORKS CO., foot of Thomas. (See bottom lines.) Carpets anl Oil Cloths. BUHLER LOUIS, 80 Broad. (See page 73.) ESTES J. L. M., Rankin House Garrett J. S., 121 Broad Heyman C.'&Co., 136 Broad Loudenber F. W., 41 Randolph Sauls W. H., 172 Broad Gordon & Cargill, 82 and 84 Broad KYLE J. & CO., 106 Broad. (See front fly B.) Clothing. Carriages. [manufacturers and dealers.] Bartlett T). D. & Co., ns Bryan, w of Oglethorpe HERRING & ENGLAND, 71 and 73 N. Oglethorpe. (See page 78.) McKee H. C., Gunby Bldg, St. Clair, w of Broad Rosette & Lawhon, Oglethorpe, nw cor Bryan [manufacturers. ] PEACOCK G. J., 64 Broad [WHOLESAUE AND RETAIL.] Thomas G. E.. 117 Broad THORNTON & ACEE, 83 and 85 Broad. (See front pas ter. ) [retail.] Iiofflin & Bro., 88 Broad [second hand.] Howard M. D. Mrs., 48 Randolph To get, at all times, First-class LUMBER, Rough or Planed, in any Style, Call on COLUMBUS IRON WORKS COMPANY, ijlLl V Jll J_lii lllU OTT TTipD DT il" i I ^ea Setts, Casters and Knives, Spoons and Porks, at WITTICH & KINSEL'S JKWELKY STOKE. COA 241 COT Coal Dealers. Philips 0., W. R. R. depot Williams D. E., !)G Broad STRUPPER I. G. 72 Broad. (See front fly A.) Contractors and Builders. Colleges and Schools. Champagne & England, ss Oglethorpe, 2d n of Randolph COLUMBUS EE MALE Gifford B. F., ws Oglethorpe, s of COLLEGE, Troup, se cor Lee. Randolph (See page SO.) Turner Alonzo, Thomas, nw cor Ogle thorpe WILLINGHAM W. A., Commission Merchants. ns Randolph, 2d e of Oglethorpe. (See page 73.) Blanchard, Williams & Co., \vs Front, s of St. Clair Castleman H., 09 Broad Dexter C. E., tvs Front, n of Craw Coopers. ford Goldsmith William (c), ss Randolph, FLOURNOY & EPPING, 4th e of Oglethorpe Alston Warehouse Hudson, Jenkins & Redd, 77 and 79 N. Oglethorpe McGEHEE & HATCHER, Cotton Buyers and Brok Front, sw cor St. Clair. (See front ers. cover.) SLADE & ETHEREDGE, Lowell Warehouse L. G. BOWERS, Commissioners. [OF DEEDS.] Levy L. C. Jr., 118 Broad ' [FOE ALABAMA.] IVERSON JOHN F., 71 Broad [UNITED STATES.] Downing L. T., 109 Broad Confectioners. Layfield J. M., 47 Crawford Marcrum J. F., 134 Broad Profumo F. X., 43 Crawford Robinson W. T., 198 Broad Cotton Broker, RANDOLPH ST., West of Broad, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, EPPING & HANSERD, 57 Broad Fleming William, ws Front, s of St. Clair Harrison J. M., 79 N. Oglethorpe Holmes 0. G., 07 Broad Holst J. B., 17 Broad Shingleur J. A., Fontaine Warehouse Swift E. S., Front, sw cor Randolph Taliaferro G. B., Alston Warehouse Taliaferro C. F., Alston Warehouse Thomason T. L-, Planters'Warehouse D. F. WILLCOX, f Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co.,) AsM asskts, General Agent '{ Virginia Home Insurance Go. j $593,987.21 COT 242 DOO Cotton Factories. Cotton Press Manufactur COLUMBUS MNFG CO., office 32 Randolph. (See back pas ers. COLUMBUS IKON WHS. EAGLE AND PHENIX ter.) CO., foot of Thomas. (See bottom lines.) MNFG CO., Front, bit Randolph MUSCOGEE MNFG CO., and Bryan. (See page 74-.) Dentists. MASON J. M., Front, opp Franklin. (See front Fogle W. J., 32 Randolph paster.) 34 St. Clair. (See front fly A.) Phelps George, 54 St. Clair Cotton Factors. Pool W. T., 118 Broad Tigner W. F., 35 Randolph Blanchard, Williams & Co., ws Front, s of St. Clair j. f. Flournoy. h. h. bpping, Jr. Diamonds. FLOURNOY & EPPING, WITTICH & KINSEL, 07 Broad. (See front fly B.) (ALSTON WAREHOUSE) v Cotton Warehouse and Commis Directory Publishers. sion Merchants, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. E. SHOLES, Casli Advances made on Cotton in - PUBLISH Lit Store, or for Shipment to other Markets. Columbus City Directory, McGEKEE & HATCHER, AND DIRECTORIES OF Front, sw cor St. Clair. (See front Atlanta, Augusta, Macon and Sa cover.) vannah, Ga.; Charleston, S.U.; JAS. B. SLADE. C. A. ETHEREDGE. SLADE & ETHEREDGE, Memphis and Nashville, Tenn.; Little Rock, Ark.; etc. WAREHOUSE and Office, 42 RANDOLPH STREET. ] Doors, Nasli and Blinds. Commission Merchants, Collins Daniel, es Oglethorpe, s of Franklin LOWEI.L WAREHOUSE, J'Lnaolph. <*, COLUMBUS, - GEORGIA. lia8e r'4 ) J WILLINGHAM W. A., ns Randolph, 2d e of Oglethorpe. (See page 73.) FIRE and VENTILATOR GRATES, GRATE BARS, and all kinds of Ma chinery for sale and manufactured by COLUMBUS IRON WORKS Go, vivrfw.v ;. /; Suitable for Bridal Presents, at DRA Dray lanes Columbus Transfer Co., 78 N. Ogle CtAhoRrpGe ILL GEORGE, 45 Crawford Gordon & Cargill, 82 and 84 Broad HAMILTON J. H., 28 Franklin, junc Warren. (See page 77.) JOSEPH M., Jones J. S., 70 Broad Dress amt Cloak Makers. Averett M. It. Mrs., 32 Randolph Baldwin Eliza Miss, 14 8. Forsyth Bonnell L. Mrs., 74 Broad Collins J. A. Miss, Broad, nr Wayne, Girar,d Ala 89 Broad EIRVEN J. A., 90 Broad KYLE J. & CO., Day M. A. Mrs., 23 Broad Deckrow S. J. Mrs., 11 N. Jackson Edwards Fannie Miss, 43 N. Forsyth Hastings H. Miss, 36 St. Clair Jones N. Miss, Broad, nr Jefferson, Girard, Ala LaHatte F. Miss, 103 Broad 100 Broad. (See front fly B.) Lewis J. A., 152 Broad PIONEER CO-OP. CO., es Front, sof Bryan. (Seepape 77.) Swift W. A., Oglethorpe, ne cor Franklin Lambertson E. Miss. 38 Broad [retail.] McDaniel J. Miss, 7(5 Broad Ogletree L. M. Mrs., Randolph, ne cor Broad Ogletree M. D, Mrs , Eufaula rd, Girard, Ala Phelps Elizabeth Mrs., 17 N. Ogle thorpe Rynehart M. A. E. Mrs., 85 Craw ford Scott M. B. Mrs., 52 S.Oglethorpe Tooke M. E. Miss, ns Commerce, 2d of Troup, N. Liberties Willett T. Miss,, Oglethorpe, ne cor Commerce, N. Liberties Banner A., Broad, cor Warren Banner Louis, 122 Broad Bergan M. T., 10 S. Front Blanchard & Hill, 123 Broad Cantrell Bros., 107 Broad Connor J. H. A Co., 145 Broad Deignan R., Front, se cor Crawford Dessau M. H., Hamilton rd, N. Lib erties Harris L., 114 Broad Hecht & Brannan, 155 Broad Joseph Jacob, 100 Broad McGough J. & Co., 115 Broad Moreland R. H., Eufaula rd, Girard, RAAlaFFERTY L. J., Drugs ami Medicines. Brannon & Carson, 10 and 135 Broad Carter Robert, 81 Broad Dixon C. F., 44 Randolph Ford J. M., 3 Rankin Row 151 Broad Schubinsky S., 32 Broad Solomon C., 24 Broad Weinberg G,, Front, se cor Franklin Wolfson VV., 59 Broad Gilbert & Thornton, 150 Broad Hood M. D. & Co., 93 Broad Kimbrough T. J. S., 74 Broad Engines ami Boilers. COLUMBUS IRON WKS McCutcheon R. H., es Franklin, n of N. Bridge, Browneville, Ala Newton J. 8., 107 Broad Zacharias & Co., 33 Randolph CO., foot of Thomas. (See bottom lines.) II III Standard Plaids, Cottonades, Woolens, Diaper, Sewing Thread and Premium Tickings. m) D F WILLCOX'S General Insurance Agency, 71 Broad St. (established 1849;) FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ENG 244 GRO Engineers and Machinists. RYDER B. H,, es Oglethorpe, s of Franklin. (See page 77.) [made and bepaibed.] Bonner & Ridley (c), ss Thomas, 1st e of Broad Lloyd Sidney, 45 N. Oglethorpe Tucker Edmund (c). 36 Baldwin Tucker William (c), ns Caawford, (5th w of Broad Express Companies. Southern Express Co., 41 Broad Gas Companies. The Columbus Gas Light Co., ws Fancy Goods and Notions. Short, s of Crawford KYLE J. & CO., Kirven .T. A., 90 Baoad 106 Broad. (See front fly B.) Gents Furnishing Goods. THORNTON & ACEE, CHESAPEAKE GUANO Fertilizers. 83 and 85 Broad. (See front pas ter.) CO., J. H. Hamilton, agt, junc Ogle thorpe, Franklin andjWarren. (See SOpaLgeU7B7.)LE PACIFIC GU- Grocers. [fancy. ] HOCHSTRASSER C. E., ANO, W. H. Young, agt, Gnnby Crane R. S., 68 Broad Bldg. (See page 77.) Broad, ne cor St. Clai.x. (See front Foundries. COLUMBUS IRON WKS CO., foot of Thomas. (See bottom lines.) Sanders J. H., foot of Baldwin fly B.) [wholesale and betail.] Abbott & Newsom, 119 Rroad Andrews J. C. & Co., 132 Broad CARGILL GEORGE, Bush J. Greene Milltown Washington Odunville Chambers Oleander St. Clair Marshall Kowaliga Elmore Millville Geneva Olmsted Station Tuscaloosa Kymulga Talladega Milner Randolph Olney Pickens Lacey's Spring Morgan Minter Dallas Oluste Creek Pike Ladiga Lafayette Calhoun Chambers MMitocbhielell's Station Bullock Mobile OOmpaehliaka Randolph Lee Lake View Covington Monroeville Monroe Oregon Jefferson Lamar Randolph Mount Calm Fayette Oregonia Tuscaloosa Lamberta Baldwin Monterey Butler Orion Pike Landersville Langston Lawrence Jackson M Moonntetgvoam lloery Shelby Montgomery Orrville Osanippa Dallas Chambers Larissa Winston Moore's Bridge Tuscaloosa Oswichee Russell Larkin's Fork Jackson Mooresville Limestone Otho Henry Larkinsville Jackson Morgan's Springs Perry Oto Talladega Lawrence Cove Morgan Morganville Lowndes Owen's X Roads Madison Lawrenceville Henry Morris Jefferson Oxford Calhoun Lebanon DeKalb Morrowville Dallas Oxmoor Jefferson Leesburg Cherokee Morvin Clarke Ozark Dale Leighton Colbert Moscow Sanford Paint Rock Jackson Leled Lane Tuscaloosa Motts Mill Lee Palestine Cleburne Leon Crenshaw Moulton Lawrence Palmetto Pickens Letohatchee Lowndes Mountain Creek Chilton Palo Fayette Level Road Randolph Mountain Home Lawrence Park's Store Jackson Lewis Station Escambia Mount Andrew Barbour Partridge Jefferson Lexington Lauderdale Mt. Carmel Montgomery Pea River Barbour Linchburg Pickens Mount Hebron Greene Pearce's Mills Marion Lincoln Talladega Mount Hilliad Bullock Pearson's Mills Madison Linden Marengo Mount Hope Lawrence Peek's Hill Calhoun Lineville Clay Mount Ida Crenshaw Pelham Shelby Linwood Pike Mount Jefferson Lee Perdido Baldwin Lisbon Jefferson Mount Lookout St. Clair Perdue Hill Monroe Little Oak Pike Mount Meigs Montgomery Perote Bullock Littlesville Winston Mount Olive Coosa Perryville Perry Little Warrior Blount Mount Pinson Jefferson Pettsville Limestone Live Oak Crenshaw Mount Pleasant Monroe Pickensville Pickens Livingston Sumter Mount Polk Calhoun Pigeon Creek Butler Loachapoka Lee Mount Roszell Limestone Pike Road Montgomery * Money Order Offices. 4 Post-offices--Alabama--Arkansas. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Pikeville Marion Santa Jackson Tionas Bibb Pilgrim's Rest Fayette Sapulga Conecuh Toad Vine Jefferson Pilineyville Clay Saville Crenshaw Toledo Fayette Pine Apple Wilcox Sawyerville Hale Tompkinsville Choctaw Pine Forest St. Clair Scottsborough Jackson Town Creek Lawrence Pine Hill Wilcox Scottsville Bibb Traveler's Rest Coosa Pine Level Montgomery Seale's Station Russell Trenton Jackson Pine Tucky Perry Seaton Talladega Triana Madison Pineville Marengo Sedan Wilcox Trinity Station Morgan Plantersvilie Dallas *Selma Dallas Trout Creek St Clair Pleasant Gap Cherokee Shackleville Butler *Troy Pike Pleasant Grove Pickens Sharon Chambers Trussville Jefferson Pleasant Hill Dallas Sheffield Fayette *Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa Pleasant Ridge Greene Shelby Iron Works Shelby *Tuscumbia Colbert Pleasant Site Franklin Sherman Sumter *Tuskegee Macon Point Clear Baldwin Shiloh Marengo Uchee Russell Pollard Escambia Shinbone Clay Union Greene Pondville Bibb Shirley Covington *Union Springs Bullock Poplar Ridge Madison Shorter's Depot Macon Uniontown Perry Porterville DeKalb Shorterville Henry Valhermose Springs Portland Dallas Shottsville Marion Morgan Pottersville Pike Siluria Shelby Valley Head DeKalb Prairie Blufi Wilcox Silver Run Talladega VanDorn Marengo Prattville Autauga Sipsey Turnpike Verbena Chilton Pride Station Colbert [Tuscaloosa Vernon Sanford Princeton Jackson Six Mile Bibb Victoria Coffee Propell Shelby Skipperville Dale Village Spring Blount Providence Pickens Slate Hill Randolph Vilula Russell Pushmataha Choctaw Smallwood Tuscaloosa Violy Blount Rabbittown Calhoun Smith Station Lee Waccoochee Lee Radfordsville Perry Smithville Henry Waco Franklin Raif Branch Montgomery Snowdown Montgomery Waldo Talladega Rainer Montgomery Snow Hill Wilcox Walnut Grove Etowah Ram sey Sumter Society Hill Macon Walnut Hill Tallapoosa Randolph Bibb Somerville Morgan Warrenton Marshall Rawhide Lauderdale Southern Marshall Warrior Station Jefferson Red Apple Marshall South Florence Colbert Warsaw Sumter Red Bud Etowah South Hill DeKalb Waterloo Lauderdale Red Hill Marshall South Lowell Walker Waverly Lee Red Level Covington Sparta Conecuh Weaver Station Calhoun Redder's Mill Barbour Spencer Fayette Webster Fayette Reform Pickens Springfield Greene Weedowee Randolph Pehoboth Wilcox Spring Garden Cherokee Wehoga Cleburne Reid's Gap Walker Spring Valley Colbert Weogufka Coosa Richmond Dallas Springville St. Clair Wetona Jefferson Ringgold Cherokee Spruce Pine Franklin *Wetumpka Elmore River,Mills Dale Statesville Autanga Wheeler Station Lawrence Roanoke Randolph Steele's Depot St. Clair Whistler Mobile Robbins X Roads Jefferson Sterling Cherokee White Cloud Clay Rock Creek Colbert Stevenson Jackson White Hall Lowndes Rockdale Randolph Stewart Station Hale White Oak Springs Barbour Rockford Coosa Stewartville Coosa White Plains Calhoun Rock Mills Randolph Stockton Baldwin White Pond Barbour Rocy Mount Clay Stone Hill Cleburne Whitesburg Madison Rocky Plains Winston Stonewall Cherokee White's Gap Calhoun Rodentown DeKalb Strasburgh Chilton Whiting Escambia Rogersville Lauderdale Strata Crenshaw Whitney St Clair Rome Covington Sturdevant Tallapoosa Williams' Escambia Romulus Tuscaloosa Suggsville Clark Williams Mill Covington Rosebud Wilcox Summerfield Dallas Wilmington Walker Rose Hill Covington Summitt Blount Wilson Escambia Rosewood Cleburne Suspension Bullock Wilsonville Shelby Round Mountain Cherokee Sweet Water Marengo Windham's Pickens Round Pond St Clair Sycamore Talladega Woodland Mills Morgan Rural Clarke Sykes' Mill Elmore Wood's Bluff Clarke Russellville Franklin Sylacauga Talladega Wood Station Jefferson Rutledge Crenshaw Sylvan Tuscaloosa Woodstock Bibb Ryan Creek Winston *Talladega Talladega Wooten Blount St. Clair Lowndes Tallahatta Springs Clarke Woodville Js-ckson St. Elmo Mobile Tannehill Tuscaloosa Wynnvllle Blount St. Stephens Washington Tayloe's Station Perry Yongesborough Lee St. Store Colbert Taylor Geneva York Walker Salem Sal Soda Saluda Lee Tecumseh Crenshaw Tensaw Sanford Texas Cherokee York Station Sumter Baldwin Marion Arkansas. Sand Mountain Sand Rock Sand Tuck DeKalb Thomas Station Cherokee Thorn Hill Elmore Three Notch Bullock Marion Post Office. Bullock Adamsville County Bradley * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--Arkansas Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-offiicc. County. Albany Pulaski Alder Brook Independence Alexander Pulaski Alicia Lawrence Alma Crawford Alpha Yell Alpine Clark Altus Franklin Amity Clark Antoine Pike Aplin Perry Argenta Pulaski *Arkadelpliia Clark Arkansas City Cliicot Arkansas Post Arkansas A*h E'lat Sharp Askew Lee Atkins Pope Auburn Lincoln *Augusta Woodruff Aurora Madison Austin Lonoke Avoca Benton Barfield Mississippi Barren Fork Izard Barton Phillips *Batesville Independence Baxter Drew Bear Creek Searcy Bee Branch Van Buren Beebe Station White Beech Creek Ashley Beech Woods Newton Beith's Landing Desha Belcher's Prairie Belfast Grant Bellefonte Boone Bell's Store Nevada Belleville Jefferson Belmont Crawford Ben Lomond Sevier Bennett's Bayou Baxter Benton Saline *Bentonville Benton Bernard Chicot Berryville Carroll Beverly Sebastian Big Bend Polk Big Bottom Independence Big Fork Polk Big Hill Calhoun Big North Fork Baxter Billingsley Washington Blackfish Crittenden Black Fox Johnson Black Jack Sebastian Black Oak Izard Black Springs Montgomery Blands Saline Blocker Logan Bloomer Sebastian Bloomfield Benton Bloomington Benton Blue Ball Scott Blue Mountain Stone Bluff City Nevada Bluffton Yell Boles Scott Bolesville Pope Booneville Logan Boonsboro' Washington Boston Mountain Newton Boughton Nevada Bowen's Ridge Jackson Boydsville Clay Bradford White Bradley Dorsey Brazils Saline Bright Star Miller Brinkley Monroe Brocton Pike Brooks Grant Brushy Lake Cross Bryant Saline Buck Horn Stone Buck Knob Scott Bucklin St Francis Buena Vista Ouachita Burlington Boone Butts Store Johnson Cabin Creek Johnson Cabot Lonoke Cadron Faulkner Calamine Sharp Caledonia Union Calf Creek Searcy Calhoun Columbia *Camden Washita Campbell Saline Cane Creek Faulkner Caney Nevada Canton Sharp Carden's Bottom Yell Carlisle Prairie Carrollton Carroll Carson Jefierson Carter's Store Washington Cass Franklin Cassville Newton Caulksville Logan Cave Creek Newton Cedar Creek Scott Cedarville Crawford Center Hill White Center Point Howard Centerville Montgomery Chalk Bluff Clay Chambersville Calhoun Champagnolle Union Chapel Hill Sevier Charleston Franklin Cherokee City Benton Cherry Grove Grant Cherry Valley Cross Chester Desha Chismville Logan Chocoville Sebastian Cincinnati Washington Claimandar Lawrence Clarendon Monroe *Clarksvllle Johnson Clayton Hempstead Clayville Clay Clear Creek Boone Clear Spring Clark Clear Water White Cleburne Cross Clifton Lee Cliffy Madison Clinton Van Buren Clover Bend Lawrence Coal Hiil Johnson Ooffeyville Jackson College Hill Columbia Collegeville Saline Collins Drew Columbus Hempstead Como Dallas Convenience Independence Conway Faulkner Cooper's Landing Arkansas Cornersville Lincoln Corning Clayton Cos satot Sevier Cotton Plant Woodruff Council Bend Lee Cove Polk Crawfordsville Crittenden Creswell Dorsey Crockett's Blufl Arkansas Cross Hollow Benton Crowley Greene Curia Independence Dallas Polk Dalton Randolph Danville Yell *I)ardanelle Yell Darysaw Grant Dayton Sebastian De La Plaine Greene Delaware Yell Denmark Jackson Dermott Chicot DeRoche Hot Springs Des Arc Prairie Devall's Bluff Prairie DeView Woodruff De Witt Arkansas Dickson Benton Dobbsville Marion Donaldson Hot Springs Double Wells Jefferson Dover Pope Drake's Creek Madison Dry Fork Carroll Duncan Monroe Durham Washington Dutch Mills Washington Eagle Mill Polk Eden Columbia Edmondson Crittenden Eglantine Van Buren El Dorado Union Elgin Jackson Ellsworth Logan Elm Springs Washington Elm Store Randolph Elm Wood Boone Elon Ashley El Passo White Emmett Nevada Enterprise Sebastian Eubank's Mills Johnson Eureka Cross Evansville Washington Evening Shade Sharp Evergreen Washington Fair View Dallas Falcon Nevada Farmington Washington Farribaville Sevier *Fayetteville Washington Fitzhugli's Mill Grant Flat Bayou Jefferson Florence Drew Forrest City St. Francis Fort Douglas Johnson *Fort Smith Sebastian Fountain Hill Ashley Franklin Izard Fulton Hempstead Gaines' Landing Chicot Gainesville Greene Galloway Pulaski Game Hill Franklin Garner's Station White Garretson's Landing [J efferson Gaston's Mills Montgomery Germantown Conway Gifford Hot Springs Glass Village Conway Golden Hill Arkansas Golden Lake Mississippi * Money Order Offices. 6 Post-offices--A rkansas, Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Goodbars Lonoke Goodwin St. Francis Goshen Washington Graddy Landing Lesha Graham Independence GrangeviUe Izard Grant Madison Gravelly Hill Yell Gravel Ridge Bradley Greenback Jefferson Greenbrier Faulkner Green Forrest Carroll Green Mount Lincoln Green Ridge Scott Greensb'rough Craighead Greenwood Sebastian Guernsey Hempstead Gum Log C Gluur'd/!ort Pope Clark H'Haacmkebtut rCgity Sebastian Ashley Hamilton Lonoke Hampton '"alhoun Harold Montgomery Harrisburg Poinsett Harrison Boone Hartford Sebastian Harwood Island Chicot Hazel Grove Lawrence Hazel Valley Washington Hazen Prairie Heckatoo Lincoln Helena Phillips Hermitage Bradley Herndon Greene Hickory Creek Hempstead Hickory Hill Monroe Hickory Plain Prairie Hickory Valley [Independence Hico Benton Higginson White Hillsborough Union Mindsville Madison Hiram White Hockers Jefferson Holly Grove Monroe Holly Springs Balias Hollywood Clark Homan Miller Hope Hempstead Hopefleld Crittenden Hopeviile Calhoun Horsehead Johnson Hot Springs Garl nd Huntsville Madison Hurricane saline Hurricane Hill Lafayette Indian Bay Monroe Indian Creek Carroll Isabella Pope Iuka Baxter Jackson Randolph Jacksonbur ak Bower Hart Resaca Gordon Subiigna Chattooga Oak Grove Fulton Reynolds Taylor Sugar Hill Hall Oakland Meriwether Riceborough Liberty Sugar Valley Gordon Oak Ridge Meriwether Richland Stewart Summerville Chattooga Ochlochnee Thomas '''Ringgold Catoosa Sumner Worth Ocilla Irwin Rising Fawn Dade Sun Hill Washington Oconee Washington Riverside Berrien Sunnyside Spalding Odom Emanuel Rocklo Heard Surrency Appling Cgeecliee Screven Rock Mart Polk Sutallee Cherokee Oglethorpe Macon Rock Spring Walker Suwanee Gwinnett Ohoopee Tattnall Rocky Ford Screven Swainsboro' Emanuel Oliver Screven Rocky Mount Meriwether SweetWater Gwinnett O'Neal's Mills Troup "Rome Floyd Sylvania Screveu Ophir Cherokee Roswell Cobb Talbottom Talbot Orange Cherokee Ruckerville Elbert Talking Rock Pickens Orchard Hill Spaulding Rural Vale Whitfield Tallapoosa Haralson Osceola Oconee Russellville Monroe Tallocus Brooks Ously Lowndes Rutledge Morgan Tallulah Habersham Owensbyville Heard Saint Elmo Schley Tarvers ville Twiggs Owen's Ferry Camden Saint Marks Meriwether Taylor's Creek Liberty Oxford Newton Saint Mary's Camden Taylorsville Bartow Palmetto Campbell Saint Simon's Mills Glynn Tazewell Marion Paoli Madison Sallacoa Cherokee Tebeauville Ware Parker's Store Hart Salt Spring Douglas TelogaSprings Chattooga Parramore Hill Screven "Sandersville Washington Temperance Telfair Pataula Stewart Sand Hill Carroll Tennille Washington Patterson Pierce Sand Town Campbell Texas Heard Peach Stone Shoals Henry Sandy Cross Oglethorpe The Rock Upson Pearson Coffee Sandy Ridge Henry Thomaston Upson Peeksville Henry Sandy Slue Coffee Thomasville Thomas Pelham Mitchell Santa Luca Gilmer Thomson McDuffie Pendarvis Wayne Satilla Bluff Camden Tifion Berrien Penfleld Greene "Savannah Chatham Tiger Rabun Peppard's Mill Clinch Saw Dust Columbia Tilton Whitfield Perry Houston Scarboro' Screven Toccoa Habersham Perry's Mills Tattnall Schlatterville Pierce Toombsborough Wilkinson Phillip's Mill Coffee Screven Wayne Towaliga Butts Pierceville Fannin Senoia Coweta Town Creek Gilmer Pine Bloom Ware Seven Islands Butts Towns Telfair Pine Grove Appling Seward Montgomery Trader's Hill Charlton * Money Order Offices. 12 Post-offices--Georgia--Kentucky. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Tranquilla Jones Trenton Dade Trickum Whitfield Trion Factory Chattooga Troup Factory Troup Tugalo Habersham Tunnel Hill Whitfield Turin Coweta Turkey Creek Dooley Turkey Creek Mills Carroll Turpentine P'arm Worth Tusculum Effingham Twiggsville Twiggs Two Run Lumpkin TyeT^e Worth Union Stewart Union Point Greene Uniouville Monroe Upatole Muscogee Valdosta Lowndes Valley store Chattooga Van's Valley Floyd Vanzandt's Store Fannin Varnell's Station Whitfield Vernon Troup Vickery's Creek Forsyth Victory Carroll Vienna Dooly Villanow Walker Villa Rica Car; oil Vining Station Cobb Visage Towns Wadley Jefferson Wahoo Lumpkin Walesca Cherokee Walker Station Dougherty Walnut Grove Walton Walnut Hill Franklin Walthourville Liberty Waresborouah Ware Warm Springs Meriwether Warnerville Meriwether Warrenton Warren Warthen Washington Warwick Worth Wrr Woman Rabun * Washington Wilkes Watkinsville Oconee Waverly Hall Harris Way Cross Ware Waymanville Upson Waynesboro' Bu ke Waynesville Wayne Way's Station Bryan Webster Place Eibert Westbrook West Point Sumter Troup White Oak Columbia White Plains Greene Whitesburgh Carroll White Sulphur Springs Meriwether Whitesville Harris Whittle Washington Wildwood Dade Willacoochee Coffee Williamsburgh Calhoun Windsor Walton Winfield Columbia Winterville Oglethorpe Wisdom's Store Harris Wolfskin Oglethorpe Woodbury Meriwether Woodlawn Murray Woodstock Cherokee Woodstock Mills Appling Woodville Greene Wooley's Ford Hall Worthville Wrightsvilie Ye low Creek Yellow River York Young Cane Zebulon Butts Johnson Dawson Gwinnett Houston Union Pike Kentucky, Post office County. Aaron's Run Montgomery Adairsville Logan Adams' Mills Pulaski Albany Clinton Albany Landing Cumberland Alexandria Campbell Aliceton Boyle Allendale Greene Allen Springs Allen Allen's Store Casey Allenville Todd Allodial Lewis Alton Anderson Alum Springs Boyle Anchorage Jefferson Antioch Washington Antioch Mills Harrison Argillite Greenup Arlington Ballard Ashbysburg Hopkins AAsshhClaanmdp Pike Boyd AAthuebnusrn Augusta Fayette Logan Bracken Aurora Marshall Backusburgh Calloway Bacon Creek Hart Bagdad Shelby Bainbridge Christian Bakersport Hopkins Bakerton Cumberland Bald Rock Laurel Bangor Morgan BBaanrkboLuicrskville Bardstown Kenton Knox Nelson Bardstown Junction Bullitt Bard well Ballard Bark Camp Mills Whitley Ba. low City Ballard Bachelor's Rest Pendleton Baugh's Station Logan Bayly's Creek Harlan Bayou Mills Livingston Beard's Station Oldham Beatty ville Lee Beaver Floyd Beaver Dam Ohio Beaver Lick Boone Beda Ohio Bedford Trimble Beeehland Washington Bee Lick Lincoln Bee Spring Edmondson Belle View Christian Belmont Bullitt Bennettstown Christian Benson Franklin Bent Branch Pike Benton Marshall Berea Madison Berlin Braken Berry's Lick Berry's Station Butler Harrison Berry ville Bethany Bethel Bethlehem Wayne Owen Bath Henry Beverly Christian Bewleyville Breckinridge Big Clifty Grayson Big Creek Clay Big Hill Big Ready Madison Edmonson Big Renox Cumberland Big Rock Harlan Big Spring Breckinridge Birdsville Livington Birk's City Daviess Birmingham Marshall Black Hawk Nicholas Black Water Wolfe Blaine Lawrence Blsir'sMiils Morg n Blandville Ballard Bloomfield Nelson Blue Lick Springs Nicholas Bluff City Henderson Boaz Graves Bolton Mercer Bolt's Fork Boyd Boone's Camp Johnson Boone Furnace Carter Booneville Owsley Bordley Union Boston Nelson Boston Station Pendleton Botland Bowling Green Nelson Warren Boxville Union Boyd's Station Harrison Boydsville Graves Bradford Bracken Bradfordsville Marion Brafford's Store Knox Bramlette Gallatin Bradenburg Mead Breedings Adair Bremen Muhlenburg Brewer's Mills Marshall Bridgeport Franklin Bridgeville Bracken Briensburg Marshall Bristow Station Warren Broadhead Rockcastle Broadwell Harrison Brooklyn Butler Brooksville Bracken Browningsville Bracken Brown's X Ronds Clinton Brownsborough Oldham Rrownsville Edmonson Bruin Elliott Brumfield Station Boyle Bryant'R Station Knox Bryantville Garrard Buchanan Lawrence Buck Creek Owsley Buckeye Garrard Buckner's Station Oldham Buffalo LaRue Buford Ohio Bullittsville Boone Burkesvilie Cumberland Burlington Boone Bush's Store Laurel Butler Pendleton Butlersville Allen Cabin Creeic Cadiz Lewis Trigg Money Order Offices, Post-offices--Kentucky 13 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Cain's Store Pulaski Cairo Henderson Caledonia Trigg Calhoun McLean California Campbell Callaway Bell Calvei t City Marshall Campbellsburg Henry < lampbellsville Taylor Camp Knox Green Campton Wolfe Canada Pike Canby Owen Cane Ridge Bourbon Cane Spring Depot Bullitt Cane Valley Adair Caney Morgan Caneyville Grayson Cannon Bell Cannonsburg Boyd Canton Trigg Carey's Cumberland Carlisle Nicholas "Carrollton Carroll Carrs Lewis Carrsville Livingston Cars Fork Letcher Cartilage Campbell Casey Creek Adair *Casyville Union Casky'sStation Christian CCaatatlwetbtasburg Pendleton Boyd Cato Pulaski Cave City Barren Caverna Hart Cave Spring Station Logan Cayce Station Fulton Ceeilian Hardin Cedar ITke Cedar Grove Estill Cedar Springs Allen Center Metcalfe Centerpoint Monroe Centertown Ohio Centerville Bourbon Ceralvo Ohio Cerulean Springs Spring Chapel Nicholas Chapel Hill Allen Chaplin Nelson Charlotte Furnace Carter Chatham Bracken Cherokee Lawrence Chestnut Grove Shelby Chicago Marion Cliilesbureli Fayette Christian sburg Shelby Church Hill Christian Clark's Creek Grant Claryville Campbell Clay Webster Clay pool Warren Clay's Village Shelby Claysville Harrison Clear Spring Graves Cleveland Fayette Clifford Lawrence Clifton's Mills Breckinridge Clifty . Todd Clinton Hickman Clintonville Bourbon Clio Pulaski Clover Bottom Jackson Clover Fork 11 arlan Cloverport Breckinridge Lloyd's Land'g Cumberland Coal Run Pike Coal ton Cold Spring Campbell Cold Water Callaway Coldwell's Store Anderson Colemansville Harrison Colesburgli Hardin College Hill Madison Colliersville McCracken Columbia . Adair *Columbus Hickman Coneord Lewis Connersvi.le Harrison Constance Boone Cool Spring Ohio Coopersville Wayne Coral Hill Barren Cordovo Grant Corinth Grant Cornishville Mercer Corydon Henderson Count's Cross Roads carter Covington Kenton Cowan Fleming Cox's Creek Nelson Crab Orchard Lincoln Crane Nest Knox Creelsburg Russell Creswell Caldwell Crittenden Grant Crocket sville Brea th itt Crofton Christian Cromwell Ohio Cropper's Depot Shelby Crossland Callaway Cross Plains Metcalie Crutchfield Full on Cuba Graves cub Run Hart Cumberland City Clinton Cupio Bullitt Curdsville Daviess Curry's Run Harrison Custer Breckinridge Cutshin Perry *Cythiana Harrison Dabney Pulaski Dale Campbell Dallam's Creek Logan Dallas Pulaski *Danville Boyle Dawson Hopkins Daysville lodd Dayton Campbell Deatsville Nelson Deer Creek Carter Delaware Daviess Demossville Pendleton Dickey's Mills Edmondson Dividing Ridge Pendleton Dixon Webster Dog Creek Hart Dor on Doudsville Tike Pendleton Dover Mason Dry Fork Barren Dry Ridge Grant Dublin Ducker's Graves Woodford Dulaney Caldwell Duncan Me cer Durham Pulaski Duvall's Landing Greenup Dversburg Crittenden Eagle Hill Owen Eagle Station Carroll Earle's Muhlenburg Earlington Hopkins East Eagle Owen East Fork East Hickman East Point East View Eddyville Eden Edenton Edmonton Egypt Eighty-Eight Elizabethtown Eiizabethville Elizaville Elk Creek EEllkkHtoonrn Ella Elliottsville Elltston Elmwood Eminence English Eureka Metcalf Fayette Floyd Hardin Lyon Jefferson Madisou Metcalf Jackson Barren Hardin Pendleton Fleming Spencer Taylor Todd Hickman Rowan Grant W ebster Henry Carroll Lyon Evans' Mill Ewing Ewingford Exchange Ezel Fair Dealing Fairfield Fairmount Fairview Falls of Rough *Falmouth Fancy Farm Farleigh Farmdale Farmer's Farmersville Farmington Fearisville Whitley Fleming Trimble Marshall Morgan Marshall Nelson Jefferson Todd Grayson Pendleton Graves Hardin Franklin Rowan Caldwell Graves Lewis Ferguson's Station Login Fern Creek Jefferson Fearn Leaf Mason Fillmore Logan Finchville Shelby Fisherville Jefferson Fish Point Rockcastle Fish Trap Pike Flagfork Franklin Flag Spring Campbell Flat Gap Johnson Flat Lick Knox Fla' Rock Pulaski *Flemingsburg Fleming Flingsville Grant Flint Island Mead Flippin Monroe Florence Boone Florence Station McCracken Floyd's Fork Jefferson Ford's Ferry Crittenden Fordsville Ohio Forest Cottage Clinton torestville Hart Forks of Elkhorn Franklin Forks of Tygar Carter Fort Jefferson Ballard Foster Bracken FForuanntkafionrRt un Franklin Monroe Franklin Simpson Franklin's Mills Fleming F-anklinton Henry Frederiektown Washington Fredonia Caldwell Freedom Barren * Money Order Offices. 14 Post-offices--R en tucky. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Frencliburgh Menifee Friendship Caldwell Frozen Creek Breathitt Fruit Hill Christian Fulton Station Fultou Gamaliel Monroe Gap Ridge Harlan Garden Cottage Pulaski Gardnersville Pendleton Garnettsville Mead Garrett Meade Garrettsburg Christian Geigers ville Carter Geneva Henderson George's Creek Lawrence '^Georgetown Scott Germantown Mason Gethsemane Nelson Ghent Carroll Gilbert's Creek Station Lincoln Gilbertsville Marshall Gill's Mills Rowan *Glasgow Barren *Glasgow Junction Barren Glencoe Gallatin Glendale Hardin Glen's Fork Adair Glenwood Lawrence Glover's Creek Metcalie Golden Pond Trigg Goochland Rockcastle Goodloe Floyd Gordon ville Logan Goshen Oldham Gouge's Grant Gradyville Adair Graefenburg Shelby Grand View Hardin Grange City Fleming Grant Boone Grant's Lick Campbell Grapevine Perry Grassland Boyd Grassy Creek Morgan Gratz Owen Gravel Switch Marion Gray Hawk Jackson Grayson Carter Grayson Springs Grayson Grayson Spring Station Grayson Great Crossings Scott Green Castle Warren Green Hall Jackson Greene Hill Warren *Greensburg Greene *Greenup Greenup Greenup Fork Owen *Gr<"enville Muhlenburg Greenwood Pulaski Grider Cumberland Grissom's Landing Daviess Grundy Pulaski Gum Grove Union Gum Sulphur Rockcastle Guthrie Todd Guy's Creek Perry Hadensville Todd Hadley Warren Haley's Mill Christian Hall's Gap Station Lincoln Hall's Store Powell Hallsville ' Perry Hamilton Boone Hammonville Hart Hanly Jessamine Hanson Hopkins Hardensburg Breckinridge Hardin Springs Hardin Hardyville Hart Harlan Harlan Harmony Owen Harper's Ferry Henry Harreldville Butler Harrisburgh Owen Harris Grove Callaway Harrisonville Shelby *Harrodsburg Mercer Harrod's Creek Jefferson *Hartford Ohio Hatfield Pike Havilandsville Harrison Hawesville Hancock Hayesville Meade Haynesville Ohio Hazard Perry Hazle Green Wolfe Hazle Patch Laurel Hazlewood Ballard Head Quarters Nicholas Hebbardsville Henderson Hebron Boone Hedges Clark Helena Mason ^Henderson Henderson Henderson's Mills Marshall *Hickman Fulton Hickory Flat Simpson Hickory Grove Graves Hico Callaway High Grove Nelson High Knob Clay Highland Lincoln Hill Grove Meade Hillsboro' Fleming Hill Spring Henry Hinkleville Ballard Hiserville Barren Hodgensville La Rue Holbrook Grant Holly Hill Whitley Home Pike Hopewell Greenup *Hopkinsville Christian Horn's Store Grayson Horse Branch Ohio Horse Shoe Bottom Russell House's Store Clay Houston Bourbon Howard's Mills Montgomery Howe's Valley Hardin Hudsonville Breckinridge Hueysville Floyd Huitsville Union Huntiewell Greenup Hunter's Depot Nelson Huntersville Clinton Hurricane Crittenden Hustinville Lincoln Hutchinson's Bourbon Huxly Laurel Hyattsville Garrard Independence Kenton Indian Bottom Letcher Indian Creek Knox Indian Spring Campbell Inez Martin Iron Hill Crittenden Irvine Estill Irvin's Store Russell Island City Owsley Island Station McLean Jackson Breathitt Jamestown Russell Jarvis' Store Knox Jeffersontown Jefferson Jeffersonville Montgomery Jericho Henry Jett's Creek Breathitt Johnson Junction Fleming Johnson's Christian Johnson's Forks Magoffin Jordan Station Fultou Kane Campbell Kansas Graves Keene Jessamine Kelly Christian Kenton Kenton Kentontown Roberson K eysburg Logan Key West Kenton Kiddville Clark Kings Creek Letcher Kings Mill Henderson Kings Mountain Lincoln Kingston Madison Ivirkmansville Todd Ivlrksey Callaway Kirks viBe Madison Knob Lick Metcalfe Knottsville Daviess Knoxville Pendleion Kuetaway Lyon La F'ayette Christian La Grange Oldham Lair's Station Harrison Lancaster Garrard Lanesville Floyd Laura Furnace Trigg Laurel Bluff Muhlenburg Laurel Bridge Laurel Laurel Creek Clay Lawrenceburg Anderson Lawrenceville Grant Lead Mine Henry Leather's Store Anderson *Lebanon Marion Lebanon Junction Bullitt Leesburg Harrison Lenoxburgh Bracken Leonard Harland Levee, Montgomery Level Green Rockcastle Levingood Pendleton Lewisburgh Logan Lewisport Hancock *Lexington Fayette Liberty Casey Line Creek Pulaski Linton Trigg Litchfield Grayson Little Creek Pike Little Cypress Marshall Little Eagle Scott Little Flat Bath Little Hickman Jessamine Little Mount Spencer Little Sandy Elliott Livermore McLean Livia McLean Lochlan Jefferson Lockport Henry Locust Branch Estill Locust Grove Callaway Logansport Butler Loglick Clark London Laurel Long Falls Creek McLean Long Grove Hardin Long Run Jefferson Long View Christian Loretto Marion * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--Kentucky, 15 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. I Post-office. County. LLL*LLLLLLLLLLLLM M M M M M M M M M M VM M M M M M M M M M M M MM IM M M M M M M M M M M oM oooooouM M uoM M M M M M M yyM M M M M M M M M yyyM M M M .ctcccccoaswwttavaussaadaaaaw aanacnaaaaanoneeAaeeeKaDiiiLiiKitpiPbtiiiaiigcuoiiiyinorrreiiarosoiorHiosrloyoxsrdddnldaPdlnnennellellm rlldlnnCnsntosim ilrsytyofkf'ootsehbnilyltelRlncalsnnnlooolocnddiscwoednlotidnoiaeheevoishsaooweieeiawttvnfno'rlevhninrnehosuaCeSptntndttolshltnonolevneadsnlwuciPnsfrrarnircreGeLgiaaeiedpvnrevioir'oeeleorhCf'yswdvlsepvgscsnrwlinaCeglklegensriyvysaoenls'biieiibltllsnybblM nolvvriSvsialem eavroslekelvrecFlldoe'lervislrtlm lonCCuCso'luiuledCveidillM yvsel'ektisnvikeSiweensolilllveiprlaenesJrlribirwrlrliloleeilrlgtlggltgreeleelerktueillenCeeukaeyrlelilksleeeyeneloetrrskkikgoBcnoBM stC.nrW sBirM eoM M euCuLRLrcBcnJaJhom eHrkGccaHeoaW keW sW GlJnciJrGBKW CCiW M wLfeBLhwNftaM BbaDJiGGaeeW rM kGntoH LTtffnaGTBnodaeiganrRoherrefceW LeaaLM M K eorOeiLrW rriLpnachrraraarirfhroTM oceblsBnCeoraotccieaknnieatrararOBA uaaonurvLaeA eiiGBlgCCkecytcciOCldwahnnnkdisSTnayushraaRordm nrrdm calasadtlvrtyaargvwuracistwkkhtacuseiohilaiogeodlfrvdassolusofirclleoodbrlkcwrslcrceygrosneesnsgdaayueoeatoosoeateeaooeeooeteeirbysgnodnidienyoesieaepinkxeoollnoaeestnnnneorhodsygyeggsnesyrelernnneensnrrrrannnyeslhysnilndlnnintdndenynlneygeeerslrrtM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M *M M M M M M M M M M M *M M NM NNNNNNNNNNNNN`NNNNNN N N NN OOOOOM OOOooOOOOOM ooN oNN ooooooooooooeooouaeoeeoooooeeooeoeeoeeueeuuurueeooeiorraaoacslooaaaorr'olgrdrrbtrpuuwwlloluudawuueuewBvwreuuuuwuuuwuuwsidgguiwlrngnwcrwnkkribkertlsstkkrkderrdrcrvodewtuhonnernnw nnienoatpSnnotnetnnanoartoooifaattoitt'bsLlllelBhfahhh'vehCstrrrnnnelttLndhhsnttH RCttohontH W HnswttEnlhaattttM apnnnlnsovboneupaaytioviaatggarnnfnrnH SEGOA CH 'LSsoeyeSH W oVoClrtnVoacu'aM Cioywusoir'aoBBM FloiddllooFvilsvaddadlslSfssgfksaehelgoadeananigGlnivapVleoireluiGervtlwonoviedatrvebilulvaeilhlLsntreltetheirdPeLhrllLgeerveSrdrkm M deidlniellelrim lidilseveariarnm nnl'eollleanolasoelekm aedaatsnrhsm lgsarpaklilbwrdoaitneerlM nlotneluteloainrleiyuleytlnnldaddnndrcenidstsiW enogigeoM ilnnlltnM wsogPagRoPRW H nnseuN JneoH JCFCohCJCBJenhtKH SiFnaoG cLRM H aJH iM gM bNliBcasM aoedalBJFUchrckodM peneBLM lBcieeNM H BCoosNelkNloM fW M aaom peAlSBohoaH ELknirofM dm llceBllgkafM uaA annenroaG m pccwm loueoufm eOih(kaaArGCeuaeohaepePacansnH ftrFePerllalm tSsspattRebennatehikram kwtwsolirllressllnrlaldloioseroslrolarrcookwrwaeotlisaaoilrallsrrnibeilnssrulcvtinsrooieeabohadrihortaculilktossaslaklniensnorenirneioonoaodnriaroonionnnblnacaoedgieenesrrrlsninnnotearotyenoeoanioenrerityeeerneyngyeaesnntngyenntrynltnnsnttnerdrlnnelnntnntnnsglddtsrll.rOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPOPPPPPPPPPPPPpPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPlPm lPPPPrrPPaPawPtaPPPPwaaaPxaPwaaPaaPPPaaPPam aeeayeeeaweeeeetceeeiahaiiiicigiiiiililrllriillfylrlrelllyltlaaotroeyeokolonm lneolnlnnnnootwm nrnrenynatayieednneem aem ereouuueeitkklestoelotrckneognrnunoinneienelepiegeppeetntrdeiavae'D'daaauttarasttvm m m nyenspshntps-orlb'tcaegeCiersolsdatsrdetvelllssstvlssseissicovessidseK GSiodoeM Lb'tkasaao'aeKvresTOlvsHvntalbam um aa'iuaFrbPbaiGsnylsiegoolovnrrreoFndselrLptM PeitilinrneunnilaannrnVehraonluoosl'sitcoloeklxnliew olrH eereDroeeiblltlkM GrtesttFbltlovrleoorknriocrukieileaervtSgleevorlgnklnunV H.VH 'eeiRCtue'blkvHrelRkanelii'plisasglporrtgllllesritoeaiiglliratlosvdaeelaleM dLiylemihlletwenilgM nglneakJgeiM eteyBnlM uuCsM lPdnruhM RuuPJeaicchlCnM CH FJem M hM BHcreoeCtDW liH JoJgfH kNlikLOnhW BOnrceM LlhFFBW aoB'DM eM fabeeaoW rPleahDAaaH SkniOH bGrdReaM rnsaeaM ifulolonnH BfrlhBleH BBtnnK daSvainuH BBanaicceefhdbhrdrufcSscelta'CracarsgbuarcOsoweLrirheiTrerivosseCcaOheodclaem Pkm hsurankbaheuehivtlnorartosayaretcoaeirbrurOwaooirln.iBthtlaireoaiootyooiwigelierraodillleaoaiivbaelrstaysrtwoocselsonennaoshcssralnnfibindwlncierkllenahndltgelhnlnstnhtasenm m egrnonoegokslnneoiyettenkxnankeentyrnlaleseeyerdneekedytetlnisesienneynnynggnsislortnysr * Money Order Offices, County. Ruddle's Mills Bourbon Sonora Hardin Rumsey MeLane Sorghotown Daviess Rush Branch Marion South Carrollton Russell Greenup Muhlenburg ^Russellville Rutland Ryland Logn n South Covington Harrison South Elkhorn Kenton South Fork Ken on Fayette Owsley Sacramento McLean South Oak Hickman Saint Bernard Livingston South Union Logan Saint Charles Hopkins Southville Shelby Saint John Hardin Sparta Station Gallatin Saint John's Asylum Spears Jessamine Kenton Speedwell Madison Saint Mary's Marion Spottsville Henderson *Princeton Caldwell Saint Mathew's Jefferson Spring Creek Clay Proctor Lee Salem Livingston Springdale Mason Prosperity Lawrence Saloma Taylor Springfield Washington Providence Webster Salt Creek Perry Spring Grove Union Pryorsburg Quality Valley Graves Salt Trace Butler Salvi sa Harlan Spring Hill Depot Henry Mercer Spring Lick Grayson Quarry Switch Bullitt Salyersville Magoffin Springport Henry Quincy Lewis Samuel's Depot Nelson Spring Station Woodford Rabbittsville Logan Sandy Fork Clay Springville Greenup Raccoon Laurel Sandy Hook Elliott Spruce Gap Wolfe Raccoon Bend Laurel Sardis Mason Squiresvilie Owen Raleigh Union Schochoh Logan Stamping Ground S oi.t Randolph Metcalfe Science Hill Pulaski Stanford Lincoln Raywick Marion Scott Kenton Stanton Powell Rec'orviile Mason Scottsburgh Caldwell Star Lime Works Lyon Red Bird Bell Scott's Station Shelby Stephensburg Hardin Red Hill Hardin Scottsville Allen Stephensport Breckinridge Red Lick Metcalfe Scuflletown Henderson Steubenville Wayne Red Oak Grayson Seaville Washington Stewart Mercer Red River Iron Works Sebree Webster Stewartsville Grant Estill Seven Guns Union Stillwater Wolfe Red River Mills Logan Seventy-six Clinton Stithton Hardin Reedyville Butler Sexton's Creek Clay Stone Hill Laurel Reynoldsville Bath Seymour Hart Stonewall Scott Richardson's Landing Shady Grove Crittenden Stony Point Bourbon Meade Shady Nook Harrison Straight Fork Scott Richardsville Warren Shannon Mason Stubblefield Graves Richland Harrison Sharon Grove Todd Sublimity Pulaski Rich Lien Logan Sharpsburg Bath Sugar Creek Gallatin *Richmond Madison Sharpsville Washington Sugar Grove - Butler Rich Pond Grove Warren Shawhan Bourbon Sugar Tree Spring Taylor Riley's Station Marion Shearer Valley Wayne Sulphur Fork Henry Rineyville Hardin Shelby City Boyle Sulphur Lick Monroe Rio Hart *Shelbyville Shelby Sulphur Springs Ohio Ripyville Anderson Shepherdsville Bullitt Summerville Greene Roaring Spring Trigg Sherburn Mills Fleming Summit Hardin Robard's Station Henderson Sherman Grant Sweet Owen Owen Robertson's Station Sherman ville Casey Sylvan Dell Harrison Harrison Shiloh Calloway Symsonia Graves Robinson's Creek Pike Shopville Pulaski Tampico Taylor Rochester Butler Short Creek Grayson Tar Creek Breckinridge Rock Bridge Monroe Side View Montgomery Tatevi le Pulaski Rock Castle Trigg Si loam Whitley Taylor's Station Jefferson Rock Bale Owen Silver Creek Madison Taylorsville Spencer Rockfield Warren Simpsonville Shelby Temple Hill Barren Rock Haven Mead Sims Store Caldwell Ten Mile Campbell Rockhold's Whitley Sinai Anderson Tennessee Rolling Works Rockhouse Letcher Sinking Fork Christian Lyon Rockland Mills Metcalle Skidmore Clay Texas Washington Rock Lick Breckinridge Skinner's Shop Bourbon The Glades Laurel Rockport Ohio Slack Mason Thompsonville Pulaski Rocky Hills Barron Slanghtersville Webster Thomson Clarke Rocky Hill Station Slickaway Fayette Three Springs Harp Edmonson Slick Rock Barren Tietzville Bracken Rocky Point Monroe vSlusher's Mill Bell Tilton Fleming Rosedale Letcher Smallwood Clay Todd's Point Shelby Rose Hill M ercer Kmileytown Spencer Tolesborough Lewis Roseville Ba rren Smith field Henry Tompkinsvllle Monroe Rosin e Ohio *Smithland Livingston Townsville Butler Rough Creek Breckinridge Smith's Grove Warren Tracy Barren Rowlett's Depot Hart Smith's Mills Henderson Traveler's Rest Owsley Rowena Russell Smithsonville Harrison Trenton Todd Royalton Russell Smithville Bullitt Trigg Furnace Trigg Ruckersville Clark Somerset Pulaski Troy Woodford * Money Order Offices. MWK-(V. - ;r.r. .yssr..- Post-offices--Kentucky--Louisiana. 17 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. Parish. Trussville Tunnel Hill Twin Mills Twin Oaks Owen Hardin Lee Graves Winchester Wingo's Station Winona Winston Clark Bonnet Carre Graves St. John Baptist Trimble Bordelonville Avoyelles Estill Boreta St. Landry Louisiana. Underwood Hopkins Union Boone Union City Madison Union Star Breckinridge *Uniontown Union Upper Tygart Carter Uptonville Hardin Utica Daviess Valley Lewis Valley Oak Pulaski Valley Station Jefferson Vaticeburg Lewis Vanderburgh Webster Vaughan's Store Christian Verona Boone Versailles Woodford Vine Grove Hardin Vineyard Logan Viola Station Graves Visalia Kenton Waco Madison Wadesboro' Callaway Wade's Mill Clarke Wallin's Creek Harlan Wallonia Trigg Walnut Hill Fayette Walnut Lick Gallatin Walton Boone Ward City Johnson Warfield Martin Warsaw Gallatin Washington Mason Waterford Spencer Waterloo Pulaski Water Valley Graves Waverly Union Waynesboro' Lincoln Webb's Green Webbville Lawrence Webster Breckinridge Welch's Creek Butler Wesley Hickman West Bend Powell West Cllfty Grayson West Fork Christian West Liberty Morgan West Louisville Daviess Westonburg Crittenden West Plains Graves West Point Hardin Westport Oldham West Upon Owen Whippoorwill Laurel White Hall Madison White House Kenton White Lilly Laurel White Mills Hardin White Oak Morgan White Oak Gap Pulaski White Plains Hopkins Wolf Creek Meade Woodbine Whitles Woodburn Warren Woodbury Butler Woodsonvillo Hart Woodstock Pulaski Woodville / McCracken Worthington Jefferson Worth ville Carroll Wurtland Greenup Wyoming Bath Yellow Creek Bell Yelvington Daviess Yocum Morgan Young's Creek Whitley Young's Springs Bath Zion Henderson Zion Station Grant Post-office. Parish Abbeville Vermillion A Albleexrm anadrrleia Assumption Rapides Algiers Orleans AlFain West Baton Rouge Allemand's St. Charles Alpha Caldwell Alto Richland Ambrosia East Baton Rouge Amite City Tangipahoa Anacoco V ernon Arcadia Bienville Areola Tangipahoa Arizona Claiborne Arnandville St. Landry Assumption Assumpton Athens Claiborne Atlanta Winn Babb's Bridge Rapides Baskinton Franklin Bastrop Morehouse Baton Rouge E. Baton Rouse Bayou Barbary Livingston Bayou Cheno St. Mary's Bayou Chicot St. Landry Bayou Goula Iberville Bayou La Chute Caddo Bayou Lacomb St. Tammany Bayou Tunica West Feliciana Bellalr Plaquemines Bellevue Bossier Bougere Caddo Bourgeois Landing Livingston Boutte St. Charles Breaux's Bridge St. Martin's Brooksville Iberville Bruly Landing West Baton Rouge Buck Horn Webster Bullitt's Bayou Concordia Burras Plaquemines Burr's Ferry Vernon Cadeville Ouachita Caledonia Callton Cameron Carroll Caldwell Cameron Campti Cane Ridge Carenco Carrollton Natchitoches Claiborne LaFayctte Jefferson Cassandra Avoyelles Castor Caldwell Castor Sulphur Springs Catahoula Centerville St. Mary's Chacahoula Station Terrebone Charenton St. Mary's Charlieville Cheneyville Cherry Ridge Church Point Richland Rapides Union St. Landry Churchville St. Landry Clinton East Feliciana Clio Livingston Cloutiersville Natchitoches Colfax Collinsburg Grant Bossier Columbia Columbus Convent Copenhagen Cotee Gelee Cotile Cotton Plant Cotton Valley Coushatta Chute Caldwell Sabine St. James Caldwell Lafayette Rapides Caldwell Webster Red River Covington Crane's Ford Cross Lake Crowville Cuba Cypre-mort D'Arbone 8t. Tammany Assumption Caddo Franklin Ouachita St. Mary's Lincoln Darlington St. Helena Darnell's Gin Delhi Delta Dennis' Mills Sabine Richland Madison St Helena White Run Whitesburg White Sulphur Whitesville Whitley C. H. Wild Cat Willard Williams Grayson Letcher Scott Daviess Whitley Whitley Carter Christian Benton Benton's Ferry Bertrand Bethany Big Bend, Big Cane Big Creek Big Woods Bossier Livingston Rapides Caddo Avoyelles St. Landry Grant Calcasieu Dickson's X Roads Bossier Donaldsonville Ascension Douglas Lincoln Downsville Union Dry Creek Calcasieu Duck Port Madison Edgard St. John Baptist Enterprise Catahoula WWilillilaiammss' Store town Casey Black Bayou Grant Black Hawk Cadoo Eureka Concordia Evergreen Caldwell Avoyelles Willisburg Washington Black Land Cottage Vernon Fabacher St. Landry Willow Shade Metcalfe Bluff Creek East Feliciana Fairview Concordia Willowtown Taylor Boufouca St. Tammany Farmersville Union Wilsonville Spencer Bonner Lincoln Fillmore Bossier * Money Order Offices. 3 18 Post-offices--Louisia na Post-office. Parish. Post-office. Parish. Post-office. Parish. Flat Creek Winn Floyd Carroll Forksville Ouachita Fort Jessup Sabine Fort Pike Orleans Franklin St. Mary's Franklinton Washington French Settlement Livingston Friendship Bienville Frogmore Concordia Funny Louis Catahoula Gansville Winn Girard Richland Gordon Claiborne Grnnd Chenier Cameron Grand Coteau St. Landry Grand Isle Jefferson Grand Marais Vermillion Grand Prairie Plaquemines Grappe's Bluff Natchitoches Greensborough Lincoln Greensburg St. Helena Greenwood Caddo Gretna Jefferson Grosman's Landing West Baton Rouge Hamilton Ouachita Hammond Tangipahoa Happy Jack Plaquemines Hard Times Landing Tensas Harrisonburg Catahoula Haynesville Claiborne Henderson Carroll Hermitage Point Coupee Hickory Flat Calcasieu Hickory Valley Winn Hineston Rapides Holly Springs Claiborne Holmesville Avoyelles Home Place Plapuemines Homer Claiborne Hood's Mills Jackson Hope Villa East Baton Rouge H Iloiauwmaara Terre Boone Carroll Independence Tangipahoa India Carroll Indian Village Ouachita Island Iberville Jackson East Feliciana Jeanerette Iberia Jena Catahoula Jesuits' Bend Plaquemines Kanomie Rapides Keatchie DeSoto Kellogg's Landing Madison Kenner Jefferson Kent's Store East Feliciana Kirk's Ferry Catahoula Knox Point Bossier Labadieville Assumption Lakassine Calcasieu Lake Arthur " Lake Charles " Lake Providence Carroll Lake Saint John Concordia LaPlace St. Martin's LaTeclie St. Mary's Leesvjlle Vernon Liberty Hi'l Bienville Lind Grove Morehouse Line " Lisbon Claiborne Live Oak Terrebonne Live Oak Store Livingston Livonia Point Coupee Locharbor Ouachita Lockport LaFourche Logan sport De Soto Log Town Ouachita Loggy Bayou Red River Lone Well Union Long Street De Soto Longwood Caddo Loreauville Iberia Love's Lake Red River Madisonville St. Tammany Magnolia East Baton Rouge Mandeville St. Tammany Manifest Catahoula Manny Sabine Mansfield De Soto Mansura Avoyelles Marion Union Marksville Avoyelles Marthaville Natchitoches Maurepas Livingston Mermenton St. Landry Milford Rapides Mill Creek Sabine Milliken's Bend Madison *Minden Webster *Monroe Ouachita Montcalm Bienville Montgomery Grant Mooringsport Caddo Moreauville Avoyelles Morgan City Brashear Mosley's Bluff Union Mound Maldsou Mount Lebanon Bienville Mount Pleasant Caldwell Musson Iberville *Natchitoches Natchitoches Negreet Sabine New Carthage Tensas * Mew Iberia Iberia *New Orleans Orleans Newport Winn New River Ascension New Saint Louis East Baton Rouge New Texas Point Coupee Niblett's Bluff Calcasieu Oak Grove Carroll Oakland Union Oakley Franklin Okalooska Opelousas Ouachita St Landry Orange City La Fourche Otts Mill Livingston Ouachita City Union Paincourtville Assumption Palestine Washington Pass Manchac Tangipahoa Pattersonville Si. Mary's Pearl River St. Tammany Petite Prairie St. Landry Phillip's Blurt' Calcasieu Pilot Town Plaquemines Pine Grove St. Helena Pine Ridge Winn Pineville Rapides *Plaquemine Iberville Plaquemine Brulee St. Landry Pleasant Hill De Soto Point a la Hache Plaquemines Point Coupee Point Coupee Point Jeff erson Morehouse Point Pleasant Tensas Ponchatoula Tangipahoa Port Fads Plaquemines Port Hudson East Feliciana Port Vincent Livingston Prairie Landing Franklin Prudhomme St. andry Raceland LaFourche Raphael Iberville Rayville Richland Red River Landing Point Coupee Rigolets Orleans Ringgold Bienville Rivers Lending Concordia Rochester Jackson Rocky Mount Bossier Rose Bluff Calcasieu Rosefleld Catahoula Rose Hill Caddo Saint Bernard St. Bernard St. Charles St. Charles *St. Francisville W. Feliciana St. Gabriel Iberville Saint James St. James St. Joseph Tensas St. Martinsville St. Marlins St. Maurice Winn Saint Patrick's St. James Saint Peter's St. Landry Saint Sophia Plaquemines Saline Bienville Sand Hill Livingston Scottsvllle Claiborne Shady Grove Washington Shiloh Shreveport Union Caddo Sicily Island Catahoula Himmsport Avoyelles Sparta Bienville Spearsville Union Springfield Livingston Spring Ridge Caddo Stony Point East Baton Rouge Sugartown Calcasieu Summerfleld Claiborne Sunny Hill Tangipahoa Tallulah Madison Tangapahoa Tangapahoa Terreboune Terrebonne The Bay Calcasieu The Forts Plaquemines *Thibodeaux LaFourche Tigerville Terre Bonne Tones Bayou Caddo Tooley's Concordia Transylvania Carroll Trenton Ouachita Trinity Catahoula Vermillionville Lafayette Vernon Jackson Vidalla Concordia Villa Platte St. Landry Vienna Lincoln Vista Ridge Carroll Walnut Creek Lincoln Walnut Hill Vernon WWaarssahwington Franklin St. Landry Waterloo Point Coupee Water Proof Tensas Waverly Madison Welcome St. James White Sulphur Springs Catahoula Whiteville St. Landry Wild Wood Catahoula Wilson's Point Carroll * Money Order Offices. XWTV- Post-offices--Louisiana--Mississippi. 19 Post-office. Parish. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Mississippi. Winfield Winn Winsborough Franklin Woodburn Morehouse Woodland East Feliciana Wood Park Plaquemines Woodville Lincoln Young's Station East Feliciana Youngsville Lafayette Post-office. County. Abbeville Aberdeen Lafayette Monroe Ada Choctaw Adamsville Greene Air Mount Yalabusha Alexander Issaquena Alexis Tunica Allen's Store Tishomingo Allgood's Mill Noxubee Americus Jackson Antioch Alcorn Appleton Harrison Areola Washington Arkabutla Tate Artesia Lowndes Ash Creek Oktibbeha Ashland Benton Atlanta Chickasaw Auburn Hinds Augusta Perry Austin Tunica Australia Bolivar Bahala Copiah Baldwyn Lee Baloil Marshall Bankston Choctaw Banner Calhoun Batesville Panola Bay Saint Louis Hancock Bay Springs Tishomingo Beech'Springs Neshobi Bellefontaine Sumner Belmont Tishomingo Benela Calhoun Benton Yazoo Bethlehem Marshall Beulah Union Bigby Fork Itawamba Big Creek Calhoun Big Springs Clay Biloxie Harrison Black Hawk Carrol 1 Black Jack Benton Blackmonton Carroll Blue Mountain Tippah Bogue Chitto Lincoln Bolands Itawamba Bolivar Bolivar Bolton's Depot Hinds *Boonevillo Prentiss Bovina Warren BBrraadnledyon Oktibbeha Rankin BBrridogoekpHoratven Simpson Lincoln Brookville Noxubee Brunswick Warren Bucatunna Wayne Buck Creek Green Buena Vista Chickasaw Bunckley Franklin Buncombe Union Bunker Hill Smith Creswell J asper Burnet Mills Tishomingo Crevi Tallahatchee Burnsville Tishomingo Burton's Burtonton Tishomingo Copiah Byhalia Marshall By ram Caderata Hinds Sumner Caledonia Lowndes Calhoun Madison Calvert's Store Kemper Camden Madison Campbellsville Yazoo Campbell Switch Alcorn Canaan Canton Benton Madison Cardsville CCaarrorloinllaton Itawamba Issaquena Carroll Carson's Landing Bolivar Cartersville Tishomingo Carthage Leake Caseyville Lincoln Caswell Cato Cayuga Lafayette Rankin Hinds Cedar Bluff Clay Cedar Grove Cedar Tree Center Pontotoc Choctaw Attala Center Point Tallahatchie Central Academy Panola Centerville Amite Chapel Hill Hinds Charleston Chastain Tallahatchee Itawamba Chatawa Pike Cherry Creek Pontotoc Cherry Hill Calhoun Chester Choctaw Chesterville Lee Chewalla Mills Marshall Chew's Landing Holmes China Grove - Pike Choctaw Agency Oktibbeha Chulalioma Marshall Chunkey's Station Newton Church Hill Jefferson Claiborne Jasper Clarksdale Coahoma Clay Clinton M arion Hinds Cobb Switch Lowndes Cockrum De Soto Conadeliah Neshoba Coffecville Yalabusha Cold Spring Wilkinson Cold Water Coleman Tate Marshall Cole's Creek Calhoun CCoolulummbbiua s Marion Lowndes Commerce Tunica Como Depot Conerly's Panola Pike Conway Coonewar Leake Lee CCooorpiwntohod Winston Alcorn Cornersville Benton Corona Lee Cotton Gin Port Monroe Cross Roads Greene Crystal Springs Copiah Cumberland Sumner Cushtusa Neshoba Dal evil le Lauderdale Dallas Lafayetto Damascus Scott Danville Alcorn Davisville Jasper Deasonville Yazoo Decatur Newton De Kalb Kemper DeLay Lafayette Delta Coahomo Denmark Lafayette De Soto Clark De Soto Front De Soto Dido Choctaw Dixon Neshobo Dobsonvillo Smith Double Springs Oktibbeha Dover Yazoo Dowd's Landing Coahoma Dry Grove Hinds Dry Run Prentiss Dublin Coahomo Duck Hill Montgomery Dumas Tippah Duncansby Issaquena Durant Holmes Early Grove Marshall Edinburg Leake Edward's Depot Hinds Eggs Point Washington Egypt Chickasaw Elliott Grenada Elliott's Mills Panola Ellistown Lee Ellisville Jones Energy Clark Ennis' Store Oktibbeha Enon Perry Enterprise Clark Erata Jones Esparanza Pontotoc Estill Washington Etchehoma Jasper Eucutta Wayne Eudora De Soto Eureka Lee Falsonia Sunflower Falkner Tippah FFaanyneitnte Rankin Jefferson Fearn's Springs Winston Flint Creek Harrison Flower's Place Smith Fordsville Marion Forest Scott Forest Home Warren Fort Adams Wilkinson Fort Stephen's Kemper Fredonia Union French Camp Choctaw Friar's Point Coahomo Friendship Lincoln Fulton Itawamba Gainsville Hancock Gall man Copiah Garlandville Jasper Cotton Plant Tippah Garner's Station Yalabusha Cotton Valley Calhoun Georgetown Copiah County Line Tallahatchee Gholson Noxubee Couparle City Madison Glencoe Bolivar Courtland Panola Glenville Panola Crawfordsville Lowndes Good Hope Leake * Money Order Offices. 20 Post- offices--M ississippi . Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Goodman Holmes Lake Washington Newton Newton Goshen Springs Rankin Washington Newtonville Attala Grand Gulf Claiborne Lamar Marshall Newtown Landing Warren Gray's Mill Holmes Langside Wilkinson Noxapater Winston Graysport Grenada Lauderdale Station Oak Farm Tishomingo Greensborough Sumner Greenville Washington Laurel Hill Lauderdale Oakland Noshoba Oakohay Yalabusha Covington Greenwood Grenada LeFlore Lawrence Grenada Law's Hill Newton Oak Vale Lawrence Marshall Ocean Springs Jackson Gum Grove Landing Leaf Greene Ofahomo Leake Gum Ridge Holmes Jefferson Leakesville Greene Leota Landing Washington OOfkfuotltona Washington Chickasaw Gun town Lee Lewisburg DeSoto Old Hickory Simpson Hamilton Monroe Lexington Holmes Olive Branch DeSot Handsboro' Harrison Liborty Amite O'Neal's Amite Hardy Station Grenada Lino Creek Sumner Orizaba Tippah Harpersville Scott Little Springs Franklin Osyka Pike Harrison Station Lockhart Lauderdale Othello Tallahatchee Locust Grove Union Oxford Tunica Lafayette Harrisville Simpson Lodi Montgomery Palmetto Home Yazoo Hashuqua Noxubee Lone Star Itawamba Palo Alto Clay Hays' Landiug Issaquena Longtown Panola Parmitchie Alcorn Hazel Dell Hazelliurst Prentiss Looxahoma Copiah Louisville Tate Pascagoula Winston Pass Christian Jackson Harrison Hebron Lawrence Love's Station DeSoto Paulding Jaspar Herbert Neshoba Ludlow Scott Peach Creek Panola Hernando De Soto Luxapelila Lowndes Pearce Lee Hickory Newton McCall's Creek Franklin Pea Ridge Lemper Hickory Flat Benton McComb Pike Pearl ington Hancock Hickory Plains Prentiss McDonald's Mills Perry Peden Kemper High Hill Leake McKlnneyvll' e Sharkey Pelahatchee Depot Rankin Highland Tishomingo McNutt Le Flore Percy Washington Hillsboro' Scott HHiollisliydeSpri ngs Tisliominzo Marsh al 1 M Maacceodnonia Madison Station Lee Noxubee Madison Perkinsville Perth Philadelphia Winston Jefferson Neshoba Holmesvllle Pike Magnolia Pike Picken's Station Holmes Homewood Scott Marietta Prentiss Pine Bluff Clay Hopewell Calhoun Marion Station Lauderdale Pine Grove Benton Horn Lake De Soto Mashulaville Noxubee Pine Valley Yalabusha Houlka Chickasaw Mayerville Issaquena Piueville Smith Houston Chickasaw Mayhew's Station Lowndes Pinnellville Jones Hudson Hudsonville Tunica Meadville Marshall Meridian Franklin Pittsborough Lauderdale Plattsburg Calhoun Winston Hulberton Coahoma Michigan City Benton Pleasant Grove Panola Huntsville Montgomery Midway Hinds Pleasant Hill De Soto Hurricane Warren Millville Madison Pleasant Mount Panola Hurricane Creek Lauderdale Mississippi City Harrison Plum Bluff Jackson Independence Tate Mitchell's Mill Attala Plum Point DeSoto Indian Bayou Ingomar Sunflower Molino Issaquena Monroe Union Polkville Perry Pontotoc Smith Pontotoc Iuka Tishomingo Monte Vista Sumner Pope's Depot Panola JJaaccinktsoon Jacksonwood Alcorn Montgomery Hinds Monticello Amite Montpelier Lincoln Poplar Creek Montgomery Lawrence Clay PFooprltarGSibpsroinngs Pontotoc Claiborne Java Neshoba Montrose Jasper Pott's Camp Marshall Jaynesvillo Covington Moore's Mills Newtown Prairie Point Noxubeo Jefferiesvillo Claiborne Moorville Lee Prairie Station Monroe Jewell's Hill Jasper Morgan's Fork Franklin Prentiss Bolivar Johnson's station Pilto Morton Scott Providence Grenada Johnsonville Sunflower Moscow Kemper Quincy Monroe Jonesboro' Tippah Moss Point Jackson Quitman Olrrk Jonestown Coahoma Mountain Creek Rankin Raleigh Smith Kellis' Store Kemper Mount Carmel Covington Randall's Bluff Winston Kennedy's Store Itawamba Mount Hope Copiah Randolph Pontotoc Kewanee Lauderdale Mount Olive Covington Raymond Hinds KibbevilJe Franklin Mount Pleasant Marshall Red Banks Marshall Kienstra's Store Adams Mount Zion Simpson Red Land Pontotoc Kllmiohael Montgomery Mud Creek Pototoe Red Lick Jefferson Kingston Kirkwood Adams Madison MNualtdcehnez Monroe Refuge Adams Riceville Washington Pearl Knoxv.lle Franklin Neblett's Landing Bolivar Rienzi Alcorn Kosciusko Attala Nesbitt's Station U i So Rio Kemper Kossuth Alcorn New Albany Union Ripley Tippah Lafayette Springs Lafayette New Hope Yalabusha Riverton Bolivar LaGrange Choctaw New Ireland Newton Robertsonvllle Coahoma Lake Scott Newport Attala Robson's Landing Coahoma Lake Como Jasper New Prospect Winston Rock Hill Benton New Site Prontiss Rockport Copiah * Money Order Offices. W.v,r*w.. -w.*t .. Post-offices--Mississippi--Missouri. 21 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Rocky Springs Claiborne Rodney Jefferson Roebuck Le Flore Rolling Fork Sharkey Rome Winston Rosedale Bolivar Rose Hill Amite Ruckersville Tippah Rushing's Store Lauderdale Sabougla Calhoun Saint Elmo Claiborne Salem Benton Sallis Attalla Saltillo Lee SSaanrtdais Covington Panola Sarepta Calhoun Satartia Yazoo Scooba Kemper Scranton Jackson Senatobia Tate Sessumsville Oktibbeha Shady Grove Jasper Sharon Madison Shell Mound Le Flore Sheppardtown LeFlore Shongelo Smith Shoobota Clark Shuqualak Noxubee Sidon LeFlore Siloam Clay Silver Creek Lawrence Silver Springs Alcorn Singleton Winston Slate Spring C- alhoun Slayden's Crossing Marshall Tupelo Turner's Turners ville Twistwood Tyro Union Union Church Union Mills Utica Vaiden Vaughan Vernal Vernon VVeircoknsaburg Wahalak Wallerville Wall Hill Walnut Walnut Grove Wall hall Walton Warren ton Washington WWaateterfroVrdalley Watkinsville Watson Waveland Waynesboro' Webster Wells Wesson West Fork West Point West's Station Lee Amazonia Andrew Franklin Amerlcus Montgomery Jasper Amity DeKalo Jasper Amos Harrison Tate Andover Harrison Newton Annapolis Iron Jefferson Anson Clarke Tippah Anthonie's Mill Crawlord Hinds Antonin Jefferson Carroll Appleton Cape Girardeau Yazoo Appleton City St. Clair Green Arbela Scotland Madison Arcadia Iron Lee Areola Dade Warren Argo Crawford Kemper Arlington Phelps Union Arno Douglas Marshall Arnoldsville Buchanan Tippah Arnsberg Cape Girardeau Leak o Arrow Rock Saline Sumner Ashburn Piko Lafayette Asherville Stoddard Warren Ash Grove Greene Adams Ash Hill Butler Marshall Ashland Boone Yalabusha Ashley Pike Neshoba Ashton Clarke Marshall Asper Livingston Hancock Astoria Wright Wayne Atchison Junction Platte Winston Athens Clarke Attala Atlanta Macon Copiah Auburn Lincoln Lawrence Augusta St. Charles Clay Aullville LaFayet'e Holmes Aurora Lawrence Smithdalo Smith's Station Smithsville Sonora Sparta Spring Cottage Spring Dale Springport Spring Valley Htarkvillo Amite Hinds Monroe Clay Chickasaw Marion Lafayette Panola Sumner Oktibbeha Westville Simpson Whitefield Oktibbeha Why Not Lauderdale Wilkesburgh Covington Williamsburg Covington WWiinncohnesater W YaozoodovCililtey Wayne Montgomery Wilkinson Yazoo Yellow Rabbitt Benton Austin Auxvasse Ava Avalon Avilla Avoca Avola Avon Ayersville Bachelor Cass Callaway Douglass Livingston Jasper Jefferson Vernon St. Genevieve Putnam Callaway Star Place Panola Yocony Itawamba Baden St. Louis State Line Station Greene Station Creek Covington Steen's Creek Rankin Stoneville Washington Stonewall Harrison Stormville Bolivar Yorka Zion Hill Leake Amite Missouri. Bai'ey's Creek Bainbridgo Baker Baker's Grove Bakersvilla Baladan Osage Clinton St.. Clair Barton Ozark McDonald Strayhorn Sncarochee Tate Kemper Post-office. Baldwin County. Bancroft St. Louis Daviess Sulphur Springs Madison Barkersvillo Callaway Summit Pike Aberdeen Pike Barnard Nodaway Tacaleeche Benton Acasto Clarke Barno'tsville Morgan Tallulah Issaquena Adel Mercer Barneyville Andrian Tamola Station Tampico Kemper A ft on Clay Agency St. Louis Barnumton Buchanan Barry Camden Clay Taylor's Depot LaFayette Akron Taylorsville Smith Alamode Harrison Barryville Reynolds Barton Macon Barton Tchula Holmes Alauthus Grove Gentry Batterton's Mill Butler Temperance Hill TTeerrrrinye Monroe Bolivar AAlblbaany Hinds Albina Jaspa Battsvillo Gentry Bauff' Howell Bay Carroll Taney Gasconade Thomas town Leake Alexandria Clarke Bear Branch Linn Thyatira Tate Allendale Worth Beer Creek Cedar Tibby Station Clay Allenton St. Louis Beaufort Franklin Tillatoba Yalabusha Allenville Cape Girardeau Beaver Douglass Tiplersville Toccopola Tippah Alma Wright Pontotoc Almartha Wright Beckville Ozark Bedford St. Louis Livingston Toomsuba Lauderdale Alpha Grundy Bee Fork Reynolds Torrance Yalabusha Alta Vista Daviess Belew's Creed Jefferson Tougaloo Hinds Altenburg Perry Belgrade Washington Tremont Itawamba Alton Oregon Bell Air Cooper Trenton Smith Altona i Bates Bellefontalne St. Louis * Money Order Offices. 22 Post-offices--Missouri. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Bellefonte Pulaski Breckinridge Caldwell Caruthersville Pemiscot Belle View Iron Bridge Creek Carroll Casco Franklin Bellevilla Montgomery Bridgeport Warren Cassville Barry Belmont Mississippi Bridgeton St. Louis Castle Andrew Belton Cass Bridgewater Nodaway Castle Rock Osage Bern Benbow Gasconade Brighton Marion Brookfield Polk Castor Linn Catawba Bollinger Caldwell Bend Texas Brookline Station Boone Catawissa Franklin Benjamin Lewis Brooklyn Harrison Cave Pump Camden Benton Scott Brossley Cass Caverna McDonald Benton City Audrain Brotherton St. Louis Cave Spring Greene Benton Creek Dent Brown Branch Taney Cedar Bluff Texas Berger Franklin Browning Line Cedar City Callaway Berlin Bertrand Gentry Brown's Station Mississippi Brownsville Boone Cedar Creek Saline Cedar Fork Taney Franklin Bessville Bollinger Brumley Miller Cedar Valley Taney Best Bottom Bethany Montgomery Harrison BBrruunnostwick Wayne Cedarville Chariton Celina Dade Dent Bethel Shelby Brush Mercer Center Ralls Bethpage McDonald Brussells Lincoln Center Point Atchison Beverley Macon Buchanan Bollinger Center Town Cole Beverley Station Platte Buckeye Jasper Center View Johnson Bevier Macon *Bu klin Linn Centerville Reynolds Bible Grove Scotland Buckner Jackson Central St. Louis Biehle Big Creek Perry Texas BBuuffffalo Benton Central City Dallas Oentralia Putnam Boone Bigelow Holt Bunceton Cooper Chain oi Rocks Lincoln Big River Mills Bunker Hill Lewis Chalk Level St. Clair St. Francois Burbois Gasconade Chambersburg Clarke Big Spring Montgomery Burdett Bates Chambersville Dade Billings Christian Burfordville Cape Girardeau Chamois Osago Birch Tree Shannon Burlington Boone Chantilly Lincoln Birdseye Ridge Sullivan Burnett Station Johnson Chapel Howell Bismarck St. Francois Burr Oak Valley Lincoln Chapel Hill Lafayette Blackjack Si. Louis Burton Howard Charleston Mississippi Black Oak Caldwell Bushberg Black Oak Point Hickory Butler Jefferson Cheltenham Bates Cherry Box St. Louis Shelby Black Walnut St. Charles Buttsville Grundy Cherryville Crawford Blackwell's Station Bynumville Charlton Chesapeake Lawrence Bleak Knob St. Francois Byrnesville Linn Byron Jefferson Osage Chiihowee Chillicothe Johnson Livingston B odgett Scott Cadet Washington City Bluff Nodaway Bloomfield Stoddard Cahoka Clarke City Point Platte Blooming Rose Phelps Cainesville Harrison Civil Bend Daviess Bloomington Macon Cairo Randolph Clapper Monroe Bloomsdalc St. Genevieve Caledonia Blue Eagle Blue Eye Clay Calhoun Stone California Washington Henry CCllaarreemncoent Moniteau Clarke City Nodaway Shelby Clarke Blue Mill Jackson Callao Macon Clarksburg Moniteau Bine Ridge Harrison Calumet Pike Clark's Fork Cooper Blue Spring Jackson Calvy Franklin Clarksville Pike Bluffton Montgomery Calwood Callaway Clarkton Dunklin Boeger's Store Osage Cambridge Saline Claysvillc Boone Boeschenville Benton Camden Ray Clayton Vernon Boeuf Creek Bogard's Mound Franklin Carroll CCaammdeernonPoint Platte Claytonville Clinton Clear Creek Clay Cooper Boise Brule Perry Campbellton Franklin Clear View Sullivrn Boise D'Arc Greene Canaan Gasconade Cleopatra Mercer Bolakow Andrew Cane Creek Butler Cliff St. Genevieve BBoolelsivar Bolton Franklin Cane Hill Polk Caney Harrison Canton Cedar Clifton Ozark Clifton City Lewis Clifton Hill Schuyler Cooper Randolph Bond's Mines Bondi's Station Bonhomme Morgan Cap Au Gris St. Louis St. Louis CCaappeeGGalieranradeau Lincoln Morgan CClilfifnytoDnale Ctinton's Mills Maries Henry Crawford Bonne Terre St. Francois Cape Girardeau Clintonville Cedar BBoooonnsebvoirlole Howard Caplinger's Mills Cedar Clover Bottom Cooper Cappelen St. Charles Cloverdale Franklin Benton Boston Christian Capp's Creek Newton Clyde Polk Bourbon Crawford Caput Barton Coatsville Schuyler Bower's Mills Lawrence Carbon Center Vernon Coffeysburg Daviess Bowling Green Pike Carpenter's Store Clinton Coffman St. Genevieve Boyd Boyler's Mill Dallas Carrington Morgan Carrollton Callaway Cold Spring Carroll Cold Water Douglas Wayne Boynton Sullivan Carrsville Henry Cole Camp Bentow Bradleyville Taney Carsonville Iron Coleman ville Carter Brashear grfigjtQ Adair Cole CCaarrtethrvagilele Jasper Colfax Jasper College Mopnd Sullivan Macon Money Order Offices, k., -V. Post-offices--Missouri. 23 County. Post-offlce. County. Post-offlce. County. Collins Oolmau Coloma CCoololunmy bia CCoolummmbeursce Competition Conception Concord Concordia Consville Con vers Conway Cook's Station Coon Creek Cooper's Hill Cooper Springs Cornelia St. Clair St. Louis Carroll Knox Boone Johnson Scott Laclede Nodaway Callaway LaFayette Henry Clinton Laclede Crawford Barton Osage Douglas Johnson Dixon Pulaski Dolle's Mills Bollinger Doniphan Ripley Douglass Gentry Dover Lafayette Downing Schuyler Drake Gasconade Drennanville Phelps Dresden Pettis Dripping Spring Boone Dry creek Crawford Dry Glaize Laclede Dry Ridge Camden Dry Wood Vernon Duncan Webster Duncan Creek Vernon Duncan's Bridge Monroe Dundas Pulaski Dundee Franklin Falling Spring Fame Farber Farley Farmersville FFaarymetitnegton Fayetteville Femme Osage Fenton Ferguson Fillmore Fish Creek Flag Springs Flat Creek Flat Woods Flint Hill Florence Florida Douglas Sumner Audrain Platte Livinston St, Francois Howard Johnson St. Charles St. Louis St. Louis Andrew Saline Andrew Barry Phelps St. Charles Morgan Monroe Cornersville Hickory Corning Holt Cornwall Madison Corry Dade Corsicana Barry Corso Lincoln Cottleville St. Charles Cotton Plant Dunklin Cottonwood Mercer Cottonwood Point Pemiscot Durgan's Creek Durham Duroc Lewis Lewis Benton Dutch Town Cape Girardeau Dutzow Warren Dykes Texas Eagle Harrison East Lynne Cass Easton Buchanan East Rulo Holt Florisant Floyd's Creek Fontainbleau Forest City Forest Green Forest Home Foristell Forkner's Hill Forsyth Fort Lyon St. Louis Adair Andrew Holt Chariton Lawrence St. Charles Dallas Taney Benton Cove City Bates Ebenezer Greene Fountain Grove Linn Crab Orchard Hay Economy Macon Fouchea Renault Craig Crane Holt Edgar Spring8 Barry Edge Hill Phelps Reynolds Four Mile Washini ton Dunklin Cream Ridge Crescent Hill Livingston Bates EEddgienraton Platte Fob Knox Fox Creek Ray St. Louis Creve Cceur St. Louis Edinburg Grundy Franklord Pike Crocker Pulaski Egypt Mills Cape Girardeau Franklin Howard Cross Timbers Hickory Elk Creek Texas Frazer Buchanan Crystal City Cuba Jefferson Elk I tale Crawford Elk Head Atchinson Christian Fredericksburg Fredericktown Osage Madison Cuivre Lincoln Elkland Webster Freeland Carter Cunningham Chariton Elk Lick Springs Pike Freeman Cass Curran Stone Elk Mills McDonald Freemont Clarke Curryville Pike Elk Prairie Phelps French Village St. Francois Dadesville Dade Elk ton Hickory Frohna Perry Dallas Jackson Ellenorah Gentry Frumet Jefferson Dalton Chariton Ellis Vernon Fulton Callaway Danville Montgomery Ellisville St. Louis Fyan Laclede Dardenne St. Charles Elm Flatt Daviess Gageville Miller Darksville Randolph Elm Grove Holt Gaine's Farm Henry Dauphine Osage Elmwood Saline Gainesville Ozark Davenport Dade Elston Cole Galbraith's Storo Henry Dawn Livingston Ely Station Marion Galena Stone Dayton Debruin Cass Emerson Pulaski Eminence Marion Shannon Galesburg Gallatin Jasper Daviess Decatur Cole Empire Prairie Andrew Garden City Cass Decaturville Camden Energy Schuyler Garden Grove Ralls Deep Spring Greene Enterprise Clarke Gardenville St. Louis Deerfield Vernon Erie McDonald Gasconade City Gasconade Deer Ridge Lewis Essex Stoddard Gasconade Ferry Gasconade Defiance Worth Etlah Franklin Gates DeKalb Buchanan Etna Scotland Gatewood De Lassus St. Francois Ettieville Gentry Gayoso Delaware Town Christian Eudora Atchison Gentryville Dell Delight Benton Eu reKa St Louis Georgetown Delta Laclede Evansville Monroe Georgcville Dennis Wright Everett Cass Georgia City Denver Des Arc Worth Excello Iron Excelsior Macon Gilead Morgan Glasgow Des Peres St. Louis Fabius Scotland Glassville DDeeSW otoitt Dexter City Jefferson Fabius Junction Carroll Fairfield Stoddard Fair Grove Marion Glen Allen Benton Greene GGlelenncwoeood Diamond City Jasper Fairmont Clarke Golden Dick Lafayette Fair Play Polk Golden City Dick's Creek Dallas Fairport DeKalb Gooch's Mill Diehlstadt, Scott Fairview Nodaway Good son Dittmer's Store Jefferson Fairvi lie Saline Good Water 24 Post-offices--Missouri, Post-office County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Goose Neck Hickory Gortlouville Livingston Goshen Mercer Gould Farm Caldwell Gower Clinton Graham Nodaway Grandy Newton Grand Eddy Perry Grand River Gentry Granger Scotland Granitesvillo Iron `Grant's City Worth Grantsville Linn Granville Monroe Gravel Point Texas Graves' Mills Morgan Graysonville Clinton Gray's Summit Franklin Graysville Putnam Green Castle Sullivan `Greenfield Dade Greenleaf DeKalb Green Ridge Pettis Greensburg Knox Greenton Lafayette Green Top Schuyler Greenville Wayne Greenwood Jackson Gregory Landing Clarke Grinnell Grundy Grove Hate Maries Grove Spring Wright Gruhbtown Grundy Grubville Franklin Guilford Nodaway Guu City Cass Guthrie Callaway Hager's Grove Shelby Hainesville Clinton Half Rock Mercer Halfway Polk Halleck Buchanan Hall's Buchanan Hallsville Boone Hamburg SL Charles Hamden Chariton Hamilton Caldwell Hamilton Platte HHaamn'nsiPbaral irie Callaway Marion Hanover Jefferson Happy Valley Harrison Hardin Ray Harlin Clay Harrisburg Boone Harrison's Mills Crawford `Harrisonville Cass Harrtston Cooper Hartford Putnam Hartville Wright Harville Butler Hassard Ralls Havana Gentry Havens Lawrence Hawk Point Lincoln Hazel Green Laclede Hazel Run St. Francois Hazelwood Webster Heaton Lawrence Hedge City Knox Hematite Jefferson Henderson Webster Hendrickson Butler Henry Ray `Hermann Gasconade Hermitage Hickory Herndon Saline Hester Marion Hickman Mills Jackson Hickory Barren Greene Hickory Hiil Cole Hicks City Jackson Higbee Randolph Higinsvilleg LaFayette High Grove Maries `High Hill Montgomery Highlandville Christian High Point Moniteau High Ridge Jefferson Hill City Barry `Hillsboro Jefferson Hitt Scotland `Holden Johnson Holliday Monroe Holman's Store Warreu Holstein Warren Holt Clay Holt's Summit Callaway Homer Atchison Honey Mfercer Hopewell Academy Warren Hopewell Furnace Washington Hopkins Nodoway Horine Station Jefferson Hornervllle Dunklin Horse Creek Barton House's Springs Jefferson Houston Texas Houstonia Pettis Howard's Mill St. Clair Howe's Mill Dent Howland Putnam Hudson Bates Hudson City Worth Huggins ville Gentry Hughes Nodaway Hughesviile Pettis Humansville Polk Hunnewell Shelby Huntingdale Henry `Huntsville Randolph Hurdland Knox Hutton Valley Howell Iatan Platte Iberia Miller Ida dair `Independence Jackson Index Cass Indian Creek Monroe Iona City Pettis Irish Grove Atchison `Irondale Washington Iron Mountain St. Francis Iron Ridge Crawford Iron Summit Pulaski `Iron ton Iron Isabella Ozark Isadora Worth Island City Gentry Ivanhoe Shelby Jackson Cape Girardeau Jackson Station Daviess Jacksonville Randolph Jadwin Dent Jake's Prairie Crawford Jame's Bayou Mississippi Jameson Daviess Jamesport Daviess Jamestown Moniteau Jasper Jasper `Jefferson City Cole JeffHesburg Franklin Jenkins' Creek' Jasper Jennings St. Louis Jobe Oregon Money Order Offices. John's Branch Audrain Johnson City St. Clair Johnstown Bates Jonesburg Montgomery Joplin City Jasper Josephville St. Charles Judson Sullivan `Kansas City Jackson Kaolin Iron Kaseyville Macon Kearny Clay Kelso Scott Kennett Dunkin Kent Newton Kenton Christian Kerbyville 'Taney Keystone Clinton Keys ville Crawford `Keyteysvllle Charlton Kidder Caldwell Kiddrldge Osage Kiddville Sullivan Klmmswick Jefferson King City Gentry King Grove Holt King's Point Dale `Kingston Caldwell Kingston Furnace Washings ton Kingsville Johnson `Kirksville Adair Kirkwood St. Louis Knob Lick St. Francois Knob Noster Johnson Knob View Crawford Knox City Knox Knoxville Pay Koeltztown Osage Krakow Franklin Labaddie Franklin La Belle Lewis `Laclede Linn Lacon Maries Laddona Audrain LaDue Henry Laflin Bollinger `LaGrango Lewis Lahai Bates Lake St. Louis Lake City Jackson Lake Creek Benton Lskenan Shelby Lake Spring Dent Lakeville Stoddard `Lamar Barton Lamar's Station Nodaway La Mine Cooper Lamonto Petlis Lamotte Place St. Charles `Lancaster Schuyler Lane's Prairie Maries `La Plata Macon Lathrop Clinton Lawn Ridge Scotland Lawrenceburgh Lawrenco Lawrenceton St. Genevieve Lawson Ray Laynesville Saline Leasburg Crawford `Lebanon Laclede Labeck Cedar Leduc Gasconade `Lee's Summit Jackson Leesville Henry Lemon Cape Girardeau Lemon Station Putnam Lentnor Shelby Leonaa Shelby Post-offices--Missouri. 25 Post-office- Co un y. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. LeRoy Barton Lesterville Reynolds Levick's Mill Randolph Lewis Station Henry LLeewxiisntognton Lewis Lafayetta *Liberty Clay Libertyville St. Francois Licking Texas Lima Carroll Lincoln Benton Lindersville Adair Lindley Grundy Lingo Macon LLininnn Creek Osage Camden LLininnn'seuMsills Lincoln Linn Linnwood Osage Lisbon Howard Lisbonville Ray Little Beaver Douglas Little Bergen Gasconade Little Black Ripley Little Blue Jackson Littleby Audrain Little Compton Carroll Little Niangua Camden Little Osage Vernon Little Union Marion Livonia Putnam Lock Spring Daviess Locust Hill Knox Locust mound Miller Logan Lawrence Logan's Creek Reynolds London Atchison Lone Elm Cooper Lone Jack Jackson Lone Oak Bates Lone Star Gentry Long Branch Monroe Long Lane Dallas Longtown Perry Longwood Pettis Loose Creek Osage Lorraine Harrison Lost Creek Wayne Louisburg Louisiana Dallas Pike Louisville Lincoln Loutre Island Montgomery Love Lake City Macon Lowndos Wayne Lowry City St. Clair Lucas Henry Luray Clarke Lutesvllle Bollinger Luther Franklin Lyda Macon McCarsney's X Roads DeKalb McCredie Callaway McDowell Barry McKinney's Mill Ripley McNail Iron Mabry's Ferry Stone Mack's Creek Macon City Camden Macon Madison Monroe Madisonville Railt Malden Dunklin Malta Bend . Saline Manchester St. Louis Mandevllle Carroll Manton Maries Maple Macon Meramac Phelps Marble Hill Bollinger MMaarrioionnville Cole Lawrence Marlin Mark Pettis Daviess M M Maaarrrqssuhhafainleldld Madison Saline W ebster Marthasville Warren Martinsburg Audrain Martinstown Putnam Mbrtinsville Martling Harrison Newton Marvel Marvin Bates Henry Marion Maryville Henry Nodaway Maune's Store Franklin M Maaxyvsivllielle Jefferson DeKalb Mayview LaFayette Maywood Lewis Meadville Linn Mechanicsville St. Charles Medicine Sullivan Medoc Jasper Medora Osage Mehlville St. Louis Melrose Memphis St. Louis Scotland Mendon Chariton Mendota Putnam Meramec Station St. Louis Mercyville Macon Metz Mexico Vernon Audrain Meyer's Store Franklin Miami Saline Miami Station Carroll Micklen Jackson Middlebrook Iron Middlebury Mercer Middle Fables Scotland Middle Grove Monroe Middletown Montgomery Midland Crawford M Midilwanay Boone Sullivan Miles Point Carroll Milford Barton Millard Adair Millersburg Callaway Millersville Cape Girardeau Mill Grove Mercer Mill Port Knox Mill Spring Wayne Millville Ray Millwood Lincoln Mincy Taney Mine La Motte Madison Mineral Point Washington Mingsville Wright Mint Hill Osage Mirabile Caldwell Missouri City Clay Missouriton St. Charles Mlttchellvllle Moberly Harrison Randolph Modena Mercer Modoc Audrian Mokeville Monroe City St. Louis Monroe Montauk Dent M Moonntetgvoam lloery City Vernon Montgomery Monticello Lewis Montrose Henry Montserrat Johnson Mooresville Livingston Morley Scott Mornington Webster Morrison Gasconade Morrisville Polk Morse's Mill Jefferson Morton Ray Moscow Clay Moselle Franklin Moulton Shelby Mound City Holt Mounds Vernon Mountain Grove Wright Mount Airy Randolph Mount Hope Lafayette Mount Moriah Harrison Mount Pleasant Gentry Mount Vernon Lawrence Mount View Benton Muddy Caldwell Muddy Lane Livingston Muirton Grundy Mulberry Bates Murphysburg Jasper Muscle Fork Chariton Myers Howard Naomi Marion Napoleon Lafayette Narrows Creek Macon Nashville Barton Nebo Leclede Neely's Landing Cape Girardeau Neelysville Butler Neeper Clarke NNeelsoosnhvoille Marion Newton Nettleton Nevada Caldwell Vernon New Alsace St. Louis Newark Knox New Bloomfield Callaway New Boston Linn NNeewwBCriadmgebrCiareek Ozark Macon New Castle Gentry New Florence Montgomery New Frankfort Saline New Garden Ray New Hamburg Scott iVew Harmony Pike New Hartford Pike New Haven Franklin New Home Bates New Hope Lincoln NNeewwLMonaddorind Ralls New Madrid New Market Platte New Melle St. Charles New Offenburg St Genevieve New Palestine Cooper New Point Holt New Santa Fe Newtonia Jackson Newton Newtown Putnam New Wells Cape Girardeau Niangua Webster Nineveh Adair Nishnabotna Atchison Nodaway Andrew Norborue Carroll Norma Webster Normandy Si. Louis Norris' Fork Henry Northcutt Linn North River Marion * Money Order Offices. 4 26 Post-offices--Missouri Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. North St. Louis St. Louis Phelps' City Atchison Raytown Jackson North Salem Linn Philadelphia Marion Rayville Ray North Springfield Greene Phillipsburg Laclede Reading Pike Novelty Knox Pickering Nodaway Readsville Callaway Nursery Hill Oakfield Dent Franclin Piedmont Pierce City Wayne Reeds Lawrence Reid's Springs Jasper Stoue Oak Grove Jackson Piketon Stoddard Relorm Callaway Oak Hill Crawford PilanJ's Store Ozark Relfe Phelps Oakland Oak Ridge Laclede Cape Girardeau Pilot Grove Pilot Knob Cooper Rensselaer Iron Republic Rads Greene Oakville St. Louis Pinckney Warren Rhineland Montgomery O'Fallon St. Charles Pine Creek Laclede Rich Fountain Osage Old Alexandria Lincoln Pine Grove Taney Rich Hill Bates Old Ditch Old Mines Jefferson Pineville Washington Piney Woods McDonald Richland Shannon Richmond Pulaski Ray Old Monroe Lincoln Pink Hill Jackson Richwoods Washington Olney Lincoln Pinkleyville Oregon Richville Douglas Omaha Putnam Pin Oak Grove Gentry Ridge Carroll Ono Grundy Pisgah Cooper Ridgely Platte Orchard Point Shannon Pitts Warren Ridge Prairie Saline OOrreeagrovnille Saline Pittsburg Holt Pittsville Hickory Ringo's Point Johnson Rinkelville Adair St. Louis Orleans Polk Plato Texas Ritchey Newton Oronogo Jasper Platte City Platte River Aux Vases Orrick Ray Platte River Buchanan St, Genevieve Orr ville Osage St. Louis Crawford PPlalattttisnburg Jefferson Clinton RRiovaernsoidkee Shannon Howard Osage Bluff Cole Pleasant Farm Miller R .aring River Barry Osage City " Pleasant Gap Bates Robertson's Mill Stone Osage Iron Works OOssbcoeronla Camden DeKalb St. Clair Pleasant Green Pleasant Hill Pleasant Home , Cooper Roclieport Cass Rochester Putnam Rock Bridge Boone Andrew Ozark Otteiville Cooper Pleasant Hope Polk Rockbridge Mills Boone Overton Cooper Pleasant Mount Miller Rockford Lincoln Owasco Owen's Mills Sullivan Pleasant Park Carr ill Rock Hill Osage Pleasant Retreat Scotland Rockport St. Louis Atchison Owensville Gasconade Pleasant Valley Wright Rock Prairie Dade Owl Creek Knox Pleasant View Cedar Rock Spring Washington Oxford Worth Plum Valley Texas Roekvdle Bates Ozark Christian Pocahontas Cape Gil ardeau Rocky Comfort McDonald Ozark Iron Works Phelps Point Pleasant New Madrid Rocky Mount Ozark Mills Iron Polo Caldwell Rolla Miller Phelps Pacific Franklin Pond St. Louis Rolling Home Randolph Page City LaFayette Poplar Bluff Butler Rome Douglas Paine's Prairie Polk Portage Des Sioux Rondo Polk PPaalm lmeyr ra Washington St. Charles Roney Marion Portageville New Madrid Roscoe Hickory St. Clair Panther Valley Webster Port Hudson Franklin Rose Hill Johnson Papinsville Paradise Paris Bates Clay PPoorttolarni d Monroe Pottersville Callaway Rosendale Washington , Roth ville Howell ! Roubidoux Andrew Chariton Texas Paris Springs Lawrence Powell McDonald Round Grove Lawrence Parker Andrew Prairie Bird Adair I Round Spring Shannon Parker's Station Scott Prairie City Bates Rowletta Pettis PPaarkrk'svGillreove St. < 'lair Prairie Fork Montgomery Rural Dale Platte Prairie Hill Chariton Rush Tower Grundy Jefferson Patterson Wayne Prairie Home Cooper Rushv.lle Buchanan Patton Bollinger Prairieville Pike Russ 11 Howard Pxttonsburg Daviess Prathersville Clay Russell's Hill Shannon Pattonville St. Louis Preston Jasper Russelville Cole Pay Down Maries Price St. Louis Sacramento Wright Paynesville Peace Valley Peachland Peaksville Pike Howard Osage Clarke PPrircine'cseBtornanch Montgomery Mercer Proctorvilie Caldwell 1'rospect Grove Scotland St. Annie SSt.t.ACuabtehretrine St. Charles Pulaski Callaway Linn Si,. Charles Peculiar Cass Prospect Hill Clay St. Clair Franklin Pemberton Dade Protem Taney St. Cloud Scott Pendleton Warren Providence Boone St. Francisville Clarke Pennville Sullivan Pryor's Store Douglas St. Genevieve St. Genevieve People's Cape Girardeau Quapaw Newton St. George Wright Perche Randolph Queen City Sehuyler St. James Phelps Perrin PPeerrrryyville Petra Clinton Quincy Ralls Quitman Perry Racine Saline Randolph Hickory Nodaway Newton Randolph SSt.t.JJoohsneph St. Leger St. Louis Putnam Buchanan Ozark St. Louis Pevely Jefferson Ravenna Mercer St. Louis Arsenal St. Louis Peytonia Montgomery Raymondville Texas St. Martin's Morgan Phelps Lawrence Raymore Cass St. Mary's St. Genevieve s Money Order Offices, Post-offices--Missouri, 27 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. St. Peters St Charles St. Thomas Cole Salem Dent Saline Mercer Salisbury Charlton Salt Springs Saline Sampsell Station Livingston Sampson Creek Harrison San Antonio Buchanan Sand Creek Adair Sand Hill Scotland Sand Springs Webster Sandstone Vernon Santa Fe Monroe Santa Rosa DeKalb Sappington St. Louis Sarcoxie J asper Sarvis Point Savannah W ebster Andrew Saverton Ralls Saxton Buchanan Sehell City Vernon Schleursburg St. Charles Scotland Jasper Scott's Station Cole Scottville Sullivan Sebago Sedalia Linn Pettis Sedgewick Linn Sedgewickville Bollinger Seneca Newton Seney Macon Sentinel Prairie Polk Settle's Station Platte Shamrock Callaway Shannondale Chariton Shawnee Mound Henry Shawneetown Capf Girardeau Shelblna Shelby Shelbyville U Shell Knob Barry Sherman St. Louis Sherrill Texas Shibley's Point Adair Shiloh Butler Shoal Creek Livingston Shoalsburg Newton Shoneytown Putnam Shootman Carroll Short Bend Dent Shotwell Franklin Sibley Jackson Sidney Ralls Si gel Pettis Sikeston Scott Silver Creek Cedar Silver Lake Perry Sinkin Shannon Six Mile House St. Charles Slagle Polk Smithfield Jasper Smithton Pettis Smithville Clay Snibar Lafayette Sni MillB Jackson South Fork Howell South Point Franklin South St Louis St. Louis Southwest City McDonald Sparta Christian Spencer Lawrence Spencersburg Pike Spickardsville Grundy Spring Bluff Franklin Sprink Creek Springfield Phelps Greene Spring Grove Dallas Spring Hill Livingston Stanard DeKalb Stanford Texas Stanton Copper Mines Franklin Rteelsville Crawford Steffenvilie Lewis Stein's Prairie Maries Stephens' Store Callaway SStetewwaartrtsville Pemiscot De Kalb Sticklerville Sullivan SStotocckklatnodn Montgomery Cedar Stokes Mound Stone Hill Stono Stony Hill Stony Point Stoutland Stoutsville Stover Strafford Strasburg Suu triiinuggttouwn nu Carroll Dent St. Francois Gasconade Jackson Camden Monroe Morgan Greene Cass C" - ol-e SStrtuordgeerovnille Cape Girardeau Boone Sublett Adair Sue City Macon Sugar Lake Platte Sullivan Franklin Sulphur Lick Lincoln Sulphur Springs Landing Jefferson Summersville Summit Sunnyside Swanwick Sweet Home Swiss Switzler Sylvania Syracuse Tabervllle Tabo Taitsville Taylor Taos Ten Mile Terre Haute Thomas Thomas Hill Thomasville Texas Barton Wright Ray Nodaway Gasconade Audrain Dade Morgan St. Clair Lafayette Ray Marion Cole Macon Putnam Harrison Randolph Oregon Thompson's Station Audrian Thornleigh Pettis Thurman Newton Tiffin St. Clair Tindall Grundy Tinney's Grove Ray Tipton Moniteau Toennia Schuyler Tolona Lewis TTorreonnttoon Camden Grundy Tribulation McDonald Triplett Chariton Troy Lincoln Troy Mills Adair Truxton Lincoln Tullvanla Macon Tuque Warren Turnback Dade Turney's Station Clinton Tuscumbia Miller Twane Dent Twin Groves Jasper Ulman's Ridge Miller Union Franklin Union Grove Gentry Union Ridge Sullivan Union Star DeKalb Uniontown Perry UUnnioionnVvialllleey Nodaway Putnam Unity Scotland Urbana Dallas U Urtiiccha Henry Livingston Valle's Mines St Francois Valley St. Louis Valparaiso Sullivan Van Buren Carter Van dal ia Audrain VanHorn Carrol] Vannoy's Mill Pike Vera Cruz Douglas Vermont Cooper VVeerrosnaailles Lawrence Monjan Vibbard Ray Victoria Station Jefferson Vienna Maries Vineland Jefferson Vinton Bates Virgil City Cedar Virginia Bates Wadesboro' Cass Wakeuda Carroll Waldo Webster Waldron Platte Walker V ernon Wallace Buchanan Walnut Creek Bates Walnut Grove Greene Walnut Shade Taney Walton Mills Washington Warm Fork Oregon W Waarrreennsburg Warren ton Warsaw Marion Johnson Warren Benton Warwick Vernon W Waassbhuinrngton Barry Franklin Waterloo Lafayette Watson W Waavyenrelsyville Atchison Lafayette Pulaski Weaubleau City Hickory Webb City Jasper Webster Oregon Webster Groves St. Louis Weldon Spring St. Charles Wellington Lafayette Wellsburg St. Charles Wellsvilie Montgomery Wentz ville St. Charles West Ely Marion West Fork Reynolds West Hartford Ralls West Liberty Putnam WWeesst tLonine Cass Platte Westphalia Osage West Plains Howell W WesetstPpooirntt Bat "8 Jackson West St. Louis St. Louis West Springfield Shelby West Union Cass Westville Chariton Wet Glaze Camden Wheatland Hickory Wheeling Livingston Whig Valley Holt * Money Order Offices. 28 Post-offices--Missouri--North Carolina. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. White Hare Cedar Avoca Bertie Bridgewater Burke White's store Howard Ayersville Stokes Bright's Creek Polk Whitesvllle Andrew Bakersville Mitchell Brindleton Burke Wien Chariton Bald Creek Yancey Brinkland Bladen Williamsburg Callaway Ballentine's Mills Wake Brinkley ville Halifax Williamstown Lewis Balsam Grove Transylvania Bristol Bladen Williamsville Wayne Bamboo Watauga Brittain Rutherford Wilmathaville Adair Banks Wake Broad River Cleveland Willow Springs Howell Banner's Elk Watauga Brooklin Robeson Wilmot Ray Barclaysville Harnett Brookston Warren Wilson Adair Barnardsville Buncombe Brower's Mills Randolph Wilton Boone Barrett's Meuntain Brown Creek Union Winchester Clarke Alexander Brown Mountain Stokes Windsor Winigan Henry Bath Beaufort Brown's X Roads Randolph Sullivan Battleborough Edgecombe Brown's Knob Buncombe Winslow DeKalb Battle Ground Guilford Brown's Summit Guilford Winston Dent Bayborough Pamlico Brownsville Granville Winstonville Daviess Bay River Pamlico Brush Creek Chatham Wintersville Sullivan Beam's Mills Cleveland Buchanan Granville Winthrop Buchanan Bear Creek Chatham Buck Horn Cumberland Withers Mills Marion Bear Wallow Henderson Buckland Gates Wittenburg Perry Beasley Hill Johnston Buena Vista Duplin Wolf Island Mississippi Beattie's Ford Lincoln Buffalo Cove Caldwell Woodhill Dallas Beaufort Carteret Buffalo Ford Randolph Woodland Marion Beaumont Chatham Buffalo Paper Mill Wood land ville Boone Beaver Cherokee Cleveland Woodlawn Monroe Beaver Creek Ashe Bug Hill Columbus Woodville Macon Bea. er Dam Union Bunn's Level Harnett W oolam Gasconade Beech Creek Watauga Burgaw Depot Pender Worcester Audrian Bee Log Yancey Burningtown Macon Wright City Warren Belew Creek Mill Forsyth Burnsville Yancey Yancey Mills Phelps Bellevoir Chatham Burnt Chimney Rutherford Yankee Ridge Harrison Bell's Ferry Pitt Busbee Buncombe Yonger's Boone Belvidere Perquimons Bush Hill Randolph Young's Creek Audrian Bennett'sXRoada Sampson Bushy Fork Person Yount's Store Perry Bensalem Moore Butler's Ford Montgomery Zig Adair Bentonville Johnston Byarsville Cleveland Berea Granville Bynum's Moore North Carolina. Berry Hill Rockingham Cabin Creek Montgomery Bethania Forsyth Cadell's Creek Surry Bethany Church Iredell Cagle's Mills Randolph Bethel Pitt Calahaln Davie Post Office. County. Bethel Hill Person Caldwell Institute Orange Beulaville Duplin Caldwell's Mecklenburgh Abbottsburgh Bladen Beverly Anson Caledonia Moore Abbott's Creek Davidson Big Creek Stokes Calhoun Transylvania Advance Davie Big Falls Alamance California Currituck Albemarle Stanly Big Laurel Madison Calvin Stanly Albertson's Duplin Big Lick Stanly Camden C. H. Camden Alexandriana Big Pine Creek Madison Camera Pender Mecklenburgh Big Springs Jackson Cameron Moore Allemance Guilford Black Creek Wilson Camp Call Cleveland Allenton Robeson Blackman's Mills Sampson Camp Creek Burke Aman's Store Onslow Black River Chapel Cana Davie Ames Turnout Union Sampson Cane Creek Chatham Amity Hill Iredell Black Rock Cleveland Capel's Mills Richmond Ammon Bladen Bladenboro Bladen Carson's Creek Anderson's Store Caswell Blocker's Cumberland Transylvania Angola Pender Blount's Creek Beaufort Carter's Mills Moore Anson ville Anson Blowing Rock Watauga Carthage Moore Antioch Robeson Blue Ridge Henderson Cary Wake Apex Wake Blue Wing Granville Casher's Valley Jackson Apple Grove Ashe Bogue Columbus Castalia Nash Aquone Mai-on Bollston Henderson Castania Grove Lincoln Arcadia Davidson Bolton Brunswick Castle Hayne New Hanover Areola Warren Boman's Bluff Henderson Cataloochee Haywood Argyle Cumberland Boomer Wilkes Catawba Station Catawba Armour Brunswick Boone Watauga Catharine Lake Onslow Asheborough Randolph Booneville Yadkin Cedar Creek Cumberland *Asheville Buncombe Bostian's Rowan Cedar Grove Orange Ashton Pender Bostwick's Mills Richmond Cedar Hill Anson Aspin Grove Rockingham Bost's Mills Cabarrus Cedar Mountain Auburn Wake Bowden's Duplin Transylvania Auman's Hill Montgomery Branch's Store Duplin Cedar Rock Franklin Aurelian Springs Halifax Brasstown Cherokee Cedar Run Alexander Aurora Beaufort Brevard Transylvania Cedar Valley Caldwell Averysboro' Harnett Briar Creek Wilkes Celo Yancey Avery's Creek Buncombe Brick Church Guilford Center Guilford * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--North Carolina. 29 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Center Grove Person Oerro Gordo Columbus Chalk Level Harnett Chandler's Grove Montgomery Chapel Hill Orange Charleston Swain *Charlotte Mecklenburg Cherryfleld Transylvania Cherry Lane Allegany Cherryville Gaston Chestnut Hill Ashe Chestnut Ridge Yadkin Childsville Mitchell Chimney Rock Rulherford China Grove Rowan Choeowinity Beaufort Chronicle Catawba Clark's Mills Moore Clarkton Bladen Clay Fork Cumberland Clayton Johnson Clear Creek Cabarrus Clemmonsville Davidson Clinesville Catawba Clinton Sampson Clover Orchard Alamance Oobton Craven Coburn's Store Union Coddle Creek Cabarrus Coin jock Currituck Colerain Bertie Cole's Mills Randolph Cole's Store Randolph Colesville Stokes Colletsville Caldwell Columbia Tyrrell Columbus Polk Comfort Jones CCoommppaannyy'Ms iSllhsops Guilford Concord Alamance Cabarrus Congers Iredell Conover Catawba Cool Spring Iredell Copal Grove Stanly Copeland Surry County Line Davie Cove Creek Haywood Covington Richmond Cowan's Ford Mecklenburgh ' Coxville Pitt Crab Creek Henderson Crab Tree Haywood Crain's Creek Moore Cranberry Forge Mitchell Creswell Washington Croatan Craven Cross Roads Church Yadkin Cross Rock Madison Crowder's Creek Gaston Crowder's Mountain Gaston Cuba Rutherford Cullasaja Macon Cullowhee Jackson Cunningham's Store Person Curriesville Moore Currituck C. H. Currituck Curtis' Mills Alamance Custer Madison Cypress Creek Bladen Dallas Gaston Dalton Yadkin Danbury Stokes Davidson College Mecklenburgh Davidson's River Transylvania Dawson's X Roads Halifax Day Book Yancey Dayton Wake Deep Creek Anson Deep River Guilford Deep Run Lenoir Dellaplane Wilkes Democrat Buncombe Denver Lincoln Devane's Cumberland Diamond Hill Anson Dismal Sampson Dobson Surry Dockery Wilkes Double Shoals Cleveland Douglas Rockingham Dover Craven Downingville Bladen Downsville Caldwell Dry Creek Montgomery Dry's Mill Cabarrus Duck Creek Onslow Dudley Wayne Duncan's Creek Rutherford Dundarrack Robeson Dunn's Rock Transylvania Durant's Nack Perquimons Durham's Dutch ville Orange Granville Dysortville McDowell Eagle Mills Eagle Rock Earpsborough Iredell Wake Johnston East Bend East Fork Yadkin Transylvania East Lake Dare East Laporte Easy Hill EEddeennton Edinboro' Jackson Brunswick Randolph Chowan Montgomery Edmiston ville Rowan Edneyville Henderson Edward's X Roads Alleghany Edwards Mills Beaufort Edwardsville Surrey Etlrd's Mills Stanley Egypt Depot Chatham Elbaville Davie Eldorado Montgomery EElleivzaatbioetnh City Johnston Pasquotank Elizabethtown Bladen Elk Creek Alleghany Elk X Roads Ashe Elkin Surry Elkinsville Bladen Elk Shoals Iredell Elkville Enfield Wilkes Halifax Engelhard Hyde England's Point Cherokee Eupeptic Spring Iredell Eureka Alamance Fair Bluff Columbus Fairfield Hyde Fair Grove Davidson Fair Haven Moore Falrview Buncombe Faison's Depot Duplin Falkland Pitt Fall Creek Chatham Falling Creek Lenoir Farmers Randolph Farmer's Turnout Brunswick Farmington Davie FBa'ramyevtitlelveille Pitt Cumberland Fi ne's Creek Haywood First Broad Rutherford Fish Dam Wake ' Fitch's Store Caswell Five Forks Stokes Flat River Orange Flat Rock Henderson Flat Shoal Surry Flemington Columbus Flemmings C'tawba Flinty Branch Mitchell Fonta Flora Burke Footville Yadkin Forbush Yadkin Forestville Wake Fork Church Davie Fork Mountain Mitchell Forks of Pigeon Haywood Fork Swamp Beaufort Forney's Creek Swain Fort Defiance Caldwell Fort Landing Tyrrel Fountain Hill Greene Foust's Mills Randolph Francisco Stokes Franklin Macon Franklinton Franklin Franklinville Randolph Freeman's Mills Guilford Fremont Wayne French Broad Buncombe French Creek Church Bladen Friedburgh Forsyth Friendship Guilford Fulton Davie Gamble's Store Rutherford Gap Civil Alleghany Gap Creek Ashe Gardner's Ford Cleveland Garibaldi Gaston Garysburg Northampton Gastonia Gaston Gatesville Gates Gatlington Gates Germanton Stokes Gibbs Cross Roads Cumberland Gibsonville Guilford Giles' Mills Samnson Gilmer's Store Guilford Glade Creek Alleghany Gladsburg Randolph Glen Brook Randolph Glencoe Buncombe Glenola Randolph Globe Caldwell Godwin's Johnston GGooldldHsbiollro' Rowan Wayne Goose Creek Island Beaufort Goshen Wilkes Graham Alamance Grange Transylvania Granite Hill Iredell Grantsborough Pamlico Grantville Buncombe Grape Creek Cherokee Grassy Branch Cleveland Grassy Creek Mitchell Grassy Knob Rutherford Gravel Hill Bladen Gray Eagle Buncombe * Money Order Offices. 30 Post-offices--North Carolina Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Gray's Chapel Randolph Hope Mills Cumberland Laurel Valley Cherokee Gray's Creek Cumberland Hopewell Mecklenburgh Laurenburg Richmond Green Hill Rutherford Horse Cove Macon Lawsonville Rockingham Green Level Wake Hothouse Cherokee Laxton's Creek Watauga Green Mountain Yancey Hull's X Roads Lincoln Leachburgh Johnston Green River Henderson Hunsucker's Store Leaksville Rockingham .Green Rock Ca'dwell Montgomery Leasburg Caswell *Greensborough Guilford Huntersville Mecklenburgh Lebanon Columbus Green's Grove Rutherford Hunting Creek Wilkes Ledger Mitchell Greenville Pitt Huntsville Yadkin Lee Madison Grissom Granville Hurdle's Mills Person Leechville Beau'ort Grist's Station Columbus Idaho Cumberland Lee's Mills Washington Grove Chatham Indian Hill Davidson Leesvilie Robeson Gum Branch Onslow Indian Springs Wayne Leicester Buncombe Gum Neck Tyrrel Indian Town Currituck Lenoir Caldwell Hadden Mountain Jackson Indian Trail Union Lenox Castle Rockingham Hadley's Mills Chatham Inverness Cumberland Leo Stanley Hale Wood Madison Irene Mecklenburgh Lethe Richmond Halifax Halifax Iron Duff Haywood Level Cross Randolph Hall's Mills Wilkes Iron Hill Columbus Level Plains Randolph Hallsviile Duplin Iron Station Lincoln Lewis Forks Wilkes Hamburgh Jackson Island Ford Rutherford Lewiston Bertie Hamilton Martin Ivy Madison Lewisville Forsyth Hamlet Richmond Ivy Gap Yancey Lexington Davidson Hamptonville Yadkin Jackson Northampton Liberty Hill Iredell Hannersville Davidson Jackson Hill Davidson Lick Log Creek Clay Happy Home Burke Jackson's Creek Randolph Liiesville Anson Harlowe Carteret Jackson Springs Moore Lillington Harnett Harper's Johnston Jacksonville Onslow *Lincolnton Lincoln Harper's Cross Roads Jacob's Fork Catawba Linton Richmond Chatham Jamestown Guilford Linville Cove Mitchell Harrell's Store Sampson Jamesville Martin Linville's Store Burke Harrelsville Hertford Jarvisburgh Currituck Linwood Davidson Harrington Harnett Jefferson Ashe Little Creek Madison Harrisburgh Cabarrus Jenkin's Store Union Little Pine Creek Madison Harrisville Montgomery Jennings Mills Iredell Little River Alex nder Harts Rowan Jericho Wayne Little River Academy Hartsboro' Edgecombe Jerusalem Davie Cumberland Hartshorn Alamance Johnson's Mills Pitt Little Rock Creek Mitchell Haslin Beaufort Jonas Ridge Burke Little's Mills Richmond Hatteras Dare Jonathan's Creek Haywood Little Sugar Loaf Bladen Hawley's Store Sampson Jonesboro' Moore Littleton Halifax Hawk Mine Mitchell Jonesville Yadkin Lockville Chatham Haw River Alamance Judesville Surry Locust Hill Caswell Haynesville Clay Jug Town Catawba Locust Level Stanly Hays Store Wake Junaluska Jackson Logan's Store Rutherford Hay Stack Surry Keenerville Mitchell Long Creek Pender Haywood Chatham Kellyville Mecklenburgh Long Pine Anson Healing Springs Davidson Kelvin Grove Wake Long Ridge Washington Heathville Halifax Kemp's Mills Randolph Long's Cross Roads Person Heilig's Mill Rowan *Kenansville Duplin Long's Mills Randolph Helton Henderson Ashe Kendall Granville Kendall's Store Anson Stanley LLoonugitsobwunrg Yadkin Franklin Hendersonville Henderson Kernersville Forsyth Lovelady Caldwell Henry's McDowell Killian's Mills Lincoln Love's Creek Chatham HerringvUle Sampson Kimbolton Chatham Low Gap Surry Hertford Perquimons King's Creek Caldwell Lumberton Robeson Hester's Store Person King's Mountain Cleveland Lynch Madison *Hickory Catawba Kinnekeet Dare Lynn Polk Hicksville Rutherford *Kinston Lenoir Lyon's Landing Bladen Highlands Macon Kittrell Granville McBride's Mill Watauga *High Point Guilford Knap of Reeds Granville McCary's store Alamance High Shoals Gaston Knob Creek Cleveland McLeansville Guilford High Towers Caswell Knott's Island Currituck Macedonia Montgomery Hilliardston Nash Kyle's Landing Macon Depot Warren *Htllsboro' Orange Cumberland Madison Rockingham Hillsdale Guilford LaGrange Lenoir Magnolia Duplin Hill's Store Randolph Lake Comfort Hyde Manchester Cumberland Hogback Valley Lake Landing Hyde Man gum Richmond Transylvania Lanesborough Anson Manly Ashe Hollow Poplar Mitchell Lane's Creek Union Manly Station Moore Holly Bush Cleveland Lassiter's Mills Randolph Mann's Harbor Dare Holly Grove Moore Latham Beaufort Manson Warren Holly Springs Wake Laurel Franklin Manteo Dare Hollywood Carteret Laurel Branch Alleghany Maple Cypress Craven Hominy Creek Buncombe Laurei Falls Yadkin Maple Springs Wilkes Hookerston Greene Laurel Hill Richmond Margaretsville Hoover Hill Randolph Laurel Spring Ashe Northampton * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--North Carolina 31 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Marion McDowell Marlboro' Marley's Mills Pitt Randolph Marshall Madison Mars Hill Madison Martindale Mecklenburgh Martin's Limekiln Stokes Matthews Mecklenburgh Mayfield Rockingham Maysville Jones Meadow Hill Wilkes Mears Bluff Brunswick Meat Camp Wat uga Mebanesville Alamance Melrose Robeson Melville Alamance Merry Mount Warren Merry t laks Chatham Micaville Yancey Middleburgh Warren Middle Cane Watauga Middle Swamp Bladen Middletown Hyde Midway Davidson Milbernie Wake Mill Bridge Rowan Mill Creek Person Milledgeville Montgomery Mill Grove Cabarrus Mill Hill Cabarrus Mill River Henderson MMilillstoSnpring Polk Caswell Mingo Sampson Mint Hill Mecklenburgh Mocksville Davie Moffit's Mills Randolph Monroe Monroeton Union Rockingham Monticello Guilford Montpelier Richmond Mooresborough Cleveland Moore's Creek Pender Moore's Mills Wake Mooresville Iredell Mooshannee Moore Moravian Falls Wilkes Morehead City Carteret Moretz Mill Watauga Morgan Hill Buncombe Morgan's Mills Union *Morgantown Burke Morristown Moore Morrisville Morrosenian Wake Robeson Morton's Store Alamance Morven Anson Moss Neck Robeson Mountain Creek Catawba Muddy Fork Cleveland Mud Lick Chatham Mulberry Wilkes Mull Grove Catawba Munn's Station Moore Murfreesboro' Hertford Murphey Cherokee Myatt's Mills Wake Nantahalah Swain Narrow Ridge Moore Nashville Nash Nathan's Creek Ashe Nat Moore Bladen Nebo McDowell Neddy Rock Jackson Nettle Knob Ashe NNeeuwsebern Wake Craven New Castle Wilkes New Found Buncombe New Garden Uuiltord New Hill New Hope Wake Iredell New Hope Academy Randolph New Hope Mills Granville New House Cleveland New Light Wake New Market Randolph Newport Carteret New River Alleghany- New Salem Randolph New Sterling Iredell Newton Catawba Newton Grove Sampson Nicholson's Mills Iredell North Brook Lincoln North Cove McDowell North Fork Ashe Norval Harnett Norwood Stanly Nottla Cherokee Oak Forest Iredell Oak Grove Union Oak Hill Granville Oak Ridge Guilford Oaks Orange Oak Spring Rutherford Oakville Warren ocona Lufty Swain Ocracoke Hyde Old Fort McDowell Old Furnace Gaston Old Hundred Richmond Old Shop Wake Old Town Forsyth Olin Iredell Olive Branch Union Olive Hill Person Patterson's Store Alamance Patton's Home Rutherford Paw Creek Mecklenburg Peacock's X Roads Johnston Peacock's Store Columbus Pedlar's Hill Chatham Pekin Montgomery Peletier's Mill Carteret Pelham Caswell Pensacola Yancey Perkinsville Burke Persimmon Creek Chesterfield Peru Haywood Peter's Creek Petra Mills Stokes Caldwell Pheuix Brunswick Piedmont Springs Burke Pigeon River Haywood Pigeon Valley Haywood Pike Cumberland Pikeville Wayne Pilot Mountain Stokes Pine Level Johnston Pine Run Watauga Pineville Mecklenburg Piney Creek Alleghany Pin Hook Depot Gaston Pink Bed Henderson Pink Hill Lenoir Pinnacle Henderson Pioneer Mills Cabarras Pireway Ferry Columbus Pisgah Randolph Pitch Landing I'ittsboro' Hertford Chatham Pleasant Garden Guilford Pleasant Grove Alamance Pleasant Hill Northampton Pleasant Ridge Gaston PPlulymmtroeueth Mitchell Washington Point Caswell New Hanover Polkton Anson Pollocksville Jones Pool Rowan Poor's Ford Rutherford Poplar Branch Currituck Poplar Bridge Iredell Poplar Grove Polk Poplar Hill Anson Portsmouth Carieret Potecasi Northampton Powellton Richmond Prestonville Stokes Price's Mill Union Price's Store Rockingham Princeton Johnston Mountain Island Mount Airy Gaston Surry Orange Factory Orange Oregon Rockingham Prospect Hall Prospect Hill Bladen Caswell Mom t Bethel Alexander Mount Energy Granville Mount Gilead Montgomery Mount Mourne Iredell Mount Nebo Yadkin Mount Olive Wayne Mount Pisgah Alexander Mount Pleasant Cabarrus Mouut Prospect Union Mount Sterling HayAood Mount Tabor Forsyth Mount Tirza Person Mouut Ulla Rewan Mount Vernon Rowan Mount Zion Wilkes Mouth of Buffalo Ashe Moyock Currituck `'re Hill Chatham Ore Knob Ashe Osbonville Wilkes Osgood Chatham Otter Creek Rutherlord Outlaw's Bridge Duplin Oxford Granville Oxford's Ford Catawba Pacific Franklin Pactolus Pitt Palmyra Halifax Palo Alto Onslow Pantegal Beaufort Panther Creek Y adkin Patterson Caldwell Patterson's Bridge Moore Patterson's Mill Orange Prosperity Moore Purlear s Creek W ilkes Purley Caswell Q,uaker Gap Stokes (Juallatown Jackson (Query's Raleigh Mecklenburg Wake Ramsaytown Yancey Ranaleburgh Mecklenburgh Ransom's Bridge Nash Ray wood U nion Ready Branch Wilkes Red Banks Robeson Red Cross Randolph Iteddie's River Wilkes Red Hill Mitchell Red Mountain Orange Money Order Offices. 32 Post-offices--North Carolina. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Red Plains Yadkin Scotland Neck Halifax Stumpy Point Dare Red Shoals Stokes Scott's Creek Jackson Sugar Grove Watauga Reed Creek Randolph Scott's X Roads Iredell Sulphur Springs Reedy ('reek Davidson Scott's Hill Reidsville Rockingham Scottsville Pender Montgomery Ashe Summerfield Guilford Resaca Duplin Scuppernong Washington Sunbury Gates Re.vnoldson Gates Seabord Northampton Supply Brunswick Rialto Chatham Selma Johnston Sutherland's Ashe Riceville Buncombe Settle Iredell Swnnnano Buncombe Richardson's Creek Union Shady Springs Ashe Swann's Station Moore Richlands Onslow Shallotte Brunswick Swan Quarter Hyde Richland Valley Haywood Sharon Cleveland Swansboro' Onslow Richmond Hill Yadkin Sharpsburg Nash Sweet Home Iredell Rich Mountain Jackson Shaw's Mills Guilford Swift Creek Bridge Craven Rich Square Northampton *Shelby Cleveland Swift Island Montgomery Riddicksville Hertford Sherrill's Ford Catawba Swinson's Cut Brunswick Ridge's Creek Montgomery Shiloah Camden Table Rock Burke Ridge Spring Ridgeville Pitt Ship Yard Caswell Shoe Heel Camden Robeson TTaallryboHroough Granville Edgecombe Ridgeway Warren Shooting Creek Clay Tarheel Bladen Riggsbee's Store Chatham Shoupe's Ford Burke Tar Landing Onslow Riley'sX Roads Franklin Shufordsville Henderson Taylor's Bridge Sampson Ringwoud Halifax Shull's Mills Watauga Taylorsville Alexander River Bank Granville Sidney Columbus Teachey's Duplin River Hill Iredell Siegel's Store Lincoln The Cape Dare Riverside Buncombe Silas Creek Ashe Thomasville Davidson Rives Chapel Chatham Siloam Surry Thompsonville Roaring Gap Roaring Run Wilkes Sladesville Wilkes Smalt's X Roads Hyde Chowan Three Forks Rockingham Yancey Robbinsville Graham Smithfield Johnson Toisnot Wilson Robersonville Martin Smith Grove Davie Tolarsville Robeson RobesoD Brunswick Smith's Ford Cabarus Tomatola Cherokee Robin Hill Cumberland Smithville Brunswick Tom's Creek Surry Rock Creek Alamance Snead's Ferry Onslow Topsail Sound Rock Fish Rockford Duplin Sneedsborough Surry Snipe's Store Anson New Hanover Chatham Town Creek Brunswick Rockingham Richmond Snow Camp Alamance Townesville Granville Rock Spi ing Orange Snow Creek Iredell Trail Branch Madison Rockwell Rowan Snow Hill Greene Trapp Hill Wilkes. Rocky Flat *Rocky Mount Watauga Edgecomb Soda Hill Watauga Soapstone Mount Randolph TTrreinntiotyn College Jones Randolph Rocky Point Pender Solitude Ashe Troublesome Rockingham Rodanthe Dare South Creek Beaufort Troutman's Iredell Rolesviile Wake South Fork she Troy Montgomery Rosedale Pasquotank Aouth Gaston Halifax Troy's Store Randolph Rose Hill Duplin South Lowell Orange Tryon Polk Rosindale Bladen South Mills Camden Tuckahoe Jones Roslin Cumberland South Point Gaston Tulin Cabarras Round Peak Surry South River Rowan Turnersburg Iredell Rowan Mills Rowan South Toe Yancey Turner's Mountain Surry Roxborough Person South Washington Pender Turnpike Buncombe Roxobel Bertie Sparta Edgecombe Turtletown Cherokee Ruffin Rockingham Speight's Bridge Greene Tusquiree Ciay Rural Hall Forsyth Spout Springs Harnett Tuttle's X Roads Caldwell RRuusktherf >rdton Surry Rutherford Spring Creek Springdale Madison University Station Orange Haywood Uwharie Montgomery Saint John Hertford Spring Grove Iredell Val ey Crusis Watauga Saint Lawrence Chatham Spring Hope Nash Valley Spri ngs Rutherford SSaainletmPauls Robeson Spruce Pine Forsyth Staggs Creek Mitchell Valley Town Ashe vanceville Cherokee Buncombe Salem Chapel Forsyth Stagville Orange Vandemere Pamlico Salem Church Salisbui y Randolph Stanhope Rowau Stanley's Creek Nash Vest's Gaston Vienna Cherokee Forsyth Sanders Store Carteret State Road Surry Waddell's Rockingham Sandy Cr< ek Randolph *btatesville Iredell Wadesboro' Anson Sandy Foundation Lenoir Stecoah Graham Wakefield Wake Sandy Gun e Chatham Steel Creek Mecklenburgh Wake Forest College Wake Sandy Mush Buncombe Stencil House Hyde Walkerstown Forsyth Sandy Ridge stokes Sterling's Mills Robeson ! Walkersville Union Sandy Sp ings Polk Slice's Shoal Cleveland | Wallace Duplin Sanford Moore Stocksville Buncombe Walnut Cove Stokes Sans Soueie Bertie Stoneville Rockingham Walnut Hill Ashe Sassafras Fork Granville Stony Fork Wa auga I Walnut Mountain Madison Sassafras Gap Tran sy1 van ` a Stony Hill Wilkes 1 alnut Run Madison 8au ratow n Stokes Stony Point Alexander Ward's Mill OufIow Sawyersville Randolph Stony Ridge Surry Ward's Store Robeson Sexapahaw Alamance Stoul Union Ward vl lie Chowan Science Hill Randolph Strabane Lenoir Warlick's Mills Burke Money Order Offices. Post-offices--North Carolina--South Carolina. 33 Post-office. County. South Carolina Post-office County. Warm Springs Madison Cash Hill Greenville Warren Piains Warren Post-office. County. Casliville Spartanburg Warrensville Sampson Catarrh Chesterfield * Warren ton Warren *Abbevllle C. H. Abbeville Cedar Bluff Union WWaarssahwington Duplin Acton Beaufort Adam's Run Richland Cedar Falls Colleton Cedar Grove Greenville Laurens Watauga Falls Watauga Aiken Aiken Cedar Shoal Chester Watsonville Rowan Algood Spartanburg Centenary Marion Waynesvllle Haywood Allendale Barnwell Center Pickens Weaversford Weaverville Ashe Buncombe AAlsntdoenrson C. H. FalrfiieJd Anderson Center Hill Centerville Orangeburg Laurens Webb's Ford Webster Rutherford Jackson Anderson's Mills Pickens Andrews Mills Darlington CChhaaprpleelslt'os nBridgeCNheawrlebsetrorny * Weldon ' Wentworth West Brook Halifax Antioch Rockingham Antreville Bladen Appleton York Cheohee Oconee Abbeville Cheraw Chesterfield Barnwell Chester C. H. Chester Westfield ctokes Arnold's Mills Pickens Chesterfield C H. Westminster Guilford Ashepoo Colleton Chesterfield West's Mill Macon Ashton Sumter Chestnut Grove Chester Whitakers Edgecombe Babbtown Greenville Chick's Springs Greenville Whitehall Bladen Bachelor's Retreat Oconee Clark's Fork York White House Randolph Baldoclt Barnwell Clark's Mills Lexington White Oak Bladen Bamberg Barnwell Clay Hill York White Oak Hall Polk Barnwell Barnwell Clear Spring Greenville White Road Forsyth Barr's Landing Lexington Clinton Laurens White Rock Madison Batesburgh Lexington Clio Marlborough White's Store Anson Batesviile Spartanburg Clover York Whiteville Co umbus Bath Aiken Cokesbury Abbeville WhiteviUe Depot Columbus Baton Rouge Chester Cold Spring Edgefield Why Not Randolph *Beaufort Beaufort Cold Well Union Wickles Store Macon Beaver Pond Lexington Colerain Union W Wiliblkaresborough Wilkes Beech Island Wilkes Belair Aiken Lancaster CCoollliuerm'sbia Edgefield Richland WWiilllilaiammssbtuorng Iredell Bellevue Martin Belton Greenville Conwayboro' Anderson Cool Spring Horry Horry Willis Creek Bladen Bennettsville Marlborough Coosaw Beaufort WWilillomwinGgtroenen New Greene Hanover Bethany Bethel York Countsville York Cowpens Lexington Spartanburg *Wilson Wilson Bethlehem Clarendon Craigsville Lancaster Wilson's Mills Johnston Big Breek Edgefield Crawfordsville Spartanburg Willson's Store Stokes Bishopville Sumter Crosbyvllle Chester Wilton Granville Black Mingo Williamsburg Cross Anchor Spartanburg Winchester Union Black's Station York Cross Hill Laurens Windsor Bertie Black Stocks Chester Cross Keys Union Winfall Perquimons Blackville Barnwell Cureton's Store Lancaster Winslow Harnett Blairsville York Dacusville Pickens Winstead Winston Person Bluftton Forsyth Board Landing Beaufort Damascus Spartanburg Horry Darlington C. H. Wlnton Hertford Bold Branch Abbeville Darlington Wittenburg Alexander Bonneau's Depot Charleston Davis' Bridge Aiken Wolf Creek Cherokee Bordeaux Abbeville Deep Creek Chesterfield Wolf Mountain Jackson Bouknight's Ferry Doko Fairfield Wolf Pond Union Edgefield Donaldsville Abbeville Wolfsville Union Boutwell Edgefield Dorn's Gold Mines ** Woodbridge Craven Bowlingsville Union Dorn's Mills Edgefield Woodland Northampton Branchville Orangeburg Dove's Depot Darlington Woodlawn Gaston Brewerton Laurens Dry Creek Lancaster Woodleaf Rowan Brighton Beaufort Dry Grove Abbeville Woodruff's Wilkes Brightsville Marlborough Due West " Woods Jackson Britton's Neck Marion Dunbarton Barnwell Woolvllle Perquimons Brown's Store Union Duntonsville Edgefield Yadkin Institute Davidson Brownsville Marlborough Earlesville Spartanburg Yadkinville Yadkin Brunson Beaufort Early Branch Beaufort Yancey's Store Person Buckhead Fairfield Easley Pickens Yanceyville Caswell Bucksville Horry Estaloe " Yeatesville Beaufort Buena Vista Greenville Eastover Richland Yellow Hill Wilkes Buford's Bridge Barnwell Ebenezer Darlington Yellow Mountain Mitchell Bullock Creek York College Institute Bull Swamp York Lexington EEddegnefield C. H. Laurens Edgefield Alexander Burnt Factory Spartanburg Edisto Island Colleton York ville Bladen Bushy Creek Anderson Effingham Station Marion Young's X Roads Granville Calhoun's Mills Young's Mills Guilford Camden Abbeville Eighteen Miles Kershaw Elko Pickens Barnwell Yount's Mill Catawba Campbell's Bridge Marion Ellenton " Zimmerman Wilkes Campobello Spartanburg Elmwood Edgefield Zion Yadkin Camp Ridge Williamsburg Enterprise Charleston Zoar Union Carolina Marlon Equality Anderson Cartersville Darlington Etta Jane Union * Money Order Offices. 34 Post-offices--South Carolina Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Fairbanks Lexington Horusboro' Chesterfield Millville Spartanburg Fair Forest Union Huntersville Greenville Millway Abbeville Fair Play Oconee Huntington Laurens Mine Creek Edgefield Fairview Greenville Hurricane Shoals Mineral Springs Marion Eeasterville Fairiield Spartanburg Moffettsville Anderson Fifty-Bight Orangeburg Irvington Chesterfield Monk's Corner Charleston FIngerville Spartanburg Jackson boro' Colleton Monterey Abbeville Fish Dam Union Jacksonham Lancasier Monticello Fairfield Flat Rock Flint Hill Kershaw Jackson Station Aiken Montmorenci Fairfield Jalapa Newberry Mott's Bridge Aiken Clarendon Flint Ridge Lancaster Jedburg Colleton Moultrieville Charleston Florence Darlington Jefferson Chesterfield Mountain Creek Anderson Folk's store Colleton Jeffrey's Creek Marion Mountain Rest ' Oconee Eoreston Forestville Clarendon Johnsonville Williamsburg Mountain Shoals Laurens Marion Johnston's Depot Edgefield Mountain View Abbeville Fork Shoals Greenville Jonesville Union Mount Ebal Aiken Fort George Oconee Kelley's Store Greenville Mount Gallagher Laurens Fort Mill York Kentyre Marion Mount Joy Union Fort Mottee Orangeburg Keowee Oconee Mount Pleasant Charleston Fountain Inn Greenville Killian's Richland Mount Tabor Union Fraziersville Frog Level Abbeville Kinuard's Turnout Mountville Newberry Newberry Mount Willing Laurens Edgefield Fruit Hill Fulton Edgefield Kingstree Williamsburg Mullin's Depot Marion Clarendon Kitching's Mills Aiken Mush Creek Greenville Gadsden Galivant's Ferry Richard Knott's xMill Orangeburgh Myersville Williamsburg Horry Lancaster C. H. Lancaster "Newberry C. H. Newberry George's Creek Pickens Landsford Chester Newell Anderson Georgetown Georgetown Lane's Gilbert Hollow Lexington Langley Williamsburg New Market Abbeville Aiken New Prospect Spartanburg Gillisonville Beaufort "Laurens C. H. Laurens New Road Colleton Glenn's Springs Lawtonville Beaufort New Zion Clarendon Spartanburg Lebanon Abbeville Nichols Marion Golden Grove Greenville Lee's Barnwell Nine Times Pickeus Golden Springs Anderson Leesville Lexington Ninety Six Abbeville Goodgious Factory Laurens Level Land Abbeville Nixonville Horry Goshen Hill Union Lexington C. H. Lexington Oak Grove Marion Gourdin's Station Liberty Pickens Oak Hill Lexington Williamsburg Liberty Hall Newberry Oakland Clarendon Gowansvllle Greenville Liberty Hill Kershaw Oakley Depot Charleston Gowdeyville Union Lima Greenville Oakway Oconee Graham's Turnout Barnwell Limestone Springs Oconee Station Oconee Graham vi lie Beaufort Spastanburg Old Store Chesterfield Grauiteville Aiken Lime Creek Laurens Oneal Greenville Grassy Pond Spartanburg Little River Horry "Orangeburg C. H. Greenland Aiken Little Rock Marion Orangeburg Green Pond Colleton Lone Cane Abbeville Packsville Clarendon GreC'n Sea Horry Longmire's Store Edgefield Pacolett Depot Spartanburg "Greenville C. H. Greenville Lorena Lexington Page's Mills Marion Greenwood Abbeville Lower Three Runs Barnwell Palmetto Darlington Greer's Depot Greenville Lowndesville Abbeville Paris Laurens GfoveStation Greenville Lowryville Chester Park's Store Edgefield Grovewood Richland Lydia Darlington Parnassus Marlborough Gum Swamp Marion Lylesford Fairfield "Pendleton Anderson Guthriesville York Lynchburg Sumter Pendleton's Factory Halsellville Chester Lynch's Creek Marion Anderson Hamburg Aiken Lynch's Lake Williamsburg Philadelphia Darlington Hammond Aiken Lynchwood Kershaw Phumix Abbeville Hardeeviile Beaufort MeClellanville Charleston Pickens C. H. Pickens Hart's Store Greenville McConnellsvllle York Piedmont Greenville Hartsville Darlington Manchester Sumter Piercetown Anderson Hattieville Barnwell Manning Clarendon Pine Grove Union Havirdsville Edgefield Mannville Sumter Pine House Depot Edgefield Hebron Spartanburg Mapleton Abbeville Pine Plains Lexington Helena Newberry Marietta Greenville Pine Ridge Lexington Hickman Horry Marion C. H. Marion Pine Tree Chesterfield Hickory Grove York Mars Bluff " Plain Greenville Highland Grove Greenville Martin's Depot Laurens Pleasant Grove Union Highland Home Laurens Martinsville Spartanburg Pleasant Hill Lancaster Hill's Factory Spartanburg Maybinton Newberry Pleasant Lane Edgefield Hilton Head Beaufort Maysville Sumter Pleasant Mound Laurens Hobbysville Spartanburg Meehan icsville Sumter Pleasant Valley Lancaster Hodges Abbeville Meeting Street Edgefield Pliny Greenville Holland's Store Anderson Merritt's Bridge Aiken Pomaria Newberry Holly Hill Charleston Merrittsville Greenville Port Harrelson Holly Honey Path Anderson Middle Saluda Greenville Port Royal Beaufort Hoover's Beaufort Midway Barnwell Poverty Hill Edgefield Hope Station Lexington Mile Creek Pickens Powers Shop Laurens Hopewell York Millettville Barnwell Price's Pickens " Money Order Offices. / Post-offices--South Carolina--Tennessee. 35 Post-office. County. Post- County. Post-office. County. Pritc-hardviUe Beaufort Prospect Williamsburg Providence Sumter Puckett's Ferry Lanrens Raveriell Colleton Reeder's Store Lexington Reedy Creek Marion Reedy River Factory Table Mountain Pickens Taxahan Lancaster Tay'or's Sumter Temple of Health Abbeville Tiller's Ferry Kershaw Timmonsville Darlington Tomotley Beaufort Toney Creek Anderson Ash port Aspen Hill Athens Atoka Atwood Aubnrn Austin Austin's Mills Lauderdale Giles McMinn Tipton Carroll Cannon Wilson Hawkins Reevesville Greenville Townsville Colleton Travelers Rest Anderson Austin's Springs Greenville Washington Rehoboth Edgefield Tucker's Pond Edgefield Await Franklin Reidsvllle Spartanburg Tumbling Shoals Laurens Bagdad Smith Reynosa Lnurens Tylersville Laurens Baggettsville Robertson Richardsonville Edgefield Union Union Bailey Shelby Rich Hill X Roads Chester Valley Falls Spartanburg Baird's Mills Wilson Ridge Edgefield Vance's Ferry Orangeburg Baker's Cross Roads White Ridgeville Colleton Varnville Beaufort Baker's Gap Johnson Ridgeway Fairfield Vernonville Spartanburg Baker's Station Davidson Rish's Store Lexington Village Creek Oconee Ball >imp Knox Roadville Charleston Walhalla Oconee Ball'PIay Monroe Robbins Robortsville Barnwell Beaufort Walnut Grove Spartanburg Walterborough Colleton Ball Point Barnardsville Grainger Roane Rock Hill York Walton Newberry Barren Plain Robertson Rock Mills Anderson Ward's Turn Out Edgefield Barren Snrings Fentress Rocky River Anderson Watenee Richland Bartlett Shelby Rocky Well Lexington Waterloo Laurens Basin Spring Williamson Roseborough Laurens Waxhaw Lancaster Bass Landing Lake Ross Station Colleton Wedgefield Sumter Bayless Union Rossville Chester Wolford Spartanburg Beach Creek Hawkins Rowesville Orangeburg Westminster Oconee Beachville Williamson Rumphtown Colleton Whitaker York Bean's Station Grainger Russell's Place Kershaw White Hall Colleton Bear Branch DeKalb Saddler's Creek Anderson White Horse Greenville Beardstown Perry St. George's Colleton White Oak Fairfield Beaver Creek Jefferson St. Matthew's Orangeburg White Plains Chesterfield Beaver Hill Overton St. Stephen's Depot White Sand Greenville Beaver Ridge Knox Charleston Whitmires Newberry Beckwith Wilson Salkehatchie Colleton Wideman's Abbeville Bedford Bedford Salter's Depot Williamsburg Wild Cat Lancaster Beech Grove Coffee Saluda Oldtown Williamson Anderson Beech Point Obion Sanders Barnwell Willington Abbeville Bee Creek Bledsoe Sand Hill Beaufort Williston Barnwell Bell Buckle Bedford Sandy Flat Sautuek Greenville Windsor Union Winnsboro' Aiken Fairfield Belleview Bell's Depot Davidson Crockett Scuffletown Laurens Witts Mills Orangeburg Belltown Monroe Se lalia Union Woodlawn Edgefield Bell wood Wilson Selkirk Marion Woodruff's Spartanburg Belmont coffee Seneca Shallowford Oconee Woodville Greenville Belvidere Anderson Wright's Bluff Clarendon Benton Fran'k'oliink Shaylor's Hill Kershaw Wylie's Chester Berlin Marshall Shelton Fairfield Yemassee Beaufort Bersheba Springs Grundy Shiloh Silver Street Sumter Newberry Yonguesville Yorkville Fairfield Beshville York Bethel Lawrence Giles Simpson's Mills Laurens Young's Store Laurens Bethel Springs McNairy Sinclair Lexington Zeno York Bethesda Williamson Singletaryville Bethpage Sumner Williamsburg Skull Shoals Union Smith's Ford Union Tennessee. Bettleville Beulah Beyerl.v Shelby Greene Rutherford Smith's Turnout York Bible Hill Claiborne SSopcaierttyanHbiullrg C. Darlington H. Post-office. County. Big Creek Big Creek Gap Cocke Campbell Spartanbnrg Adams' Station Robertson Big Hill McNairy Spring Grove Laurens Adamsville McNairy Big Lick Cumberland Springhill Lexington Alamo Crockett Big Sandy Benton Stateburg Sumter Alanthus Hill Hancock Big Spring Meigs State Line Spartanburg Alexandria DeKalb Birch Wood J mes Steedman's Lexington Altamont Grundy Birdsvllle Cocke Sterling Grove Greenville Alto Franklin Blackjack Robertson Stoke's Bridge Darlington Alton Hill Macon Black Water Hancock Stony Point Anderson Alum Well Hawkins Black Wolf Scott Storeville Anderson Anderson Franklin Blain's XRoads Grainger Strother Fairfield Andrew Chapel Madison Blair's Gap Hawkins Summerville Charleston Appleton Lawrence Blake's Mills Lawrence SSuummmteirt Point C. H. Lexington Arcadia Sumter Arrington Sullivan Blanche Williamson Blountsville Lincoln Sullivan Sunny Dale Pickens Asbury Knox Blue Spring Station Bradley Swilt Creek Darlington Ashland City Cheatham Bluff Point nickman * Money Order Office*. 36 Post-offices--Ten n essee . Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. BluffSprings Hickman Carter's Creek Station Cold Spring Bledsoe Boatland Fentress Maury Cold Water Lincoln Bodenham Giles Carter's Depot Carter College Grove Williamson BBooldlivSeprring Humphreys Carter's Furnace Hardeman Carter's Station Carter Collier Greene Colliersville Haywood Shelby Bon Aqua Bond's Station Hickman Carthage Shelby Caryviile Smith Collinsville Montgome-y Campbell Columbia Maury Bone Cave Van Buren Cash Point Lincoln Como Henry Booneville Moore Castalian Springs Sumner Compensation ciaiborne Boon's Creek Washington Patchings Franklin Conasauga Polk Boonshill Lincoln Gatlin's Mills DeKalb Concord Knox Booth's Point Dyer Catlettsburg Sevier Conyersville Henry Boston Williamson Cave White Cookville Putnam Box's Station Humphreys Cave Mills Dixon Cooper Knox Boyd's Creek Sevier Cave Spring Carter Coopertown Robertson Braden's Knobs Bledsoe Cedar Chapel Hardeman Corbandale Montgomery Braden Station Fayette Cedar Creek Greene Cornersvilie Marshall Bradford .Gibson Cedar Creek Landing Perry Cosby Cocke Bradshaw > Giles Cedar Fork Claiborne Cottage Grove Henry Bradyvillo Cannon Cedar Grove Carroll Cotton Port Meigs Branchville Bedford Cedar Hill Robertson Couchville Davidson Brazil Gibson Cedar Lane Greene County Line Moore Brentwood Williamson Cedar Springs Marion Covington Tipton Brick Church Giles Celina Clay Cowan Franklin Brick Mill Blount Centennial Cumberland Coxburg Benton Bridgeport Cocke Center Point Henderson Coytee Loudon BBrrigishttooln Tipton Centerville Hickman Craggie Hope Sullivan Central Point Montgomery Craig's Ford Cheatham Campbell Bristow Maury Cerro Gordo Hardin Cranesville Hardeman Britt's Landing Perry Chanute Fentress Crockett Mills Crockett Brittsville Meigs Chapel Hill Marshall Crooked Fork Morgan Brodie's Landing Decatur Charleston Bradley Cross Anchor Greene Brownsborough Charlotte Dickson Cross Plains Robertson Washington Chaseville Benton Crossville Cumberland Brownsport Furnace Brownsville' Decatur Haywood CChhaatatttaanooga Cherry Creek Bradley Cuba Shelby Hamilton Culleoka Maury White Cumberland City Houston Brushy Hickman Cherry Grove Wash i n gton Cumberland Furnace Buchanan Henry Chestnut Bluffs Crockett Dickson Buena Vista Carroll Chestnut Hill Jefferson Cumberland Gap Claiborne Buffalo Humphreys Chestnut Mound Smith Cumberland Iron Works Buffalo Ridge Washington Chestnut Ridge Lincoln Stewart Buffalo Valley Putnam Chestuee Mills Polk Cusick's X Roads Sevier Bufford's Station Giles Chewalla McNairy Cynthiana Jefferson Bull Bun Knox Chickamauga Hamilton Cypress Perry Bull's Gap Hawkins Chickamauga Station Cypress Inn Wayne Bumpus Mills Stewart Hamilton Cyruston Lincoln Bunker's Hill Giles Chilhowee Blount Daddy's Creek Cumberland Burem's Store Hawkins Chimney Top Hawkins Dadsville Marion Burns' Station Dickson Choptack But her's Spring Claiborne Christiana Hawkins Williamson DDaanncbyrvidilglee Haywood Jefferson Butler Johnson Chucky Valley Williamson Danielsvflle Dickson Butler's Landing Clay Church Grove Knox Danville Houston Byrne Putnam Church Hill Hawkins Darkey Springs White Cactus Davidson Clairfleld Claiborne Dark's Mill Maury Cade's Cove Cainsville Blount Clarksburg Carroll Dead Level Wilson Clarksville Montgomery Decatur Morgan Meigs Cairo Crockett Clarktown White Decaturville Decatur Calf Killer Putnam Clay Brook Madison Decherd Franklin Calhoun McMlnn Clear Branch Unicoi Denmark Madison Camargo Lincoln Clear Creek Greene Denson's Landing Perry Camden Brenton Clear Spring Grainger Dickson Dickson Campbell's Station Campbellsville Knox Clementsville Giles Cleveland Clay Difficult Smith Bradley Dixon's Springs Trousdale Camp Creek Greene Clifton Wayne Donelson Davidson Canadaville Fayette Clinch Hancock Donel'8 Chapel Rutherford Cane Ridge Van Buren Clinch River Anderson Double Bridges Lauderdale Caney Branch Greene Clinton Anderson Double Springs Putnam CaneySprlng Marshall Clover Bottom Sullivan Doughertyville Hawkins Cantrell's X Roads McMlnn Cloverdale Dickson Dover Stewart Capleville Shelby Clover Hill Blount Dresden Weakley Clapp's Ford Claiborne Cloyd's Creek Blount Dry Hill Lauderdale Carden's Bluff Carter Coal Creek Anderson Dry Valley Putnam Carlocksville Carolina Rutherford Coalfield Haywood Coatstown Morgan Sumner DDuucckktRoiwvner Hickman Polk Carroll Madison Coffee Landing Hardin Dugger's Ferry Carter Carrville Washington Cog Hill McMinn Dug Hill Putnam Coker Creek Monroe Dukedom Weakley * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--Tennessee. 37 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Dunlap Sequat-hie Fulton Lauderdale Durbamville Lauderdale Gadsden Crockett Dyche's Stove Loudon Gainesborough Jackson Dyersburg Dyer's Station Dyer Gibson Gallaher's Mills Gallatin Roane Sumner Eagle Creek Overton Galway Fayette Eagle Furnace Roane Gamble's Store . Blount Eagle Tannery Wayne Gap Creek Knox Eagleville Rutherford Garber's Mills Washington Eaton's Cross Roads Loudon Gardner's Station Weakley / Ebenezer Knox Garrett Overton Echo Trousdale Gatlinburg Sevier Economy Hardin Genesis Cumberland Eden's Ridge Sullivan Georgetown James Edgar Obion Germantown Shelby Edgelield Junction Gibb's X Roads Macon Davidson Gibson Gibson Henning Lauderdale Henry's X Roads Sevier Henry's Station Henry Henryv lie Lawrence Hermitage Davidson Hester Mills Meigs Hick ,ry Ridge Jefferson Hickory Valley Hardeman Hickory Wythe Fayette High Health Johnson Highland Jackson High Point Knox Hilhatn Overton Hillsboro' Cofioe Hillsdale Macon Hilton's Sullivan Hinds Creek Anderson Edgeworth Elba Elizabethton Elk Mills Elmount Springs Elkton Ellejoy Elm Tree Elora Sullivan Fayette Carter Carter Giles Giles Blount Weakley Lincoln Gillem's Station Dickson Gillise Mills Hardin Glade Creek Bledsoe Glades Morgan Gladeville Wilson Gleeson Station Weakley Glentock Moore Glenn's Store Maury Glimpville Lauderdale Hiwassee College Holder's Store Hollow Rock Hollow Springs Holmes Creek Holston Mills Holston Valley Holt's Corners Home Monroe White Carroll Cannon DeKalb Sullivan Sullivan Marshall Greene Enou College Erie Erin Estill's Spring Etna Euchee Eulia Eve Mills Fain's Fair Garden Fairmount Fairview Falcon Fall Creek Falling Water Trousdale Loudon Houston Franklin Decatur Meigs Macon Loudon Washington Sevier Hamilton Anderson McNairy Bedford Hamilton Globe Creek Marshall Goodbar's Warren Goodfield Meigs Goodletsville Davidson Good Spring Giles Gordonsville Smith Goshen Lincoln Grand Junction Hardeman Grant Smith Granville Jackson Grassy Cove Cumberland Gravel Hill Roane Graveston Knox Graysburg Greene Gray's Hill Roane Hood's Landing Roane Hopewell Springs Monroe Horse Creek Greene Horse Shoe Bend Scott House Mountain Houston Knox Wayne Howard Springs Cumberland Howesville Decatur Hubertville Robertson HHuuffmstbeotlledrt's Store Blount Gibson Huntington Carroll Hunt's Station Franklin Huntsville Scott Falls Branch Washington Fancher's Mills WTiite GGrereeennBevriiellre Robertson Hurricane Branch Union Greene Hurricane Mills Humphreys Farmer's Exchange Greenfield Hickman Green Hill Weakley Hurricane Switch Wilson Idaville Maury Tipton Farmer's Valley Perry Green Tree White Idlewild Gidson Farmington Marshall FFaayyeettteteCvoilrlneers Fayette Lincoln Fillmore Sequatchie Greenvale Gruetli Haglerville Hale's Point Wilson Igou's Ferry Hamilton Grundy Increase Warren Henry Independent Hill Lauderdale Rutherford Fincastlo Flag Pond Flat Creek Flat Gap Campbell Unicoi Bedford Jefferson Haley's Station Half Moon Island Hall's X Roads Hamburg Bedford Roane Knox Hardin Indian Creek Indian Mnund Indian Ridge Iron Unicoi Stewart Grainger Johnson Flat Rock Flat Woods Lewis Hamilton Wayne Hampshire Hamilton Irving College Maury Island Ford Warren Morgan Flintville Lincoln Hampton Carter Isom's Store Maury Florence Station Rutherford Floydsville Crockett Flynn's Lick Jackson Fordtown Sullivan Hampton Station Montgomery Happy Valley Carter Hardisons Mills Maury Ivy Mills Jacksborough Jack's Creek Jackson Hickman Campbell Henderson Madison Forest Hill Forkvale Shelby Campbell Harrisburgh Sevier Harrisburgh Station Jalappar Jamestown Monroe Fentress Forty-eight Wayne Madison Jasper Marion Fosterville Rutherford Fountain Creek Maury Fountain Head Sumner Four Mile Branch Monroe Fowler's Landing Humphries Harrison James Harris Station Hartsvjlle Obion Trousdale Hathaway Lake Haw's X Roads Washington Hawthorne Bedford Jefferson Rutherford Johnson City Washington Johnson's Grove Crockett JJoolinnessobnovriolulegh Humphreys Washington Jones' Cove Sevier Fox Spring Clay Haynes Union Jones' Station Haywood Franklin Williamson Hazel Ridge Dickson Jones' Valley Hickman Franklin College Davidson Head of Barren Frank's J'erry White Head ot Laurel Claiborne Jordan's Springs Johnson Montgomery Fremonp Obion Hebbertsburgh Cumberland Jordan's Store Williamson Friendship Friendsville Fullen's Crockett Blount Greene Henderson Madison Henderson's Springs Sevier Hendersonville Sumner Jordan's Valley Rutherford Juno Henderson Kansas Jefferson * Money Order Offices. 38 Post-offices--Tennessee. Post-office. Comity. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Keck's Chapel Claiborne Kelso Lincoln Kendrick's Creek Sullivan Kenton Obion Kerrville Shelby King's Creek Roane K Kininggssptoornt Sullivan Roane Kingston Springs Cheatham K KnnoobxCvrielleek Lawrence Knox Kyle's Ford Hancock Lafayette Macon *LaG range Fayette Laguardo Wilson Lambert Fayette Lancaster Smith Laurel Gan Greene Laurel Hill DeKalb La Vergne R,utherford Lawrenceburg Lawrence LLeeabdaVnoalne Jefferson Wilson L' esburg Washington Lee Valley Hawkins Leiper's Fork Williamson Lemon's Gap Cocke Lenoir's Loudon Leoni Cannon Lester's Giles Letsinger Knox Lewisburg Marshall Lexington Henderson Liberty DeKalb Lick Creek Hickman Lillard's Mills Marshall Lily Swamp Hickman Limestone Washington Limestone Cove Unicoi Limestone Springs Greene Lime Works Davidson Limonlte Unicoi Lincoln Lincoln Linden Perry Linwood Bradley Little Barren Union Little Chucky Greene Little Crab Fentress Little Doe Johnson Little Lot Hickman Live Oak Henry Livingston * Overton Lobelville Perry Lockport Wilson Locust Mount Washington Locust Spring Greene Lodi Clay Lone Elm Henderson Lone Mountain Claiborne Long Savannah James Long's Mills McMinn Looney's Creek Marion Loretto Lawrence Lost Creek Union Loudon Loudon Louisville Blount Lowryville Hardin Loy's X Roads Union Lucy Shelby Lunn's Store Marshall Lynchburg Moore Lynnville Giles McAllister's X Roads Monroe McDonald Bradley McEwen's Station Humphreys McKenzie Carroll McLemoresville Carroll McMillan Knox *McMinnville Warren McNairy Station McNairy Macon Fayette Madison Davidson Madisonville Momoe Manchester Coffee Manlyville Henry Mansfield Henry Maple Creek Carroll Mar.ble Hill Moore Marbuts Giles Marcella Falls Lawrence Marlborough Carroll Marr's Landing Lake Marshall Johnson Marshall's Ferry Grainger Martin Weakley MMaartriyns'vsiM lleills Wayne Blount Mason Tipton Maxwell Franklin Maynardville Union May Spring Grainger Meadowfield Hancock Medina Gibson Medon Madison MMeeigmspvhililse Jackson Shelby Middleburg Hardeman Middle Fork Henderson Middleton Station Hardeman Midway Greene Miffin Milan Depot Henderson Gibson Miles X Roads Clay Mill Brook Washington Milburnton , Greene Miller's Cove Blount Mill Spring Jefferson Millville Lincoln Mill Wood Washington Milton Rutherford Minnowford Giles Minor Hill Giles Miser's Station Blount Mitcheil Robertson Mitchellsville Sumner Mockeson Lawrence Moffat Marion Molino Lincoln Monroe Overton Monterey McNairy Montezuma Montvale Spring Blount Mooresburgh Hawkins Moore's Hill Henderson Mooresville Marshall Morrell's Mill Sullivan Morgantown Loudon Morris Gap Roane Morrison Morristown Warren Hamblen Morrowville . Campbell Moscow Fayette Mosheim Greene Mossy Creek Jeff erson Mountain Creek Warren Mount Airy Kequatchit Mount Gilead Cumberland Mount Horeb Jefferson Mount Juliet Wilson Mount Moriah Anderson Mount Pisgah Clay Mount Pleasant Maury Mount's X Roads Jefferson Money Order Offices, Mount Vernon Monroe Mouse Creek McMinn Mouse Tail Perry Mouth of Doe Johnson Mouth of Wolf Clay Muddy Creek Loudon Mulberry Lincoln Mulberry Gap Hancock MMuullrofrye'es sborough Robertson Nashville Rutherford Davidson Nave Hill Union Nelson Hill Wilson Netherland Overton Netele Carrier Overton Newark White Newbern Dyer New Boston Henry Newburg Lewis New Canton Hawkins New Castle Hardeman New Era Perry New Flat Creek Union New Knob Creek Sevier New Market Jefferson New Middleton Smith Newport Cocke New Prospect Union New Providence Montgomery New River Scott New Sedalia Hancock Newsomville Hendeia >n Nicojack Marion Nine Mile Bledsoe Nola Chucky Washington Nolensville' Williamson Normandy Bedford Norris Creek Lincoln North Fork Henry North Springs Jackson Oakdale Campbell Oak GroVe Jefferson Oak Hi 11 Overton Oakland Fayette Oakley Overton Oak Point Wilson Oakville Shelby Oakwood Montgomery Obion Obion Ocoee Polk Odd Fellows Hall Giles Okolono Carter Old Town Claiborne Olive Hill Hardin Oliver's Anderson Olympus Overton Oneyville Davidson Ooltewah James Oregon Lincoln Orme's Store Bledsoe Paint Rock Roane Palestine Lewis Pall Mall Fentress Palmersville Weakley Palmetto Bedford Pandora Johnson Panther 8prings Hamblen Paperville Sullivan PPaarrcihs Corn Scott Henry Paris Landing Henry Parksvtlle Polk Parottsville . Cocke APCaUtleC'sO H 11i1lUl * Greene Pattie's Gap Roane Paulks Mills Hardin Post-offices--Tennessee. 39 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Paw Paw Ford Roan e Peacher's Mills Montgomery Peach Grove Greene Pea Point Shelby Pea Ridge Montgomery Peeled Chestnut White Pegram's Station Cheatham Pekin Putnam Pelham Grundy Perry vllle Decatur Persia Hawkins Petersburg Lincoln Peters' Landing Perry Peytonsville Williamson Philadelphia Loudon Picket's Landing Pierce Station Roane Obion Pigeon Forge Sevier Pikeville Bledsoe Pilot Knob Greene Pine Bluff Warren Pine Fork Putnam Pine Knot Campbell Pine Mountain Campbell Pine Ridge McMinn Pine Wood Hickman Piney Falls Rhea Piney Flats Sullivan Plnhook Landing Meigs Pinson Madison Pisgah Giles Pitts X Roads Bledsoe Pittsburg Landing Hardin Pleasant Claiborne Pleasant Grove Bedford Pleasant Hill Cumberland Pleasant Mound Montgomery Pleasant Point Lawrence Pleasant Shade Smith Pleasant View Cheatham Pleasantville Hickman Plumb Point Lauderdale Pocahontas Hardeman Polk Station Obion Pomona Cumberland Pondville Sumner Poplar Spring Henderson Podlar Spring Furnace Montgomery Port Royal Montgomery Post Oak Springs Roane Powder Spring Gap Grainger Powell's Station Knox Prairie Plains Coffee Prospect Station Giles *Pulaskl Giles Purdy McNatry Pyburn's Bluff Hardin Raccoon Valley Union Raleigh Shelby Ralston's Station Weakley Ramer McNairy Randolph Tipton Rankin's Depot Cocke Readyville Rutherford Red Bank Hamilton Red Boiling Springs Macon Reed's Store Williamson Reelfoot Lake Renfraw's Station Lincoln Rheatown Greene Rlceville McMinn Richardson's Landing Tipton Rich Creek Marshall Richison's Cove Sevier Richl and Station S umn er Riddleton Smith Ridge Post Davidson *Ring old Montgomery Ripley Lauderdale RipShin .Carter River Bend Jefferson Riverdale Knox River Hill White River Station Maury Rives Obion Roan Mountain Carter Roaring Falls Roberson Fork Shelby Marshall Roberson's X Roads Bledsoe Robertson's Anderson Robertsville Anderson Rock Creek McMinn Rockford Blount Rock Hiil Williamson Rock Island White Rock Spring Maury Rockwood Roane Rocky River VanBuren *Rogersvllle Hawkins Rome Smith Romeo Greene Roseberry Knox Rose Creek McNairy Rosedale Davidson Rose View Montgomery Rossville Fayette Rotherwood Hawkins Round Top Rover Wilson Bedford Rural Hill Wilson Russellville Humblen Rutherford's Depot Gibson Rutledge Grainger Saddlersvil'e Robertson Saint Bethlehem Montgomery Saint Clair Hawkins Saint Joseph Lawrence Sale Creek Hamilton Salem Cocke Saltillo Hardin Salt Lick Macon Santa Fe Maury Sardis Henderson Saulsbury Hardeman Saundersvllle Sumner Savannah Hardin Sawyers' Mills Benton Scarborough Anderson Scott's Hill Henderson Sevierviile Sevier Sewanee Franklin Sewee Shady Meigs Johnson Shady Hill Henderson Sharon Weakley Sharp's Chapel Union Shawn's X Roads Johnson *Shelbyville Bedford Shiloh Montgomery Shilohville Hardin Shop Spring Wilson Short Mouniain Cannon Silver Creek Marshall Silver Point Putnam Silver Spring Wilson Simmons' Bluff Simpson's Mills White Sinking Springs Sevier Slacy Point Jefferson Smartt's Station Warren Smith's X Roads Rhea Smith's Ferry Rhea Smithville De Kalb Smyrna Rutherford Sneedsville Hancock Snow Creek Smith Soddy Hamilton Solon White *SomervilIe Fayette Sorby Wayne South Pittsburgh Marlon Southport Maury South Reelfoot Obion South Tunnel Sumner *Sparta White Speedwell Claiborne Spencer Van Bureu Spring Creek Madison Spring Dale Claiborne Springfield Robertson Spring Grove Knox Spring Hill Maury Spring Hill Academy Henry Spring House Grainger Spring Vale Hamblen Springville Henry StaudlugStone Putnam Stanton Depot Haywood Stantonvi.le McNairy Stapleton Morgan Statesville Wilson Stephen's Chapel Bledsoe Stephenson Madison Stewart Houston Stewart's Ferry Davidson Stockton Loudon Stonewall Smith Stony Bluff Jefferson Stony Creek Carter Stony Point Hawkins Strawberry Plains Jefferson Stringtown Wilson Stump Knob Johnson Sugar tree Decatur Sulphur Springs Rhea Sulphur Well Shelby Sunny Slope Lawrence Sun Rise Hickman Surgoinsville Hawkins Swallow Bluff Decatur Swan Bluff Hickman Swan Island Hancock Sweetwater Monroe Sycamore Cheatham Talbott Jefferson Tampico Grainger Tate Springs Grainger Taylor's White Taylorsville Johnson Tazewell Claiborne Teeter's White Tellico Plains Monroe Temperance Hall De Kalb Ten Mile Stand Meigs Tennessee Ridge Houston Thatcher's Landing James Thomasville Cheatham Thompson's Point Benton' Thompson's Station Williamson Thornburgh Knox Thorn Grove Knox Thorn Hill Grainger Timber Ridge Greene Tinsley McNairy Tipton Tipton Tiptonville Lake Tobacco Port Stewart Toone's Station Hardeman Money Order Offices. 40 Post-offices--Tennessee--Texas. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Totty's Bend Hickman Towles' Mills Warren Tracy City Grundy Trade Johnson Tr'visville Ken tress Tremont Cheatham Trenton Gibson Trezevant Carroll Trimble Dyer Trion Jefferson Trinne Williamson Trotter's Store Sevier Troy Obion Troy Ferry Dyer Trundle's X Roads Sevier Tuckaleechee Cove Blount Tucker's X Roads Wilson Tucker's Gap " Tudahoma Coffee Turkeytown Carter T urley's Mills Grainger Turnersville Robertson Tusculum Greene Twinville Knox Tyner Hamilton U Bet Hardeman Unaka Greene Union Maury Union Camps Macon * Union City Obion Union X Roads Roane Union Depot Sullivan Unionville Bedford Unitia Loudon Vale Mills Giles Vance's Tank Sullivan Vanderbilt Union Van Hill Hawkins Vernon Hickman Vernon Furnace Montgomery Verona Marshall Versailles Rutherford Vervilla Warren Victory Wayne Viola Warren Walden's Creek Sevier Wales Station Giles Walker's Landing Decatur Wallace's X Roads Anderson Walnut Grove Hardin Wainut Hill Hawkins Walnut Shade Macon Walnut Valley Sequatchie Walter Hill Rutherford Ward Overton War Gap Hawkins Warrensburg Greene Wartburgh Morgan Wartrace Depot Bedford Warwick's X Roads Union Washington Rhea Washington College Washington Watauga Carter Wartertown Wilson Water Valley Maury WauhatGhie Hamilton Waverly Humphries Wellwood Haywood West Fork Overton Wesl Harpeth Williamson West Point, Lawrence White Bluffs Dickson White Bend Davidson White.CliffSprings Monroe White Haven Shelby White Horn Hawkins White Oak Williamson White Pine Jefferson Whitesburg Hamblen White's Creek Davidson Whiteside Marion White's Station Shelby White's Store Sullivan Whiteville Hardeman Whitfield Hickman Whiteleyville Jackson Whitton's Stand .ayne Wildersville Henderson Williams' Mill White Williamsport Maury Williston Fayette Willow Grove Clay Wilson's Anderson Wilsonville Obion Wilton Springs 'Cocke Winchester Franklin Window Cliffs Putnam Winfield Scott Withe Depot Shelby Witt's Foundry Hamblen Wolf Creek Cocke Woodbury Cannon Woodford Montgomery Woodland Mills Obion Wood Lawn Montgomery Woodstock Shelby Wood's Valley Dickson Woodville Haywood Wosham Sumner Yellow Creek Houston Yellow Springs Hancock Yellow Store Hawkins Yellow Sulphur Blount Yorkville Gibson Texas. Post-office. County. Acton Hood Ad Hall Milam Alabama Houston Almeda Eastland Alamo Mills Cass Albade Caldwell Albany Shackelford Alder Branch Anderson Allah Hunt Allen Collin Alleyton Colorado Alma Rusk Alto Cherokee Alum Creek Bastrop Alverado Johnson Anahuac Chambers Anaqua Victoria Anderson Grimes Anderson's Mills Travis Angus Navarro Anneta Parker Annona Red River Antioch Lavaca Aransas Bee Areola Fort Bend Arlington Tarrant Armstrong Eratli Arneekeville DeWitt Ash Creek Hill Ashland Hunt Atascosa Bexar Athens Henderson Atlanta Cass Audubon Wise Augusta Houston Aurora Wise Austin Travis Bagdad Williamson Bagwell Red River Baileyville Milam Bald Prairie Robertson Ball Knob Hood Bandera Bandera Banquete Nueces Barnesville Johnson Barton Anderson Basin Springs Gravson Bastrop Bazett Bastrop Navarro Bear 1 till Montague Beauinont Jefferson Beaver Anderson Beaver Ci eek Clay Beckville Panola Bedford Tarrant Bedias Grimes Bee Caves Travis Beeville Bee Belknap Young Belleview Rusk Bellville Austin Belmont Gonzales Belton Bell Benchley Brazos Ben F icklin Tom Green Ben Franklin Delta Bennett Lamar Bennett Ferry Brazoria Benton Atascosa Benvanue Clay Ben Wheeler Vanzant Bernardo Prairie Colorado Berry's Creek Williamson Bethel Anderson Beverly Coryell Biegel Fayette BigSandy Upshur Birdsdale Bell Birdston Navarro Birdville Tarrant Birthright Hopkins Black Jack Grove Hopkins Black Jack Springs Fayette Blackland Rockwall Black Oaks Hopkins Black Springs Palo Pinto Black's Store Freestone Blanco Blanco Blanket Brown Bleakwood Newton Blooming Grove Navarro Blossom Prairie Lamar Blowout Llano Blue Ridge Collin Bluff Fayette Bluff Springs Travis Bluffton Llano Boerne Kendall Bold Spring McLennan Bolivar Denton Bonham p'anniu Bonner's Mills Angelina Post-offices--Texas 41 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Bonton Kendall Boon's Ferry Tyler Borden Colorado Boren's Mills San Augustine Boston Bowie Bovine Lavacca Bovine Bend Austin Boxville Lavaca Brackettville Kinney Brady McCulloch Brandon Hill Bransford Tarrant Brazoria Brazoria Brazos Point Bosque Brazos Santiago Cameron Breckinridge Stevenson BBreremnohnadm Robertson Washington Bridgeport Bristol Wise Ellis Brookeland Sabine Brooklyn Shelby Brook ston Lamar Brownsborough Henderson Brownsville Cameron Brownwood Brown Brushy Creek Anderson Bruton Wood Bryan Brazos Buckhorn Austin Buckner Fayette Buena Vista Shelby Buffalo Leon Bunn's Bluff Orange Burkeville Newtou Burnett Burnett Burns Station DeWitt Burton Washington Butler Freestone Caddo Stephens Caddo Grove Johnson Cairo Jasper Calahan Calahan Caldwell Burleson Caledonia Rusk Calllsburgh Cooke CCaalllovweraty Upshur Robertson Cambridge Clay *Cameron Milam Camp Colorado Coleman Camp San Saba McCulloch Camp Stockton Pecos Caney Matagorda Canton Vanzant Carrizo Zapata Carroll's Prairie Hopkins Carrollton Upshur Cartersville Parker Carthage Panola Castell Llano Castroville Medina Cat Spring Austin Cedar Fayette Cedar Bayou Harris Cedar Creek Bastrop Cedar Hill Dallas Cedar Mills Grayson Cedar Valley Travis Centennial Panola Center Shelby Center Point Kerr Centerville Leon Centralia Trinity Chalk Mountain Somerville Chamber's Creek Ellis Chapel Hill Washington Charleston Delta Chase McLennan Chatfield Navarro Cheesland Angelina Cherino Nacogdoches Cherokee San Saba Cherry Springs Gillespie Chester Tyler China Spring McLennan Cincinnati Walker Circleville Williamson Cistern Fayette *Clarksville Red River Clay Hill Titus Clayton Panola Clear Spring Guadalupe Cleburne Johnson Clifton Bosque Clinton De Witt Coffeeville Upshur Coke McLennan Cold Spring San Jacinto Coleman Coleman Colettovitle Victoria Coleville Cooke Colfax Vazandt Colita Polk College Station Brazos Collins City Cherokee Collinsville Grayson Colthorp Houston Columbia Brazoria *Columbus Colorado Comanche Comanche Comfort Kendall Conception Duvl Concord Hardin Concrete De Witt Content Colorado Cooke's Point Burleson Cooper Delta Corn Hill Williamson Corpus Christi Nueces Corsicanna Navarro Coryell Coryell Cottage Hill Bexar Cottondale Wise Cotton Gin Freestone Cotton Plant Lamar Courtney Grimes Cove Coryell Covington Hill Cow Creek Burnett Crane's Mill Comal CCrarowcfkoerdtt McLennan Houston Crosby Harris Cross Gin Cooke Cross Timbers Ellis Crossville Hell Cuero DeWitt Cummingsville Goliad Curry's Creek Kendall Cusseta Cass Cuthand Red River Cypress Mill Blanco Cypress Top Harris Daileyville Karnes DDaainllgaes rfleld Morris Dallas Dalton Cass Daly's Houston Danville Comal Davilla Milam Dayton Liberty DeBerry Panola Decatur Wise DeKalb Bowie Delhi Caldwell Del Rio Kinney Deming's Bridge Matagorda Denison City Grayson Denman Denton Kimble Denton Denver's Woods Liberty Dexter Cooke D'Hanis Medina Dido Tarrant Dobyville Burnett Dodd Fannin Dodge Station Walker Dog Town McMullen Dolby Springs Bowie Donelton Hunt Double Bayou Chambers Double Horn Burnett Double Springs Tarrant Douglass Nacogdoches Douglassville Cass Dresden Navarro Dripping Springs Hays Dublin Erath Duffau Erath Dugansville Grayson Duval Travis Eagle Ford Dallas Eagle Lake Colorado Eagle Pass Maverick Eagle Point Montague Eagle Springs Coryell East Hamilton Shelby Eastland Eastland Echo Live Oak Edom Vanzandt Egypt Kaufman Eight Mile Creek Harrison Elbee Burleson Elgin Bastrop Elizabeth Denton Elkhart Anderson Elliotts Matagorda Elm Grove Caldwell Elm Mott McLennan Elmo Kaufman El Paso El Paso Elwood Fannin Elysian Fields Harrison Emory Rains Englewood Robertson Ennis Ellis Etna Smith Eureka Mills Harris Fairfield Freestone Fairmount Sabine Fair Play Pa,nola Fairview Wilson Farmers Branch Dallas Farmersville Collin Farmington Grayson Farrsville Newton Fayetteville Fayette p'erris Ellis Field's Store Walker Fincastle Henderson Fischer's Store Comal Fiskville Travis Flanagan Mills Rusk Flatonia Fayette Flint Hill Medina Flintrock Travis Florence Williamson Floresville Wilson Forestburgh Montague Forest Hill Bell Charles Barker Ellis Deckman Dallas Forest Home Cass * Money Order Offices, 42 Post-offices--Texas, Post-office. County. Post-office. Comity. Post-office. County. Forney Kaufman Happy Hollow Burnett Jones'Prairie Milam Fort Concho Tom Green Hardeman Matagorda Jonesville Harrison Fort Davis Presidio Hardin Hardin Kaufman Kaufman Fort Ewell LaSalle Harmony Hill Rusk Keechie Leon Fort Graham Hill Harper's Mill Erath Kemp Kaufman Fort Griffin Shackelford Harrisburg Harris Kemper City Victoria Fort McKavett Menard Harrlsvllle Bell Kenner Matagordo Fort Worth Tarrant Harwood Gonzales Kentuckytown Grayson Fostersville Anderson Haught's Store Dallas Korrsville Kerr Fredericksburg Gillespie Haw Creek Fayette Kickapoo Anderson Frelsburg Colorado Hawkins Wood Kildare Cass Friendship Harrison Hawkinsville Matagorda Kilgore Gregg Fri Town Frio Hazell Dell Comanche Kimball Bosque Frosa Limestone Headsville Robertson Kingsbury Guadalupe Fulton Aransas Hearne Robertson King Spring Burnett Gabion Galveston Hedwig's Hill Mason Kiomatia Red River Gabriel Mills Williamson Helena Karnes Kosse Limestone GGaainlveessvtiollne Cooke Helotes Galveston Hemphill Bexar Krohne Sabine Ladonia Burleson Fannin Garden Valley Smith Hempstead Waller Lafayette Upshur Garrett's Bluff Lamar Henderson Rusk Lagarta Live Oak Gates Valley Atascosa Henrietta Clay La Grange Fayette Gatesville Coryell Hermitage Cass Lake Fork Wood Gause Milam Hewett's Store Cooke Lake Station Robertson Gay Hill Washington Hickory Denton Lamar Aransas Gentry's Mill Hamilton Hickory Creek Houston Lampasas , Lampsas George's Creek Somerville Hickory Hill Cass Lancaster Dallas Georgetown Williamson Hico Hamilton Landrum Falls Gholson Brown Hidalgo Hidalgo Lanier Cass Giddings Lee High Hill Fayette Laredo Webb Gilford Shelby Highland Young Larissa Cherokee Gilmer Upshur Highland Station Galveston Lavernia Wilson Gladewater Gregg High Tower Stephens Lawrence Kaufman Glenfawn Rusk Hill Creek Bosque Laytonia Brazoria Glen Rose Somerville Hillsboro' Hill Lebanon Collin Glen wood Upshur Hill's Ferry Clay Ledbetter Fayette Goliad Golibd Hiner Parker Leesburgh Camp Golinda Gonzales Falls Hocbheim Gonzales Hockley Dewitt Leesville Harris Lenterfltt Gonzales Lampasas Gordonville Grayson Holly Springs Jasper Leona Leon Goshen Henderson Homer Angelina Leon Springs Bexar Graball Washington Hondo Llano Lewis' Ferry Jasper Grady's Mill Ellis Honey Creek Hamilton Lewisville Denton Graham Young Honey Grove Fannin Lexington Lee Granbi.ry Hoed Hope Lavaca Liberty Liberty Grand Bluff Grand Lake Panola 1Montgomery HHoopuewsteolnl Burnett Liberty Hill Harris Lindale Williamson Smith Grand Ranche Palo Pinto Howard Bell Linden Cass Grand Saline Grand View Vanzandt Howe Johnson Howth Station Grayson Linn Flat Waller Lipan Nacogdoches Hood Grange Hill Upshur Humboldt Hunt Lisbon Dallas Grape Land Houston Humphrey Hunt Little Elm Denton Grape Vine Tarrant Hunter's Retreat Little Mineral Grayson Grassy ville Gray Rock Lee Monti Titus Huntsville Livingstone Llano Polk Llano Graytown Bexar Hutchins Dallas Lockhart Caldwell Green Hill Titus Independence Washington Lock Hill Bexar Greenville Greenwood Griffin Hunt Indian Creek Wire Indianola Cherokee Industry Brown Lodi Calhoun Lodwick Austin Lone Grove Marion Marion Llano Griffinsville Bosque Ioni Anderson Lone Oak Hunt Grigsby's Bluff Jefferson Iowa Point Clay Long Branch Panola Grosebeck Limestone Iredell Bosque Long Point Washington Gaudalupe Kendall Iron Bridge Gregg Longstreet Montgomery Gussettsville Live Oak Iron Mountains Rusk Longview Gregg Guy's Store Haokberry Leon Ironwood Lavaca Jacksborough Liberty Looneyville Nacogdoches Jack Lovelady Houston Hagansport Franklin Jacksonville Cherokee Loyal Valley Mason Hail ville Houston Jamestown Smith Luling Caldwell Halesborough Red River Jasper Jasper Lynchburg Harris Hallettsville Hallsville Haltom'g Hamburgh Hamilton Hammond Handley Hannaville Lavaca Harrison IMontgomery Vanzandt Hamilton Robertson Tarrant Brown Jeddo Jefferson Bastrop Marion Jewell Eastland Jewett Leon Jim Ned Brown Johnson's Station Tarrant Johnstonville Upshur Jones' Mills Coryell Lynch's Creek Lampasas McCrawvilie Cooke MMccDKadineney Bastrop Collin McLainsborough Hill McMillen Bell Macksville Harrison Macomb Grayson * Money Order Offices. 4} yftjjgi ;r/ ft? pr+'??*? r ?..- Post- offices--Texas. 43 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Maoy Brazos Madisonville Madison Magnolia Spring Jasper Mahomet Burnett Malakoff Henderson Manor Travis Mansfield Tarrant Maple Springs Bed River Mariana Polk Marlon Guadalupe Marlin Palls Marquez Leon Marshall Harrison Martindale Caldwell Martin Springs Grayson Martinsville Nacogdoches Mary's Creek Parker Marysville Cooke Mason Mason Mastersvllle McLennan Matagorda Matagorda Maysfield Milam Melissa Collin Melrose Nacogdoches Menard's Chapel Polk Menardville Menard Meridan Bosque Merrilltown Travis Merriman Eastland Mesquite Dallas Mexia Limestone Meyersville Be Witt Middleton Leon Midway Madison Milam Sabine Milano Milam Milford Ellis Mill Creek Bowie Miller Grove Hopkins Milheim Austin Millican Brazos Mill sap Parker Millville Busk Millwood Collin Milton Lamar Mim's Store Marion Mineola Wood Mission Valley Victoria Modoc Henderson Moffat Bell Monroe Busk Montague Montague Monterey Hill Montgomery Montgomery Monticello Titus Morales Jackson Mormon Grove Grayson Moscow Polk Moss Bluff Liberty Mott Angelica Mott Springs Shelby Moulton Lavaca Mountain City Hays Mountain Spring Cooke Mount Calm Limestone Mount Carmel Smith Mount Enterprise Busk Mount Gaynor Hays Mount Joy Delta Mount Olivet McLennan Mount Pleasant Titus Mount Sylvan Smith Mount Vernon Frankln Mud Creek Smith Mustang Denton Nacogdoches Nacogdoches Navarro Mills Navarro Navasota Grimes Navidad Nechanitz Nechesville Jackson Fayette Anderson Nelsonville Austin New Boston *New Braunfels Bowie Comal New Fountain Medina New Pleasant Grove Lamar New Prague Fayette New Salem Newton Busk Newton New Ulm New Waverly New York Austin Walker Henderson Nockenut Noland's Biver Wilson Johnson Norman Hill Nueces Bosque Nueces Oak Forest Gonzales Oak Grove Tarrant Oak Hill Travis Oakland Colorado Oak Valley Oakville Hill Live Oak Oakwood Leon Oenaville Oliver Springs Omega Bell Comanche Upshur Onion Creek Travis Orange Orangeville Orange Fannin Overton Ovllla Busk Ellis Oyster Creek Brazoria Pack Saddle Paige Llano Bastrop Palestine Anderson Palmer Ellis Palo Alto Bell Palo Pinto Palo Pinto Paluxy Hood Pana Maria Karnes Paradise Paris Patroon Wise Lamar Shelby Pattonville Lamar Peach Tree Pecan J asper Delta Pecan Grove Coryell Pendleton Penitas Sabine Nueces Pennington Trinity Peoria Perdido Perry Hill Goliad McLennan Perry's Landing Brazoria Persimmon Grove Kaufman Persley Navarro Personville Limestone Peyton Phelps Falls Walker Pidcock Banch Coryell Pierce Junction Pilot Grove Harris Grayson Pilot Point Denton Pine Hill Pine Mills Pineville Husk Woods Tyler Pink Hill Grayson Pin Oak Fayette Pipe Creek Bandera Pittsburg Camp Plano Plantersville Pleasanton Collin Grimes Atascosa Pleasant Point Johnson Pleasant Valley Dallas Plentitude Anderson Pond Spring Williamson Popalote Bee Porter's Springs Houston Port Lavaca Calhoun Post Oak Clay Post Oak Grove Lavaca Post Oak Island Williamson Powell Dale Bosque Prairie Lea Caldwell Prairie Plains Grimes Prairie Point Anderson Prairie Valley Hill Prairieville Kaufman Presidio Presidio Price's Creek De Witt Procter Comanche Queen City Cass Queen Peak Montague Qulnan Wharton Quitman Wood Bagsdale Fannin Rancho Gonzales Randolph Houston Red Bluff San Saba Red Oak Ellis Red Rock Bastrop Refugio Refugio Began Falls Reilly Springs Hopkins Retreat Grimes Rhea's Mills Collin Rice Navarro Rice's Crossing Williamson Richardson Dallas Richmond Fort Bend Riddleville Karnes Rio Frio Uvalde Rio Grande City Ripley Starr TUus Riverside Walker Roan's Prairie Grimes Rockdale Milam Rock Falls Rock Hill Erath Collin Rockhouse Fayette Rockport Aransas Rockwall Rockwall Rogers Prairie Leon Roma Star Rose Hill Harris Rosston Cooke Rossville Atascosa Round Mountain Blanco Round Rock Williamson Round Top Fayette Roxton Lamar Running Brushy Williamson Rural Shade Navarro Rusk Cherokee Russell Gap Bosque Rutersville Fayette Sabana Creek Comanche Sablnal Uvalde Sabine Pass Jefferson Sabine Town Sabine Sage Burnet St. Elmo St. Jo Travis Montague St. Mary's Refugio St. Paul Collin Salado Bell Salem Newton Salt Creek Montague Saltillo Hopkins SSaannAAnndteornsio Milam Bexar * Money Order Offices. 44 Post-offices--Texas--Virginia. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. San Augustine San Auguste San Cosme Husk San Diego Nueces Sandusky Grayson Sandy Blanco Sandy Mountain Llano Sandy Point Brazoria San Elizaria El Paso San Felipe Austin San Gabriel Milam San Marcos Hays San Patricio San Patricio San Pedro Houston San Saba San Saba San Ygnacio Zapata Sadis Cass Sattler's Comal Savoy Fannin Schulenburgh Fayette Scottsville Harrison Scyene Dallas Secret Springs Clay *Seguin Gaudalupe Sempronius Austin Serbin Lee Sharpsburgli San Patricio Shaw's Earn h Caiahan Shawnee Creek Angelina Shelby Austin Shelbyville Shelby *Sherman Grayson Shovel Mount Burnett Sidney Marion Siep Springs Comanche Siesta Dara Medina Simpsonvrlle Upshur Sisterdale Kendall Sister Grove Collin Sivell's Bend Cooke Skipper's Gap Erath Smith Point Chambers Smithson's Valley Comal Smithville ' Bastrop Smithwick Mills Burnett Snake Prairie Basirop Snow Hill Titus Snowsville Hamilton Somerset Atascosa Sour Spring Caldwell South Bosque McLennan South Gabriel Burnett South Grape Creek Kendall South Sulphur Hunt Spanish Camp Wharton Spanish Fort Montague Spring Harris Spring Branch Comal Springlield Limestone Spring Hill Navarro Springtown Parker Stafford Fort Bend Starrville Smith Steele's Grove Tyler Stepheusburg Red Elver Stephensville Erath Steward's Mills Freestone Stillwater Henderson Stockdale Wilson Stonewall Gillespie Strickling Burnett Stringtown Hays Stubblefield Johnson Sublime Lavaca Sugar Hill Panola Sugar Land Fort Bend Sugar Loaf Coryell Sulphur Bluff Hopkins Sulphur Springs Hopkins Sulphur Station Bowie Sutherland Springs Wilson Sutton Eobertson Sweet Home Lavaca Tarkington Prairie Liberty Taylor Red River Taylor's Bayou Jefferson Taylor's Oreek Lampasas Taylorville Williamson Tehuacana Limestone Tennessee Colony Anderson Terrell Kaufman Terry Orange Terryville De Witt Texanna Jackson The Grove t oryell Thomasville Bell Thornton Limestone Thorp's Spring Hood Tiger Mill Burnett Toledo Fayette Tomaha Ked River Totaro Brunswick Towash Hill Town Bluff Tyler Townsen Mills Lampasas Travis Austin Travis Peak Travis Trinity Trinity Trinity Mills Dallas Troupe Smith Troy Bell Turner's Point Kaufman Turnersville Coryell Turtle Bayou Liberty Twin Sisters Blanco *Tyler Smith Tyner Blanco Union Grove Kaufman Unionville Marion Uvalde Uvalde Valley Guadalupe Valley Creek Fannin Valley Mills Bosque Valley View Cooke Van Alstyne Grayson Vansickle's Hunt Vashtel Harrison Vaughan's Mill Trinity Velasco Brazoria Verona Collin ^Victoria Victoria Vienna Lavaca Virginia Point Galveston Volo Bell *Waco McLennan Wadevllle Navarro Waelder Gonzales Walker Station Red Eiver Wallace Prairie Grimes Wallisville Chambers Walnut Hill Panola Walton Vanzandt Waresville Uvalde Warrenton Fayette Washington Washington Waskom Station Harrison Waterville Wharton Watson Milam Waverly Walker Waxahatchle Ellis Weatherford Parker Webberville Travis Webster Wood Websterville Harris VVeesatch Goliad Weimar Colorado Welcome Austin Weldon Houston Wellborn Brazos Wenona Erath Wesley Austin Westbrook Blanco West Falls Falls Westfield Harris Weston Collin West Point Fayette Wharton Wharton Wheatville Morris Wheelock Robertson White Hall Grimes Whitehouse Smith White Mound Grayson White Oak Hopkius White Rock Hunt Whitesboro' Grayson White Sulphur Springs Cass Whitman Washington Whitt Parker Whittville Comanche Wichita Clay Wiess' Bluff Jasper Wilderville Falls William Penn Washington Williamsburgh Lavaca Williams' Ranch Brown Willis Montgomery Willow Gillespie Willow Hole Madison Will's Point Vanzandt Winchester Fayette Winnsborough Wood Winton Gonzales Wolfs Crossing Burnett Wonders Nacogdoches Woodbury Hill Woods Panola Woodville Tyler Wortham Freestone Wren Washington Wrightsborough Gonzales Wynton Hunt Yorktown DeWitt Youngsport Bell Ysleta El Paso Zavala Smith Zedlar's Mill Gonzales Zionsville Washington Virginia. Post Office. County. Abbott Craig Abb's Valley Tazewell Abbyville Meckleuburgh *Abingdon Washington Accomack C. H. Accomack Accotink Fairfax Acoru Hill Frederick Alton Nelson Airfield Southampton Alchie Halifax Alden King George Aldie Loudoun Aldrich's Crossing Spottsylvania *Alexandrla Alexandria Alleghany Springs Montgomery Allen's Creek Amherst Allisonia Pulaski Allwood Amherst * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--V irgini a. 45 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Alma Page Alonzaville Shenandoah Alum Ridge Floyd Alum Springs Rockbridge Alum Wells Washington Amelia C. H. Amelia Amherst C. H. Amherst Amissville Rappahannock Amsterdam Botetourt Andrews Spottsylvanla Annandale Fairfax Antioch Fluvanna Apple Grove Louisa Appomattox C. H. Appomattox Ararat Patrick Arbor Hlil Augusta Areola Loudoun Arlington Alexandria Arrington Nelson Ashby Cumberland Ashland Hanover Aspen Wall Charlotte Assamooslck Southampton Atkin's Tank Smyth Atlantic Accomack Atlee's Station Hanover Auburn Fauquier Auburn Mills Hanover Avon Nelson Aylett's King William Back Creek Valley Frederick Bacon's Castle Surry Baker's Mill Rockingham Balcony Falls Rockbridge Bales' Mills Ballsville Lee Powhatan Bangs Montgomery Baptist Valley Tazewell Barboursville Orange Barhamsville New Kent Barkesdale Halifax Barnesvi lie Charlotte Barrow's Store Brunswick Batesville Albemarle Bath Alum Bath Baynesville Westmoreland Bay Port Middlesex Bay View Northampton Bealeton Fauquier Bear Skin Pittsylvania Bear Wallow Tazewell Beaver Dam Depot Hanover Beaver Pond Amelia Beach Springs Lee Beesville Buckingham Belfast Mills Russell Bellefout Nottaway Belle Haven Accomack Belleville Nansemond Bellevue Bedford Bellfair Mills Stafford Bell's Cross Roads Louisa Bell's Valley Rockbridge Bennett's Mill Montgomery Bent Creek Appomattox Bentivogl io Albemarle Bent Mountain Roanoke Bentonville Warren Berger's Store Pittsylvania Berge's Gap Wise Berlin Southampton Berryvllle Clarke Bestland Essex Bethel Academy Fauquier Beulah Prince William Beulahville King William Bickley's Mills Russell Big Branch Scott Big Island Bedford *Big Lick Roanoke Big Spring Depot Montgomery Big Stone Gap Wise Black Lick Wythe Blacksburg Montgomery Black's Ridge Mecklenburgh Black Walnut Halifax Black Water Lee Black's WharfPrince George Bland C. H. Bloomfield Bland Loudoun Blossom Hill Princess Anne Blue Ridge Botetourt Blue Ridge Springs " Blue Spring Run Alleghany Blue Stone Tazewell Body Camp Bedford Bolington Loudoun Bolling's Landing Buckingham Bombrook Franklin Bonsack Boone's Mills Roanoke Franklin Booneville Albemarle Boonsboro Bedford Boon's Path Lee Booth's Mill Boston Floyd Culpeper Botetourt Springs Roanoke Bowers Hill Bowler's Wharf Norfolk Essex Bowling Green Caroline Boyd's Tavern Albemarle Boydton Mecklenburg Boykin's Depot Southampton Branchville Southampton Brandon Prince George Brandon Church Prince George Brandy Station Culpeper Bremo Bluff Fluvanna Brentsville Prince William Brickland Lunenburg Brick Store Lee Bridgetown Northampton Bridgewater Rockingham Bridge Creek Grayson Bristersburg' Fauquier Bristoe Prince William Broad ford Smyth Broad Run Station Fauquier Broadway Depot Rockingham Brockenburg Spottsylvanla Brockville Spottsylvanla Brooke's Station Stafford Brooklyn Halifax Brook Neal Brossville Campbell Pittsylvania Browne Hill Brownsburg Wythe Rockbridge Brown's Cove Albemarle Brown's Store Northumberland Browntowu Warren Brugh's Mill Botetourt Brulngton King and Queen Buchanan Botetourt Buckhorn Nansemond Buckingham C. H. Buckingham Buckingham Mines Buckingham Buckland Prince William Buckners Greenville Buckner's Station Louisa Buckshoal Halifax Buckton Warren Buffalo Forge Rockbridge Buffalo Gap Augusta Buffalo Lithia Springs Mecklenburgh Buffalo Mills Rockbridge Buffalo Ridge Patrick Bufordville Bedford Bula Goochland Bumpass Louisa Bunker Hill Bedford Burgess Dinwiddie Burgess' Store N orthumberland Burke'8 Garden Tazewell Burke's Mills Augusta Burke's Station Fairfax Burkesville Nottaway Burke's Fork Floyd Burnt Ordinary James City Cabbage Farm Mecklenburg Cabin Hill Shenandoah Cabin Point Surry Ca Ira Cumberland Caledonia Goochland Callaghan's Alleghany Callands Pittsylvania Callaway's Franklin Camp Creek Floyd Caney Hollow Lee Capeville Northampton Capon Road Depot Shenandoah Cappahosic Gloucester Carlton's Store King and Queen Carrsville Isle of Wight Carsley's Church Surry Carsonville Grayson Carter's Ridge Albemarle Carter's Creek Lancaster Carter's Mills Patrick Cartersville Cumberland Casanova Fauquier Cascade Pittsylvania Castle Craig Campbell Castleman's Ferry Clark Catawba Roanoke Catharpin Prince William Catlett Fauquier Cave Spring Roanoke Cedar Bluff Tazewell Cedar Grove Frederick Cedar Grove Mills Franklin Cedar Poiat Page Cedar Springs Smyth Cedar View Sussex Cedarville Warren Center Cross Essex Center Mills Montgomery Center View Charlotto Centerville Fairfax Central Plains Fluvanna Central Point Caroline Chalk Level Pittsylvania Chamblissburg Bedford Chancellorsville Spottsylvanla Chantilly Fairfax Charlemont Bedford Charlie Hope Brunswick ^Charlottesville Albemarle Chaso City Mecklenburgh Chatham Pittsylvania * Money Order Offices. 46 Post-offices--V irginia Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Chatham Hill Smyth Criglersville Madison Eldridge's Mill Cherry Grove Rockingham Crockett Depot Wythe Buckingham Cherrystone Northampton Cro tsvllle Tazewell Elizabeth Furnace Augusta Chester hesteriiekl Cross Alleghany Elk Creek Grayson Chesterfield Chesterfield Cross J unction Frederick Elk Garden Russell Chestnut Fork Bedford Cross Keys Rockingham Elk Hill Mills Goochland Chestnut Level Pittsylvania Cross Roads Halifax Elk Run Fauquier Childress' Store Crow Spring Chesterfield Ellendale Smyth Montgomery Cuckoo Louisa Ellisville Louisa Childrey Halifax *Culpeper Culpeper Elmington Nelson Chilesburg Caroline Cumberland C. H. Emaus Bedford Chilhowie Springs Smyth Cumberland Emmerton Richmond Chincoteague Island Curdsville Buckingham Emory Washington Accomack Curl's Wharf Henrico Enfield King W'illiam *Christianburg Montgomery Cuscowilla Mecklenburgh Enterprise Southampton Chuekatuck Nansemoud Dagger's Springs Botetourt Erin Shades Henrico Chula Depot Amelia Dale Enterprise Ervington Campbell Churchland Norfolk Rockingham Estillville Scott Church Road Dinwiddie Daleville Botetourt Etna Mills King William Church View Middlesex *Danville Pittsylvania Eureka Mills Charlotte Churchville Augusta Darlington Hights Everet's Nnnsemond Circleville Loudoun Prince Edward Evergreen Appomattox City Point Prince George Barvill's Dinwiddie Evergreen Mills Loudoun Claremont Wharf Surry Davis' Mills Bedford Ewin's Store Bedford Clark's Gap Loudoun Davis Wharf Accomack Fairfax Court House Clarksville Mecklenburgh Dawsonville Greene Fairfax Clear Fork Bland Daysville Loudoun Fairfax Station Fairfax Cleek's Mills Bath Dayton Rockingham Fairfield Rockbridge Clem's Branch Grayson Deatonsville Amelia Fail-view Scott Clifton Forge Alleghany Deep Creek N orfolk Pall Creek Depot Clifton Station Fairfax Deerfield Augusta Pittsylvania Clinton Cumberland Delaplane Fauquier Falls Church Fairfax Clover Creek Highland Delila Halifax Fall's Mills Tazewell Cloverdale Botetourt Diana Mills Buckingham Falmouth Stafford Clover Depot Halifax Dickensonville Russell Fancy Gap Carroll Clover Green Spottsylvania Dickinson's Franklin Fancy Grove Bedford Clover Hill Rockingham Dillon's Mills Franklin Fancy Hill Rockbridge Cobb's Creek Matthews Dinwiddie C. H. Dinwiddie Farmer's Fork Richmond Cobb's Island Northampton Dispatch New Kent Farmer's Grove Cobbsville Southampton Disputanta Prince George Southampton Cobham Albemarle Doe Hill Highland *Farmville Prince Edward Colemanville Cumberland Double Bridge Lunenburg Farmwell Loudoun Cole's Ferry Charlotte Dover Loudoun Farnham Richmond Collerstown Rockbridge Dover Mines Goochland Fauquier Springs P'auquier Collingwood Fairfax Dovesville Rockingham Fawcett's Gap Frederick Collinsville Frederick Dragonville Fifes Goochland Columbia Fluvanna King and Queen *Fincastle Botetourt Columbia Furnace Drake's Branch Charlotte Fine Creek Mills Powhatan Shenandoah Dranesville Fairfax Fishersville Augusta Columbian Grove Draper's Valley Pulaski Flanagan's Mills Lunenburg Drapersville Mecklenburgh Cumberland Coman's Well Sussex Drewry's Bluff Chesterfield Flat Ridge Grayson Comer's Rock Grayson Drewryvllle Southampton Flat Rock Powhatan Comorn King George Dry Fork Wise Flint Hill Rappahannock Concord Depot Campbell Dry Fork Depot Fllppo's Caroline Concord Wharf Northampton Dublin Pittsylvania Floyd C. H. Pulaski Folly Mills Floyd Augusta Cool Well Amherst Dug Spur Carroll Foneswood Westmoreland Coonsville Bedford Dulinsville Madison Ford's Depot Dinwiddie Cooperville Sussex Dumfries Prince William Forest Depot Bedford Coots Store Rockingham Ducan's Mills Scott Forest Hill Brunswick Copper Hill Floyd Dun's Store Caroline F'orestville Shenandoah Copper Valley Floyd Dunnsville Essex Forkland Nottoway Cornsville Scott Dupree's Old Store Forks of Buffalo Amherst County Line X Roads Charlotte Forksvllle Mecklenburgh Charlotte Dyer's Store Henry Fork Union Fluvanna Cove Creek Tazewell Earleysville Albemarle Fort Blackimore Scott Covesville Covington Albemarle Alleghany EEaassttLviilbleerty Page Northampton Fort Defiance Fort Mitchell Augusta Lunenburgh Cowan's Depot Rockingham Edenburg Shenandoah Fox Grayson Cowan's Mills Montgomery Edge Hill King George Francisco Craig Crab Orchard Lee Edith Shenandoah Franklin Southampton Craig's Creek Craig Edmunds Store Brunswick Franklin City Accomack Craig's Mills Washington Edom Rockingham Franktown Northampton Craigsville Augusta Edwards Patrick *Fredericksb urg Cranberry Plains Carroll Eggleston Springs Giles Spottsylvania Creswell Russell Elamsville Patrick Frederickshall Louisa Orickett Hill Matthews Eldorado Culpeper Freeshade Middlesex * Money Order Offices. i ta*jgg*WAiV.V Post-offices--V i no r ni a. 47 Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Free Union Albemarle French Hay Hanover Friendship Washington Friendshipville King George Greenwood Depot Albemarle Grove Hill Grundy Page Buchanan Guest's River Wise Hope Mills Hopeville Hopewell Hop Yard H oreb Page Greenville Dinwiddle King George i Bedford Front Royal Fugate's Hill Warren Guest's Station Russell Guilford Wise Horntown Accomack Accomack Horseley's Landing Nelson Fulkerson Scott Guiney's Caroline Horse Pasture Henry Fulk's Run Rockingham Hadensville Goochland Horton's Store Gainesboro' Frederick Hadlock Northampton Prince William Gaines X Roads Rappahannock Hague Westmoreland Hale's Ford Franklin Hot Springs Howardsville Bath Albemarle Gainesville Galt's Mills Prince William Amherst j Haleysburg Halifax C. H. Lunenburgh Halifax Galveston Pittsylvania Hallsborough Chesterfield Howell's Shop Hugenot Hugliesville Patrick Powhatan Loudoun Gap Store Tazewell Hamburg Shenandoah Hundley's Mills Augusta Garrisonville Stafford Gary's Store Buckingham Hamilton Loudoun Hampden Sidney College Hunter's Gap Hunter's Lodge Lee Fluvanna Garysville Prince George Genito Powhatan Gholsonville Brunswick HHaammppsttoeand Prince Edward King George Elizabeth City Hunter's Mill Hurt's Store Hyco Fairfax Pittsylvania Halifax Gibson's Station Lee ] Hanover C. H. Hanover Independence Gi'ayson Gibsonville Russell I Hansonville Gilliamsville Buckingham Happy Creek Russell Independent Hill Warren Prince William Gilmore's Mills Rockbridge 1 Hardens Charles City Indian Creek Norfolk Gishe's Mills Raonoke Hardwicksville Nelson Indian Draft Alleghany Glade Hill Gladesboro' Franklin Harmony Carroll Harmony Village Halifax Indian Neck King and Queen Glade Spring Washington Middlesex Indian Rock Botetourt Glady Fork Glen Allen Glendale Glendower Glenmore Glenn's Henry Henrico Henrico Albemarle Buckingham Gloucester Harper's Home Brunswick Harris Louisa Harrisburgh Charlotte HHaarrrriissoCnrbeeukrg Amherst Rockingham Hartwood Stafford Indian Valley Floyd Inglewood Rockingham Irisburg Henry Ironside Henry Isle of Wight Isle of Wight Issequeane Goochland Glenora Spottsylvania Glen wood Rockbridge Gloucester C. H. Gloucester ginsville Franklin Golden Springs Buchanan Harvey's Mills Warren Hat Creek Campbell Hawkins Mills Russell Hawkinstown Shenandoah Hawkinsville Sussex Ivanhoe Ivor Ivy Hill Ivy Depot Jackson Richmond Southampton Campbell Albemarle Louisa Gold Hill Buckingham Hayes' Store Goochland C. H. Goochland Hayfield Gloucester Jackson's Ferry Wythe Frederick Jamaica Middlesex Goodall's Hanover Haymakertown Botetourt Jamestown James City Goode's Crossing Bediord Goodloe's Spottsylvania Hay Market Pi'ince William Head Waters Highland Jarratt's Jefferson Sussex Powhatan Good's Mills Rockingham Healing Springs Bath Jefferson ton Culpeper Good View Bedford Heathsvilie Jeffress'Store Nottoway Goodwynsville Dinwiddle Northumberland Jenkin's Bridge Accomack GGooorlsdboyn'ssvllle Smyth Orange Helm's Store Hendrick's Store Franklin Bedford Jennings Ordinary Nottoway Goresville Loudoun Henleys Amherst Jerusalem Southampton Goshen Bridge Rockbridge Hermitage Augusta Jesse's Mills Russell Grafton York Herndon Fairfax Jetersville Amelia Graham's Forge Wythe Hewlett's Hanover Johns Creek Craig Granite Chesterfield Hickory Grove Johnson's Creek Patrick Granite Springs Grant Grave Lawn Orange Prince William Johnson's Spring Grayson Hicksford Greenville Goochland Nelson Hicksville Bland Jonesborough Brunswick Gravel Hill Buckingham Hicks' Wharf Matthews Jonesville Lee Gravel Spring Frederick Hightown Highland Jones Wharf Surry Grave's Mill Madison High View Frederick Joyceville Mecltlenburgh Graysville Floyd Hill Grove Pittsylvania Junction Hanover Greasy Creek Floyd Hillsborough Loudoun Kasey's Bedford Great Bridge Norfolk Hillsville Carroll Keezletown Rockingham Green Bay Prince Edward Hixburgh Appomattox Kempsville Princess Anne Green Cove Washington Hoffman's Whai'f Kent's Mills Wythe Greendale Washington Accomack Kent's Store Fluvanna Greenfield Nelson Ho'combe's Rock Bedford Keswick's Depot Albemarle Green Hill Campbell Hollister's Westmoreland Keysville Charlotte Greenlaw's Wharf Holly Brook Bland Kilmarnock Lancaster King George Holly Creek Wise King and Queen 0. H. Green Mount Rockingham Hollydale Lunenburgh King and Queen Green Plain Southampton Holly Neck Nansemond King George C. H. Green Spring Depot Louisa Holston Washington King George Green Valley Bath Holston Bridge Scott King's Mill Washington Greenville Augusta Homeland Culpeper King William C. H. Greenway Nelson Honeyville Page King William Greenwich Prince William Hopeful Louisa Kinsale Westmoreland * Money Order Offices. 48 Post-offices--Virginia , Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office County. Knob Tazewell Kolner's Store Augusta Lacy Spring Rockingham LaFayette Montgomery Lake Drummond Norfolk Lambsburg Carroll Lancaster C. H. Lancaster Land of Promise Princess Anne Landsdown Prince William Lanesvllle" King William Langley Fairfax Lantz's Mills Shenandoah Laura Hcott Laurel Fork Carroll Laurel Grove Pittsylvania Laurel Hill Augusta Laurel Mills Rappahannock `Lawrencevllle Brunswick Lawyers Campbell Leaksville Page Leatherwood Henry Lebanon Russell Lebanon Church Shenandoah Leedstown Westmoreland `Leesburg Loudoun Leesville Campbell Leon Madison Leroy Rockingham Lester Manor King William Letcher Bath Lewinsville Fairfax Lewis's Store Spottsylvania Lewisville King George `Lexington Roekbridge `Liberty Bedford Liberty Furnace Shenandoah Liberty Mills Orange Lick Run Bridge Botetourt Lincoln Loudoun Lincolnia Fairfax Linden Warren 1 innville Rockingham Lisbon Bedford Little Plymouth King and Queen Little River Floyd Littleton Sussex Littonsville Russell Litwalton Lancaster Lively Oaks Lancaster Lloyds Essex Loch Lomond Goochland Lochleven Lunenburg Locust Bottom Botetourt Locust Creek Louisa Locust Grove Orange Locust Hill Middlesex Locust Lane Scott Locust Mount Accomack Locustville Accomack Lodi Washington Lodore Amelia Lombardy Grove Mecklenburgh London Bridge; Princess Anne Lone Pine Bedford Long Branch Franklin Long Dale Alleghany Long Glade Augusta Long Hollow Smyth Long's Gap Grayson Longwood Rockbridge Loretto Essex Lorton Valley Fairfax Lottsburg Northumberland Loudoun Loudoun Louisa C. H. Louisa Lovely Mount Montgomery Love's Mills Washington Lovettsville Loudoun LovingCreek Bedford Lovingston Nelson Lowesville Amherst Lowry Bedford Lunenburg C.H. Lunenburg Luray Page `Lynchburg Campbell Lynch's Station Campbell Lynnwood Rockingham McDonald's Mills Montgomery McDowell Highland McFarland's Lunenburg McGaheysvllle Rockingham McKenny's Mill Rockbridge McRea's Cumberland Machodac Westmoreland Madison C. H. Madison Madison Mills Madison Madison Run Station Orange Madisonville Charlotte Magnolia Nansemond Malmaison Pittsylvania `Manassas Prince William Manchester Chesterfield Mandota Washington Mangohick KingWilliam Mannborough Amelia Manquin King William Mansfield Louisa Maple Grove Westmoreland Marble Valley Augusta Marengo Mecklenburg `Marion Smyth Markham Station Fauquier Marksville Page Marlboro' Frederick Martin's Station Pulaski Martin's Store Halifax Martinsville Henry Marysville Campbell Masonville Accomack Massanutton Page Massie's Mills Nelson Mathias Point King George Matoa a , Chesterfield Matoax Amelia Mattapony Spottsylvania Matthews Matthews Maurertown Shenandoah Max Meadows Wythe Mayberry Creek Patrick Mayo Halifax Mayo Forge Patrick Meadow Creek Grayson Meadow Dale Highland Meadow Mills Frederick M eadows of Dan Patrick Meadow View Washington Meadville Halifax Mechanicsburg Bland Mechum's River Albemarle Meherrin Lunenburg Melrose Rockingham Melton's Louisa Mercerville Louisa Meredit.hville Brunswick Merrill's Store Caroline Merry Point Lancaster Messongo Accomack Metompkin Accomack Meyerhoeffer's Store Rockingham Michaux Ferry Powhatan Middlebrook Augusta Middleburg Loudoun Middle Mountain Craig Middletown Frederick Midland Fauquier Midlothian Chesterfield Midway Halifax Midway Mills Nelson Milford Caroline Millhoro' Depot Bath Millboro' Springs Bath Millbrook Depot Augusta Milldale Warren Millenbeck Lancaster Miller's Tavern Essex Mill Gap Highland Millington Albemarle Mill Store Brunswick Millwood Clark Milnesville Augusta Milton Wharf Richmond Mine Run Orange Missouri Mills Prince William Mitchell's Station Culpeper Mock's Mills Washington Modest Town Accomack Moffatt's Creek Augusta Monaskon Lancaster Monmouth Rockbridge Montague Essex Monterey Highland Montevideo Rockingham Montgomery Washington Montgomery Springs Montgomery Montpelier Hanover Montreal Nelson Montross Westmoreland Moore's Store Shenandoah Moreman's River Albemarle Morris Hanover Morris Church Campbell Morris Hill Alleghany Morrisonville Loudoun Morrisville Morven > Fauquier Amelia Moscow Augusta Moss Neck Caroline Mpssingford Charlotte Mossy Creek Augusta Motley's Depot Pittsylvania Mountain Falls Frederick Mountain Grove Bath Mountain Lake Giles Mountain Road Halifax Mountain View Stafford Mount Airy Pittsylvania Mount Athos Campbell Mount Carmel Halifax Mount Clifton Shenandoah Mount Clinton Rockingham Mount Crawford " Mount Cross Pittsylvania Mount Gilead Loudoun Mount Jackson Shenandoah Mount Landing Essex Mount Laurel Halifax Mount Meridian Augusta Mount Olive Shenandoah Mount Pleasant Spottsylvania Mount Sidney Augusta Mount Solon Augusta Mount Vernon Henry * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--V1 rginia 49 Post-qffice. Count}). Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Mount Vernon Tannery Frederick -Mountvllle Loudoun Mount Vinco Buckingham Mount Zion Campbell Mouth of East River Giles Mouth of Wilson Grayson Museville Pittsylvania NafFs Franklin Namozine Amelia Nance's Shop Charles City Narrows Giles Nashville Accomack National Soldiers Home Elizabeth City Natural Bridge Rockbridge Natural Tunnel Scott Neabsco Mills Prince William Nebraska Appomattox Needmoore Buchanan Neersville Loudoun Negro Foot Hanover Nelly's Ford Nelson Nettle Ridge Patrick New Baltimore Fauquier Newburn Pulaski New Brighton Fauquier New Canton Buckingham New Castle Craig New Church Accomack New Garden Russell New Glasgow Depot Amherst New Hampden Highland New Hope Augusta New Hope Church Orange New Kent C. H. New Kent Newland Richland New London Campbell New Market Shenandoah A ew Plymouth Lunenburg Newport Giles New River Depot Pulaski News Ferry Halifax Newsom's Depot Southampton NewStore Buckingham Newtown King aud Queen Newtown Stephensburg Frederick New Upton Gloucester Nickelsville Scott Nineveh Warren Noel's Hanovbr Nokesville Prince William Nominy Grove Westmoreland Non-intervention Lunenburg *Norfolk Norfolk North Branch Grayson North Garden Albemarle North Landing Norfolk North River Rockingham Northside Goochland Northview Mecklenburgh Nortonsville Albemarle Norwood Nelson Nottaway C. H. Nottaway Nottaway Mills Southampton Nurneysville Nansemond Oakdale Rockbridge Oak Forest Cumberland Oak Glen Lee Oak Grove Westmoreland Oak Hall Accomack Oakland Louisa Oax Level Henry Oakley Mecklenburgh (>ak Park Madison O ik Shade Culpeper Oakville Appomattax Oatlands Loudoun Occoquan Prince William Occapacia Essex Old Church Hanover Oldenplace Dinwiddle Oldham's X Roads Westmoreland Old Hickory Botetourt *01d Point Comfort Elizabeth City Old Town Grayson Olympia Smvth Omega Halifax Onancock Accomack Opequon Frederick Oral Oaks Lunenburgh Orange C.H. Orange Ore Banks Buckingham Orkneys Springs Shenandoah Orlando Nelson Orleans Fauquier Oronoco Amherst Osborn's Ford Scott Osborn's Gap Wise Osceola Washington Otter Hill Bedford Otter River Campbell OM rville Bedford Ottobine Rockingham Gveralls Warren Overton Albemarle Owl Run Fauquier Oxford's Furnace Campbell Paddy's Mills Shenandoah Painesville Amelia Paint Bank Craig Paint Lick Tazewell . aimer's Springs Mecklenburgh Palmyra Fluvanna Pamplin's City Appomattox Parham's Store Sussex Paris Fauquier Parnassus Augusta Partlow's Spottsylvania Passpatansy King George Patrick C. H. Patrick Patrick Springs Patrick Patterson's Mill Bedford Pattonsville Scott Peach Bottom Grayson Peak's X Roads / Spottsylvania Peak's Turnout Hanover Peaksville Bedford Pea Patch Buchanan Pearisburg Giles Pedlar's Mills Amherst Peers Goochland Pemberton Goochland Pembroke Giles Penhook Franklin Penn's Store Patrick Penola Caroline Peola Mills Madison Perkinsvllle Goochland Perrowville Bedford *Petersburg Dinwiddle Peytonsburg Pittsylvania Philmont Loudoun Pigeon Run Campbell Pig River Franklin Pilot Montgomery Pine Dale Botetourt Pine View Fauqu er Piney Grove Prince i.eoige Piscataway Essex Pitts Wharf Accomack Plain View King and Queen Plantersville Lunenburg Pleasant Gap Pittsylvania Pleasant Grove Lunenburg Pleasant Oaks Brunswick Pleasant Ridge Princess Anne Pleasant Shade Greenville Pleasant Valley Fairfax Pleasant Valley Depot Rockingham Pleasant View Amherst Poage'sMill Roanoke Poindexter's Store Louisa Point Eastern Caroline Point Hope Grayson P nnt Pleasant Bland Point Truth Scott Pond Gap Augu-ta Poplar Hill Giles ooplar Mount Greenville Port Conway King George Porter's Precinct Albemarle Port Haywood Matthews Port Republic Rockingham Port Royal Caroline ''Portsmouth Norfolk Potomac Prince William Potomac Mills Westmoreland Pott's Creek Alleghany Pound Wise Powellton Brunswick Powhatan C. H. Powhatan Prater Buchanan Price's Forks Montgomery Prilliman's Franklin Prince George C. H. Prince George Princess Anne C. H. Princess Anne Proctor's Creek Chesterfield Prospect Prince Edward Prospect Hill Fairfax Providence Forge New Kent Prunty's Henry Pullen's Pittsylvania Pungoteague Accomack Purceliville Loudoun Qutcksburgh Shenandoali Raccoon Ford Culpeper Radford Furnace Pulaski Rainey's Store Greenville Randolph Charlotte Rapid Ann Station Culpeper Rappahannock Academy Caroline Rappahannock Station Fauqule- Rapp's Mills Rockbridge Rawley Springs Rockingham Reams Station Dinwiddle Rectortown Station Fanquier Red Bank Halifax Red Hill Albemarle Red House Charlotte Red Oak Grove Charlotte Red Plains Franklin Reed Island Wythe * Money Order Offices. 7 50 Post-offices--; V irginia. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Reedy Springs Appomattox Rehoboth Luuenburgh Rehoboth Church Northumberland Republican Grove Halifax Retreat Franklin Rexburgh Flssex Rice Depot Prince Edward Riceville Pittsylvania Richardsville Culpeper Richland Tazewell Richland Mills Stafford Richmond Henrico Rich Patch Alleghany Rich Valley Smyth Ridgeway Henry Ringgold Pittsylvania Ripley's Mills Craig Ritchieville Dinwiddie River Bank Rockingham Riversville Amherst Riverton Warren Rives Prince George Rixeyville Culpeper Roadside Rockingham Roaring Run Botetourt Robious Chesterfield Rochelle Madison Rockbridge Baths Rockbridge Rock Castle Patrick Rock Enon Springs Frederick Rock Farm Russell Rock Fish Depot Nelson Rockford Washington Rock House Russell Rock Mills Rappahannock Rockville Hanover Rocky Gap Bland Rocky Mount Franklin Rocky Station Lee Rodolphil Amelia Rogers Store Orange Rogersvilie Frederick Rolling Hill Charlotte Rollins Fork King George Reney'sStore Spottsylvania Rose Bower Appomattox Rosedale Russell Rose Hill Lee Roseland Nelson Rough and Ready Mills Henry Rough Creek Charlotte Round Hill Loudoun Routt's Hill Fauquier Rubermont Lunenburgh Ruckersville Greene Rural Bower Greenville Rural Retreat Wythe Rushville Rockingham Russell Creek Patrick Rustburgh Campbell Ruther Glen Caroline Rye Cove Scott Rye Valley Smyth Sabbot Island Goochland Saint Clair's Bottom Smyth Saint Paul Carroll Saint Stephen's Church King and Queen Saint Tammany Mecklenburgh Salem Roanoke Salem Fauquier Fauquier Salt Creek Amherst Salt Peter Cave Botetourt Saltville Washingon Spring Garden Pittsylvania Saluda Middlesex Spring Grove Surry Sandidge's Amherst Spring Hill Mecklenburgh Sand Lick Buchanan Spring Level Hanover Sandy Bottom Middlesex ; Spring Mills Appomattox Sandy Fork Bedford ! Spring Vale Fairfax Sandy Hook Rappahannock Spring Valley Grayson Sandy Level Pittsylvania Spri gville Tazewell Sandy Plains Patrick Stafford C. H Stafford Sangerville Augusta Stafford's Store " San Marino Dinwiddie Staffordsville Giles Saumsville Shenandoah Stamping Burches Floyd Scottsburg Halifax Stanardsville Greene Scott's X Roads Stapleton Mills Amherst Mecklenburgh Starry Creek Frank li n Seottsville Albemarle Star Tannery Frederick Seaside Accomack Staunton Augusta Selma Alleghany Steele's Tavern Augusta Seven Fountains Stephenson's Depot Shenandoah Frederick Seven Islands Fluvanna Stevensburg Seven Mile Ford Smyth Stevens Creek Culpeper Grayson Seville Madison Stevensville Shackelford's King and Queen King and Queen Stewartsville Bedford Shack's Mills Buchanan Stickleysville Lee Sh (dwell Albemarle Stoi kton Henry Shady Grove Fi'anklin Stone House Mountain Shannon Hill Goochland Culpeper Sharon Springs Bland Stone Mountain Carroll Shaw's Store Mecklenburgh Stonewall Augusta Shawsville Montgomery Stony Creek Warehouse Shawyer's Mills Tazewell Sussex Shenandoah Alum Springs Stony Cross Mecklenburgh Shenandoah Stony Man Page Shenandoah Iron Works Stony Point Albemarle Page Stony Point Mills Sherando Shiloh Augusta King George Strait Creek Cumberland Highland Shockeysville Frederick Strasburg Shenandoah Shockoe Church Stribling Springs Augusta Pittsylvania Stuart's Draft Augusta Sbumansville Caroline Sturgeonville Brunswick Silcott Springs Loudoun Sublett's Tavern Powhatan Simmonsvllle Craig Sudley Springs Simpson's Floyd Prince William Singer's Glen Rockingham ,|:Suffolk Nansemond Sinking Creek Craig Sugar Grove Smyth Skinquarter Chesterfield Summerdeau Augusta Slate Mills Rappahannock Summerfield Slate River Mills Summer's Grayson Rockbridge Buckingham Summit Spottsylvania *Smithfield Isle of Wight Sunny Side Smith's reek Washington Sunrise Cumberland Bath Smith's X Roads Surry C. H. Mecklenburgh Sussex C. H. Surry Sussex Smithville Charlotte Sutherland Dinwiddie Smoky Ordinary Brunswick Sutherlin Halifax Smyrna Bedford Swansonville Pittsylvania Snake Creek Carroll SweetChalybeate Alleghany Sne d's Camp Franklin Sweet Hall King William Snickersville Loudoun Swoope's Depot Augusta Snow Creek Franklin Sword's Creek Russell Snowville Pulaski Sycamore Buckingham Somerton Nansemond Sycamore Station Somerville Fauquier Pittsylvania South Boston Depot Halifex Sydnorsville Franklin South Hill Mecklenburgh Tackett's Mill Stafford South Quay Nansemond Talcott Charlotte Sparta Caroline Tannersville Tazewell Speedwell Wythe Tappahannock Essex Speer's Ferry Scott Tarpon Buchanan Spencer's Store Henry Taylor's Store Franklin Sperryville Rappahannock Taylorstown Loudoun Spottsylvania C. H. Taylorsville Hanover Spottsylvania Tazewell C. H. Tazewell Spout Spring Appomattox Temperanceville Accomack Spring Creek Rockingham Templeton Prince George * Money Order Offices. Hmm Post-offices--"Virginia--West Virginia. 51 Post-office. County. Post-office County. Post-office. County. Tenth Legion Rockingham Thaxton's Bedford The Hollow Patrick Theological Seminary Fairfax The Plains Fauquier Thompson's X Roads Louisa Thomson's Valley Tazewell Thornburg Spottsylvania Tliorn Hill Orange Thoroughfare Spottsylvania Thruston Buckingham Tilson's Mill Bland Timber Ridge Rockbridge Timberville Rockingham Tinker Knob Botetourt Toiersville Lousa Tom's Brook Shenandoah Ward's Springs Pittsylvania Ware's Wharf Essex Warminster Nelson Warm Springs Bath Warren Warrenton Albemarle Fauquier Warsaw Richmond v\ arwick C. H. Warwick Washington Rappahannock Waskey's Mills Botetourt Waterfall Prince William Waterford Loudoun Waterloo Culpeper Wattsborough Lunenburg Waverlie Rockingham Waverly Station Sussex Wayiand Scott WWaayylannesdbsobruoruggh Culpeper Augusta WWooooddssidtoeck Herrico Shenandoah Woodville Rappahannock Woolfolk Orange Worrell's Southampton Worsham Prince bdward Wyliesburg Charlotte Wytheville Wythe Yancey's Mills Albemarle Yatesville Luneuburg Yellow Branch Campbell Yellow Sulphur Springs Montgomery Yokum Station Lee Yorktown York Young'sStore F'ranklin Zion's Hill Botetourt Zion's Mills Lee Zuni Station Isle of Wight Tower Hill Appomattox Weaversville Town House Smyth Welltown Trammel Creek Buchanan Wellville Fauquier Frederick Nottaway West Virginia. Trapp Tray lorsville Loudoun Well water Buckingham Henry West Augusta Augusta Post-office. County. Trees Point Charles City Trenton Mills Cumberland Trevillian's Depot Louisa Troutsville Botetourt 'T'uugckgeler''ss Hill Gap Westmoreland Patrick Tunstall's New Kent Turbeville Halifax Turkey Cove Lee Turner's Store Caroline Turtle Rock Floyd Two Mile Branch Smyth Twyman's Mill Madison Twvman's Store Spottsylvania Tye River Depot Nelson Union Hall Franklin Union Level Mecklenburgh Union Mills Fluvanna Union ville Orange Unison Loudoun University of Virginia Upperville Albemarle Fauquier Urbanna Middlesex Valley Center Highland Valley View Smyth Van Buren Furnace Vanderpool Highland Variety Mills Nelson Verdiervilte Orange Verdon Hanover Vernon Hill Halifax Vernon Mills Fauquier Verona Augusta Vicar's Switch Montgomery Vicksville Southampton Vienna Fairfax Villa Franklin Villa Green Hanover Wabash Giles Wade's Bedford Wadesville Clark Wagram Accomack Waketield Station Sussex West F'ork Furnace F'loyd Westham Locks Henrico Westhampton West Point King William We t View Goochland Weyanoke Charles City Weyer's Cave Augusta Wheattield Shenandoah Wheatland Loudoun White Gate Giles White Hall Frederick White House New Kent vv hite Marsh Gloucester White Plains Brunswick White Post Clark W h i te Rock Bedford White's Caroline White Shoals Lee White Stone Lancaster Whitesville Halifax Whitlock Whittle's Depot Pittsylvania Whittle's Mills Lunenburgh Whitwell Pittsylvania Wicomico Church Northumberland Wilcox Wharf Charles City WWiilldleiarnmessbsurggSp' JoattmsyelsvaCnitiya Williamsville Baatt!h Willis Gap Willow Springs Wilmington Wilson's Depot Wilsonville Wilton * Winchester Carroll Russell Fluvanna Dinwiddie Highland Middlesex Frederick Windsor Station Isle of Wight Winfall Campbell Winterpock Chesterfield Wise C. H. Wise Wlseville Accomack Witten's vil s Tazewell Academy Pocahontas Adaline Marshall Adkin's Mills Wayne Adkinsville Albright Preston Alderson's Monroe Alkire's Mills Lewis Al..m Hill Tucker Alvon Greenbrier Andy Monongalia Angerona Jackson Ansted F'ayette Apple Grove Mason Arbuckle Mason Arnettsville Monongalia Arnoldsburg Calhoun Asbury Greenbrier Ash Lick Randolph Aurora Preston Auston Preston Baileysvilie Wyoming Baker's Run Hardy Bald Knob Boone Barracksville Marion Basnettsville Marion Batten's Mills Gilmer Beall's Mills Lewis Bear Branch Wyoming Beaty's Mills Marion Beaver Nicholas Beddiogton Berkley Beech Bottom Webster Beech Creek Logan Beech Hill Mason Beder's Sta ion Marshall Belington Barbour Belleville Wood Bell ten Marshall Benton's Ferry Marion Benwood Marshall Berea Ritchie Berkeley Springs Morgan BBeernthaardn'ys Town .. ebster Brooke Walker's Ford Amherst Wolf Glade Carroll Bethel Mercer \Va 1 kerton King and Queen Wolf Town Madison Beverly Randolph Wallace's Mills Montgomery Wolf Trap Halifax Big Bend Calhoun Wallace's Switch Woodburu Washington Woodford Loudoun Big Buffalo Harrison Caroline Big Clear Creek Greenbrier Walnut Hill Lee Woodlawn Carrol 1 Big Otter Clay Walthall's Store Brunswick Woodbridge Albemarle Big Skin Creek Lewis Waqua Wood's X Roads Gleucester | Big Springs Calhoun * Money Order Offices. 52 Post-offices--West Virginia Post-office. County. | Post-office. County. Post-qffice. County. Birch River Nicholas Coal River Marshes Raleigh Florence Randolph Black Fork Tucker Coal Valley Fayette Forest Hill Summers B.ack Rock Grant Coggi'sRock Greenbrier Forksburg Marion Blacksville Monongalia I Coldstream Hampshire Forks of Capon Hampsbh e Blair Hancock I Cold Water Doddridge F'orks of Little Sandy Bloomery Hampshire ; Colfax Blue spring Randolph Cologne Blue Sulphur Springs Conaway Marlon Mason Fort Gay Tyler Fort Seybert Kanawha Wayne Pendleton Greenbrier Concord Hampshire Fort Spring Depot Board Tree Bobtown Bone Creek Booker's Mills Boothsvllle Boreman Bradshaw Marshall Marion Ri tchie Tyler Marion Wood McDowell Concord Church Mercer Cook Wyoming Coon's Mills Boone Coopenhaver's Mills Kanawha Cornwallis Ritchie Cottageville Jackson Green brier F'ountain Spring Wood Fourteen Lincoln Fowler's Brooke Fowler's Knob Nicholas Frame's Mills Braxton FT-ankford Greenbrier Brandonville Braxton C. H. Bridgeport Briertown Briscoe Run Brown's Hill Brownstown Preston Braxton Harrison Marion Wood Harrison Kanawha Cotton Hill Cove Creek Cove Gap Cow Creek Cox's Landing Cox's Mills Cranesville Fayette Wayne Wayne Logan Cabell Gilmer Preston F'rankfort Mineral F'rankiin Pendleton F'razier's Bottom Putnam F'reeman s Landing Hancock French Creek Upshur French ton Upshur Bruceton Mills Brushy Run Preston Crauy Wyoming Freuchville Pendleton Crimson Springs Menroo Friar's Hill Mercer Greenbrier Buckeye t ove Pocahontas Crook Boone Frost Pocahontas "Bucknannon ButTalo Buffalo Lick Buffalo "shoals Bull Creek Bull town Buuner's Burlington Burnersville *Burning Spring Burnsville Burnt House Burton Upshur Putnam Roane Wayne Wood Braxton Marion Mineral Barbour Wirt Braxton Ritchie Wetzel Crump's Bottom Summers Cunningham's Mills Ritchie Dallas Marshall Darkesville Berkeley Ditvisville Wood Day's Mills Randolph Deer Lick Mason Deer Run Pendleton Deer Walk Wood DeKalb Gilmer Dillon's Run Hampshire Dry Run Pendleton Frozen Camp F'udgy's Creek Gap Mills Garrett's Bend Hasten Uauley Bridge Geraldstown German Gilbert Givvon Glade Farms Gladesville leu Easton Jackson Cabell Monroe Lincoln Lewis Fayette Berkeley Braxton Logan Kanawha Preston Preston Marshall Cabell C. H. Cal ro Calhoun Cameron Camp Creek Camp Elkwater Oannelton Canton Cabel I Ritchie Barbour Marshall Mercer Randolph Kanawha Marion Durtield's Dunleith Dun more Easton East River Ed ray Egypt Elk Jefferson Wayne Pocahontas Monongaha Mercer Pocahontas Bummer Pocahontas Glengary Glenville Glover's Gap Goff's Gold Hill Goose Creek "Grafton Graut C. H. Berkeley Gilmer Marion Ritchie Grant Ritchie Taylor Grant Capon Bridge Hampshire Elk City Barbour Grantsville Calhoun Capon Iron Works flardy Elk River day Granville Monongalia Capon Springs Ham shire FI Ik Run Cassville Monongalia Ellenhorough Boone t Ritchie Grape Island Grassland Pleasants Harrison Cedars burgh Cedar Valley Centennial Center Wyoming Monongalia Monroe Monongalia Elmford Elm Grove Enterprise Evansville Wayne Grass Lick Jackson Ohio Grass Run Harrison Harrison Grassy Meadows Summers Preston Gray s F'lat Marlon Central Station Doddridge Fabius Ceredo Wayne Fair Hill Hardy Great Cacapan Morgan Marshall Green Bank Pocahontas Chapmansville Logan "F'airmouut Marion Green Bottom Cabell "Charlestown Jefferson Fairview Hancock Greenbrier Bridge Cheat Mountain Randolph F'alling Bpring Greenbrier Cherry Camp Harrison Palling Waters Berkeley Greenland Greenbrier Grant Cherry Grove Pendleton P'alls Mills Calhoun Green Shoal Lincoln Cherry Run Depot Morgan Falls of Twelve Pole Wayne Green Bpring Run "Clarksburg Harrison Fanlight W'etzel Hampshire Clark's Gap Mercer F'armington Marion Green Sulphur Springs Clav C. H. Clay F'ayette Station Fayette Summers Claysville Mineral F'ayetteville F'ayette Greenwood Doddridge Clear Creek Raleigh Fellowsville Preston Griffithsville Lincoln Clendenin Kanawha Fetterman Taylor Grim's Store Upshur Clifton Mason Fillmore Randolph Guyandotte Cabell Clifton Mills Preston Fink's Creek Lewis Hacker's Creek Lewis Gllfty Fayette Fisher's Point Jackson Hacker's Valley Webster Clinton Ohio FTve Mile Mason Hackersville Barbour Clinton Furnace F'Xat F'ork Roane Hall's Mills Wetzel Monongalia Flat Rock Mason Halltown Jefferson Olintonville Greenbrier Flat Top Mercer Hamlin Lincoln Clover Lick Pocahontas Flat Woods Braxton Hampton Kanawha Coal burg Kanawha FTemington Taylor Hanging Rock Hampshire * Money Order Offices. Post-offices--West Virginia 53 Post-office. I County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Hanging Rock Mills Hardy Hannah svllle Tucker Harper's Ferry Jefferson Harper's Mills Pendleton Harris' Ferry Wood Hartford City Mason Hartnoonsville Mineral Hawk's Nest Fayette Headsville Mineral Hearts Creek Lincoln Hebron Pleasants Hedgesville Berkeley Helvetia . Randolph Henry's Fork Roane Hereford Jackson llessville Harrison Hickory Mason Hlggiusville Hampshire Highland Ritchie Hinkle's Mills Upshur Hinkleville Upshur Hinton Summers Holbrook Ritchie Holliday's Cove Hancock Holly Meadows Tucker Holly River Braxton Hoodsville Marion Hookersville Nicholas Hopeville Grant Hopewell Fayette Horse Shoe Run Preston Howard's Lick Hardy Howesville Preston Huboardstown Wayne Huntersville Pocahontas Huntington Cabell Huntsville _ Jackson Hurricane Bridge Putnam Huttonsville Randolph Indian Creek Monroe Indian Mills Summers Inkermann Hardy Ireland Lewis Irontown Taylor Jackson C. H.' Jackson Jacksonville Lewis Jake's Run Monongalia Janelew Lewis Jarrett's Ford Kanawha Jarrold's Valley Raleigh Jennie's Creek Wayne Jerry's Run Wood Jobe Monongalia Johnson's X Roads Monroe Johnstown Harrison Jones' Springs Berkeley Jordan's Chapel Summers Jordan's Run Grant Jo's Branch Wyoming Joseph's Mills Tyler Jumping Branch Summers Kabletown Jefferson Kanawha C. H. Kaoawhu Kanawha Falls Fayette Kanawha Head Upshur Kanawha Saline Kanawha Kanawna Station Wood Kasson Barbour Kendalia Kanawha Kentuck Jackson Kerneysville Jefferson Kesler's X Lanes Nicholas Kester's Mill Putnam Keyser Mineral Kiawell Tyler Kincheloe Harrison Kingsville Randolph Klngwood Preston Kline's X Roads Pendleton Knawl's Creek Braxton Knottsville Taylor Knoxville Marshall Lane's Bottom Webster Laurel Branch Monroe Laui el Creek Lincoln Laurel Iron Works Monongalia Laurel Junction Ritchie Laurel Point Monongalia Leaehtown Wood Leading Creek Lewis Lead Mine Tucker Leadsville Randolph Leatherwood Webster Leetown Jefferson Left Hand Roane Leroy Jackson Lesage's Cabell Letart Mason Letter Gap Gilmer Level's X Roads Hampshire Lewisbutg Greenbrier Lewiston Kanawha Limestone Marshall Limestone Hill Wood Linside Monroe Lit tle Georgetown Berkeley Little Otter Braxton Little Sewell Mountain Greenbrier Little Mills Tyler Little Wild Cat Lewis Lizemore's Clay Lochiel Dunn Lockhart's Jackson Lockhart's Run Wood Locust Knob Mason Logan C. H. Logan Lone Cedar Wood Lone Tree Tyler Long Reach Tyler Long Run Station Doddridge Lookout Fayette Looney ville Roane Loop Creek Fayette Lost Creek Harrison Lost River Hardy Loudonville Marshall Lovell's Kanawha Lowell Summers Low Gap Cabell Lowry's Mill Greenbrier Lftwsvllle Monongalia Lubeck Wood Lumberport Harrison Lynn Camp Marshall McDougall Ritchie McElroy Doddridge Mach rville Mason Macksville Pendleton Madison Boone Magnolia Morgan Maidsviile Monougdia Majorsville Marshall Manniugton Marion Maple Lawn Monroe Marlin's Bottom Pocahontas Martinsburg Berkeley Mason Mason Mason Town Preston Mate Creek Logan Mattie Roane Matvllle Raleigh Maywood Fayette Meadland Taylor Meadow Bluff' Greenbrier Meaclowville Barbour Meicer'8 ifottom Mason Mercer's Salt Works .summers Middlebourne Tyler Middle Fork Randolph Middleport Webster Middlcway Jefferson Mill Creek Berkeley Miller's Camp Branch Raleigh Mill Point Pocahontas Mill Pond McDowell Mill Run Preston Milo Wetzel Milton Cabell Mingo Flat Randolph Minnora ialhouu Miracie Run Monongalia Molehill Ritchie Monroe Draft Greenbrier Moorefleld Hardy Moorelield Junction Hampshire Moore's iyler Mooresville Monongalia Morgan's Glade Preston Morgansville Doddridge Moigantowu Monongalia Morgan Valley Wyoming Morton Grove Morgan Moses Fork Wayne Mosing Pocahontas Moundsville Marshall Mountain Cove Fayette Mountain Home Hardy Mount Clare Harrison Mount Freedom Pendleton Mount Harmony Marion Mount Hope Fayette Mount Ida Fayette Mount Alurphy Pocahontas Mount Olive Mason Alount Pleasant Webster M..unt storm Grant Mouse's Grant Mouth of Buffalo Logan Mouth of Pigeon Logan Mouth of Scary Putnam Mouth of Seneca Pendleton Mouth of Short Creek Boone Mud Bridge Cabell Murphy's Mill Wood Murphy's Run Harrison Murraysville Jackson Muse Bottom Jackson Nestorville Barbour N ewark Wirt New burg Preston New Cumberland Hancock New Dale Wetzel New England Wood New Flat Fork Clay New Geneva Jackson New Haven Mason New Hope Mercer New Interest Randolph New Martinsville Wetzel New Mil'on Doddridge New Richmond Summers New 8alem > Harrison Newton Roane Nicholas C. H. Nicholas Normantown Gilmer North Mountain Berkeley * Money Order Offices. 54 Post-offices--West Virginia, Post-office. County. Post-office. County. Post-office. County. North River Mills Reedy Roane Sleepy Creek Bridge Morgan Hampshire Reedy Ripple Wirt Smith's Gap Hampshire North Spring Wyoming Reedyville Roane Smith ton Doddridge Nutt allburgh Fayette Kenick's Valley Greenbrier Smithville Ritche Njzum Mai ion Reynold's Store Kanawha Snake Root McDowell Oak Flat Pendleton Rich Creek Logan Snowhill Nicholas Oak Hill Fayette Rich Mountain Randolph Snyder's Mills Jefferson Oak Run Hancoi Ridgeville Vlineral Soak Creek Raleigh Oakton Berk el Ripley Landing Jackson South Branch Depot Oceana Wyomi Ripley's TyVr Hampshire Okonoko Hampshire Ri ppqn * Jefferton South Mill Creek Pendleton Osborne's Mills Roane Ritcl*e C. H. RiteVie Spanishburg Mercer Overfleld Barbour Rival Side Al^ refer Spencer Roane Overhill Upshur Rivetyille Marion Split Rock Pocahontas Oxford Doddridge Roanoke Lewis Spring Dale Fayette Pack's Ferry Bummers Roaring Creek Randolph Springfield Hampshire Paint Creek Kanawha Rock Cmp Monroe Spring Garden Roane Painter's inti Preston Rockcastle Mason Spring Hill Kanawha Palatine * Marion Rock Cave Upshur Spruce * Ritchie Palestine Greenbrier Rockford Harrison Spurlockville Lincoln Pan Handle Brooke Rock Lick Marshall s-tatler's Run Monongalia "Parkersburg Wood Rock port Wood Steer Creek * Gilmer Parker's Mills Ritchie Rockview Wyoming Stewartstown Monongalia Patterson's Depot Mineral Rockville Wayne Stout's Mills Gilmer Paw Paw Morgan RoWimers Preston Strange Creek Braxton Peck's Run Upshur Rogers Ritchie Sugar Grove Pendleton Pedlars Run Monongalia Roilingsburg Summers Summit Point Jefferson Peel Tree Barbour Romine's Mills Harrison sunflower Fayette Peerysville McDowell "Romney Hampshire Sun Hill Wyoming Pennsborough Ritchie Roncevert# Greenbrier Sunset Pocahontas Pentress Monongalia Roney's Point Ohio Swamp Run Upshur Perkins' Mills Braxton Rosby's Rock Marshall Sweedlin Hill Pendleton Peru Hardy Round Bottom Wayne Sweet Springs Msnroe Petersburgh Grant Round Glade Raleigh Sycamore Calhoun Peterstown Monroe Round Knob Putnam Sycamore Dale Harrison Peytona Boone Rowlesburg Preston Table Rock Raleigh Phillippi Barbour Roxalana Roane Talbott's Barbour "Piedmont Mineral Rural bale Upshur Tallmansville Upshur Pine Grove ^ Wetzel Russellville Fayette Tanner's Gilmer Pineville Wyoming Sago Upshur Tate Creek Braxton Piney Grove Kanawha Saint Albans Kanawha Ten Mile Lincoln Plainview Preston Saint Clara Doddridge Texas Tucker Pleasant Creek Barbour S^int loud Monongalia The Rock Mercer Pleasantdale Hampshire Saint George Tucker Thorndike Cabell Pleasant Hill Preston Saint Mary's Pleasants Thornton Taylor Pleasant Retreat Clay 8alem Grepnbrler Tick Ridge Wayne Pleasant Run Tucker Salt Lick Bridge Braxton Toll Gate Ritohie Pleasant Valley Salt Rock {,'Cabell Tomahawk Springs Monongalia Salt Sulphur Springs Berkeley Pleasant View Jackson "Monroe Toppin's Grove Jackson Pliny Store Putnam Sancho `Tyler Top of Alleghany Pocataligo Kanawha Sand Fork Gilmer Pocahontas Point Mountain Randolph Sand Run Upshur Townsend's Mills Gilmer Point Pleasant Mason Sandy Jackson Trace Fork Wayne Porter's Falls Wetzel Sardis Harrison Traveler's Repose Portland Preston Scott's Depot Putnam Pocahontas Potomac Ohio Siecond Creek Greenbrier Triadelphia Ohio Princeton Mercer Sedan Hampshire Troy Gilmer Proctor Wetzel Sewell Depot Fayette Tug River McDowell Prospect Valley Harrison Seymoursville Grant Tunnellton Preston Prunt.ytown Taylor shady Springs Raleigh Twelve Pole Wayne Purgittsville Hampshire Shamblin 's Mills Roane Twiggs Pleasants Pursley Tyler Shanghai Berkeley Twistville Braxton Queen Shoals Kanawha "Shepardstown Jefferson Tyrconnell Mines Taylor Quiet Dell Harrison Slierrard Marshall Uffingfon Mononga'ia Quinnimont Fayette Shinnston Harrison U nger's Store Morgan Raccoon Preston Shirley Tyler "Union Mon roe Raleigh