Document A

Island Ford Baptist Church Historic Document A
Transcribed by Suelle Swarts, Suwanee Creek Chapter, NSDAR

The following document transcriptions are of documents that were held by the church. They have not been microfilmed by the Georgia Archives.

Document A Front
27th June 1835 Met in conference in peace
1st opened a door for the reception of members
2nd appointed Brethern J. Compton and
R. Fields and in case of failure Brother
B. Jones to act in concert with the delegates from
Sister Churches in a general meeting to be
held with us on Friday before the 4th Sunday
in July next. 3rd Elected Brother King to pr___
a Sermon introductory to the business of the
said general meeting 4th Agreed to make
preparation for the celebration of the Lords
Supper on Sunday of the said general meeting


27th July 1835 Met in conference
1st inquired into the State of the church
and found her in peace
2ndly agreed to send
Delegates to attend at Siver Spring Friday
before the 5th Sunday in August next
and appointed Brethern J. Compton and
E. Bagby and in case of failure
R. Fields and Authorized them to act
upon their own Discretion in Relation
to forming a new association ---
the church then agreed to have and the
union Meeting attended by Brethern
G. Thompson from Mt Salem, Wm Coff___
and James Roberts from Suwanee, William
Hammon from Silver Spring, John Lawley
& M. Cauthel from Bold Spring, -- D. A. Ga______
from Mt Olivet, S. Nuckalls and B. Cro__
from Shoal Creek, J. Morgan from Mt _____,

Document A Back

J Compton and R. Fields from Island Ford
E. Pirkel and J. De___ from Cumming,
N. Wilson from Flat Creek, J. Osburn
and G. Curhouse from betaabara, this
organized the union meeting proceeded 1st to
appointed the next union meeting for section
No 2 to be held with the Church at Cumming
Ga agreed to recommend the apreciation grant
the Easter union meeting to be held with the
church at bethabara 2 appointed brethren
J. Compton, R. Fields, J. Morgan, E. Pirkle
and S. Nuckolls committee on preaching
during this meeting. 3rd after some consultation
agreed to Recommend the church to conduct
on the propriety of Recommending our association
in future to convene at some central place
in her bounds in the character of a Camp
Meeting and Report their views to the next
Meeting of the association. the church then
Resumed her business and opened a door
for the Reception of Members and Recd
Esther Brown by Experience

______ ______ ______

22nd August 1835 - Met in conference in peace
opened a door to Receive members next ________
the Camp Meeting question and decided against
it. 3rd appointed our Pastor and J. Compton
Delegates to the association and in case
of failure E. Bagby
